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John Bosco Mike Johns, Jr District Governor DISTRICT 6630 NEWS Editor April 2010 Governor’s Letter April is Rotarian Magazine Reading the Rotarian is a good and Vivian made such a gener- Inside this issue: Month. The first issue of the habit to form because you never ous and meaningful gift. On Hudson Holds 25th Auction 2 Rotarian Magazine was pub- know what you will find. For October 29, 2009 Jack and lished in January 1911. The example in the March 2010 Vivian were inducted, and their New Feature at Rotary.org 2 name of that first edition was edition on the inside front portrait will hang in the Arch C. The National Rotarian and con- cover, is a photo of Atmaram Klumph Gallery at RI World TRF Direct and You 2 tained an essay from Paul Harris “Ram” Gawande, the current Headquarters. Please take the Nominating Committee 3 along with Club news and ad- District Governor of District time to visit Rotary Interna- vertisements. The name was 6690 which includes Columbus tional Headquarters the next Makes Selection changed to The Rotarian in and Southeastern Ohio. Ram is time you travel to the Chicago TRC Mentor Visits Esperanza 3 1912. The magazine is now pub- my “classmate” and had the area. lished monthly and is mailed to honor of meeting with Bill Who is Jim Lechko? 3 almost every Rotarian. Gates Jr. during our training No matter what your interests session in San Diego January 18, are, you are sure to find some- Rotarian Travels to Nigeria 3 Each member of District 6630 is 2009. That was the day Mr. thing interesting in the Rotar- ShelterBox Shifts Focus 4 mailed a copy. If you are not Gates announced that he was ian. I like the crossword puzzle getting your copy please tell your giving Rotary 200 Million Dol- even though I usually have to Softball Tournament Info 4 club secretary. lars to help eradicate polio. “cheat” and look at the answers. Katie Spotz Completes Journey 5 Take a look at the front cover of Did you see our own PDG Jack This is the last newsletter before Pancakes Generate 30K 5 your Rotarian Magazine. The Harig and Vivian honored as the District Conference. It is mailing label contains your not too late to register. Please DisCon Speaker Bios 6 new members of the Arch C. membership number. It is a 6 Klumph Society? If you look on consider joining us at the Kala- th digit number preceded by two page 58 you will learn that the hari April 23-25 . I promise you zeros. This number is needed Harigs gave at least $250,000.00 will have a great family, fun Points of Interest: when you contact Rotary Inter- to the Rotary Foundation. We weekend and learn more about • April is Magazine Month national in Evanston, Illinois as fellow Rotarians should be Rotary. for any official Rotary business. • Still time to register for DisCon very proud of the fact that Jack • This year’s GSE Team Taiwan INBOUND OUTBOUND • Hudson auction/raffle 5/14 GSE Teams Prepare to Depart • Navigation at Rotary.org improved By Dave Harper ing or receiving or both sending the world one person at a time. • TRF Direct makes giving easy and receiving a GSE Team. The When you see the team members It is GSE time in the Rotary teams will travel to the other from District 3490 (Taipei, Tai- • Jim Lechko selected as DG 2012-2013 World. This is one of the many District and stay with different wan) please, extend a warm hand • Esperanza school takes shape great programs sponsored by your Rotary families for their 30 day and welcome them and help Rotary Foundation. This year • Dan Sutherin experiences IPD stay. While they are there they make their visit to our District a our District 6630 and District will tour various vocational busi- memorable experience for both • Over 13,ooo ShelterBoxes in Haiti 3490 (Northern Taiwan – Taipei) nesses including some that are them and you are exchanging GSE teams. This • Softball Tournament July 25th directly related to their own pro- programs involves teams (4 – 6 fession. In addition to the voca- We also want to wish our GSE • Katie Spotz raised over $75k members) traveling between two tional tours the GSE Teams will Team the very best in their travels • TRC Burton knows pancakes mutually agreed upon districts. attend and see some cultural to Taipei, Taiwan. They will be events and places of the host available as speakers about their • Expect great speakers at DisCon It is pretty amazing when you District. This is your foundation experiences when they return think about it. There are approxi- helping to promote peace and home. Both teams will be travel- th th mately 535 districts in the rotary cultural understanding around ing from April 10 to May 9 . world. Each District either