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Permafrost in Svalbard: a Review of Research History, Climatic Background and Engineering Challenges

Permafrost in Svalbard: a Review of Research History, Climatic Background and Engineering Challenges

Permafrost in : a review of research history, climatic background and engineering challenges

Ole Humlum, Arne Instanes & Johan Ludvig Sollid

This paper reviews in High Svalbard, including past and current research, climatic background, how permafrost is affected by climatic change, typical permafrost landforms and how changes in Svalbard permafrost may impact natural and human systems. Informa- tion on active layer dynamics, permafrost and ground ice characteristics and selected periglacial features is summarized from the recent literature and from unpublished data by the authors. Permafrost thickness ranges from less than 100 m near the coasts to more than 500 m in the highlands. Ground ice is present as rock , as ice-cored moraines, buried glacial ice, and in pingos and ice wedges in major valleys. Engineering problems of thaw-settlement and frost-heave are described, and the impli- cations for road design and construction in Svalbard permafrost areas are discussed.

O. Humlum, Dept. of Physical Geography, Institute of Geosciences, University of , Box 1042 Blindern, NO-0316 Oslo, , and Dept. of , University Centre in Svalbard, NO-9170 , Norway, [email protected]; A. Instanes, Instanes Consulting Engineers, Storetveitveien 96, NO-5072 , Norway; J. L. Sollid, Dept. of Physical Geography, Institute of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Box 1042 Blindern, NO-0316 Oslo, Norway.

Recent changes in the Arctic atmosphere–ice– high climatic sensitivity of the Arctic (Giorgi ocean system have sparked intense discussions 2002). Recently, however, Polyakov, Akasofu et as to whether these changes represent episodic al. (2002) and Polyakov, Alekseev et al. (2002) events or long-term shifts in the Arctic environ- presented updated observational trends and vari- ment. Concerns about future stem ations of Arctic climate and sea ice cover during from the increasing concentration of greenhouse the 20th century which do not support the mod- gases in the atmosphere. During the last 15 years elled polar amplifi cation of temperature changes the Arctic has gained a prominent role in the sci- observed by surface stations at lower latitudes. entifi c debate regarding global climatic change There is reason, therefore, to evaluate cli- (Houghton et al. 2001). Existing knowledge on mate dynamics and their respective impacts on Quaternary climate and Global Climate Models high latitude ecosystems, including permafrost predicts that the effect of any present and future regions. The latter currently occupies 20 - 25 % global climatic change would be amplifi ed in the of the land surface of the Northern Hemisphere polar regions due to feedbacks in which variations (Péwé 1983; Zhang et al. 2000). Slight chang- in the extent of glaciers, snow, sea ice, permafrost es in mean annual air temperature, wind speed and atmospheric greenhouse gases play key roles. and have the potential to change the Recent subcontinental-scale analysis of meteor- state of large regions of currently frozen ground ological data obtained during the observation- (Nelson et al. 2001, 2002; Anisimov et al. 2002). al period lends empirical support to the alleged

Humlum et al. 2003: Polar Research 22(2), 191–215 191 Fig. 1. Map of the Svalbard archipelago (small, southern island of Bjørnøya not shown), showing the position of places referred to in the text. Grey indicates permafrost areas (ca. 25 000 km2) without ice cover.

Svalbard permafrost research surface at Kapp Thordsen in 1883. He was able to demonstrate temperature variations to a depth of 2 m. Later, Holmsen (1913) studied ground ice This section outlines research on permafrost in in Colesdalen, central . Observing Svalbard, an archipelago of 63 000 km2 (Fig 1), ground ice at several sites below the upper marine since the late 19th century. This example of an limit, he was probably the fi rst to demonstrate a early international research effort was, especial- late Holocene age for permafrost and ground ice ly during the fi rst years, dominated by Nordic at low altitudes in Svalbard. researchers. Some of the publications referred Werenskiold (1922) published the fi rst review of to below are published in Norwegian or other frozen ground phenomena in Spitsbergen. Other Nordic languages only. As such, they are not early observations relating to Svalbard perma- always easily accessible to an international audi- frost were carried out by Huxley & Odell (1924), ence. The research focus has traditionally been Gripp (1926), Elton (1922, 1927) and Kulling on the main island, Spitsbergen. Among many (1937). From measurements of fi rn temperatures fi ne scientists, one in particular stands out: Olav in the accumulation area of Fjortende Julibreen, Liestøl (1916–2002), who provided ideas and Sverdrup (1935) was presumably one of the fi rst inspiration for many Nordic permafrost scientists to demonstrate that bedrock below large glaciers active in Svalbard. in Svalbard does not necessary need to be frozen. Permafrost was known to be present in Sval- Orvin (1941) published descriptions of horizontal bard at least since the First International Polar layers of ground ice (presumably refrozen ground Year in 1882 and the fi rst operations water) from Spitsbergen. Later, Orvin (1944) in 1898. Ekholm (1890) measured ground tem- addressed the apparent paradox of explaining peratures at different depths below the terrain permanent springs in a region with extensive per-

192 Permafrost in Svalbard: a review ennial frozen ground. cal aspects have also been addressed by several Liestøl (1962) described so-called “talus ter- workers, especially in relation to water supply at races” from various sites in Svalbard. These the Large-scale Research Facility in Ny-Ålesund, rock--like features were described as north-west Spitsbergen (e.g. Lauritzen 1991; consisting of recurrent layers of ground ice and Sandsbråten 1995; Haldorsen et al. 1996; Booij et debris, exposed to permafrost creep. Jahn (1960, al. 1998; Haldorsen & Heim 1999). 1965, 1967) described slope evolution, patterned The vertical temperature profi le of thick per- ground, solifl uction, rock falls and avalanches, mafrost has recently been recognized as an including the June 1953 avalanche disaster in important means of obtaining information on Longyearbyen. Jahn (1976) and Larsson (1982) past surface temperatures. This is the object of both described another catastrophic mass move- a joint European research initiative, Permafrost ment event that affected Longyearbyen during a and Climate in (PACE), that has estab- heavy rainstorm in August 1972. This event was lished a number of permafrost monitoring sites due to saturation of unconsolidated near-surface in a north–south European transect (Sollid et al. sediments (the active layer) by heavy rain. 2000; Isaksen et al. 2001; Isaksen, Humlum & Liestøl (1976) was the fi rst systematically to Sollid 2003). The northernmost site is located consider the thickness and thermal conditions of on Janssonhaugen, in upper , central Svalbard permafrost. This classic paper describes Spitsbergen. The temperature profi le from the the distribution of pingos, springs and permafrost more than 100 m deep borehole clearly demon- in Spitsbergen. From observations made during strates the effect of a marked 20th century warm- mining operations, he was able to estimate the ing around 1920 as well as later meteorological magnitude of the geothermal gradient—about variations (Isaksen, Ødegård et al. 2000; Isaksen, 2 - 2.5 °C/100 m in central Spitsberg en. Péwé Vonder Mühll et al. 2000; Isaksen 2001; Isaksen, (1979) and Péwé et al. (1981) also discussed Sval- Humlum, Sollid et al. 2003). bard permafrost in relation to climate and ongo- Pingos are well-known phenomena in Sval- ing mining operations. bard. Svensson (1971) gave the fi rst detailed Several other papers merit identifi cation in description, based upon observations made in this review. For example, Liestøl (1976, 1980, Adventdalen, near Longyearbyen. It was possible 1986) measured permafrost temperatures and to obtain a maximum age for pingo initiation of permafrost thickness in several deep boreholes about 2650 yr BP, suggesting a late Holocene age on Spitsbergen, while Gregersen & Eidsmoen for permafrost near sea level in the region. The (1988) studied near-shore permafrost conditions distribution and formation of pingos in Svalbard at Longyearbyen and Svea. Salvigsen & Elgers- was further described and discussed in a semi- ma (1985) and Salvigsen et al. (1983) discussed nal paper by Liestøl (1976). Yoshikawa & Harada the issue of taliks and karst features in perma- (1995) present additional observations on the rate frost in relation to large glaciers, major lakes or and timing of pingo growth in central Spitsber- warm groundwater springs. Lauritzen & Bottrell gen. Salvigsen (1977) and Åkerman (1982, 1987) (1994) described microbiological activity in some discuss the sporadic occurrence of palsas in Sval- of these Svalbard springs. Finally, Landvik et al. bard. (1988) discussed the possible occurrence of sub- Ice wedges represent another typical example marine permafrost on the shelf around Svalbard of geomorphic permafrost phenomenon present from a glacial-isostatic point of view. in Svalbard (Svensson 1976). They have been The Norwegian Committee on Permafrost the object of intermittent research, often in asso- established the fi rst site for Arctic engineering ciation with other activities. Detailed studies on research purposes in June 1978, at Svea (Bakke- ice wedge dynamics have been carried out in høi 1982; Bakkehøi & Bandis 1987, 1988). There, Adventdalen by Matsuoka (1999), who monitored ground temperatures down to 8 m below a thermal cracking, and by Jeppesen (2001), who surface and ground temperatures down to 2 m excavated a number of ice wedges to study their below an artifi cial concrete surface have since structure and to obtain material for 14C dating been collected. Further engineering aspects and for oxygen isotope analyses. Recently, Chris- of permafrost in Svalbard are discussed by tiansen (2003) has initiated a detailed monitor- Gregersen (1988), Instanes (1988) and Orheim ing scheme on air and ground temperatures, and (1988). Sub- and intra-permafrost hydrologi- automatic photographic registration of active ice

