Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in and the Caribbean

An opportunity for climate action in Latin America and the Caribbean Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples

An opportunity for climate action in Latin America and the Caribbean

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Santiago, 2021 FAO and FILAC. 2021. Forest governance by indigenous and or services. The use of the FAO logo is not permitted. tribal peoples. An opportunity for climate action in Latin If the work is adapted, then it must be licensed under America and the Caribbean. Santiago. FAO. the same or equivalent Creative Commons license. If a https://doi.org/10.4060/cb2953en translation of this work is created, it must include the following disclaimer along with the required citation: The designations employed and the presentation of “This translation was not created by the Food and material in this information product do not imply the Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United this translation. The original English edition shall be the Nations (FAO) or Fund for the Development of the authoritative edition.” of Latina America and the Caribbean (FILAC) concerning the legal or development status of Any mediation relating to disputes arising under the any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or licence shall be conducted in accordance with the concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on The mention of specific companies or products of International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) as at present in force. manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or Third-party materials. Users wishing to reuse material recommended by FAO or FILAC in preference to others of from this work that is attributed to a third party, such as a similar nature that are not mentioned. tables, figures or images, are responsible for determining whether permission is needed for that reuse and for The views expressed in this information product are those obtaining permission from the copyright holder. The risk of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or of claims resulting from infringement of any third-party- policies of FAO or FILAC. owned component in the work rests solely with the user.

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Queries regarding rights and licensing should be Some rights reserved. This work is made available under submitted to: [email protected] the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 3.0 IGO licence (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO; https:// COVER PHOTOGRAPH ©FAO/ Mauricio Mireles creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/igo). Indigenous woman from the , Púcuro Indigenous Territory, Darien Province, (2019). Under the terms of this licence, this work may be copied, redistributed and adapted for non-commercial BACKCOVER PHOTOGRAPH ©ITINKUY.COM/ Miguel Arreátegui purposes, provided that the work is appropriately cited. Headdress (clothing) worn by a leader of the Harakbut People, In any use of this work, there should be no suggestion Madre de Dios, Peru. that FAO endorses any specific organization, products Forest governance by iii indigenous and tribal peoples man who devoted people.a man to his life his to report Robinson, dedicate this We respectfully COVID to In memory ofIn Robinson, only aged 35, died on August 21 Robinson, on died August only 35, aged Basin. of Amazon the Body of Indigenous the Organizations Coordinating Coordinator of the Climate-change named was Peoples Later, he of Colombian the Amazon. of for Indigenous and PeaceRights Organization Peoples Human Coordinator of and National the Commission for Rights Indigenous Human National of the Secretary Technical (Kausai), Councils Inga President of of Andean-Amazonic Association the agovernorHe was community. of his Founder and people. Inga the of leader indigenous-amazonic -19. -19. Robinson Descanse López (1985-2020), st 2020 due 2020 ©FAO/ Mauricio Mireles

Indigenous Territory in , Limón Province, . Forest governance by v indigenous and tribal peoples territories have beenbetter conserved Why forests inindigenous andTRIBAL in indigenousandtribalterritories Deforestation andforest degradation Contents communal forest governance indigenous andtribalpeoplesareinvolved in The importance oftheterritories where of L Who aretheindigenousandtribalpeoples Introduction 1 Abbreviations anda Acknowledgements xvi prologue fila prologue fao d. Land use restrictions –protectedd. Landuserestrictions areas c. Forest incentive policies b. rights orusufruct Recognized collective property factorsa. Cultural andtraditional knowledge c. The importance oftheterritoriesc. Theimportance withforest cover b. Theforests territories inthetribalpeoples’ a. Theforests territories intheindigenouspeoples’ that indigenous and tribal peoples managecommunally that indigenousandtribalpeoples atin Americ c a andtheCaribbean? cronyms

xviii viii xii 10 33 27 48 46 38 34 23 21 11 6 vi

e. Low profitability of agriculture and limited accessibility 49

f. Availability of capital and labor 51

Increased pressure on the forests of the indigenous and tribal territories 53

a. General causes of increased pressure on forests 54

b. The effects on indigenous and tribal territories 55

Five types of measures for mitigating climate An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean change in indigenous and tribal territories 60

a. Effective collective territorial rights 61

b. Compensation for environmental services 71

c. Community forest management 79

d. Culture and 89

e. Territorial governance and forms of organization 96

Conclusions 107

References 116 vii Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples prologue fao is strong evidence that taking care of forests these care one is of the strongis taking evidence that USD of millions of hundreds the to attract potential has also benefits. It cultural and environmental, other providing social, well as as to avoid and new activities, pandemics, cultural education, and of jobs forestry, of in hundreds thousands agroforestry, tourism, forests their couldprotect help manage and to or create recover economically. and healthwise to them Supporting pandemic, the amongby most and the affected accessand to services, resources, but some of poorest the when it comes to incomes when rich knowledge, itare natural comes and to culture, Thesepeoples the protect fits bill. foreststerritories the their in peoples region’s the to indigenous with tribal and Collaborating change. to climate adapting and of mitigating inescapablethe tasks help to recovercan us contribute pandemic but to the from also theandinvestments innovativepolicies and creative to find that Collectively, change. haveon to climate extremely be we will economy,the exclusively into them focusing efforts channel and and welfare, on effects health, devasting pandemic’s the address allocated to funds to redirect capability financial the region has the in no such astrongEven country economic with so, crisis, it. mitigating or avoiding much be than greater ofovercoming can catastrophe kind this cost the of that and threats, about imminent warnings scientists’ to weignore afford it cannot that is anything, us taught has situation current the If pandemic. the more than dangerous or even to equally be threatens change Nevertheless, climate off. far may appear crisis change climate great the to that, of its history, crises due to COVID humanitarian due to COVID Caribbean the and America prologue, Latin this Iwrite As dollars per year from international sources, since sources, there international from per year dollars -19 faces one economic, of worst the and health, -19. Compared viii

most cost-effective options for limiting carbon emissions, which is of vital interest to the entire planet.

Indigenous and tribal peoples and the forests in their ancestral territories play vital roles in global and regional climate action and in fighting poverty, hunger, and malnutrition on the continent. Their territories contain about one third of all the carbon stored in the forests of Latin America and the Caribbean and 14 percent of the carbon stored in tropical forests worldwide. Historically, these forests have suffered much less An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean deforestation and degradation than other forests in the region, but that is changing rapidly, and there is an urgent need to take action to revert these new trends.

The report presented here, based on an exhaustive review of the recent scientific evidence, explains this situation, and presents a set of priority measures for governments and international agencies to implement, in close collaboration with the indigenous and tribal peoples. It shows how the cultural, geographic, economic, and political conditions and factors that have favored the preservation of the forests in the indigenous and tribal peoples’ territories and the millenary cultures of their inhabitants are changing drastically; and the consequences could be disastrous, both environmentally and financially.

To respond to these challenges, the report proposes a set of investments and policies that have great potential to reactivate the economies of the indigenous and tribal territories, mitigate climate change, preserve biological and cultural diversity, and reduce social and environmental conflicts. This innovative proposal is based on five pillars:

i. Recognition of collective territorial rights.

ii. Compensation for environmental services.

iii. Community forest management.

iv. Revitalization of ancestral knowledge. ©FAO/ AnaReyes Entering the forests of Yurumanguí, Cauca Valley, . Cauca Yurumanguí, of forests the Entering

Forest governance by ix indigenous and tribal peoples


For the Food and Agriculture Organization ( Organization For Food the Agriculture and profitable. highly by can measures proposed the showwhich that analysis, financial indicative preliminary a and presents econometric It an also achieve results. analysis can proposed the on activities that previous experience, based presents report the For solid evidence, of each pillars these Consent Informed and peoples’ ( Prior to Free, right of aframework respect for indigenous territorial and within All governance. for territorial mechanisms and organizations of grassroots Strengthening and inter-generational approach, which recognizes collective inter-generational which approach, recognizes and development, promotionand agender-sensitive of using rural of hunger concernedWe eradication the with especially are to mandate. our central is Caribbean the and America Latin peoples theindigenousof tribal and disproportionately affect that inclusion reducing inequalities and the social FAO ), promoting), FPIC ). x

territorial rights. On behalf of FAO, and together with the Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC), whose collaboration we are truly grateful for, we want to express our recognition for the indigenous and tribal peoples’ many contributions to the preservation of natural and cultural assets and we hope that this research can make its own modest contribution to improving equitable access to climate finance and to rural economic recovery. An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

Julio Berdegué FAO Assistant Director General and Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean Forest governance by xi indigenous and tribal peoples • • • • • prologue fila helping to negative revert the consequences of current the to compensate indigenous peoplesIt fundamental is for achievementand Development of Sustainable the (SDGs). Goals development sensitive rural contributionpotential to culturally and diverse cultures; and rich ; enormous store and to carbon; capture capacity great vast landmass; of their: terms in are territories gives to indigenous how the tribal and important report emphasis this the context, highlighting it worth that is In nature. with harmony in system, cultural and legal, economic, social, political, own their peoples revitalize reproduce, and preserve, can practice, define theylive. howThey providespace a whereindigenous oneare key component for indigenous peoples to able be to ( Caribbean the and America of Latin Peoples Indigenous the of Development the for Fund For the sector of population. the development sensitive sustainable processes culturally for this peoples, help catalyze indigenous tribal and coordination with to, in government and funders for policymakers climate it response, In proposes aset of investments policies and of nature. peoples have been good tribal guardians and indigenous though even unsustainable, and disproportionate is away in that growing are forests inhabitants their and to these It threats the peoples’ demonstrates that territories. protect forests the communities of and indigenous tribal and The present shows report urgent how and it to is important c FILAC ), territorial rights xii An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©FAO/ Mauricio Mireles

Traditional clothing of the Guna Indigenous People Púcuro Indigenous Territory, Darién Province, Panama.

development model, which has been especially harmful for indigenous and tribal peoples. The indigenous and tribal peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean are increasingly worse off compared to other groups. This deficit began with the loss (dispossession) of many of their territories and servitude, enslavement, and forced labor. Some contemporary forms of enslavement persist to this day, and “should be eradicated immediately”, as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) noted in 2009 in relation to the indigenous Guaraní communities in the Chaco region.

Three quarters of the planet are covered with water. Barely two decades ago, it seemed like there would be enough of the vital liquid to meet every woman and man’s needs. On average, Latin America and the Caribbean is the region with the most available water: 33 580 cubic meters of water per person per year, without even including the great subterranean Guarani aquifer, between Argentina and Uruguay. The region has four of the xiii Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples i. are need for indigenous and tribal peoples needare for reasons: for indigenous three tribal and and approaches strategies more specific ever convinced that than the COVID emergencyof effects the and development world Now projects. the that faces aglobal sustainable community-designed implementing experiences recentIn FILAC years forests. existed within of trees growth assisted and reforesting, and harvesting selective forest assisted such as regeneration, practices, management forestry including their living, ofsystems communal peoples’ indigenous the for foundation holistic a provides patrimony cultural knowledge. Thatimmaterial ancestral and of cultures wealth intangible their resources to revitalize indigenousA new peoples relationship with implies allocating assassinations. and racism, persecution, discrimination, propagation the and of authorities, and undesirable of practices of indigenous movements, leaders their and criminalization the come aresurgence of also with has recent This in visible years. resources have become increasingly natural and territories their of forms development, own and persistent their defense and of peoples’ persistent for rights demands Indigenous their tribal and for life. basis the otherform each and with interrelate which forest, the life, peoples protect water, earth, the the air, the ( of good life the view on their Based have some made literally, of die thirst. nations, things, other among waste, and forest destruction unrestrained Nevertheless, some and lakes. of Magdalena) largest the and Orinoco, world the Paraná, in rivers most important (Amazon, services, including healthcare and water. and healthcare including services, have and access extremely limited to basic areas urban from conditions vulnerable structurally peoples live of under indigenous majority The tribal and great has learned various lessons, based on lessons, its based various learned has – many of them live far of live them –many far buen vivirbuen -19 FILAC pandemic, ) our indigenous) our is is xiv

ii. These are peoples with their own cultures and require an approach that integrates academic knowledge with their own contexts, knowledge, and ancestral practices, including their own languages and medical systems, among others.

iii. For indigenous communities, especially those that belong to peoples with small populations, keeping the virus out of their territories is a matter of life and death, not only for the individuals concerned but for their existence as a people. Given the immunological situation of many communities, the presence

An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for of COVID-19 can have dramatic consequences for these peoples, as in Latin America and the Caribbean happened in the past with other diseases.

Given all this, the time has come to create a more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable future. This requires new ways of conceptualizing and “doing” development, to achieve a “good co-existence” between peoples and between humans and other living beings, nature. That is the basis for really addressing the threats against and rapid destruction of the forests and habitats of indigenous and tribal peoples’ territories.

Myrna Cunningham Kain President of the Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC) xv Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples Acknowledgements Kaimowitz by David researched, prepared report was and written This editor charge. in were responsible the Pinto Tal was for and design graphic Salvo Magaly and Barahona Paula helped maps. the prepare Valladares Menkar Wunder, Yepes, Zarin. Daniel Adriana and Vallejo, Lierop, Pieter van Sven Virginia Trivelli, Carolina Thiel, Lucio Hans Santos, Mercedes Salinas, Zenia Proaño, María Houlmann, Romain Mireles, Mauricio Raphael Linzatti, Holmes, RenzoYon Giudice, Ignacia Fernández-de-Larrinoa, Fernández, Boris Estrada, Escobar, Mariana Mariana Edouard, Avecita Currey, Fabrice Chicchon, Penny Kevin Davies, Lorenzo Campos, Börner, Jan Castro, Augusto Bojanic, Alan V., Ballesteros John Beaver, Blackman, Allen Berdegué, Julio Cecilia Thefrom benefitted study Acosta, comments María by Ricardo Changala. Morales and Amparo support from technical with text, report’s Pop, of FILAC Secretary, Technical President, Álvaro and Cunningham, Myrna Caribbean. the and Inclusion Officer the FAO for Indigenous Mireles, Peoples coordinated by Mauricio Social and and capital, of management natural inclusion sustainable and , FAO Senior consultant and specialist in social social in specialist Senior and consultant Regional Office for Latin America America Office Regional Latin for contributed portions of the the of portions contributed ©FAO/ Mauricio Mireles

Archaeological zone of Yaxchilán, ancient city of the Mayan Culture, Municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas, Mexico. xvii

Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples


Amazon Conservation Team Conservation Amazon Abbreviations anda Payment for environmental services services forPayment environmental areas Protected forest products Non-timber organizations Non-governmental Council Forest Stewardship Consent Informed and Prior Free, Rica) (Costa Forest Fund National Caribbean the and America of Latin Peoples Indigenous the of Development the for Fund Indigenous of Forum Abya Yala (Paraguay) Peoples Indigenous of Autonomy the for Federation of United the Nations Organization Food Agricultural and Economic Caribbean the and America Commission for Latin Coordinator ofAndean Indigenous Organizations Million metric tonnes metric Million (Mexico) Commission Forestry National Basin of Amazon the Body of Indigenous the Organizations Coordinating Inter-American Commission on Human Rights CommissionInter-American on Human Industrial woods of Quintana Roo woods of Quintana Industrial (Peru) of Environment Ministry Nature of Conservation for Union International Services Biodiversity Environmental and on Panel Inter-Governmental Organization Labor International Independent Group Evaluation of World the Bank (Peru) Common Institute Good Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change Change on Panel Climate Inter-Governmental cronyms xviii

PINPEP Program of Forestry Incentives for Landholders for Small Areas Suitable for Forestry and Agroforestry (Guatemala) PNCB National Forest Conservation Program (Peru) PREVFOGO Program for Prevention and Combat of Forest Fires in Indigenous Territories () RAISG Amazon Geo-Referenced Socio-Environmental Information Network REDD+ Reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation REM REDD+ Early Movers An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for

in Latin America and the Caribbean RRI Rights and Resources Initiative UNDRIP United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples UNIPP United Nations Indigenous Peoples Partnership ©Sergio Garrido

Woman of the Tikuna People, Leticia, Amazon, Colombia.

Forest governance by 1 indigenous and tribal peoples 2 1 Introduction communities manage tens of millions of hectares of additional forests. of additional of hectares of millions tens manage communities Those communities. riverbank and forest traditional to other apply proposals However, and analysis of its much themselves. regions those and regions forested in peoples tribal and indigenous on exclusively focuses report This collective manage peoples or semi-collectively. tribal or indigenous that to areas refers territories” tribal and “indigenous term The (Houghton world’s restoring the and levels without conserving forests above 2degrees Celsius pre-industrial to lesstemperatures than inglobal rise average the limit to would extremely be difficult it because Forests stability for extremely important climate are lives at risk. put human zoonotic that fuel loss diseases can pandemic underscores how forest biodiversity and destruction theandand economic its impacts, virus the by most affected peoplesever. among groups the are The indigenous tribal and The conflict. social and reducing poverty, extreme food insecurity biological diversity, and protect while and change wildlife to adapt climate to riches and mitigate cultural and natural peoples’ of indigenous advantage tribal and take that measures It proposes aspects. addresses report both This public services. incomes poor monetary access in and are resources, they to cultural and Despite natural in rich being situation. paradoxical forestthemselves regions find a in Caribbean’s the and America peoples Latin inhabit that The indigenous tribal and peoples. tribal and indigenousdecision-makers the to coordination adopt, with in investments government and policies and funders for climate them. and tribal territories of protecting forests the initiatives action of indigenous the for urgency and climate importance the highlights report This COVID Based on recent2 Based it experience, proposes of apackage -19 more such measures urgent pandemic makes than et al., et 2017). Practically all scenarios for achieving this this for achieving scenarios all 2017). Practically and the communities that look after look communities that after the 1 and 2 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©FAO/ Alicia MucúChoc

Maya Q'eqchi 'woman, community midwife (attends deliveries), also goes through the forests to fulfill her tasks, Guatemala.

goal include some combination of reducing deforestation and forest degradation, reforestation, and natural forest regeneration (IPCC, 2018), the main “climate actions” discussed in this report.

In this context, the forests of Latin America and the Caribbean’s indigenous and tribal territories are key for global, regional, and local climate mitigation and resilience.3 They contain almost 30 percent of the carbon of the region’s forests and 14 percent of the carbon in tropical forests worldwide4 (Saatchi et al., 2011; Walker et al., 2014; Frechette et al., 2018). In fact, they store more carbon than all the forests in Indonesia or the Democratic

3 Unless otherwise noted, this report uses the term “forest” to designate all land where the tree canopy covers more than 10 percent of the area, including primary, secondary, and planted forests, mangroves, and some agroforest systems.

