Gil Kane, | 400 pages | 27 Oct 2015 | DC Comics | 9781401258191 | English | United States : A Celebration of 75 Years PDF Book

He helped finish Michelle It is a good anthology for both the avid and subdued fan alike. Dec 30, SStefania rated it really liked it Shelves: comics , on-actual-paper. It is very inspirational, even if I am not a part of their group. He, his artists, and his writers all have strong backgrounds in science fiction and the pulps. During that time, he also began his comics career Geoff Johns originally hails from Detroit, Michigan. For 75 years, members of the intergalactic police force known as the Green Lanterns have been taking readers and science fiction fans from one end of the galaxy to the other. A very good choice of stories, maybe except for any ones, but I'm biased for Guy and he was the only Lantern I knew beforehand. I love reprints like this, and I still think they're valuable for the uninitiated. 's old tales are insanely boring, used to not have a ring and was lame because of it. His first comics assignments led to a critically acclaimed five-year run on the The . Matthew rated it it was ok Jun 19, Product Details About the Author. Jul 11, Sarah rated it really liked it. Still worth reading. In response he simply cracks, killing other Lanterns and, eventually, most of the Guardians themselves. In , a man wearing a green ring that gave him amazing powers burst onto the scene as Green Lantern, defending the innocent and fighting crime. Read more Showing Jul 24, Andres Castro rated it it was amazing. As a kid, it probably didn't hurt that green was and remains my favorite color. I didn't care. See details. He has also published several short stories in the pulp fiction genre for Pro-Se Press. May 26, Marty Shaw Design 0. November 8, Marty Shaw Design 0. He's not just one guy? was racist literally calling his Asian sidekick "Pieface". She loves it and all, but no, just no. The thing is those measuring sticks are subjective and will never reach perfect consensus. NOOK Book. So overall, I was really happy of which stories were presented. Craig Hynes rated it really liked it Dec 20, Agents, and many others. In and in , for three-quarters of a century, the hero known as Green Lantern has protected not just Earth, but the entire universe. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. I also really liked that so much of GL's powers are driven by will, meaning that, by definition, this is grounded in intense psychology. Hal Jordan, the man known as the Green Lantern who saved the Corp, who also happens to be known as the man who destroyed the Corp, stands As a whole, Green: A Celebration of 75 Years is a somewhat imbalanced book. Jon rated it it was amazing May 10, Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Buy on Amazon. Readers also enjoyed. So ever since then, my dislike for it only increased more. His colorful costume is part carnival barker and part mystic seer and is so popular that he is featured in a third title with and The Flash. Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years Writer

I'd heard about Hal Jordan going insane, and--after reading it--I vaguely remembered hearing about the whole "girlfriend in the fridge" controversy. Still worth reading. Lists with This Book. Dec 21, Tony Laplume rated it really liked it. A nice trip through GL history. He worked with Richard Donner for four years, leaving the company to pursue writing full-time. Welcome back. Members save with free shipping everyday! A pretty good set of highlights from 75 years worth of green lanterns giving each prominent lantern some spotlight except and showcasing some of the more significant events in the history of the lantern corps. Dec 30, SStefania rated it really liked it Shelves: comics , on-actual-paper. All in all, I think Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years is a wonderful selection of stories over the three-quarters of a century that the Green Lantern has been around. John was originally put in just to say there's a Black Character in DC. Details if other :. This wearable fleece blanket with sleeves will keep you warm even on the coldest […]. The 20 stories contained in this anthology will appeal not only the Emerald Crusader most ardent followers, but all those readers ranging from slightly interested in comic books as a genre to Americana scholars as well. Dressed in shiny green and black with white gloves , the GL of Sector has everything he needs to make sure no evil escapes his sight, including a […]. I figured it was only appropriate. Overall, I would say this is more of an intro to Green Lantern and an ode to DC's character progression over the years, rather than a compendium or "best of" type collection. Who , or Lord of the Rings. Hal Jordan is the greatest Green Lantern of them all and this bust was designed by superstar artist Jim Lee. Secret Origin Part 4! Hal Jordan was racist literally calling his Asian sidekick "Pieface". May 05, Chris W rated it liked it. Geoff Johns originally hails from Detroit, Michigan. This anthology is divided into five sections or more prec Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years is a compilation of some of the best representative Green Lantern stories over the years to commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary debut of one of the most iconic comic characters In short, I'm kind of kicking myself for not getting know Green Lantern sooner. Adam Jr rated it did not like it Nov 08, Dennis O'Neil ,. Matthew rated it it was ok Jun 19, Story selection must have been rather difficult — Green Lanterns had starred and appeared over many titles and it is no easy feat to pick out the best or favorites from the masses. Dec 29, Liz Janet rated it liked it. This makes a big difference in the new GL origin story. To ask other readers questions about Green Lantern , please sign up. Sometimes it pays to be 2 because the first Green Lantern, Alan Scott, has never enjoyed the same level of […]. May 12, Marty Shaw Toys 0. Johns has written for various other media, including episodes of , , and 's , for which he was nominated along with his co-writers for an Emmy. Moment of truth: I have never really been a huge fan of Green Lantern, unless he is being a part of of America, I usually prefer to read that team that way, instead of them being split up. In Green Lantern 7 August we meet his greatest villain, Sinestro. This page hardcover book has everything a GL fan could hope for, with Guy Gardner, , and also getting their time to shine in the emerald spotlight. Related Searches. First appearing in All-American Comics 16 July , the character immediately becomes one of the biggest of the time. When I saw this hefty tome for sale I knew I had to read it. Christopher Bond rated it it was amazing Oct 04, November 3, Hazel Chua Books , Style 0. Despite the various angles shown in this collection, it's clear that GL really didn't get good until Geoff John's run and it's clear to see here. Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years Reviews

