Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 10 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C55alpi to the Alpine Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Alpine Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: The amendment updates local schedules in zones, overlays, particular provisions, general provisions and operational provisions of the Alpine Planning Scheme to remove inconsistencies with:  The Planning Provisions as a result of Amendment VC142 and Amendment VC148, and  The Ministerial Direction – Form and Content of Planning Schemes.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:  Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council.  Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved.  Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected.  Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of regulations 6 and 7 of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 being the requirement to:  Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council under section 19(1)(c).  Give notice under section 19.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 14 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


4 Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 15 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C153bany to the Banyule Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by Banyule City Council. The Banyule City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: The amendment rezones the land at 96, 98 and 100 Oriel Road, Bellfield from Public Use Zone Schedule 6 and General Residential Zone Schedule 1 to Residential Growth Zone Schedule 2, applies a Development Plan Overlay Schedule 8 to these sites and the adjacent site at 232 Banksia Street, Bellfield and removes covenants from the land at 98 and 98A Oriel Road, Bellfield. The amendment also corrects a formatting error in Design and Development Overlay 14 which occurred during the gazettal of C120bany.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 or 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 18 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 9 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C131bawb to the Baw Baw Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by Baw Baw Shire Council. The Baw Baw Shire Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: The Amendment introduces three new schedules to the Design and Development Overlays, (DDO3, DDO10 and DDO11) to implement the urban design directions from the Longwarry Urban Design Framework 2019, Trafalgar Urban Design Framework 2018 and South Urban Design Framework 2018. The amendment also makes associated changes to the planning scheme maps to apply these schedules to each township area.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 or 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 14 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

OFFICIAL Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 11 January 2021 the Minister approved Amendment No. C305boro to the Boroondara Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by Boroondara City Council. The Boroondara City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: Apply the Heritage Overlay to the following places: - HO795 to a number of buildings and elements of heritage significance, within defined curtilages, at Methodist Ladies' College (MLC), 207 Barkers Rd, Kew. - HO915 to Red House, 207 Barkers Rd, Kew (formerly 231 Barkers Road) - HO916 to Wentworth, 207 Barkers Rd, Kew (formerly 876 Glenferrie Road)

The amendment also deletes the existing Heritage Overlays affecting the subject land, including HO204, HO271, and part of HO150 that is within the MLC campus.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 or 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 21 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 15 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C318boro to the Boroondara Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by Boroondara City Council. The Boroondara City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: introduces the Heritage Overlay to 15 individual properties and one precinct in Balwyn, Balwyn North and Deepdene on a permanent basis and lists the associated statements of significance in the schedule to Clause 72.04.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 or 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 18 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 16 November 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C330boro to the Boroondara Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Boroondara City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: applies Heritage Overlay HO911 over 61 Albion Road, Ashburton on an interim basis until 6 October 2021.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to: • Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council. • Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved. • Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment. • Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected. • Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed. • Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area. • Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of regulations 6 and 7 of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 being the requirements for the purposes of giving notice of an amendment in accordance with section 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 18 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 15 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment C334boro to the Boroondara Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by Minister for Planning. The Minister for Planning will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: The amendment introduces the Heritage Overlay to 15 individual heritage places and two heritage precincts on an interim basis until 31 January 2022.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:

• Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council. • Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved. • Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment. • Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected. • Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed. • Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area. • Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette. The Minister exempted Minister for Planning from the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 18 December 2020

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 19 January 2021 the Minister approved Amendment C338boro to the Boroondara Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by Minister for Planning. The Boroondara City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: The amendment introduces the Heritage Overlay to nine (9) individual properties and one heritage precinct identified in the Ashburton Heritage Gap Study on an interim basis until 31 January 2022.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:

 Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council.  Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved.  Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected.  Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted Minister for Planning from the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 29 January 2021

OFFICIAL Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 29 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C234card to the Cardinia Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by Victorian Planning Authority. The Cardinia Shire Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: gives effect to the Pakenham East Precinct Structure Plan (Victorian Planning Authority, July 2020) by rezoning the land Urban Growth Zone Schedule 5 and makes other associated changes to the Cardinia Planning Scheme.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 or 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 21 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

OFFICIAL Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 29 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C251card to the Cardinia Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Cardinia Shire Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The Amendment implements the Pakenham East Infrastructure Contributions Plan (Victorian Planning Authority, July 2020) by introducing Clause 45.11 Infrastructure Contributions Overlay into the Cardinia Planning Scheme and applying it to the Pakenham East Precinct Structure Plan area.

The Minister determined to prepare the amendment in accordance with section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 do not apply in respect of the amendment.

The Minister consulted with the municipal council.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 21 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

OFFICIAL Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 20 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C258case to the Casey Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by Casey City Council. The Casey City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The amendment implements the Activity Centres Strategy, September 2020 by updating the Municipal Strategic Statement, introducing a new Clause 22.01 (Activity centres policy) and revising Clause 22.02 (Non-residential uses in residential and future residential areas).

