6-Year-Old Donor Has a Big Heart
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fi*r* I o subscribe to The Westfield Record, the best source for local news, call (800) 300-9321 •If TheWestfield Record . >Vpt. 11, No. SO Thursday, December 12,1996 A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents I Briefs School board slates public meeting 6-year-old donor Hie Board or Education will hold a public meeting 8 p.m. Tuesday in the board meeting room at 302 Elm St. On the agenda will be a dis- cussion of the results of the school report card. Time will be has a big heart allotted for public input. Post office Child gives $1.34 to holiday fund portant [charity) is." extending hours Sam is no stranger to helping The Westfield Post Office is THE RECORD others. A faithful contributor to extending its business hours to o most people, $1.34 is not Szedaka, or Hebrew charity, Sam, help make this holiday mailing a lot of money. In fact, donates 50 cents each week in He- season more convenient for most people in Westfteld brew school. He also has partici- customers. could probably manufac- pated in several food and clothing AUGUSTO F. MENtZES/THE RECORD "The postal service wants to T drives. Sam Rosa, 6, poses next to his piggy bank. ture that amount just by digging in make this Christmas as head- their couch cushions. "If people are poor, they may not ache-free as possible for all But for 6-year-old Sam Ross, survive," Sam said about why he way for other donors, pushing the living expenses, which increase postal customers," Postmaster helps those in need. $1.34 is a lot of money and it is live in Westfield. 1 am in first grade (und's total from zero to $226.34. during the winter because of high Kenneth Brown said. precisely how much he sent to the like many 6-year-olds, Sam can In addition to Sam, donors were heating expenses. On Saturdays, Dec. 14 and 21, at Tamaques School." barely conceptualize the difference All the donations collected by Record Holiday Fund last week, Sam's mother, Michelle Erik, James and Leslie Lewis, Aldo and the Westfkeld Post Office at 153 between $1 and $100, but he does Elsie Cerone, Joseph Gladis, Vir- The Record are forwarded to the making him the fund's first donor said her son first heard of the fund Central Ave. will provide ex- of 1996. understand the idea of people ginia Holschuh and two anony- Caring Neighbor Fund, which is tended office hours. The hours when she pointed out an article being in need. Hence, he was able mous donors. administered by Westfield Human Along with his contribution of about it to him. of window service will be 9 quarters, dimes, nickels and pen- to explain how he would like to see Donations help follow Wcsttteld Services Director Lillian Corel. a.m.-2 p.m. nies, the child sent a letter to The A proponent of instilling chil- his donation used. ers who find themselves in finan- Readers wishing to support this For more information, stop Record indicating his identity and dren with a sense of charity, Ms. He said jewelry is "rich stuff" cial trouble. People like this: campaign may send checks to by or call the post office at 233- his thoughts on charity. Erik discussed the fund with Sam and would not be a good thing for A grandmother is terminally ill Record Holiday Fund, P.O. Box J167. "Dear Caring Neighbor," the let- and he decided it would be a good his contribution to go toward. How- and continues to have high medi- 626, Cranfonl, NJ. 07016. ter began, "I like how much you thing to do, she said. ever, toys and food are "not rich cal expenses. She resides with her Donors who contribute to the Holiday sherry are doing this money. 1 am paying "It's hard because kids are so stuff," so those things would be all disabled adult daughter and her fund will have their names pub- $1.34 for your charity. My name is self-centered, but I'm really trying right, he said. three children. Most of this fam- lished in The Record unless they set for today Sam Ross. I am 6 yeare old and to make them understand how im- Sam's contribution paved the ily's income is used for monthly request anonymity. The annual Panhellenic Holi- day Sherry will be held at the home of Susan Amonette at 624 E. Broad St. 4-6 p.m. today. The event is sponsored by Santa spreads the Kappa Alpha Theta alum- nae group in Westfteld. Alumni of all sororities are invited. A $5 donation for the local Christmas spirit Department of Human Services will be requested to help sup- port their efforts to assist fami- lies during Ihis holiday season. Greets dozens of youngsters For more information, call Debbie