The Analysis of Language Style Used by Robert Angier in “The Prestige” Movie by Cristopher Nolan and Its Application in Teaching Speaking
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THE ANALYSIS OF LANGUAGE STYLE USED BY ROBERT ANGIER IN “THE PRESTIGE” MOVIE BY CRISTOPHER NOLAN AND ITS APPLICATION IN TEACHING SPEAKING A THESIS Submitted to the English Education Program of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree Doni Irawan 112120022 ENGLISH EDUCATION PROGRAM FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF PURWOREJO 2016 i APPROVAL SHEET THE ANALYSIS OF LANGUAGE STYLE USED BY ROBERT ANGIER IN “THE PRESTIGE” MOVIE BY CRISTOPHER NOLAN AND ITS APPLICATION IN TEACHING SPEAKING A THESIS Doni Irawan 112120022 This Thesis has been approved to be defend in front of the Board of Examiners Approved by: Consultant I Consultant II Zulia Chasanah, S.S,M.Pd Sri Widodo, S.S, M.Hum NIDN 0616127401 NIDN 0628057302 The head of English Education Program Sri Widodo, S.S, M.Hum NIDN 0628057302 ii RATIFICATION SHEET THE ANALYSIS OF LANGUAGE STYLE USED BY ROBERT ANGIER IN “THE PRESTIGE” MOVIE BY CRISTOPHER NOLAN AND ITS APPLICATION IN TEACHING SPEAKING A THESIS Doni Irawan 112120022 This thesis has been defended and accepted by the Board of Examiners Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo On the date of 15th February 2015 The Board of Examiners First Examiner Second Examiner Third Examiner Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd Sri Widodo, S.S, M.Hum Zulia Chasanah, S.S, M.Pd NIDN: 0631057301 NIDN.0628057302 NIDN. 0616127401 Purworejo, 19th February 2016 The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Yuli Widiyono, M.Pd NIDN. 0616078301 iii STATEMENTS The student who sign in the following: Name : Doni Irawan NIM : 112120022 Program : English Education Program Faculty : Teacher Training and Educational Sciences Stated that thesis entitled “The Analysis of Language Style Used by Robert Angier in The Prestige Movie by Christopher Nolan and its Application in Teaching Speaking” is totally done by my own work. The content of this thesis was not written by someone else as the requirement in finishing the study in this university. The researcher only took some parts of other research as the reference of her research. If the researcher‟s statement is untruth, this entirely becomes researcher‟s responsibility. Purworejo, Februari 2016 The Researcher Doni Irawan iv MOTTO Stop dreaming and start doing! (Unknown) Just do it ! (Shia Labeouf) Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come (Social Distorsion) v DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to: 1. My Superwoman, my hero, my mother; Puji Sri Widayati. Thanks for everything. 2. My Father, Harsono. Thanks for your care. 3. My Sisters, Mbak Rani and Mbak Rini, you‟re good sisters. 4. Mas Roni and Hana who always support me 5. My lovely rose, Anis Karunia. Thanks for coloring my days. 6. My sick friends Dwel, Gugus, Ozy. Thanks for our sick moments. 7. My Classmate, Azis, Faris, Eko, Della, Fitri, Resty, and all my friends in PBI A 8. My friends Dani Tembol, Azim, Ardiyan,Agung ,Kholis, Bagus, Omah Joglo pictures, Argomas Abadi and to all my friends who always support me. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, since without His blessing, the researcher will never accomplish this thesis. The researcher would like to express his great gratitude to: 1. Drs. H. Supriyono, M.Pd, as the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. 2. Yuli Widiyono, M.Pd, as the dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. 3. Sri Widodo, S.S, M.Hum, the Head of English Education Program also his second consultant, who has given the guidance on the researcher‟s thesis. 4. Zulia Chasanah, S.S, M.Pd. as his first consultant, who has given suggestions and guidance and also sacrificed her mind, time and energy for the sake of the researcher‟s thesis. 5. All of the lecturers of English Education Program. The researcher confesses that this thesis is not perfect. However, the researcher still hopes that this thesis will be useful for the improvement in English teaching and learning. Purworejo, February 2016 The Researcher Doni Irawan vii ABSTRACT Irawan, Doni. 112120022. 2016. The Analysis of Language Style Used by Robert Angier in “The Prestige” Movie by Christopher Nolan And its Application in Teaching Speaking. A Thesis. English Education Program. Teacher And Education Faculty of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University. First consultant: Zulia Chasanah, S.S,M.Pd. Second Cosultant: Sri Widodo S.S, M.Hum Key words: Analysis, Language Style, Robert Angier, The Prestige, Movie, Application, Teaching Speaking. Language are closely related to language style. This research analyzed the language style used by Robert Angier in The Prestige and its application in teaching speaking. The aim of this study is to find out the types of language style used by Robert Angier and to show the application in teaching speaking. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The instrument of the research is researcher himself. The researcher is able to determine the research focus, choosing data source also collecting the data. The data is taken from the script of this movie. The researcher uses library approach and use many sources include books and internet to support this research. The result of this study shows that there are 30 data contains language style. 15(50%) belongs to Casual, 7(23.33%) belongs to Consultative, 6(20%) belongs to Formal, 1(3.33%) data belongs to Frozen, 1(3.33%) belongs to Intimate. The dominant language style is Casual style. The factor is the characteristic of Robert Angier. He always acts to be friendly with everyone. He is the type of a man who always tries to takes benefit from others. The utterance in the movie can be used to teach short functional text and monologue which are taught in X grade of senior high school semester 1. The researcher hopes that this research can be useful for teachers and students in learning about that material. For other researcher, this study can be their reference. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE OF TITTLE i APPROVAL SHEET ii RATIFICATION SHEET iii STATEMENT iv MOTTOS v DEDICATIONS vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT vii ABSTRACT ix TABLE OF CONTENT x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study 1 B. Identification of Problem 3 C. Statements of the Problem 3 D. Objectives of The Study 3 E. Limitation of the study 4 F. Significance of the study 4 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ix A. Previous Study 6 B. Sociolinguistics 8 C. Language Variety 10 1. Definition of language variety 10 2. Classification of language variety 11 D. Language Style 14 1. Frozen Style 15 2. Formal Style 17 3. Consultative Style 18 4. Casual Style 18 5. Intimate Style 21 E. Movie 23 F. The Prestige Movie 38 G. Robert Angier 34 H. Teaching Speaking 36 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Design 38 B. Object of The Research 40 C. Source of The Data 40 D. Research Instrument 40 E. Unit of analysis 41 F. Technique of Collecting Data 41 x G. Technique of Analyzing Data 42 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Research findings 44 B. Discussions 45 C. The Application of language style used by Robert Angier on The Prestige movie by Christopher Nolan in Teaching Speaking 77 CHAPTER V A. Conclusion 82 B. Suggestion 83 BIBLIOGRAPHY 84 APPENDICES xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In this chapter the researcher will explain the background of study, the reasons for choosing topic of the research, statement of the problem of the research, the objective of the study, the limitation of the problem, and significance of the study. A. Background of study People are both individual and social creature. As a social creature, people need to interact with other people. Interaction cannot be separated from communication. Communication means sending message or idea from a human to the other human. In communicating, people need the media. People usually use sign, written letters, or spoken voice as media to communicate with others. As we know, communication means sending message from people to other people. It is clear enough that the purpose of the communication is to make the responder knows the message from the source correctly. People need a media to know what the other people mean. This media is called language. Language is the media on the communication field, whether it is sign language, written language or spoken language. Language convey people‟s message so the other people can see and understand that message. 1 2 Language which is used in society is so various. Every region has their language. One place to the other place has various ways in conveying the language. The variant of the language use that affected by social condition can be studied in sociolinguistic. One of topic discussed in sociolinguistic field is language variety. Language variety, based on the language use, it sub-classified into register and style. Style is language variation that caused by situational factors like setting, addressee, or topic. Someone will use formal language in certain situation and use informal language in other situation. That kind of language variety can be found in our daily life. We can also analyze style in a movie because movie is the reflection of people‟s life. Nowadays, movie has been produced in massive quantity by very big production house or even by independent people. A good movie is a movie which give attention in every single detail of its component. One of the components that should be considered is language. A good movie usually has a language that match with the setting, such as time, location, social condition etc, even when the movie is just fiction. A movie needs researches and observations before it is made.