Humlum et al. 2003: Polar Research 22(2), 191–215 193 wedges. Dating of organic material found in ice mentology and dynamics has been the object of wedges (Jeppesen 2001) indicates that ice wedges separate investigations (e.g. Hamilton & Dowd- near sea level have been initiated before about eswell 1996; Glasser & Hambrey 2001). Murray 2900 yr BP; this lends support to the dating of et al. (2000) working at Bakaninbreen, south- adjacent pingo initiation by Svensson (1971). Pre- ern Svalbard, especially stress the importance of sumably, therefore, permafrost near sea level in permafrost for understanding -type glacier central Spitsbergen is a late Holocene phenome- dynamics. Etzelmüller (2000) and Etzelmüller non in Svalbard (Humlum 2003). et al. (2000) studied surface changes in recent- Rock weathering is usually thought to be ly deglaciated permafrost terrain in four areas of enhanced in permafrost areas when compared Svalbard by comparing digital elevation models to non-permafrost areas, and a variety of publica- derived from aerial photographs. His study shows tions on Svalbard talus morphology, avalanch- that thermo-erosion in deglaciated terrain is an es, rock glaciers, debris fl ows, paraglacial slope important process, and that the average annual processes and other processes and landforms have material mobilization due to thermo-erosion can appeared (e.g. Rapp 1960; Liestøl 1962; Åker- be of the same order of magnitude as fi eld-meas- man 1980, 1984; Sollid & Sørbel 1988a, 1992; ured total annual suspended sediment transfer out André 1990, 1994, 1997; Berthling et al. 1998; of the catchments. Large ice-cored moraines are Berthling et al. 2000; Isaksen, Ødergård et al. found in association with many glaciers in Sval- 2000; Isaksen, Vonder Mühll et al. 2000; Isaksen bard today; these may also be considered a per- 2001; Korsgaard 2002; Mercier 2002). Ødegård mafrost-related landform. Melting of their ice & Sollid (1993) and Ødegård et al. (1995) have cores by river erosion or climate change results investigated near-surface spring temperatures in in slope instability and variations in the sedi- a coastal rock near Ny-Ålesund and the pos- ment transport of rivers draining these areas (O. sible implications for bedrock weathering in this Liestøl, pers. comm. 1988). special permafrost environment. Detailed inves- Holmsen (1913) and Orvin (1941) provid- tigations on meteorological parameters and bed- ed some of the fi rst observations on active layer rock weathering rates have been carried out since thick ness from Svalbard. Systematic monitoring 2001 in the near surroundings of Longyearbyen, of the active layer has been carried out in the vic- by Prick (2003, in press). inity of Kapp Linné since 1972 (Christiansen et Rock glaciers have been a research topic of al. 2003) and at Calypsostranda (south-central great interest. Liestøl (1962) gave the fi rst descrip- Spits bergen) since 1986 (Repelewska-Pekalowa tion of what are now known as rock glaciers, link- 1988; Christiansen et al. 2003). The active layer ing their formation to slope processes. The 1970s, monitoring at Kapp Linné is the longest record 1980s and early 1990s saw several other investi- in the world. Active layer monitoring has also gations on the morphology of Svalbard rock gla- been carried out at Janssonhaugen since 1998, ciers (Chandler 1973; Swett et al. 1980; Humlum at Longyearbyen since 2000 and at Ny-Ålesund 1981; Lindner & Marks 1985; Dzierzek & Nity- since 2001 (Brown et al. 2000; Christiansen et choruk 1987), as well as their geophysical char- al. 2003; Isaksen, Humlum, Sollid et al. 2003). acteristics (Hoelzle 1993; Vonder Mühll 1996; Meteorological and other local controls on active Wagner 1996; Isaksen, Ødegård et al. 2000; Kääb layer depths in Spitsbergen have recently been et al. 2002; Ødegård et al. 2003a, 2003b). the focus of detailed research (Putkonen 1998; The glacier–permafrost relation and its conse- Oht 2002, 2003). Roth & Boike (2001) investi- quences for glacial sedimentology, hydrology and gated the dynamics of active layer temperatures geomorphic activity have been investigated by from a mineral hummock fi eld at Bayelva, on the Hambrey (1984), Liestøl (1986), Sollid & Sørbel Brøggerhalvøya peninsula, with special reference (1988b), Ødegård et al. (1992); Van der Water- to conductive heat fl ux, generation of heat from en (1992), Lehmann (1993), Sollid et al. (1994), phase transitions, and migration of water vapour. Vatne et al. (1995), Etzelmüller et al. (1996) and Active layer groundwater sampling has demon- Boulton et al. (1999), while the relation between strated that the principal means of solute acqui- permafrost, supraglacial debris cover and the for- sition for such water is the weathering of highly mation of debris-covered glaciers has been stud- reactive active layer sediments by supra-perma- ied by Korsgaard (2002). The coupling between frost groundwater (Cooper et al. 2002). climate change, permafrost and glacial sedi- Recently, an interesting illustration of active

