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MINERALS and Their LOCALITIES MINERALS and their LOCALITIES MINERALS and their LOCALITIES Jan H. Bernard and Jaroslav Hyršl © 2004-2015 by Granit, s.r.o. © 2004-2015 Text by Jan H. Bernard and Jaroslav Hyršl © 2004-2015 Photos by Jaroslav Hyršl (972), Pavel Škácha (48), Lubomír Mlčoch (5), © 2004 Graphic design by Lubomír Mlčoch ISBN 978-80-7296-098-9 Front cover photo: Uranocircite, 24 mm, Bergen, Germany Chalcedony pseudomorph after aragonite, 75 mm, Paso de Indios, Argentina Corundum ruby, 28 mm, Jegdalek, Afghanistan Quartz with rutile, 90 mm, Diamantina, Brazil Cavansite, xx 30 mm, Wagholi, India Rhodochrosite, 75 mm, Uchucchacua, Peru Back cover photo: Realgar, 65 mm, Palomo mine, Peru Page 1: Copper, 50 mm, Oumjrane, Morocco Page 2: Zeunerite, 135 mm, Cínovec, Czech rep. Page 3: Galena, 105 mm, Stříbro, Czech Rep. Page 4: Rhodonite, 65 mm, Chiurucu, Peru Page 5: Pyromorphite, 135 mm, Les Farges mine, France Page 11: Variscite, 75 mm, Cigana mine, Brazil Published by Granit, s.r.o. in 2015 www.granit-publishing.cz Edited by Vandall T. King Printed in Finidr, s.r.o., Czech Republic Third edition All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private use, without written permission of the publisher. CONTENS Introductions . 6 Alphanumeric coding scheme . 10 Mineral Species . 11 Explanation of symbols and abbreviations . 11 Alphabetic list of mineral localities . 769 The richest type localities of the world . 906 Recently described minerals . 908 References . 910 Acknowledgments . 911 About authors. 912 6 INTRODUCTIONS This book reviews about 9,300 mineral localities from eral species, with a list of discredited mineral names, all over the world, for all valid mineral species (almost were published by Nickel and Mandarino (1987). The 5,000), in the context of their geoenvironment. The description of valid species must contain chemical for- main purpose of the book is to describe the chemical mula, structure (crystal system, crystal group, and unit and physical properties of all mineral species with an cell dimensions), and at least some other physical data. emphasis to their localites and especially the mineral A list of valid mineral species is presented in “Fleisch- associations in which they occur. er's Glossary of Mineral Species”, most recently in the th An important progress and many changes in mineral- 11 edition by Back (2014), and at WWW.IMA-MINER- ogy during the last decade were registered. They were ALOGY.ORG/MINLIST.HTM. There is no problem with the caused by the fast progress of analytical methods, e.g. validity of at least 95 % of minerals, thanks to the pos- by establishing of new analyses of light elements by itive role of the CNMMN in limiting the number of microprobe and by mass spectroscopy, and by the pos- newly described minerals. sibility to study structures of very tiny minerals. Both The composition of most mineral specimens deviates, these facts made possible to describe numerous new however, more or less from the theoretical chemical mineral species. composition, characteristic for the “end-members” of Great attention was given to groups of structurally and mineral series. The critical species boundary between chemically related minerals. The classic summary on two minerals of identical structure and similar chemi- mineral groups is present in the book “Strunz Miner- cal formula, distinguished only by substitution of one alogical Tables” (Strunz and Nickel, 2001), and most of the components, is imposed at 50 % of atomic site recently in “Fleischer's Glossary of Mineral Species” occupancy. The Sb members of the tennantite group (Back, 2014). (2.G) will serve as a good example: Numerous nomenclatoric changes during last years have, naturally, some unpleasant practical consequenc- tetrahedrite Ag-rich tetrahedrite es: numerous specimens of some mineral species in the Cu12[S(SbS3)4] (Cu,Ag)12[S(SbS3)4] museums and private mineral collections will loose their correct description, unless being tested by of- Cu-rich freibergite freibergite ten complex and very expensive analyses (especially (Ag,Cu)12[S(Sb3)4] Ag12[S(SbS3)4] in the amphibole and pyrochlore supergroups, where there is often no direct correlation between the old and Remark: both minerals always contain more or less Fe, new names). In the case of light elements, e.g. for tour- Zn, and often Hg. Nearly pure freibergite is very rare. malines, it will be diffi cult to distinguish fl uor-elbaite The decision that a new mineral species is established from elbaite, fl uor-schorl from schorl etc. when one of the cations or anions is changed for an- Minerals published already with a complete descrip- other one has unfortunate consequences in groups of tion have a citation of the original article at the end. minerals with very complicated compositions, e.g. the In case of minerals approved by IMA but not yet pub- amphibole, mica, tourmaline, pyrochlore, labuntsovite, lished, we quote their IMA number. Their