The Vine April AS XLV The Newsletter of the Barony of Aneala Volume 17 , Issue 12

Photo supplied by Lady Sorcha inghean ui Cheallaigh


Page 2: Contents

Page 3: About The Vine & Online Resources

Page 4: B&B Letter

Page 5: Illud est rem


Page 6: Article

Page 7: Advertisement

Page 8: Regular Events

Page 99----14:14: Event Adver-


Page 15: Event Competi-


Page 16: Kingdom A&S


Photo supplied by Sir Andre de Montsegur Page 17: Regnum

Page 2 About The Vine

This is Volume 17, Issue 12 (April A.S. XLIV / 2011) of The Vine, the newsletter of the Barony of Aneala. It is available from the Chronicler at [email protected]. The Vine is not an official pub- lication of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) and does not delineate SCA policy. The official newsletter for the Society in is Pegasus, which is available from the Registrar at regis- [email protected]. The closing date for submissions to The Vine is the Sunday evening after Baronial Council, which is normally the third Friday of the month. Advertising, including event flyers, should be formatted for an A5 page in text, Word, Publisher or similar format. PDFs are not preferred; please send original source documents instead. If in doubt, contact the Chronicler for more information. Copyright Information: Official articles from Society Officers, event flyers and calendar information may be reprinted without further permission in newsletters and other publications of branches of the SCA. All copyright in original articles or art herein belongs with the receptive contributors, who must approve all re-use. Please contact the Chronicler for all enquiries regarding re-publication of articles and artwork from The Vine. The Vine may use art from a variety of sources. If your art is featured here without your credit and/or permission, contact us, and we will properly credit you, or cease use of the art. Some art- work herein is © Carol Hansen of , and from inmycommu- Disclaimer: The Vine, the Barony of Aneala and the SCA do not control web-sites other than their own, and so offer no warranty as to the suitability or content of external sites. You visit these sites at your own risk.

Online Resources

Group Sites

Barony of Aneala (Perth, Western Australia)

Canton of Abertridwr (South of Perth, WA) Incipient Canton of Aachenfeld aachenfeld/

College of St Basil the Great (University of WA)

Shire of Bosenberg (Southwest of Western Australia)

Shire of Dragons Bay (between Abertridwr & Bosenberg)

Kingdom of Lochac (Australia and )

SCA Corporate site (Australia)

SCA Corporate site (World-wide)

Page 3 Greetings unto the Populace of Aneala from Kilic Baron and Branwen Baroness,

We have had an exciting month. Very busy making garb, shoes, hats, jewellery and food. Practising music, dance and honing skills like fighting.

First off we had Newcomers Feast, where, Seamus Nua received a Black Feather and Lady Alanna Galliwoode received a Demi Sun for service. It was a great event where we met new people and introduced them to our Society. Thank you to the Stew- ard and all who helped out.

Next we had our biggest demo at The Perth Law Gardens at the WAMA fair. All the different Groups in the SCA as well as other medieval groups got together and introduced themselves to the populace of Perth . We had quite a few enquires. A thank you to Mistress Catherine d’Arc for co-ordinating our effort and to all those who came along and contributed. Well done. The next day, Lord Hadrian challenged all to come to his Queen’s guard challenge. He was accompanied by our Baro- nial Champion Lord Dino in facing all comers on the list field. There were some 10 fighters in the list; Baron Nathan did win in the end after a 3 way tie between him, Lord Conan and Lord Columb. A thank you to Lord Hadrian and his helpers for a great event.

Then we had this last weekend, Master now Sir Nathan Blacktower’s birthday bash Tournament and Knighting. A really hot day which didn’t slow the fighters any. Their majesties, Gabriel and Constanzia had a great time. This was followed by a feast where Lord Columb showed off his culinary skill and we got to dance, sing and feast with gay abandonment. Thank you again to those who helped set up, take down, performed their offices and generally made newer members and visitors at home. The next day saw The King and visiting Sir Stefan and Sir Somerled showing and teaching our armoured combatants and the Queen making headwear and showing stitching at Wandi. An IKAC was also run and we had more fun in the sun and heat.