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 or 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 28 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 9 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C107cola to the Colac Otway Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Barwon Region Water Corporation. The Colac Otway Shire Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: correction of zoning and overlay anomalies affecting the north-eastern portion of the Colac Water Reclamation Plant site at 1-33 Treatment Works Rd, Colac East by rezoning this portion of the site from Farming Zone (FZ) to Public Use Zone, Schedule 1 (PUZ1 - Service and Utility), and removing an Environmental Significance Overlay, Schedule 6 (ESO6 - Colac Water Reclamation Plant Buffer) from this portion of the site.

The Minister exempted the planning authority from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:  Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved.  Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted the planning authority from the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

Notice was given to the Colac Otway Shire Council and prescribed Ministers under section 19(1)(c) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 14 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 15 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C196dare to the Darebin Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Darebin City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: to extend the expiry date of mandatory height controls to part of the Preston Market site on an interim basis until 30 December 2021 by amending Schedule 1 to Clause 37.06 (Priority Development Zone).

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to: • Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council. • Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved. • Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment. • Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected. • Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed. • Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area. • Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 18 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 20 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C147fran to the Frankston Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Minister for Planning will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The amendment:  Applies the Specific Controls Overlay (SCO5) to four (4) additional parcels of land in Carrum Downs required for the Lathams Road Upgrade Project, to allow the use and development of the land in accordance with the Lathams Road (Oliphant Way to Frankston-Dandenong Road) Upgrade Project Incorporated Document, April 2019.  Applies the Public Acquisition Overlay (PAO1) to the four additional parcels of land.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:  Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council.  Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved.  Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected.  Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.]

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of regulations 6 and 7 of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 being the requirement for the purposes of giving notice of an amendment in accordance with section 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority as its views are known.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 28 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 6 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. GC172 to the Ararat, Boroondara, Glen Eira, Greater Geelong, Knox, , Queenscliffe, Wellington and Whitehorse Planning Schemes.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Ararat Shire Council, Boroondara City Council, Glen Eira City Council, Greater Geelong City Council, Knox City Council, Melbourne City Council, Queenscliffe Borough Council, Wellington Shire Council and Whitehorse City Council will be responsible for administering the schemes.

The changes to the schemes are: Rezones residential land in the Boroondara, Greater Geelong, Knox, Melbourne and Whitehorse Planning Schemes and modifies residential zone schedules in the Ararat, Boroondara, Glen Eira, Knox, Melbourne, Queenscliffe, Wellington and Whitehorse Planning Schemes to be consistent with the reformed residential zones.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to: • Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council. • Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved. • Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment. • Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected. • Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed. • Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area. • Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of Regulation 7 of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 being the requirements for the purposes of giving notice of an amendment in accordance with section 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

PHILLIP BURN Director Planning Systems Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 23 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 20 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. GC174 to the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme, Planning Scheme, Mitchell Planning Scheme, Strathbogie Planning Scheme and Whittlesea Planning Scheme (planning schemes).

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Greater Shepparton City Council, Hume City Council, Mitchell Shire Council, Strathbogie Shire Council and Whittlesea City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The amendment facilitates the stabling facilities for the Shepparton Line Upgrade (project). The changes to the schemes are:  Amends Clause 45.01 Public Acquisition Overlay Schedule in the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme, to include reference PAO30 for the project.  Amends the schedule to Clause 45.12 SCO in the Greater Shepparton, Mitchell, Hume, Strathbogie and Whittlesea Planning Schemes to allow the use and development of land for the project in accordance with the specific controls in the Shepparton Line Upgrade Incorporated Document, October 2020 (incorporated document).  Amends the Clause 72.04 (Documents incorporated in this Planning Scheme) in the planning schemes to insert the incorporated document and removes the refence to the Shepparton Line Upgrade Incorporated Document, April 2020.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to: Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council.  Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved.  Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected.  Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of regulations 6 and 7 of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 being the requirements for the purposes of giving notice of an amendment in accordance with section 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 14 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 20 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. GC176 to the Brimbank, Greater Geelong, Melbourne, Whittlesea Planning Schemes.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Minister for Planning will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: The amendment seeks to facilitate the Mental Health Beds Expansion Program, as requested by the Department of Health and Human Services. The amendment facilitates new mental health bed facilities at four locations (North Geelong, Northern Health, Sunshine Hospital and Royal Melbourne Hospital) via the application of the Specific Controls Overlay and associated Mental Health Beds Expansion Program Incorporated Document, November 2020.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to: • Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council. • Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved. • Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment. • Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected. • Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed. • Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area. • Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of regulations 6 and 7 of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 being the requirement for the purposes of giving notice of an amendment in accordance with section 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 23 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 19 January 2021 the Minister approved Amendment GC177 to the Banyule, Boroondara, Manningham, Nillumbik, Stonnington and Yarra Planning Schemes.