4 While this report covers all Latin American forests, it emphasizes the tropical forests, which contain the great majority of the region’s forest area and carbon stored in its vegetation. Forest governance by 3 indigenous and tribal peoples iii. iv. ii. v. i.

et al., droughts with et (Costa associated fires prevent and avert heat stress, yields, forest agricultural maintain thus and patterns, rainfall in changes and temperatures extreme 2018; al., et (Ellison patterns rainfall distant and local and both temperatures major on effects has local that and uses, other land lower and roughness, than albedo surface greater Forests other ways. in havepatterns evapotranspiration, higher rainfall and the temperature affect they because for climate the matter forestsBesides warehouses also of carbon, great being al., et (Walker Brazil after forest area Republic most the tropical of Congo, with countries two the could contribute greatly to achieving many Sustainable Sustainable many tocould achieving contribute greatly elements these incorporates that investments and reforms of A package holistic benefits. social and environmental ton of avoided generate well other as relevant as emissions, reduce dioxide atmosphere the carbon in at alow cost per an excellentmarkedly to These offer measures opportunity organizations. governance indigenous and tribal and territorial Strengthening knowledge. and cultures traditional Revitalizing forest management. community Facilitating services. environmental communities for indigenousCompensating tribal and Strengthening communal territorial rights. fivecategories: grouped be in which can measures, various rapidly. growing Toare reverse negative these requires trends to forests these inhabitants their and threats weakened, and have forests these protected that factors several Nevertheless, the region’s than other muchforests. suffered less destruction have territories forestsHistorically, indigenous tribal in and IPCC , 2019). Extensive forest cover help can to prevent 2014). et al., Suter 2019; et 2017; Sheil, Sheil, 2017; 2019). 4

Development Goals (SDGs) and targets of the Paris Agreement, and the 2030 Agenda.

The report begins by analyzing the forests in the territories that indigenous and tribal peoples manage communally and their importance for climate action. Then, it tackles the reasons those forests have been better conserved than other forests in the region. Thirdly, it studies the new dynamics accelerating these forests’ destruction threatening indigenous and tribal peoples. Finally, we propose a package of policies and reforms to reverse An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean these trends, with emphasis on five types of interventions.

It is worth mentioning that this report centers on indigenous territories with significant forest cover. It also includes evidence about afro-descendants who could be considered “tribal” under international standards (Dulitzky, 2005).5

The report is based primarily on a review of over 300 studies published in the last two decades, including 73 studies published in the last two years (2019 and 2020). Hopefully, it will pique the interest of decision-makers and professionals who work in government agencies, grassroots organizations, international organizations, academic centers, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) related to climate and forest policies and to land tenure and the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples.

5 Tribal peoples are those “not indigenous to the region [they inhabit], but that share similar characteristics with indigenous peoples, such as having social, cultural and economic traditions different from other sections of the national community, identifying themselves with their ancestral territories” (Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 2007). Forest governance by 5 indigenous and tribal peoples ©FAO/ MauricioMireles Indigenous woman leader from the Guna People, Púcuro Indigenous Territory, Darién Province, Panama. Province, Darién Territory, Indigenous Púcuro People, Guna the from leader woman Indigenous 6

Who are the indigenous and tribal peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean?

According to the United Nations (UN), more than 5 000 different peoples, with a population of over 370 million people, divided between 70 countries on five continents, fall under the category of “indigenous peoples” (UNIPP, 2012). These peoples An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for

in Latin America and the Caribbean are quite diverse. Each has their own culture, language, history, worldview, and productive, food, and medicinal systems. Nevertheless, they share a series of common characteristics and problems, which are the basis for their struggles and for the international policies that concern them.

While there are various meanings of the term “indigenous” or “indigenous peoples”, the term has come to be used internationally in the context of global debates about the rights of ethnic minorities, tribal peoples, natives, aborigines, and indigenous populations. These are groups that have been, and continue to be, discriminated and marginalized, as the result of colonialism and postcolonial processes of building and developing modern nation states.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) was the main forum for international discussions about indigenous and tribal peoples between the 1920s and the approval of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2007, and was responsible for the only international legal instruments focused exclusively on the rights of these people. In June 1989, the ILO approved Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, which has been a key legal instrument references by organizations, agencies, and states that work on these issues ever since.

Article 1 of ILO Convention 169 establishes in broad terms the indigenous and tribal peoples to which the convention applies as follows: Forest governance by 7 indigenous and tribal peoples b. a. • • • • • • dignity and quality of life. quality and dignity peoples’ for indigenous tribal and fundamental are These rights to consultation. right and Participatory Legal Cultural Economical Territorial Political self-determination: to of right the These aspects include agendas. various regional and global ofcommon their basis the form concerns that million people ( people million of population 58 estimated an with Caribbean, the and indigenousThereAmerica 826 different are peoples Latin in peoples adopted criterion. haveindigenous also this tribal and many and instruments apply other international Many to. Convention’s which groups the determining provisions should for criterion afundamental as indigenous oras tribal The Convention’s self-identificationestablishes also article first ( institutions political and economic, cultural social, own of some their or retain all status, legal of their irrespective or establishment who, of the and present boundaries state of belongs, conquest time at the country the or colonization region country, to which the which inhabited or ageographical indigenous peoples independent in countries who regarded as are laws or regulations; special or by or customs traditions own by their wholly or partially community, regulated is whoseof national and the status other economic from sections them and conditions distinguish “ whose social, cultural peoples independent in tribal cultural countries whose social, : right to own legal system. system. legal to own : right : right to autonomy: right self-government. and : right to own cultural identity. cultural to own : right : territorial rights and natural resources. natural and rights : territorial on account descent of their populations the from : right to own development to own : right model. : right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent Informed and ( Prior to Free, : right ECLAC , 2014) (T , 2014) able 1) . These peoples share These peoples. share ILO , 2014).” , FPIC ), ), 8

Table 1. Indigenous peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2014.

Country Indigenous peoples Argentina 32 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 39 Brazil 305 Chile 9 Colombia 102 Costa Rica 8

An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for Ecuador 34 in Latin America and the Caribbean El Salvador 3 Guatemala* 3 Honduras 7 Mexico 78 Nicaragua 9 Panama 8 Paraguay 24 Peru 85 Uruguay 2 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 57 Total 826

* These three peoples speak 24 distinct languages.

Source: ECLAC, 2014.

As mentioned previously, this report focuses on the indigenous peoples that live in territories with forest cover. Probably only between three and seven million of Latin America’s 58 million indigenous inhabitants live in these territories (ECLAC and FILAC, 2020; Thiede and Gray, 2020). On average, the forest communities suffer from some of the highest levels of multidimensional poverty on the continent, even compared to other indigenous groups. At the turn of the 21st century, only about 43 percent of the indigenous population fifteen years of older in these areas had completed primary school, and only 56 percent had access to electricity (Thiede and Gray, 2020). Young people from Yurumanguí learn about community forest management in the forests that surround them in the Cauca Valley, Colombia. Cauca the in them surround that forests the in management forest community about learn Yurumanguí from Young people

Forest governance by 9 indigenous and tribal peoples million of them (Freire et of (Freire them million but it probably is only afew standards, under international should considered be afro-descendants “tribal” rural 27 million Caribbean’s the and show America that what portion of Latin There no good statistics are territories. their groups and these indigenous much and peoples about less known is manage, 10 percent less is of than what the groups manage these of forest Nevertheless, area the rights. collective territorial their constitutions whose countries recognize in political to indigenous concentrated peoples, are and ways similar in forests the to relate and communally forest territories and many Afro- and Afro-Ecuadorians, manage Quilombolos peoples concerned, Brazilian the are tribal the that far As Surinam’s Maroons, Garifuna Central American, American, Central Garifuna Maroons, , Surinam’s al., 2018). ©FAO/ AnaReyes


The importance of the territories where indigenous and tribal peoples are involved in communal forest governance

The territories where indigenous and tribal peoples engage in communal forest governance are critical due to: An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean • their huge size;

• the large amounts of carbon they capture and store;

• their great biodiversity;

• their great wealth and cultural diversity; and

• their potential for culturally appropriate forms of rural development and for meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Indigenous Reserve of San Lorenzo de Caldono, Department of Cauca, Municipality of Caldono, Colombia.

©FAO/ Mauricio Mireles Fish producers of the Q'eqchi 'People, Peniel, Municipality of San Miguel de Tucurú, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Verapaz, Alta Tucurú, de Miguel San of Municipality Peniel, 'People, Q'eqchi the of producers Fish 11 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples a. The forests in the indigenous peoples’ territories a. Theforests intheindigenouspeoples’ Germany, Italy, Norway, combined Spain and (M Great Britain, France, than larger area 2019). an is That ( Basin percent) (almost 60 Amazon the million in are collectively. 237 territories hectares, 404 these Of million forests not indigenous, where those oras just manage they self-identify places the whose includesThis inhabitants all (T 2018) al., et theof region’sfifth area (Garnett total which about is one and the Caribbean, America Latin in Indigenous peoples physically occupy 404 hectares million resolution. conflict and participation, democratic It help would to also improve of law, rule the and improve health and human food security would reduce significantly extreme poverty territories indigenous tribal in and degradation and forest reduce to deforestation effort holistic A . a p 1) p ©FAO/ LilianArtola able 2) . RAISG . , Source: The borders, names, and designations used on this map do not Amazon Geo-Referenced Socio-Environmental Information imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO Network (RAISG). In accordance with Map 4170. Rev.18. 1 of the concerning the delimitation of its borders or limits. Dashed lines on United Nations (February, 2020). Basemap: Esri Satellite Map. map represent approximate boundaries for which there may not yet be full agreement. Prepared by the SIG Unit of the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Map 1. The indigenous territories of the . 13 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples Potapov 6 Potapov percent) al., (Fa et (30 Ecuador in percent), (15 Guyana (39 percent), and fragmented and/or disturbed. fragmented of forests hectares more 153 are The million remaining 2020). al., et (Fernández-Llamazares indigenous in territories are Basin (45 percent) half Almost forests Amazon of the intact in the Central America ( America Central (48 percent)peoples half occupy almost of forests the also of Republic of Venezuela Bolivarian the (T Colombia, Mexico, and Peru State of Bolivia, Plurinational the al., Walker et 2020; et al.,2018;andFaGarnett et al.,2020. et Source: Preparedby theauthoronbasisofFAO (millionsofhectares). America andtheCaribbean T et al., et (Garnett forests” “intact are hectares 173 million peoples that, Of hectares). occupy (330 million Forests cover percent 80 indigenous more of area the than occupied by indigenous al., groupset (Saatchi about 35 percent of the region’s forests areas in are Together, square kilometers that do not have large-scale human activity. human not have large-scale do that kilometers square Forest Land able 2.Landandforest by areaoccupied inLatin indigenouspeoples et al. et (2020) define “intact forests” as forest ecosystems larger than 500 than larger ecosystems as forest forests” (2020) “intact define 2020) (M UICN 2020). Most of that is in Argentina, Brazil, Brazil, Most Argentina, in is 2020). of that T otal area 2 004 , 2016) and a significant portion of thoseportion of asignificant and , 2016) 935 a p 2) p . Area o by indigenous , 2017; peoples 404 330 able 3) ccupied et al., Fa 2018; et . Indigenous Indigenous . et al., Fa et 2011; area o by indigenous % oftotal peoples 2020). ccupied 20 35


Source: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Map of Indigenous territories, Protected Areas and Central America’s Natural Ecosystem (Gland, Switzerland), created in collaboration with the IUCN Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (IUCN-ORMACC). Available at: http://iucn.cr/arcgis/apps/webappviewer/index. html?id=3df3649c80d44ac59094818872858c32 [08/05/2020]. The borders, names, and designations used on this map do not In accordance with Map 4170. Rev.18. 1 of the imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO United Nations (February, 2020). Basemap: Esri Satellite Map. concerning the delimitation of its borders or limits. Dashed lines on map represent approximate boundaries for which there may not yet Prepared by the SIG Unit of the FAO Regional be full agreement. Office for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Map 2. Area occupied by indigenous peoples and protected areas in Central America. ©Sergio Garrido ©Sergio Cabo Pantoja, on the banks of the Napo River, Loreto, Peru, close to the border with Ecuador. with border to the close Peru, Loreto, River, Napo the of banks the on Pantoja, Cabo 15 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples 8 7 forest lands (Boege Schmidt 2008). Schmidt (Boege lands forest ejidos Mexico’s In territories. non-indigenous and indigenous between distinguish not always do statistics those and, statistics up-to-date not have high-quality do countries some since approximation; first a be considered should figure This over rights about hectares million orproperty 269 usufruct governments have their collective recognized formally occupied hectares by indigenous the peoples, 404 million the Of un-mortgageable. and indivisible, They inalienable, imprescriptible, lost. be are cannot they most in cases recognized, are Once rights these its to resources use and to subsist. territory the in to remain includes allows recognitionalmost of indigenous peoples’ rights (See table 4) . That recognition takes various forms, but it forms, various recognition. That takes the agricultural lands can be sub-divided and sold, but not the not the but sold, and sub-divided be can lands agricultural the 8 . 7 16

Governments have not recognized collective resource rights in the remaining 135 million hectares indigenous peoples manage. Some of that is owned by individual indigenous families that do not manage land collectively. The rest is largely land where governments could recognize indigenous peoples’ collective resources rights but have yet to do so. Without such recognition, these lands are vulnerable to being occupied by external groups and having their forests destroyed. An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

Aerial view of the Pirititi Indigenous Territory, Roraima, Brazil.

©Felipe Werneck 17 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples Source: Preparedby theauthoronbasisofFAO and total nationalforest (millionsofhectares).* areainLatinAmericaandtheCaribbean T ‡ This figure is a smaller than the total forest area in Table 1 (it does not include Uruguay or the Caribbean). the or Uruguay include not does (it in 1 area Table forest total the than smaller is a figure ‡ This country. independent an not France, of part is Guyana † French ** Even though the source says indigenous peoples occupy 6.5 million hectares of forest in Guatemala, the correct figure is probably less less probably is figure correct the Guatemala, in forest of hectares 6.5 million occupy peoples indigenous says source the though Even ** * Total (Bolivarian Republic of) Venezuela Uruguay Suriname Peru Paraguay Panama Nicaragua Mexico Honduras French Guyana† Guyana Guatemala** El Salvador Ecuador Costa Rica Colombia Chile Brazil Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Belize Argentina Country Area occupied byable 3.Areaoccupied (total, indigenouspeoples forest, andrelatively undisturbed) than two million hectares ( hectares million two than methodologies. and definitions distinct using elaborated were they since compared, directly be cannot area” forest national “total and areas” indigenous in “forests of estimates the speaking, Strictly G P TC , 2009). , o indigenous T ccupied by otal area peoples 404.2 118.3 28.9 28.9 37.2 62.1 46.1 et al.,2018;andFa, 2017;Garnettet al.,2020. et 32.1 0.6 0.5 4.2 0.7 0.7 8.9 5.4 6.5 3.2 3.6 5.7 .5 7. 3.1 0 indigenous F orest in areas 330.6 118.1 45.6 25.4 23.4 20.1 23.7 31.1 0.6 4.2 0.7 0.7 5.4 6.5 3.2 3.6 5.7 7.4 2.1 3.1 0 0 national 926.3 forest Total 493.5 area 66.0 74.0 54.8 58.5 46.7 12.5 16.5 15.3 15.3 7.1 2 7.7 1 0.3 2.8 4.6 4.6 3.5 1.4 8.1 3.1 ‡ (“human footprint” <4) Relatively undisturbed indigenous peoples areas o 296.3 ccupied by 20.8 111.8 38.4 23.6 33.5 7.9 2 0.4 0.6 2.8 9.8 5.4 5.4 3.8 0.1 1.4 1.9 1.5 6.1 1.1 0 0 18 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©Sergio Garrido

Airo Pai Communal Reserve, protected area in the Loreto region, in the Maynas and Putumayo provinces, Peru.

Most countries don’t have reliable estimates of the proportion of indigenous territories recognized by governments that have forest cover. Nonetheless, RRI (2018) estimates that of the 269 million hectares in indigenous territories where the collective rights have been recognized, over 200 million have forests —the majority of which is in Brazil, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru.9

9 This is a conservative estimate. For example, for Mexico it considers less than half (16.6 million hectares of the 38.7 million hectares) of communally owned forest lands. That is the forest area Boege Schmidt (2008) identifies as part of the country’s main indigenous territories. But Boege Schmidt himself recognizes that many Mexican communities outside these territories that own communal forestland self-identify as indigenous. 19 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples Source: Preparedby al., 2018. theauthoronbasisofGarnettet formally recognizedby governments (millionsofhectares). T † ** * Argentina Total (Bolivarian Republic of) Venezuela Suriname Peru Paraguay Panama Nicaragua† Mexico Honduras French Guyana** Guyana Guatemala El Salvador Ecuador* Costa Rica Colombia Chile Brazil (Plurinational State of) Bolivia Belize Country

able 4.Total by areaoccupied andtheareaofindigenousterritories indigenouspeoples Includes only the Coast Caribbean regions. French Guyana is part of France, not an independent country. independent an not France, of part is Guyana French Ecuador. of region Amazon the only Includes T otal areao by indigenous peoples 404.2 118.3 28.9 28.9 37.2 62.1 46.1 32.1 0.6 0.5 4.2 0.7 0.7 8.9 5.4 6.5 3.2 3.6 5.7 .5 7. 3.1 ccupied Area ofcommunal ognized byrecognized governments territories indigenous 269.3 24.0 28.0 36.2 117.1 32.1 8.0 0.3 2.8 0.7 0.7 2.3 3.8 5.7 1.4 1.4 1.7 3.1 0 0 0 Dubertret, 2017 Dubertret, RRI, 2015 2017 Dubertret, RRI, 2015 Dubertret, 2017 Dubertret, Vergara andPotvin, 2014 De CaminoVeloso, 2018 2017 Dubertret, IBC, 2016 2008 Schmidt, Boege RAISG, 2019 RRI, 2015 2017 Dubertret, RAISG, 2019 RRI, 2015 RRI, 2018 FUNAI, 2020 Estremadoiro, 2019 FAPI, (undated) Guyana, 2018 Cooperative Republicof indigenous territories Source oftheestimate of thearea ognized byrecognized governments 20

©Sergio Garrido

Leticia, Amazon, Colombia.

An additional 11.5 million hectares have been recognized by the governments of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela as reserves for indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation and in initial contact, and another four million hectares have been formally proposed to as new reserves (IACHR, 2013; RAISG, 2019) (Table 5). These reserves seek to guarantee the cultural and physical integrity of these groups and to protect the forests that they depend on, by limiting the entrance of external groups.

