RALU News Volume 7 Number 1 September 2014
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RALU News volume 7 number 1 September 2014 RALU News The Back-to-School Issue CONTENTS CONGRATULATIONS TO THE RETIREES OF 2014 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE RETIREES OF 2014 p. 1 RALU welcomes twelve bright new faces with ENVIRONMENT NEWS: NATURE CONSERVANCY OF fresh ideas, capabilities and energy to its ranks to CANADA begin this academic year 2014/2015. It is now our Lynn Barber policy to offer all new retirees a one year free p. 2 membership in RALU. Congratulations to these new members! LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: PARDON MY APOSTROPHE RALU is an inclusive, diverse, democratic and Abdul Mamoojee welcoming organization. Our constitution states that: p. 3 “Membership in the Association is open to all retirees, their spouses or partners, academic and non- RALU 2014 AGM: NOMINATIONS FOR 2014/2015. academic” and further, “There shall be one class of Les Miller membership: retirees, spouses or partners being Brian Phillips individual members.” p. 5 Richard Berg FALL EVENTS Susan Cole Ian Dew Jane Crossman p. 6 Hope Arlene Fennell Allan Gilbert ON YOUR MARKS! GET SET FOR YOUR Patricia Jason THUNDERWOLVES! Bob Payne Margot Ponder Linda Pisco p. 6 Peter Puna Norma Smith CURAC / ARUCC 12TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Cathy Trojan Ernie Epp Dolores Wawia p. 10 1 RALU News volume 7 number 1 September 2014 ENVIRONMENT NEWS: NATURE CONSERVANCY OF The north facing part of Caribou Island facing CANADA cottagers’ properties at Lambert Island and other popular cottage sites along Lake Superior in Shuniah Northwestern Ontario and Thunder Bay have Township had already been purchased for private use. been at the centre of a series of major events related Caribou is environmentally significant as the island is to the environment over the past year with home to a pair of nesting bald eagles, peregrine controversies over mercury in water and the annual falcons and many white tail deer but despite the name conference of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Cities’ of the island, no caribou. The Nature Conservancy Initiative held in June in Thunder Bay. plans to do a complete ecological inventory next spring On a distinctly positive note, Barb and Lynn to see what other unique species make the island their Barber, members and active environmentalists, home. Caribou Island consists of mixed forests, attended the commemoration of a new nature exposed bedrock bluff and mixed beach on Lake preserve. Of the experience Lynn writes: Superior that provides an oasis for rare plant and My wife Barbara and I were very lucky to be able to animal species. Two and a half kilometres of that attend a recent event (August 20th) held at Alex and frontage on Lake Superior will now be totally off limits Kim Paterson’s cottage on Lambert Island to celebrate to development. the acquisition of 631 acres on the south facing side of The Paterson cottage, high atop a rock outcrop Caribou Island. on Lambert Island, furnishes a gorgeous view of the This we undertook not without some Amethyst Harbour area which, on the evening that we considerable trepidation as I am no longer able to were there, as smooth as glass. When Barb wended drive. I have double vision in my good eye and Barb is her long way down to their dock she was greeted by a unfamiliar with our larger vehicle, a Toyota RAV4. pair of loons and family of mergansers. Everything went well until she had to cross the short The large group there (close to fifty people) were little bridge onto Lambert. The all wood bridge treated to a delightful cocktail dinatoire served by seemed to follow the arch that would support it if it waiters and waitresses from the White Fox Inn. We were a stone structure. Starting up one side and she were somewhat intimidated as we were sure that we was, being only 4 feet nine, unable to see much over would not know anyone but were delighted that a the top of the rise and we ended up taking it at a husband and wife (Bill and Karen Covello), cottagers at virtual snail’s pace. On the return trip she balked and I Birch Beach, recognized us from their days at Lakehead took it over the hump for her. University. We had meet Don and Lori Paterson earlier The Nature Conservancy of Canada had been as they were fellow members of the same book club. working for some time on the acquisition of a portion We were well received by Dana Kleniewski and Jim of Caribou Island to preserve the habitat there the Duncan of the Nature Conservancy of Canada and present and future generations. As Alex said in his enjoyed a lengthy talk with a kayaker who was welcoming remarks: “The Paterson Foundation is attempting to