Iran Has Right to Counter Israeli Presence in Persian Gulf

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Iran Has Right to Counter Israeli Presence in Persian Gulf WWW.TEHRANTIMES.COM I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y Pages Price 40,000 Rials 1.00 EURO 4.00 AED 39th year No.13458 Saturday AUGUST 10, 2019 Mordad 19, 1398 Dhul Hijjah 8, 1440 Advisor voices Iran has pushed Iran start Tokyo Kayhan Kalhor concerns over enemies toward Volleyball Qualification wins WOMEX Kashmir tensions 3 isolation: general 3 on high 15 Artist Award 16 VP inaugurates development Iran has right to counter projects in Khorasan Razavi TEHRAN — Iranian First Vice President production line, a dioxide production Es’haq Jahangiri inaugurated several industrial, unit and a dairy production unit, along infrastructure and development projects in with the line 2 of Mashhad subway were Khorasan Razavi Province in northeastern among the projects inaugurated by the Israeli presence in Persian Gulf Iran during a two-day visit to the region. vice President. Some 2500 construction and Jahangiri arrived in Khorasan Razavi development projects as well as several Province on Thursday heading a high- production units including a beverage ranking delegation. 4 See page 2 Foreign military presence in Persian Gulf fuels insecurity, Hatami warns TEHRAN — In phone conversations on the shipping security will just cause inse- Thursday, Iranian Defense Minister Amir curity in the region,” General Hatami said. Hatami discussed the security situation in He added, “We consider ourselves commit- the Persian Gulf region with Kuwaiti, Qatari ted to maintain security in the region, especially and Omani defense ministers, warning in the Persian Gulf region. The Islamic Republic about formation of a military coalition in of Iran has spared no effort in maintaining the Persian Gulf under the U.S. leadership security for navigation in the Persian Gulf, to supposedly protect maritime security. Strait of Hormuz and Sea of Oman. We believe “Military coalition which the United that regional security must be maintained by States seeks to form under the pretext of the countries in the region.” 2 No law needed for U.S. exit from Iraq: Fatah Alliance TEHRAN — Hadi al-Amiri, the lead- of American forces from the Arab er of Iraq’s Fatah Alliance, has in- country. sisted on the need for the pullout The U.S., backed by the UK, invaded of U.S. forces from Iraq, saying no Iraq in 2003 claiming that the former law is needed for the withdrawal, the regime of Saddam Hussein possessed Fars news agency reported on Friday. weapons of mass destruction. Earlier, Iraq’s two leading Shia No such weapons, however, were parliamentary coalitions of Sairoon ever found, and the invaders withdrew (Marching Towards Reform) and from Iraq, after nearly nine years of a Fatah Alliance (Conquest) had re- military campaign that cost hundreds File photo newed their calls for the withdrawal of thousands of Iraqi lives. 13 PERSPECTIVE Healthy economy is antidote to sanctions on Iran: leading scholar ARTICLE Hanif Ghaffari economy” and also a very “strong social base” ucts in retaliation for a “serious violation” of Yuram Abdullah Weiler Head of the Tehran Times EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Analyst and journalist By Negar Asadi to counter the U.S. pressure, Sadri explained. agreements between President Xi Jinping and Politics Desk “Between 1848 (opium war) and 1949 (Chinese his counterpart Donald Trump. TEHRAN — A prominent scholar, believes revolution), a deep desire of independence grew Sadria said, “On the sidelines of a G20 sum- that fighting corruption and building a healthy in China. Xi Jinping [the Chinese president] has mit in Osaka, Japan, Trump and Xi met and Beijing’s expanding foundation for economy are catalysts to resist undertaken huge program of economic transfor- reached agreement on reducing sanctions by the El Paso Mass sanctions and external pressure on Iran. mation of China in order not to depend on Chinese U.S. However, Trump restored those sanctions. power over “What is important is to adopt policies to trade with the United States,” he explained. These actions which are unilateralism in the in- Shooting: have a foundation of a healthy economy in He said that the U.S. pressure is not toler- ternational relations are not tolerated by China. Washington order to be able to counter external pressure,” ated in China. Trump cannot use sanctions as bargaining tools Symptomatic of an Modjtaba Sadria told the Tehran Times in an Referring to China’s act in suspending pur- against a country which is the second largest he President of the United States interview on Thursday. chases of U.S. agricultural products, Sadria economy in the world.” American malignancy continues to feel weak and helpless Sadria, an expert on East Asia, cited China said, “This is one of the examples of Chinese “Today, China is a society to which you cannot against China. At the beginning of T and its resistance against the U.S. sanctions tools to retaliate the Trump administration’s