Table 5. Existing, proposed, and total area in reserves for indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation and in initial contact (millions of hectares).

Country Existing Proposed Total reserve Source reserves reserves area Bolivia (Plurinational 2 437 IACHR, 2013 State of) Brazil 2 402 IACHR, 2013 Colombia 1 945 IACHR, 2013 Ecuador 1 187 RAISG, 2019 Paraguay 550 IACHR, 2013 Peru 2 913 4 213 7 126 RAISG, 2019 Total 11 434 4 213 15 647

Source: Prepared by the author on the basis of IACHR, 2013 and RAISG, 2019. 21 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples b. territories peoples’ Theforests inthetribal in Colombia (M Colombia in collective territories, hectares including fivemillion titled peoples’ about eight of hectares million tribal have governments years, over thirty last the total, In 2006). (Kambel, of hectares millions be which may Maroons, occupiedof area the by Suriname’s Nor there good estimates are 2018). (Belmaker, calculated not mention or how estimate source the of it that was but doQuilombolos cover hectares, million twenty of its forest sources cover. mention that Journalistic much less area, about of size reliable that the estimate (Quilombolos), territories but no there is of tribal area largest the of has those indigenous peoples. Brazil than peoplesMuch about less forests known the is of tribal the recognized and those they have they those and yetrecognized to recognize. governments have including areas formally territories, of forests hectares indigenous tribal in and million 380 probably and there are between total 320 In total. in probablycountries does not exceed hectares four million However, those Honduras. could in titled be that area the theof coast and north region, region), Pacific Ecuador’s Colombiain (mostly outside biogeographic the Choco titled be to remain areas significant Surinam, and Brazil RRI 2017; Arango, Herrera Center, (Rapoport 2009; Nicaragua and between Ecuador, hectares Honduras, one million , 2020). Most of that has forest Most has , 2020). cover. of that addition In to a p 3) p , two million hectares in Brazil, and and Brazil, in hectares million , two 22 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

Source: Datos Abiertos Colombia. Available at: https://www. datos.gov.co/dataset/Consejos-Comunitarios-Inscritos- en-la-Direcci-n-de/wiv3-negx (November, 2019). Data file from LandMark 2017: The Global Platform of Indigenous and Community Lands. Available at: www. The borders, names, and designations used on this map do not landmarkmap.org. In accordance with Map 4170. Rev.18. 1 of the United imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO Nations (February, 2020). concerning the delimitation of its borders or limits. Dashed lines on Basemap: Esri Satellite Map. map represent approximate boundaries for which there may not yet Prepared by the SIG Unit of the FAO Regional Office for be full agreement. Latin America and the Caribbean.

Map 3. Afro-Colombian and indigenous territories with collective land titles in Colombia. 23 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples c. The importance oftheterritories with c. Theimportance peoples managecommunally peoples forest cover thatindigenousandtribal and global temperatures (Lovejoy temperatures Nobre, global and and 2019). as local as well patterns, rainfall America’s Latin affect greatly Cerrado the like —just into savannas Basin forest of Amazon the east south and ecosystems the in processloop. could afew this convert In decades, humid the destroy even more anegative feedback forests, creating turn, in would, forest fires and droughts The resulting temperatures. local increase and loss of forests the would reduce rainfall forests could territories’ lead to The atipping point. tribal and loss of indigenous the of amajor part Basin, Amazon the In emissions. carbon do not produce practically indigenousthese net any territories al., or forest (Walker et degradation due deforestation to territories these from emitted carbon the percent to 90 of equal all was Basin Amazon the in territories by indigenous the captured carbon the 2016 and Between 2003 atmosphere. the from carbon additional capture constantly forestsThe these in trees do not they only store carbon; al., (Frechette et Basin Amazon al., et Frechette worldwide tropics the percentforests and 14 the carbon in America of Latin all in (MtC) continent store tons metric million of about 000 carbon 34 peoples’ have that territories been well-mapped the in The forests of climate. the indigenous global and regional, local, the rolein stabilizing peoples’ have territories asignificant tribal vulnerability growing their they pumpthat from their roots into the atmosphere, and ofGiven they store, quantity carbon that large the water the that is almost is 30percent; that the forest of all stored the in 2018). Of that, 72 percent 72 MtC) (24 the 651 in that, Of is 2018). et al., et (Saatchi , the forests indigenous, the the and in 2018). 2020). In other words, In 2020). et al., Walker et 2011; ecoregion. would That 2014; 2014; 24 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©Sergio Garrido

Frog Limoncocha Biological Reserve, Shushufindi Canton, Sucumbíos, Northern Amazon Region of Ecuador.

The indigenous and tribal peoples’ territories also house an enormous diversity of flora and fauna. For example, there are more species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians in the indigenous territories in Brazil than in all the country’s non-indigenous protected areas (Schuster et al., 2019). Two thirds of the Plurinational State of Bolivia’s vertebrates and 60 percent of its plants can be found in the Tacana and Leco de Apolo indigenous territories (Salinas et al., 2017). Thus, avoiding deforestation and forest degradation in those territories would reduce habitat loss, one of the main threats to wildlife.

Maintaining the integrity of the territories’ forests also helps to avoid, both known and unknown, zoonotic disease epidemics. Globally, most new diseases that caused epidemics in recent decades are of zoonotic origin, and many are linked to deforestation and forest degradation (Guégan et al., 2020). Strong evidence links forest disturbance in the Amazon 25 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples 10

political stability perspective. governance and national and alocal from have importance great FILAC problems these (Cowie aggravated 2020; greatly pandemic has McSweeney al., et 2020; 2019,andimpunity (Global Witness2018, violent conflict, levels activity, bywhere high of plagued illicit live they are areas Many diseases. and insecurity of food nutritional and rates incomes high and most access and limited to services have territories some these live in of lowest the monetary people the that wealth, natural and cultural Despite great that life. of facets human all almost knowledge, contribute and worldviews, to which can customs, 2020). Caribbean can be found in these territories ( found be territories these in can Caribbean the and America peoples Latin in indigenous tribal and distinct 800 of The more humanity. the and majority than for value knowledge, them of which is incalculable traditional and enormous of possess culture wealth an inhabitants those (Thiede Gray 2020), and inhabitants ten million than probably peoples have communally fewer manage tribal indigenous forested the and that Although territories al., paracoccidioidomycosis, et rabies (Ellwanger and malaria, leishmaniasis, yellow fever,disease, hantavirus, auris candida prevalence the ofwith arboviruses, et al., et Llamazares (Fernández- peoples indigenous over 300 distinct has alone Basin Amazon The 10 and FIAY and That represents an enormous diversity of cultures, represents That enormous of diversity an cultures, 2020). , 2020; Hernández, 2020). So, these territories also also territories these So, 2020). Hernández, , 2020; et al., et Clerici 2018; 2020). The COVID 2020). ECLAC , Chagas , Chagas and FILAC and 2020). -19 -19 , 26 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©FAO/ Mauricio Mireles

Afro-descendant family farmer, Darién Province, Panama. 27 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples and tribalterritories degradation inindigenous Deforestation andforest forest areas. have territories lowertribal deforestation other rates than about just In the region in country indigenous every and that. reflect low emissions their and carbon Caribbean, the and America have other forests been much Latin in better conserved than territories forests indigenous average, the On the tribal and in Colombia Brazil of Bolivia Plurinational State Among the studies that confirm this are: this confirm that Among studies the de losRíosRueda,2020 Vélez al ., 2019 et van Dam,2019 Bonilla-Mejía andHiguera-Mendieta,2019 Romero andSaavedra, 2019 Blackman andVeit, 2018 Armenteras, yRetana,2009 Rodríguez Paiva al.,2020 et Begotti andPérez, 2020 Baragwanath andBayi, 2020 Bayi, 2019 Jusys, 2018 Blackman andVeit, 2018 al.,2014 Carranza et al.,2013 et Nolte al.,2012 de Espíndolaet Ricketts al.,2010 et Adeney, Christensen Jr. andPimm,2009 al.,2006 Nepstad et Painter al.,2020 et van Dam,2019 Blackman andVeit, 2018 al.,2017 Salinas et Paneque-Gálvez al.,2013 et al.,2012 Müller et al.,2008 Killeen et 28

Ecuador Lu et al., 2010 Blackman and Veit, 2018 van Dam, 2019

Guatemala Montenegro and Castellanos, 2008

Honduras Hayes, 2007

Mexico Bonilla et al., 2013 Bray et al., 2008 Ellis et al., 2017

Nicaragua Stocks, McMahan and Taber, 2007 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

Panama Nelson, Harris and Stone, 2001 Vergara-Asenjo and Potvin, 2014

Peru Hvolfok, 2006 Oliveira et al., 2007 Blackman et al., 2017 Schleicher et al., 2017

Bolivarian Republic of Flantua, Bilbao and Rosales, 2013 Venezuela

A regional study based on data from eleven countries reached a similar conclusion (Ceddia, Gunter and Corriveau- Bourque, 2015). No similar studies apparently exist for Costa Rica, Guyana, or Suriname, but the indigenous and/or tribal territories in those countries are known to have low deforestation rates.

In fact, lower deforestation and less forest fragmentation in indigenous areas also mean that large compact forests, the so- called “intact forests”, have disappeared more slowly in those areas. While the area in intact forest blocks declined only by 4.9 percent between 2000 and 2016 in the region’s indigenous areas, in the non-indigenous areas it fell 11.2 percent (Fa et al., 2020).11

11 The decline in intact forests is partly due to deforestation and partly to forest fragmentation. ©FAO/ Mahecha Jorge Water lilies ( lilies Water 29 Forest governance by

Victoria amazonica indigenous and tribal peoples ), Leticia, Amazon, Colombia. 12 use protected areas during the time periods studied. periods time the during areas protected use sustainable the than rates deforestation lower much had categories Both Brazil. in territories indigenous outside areas protected strictly and territories indigenous al. et Nolte The al. 2008). et (Bray protected the areas than Mexico’s have lower had Yucatan Peninsula deforestation rates in forest indigenous and community 2007) areas management of Biosphere the Taber, and other parts (Stocks, McMahan, than much deforestation less suffered Nicaragua Biosphere in Reserve Jusys 2018). (Nolte al., 2009 et and between 2001 similar was Amazon (Schleicheraccessibility al., et conditions ecological and similar with protectedas areas reduced Amazon much deforestation as twice Peruvian the in indigenous the territories 2011, and betweenexample, 2006 even more effectively (Porter-Bolland effectivelyas non-indigenousand some protected areas, Many indigenous prevent territories deforestation as 12 (2013) and Jusys (2018) studies compare deforestation rates in in rates deforestation (2018) compare Jusys (2013) studies and The indigenous territories inside the Bosawas The Bosawas inside the indigenous territories 2017). The situation in the Brazilian 2017). Brazilian the The in situation et al., et 2012). For For 2012). 2013; 2013; 30

In other cases, protected areas without indigenous population avoided deforestation more effectively than the indigenous territories, including Brazil between 2009 and 2014 (Jusys, 2018), Colombia (Armenteras, Rodríguez and Retana, 2009; Bonilla-Mejía and Higuera-Mendieta, 2019), Ecuador (Holland et al., 2014), and Panama13 (Vergara-Asenjo and Potvin, 2014).14 Even in these cases, however, both the indigenous territories and non-indigenous protected areas had lower deforestation than other forests. An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean Less information is available about forest degradation and it is less consistent.15 On average, the indigenous territories of the Amazon Basin have higher carbon density per hectare, and that is partly because their vegetation is in better condition (Walker et al., 2020). The previously mentioned Schleicher et al. (2017) study of the Peruvian Amazon also found that indigenous territories avoided forest degradation more effectively than protected areas. Studies of Brazil and Latin America as a region found fewer forest fires in indigenous areas (Nepstadet al., 2006; Nelson and Chomitz, 2011). On the other hand, a recent study of the whole Amazon Basin found that indigenous territories avoid deforestation more effectively than forest degradation, and in some countries forest degradation in indigenous territories has reached worrisome levels (Walker et al., 2020).

13 Although another study (Halvorson, 2018) found that titled indigenous territories in eastern Panama had lower deforestation rates than non-indigenous protected areas between 2000 and 2014.

14 No comparative study was identified that analyzes why indigenous territories limit deforestation more effectively than non-indigenous protected areas in some places, but not others.

15 This report uses the term “forest degradation” in a broad sense, to describe any loss of quality of a forest ecosystem, short of the forest’s total disappearance. However, when referencing the Walker et al. (2020) study the term refers specifically to a decline in average carbon density in the forest vegetation. 31 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples Source: Walker al.,2020. et (millionmetrictonnesin theAmazonBasinbetween and%). 2003and2016 T Total Other areas indigenous population) (without areas Protected with indigenousterritories) (thatoverlap areas Protected (outside areas) protected Indigenous territories Change in carbon stockable 6.Changeincarbon inindigenousterritories, protected areas,andotherareas percent (T were neither nor indigenous territories lost protected 3.6 areas non-indigenous that lost protected percent, areas 0.6 and areas 2016, 0.3percent and forests their in between 2003 of carbon the lost less Basin than Amazon the in indigenousthe territories percent al., emissions2.6 (Walker of et carbon the only accounted they cover for percent 28 Basin, of Amazon the Even indigenous 2016. and territories though between 2003 including non-indigenous other areas, protected in areas, than muchforest was lower indigenous the territories in destruction that itof clear located, forests is are indigenous in territories where majority the Basin, fordoes entire Amazon the that one If forests. existing in growth tree and forest regeneration, reforestation, forest degradation, deforestation, includes That gives forestthebetter a sense carbon of wholeaffect picture. the processesthat all of effects aggregate at the Looking MILLION METRICTONNES (MT able 6) . -1 289.9 -1 159.6 -96.4 -10.3 -23.6 C) -0.6 -0.3 -3.6 -1.7 -0.1 (%) 2020). While 32 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©FAO/ Ana Reyes

Woman from the Yurumanguí community, leader in forest governance, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. 33 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples viii. vii. iii. vi. iv. v. 16

been betterconserved and TRIBALterritories have Why forests inindigenous country studies where could identify deforestation rates in tribal territories. only the is Colombia In fact, Colombia. in territories Afro-descendant Including document. of this point That another section in made is future. the in factors section doesn’t debate this these what to doAlso, with interrelations. complex would study any those have toimportance, disentangle related other. to intimately each are To relative their assess some factors, of which six of all relativethe importance no done oneIt noting that worth is has examining astudy forests the role but not preserving relative in weight. their of each factors’ these discuss following we pages the In will 2015). (Kaimowitz, labor access and Limited to capital and low agriculture; and of accessibility profitability Limited restrictions; use Land Forest policies; incentive rights; Recognition of collective territorial knowledge; traditional and factors Cultural forests: other than conserved have territories been better indigenous tribal and managed why help factors Six forests the communally to explain in 16 34 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©ITINKUY.COM/ Miguel Arreátegui

Indigenous resident of the Amazon Awajun community. Loreto, Peru.

a. Cultural factors and traditional knowledge

Indigenous and tribal cultures and traditional knowledge have contributed to reduce forest destruction in various ways.

Many indigenous and tribal peoples have productive systems that are less harmful to forest ecosystems. This is an empirical finding, based on data, not a naïve ideological or romantic notion. It is well demonstrated that the continent’s rural production systems are characterized by marked ethnic differences, both between indigenous peoples and and between distinct indigenous groups (Eden and Andrade, 1988; Godoy, Franks and Alvarado, 1998; Atran et al., 1999; Sierra, 1999; Rudel, Bates and Machinguiashi, 2002; Frizzelle et al., 2005; Hvolkof, 2006; Gray et al., 2008; Killeen et al., 2008; Stocks, McMahan and Taber, 2008; Lu et al., 2010; Barsimantov 35 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples 17 et al., et (de Sy, Cerrado Graesser 2015; Brazilian Paraguay, the and of Bolivia, State Plurinational the Argentina, in especially cultivation, cereal and soybean of mechanized expansion the is of deforestation cause direct major one since deforestation, for implications important has This et al., Müller et 2012; Kendall, and is reflected not only in their languages, food and medicinal and food medicinal reflectedis languages, their notin only This cultures. their influenced greatly generationsmany has ecosystems places have in they for inhabited natural the and peoplesThe close relation between indigenous tribal and how and is to achieve it. life” “good of vision its what own a has 2019). culture Every Smith, and Taber, Pérez and McMahan 2008; Stocks, Hvolkof, 2006; 2002; al., et (Atran knowledge preferences, norms, ancestral and of traditions, importance the highlight studies ethnographic and historical Several so. way want does same they implythe not that necessarily groups can ethnic The two simple that fact al., Torres et al., et Bonilla-Moheno 2012; Kendall, and Barsimantov 2006; Turner, factor asignificant still is access ethnicity to resources and services, even when one accounts for the differencesin Nevertheless, have they lessthat access to capital. is peoples agrochemicals and tend less to use tribal machinery al., Gray et 2005; Sills, and Caviglia-Harris 1999; Sierra, (Simmons, 1997; services to and markets and capital) and human, to resources (natural, accessin disparities due to ethnic Theseare partially differences Ojeda-Luna Griess and Bilsborrow al., et Paneque-Gálvez 2013; et al., Vasco, 2013; et Torres, and Bilsborrow Ellis 2015; (Godoy, Franks and Alvarado, 1998; Chowdhury and and Chowdhury 1998; (Godoy, Alvarado, and Franks 2018; Vasco, 2018; Griess and Bilsborrow et al., et 2007). For 2007). one example, indigenous reason and 2020). , 2018; Gray, 2018; Bilsborrow, and 2020; 1999; Rudel, Bates and Machinguiashi, Rudel, Machinguiashi, Bates 1999; and et al., Torres et 2013; et al., et Bonilla-Moheno 2012; 2015). 17 produce things 2018; Vasco, Vasco, 2018; , 2018). 2017a; 2017a; to do

36 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©FAO/ Rosana Martín

Indigenous producer from the Guna People, Indigenous Territory of Púcuro, in Darién Province, Panama.

systems, spiritual beliefs, and ecological knowledge, but also in the way they manage their forests and landscapes.18

The land use characteristic that better distinguishes the indigenous peoples from the mestizos is that extensive cattle ranching is much less important in the indigenous territories than in farms (Rudel, Bates and Machinguiashi, 2002; Carr, 2004; Killeen et al., 2008; Stocks, McMahan and Taber, 2008; Lu et al., 2010; Müller et al., 2012; Torres et al., 2018; Vasco, Bilsborrow and Griess, 2018).19 Historically, bovine cattle ranching was associated with the arrival of Spanish and

18 They conserve many sacred sites in forest areas for spiritual reasons (Tan, Tran and Bhattacharyya, 2019).

19 Following the same logic, one of the few studies that did not find significant differences in land use between indigenous peoples and non-indigenous colonos was in a Panamanian region with almost no livestock (Simmons, 1997). 37 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples 20

al., Wilder et 2016; Berardi, and Bilbao, Mistry, 2016; Berardi, and situations and monitoring, restauration, and to adaptationuse, to new contribute practices, to foresthuman greatly management, andand soils, howthese climate, fire, elements respond to aboutanddiseases, pests and floraandtheir fauna uses, peoples’ knowledgeIndigenous traditional and tribal which makes themstrategies, appreciate forests more contribute more peoples’ to indigenous livelihood and tribal probably on But, average, NTFPs 2005). Sills, and Caviglia-Harris long-standing applies Peixoto, Luna to and also someCrepaldi This 2010). al., et (Toledo livelihoods their to notably contributes forest in regions and cultures of indigenous the tribal and part integral fuelwood an and is fruits, wild plants, medicinal bushmeat, like (NTFPs) forest products non-timber Harvesting et al., et Graesser 2015; Sy of region’s been the forest driver has largest lossexpansion (de since livestock America, for Latin deforestation in patterns indigenous peoples. Thesehave differences major implications been acommon among also mestizos practice has land to demonstrate to – possession rights pastures of acquire –and mestizo in colonizers cows and Portuguese have played always role alarger between 1990 and 2005 is currently used for pasture. for used currently 2005 is and 1990 between America South in deforested area of the Sy to (2015), De According percent 71 Research shows that the Tsimane communities that haveResearch communities Tsimane that shows the that regard. this interestingan in example offer Amazon Bolivia’s The State of indigenous Tsimane people Plurinational the in forests the good condition. in to maintain forestsincentivean benefit better and is them, which frommore understand to peoples tribal and indigenous allows knowledge al., Sierra-Huelz et 2019; González, and et al., et 2017; Reyes-García Rodríguez, 2016; production and consumption systems. Establishing Establishing systems. consumption and production (Reyes-García, 2009; Douterlunge, 2012; Mistry Mistry Douterlunge, 2012; 2009; (Reyes-García, mestizo mestizo communities in forest areas (Dufour, 1990; 1990; (Dufour, forest areas in communities 2015). 20 2020). This traditional traditional This 2020). 2018; Schroeder 2018; 2003; Silva , but not . 38

greater traditional ecological knowledge conserve their forests more and better than those that lack that knowledge (Paneque-Gálvez et al., 2018). That suggests that people who spend more time in the forest and know how to get greater benefits from them, take care of them better, even when both groups share the same ethnicity.

