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John Bosco Mike Johns, Jr District Governor DISTRICT 6630 NEWS Editor January 2010 Governor’s Letter Inside this issue: January is ROTARY AWARE- Harig of the Rotary Club of full? We still have six months Awareness & Fellowship in 2 NESS MONTH. Isn’t every Akron has written a very infor- to do the work we set out to do Rotary month Rotary Awareness mative article in this month’s in July. I encourage each of you News From Medina Sunrise 2 Month? It is with me and I newsletter. I strongly urge you to continue being the best Ro- suspect it is with you. We Ro- to read and follow the sugges- tarian you can be. DisCon Sponsorships Available 2 tarians of District 6630 are tions of PDG Jack and encour- doing so much good in our age all of your Club members I will be visiting Clubs promot- Burton-Middlefield Spirit 3 communities and worldwide to do the same. ing the upcoming District Con- ference. If your Club needs a Shelter Box Responds 3 that we are constantly aware of Rotary. Our District received a public speaker please contact me or a Christmas in July Success 3 relations grant from Rotary member of the Conference WCS Seeks Partners 4 Rotary International provides International. The grant is committee to schedule a pro- us with so much material to worth $8,500.00 and will en- gram. Don’t forget the Confer- Silver Beaver Presented 4 help us learn about and appre- able us to promote Rotary by ence is at the Kalahari Water ciate our Rotary experience. using cable television spots. Park the weekend of April 23- District Fndn Seminar 4 The more we know about Ro- The ads will run for the next 25th. Reservations can be made Kids Know No Borders 5 tary the more we feel con- few months at different times now by using the application nected and able to truly serve. on different stations. A list of on the District web site. Membership Has No Boundaries 5 Please visit our District Web the dates and times can be OlympianThe Agua ProjectRows For Water 6 Site www.rotary6630.com for a found on our District web site. I have now visited all the Ro- tary Clubs in District 6630 and Bridge Building Celebration 6 direct link to Rotary Interna- We would appreciate any feed Stow-Munroe Falls News 6 tional and spend some time back from you or your family I am so proud to be your Dis- trict Governor. Thank each Rainman Dies in Salt Lake 6 learning about Rotary. Ask regarding these ads. We need your Club President and Secre- to know how best to spend our and every one of you for your Chili Open Turns 20 6 tary to get you a copy of the advertising dollars. dedication and service. Re- ABCs of Rotary. It’s a wonder- member I am only a phone call TRC Brunswick Serves Meals 6 ful way to learn the basics. January also means that this or an email away. If I can be of Rotary year is half over. Is your help to you please contact me. Christina Paschyn 7 Past District Governor Jack Rotary glass half empty or half RYLA Awards 7 Kalahari House of Friendship Points of Interest: • District receives $8500 PR Grant The District Conference theme will explore other parts of the those who are not familiar with what we are all about. No matter • House of Friendship seeks displays is family and object is fun. The resort. resort is offering great prices for how large or how small your • Medina resident elected Kiwanis Each club is asked to participate club’s program may be we want International President a great weekend. There will be to the House of Friendship by your display. Please contact Joy • DisCon Looks for sponsors professional child care who will providing a display of their activi- Black with any questions or con- see that your young ones are • ShelterBox mobilizes for Haiti ties and events through out the cerns. Fill out questionnaire and cared for and entertained. There • Christmas in July raises $10.8k years. The location of the House submit by February 15th, 2010. will be activities for all ages that • International projects seek partners of Friendship will be exposed to Displays may follow the jungle will help them participate in the other convention groups attend- theme. There are prizes for origi- • Foundation seminar Feb 20th theme of the conference. The ing the resort that weekend. It is nality of display, design, focus, • Support TRF through Ohio plates child care will not take children a great way to show off your club international project, home pro- • Ambassadorial scholar available into the indoor water park, but and Rotary International to ject and party hardy. Awareness and Fellowship in Rotary News From Medina Sunrise By Jack Harig in Rotary and the dreams of Ro- By Mike Davanzo with