194 Permafrost in Svalbard: a review layer thickness variations in Svalbard became In winter periods with calm conditions, the apparent. The “” killed over 40 mil- weather in the Svalbard valleys is dominated lion people worldwide in 1918. Seven men died of by shallow inversions where warm air overlies the disease in Longyearbyen that year and were colder air near the terrain surface, decoupling interred in the local graveyard. Ground Penetrat- surface winds from stronger upper layer winds. ing Radar (GPR) was used to locate the seven cof- For this reason, surface wind speeds tend to be fi ns near the existing seven grave markers (Davis lower in winter than one might expect and cold et al. 2000). The GPR indicated that the ground (and dense) air tends to accumulate in topograph- was disturbed to 2 m depth and was perennially ic lows. In summer and autumn, inversions are frozen below 1 m. Subsequent excavation showed less frequent and weaker, and the movement of that the tops of the coffi ns were buried less than low pressure systems (cyclones) across Svalbard 1 m deep, and that the modern active layer where dominate the weather. the coffi ns were located was 1.2 m deep. Thus, Special climatic interest is often attached to the the victims were only partly in permafrost, but Svalbard region because this part of the Arctic virological and bacteriological investigations on apparently displays a unique climatic sensitivi- recovered tissues were possible and provided an ty. This was recognized early by both Ahlmann opportunity to isolate and identify the microor- (1953) and Lamb (1977). Signifi cant climatic var- ganisms involved in the 1918 infl uenza. iations in the Svalbard region during the 20th century have been well documented by meteoro- logical data since 1911 (Førland et al. 1997). For Svalbard climate and permafrost example, a marked warming around 1920 within 5 years changed the mean annual air temperature Weather in the Arctic is characterized by “semi- at sea level from about –9 °C to –4 °C (Fig. 2). permanent” patterns of high and low pressure This is possibly the most pronounced increase in (Serreze et al. 1993; Serreze et al. 1995; Serreze surface air temperature documented anywhere on & Barry 1998). These patterns are semiperma- the planet during the observational period. Later, nent because they appear in charts of long-term from 1957 to 1968, the air temperature sharply average surface pressure. They can be consid- dropped by about 5 °C, with a subsequent more ered largely to represent the statistical signature gradual increase towards the end of the 20th cen- where transitory high and low pressure systems tury. In the latest Intergovnernmental Panel on that appear on synoptic charts tend to be most Climate Change report (Houghton et al. 2001), common. This pattern is relatively weakly devel- attention is specifi cally drawn to the extraordi- oped in summer, but stronger in winter. nary high climatic sensitivity of Svalbard. This A major control, especially for winter weath- probably derives from three mechanisms. First, er and permafrost in the Svalbard region, is the the islands are located directly in the main trans- Siberian High, an intense, cold anticyclone that port pathway for air masses into the Arctic Basin forms over eastern Siberia in winter. Prevailing (Dickson et al. 2000). Second, Svalbard is located from late November to early March, it is associ- near the confl uence of air masses and ocean cur- ated with frequent cold air outbreaks over East rents with very different temperature character- Asia, and strong cooling in this region results in istics, and large-scale meteorological phenomena the lowest air temperatures in the Northern Hem- such as the Siberian High may especially infl u- isphere. During very cold winters the Siberian ence winter temperature conditions. Finally, the High extends to the west, covering and sensitivity is further enhanced by rapid variations parts of Europe. Airfl ow over the in the sea ice extent, coupled with both atmos- then is strong and southerly, causing advection of pheric and oceanic circulation (Humlum 2002; warm air to the Svalbard region, heavy snowfalls Shapiro et al. 2003). and quite often also periods of snowmelt even in At the beginning of the 21st century, the mean the middle of winter. Conversely, when cold polar annual air temperature (MAAT) is about –5 °C air masses extend over Svalbard, close to sea level in central Spitsbergen, while the is usually exposed to strong westerly airfl ow and mean annual precipitation is around 180 mm w.e. heavy precipitation. Therefore, a thermal “sea- The –10 °C MAAT isotherm is presently locat- saw” between northern Europe and Svalbard is ed at about 700 m a.s.l., according to unpub- often registered during winter. lished meteorological measurements since 2000

Humlum et al. 2003: Polar Research 22(2), 191–215 195 Fig. 2. Precipitation and mean annual air temperature at Longyearbyen since 1911, showing annual observations (points) and running 5 year average (solid lines). Summer is June–August. Winter is December–February. Data from Norwegian Meteoro- logical Institute. by O. Humlum. Modern meteorological values for two continuous years (French 1996). Air tem- are within the range of variability defi ned by the perature, topography, snow cover, wind, litholo- total Svalbard meteorological record; the warm- gy, geothermal heat fl ow and distance to ocean est period in the 20th century was around 1930– are among the main factors in the distribution 1940. The average vertical precipitation gradi- and thickness of permafrost on islands such as ent on Spitsbergen is 15 - 20 % (per 100 m) in the Svalbard archipelago. Many of these factors the coastal regions, while it is somewhat small- are covered by the concept “topoclimate”. This er (5 - 10 %) in the central part of Spitsbergen embraces all the complexities when ground sur- (Hagen & Liestøl 1990; Hagen & Lefauconni- face climate is considered, rather than air climate. er 1995; Killingtveit et al. 1996). The coastal– Primary infl uences on topoclimate include eleva- inland contrast in vertical precipitation gradient tion, aspect, slope angle, vegetation cover, and the is assumed to be caused by enhanced orographic material making up the near-surface layer. In cold effects in the coastal regions compared to inland climates, a central role is also played by the sea- areas (Humlum 2002). As outlined below, this sonal snow cover in infl uencing both ground tem- distribution of precipitation represents a control peratures and ground moisture regimes (Ballan- on permafrost development in Svalbard. tyne 1978). While recognizing their complexity, the direct effect of some of these variables is out- lined below. Controls on present permafrost distri- In the Svalbard context, in contrast to many bution in Svalbard lowland permafrost areas, topography is espe- cially important as it relates both to differences in Permafrost is a purely thermal phenomenon that altitude and aspect. At high altitudes permafrost involves ground temperatures not exceeding 0 °C is usually thicker than in major valleys, as is dem-

196 Permafrost in Svalbard: a review onstrated by mining activities (Liestøl 1976). This plifi ed by the winter 2002/03. Variations in the is partly due to lower air temperatures at higher timing and duration of seasonal snow cover pre- altitudes, and partly due to enhanced cooling of sumably also have an infl uence on active layer mountain ridges or other topographic highs. Top- thickness, but the effect is still not known in ographic-induced shadow in valleys may coun- detail (Christiansen et al. 2003). teract this effect to some degree. Lithology is a Distance to the ocean or other major water control on geothermal heat fl ow, representing a bodies is also important, as water bodies repre- major control on permafrost thickness. In Sval- sent a major source of heat. Permafrost is there- bard, below the depth of zero annual amplitude fore shallow (< 100 m) close to the shore. Also, (15 - 20 m), the ground temperature increases by thermal effects of major lakes or rivers may be about 2 - 3 °C per 100 m (Liestøl 1976; Isaksen, considerable, tending to reduce permafrost thick- Vonder Mühll et al. 2000). ness below or near such water bodies. Low air temperature is important to keep the ground from thawing. From an empirical point of view, the mean annual air temperature usually has A long-term perspective on to be below –2 °C to initiate widespread growth of permafrost in the Arctic permafrost (French 1996). Seasonal variations of temperatures are also important. Wind is also Polar climate today is cold and permafrost wide- of importance as it determines where insulating spread, but this has not always been the case. snow accumulates during the winter and where The record of global climate variations during the ground surface is kept free of snow. Beneath the Phanerozoic (past 545 My), based on tem- thick snow accumulations (or glaciers) perma- poral and spatial patterns of climate sensitive frost is usually either shallow or even absent. The sedimentary indicators (Shaviv & Veizer 2003), seasonal snow cover may also represent a source shows intervals of tens of millions of years dura- for soil moisture, which infl uences the thermal tion, characterized by predominantly colder or characteristics of the active layer downslope of predominantly warmer episodes, called icehous- snow accumulations (Humlum 1998). Variations es and greenhouses (Frakes et al. 1992), respec- in the timing and duration of seasonal snow cover tively. Growing evidence, such as the correla- are critical to the ground thermal regime because tions between palaeoclimate records and solar they change surface conditions and the associated and cosmic ray activity indicators (e.g. 10Be, ground surface energy balance. 14C), suggests that extraterrestrial phenomena Snow cover also has a direct effect on the dis- are important drivers for climatic variability on tribution of permafrost on a local scale in Sval- time scales ranging from days to millennia (Friis- bard. In the central, more arid parts of Spitsberg- Christensen & Lassen 1991; Tinsley & Deen en the average winter snow cover is thin and 1991; Soon et al. 1996; Svensmark 1998; Soon the ground surface cools effi ciently during the et al. 2000; Björck et al. 2001; Bond et al. 2001; winter. By contrast, in the more maritime west- Pang & Yau 2002; Solanki 2002). ern and eastern parts, the snow cover is thicker Reconstructions of Tertiary surface tempera- (Humlum 2002; Hagen et al. 2003) and therefore tures are still somewhat tentative. It is clear, how- reduces heat loss from the ground surface during ever, that the persistent cooling which ultimately winter. Especially in the eastern and southern led to the Quaternary glaciations did not com- parts of the archipelago, considerable amounts of mence until about 33 Mya, in Oligocene times snow may accumulate on the by snow- (Zachos et al. 2001). The gradual closing of the drift derived from upwind sea ice areas (Humlum connection between the Pacifi c and the Arctic 2002). Interannual variations in the establish- Ocean by gradually reduced the ment of the snow cover are also important. A previously effi cient ocean heat transport from dry and cold autumn enables enhanced cooling equatorial regions toward the , and the of the active layer and topmost permafrost. High Northern Hemisphere experienced cooling. The snowfall during late winter and late onset of snow ice sheet presumably formed about 7 melt protect the ground against thawing in early Mya (Zachos et al. 2001). Formation of the fi rst summer. The combination of these two meteoro- major permafrost regions at low altitudes was logical phenomena is benefi cial for the conserva- presumably contemporary with the fi rst major tion and growth of permafrost, as recently exem- glaciations.

