Verses on Various Occasions

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Verses on Various Occasions jfiti* tt Congtantia* <& iLibris fretiencf (Btotgil TLtt, <&unti. ™ 53 Cardinal Newman. Verses ox Various Occasions. Burns, Oates and Co., 1868. Fine copy 20/- This is the original issue of March, 1868. Another issue of same date and publisher usually passes muster for the First Edition. The volume includes "The Dream of Gerontius," which had appeared separately in 7866. The poems reprinted from the Lyra Apostolica bear traces of the "labor lime?." FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY /¥SV '' — 1096 [Newman (Card )] Verses on Various Oc- casions, [First Edition], crown 8vo. cloth, 12s 6d 1868 Inscribed "This copy was presented to nie by Dr. Newman." Frederick Georgk Lee. £xwi tbr %ww. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 VERSES ON VARIOUS OCCASIONS : VERSES OX VARIOUS OCCASIONS. " cui pauca relicti Jugeru ruris erat; nee fertilis ilia juvencis Nee pecori opportuna seges, nee connnoda Baccbo. Hie rarum tanien in duinis olns. albaque circum Lilia, A'erbenasque premens, vesenmque papaver. Regnm recpiabat opes aniuiis." yy ToVb4 V\&mvu Klew/v\^.N j Uontion BURNS,. OATES, & CO., 17 & 18, PORTMAN STREET, AND 63, PATERNOSTER ROW .MDCCCLXVI1I. : LONDON GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, PRI- ST. John's SQUARE. TO EDWARD BADELEY, ESQ. Ml DEA.B, BADELEY, I have not been without apprehension lest, in dedicating to you a number of poetical compositions, I should hardly be making a suitable offering to a member of a grave profession, which is especially employed in rubbing off the gloss with which imagination and sentiment invest matters of every-day life, and in reducing statements of fact to their legitimate dimensions. And, besides this, misgivings have not unnaturally come over me on the previous question ; viz., whether, after all, the contents of the volume are of sufficient import- ance to make it an acceptable offering to any friend whatever. And I must frankly confess, as to the latter difficulty, that certainly it never would have occurred to me thus formally to bring together IV DEDICATION. into one effusions which I have ever considered ephemeral, had I not lately found from publications of the day, what I never suspected before, that there are critics, and they strangers to me, who think well both of some of my compositions and of my power of composing. It is this commenda- tion, bestowed on me to my surprise as well a> to my gratification, which has encouraged me just now to republish what I have from time to time written : and if, in doing so, I shall be found, as is not unlikely, to have formed a volume of unequal merit, my excuse must be, that I despair of dis- covering any standard by which to discriminate aright between one poetical attempt and another. Accordingly, I am thrown, from the nature of the case whether I will or no, upon my own judgment ; which, biassed by the associations of memory and by persona] feelings, and measuring, perhaps, by the pleasure of verse-making, the worth vi' the verse, is disposed either to preserve them all. or to put them all aside. Here another contrast presents itself beta the poetical art and the science oi' law. Your profession has lis definitive authorities, its prea tions, its precedents, and its princi] hich to determine the claim iA' its authors on public DEDICATION. V attention ; but what philosopher will undertake to rule matters of taste, or to bring under one idea or method poems so different from each other as those of Homer, JEschylus, and Pindar ; of Terence, Ovid, Juvenal, and Martial ? "What court is sitting, and what code is received, for the satisfactory determination of the poetical pretensions of writers of the day ? Whence can we hope to gain a verdict upon them, except from the unscientific tribunals of Public Opinion and of Time? In Poetry, as in Metaphysics, a book is of necessity a venture. And now, coming to the suitableness of my offering, I know well, my dear Badeley, how little you will be disposed to criticize what comes to you from me, whatever be its intrinsic value. Less still in this case, considering that a chief portion of the volume grew out of that Eeligious Movement which you yourself, as well as I, so faithfully followed from first to last. And least of all, when I tell you that I wish it to be the poor expression, long-delayed, of my gratitude, never intermitted, for the great services which you rendered to me years ago, by your legal skill and affectionate zeal. in a serious matter in which I found myself in collision with the law of the land. Those services ! : VI DEDICATION. I have ever desired in some public, however in- adequate, way to record ; and now, as time hurries on and opportunities are few, I am forced to ask you to let me acknowledge my debt to you as I can, since I cannot as I would. We are now, both of us, in the decline of life may that warm attachment which has lasted between us inviolate for so many years, be con- tinued, by the mercy of God, to the end of our earthly course, and beyond it I am, my dear Badeley, Affectionately yours, J. H. X. The Oratoey, December 21, 1867. CONTEXTS. PAGE I. Paraphrase of Isaiah, ch. lxiv. ... 