Proceedings of the ICMC, Ohio State University, Columbus - Beyis, I? 1991 Chaos and Creativity the Dynamic Systems Approach to Musical Composition
------_-----_--_---------------------------------------- -------------------m Papers s+J Minneapolis, Minnesota U.S.A. : November 3 -7,1993 Papers FISEA 93 PUBLISHED BY: Minneapolis College of Art and Design COVER DESIGN BY: Joseph D.R. O’Leary, Veto Design, Minneapolis SYMPOSIUM IDENTITY BY: Alex Tylevich PRINTED BY: Dorholt Printing CREDITS THE ART FACTOR: Papers THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTRONIC ART FISEA 93 FISEA 88, Utrecht, Netherlands / SISEA 90: Gronin en, Netherlands / TISEA 92, Sydney, Australia / FISEA 93, Minneapolis, U.S.A. / ISEA 94, Helsinkr, Finlan ii / ISEA 95, Montreal, Canada FISEA 93 is hosted by the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, in affiliation with the Inter- Society for the Electronic Arts: Minneapolis College of Art and Design ISEA 2501 Stevens Avenue South P.O. Box &l&6,3009 AR Rotterdam, Netherlands Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404 U.S.A. Telephone: 31-10-2020850,31-79-612930 Telephone: (612) 874-3754 Fax: 31-79-611737 Emarl: Email: (Board1 or FISEA 93 IS ENDORSED BY: ISEA Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts ISAST International Society for the Arts, Sciences & Technology ANAT Australian Network for Art and Technology YLEM Artists Using Science and Technology , FISEA 93 INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM ADVISORS: *Roy ASCOTS (UK,), *Peter I?eyIs (Belgium), Annick Bureaud (France), ‘Jii en Claus (German 1, Emanuel Dimas de Melo Prmenta (Portu 11, Greg Garvey (Canada), Ross Harley T Australia), rra &&arris (U.S.A.), Theo Hesper (Indonesia), Errik Tl uhtamo
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