Humlum et al. 2003: Polar Research 22(2), 191–215 197 Orbital infl uences were also important in Ter- tiary cooling (Milankovitch 1930, 1941; Imbrie & Imbrie 1979; Imbrie et al. 1984; Miller et al. 1991). Marine stable isotope records show a strong 40 000 periodicity, consistent with a high latitude orbital (obliquity) control on global ice volume and temperature (Zachos et al. 1997). Orbital infl uences were also apparent at preces- sion and eccentricity frequencies, although not as clear as that derived from obliquity variations. By 3.5 Mya, the climate of the Northern Hem- isphere had cooled considerably, as refl ected in the oxygen isotope record of marine cores (Rud- diman et al. 1986; Raymo 1992; Harris 2002). The stage was set for subsequent massive Qua- ternary glaciations and widespread establishment of permafrost. The global cooling culminated in a series of step-like, sudden, changes in climat- ic conditions over the last 2.6 My, and a series of recurrent shifts between glacial and conditions began (Jansen & Sjøholm 1991). From interpretations of ocean cores and long sequenc- es of loess, it is apparent that no less than 30 - 40 glacial cycles have affected the Earth’s surface during the Quaternary (Dansgaard & Tauber 1969; Kukla 1987; Imbrie et al. 1993). Very thick Fig. 3. Weichselian glacial striae on bedrock exposure (195 m a.s.l.) above , central eastern Spitsbergen, permafrost (1 - 1.5 km), such as found in unglaci- March 2002. Such striae suggest Weichselian glaciers to have ated parts of Siberia, presumably grew through- been warm-based, at least for part of the glaciation. out most of the Quaternary.

Atmospheric chemical changes may have con- Age of Svalbard permafrost tributed to the Tertiary cooling trend. Over geo- logical time, the amount of atmospheric CO2 rep- In Svalbard, permafrost is typically is about resents a balance between release by volcanic 100 m thick in major valley bottoms and up to activity and rock metamorphism, and uptake by about 400 - 500 m thick in the high mountains bedrock weathering reactions. High rates of sea (Liestøl 1976). fl oor spreading are associated with widespread During the Weichselian period most of Svalbard active volcanism, orogenesis and rock metamor- was covered by thick glacial ice. Opinions differ phism, leading to higher atmospheric CO2 con- as to the size and extent of the ice cover. Glacial tent, resulting in warmer global climate. Con- striae (Fig. 3) in several main valleys suggest that versely, in intervening periods of relatively low Weichselian glaciers grew to suffi cient thickness rates of sea fl oor spreading, uptake of atmospher- to reach the pressure melting point at the glacier ic CO2 by bedrock weathering processes domi- sole, enabling basal sliding, even though sur- nate, and global climate consequently cools. The face air temperatures at that time were proba- global cooling experienced following the Alpine bly signifi cantly below present values. During the orogenesis in Cretaceous and early Tertiary Weichselian, pre-existing permafrost in deep val- times may partly result from this (Summerfi eld leys would have been exposed to thaw both from 1983, 1991). In addition, geological mechanisms above (frictional heat generated by basal glacier involving phases of regional uplift and erosion sliding) and below (geothermal heat). Adopting may also have been instrumental in the devel- typical values for both frictional heat generat- opment towards cooler climate and permafrost ed by glacier sliding and geothermal heat fl ow; growth (Japsen & Chalmers 2000). the combined effect would have been the thaw

198 Permafrost in Svalbard: a review of about 1 cm of permafrost per year (Weert- man 1969). A typical glacial period is about 100 Ky long, but only for shorter periods does a sig- nifi cant glacier cover grow to large (continental) size. Taking 30 Ky as an order of magnitude for the duration of extensive glaciation in the Sval- bard region, this would generate a thaw of about 300 m of permafrost during the Weichselian. If surging glaciers or rapid ice streams occurred in Svalbard during the Weichselian, energy dissipat- ed by glacier sliding would have caused addition- al thawing of permafrost beneath valleys affected by such glaciers. This signals that, while perma- frost in the main trunk valleys may have been Fig. 4. Pingo in upper Eskerdalen, near Brentskardet, central Spitsbergen. The pingo is raised about 25 m above the valley eliminated during many Quaternary glaciations, fl oor and is, presumably, of the open-system type. some of the permafrost found beneath the highest elevations may be of considerable antiquity, per- haps as much as 700 Ky. Depending on Weichse- between Svalbard permafrost and extensive low- lian maximum ice extension and thickness, some land permafrost lies in the surface relief. In Sval- permafrost in the western coastal regions of Sval- bard the mountain topography introduces local, bard may also be of pre-Holocene age where the large variations in ground temperature regime existence of ice-free areas have recently been and permafrost thickness due to variations in demonstrated (Landvik et al. 2003). slope, aspect, altitude, topographic shading and A late Holocene age of permafrost near present redistribution of the winter snow cover by wind. sea level in central Spitsbergen is indicated by As a result, permafrost in Svalbard is presuma- the dating of both pingo and ice wedge initia- bly more sensitive to changes in temperature and tion (Svensson 1971; Jeppesen 2001). Ronnert & thickness than is the permafrost of extensive low- Landvik (1993), working at the glacier Albrecht- lands in Siberia, northern Canada and Alaska. In breen, on Edgeoya, suggested from lithological addition, Svalbard is an archipelago located near differences between moraine ridges, that the fi rst the northernmost branches of the North Atlan- ice advance following the early Holocene warm tic Current and the southern limit of polar pack period occurred during a period with limited per- ice. Even small variations in these important phe- mafrost, whereas permafrost was more extensive nomena will induce rapid climatic variations with during the subsequent glacier advance during the potential effects on the local Svalbard climate Little . and permafrost not known from more continental permafrost regions. Svalbard permafrost compared to other permafrost areas Svalbard geomorphic permafrost phenomena Today glaciers cover ca. 60 % of the total land area of Svalbard, leaving 40 % to the perigla- Pingos cial environment and permafrost. This amounts to a permafrost surface area of about 25 000 km2. Pingos represent a typical permafrost phenome- Thus, Svalbard represents the largest permafrost non in Svalbard (Fig. 4). The majority of pingos area in Europe outside of Russia. are found below the uppermost Holocene marine In contrast to some other regions with extensive limit. They are formed by aggradation of perma- permafrost, such as Siberia and northern Alaska, frost in association with ice lensing or freezing much permafrost in Svalbard is presumably of of massive ice bodies within near-surface sedi- young (i.e. Holocene) age. It tends to have been ments. Intrusive ice or injection ice may form thawed during the recurrent Quaternary glacia- in two ways. First, water expelled ahead of the tions. High altitude permafrost in Svalbard may freezing front during freezing of coarse sedi- represent an exception to this. Another contrast ments may be intruded into adjacent unfrozen