The amendment was prepared by Minister for Planning. The responsible authorities for administering the planning schemes will be:  Banyule Planning Scheme – Banyule City Council  Boroondara Planning Scheme – Boroondara City Council  Manningham Planning Scheme – Manningham City Council  Nillumbik Planning Scheme – Nillumbik City Council  Stonnington Planning Scheme – Stonnington City Council  Yarra Planning Scheme – Yarra City Council

The changes to the scheme are: The amendment extends the expiry date of interim Design and Development Overlay and Significant Landscape Overlay controls to land within the corridor between Richmond and Warrandyte (introduced by GC48) until 30 April 2021.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:  Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council.  Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved.  Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment  Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the preparation of the amendment in the Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted Minister for Planning from the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

No notice of the amendment was given. The Minister did not consult the responsible authorities.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 28 January 2021

OFFICIAL Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 13 January 2021 the Minister approved Amendment GC178 to the Boroondara and Knox Planning Schemes.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Boroondara City Council and Knox City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the schemes are: rezoning residential land in the Boroondara and Knox Planning Schemes that were inadvertently omitted from Amendment GC172.

The Minister determined to prepare the amendment in accordance with section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 do not apply in respect of the amendment.

The Minister did not consult with the municipal councils as the amendment is of a class exempted by the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

Phillip Burn Director Planning Systems Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 21 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 1 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C201glen to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by Glen Eira City Council. The Glen Eira City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: Applies the Heritage Overlay to the Murrumbeena Village Precinct (HO187), removes the interim heritage overlay from 430-434 Neerim Road, Murrumbeena to reflect the new HO187 and amends Clause 72.04 (Incorporated Documents) to include the Statement of Significance for the Murrumbeena Village Precinct.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 or 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 14 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 01 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment C219glen to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Minister for Planning will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: extends the expiry date of the interim Heritage Overlay HO159 applying to the Glenhuntly Tram Terminus Estate Shops Precinct at 231-251 Koornang Road and the interim Heritage Overlay HO168 applying to the Rose Hill Estate Precinct at 1-30 Rose Street and 253-259 Centre Road, Bentleigh for 12 months until 31 December 2021.

The Minister determined to prepare the amendment in accordance with section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 do not apply in respect of the amendment.

The Minister did not consult with the municipal council as the amendment was prepared at the request of the municipal council.

The Minister did not consult with the municipal council as the amendment is of a class exempted by the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 18 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 19 January 2021 the Minister approved Amendment C105gelg to the Glenelg Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Glenelg Shire Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: applies the Specific Controls Overlay (SCO) to properties previously listed under the Schedule to Clause 51.01 (Specific Sites and Exclusions) and makes other related consequential changes, as part of the Smart Planning Program to improve the transparency of site-specific controls. The changes improve the clarity and format of the planning scheme by implementing reforms introduced by Amendment VC148.

The Minister determined to prepare the amendment in accordance with section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 do not apply in respect of the amendment.