Far from comprehensive and not really a "best of", but a fun collection for GL fans or someone just wanting to get a favor for the characters. This Hal Jordan bust is a limited edition […]. This page hardcover book has everything a GL fan could hope for, with Guy Gardner, John Stewart, and Kyle Rayner also getting their time to shine in the emerald spotlight. Enlarge cover. Some of the stories contained within are great, a few are ho hum. June 16, Marty Shaw Design 0. View Product. This collection was not disappointing per say, because I was not expecting much from it, but it could have been vastly better. KorruptJustice rated it it was ok Mar 04, As a kid, it probably didn't hurt that green was and remains my favorite color. Aug 17, Seanbob Kelly rated it it was amazing. The original Green Lantern sees his book taken over by a dog named Streak. Nice touch, but too much white. October 19, He has also published several short stories in the pulp fiction genre for Pro-Se Press. Johns has written for various other media, including episodes of Smallville, Arrow, and Adult Swim's Robot Chicken , for which he was nominated along with his co- writers for an Emmy. The overly blank hardback juxtaposed with the full color dust jacket was a no-brainer. Secret Origin Part 4! Sign in to Purchase Instantly. When I watched Green Lantern with my friends, the movie left me wanting for more. I was also surprised by how often Green Lantern tackled some pretty serious social issues. Other Editions 1. Nov 15, VL rated it it was amazing Shelves: graphic-novels , owned-books. April 8, Marty Shaw Toys 0. In the late s and early s, he was the artist tapped to relaunch both Green Lantern and The , and, during the '60s, he was responsible for the first mass-market comic books, including the magazine His Name is Savage and the illustrated paperback novel Blackmark. Heck, Earth alone has at least six people wearing power rings. You either dig the chance to read history, or you don't. Still, for many comic book […]. In middle school, Punisher was all the rage, and classmates made sure I knew under no uncertain terms that Green Lantern was no Punisher. In , a man wearing a green ring that gave him amazing powers burst onto the scene as Green Lantern, defending the innocent and fighting crime. First appearing in All-American Comics 16 July , the character immediately becomes one of the biggest of the time. I also liked Kyle rayner. Books by Geoff Johns. Add to Wishlist. But before the story moves into space, it starts right here on Earth. Original Title. Andres Halden rated it it was amazing May 04, The latter reminds of Hogwarts houses a little bit--but on a bigger scale--and, as a Potter nerd, that really intrigued me.

Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years Read Online

Eventually, when he wasn't just an to me, and I started reading comics, Green Lantern was the star of the first ones I ever bought. Ryan rated it it was amazing Mar 07, Details if other :. And, of course, read the rise, fall and redemption of the greatest Green Lantern of them all, Hal Jordan. Goyer for DC Comics. Dennis O'Neil ,. That includes oxygen to keep you breathing in space! In time Broome would reveal that Sinestro was indeed infected with the virus of power. I figured it was only appropriate. Geoff Johns. It's nice to see John's representation in this collection is fairly strong. This previous image represents my favourite part of the collection. Release Date:. Johns has written for various other media, including episodes of Smallville, Arrow, and Adult Swim's Robot Chicken , for which he was nominated along with his co-writers for an Emmy. Want to Read saving…. I didn't care. Other editions. Christopher Bond rated it it was amazing Oct 04, In Green Lantern 7 August we meet his greatest villain, Sinestro. November 3, Hazel Chua Books , Style 0. He is also known for transforming Green Lantern into one of the most critically and commercially successful franchises in comics. Strap in and hang on as one of DC's icons returns to the forefront in a series by red-hot writer Geoff Johns! KorruptJustice rated it it was ok Mar 04, Those dark times leads to a new, brighter era. First appearing in All-American Comics 16 July , the character immediately becomes one of the biggest of the time. So yeah, I've always been a fan. Guy Gardner is and was always a joke character. It is very inspirational, even if I am not a part of their group. Sometimes it pays to be 2 because the first Green Lantern, Alan Scott, has never enjoyed the same level of […]. When I saw this hefty tome for sale I knew I had to read it. Secret Origin Part 4! Error rating book. Still worth reading. To ask other readers questions about Green Lantern , please sign up. The issue is also a prime showcase for the athleticism and power that artist Kane brought to Green Lantern. Aesthetically, it was a pleasing book, otherwise, it was just alright. Called a miracle by many and a sign of the apocalypse by others, the reasons behind their rebirth remain