
October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10


Saudi Arabia’s Water Sector Sees New Demands, Developments & Opportunities

Grey : Remedy against Water Shortage 14 in Qatar?

Water Testing & Analysis 21 Equipment: Stand the Test of Time

Iraq: Mosul Dam Breach a 46 Disaster in Waiting

Arab Water World October 2016 Serving the Water, Wastewater, Desalination & Energy Sectors in MENA - Since 1977 www.awwmag.com October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10

Introduction DEPARTMENTS

Issue Content & CPH Team...... 01 Corporate Happenings...... 57 Opening Letter & HCC...... 02 Industry Literature...... 61 MENA Water Digest...... 04 Products & Services...... 64 Projects & Developments...... 68 W aTER TREATMENT Using Deep Bed Anthracite to Provide Production Events 10 Efficiency in Gravity Filtration Systems...... 07 Events Preview...... 76 Events Review...... 80 W aSTEWATER Treatment Grey Water Treatment SERVICES Grey Water Treatment: Remedy against Water Shortage in Qatar?...... 14 Coming Events...... 82 Buyers’ Guide...... 83

DESALINATION TECHNOLOGY 16 Reversal Operating Flexibility & Economics INFO Re-shape Electrodialysis Reversal...... 18 Advertisers’ Index...... 84 General Information...... 85 FEATURE Closing Letter...... 86 Sampling & Analyzing Equipment Water Testing & Analysis Equipment: Stand the Test of Time...... 21 CPH Team 18 Email domain is @cphworldmedia.com)( INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHTS Founders • Mr. Fathi Chatila • Mrs. Mona Chatila (1944 - 2006) Irrigation Technology Smart Irrigation Market Worth Management USD1,504.6 Million by 2022...... 26 • President & Publisher Fathi Chatila / f.chatila@ • General Manager Mohamad Rabih Chatila / Oily Water Separators mr.chatila@ Enhance the Efficiency of Oil/Water Separators • Administrative Manager Abdul Rahman Hallak / with Oil Skimmers...... 30 ar.hallak@ • Administrative Officer Ali Zaraket / a.zaraket@ Submersible Pumps 24 Content & Research Submersible Pump Market Growth: In Sync with Rising • Editor-in-Chief Fathi Chatila / f.chatila@ Urbanization & Industrialization...... 34 • Content Editor & Researcher Dana Hani / d.hani@ COUNTRY / REGIONAL REPORTS • Fatima Saab / f.saab@ Germany Circulation & Marketing Germany: Struggling to Become a • Circulation & Marketing Manager Jad L. Aboulhosn / j.aboulhosn@ Water Powerhouse...... 39 Information Technology 29 Iraq • IT Operation & Support Officers Iraq: Mosul Dam Breach a • Mazen Bou Diab / m.boudiab@ • Mostafa Mohtadi Disaster in Waiting...... 46 / m.mohtadi@

Saudi Arabia Accounting & Finance Saudi Arabia’s Water Sector Sees New • Accountant Hala Nizam / h.nizam@ Demands, Developments & Opportunities...... 48 Mail & Services Scandinavia • Mail & Service Manager Abdul Rahman Hallak / ar.hallak@ Bottled Water vs. Tap Water: • Mail & Service Officer Ali Zaraket / a.zaraket@ 40 Remains under Debate...... 53 Published by CPH World Media s.a.r.l. - Beirut, Lebanon Helping Advance MENA & Beyond! Since 1977 www.cphworldmedia.com نساعد بتطوير الرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا وأبعد! منذ 1977 تصدر عن يس يب أتش ورلد ميديا ش.م.م. - بريوت، لبنان 02 Opening Letter الرسالة اإلفتتاحية

َّجدة و الرياض تقودان Jeddah & Riyadh Lead in مجال إعادة إستخدام Reusing Wastewater مياه رصف الصحي

ًوفقا لتقرير صادر عن رشكة "بلوفيلد لألبحاث" )Bluefield Research(، تفيض سوق مياه The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region’s wastewater and reuse الرصف الصحي وإعادة استخدام املياه يف دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي بالرشكات التي market is scaling with companies positioning to capitalize on more than USD40 billion of government investment slated for new treatment and تستعد لإلستفادة من أكرث من ٤٠ مليار دوالر أمرييك من اإلستثامرات الحكومية املخصصة ,collection systems, according to Bluefield Research. Oman, Qatar لنظم املعالجة الجديدة ونظم التجميع. ووضعت كل من عامن، قطر، اململكة العربية Saudi Arabia, and Abu Dhabi (UAE) have set targets that will increase السعودية، وأبو ظبي )اإلمارات العربية املتحدة( ًأهدافا من شأنها أن تزيد قدرة إعادة ,reuse capacity by 91 percent to 8.8 million m3/d. As a matter of fact استخدام املياه بنسبة تصل إىل ٩١ يف املئة، أي ٨٫٨ مليون مرت مكعب يف اليوم. ووفقا ًملؤرش Jeddah and Riyadh lead the region in water quality for its efforts in مياه املدن املستدامة الصادر عن رشكة "أركاديس" )Arcadis(، تقود جدة والرياض املنطقة reusing wastewater, according to Arcadis' Sustainable Cities Water Index. The index, conducted by Arcadis in partnership with the Centre يف مجال نوعية املياه وذلك لبذلهام ًجهودا يف إعادة إستخدام مياه الرصف الصحي. ويكشف for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), explores water مؤرش البحث الذي أجرته رشكة "أركاديس" بالرشاكة مع مركز البحوث االقتصادية واالعامل، ,(sustainability of 50 cities across the world based on its robust (resiliency استدامة املياه يف ٥٠ مدينة يف جميع أنحاء العامل نسبة لقوة )مرونة( وفاعلية )الكفاءة( .effective (efficiency) and healthy (quality) water environment وصحة )نوعية( البيئة املائية. The report finds that cities in Saudi Arabia need greater investment when it comes to their ability to withstand storm water and drinking water shortages, ويشري التقرير إىل َّ املدنأن يف اململكة العربية السعودية بحاجة إىل إستثامر أكرب عندما يتعلق with climate adaptation and resiliency being the most pressing issue for city األمر بقدرتها عىل تحمل نقص مياه األمطار ومياه الرشب. إذ ُّتعد قضية التكيف مع تغري leaders. Sameer Daoud, Global Business leader - Water at Arcadis Middle املناخ والقدرة عىل مواجهته من القضايا األكرث إلحاحا ًبالنسبة لقادة املدينة. وقال )سمري East, commented: "Water demand is rising, aquifers are being depleted داوود(، الرائد العاملي يف مجال األعامل للمياه يف رشكة "أركاديس" الرشق األوسط: َّ"أن ارتفاع and the threat of extreme weather is increasingly real, meaning that cities in the region can be stressed without enough water." Looking forward, الطلب عىل املياه، ونضوب املياه الجوفية، وتزايد تهديد الطقس املتطرف للمنطقة، كل ذلك Saudi Arabia is aggressively targeting 100 percent reclamation (reuse) of يؤدي إىل احتامل أن تضغط مسألة قلة املياه مدن املنطقة". ووفقا ًلجامعة امللك عبد الله wastewater from cities with 5,000 inhabitants or greater by 2025, according للعلوم والتقنية، تهدف السعودية ًمستقبل إىل إعادة إستخدام ١٠٠ يف املئة من مياه الرصف .(to King Abdullah University for Science & Technology (KAUST الصحي يف املدن التي تضم ٥٠٠٠ نسمة أو أكرث بحلول عام ٢٠٢٥. The October 2016 issue of Arab Water World (AWW) magazine covers a number of interesting projects and topics. On page 07, the article sheds ُيغطي عدد ترشين األول / أكتوبر 2016من مجلة عامل املياه العريب مواضيع مختلفة ومثرية light on the process of using deep bed anthracite to provide production للهتامم. ُفي ّسلط مقال الصفحة 07 الضوء عىل عملية استخدام طبقات الفحم الصلب العميقة efficiency in gravity filtration systems. The article on page 14 tackles Qatar’s لتأمني فعالية نظم الرتشيح التي تعمل بفعل الجاذبية. ويتطرق مقال الصفحة 14 إىل سوق grey water treatment market. Moreover, the article on page 18 highlights معالجة املياه متوسطة التلوث يف قطر. َّأما مقال الصفحة 18 ّفريكز عىل كيفية محاولة تقنية how electrodialysis technology is making its mark in the industrial water recovery market. Furthermore, the article on page 26 focuses on the الفصل الغشايئ الكهربايئ ترك بصمتها يف انتعاش سوق قطاع املياه، بينام يركز مقال الصفحة global water testing and analysis market, which is set to reach USD4.87 26 عىل سوق اختبار املياه العاملية وتحليلها، ومن املقدر أن تبلغ 4.87 مليار دوالر أمرييك billion by 2020. This issue is also abounded with a number of technical بحلول العام 2020. كام يزخر هذا العدد مبقاالت تقنية وتقارير حول البلدان باإلضافة إىل آخر articles, country reports as well as news about latest innovations and األخبار حول أحدث ابتكارات سوق اإلنشاءات واتجاهاتها. آراءكم وتعليقاتكم ّتهمنا، فل ّترتددوا market trends. Your comments and remarks are appreciated; so do not بالتواصل معنا عرب الربيد اإللكرتوين hesitate to contact us through our email [email protected] [email protected]

فتحي شاتيال Fathi Chatila رئيس التحرير Editor-in-Chief Honorary Content Consultants (HCC)

• Dr. Bakenaz A. Zeydan - Head of Water Engineering Department, • Dr. Walid Saleh - Int’l Network on water, Environmental & Health Tanta University, Egypt (INWEH), The United Nations University, Jordan • Dr. Eng. Darwish Ibrahim Yousef - Prof. of Yousef Office for • Dr. Yousef Al. Rumikhani - Assistant Professor - King Abdul Aziz City Science & Engineering, Syria for Science & Technology (KACST), Saudi Arabia • Dr. Jalal Halwani - The Lebanese University, Lebanon • Prof. Adel Sharif - University of Surrey, UK • Eng. Mohamad Amin Saad - President Masar Technologies, USA • Dr. Ing. Aiman Eid Al-Rawajfeh - Tafila Technical University Dep. Chemical Engineering - Jordan • Dr. Mritunjay Chaubey - Pentair Water, India • Dr. Sajid Mahmood (Azeemi) - Assistant Professor in Water Resources • Euro Ing. Prof. Nidal Hilal - Director of The Centre for Clean Water Management, COE in Water Resources Engineering, Lahore, Pakistan Technologies, Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre, School of Engineering, Swansea University, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK. • Dr. Adil AL Tamimi - Associate Professor of civil enginering and Director of the institute of Materials Systems “IMS” School of Engineering, • Dr. Riyad Abou Maizar - Associated Consultants Engineers (ACE), Bahrain American University of Sharjah UAE