The Minister consulted the municipal council which confirmed the application of the Specific Controls Overlay was accurate.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 28 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 24 November 2020 the Minister approved Amendment C232gben to the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme. The amendment was prepared by Greater Bendigo City Council. The Greater Bendigo City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme. The changes to the scheme are: The amendment implements the Strathfieldsaye Urban Design Framework, February 2017, further implements the Strathfieldsaye Township Plan, revised March 2012 and makes several zoning changes to implement the recommendations of the Greater Bendigo Public Space Plan, June 2019. Specifically, the amendment: • Rezones land known as 6A Adie Court and 6 Adie Court; 6 Brentwood Boulevard; 50-58 Brentwood Boulevard; Lot RES1 PS806842 Cadella Way; 5 Clydebank Court; 7A Gordon Court; 33 Regent Street; Lot RES1 PS410021 Ryalls Lane; 1-9 Saxby Drive; part of 845 Strathfieldsaye Road; 995 Strathfieldsaye Road; 188 Sullivans Road; Lot RES1 PS712422 Swanson Boulevard; 43 Swanson Boulevard; 420 Tannery Lane; 68 Taylors Lane and 2-12 Waterford Drive, Strathfieldsaye from General Residential Zone (GRZ) to Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ). • Rezones land known as 3 Curnows Way, Strathfieldsaye from part GRZ and part Low Density Residential Zone (LDRZ) to PPRZ. • Rezones land known as Allotments 33A and 33B, Township of Strathfieldsaye, Dukes Lane, Strathfieldsaye from PPRZ to GRZ. • Rezones land known as 838 Strathfieldsaye Road, Strathfieldsaye from GRZ to Public Use Zone - Other Public Use (PUZ7). • Rezones land known as part of 528 Tannery Lane, Strathfieldsaye from Public Use Zone, Service and Utility (PUZ1) to GRZ. • Rezones land known as 884 Wellington Street, Strathfieldsaye and part of the adjacent Taylors Lane road reserve from Special Use Zone, Schedule 1 (SUZ1) to Mixed Use Zone, Schedule 2 (MUZ2). • Rezones land at 894, 912, 914, 916, 928, 930, 932, 934, 936A, 938, 940, 942 and 948 Wellington Street and 2 Club Court, Strathfieldsaye and part of the Uxbridge Street road reserve and Blucher Street road reserve from Commercial 1 Zone (C1Z) to MUZ2. • Rezones land being part of 918-922 Wellington Street, Strathfieldsaye from C1Z to SUZ1. • Applies the Mixed Use Zone, Schedule 1 (MUZ1) to land zoned Mixed Use Zone. • Applies the Design and Development Overlay, Schedule 6 (DDO6) to land adjoining the Greater Bendigo National Park, along the northern and eastern boundaries of land at 212 Junortoun Road, Strathfieldsaye and along the northern boundaries of land at 18 and 20 Ryalls Lane, Strathfieldsaye and 783 to 797 Strathfieldsaye Road, Strathfieldsaye. • Applies the Design and Development Overlay, Schedule 24 (DDO24) to unsewered land zoned GRZ south of Sinclairs Road, east of Junortoun Road and west of Somerset Park Road and including Elizabeth Drive; land in Cooper Grove, Woodlea Close, Morris Place and Watson Drive; and Allotments 33A and 33B, Dukes Lane, Strathfieldsaye. • Applies the Development Plan Overlay, Schedule 26 (DPO26) to land known as Allotments 33A and 33B, Township of Strathfieldsaye, Dukes Lane, Strathfieldsaye.

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

• Applies the Design and Development Overlay, Schedule 27 (DDO27) to land within the Strathfieldsaye Town Centre Precinct. • Applies the Design and Development Overlay, Schedule 28 (DDO28) to land within the Strathfieldsaye Transitional Town Centre Precinct. • Applies the Design and Development Overlay, Schedule 29 (DDO29) to land within the Strathfieldsaye Town Entrances Precinct. • Deletes the Development Plan Overlay, Schedule 26 (DPO26) from land between Taylors Lane, Club Court, Sheepwash Creek, Sommerville Road, Apsley Street, Wellington Street, Blucher Street and north of Bassett Drive within the Strathfieldsaye Town Centre Precinct. • Deletes the DPO26 from land bounded by Tannery Lane, Bakers Lane and Guys Hill Road, Strathfieldsaye. • Amends Clause 21.10 of the Municipal Strategic Statement to delete the reference documents (now background documents, to be relocated to the Schedule to Clause 72.08) and insert new objectives, strategies and a local area plan for Strathfieldsaye. • Deletes Clause 21.11 of the Municipal Strategic Statement to remove the content relating to monitoring and review. • Deletes Clause 22.22 (Strathfieldsaye Township Residential Character Policy). • Amends the Schedule to Clause 32.04 – Mixed Use Zone (MUZ) to identify it as Schedule 1 and to apply in various parts of the municipality outside of Strathfieldsaye. • Inserts a new Schedule 2 to Clause 32.04 (MUZ2) to apply to land in Strathfieldsaye. • Amends the Schedule 24 to Clause 43.02 (DDO24) to guide the development of large lots and unsewered residential areas in the municipality. • Inserts a new Schedule 27, Schedule 28 and Schedule 29 to Clause 43.02 (DDO27, DDO28 and DDO29) to guide the design and built form of new development of land within the Strathfieldsaye Town Centre Precinct, the Strathfieldsaye Transitional Town Centre Precinct and the Strathfieldsaye Town Entrances Precinct. • Amends the Schedule 26 to Clause 43.04 (DPO26) to remove reference to the town centre and make changes to the conditions and requirements for permits and requirements for a development plan. • Amends the Schedule to Clause 72.04 to update the title of the Bendigo Residential Growth Plan, which has been amended to correctly align the urban growth boundary with urban land zones and DPO26. • Amends the Schedule to Clause 72.08 to insert the reference documents from Clause 21.10 as background documents, amend the date of the Strathfieldsaye Township Plan, and insert a new background document titled the Strathfieldsaye Urban Design Framework, February 2017. The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 or 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015. The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 23 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 23 November 2020 the Minister approved Amendment C245gben to the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme. The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Greater Bendigo City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme. The changes to the scheme are: The amendment updates local schedules in zones, overlays, particular provisions, general provisions and operational provisions of the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme to remove inconsistencies with: • The Victoria Planning Provisions as a result of Amendment VC142 and Amendment VC148, and • The Ministerial Direction – Form and Content of Planning Schemes.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to: • Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council. • Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved. • Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment. • Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected. • Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed. • Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area. • Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette. The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of regulations 6 and 7 of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 being the requirement to: • Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council under section 19(1)(c). • Give notice under section 19. No notice of the amendment was given. The Minister did not consult the responsible authority. The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 18 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 31 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C419ggee to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: Amends the schedule to Clause 72.01 of the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme to clarify the scope of the responsible authority roles of the Minister for Planning and Greater Geelong City Council for planning permit applications and approvals within the designated areas of Central Geelong and Moolap-Point Henry.