Culture and knowledge are not static; they evolve (Rudel, Bates and Machinguiashi, 2002). Though it is better not to overgeneralize given that each indigenous people is An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean unique (Stocks, McMahan and Taber, 2008; Lu et al., 2010). Nevertheless, until now, one can say many indigenous and tribal peoples have conserved their forests better than other non-indigenous or tribal social groups.

b. Recognized collective property or usufruct rights

In most indigenous and tribal territories, the principal threats to the forest come from outsiders. Among the most important, are land occupations by ranchers, colonos, miners, oil palm producers, mechanized soybean and cereal farmers,

Awajun warrior in his community in the Peruvian jungle. Loreto, Peru.

©ITINKUY.COM/ Miguel Arreátegui 39 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples of these acost-effective is way to reducecarbon emissions collective and improving rights; land the tenure security recognized formally have governments where territories Deforestation lower rates are indigenous in and tribal 2019). Gunter Pazienza, (Ceddia, and between 1995 2015 and area pasture crop and less in expansion production led to improvements rights, agricultural property in shows wherecountries clear that had indigenous territories more deforestation. One recent American of study ten Latin not lead only yields, to higher productivity agricultural in improvements So, pastures. crops and their to expanding areas deforest cannot they new lands, occupy indigenous or tribal more land theiruse existing intensively. cannot they Since provides incentive an for outside farmers the to territories peoples’indigenous themselves. territories and tribal It also Formal recognition not only protects forests the in peoples’ rights. land tribal and to doharder where governments indigenous have recognized for land production, is but that to use that than rather land, the forest clear control mostly speculators to gain and over farmers Many monitor confrontand and intruders. territories their peoples’ to demarcate efforts indigenous tribal and legitimizes recognition legal or the blocks entrance itself because their government the destroy forests. may That because be their helps to impede encroachment groups that by external of peoples indigenous over and tribal their often territories Formal recognition by governments of the collective rights activities. and/or involved Some armed livestock. are criminal in or of forest areas buy and machinery large to clear capital of groups receive these government have support and enough McSweeney al., et al., Bebbington 2015; et Benatti, and Taber, RAISG and 2008; McMahan, Stocks, 2008; groups forest(Hayes,these and cause by loggers, fires logging landspeculators, and traffickers, drug petroleum companies, et al., Walker 2019; et Bayi, 2018; 2018; Gebrara, 2018; 2018; Gebrara, 2018; 2020). Many Many 2020). , 2012; Pacheco , 2012; 40 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©Sergio Garrido

Leticia, Amazon, Colombia.

(Nelson, Harris and, Stone, 2001; Hayes, 2007; Botazzi and Dao, 2013; Nolte et al., 2013; Ding et al., 2016; Blackman et al., 2017; Bayi, 2019; Pérez and Smith, 2019; Velez et al., 2019; Baragwanath and Bayi, 2020; de los Ríos Rueda, 2020). Börner et al. (2020) compared the effectiveness of various conservations policies and programs and found that the formal designation of indigenous areas was the most effective. Between 2000 and 2012 deforestation rates in titled indigenous territories in the Bolivian, Brazilian, and Colombian Amazon were only one third to one half of those in other forests with similar ecological characteristics and accessibility to markets (Ding et al., 2016). The benefits from that lower deforestation were also much higher than the costs of land demarcation and titling and other associated measures (Box 1). 41 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples ©FAO/ Francisco Nieto Kakuamo indigenous person walks through the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia. Marta, Santa of Nevada Sierra the through walks person indigenous 42 Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques where land property has been ensured. hasbeen where landproperty Figure 1.Deforestation rates, insideandoutsideindigenouswoodlands indigenous emissions. territories carbon reduced had authors were to able calculate how much the recognized inwas the forests deforestation where avoided, was the titled indigenous territories and how was much carbon By knowing how much lower the deforestation in the studied in the countries. three one-thirdbetween and one-half of the rates in the other forests that the deforestation rates in titled indigenous territories only are Amazon forests with similar authors The characteristics. conclude 2000between and 2012 with the deforestation rates of other compares deforestation rates in titled indigenous territories statistical method, called “correspondence analysis”, the study the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Brazil, and Colombia. Using a with titling indigenous territories in the Amazon regions of Ding and Colombia Regions of Plurinational the State of Bolivia, Brazil, territories to deforestation reduce in Amazon the A cost-benefit assessment of titling Indigenous Box 1 0.5% 0% et al., et       (2016) analyzes the costs associated and benefits  0.43%    0.15% 2.8 timesless Deforestation rates  0.15%   0.06%  2.5 timesless Deforestation rates  0.08%   0.04% 2 timesless Deforestation rates 43 Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques S both coalpower –and gas –fired plants.” costs of avoided securing indigenous lands 5to are times lower 42 than the average indigenous territories, the study shows that “that the costs of of capture other carbon and store options with that of titling calculated of for twenty aperiod years.) Comparing the cost in Colombia. (That is the net present value of the investment in Brazil, and U hectare 68 dollars per to of title land in the Plurinational ahectare State of Bolivia, U territories low. was authors The estimate that it cost U costsThe of guaranteeing tenure in security the indigenous million vehicles out of circulation for one year. countriesthree were the equivalent of 9and 12.6 taking between billionand 34 dollars. combined The emissions reductions in the emissions reductions in the countries three U between was the authors estimated the Net Present Value ( each year. on afinancial Based projection twentyfor years, 42.8between and 59.7 million metric tons (MtC) of According to the study, the titled collective territories avoided ource: et al., et Ding CO 2016. 2 through fossil capture carbon and storage for SD 6 dollars per hectare hectare 6dollars per NP V ) of the total CO emissions 2 emissions SD 45 dollars SD SD 25 25


Ding et al., (2016) do not compare deforestation rates in indigenous territories with land titles with those in indigenous territories without title. It compares the former with forests outside indigenous territories that have similar ecological conditions and accessibility. So, strictly speaking, Ding et al. (2016) do not separate the effects of titling from other cultural or governance characteristics related to indigenous territories. Nevertheless, other studies have analyzed the specific effects of formal tenure recognition and reaffirm the conclusion of Dinget al. (2016) that titling has a large impact (Hayes, 2007, Blackman An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean et al., 2017; Halvorson, 2018; Bayi, 2019; Pérez and Smith, 2019; Romero and Saavedra, 2019; Baragwanath and Bayi, 2020). Bayi (2019) even demonstrates that each step in the process of registering indigenous land in Brazil is associated with a lower deforestation rate than the previous step. Given this, formal recognition of indigenous and tribal peoples’ collective tenure rights over their territories is a good practice for mitigating climate change, conserving biodiversity, and managing forests sustainably (IPCC, 2019).

Nonetheless, there are five situations where formal government recognition of collective territorial rights may not reduce forest destruction:

i. When governments give mining, oil and gas, or logging concessions to companies that overlap with the indigenous and tribal territories, the indigenous or tribal authorities cannot exclude the mining, energy, or forestry companies responsible for clearing or degrading the forests (Walker et al., 2020).21 ii. When governments fail to back efforts by the formal land rights holders to ensure their rights are respected, the practical value of having a title is greatly reduced.

21 Almost one quarter of the land in indigenous territories in the Amazon Basin has overlapping mining and petroleum concessions, which greatly increase the pressure on the forests there (Walker et al., 2020). ©FAO/ Mauricio Mireles Indigenous Academical School of Sepecue, in Talamanca, Limón Province, Costa Rica. Costa Province, Limón Talamanca, in Sepecue, of School Academical Indigenous 45 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples iii. iv. v.

them, a formal title probably title won’t aformal reducethem, deforestation much. support authorities their and forests clearing in interested ones themselves the are inhabitants territory’s the If al., et Clerici less are relevant tenure (McSweeney rights formal al., et have strong presence capacity, government the limited and has groups other some and armed In places crime where organized forests. on the pressure greater thereis until notmaterialize will positivetitling of effects the BenYishay 2015; 2017). cases, these Millones, In and al., et al., et reduce to (Pfaff deforestation not deforestation decrease will since little there is rights land recognizing forests, on the no pressure is there If 2020) 2014; Buntaine, Hamilton, Hamilton, Buntaine, 2014; 2018; 2018; 46

c. Forest incentive policies

When governments help communities that care for forests to benefit economically from their efforts that gives them an extra incentive not to destroy those forests. Some community forestry and payment for environmental services policies and programs favor indigenous and tribal territories more than other landowners, and that may help explain why the territories’ forests are in better shape.

An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for Thanks partly to favorable community forestry policies in in Latin America and the Caribbean Mexico and other countries, sustainable timber production has generated substantial incomes for hundreds of the region’s indigenous communities (Torres-Rojo and Magaña-Torres, 2006; Merino-Pérez and Martínez, 2014; Del Gatto et al., 2018). The income from forest management gives these communities a strong incentive to maintain forest cover and probably helps to explain the low deforestation rates in indigenous areas such as the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca and Southern and Central Quintana Roo (among others) (Barsimantov and Kendall, 2012; Merino-Pérez and Martínez, 2014; Ellis et al., 2017b; Ellis et al., 2020). To ensure the forest resources are sustainable, many of Mexico’s indigenous forest enterprises reserve a significant portion of their forest for conservation and harvest less timber than their management plans permit (Bray et al., 2003; Pazos-Almada and Bray, 2018).

Some government payment for environmental services programs favor indigenous territories, including the Socio Bosque program in Ecuador, the National Forest Conservation Program (PNCB) in Peru, the Environmental Payment for Services program in Mexico, the Forest Incentives for Land Holders with Small Areas Suitable for Forests or Agroforests program (PINPEP) in Guatemala, the indigenous component of the Amazon Vision program in Colombia, and the Indigenous sub-program of the REDD+ Early Movers (REM) program in Acre, Brazil.22

22 The payment for environmental services program of Costa Rica’s National Fund for Forest Finance (FONAFIFO) includes indigenous territories but has not prioritized them over other landowners. ©Sergio Garrido ©Sergio Woman of the Tikuna People, Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia. Amazonas, Leticia, People, Tikuna the of Woman 47 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples 23

et et al et (Giudice stage initial program’s the during least at small, was reduction the In Peru, more species are prevalent timber valuable commercially and forests have their beenBosque logged in that have less damage in Socio communities uncontrolled Ecuadorian and fires. hunting commercial less andand reforest report more fires, receivecommunities that payments monitor forests, control reduced indigenous Mexican also forest degradation. programs al., et Giudice al et Alix-García risks deforestation higher with places in especially deforestation, reduced programs Peruvian and Ecuadorian, The Mexican, reduced forest the they territories in support destruction programs payment for environmental services These al., ., 2019.). ., et al., et Cuenca 2015; 23 (Alix-García, Sims, and Yáñez-Paganas, 2015; Costedoat 2015; Yáñez-Paganas, and Sims, (Alix-García, 2019; Wunder 2019; al., et ., 2019; Eguiguren, Fischer, Günter, and 2019; Eguiguren, 2019; ., 2018; Mohebalian and Aguilar, 2018; 2018; Aguilar, Mohebalian and 2018; 2020). It likely these is 2020). . 48

(Rodríguez-Robayo, Ávila-Foucat, and Maldonado, 2016; Arriagada et al., 2018a; Mohebalian and Aguilar, 2018; Alix- García et al., 2019; Eguiguren, Fischer, and Günter, 2019).

d. Land use restrictions – protected areas

Protected areas restrict land use changes and extractive activities and it is harder to legally privatize public lands that have been designated as protected areas. Consequently,

An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for protected areas tend to have lower deforestation. in Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America’s indigenous and tribal territories heavily overlap with protected area. In principle, that alone might lead one to expect these territories would have lower deforestation. Almost half (47 percent) of the area that indigenous peoples occupy have been designated as protected areas, compared to only 17 percent of the non-indigenous areas (Garnett et al., 2018).24 Even when governments don’t recognize indigenous or tribal rights in these territories, their classification as protected areas sometimes help forestall external incursions.

While the great overlap between indigenous and tribal territories and protected areas explains some of the low deforestation in these areas it is only one of various relevant variables. Indigenous territories that do not overlap with protected areas also have lower deforestation rates than other forests (Blackman et al., 2017; Blackman and Veit, 2018; Walker et al., 2020). Panama’s indigenous territories that are entirely outside of protected areas reduce deforestation more than the indigenous territories that do overlap with protected areas (Vergara-Asenjo and Potvin, 2014). Moreover, protected areas that overlap with indigenous territories often have lower deforestation than other protected areas (de los Ríos Rueda, 2020). That implies that being an indigenous territory helps to

24 In Central America, 37 percent of the area indigenous peoples “use and occupy” is in protected areas (See Map 2). The areas they use and occupy correspond to what this report refers to as “areas occupied by indigenous peoples”. ©FAO /CeciliaBallesteros Mayantuyacu 49 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples (Huánuco) in the Peruvian Amazon. 25 e. Low profitability of agriculture and e. Low ofagriculture profitability

limited accessibility fires in Brazil. in fires of forests case in the areas protected of types two the between differences Jr.significant (2009) Adeney, not find Pimm Although did and Christensen less is profitablethere. theThroughout agriculture Commercial have lower 1998) Angelsen, deforestation and rates (Kaimowitz steep soils, slopes, precipitationinfertile and high generally with locations general, In 2014; al., et Holland Wheeler, and Blankespoor, DasGupta, 2014; 2011; Chomitz, and Taber, Norman and 2008; McMahan, Stocks, 2007; (Hayes, results the notis enough to explain alone protected the status forest, that conserve area the and et al et Schleicher ., 2017; al., Walker., et less access to markets and services, 2020). 25

. 50

tropics deforestation is lower in places farther from highways and secondary roads (Angelsen, 2010).

In Latin America and the Caribbean indigenous and tribal peoples and other traditional communities, such as riverine communities and caboclos, have historically been among the main inhabitants in such places. Since Colonial times, the Spaniards and later mestizos have tended to occupy locations suitable for intensive agriculture first and have had less presence in forest areas inhabited by indigenous peoples. Meanwhile, many African An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean slaves or their descendants fled to remote forest zones to escape slavery and exploitation, where they created quilombos, palenques, and other types of communal territories. The remoteness and inaccessibility of these areas made them less profitable for commercial agriculture and harder for other groups to get there. Many of these inaccessible forest areas were very humid, had acidic soils, and/or flooded frequently. Endemic diseases such as malaria and yellow fever discouraged outside settlers from entering these areas or drove them off (Sawyer, 1993; Asenso- Okyere et al., 2009). Hence, it is not surprising that indigenous and tribal territories have more forest cover and less deforestation.

Even so, lack of roads, infertile soils, humid climates, and widespread diseases do not fully explain the differences in deforestation rates between indigenous and tribal territories and other forest areas. Multiples studies show that even when one compares forests in indigenous territories with other forests that have similar ecological conditions and access to markets and services, the former have lower deforestation rates (Nelson, Harris, and Stone, 2001; Nelson and Chomitz, 2011; Nolte et al., 2013; Blackman et al., 2017; Blackman and Veit, 2018; Jusys, 2018).26

26 The evidence is less clear in the case of the Ecuadorian Amazon. One study there found that differences in access to markets and ecological conditions explained almost all the difference in deforestation rates (Blackman and Veit, 2018), while another study found the opposite (Hollande et al., 2014). 51 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples 27 f.