Humlum et al. 2003: Polar Research 22(2), 191–215 199 sediments, where it eventually freezes to form a ation and the lack of extensive delta fur- massive body of ground ice. Second, sub-perma- ther deprives Svalbard of extensive low-relief frost groundwater in areas of discontinuous per- sediment areas like those found at typical sites of mafrost may be injected under artesian pressure closed-system pingo formation (e.g. Mackenzie into unfrozen sediment. Subsequent freezing of and Lena River deltas). the injected water again leads to the development Liestøl (1976) observed a particular relation- of massive ground ice. In either case the result- ship between glaciers and open-system pingos ing ice body may cause local lifting of the ground in Svalbard. Permafrost is largely continuous, but surface and the growth of a hill, called a pingo many glaciers have a subpolar thermal regime, so (local Inuit [Mackenzie Delta, Canada] name for permafrost extends only beneath their marginal hill or mound). zones. Beneath the warm-based ice in the cen- Pingos are generally circular or oval in plan. In tral parts of glaciers, meltwater percolates into Svalbard, they may achieve a horizontal extension the unfrozen substrate and then migrates under of up to 500 m and heights of up to 40 m. Pingos hydrostatic pressure beneath the permafrost that develop in bedrock and a variety of unconsoli- underlies the glacier margins. In consequence, dated sediments, including till, slope deposits artesian pressures develop in sub-permafrost and alluvial silt, sand and gravel (Liestøl 1976). groundwater beyond the glacier margins, allow- Pingos resulting from water expulsion during ing the growth of open-system pingos in areas permafrost aggradation are termed closed-system of thinner or weaker permafrost, such as close pingos (Mackay 1972), while those fed by sub- to the lower limit of alluvial fans. Reindalen, in permafrost groundwater percolation are known central Spitsbergen, represents the type locality as open-system pingos (Müller 1959). Most, if for such open-system pingos and displays a vari- not all, pingos in Svalbard are of the open-system ety of active pingos in different stages of growth. type (Liestøl 1976). Following Liestøl’s line of thought, periods of Many open-system pingos in Svalbard occur pingo growth in Svalbard may, to some degree, at or near the transition between slope sediments take place in concert with major glacier advances, and valley-fi ll deposits (Liestøl 1996). Another leading to local reorganization of ground temper- typical location for open-system pingos in Sval- atures and hydrological characteristics. bard is along the lower border of late Holocene alluvial fans. During winter, any remaining Ice wedges unfrozen water presumably fl ows in the lower- most layers of such coarse-grained deposits, on A striking feature of many valley bottoms and top of more impermeable permafrost below, until sloping valley sides in Svalbard is the presence reaching the lower limit of the alluvial fan. Here, of polygonal networks formed by shallow troughs the water is forced towards the surface as the allu- in the ground surface (Fig. 5). These polygons vial deposits thin, and is consequently exposed to range from 15 to 50 m in diameter and are found rapid cooling and freezing. At certain sites, the on all major islands in the archipelago. The sur- overlying sediments are lifted in suffi cient thick- face troughs mark the locations of ice wedges ness to protect against summer melting and an that extend 3 - 5 m downwards into the per- open-system pingo formed. During the winter, mafrost from the base of the active layer. Such ice it is common to see icing blisters forming along wedges result from the repeated opening of ten- the lower rim of alluvial fans. Such phenomena sion cracks caused by thermal-contraction crack- represent seasonal features only and disappear ing during winter. during the following summer. Ice wedges consist of vein ice, and typically Lakes in unconsolidated sediments are rare take the form of vertical wedge-shaped dykes in Svalbard. They might explain the apparent penetrating downwards into the permafrost. In absence of closed-system pingos in Svalbard. The Svalbard they may be between 10 mm and 5 m situation has a partly glaciological explanation wide and usually penetrate 2 - 5 m into the per- because Svalbard, during the Quaternary glaci- mafrost. Lachenbruch (1962) provided a detailed ations, was an area of net glacial erosion. Thus, analysis of the mechanism of ice wedge forma- extensive and thick deposits of unconsolidated tion, based on the contraction theory fi rst pro- sediments are absent. Likewise, late Holocene posed by Leffi ngwell (1915). Cracking results relative land submergence due to the Neoglaci- in a polygonal network of vertical cracks that

200 Permafrost in Svalbard: a review Fig. 5. Ice wedge furrows in lower Adventdalen, central Spitsbergen, about 15 m a.s.l. The ice wedge net measures 5 - 15 m across.

relieve tensile stress set up by such contraction. to 25º, and up to altitudes about 500 m a.s.l. Ice Meltwater percolates into them during spring to wedges above 250 m a.s.l. are typically developed refreeze, prevent ing the cracks from closing fully in weathering material of Cretaceous age, where- as the permafrost warms and expands in summer. as in the valley bottoms they are mainly found in Since the tensile strength of ice is less than that of fl uvial or glaciofl uvial sediments (Sørbel & Tol- frozen sediment, thermal contraction cracks tend gensbakk 2002). to reopen along the pre-existing network of ice Relatively little research has been carried out veins in subsequent winters. Ice wedges thereby on Svalbard ice wedges. Svensson (1976) inves- grow incrementally as each successive phase of tigated ice wedges in Adventdalen in the sum- contraction cracking is accompanied by fi lling of mers of 1968 and 1972 and found evidence for the open crack with more ice. the investigated ice wedges being active. He par- The incremental growth of ice wedge produces ticularly noted that a small ice dome at that time foliation parallel to the sides of the wedge. Such was forming in the central cracking part of ice foliation is due to aligned ice crystal fabrics and wedges, indicating that the active layer thickness the incorporation of air bub bles and silt layers. has been thinning during the previous years. This Many ice wedges are typically 1 - 3 m wide and development was explained partly by a lowering penetrate 3 - 5 m below the permafrost table. The of the mean annual air temperature from –5.9 °C polygons generally range from 15 m to 50 m in prior to 1968 and to –6.3 °C in 1972. Matsuoka diameter. Their plan form may be roughly hex- (1999) reports similar phenomena observed at ice agonal with angles tending to approximate 120°, wedges in Adventdalen, based on two excavations or orthogonal with a tendency towards 90° junc- carried out in 1992. He explained the secondary tions. ice dome as having either grown along with loess In Svalbard, ice wedges have been observed deposition (i.e. syngenetic origin) or as refl ect- mainly in large valleys such as Adventdalen, ing an episodic thaw penetration several decades Colesdalen and Reindalen—all in central Spits- ago, presumably during the extraordinarily warm bergen—and Sassendalen, in southern Spits- summers of 1922 and 1930 that followed the main bergen, but also at some sites in the uplands 20th century warming event around 1920. surrounding the valleys (Sørbel et al. 2000: Tol- Thermal-contraction cracking at an ice wedge gensbakk et al. 2001). From the Adventdalen area, site in Adventdalen was monitored in the period Sørbel & Tolgensbakk et al. (2001) and Sørbel et 1990–92 (Matsuoka 1999). The amount of con- al. (2001) report that ice wedges are common, traction was found to be proportional to the mag- occurring on both fl at terrain and on slopes up nitude of the minimum temperature. A maximum