The Minister exempted himself from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:  Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council.  Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved.  Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected.  Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.]

The Minister exempted himself from the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister consulted the Geelong Authority and Greater Geelong City Council, which supported the amendment and the revised wording in the schedule to Clause 72.01.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 21 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 20 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C424ggee to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Greater Geelong City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: The Amendment introduces interim planning controls which include mandatory overshadowing controls to protect key public spaces, mandatory wind impact assessment for new developments, updated setback and building separation requirements and preferred maximum building height controls in sub precincts 2E and 2F of the Commercial Living and Medical Precinct (precinct 2), sub precinct 3B of the Waterfront Precinct (precinct 3), the Civic and Cultural Precinct (precinct 4), sub precincts 5A and 5E of the Inner Western Wedge Precinct (precinct 5), the Station Precinct (precinct 6), sub precinct 7B of the Mercer Street Precinct (precinct 7), and other minor updates to improve clarity within the Central Geelong Activity Centre by amending Schedule 1 to Clause 37.08 Activity Centre Zone.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:  Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council.  Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved.  Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected.  Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 07 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

OFFICIAL-Sensitive Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 1 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment C74indi to the Indigo Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Minister for Planning will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: correction of mapping anomalies to ensure appropriate provisions are applied to land in the municipality.

The Minister determined to prepare the amendment in accordance with section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 do not apply in respect of the amendment.

The Minister did not consult with the municipal council as the amendment was prepared at the request of the municipal council.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 21 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 31 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C129latr to the Latrobe Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Latrobe City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: introduction of Specific Controls Overlay Schedule 5 (SCO5) to land at Fourth Road, Hazelwood North (CA 2047, Parish of Hazelwood) to facilitate the use and development of land for a used lead acid battery recycling facility by applying a Specific Controls Overlay (SCO5), amending the schedule to Clause 45.12, the Schedule to Clause 72.03 and including the associated incorporated document, ‘Fourth Road, Hazelwood North, December 2020’ at the schedule to Clause 72.04.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:  Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council.  Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved.  Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected.  Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 14 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

OFFICIAL Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 15 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment C131mann to the Manningham Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by Minister for Planning. The Manningham City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are:  To amend Schedule 1 to the Doncaster Hill Activity Centre Zone, in particular to amend Section 2 of the Table of Uses to remove the condition that prohibits the use of a Food and Drink premise uses outside of Precinct 4 and 2A of the Doncaster Hill Activity Centre.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of section 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:

 Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment  Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the preparation of the amendment in the Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult with the responsible authority as the amendment is made at the request of the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the Amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 28 January 2021


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 4 January 2021 the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change approved Amendment No. C46mans to the Mansfield Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change. The Mansfield Shire Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are:  Applies the Specific Controls Overlay (SCO2) to land at 128 Ogilvies Road, Mansfield;  inserts the incorporated document '128 Ogilvies Road, Mansfield - December 2020' into the Mansfield Planning Scheme to allow the use and development of the land for a therapeutic care farm for children with autism, and  makes associated changes.

The Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change exempted herself from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:  Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council.  Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved.  Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected.  Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change exempted herself from the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change did not consult the responsible authority.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change

Date: 08 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 20 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C171mari to the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme (planning scheme).

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Maribyrnong City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The amendment facilitates the stabling facilities for the New Footscray Hospital (project). The changes to the schemes are: • Removes the existing Public Use Zone – Schedule 2 (Education) and Activity Centre Zone – Schedule 1 from the site. Applies the Public Use Zone – Schedule 3 (Health and Community) to the entire site. • Removes the Heritage Overlays 187, 188, 191 and 207 from the site. • Amends the schedule to Clause 45.12 SCO in the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme to allow the use and development of land for the project in accordance with the specific controls in the New Footscray Hospital Incorporated Document, December 2020 (incorporated document). • Amend the Schedule to 72.01 to make the Minister for Planning the responsible authority for administering and enforcing Clause 45.12 of the planning scheme in respect of the incorporated document. • Amend the Schedule to Clause 72.03 to reflect changes to the consolidated maps and to list the 8SCO. • Amends the Clause 72.04 (Documents incorporated in this Planning Scheme) in the planning schemes to insert the incorporated document.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to: Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council. • Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved. • Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment. • Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected. • Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed. • Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area. • Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of regulations 6 and 7 of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 being the requirements for the purposes of giving notice of an amendment in accordance with section 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 23 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 29 November 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C391melb to the Melbourne Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Minister for Planning will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: Apply the Specific Controls Overlay (SCO) to the land at 12 Riverside Quay, Southbank to facilitate development of the land via and incorporated document. Insert the document titled “12 Riverside Quay, Southbank, November 2020” as an incorporated document in the Schedule to Clause 72.04 into the Melbourne Planning Scheme.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:  Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council.  Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved.  Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected.  Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister consulted the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 14 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 17 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment C400melb to the Melbourne Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Minister for Planning will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: corrects obvious and technical errors that occurred as part of the gazettal of Amendment C258melb and extends the expiry of schedule 7 to the Capital City Zone and interim heritage controls for multiple sites within Southbank and South wharf area for six months.