04 MENA Water Digest

(liquidity & credit growth) and capital Solar energy has a significant role in not Jordan markets (debt & equity). Oil & gas, power only decarbonizing energy generation but & water sector projects accounted for 74 also in catering for the rapidly increasing percent of projects completed (by value) demand for new capacity to fuel between 2012 and 2015. As far the new industrialization, economic development National Water Strategy projects are concerned almost 50 percent and municipal serves improvement in 2016-2025 of the projects signed in 2015 belong to the Morocco but also to provide energy oil and gas sector. The Kuwait Authority access to large parts of the underserved According to the Ministry of Water and of Partnership Projects (KAPP), is continent of Africa, policy makers, Irrigation, this strategy defines the steps expected to award PPP projects worth technology providers, investors, owners to ensure a sustainable future for the USD6.6 billion in 2016 and as of Q1 2016, and operators need to work together to water sector in Jordan; it uses the distinct there are 22 ongoing projects from real create the appropriate legal, infrastructural opportunity to reinforce and strengthen estate and power and water sectors. The and regulatory environment to reduce risk integrated water resources planning and Al Zour IWPP is the largest ongoing PPP and encourage investment with a long management that is aligned with the SDGs, project in Kuwait. term mindset.” revising the scope, context and relevance of the strategy for the sustainable future of water resource management in the coming decades. The Strategy aims to create new momentum for the sector to be better prepared; do business differently and more efficiently; add value to national development in conjunction with other national socioeconomic sustainability initiatives; engage in institutional reform for greater efficiency and effectiveness; and improve inter-sectoral linkages to generate greater synergy and impact on the health and economic well-being of all Jordanians. The strategy key areas: (i) Integrated Water Resources Management; (ii) water, sewage and sanitation services; (iii) water for irrigation, energy and other uses; (iv) institutional reform; and (v) sector information management and monitoring.

Kuwait Morocco Oman

KAPP Expected to Award ACWA Power Confirms its Add Energy Wins Projects Worth Billions Commitment to Morocco New Contract

Marmore MENA Intelligence, a As part of its investment in Morocco as Add Energy, the international energy subsidiary of Kuwait Financial Centre a developer of solar power plants Noor consultancy provider, has been (Markaz), recently released a research I, Noor II and Noor III, ACWA Power awarded a contract with a leading report highlighting the projects landscape confirmed once more its commitment to upstream gas operator in Oman. across sectors in Kuwait. As of Q1 2016, the Moroccan solar plan by supporting The contract has secured jobs at there are 420 ongoing projects in Kuwait, the 2nd edition of Photovoltaica, the largest the company's Aberdeen office and 19 projects valued at USD112.2 billion international exhibition in Africa dedicated enabled sustainability of its Oman placed on hold and another 20 projects to the development of solar energy. office and in country partnership. The valued at USD22.1 billion shelved. Some Contributing to the energy revolution, scope of work will see Add Energy of the key areas that were expected to Paddy Padmanathan, President & CEO provide the plant with equipment be positively impacted are the banking of ACWA Power recognized that: “While specific maintenance strategies

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 05 ّملخص املياه يف الرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا

and procedures, which will enable our client in the coming months. This dams. Plans are under way to boost the maintenance execution and planning to contract signifies that while cost cutting country’s rainwater resources and raise be optimized. The project will be carried continues, operators still need to invest the number of dams nationwide from out with an aim of reducing equipment in initiatives that are driven towards 34 to 44 by 2020. Among the latest downtime, by mitigating failures due to efficiency and streamlining operations." projects to come on-line is that of Oued Ettin in the northern province of Bizerte. Estimated at USD28.8 million, the new dam will serve to irrigate up to 700 hectares of agricultural land in Bizerte and Manouba. Tunisia is also planning to increase the number of hill dams from 230 to 275, that of catchment lakes from 894 to 950 and the number of wells from 5400 to 6000, all by 2020. Initiatives to enhance irrigation techniques have also been rolled out recently.


UAE Cities Lead the Way on Sustainability Agenda

Dubai and Abu Dhabi have emerged as the two most sustainable cities in the Middle East region, according to the 2016 Sustainable Cities Index from Arcadis. The overall index is informed through an analysis of 32 different indicators and is also broken down into three sub- indices across each pillar. Dubai ranked first out of the eight Middle East cities covered in this year's report and 52nd overall. The city scored exceptionally well on the profit indicators finishing in Tunisia fourth place globally, well ahead of other major business hubs like New York, Paris and Tokyo. It also performed well from a social perspective although fared less Fertile Ground well on the environmental side, finishing Remains Strong 7th in the region and 96th globally. The picture in Abu Dhabi was equally positive In the face of climate change and with the city finishing second overall in irregular rainfall, improving water access the region and 58th globally. It scores is one of the main priorities for Tunisia’s very well on economic sustainability too maintenance which is inadequate or agriculture sector, according to Oxford but faces similar challenges around its without full coverage. Peter Adam, Add Business Group. The sector absorbs 76 environmental performance. Ben Khan, Energy managing director, commented: percent of the country’s water resources, Client Development Director, Arcadis "Having completed previous contracts which are estimated at 4.8 billion cubic Middle East said: "It's no surprise to see in the region, the Middle East has meters a year. Surface water accounts Dubai and Abu Dhabi perform so well as always been a focus for Add Energy and for 2.7 billion cubic meters a year, 87 both cities have well-planned strategies we look forward to working closely with percent of which is secured through around how they want to develop.”

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Water Treatment Filtration 07 Using Deep Bed Anthracite to Provide Production Efficiency in Gravity Filtration Systems 10 Point-of-Entry Water Treatment Systems Market Forecasts 10 Effluent Treatment System for R&R Ice Cream 11 Liqtech to Supply Filtration System for Chinese Bioethanol Plant 12 Luminor Presents Rack-Mounted UV/Filtration System 12 MEMBRANE Provides Complete Filtration Packages Wastewater Treatment Grey Water Treatment 14 Grey Water Treatment: Remedy against Water Shortage in Qatar? 16 Black & Veatch Wins HKIA Expansion Project 16 An Innovative Solution to a Known Dilemma Desalination Technology Electrodialysis Reversal 18 Operating Flexibility & Economics Re-shape Electrodialysis Reversal 07 ُمعالجة املياه الرتشيح Using Deep Bed Anthracite to Provide Production Efficiency in Gravity Filtration Systems perators of wastewater and water plants that require rehabilitation or expansion to either meet new, more stringent regulations or to increase capacity often do not have the budget for large scale or otherwise expensive improvements. O In these cases a lower cost yet effective solution may be found in increasing filtration process efficiencies with deep bed anthracite. Granular media filtration is a fundamental process polishing technology used to achieve acceptable water quality. Anthracite is an accepted filter media for standard dual media applications for potable water (usually 18 inches (in) [450 millimeters (mm)] of 0.95-1.05 mm Effective Size [ES] over 12 in [300 mm] of 0.45-0.55 mm ES silica sand).

However, in recent studies designers Figure 1: Effect of media sizes on filter run length in the pilot study at Sioux Falls, SD using anthracite depths up to 60 in have successfully extended run time and increased solids storage. Designers have also used deep bed, large grain, mono-media anthracite in low turbidity scenarios where filters directly process source water with minimal chemical addition and before the filters. Advances in underdrain backwash systems have provided a low profile media support with improved backwash functionality resulting in better deep bed anthracite cleaning. Most drinking water Biologically Active Filters (BAF) are engineered for the removal of a specific The collapse-pulse approach is used in material. The physical requirements of constituent (such as nitrate, MIB and dual media and mono-media anthracite. anthracite are described in the AWWA Geosmin, or specified micropollutants), The sub-fluidized wash approach is B100 Standard for Granular Filter Material. or for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) normally used in deep bed media systems. These characteristics of anthracite reduction. In contrast, chlorine was used Amirthirajah et al. (1990) has shown that a minimize the formation of particle “fines” as a biological disinfectant to prevent backwash in the collapse-pulse process and media losses during backwash. indigenous biology present in the source is the most efficient cleaning method Deep bed anthracite has also been used water from flourishing in the media. for dual media and granular activated in filtration of wastewater effluent. carbon. A collapse-pulse condition Gravity media filtration results from a combination of air and Advantages of deep bed backwash comparisons water with a particle size and density that anthracite filtration The effectiveness of a backwash allows the air to compress and expand Single media layers or dual media layers operation is measured by the resulting as it passes through the bed. Achieving with sand and anthracite are generally cleanliness of the media and applied in drinking water treatment the costs of power and water “The effectiveness of a to meet regulatory requirements required for the operation. In for turbidity and particle removal. gravity granular filters, there is a backwash operation is measured by Deep bed anthracite filtration has point where either the flow cannot the resulting cleanliness of the media been shown to result in greater filter be maintained due to headloss, run length than either scenario for or solids are driven through the and the costs of power and water both drinking water and municipal filter. To restore the driving force, required for the operation” wastewater applications, while an upward flow of either water meeting regulatory requirements. alone, or a combination of air and water, this collapse-pulse condition will result in U.S. Environmental Protection is used to scour and fluidize the media the optimum filter media wash for dual Agency (E.P.A.) requires finished to remove accumulated particles and media and for mono-media anthracite, water turbidity measuring less than 0.3 excessive biology. and should be considered in the design nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). of the backwash system. Southern Nevada Water System (SNWS) Two backwash technologies using air has mandated the reduction of particles scour combined with water wash are Backwashing anthracite in deep bed (> 2.5 micrometer (µm)) to less than 20#/ collapse-pulse and sub-fluidized wash. applications requires a high quality filter mL (Roefer et al. 1995).

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Water Treatment 08 Filtration

In Alberta, particles (> 2 µm) from Figure 3: Effect of media sizes on the removal of TSS in the pilot study at Sioux Falls, SD individual filters should not exceed 50#/ mL (Suthaker et al. 2007). In municipal wastewater treatment, media filters are usually applied after secondary biological treatment reducing total suspended solids (TSS) to less than 5 milligram per liter (mg/L) for discharge compliance or reuse. Similar to drinking water cases, either a single layer of media or dual media with sand and anthracite are generally applied.

