
ChE laboratory

An undergraduate laboratory exercise for studying kinetics of batch

Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen, Bing Han, Annikka Nurkka, Henry Hatakka Lappeenranta University of Technology • Lappeenranta, Finland ndustrial crystallization is a unit operation used to obtain The laboratory exercise introduced in the present work was pure solid chemicals of a certain size, usually from multi- first implemented at Lappeenranta University of Technology component solutions. It can be considered as a method in the early 2000s and has slowly evolved to its current form. Ibelonging to the fields of particle, purification, and material The laboratory exercise aims to enhance understanding of science. Process control of crystallization principally consists what the nucleation rate (generation rate of nuclei, i.e., the of control of the driving force, i.e., control of supersaturation. increasing number of zero-sized crystals over time) and crystal The fundamentals of industrial crystallization can be found growth rate mean in practice. In the exercise, a counter-type from various crystallization handbooks such as the Handbook [1] Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen is a professor (, especially of Industrial Crystallization, edited by Myerson, Mullin’s separation technology) in the Laboratory of Separation Technology at Crystallization,[2)] the Crystallization Technology Handbook, Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) and a docent in industrial [3] From Mol- crystallization at LUT. She teaches courses on the fundamentals of mass edited by Mersmann, and Davey and Garside’s transfer and unit operations. Her research interests focus on purification [4] ecules to Crystallizers. Teaching of industrial crystallization and separation of inorganic and organic compound systems by industrial fundamentals has covered crystallization applications for both crystallization. She is a member of the Working Party of Crystallization, European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE). inorganic and organic compounds. Kinetic study of crystal Bing Han gained her M.Sc. from Tianjin Key Laboratory of Marine Re- growth from melt in the case of polymer spherulites was in- sources and Chemistry at Tianjin University of Science and Technology. troduced by Marentette and Brown,[5,6] and Singfield,et al.[7] After completing her M.Sc. degree, she continued her studies as a double- Fernández-Torres, et al.,[8] used a solved problem to illustrate degree doctoral student at Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) and Tianjin University of Science and Technology. Industrial crystallization [9] the eutectic freeze crystallization method. García-Ruiz, et al. is her main research subject. The research topics in her doctoral thesis developed a teaching method to obtain large protein crystals are multi-phase phenomena and process monitoring in industrial crystal- lization processes. by precipitation with the aid of gels. Annikka Nurkka, quality system manager, M.Sc. (Ed.), has worked in higher Crystallization kinetics has a great influence on crystalline education and university pedagogy. She has taught pedagogy to university product properties such as crystal size distribution and mean personnel, coordinated development projects in education (e.g., e-learning projects, accreditation of degree programs) and has worked together with crystal size. Thus, crystallization kinetics data is essential for teachers in the development of teaching activities and the publication of process simulation and design of industrial crystallizers. In articles on the impact of changes in teaching processes. addition to conventional off line measurement methods, crys- Henry Hatakka, D.Sc. (Tech.), is a post-doctoral researcher at LUT. He received his doctorate in chemical engineering from LUT. His research tallization kinetic data can be obtained by real-time Process interests include industrial crystallization, solid-liquid separation, and Analytical Technology (PAT) methods. Real-time process advanced oxidation processes in water treatment. monitoring has developed greatly since the 1990s and many sophisticated methods are now available. © Copyright ChE Division of ASEE 2015