Availability andlabor ofcapital (Schwartzman and Zimmerman, 2005; Morsello, 2006). 2005; Zimmerman, and (Schwartzman other and obstacles often impede it discrimination but ethnic or non-indigenous farmers, organizations, large companies, Theoretically, from capital could they obtain areas. large to deforest ability their limits public subsidies that and and credit peoples have lesstribal access to agricultural indigenous deforestation. addition, behind and In activities main two –the agriculture or mechanized ranching cattle for extensive or machinery cattle to purchase required funds have lowregions generally incomes, the often lack they peoplesand/or labor. forest Since in indigenous tribal and alot requires of capital ranching and for farming areas large Deforesting forest and establish crops areas and pasture. peoples the lack resourcesand tribal needed to clear large indigenous that is have lower rates deforestation territories Another for possible explanation why indigenous tribal and crops, and that has greatly damaged the forests. the damaged greatly has that and crops, illicit cultivating or mining illegal in to engage villagers Afro-descendant and indigenous to fund willing have been groups criminal places some in Although and Pérez, 2020). and neighbors their percentage (Begotti vegetation of their than conserve amuch higher but still areas, neighboring the than have indigenous territories densities population Brazil’s higher of half almost though, other the hand, forest. On in land their densities population highest proportion have of asmaller quilombos and indigenous territories Brazil’s that It probably is no Amazon. coincidence the in especially areas, not have forest large the enough to labor clear cultivate and good condition the did they explain forests, of if their also Low densities population some in might indigenous territories with the the with 27

52 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©FAO/ Mauricio Mireles

Indigenous woman from the Guna People, Púcuro Indigenous Territory, Province of Darien, Panama. 53 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples and tribalterritories forests oftheindigenous Increased pressureonthe et al., et (Fa 59 percent and Paraguay in percent 42 Nicaragua, Honduras, in percent 30 in State of Bolivia, percent Plurinational the in by fell 20 forests of territories these intact area in the 2016 become Consequently, more and fragmented. between 2000 have Paraguay and Nicaragua, Honduras, State of Bolivia, Forests of indigenous Plurinational 2020). the the territories in al., (Walker et 2012 since logging unsustainable and mining, fires, fromincreased forestdue haveto countries degradation suffered Basin Amazon the all The almost in indigenous territories Mondragón, and 2019). López Portillo 2019; Bryan, al., et among others (Ellis of Nicaragua, Coast Caribbean Mexico Yucatan and in the and regions of Oaxaca, Campeche, al., 150 (Walker et percent Brazil in indigenous the territories in tribal territories. deforestation 2018, and Between 2016 rose theindigenous affected and also general trend has This 2019). (Butler, Mesoamerica deforestation since been 2015 on upswing the has Republic of Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivarian the and Brazil, al., et (Walker period percent that 200 during increased they Basin, entire Amazon For 2016. and the between 2012 countries Basin Amazon nine all forest emissions related in tocarbon changes condition rose in on America’sPressure Latin forests Annual increasing. is theseaffect territories. specifically that trends the to region’s all andforests partly affecting trends to general forests their peoples probably will not beable to continue safeguarding Unless decisive indigenous soon, taken action is and tribal 2020). Forest clearing also rose sharply in the indigenous the in rose sharply Forest also 2020). clearing 2020). , as they have they done due, as now. until partly is This 2020). In the Plurinational State of Bolivia, State of Bolivia, Plurinational the In 2020). 2017a; 2017a;


a. General causes of increased pressure on forests

The structural trends increasing pressure on the region’s forests include the following:

ECONOMIC • Increased international demand for minerals, fuels, foodstuffs, forest products, illicit crops, and tourism (Bebbington et al., 2018; Butler, 2019; Pendrill et al.,2019; Seymour and Harris, 2019).

An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for • Expansion of roads and other transportation, storage, energy, in Latin America and the Caribbean and communications infrastructure (Bebbington et al., 2018; Vilela et al., 2020).

POLITICAL • Greater political influence of elite groups linked to agriculture and extractive sectors (Carneiro da Cunha et al., 2017; Fernández Milmanda, 2019).

• Politicians’ desire to reactivate national economies by expanding extractive and agricultural activities to new regions (Arsel, Hogenboom, and Pellegrini, 2017).

GOVERNANCE • Reductions in government budgets for environmental regulation and environmentally friendly activities (Sarmiento- Villamizar, Ordóñez-Cortés and Humberto-Alonso, 2017; Provencio and Carabiasas, 2019; Pereira et al., 2020).

• Greater presence of organized crime in forest regions, seeking to grow and transport illicit crops, engage in illegal mining, and launder money from criminal activities (McSweeney et al., 2018; Clerici et al., 2020).

TECHNOLOGICAL • Technological innovations in mining, oil and gas production, and agriculture, which allow producers to expand into new areas and make use of their natural resources (Kaimowitz and Smith, 2001; Deonandan and Dougherty, 2016). 55 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples 29 28 b. territories onindigenousandtribal Theeffects

• • • • Constant Constant relevant shorter-term trends. shorter-term relevant peacefollowing accords the al., there (Clerici et 2017) Colombia’s apower in and vacuum post-conflict zones gold Aide, and prices international (Álvarez-Berríos High et al., et resources (Ellis territorial to usurp groups efforts these facilitating territories, titled in tenure rights other groups respect indigenous ensure tribal and and recognize Some governmentsto efforts countries’ have their downgraded 2020). Fearnside, and Gomes, Ferrante, al., Fa et 2009; de Souza, Braga and Filho (Carneiro pressure over the forests increase their and inhabitants and territories improve the investments to access The infrastructure tribal territories. For example: These general trends have greatly affected the indigenous and decade (Begotti and Pérez, 2020). Pérez, and (Begotti decade previous the in than decade last the during territories indigenous new many as third one than less (“declared”) recognized government Brazilian the example, For 2019). (Lovejoy into Nobre, asavanna and converted permanently be will ecosystem forest humid the which beyond point, atipping to reach threaten processes These al., et et al., more et susceptible to fire (Aragão forest fragmentation and change Climate al., et (Ellis villagers DEMOGRAPHIC GOVERNANCE ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENTAL et al., He 2019; et Bryan, 2019; migration colonos colonos by forest to areas et al., He et 2017a; 2019; Begotti and Pérez, 2020). and Begotti 2019; 2019; Thiede Gray, 2019; and 2020). 2018). 2017a; RRI 2017a;

that make forests forests make that 28 and indigenous indigenous and 2020) are are 2020) 2020; , 2018; Brito , 2018; 29 56

• Government desire to promote extractive activities has led them to grant mining, petroleum, and forestry concessions in these territories, frequently without indigenous and tribal consent. That has made it easier for outside groups to enter and clear or degrade forests (Ray and Chimienti, 2015; Bebbington et al., 2018; Walker et al., 2020). • Many protected areas have been eliminated, shrunk, or weakened. That reduces their ability to limit forest destruction in places where those areas overlap with indigenous territories

An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for (Pack et al., 2016; Ferrante and Fearnside, 2019; Golden-Kroner in Latin America and the Caribbean et al., 2019).30 • Usurpation and degradation of local natural resources by external groups has provoked greater social conflict, which often takes on inter-ethnic dimensions. The number of indigenous and tribal people killed or arrested has risen accordingly (McSweeney et al., 2018; Butt et al., 2019; Byron, 2019; IACHR, 2019; Muggah and Franciotti, 2019).

• The decline in government budgets has affected the payment for environmental services programs and created additional hurdles for the approval of forest management plans and permits. That reduces communities’ incentives to manage their forests (Fernández and Mendoza, 2015; Petersheim, 2018). Costa Rica has been cutting back on its payment for environmental services program since 2012 and Mexico since 2015, while Ecuador’s funding has been stagnant since 2015 (Cravioto, 2019; El Telégrafo, 2019; FONAFIFO, 2019).

DEMOGRAPHIC • Migration to the territories from other regions has expanded the pool of labor available for activities associated with deforestation and forest degradation (McSweeney, 2005; Thiede and Gray, 2020).

30 Between 2000 and 2017 there were 120 cases where governments eliminated, reduced the size of, or weakened the legal status of protected areas in the Amazon Basin (Golden-Kroner et al., 2019). 57

©FAO/ Mauricio Mireles

Indigenous youth performing traditional dance of the Guna People, Púcuro Indigenous Territory, Darien Province, Panama.

CULTURAL • Greater access to urban areas, markets, and mass communications, and rural–urban migration, combined with the limited economic opportunities for young people in the territories, have weakened the inter-generational transmission of indigenous and tribal languages and traditions and knowledge about the forest ecosystems and their management (Camara-Leret et al., 2016; Mistry, Bilbao and Berardi, 2016; Athayde et al., 2017; Paneque-Gálvez et al., 2018).

HEALTH The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect in many of the region’s indigenous and tribal territories (FILAC and FIAY, 2020). Thousands have gotten sick or died and many communities have lost their markets for forest products and tourism (Hernández, 2020). The pandemic has hindered 58

government efforts to stop land invasions, forest fires, and illegal logging in the territories (Cowie, 2020). In the current pandemic context, these incursions not only threaten the forests, they also spread the disease and put local people at risk.

Despite all of the above, other trends favored the protection of the indigenous territories. Recently, international recognition of the need to ensure the indigenous and tribal peoples’ collective An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean rights over their territories to mitigate climate change and protect biological and cultural diversity (IPBES, 2019; IPCC, 2019). The governments have recognized some new indigenous and tribal territories and created some new programs, which will be discussed shortly. Some of the trends mentioned above – such as greater access by indigenous and tribal peoples to markets, services, and information sources – had positive effects, even while creating new problems.

On balance though the pressure on the inhabitants and forests of the indigenous and tribal territories has increased and the trends that traditionally protected the territories have weakened.

Given this situation, it can no longer be assumed that the territories’ forests are free from danger. Any reference scenario related to deforestation, forest degradation, and carbon emissions in these territories must consider these structural changes.31 As a result, new, more forceful, measures are needed, so that the territories can offer attractive and safe living conditions for their inhabitants and their forests can continue to be large storehouses of forest carbon, biodiversity, and cultural riches, and support traditional livelihoods.

31 Following this logic, the REDD Early Movers (REM) programs in Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador allocated part of their funds to areas with high forest cover and low deforestation, recognizing rising deforestation risks (R. Linzatti, personal communication, June 7, 2020). 59 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples ©FAO/ MauricioMireles Costa Rica. (ACOMUITA) Talamanca of Women Indigenous of Association People, Bribri the of leader indigenous Native , Talamanca, Limón Province, Province, Limón , Talamanca, 60

Five types of measures for mitigating climate change in indigenous and tribal territories

The recognition of collective land rights, payment for environmental services, and community forest management help to reduce forest destruction in indigenous and tribal territories. Unfortunately, these policies have weakened in An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for

in Latin America and the Caribbean recent years and new threats to the communities and forests have appeared. This section presents measures to address these threats.

The growing pressure on the population and forests of the indigenous and tribal territories requires a major holistic response, including public and private investments and policies, procedures, and institutional frameworks. Key components include:

i. strengthening territorial rights;

ii. compensating environmental services;

iii. promoting community forestry;

iv. reaffirmingtraditional cultures and knowledge; and

v. supporting territorial governance and indigenous and tribal organizations and institutions.

Given the strong synergies between these components, they should be thought of as a package – not just a menu to select options from. 61 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples 32 a. Effective collective territorial rights differences merits a separate study. separate a merits differences each still have more than ten million hectares of unrecognized of unrecognized hectares have ten million more still than each Republic of Venezuela Bolivarian the and probablySuriname, Peru, Brazil, State of Bolivia, Nonetheless, Plurinational the not been has mapped. area since much of unrecognized the to to recognized say be how It hard is much2020). remains land governmentsof that hectares have yet to ( recognize peoples over rights havetribal tens of customary millions the region’s indigenous and developments, those Despite Basin. Amazon the of in which is majority forests, the of hectares million 200 and of of land hectares 275 million than to more rights long-term orcommunities’ usufruct property of region indigenous the the have tribal and recognized governments the mechanisms, diverse legal Through 2018). (Wily, Uruguay and except rights these ElSalvador, Suriname, have countries laws recognizing South American and Central collective over rights ( territories their ancestral communities’ rural traditional recognizing in and Asia Africa gone than has farther and the Caribbean America Latin and services, encroachment it to makes access easier and funds, forest forests, over and about limits rights carbon land, certainty low the territories’ explains carbonthat emissions collective over rights been akey their has territories factor recognition of peoples’ indigenousFormal and tribal FI 2012; RR Edouard, and 2004; Herrera-Garibay Ortega, (Roldán (i.e. multiple) one, territory per of communities number the and ethnicities); varied of campesinos riverine, tribal, (e.g.indigenous, benefited groups the process); due management, (e.g. exclusion, self-government, provided of rights bundle the owners; its and territory the register and to recognize used procedures the association); development or cooperative, association, civil government, municipal or community, national tribal or (the indigenous property owns the who law, decree); (constitutional, ordinary hierarchy to: legal regard with vary These rights. collective those regulates that framework own legal its has country Each L AC markets. , 2020). To analyze the environmental and social implications of these of these implications , 2020). social and To environmental the analyze I , 2012; ECL RRI . Legal . Legal , 2018). All All , 2018). 32 RRI AC and and , 62

indigenous and tribal territories, most of which has forest (ACT, 2010; IBC, 2016; Del Popolo, 2017; Mongabay, 2018; RAISG, 2019; Tamburini, 2019).33 Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Panama, and Paraguay also have significant unrecognized areas (Rapoport Center, 2009; Del Popolo, 2014; Dooley and Griffiths, 2014; Vergara-Asenjo and Potvin, 2014; ECLAC, 2017; Dubertret, 2017; Atkinson et al., 2018; Halvorson, 2018; Agard et al., 2019; RAISG, 2019; FAPI, undated). Practically all the land indigenous peoples and Afro- descendants claim in Costa Rica and Nicaragua has been titled, An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean but a significant portion of that has been illegally usurped (Finley-Brook, 2016; Del Popolo, 2017; Bryan, 2019).

Among the factors hindering recognition of indigenous and tribal territorial rights are:

• expensive, complex, and lengthy procedures;

• insufficient public investment in land administration for these areas;

• weak inter-institutional coordination between government agencies;

• overlapping rights to the same land;

• poorly designed, out-of-date, incomplete, and untransparent land registries;

• political and bureaucratic resistance to recognizing collective rights; and

• lack of awareness about the environmental and social benefits that recognizing these areas provides (Bustillos, Aguilar, and Grimaldo, 2015; Márquez Porras, Eguiguren Riofrío and Vera, 2018; Monterroso and Larson, 2018; Notess et al., 2018; Monterroso et al., 2019).

33 Most unrecognized Bolivian and Peruvian indigenous territories are in the lowlands and Amazon, respectively. In Brazil, the biggest deficit is in Quilombolo territories in the Amazon and the northeast and indigenous territories outside the Amazon. Indigenous women leader from the Guaraní Kaiowá People, Indigenous Territory of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Sul, do Grosso Mato Dourados, of Territory Indigenous People, Kaiowá Guaraní the from leader women Indigenous 63 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples deforestation is low there (Buntaine, Hamilton, and and deforestation Hamilton, low is there (Buntaine, rights, pressure land on forests. or With without formal short-term wheretherelittle effects is have meaningful Recognition of collectivedoes not tenure rights always 2020). 26, April communication, authorities personal and (F. Edouard, organizations their by communities or hinder registration that practices and have Others entities. procedures legal communities as tribal Someentities. do countries not indigenous or recognize as legal andbe recognized to register find hard it managers or owners legal territories’ the as rights their establish to try authorities that territorial and organizations, Another common problem communities, that is et have beencommunities there that for (Notess centuries than title andto faster obtain often find easier it time come for companies first area the that toPrivate an al., 2018). ©FAO/ MauricioMireles 64

Millones, 2015; BenYishay et al., 2017; Blackman and Veit, 2018). However, governments find it easier to formally recognize rights over territories before pressure increases and multiple groups compete for the same resources or different resources in the same areas. Currently, pressure seems to be increasing practically everywhere (Walker et al., 2020).

The key question is not whether one can justify investments to formalize tenure rights over forestlands that still are not threatened, it is whether those rights will suffice to curtail forest An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean destruction once the pressure rises. A priori, there is no way to definitively answer that question. However, the evidence suggests that formal tenure rights can be effective even when forests are under pressure, especially when communities organize to defend their rights, and governments support them (Bayi, 2019).

This last point is key, since there are places where communities have recognized land rights, but governments do little to ensure respect for those rights. Before issuing a land title, governments are expected to go through a land regularization (“saneamiento”) process. They are supposed to identify competing land claims, assess their validity, cancel previous titles or registration that lack legal basis, establish rules of co- existence with third parties allowed to stay, and plan for the removal and possible relocation of other third parties. However, this often never happens or takes years to be completed (Finley- Brook, 2016; IACHR, 2019; Tamburini, 2019). Where property rights are clear, governments are supposed to intervene if a territorial property is illegally encroached upon, but they do not always do so (McSweeney et al., 2018; Bryan, 2019; Correia, 2019).

Weak efforts by some governments to ensure respect for collective property rights have contributed to increasingly frequent violent attacks against territorial leaders and inhabitants. Hundreds of indigenous or Afro-descendant community leaders have been killed since 2017, especially in Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru, where governments have yet to implement effective measures to stop the violence (Global Witness, 2018, 2019, 2020). 65 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples 34

protected areas in indigenous and tribal territories without territories indigenous tribal in protected and areas do norms not governmentsThe allow international to establish which do notmethods, properly concerns. reflect community inadequate or projects, use support consultations the the docountries not consult whether to determine communities the 2019). Wright 2015; Some Tomaselli, and (Anaya, case the always consent. However, without local territories not is that tribal and petroleum or investment forestry indigenous in mining, any be ( Consent Informed and peoples’ Prior to Free, right tribal and indigenous recognizes that legislation have169 and national ( LaborOrganization theInternational have ratified Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous on Rights Peoples the Declaration ( have countries approved American United the Latin Nations All Veit, and (Blackman 2018). countries other neighboring in deforestation less than Ecuador in reduced indigenous territories titling foundstudies that al., et (Walker there concessions, much of forest the which explains degradation (48indigenous percent) territories overlapping has petroleum Amazonian in area the Ecuador,In half for almost example, forests their rivers. and personnel damaging entering and from communities have the and no way to stopterritories, company concessions forestry and oil, inside the companies mining, al., et Anderson 2017; Zubirán, andMadrid Aranda Ortiz 2013; Radcliffe, and collective over rights forests, water, or forest carbon (Anthias governments do not peoples’ indigenous recognize and tribal belong some There also to are the state. countries where sub-soil rights countries, American Latin all practically In ( rights those recognize that regulations have or laws countries other of the to FP right the of Venezuela Republic Bolivarian the and Ecuador, Mexico, of Bolivia, State Plurinational In the ECL FPIC AC ) ( and FI and ECLAC L AC and FILAC and , 2020)., 2018). As a result, governments often grant governments aresult, often grant As 2018). 2020). It may also be one be It some reason may also 2020). , 2020). I 34 C is enshrined in the Constitution. Most Most Constitution. the in enshrined is So, in principle, there shouldn’t shouldn’t there principle, in So, UNDRIP ILO ) Protocol Protocol ) ). Most Most ). 66 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©FAO/ Cecilia Ballesteros

Young indigenous man navigating the Ucayali River (Peru).

the inhabitants’ consent, but that happens frequently in many countries (UN, 2016). Many indigenous and tribal leaders complain that government environment officials fail to consult them about decisions affecting their territories, restrict their traditional hunting, fishing, and cultivation practices, and monopolize the available funds. In a few cases environmental agencies have even evicted indigenous communities from their territories against their will.35 In some countries, including Brazil, Ecuador, Honduras, and Panama, when governments designate someplace as a protected area it become much harder or even impossible for indigenous or tribal communities to attain recognition of their rights over that area (Springer and Almeida, 2015) (Box 2).

