G:\CONNECT 2015-18\1069133 Coleham School Safety Scheme\03 Drawings\Exhibition\1069133-E-101 (Consultation Plan).dwg Existing Puffin


LONGDEN COLEHAM 20mph zone signs. School pupils Example artwork to accompany will be invited to produce them for this scheme. START/END 20 mph LC Raised Table - Artistic Impression



LC GREYFRIARS ROAD GREYFRIARS Proposed enhanced crossing point with raised table added Raised Table - Example

LC existing lamp column. signs mounted on 20mph repeater Proposed enhanced crossing point with raised table added


LC BELLE VUE ROAD VUE BELLE Existing Puffin Crossing Revision Drawing Number: Drawing Title: Project: Client: Drawn By: Purpose: 1. Additional drainage will be required at raised tables, to confirmed Note: Key length. length outside No.s 5 & 6 Greyfriars Road. Widths to remain as existing. 3. 'SCHOOL - KEEP CLEAR' markings to be remarked a standard detailed design stage. 2. Parkings bays to remain as existing except for a very small reduction in Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright Based upon the Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of Do not scale - Use only figured dimensions Council Licence No. 100049049, 2015. and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. WKH&RQWUROOHURI+HU0DMHVW\ V6WDWLRQHU\2IILFH‹&URZQ&RS\ULJKW documentation. descrepancies to the Site Supervisor. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all other standard The contractor is to check all dimensions on site and report any J.Plumridge 22/10/15 C Coleham Primary School, Greyfriars Road Existing road markings to remain unchanged. Existing double yellow lines to be renewed. Existing lighting column. Existing telegraph pole. Existing pedestrian guard rail. Existing tree. Existing dropped kerb. Existing school gate. Proposed road markings. Proposed tactile paving. Proposed bollard. Proposed kerb. Proposed traffic signing and orientation. Proposed raised table. 6m in length, 1.5m ramps, 100mm high. Mouchel Limited - No Reproductions Without Authority 2nd Floor, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, , Shropshire, SY2 6ND Proposed 20mph Zone 1069133-E-101 Checked By: Amendment D.Davies Tel: 01743 276300 Fax: 276301 26/10/15 Consultation Web Site: www.mouchel.com P.Field-Williams Approved By: 29/10/15 Originated by and date Checked by and date Scale: (at A1 size) 1:250 Revision: Issue Draft Approved by and date -