The Minister determined to prepare the amendment in accordance with section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 do not apply in respect of the amendment.

The Minister did not consult with the municipal council as the amendment was prepared at the request of the municipal council.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 23 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 11 January 2021 the Minister approved Amendment C215moon to the Moonee Valley Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Moonee Valley City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: extends the expiry dates of 60 heritage places, 18 precincts, nine heritage precinct extensions and one serial listing included in the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay on an interim basis as part of Amendment C201moon, until 30 July 2021.

The Minister determined to prepare the amendment in accordance with section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 do not apply in respect of the amendment.

The Minister did not consult with the municipal council as the amendment was prepared at the request of the municipal council.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 14 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 22 November 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C96moor to the Moorabool Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Minister for Planning will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: rezones land at Lillis Lane, Mount Egerton to part Public Use Zone 1 – Service and Utility and part Farming Zone and modifies the extent of the Design and Development Overlay – Schedule 2.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to: • Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council. • Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved. • Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment. • Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected. • Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed. • Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area. • Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 being the requirements for the purposes of giving notice of an amendment in accordance with section 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 18 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 6 October 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C167more to the Moreland Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by Moreland City Council. The Moreland City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are:  Amend the mapping of Schedule 2 and 20 to the Design and Development Overlay.  Amend the mapping of the Parking Overlay.  Amends the following clauses to insert policy neutral and consolidated reference documents for the Brunswick and Coburg Activity Centres, delete superseded reference documents and to correct errors and apply policy neutral updates. o Clause 21.04 o Clause 22.01 o Clause 37.08 Schedule 1 o Clause 43.02 schedules 18, 19 and 20

The Minister exempted the Moreland City Council from the requirements of section 19(1)(b), 19(2) and 19(4)(b) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:

 Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the preparation of the amendment in the Government Gazette.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 14 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 15 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C200more to the Moreland Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Moreland City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are:  Inserts a Municipal Planning Strategy at Clause 02.  Inserts revised local policies within the Planning Policy Framework at Clauses 11-19.  Amends the Schedule to Clause 43.01 (Heritage Overlay) to insert application requirements previously located in local planning policy.  Amends the Schedule to Clause 52.28 (Gaming) to include content previously contained at Clause 22.10 (Gaming).  Amends the Schedule to Clause 72.08 (Background documents) to that consolidate all background documents from Clauses 21 and 22 of the Local Planning Policy Framework.  Introduces a new Schedule to Clause 74.01 (Application of zones, overlays and provisions) to provide an explanation of the relationship between the municipal objectives, strategies and controls on the use and development of land in the planning scheme.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:  Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council.  Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved.  Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected.  Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted himself from the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister consulted the responsible authority which endorsed the proposed restructuring of the policy provisions of the Moreland Planning Scheme and supported the Minister expediting the approval of the amendment.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 14 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 24 November 2020 the Minister approved Amendment C211more to the Moreland Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minster for Planning. The Moreland City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are:

• Update Map Nos. 10HO, 12HO, 13HO, 14HO, and 15HO to: o Remove the Heritage Overlay from 28 Walsh Street, Brunswick, 32 David Street, Brunswick, 2 Mclean Street, Brunswick West, and 36 King Street, Fitzroy North, 32 Passfield Street, Brunswick West. o Delete obsolete heritage controls affecting 2/197 The Avenue, Coburg (HO537) o Include the properties at 19-29 Pearson Street, Brunswick West in the Heritage Overlay. o Amend the Heritage Overlay on 273 Victoria Street, Brunswick to apply only on the façade. o Delete the Heritage Overlay incorrectly applied to 28 Walsh Street, Coburg. • Insert the correct Statement of Significance for 2/197 The Avenue, Coburg into the Schedule to Clause 72.04 Documents Incorporated in this Planning Scheme. • Insert 2/197 The Avenue, Coburg (HO537) into the Schedule to Clause 43.01.