Humlum et al. 2003: Polar Research 22(2), 191–215 201 Fig. 6. Small palsas in Adventdalen, central Spitsbergen, Fig. 7. Sorted circles at Kvadehuksletta, Brøggerhalvøya, below Gruve 6 (mine 6). north-west Spitsbergen. of 16 mm separation was measured over the ice Palsas wedge when a minimum winter ground surface temperature of –27.3 °C was registered, while the Palsas are permafrost peat mounds that usual- temperature at the permafrost table was –17.1 °C. ly occur in regions of discontinuous permafrost. Based on summer observations, Matsouka (1999) They are not very frequent in High Arctic Sval- reported a 15 % cracking frequency of ice wedges bard (Salvigsen 1977; Åkerman 1982), but are in the Adventdalen area. usually found in sub-Arctic permafrost areas such Recently the δO18 variation in three ice wedges as northern . The typical palsa takes in Adventdalen was analysed with respect to Late the form of a peat mound rising from the surface Holocene palaeoclimatic variations (Jeppesen of a fen (Fig. 6). Palsas are produced by down- 2001). A broadly similar isotope variation was ward freezing from the ground surface, enhanced found across the ice wedges, suggesting that by a thin snow cover on the palsa compared to the Svalbard ice wedges may contain important pal- surroundings. Ice in palsas does not form solid aeoclimatic information. No direct dating of the bodies of ice, but only millimetre-thick lenses of observed δO18 variations was possible, but organ- ice. Their maximum dimensions are about 5 - 7 m ic material found in the outer (older) part of one of high and 50 - 100 m across. Palsas in Svalbard the ice wedges yielded an age of about 2900 cal. are usually much smaller, only 0.5 - 1 m high. A yr BP using the 14C accelerated mass spectrom- few examples of palsas are found in lowermost eter technique (Jeppesen 2001). As the sample Adventdalen in wet areas rich in vegetation. came from the outer part of the ice wedge, the age is interpreted as a maximum age of the ice Sorted circles vein containing the organic material; this indi- rectly provides the approximate maximum age in the form of 2- 10 m sorted of the ice wedge (Jeppesen 2001). This age cor- circles represents active layer phenomena, and responds rather well with the maximum age of is widespread on level ground in Svalbard (e.g. 2650 ± 55 yr BP from driftwood found on the top Åkerman 1987; Etzelmüller & Sollid 1991). of the Longyearpingo (Svensson 1971), only 3 km Sorted circles cover many mountain plateaus and from the ice wedge site investigated. It appears, coastal fl ats (Fig. 7), signalling the presence of therefore, that permafrost, pingos and ice wedges permafrost below, even though the detailed origin in the main valleys such as Adventdalen are about of patterned ground is not yet fully clear. Wash- 3000 years old (Christiansen 2003). On the other burn (1956) was able to list no less than 19 dif- hand, Sørbel & Tolgensbakk (2002) suggest that ferent hypotheses for patterned ground develop- some of the ice wedges found at higher altitudes ment. Most scientists tend to agree, however, that may be pre-Weichselian and could possibly have patterned ground presumably arises due to the been preserved below cold-based ice. combined effect of frost-heave, thaw settlement, consolidation and differential movements due to

202 Permafrost in Svalbard: a review recurrent growth and melting of small (segregat- ed) ice lenses in the active layer. All these proc- esses are frequently combined under the general heading of cryoturbation. Fine examples of patterned ground (sorted cir- cles) are found at Kvadehuksletta, north-western end of the Brøggerhalvøya peninsula at 79° N, 12° E. Tolgensbakk & Sollid (1987) mapped the and Quaternary geology of this area. Fields of sorted circles occur especially in depressions between raised beach ridges, proba- bly due to high soil water content and precense of fi ne-grained sediment, leading to an enhanced frost action environment (Etzelmüller & Sollid 1991). From detailed studies of the dynamics Fig. 8. Talus-derived rock glacier creeping from the talus of well-developed sorted circles, Hallet & Pre- sheet on Zeppelinfjellet, near Ny-Ålesund, north-west Spits- bergen. The rock glacier terminus is about 35 m high. strud (1986) and Hallet et al. (1988) conclude that motion in the sorted circles includes convection in fi ne-grained centre and “subduction” in the 2000). The topographic and meteorological con- fi ne/coarse contact. A model for self-organization trols on rock glacier initiation and growth are still of sorted patterned ground has recently been pro- not known in detail, and a long-standing discus- posed by Kessler & Werner (2003), drawing upon sion on rock glacier origin, internal structure, rhe- examples from Kvadehuksletta. Another fi ne ology and nomenclature has originated from this example of sorted circles was reported by Jahn lack of fi eld knowledge. Most scientists agree that (1975) from Hornsund, in southern Spitsbergen. rock glaciers are the result of a localized, large It is interesting to note that both Kvadehuksletta supply of talus in a permafrost environment. In and the Hornsund site are dominated by weather- addition, rock glaciers represent a highly effi cient ing residuals of dolomite bedrock. transport system of weathered debris in high- relief, cold climate regions (Humlum 2000). Rock glaciers Rock glaciers of different morphological type are widespread in Svalbard (e.g. Sollid & Sørbel Rock glaciers are characteristic large-scale fl ow 1992; André 1994; Berthling et al. 1998; Isak- features of frozen material in permafrost high- sen, Ødegård et al. 2000; Isaksen 2001; Kors- relief regions (Haeberli 1985; Barsch 1996; gaard 2002), and many of these conspicuous land- Humlum 1999; Isaksen 2001). They are located forms presumably derive from accumulation of at the foot of rock-free faces with a high supply avalanche snow on talus sheets, giving rise to of talus and, when active, typically take the form aggrading permafrost consisting of a mixture of of 20 - 100 m thick tongue- or lobe-shaped bodies ice and rock fragments (Liestøl 1962). An aerial with cascading frontal slopes standing at the photograph inventory of Svalbard rock glaciers (Fig. 8). Their length may be as (Kristiansen & Sollid 1986) revealed the exist- much as several kilometres, but the typical length ence of more than 500 rock glaciers. Many are is 200 - 800 m measured parallel to the fl ow direc- found in coastal areas, situated below the escarp- tion (Barsch 1996). The surface of rock glaciers is ment that delimits the inner part of the strandfl at. covered by coarse (0.2 - 5 m) rock fragments, and Rock glaciers are particularly frequent along the displays a 1 - 5 m high curving transverse furrow- extreme western and northern coast of the largest and-ridge topography. Active rock glaciers typi- island, Spitsbergen, and on , cally fl ow downslope 0.1 - 1 m per year (see e.g. a small island off western Spitsbergen (Sollid & Barsch 1996), that is, they are more sluggish than Sørbel 1992). Svalbard rock glaciers are general- normal glaciers. Active rock glaciers are often ly less than 60 m thick and less than 500 m long. seen as characteristic of continental environ- The permafrost base is presumably far beneath ments, although a signifi cant number of rock gla- the base of these features, as permafrost thick- ciers have been described from maritime regions ness is estimated to vary from about 100 m near as well (e.g. Sollid & Sørbel 1992; Humlum the coasts to more than 450 m in mountain areas

