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Chemcomm Accepted Manuscript ChemComm Accepted Manuscript This is an Accepted Manuscript, which has been through the Royal Society of Chemistry peer review process and has been accepted for publication. Accepted Manuscripts are published online shortly after acceptance, before technical editing, formatting and proof reading. Using this free service, authors can make their results available to the community, in citable form, before we publish the edited article. We will replace this Accepted Manuscript with the edited and formatted Advance Article as soon as it is available. You can find more information about Accepted Manuscripts in the Information for Authors. Please note that technical editing may introduce minor changes to the text and/or graphics, which may alter content. The journal’s standard Terms & Conditions and the Ethical guidelines still apply. In no event shall the Royal Society of Chemistry be held responsible for any errors or omissions in this Accepted Manuscript or any consequences arising from the use of any information it contains. Page 1 of 4 ChemComm Journal Name RSC Publishing COMMUNICATION Iron-Catalyzed Carbonylative Suzuki Reactions under Atmospheric Pressure of Carbon Monoxide Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x * Yanzhen Zhong, and Wei Han Received 00th January 2012, Accepted 00th January 2012 DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x 11 The first highly effective iron-catalyzed carbonylative Suzuki underdeveloped and require high pressure of carbon monoxide. reaction has been developed. Substrates with electron- Rare examples that the use of Fe(CO) 5 catalyzed carbonylation of aryl iodides with the assistance of a co-catalyst Co 2(CO) 8 to donating or electron-withdrawing functionality, ortho- Manuscript prepare symmetrical biaryl ketones, were reported by Brunet substitution, as well as active groups proceeded smoothly, and co-workers. 12a-b However, these contributions suffer several affording desired products in high yields. This protocol is limitations, such as severely limited scope of substrates, low economical, environmentally benign and practical for the chemoselectivity, and poor functional group tolerance, which synthesis of biaryl ketones . make them impractical to organic synthesis. To the best of our knowledge, there is no report of highly effective iron-catalyzed Three-component coupling reactions of arylboronic acids, carbonylation of aryl halides so far, although iron has been carbon monoxide, and aryl halides/pseudo-halides, generally widely applied in cross coupling reactions of aryl halides. 9 known as carbonylative Suzuki Reactions, 1 are displaying Herein, we report an unprecedented, high yielding, iron numerous advantageous features: 1) readily available, and catalyzed carbonylative Suzuki reactions of various aryl iodides thermally-, air- and water- stable reactants; 2) high regio- and with arylboronic acids under atmospheric pressure of carbon stereoselectivity; 3) wide functional group compatibility; 4) monoxide (Scheme 1). Accepted broad substrate scope. Nowadays, the reaction represents one of the most straightforward and convenient processes for synthesizing a myriad of symmetrical and unsymmetrical biaryl ketones, which are omnipresent in natural products and Scheme 1 Iron-catalyzed carbonylative Suzuki reactions of aryl iodides with manmade compounds with activities related to biology and arylboronic acids. 2 material sciences. Over the past few decades, remarkable Recently, we have successfully launched ligand-free catalytic advances in this transformation have been achieved, systems for cross-coupling reactions, 13 utilizing PEG-400 particularly in the substrate scope, functional group tolerance, 3 [poly(ethylene glycol) with an average molecular weight of 400 and design of new catalysts. Nevertheless, the huge majority of Da] 14 as solvent. Encouraged by the desirable performance of the known methods require relatively high pressure (≥5 bar). the catalytic systems based on PEG-400, we commenced to Moreover, the cost of ligands are almost always necessary to 3 determine optimal reaction conditions, employing 4- ensure efficient catalysis. Most disadvantageous of all, the nitroiodobenzene and phenylboronic acid as model substrates in catalysts of choice for carbonylative Suzuki reactions are -6 PEG-400 under ambient pressure of carbon monoxide (Table invariably palladium that is limited availability (1 x 10 wt% in ChemComm 4 5 1). The first attempted condition, at 80 °C, with FeCl 2, PPh 3 as the earth crust), high price (2770 US $/mol) and significant a ligand, and NaHCO as a base (Table 1, entry 1), delivered toxicity. 