35 On the other hand, the designation of protected areas has helped many indigenous and tribal communities to exclude the unwanted entrance of third parties and protect their natural resources. 67 Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques territories overlaps. had the titlingparalyzed process, since all practically the indigenous land that overlapped with protected That areas. controversy question if indigenous territories could legally receive title for 2015Nevertheless, after government some officialsbegan to from being titled. protected However, areas. those overlaps them did not impede inAs other countries, several of Panama’s received title.had the process slowly. advanced of As 2015 only five of the territories title territories. almost However, in thirty some 700 000 hectares indigenous territories. it to to legislators used The be expected Territories Law, which created for amechanism titling smaller In 2008, the Congress approved Law 72, known asthe Collective country (1.6 million hectares), by law. each established aseparate country five had comarcas acknowledges to collective property. By 1997, the peoples’ territorial rights. It recognized the first indigenous in the apioneer Panama region was with regards to indigenous protected in areas Panama Titling indigenous territories that overlap with Box 2 () in 1937, and the national Constitution of 1972 , covering than more 12 percent of the overlap with 68 Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques Republic of Panama,2019. S comarca Di facilitate recognition of the country’s comarca sixth ofthe Ministry Environment. Ministerial 0612 Decree may also land use and community development plans” for approval by title. communities The were only to required submit “sustainable the door to titling the remaining 25 indigenous territories without (Ministerio Ambiente, de 2019). Ministerial opened The Decree national laws and international treaties to justify that conclusion ancestral lands, even they when in are citing protected areas, 0612,Decree which recognized indigenous peoples’ rights to their In November 2019, of the Ministry Environment issued Ministerial issue not was resolved until anew government took office in2019. the national authorities to land their titles. demand However, the 2016Between and 2018, frequently met indigenous leaders with cover asin the non-indigenous is about the same protected areas. In territories these of the proportion the land that still forest has getbeen to trying territories specific titled. had indigenouspeoples territories have low deforestation for goes the rates. same The indigenous have peoples rights customary to and almost all those any than more case, half the country’s forests in are territories were concerned mostly with legal orenvironmental issues. In document laying out position their orfully whether clarified they officialsThe the thatissueraised never aproduced formal ource: Vergara-Asenjo and Potvin, 2014; Halvorson, 2018; , currently up held in the courts. , the Naso Tjër , the Naso Tjër 69 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples ©FAO/ Martín Rosana Producer of the , Solong, Bocas del Toro Province, Panama. Toro del Province, Bocas Solong, People, Naso the of Producer 70

Without community participation, protected areas that have communities inside or nearby have little chance of being well conserved (Mohedano-Roldán, Duit and Schultz, 2019). Some governments have established successful co-management schemes with indigenous and tribal communities (Rivera-Ángel and Lopes-Simonian, 2019; Dupuits and Cronkleton, 2020; Painter et al., 2020), however, these remain more the exception than the rule. Most countries have yet to begin a serious intercultural dialogue between the environmental authorities and indigenous and tribal territorial leaders that would help An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean them to learn from co-management experiences and expand them to larger areas.

Given the growing threats of invasion by invasion by external actors and initiatives imposed on the indigenous and tribal peoples without their permission, much greater efforts are needed to guarantee indigenous and tribal peoples collective territorial rights. This includes investments and policy dialogues oriented at:

i. Strengthening the government agencies responsible for these activities and the coordination between them.

ii. Speeding up the communal territories’ mapping, ethnological studies, demarcation, titling (or registration), and regularization (“saneamiento”). iii. Delimiting and marking the territories’ boundaries.

iv. Monitoring, reporting, and punishing the illegal usurpation of communal property.

v. Promoting alternative conflict resolution mechanisms.

vi. Facilitating the registration and legal recognition of communities and their organizations and territorial authorities.

vii. Improving the updating, accuracy, and transparency of the land registries and other information systems related to indigenous and tribal territorial authorities and tenure. 71 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples viii. ix. x. 37 36 b. for environmental services Compensation

violating these rights are punished. are rights these violating responsible those for ensuring and leaders inhabitants and of territorial physical security and to life right the Guaranteeing their territories. affect policiesand that these programs operate. programs these where regions the in land tribal or indigenous titled of the percent 10 about is This outcomes. environmental specific on payment not condition do they since programs, services environmental for not payment are they although services, environmental for compensation considered be also could Brazil, Acre, DD RE of the components indigenous The services. environmental territories’ their for communities tribal and have to mechanisms compensate been the main indigenous programs payment service for environmental Peruvian and Mexican, Guatemalan, Ecuadorian, The Rican, Costa 2004). Dimas, and most the common are Kandel, (Rosa, services but payments for forms, environmental various take can resources providesand to compensation with do them This so. incentivesmain for communities of to care their forests take Compensation for offers environmentalone services theof positive environmental results positive environmental al., et Giudice al., et Figueroa of forest(Rosahectares Conceição, da Borner, Wunder, and 2015; four communities million to conserve more than tribal and Prior and Informed Consent Informed and ( Prior to Free, exercise right their communities can that Ensuring communities. authorities the and environmental between the dialogues intercultural communities and indigenous tribal and Promoting co-management by of inhabited protected areas 36 Those programs have funded hundreds of have hundreds indigenous funded Those programs 2019; von Hedemann, 2019). von 2019; Hedemann, et al., et Arriagada 2016; FPIC + in the Colombian Amazon and in in and Amazon Colombian the + in . ) with regards to investments regards ) with 2018a; Fischenich, 2018; 2018; Fischenich, 2018a; 37 These programs had had These programs 72

The programs have also had favorable, though more limited, social impacts. They have achieved modest reductions in poverty, although household assets have yet to improve much; and the beneficiaries are largely satisfied with the results (Alix- García, Sims, and Yáñez-Paganas, 2015; Alix-García and Sims, 2017; Arriagada et al., 2018a; Arriagada et al., 2018b). Almost three quarters (74 percent) of Mexican communities that participated in the Payment for Environmental Services program reported that the program had improved their families’ welfare, although only 42 percent said it had increased their household income An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean (Figueroa et al., 2016.) Ecuador’s Socio Bosque program has reduced the frequency of land conflicts in indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorian territories (Jones et al., 2020) and Peru’s National Forest Conservation Program (PNCB) has discouraged invasion of indigenous territories (Kowler et al., 2020).38

Most money from these programs goes to community-wide investments, although some goes to individual families. The community investments include secondary roads, schools, health facilities, community centers, scholarships, territorial management plans and patrols, and paying local people for forestry and agroforestry activities, among others (Borge and Martínez, 2009; de Kuning, 2011; Von Hedemann and Osorne, 2016; Arriagada et al., 2018b; DiGiano, 2018; Alix-García et al., 2019; Giudice et al., 2019).

38 The Guyanese government is currently considering including indigenous communities in the “payment for results” scheme it negotiated with Norway. Under this scheme communities would receive payments based on the level of their carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. This has yet to be approved, but one study based on data from fifteen titled communities estimates that each community would receive between 166 500 and USD 283 750 per year (between 2 080 and USD 3 550 per family). That would be multiple times these families’ current incomes, which vary between 300 and USD 600 per year (Overman et al., 2018). 73 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples ©FAO/ Francisco Nieto Mamo from the People, Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia. Marta, Santa of Nevada Sierra People, Arhuaco the from Mamo 74 Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques People appreciated the benefits thePeople benefits appreciated to entirethe community. for the individual families interviewed, which were limited. apparentlywas not motivated by the economic benefits participation in Socio Bosque. This almost unanimous approval foundbeneficiaries percentthat 96 approved of their communities’ A survey of 501 indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorian program of forest. hectares 2008between and 2014 the avoided program the loss of 11 227 in other districts rose It during period. is estimated the that same 2008 to -0.18 percent 2008 between and 2016, deforestation rates Bosque worked from declined -1.09 percent 2000 between and average annual deforestation rates Socio in the districts where Studies about Socio Bosque have found positive results. While vegetation. other pledgingagreements, to of conserve 1 450 forest and 000 hectares 000240 inhabitants in different of the parts country have signed education, and the elderly. To-date, 196 communities with over centers, and creating funds for credit, health, emergencies, buildingto barriers demarcation orfire and roads community from hiring community forest guards and clearing trails for land to use for community activities; which include can everything twenty years. In exchange, Socio Bosque gives payments them communities promise not to log, orhunt for farm, areas in certain country’s eleven indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorians. peoples The to conserve forests, but laterto its emphasis it the shifted initially program The concentrated private on paid farmers rural living conditions. mangroves, emissions reduce carbon and forest improve fires, and Bosque Program to conserve forests, montane vegetation, and In 2008, Ecuador’s of Ministry Environment created the Socio Afro-Ecuadorian communities to for care forests Socio Bosque: Ecuador pays indigenous and Box 3 75 Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques et Fischer, and Günter, 2019; Perefán and Pabón, 2019; Jones S effort initiativesto support of interest to women. no in specific Socio activities, program participate Bosque made resource use. They note that even though many women assistance, failure of credit funds, and internal conflicts over Problems mentioned in the studies include lack of technical school, to maintain the Afro-Ecuadorian musical traditions. forest remnant Miguel and San invested Negrero in aMarimba Knowledge. Mativaví-Salinas recovered site asacred in asmall communityArutam invested in aSchool for Ancestral Traditional churches sites and sacred and hold cultural events. Shuar The Socio Bosque have funds program used to protect and restore Cultural also out. stand territories The aspects participating in to and helped buildactivities, value local chains. organizations, increased participation in volunteer community territories, improved and accountability the transparency of local They mentioned that Socio the invasion Bosque reduced of their ource: al., 2020. et al., Arriagada et et al., 2018a; Cuenca et 2018; Eguiguren, Eguiguren, 2018; 76 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean


Socio Bosque: Ecotourism in the Kichwa Añangu Community, Ecuador.

Most programs pay communities to avoid forest clearing and harvesting of forest products in specific areas during an established period, which can vary between one and twenty years. However, there are also positive examples from Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Mexico, where the programs compensate communities for sustainable forest management activities and reforestation. Those activities helped make the efforts more sustainable and strengthened community cohesion (Von Hedemann and Osorne, 2016). The use of National Forest Conservation Program (PNCB) funds to finance agroforestry systems in Peru explained part of the reduction in deforestation the program achieved (Giudice et al., 2019).

One frequent concern is that payments for environmental services substitute (“crowd out”) voluntary community efforts and undermine social capital; that communities come to see forestry activities as a government responsibility and not something to do on their own initiative (Von Hedemann and 77 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples Ecuador pays around USD paysEcuador around pays only about Peru USD between programs. markedly The average varies per payment year per hectare FONAFIFO El Telégrafo, 2019; payments to groups (Von these 2016; Osborne, and Hedemann USD invested more than has countries Yáñez-Pagans and None 2015). Sims, of other the four García, which indigenous communities received about 40 percent (Alix- USD Mexico invested but most, has the even only invested there they been rather modest has for programs environmental service public the so far, investments comparison, In these in payment would provide USD that more them rights than for care wherethey governments tenure their have recognized USD peoples received indigenous America’s tribal and just Latin If al., et Alix-García Rodríguez-Robayo, Ávila-Foucat2009; Maldonado, and 2016; efforts volunteer promoted and capital haveevidence these strengthened suggests programs social the Mexico. and fact, Rica In Costa in at least case, to the be Wunder al., 2016; Osorne, et expand the compensationexpand for for environmental services tended urgent There has to an is decline. need to programs for these forests, funding territories’ to the threats growing provenDespitethe effectivenessand instruments’ these MINAM 2019; al., et Von Alix-García 2016; 2011; Hedemann, USD about 56 million per year on average between 2003 and 2011, of 2011, and on per year average between 2003 56 million of forest hectares million for per year 200 5per the hectare 60, and Guatemala more than USD more than Guatemala and 60, , 2019). , et al., et Alix-García 2018; 9; Mexico USD 9; roughly 2020). So far, that does not that So far, seem 2020). , 2019; MINAM , 2019; 10 million per year on per year 10 million (Borge and Martínez, Martínez, (Borge and 2019). , 2019). 100 (de 100 Koning, 2019; FONAFIFO 2019; 3 per hectare. 3per hectare. 1 billion yearly. 1billion 30; Costa Rica Rica Costa 30; , . 78

these territories to a level that corresponds with the threats.39 Going forward, it would be important to promote programs that:

i. Are designed with the participation of the communities involved (Kowler et al., 2020). ii. Fit well with the communities’ cultures, institutions, and preferences.

iii. Compensate communities for having managed their forests well and create the conditions to maintain that management An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean indefinitely, rather than paying to purchase specific environmental services, by covering the opportunity costs owners incur by not using the land for other uses (Shapiro-Garza, 2019; van Dam, 2019).

iv. Contribute to strengthening social capital, promote democratic practices, transparency and accountability, build human capabilities, improve forest quality, and incubate sustainable productive and commercial activities.

v. Use technical assistance and accompaniment approaches that promote social participation, and don’t substitute for it, as well as new methods for creating and sharing knowledge (Segura- Warnholtz, 2014).

vi. Leverage government funds to obtain counterpart contributions from universities, NGOs, and subnational governments, who can implement more holistic and participatory approaches, and offer higher quality technical assistance and training (Shapiro- Garza, 2019).

vii. Align well with other public policies related to forestry and agroforestry production, food security, social protection, and educational and job opportunities for youth.

39 In some countries these programs may also provide a relevant and flexible mechanism to channel emergency support to the indigenous and tribal communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. ©Margarita Antonio ©Margarita in 2007 by Hurricane Felix, and again in 2020 by hurricanes Eta and Iota.) and Eta byhurricanes 2020 in again and Felix, byHurricane 2007 in (RACCN) Region Autonomous Coast Caribbean North the in Bilwi, of city the of coast north the on Krukira, Community, Indigenous Miskito 79 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples i. 40 c. Community forest management Many Many Central pine production coniferous the forests in of Mexico and four places in takes principally forestry community Caribbean, the and America of Latin territories indigenous the tribal and In themselves. needed thecomefromcan for forests funds the efforts these extent, forestslarge that. To a reflect managed community in The low deforestation of living. rates standards and welfare of improve to forestcare their forests resources their use and way to incentivize peoples indigenous to good and tribal take Community forest management the is promising other main but they are beyond the scope of this study. of this scope the beyond are they but contexts: mestizo America; communities are also involved in community forest management, management, forest involved community also in are communities 40 , Nicaragua. (Ravaged 80

ii. hardwood production in the tropical broadleaf forests;

iii. forest plantations and agroforestry plots throughout the continent; and

iv. non-timber products and tourism services in diverse types of forests.

The indigenous territories of Mexico and Northern Central America have more than five million hectares of coniferous forests, especially in Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Guatemala’s An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean highlands, and the Caribbean Coast of Honduras and Nicaragua (Boege Schmidt, 2008). Hundreds of communities generate income and employment from pine forests they manage sustainably, and many have progressed towards generating higher levels of value added (Cubbage et al., 2015). Some of the most successful have diversified their activities to include production of resins and other non-timber products, rural tourism, and payment for environmental services (Segura- Warnholtz, 2014). Mexico has over twenty-five years of experience with this and its government has provided the community enterprises significant support.

There are also many indigenous and tribal communities that harvest wood from broadleaf tropical forests. Quintana Roo (Mexico), the Chiquitania (Plurinational State of Bolivia), and the Peruvian Amazon are well-known in that regard (Pacheco, 2007; Boege Schmidt, 2008; Bray et al., 2008; Gaviria and Sabogal, 2013). These have faced more difficulties than those in coniferous forests (Pokorny and Johnson, 2008). They generated promising results for decades, but some are currently facing major challenges.41

The region has a long tradition of indigenous and tribal production of coffee, cocoa, breadfruit, black pepper, plantains

41 Although their members are mostly mestizos, the community forest concessions in Petén, Guatemala, provide a good example of the great potential for community forestry in broadleaf tropical forests when there is a favorable policy enabling environment (Blackman, 2015) ©LOL KOÓPTE/ FernandaLópez Mayan woman working with wood. Cooperativa Lol Koópte', Ejido Petcacab, Mexico. Petcacab, Koópte', Lol Ejido Cooperativa wood. with working woman Mayan 81 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples (Bose et (Bose (andcentral often unnoticed) role of many in these activities benefitsindigenous andto forest Women a communities. have water, spring and provide major resins, plants, medicinal and coconuts, nuts, ornamental mushrooms, vines), fruits, (including fibers essences, and natural oils such as products, of non-timber sale and forest processing, The harvesting, Reyes-HernándezRontard, 2020). Aguilar-Robledo, and forest (Giudice markets voluntary private carbon al., et and government programs payment for service environmental have systems these afew receivedIn cases support from 2017). López-Binnqüist, and Velázquez-Rosas Juárez-López, al., et (Toledo to process market organization products these and community experiencewith cover. tree great has It substantial also with systems agroforestry in other and crops grown bananas, and al., 2017). 2003; Jarrett, Cummins, and Logan-Hines, 2017; Logan-Hines, and Cummins, Jarrett, 2003; 2019; 2019; 82

Community forestry could contribute much more to forest conservation and to community wellbeing than it has to date. The main barrier has been public policies that keep communities from being able to profitably harvest and process their wood and other forest products.42 The main regulatory and fiscal bottlenecks have been:

• lengthy and expensive bureaucratic procedures;

• corruption within the forest law enforcement agencies; An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean • forestry regulations that lack scientific basis;

• frequent policy changes; excessive taxes and administrative fees; and

• overemphasis on regulating community forestry enterprises compared to efforts to curtail deforestation for agriculture or illegal logging (Andersson and Pacheco, 2004; Pacheco et al., 2008; Pokorny and Johnson, 2008).

