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SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2014 VOL. 4 - ISSUE 6 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/- MAY 31, 2014 ROJ SROSH MAH DAE RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM TWITTER WADIA BAUGS https://twitter.com/TheParsiTimes FaceBook CONTROVERSY DPCG Cricket Like: Parsi Times ast week, Parsi Times P.T. decided to look into Pg. 06 published an article this issue to determine the facts. based on news that was After speaking to most of L the Trustees, what emerged published in the Mumbai Mirror regarding the Wadia ZDVYHU\GLIIHUHQWIURPZKDW was stated earlier. IDPLO\ZDQWLQJWKHÀYH:DGLD Pg. 17 %DXJV ² 1DYUR]H %DXJ -HU It appears that the entire Baug, Rustom Baug, Ness FRQWURYHUV\VWDUWHGZKHQ%33 Baug, and Cusrow Baug – Trustees used monies from back from the BPP. this account for the Mobed Dunkin’ is here The article had also stated Scheme, which apparently that four of the Trustees had angered the Wadias. They Pg. 20 no objection to this proposal. Contd. on Pg 03 In Overdrive >>Pg.10 SATURDAY, MAY 31 2014 02 Editorial Dear Readers, There is no light if you refuse to look outside of your windows… there is no educated choice if you do not see the roads diverge into at least 2 choices… there is no black or white when you keep your eyes shut. The 4th Estate was born out of the idea of providing knowledge to its readers, to show us what is out there. It could be news, facts and information, or even just REQUIRED FEMALE COMPANION PREFERABLY opinions of others. If you would only agree to listen and hear another side of a story, understand a different perspective, or read up on a topic, you will know how PARSI FOR 60 YRS PARSI BUSINESSMAN WHO IS PXFKPRUH\RXFDQÀOO\RXUPLQGDQGKRZPXFKPRUHLQIRUPHG\RXURSLQLRQVDQG\RXUSUHIHUHQFHV RESIDING IN MAHARASHTRA & GUJARAT. are likely to be. Someone once said, and I remember, ‘Familiarity is the gateway drug for empathy.’ So true. For it is CTC: 09727307271 when you familiarise yourself with something that you feel for it in a whole new way. Gujarat based Parsi divorcee boy 50, looks 40, slim & So, Readers, spend the weekend and your lifetimes getting familiar with new things, new places, and new people. Try and understand why you stick to values or opinions. You can’t just always be the smart, invites alliance from suitable, home-loving simple loudest, most passionate voice. At some point you also have to blend in reason and feasibility into what lady, poor, working, non-working, widow, divorcee no bar. you think and say and how you live your life. For when the world clock ticks and each second is NEW, why should you not reach out to grab it? Please contact Mob. No.: 09408930362 I shall miss dearly, Maya Angelou, the American poet, who passed away earlier this week for her ability to embrace new ideas and celebrate the human spirit that seeks with passion to understand more Parsi unmarried boy 33, working with cruise line, seeks and more each day. For some real inspiration, I recommend you check out her works! alliance from Mumbai / upcountry girl. Contact with Freyan. details / photo on: [email protected] or Call on 9619079250 TWITTER https://twitter.com/TheParsiTimes FaceBook Like: Parsi Times NOTICES 116th Salgreh of the Shri Ajmer 3URMHFWIRUGHYHORSPHQW will also be the infrastructural 1999) he was gentleman enough Parsi Jarthosti Anjuman RI1DUJRO3RUWLQ6RXWK LWHPVOLNHODERXUHUVRU to write, sign, and declare that 2QWKHDXVSLFLRXVRFFDVLRQRIWKHWK6DOJUHKRIWKH3DUVL *XMDUDW SLORWVIRULQZDUGDQGRXWZDUG his project was CANCELLED. Agiary at Ajmer (Rajasthan) on Roj Daep – Adar, Mah Dear Editor, ship movements – with quarters I hope Cargo Motors is equal Bahman, Saturday, the 21st of June 2014, the Hama Anjuman In 2012, a Company called for the lot, plus at least 3 tugs to this and goes to the above 1X-DVKDQZLOOEHSHUIRUPHGDWSPIROORZHGE\WKH ‘Cargo Motors’ from Delhi and to handle the huge vessels, their mentioned ports for their trade, Ahmedabad surreptitiously crew, provisioning of food, water which all happen to be FAR 0DDFKLLQ$LZLVKXWKUHP*HKDWSP started to do an oceanographic DW OHDVW WR 0WRQQHV CLOSER to Sanand – the car/ All Parsi/Irani Zoroastrians are welcome to attend the survey of the sea around Nargol daily), and most important, truck producing centre – with ceremonies and seek divine blessings. Port, off the Vadoli River. This waste water and garbage infrastructure, etc. already in situ. survey was done by boats from disposal facilities… coal dust/ Progress at the cost of ecology is Jashan Of Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. Umbergaon and not from Nargol smoke from vessels all other Destruction Of Nature. The Jashan Ceremony of Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Co. Bunder, where there was a more pollutions notwithstanding. If anyone has the foresight Ltd. will be held on Saturday, 7th June 2014, at the Sunrise than adequate number of boats Now the problem of and dynamism, Nargol Beach Hall, Godrej Club House, Vikroli Hill