Example: Sioux Falls, SD Water Reclamation Plant A pilot study conducted at Sioux Falls greater solids capture capabilities of at less than 5 mg/L with effective media Water Reclamation Plant, Sioux Falls, larger media sizes as compared to the sizes of 1.56 mm and 2.01 mm (Figure 3). South Dakota used three effective sizes typical dual media configuration (usually This study suggests that by using coarse of coarse anthracite media: 1.56 media deep bed anthracite, filter mm, 2.01 mm, and 2.64 mm, “… using deep bed anthracite can throughput can be increased with a media depth of 5 feet without the need to increase the (Schmit et al. 2012). Results enable more flow with existing filter numbers of filters. showed that filter run length was arrangements thereby obviating the significantly greater than a dual Summary media configuration of 18’ (450 need to add more filters” Through the years, various mm) of 0.95-1.05 mm Effective types of media have been used Size (ES) anthracite over 12” (300 mm) of 0.05 pound per square foot (lb/ft2) per including anthracite over sand to improve 0.45-0.55 mm ES silica sand. Improved foot of the headloss [Figures 1 and 2]). particulate removal and filter run times. performance was also achieved by the Meanwhile, effluent TSS was maintained Research and full scale application of deep bed anthracite with and without a sand Figure 2: Effect of media sizes on the solids capture capability layer has shown that run times, loading rates, and particulate removal can be increased even further over conventional dual and mono-media filter beds. Some of the loading rate increases have been up to 60 percent more than standard configurations. This suggests that using deep bed anthracite can enable more flow with existing filter arrangements thereby obviating the need to add more filters.

Tom Getting, PE, BCEE Principal Engineer-Filtration Leopold, a xylem brand E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.xylem.com ال يمتلك القائمون على تشغيل محطات مياه الصرف الصحي والمياه ميزانية إلجراء تحسينات واسعة ومكلفة. وتحتاج هذه المحطات عادة إلى إعادة تأهيل أو توسيع إما للتقيد بالقواعد التنظيمية الجديدة والصارمة أو لزيادة قدرتها. وفي هذه الحاالت، يتوفر الحل في زيادة فعالية عملية الترشيح من خلل طبقات الفحم الصلب العميقة. ويعدُّ مرشح الوسائط الحُ بَيبي من التكنولوجيا األساسية لعملية الصقل وتستخدم إلنتاج نوعية مقبولة من المياه. يعتبر الفحم الصلب من مرشحات الوسائط التي تتماشى واستخدامات الوسائط المزدوجة النموذجية للحصول على مياه للشرب )وتكون بالعادة 18 إنش أو 450 ملم من الحجم الفعلي 0.95- 1.05 ملم على 12 من )300 ملم( من الحجم الفعلي لرمل السيليكا 0.45-0.55 ملم(. وفي الدراسات الحديثة، نجح المصممون الذين يستخدمون الفحم الصلب على أعماق تصل إلى 60 في تمديد وقت التشغيل وزيادة تخزين المواد الصلبة. واستخدم المصممون أيضً ا طبقات عميقة، وحبوب كبيرة الحجم، ووسائط الفحم الصلب األحادية في سيناريوهات التكدر المنخفض حيث تعالج المرشحات مصادرالمياه مباشرة من خلل إضافة كمية بسيطة من المواد الكيميائية ومزجها أمام المرشحات. ويتم قياس فعالية عملية المُستخلص الراجع من خلل النظافة الناتجة عن الوسائط وتكاليف الكهرباء والمياه اللزمة للعملية.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 09 ُمعالجة املياه الرتشيح

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Water Treatment 10 Filtration

Point-of-Entry Water Treatment Systems Market Forecasts A new report by Allied Market Research titled, "World Point-of-Entry Water Treatment Systems Market" projects that the world point-of-entry water treatment systems market is likely to generate revenue of USD6.6 billion by 2022, from contaminated water is growing and is expected to maintain its leading growing at a CAGR of 8.9 percent from globally. These factors collectively drive the position on account of growing population 2016 to 2022. Asia-Pacific is expected to point-of-entry water treatment systems and urbanization. However, the industrial maintain its leading position through 2022 market. However, the high equipment and sector is anticipated to grow at the owing to technological developments operation cost restricts demand of these highest CAGR, on account of stringent and rising awareness, backed by the systems, thereby hampering the market regulations regarding water quality for increasing disposable income. Water growth. Water softeners lead the market industries such as food & beverage and softening technology is anticipated to on account of the widespread usage pharmaceutical. Asia-Pacific currently maintain its dominance throughout the primarily among the residential customers. occupies the majority of market share. analysis period, followed by filtration Water filtration is the next prominent Improving economic conditions in China methods. The demand of clean drinking technology due to heavy demand from and India facilitate the growth in demand water is on a continuous rise worldwide, the industrial sector. The food & beverage for water treatment systems in these due to enormous growth in population. and semiconductor and electronics countries. The LAMEA region is expected The changes in lifestyle in recent years industries constitute a sizable demand to grow with a notable CAGR during the have resulted in increased consumption for water filters. In 2015, the residential forecast period, on account of improving of clean potable water. In addition, sector occupied a major share of the lifestyle and increasing health awareness awareness regarding health issues arising market among the application areas, among the populace. Effluent Treatment System for R&R Ice Cream

R&R Ice Cream has completed a four capability at the site by more than 20 (UF) and double pass year, USD33 million investment program percent and meant that the capacity of (RO) separating technology. The 2.5 at its Leeming Bar factory in North Axium’s on-site effluent treatment plant fold expansion scope of supply also Yorkshire which includes an on-site effluent had to be increased from 600,000 liters incorporated fully automated additional treatment system, designed, built and to 1.5 million liters per day. The effluent processes designed, installed and commissioned by filtration specialists, treatment plant was expanded with very commissioned by Axium Process to Axium Process. The investment program little disruption to R&R’s daily production further enhance the quality and condition helped R&R to increase its production and uses primarily both of the raw effluent entering the membrane system; removable sump debris catcher, aeration and mixing of large effluent holding tanks, triplex liquid solid separator pre-filtration, vertical shell and tube pasteurizers system (powered using excess heat from an onsite CHP plant), temperature controlled air cooling system and a pH adjustment tank were all new additions to the plant and located on the same size foot print as the old plant. The superior quality conditioned raw effluent is now passed through the four UF skids, with the UF permeate passed through a pair of double stage, double pass RO’s to recycle 90 percent of the effluent received to clean water for The effluent treatment plant reuse back in the factory.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 11 ُمعالجة املياه الرتشيح Liqtech to Supply Filtration System for Chinese Bioethanol Plant LiqTech International, Inc. is pleased to announce that the Company has entered into a Letter of Intent (LOI) to supply a USD1.8 million filtration system for a 100,000 tons per year bioethanol plant to be located in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. The Letter of intent is subject to execution of definitive documents and financing of treatment systems in China to date. We CEO, remarked, “We are very pleased the project from a Chinese Investment are excited to work with Heilongjiang to place this order with LiqTech. We bank. The filtration system is based on ZhongDan JianJe BioEnergy Co. have searched the market for a filtration the Company´s ceramic membranes Ltd. in developing this project. There technology suitable for our water, which and its newly developed Reverse is a great demand for water treatment contains high amounts of particles. The Osmosis systems. Sune Mathiesen, systems in China and we are currently bioethanol plant is scheduled to be in LiqTech CEO, remarked, “We recently working on several other opportunities operation in 2017 and when completed announced a Letter of Intent to establish for drinking water treatment, heavy metal it will be the largest bioethanol a diesel particulate joint venture factory removal and industrial applications. production facility in the world. We have in China. We have invested significant We are encouraged by this recent been very impressed with LiqTech´s resources in China over the past 12 development and we will continue engineering team, commercial staff and months and we are very pleased to be our efforts for further progress in management and we are working closely able to announce this Letter of Intent for China.” Torben A. Bonde, Heilongjiang with them in the development of this and what will be our largest order for water ZhongDan JianJe BioEnergy Co. Ltd. future projects.”

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Water Treatment 12 Filtration

Luminor Presents Rack-Mounted UV/Filtration System Luminor Environmental’s new Rack Mount System combines utility with reliability. Pairing Luminor’s state of the art UV system with a single or double filter housing makes installs a breeze. Simply plumb in both an inlet and outlet, insert the lamp and quartz sleeve, plug in the system and enjoy safe, better tasting drinking water. Luminor’s UV systems come in a range of sizes and are suited for numerous applications backed with an industry The rack-mounted system leading warranty, certifications, and support team. In addition, Luminor can offer customers the ability to seconds. The company’s proprietary taste, sediment and odor. All systems custom program each controller with lamp base ensures clients receive the come with an easy drain port and the their company branding and contact lucrative replacement lamp sale. The ability to add a sensor even after the information generating repeat sales rack mount systems come in sizes 8 install of an unmonitored system. The and customer loyalty. Programming to 15gpm and are perfect for most Rack Mount system truly embodies can be done in the field or at the residential applications and still offers Luminor’s mission to provide a high shop by simply plugging in a dealer all the features and functionality of the quality user friendly product customers programing module and waiting 30 standard systems while addressing won’t soon forget. MEMBRANE Provides Complete Filtration Packages

MEMBRANE is a worldwide specialist in Industries served range from oil & gas, to pressure filters or cartridge filters for several designing, manufacturing, commissioning pharmaceutical, power, electronic, and types of applications ranging from particle high-end fluid treatment packages. military. MEMBRANE’s vision is creating separation to RO pretreatment. Small The company operates offshore and value and delivering benefits to customers medium, and large flow rates are routinely onshore with its own qualified engineers. as the primary way to help them focus managed. Several types of media (for All design and manufacturing is proudly on their goals. MEMBRANE Filtration dual- and multi-media filters) are available Made in Italy, at the Milano’s headquarter. Packages are ASME VIII (upon request) to choose among, as well as hundreds of different cartridges and materials for the cartridge filtration. Cartridges can even be disposable, reusable, backwashable, or self-cleaning. The complete chemical dosing package necessary to the process is optionally supplied with the filters. The complete skid, painted to any kind of environment specifications include valves, piping, pumps, blowers, and come pretested at the company’s factory. The whole process is PLC controlled, with an exclusive software. Flow rates ranging from 10 m3/h to 2000 m3/h are achieved. The fine filtration units are designed according to ASME, ANSI, MEMBRANE Sand Filters UNI standards whichever applicable.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 13 ُمعالجة املياه الرتشيح