The Minister determined to prepare the amendment in accordance with section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 do not apply in respect of the amendment.

The Minister did not consult with the municipal council as the amendment was prepared at the request of the municipal council.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 18 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 19 January 2021 the Minister approved Amendment No. C70muri to the Murrindindi Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Murrindindi Shire Council. The Murrindindi Shire Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are:

The amendment rezones 5 Plantation Lane, Alexandra from General Residential Zone 1 to Low Density Residential Zone.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

Notice of the amendment was given. Notice of the amendment/permit was given under section 96C(1), (a), (b), (c), (f), section 96C(2) and section 96C(3) of the Act.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The Minister has granted the following permit(s) under Division Five of Part Four of the Act:

Permit No Description of land 2019/192 5 Plantation Lane, Alexandra, Victoria, 3714 known as Crown Allotment 30J, Parish of Alexandra

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 28 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 09 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C132nill to the Nillumbik Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Nillumbik Shire Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: • Amends the schedule to Clause 43.01 (Heritage Overlay) to include HO268 on an interim basis until 24 June 2021. • Amends Nillumbik Planning Scheme Map 13HO to introduce HO268 to the part of the bungalow at 13 Park Road West, Eltham that is not covered by HO147.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to: • Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council. • Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved. • Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment. • Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected. • Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed. • Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area. • Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 18 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 9 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C2pmel to the Port of Melbourne Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Minister for Planning will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: administrative, formatting and technical changes to local provisions of the Port of Melbourne Planning Scheme to reflect reforms introduced by Amendment VC142 and VC148 and to ensure consistency with the Ministerial Direction on the Form and Content of Planning Schemes, as part of the Smart Planning Program.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to: • Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council. • Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved. • Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment. • Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected. • Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed. • Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area. • Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 18 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 16 November 2020 the Minister approved Amendment C57sgra to the Southern Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Southern Grampians Shire Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: Corrections to remove inconsistencies and technical errors in local schedules of the Southern Grampians Planning Scheme to ensure compliance with the Victoria Planning Provisions and the Ministerial Direction on the Form and Content of Planning Schemes as part of the Smart Planning Program administered by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

The Minister exempted himself from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to:  Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council.  Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved.  Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment  Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.  Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.  Publish a notice of the preparation of the amendment in the Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted himself from the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 14 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 28 September 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. VC188 to the Victoria Planning Provisions (VPP). The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The municipal councils of the Shire of Alpine, the Rural , the , the , the Coast, the , the , the Rural , the , the , the , the , the , the City of Casey, the Shire of Central Goldfields, the Otway, the , the , the Shire of East , the , the , the , the , the Shire of Golden Plains, the , the City of Greater Dandenong, the City of Greater Geelong, the City of Greater Shepparton, the , the , the , the Rural , the , the , the , the , the , the , the , the , the , the , the , the , the , the Rural , the , the , the , the , the , the , the Shire of Mornington Peninsula, the Shire of , the , the , the , the Shire of Northern Grampians, the , the , the , the Shire of South Gippsland, the Shire of Southern Grampians, the , the , the Shire of Surf Coast, the Rural , the , the Rural , the , the , the Shire of West , the , the , the City of , the , the , the Shire of Yarra Ranges and the will be responsible for administering the provisions amended by the Amendment in their municipal districts. The Minister for Planning will be responsible for administering the provisions in this Amendment for the Alpine Resorts Planning Scheme, the & Sandstone Island Planning Scheme and the Port of Melbourne Planning Scheme. The Minister for Planning will also be responsible for administering those areas as specified in the schedule to Clause 72.01. ------The changes to the VPP and all planning schemes in Victoria are: to delete Clause 52.13 2009 Bushfire – Recovery Exemptions and remove references to it from all planning schemes following its expiry.


The Minister determined to prepare the amendment in accordance with section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 do not apply in respect of the amendment.

PHILLIP BURN Director Planning Systems Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 14 December 2020

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 8 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No C84wang to the Wangaratta Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are:

 The alteration of the planning scheme maps and the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay so that the Wangaratta Planning Scheme is consistent with the Victorian Heritage Register.

The Minister did not exempt the Minister from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 or 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The Minister did not exempt the Minister from any of the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