Humlum et al. 2003: Polar Research 22(2), 191–215 203 (Liestøl 1976). nerud 1997; Snyder et al. 2000) support a late Surface velocities of Svalbard rock glaciers are Holocene aggradation of permafrost at low alti- known to range from no signifi cant movement tudes and subsequent formation of several Sval- to 10 cm/year (Sollid & Sørbel 1992; Isaksen, bard rock glaciers. A detailed understanding of Ødegård et al. 2000; Kääb et al. 2002). Measure- the onset of rock glacier formation in Svalbard, ments from talus-derived rock glaciers on Prins however, remains slightly elusive and awaits fur- Karls Forland show that most surface veloci- ther research. ties are within the range of 1 - 4 cm/year based on carrier-phase differential GPS measurements (Berthling et al. 2001). Permafrost engineering The age of Svalbard rock glaciers is not known in detail and current age estimates of Svalbard General rock glaciers are therefore coupled to the Late Weichselian glacial history. The maximum extent A structure placed on, or in, permafrost in Sval- of the Svalbard Weichselian ice cover, especial- bard will alter the heat exchange between the ly along the west coast of Spitsbergen, has been ground and the atmosphere and will, in most a matter of debate. A recent reconstruction of cases, result in increased heat fl ow from the the Late Weichselian maximum ice sheet sug- atmosphere to the soil. Removal of the organic gests more than 800 m of Weichselian ice cover layer for the foundation construction and snow at Prins Karls Forland and the west coast of Spits- accumulation around, under and adjacent to bergen (Landvik et al. 1998). In contrast, another the structure, and heating of the structure may study from central Prins Karls Forland (Anders- enhance this effect. The physical and mechanical son et al. 1999) presents evidence of a much more properties of permafrost are generally tempera- limited expansion of local glaciers during the ture dependent and this effect is most pronounced Late Weichselian. at temperatures within 1 or 2 °C of thawing These fi ndings introduce uncertainty about the (Ladanyi et al. 1996). Increases in permafrost age and possible onset of rock glacier develop- temperature will, in general, lead to deteriorating ment in the outermost western part of the archi- strength and deformation characteristics, poten- pelago. In addition, there is uncertainty regard- tial accelerated settlements and possible foun- ing the extension of permafrost at low altitudes dation failure (see Instanes 2003). It is of para- during the Holocene climatic optimum. It has mount importance, therefore, that an evaluation been suggested that most rock glaciers proba- of the thermal effect of an engineering structure bly started to develop at the onset of Holocene, is taken into account in planning, design, con- and that even older forms cannot be ruled out struction and maintenance of structures in Sval- (Sollid & Sørbel 1992; Kääb et al. 2002). Some bard and in the Arctic in general. very large rock glaciers are apparently located Most of the engineering concerns related to the in areas that may have been ice-free for a long design of infrastructure on ice-rich permafrost period, perhaps as much as 40 Ky. Western Prince can be classifi ed into those related to increases in Karls Forland is one such location. Here, some of permafrost temperatures, increases in the active the largest rock glaciers in all Svalbard are found layer thickness (annual thaw depth) and degrada- (Liestøl 1962; Berthling et al. 1998; Berthling et tion of permafrost. al. 2000). However, André (1994), based on liche- Warming of permafrost at depth will cause nometry, suggested that rock glacier formation in an increase in the creep rate of existing foun- the Kongsfjorden area, north-west Spitsbergen, dations such as piles and footings, increased started ca. 3500 BP, while Isaksen, Ødegård et creep of embankment foundations and even- al. (2000) estimated the age of the surface mate- tual loss of adfreeze bond support for piling. rial at the terminus of Hiorthfjellet rock glacier, Increases in annual thaw (active layer) will cause central Spitsbergen, to about 4000 BP. This age increased thaw settlements during seasonal thaw- estimate was based on the length/surface veloc- ing, increased frost-heave forces on pilings and ity ratio, assuming constant fl ow velocity since increased total and differential rock glacier initiation. Finally, existing knowl- during winter. Development of residual thaw edge on Holocene climate in the Svalbard region zones (taliks) will cause decrease of effective (see e.g. Salvigsen et al. 1992; Svendsen & Mag- length of piling in permafrost, progressive land-

204 Permafrost in Svalbard: a review Fig. 9. University Centre in Svalbard, Longyearbyen. Founda- tion: excavation, replacement and concrete footings. slide movements and progressive surface settle- ments (Esch & Osterkamp 1990). Design of foundations in permafrost regions must, therefore, always include an evaluation of the maximum active layer thickness and the Fig. 10. Housing in . Foundation: reinforced con- permafrost temperature the foundation soils crete piles. will experience during the lifetime of the struc- ture. The initial and long-term bearing capacity acteristic differences between the building style of the foundation can then be determined (Ins- in the Russian and Norwegian settlements. In tanes 2003). the Norwegian communities, the buildings are seldom more than 2½ storeys high, to minimize Registered thaw settlements on Spitsbergen the loads and the number of foundation piles nec- essary (Fig. 9). In the Russian communities, the There are fi ve main settlements on Spitsbergen: buildings can be more than 4 storeys high and Ny-Ålesund (north-west Spitsbergen), Pyrami- therefore require a large number of piles for sup- den (central Spitsbergen), Longyearbyen (cen- port (Fig. 10). tral Spitsbergen), (west Spitsber- gen) and (central Spitsbergen). All Design issues these settlements were founded as coal mining , but today only Sveagruva and Barents- In principle there are three main approaches to burg are solely dependent on the mining - foundation design on permafrost, based on soil try. Ny-Ålesund has developed into a Large- conditions and the ground thermal regime (Ins- scale Research Facility and has between 40 and tanes 2000; Andersland & Ladanyi 1994): con- 100 inhabitants, depending on the season. With ventional design (referred to as Principle I in a population of more than 1700, Longyearbyen Russia); passive method (Principle II in Russia); depends on , research and education in and active method. addition to mining. Ny-Ålesund, Longyearbyen Conventional design similar to temperate cli- and Sveagruva are Norwegian settlements. Each mate is used when the soil materials are thaw- of the Russian mining settlements of Barentsburg stable, i.e. only small volume changes of the and Pyramiden had more than 1000 inhabitants, foundation soils occur during warming or thaw but there has been some decline in population in of the soils. Barentsburg the last couple of years. Pyramiden Both the passive and active methods are was abandoned in 1998. employed when the soil materials are thaw-unsta- The major parts of the engineering structures ble, i.e. a signifi cant volume change of the founda- in the settlements have been designed and con- tion soils will take place during warming or thaw structed during the last 30 years. There are char- of the soils. In the passive approach, the existing

Humlum et al. 2003: Polar Research 22(2), 191–215 205 Fig. 11. Historical air-thawing indices (degree days thawing) for Svalbard Airport, Longyearbyen.

ground thermal regime is maintained (or ground (Instanes 2003; Khrustalev 2000, 2001; Ladanyi temperature lowered) after the construction of the 1995, 1996; Ladanyi et al. 1996; Ladanyi et al. structure. In the active approach, warming of the 1997; Lunardini 2001; Nixon 1990a, 1990b). For existing ground thermal regime is accepted after structures on permafrost it is often diffi cult to the construction of the structure. differentiate between the effect of possible cli- All three approaches have been used in Sval- mate warming and other factors that may affect a bard, but the passive method is the preferred structure on permafrost, such as (Instanes 2003): approach for most engineering structures built on • Actual site conditions are different than the permafrost on the islands. site conditions assumed during design. Design criteria for foundations on permafrost • The design of the structure did not take into should be based on the probability of occurrence account appropriate load conditions, active layer of the warmest air temperatures to which the thickness and permafrost temperature. foundation soils will be subjected during the life- • The contractor did not carry out the con- time of the structure (Instanes 2001, 2003). Ther- struction according to the design. mal analysis of the structure, the foundation and • The maintenance programme was not carried the permafrost soils are usually carried out based out according to plan. on statistical analysis of historical meteorologi- • The structure is not used according to design cal data. The key parameters are the air-thawing assumptions. index (the integral of air temperatures above 0 °C An example of problems associated with the during one summer) and air-freezing index (the factors listed above is the runway at Svalbard integral of air temperatures below 0 °C during Airport, Longyearbyen (Instanes & Instanes one winter). Historical air-thawing and air-freez- 1998; Mjureke 2001). This runway is built in an ing indices for Longyearbyen are presented in east–west direction and is 2322 m long and 45 m Figs. 11 and 12. From the diagrams it might be wide. In addition, there is a 37.5 m wide shoulder observed that there has been a trend of increasing on each side of the runway (7.5 m is paved; the thawing indices (warmer summers) and decreas- rest has a gravel surface). The terrain slopes per- ing freezing indices (warmer winters) during the pendicularly to the direction of the runway from last 20 years. the south towards the north. A system of drain- age ditches direct water from the upslope side Failure and damage to infrastructure through the runway. Since the opening of the air- port in 1975, the runway has suffered from une- Construction activity may lead to warming of venness of the surface due to thaw settlement the permafrost and to the damage and failure in the spring/summer, and frost-heave during of foundation soils and structures. There is also autumn/winter. Measurements have shown that increased concern related to the effect of possi- the active layer beneath the runway is up to twice ble climate change on infrastructure in the Arctic the design value of 1.1 m.