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ WasteWater Treatment 14 Grey Water Treatment Grey Water Treatment: Remedy against Water Shortage in Qatar? atar, along its rapid development as part of 2030 Vision, faces a fundamental problem of scarce water resources. Groundwater supplies are limited and overexploited. Booming civilization, new roads being built across the country, Q 50 new hotels just in 2 years, more than 15 newly emerging shopping malls and thousands of labor workers arriving every month – this has all led to the country having the highest water consumption per capita in the world: >500 L/day/person, according to the Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI). To meet local demands, the State of Qatar is 99 percent dependent on desalinated seawater, an energy intensive and expensive source. Since neither groundwater sup- plies, nor a few days of rain per year are even close to bringing any reserves, the Public Works Authority ‘Ashgal’ has been actively promoting alternative sources of water supply. The direction is toward helping the booming civilization to become self-sufficient in some aspects. Let’s find out how and who will benefit the most. Is ecology just for the rich? rising commodity prices, being a result of five years, these figures are expected to In 2008, a Four Star Hotel in Bad increased maintenance costs of sewers double their capacity thanks to further Windsheim, Germany, connected all 20 and treatment plants in a shrinking society. new developments: a sewage treatment rooms to a grey water cycle. The low plant in Al Thakhira, an expansion of a polluted resource from wash basins and Reality in Qatar plant in the Industrial Area and a project showers was collected separately and Qatar is facing quite adverse conditions in southern Doha. Along with that, treated to obtain a hygienic supply for toilet than the case study from Germany. With ‘Ashgal’ does not allow the society to stay flushing. The plan for the future was to re- substantial water shortage in the period passive observing the aggressive vision use the so-called white water (high quality of rapid development, the cost of buying of the Gulf’s development. Apart from service water) for the first stages relying strictly on governmental of washing in dish washers “A recently opened Doha North institutions to provide substantial and washing machines as well. water supply, why not share the Bearing in mind the scale of just Sewage Treatment Plant is targeted to responsibility and leave some of 20 rooms, the investment into a serve a population of 900,000 citizens” it for developers who also benefit new alternative sanitation system from Qatar’s rapid growth? could seem a lavish choice. Climate desalinated water is not the only concern. change causing water shortages, rapid A recently opened Doha North Sewage New source of water supply urbanization or population growth could Treatment Plant is targeted to serve a With depleting groundwater reserves, costly be explicable reasons, yet still convincing population of 900,000 citizens, treating desalination and scarce rainwater, The Gulf just for the forward thinking ones. In 245,000m³ of wastewater on a daily countries are left to look for alternative Germany, back in 2008 the reason was basis. According to ‘Ashgal’, over the next sources of water supply. Parallel to sewage treatment done by public authorities, there is another resource which can be efficiently used to its full potential – grey water. It is generated in households or office buildings – in water basins, lavatory flush and showers, excluding toilet (black water) and kitchen (contains biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) matter, fat and grease). Once treated from solids, hair, organic contaminants, oils, bacteria like e-coli and measurable levels of BOD and COD (chemical oxygen demand), it can be reused for flushing toilets or irrigation. This results in a 30 percent reduction to potable water use for the development. A drawback to grey water treatment is definitely the need to collect it in a separate drainage pipework. Basins, showers and baths are the primary input for pipework installation. Nevertheless, the same network could also collect grey water Grey water recycling system proposal by Watermaster's supplier, Aquaco Water Recycling UK from washing machines, laundries, kitchen

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 15 ُمعالجة مياه الرصف معالجة املياه الرمادية sinks, dishwashers and AC installation. The ©Aquaco Water Recycling UK top goal is to separate black water from entering the grey water system. In order to start the treatment process of grey water and make it economically profitable, the quantity collected has to be sufficient and, most importantly, regular like in housing developments. The amount of grey water collected should be observed. If stored for more than 24 hours, it starts to create bad odors. Therefore, it is worthy to plan the amount of grey water which can be re-used indoors for human use, as well as outside Visualization of a packaged grey water system suited for residential buildings for irrigation. Another condition before starting to plan the investment is an effective treatment system plant. It is absolutely consists of a Collection Tank which transfers untreated grey water to the MBR chamber necessary as using contaminated grey grey water immediately to the Aeration Tank which is aerated by a diffuser attached to water can be hazardous to health, even for for agitation and to keep the wastewater the bottom of the membrane housing. Air irrigation. Limitations are substantial in all from getting septic. Aerated grey water is is continuously supplied, going through cases, notwithstanding the water quality for dosed with coagulants for efficient settling self-cleaning membranes of a pore size toilet flushing. Modern treatment systems of particles. A built-in dosing system caters of 0.2 microns. This helps to remove any are able to satisfy these parameters. for required capacity of dosing pump and trapped particles or a build-up of bio-mass. tank. Excess grey water (if any) overflows Treated grey water is supplied through the Packaged grey water to the sewage system. It is transferred membranes to a clearwater tank with a treatment system into the filtration tank for membrane filter suction pump. When the clearwater tank Watermaster, experts in water related and filtrate box treatment. Treated grey reaches an adequate volume, a float switch solutions for over 35 years in the Middle East water is collected and transferred to the activates an effluent pump which directs and Africa (MEA) region, suggest a treated grey water to a concrete Packaged Grey Water Treatment “Grey water treatment is a novatory treated grey water storage tank. System (GTS). Completely safe, Grey water treatment is a novatory equipped with Bio-Membrane filter, approach to water reuse in the regions approach to water reuse in the it ensures complete separation where water is a scarce commodity” regions where water is a scarce of the biomass from treated grey commodity. Modern treatment water, freeing it from solids and bacteria concrete storage tank via a twin pump unit, systems are an investment, however, they or germs with a blocking rate of 98-99 one duty and one standby. The treatment bring substantial savings in the long run percent. The recycling process also entails system is connected to a main control and are sustainable, helping to preserve biological treatment whilst the ultrafiltration unit, completely programmed and pre- national and environmental resources for is performed by Membrane Bio-Reactor assembled. Grey water is then directed future generations. (MBR). To begin, due to water quality to an inlet tank, which has an overflow to concerns from bacterial growth, collection a sump pit and sewer network, to cater Souheil Nasrallah systems are designed and constructed for high-flow periods during the day. The Deputy General Manager Watermaster in such a way so grey water reaches the GTS system activates a pump within the E-mail: [email protected] treatment process as soon as possible. GTS inlet tank on-demand. It transfers the Web: www.watermaster.me

تواجه قطر مشكلة أساسية في شح مصادر المياه في ظلِّ التطور السريع الذي تخبره في إطار رؤية قطر الوطنية 2030. إنَّ إمدادات المياه الجوفية محدودة وتتعرَّض للستغ لالمفرط. ووفقًالمعهد قطر لبحوث البيئة والطاقة، أدَّى اإلنفتاح الحضاري، وتعبيد طرق جديدة في جميع أنحاء البلد، وبناء 50 فندق جديد في سنتين فقط، باإلضافة إلى إنشاء أكثر من 15 مركز جديد للتسوق، ووفود اآلالف من العمال كل شهر إلى البلد، جميعها عوامل أدَّت إلى تسجيل البلد أعلى معدل استهلك للمياه للفرد في العالم: 500 ليتر في اليوم للشخص الواحد. تعتمد دولة قطر بنسبة 99 في المئة على تحلية مياه البحر لتلبية الطلب المحلي، ولكنَّه يُعتبر مصدرًا كثيف االسته ك لللطاقة ومكلفًا. وبما أنّه اليمكن إلمدادات المياه الجوفية، وال بضعة أيام من األمطار سنويًا أن تؤمِّن إحطياطًا للمياه، تعمل هيئة األشغال العامة "أشغال" على تعزيز أنشطة المصادر البديلة إلمدادات المياه. وتتجه نحو مساعدة االزدهار الحضاري على االكتفاء الذاتي في بعض الجوانب. فقد تمَّ مؤخرًا افتتاح محطة معالجة الصرف الصحي في شمال الدوحة لخدمة 900.000 مواطن، وتعالج 245.000 متر مكعب من مياه الصرف الصحي يوميًا. ووفقًالـ "أشغال" من المتوقَّع أن تتضاعف هذه األرقام في السنوات الخمس المقبلة بفضل إجراء المزيد من التطورات الجديدة مثل: إنشاء محطة لمعالجة مياه الصرف الصحي في مدينة الذخيرة، وتوسيع محطَّ ة في المنطقة الصناعية، وووضع مشروع في جنوب الدوحة.

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ WasteWater Treatment 16 Grey Water Treatment

Black & Veatch Wins HKIA Expansion Project

Black & Veatch has won a water management role in the expansion of Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) that incorporates business sustainability best practices. The Black & Veatch team will design the hydraulic and water treatment systems for the new Three-runway System (3RS) to be completed by 2024. The HKIA expansion will meet future air traffic growth and maintain its competitiveness as an international costs. The sewerage system will be Compact technologies will be used to aviation hub while improving the protected against severe corrosive limit the footprint required for sewage facilities’ operational resilience. attacks given its coastal location and treatment without sacrificing treatment Black & Veatch’s design will save potentially septic environment through efficiency. Seawater will also be on future costs, reduce demand for a composite of physical, chemical used as an alternative source to cool potable water supply and increase and biological solutions. An advanced water for air conditioning and flushing the lifespan of the infrastructure. grey water system will first collect then purposes, further reducing demand The design will also incorporate recycle grey water along with other for potable water. A smart drinking smart network systems and asset treated water for reuse. The treated water supply system will provide real- management principles that will grey water will be reused for irrigation. time monitoring, automatic supply enable short and long term decision This will reduce demand for potable control, intelligent data analysis and making that optimizes water resources water for irrigation and reduce the a decision-making tool to take cost- as well as operational and capital loading to the sewerage system. effective actions. An Innovative Solution to a Known Dilemma