Their Majesties did recognise the following with admittance to these Orders. Congratulations all and well deserved.

Mistress Catherine received the Cockatrice for Arts and Sciences Baron Lachlahn a Golden Tear for service Lord Agostino an Award of Arms Lady Bettina an Award of Arms Lord Raynald and Lady Petronilla from Dragon’s Bay, Awards of Arms Lord Conan received a Miles Regni for service to fighting.

They also re-announced the Lily for Lady Helen and the Prometheus for Sir Peter

In our Court we were honoured to admit Lord Pantera and Lord Columb unto our Order of the Valiant Swan. Lady Alianore presented us with a wonderfully beaded Baronial Device.

So in all a very successful month.

What’s next? Well its still going to be busy. April sees The Autumn Gathering, Rowany festival and Southern Moot, all camping events where our members will be travel- ling to. For locals the Autumn gathering will be held down south in Bunbury in a vineyard and we know most will be starting to prepare for those events. Travel safe and stay healthy. In May we may have another visiting , the date to be confirmed. Then the Baronesses’ Fighter Auction, our Premier Tournament of the year, where we you can bid for an Armoured or Rapier fighter. The theme for this year is the fighter is to choose their favourite Feast Dish; this again will be a blind auction. We would like prizes for the prize table, just contact us if you have any questions. This will be held at East Cannington Park , Station St Cannington on Sunday the 22 nd May - More details will follow. My deputy will be M’Lord Ben from Abertridwr. June sees us going to Pencampwr where we expect the King and Queen to attend. They really must enjoy our company. So in anticipation, write recommendations.

To all our populace have a great time but remain safe.

Yours in service Kilic and Branwen Baron and Baroness of Glorious Aneala Page 4

Illud est rem diximus The College of Saint Basil the Great is back in business - the business of avoiding our studies in favour of me- dieval pursuits, that is! We returned to university at the end of February and training resumed immediately. Lately there has been a great turn-out at college trainings, with both heavy and rapier training occurring and fingerloop braiding being taught to everyone who will sit still long enough to try it. We’re trying our very best to encourage dancing, too, but alas we face the age-old problem of the boys not wanting to join in.

The College Newcomers’ Feast ran on March 12th to welcome all the new members of the Colleges of Saint Basil and Saint Lazarus. It was highly successful and feedback from the attending newcomers has been posi- tive. We were especially pleased to see them return to training the following week! The College greatly appre- ciated the help and support of everyone who attended and would like to say an extra special thank you to Duenna Catalina and Lady Elinor who stepped in to run the kitchen at the last minute due to the ill health of M’Lady Bettina. Congratulations go to Seamus Nua who was admitted to the Order of the Black Feather and to all those who were awarded prizes for their garb on the night. Furthermore, some official seneschal hand-overs took place at the feast: congratulations go to both outgoing and incoming seneschals. Members of the College attended the WAMA Fair on March 19th and greatly enjoyed the day. As always there was much dancing and general merriment and we were fortunate to have some of our newer members attend as well. Currently the College is preparing for Nathan’s birthday tourney and the accompanying royal visit. Everyone is working on fancy new 14th century garb and of course gifts for Their Majesties. Perhaps the most impressive thing that the College has achieved so far this year is that we have (so far) stuck to our new years resolution - we’ve been productive at every training session! Remember that everyone is welcome to attend College trainings! We appreciate not just the input and assis- tance of members of the barony but also your excellent company. The College of Saint Basil the Great trains on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4pm on the Oak Lawn at UWA, with A&S held on Thursday evening from around 7pm in the Guild Council Room at UWA. Contact Lady Elizabeth (or any other college member) for more information.


Page 5 Photo supplied by Alianore de Essewell TARGET ARCHERY NEWS

An IKAC shoot was held at Abertridwr training on the afternoon Sunday 27 th March. 12 archers, in- cluding two new members of Dragon’s Bay, competed in Open Bow Division.