Side, Mumbai 400079, for the same purpose. Please note Archimedes’s principle – the should be developed as a tourist DWSPIROORZHGE\FRFNWDLOVDQGDFRQWULEXWRU\GLQQHU that in 1999, the Gujarat Maritime amount/weight of water resort, and the Vadoli River All Staff Members and Retired Staff are cordially invited. For Board (GMB) wanted to develop displaced by an object must FRQÁXHQFHVHDZDUGVKRXOGKDYH FRXSRQVSOHDVHFRQWDFW6KDKUXNK0DUROLDRQ a similar port in Umbergaon, HTXDOO\ ÀQG LWV SODFH :KHUH a small breakwater and a yacht- where the locals reacted very will the water displaced by this yard developed inwards with Structured Course on Religious Ceremonies a clubhouse and quarters for violently as their coastline and ODQGÀOOJR"7KHDQVZHULVVLPSOH The Muncherji Jamshetji Wadia Fire Temple Trust will hold a livelihood would have been The whole Western Coast as yachtsmen to stay luxuriously, practically destroyed forever. well as the Oman Coast (near DQG IRU WKH ÀVKHUPHQ PDFFKLV talk and group discussion on ‘Gatha Prayers and Shahnameh An Indian Army brave heart Masirah Island) will face tidal to secure their deep-sea – Part III’ by Ervad Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia at the M. J. Wadia QDPHG &RORQHO 6DYH\ VDFULÀFHG rips and inundations unforeseen ÀVKLQJ GKRZV GXULQJ WKH Agiary Hall, Lalbaug, on the 1st of June 2014, at 11 am. his life at the Umbergaon police up to today, including and monsoons. GMB needs to visit headquarters in this matter then, especially the holy heritage Parsi Marxamslok (Malta), Gibraltar, Rahunae Mazdayasnan Sabha Lecture after which then Chief Minister pilgrimage place of Udvada, Crete, Hargdhaga (Egypt), etc., Rahunae Mazdayasnan Sabha Lecture on 3rd June 2014 of Gujarat, Mr. Keshubhai Patel, which H. E. Mr. Narendra Modi including the Dubai yacht basin by Ervad Aspandiar Dadachanji on ‘Quiz on Zoroastrian assured one and all that this claims to protect personally. and dry dock called Al Jaddaf, 5HOLJLRQ·DWSPDW.DUDQL$JLDU\ &XVURZ%DXJ DIWHU project was PERMANENTLY Moot question here is: Why to see the wealth and prosperity shelved. does GMB not develop the HALF engendered there-all. WKH%HKUDP5RM-DVKDQDWSP Now, the present project (as FINISHED/EXPANDABLE The above has been written SHU / 7 HQWDLOV ÀOOLQJ XS ports such as Hazira, Dehej, DIWHU \HDUV LQ WKH VKLSSLQJ was a member of the Sir Cusrow favour. hectares of sea with 3 hills off Bavnagar, Jafrabad, Veraval, trade, including the T. S. Dufferin Wadia Pavilion for many years. THE FORM Bhilad and Sarigam, as the rocks Jamnagar, Navlakhi, Kandla, IRU\HDUVDV&DGHWWR Both these facilities have been Name of Baug: from there are of granite grade, and especailly Pipavav? WHY Capt. K. R. Mistry provided by the Wadia family, Name of Tenant: DQGWKHQÀOOLQJXSWKHWRSZLWK disturb beautiful beaches like for which I am grateful to them. Block & Flat No.: HDUWK IURP VXUURXQGLQJ ODQGÀOO Davier, Nargol, Maroli, Jampore $Q2SHQ/HWWHUWR Now coming to your desire to :KRVKRXOGPDQDJHWKH:DGLD Madam Medha Patkar has (Daman), Tithal (Valsad), etc.? I 1XVOL:DGLD take back the management of the Baugs – Wadias or BPP: already visited this place, but was have been often to Oahu (Hawaii) Dear Mr. Wadia, :DGLD %DXJV IURP WKH %33 , Signature of Tenant shown only land acquisition for and Bondi (Sydney), but Nargol It has been reported in the would like to make a suggestion. Date of Signature. bringing a road highway (from beach is just as beautiful, if not Parsee Press that the Wadias want 3OHDVHDVNWKHWHQDQWVRIWKHVH Ushta te. NH8) and a 2-sided railway more so. to take back the management of Wadia Baugs to vote to support Jal S. Desai (from Sanjan or Umbergaon) For your information, Jindal WKH:DGLD%DXJVIURP%33 your desire. Please have the form P. S.: I do not have the e-mail to the Port for transport of bulk Steel (JSW) was setting up a Rs. I think that is a correct idea (mentioned below) distributed. address of Mr. Nusli Wadia. If and container/general cargo 10,000 crore project at Nandgaon and should be implemented 7KHQ DVN WKH 0DQDJHUV RI WKH anyone has his e-mail address, discharged and loaded. Of the (Boisar). As per a report in IMMEDIATELY. Wadia Baugs to send the form will that person please forward ODQGÀOODFUHVZLOOEHXWLOLVHG Mumbai Mirror of Wednesday, Mr. Wadia, I have lived in to each and every tenant and my letter to him? for coal piles, which will be September 18, 2014, Mr. Sajjan Cusrow Baug my entire life UHVLGHQWRIHDFKDQGHYHU\ÁDWLQ GLVFKDUJHG IURP 07 Jindal’s car was surrounded by (73 years). I want to give my WKH:DGLD%DXJV7KHUHWXUQHG 3DUVLVDOZD\VRQWKHZURQJ EXONHUV $QRWKHU DFUHV ZLOO the Sarpanch and villagers, and sincere and heartfelt thanks to ÀOOHGLQ IRUPV VKRXOG WKHQ EH VLGH be made into a tank farm (a he was forced to sign on a plain the Wadia family for building checked, and I am sure that an Dear Editor, FOXVWHURIOWUVHDFKWDQNV paper in a hand written note that such a lovely colony like Cusrow overwhelming majority of the Recently, two eye-opening for crude oil and LPG gas from as the village was averse to this Baug.