As water resources become more treatment method of multimedia filter, high quality recovered grey water for scarce, grey water recovery also become carbon filter and ultrafiltration has individual and small scale applications, a vital need. To meet this need in the been a popular method for grey water Rielli engineers developed a concept course of time, engineers developed and recovery. However, regardless of the of simple yet innovative solutions. applied several techniques. Especially in order these methods are applied, they Targeting the organic load in the grey the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) all present problems such as blockage water, which is the main cause for region and in single family homes and odor in the recovered water. In the odor and blocking problems, the new and apartment buildings combined, challenge of providing odor-free and Rielli grey water treatment plants first biologically degrade all the dissolved and suspended organics in grey water. Followed by an ultrafiltration process or using the MBR process integrated to the biologic phase, treated grey water reaches the specs of high quality irrigation water. Biologic treatment and MBR processes can easily be applied for relatively large scale applications like hotels. Moreover, the outstanding part of the new Rielli plants is the possibility to apply them in small scale applications such as single-family homes and houses or apartments. With their compact design, the new plants can pass through doors and be placed Rielli grey water treatment plant in basements or garages.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 17 ُمعالجة مياه الرصف معالجة املياه الرمادية

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Desalination Technology 18 Electrodialysis Reversal Operating Flexibility & Economics Re-shape Electrodialysis Reversal istorically, on the basis of capital cost and power consumption, electrodialysis (ED) technology has taken second place to reverse osmosis (RO) as a non-thermal desalination method for seawater. However, by taking a new direction, current H ED(R) design is not only challenging this position but also making its mark in industrial water recovery from RO systems. Precursors to the next EDR reducing energy consumption and (b), Environment and Water Industry Evoqua’s electrodialysis was initially a relative fall in the costs of automated Programme Office. In 2008, new energy conceived as a low-energy alternative valve technology, control systems and saving capabilities were developed in to thermal techniques for desalting ED module construction. It was vital, in the laboratory, which then led to Evoqua seawater. It has since found a practical redesigning EDR equipment, to retain winning the government’s ‘Singapore role in brackish water desalination, the existing features of the process Challenge’. The race was then for the enabling industry authorities to utilize and its intrinsic advantages over RO: company’s US and Singapore R&D an otherwise untapped resource. In low operating pressure; noiseless facilities to develop a commercial version the 1970s, reverse osmosis found operation; no vibration; output tenability; of the process. By 2011 a 50m3/day suitability in large-scale desalination operational flexibility; chlorine tolerance; pilot system showed that the new EDR plants, once commonly operated with and no exotic materials required for desalination process could use half the thermal techniques, which can make piping, valves, pumping, etc. The energy of an equivalent RO plant. It use of waste heat from sites was also shown to be tunable such as power plants and to required output salinities, refineries. RO subsequently“ED, originally introduced in the 1950s, or (TDS) flourished in locations without competed with RO in brackish water and to be quiet in operation, a large source of ‘free’ heat. working at low pressure. The ED, originally introduced in the desalting applications” heart of this next-generation 1950s, competed with RO in EDR module, named NEXEDTM, brackish water desalting applications. problem was how to bridge the gap is an innovative membrane with a With the advent of polarity reversal, EDR to create an economic advantage. For unique design. The membrane is became more competitive with RO due Evoqua Water Technologies, advances superior to earlier ED technology in its to reduced pretreatment requirements made in the development of Ionpure electrical resistance, permselectivity (lessening the need for acid and continuous electrodeionization (CEDI) (charge selectivity), and water transport antiscalant treatments). modules provided a platform to improve allowance. The modular, cross-flow on existing EDR. Three key tasks were cell construction addresses an earlier New approach for changing times identified: to introduce a new membrane, limitation of ED, which is the incomplete In the past decade, two converging a new module construction and a low utilization of membrane surface area. market trends prompted a review energy process design. In NEXEDTM, the membrane performs and remodeling of EDR, as a serious ionic filtration across approximately 85 competitor to RO desalination. These EDR breakthrough percent of the total area – an increase were (a), a rising requirement to The project that ultimately established a of up to 25 percent on existing devices. conserve and recycle water, both in new EDR generation was a technology potable and industrial applications, while endeavor funded by the Singapore A cost-driven design uses highly automated, modular cell construction and molded components. Coupled with the higher membrane performance and utilization, the result is reduced costs on all fronts: system, energy, lifecycle and footprint. Low-energy, low-pressure membranes and tunable dissolved solids (TDS) removal capability reduce energy expenditures and also minimize system maintenance. By adjusting input power, the module can manipulate output quality to meet changing application requirements, or to provide consistent water quality with Nexed EDR Module variable feed water parameters.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 19 تقنية تحلية املياه الفصل الغشايئ الكهربايئ العكيس

RO reject recovery application optimized to reduce water consumption not a problem for new generation EDR. Although, through exhaustive testing, and reduce disposal costs. Typically, A single module treats up to 12 m3/h the new generation of EDR design RO systems only recover between 50 (53 gpm) RO reject, while removing is proven to deliver cost-effective percent and 75 percent of water. The over 50 percent of total ionized solids. desalination, the operational flexibility remainder is discharged as wastewater. This enables up to 97 percent overall of the design also permits system water recovery and in other applications, including “Typically, RO systems only comparison to a second RO RO reject recovery. Industries stage, EDR is less susceptible that require high-purity water recover between 50 percent and 75 to problems of silica scaling. such as semiconductor, percent of water” pharmaceutical, food and beverage processing and power While this could be fed directly into Charles P Buzzell commonly use RO systems. They a second RO unit, the likelihood of Business Development Manager Evoqua Water Technologies produce waste brackish reject streams scaling or the second RO E-mail: [email protected] with high salt concentrations that can be without pretreatment is high. This is Web: www.evoqua.com تاريخيًا، احتلَّت تقنية الفصل الغشائي الكهربائي المركز الثاني خلف تقنية التناضح العكسي باعتبارها وسيلة من وسائل تحلية المياه غير الحرارية، وذلك من جهة التكاليف الرأسمالية واستهلك الطاقة. إ َّ ال أنَّهمع اتخاذه منحى جديدًا، ال يشكِّل التصميم الحالي للفصل الغشائي الكهربائي العكسي تحديًا لهذا المركز وحسب، بل يترك بصمة في انتعاش قطاع المياه تختلف عن نظم التناضح العكسي. لقد اعتُبِر الفصل الغشائي الكهربائي "إيفوكا" )Evoqua( في البداية كبديلٍموفِّرٍ للطاقة يختلف عن التقنيات الحرارية المستخدمة في تحلية مياه البحر. وقد وجد منذ ذلك الحين دورًا له في عملية تحلية المياه. األمر الذي أتاح لهيئات الصناعة من استخدام مورد آخر لم يستغله أحد. لقد تناسب اعتماد التناضح العكسي في السبعينات في محطات تحلية المياه ذات النطاق الواسع، وهي عادة كانت تعمل بالتقنيات الحرارية والتي بدورها كانت تستفيد من الحرارة الناتجة عن مواقع مثل محطات توليد الكهرباء ومصافي النفط. وازدهرت تقنية التناضح العكسي في ما بعد في مواقع تفتقر إلى مصدر كبير للحرارة "المجانية". وتمَّ إدخال تقنية الفصل الغشائي الكهربائي في الخمسينات. وتنافست مع تقنية التناضح العكسي في استخدامها لتحلية المياه. ومع ظهور القطبية العكسية، أصبح الفصل الغشائي الكهربائي العكسي أكثر قدرة على التنافس والتناضح العكسي نتيجة النخفاض متطلبات المعالجة المسبقة.

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Feature 20 Sampling & Analyzing Equipment

Feature Sampling & Analyzing Equipment 21 Water Testing & Analysis Equipment: Stand the Test of Time 24 Analyzer Monitors Hazardous Chromium VI in Drinking Water 24 SEAL Launches New Range of Digestion Blocks

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 21 موضوع خاص ّمعدات أخذ العينات وتحليلها Water Testing & Analysis Equipment: Stand the Test of Time lean water constitutes an essential part of life and well-being. Consequently, water testing is a vital part of the equation as millions of quality tests are executed daily to ensure safety of water supply. With increasing population growth, natural C calamities like droughts and earthquakes, and breaking of epidemic diseases bring environmental water testing and its management to the forefront, according to a recent Mordor Intelligence report. As a matter of fact, IndustryARC reveals that the water testing and analysis market is set to reach USD4.87 billion by 2020 at a high CAGR. Moreover, in a highly competitive environment, manufacturers are exerting all their effort on providing advanced water quality testing equipment with smart connectivity options.

Assessing water quality is vital Contaminated water can be the source of large outbreaks of disease. Some common water borne diseases are E. coli, Legionella and Pseudomonas. As defined by WHO, consumption of any impurities suspended or dissolved beyond capacity may lead to serious health issues and in extreme circumstance may prove fatal. Therefore, monitoring water quality with the right equipment is crucial. In 2013, the global E. coli testing market was estimated at USD1.2 billion and by 2022, the market is projected to be worth USD2.1 billion, reports Transparency Market Research (TMR). As for Europe, the E. coli testing market was valued at USD41.28 million through the next five years. Industrial Malnutrition and scarcity of nutrients in in 2013 and is estimated to reach USD wastewater/effluent is polluted byemerging countries of Middle East and 67.90 million by 2022. organic, inorganic, and biological Africa and Asia Pacific has raised serious contaminants. The wastewater/effluent concerns because the demand of water Environmental water testing has to be tested and treated before quality monitoring in these regions has Water quality monitoring equipment disposing it in the environment. With the risen significantly. PMR’s report reveals that market can be segmented on the basis growing industrial activity, generation the raising concern over the health in urban of product type; portable, handheld and of wastewater/effluent is projected to regions has also boosted the water quality bench-top. For environmental monitoring equipment market. Not end users, analysts state only limited to general use, water that the most commonly “The market for environmental testing quality monitoring equipment used product type is portable for wastewater/effluents is also also finds its extensive use in equipment where analysis is estimated to have the largest market chemical and pharmaceutical mostly performed on field. The manufacturing. Properties such American market is, as stated share through the next five years” as turbidity, alkalinity, basicity and by Mordor Intelligence’s report, presence of other chemical in the single largest market for testing of increase, which is projected to drive its waters is of prime importance to industries environmental water apart from Europe testing service market, adds the report. to get desired chemical or product failure and Rest of the World. Along these of which can be disastrous. Laboratories lines, the environmental testing market Monitoring devices: studying aquatic life employ significant use was led by the wastewater/effluent In high demand of water quality monitoring equipment, segment in 2015, according to another The rising consumption of water for adds the report. The demand for water new report by Markets and Markets. industrial or for domestic purposes quality monitoring equipment is anticipated The market for environmental testing for has instigated a high demand of water to increase multifold owing to extensive wastewater/effluents is also estimated quality monitoring devices, according to need in various industries and for general to have the largest market share Persistence Market Research (PMR). purpose use.