The top scoring archers were:

Raynald Greygoose Dragon's Bay 128 Renonys de la Fueille Aachenfeld 88 Alianore de Essewell Abertridwr 87

It was very pleasing to see so many of the groups in our region represented. I would especially like to thank the popu- lace of Dragon’s Bay for allowing us to use their shade pavilions and for assis- tance with range set-up and moving the targets, all of which is greatly appreci- ated.

The scores for this shoot will be up- loaded to the ‘Tournament Results’ section of the Aneala website, as well as the society IKAC pages which can be found at

The next IKAC shoot will be taking place on the afternoon of Friday 22 April at Autumn Gathering. Scores for all shoots throughout the western re- gion of Lochac are being collated and prizes will be award at the end of the season for best and most improved archers. To be in the running for best archer you will need to shoot at least 3 IKACs throughout the season as this prize is awarded on the basis of your average of 3 best scores. Training is available in Aachenfeld from 10am til noon on Sunday morning and in Aber- tridwr from 2 til 4 pm on Sunday after- noons.

One final note: I would like to hear from anyone interested in taking on the posi- tion of Captain of Archers for the bar- ony. Any queries may be emailed to [email protected] Photo supplied by Alianore de Essewell


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Reenactor Magazines

Page 7 Regular Events

Baronial Council Meeting Aachenfeld Fighters Training 3rd Friday of each month from Sundays, 10am-12pm 7.30pm Lake Monger Primary, Dodd St, Contact Bechtold Wembley [email protected] Contact Nathan (08) 9249 5670

Abertridwr Armoured Scribes & Open House Mondays Wednesdays from 7pm Calligraphy & Illumination The Bastion Contact: Branwen Kane: (08) 9314 2506 [email protected]

Aachenfeld A&S Night Baronial Dance Lessons 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 7.00pm Contact Catherine Contact Catalina [email protected] [email protected]

College of St. Basil & Murdoch Music Training Every second Monday Tuesday & Thursday Contact Catherine 4pm to 6 or 7pm [email protected] Oak Lawn, UWA

College of St. Basil & Murdoch Wandi Training & A&S Arts & Sciences Abertridwr Thursday evenings Armoured Combat, Archery & A&S Guild Council Meeting Room, UWA Sunday from 1pm Wandi Progress Association Hall De Hare Road, Wandi

Page 8

Argh...... Mercy

The Residents of Abertridwr, having this day cleaned out the Cantons store- room has been suddenly descended upon by a plague of Rats that were hid- den therein. This is a call to all Archers willing and able to come to our aid and help rid us of this furry menace

Therefore on Sunday April 17th at the stroke of 2pm, the Piper shall be called forth to gather the Rats to the Archery grounds of Wandi, where they shall be dealt with.

The Rats [balloons] will be on targets at 20yds. You will have only 4 arrows with which to hit the rats to gain 5 pts but be warned, for among this group of rats there are some that are inflicted with the deadly plague. Hit one of these [you'll know it when it explodes] and you're dead and must step back from the line until it is next your turn. There will be 5 ends for a max of 100pts. Follow- ing this Rat shoot, we shall mourn the losses by holding a Wreath Shoot. Kings Round, 6 arrow elimination . These are also the first 2 Archery Shoots of this years Inaugral Saethydd gan Abertridwr and must be completed by those Archers entering the Saethydd]


Alianore de Essewell

Page 9

The Grand Tournament Here is the armoured combat tournament of the year, your chance to establish your place in the pecking order of men of arms on the Western Shores of Lochac. Each year at Gathering A Grand Tourney is held in the style of a Prova Dura (TM) . There are no prerogatives, no duties or expectations before or af- ter the tourney, only the sure and certain knowledge that you have had fun in a combative furnace. Paint your shield, polish your and join the fray.