send- Hudson Auction Celebrates 25 Years New Feature at rotary.org Please pass this on to members By Liz Murphy Ubumi children abandoned or By Roger Cram of your Club. The Rotary Club of Hudson is orphaned by AIDS. Over 700 of the most used making plans to celebrate in Individuals and organizations areas of the RI Web site have If you are looking for some- style the Silver Anniversary of wanting to support the Rotary been linked in an alphabetical thing that is not listed, there is their annual Auction & Re- an email link at the bottom to Club’s Silver Anniversary Auc- index for your conven- verse Raffle. The black-tie- have it added. tion and its beneficiaries can ience. This listing includes optional event will be held on over 60 Rotary PowerPoint purchase tickets, donate auction You can reach this site by go- Friday, May 14, 2010 at the presentations, over 50 RI vid- Twinsburg Hilton Garden Inn. items and advertise in the auc- ing to the District Website eos, over 60 RI forms used in (www.rotarydistrict6630.org) Tickets, which include dinner tion program. Visit http:// our Rotary Club applications, and clicking on Rotary Inter- and an open bar, are $75, and www.rotaryhudson.org/special- and all new RI Facebook, available from any Rotarian or national Index located in the events.php or call Kathie Franks Flickr, YouTube, and at The Learned Owl Book orange column on the left- at 330-319-3193. Linkedin links. You should Shop (204 N. Main, Hudson). hand side under District find this site useful for train- Links. ing, Club presentations, new Hudson Rotary held its first member orientation, answers auction in May 1984, and pro- to questions about grants or You may go directly by click- ceeds over the years have bene- the Foundation, and other ing on www.rfcram.com/ fited a rainbow of organiza- areas of interest involving Ro- rotary_international.htm. tary. TRF Direct and You ber's checks before remitting By John F. Germ contributions to The Rotary Let me tell you about an easy, Foundation. Participants re- ceive ONE consolidated tax fast and proven way for Rotari- tions. The 1995 auction, for receipt at the end of the calen- ans to contribute to The Rotary example, netted $15,000 to dar year. Foundation. TRF-DIRECT is purchase a minivan for the The Rotary Foundation’s elec- This PowerPoint on TRF- Hudson Fire Department, DIRECT can be presented to tronic funds transfer pro- while funds for many years your club as a five-minute an- have provided college scholar- gram. TRF-DIRECT supports nouncement during an upcom- ships for local high school stu- both PolioPlus and/or the An- ing meeting. The presentation dents. Other beneficiaries nual Programs Fund. is a short outline of the benefits have included Boy Scout Troop of TRF-DIRECT. Here’s a link 321, Visiting Nurse Services, Automatic contributions make to the TRF-DIRECT brochure the Hudson High School Ser- it easier for your club to meet (998-EN-USA), which allows vice Learning Class, the Hud- Rotary's US$200 Million Chal- you to enroll in TRF- son Bandstand Concert Com- lenge and Annual Programs DIRECT. TRF-DIRECT bro- mittee and The Gift of Life Fund goals. Make contribu- chures are also available through (helping Third-World children tions to The Rotary Foundation the Rotary Store and by phone: **ROTARACT EXPANDS AGAIN** on a monthly, quarterly or an- with heart disease). 1-847-866-4600. nual basis. Rotarians participate The Rotary Club of Cleveland East through a checking or savings Join TRF-DIRECT today and This year’s auction’s featured is in the process of sponsoring a account, or a credit card. The encourage the members of your beneficiary, Children of average annual individual gift Rotaract Club at Case-Western club to participate too. Thank Ubumi, has special ties to Hud- via TRF-DIRECT for Rotary Reserve. Hope to have more details you for joining me in support- son. A Hudson resident, Pene- in the next newsletter. year 2008-09 was US$482. ing our Rotary Foundation. lope Frese, founded the non- This program would simplify profit organization, and in the amount of paperwork sub- Sincerely, April 2009, the City of Hudson mitted by club treasurers to officially adopted the Ubumi The Rotary Foundation. There John F. Germ, Chair Rotary’s Transit Home in Kitwe, Zam- are no checks to be mailed, US$200M Challenge Commit- multiple donor forms to be tee bia. The orphanage is home to completed, or waiting for mem- Page 2 Nominating Committee Makes Selection Who is Jim Lechko By Michael J. Johns at its first meeting identified Jim joined the Rotary Club of Assistant Vice President/ The District Nominating seven eligible Rotarians Lakewood-Rocky River in Octo- Investment Services Manager.