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Feature 22 Sampling & Analyzing Equipment

Analysts affirm that North America and as ammonia and nitrite and plays an are less than 100nm in size and can Western Europe dominate the water important role in aquaculture as algae be used to detect single cells and monitoring market in terms of demand. and other aquatic plant life survive on particles at the atomic level which The high demand in these regions nitrogen and phosphorus. However, an enables nanoparticle-based sensing is attributed to high demand in the excess availability of nitrogen results platforms to offer better sensitivity industrial segment. Moreover, PMR’s in an algal bloom that elevates the compared to the existing platforms at report states that the region of Middle amount of toxins and bacteria, which a much shorter time. Technavio’s report East and Africa, APEJ and Japan are will have a significant impact on the affirms that nanotechnology will allow anticipated to register the highest quality of water and food resources. the miniaturization of sensors and also growth owing to rising health concern Moreover, the availability of excess helps in simultaneously monitoring and developing industrial sector multiple variables. As a result, during the forecast period (2016 “… the coming years will witness the coming years will witness – 2026). Followed by APEJ, an increase in the adoption of Latin America and Eastern an increase in the adoption of nanotechnology in water quality Europe are expected to follow nanotechnology in water quality testing equipment. exhibiting strong growth during testing equipment” the forecast period. Competitive landscape nitrogen and phosphorus lowers the The market is characterized by the Innovations in nanotechnology amount of the oxygen needed by fish presence of a number of players who Market research analysts at Technavio and aquatic life to survive. Monitoring provide water testing equipment at high identify the demand for high production water quality becomes mandatory in quality. Since all the vendors compete in aqua businesses as one of the aquaculture and water quality meters for a considerable share of the market, primary growth factors for the water can be used to provide real-time data the competitive environment appears quality sensors market. The market and also warn aquaculture farmers to be intense, asserts Technavio. To research report explains that nitrogen on the excess availability of nitrogen establish their presence in the market provides nutrients and metabolites such and other metabolites. Nanoparticles and have a competitive advantage over their competitors, the report states that vendors have started providing water quality sensors/water quality meters with smart connectivity options to facilitate end-users monitor the system on a real- time basis. Some of the leading players in the water quality monitoring equipment market are General Electric Company, LaMotte Company, In-Situ, Horiba, HACH, Honeywell International Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific, Danaher Corporation, Emerson Electric Co., Mettler-Toledo International Inc. and Shimadzu Corporation, among others.

Dana Hani Content Editor & Researcher

يشكِّل الماء النظيف جزءًا أساسيًا من الحياة والرفاه. ونتيجة لذلك، يتعبر اختبار نوعية المياه جزءًا حيويًا من المعادلة، إذ يتم فحص جودة المياه مليين المرات يوميًا لضمان سلمة إمدادات المياه. ووفقًا لتقرير حديث صدر مؤخَّ رًا عن شركة "موردور إنتاليجنس" )Mordor Intelligence(، تضع الكوارث الطبيعية مثل الجفاف والزالزل وانتشار األمراض الوبائية، مسألة اختبار المياه البيئية وإدارتها في الصدارة في ظلِّ زيادة النمو السكاني. في الواقع، كشفت شركة "اندستري أي أر سي" )IndustryARC( أنَّه من المتوقع أن تبلغ سوق فحص المياه وتحليلها 4.87 مليار دوالر أمريكي بحلول عام 2020 بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب عال. ويقود االستهلك المتنامي للمياه المستخدمة ألغراض صناعية هذه السوق. وإضافة إلى ذلك، يبذل المصنعون كل جهدهم في هذه البيئة التنافسية لتوفير أجهزة متطورة الختبار جودة المياه، وتتوفر فيها خيارات االتصال الذكي. ويمكن أن يشكِّل الماء الملوث مصدرًا لتفشي األمراض على نطاق واسع. إنَّ بعض األمراض المشتركة التي تنقلها المياه هي اإلشريكية القولونية والفَيلَقِيَّةُوالزائفة. وكما هو محدد من قبل منظمة الصحة العالمية، قد يؤدِّي استهلك أي شوائب علقت أو ذابت بنسبة تفوق قدرتها إلى مشاكل صحية خطيرة أو قاتلة في بعض الظروف القصوى. لذلك، تعتبر مراقبة نوعية المياه باستخدام المعدات المناسبة أمرًا بالغ األهمية.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 23 موضوع خاص ّمعدات أخذ العينات وتحليلها

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Feature 24 Sampling & Analyzing Equipment

Analyzer Monitors Hazardous Chromium VI in Drinking Water Municipal water treatment engineers who must monitor chromium VI in drinking water will find the CA6 Colorimetric Analyzer from Electro-Chemical Devices provides precise and dependable measurement to ensure compliance with local, state and federal drinking water standards. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), chromium is an odorless and tasteless metallic element that is found naturally in rocks, plants, soil and volcanic The CA6 Colorimetric Analyzer dust, and animals. The most common forms of chromium that occur in natural waters in the environment are trivalent but it also can be produced by industrial total chromium is 100 percent chromium chromium (chromium III) and hexavalent processes. There are demonstrated VI, the more toxic form. If tap water from a chromium (chromium VI.) Chromium III is instances of chromium being released to public water system exceeds this federal an essential human dietary element. It is the environment by leakage, poor storage, standard, consumers will be notified. The found in many vegetables, fruits, meats, or inadequate industrial waste disposal Model CA6 Colorimetric Analyzer from grains, and yeast. Chromium VI occurs practices. To ensure the greatest potential ECD is an on-line sequential sampling naturally in the environment from the chromium risk is addressed, the U.S. analyzer that is designed to monitor erosion of natural chromium deposits, EPA's assumes that a measurement of Chromium VI in drinking water. SEAL Launches New Range of Digestion Blocks

SEAL Analytical will use WWEM 2016 consumables we can guarantee their 15ml vials, Stuart says the SmartBlock to launch a new range of digestion quality. The vials undergo rigorous II instruments are also priced very blocks that it expects to “sell like testing to ensure that they are free competitively. Visitors to the SEAL hot cakes.” The new ‘SmartBlock from any contamination, and they are stand will also be able to view the II’ range and their sample vials are fully compatible with the SmartBlock company’s latest automated discrete all manufactured by SEAL under II range, so they are ideal for metals analyzer, the AQ400, which provides fast, the Thomas Cain brand. “This is analysis.” With a new sleek design and high-throughput analysis with improved important,” says SEAL President a range that includes 36, 60 and 96 reproducibility and greater flexibility. Stuart Smith. “By manufacturing the position blocks for 100ml, 50ml and The AQ400 has all the advantages of discrete analysis which includes auto- standard preparation, auto-dilution, automatic method changeover and low reagent consumption. Regulatory approved applications (EPA, ISO) include nutrients such as nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate, Chromium VI, TKN, TP etc. in water, wastewater, soils, extracts and digests. With facilities in Europe, USA and China, SEAL Analytical is a world specialist in the design, development and manufacture of laboratory analyzers including automated discrete and segmented flow nutrient analyzers for use in environmental and The SmartBlock II industrial laboratories.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 Industry Spotlights 25 Irrigation Technology Industry Spotlights Irrigation Technology 26 Smart Irrigation Market Worth USD1,504.6 Million by 2022 27 SABIC’s Innovative Pipe Solutions for Agriculture 27 Newest Generation WATERMARK Monitor 28 Ideal Injector for Irrigation Applications 28 Eurodrip Offers Cost Effective Drip Irrigation Solutions 29 Smart Touch for the Centerstar Product Range

Oily Water Separators 30 Enhance the Efficiency of Oil/Water Separators with Oil Skimmers

Submersible Pumps 34 Submersible Pump Market Growth: In Sync with Rising Urbanization & Industrialization 35 Grindex Expands Product Portfolio with Mega Inox 35 Lubi Presents its Wide Range of Submersible Pumps 36 Pumps for Copper Ore 36 Reputation for Reliability Wins Landia More Work

Arab Water World (AWW) OctoberPhoto 2016 Courtesy / Vol. XXXIX of Issue SABIC 10 Industry Spotlights 26 Irrigation Technology Smart Irrigation Market Worth USD1,504.6 Million by 2022 ccording to the new market research report "Smart Irrigation Market” by Irrigation Controller (Weather-Based Controllers and Sensor-Based Controllers), Hardware and Network Components, Application, and Geography - Global Forecast A to 2022", the smart irrigation market is expected to reach USD1,504.6 million by 2022, at a CAGR of 17.2 percent between 2016 and 2022. The factors which are driving the smart irrigation market are increasing demand for food production, reduction in the wastage of resources, and increasing concern for water conservation.

Sensors to lead smart based on irrigation controllers. Weather- turf and landscape, golf course, and irrigation market based controllers set the amount of others. Measuring soil moisture and Sensors are expected to hold the largest water for irrigation after understanding maintaining the right amount of water in the share of the smart irrigation market by the water requirement of the plant or soil is important in the non-agricultural 2022. A sensor is a device that measures crops. The amount of irrigation water application as it helps to minimize the the changes in physical quantity or varies with the local weather. For wastage of water and others resources. environmental characteristics and converts instance, less water is used in rainy The benefits of optimizing irrigation it into signals that serve as inputs for control. or winter seasons and more water in scheduling with soil moisture sensors Sensors in irrigation are further segmented summer season. Weather-based or include increasing crop yields, saving to rain/freeze sensor, soil moisture water, protecting local water sensor, temperature sensor, wind “The U.S. is the largest market resources from runoff, saving sensor, flow sensor, and fertigation on energy and fertilizer costs, sensor. Efficient utilization of sensor for smart irrigation” and increasing the profitability helps to enhance the productivity of the farm. and profitability of land and crop, this is smart controllers supply the irrigation because it helps growers to decide when water on the basis of soil type, weather North America dominated the to irrigate, what amount of irrigation water changes, and others. market in 2015 is required, and how much fertilizers are North America dominated the global required by the plants. Non-agriculture application smart irrigation market in 2015. The North The market for non-agriculture application America region has shown a progressive Weather-based irrigation controllers segment dominates the smart irrigation growth for the protection of the The weather-based irrigation controllers market based on irrigation controller. Non- environment and planned use of natural dominated the smart irrigation market agriculture application includes residential, resources. With the increasing concern for water conservation and to minimize the wastage of resources, the governments in North America are actively participating and providing rebates and subsidy to enhance the application of smart irrigation for residential and non-residential use. The U.S. is the largest market for smart irrigation. The municipalities in the U.S. and water agencies are offering rebates on smart irrigation and water-efficient irrigation components. Marketsandmarkets Web: www.marketsandmarkets.com وفقًالتقرير جديد عن أبحاث السوق بعنوان "سوق الري الذكي"، للتحكم بالري )التحكم القائم على الطقس والتحكم االستشعاري(، مكونات األجهزة والشبكة، التطبيق، التوزيع الجغرافي، والتوقع العالمي حتى العام 2022. ومن المتوقع أن تبلغ سوق الري الذكي 1،504.6 مليون دوالر أمريكي بحلول عام 2022، بمعدل سنوي مركب نسبته 17.2 في المئة بين عامي 2016 و 2022. وتزيد العوامل التي تقود سوق الري الذكي الطلب على اإلنتاج الغذائي، والحد من إهدار الموارد، وزيادة االهتمام بالمحافظة على المياه. ومن المتوقَّعأن تحتلَّ أجهزة االستشعارات الحصة الكبرى من سوق الري الذكي بحلول عام 2022. فجهاز االستشعار عبارة عن جهاز يقيس التغيرات في الكمية المادية أو الخصائص البيئية ويحوِّلها إلى إشارات تعمل كضوابط للمدخلت. ويساعد االستخدام الفعال لجهاز االستشعار على تعزيز اإلنتاجية والمردود الجيد لألراضي والمحاصيل الزراعية، ألنه يساعد المزارعين على تحديد موعد للري وكمية المياه واألسمدة المطلوبة لكل نوع من النبات.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 27 أخبار صناعية تقنية الري SABIC’s Innovative Pipe Solutions for Agriculture