1 II. To F. W. X. on his Birthday 4 in. Nature and Art 8 it. Introduction to an Album 12 v. Snapdragon . 13 ti. The Trance of Time 16 VII. Consolations in Bereavement . 18 viii. A Picture 21 IX. Opusculum 25 x. A Voice from afar . 27 xi. The Hidden Ones . 29 xii. A Thanksgiving . 32 xin. Monks .... 35 xiv. Epiphany-eve . 39 xv. The Winter Flower . 43 XVI. Kind Remembrances . 44 xvii. Seeds in the Air . 46 xviii. The Pilgrim . 48 xix. Home .... 49 xx. The Brand of Cain 50 . Yin CONTENTS. xxi. Zeal and Love XXII. Persecution . XXIII. Zeal and Purity . • xxiv. The Gift of Perseverance xxy. The Sign of the Cross . xxyi. The Scars of Sin . xxyii. Angelic Guidance xxyiii. Substance and Shadow . xxix. "Wanderings xxx. The Saint and the Hero xxxi. Private Judgment xx xii. The Isles of the Sirens xxx m. Memory xxxi y. The Haven . XXXV. A Word in Season xxxvi. Fair Words XXXYII. England xxx vi n. Moses XXXIX. The Patient Church xl. Jeremias XLI. Penance XLII. The Course of Truth . XLIII. Christmas without Christ xliy. Sleeplessness x i.v. Abraham xi.\ 1. The Greek Fathers xi \ ii. The Witness XI. \ III. The Death of Mo» X 1.1 X. Melelil/edek CONTENTS L . Corcyra LI Transfiguration . III. Behind the Veil . IIII. Judgment . LIV. Sensitiveness LV. David and Jonathan LTI. Humiliation LTII. The Call of David LVIII. A Blight . XIX. Joseph 11. Isaac XXI. Reverses LXII. Hope LXIII. St. Paul at Melita LXIV. Messina LXT. Warnings . IXYI. Dreams LXTII. Temptation XXYIII. Our Future XXIX. Heathenism LXX. Taormini . XXXI. Relies of Saints . XXXII. Day-labourers XXXIII. Warfare XXXIY. Sacrilege . XXXY. Liberalism XXXYI. Declension . LXXYII. The Age to Come LXXVIII. External Religion CONTENTS. lxxix. St. Gregory Nazianzen lxxx. The Good Samaritan . Lxxxi. The Pillar of the Cloud lxxxii. Jonas lxxxiii. Faith against Sight lxxxiv. Desolation . lxxxv. Zeal and Patience lxxxyi. The Religion of Cain lxxxyii. St. Paul lxxxyi ii. Flowers without Fruit lxxxix. Zeal and Meekness XC. Vexations . XCI. The Church in Prayer xcn. The Wrath to Come XCin. Pusillanimity xciy. James and John xcy. llora Novissima xcyi. Progress of Unhelief XCYii. Consolation mviii. Ozzah and Ohed-Edom xcix. Tlie Gift of Tongues c. The Power of Prayer ci. Semita Justorum on. The Elements cm. Apostasy civ. Judaism (\. The Priestly Office cvi. Morning c \ ii. Evening COJfTElS'TS. CVIII. A Hermitage . CIX. The Married and the Single ex. Intercession of the Saints . CXI. Refrigerium CXII. Hymn for Matins Sunday . CXIII. ditto ditto . CXIV. ditto Monday cxv. ditto Tuesday CXVI. ditto Wednesday CXYII. ditto Thursday CXYIII. ditto Friday . CXIX. ditto Saturday cxx. Hymn for Lauds, Sunday . CXXI. ditto ditto . CXXII. ditto Monday CXXIII. ditto Tuesday CXXIT. ditto Wednesday exxv. ditto Thursday CXXYI. ditto Friday . CXXYII. ditto Saturday CXXYIII. Hymn for Prime CXXIX. Hy mn for Tierce exxx. Hy mn for Sext . CXXXI. Hy mn for None CXXXII. Hy mn for Vespers, Sunday CXXXIII. ditto Monday CXXXIV. ditto Tuesday CXXXY. ditto Wednesday CXXXYI. ditto Thursday . CONTENTS. cxxxvn. Hymn for Vespers, Friday cxxxyiii. ditto Saturday cxxxix. Hymn for Compline . cxl. Hymn for First Vespers, Advent CXLI. Hymn for Matins ditto CXLii. Hymn for Lauds ditto CXLin. Hymn for Matins, Transfiguration cxliy. Hymn for Lands ditto CXLT. Hymn for a Martyr . Cxlyi. Hymn for a Confessor Bishop cxlyii. Ethelwald .... cxlyii i. Candlemas .... CXLIX. The Pilgrim Queen CL. The Month of Mary . cli. The Queen of the Seasons . CLII. St. Valentine CLin. St. Philip Xeri in his Mission CLIY. St. Philip in himself . CLY. St. Philip in his Cod . clyi. Guardian Angel . ( lyii. The Golden Prison clyiii. Heathen Greece CLIX. A Martyr Convert clx. St. Philip in his School CLXI. St. Philip in his Diseiples . cxlii. For the Dead CXLI II. The TWO Worlds (\i.i\. The Dream of Gerontius ! —! ! I. PARAPHRASE OP ISAIAH, CHAP. LXIY. that Thou wouldest rend the breadth of sky, That veils Thy presence from the sons of men that, as erst Thou earnest from on high Sudden in strength, Thou so would' st come again ! Track'd out by judgments was Thy fiery path, Ocean and mountain withering in Thy wrath Then would Thy name—the Just, the Merciful Strange dubious attributes to human mind, Appal Thy foes ; and kings, who spurn Thy rule, Then, then would quake to hopeless doom consign'd.
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