206 Permafrost in Svalbard: a review Fig. 12. Historical air-freezing indices (degree days freezing) for Svalbard Airport, Longyear- byen.

In 1989 a major reconstruction of the runway land & Ladanyi 1994) or convection embank- was carried out in the most affected areas. In ments (Goering & Kumar 1996). addition to shifting soil and fi ll in the embank- Research has also been carried out at the per- ment, a 100 mm layer of polystyrene insulation mafrost research station at Sveagruva (central was installed 650 mm below the runway sur- Spitsbergen) that was established by the Nor- face. A ground temperature monitoring pro- wegian Committee on Permafrost in June 1978 gramme was established in 1992 to evaluate the (Gregersen 1980). The station records hourly air effect of the reconstruction. Comparing temper- temperature and humidity, wind force and direc- ature data from boreholes in insulated and unal- tion, incoming and outgoing radiation, global tered sections of the runway, it was found that the radiation, ground temperature down to 8 m below active layer thickness was 1.3 m less in the insu- the tundra surface, and ground temperature down lated areas. The thaw depth in the non-insulated to 2 m below an artifi cial concrete surface. The areas reached a maximum of 2.3 m in Novem- data series from 1978–2000 was analysed by ber. It was, therefore, recommended to insulate Caline (2000). Figure 13 presents a plot of ground the remaining parts of the runway. This has not temperature at 1.0 m depth from 1978–1995 com- been carried out to date; fortunately, the problems pared to a thermal model developed by Caline seem to have decreased with time. (2000). From this fi gure it can be observed that Instanes & Instanes (1998) pointed out sev- the minimum temperature during each annual eral factors that contribute to the problems with cycle varies considerably while the maximum the runway. Among these were the facts that the temperature is relative stable. The minimum tem- runway was cut directly into ice-rich, frost-sus- perature variation is infl uenced by variations in ceptible sediments, marine sediments (salty) the winter snow cover. For engineering purpos- were used as fi ll material and no insulation meas- es, the main interest is, however, the maximum ures were taken. ground temperature—a late summer phenomena, so the variation shown in Fig. 13 has very little Permafrost engineering research and engineering signifi cance. development One of the more challenging engineering efforts near Sveagruva is the construction of Of special interest in permafrost engineering the road from the mining settlement to the new research and development for the last 30 years coalmine by the mining company Store Norske has been saline permafrost, ice-rich permafrost Spitsbergen Gruvekompani. The road utilizes the and coastal permafrost (Lunne & Eidsmoen mid-moraine on the Höganäs glacier as a founda- 1988; Instanes 2000). Under conditions such as tion for the road embankment (Fig. 14). The sur- encountered in Svalbard, it is recommended to face elevation of the road embankment and adja- artifi cially lower the ground temperature by heat cent glacier was measured by differential global pumps (Instanes 2000), thermosiphons (Anders- position system (DGPS) in both June and Sep-

Humlum et al. 2003: Polar Research 22(2), 191–215 207 Fig. 13. Plot of ground tempera- ture at 1.0 m depth (1978–1995) compared to a thermal model developed by Caline (2000). The diagram illustrates that the mini- mum temperature during each annual cycle varies considerably while the maximum temperature is relative stable.

nifi cantly. While the average vertical reduction in ice thickness of the glacial surface was approxi- mately 1.5 m from June to September, the average vertical settlement of the gravel surface was close to zero, meaning that glacier ice ablation virtual- ly has ceased below the road. This effect causes increased steepness of the “embankment” slope and an increase—1 - 2 m per year—in the height difference between the road surface and adjacent ice surface . Slope failures caused by toe instabil- ity have occurred regularly and the maintenance cost of the road is very high. Saline permafrost is common along the coasts of Svalbard and represents an interesting engi- neering challenge. Biggar (1991: 92–93) reports that “the pile load carrying capacities are reduced by at least 50 % at salinities as low as 5 ppt, by 60 % to 75 % at 10 ppt and by as much as 90 % at 15 ppt”. In addition, saline pore water decreas- es the freezing point of the soil pore water and increases the unfrozen water content for a given temperature. The presence of saline permafrost has, therefore, been taken into consideration in geotechnical soil investigations and design of foundations on permafrost in Svalbard (Instanes Fig. 14. Road on the Höganäs glacier from Sveagruva to the new mine, utilizing a mid-moraine as foundation for the road & Instanes 1999). embankment. The bearing capacity of piles in saline perma- frost is infl uenced by the following two effects: the adfreeze strength between the frozen soil and tember 2001. Figure 15 shows the area covered the pile surface is reduced due to the presence of during the DGPS investigations. It was observed saline pore water; piles in saline permafrost will that the gravel surface on the road surface insu- experience larger deformations than piles in non- lates the underlying ice and reduces melting sig- saline permafrost in the design life of the piles.

208 Permafrost in Svalbard: a review Fig. 15. Surface elevation of the road embankment on the Höganäs glacier and the adjacent glacier as measured by differential global position system (DGPS) in June and September 2001.

Environmental issues, especially the effect ature and thickness changes when compared to of hydrocarbon pollution on the physical and permafrost in the northern lowlands of Siberia, mechanical properties of permafrost have been Canada and Alaska. subject of increased research in Svalbard during Svalbard is a relatively small land area located the last couple of years. near both the northernmost branches of the North Atlantic Current and the southern limit of polar pack ice. Even small variations in these impor- Conclusions tant phenomena induce signifi cant effects on the local Svalbard climate and permafrost that are In contrast to many other regions with extensive not known from more continental permafrost permafrost, e.g. Siberia and northern Alaska, regions. much of the present permafrost at low altitudes at From an engineering point of view, any future least in central Svalbard is presumably of young warming of permafrost may cause increases in (i.e. Late Holocene) age. It probably thawed, at creep rates of existing foundations such as piles least in the major valleys, during the recurrent and footings, increased creep of embankment Quaternary glaciations. High altitude perma- foundations and eventual loss of adfreeze bond frost in Svalbard may represent an exception to support for pilings. Increases in annual thaw this and may be of some antiquity. In Svalbard, (active layer) will cause increased thaw settle- topography introduces local and large varia- ments during seasonal thawing, increased frost- tions in ground temperature regime and perma- heave forces on pilings and increased total and frost thickness. This is due to variations in slope, differential frost heaving during winter. It has aspect, altitude, topographic shading and redistri- proven possible to construct roads on glaciers bution of the winter snow cover by wind. As such, in permafrost areas, provided an artifi cial road permafrost in Svalbard is highly prone to temper- embankment with a minimum thickness corre-

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