Many international conventions, national constitutions, and judicial rulings have reaffirmed indigenous and tribal peoples’ right to use their forest resources according to their own norms and customs. Nevertheless, efforts to adapt government regulatory frameworks to these groups’ needs and cultures remain incipient (Sierra-Huelz et al., 2020).

If communities have large volumes of commercially valuable timber and government or international funds pay their advisors, community forestry enterprises generally do well. But they often find it difficult to sustain themselves if those resources disappear, largely due to high transactions

42 As the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank (IEG) has said, “Participatory Forest Management, when implemented effectively, has delivered livelihood enhancing benefits as well as positive environmental outcomes. But its potential is often hampered by the failure to devolve true authority to communities and by regulatory environments that often discriminate against small producers. Where this is the case, the benefits enjoyed by communities may be too limited to provide sufficient incentives to ensure sustainable forest management”I ( EG, 2014). 83 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples from formalizing their activities and taking them to them anotherlevel. taking and activities their formalizing from impede communities these frameworks regulatory but existing enforcement, or government regulatory damage environmental minimal income, often with generate substantial activities produce These informally. families indigenous tribal and The applies same to charcoal much and fuelwood, of wood, the 2016). López-Binqüist, and Delgado, McCall, 2010; Wynberg, and McLain, problems (Laird, receive orand projects often face support for programs their non-timber activities to formal informal from to transition Even seekforest timber. communities so, that products than lessto control make efforts non-timber Governments usually buyers for working (Mejía their al., capital et often forcedcommunities are to depend on advances from help resolve bottleneck but for when that atime, end they the government projects and donor Special and programs banks. commercial get from loans rarely can enterprises forestry indigenousresources tribal and good histories, credit and Even when have forest they similar. costs great is operational equipment and and for installations forestry Funding fees). administrative problems, extensive and resolve paperwork, administrative to trips for required expensive studies permits, costs (e.g. 2015). 84 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©LOL KOÓPTE/ Fernanda López

Indigenous women from the Mayan People working with wood. Cooperativa Lol Koópte', Ejido Petcacab, Mexico. 85 Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques Industrializadas Quintana de Roo ( Quintana with Roo no choice left was but to allow the Maderas the years Mayan indigenousFor community thirty of in Petcacab Quintana in Roo, México management The Petcacab Ejido Box 4 community of its conservation also for uses area part ecotourism. Lol Koópte’, which uses sawmill residues to make furniture. The indigenous business, women own their formed called carpentry and honey. They hunt and fish for their own subsistence. Local wood furniturefor barbecues, natural and handicrafts, chicle gum, palings and guano palm leaves asconstruction materials, charcoal plants sell and wood Community 66 animal species. members Petcacab’s Mayan inhabitants. A2006 study found they 197 used forestThe provides much than more just sawn to boards wood from four neighboring communities. ofmanagement its forests. It processes its own wood, aswell as jobs. Forest The Stewardship Council ( offeet wood to Central each year, Mexico directly generating 280 wildpheasants, turkeys, and toucans. It 300 sends 000 board deer,jaguars, Guatemalan lowland black howlers, tapirs, pacas, 9 percent for agriculture and other purposes. Its forests full are of forestry, leaves 10 percent for conservation, strict and uses only in 2016. It owns of 51 which 176 it uses 81 percent hectares, for about 1 000 inhabitants, which sold U years. Italmost is arelatively forty prosperous community, with Now, sustainably been harvesting has Petcacab for its timber Forestal) community to enterprises. forestry support own forest resources the Pilot and began Plan Forestry (Plan Piloto allowed the communitiesfrom to and benefit directlymanage their That situation changed abruptly in 1983, the government when allowed it to the timber, harvest without the community’s consent. authorities given had ofRO MIQ the period though the community formally owned the land, the government volumes of mahogany with little benefit to inhabitants.local Even : an example of good Mayan forest RO MIQ SD C FS 1 687 315 in forest products ) company to extract large ) company large to extract ) has certified the good good the certified ) has aconcession, which 86 Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques Maya, 2018;Maya, Distrito Centro, 2018; CNF Maya,2017; Jornada La and Ejido Polinkin, Petacab 2016; Jornada La S outlook looks favorable. notablyadvanced since the days ofRO the MIQ difficult raise to funds for new initiatives. Even has so, Petcacab ofyears work hard and dedication, the community still finds it severely the community’s damaged forests. Despite almost forty it with decentralized amore In approach. 2007 Hurricane Dean enterprise collapsed and due they to management, replaced bad None easy. of been it has Petcacab’s first community forestry women’s business, and create acharcoal cooperative. for forest independent certification audits,Maya establish the incentivesforestry to design forest their plan, management pay the National Commission Forestry ( with technical and financial assistance. Among other things, From the beginning, the government provided has Petcacab ource: Ramírez Barajas, Torrescano Barajas, Ramírez Valle and Chan Rivas, 2006; C ONAFO , 2019. , R ) has given) has them company, and the ©LOL KOÓPTE/ FernandaLópez Mayan Women from the Lol Koópte' Cooperative, Petcacab Ejido, Mexico. Ejido, Petcacab Cooperative, Koópte' Lol the from Women Mayan 87 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples • private funding public, in increase non-governmental,A substantial and is what Specifically, neededincludes: forestand degradation. andincentive an provide to avoidbeneficial, change use land and wouldsocially it This more make profitable,sustainable, reforms. policy and funding additional through strengthened be component forest third the is management must services, that tenure compensation and alongSo, with for environmental communities. of indigenous tribal needs realities and and adapted to the are government regulations formal forestry until Nevertheless, impetus processes these greater probably gain can 2011). Bommel, van and Humphries, (Wiersum, management of types forest thesefor standards national designed specific conditions communities’ to Hence, the needs. have and they need approaches the to their adapt recognize management forest sustainable Independent certify agencies that , including for non-timber forest products 88

and tourism, as well as wood products, which provides for the inclusion of women and youth. More funds are needed to prepare plans and obtain permits, build and maintain secondary roads, and purchase machinery and equipment, as well as for working capital, training and technical assistance, community monitoring, independent audits, and marketing. This could take to form of grants, loans, or equity capital. Funds from payment for environmental service programs should also support forest management.43 Whatever the modality, the funding systems must be adapted to the indigenous and tribal communities’ An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean specific needs, and that the communities understand the arrangement and can decide for themselves whether they want to accept the conditions.

• A simple and culturally sensitive regulatory approach, which is adapted to the needs of the groups involved. This approach should prioritize training, technical advice, and other incentives over policing and control (Hirakuri, 2003). Rules and procedures should be adapted to local conditions and needs and as simple and easy to adopt as possible and based on both empirical and academic knowledge and steps taken to ensure those affected can help define the rules and monitor compliance.44 Government authorities should support the processes’ outcomes (Ostrom, 1990).

• Stronger – and in some cases new – capacity to provide technical, organizational, and marketing advice to the community forestry enterprises. Specific mechanisms will vary, but in every country there is a need to improve management, organizational, and commercial aspects, and not just the forestry practices. Value chains, identification of new markets, and negotiations between communities and

43 It is also important to reduce the taxes and administrative fees that the community enterprises pay. It does not make any sense to fund these groups with one hand and take the money back with the other.

44 For example, one might eliminate certain requirements in the case of low intensity logging, permit the use of chainsaws to saw timber manually, and promote regional forest management plans, rather than separate plans for each community or forest. 89 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples d. Culture andtraditional knowledged. Culture • growing rapidly, as in Brazil and Colombia. and rapidly, Brazil in growing as on is forests where pressure territories tribal and support for to prioritize indigenous important be also in publicin policies and the COVID majormade progress but were weakened by changes had that America Mexico, and Central Bolivia, Peru, management initiatives the State Plurinational in of shouldThe immediate priority beto reactivate forest 2017; Yepes al., et Torres Mateo-Vega 2015; Skutsch, and (Balderas al., et reliable data methodologies quality generate high can monitoringRecent show participatory studies that helps process. management the communities to own and management, adaptative reduces facilitates costs, production of systems these of monitoring The communities themselves do much can of the tools. useful be can certification and environmental of social types different well as of producer, type on and locationbased as of origin Marketing strengthened. be must also intermediaries management of forested territories. management for including indigenous collectiveessential any action, which is capital, favors formation of the also social revitalization Cultural territories. indigenous tribal and knowledge for holisticto effort important any is protect of inter-generational transmission and revitalization of peoples these cultural such, as survival the and stability for biodiversity climatic aspects and conservation these identities. Given of importance the cultural and languages related to intimately of their which are all experiences; field productive and practices, customs, beliefs, values, includes This some of their areas. agroforestry and knowledgeand favor of good forestry stewardship of indigenousVarious peoples’ aspects cultures 2018). -19 pandemic -19 . That . That . It would


Indigenous and tribal cultures are intimately related to the ecosystems of the territories emerged from. Many words and phrases in their languages refer to animal or plant species or other characteristics of their ecosystems, and many foods and medicines are associated with the local ecology. Hence, the ecosystems and cultural identity are integrally related. Consequently, local conservation of nature and preserving ethnic identities are interlinked (Garibaldi and Turner, 2004; Pert et al., 2015). An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean Without a doubt, the territories are losing traditional ecological knowledge (Camara-Leret et al., 2016; Wilder et al., 2016). But it is not just a question of preserving this knowledge; it is equally important to ensure the knowledge benefits local people, especially youth. Cultures and knowledge evolve constantly, and people conserve the elements they find relevant (Gómez- Baggethun and Reyes-García, 2013; Athayde et al., 2017). To ensure that customs and knowledge are conserved and contribute to strengthening the territories’ organizational, social, and environmental initiatives they must be sources of status and pride, fun to share, and provide material benefits.

Hence, revitalizing languages, customs, and traditional knowledge is another central component of an integrated strategy to mitigate climate change by protecting the ecosystems of indigenous and tribal territories. These elements contribute to the peoples’ collective identities and ensure the preservation of their worldviews, and that helps them to manage well their ecosystems and natural wealth. Revitalizing traditional knowledge does not mean abandoning other types of knowledge, simply giving the former the attention it deserves (Box 5). 91 Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques 17.1 million hectares. PRE in participated Indigenous Territories ( territories called Prevention and Combat of Forest in Fires for program special controlling fire in indigenous and quilombolo communities in the Cerrado and incorporated other ancestral of the traditional practices policy,management which allowed (controlled) prescribed burns the TheyForest modified adopted and holisticmore a Code fire Brazil’s government its “no abandoned burn” in approach 2014. that problem is getting worse. climate change is making droughts frequent more and prolonged, propitious conditions and destructive more for larger fires. Since leaves, and smalldry branches, stems to accumulate, creating fires outside cultivated plots. However, “noburn” policies lead South governmentsSome American totally prohibit setting increase pasture That yields. is much destructive. more season toof clear the dry forest, pastures expand and crops, and descendants have end near the areas fires. They used burn larger That is quite differentfrom how European colonizers and their the ecosystem.damage growth of plants local eaten by and wildlife people and do not they when areas not are too dry. burns These encourage the from accumulating. They usually do controlled burns in small conduct ceremonies, cutmaterial trails, and keep flammable fish, controlpests and snakes,get plants flowerto fruit, bear and ability their to use fires perfecting to recycle nutrients, hunt and differentpurposes. more For 4 000than they years have been how when, and in where, fires. to firesexperts Theyuse are for haveSouth knowledge America about deep how to manage indigenousThe of the peoples Cerrado management in Brazilian the Cerrado Traditional indigenous knowledge contributes to fire box 5 VFOGO PRE ’s helped whichprotect brigades, to fire VFOGO and Roraima. They also a established ). In 2015, 608 indigenous people and savannas of northern 92 Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques S wild animals much than more the previous “no burn” approach. ancestralfavored practices fires presence ediblefruits the of and from indigenousData sixteen territories demonstrated that the territories season in large three by 40dry between and 57 percent. government technical staff fires atreduced and thethe end ofthe greatly improved relations the indigenous and between peoples ecology.the local In its first three of operation,years PRE management plan fire that drewfrom traditional knowledgeabout government officialsand indigenous elders collaborated design to a in Mato Grosso with the Paresi indigenous where peoples, PRE The Davis, 2018; al., Eloy et 2016; Falleiro, Moraes Trindade Santana Berni, and Ribas 2016; ource: VFOGO Pinello, 2011; al., Welch et program is based partially on partially aprevious is program based experience 2019; al., Falleiro Moraes et 2013; Mistry, Bilbao and Berardi, 2019. VFOGO

93 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples ©Felipe Werneck©Felipe PREVFOGO/IBAMA indigenous brigades fight forest fire in Porquinhos indigenous territory, Maranhão, Brazil. Maranhão, territory, indigenous Porquinhos in fire forest fight brigades indigenous 94

Specifically, it would be important to:

• Invest in relevant formal and informal educational systems. To make public education programs more germane, bilingual and intercultural, education programs must be reinforced and more traditional knowledge incorporated into their curriculum (Eijck and Roth, 2007; Athayde et al., 2017; De la Herrán and Rodríguez, 2017). While it makes sense to maintain some elements of the current curriculum, formal education should reaffirm traditional knowledge and not substitute for it, as An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean often occurs (Reyes-García et al., 2010; Cámara-Leret et al., 2016; Athayde et al., 2017). • Promote cultural revitalization initiatives. Using innovative and entertaining methods that young people find attractive to document and share traditional knowledge can improve the social status of indigenous and tribal languages, customs, and traditional knowledge and the people who use them. This includes methods such as workshops, exchanges, multi-media programs, theater, dance, and oral story-telling (Athayde et al., 2017; Fernández-Llamazares and Cabeza 2018). Where appropriate, such processes can also incorporate new practices, designs, and knowledge (Athayde et al., 2017). Since older adults are the guardians of much of the traditional knowledge, inter-generational dialogues are crucial (Rivera Cumbe, 2018). The COVID-19 pandemic has made them all the more urgent, since the elders and their knowledge are at great risk. Women are especially important, since they are the main depositaries of many types of traditional knowledge and are heavily involved in transmitting knowledge to the next generation (Mayorga-Muñoz, Pacheco-Cornejo and Treggiari, 2017; Aswani, Lemahieu, and Sauer, 2018).45 Both the territories’ inhabitants and professionals with other types of knowledge and cultures can learn from intercultural dialogues.

45 Along these same lines, when women lose their traditional roles as keepers of knowledge related to handicrafts, household gardens, , cooking, and other topics they often lose status, livelihood opportunities, and self-esteem (M. Estrada, personal communication, May 15, 2020). ©LOL KOÓPTE/ FernandaLópez Hands of a Mayan indigenous woman working with wood. Cooperativa Lol Koópte', Ejido Petcacab, Mexico. Petcacab, Koópte', Lol Ejido Cooperativa wood. with working woman indigenous aMayan of Hands 95 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples • potential sources of employment. sources potential to promote encourage people and to activities these as see them knowledge, both traditional and revitalization work on cultural that organizations indigenous tribal and to fund It important is forest medicine, of or forest sale monitoring, products. traditional tourism, income or ecological cultural from earning such as new initiatives well as as plants, processing and collecting useful and fishing, hunting, such as activities, involve traditional both astrong be incentivecan knowledge. to preserve may That that benefits knowledge provide material that ways traditional to use generatefor benefits, especially material youngpeople. Finding Promote knowledge alternatives traditional use that to themselves. communities the actors knowledge and and eyes the in ofcultures external perceived the increase of value local also can These dialogues 96 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©Felipe Werneck

Indigenous brigades of PREVFOGO / IBAMA plan with the indigenous community of Porquinhos, Maranhão, Brazil.

e. Territorial governance and forms of organization

Strengthening territorial governance and indigenous and tribal organizations is a pre-requisite for maintaining the territories’ well-being and ecosystems over the long-term. This means establishing more effective, inclusive, participatory, transparent, and culturally appropriate mechanisms for making decisions, managing resources, resolving conflicts, sharing benefits, applying norms, disseminating information, and interacting with external actors (F. Edouard, personal communication, April 26, 2020).

Traditional community governance in forest regions was based largely on kinship relations, communal assemblies, and traditional leaders (Padilla and Contreras Velozo, 2008). Community norms about the use of natural resources were mostly informal. Local leaders and groups did not handle much money and villagers participated in many community 97 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples and Soto, 2012; Dupuits, 2015; Becker and Stahler-Sholk, 2019). Becker 2015; Stahler-Sholk, and Dupuits, Soto,and 2012; Velozo, Contreras and Larson Padilla 2008; 2003; Ortiz, Llanes and González (Rosales global) and regional, national, provincial, local, at multiple (e.g. operating scales organizations fourth-tier even and Some second, NGOs. of own third, are these their and radios, community parties, indigenous political funds, territorial bodies, coordinating regional federations, cooperatives, forest enterprises, community governments, territorial created They to adopthad more structures. organizational formal peoples indigenous have scales, and tribal geographic at larger problems, legal operate and handle companies, negotiate with influencepolicies, compete markets, in To funding, obtain administrative skills. and technical, need management, people greater also they with Buton volunteernow poorly staff. and labor part-time paid could they Historically, relyand their organizations. mostly presentsThis challenges institutional for the communities Toohey, 2012). level (Wolff, international 2007; at the including activities to adopt more strategies, sophisticated expensive advocacy and have territories had the groups, external from threats increasing response In to 2007). of resources (Bebbington Biekart, and anotherlevel communities requires dispersed many from one needed toall convene was together leaders but it; bringing To budgets. larger assembly,organizations with hold avillage the communitiesNGOs, felt the need to create more formal of government foreign-funded projects, and programs, onslaught Faced an with approaches limits. to their traditional went by, on communities pushed demands the the growing the of women, but resolved they problems. time But local many as equitable to participation the regards with inclusive, especially governance approachesThe were traditional not always (Roper, 2003). rudimentary initiatives economic community and sporadic were policies influence to efforts on avolunteer Community activities basis. 98 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©FAO/ Mauricio Mireles

Association of Indigenous Women of Talamanca (ACOMUITA), Talamanca, Limón Province, Costa Rica.

Most of these organizations are still relatively new and fragile and must be accountable both to the agencies that fund and regulate them and the communities they serve. It is not easy to balance the demands and expectations of these two worlds. While the former thinks in terms of documents, logical frameworks, procedures, and financial calculations, the communities tend to value family relations, ethnic and local identities, oral communications, and traditional norms. The organizations need leaders, technical staff, and advisors prepared for and linked to the external world, but that sort of people often have educational levels and cultural behaviors that clash with those of the communities.

