Henrik Ærenlund Pedersen Associate Professor Natural History Museum of Denmark Postal address: Sølvgade 83, opg. S, rum 01-017, Botanisk Museum 1350 København K Email:
[email protected] Mobile: +45 21 15 27 64 CV University degrees M.Sc. in biology, University of Aarhus, 14.02.1992. Ph.D. in science, University of Aarhus, 08.05.1995 [thesis: 'The genus Dendrochilum (Orchidaceae). Taxonomic and anthecological studies. I-IV']. Academic positions and affiliations Assistant professor at the Botanical Museum & Library, University of Copenhagen, 01.11.1995–31.10.1998. Associate professor at the Natural History Museum of Denmark (formerly the Botanical Museum & Library), University of Copenhagen, 01.11.1998-28.02-2017. Adjunct professor at Botany Department, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, since 08.12.2008. Owner of Select Nature, since 01.01.2017. Emeritus at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, since 01.03.2017. Other scientific qualifications and in-house tasks Herbarium curator (Natural History Museum of Denmark) of Danish vascular plants (1995-2016), and of Greenland vascular plants (2015-2016) and Orchidaceae worldwide (2011-2016). Passed the course 'Teaching and Learning in Higher Education' at the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, 02.04.1998. Member of the Ph.D. committee for botany/biology at the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, 2002–2007. Member of University of Copenhagen's supervising committee concerning the nature reserve Allindelille Fredskov, 2008–2010. Member of the teaching committee, Natural History Museum of Denmark, 2008–2009. Member of the collections committee, Natural History Museum of Denmark, 2010–2013. Member of the outreach committee, Natural History Museum of Denmark, 2013-2016.