Vol. 49, No. 4, Fall 2015 221 inline particle size analyzer is used to monitor and illustrate (PAT) in crystallization processes. Learning outcomes of the how the number of crystals increases when nucleation takes industrial crystallization part of the course are such that on place. In addition, the crystal growth kinetics are determined completion of the module a student can: explain the funda- based on a desupersaturation model and by measuring the mentals of industrial crystallization (kinetics, solid-liquid initial seed crystal size and the crystal size of the final product. equilibrium, population density, crystal size distributions, The use of chemical engineering calculations and empirical polymorphism, solvate and hydrate formation, work incorporates elements of constructivist learning, and in crystallization and dissolution, and real-time process moni- the use of group work encourages collaborative learning and toring); list and describe the operation of the most important development of the perspectives of chemical engineering industrial crystallizers; and estimate the preliminary size of practices. an MSMPR crystallizer. Student learning is assessed by writ- As we educate students of chemical engineering, at Master’s ten examination and the laboratory exercise report compiled degree level, our aim as teachers is to provide the ability and by each student group. The written examination covers the skills to design and size various unit operation equipment, in whole content of the Chemical Engineering Unit Operation addition to developing an understanding of the fundamentals II course. Improved examination answers suggest that the of unit operations. The crystallization laboratory exercise laboratory exercise has enhanced students’ understanding of combines direct experimental measurements and theoretical the fundamentals of crystallization kinetics. approaches in which modeling is done based on experimen- In the industrial crystallization module, the teaching methods tally obtained data. The results obtained at laboratory scale comprise lectures (8 hours), calculation exercises (12 hours), can be used for industrial scale calculations. and the laboratory exercise (4 hours of laboratory measure- ments, data treatment, and reporting as independent study). Pedagogical approach Instructors assist the students in carrying out the crystal- The laboratory exercise on kinetics of batch crystallization lization experiments. Instructions given in the supporting is based on principles of constructive alignment[10] and col- [11] information for the course in Appendix 1 provide further guid- laborative learning. The basic concept is that competencies ance on obtaining crystallization kinetics models by treating are generated through cooperation between the students and the empirical data obtained. Groups of four to five students teachers, and the teachers’ primary role is to facilitate learning. simultaneously carry out two experimental sets: nucleation Constructive alignment is an outcomes-based approach to rate measurements and crystal growth rate measurements. education that attempts to connect the elements of learning First, two to three students from the group focus on crystal outcomes, teaching methods, and student assessment.[10] It growth measurements and the other two to three students is claimed that by making sure that all of the elements work on nucleation measurements. After completing a number of toward the same goal, institutions can ensure that students’ experiments, the students swap tasks so that every student efforts are appropriate and efficient. When developing the carries out both nucleation and growth rate measurements and laboratory work, alignment between the intended learning all students investigate both nucleation kinetics and growth outcomes and student activities was an important aim. kinetics. Each group prepares a report, which is checked by Current engineering education, it has been claimed, does not the teacher. To obtain statistically more reliable results, the support learning of many of the skills required of engineers, teacher collects the experimental data acquired by about five for example, communication and group working skills.[12,13] groups and distributes all the results back to the groups for The laboratory exercise aims to address this issue through an further data treatment. A broader range of experimental data approach based on collaborative learning.[11] Thus, the success enables the obtained data to be treated in a more analytical of one student can help other students to be successful. Col- and critical way. In addition, clearly divergent experimental laborative learning fosters students’ development of critical results can be seen and treated appropriately. thinking through discussion, clarification of ideas, and evalu- The laboratory exercise is closely linked to other teaching ation of others’ ideas. It is especially beneficial in enhancing methods used in the course, i.e., crystallization lectures and critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are crucial calculation exercises. The calculation exercises include initial also in understanding complicated chemical processes that are data giving kinetic models of the nucleation rate and crystal not readily comprehended at a conceptual level. growth rate. However, quite often these kinetic data are not available for a specific compound and crystallization system. Course overview Therefore, the kinetic data are required to be determined The industrial crystallization part of the - experimentally. The laboratory exercise illustrates a method- ing Unit Operation II course is intended for students in the first ology to obtain kinetic data required for crystallizer design. year of their Master’s level studies and consists of the follow- Furthermore, the introduced laboratory exercise can be used ing parts: theory, operation, and design of crystallizers; mass efficiently with moderate teaching load for crystallization transfer of dissolution; and Process Analytical Technology courses with a relatively high number of participating students.

222 Chemical Engineering Education Table 1 Obtained parameter values fitted from experimental data of nucleation kinetics Calculated Initial Final dN/dt ΔT Δc B temperature temperature log(Δc) log(B) #/s ˚C kg KDP/kg H O #/s m3 ˚C ˚C 2 0.25 2.48×105 23.0 15.0 8 0.035 -1.46 5.39 0.18 1.81×105 23.2 17.2 6 0.027 -1.57 5.26 0.12 1.20×105 23.0 18.0 5 0.023 -1.65 5.08 0.10 1.04×105 23.0 19.0 4 0.018 -1.74 5.02

Figure 2. Experimental and fitted nucleation rate as a function of supersaturation.

