First Senior Week Opens Tuesday
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-.i^F-acs. Y l_V A 1MI * Junior Class ] Wnqnt#ne MnkpMeets Today Student Publication of Umvernty Vol. XVUI. No. 27 PITTSBUBGH, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1942 Fire Cento Per Copy FIRST SENIOR WEEK OPENS TUESDAY Junior Class Frankie To Master Music For Dancing Bus Ad Coed Student Council Extends Meets Today Named May Invitation To Seniors In Theatre At Junior Prom At Hotel William Penn Queen Of '42 To Distribute Tickets For Bell Tone Orchestra' To Songstress Phyllis Mvles, Affair To Include Junior Prom, Drama Anne Kindling To Reign At Prom: Arrange Be Well - Toned Glee Chib Provide Plays, University Picnic At Park Ceremony In Chapel Picnic Rides For Affair * Vocals Sunday, May 17 Crowding ail spring; wcial activities into one week, the Univer Members of the Junior. Class will "Hello, Hello. Hello" will be the His best-seller in the song line was sity Student Council w[\\ present the first annual Senior Week in meet today at 12:10 in the Campus | familiar Frankie Masters greeting "Scatter-brain," which he uses for a Announcement was made tat the honor of the graduates of 1942 beginning next Tuesday. The first r e Theatre'to arrange for transportation I '° **l t" Dukes at the Junior Prom, theme song. This song soon sky Senior Dance last Friday thit Miss event on the full calendar in a dance in the gymnasium sponsored by ( Wncn tn rocketed its composer and "his orches lot the University picnic next Thurs- * maestro takes his baton Anne Kindling, senior in the School the Inter-Fraternity Council and the Pan-Hellenic Council. day at South Park, Bill Duffy, presi- Ito tn* bandstand. As the baton is tra to nation wide fame. The song dent of the class announced today. raised high in the air, the soothing was a sensation all over the country. of Business Administration, will reign Including an Intramural track meet, six one-act plays by the 7, Playwriting class of the ^'niversity, a t'niversity picnic at South The meeting has also been called tones of his "Bell-Tone Orchestra a .Tin Pan Alley had, been kind to as the May Queen for 1942 at the 1 lhe r*ark, and the Junior Prom on Saturday evening, the week of activi to distribute tickets for the annual P*^ *** dancing pace. Masters, so be kept on trying. < In elaborate May Crowning Celebration Junior Prom, to be held in the Main! favorite of both swing and sweet succession he turned such hits as ties ends with the annual May*- on) Sunday, May 17. Crowning ceremony on Sunday aft-' Ballroom of the William Penn a week partisans, his brass section has de "Charming Little Faker,"- "Zumbi," Miss Kindling was selected from ernoon. from Saturday. veloped a special tone of its own. and "Say When.** "Music by Mas Colonel Jones "At the present time, there is on His orchestra has its own glee club ters" became a key-note of success, the seven candidates by the vote of Senior Farewell the campus, in the hands of about arrangements that fit in beautifully for the "Okey" record company, for the men and women students, which The idea of a Senior Week grew three members of the. Junior Class, with the singing of lovely Phyllis whom'he records. is a change from the original pro out of a suggestion that the Univer Myles. sity sponsor a Spring Carnival. It Now In Kansas about 200 tickets for the Prom. The Idol of Females cedure, balloting by the coeds only. numbers of the class don't seem to Masterful Disco very was later decided that the festive oc Young, and well-dressed. Masters realize thaj the affair is only a little Serving as the queen's attendants casion should be dedicated to the Phyllis is a ballet dancer by heart, is the idol of the female younger gen To Join 88th Division At more than a week away and it's ne will be the remaining nominees: departing members of the University but a broken ankle soon endeo> these j economics and accounting, he eration. For the young ladies, it's cessary that as many tickets as pos Mary Lou Smith, Eileen McMackin. as a grand vfarewell gesture. The (jimp Gruber, Okla. dreams. It was then that she dis-i joined an orchestra that was on! hard to understand why the rest of Student Council, the various frater sible be sold before the dance in order Marie McGann, Mary Newell, Elea covered she could sing. After a few?world-wide boat cruise. The salty [the orchestra call him "Papa." But nities and sororities, and the indi ; %>• insure, its success," Hugh Dasch- years of sinking in operettas and the | seas lead their way to China, where j anyone who really knows Frankie can nor O'Connor, and Helen McGrana- Lt.