Mr. O’Donnell’s Class Chapter 11 The Jackson Era

Name: ______Period:______Number: _OD-_____ Vocabulary

1. Favorite Son

2. Majority

3. Plurality

4. Mudslinging

5. Landslide

6. Suffrage

7. Bureaucracy

8. Spoils System

9. Caucus

10. Nominating Convention

11. Tariff

Review Sheet Review

Review game at: Mr. O’Donnell’s Class Chapter 11 The Jackson Era

Vocabulary (Continued)

12. Nullify

13. Secede

14. Relocate

15. Guerrilla Tactics

16. Veto

17. Depression

18. Laissez-faire

19. Log Cabin Campaign



2. Rachel Jackson



5. John C. Calhoun Review Sheet Review Mr. O’Donnell’s Class Chapter 11 The Jackson Era

People (Continued)


7. Nicholas


9. William Henery Harrison

10. John Tyler

11. James Polk

12. General Winfield Scott

Big, Important, Can’t be Ignored Concepts

1. The “

2. The Tariff of Abominations

3. The Trail of Tears

Review Sheet Review 4. The Bank of the Mr. O’Donnell’s Class Chapter 11 The Jackson Era

Name: ______Period:______Number: _OD-108 Vocabulary

1. Favorite Son -candidates who received backing from their home states rather than that of the national party.

2. Majority -more than half of the vote.

3. Plurality -largest single share.

4. Mudslinging -attempts to ruin their opponent's reputation with insults.

5. Landslide -an overwhelming victory.

6. Suffrage -the right to vote.

7. Bureaucracy -a system in which nonelected officials carry out laws.

8. Spoils System -replacing government employees with the winning candidate's supporters.

9. Caucus -when major political candidates were chosen by committees.

10. Nominating Convention -delegates from the states selected the party's presidential candidate.

11. Tariff -a fee paid by merchants who imported goods. Review Sheet Review

Review game at: Mr. O’Donnell’s Class Chapter 11 The Jackson Era

Vocabulary (Continued)

12. Nullify -to cancel.

13. Secede -to break away.

14. Relocate -to leave their land.

15. Guerrilla Tactics -surprise attacks and then retreating.

16. Veto -to reject.

17. Depression -a period in which business and employment fall to a very low level.

18. Laissez-faire -when government interferes as little as possible.

19. Log Cabin Campaign -the use of a log cabin as a symbol by the Whigs to show their candidate was a "man of the people."


1. Andrew Jackson -(old hickory) president number 7, born poor, had anger problems, hero of battle of New Orleans, he let poor people vote, Trail of Tears.

2. Rachel Jackson -married two guys including Andrew J.

3. John Quincy Adams -very smart, unpopular.

4. Henry Clay -he came up with a compromise of the abomination.

Review Sheet Review 5. John C. Calhoun - racist, hates the tariff of abomination. Mr. O’Donnell’s Class Chapter 11 The Jackson Era

People (Continued)

6. Daniel Webster –Excellent speaker. From the north.

7. Nicholas Biddle -bank’s president, he represented everything Jackson disliked, he came from a wealthy family.

8. Martin Van Buren- president number 8, he is from New York state, two streets of Albany named after him.

9. William Henery Harrison- president number 9, slogan -Tippecanoe and Tyler too, log cabin.

10. John Tyler- Harrison’s Vice President, he became the 10th president when Harrison died.

11. James Polk- president number 11.

12. General Winfield Scott -General who was in charge of Indian Removal.

Big, Important, Can’t be Ignored Concepts

1. The “Corrupt Bargain” -no candidate got the majority of the votes in the electoral college, the House picked second place John Quincy Adams as the president, JQA made Henry Clay the Secretary of State.

2. The Tariff of Abominations -was a high tax on foreign goods, the south hated it but the north loved it.

3. The Trail of Tears- forced removal of Native Americans to Oklahoma.

Review Sheet Review

4. The Bank of the United States- Nicholas Biddle tried to use the bank’s renewal as an issue to defeat Andrew Jackson, Jackson got rid of the bank.