The Minister was required to prepare the amendment under section 56(1)(a) of the Heritage Act 2017. Sections 12(1)(a) and (e), 12(2), 12(3), Divisions 1 and 2 of Part 3 and sections 39(1), 39(2), 39(3), 39(4), 39(5) and 39(6) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 do not apply in respect of the amendment.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister did not consult the responsible authority.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 14 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 9 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C250wsea to the Whittlesea Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Whittlesea City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: • Inserts a Municipal Planning Strategy at Clause 02, • Inserts revised local policies within the Planning Policy Framework at Clauses 11-19 • Amends a number of schedules to Clause 42.01 (Environmental Significance Overlay) to insert application requirements previously located in local planning policy. • Amends a number of schedules to Clause 42.02 (Vegetation Protection Overlay) to insert application requirements previously located in local planning policy. • Amends the Schedule to Clause 43.01 (Heritage Overlay) to insert application requirements previously located in local planning policy. • Amends the Schedule to Clause 66.06 (Notice of permit applications under local provisions) to include content previously located in local planning policy. • Amends the Schedule to Clause 72.08 (Background documents) with a new schedule to that consolidates all background documents from Clauses 21 and 22 of the Local Planning Policy Framework. • Introduces a new Schedule to Clause 74.01 (Application of zones, overlays and provisions) to provide an explanation of the relationship between the municipal objectives, strategies and controls on the use and development of land in the planning scheme. • Introduces a new Schedule to Clause 74.02 (Further strategic work) that consolidates all further strategic work actions from Clause 21 of the Local Planning Policy Framework.

The Minister exempted himself from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to: • Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council. • Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved. • Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment. • Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected. • Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed. • Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area. • Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The Minister exempted himself from the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister consulted the responsible authority which endorsed the proposed restructuring of the policy provisions of the Whittlesea Planning Scheme.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.


Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 18 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 30 November 2020 the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change approved Amendment No. C254wsea to the Whittlesea Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change. The Whittlesea City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: introduction of Specific Controls Overlay Schedule 16 (SCO16) to land at Part 187 and 215 Cooper Street, Epping to facilitate subdivision of land, alterations to road access, removal of native vegetation and use and development of land for 151 social and affordable housing apartments and a hospital and medical centre by applying a Specific Controls Overlay (SCO16), amending the schedule to Clause 45.12 and including the associated incorporated document, ‘Epping Renewal Site’ Part 187 and 215 Cooper Street, Epping, November 2020’ at the schedule to Clause 72.04 and makes associated changes to the Whittlesea Planning Scheme.

The Minister exempted the Minister from the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 being the requirement to: • Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the amendment to the relevant municipal council. • Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved. • Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment. • Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected. • Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed. • Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area. • Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

No notice of the amendment was given.

The Minister consulted the Whittlesea City Council, the project applicant and relevant agencies.

The Whittlesea City Council, the project applicant and agencies responded with recommended changes to the conditions of the incorporated document.

The council requested changes to native vegetation offset reporting, street tree and landscaping conditions, inclusion of gross pollutant traps, timing of the Differential Settlement Agreement, light spill reduction, updated references to Statements of Environmental Audit in a section 173 agreement and specification of carparking numbers. These requested changes were supported.

The applicant’s requested changes to reduce duplication in clause requirements and to enable early commencement of works, a shared path and stormwater management changes to mitigate native fauna impacts and some changes to drainage conditions were supported. Deletion of a Kangaroo Management Plan requirement was not supported.

Agency requested changes were generally supported.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 10 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 25 January 2021 the Minister approved Amendment C256wsea to the Whittlesea Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Whittlesea City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: Amends the Schedule to Clause 43.01 to extend the interim Heritage Overlay for 90 Bindts Road, Wollert (HO204) for a period of 12 months.

The Minister determined to prepare the amendment in accordance with section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 do not apply in respect of the amendment.

The Minister did not consult with the municipal council as the amendment is of a class exempted by the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 29 January 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)

OFFICIAL Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 7 July 2020 the Minister approved Amendment No. C238yara to the Yarra Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Yarra City Council. The Yarra City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The Amendment inserts Clause 45.06 (Development Contributions Plan Overlay) into the planning scheme; inserts a new Schedule 1 to the Development Contributions Plan Overlay (DCPO1) into the planning scheme; applies the DCPO1 to all land in the City of Yarra; replaces the Schedule to Clause 72.03 with a new Schedule to update the list of maps forming part of the planning scheme; and replaces the Schedule to Clause 72.04 with a new Schedule to incorporate the Yarra Development Contributions Plan 2017 (HillPDA, April 2020) into the planning scheme.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 or 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The Minister did not exempt the planning authority from any of the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

The Minister did not prepare the amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

STUART MENZIES Director State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 1 February 2021

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)


Form 1 Section 38(1)


On 08 December 2020 the Minister approved Amendment C289yara to the Yarra Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. The Yarra City Council will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The changes to the scheme are: to extend interim built form controls in Schedule 20 to the Design and Development Overlay – Queens Parade until 12 September 2021 and corrects errors in Schedule 15 to the Design and Development Overlay - Johnston Street Activity Centre.

The Minister determined to prepare the amendment in accordance with section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 do not apply in respect of the amendment.

The Minister did not consult with the municipal council as the amendment was prepared at the request of the municipal council.

Stuart Menzies Director, State Planning Services Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

For the Minister

Date: 18 December 2020

Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 Form 1 Section 38(1)