Figure 1. Count rates (number /s) of KDP crystals monitored by the parameter fitting. Based on data from all groups with MTS PSyA laser reflection particle size analyzer over time with a subcooled rate between 4 and 8 ˚C, parameters k subcooling of 5 °C. B and i can be estimated by fitting the data to Eq. (1). In our courses, the student number has varied typically be- Examples of experimental and predicted results are tween 20 and 30 students and all the laboratory exercises of shown in Table 1 and Figure 2. An expression for nucleation the groups have been carried out within one week. rate B obtained by fitting measured data of an earlier labora- tory exercise for KDP is shown in Eq. (1): EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE B = 2.92 ⋅107 ∆C1.42 (1) A harmless inorganic salt—potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP)—is used as the model compound and water is the solvent. where B is the nucleation rate and ∆C is the supersaturation The crystallization temperatures are close to room temperature, degree based on the difference between the actual salt con- so there is no risk that students may handle hot samples. KDP is centration and the equilibrium concentration of the saturated crystallized by cooling from an aqueous solution, because the solution taken from solubility data. salt is relatively soluble in water and its solubility is higher at Crystal growth rate models higher temperatures. The laboratory exercise focuses on nucle- ation and crystal growth kinetics: how the nucleation rate and Crystal growth can be illustrated by measuring crystal size crystal growth rate can be determined in laboratory scale systems. distribution over time directly during the batch process. In this system, the supersaturation level varies to some extent Nucleation rate models over time. An indirect desupersaturation curve method can Nucleation rate study is based on online count number be used for estimation of the crystal growth rate at different measurements by an MTS PSyA laser reflection particle size supersaturation degrees versus time. The model of the desu- [14] analyzer. Particle size analyzers are the most expensive equip- persaturation curve derived by Garside, et al. consists of ment used in the laboratory exercise at a price of roughly € the terms shown in Eqs. (A5)–(A10) in Appendix 1. 50 000 per unit. A curve of nucleus count numbers with time can be obtained for a known subcooled degree. An example RESULTS is shown in Figure 1. In the exercise, each student group uses Based on available literature, solubility data, and experi- a different undercooling degree, which means supersaturation mental data obtained by crystal size measurement and desu- differs and more data are available, enabling more accurate persaturation method by all groups with a subcooling range

Vol. 49, No. 4, Fall 2015 223 between 3.5 and 6 ˚C, Eqs. (A5)–(A10) are used and parameter supersaturation are obtained by desupersaturation method values are obtained by least square method. Parameter values than by direct crystal growth rate measurements. Moreover, for the models of crystal growth rate are given in Table 2. based on sum values of squared residuals obtained by BCF Two crystal growth models, explained in more detail in and birth and spread growth models, BCF model is concluded Appendix 1, are used to investigate crystal growth mecha- to be a slightly more appropriate expression for crystal growth nisms[1,15]: of potassium dihydrogen phosphate. A. The crystal growth rate mechanism dominated by surface Course feedback of students was collected via Webropol