an Honorary Membership tary for the future your Rotary for his year a International Presi- January is Rotary Awareness your club will continue to grow Medina Sunrise Rotary has been dent in our club. She also noted Month; I have a challenge for and serve. Best of all your lives busy with the Holiday Spirit. The that Sunrise Rotary has made a club once again purchased Christ- my fellow Rotarians. It will just and the lives of your family will donation in his name to both the mas gifts for needy families in a little effort on your part, a continue to be enriched as you see International Kiwanis Foundation three of our school districts. In and the Rotary International little wee bit of your time; who your contributions to the commu- addition to that, we have contin- Foundation. knows, we may all be surprised nity, country and world grow. If ued our association and sponsor- with the new things we learn there is a future week where your ship of the Rotaract Club in Ecua- Medina Sunrise will be holding its about Rotary Service and Ro- club has a club assembly or no dor. Club members volunteered Annual Wine and Roses Benefit tary International’s successes. scheduled program you could to ring the bell for the Salvation Dinner on February 13, 2010 at The Challenge is in thee parts, have a lot of fun sharing the Army and to staff the table for the Weymouth County Club. This is 1) The Rotarian Magazine, 2) scoop on what new things you Hospice fundraiser. The Club a special night was great food, a Rotary International WEB Site have learned about Rotary in a also held its joint Christmas meet- sit-down dinner, wine, desserts, www.Rotary.org and 3) RGHF group setting. Have fun, enjoy the ing with the Medina Breakfast music and dancing. There will Rotary Global History Fellow- New Year and share your love Kiwanis Club at Medina First also be a silent and live auc- tion. Attendees with have the ship WEB Site http:// with family and friends. Baptist Church. After a delicious opportunity to mix a romantic www.rotaryfirst100.org/library/ breakfast, the club members en- night with the opportunity sup- rotarian/). The Rotary experience is en- joyed Christmas songs by the hanced as our understanding of youth choir of First Baptist and port some very worthy causes. The main beneficiary of Scan each of these three Rotary the challenges and accomplish- then listened to inspiring words the dinner with be the Medina resources and spot something ments of Rotary grows. Our lives by Pastor Mark Milioni, a Sunrise Children's Center. If you are you did not know about Rotary are strengthened when bonds of Rotarian. interested in attending, please call fellowship are forged in service to and jot that thought or idea Following the festivities, Medina Mike at 330-725-3176 or 330-441- down on a post-a-note, napkin, mankind. The bonds of friend- Sunrise Rotary was pleased to 1507 or email him at mda- or scrap of paper and bring it to ship you make in Rotary grow as make a special presentation. Alan [email protected]. If you a meeting. It will create some you learn more about your fellow Penn, a resident of Medina and a can not attend but would like to interesting table talk. If you all Rotarians, their work, their fami- Kiwanian, was recently elected donate a prize for our auction, do this it is possible with 8 lies and their dreams. Take time International President of the please contact me also. Happy people at a table and 4 meeting to get to know each other and Kiwanis. Sunrise President, Bar- New Year to all. in January 2010 you could share your dreams. Make 2010 bara Cummings, presented Alan come away with 96 new things the best Rotary year you have ever you did not know about Ro- experienced. District Conference Sponsorships Available tary. The Rotary District 6630 is de- ness and professional leading men Each year the RI Presidents lighted to announce the Annual and women who have dedicated theme freshens the way I look District Conference will be held themselves to “Service Above at my Rotary commitments. For at the Kalahari Resort in San- Self”. me this years theme reminds dusky the weekend of April 23-25, Your participation will be a tre- me that Rotary is "Up Close & 2010 and we have an opportu- mendous public relations/ Personal" It makes clear the nity for you! marketing opportunity for your obligation of every Rotarian in As in the past, the conference firm all while supporting your every club, in every district and offers local establishments the local Rotary and ultimately the in every country around the chance to promote their business communities in which we live and world to share his or her by taking advantage of various work.