Ensuring an adequate supply of food for a fast-growing world population is one of today’s major global challenges. With conventional methods of farming and fishing reaching their limits, innovative solutions are required. As a specialist in innovative plastic pipe solutions, SABIC is committed to addressing the challenge of increasing food production with limited water resources by developing a number of alternative techniques, such as pressure and drip irrigation. Irrigation systems help increase the yield of agriculture, while ensuring the most SABIC Pipe economic use of water possible. Drip irrigation supplies water directly to the typically used for advanced drip irrigation at lower lifecycle costs – a major global fertile ground, thus limiting the amount systems. SABIC® VESTOLEN A 5061R priority for the industry. To help its of water lost through evaporation and and SABIC® PE100 is used for pressure customers address these needs, SABIC supporting more efficient irrigation. irrigation of arable land. And SABIC® is continually expanding its portfolio Traditional systems waste water through VESTOLEN P is used for the heating and of material technologies. These new overwatering or run-off. SABIC® LLDPE cooling of farms and larger agricultural solutions enable sustainable, long-term 0132HS00 is a hexene-1 copolymer that complexes. The company supports reliability and durability options for the provides high mechanical toughness its customers in the pipe industry by agriculture industry. The company calls and stress crack resistance and is developing new, sustainable solutions this “Chemistry That Matters.”™ Newest Generation WATERMARK Monitor

Automatic Data Collection systems customized to the user’s application data access option permits viewing the provide a graphical record of soil by inputting program characteristics data in alternate locations via cellular moisture trends to assist the grower such as monitor location, sensor type service. WATERMARK Monitor’s in making critical irrigation scheduling and location, reading frequency, etc.. features are as follows: Collects and decisions. The equipment is simple WaterGraph software is included records up to eight sensor inputs; to install and use. Designed for harsh and takes only a few minutes to set Reading intervals selected by user; Soil outdoor installations, all the enclosures up. Data can be read in the field or moisture readings can be temperature are weather tight. Data display can be downloaded to a shuttle. The remote compensated; Downloadable WaterGraph software included; Direct USB connection to computers; Display shows the sensor name, type, current and recent status; Wire strain relief connectors keep enclosure sealed; and Low cost battery ( 9-0Volt ) lasts up to one year. The WATERMARK Model 900M comes complete with the following items-Monitor in a heavy duty outdoor enclosure, seven WATERMARK soil moisture sensors with 4.5m wire leads, one soil temperature sensor, 9V battery, and instruction manual. Available without sensors and with other sensor combinations. (WaterGraph software The WATERMARK Model 900M available as a free download.)

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Industry Spotlights 28 Irrigation Technology

Ideal Injector for Irrigation Applications

Mazzei® Venturi Injectors are the most unreliable, and sometimes even safely. The injector is plumbed into the efficient and economical method to dangerous to add fertilizers and water water system around either a booster inject and mix liquid chemicals into treatment chemicals into a water pump or a restrictive device, such a water system. In the agricultural stream. The Mazzei Injector creates as a valve, which creates a pressure industry, many growers rely on a negative pressure (vacuum) to mix difference from the inlet side of the pressurized irrigation systems which any liquid substance into a pressurized injector to the outlet side generating often make it difficult, expensive, water stream reliably, accurately, and a pull at the injector suction port. For most Mazzei models, significant suction occurs with only a 25 percent-30 percent pressure differential. The injector is effective for use in both sprinkler and drip irrigation systems and is also suitable for many industrial injecting and/or mixing applications. With Mazzei, clients get the advantages of a non- mechanical chemigation system that is easy to maintain, and has precise mixing and uniform distribution of material into the water stream. To assist with selecting the right injector for irrigation applications, the company has developed a web- based calculator, the InjectorSelector™, which assists users in selecting Mazzei The Mazzei Injector Injectors for liquid injection applications. Eurodrip Offers Cost Effective Drip Irrigation Solutions

Eurodrip through its global network of own subsidiaries and independent dealers, offers cost effective modular, integrated drip irrigation solutions customized to meet specific agricultural and landscaping needs. Eurodrip is the European specialist in manufacturing and supplying integral dipper lines. Eurodrip S.A. established in 1979 and is the first European company to become involved with drip irrigation. Its innovative method Eurodrip products of incorporating drippers into the pipe results to water conservation of at least piece of irrigation line. This ensures percent market share in the Greek 50 percent and greater yield by at least controlled water supply by pushing market and is a well-known player 40 percent, compared to conventional small amounts of water through the in Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, and fast irrigation methods. The company exit holes. Eurodrip’s irrigation systems growing in USA, Peru and Mexico. applied a revolutionary manufacturing are the most advanced and cost Eurodrip Group employs more than method by which drippers made out effective in the industry. Eurodrip has a 650 people worldwide. The company of polyethylene (PE) are internally market presence in over 70 countries, has achieved strong brand recognition embodied directly in the pipeline with operating subsidiaries in Greece, with its high quality products, advance during the extrusion process (with no USA, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Peru tested technology and solid in-house internal attachments) forming a single and Mexico. The company has a 60 production know-how.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 29 أخبار صناعية تقنية الري Smart Touch for the Centerstar Product Range

Smart Touch

The availability of water is getting increasingly important for the productive cultivation of agricultural land. Farmers, who depend on irrigation, can supplement the increasingly irregular distribution of precipitation to ensure their harvest and increase their yield. With Smart Touch Bauer, a global market specialist in Irrigation Technology is offering a Control Panel for the Centerstar Pivot Range focused on ease of operation and navigation with inbuilt compatibly with VRI and SmartRain. The Irrigation Equipment manufactured by the Bauer Group, with its headquarters based in Voitsberg, Austria, is in use all over the world. It is the broad nature of markets across the globe which is the driving force that results in the continuous enhancement of their product range: “With Smart Touch, the new Control Panel for the Centerstar Pivot, we take irrigation control to a new level for the company. Our customers can initiate all processes easily and simply via the Touch Screen”, explains Johann Gallaun, Bauer Product Manager for Irrigation. Smart Touch scores with an easy control: an intuitive menu guide guarantees fast and simple programming of the machine. Functions such as start/stop, forward/return and the change of sectors or precipitation rates can be controlled promptly changed any time. The compatibility of Smart Touch with VRI and Smart Rain is another feature providing Bauer customers with decisive advantages for the irrigation of large agricultural lands. Since its foundation in 1930, the BAUER Group - headquarters in Voitsberg, Styria, has been focused on irrigation and slurry management technology. Whilst initially producing wastewater and slurry pumps, the company first became an international player in the sector of irrigation technology in 1947 with the patent-protected Bauer lever lock coupling - named after Rudolf Bauer, the company founder. Today the company is developing rapidly in the biotechnology sector with wastewater treatment & biogas plants and it is focusing on three main sectors: irrigation management, waste water management as well as energy management.

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Industry Spotlights 30 Oily Water Separators Enhance the Efficiency of Oil/Water Separators with Oil Skimmers he American Petroleum Institute (API) oil/water separator was developed by the API and the Rex Chain Belt Company and was first installed in 1933 at the Atlantic Refining Company in Philadelphia, Pa. Simply stated, the API oil/water T separator is a device designed to separate oil and suspended solids from industrial wastewater sources, such as those found in oil refineries, petroleum handling facilities, petrochemical and chemical plants, natural gas processing plants and more, according to API. Since the inception of the standard API oil/water separator, most refineries throughout the world and numerous companies in a variety of industries – from railroads to steel mills – have installed oil/water separators to aid with wastewater treatment. For industrial facilities or organizations that have a need to separate oil from wastewater, oil/water separators are a key component to operational success. However, while oil/water separators are known to successfully separate oil from water, they often do not provide an optimal solution for removing oil following separation. This paper discusses the benefits of adding an oil skimming solution to an oil/water separator. It showcases how oil skimmers can enhance the efficiency of oil/water separators by removing oil following separation. Highlights include: reduced equipment maintenance needs, improved operations of down- the-line filtration equipment, enhanced environmental compliance, and increased cost savings.

Overview of common of the oil droplet, the distance the object primary types of oil/water separators: oil/water separators must travel, the size of the collection tank, gravity separators, like API oil/water Used in some of the toughest the flow rate, and more, according to the separators, and coalescing separators. applications worldwide, oil/water Pan America Environmental Oil Water separators are flow-through devices Separator Operational Theory. 1. Gravity oil/water separators designed to separate oils from This type of separator relies industrial wastewater and/or “… oil/water separators are on the difference between the storm runoff systems. specific gravity of water and flow-throughdevices designed to the specific gravities of oils, Under certain conditions, oil will separate oils from industrial wastewater operating as follows: separate from water because of • Oily water enters the inlet of the difference in specific gravity and/or storm runoff systems” the separator. between oil and water. Oil, which • Water turbulence is reduced is lighter than water, separates from a fluid An oil/water separator is designed when it meets the first baffle as most solids at a rate explained by Stoke’s Law. The to consider these factors and settle to the bottom of the separator. formula predicts how fast an oil droplet will subsequently, helps to create the • As wastewater flows to the second rise or settle through water. This is based ideal conditions needed for oil to chamber near the middle of the on factors such as the density and size separate from water. There are two separator, the oil droplets float to the top of the water but are prevented from Figure 1: The top and side views of a typical API oil/water separator exiting the separator by a second baffle; any remaining solids settle.