nucleation based birth and spread (B+S) [Eq. (A3)]:GB+S = online survey software when the course was over. Aspects of 5/6 AB+S (S−1) exp[− BB+S/(S −1)] the course were graded on a scale 1 to 6 (1 – poor; 6 – excel- B. Burton-Cabrera-Frank (BCF) model (screw dislocations lent). Average values from 24-25 feedback responses were: on the crystal surface as the crystal growth step) “Instructions of the laboratory work were clear and under- [Eq. (A4)]: standable” – 4.04; “Guidance during crystallization measure- ments was good” – 4.71; “The laboratory work impacted my =  − 2   −  GBCF ABCF (S 1) / BBCF tanhBBCF / (S 1) (A4) learning of crystallization kinetics fundamentals” – 4.24; “The teamwork was useful” – 4.28; and “Process Analytical The student groups use Eqs. (A3) and (A4) to draw con- Technology based in-line process monitoring (count rate clusions about the crystal growth mechanism. Better fitting measurements with MTS PSyA)” – 4.42. As can be seen from shows if crystal growth is taking place by birth and spread the feedback, the students gave the highest grade for guidance mechanism or via screw dislocation mechanism. The experi- during the laboratory work and learning of Process Analyti- mental and predicted results by the two methods are shown cal Technology was considered useful. As a summary, in the in Table 2 and Figures 3. Based on the differences between eyes of the students, the laboratory exercise has proven to experimental and modeling results in Figure 3A and Figure enhance learning of fundamentals of industrial crystallization 3B, it can be seen that the deviations by desupersaturation and the students feel that they can use appropriate analysis method are smaller in Figure 3B. Therefore, it can be con- methods in practice. cluded that better crystal growth rate data as a function of Conclusions Table 2 A laboratory exercise for learning crystallization kinet- Obtained parameter values from the birth and spread ics was introduced. The students carried out the studies in (B +S) model and Burton-Cabrera-Frank (BCF) model student groups of four to five students, which allowed the Parameters ∆L/∆t Desupersaturation whole course group of 20- 30 students to undertake empirical k 1.68×10-6 2.74×10-5 G1 investigations, which were further utilized in data treatment g1 0.68 1.06 calculations to estimate crystallization kinetics models. -7 -6 AB+S 7.18×10 3.60×10 Acknowledgments BB+S -0.0142 0.0124 -6 -6 ABCF -1.28×10 4.67×10 The authors gratefully acknowledge the Academy of Fin- -5 -9 land (project 260141) for financial support. BBCF -1×10 4.39×10

Figures 3. Comparison of experimental and predicted results with crystal size measurement method (A) and desupersaturation method (B).

224 Chemical Engineering Education REFERENCES crystal growth kinetics. The crystallization method used is 1. Myerson, A.S. (Ed.), Handbook of Industrial Crystallization, 2nd Ed., cooling crystallization. Butterworth- Heinemann, Boston (2002) Model compound 2. Mullin, J.W., Crystallization, 4th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford

(2001) Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, KH2PO4 and water as a 3. Mersmann, A. (Ed.), Crystallization Technology Handbook, 2nd Ed., solvent are used as the model system. The solubility data of Marcel Dekker, New York (2001) 4. Davey, R., and J. Garside, From Molecules to Crystallizers. An Intro- KDP in water at different temperatures is needed to deter- duction to Crystallization, Oxford University Press, New York (2000) mine the driving force degree, i.e., supersaturation, usually 5. Marentette, J.M., and G.R. Brown, “A. Polymer Spherulites I. Bire- expressed by the difference between actual concentration fringence and Morphology,” J. Chem. Ed., 70(6), 435 (1993) and equilibrium concentration. KDP crystals are assumed to 6. Marentette, J.M., and G.R. Brown, “B. Polymer Spherulites II, Crystal- 3 lization Kinetics,” J. Chem. Ed., 70(7), 539 (1993) be cubic, the density of KDP crystals is 2340 kg/m , and the [2] 7. Singfield, K.L., R.A. Chisholm, and T.L. King, “A Physical Chemistry solubility of KDP can be taken from the literature. Experiment in Polymer Crystallization Kinetics,” J. Chem. Ed., 89, 159 Nucleation rate (2012) 8. Fernández-Torres, M.J., F. Ruiz-Beviá, M. Rodríguez-Pascual, and H. Nucleation rate B is a kinetic parameter presenting the Von Blottnitz, “Teaching a New Technology, Eutectic Freeze Crystal- generation rate of zero-sized nuclei per unit volume. The lization, By Means of a Solved Problem,” Educ. Chem. Eng., 7(4), e163 (2012) nucleation rate depends on supersaturation, mixing conditions 9. García-Ruiz, J.M., A. Moreno, F. Otálora, D. Rondón, C. Viedma, and in the stirred tank and the suspension density, i.e., kg crystals F. Zauscher, “Teaching Protein Crystallization By the Gel Acupuncture per unit volume. In this laboratory exercise we investigate Method,” J. Chem. Ed., 75(4), 442 (1998) the nucleation rate of the cooling crystallization system as 10. Biggs, J., Teaching for Quality Learning at University. What the Student [2] Does, 2nd Ed., Society for Research into Higher Education and Open a function of supersaturation, ∆c, as shown in Eq. (A1) : University Press, Buckingham (2003) i B = k B∆c (A1) 11. Bruffee, K.A., Collaborative Learning: Higher Education, Interde- pendence, and the Authority of Knowledge, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore (1999) where 12. Allt, S., Working Life Feedback in Finnish Higher Engineering Educa- kB constant tion, Master’s thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, (2002 ) http:// retro.tek.fi/futureng/palautejarjestelmat/SAFeedback.pdf, access 5 May ∆c supersaturation, which is the difference between 2014 concentration c and solubility c* 13. Kivinen, O., How to Redesign the Relations between the Educational System and Working Life. In Nyyssölä, K. (Ed.), New Challenges in i constant the Cooperation between Education and Training and Working Life, B nucleation rate, number of nuclei m-3 s-1 Final Report. Ministry of Education, National Board of Education in Cooperation with the European Commission, 153-154 (2010) Crystal growth rate 14. Garside, J., L.G. Gibilaro, and N.S. Tavare, “Evaluation of Crystal Growth Kinetics From a Desupersaturation Curve Using Initial Deriva- The growth rate of a crystal is affected by many factors, tives,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 37, 1625 (1982) such as supersaturation, mixing conditions, impurities present 15. Kitamura, M., and T. Ishizu, “Growth Kinetics and Morphological in the solution and additives. The section below shows com- Change of Polymorphs of L- Glutamic Acid,” J. Crystal Growth, 209, monly used equations and models for the crystal growth rate. 138 (2000) Kinetics of crystal growth can be described with a semi- Appendix 1. Supporting information: empirical equation shown in Eq. (A2)[2]: Instructions for laboratory work g1 G = kG 1∆c (A2) Introduction where Crystallization kinetics data can be used for design and -1 sizing of industrial crystallizers and for selection of the op- G linear crystal growth rate, m s erational conditions of a crystallization process. Crystal size kG1, g1 constants distribution and the shape of the final crystalline product (the A model of the crystal growth rate mechanism has been quality of the product) are mainly determined by the nucle- introduced for crystal growth systems dominated by surface ation rate and crystal growth rate. nucleation based the birth and spread model (B+S model). The laboratory exercise introduces a methodology to de- This model allows the spreading of nuclei at a finite constant termine crystallization kinetics. Crystallization is initiated rate that is assumed to be independent of crystal size. It also when nuclei (cluster of molecules of visible or detectable assumes that nuclei can form at any location, including in size) are formed in a supersaturated solution. This process incomplete layers, and that there is no inter growth between is referred to as nucleation. The formed nuclei grow larger the nuclei. The simplified expression of this model is[1, 15]: as long as the solution, i.e., mother liquor, is supersaturated. 5 /6 = − − −  The exercise comprises two parts; nucleation kinetics and GB+S AB+S (S 1) exp BB+S / (S 1) (A3)