6 To address these issues, the development of more 3 carbonylated product 3aa in 36% yield. And without FeCl 2 the sustainable, economical and environmentally benign catalysts for the desired product was not detected (Table 1, entry 2). In the above-named transformation is highly desirable. In this respect, iron absence of PPh 3, the yield of 3aa was not affected (Table 1, is an ideal candidate for catalysis, since it is the second-most- entry 3). To improve the reactivity, the reaction temperature abundant metal in the earth crust (4.7 wt %), low cost ( <0.5 US 7 was elevated to 100 °C, resulting in remarkable increase in the Cent/mol) and is present in diverse biological systems (considered yield of 3aa to 84% (Table 1, entry 4). Other bases, such as "non-toxic"). Iron has attracted significant attention and emerged as Na CO , K CO , Cs CO , K PO , KF, and DBU, were tested a promising alternative to execute established transition-metal- 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 8-9 and less effective (Table 1, entries 5–10). We then examined catalyzed cross-coupling reactions. other iron sources and observed that 3aa was obtained in 11–72 While a number of stoichiometric iron-mediated carbonylation % yield (Table 1, entries 11–14). Interestingly, with the reactions are known, 10 iron-based catalytic processes are so far This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 J. Name ., 2012, 00 , 1-3 | 1 ChemComm Page 2 of 4 COMMUNICATION Journal Name combination of FeCl 2 (4 mol %) and FeCl 3 (6 mol %) as the reactivity. Sterically hindered 2-iodotoluene did not hamper the catalyst, an excellent yield (92%) of 3aa was accessible (Table transformation and furnished product 3ha in 87%. 2-Naphthyl 1, entry 15). 15 However, in poly(ethylene glycol) dimethyl ether iodide also underwent an efficient carbonylative Suzuki solvent the reaction didn’t give 3aa (Table 1, entries 16). Poor reaction and provided desired product 3oa in an excellent yield. results were obtained when the reaction were performed in B(OH) FeCl (4 mol %) O X 2 2 FeCl (6 mol %) other pure organic solvents (Table 1, entries 17–20). The use of 1 3 R 1 Ph + NaHCO , KOAc R FeCl 2 (99.99% based on trace metals) and FeCl 3 (99.99% based 3 PEG-400 on trace metals) with high purity resulted in a slight better yield 1 2a CO (balloon), 100 oC 3 of 3aa to elimination the influence of the trace quantities of O O O F O other metals in the iron sources on the investigation (Table 1, Ph Ph Ph Ph entry 21). Meanwhile, using NaHCO 3 with high purity O2N Cl F3C F (99.998% based on trace metals) didn’t affect the result at all 3aa, 3 h, 92%b (trace)c 3ba, 24 h, 90% (46%)b 3ca, 28 h, 75% 3da, 28 h, 71% (Table 1, entry 22). All of the control experiments suggest that O O O Me O F F the catalytic system is on the basis of iron. Ph Ph Ph Ph F Me a Table 1 Iron-catalyzed carbonylative Suzuki reaction of 1a with 2a . 3ea, 4 h, 93% 3fa, 3 h, 92% 3ga, 24 h, 82% 3ha, 17 h, 87% Me O O O Me Ph Ph Ph O Me MeO Me Ph 3ia, 17 h, 82% 3ja, 9 h, 92% 3ka, 6 h, 80% 3la, 16 h, 91% O O O Entry [Fe] (mol %) Base Solvent Yield of Ph Ph Ph 3aa (%) Ph 3ma, 5 h, 95% 3na, 48 h, 80% 3oa, 16 h, 91% b,c 1 FeCl 2 (10) NaHCO 3 PEG-400 36 b,c Scheme 2 Iron-catalyzed carbonylative Suzuki reactions of 2a with various 2 none NaHCO 3 PEG-400 - aryl iodides. a Reaction conditions (unless otherwise noted): 1 (0.5 mmol), 2a c 3 FeCl 2 (10) NaHCO 3 PEG-400 36 (0.75 mmol), CO (balloon), NaHCO 3 (1.0 mmol), KOAc (0.1 mmol), FeCl 2 (4 b c 4 FeCl (10) NaHCO PEG-400 84 mol %) and FeCl 3 (6 mol %), PEG-400 (2.0 mL), 100 °C. Without KOAc. 2 3 Manuscript Using corresponding aryl bromide. 5 FeCl 2 (10) Na 2CO 3 PEG-400 79 6 FeCl 2 (10) K2CO 3 PEG-400 73 To further ascertain that the iron-catalyzed carbonylative 7 FeCl 2 (10) Cs 2CO 3 PEG-400 41 Suzuki reactions are generally applicable to a broad range of 8 FeCl 2 (10) K3PO 4 PEG-400 65 9 FeCl 2 (10) KF PEG-400 59 10 FeCl 2 (10) DBU PEG-400 - 11 FeCl 3 (10) NaHCO 3 PEG-400 71 12 Fe(acac) 2 (10) NaHCO 3 PEG-400 62 13 Fe(acac) 3 (10) NaHCO 3 PEG-400 11 14 FeF 3 (10) NaHCO 3 PEG-400 72 Accepted 15 FeCl 2 (4) + FeCl 3 (6) NaHCO 3 PEG-400 92 16 FeCl 2 (4) + FeCl 3 (6) NaHCO 3 PEGDM-190 - 17 FeCl 2 (4) + FeCl 3 (6) NaHCO 3 DMF 16 18 FeCl 2 (4) + FeCl 3 (6) NaHCO 3 EtOH - 19 FeCl 2 (4) + FeCl 3 (6) NaHCO 3 dioxane 6 20 FeCl 2 (4) + FeCl 3 (6) NaHCO 3 DCE - d 21 FeCl 2 (4) + FeCl 3 (6) NaHCO 3 PEG-400 94 e 22 FeCl 2 (4) + FeCl 3 (6) NaHCO 3 PEG-400 94 a Reaction conditions (unless otherwise noted): 1a (0.5 mmol), 2a (0.75 mmol), CO (balloon), base (1.0 mmol), FeCl 2 (98% based on trace metals, Scheme 3 Iron-catalyzed carbonylative Suzuki reactions of aryl iodides with Sigma–Aldrich) and FeCl 3 (99% based on trace metals, Sigma–Aldrich), various arylboronic acids.
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