-Col. Willia.n J. Jones, former bach." chairman of the ticket com vidual classes have cooperated to Professor of Mil itary Science and like, she was found by Masters, who | he had a run in with the customs -j appreciate how apt this nickname is. han. present a varied and complete sched mittee said. sky-rocketed her to fame. I bureau. He was innocent, but he i Frankie believes in pushing his in- Tactics in the University- Military Double Purpose ule of events. Office, left last Saturday for Fort Semi-Formal Masters got his start in college, j almost missed the boat. • - Th*e general chairman of the Prony stru men talis ts to the front. He gives The May Crowning will serve From present indications, the affair Leavenworth. Kansas. 1 it was dis He went to Indiana University on a Gets Sheepskin Fred Egler. stressed the fact that thJ j^.-^^Li <*fe;to.,l^fo.^|t»ro-fold purpose this year: its pri will be presented every year as a closed by the R.O.T.C. office. shoe string tike most college men.' Back to college for Frankie. He talents. Billy Pritchard is featured distinctive feature of the Universi - affair would be semi-formal and not mary intention, honoring the Blessed Col. Jones will-spend one month at \< ictly formal as is the mistaken idea To help meet expenses, one of his i satisfied his folks by staying long | on the trombone, while Woody Kess- ty's social life. However, an under Fort Leavenworth in the officers' fraternity brothers got him a Job I enough to get [a degree, and then.; ler has earned quite a reputation for taking Of*,this size needs the help • many students who intend to et- 1 course there and then go to the 88th tend the dance. playing a guitar by day and singing started his own band. Their success : his tickling of the ivories, of all the students on the Bluff. "We Division which-is soon to be formed at night. , was only mediocre until Masters I Masters comes to Duquesne from a The return contract of Frankie ask the support and cooperation of I at Ca.ip Gruber. Oklahoma- fn the Ma>ters and his orchestra for the But the lure of hot notes and the heard the luring tones of Tin Pan long run at the Roosevelt Hotel in every | member of the University to 88th' Division he will be-a member of I'r. >m was received Monday from blues was stronger than his love for Alley. New York. make this week an outstanding event the General Staff Corps, Assistant c:> veland. Master will bring his /^|— »«<» T^ U,,,,., this year, and in the years to come," Chief of Staff, G-4. Land here \\-hen he finishes an ex- ClflS»e?» I O Jlfll/P said Joseph Garbarino. president of Col. Jones came to the University Tamburitza Group Senior. Council, and original pro- •tjided stay at the Hotel Roosevelt in 9 in .September of 1940 to replace Col. New York City. Separate Groves Light! 'Hits The Road For j the idea. Mert Proctor. Previous to this he As a special invitation to the had been dn instructor for the Or.- • .Vumni of the University, the Prom At Senior Picnic Ohio* Saturday Fraternity Day ganized Reserves in New York City officials are sending tickets for the Some Is Thrown On, Tuesday, the first day of Senior and. following this, at Huntington, nffair to many members of the Alumni And Shown In Week, has been designated as Frater- j Wesl Virginia. Federation. Patron fiakets will be Under the direction of the officers This week-end will see the Univer nity Day as an acknowledgement of; Field Artillery sent out through the University pa of their respective classes, members Monthly sity Tamburitza Orchestra resume its the role that the fraternities and j He was commander of the Third- tron list. of the different classes will take over travels. sororities play in the life of. the stu- i Battalion of- the Seventeenth Field The annual Prom will be. one of individual groves at the South Park By Ernest Stevens dents. A dance will be presented in ! Artillery and served in the West Di- icnic next The Orchestra will Visit Lorain and . the closing activities of toe" first P Thursday, according*.to Paul Cooney opened up the Month- f the evening in the gym under the t vision of the American Expeditionary" Joe Senior Week, which begins next i Garbarino, president of the Stu- ly with this classic line of poetry. "I Cleveland, Ohio. On Saturday even joint sponsorship of the fraternities: Forces as Commander of Battery D. Tuesday -with Fraternity-Sorority j """ifi""^: feel the city pall upon my mind." ing.