Mount Vision Pastoral Leadership June 2021 | Vol.01 | Issue 11

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Mount Vision Pastoral Leadership June 2021 | Vol.01 | Issue 11 JUNE 2021 | Vol. 01 | Issue 11 | a Syro-malabar Major Archiepiscopal curia newsletter Editor’s Desk The month of May witnessed an unexpected surge in the Covid-19 cases and death rate, in its second wave in India. The Catholic Church observed a day of prayer and fasting on the 7th of May in the context of the rapid spread of Corona cases as exhorted by the CBCI. The month of May was dedicated to the Rosary Devotion responding to the request of Pope Francis. The feast days like Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, and Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary were commemorated with great devotion in the month of May. The members of the Curia gave special attention to spending time devotedly before the Blessed Sacrament during this month. It is unavoidable to maintain and follow May the Pentecost experience of the the Covid-19 protocol at this time of the outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit pandemic! Many priests and nuns enlighten us to live a life of responsibility breathed their last fighting against and true spirit. May the Spirit enlighten Covid in their mission areas at the our hearts and minds to serve the earth upsurge of the second wave. Many and the universe with trust and doctors, nursing staff, health workers, reverence. We are the stewards of the and other professionals are still universe! combating the Covid pandemic. We shall also remember the students who Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed! are struggling with the imperfections of online schooling for the new academic year. We hope that the extended lockdown would bring down the covid positivity rate so that the people can FR. ALEX ONAMPALLY return to daily life as normal. SECRETARY, MEDIA COMMISSION INSIDE STORIES CARDINAL MAR GEORGE ALENCHERRY COMPLETES A DECADE OF MOUNT VISION PASTORAL LEADERSHIP JUNE 2021 | VOL.01 | ISSUE 11 A SYRO-MALABAR MAJOR ARCHIEPISCOPAL CURIA NEWSLETTER 04 CHIEF EDITOR FR. ALEX ONAMPALLY SECRETARY, MEDIA COMMISSION COPY EDITOR DR. GEORGE MADATHIPARAMBIL The Pentecost Celebration 05 CONSULTORS Memorial Qurbana 06 MAR SEBASTIAN Silver Jubilee of the First Profession 07 VANIYAPURACKAL CURIA BISHOP, First Holy Communion of Maria 07 MEMBER, MEDIA COMMISSION Vestition of Bro. Joby Panachickal 08 MAR JOSEPH PAMPLANY Bro. Alex VC Renewed Vows 08 CHAIRMAN, MEDIA COMMISSION MAR PAULY KANNOOKADAN PRESS RELEASES MEMBER, MEDIA COMMISSION The Extension of the Territorial Jurisdiction of the DR. VINCENT Syro-Malabar Eparchy of Melbourne to the Whole of Oceania 09 CHERUVATHOOR Cardinal Mar George Alencherry Completes a Decade CHANCELLOR of Pastoral Leadership for the Syro-Malabar Church 10 DR. ABRAHAM Tony Chittilappilly Appointed the New Laity Forum Secretary 11 KAVILPURAYIDATHIL VICE-CHANCELLOR, PRO The Catechetical Faith Formation Academic Year FR. SEBY KOLANGARA of the Syro-Malabar Church Inaugurated 11 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, INTERNET MISSION CURIA NEWS SYRO-MALABAR Reports of the Commissions & Affiliated Offices 12 MEDIA COMMISSION MOUNT ST. THOMAS, P.B. NO. 3110 Major Archbishop’s Diary 13 KAKKANAD P.O., KOCHI - 682 030 Email: [email protected] Curia Bishop’s Diary 14 Phone: +91 9946162280 Website: Events, Feasts & Birthdays 14 DESIGN & LAYOUT JOSEMON VAZHAYIL MUMBAI MOUNT VISION | 04 | JUNE 2021 CARDINAL MAR GEORGE ALENCHERRY COMPLETES A DECADE OF PASTORAL LEADERSHIP || CARDINAL MAR GEORGE ALENCHERRY COMPLETES A DECADE OF PASTORAL LEADERSHIP Cardinal Mar George Alencherry completed ten years of service as the Major Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar Church on 29 May 2021. The Major Archbishop Cardinal Mar George Alencherry celebrated the Holy Qurbana in the Mount Chapel along with the Curia Bishop and the priests working at the Curia. The sisters and other staff working at the Curia participated in it. The Major Archbishop cut the Cake while the inmates of the Curia greeted him with songs and compliments in the refectory. The Curia Bishop greeted the Cardinal on a special day offering bouquets of flowers. MOUNT VISION | 05 | JUNE 2021 || THE PENTECOST CELEBRATION THE PENTECOST CELEBRATION The feast of the Pentecost was celebrated on 23 May 2021 at Mount St. Thomas, Kakkanad. Curia Bishop Mar Sebastian celebrated the Holy Qurbana with the other priests at the Curia. The Sisters and Staff working at the Curia participated in it. MOUNT VISION | 06 | JUNE 2021 || MEMORIAL QURBANA MEMORIAL QURBANA OF THE PRIESTS & NUNS IN INDIA WHO LOST LIFE TO COVID A special Qurabana for the departed souls of the priests and nuns due to the Covid was held at Mount St. Thomas, Kakkanad on 28 May 2021. The Curia Bishop Mar Sebastian Vaniyapurackal was the main celebrant along with other priests at the Curia. Fr. Alex Onampally gave the homily. The Sisters and Staff working at the Curia participated in it. The office for the dead was offered at the end of the ceremony in the Mount