Major Event Key Action Critical Coverage Media Milestone Recognition

RioOnWatch launched on , named RioOnWatch news Rio Olympics site launched Neighborhood Watch as experimental as bilingual source for collective during refletions on Catalytic Communities’ RioOnWatch Olympic impacts “Strategic Use of critical Social Media” course coverage of for favela organizers Vila Autódromo RioOnWatch resistance first platform begins reporting on First Victory: brutal Favela do RioOnWatch Metrô eviction volunteers help halt Taboinha RioOnWatchTV evictions through YouTube channel coverage launched RioOnWatch video-reporting catches Community attention of AP Journalism and Video-Journalism trainings RioOnWatch Digest launched RioOnWatch first outlet to Outreach efforts report on favela expand to gentrification international correspondents based in Rio de NYT first Janeiro reports on Vila Among first observers Autódromo of backlash and end of eviction Our NYT Op-Ed Rio ‘miracle’, covering after London Olympics evictions and growing closing day helps insatisfaction and stop evictions in quoted in 55 articles Coverage of Providência: ‘In the during 2012 Largo do Tanque Name of the Future, Favela eviction increases Rio is Forgetting Its Perceptions compensations Past’ 6-fold RioOnWatch Survey conducted by volunteers in launches Best four global cities and Worst Reporting on ‘Fala Vidigal’ annual debates on series gentrification supported by World Cup Media RioOnWatch Call to Action sent to hundreds Coverage of of journalists covering Rio Vila União’s fight to remain RioOnWatch helped alter City Instagram eviction plans channel launched @RioOnWatchLIVE English-only favela launched for tweeting directly news wire launched- from events hourly news & context improve nuance, productive reporting Alternative (to from international mayoral) press ‘parachute conference for journalists’ international NYT LatAm journalists correspondent tweets about need RioOnWatch members for new options to take turns camping “translate” favela out 24 hours in Vila Autódromo supporting RioOnWatch resistance and providing Resources for coverage during most intense evictions Journalists Webby Award Honoree in How to Community Work With Category Olympic Press Collaborate on critical orientation materials to award-winning Vox favela leaders videos: ‘Inside Rio’s Favelas’ and ‘2016 34 International Olympics: What Rio solidarity reporters doesn’t want the intern producing Reality tours world to see’ critical and real-time of favelas for Olympic content journalists during #StopFavela- Olympics ‘The Tiny NGO That Stigma Changed Reporting On social media Rio’s Favelas During campaign The Olympics’— RioOnWatch’s work RioOnWatch featured in article Favelas in the Media: doubles monthly and reprinted in The How the Global readership Guardian Narrative on Favelas during Olympics, reaching 55K Changed During Rio’s Throughout 2016, Mega-Event Years quoted in record- longitudinal study breaking 112 print, compares 8 global radio and TV reports RioOnWatch outlets RioOnWatch accounts of including HBO, The launches new Vila Autódromo eviction Today Show solutions- and resistance compiled into chapter ‘Not Everyone Has a oriented Editorial Price: How the Small Favela Line Adapting for of Vila Autódromo’s Fight Success report Opened a Path to Olympic evaluates impact Resistance’ in the book Rio of RioOnWatch 2016: Olympic Myths, evictions Publication of Hard Realities RioOnWatch the focus of reporting Best Practices chapter ‘Transforming for Reporting on informal communities Favelas through discourse intervention’ in the RioOnWatch book Transforming Sport: Reporting Knowledges, Practices, Report Strategic Structures Alternative Media at Rio Policy 2016 Olympics uses updated RioOnWatch to exemplify impactful resistance Bimonthly strategy in build-up to Favela mega-events Journalist Support Group Largest monthly Meet-Ups audience to date 1st Ever Favela of 524K through Journalist and social media International Anti-eviction Correspondent leaders from Meet-Ups Rio favelas visit housing rights RioOnWatch groups in in Accelerating New York SDGs Local Project RioOnWatch Challenge RioOnWatch 2019 Annual holds virtual Report teach-in with favela organizers sharing Covid-19 RioOnWatch mitigation breaks 60K strategies RioOnWatch monthly read in 182 readers countries in RIOONWATCH one month TURNS 10 AMIDST OVER 10 YEARS, RIOONWATCH RESPONDING PUBLISHED 1950 ORIGINAL TO COVID-19 REPORTS FROM RIO’S FAVELAS PANDEMIC (a total of 3340 articles in English and Portuguese)