West 232-4180. •y HAMNMTZ "/ have It on good THE HKCOHt) authority that Santa Claus Musat honored The children of Westfield got a at Schering-Plough special treat Sunday night when is here in Westfield." Frank Musat of WcsUtek), se- none other than Kris Kringle came - Qartand "Bud" nior director of customer rela- to help tight the town Christmas tions, managed care and dis- tree. ease management at Schering Santa Claus was originally sup- Westfield mayor laboratories, has been awarded posed to come Dec. 1 to kick off a Management Development Westfield'!) Christmas season but down to light the town Christmas Excellence Awnrd by Schering- foul weather kept him from mak- tree. Also, the Westfield Com- Plough Pharmaceuticals. ing his annual appearance. munity Band added to the festivi- Mr. Musat received hia award Luckily, the season's most po»u ties by breaking into a rendition of for his work while sales director lar man was able to clear his busy "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." of the Key Specialty Sales Kchedule KO a.s not to disappoint Santa, who uncannily resembled Force within Schering Labora- the hundntls of kxal ytmngsters tories. who came out to see him at the Councilman Norman Greco, began "This award recognizes our train .station Sunday. working the crowd shaking dill ilren's hands and even hugging managers' outstanding support Mayor Garland "Hud" Ifcmthc for the personal and profes- was on hand to announce Santa's some of the women irrimudlaU'ly sional development of the peo- arrival to town. after arriving at the station, lie ple in their department," said then look the podium and guvc all "I have it on good authority that Richard Z*hn, president of the children a dmnre to hear whttt Schering Laboratories. "His Santa Claim is hen- In Westfield," the mayor told the many chikiren he had to say. outstanding performance while "Hi boys and ^irIs." he began. directing the 226 member sales huddled near the Htntlon with the team earned him this presti- hopes of glimjiHing the red-suited "It's gixxl lo l*> in Westlleld a^ain." gious award." figure, Children then had the chaiKi- to Once tfanta'jt makeshift sleigh (a tell St. Nick what they wanted him 'Night Place' Westfield lire engine) was In sight to bring them this ChriHtrniiH nnd coming down Kim Stiit't, the Santa distrilnjti'd candy canes to set for Jan. 10 mayor led the crowd in a count the entire floek. The fourth "Night Place" event of the 1MMJ-97 school year will I* 730-930 p.m. Friday, Jan 10 at Kdlnnn Intermediate Rides with Santa Sch(K>l. The Night Place is open to all Wetit fielders in sixth-eighth to highlight festivities grades, and is sponsored by the West field Fleerpntlon Commis- lid ic()iiiwti wiwn riilcH with ley ndi'M Children ran IMHIHJ the sion. Aucamo r. m.mnmnf FMXOHII Santa thiuui'.h downtown Wi'stficld trolley on Prospect Stnn't near The "Night Place" features Tom Paulln and Pat O'Connor cut through shMta of tte«l to b« u«»d for th« pedestrian tuniwl will hl«hlinht this weekend'* Wei North Avenue diinring to mtirtii: from n disc tit the Westfield train station. roine I [nine lo Wiviltteld holiday 'Itse New .Jersey Workshop fur jockey, vollt-ylMill, I>n8kc?tbnll, festivities the Artri, Ifii! K Mrmid SI , will l>inKjn>riM, IxMtrd gjirnrs, movies 'Clw hone dmwn wagon ran lx> pieiient rtp«>ritil |xilnrnnin<'ei thin mid refreshment*, The i'ost Is hoarded ut the riortliMde train «ta Saturday nnd Saturday, l>ee Zl An %%. in advance und $3 ut the Work progresses at train station lion noon U pni Haliirdiiv nnd alplioiu perfoiuuinr)', leiittiiinit the door Tk kets will he on wile at l;ii^e hunt idenlil'i'Hl wild the vice. 'l"htn wtll nienn the pile Sunday Simla will !«• then- In «M Imth InU'irnrdltitt' schools dur- •y KAWNMTZ dint, a» will hln he||«TH. Hide-i will SWIMM A1(»H, i'i ufhrMluliHl for I p.m. ing trw wwk of tin11'vcnt. driving will have to !«• ditne lie j Update tween \2'Ml ii.m. f> a.in when (he rust $.'! |MT |H'i i Children '.luml'l i-iich Siitunliiy 'Itieie will t*< a Ft»r mon* information, rail i rhiirnlKT iu< he'itiu per for innnee 'A A 1 Juuitan Valley Unrdoen not nin In' nr< «inijMiMieH hy I heir jMirt'nls. 7flt) 40IHI AH the eonstrurtiori at tin train l NJ Transit will nriri'ad thtM mid Mil-sir sludentn I'mrii the New pin. nrnl (he In// hnnd will |x r station continue!!! In its find work is complete, forcing |HIH phasic, NJ Transit arid town em night lal)or ovrr lour weekeiiil'i .Feiiiey Woiknh'ip lit) the Ail') will fiiim 1 f> :in p in Sochil iu*ws writers to hoard and detniin ut brginriing this weekend.