The Health Reformer for 1873
ealth efarmtr. OUR PHYSICIAN, NATURE: OBEY AND LIVE. VOL. 8. BATTLE CREEK, MICH., APRIL, 1873. NO, 4. THE H EALTH REFORMER Meat-Eating. IS ISSUED MONTHLY BY THE New York Tinnes, in an article entitled, Reattto Etaforect Institute, T "The Cost of the Table," after mentioning the BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN. high prices of flesh-meats, and the extravagant JAMES WHITE EDITOR. and wasteful manner in which this kind of food is usually cooked, and the enormous amount eaten Terms: sap One Dollar per Year, invariably in Advance. Address HEALTH RETORMER, Battle Creek, Mich. in this country, offers the following :— " Whether this meat-eating is beneficial seems TOBACCO. to be more than doubtful. Are our men or our women stronger, healthier, larger-limbed, ruddier, WHAT gives my breath an awful smell, And hinders me from feeling well? and fairer, than Europeans of corresponding oc- One single word the tale will tell ! cupations and habits of life? The Irish girls who Tobacco. come out here and go into domestic service come generally with rosy cheeks and full figures. They What paints my skin a dirty brown, And keeps my manly spirits down? probably have not eaten flesh-meat once a week in What turns a man into a clown? their lives, in many cases not oftener than once a Tobacco. month. Once here, they rush ravenously at the joints, the steaks, and the chops, which are to What keeps me spitting all the day On fence and wall, till people say, them luxuries and the great signs of luxurious "1 guess he'll spit his life away " ? living.
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