Traditional indigenous and tribal peoples’ governance involved individual communities. But many of the territories and organizations include multiple communities. That presents new challenges, which are only beginning to be addressed (Box 6). 99 Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques part of asystem ofpart sustainable growth. an ecological equilibrium and avoid environmental degradation, as authorities.their It allows for production that is careful to maintain forspace to them development, with autonomy for and respect providesterritory to abasis exercise collective their rights, avital economic, environmental, social, and cultural sustainability. The Together they work freely can towards own their spiritual, natural resources. and orient and administer economies their and make use of their owntheir forms of social organization and political representation coordination with other government authorities. They regulate can they follow can own their customs, norms, and traditions, in decisions that affect their territories.Within those territories good. That way they ascollective participate can entities in the make decisions about and use resources their for the common jurisdiction and competencies. such, As it gives the right them to entity (such asamunicipality oradistrict), within the limits of its totribal peoples exercise authority and power, apublic asdoes Rights over territories (and not just land), allows indigenous and other. the relationship,a direct each guarantees where the sustainability of territorial with spaces other living with beings, they whom maintain spiritual and ancestral beliefs, knowledge. They their share for exercising and for manifesting freedom, their cultures, their production and reproduction of systems their of communal living, Indigenous and tribal peoples’ territories for spaces are the autonomy*indigenous tribal and peoples’ Territorial governance is acentral component of Box 6 100

Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques ( recognized asco-equal components of the nation state itself new Pluri-national States indigenous where peoples’ could be rights over key resources. in public life, exercise authority, and obtain and defend their legal and political opportunities important opens to participate and communities and own their autonomous organizational the formalindigenous recognition perspective, of the peoples Independently of the specificities case,from eachof an ( Organizations Indigenous Into contrast, respected. be the Andean Coordinating of Body nation states and its autonomous simply needs independence that reality dates toand observable to prior the creation of the ( Basin For the Indigenous example, Coordinating of Body the Amazon positions on issues. these have common subtle are there objectives, differences in their involved.people Although the indigenous organizations the cultures and traditions of indigenous the specific or tribal attributions of on indigenous depending jurisdictions vary Indigenous legal systems diverse, are and the functions and peoples’ jurisdiction over own their internal affairs. rights of all human beings). such, As they recognize indigenous traditions (as long asthose traditions do not violate the inherent make decisions, judge, and enforce using agreements own their conflictswithin their territories. They also recognizeright their to own traditional authorities and internal to mechanisms resolve entities. laws These refer to indigenous peoples’ right to use their status and attributions and/or recognize asgovernment them giveSome communities, these orgroups of communities, legal equivalentor their units asthe basic of rural social organization. and guarantee the existence of indigenous and tribal communities Various Constitutions Latin American and national laws recognize FI L AC , 2012). , COI C A ) argues that) argues juridical pluralism is an undeniable C AOI ) believes it is possible to create 101

Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques authorities, according to own their customs ( ability to resolve conflicts their through their own traditional Indigenous movements access to demand justice, but also their exceptional; and that creates ongoing tensions with the state. autonomous regions, indigenous districts) is still somewhat for relative autonomy (e.g. comarcas for indigenous own peoples authorities and mechanisms Even so, the is reality that governmental recognition and support *  peoples’ autonomy. to take into account issues these related to indigenous and tribal proposes, it will important implement the measures this be report inhabitants increasing. are To revert new these negative trends and that is rapidly changing and the threats to those forests and their much less destruction than other forests in the region, however, shown, has territories. this As those report forests have suffered and orient funding for forest in indigenous preservation and tribal relevant are aspects forThese how policies to or redefine define mechanisms. occur, by and deficient exacerbated discriminatory legal practices individual their and collectiverespect human rights, which often oriented mustand tribal be peoples to overcome the failures to of Indigenous Peoples. new The relationships with indigenous already in enshrined the United Nations Declaration on the Rights the creation of an administrative to regime ensure rights, these reformsThe in this still are area incipient but could evolve towards Ricardo Pop, with from Morales and Amparo technical support byThis box Myrna prepared was Cunningham and Álvaro Changala. , indigenous territories, FI L AC , 2012). , 102

For effective territorial governance,this new generation of organizations must strengthen its technical and administrative capacity, without abandoning its origins and losing its social capital and cultural identity. The latter give these organizations local legitimacy and is essential for community organizations and enterprises to succeed (Escobar- Izquierdo, 2015; Hodgdon et al., 2015; Martínez-Bautista et al., 2015; MacQueen et al., 2020).

“Hybrid” arrangements, which combine traditional An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean governance with more professional approaches, offer one partial solution. In these arrangements, community assemblies and traditional authorities still have the last word but delegate some decisions to professional managers or technical specialists. For example, some Guatemalan and Mexican forest communities have established separate forestry enterprises and hired managers to administer them to make them more efficient, but the managers are still fully accountable to the traditional authorities and community assemblies (Gazca- Zamora, 2014). Other traditional authorities have encouraged local professionals to establish NGOs to support them or have negotiated arrangements with outside NGOs, which agree to provide technical or administrative assistance under the leadership of the traditional authorities.

Many funders channel their support through intermediaries because they perceive grassroots organizations to be too weak to administer funds. That can create tensions and undermine the sense of local ownership and development of local capacity. Sometimes there are no feasible alternatives but using intermediaries should usually be a last resort. The starting point should be a good assessment of each group’s capacity, which can be used to decide how much intermediation is needed (Uquillas and van Nieuwkoop, 2003).

A scarcity of trained local people with skills and experience in project management, administration, community organization, advocacy, communications, law, mapping, 103

Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples territories. of womenparticipation indigenous the and tribal in strong and equitable obstaclesThere still are to the full leadership in positions. participation women’s approved commissions and for quotas women’s men women.both have and Some created organizations include that muchmany organizations in profiles higher for whole the Women communities. achieved have also topicson many and relevant for both women specifically al., women haveindigenous emerged tribal and (Donato et of rural organizations regional and national, local, territorial governance. few many decades, last the In and benefit-sharingmaking is essential for good of participation womenMeaningful decision- in However,2018). needed. more are many such initiatives al., et (DiGiano another innovative is initiative Brazil, Acre, in agents” agroforestry “indigenous to train The program come and work and back for communities. their training Mexico, have provided for scholarships young people to get in Roo, Puebla, and Quintana Oaxaca, Michoacán, in communities agroforestry and forestry certain and Panama, consolidated indigenous in Guna peoples, the such as young people some regions and these to in train well- universities have and emerged institutes intercultural New meets education needs groups. the ofin local that investment for but substitute cannot sustained software, of use GPS drones, the such as skills good be forShort specific courses teaching can conditions. local to education regards appropriateeven with for greater the for The education. higher deficitisshould especially be, it less regions is than education indigenous tribal in and but ago, afew public years investmentstudents than in There more are centersa key educational constraint. and is silviculture and agronomy, monitoring, environmental 2007; Rousseau Morales They and Hudon, work 2007; 2018). Cultural norms and tenure and policies norms favor Cultural , social media, or accounting media, , social


men (Flores et al., 2016; RRI, 2017). Women have greater workloads and less access to education and the external world, and that can contribute to problems of self-esteem (Weiss and Alvarez 2017). Women also face a vicious circle, where lack of leadership experience makes it harder to attain leadership positions where they could acquire such experience (Zambrano and Uchuypoma, 2015). To overcome these problems, gender equality must be prioritized, and that commitment sustained over time. An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean Any initiative that seeks to improve the forest conditions in the indigenous and tribal territories over the long term cannot ignore these aspects of territorial governance and organization and the need to invest in them. To resist the growing pressures on the territories’ forests it is essential to strengthen the peoples’ institutional and organizational mechanisms.

While there are no recipes for that, there are relevant principles:

• Adaptive management that draws from learning processes. Finding the right balance between different objectives and approaches requires constant trial and error. The more systematic, critical, and participatory these processes are, the greater the likelihood of making the needed adjustments and building consensus around them.

• A holistic vision is key for managing the balance between multiple objectives, which are sometimes counterposed, as improving one aspect may negatively affect another.

• As much local appropriation as possible, combined with mechanisms for social control. To the extent possible, it is better to use transparency and social accountability mechanisms than external control and monitoring.

• Reduction and simplification of rules, processes, and documentation. The more complex and burdensome, the ©LOL KOÓPTE/ FernandaLópez Mayan woman working with wood. Cooperativa Lol Koópte', Ejido Petcacab, Mexico. Petcacab, Koópte', Lol Ejido Cooperativa wood. with working woman Mayan 105

Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples • • of the differences in educationof differences the andlevels status. self-esteem and to overcome and capital social strengthen some identities community and Cultural groups. these consultation with any in people women. are Women tribal and must front be center and of indigenous of those women,respecting half since more than peoples desires without and of indigenous tribal rights and role of central womenThe objectives. of central the track to be involvegroupsand to easier lose it harder will affected . There no is way to respect the offer opportunities to offer opportunities 106 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©FAO/ Francisco Nieto

A girl from the Arhuaco People learns from her mother the ancestral technique of weaving the Arhuaca backpack. Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia. 107

Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples • • • • • Conclusions labor to forest frontier regions. forest to frontier labor New companies households and have brought and/or capital forestry. community support to and services environmental Various have countries for reduced payments for funding rights. land collective supportin of efforts their Some governments have curtailed livestock crop and and production newextraction in regions. Technological hydrocarbon advances and have enabled mineral more territories the made accessible. Road has construction have kept that factors forests these Many destroyed being from them. capture to encourages efforts and valuable more resources natural territories’ the makes That growing. is other and products services and energy, tourism, timber, for minerals, Demand food, increasing. are territories tribal and Now, people to the forests and threats the of indigenous the that. to contributed pressure low and demographic of capital, lack agriculture, commercial for unsuitable conditions environmental remoteness, change, forest, government use on land restrictions maintaining from peoples economic receivedindigenous benefitstribal and rights, territorial recognition of indigenous tribal formal and factors, Cultural or forestmuch deforestation degradation. not did have areas these Historically, accessand to services. decent diversity, lack incomes but inhabitants their cultural and biological of global part house and alarge climate global and play aprominentterritories of regional the role stability the in indigenous tribal and Caribbean’s the and America Latin weakened: 108

• Greater contact with urban areas, formal education, mass communications, and markets has weakened traditional languages, customs, and knowledge.

These changes have not all been negative. Nevertheless, their combined effect has been to increase the threats to the territories’ forests, inhabitants, and cultures. The territories’ forests are still in better condition than other forests, but the trend is negative.

An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for These new challenges demand a strong integrated response. in Latin America and the Caribbean The region and the world do not have the luxury of losing the territories’ large stores of carbon and biological and cultural riches or permitting the violence to escalate. The COVID-19 pandemic has made the situation even more urgent. The pandemic has taken a great toll on the indigenous and tribal people but has not deterred the invasions of their territories. This grave situation requires much more investment in these territories, in addition to policy, procedural, and governance reforms.

This is a long-term problem that requires a long-term response, based on consolidating the territories’ governance structures, policy instruments, social capital, abilities, and knowledge. That is the only way to maintain the integrity of the territories’ ecosystems and their cultures and to improve their quality of life and avoid social conflicts indefinitely.

The new investment and policy initiatives must include five central components:

• communal territorial rights;

• compensation of environmental services;

• community forest management;

• cultural revitalization and traditional knowledge; and

• territorial governance and stronger indigenous and afro descendant organizations. ©ITINKUY.COM/ MiguelArreátegui Awajun warrior in his community in the Peruvian jungle. Loreto, Peru. Loreto, jungle. Peruvian the in community his in warrior Awajun 109

Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples suggest that the proposal could proposal viable. be the that suggest which mitigation perspective, aclimate from package this the of economicindicativeof estimation an viability offers 7 x need efforts these to knowledge Bo work. all traditional and self-esteem, capital, social the strengthens revitalization Cultural provide else. asolid foundation for everything organizations governance well-functioning and territorial Good programs. paymentand for service environmental aprecondition are rights for forestry Territorial community should considered be not initiatives. stand-alone apackage, between components, these Given synergies the they


Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques restrictions, governance, and organization. and governance, restrictions, for environmental cultures services, and knowledge, land use tribal peoples’ territorial rights, use of the forest, payments in deforestation rates is presumably related to indigenous and other forests. Most of the remaining 70 percent of the difference deforestation rates indigenous between and tribal territories and explain roughly 30 percent of this 0.36 percent difference in climates. Blackman and Veit (2018) estimate that such factors from have roads, soilsmight farther less fertile be orwetter of they whether were indigenous ortribal. For they example, were in places that were less likely to deforested, be independent lower in the indigenous and tribal they territories because was reasonOne the annual deforestation rates were 0.36 percent the indigenous territories al., (Walker et protected lost areas 0.53 percent each year; 0.36 percent than more degradation. In contrast, forests outside indigenous territories and 2003year between and 2016 due to deforestation and forest Basin lost 0.17 percent of stored the carbon in forests their each average,On indigenous and tribal territories in the Amazon might economically recommends be viable.this report enough to data make an initial estimate of the activities whether in the indigenousthe carbon and tribal territories’ forests, is there For the Amazon Basin, which includes of almost quarters three conditions and access to markets. likemore those of other forests with environmental comparable were low, but without forceful they action likely are to to rise levels In of the case the indigenous and tribal territories, emissions past implemented with areference on emissions. past scenario based is if the project emissions compare the carbon expected projects to assess its economic viability. Typically, climate mitigation Whenever one considers apublic investment, it is important territories tribal and indigenous The profitability of investing climatein action in the Box 7 2020).* 111 Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques to calculate the economicthey benefits, would obviouslybe larger. CO2e is than more U have shown the economic benefits of avoidingemission the of a ton of cultural, and governance benefits.** addition,In many other studies emissions,carbon even without the other social, environmental, investment of this magnitude solely on based areduction of expected So, from one could an economic perspective, justify probably an U at valued emissions, that could enough be to avoid the previously mentioned 31 MtC of territories, it would cost U coveredactivities half the forest in the Amazon Basin indigenous Von 2016; Hedemann, al., Alix-García et revitalization might cost U payments, communityservice forestry, governance, and cultural investmentsthe proposed in territorial rights, environmental Meanwhile, on the costs based of existing on average programs, emissions that would worth about U be ClimateGreen Fund, if one could avoid that increase of 31 MtC of year.MtC per At of the price U additional emissions would 640 24 be MT currently 640 24 million metric tonnes of (MtC). carbon So, the percent of the territories’ forest stock. carbon That stock is would increase by 0.36 percent x70 percent x50 percent =0.126 If that were territories’ these the case, annual emissions carbon indigenous forests outside protected areas. as much protection asthey do now, to compared similar non- on average territories these decade wouldnext provide only half to subjective, roads. One but plausible, estimate, is that over the to those in other forests with similar soils, climates, and distance rates in indigenous and tribal territories will similar more become nothing is done to deforestation strengthen latter these aspects, mostThe likely “Business asUsual” reference scenario is that, if ** * expected to provide their benefits almost immediately after the investments are made. are investments the after immediately almost benefits their to provide expected are actions proposed the since results general the change not would it However, rigorous. more analysis this make would rates interest and benefits and costs the of timing the Including larger. significantly be would investments proposed the of benefits expected the did, they If year. each capture trees the carbon additional the include not do figures These SD et al., 5(Ding et SD 570 million year. per SD SD 400 million year. per Well invested, et al., (Ding et hectare 40 per SD 5 per ton 5per of CO2e by paid the 2016). If those one prices used higher 2019; MINAM 2019; SD C x0.126 percent, or31 570 million year. per , 2019). If the 2016; 2016; 112 An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean

©FAO/ Francisco Nieto

Indigenous man from the , leader of forest governance in the Sierra of Nevada Santa Marta, Colombia. 113 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples However, that requires secure rights over forests and stable stable over and forests rights secure However, requires that productive sectors. dynamic catalyze and good of rates return generate can These investments investment. long-term and costs provide for and capital operational roads, secondary maintain and monitor innovations, and markets identify outcomes, construct resources, human train communities, accompany advise and investment to private and public requires management forest community activities, otherLike productive rural provides income jobs. and improves and and/or forest conditions, stabilizes standing, incentives to forests keep offers structures, organizational and enterprises territorial favors and approach, communal It lends to alandscape itself inhabitants. for territories’ the offer relevant can products, economictimber opportunities non- forest for and both timber Community management, need to for prepare threats. new the emerging pressure on forests these often low –which was –but on the onInvestments past the decisions should principally based be ecosystems. of their integrity term long- the motives for communities means to the guarantee and conditions provide economic, that social and institutional, the not to should on deforest they creating focus short the term, in addition communities In to paying deserve to expanded. be peoples outcomes deliver social and and good environmental forPayment indigenous for services tribal and environmental their territories. proposed investments affect policies and that right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent Informed and ( Prior to Free, right peoples’ indigenous the tribal and resolvedare to guarantee and conflicts tenure and respected are titles the ensure to measures investment.requires Those be must complemented efforts with that and or titled registered, and to left demarcated be hectares of tens of millions There still are capture. carbon increasing acost-effectiveis option andfor emissions reducingcarbon territories of indigenous tribal and The titling and demarcation FPIC ) related to 114

regulatory environments with low transactions costs, which allow communities to use their resources profitably. Without that, some communities may still be able to manage their forests profitably, legally, and without degrading the forest while some program or project funds them, but that will difficult to sustain without a favorable policy environment.

Most forestry programs and projects in indigenous and tribal territories focus only on ecological and /or economic aspects and give scant attention to cultural and educational issues. An opportunity for climate action An opportunity action climate for in Latin America and the Caribbean However, the latter are key, especially for the medium and long term. This component requires investment in pertinent cultural and educational activities and policy reforms to promote traditional knowledge, production and consumption systems, ethnic pride and identify, social capital, and self-esteem. Well designed and financed bilingual and intercultural education can be powerful tools, together with other initiatives undertaken by the communities and their organizations.

Finally, it is important to invest in improving the governance of indigenous and Afro descendent territories and indigenous and tribal organizations. That requires striking a balance between strengthening the indigenous and tribal peoples’ technical and administrative capacity and dynamizing more participatory processes. Extending their reach, while deepening their local roots. Over time, new more “hybrid” structures must emerge to accompany and finance the communities and their organizations. All these efforts must prioritize meaningful participation in decision-making by women and youth.

The accelerating threats to the territories’ integrity demands rapid responses proportionate to the magnitude of the challenges. Much remains to be learned about how to strengthen indigenous and tribal territories, to improve their long-term social and environmental conditions, but the moment to act is now. Soon it could be too late. 115 Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples ©FAO/ MauricioMireles Indigenous leader of the Guna People, Púcuro Indigenous Territory, Darien Province, Panama. Province, Darien Territory, Indigenous Púcuro People, Guna the of leader Indigenous 116


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Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Santiago, Chile

ISBN 978-92-5-133970-1

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