complete a tour of the north shore of delighted to have the opportunity to work with the Superior going a fair distance each summer. Nature Conservancy of Canada to conserve a portion I was reluctant to venture far from my perch of Caribou Island. I personally have been working on on the railing of the deck outside the main cottage as an opportunity to see Caribou preserved in its natural the deck was stained very dark, and with my vision, I state for over twenty years and have been visiting the would be very likely to take a head over and end up a island since I was a child. The fact that the south side cocktail casualty, assuredly not due to my intake. Once of the island will remain natural conservation land in ensconced there, a glass of claret in hand, I thought I perpetuity excites me to no end!” This was was seated on the edge of paradise! But even the accomplished by the Nature Conservancy of Canada experience of having to answer a call of nature in that with the assistance of the Government of Canada’s beautiful spot was not without its benefits. I was Natural Areas Conservation Program, the Paterson escorted to a small cabin on that part of deck closest Foundation, John Andrews Foundation and Barrett to Amethyst Harbour and found myself in washroom Family Foundation. with a gorgeous view almost directly below. The view 2 RALU News volume 7 number 1 September 2014 was such that it could entice even unruly children to More Environment News spend some time in the simple act of hand cleansing. I am not sure of the range of people invited. We were The first and biggest international event of the invited as we have been long term donors to special year, with connections to Thunder Bay and which is projects that the Conservancy has been involved in still reverberating, is the announcement by our own both here and in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Neil Young (honoris causa) of his alliance against the Others there were the Paterson’s neighbours and reckless development of the oil sands: AKA the tar representatives of the Anderson and Barrett sands. These are strange times when a geriatric rocker Foundations, the Lakehead Regional Conservation champions the use of science to guide decisions and Authority, other donors and volunteers and the head to insist that the federal government honour treaties. of Sleeping Giant Provincial Park and, key perhaps, the The Council of Canadians’ redoubtable Maude realtor who arranged the purchase of the land. Barlow visited this spring to give a platform for If you have not contributed to the Nature members of the many solitudes of Northwestern Conservancy of Canada we would highly recommend Ontario to present grievances and warnings, as well as it. They have been instrumental in saving many natural to strategize and look forward. Oil transportation is on areas of our beautiful land from development. The the mind of everyone who lives in a potential blast two that we have assisted with are located in areas zone close to a railway. A major change this year is that with which we are most familiar: near Sleeping Giant there are now two unit oil trains in the yard at Westfort Provincial Park and part of Sutton Mountain, near the at any given time. Quebec border with Vermont. One location Barb and I Deliberations on a $60 to $100 million project have enjoyed since our arrival in the Lakehead and the to clean up mercury contamination in the North other is the same mountain where my maternal Harbor of Thunder Bay are underway with no recent relatives are buried. We are emotionally and spiritually information publicly available to citizens. These involved with both locations. deliberations over the best and most practical course for the remediation project are only a part of this Lynn Barber unfolding story related to this heavy metal in Northwest Ontario. In a new chapter of the Grassy The photograph is of Caribou Island emerging Narrows tragedy, scientists are telling the Ontario from a Lake Superior mist, taken from Lambert Island Mercury Disability Board to compensate victims. In this case the scientists are from Japan who have been concerned with the aftermath of the Minamata disaster. According to a report on the CBC, only 27% of applicants are eligible to receive compensation. Ed: These and other stories are unfolding now, so expect much more later. CULTURE AND LANGUAGE. PARDON MY APOSTROPHE: ’ The word says it all. In the original Greek, apostrophos meant what the apostrophe does: ‘turn (strephein) away (apo)’. Ancient grammarians conceived this sign to mark a ‘turning away’, the Courtesy of The Nature Conservancy of Canada euphonic omission of one or more final vowels in words (mostly prepositions and conjunctions) followed by an initial vowel in the next: e.g.