complete eudialyte, and several other supergroups: the number lists can be found at WWW.IMA-MINERALOGY.ORG/MIN- of new mineral species may grow as an avalanche, LIST.HTM, or printed in the Mineralogical Magazine. fl ooding the mineral population with tens or possibly hundreds of names, even when the amount of the sub- Mineral species stituting component may represent only 1–2 weight % Several defi nitions of “mineral species” have been pro- of the whole composition. mulgated but most of them were not generally accept- The most complicated situation is actually in the py- ed. According to Strunz and Nickel (2001), a mineral rochlore supergroup. For example, in the old clas- substance is “a naturally occurring solid that has been sifi cation the mineral pyrochlore had a formula formed by geochemical and geophysical processes, (Ca,Na)2Nb2(O,OH,F)7 and we had about 30 pyrochlo- either on earth or in extraterrestrial bodies”. Besides re localities in the fi rst edition of this book. However, minerals with defi nite three-dimensional atomic struc- the recent classifi cation uses naming according to in- ture, the current defi nition also permits naturally amor- dividual ions of O, OH and F and it makes uncertain, phous phases. Among minerals we fi nd mainly inor- where the pyrochlores from those 30 localities belong. ganic species – elements, alloys, carbides etc., sulfi des Complete descriptions are missing for many minerals and similar compounds, halides, oxides and similar of this redefi ned group and only 19 of them passed compounds, oxidic compounds with complex anions, for the IMA approval till summer 2015. For that rea- and a few organic species. son, we keep the old names for minerals where their By far, the largest number of minerals described in our new name is not clear, and they are marked with an book are considered valid mineral species. They have asterix *. been submitted to, and accepted by, the Commission Polytypes are, according to criteria of the CNMMN on New Minerals and Mineral Names (CNMMN) of (Nickel and Mandarino, 1987, p. 1032), not regarded as the International Mineralogical Association (IMA), or individual mineral species. Exceptions are a few poly- else existed before the CNMMN started its fruitful ex- types with different chemical formulae (e.g. baumhau- istence (1959). The principles of criteria for valid min- erite, ferronigerite, etc.). 7 INTRODUCTIONS In this book we recognize four main groups of minerals erals which contain different substituting elements in (with distinguished graphic form): one or more structural sites, e.g. jahnsite-(CaMnMg), • Valid mineral species: here we include all valid min- jahnsite-(CaMnMn), etc. Other examples are pumpel- eral species accepted by the CNMMN, they can be lyite-(Fe2+), pumpellyite-(Mn2+), or numerous zeolites, found on the IMA web page. In addition to these we e.g. gmelinite-Na, gmelinite-Ca, etc. For the formerly mention some minerals which for different reasons used prefi xes such as Greek letters, it is recommended have not yet passed through the necessary procedure of to write them as suffi xes instead (e.g. “domeykite-β” the CNMMN: they are marked by a small asterix after rather than “β-domeykite”). the name of the mineral. A new scheme for the application of prefi xes, suffi xes, • Transitional minerals: transitional members of min- hyphens, and diacritical marks for mineral names was eral series, which are very common and which have presented by the IMA Commision of New Minerals, practical usage. Here belong e.g. biotite (with end-mem- Nomenclature and Classifi cation – CNMNC (Burke, bers annite–phlogopite), lepidolite (trilithionite–polyli- 2008). The long-term used mineral names with prefi x- thionite), zinnwaldite (siderophyllite-polylithionite), es were in several groups replaced by suffi xes, e.g. fer- olivine (forsterite–fayalite), scapolite (marialite–mei- roaxinite to axinite-(Fe), manganotantalite to tantalite- onite), and wolframite (ferberite–hübnerite). The mem- (Mn) etc. Whereas the new application for hyphens and bers of the plagioclase series are also separately listed: diacritical marks is generally welcomed, the replace- oligoclase, andesine, labradorite, bytownite (series end- ment of prefi xes by suffi xes was widely critized. The members are albite and anorthite). These transitional members of the CNMNC decided fi nally to return to members largely dominate over the end-members, be- former use of prefi xes in the apatite group (Pasero et ing among the most important rock-forming minerals al., 2010), so the terminological chaos was removed. (e.g. biotite, olivine), or among the important economic The mineral names originating in English, German, ore minerals (e.g. lepidolite, wolframite). In many cas- and other Germanic languages, French, and other Latin es, minerals have an intermediate composition between languages, and in the Polish, Czech, Greek, Hungarian, theoretical end-members.
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