What Lies Behind Teaching and Learning Green Chemistry to Promote Sustainability Education? a Literature Review
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Review What Lies Behind Teaching and Learning Green Chemistry to Promote Sustainability Education? A Literature Review Meiai Chen 1 , Eila Jeronen 2 and Anming Wang 3,* 1 School of Tourism & Health, Zhejiang A&F University, Hangzhou 311300, China; cma1978@zafu.edu.cn 2 Department of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education, University of Oulu, FI-90014 Oulu, Finland; eila.jeronen@oulu.fi 3 College of Materials, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121, China * Correspondence: waming@hznu.edu.cn Received: 11 September 2020; Accepted: 24 October 2020; Published: 27 October 2020 Abstract: In this qualitative study, we aim to identify suitable pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning green chemistry among college students and preservice teachers by examining the teaching methods that have been used to promote green chemistry education (GCE) and how these methods have supported green chemistry learning (GCL). We found 45 articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals since 2000 that specifically described teaching methods for GCE. The content of the articles was analyzed based on the categories of the teaching methods used and the revised version of Bloom’s taxonomy. Among the selected articles, collaborative and interdisciplinary learning, and problem-based learning were utilized in 38 and 35 articles, respectively. These were the most frequently used teaching methods, alongside a general combination of multiple teaching methods and teacher presentations. Developing collaborative and interdisciplinary learning skills, techniques for increasing environmental awareness, problem-centered learning skills, and systems thinking skills featuring the teaching methods were seen to promote GCL in 44, 40, 34, and 29 articles, respectively.
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