HOLY CROSS CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 2021 MENDOTA, ILLINOIS Sunday, June 20th 8:00 a.m. +Marilynn Jeanne O’Neill by Corinne Shotliff 10:00 a.m. James & Judith Poisel 62nd Wedding Anniversary The Mass will continue to be livestreamed via the 12:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish - +Javier Espinoza Zoom connection we have been using. por María Espinoza 2—3 p.m. Holy Hour Here is the link for the Zoom site: 3:00 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9138050856? Monday, June 21st pwd=RzZtRi8xNjJtNHg4dnhNb2MzNzBEUT09 7:00 p.m. +Jean Joerger by Jim & Jeanne Fitzpatrick Tuesday, June 22nd Meeting ID: 913 805 0856 7:00 a.m. +Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ege by Bob & Rose Saylor Password: 811195 +Mark Harris by Jan Kahl Wednesday, June 23rd Please help spread the word so all of our parishioners 8:00 a.m. +Karl Michael Soliman by Family are aware of this new development. The link, ID, and Thursday, June 24th Password are the same for all of the Masses. If there 7:00 a.m. +Karl Soliman by Family are any questions, Fr. Pilon may be reached by email Friday, June 25th at:
[email protected] 8:00 a.m. +Jim Leonard by George Dwyer Saturday, June 26th Attention Ss. Peter & Paul Parishioners! 4:00 p.m. Special Intentions of the Kuczek Family Sunday, June 27th Mark your calendars!! 8:00 a.m. +Dennis Jones by Dcn. Ray & Clare Fischer 10:00 a.m. @Ss. Peter & Paul: +James Hessenberger Beginning on Sunday, June 27th, by Buck & Toni Hessenberger Father will again be celebrating 12:00 p.m.