show off power with the game of sanctions,” he added. the 2017, Donald Trump tried to contain “Truly We created you from a male and as an example. show of force to China.” He also said that the U.S. has not any leverage Beijing by restrictive economic policies. a female, and We made you peoples China has adopted clear and coherent policies China announced on Tuesday that it has to impose sanctions on other countries unilat- At the time, Trump stated that the $ 346 and tribes that you may come to know which resulted in a “strong foundation for national suspended purchases of U.S. agricultural prod- erally and act as the “lone superpower”. billion US trade deficit was due to trade 2 one another.” with China. We are now in year 2019 and Holy Quran 49:13 this trade deficit has reached $ 419 billion! On Saturday, August 3, 2019, a young This shows well that Trump’s economic Saudi airport targeted twice in fresh Yemeni drone attacks American male entered a Walmart store policies toward Beijing have failed. This TEHRAN — Yemeni armed forces have conducted -- mainly the United Arab Emirates (UAE)-- launched are in dire need of humanitarian aid, including 10 in El Paso, Texas and opened fire, killing will undoubtedly have an impact on the two drone strikes on an airport in Saudi Arabia’s a devastating campaign against Yemen in March 2015, million suffering from extreme levels of hunger. 22 people, eight of whom were Mexican presidential election of the year. Many southwestern Asir province, as the war-ravaged with the goal of bringing the government of former Yemeni drones hit Saudi-funded nationals. The rampage, which was one US citizens thought that Trump could country continues to push back against a brutal Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi back mercs; Saudi spy drone downed more mass shooting on an ever-length- reach a deal with Beijing by the end of Saudi-led war that has killed thousands of civil- to power and crushing the Ansarullah movement. Before attacking the airport, Yemeni armed ening list of such abominations, elicited a the2017 (in the interests of US economic ians and displaced millions more. Saudi Arabia and its allies have also blockad- forces and popular committees carried out another predictable outpouring of heartfelt grief, interests), but the White House has prac- In the first attack, the Yemeni forces, led by ed Yemen’s aerial and maritime borders, under drone strike on a group of Saudi-mercenaries, who sympathy and concern for the victims tically failed to confront China. the Houthi Ansarullah movement, used Qasif-2K the pretext that the Houthis use them to obtain enjoyed support from warplanes and reconnais- and families, but few dared to suggest China’s stoppage of US agricultural domestically-developed unmanned aircraft to missile parts and weapons. sance aircraft near al-Sudais in the Najran province. that this tragedy was merely sympto- products and Beijing’s imposition of target the control tower of Abha International The U.S.-based Armed Conflict Location According to Press TV, a military source told matic of a tenacious and longstanding reciprocal tariffs on American products Airport in Abha, the region’s capital. and Event Data Project (ACLED), a nonprofit Almasirah television network that the Yemeni American societal malignancy. indicate that this Asian power does not The second attack saw the drones hit a number conflict-research organization, estimates that fighters killed and wounded a number of mer- This malignancy has two virulent intend to surrender to the United States. of strategic targets within the airport. the Saudi-led war has claimed the lives of over cenaries and shot down a spy UAV. components: gun violence and white In such circumstances, there will be General Yahya Saree said the drone strikes 60,000 Yemenis since January 2016. The spokesman said the casualties were ex- supremacy. White supremacy stems no opportunity for President Donald were a response to “crimes of aggression and The war has also taken a heavy toll on the coun- pected to be much more as Yemeni artillery units from the white Euro-colonizers who Trump and his companions to maneuver. siege against Yemeni people.” try’s infrastructure, destroying hospitals, schools, also pounded the area where the mercenaries originally established the U.S. on the Many US economic and policy analysts Saudi Arabia and a number of its regional allies and factories. The UN says over 24 million Yemenis had been stationed. blood of millions of Native Americans. believe that in year2020, China will be one Author and lecturer Barbara Alice of the actors that will hurt Trump in the Mann has not exaggerated when she presidential race. However, China has now Traditional refers to the colonization of North become a symbol of America’s economic America as “a 500-year organized crime and political failure in the world.The pop- spree.” The capitalists who descended ularity of Trump has dropped in recent dyeing from the original white Euro-colonizers polls in the United States.
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