When: 1PM Sunday the 24th of April Where: Gathering Weekend Camping Event What: Round Robin, Single Kill, Open Tourney. How: Standard Kingdom of Lochac Conventions of Combat Competitions: Tassel for winner Wreath of Chivalry Ferocity in battle Best Death Black veil competition for gallery to bemoan the lose of their combatant.

Steward: Sir Kane Greymane.

Page 10 Elizabethan Village Green Market Day Demo Sunday the 1 st of May

As we did last year we will be transferring training from Wandi to the Elizabethan Village Green for the WAMA market Days Usually we set up from 8am and run to 4pm We will have an information tent and a list field. Come help us grow Abertridwr and the SCA. Last year these were small in attendance but people who come are interested in medieval Europe and historical stuff so the results are better even with a small attendance. Anyone who wants to set up a table and sell stuff should look to do that, I think the tables are about $5 for a vendor or $10 for a tent. For More information contact Sir Kane, 9314 2506, [email protected]

Map of Elizabethan village f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=elizabethan+village+armadale+West+australia&aq=&sll=- 37.906283,145.101242&sspn=0.372741,0.617294&ie=UTF8&hq=elizabethan+village+armadale+West+australia&hnear=&ra dius=15000&ll=-32.146566,116.029787&spn=0.0125,0.01929&t=h&z=16

Tiny URL:

Page 11 Advanced Armoured Combat School 2011

Dates are confirmed Friday 24 th of June to Sunday the 26 th of June inclusive That’s 3 full days with Count Berengar.

The Advanced Armoured Combat School (AACTS) is aimed at ar- moured combatants who have made a commitment to armoured combat expertise. Participants will need to attend the full 3 days and 2 evenings and have their own fighting kit.

Places are limited to 10 Cost is $60 and includes Friday and Saturday nights meals Any funds leftover will be turned into beer. We have in the past all pitched in to by the instructor lunch on the first 2 days.

Friday and Saturday are from 9am at the Bastion till Late. Sunday is from 10am at Aachenfeld training, 12md lunch at the pub then down to Abertridwr training for 2pm. Sunday is open to every- one not just those at the AACTS.

If you are at all wanting to get better at your sport don’t miss this opportunity.

Bookings can be made with Sir Kane on line or at any event First in best dressed.

Kane 9314 2506, [email protected]

Page 12 Pencampwr Steward: Mistress Rhianwen Date: 4/6/11 Place: Wandi Progress Association, De Haer Road, Wandi Cost: $60 members, $65 non-members, Family Rate (2 adults & 2 Children)$120.00 6 - 16 years Half price. Other costing contact the steward.

This is Abertridwr's flagship event each year and we invite one and all from around OUR beloved Kingdom and beyond to come join us in a weekend of fighting, war, camping, feasting, drinking, eat- ing, Arts and Sciences, good companionship and fun and COURT. Their Majesties have graciously advised that they will be attending.

Arabian Nights

Steward: Lady Ydeneya de Baillencourt Date: 9/10/11 Time: Place: Wandi Progress Association Hall, De Haer Road, Wandi Cost: $25 members

A picnic and day of fun in the mystical east to celebrate the birthday of our beloved Baron Kilic ibn Sungur ibn al-Kazganci al-Turhani.

Mostly Music and Dance Collegium

Steward: Mistress Catherine de Arc Date: 15/10/11 Time: 10am Place: North Perth Lesser Hall, View Street, North Perth Cost: $10 members

A day of classes featuring the performance arts, particularly dancing and music.