Vol. 49, No. 4, Fall 2015 225 -2 -1 -1 g2 AB+S, BB+S constants m s (kg kg solvent) ], L the average seed crystal size [m], -2 -1 S supersaturation ratio, (=c/c*), – RG the growth rate [kg m s ], msolution the mass of solution G crystal growth rate based on B+S model [kg], mseed the mass of solution [kg], t the time [s], T0 the initial B+S temperature of solution [K], α the volume shape factor [-], The following model has proven to be appropriate for crys- β the surface area shape factor [-], and ρc the crystal density tallization systems in which crystal growth rate is dominated 3 [kg/m ]. The values of ∆c0 = ao, ∆ c0 = a1, and ∆ c0 = 2a2 can by screw dislocations on the crystal surface. According to be obtained from the fitted equation of the desupersaturation the Burton-Cabrera-Frank (BCF) model, screw dislocations curve in Figure A1. in the crystal are the source of new growth steps and crystal growth from these steps can occur continuously. In this model, Experimental measurements surface diffusion is assumed to be the determining rate. The Nucleation kinetics simplified expression can be described as[1, 15]: An MTS PSyA laser reflection particle size analyzer is =  − 2   −  used to characterize the nucleation rate. It is assumed that GBCF ABCF (S 1) / BBCF tanhBBCF / (S 1) (A4) the number of nuclei is directly proportional to the count where rate increase of the PSyA analyzer, and the sampling volume of the analyzer is 1 ml. Nucleation kinetics of potassium di- ABCF,BBCF constants hydrogen phosphate, KH2PO4 (KDP) from water is studied. GBCF crystal growth based on BCF model A saturated solution of KDP at room temperature is used in The crystal growth rate as a function of supersaturation the experiments. Mixing intensity, which is supported by an can be determined by the batchwise desupersaturation curve up-pumping 4-pitched-blade turbine, is kept constant during technique introduced in the Handbook of Industrial Crystal- the crystallization operation. [1] [14] lization and by Garside, et al., who presented a detailed The experimental procedure is as follows: description of the evaluation of crystal growth kinetics from 1) Add 2.5 liter saturated KDP solution to a jacketed mixing a desupersaturation curve, shown in Figure A1, using initial tank. derivatives. Only size-independent growth is considered. Growth rate dispersion is assumed to be negligible, and 2) Heat the solution 4°C above the saturation temperature. crystallization conditions are taken to be isothermal. For a Keep the temperature constant for 10 min. batch crystallizer, mass deposition as a result of nucleation 3) Cool the solution __˚C below the saturation temperature is negligible. The crystal growth kinetics can be computed and initiate nucleation by adding 0.2 g KDP seeds to the with Eqs. (A5) to (A10). solution. R β 4) Measure the count rate by MTS PSyA online probe until = G G (A5) a constant level is reached. 3αρc

g 2 5) Each group should measure a single data point. All data RG = kG 2 ∆c (A6) points obtained by the different groups are used in the calculations. 2β∆c ∆c ∆c g2 = 0 + 0 0 (A7) 3αρ LA ∆c 2 By assuming the count rate increase of the PSyA analyzer, c T 0 dN (number/s) is directly proportional to the number of nuclei

∆c 0 in the solution, and the analysis volume is 1 ml, the nucleation kG 2 = − g 2 (A8) -3 -1 rate B (number m s ) can be calculated as: B = [(dN/dt)/Vanal]. AT (∆c0 ) After obtaining the nucleation rate at different supersaturation  *  6mseed c (T0 )+1 AT = (A9) ρc Lmsolution

∆ = + + 2 c ao a1t a2 t (A10) Figure A1. Desupersatura-   where the values of ∆c0 = ao, ∆ c0 = a1, and ∆ c0 = 2a2 can be tion curve. obtained from the fitted equation of the desupersaturation curve. Descriptions and units of the symbols are as follows: 2 -1 AT is the total crystal surface area at zero time, [m kg sol- vent], c* the solubility [kg kg-1 solvent], ∆c the concentration driving force [kg/kg solvent], g2 the growth order [-], G the -1 linear growth rate [m s ], kG2 the growth rate coefficient [kg