Chapel. MOUNT VISION | 07 | JUNE 2021 SILVER JUBILEE OF THE FIRST PROFESSION OF FR. SEBASTIAN MUTTAMTHOTTIL MCBS || SILVER JUBILEE OF THE FIRST PROFESSION The silver jubilee of the first profession of Rev. Fr. Sebastian Muttamthottil MCBS is celebrated at Mount St. Thomas, Kakkanad on 17 May 2021. He is the Secretary of the Commission for Evangelization and Pastoral Care of the Migrants (CEPCM), Commission for Vocation, Commission Institutes of Consecrated Life, Committee for Major Archiepiscopal Assembly. First Holy Communion of Maria || FIRST HOLY COMMUNION OF MARIA Maria, a working staff at Mount St. Thomas who hails from Orissa received the First Holy Communion at the feast day celebration of Pentecost on 23 May 2021. She could not receive the First Holy Communion from her native village. The sisters in the Curia helped her to complete the preparation for the First Holy Communion. MOUNT VISION | 08 | JUNE 2021 Vestition of Bro. Joby Panachickal || VESTITION OF BRO. JOBY PANACHICKAL The vestition of Bro. Joby Panachickal at Mount St Thomas, Kakkanad was held on 13 May2021. Bro. Joby is the personal secretary of the Curia Bishop, Mar Sebastian Vaniyapurackal and belongs to the Eparchy of Idukki. He joined the Curial Staff in the month of May 2021 for the one-year regency before his theology formation. || BRO. ALEX VC RENEWED VOWS BRO. ALEX NEENDOOR VC RENEWED VOWS Bro. Alex Neendoor VC renewed the vows of his first profession at Mount St. Thomas, Kakkanad, during the Eucharistic Celebration on 21 May 2021. Bro. Alex is the personal Secretary of the Major Archbishop who belongs to the Vincentian Congregation. He joined in the month of May 2021 for the one-year regency before his theology formation. MOUNT VISION | 09 | JUNE 2021 PRESS RELEASES The Extension of the Territorial Jurisdiction of the Syro-Malabar Eparchy of Melbourne to the Whole of Oceania the approval of the very successful pastoral ministry of the Syro-Malabar Eparchy of Melbourne in the last eight years of its existence. He conveyed his gratitude to the Holy Father and also to Cardinal Sandri, the Prefect of the Oriental Congregation. He conveyed his appreciation and congratulations to Mar Bosco Puthur and offered his best wishes and prayers for a successful pastoral ministry for the whole of Oceania in the coming years. Kakkanad: Holy Father Pope Francis has extended the territorial jurisdiction of St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Eparchy of Melbourne, Australia to the whole of Oceanic countries. The decision was announced during the interview granted to Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, the Prefect of the Oriental Congregation by the Holy Father on March 29, 2021. The Oriental Congregation issued its proclamation on that day itself. It was intimated to the Archiepiscopal Curia at Mt. St. Thomas and to the Melbourne Eparchial Centre in Australia. The Syro-Malabar Eparchy of Melbourne was established on 23 December 2013 for the Syro-Malabar Catholics of Australia. Mar Bosco Puthur, the then Curia Bishop, was appointed its first Bishop. He was also appointed the Apostolic Visitator to New Zealand. The Synod of the Syro-Malabar Church made a request to the Holy See for the extension of the jurisdiction of the Melbourne Eparchy to the entire region of Oceania in order to offer pastoral assistance to the Syro-Malabar Catholics in those countries. The Holy See has made this decision of extension of the territorial jurisdiction by taking into account the appeal of the Synod as well as of the requests of the Bishops’ Conferences of these countries . The Major Archbishop, Cardinal Mar George Alencherry, expressed his happiness at the extension of the jurisdiction and stated that this DATE:6 MAY 2021 extension of the jurisdiction was an indication of PRESS RELEASE: MEDIA COMMISSION MOUNT VISION | 10 | JUNE 2021 PRESS RELEASES Cardinal Mar George Alencherry Completes a Decade of Pastoral Leadership for the Syro-Malabar Church Kakkanad: Cardinal Mar George Alencherry completed ten years of service as the the Major Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar Church on 29 May 2021. It was on 14 May 2011 that the Synod of the Syro-Malabar Church elected him as the Major Archbishop when he was the bishop of Thuckalay, after the passing away of Cardinal Mar Varkey Vithayathil. He took charge as the Major Archbishop in the holy ceremonies held at the Cathedral Basilica of the Archeparchy of Ernakulam-Angamaly in the presence of the Bishops of the Synod, and of the representative of the Vatican on 29 May 2011 as the third Major Archbishop. The tenth anniversary of his assumption of office will have no public celebrations. He will offer holy Although as the Major Archbishop, he is the Head Qurbana at the Mount St. Thomas Chapel, of the Syro-Malabar Church consisting of 35 Kakkanad. Mar Sebastian Vaniyapurackal, the Curia eparchies in and outside India, with a membership bishop and the priests of the Curia will join him in of 50 lakhs people, he is also the Archbishop of con-celebration.
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