Page 13 Bal d’Aneala

Steward: Mistress Catherine de Arc Date: 15/10/11 Time: 7pm Place: North Perth Town Hall, View Street, North Perth Cost: $15 members

In celebration of the birthday of our beloved Baroness, Aneala will host an evening of dance and en- tertainment. The Golden Rose Bardic Competition will be held to choose Aneala's next bard. There will be a Cook's Guild competition for Delicious and Decorative Fingerfood. There will be competi- tions for the Best Garb in Anealan Colours, with lords and ladies categories. Cold drinks and finger food will be provided throughout the evening. In celebration of the birthday of our beloved Baron- ess, Aneala will host an evening of dance and entertainment. The Golden Rose Bardic Competition will be held to choose Aneala's next bard. There will be a Cook's Guild competition for Delicious and Decorative Finger food. There will be competitions for the Best Garb in Anealan Colours, with lords and ladies categories. Cold drinks and finger food will be provided throughout the evening.

Page 14 Pencampwr Screen Competition

New Stewards Prize Competition for Pencampwr The screen wall that is used to hide the campsite is not working The competition is to make a screen wall 2M X 2M that shows your group or any (G Rated) medieval scene you wish. Heraldic rules are not important but devices may be incorporated into the screen. Medium is up to you but must be free standing or safely secured into the ground. So you can do your: Kingdom, Barony, canton, college, shire or household. Households would for example be Darksun or Templestone, Knights Bridge, Clan Brechin, Annwn or Bastion ETC or all of the above. NB as this is a steward’s prize competition thus it does not count as an A&S competition so may be entered in the open A&S competition or Arobryn as well but will need documentation if entered in an A&S competition. Screens to be in place by 10am Saturday Morning Stay tuned for what the Stewards Prize will be. All enquires to Viscountess Rhianwen 0408099346

A&S at Pencampwr In honour of Her Majesty, Queen Constanzia's visit, a Spanish themed A&S competition will be held.

This will be in conjunction with the regular open A&S competition on the Saturday afternoon.

Cooks Guild Competition

Lady Alessandra de Florenza, our winner from last year, has chosen this years Cooks Guild recipe.

Harleian MS. 279- Dyuerse Bake Metis (1430 cookbook)

Doucettes (pork and custard pie) Take Porke, & hakke it small, & Eyroun y-mellyd to-gederys, & a lytel Milke, & melle hem to-gederys with Hony & Pepir, & bake hem in a cofyn, & serue forth.

Take a thousand eggs or more - A collection of 15th century recipes By Cindy Renfrow page 219 Gorsedd

This is the A&S Collegia at Pencampwr. I have had many offers to teach classes at Pencampwr and the schedule is going to be full and interesting. Classes are being worked into a schedule.

Page 15 YiS, Alianore Essewell Kingdom A&S Competitions

May Crown 2011: A cloak (any time period or style), Tudor or Elizabethan jewellery, An item used on a hunt

Midwinter 2011: Linens (table cloths or hand towels), A Seal of your Barony, Shire, Canton or College, Jousting equipment

November Crown 2011: A functional item made of clay, A SCA feast menu, A painted item—using period materials

Twelfth Night Coronation: Food prepared for a holiday or religious occasion, A parade shield, An item of embroidery

For more information on the above Kingdom Arts & Sciences competitions, please refer to the Lochac Arts & Sciences webpage at:

Page 16 Regnum

King Gabriel and Queen Constanzia of Lochac [email protected]

Baron Kilic and Baroness Branwen of Aneala [email protected]

Seneschal: Bechtold Vollarc (08) 6361 1824 Rapier Marshall: Alessandra de [email protected] Florenza [email protected] Chatelaine: Catherine de Arc [email protected] Herald Blackwing Persuviant: Columb mac Diarmata Reeve: Celestria Ashwood [email protected] [email protected] Captain of the Archers: Isabel de An- Constable: Renonys de la Feuille nesley [email protected] [email protected]

Marshall: John Makeblise [email protected]

Chronicler: Margarita Rossetti [email protected]

Arts & Sciences Officer: Catalina de Gata [email protected] List Keeper: Sorcha inghean ui Cheal- laigh [email protected]

Champion of the Sword: Dino de Malta Champion of the Bow: Celestria Ashwood Champion of the Rapier: Alanna Galliwoode A&S Champion: Catherine de Arc Bard of Aneala: Aoife of St Basil Page 17