226 Chemical Engineering Education levels, the parameters in Eq. (A1) can be obtained by fitting Data treatment for crystal growth rate the measured data to the equation. Two different methods are used to find crystal growth rate Crystal growth rate as a function of supersaturation; ΔL/Δt-method and desu- Crystal size measurement (batch crystallization) persaturation method. Methods are described in detail below. A saturated solution of KDP at room temperature is also Obtained results of experimental data and parameter fitting used for investigating kinetic growth of KDP from water. are shown in Table 2 and Figure 3. Mixing is provided by an up-pumping 6-pitched-blade turbine, ΔL/Δt-method and the mixing intensity is kept constant for all experiments. In the ΔL/Δt-method, average size change over time is 1. Weigh 300 g saturated solution into a 250-ml glass ves- measured. ∆L is the difference between seeds and sample sel. Heat the solution 4 ˚C above the initial temperature. cumulative size distribution (median size at 50% of cumula- 2. Cool the solution __˚C below the saturation temperature tive size distribution), and ∆t is the measurement time. The following the teacher’s instructions. The solution should method does not take into account the decrease of supersatura- be clear and primary nucleation before seeding has to be tion during the measurement. avoided. Desupersaturation method 3. Weigh 0.3 g seeds of KDP. Add the seeds to the super- The measured conductivity is converted to concentration saturated solution. Let the crystals grow for 30 min. and further supersaturation by linear fitting. Crystal growth Simultaneously, measure the electrical conductivity as a function of time. (Record the conductivity at every rates are calculated from the fitted equation of the desuper- minute.) saturation curve. 4. Filter the crystals. Report 5. Measure the crystal size distribution of the seeds and Each group prepares a report that includes a description final crystals with the Beckman Coulter LS 13320 laser of the experimental procedure, testing equipment and ex- diffraction analyzer. The background solution is ethanol. perimental data, processing of the test data and results of (KDP is poorly soluble in ethanol.) measurements, and a conclusion and discussion. The teacher 6. Each group should measure a single data point. All data will assess the report and demand corrections if necessary. points obtained by the different groups are used in the The following elements form the major parts of the report. calculations. 1) Description of the experimental setting. Crystal growth rate based on desupersaturation method 2) Solubility of KDP as a function of temperature. Derive the desupersaturation curve from the measured 3) Measured results: conductivity data. Here, it is assumed that the electric con- ductivity is linearly dependent on concentration over the i. Supersaturations as concentration difference. studied concentration range. In addition, the initial and final ii. Nucleation rates with different supersaturations. concentration of the solution is assumed to be the saturated iii. Measured growth rates for different supersaturations and concentration at room temperature and the corresponding crystal sizes. subcooled temperature. The parameters 4) Calculations:

y = ax + b (A11) i. Find B = f(Δc) and fit parameters kB and i in Eq.(A1). where y is concentration and x is conductivity, can be obtained from the initial and final measured conductivity values and Table A1 from the studied concentration range. The concentration ΔL/Δt method and desupersaturation method range can be obtained from the used temperature range and of calculating crystal growth rate solubility data. The whole supersaturation profile can then be ΔL/Δt Desupersaturation method computed with Eq. (A11). ∆L is the difference Conductivity is translated to con-

Data treatment of obtained results between the seeds and centration by linear fitting κ(t0,Tx) = * the sample cumula- c (Tinit) and κ(tend,Tx) = c*(Tx). Then Data treatment for nucleation rate tive size distribution the desupersaturation curve can be Kinetic parameters k and i in Eq. (A1) are calculated by (median size). obtained by calculation according to B the linear equation. parameter fitting (method of least squares). Obtained results ∆t is the measurement κ is conductivity, t and t are initial of experimental data and parameter fitting are shown in Figure 0 end time. time and ending time, and T and 2 and Table 1. init Tx are initial and final temperature, respectively.

Vol. 49, No. 4, Fall 2015 227 ii. Find G = f(Δc) with two different methods, that is, tion as a function of time to the desupersaturation the crystal size method (ΔL/Δt) and the desuper- model. Fit the obtained data of crystal growth rates saturation method (see Table A1) and compare the as a function of supersaturation to Eqs. (A3) and results. Any method for parameter fitting can be (A4). Compare the obtained fitting results to deter- used, however use of the least square method is mine the crystal growth mechanism. p recommended. Fit the obtained data of concentra-

Call • for • papers for the Fall 2016 Graduate Education issue of Chemical Engineering Education

We invite articles on graduate education and research for our Fall 2016 issue. If you are interest in contributing please send us your name, the subject of the contribution, and the tentative date of submission.

Past articles on graduate education that have been published in CEE can be found at: • Select “past issues” then “search journals” to view the citation and abstracts • To read the full article, go to:

Sample past graduate articles include: Fall 2001 35(4) “Graduate Bridging and Continuing Education Using the Internet,” p. 230 Carl T. Lira, R. Mark Worden, Daina Briedis Fall 2006 40(4) “Multidisciplinary Graduate Curriculum on Integrative Biointerfacial Engineering,” p. 251 Prabhas V. Moghe, Charles M. Roth Fall 2011 45(4) “Integrated Graduate and Continuing Education in Protein for Bioprocess Development and Scale-up,” p. 238 Giorgio Carta, Alois Jungbauer

Deadline for manuscript submission is April 1, 2016. Respond to: [email protected]

228 Chemical Engineering Education