2. Coalescing oil/water separators With coalescing separators, also known as parallel plate separators, the general flow of oil and water through the separator is similar to a gravity separator. However, in a coalescing separator, oil and water also flows through oleophillic media like polypropylene or Teflon®. This media is intended to slow the flow of the oil and water to allow oil droplets to bind together on the surface of the media. By coalescing, or binding together, the oil droplets become larger and more buoyant, further enhancing separation, according to the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection Division of Water.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 31 أخبار صناعية فواصل الزيت عن املياه

Figure 2: Gravity, or conventional separation, is the first and oldest type of separation

Variables affecting oil/water completely emulsifying oils into the • Oxygen is prevented from reaching the separator performance wastewater stream, allowing them to wastewater, allowing anaerobic bacteria For many organizations faced with pass through the separator. to grow, thus plugging the separator wastewater oil/water separation needs, plates and/or emitting foul odors. traditional oil/water separators are often Sludge build-up capable of initial separation. However, Sludge forms when particles and/ • As the water level is lowered for there are a number of variables that or debris in the wastewater combine certain maintenance procedures, or as impact how well the separator functions: with oil droplets and settle to the components are lifted out, the tank walls bottom of the oil/water separator. This and interior components can become Proper design sludge often requires close monitoring. heavily oil-coated. And, if the unit is drained, Oil/water separators must be designed For example, under the Resource residual oil can escape into the outlet to accommodate established maximum Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) piping and may unintentionally be released flow rates as well as variables such sludge is deemed a hazardous waste if it downstream upon refilling the separator. as storm water runoff so flow doesn’t exhibits certain toxicity characteristics. exceed design capacity. Excessive Oil/water separator users often need Faced with challenges like these, drainage of storm water to an oil/ water to take extra measures to maintain organizations often struggle with determining separator could significantly impair environmental compliance, such as how best to optimize the performance its operation and efficiency, of oil/water separators to also according to the US Army adequately remove oil. Corps of Engineers. “To function properly, oil/water separators require Maximize effectiveness Maintenance ongoing service and maintenance by of oil/water separators To function properly, oil/water with oil skimmers separators require ongoing trained personnel” When oil/water separators are service and maintenance by paired with oil skimmers to trained personnel. Frequent system reducing the accumulation of sludge by remove the separated oil, facilities can inspections are necessary to prevent dry-sweeping floors before washing. realize several benefits, including: operational and mechanical failures that may cause leaks or accidental Importance of oil removal from • Cost savings, new potential revenue: discharge of oil into water, as stated by oil/water separators Most oil skimmers require little to no the US Army Corps of Engineers. When oil is not continuously removed from manpower or supervision, so labor hours the surface of the wastewater in an oil/water that may have previously been used to Emulsifying agents separator, a number of issues can arise: maintain equipment resulting from oil In many industries, detergents and build-up, for example, are saved. And, soaps are used to remove oily grime • Visual inspection of the separator and its plant personnel can focus on other, more from equipment or vehicles. However, components can be very difficult to conduct. profitable tasks and responsibilities. when these soapy wastewaters enter an Also, depending on the application oil/water separator, it takes significantly • Heavy rain or water flow can exceed and type of waste oil, facilities can sell longer for oil to separate from water. the design of the separator and wash the skimmed oil for a profit. Often, oil And, excessive use of detergents out the oil build-up, causing spills and recovered by skimming holds significant can render a separator ineffective by increased risk of groundwater pollution dollar value.

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Industry Spotlights 32 Oily Water Separators

Figure 3: Coalescing, or parallel plate, incorporates coalescing plates for separation

• Reduced maintenance needs, minimized Additionally, wastewater that passes skimmers are designed to attract floating operational downtime: Every time a facility through a separator and a skimmer oil to the outside of a floating tube. As pumps, plunges or moves oil within an oil/ puts less pressure on the municipality or the tube is drawn across the surface of water separator, that action causes large wastewater treatment plant processing the fluid and through a set of scrapers, oil droplets to become smaller (mechanical the water—all of which must comply with oil is removed and gravity-drained into a emulsion), increasing separation difficulty. the Clean Water Act that seeks to maintain collection tank. With a floating tube-type By adding an oil skimmer to the separator water quality by controlling pollutant skimmer, there is no fixed path as there to continuously remove oil at the time of discharges. When successfully skimmed, are with other types of skimmers, and all initial separation, separator performance is oil can also either be sold to be processed working parts are out of the water for safe, optimized. Additionally, wear on separator and recycled—or, in some cases, even easy access and minimal maintenance. filtration equipment is reduced, presenting reused to manufacture biodiesel—a fuel The tube floats freely around debris and minimal operational downtime and less made from virgin or recycled vegetable continues to skim oil effectively even when need for maintenance. oil, animal fats or fish oil, according to water levels fluctuate.

• Improved operations down- “Tube-type skimmers are designed to Tube-type skimmers also cover the-line: As an added benefit, attract floating oil to the outside of a more surface area than any using a skimmer to remove oil other skimming technology on an ongoing basis also helps floating tube” because the tube is on the reduce wear on down-the-line surface collecting oil at all times. equipment, improving the overall efficiency the United Stated Environmental And, with the continuous movement of of the entire wastewater filtration system. Protection Agency (EPA). the floating tube, more oil is attracted to the tube for faster, more complete • Aid with environmental compliance: Tube-type oil skimmers oil removal. Numerous organizations in Removing oil 24/7 with an oil skimmer deliver higher ROI, greater various industries have realized the added allows for an improved wastewater operational efficiency cost savings and efficiencies tube-type oil treatment process. Facilities that add an For best results, those wanting to optimize skimmers bring to oil/water separators. oil skimmer to an oil/water separator are their oil/water separation efforts should often able to eliminate or reduce the need select a floating tube-type oil skimmer to Oil Skimmers, Inc. for chemicals in wastewater treatment. recover oil from wastewater. Tube-type Web: www.oilskim.com/aww تمَّ تطوير جهاز فصل الزيت عن الماء لمعهد البترول األمريكي من قبل هذا المعهد وشركة "ريكس تشين بيلت" )Rex Chain Belt Company (، وتم تركيبه في عام 1933 في شركة اتلنتك ريفاينينغ )Atlantic Refining Company( في فيلدلفيا في والية بنسلفانيا. ووفقًا لمعهد البترول األمريكي، يمكن وصف جهاز معهد البترول األمريكي لفصل الزيت عن المياه ببساطة على أنَّهجهاز مصمَّمٌ لفصل الزيت واألجسام الصلبة العالقة عن مصادر مياه الصرف الصناعية، كتلك التي تتوفر في مصافي النفط، مرافق معالجة النفط، مصانع البتروكيماويات والكيماويات، محطات معالجة الغاز الطبيعي، وغيرها. منذ تركيب جهاز فصل الزيت عن الماء النموذجي لمعهد البترول األمريكي، أنشأت معظم المصافي في جميع أنحاء العالم باإلضافة إلى عددٍ كبير من الشركات في مختلف الصناعات، من السكك الحديدية وحتى مصانع الصلب، أجهزة فصل الزيت عن الماء للمساعدة في معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي. وتعتبر أجهزة فصل الزيت عن الماء عنصرًا أساسيًا لنجاح العمل في المرافق الصناعية أو المنظمات التي تحتاج لفصل الزيت عن مياه الصرف الصناعية. ولكن مع نجاح أجهزت فصل الزيت عن الماء إ َّ ال أنَّهافي كثير من األحيان ال توفر الحل األمثل لعملية ما بعد فصل الزيت. وتتناول هذه المقالة فوائد إضافة مكشطة الزيت لجهاز فصل الزيت عن الماء. وتعرض كيف يمكن لكاشطات الزيت أن تعزِّز كفاءة أجهزة فصل الزيت عن الماء عن طريق إزالة الزيت بعد عملية الفصل.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 33 أخبار صناعية فواصل الزيت عن املياه

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Industry Spotlights 34 Submersible Pumps Submersible Pump Market Growth: In Sync with Rising Urbanization & Industrialization ubmersible pump is a submerged device which is required to extract water and other fluids from the bored hole or well. Submersible pump is a centrifugal pump which is usually coupled with an electric motor. These pumps remain S submerged in water due to which there will not be any pressure trouble. The main reason of using these pumps is to avoid cavitation. Cavitation is a problem related with the high elevation distance between fluid surfaces and pumps. Unlike other pumps, submersible pumps pushes water to the surface instead of sucking of water out of the ground like above ground water pumps.

Market growth demand for submersible pumps globally. of submersible pump market during the Submersible pumps are used for The migration of people from rural to forecast period. continuous discharge of water in higher urban region is also triggering the demand quantity as well as for high heads. The of submersible pumps, especially for Region-wise outlook need of water is being increased day to the waste water and sewage industry. In terms of geography, the global day for various uses. To get water from The major drivers for submersible water submersible pump market has been its resources, submersible pumps are pumps globally is rising urbanization, divided in to seven key regions including required in most of the fields, and their followed by decline in fresh water North America, Latin America, Eastern demand in the market is also rising. resources and deep water exploration Europe, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific These pumps are used to extract fluids activities amongst others. Submersible excluding Japan, Middle East & Africa and are deployed in various and Japan. Asia-Pacific holds the industries such as chemicals, “Submersible pumps are largest market share in terms of construction, energy & power, oil revenue and is expected to grow & gas, construction, wastewater widely preferred in energy and at a high CAGR over the next amongst others. The growth of power industry globally” few years. With rise in demand the submersible pump market for energy and water, coupled is in sync with increasing urbanization, pumps are widely preferred in energy and with increasing population especially industrialization and improvement of power industry globally. The increasing in emerging economies of India and irrigational practices in agriculture globally. demand of energy and water globally China is expected to fuel the demand of along with increasing number of oilfields submersible pumps by the end of 2025. Drivers & restraints is anticipated to further fuel the demand With growth in industrial sector in the fast for global submersible water pumps Key players pace economies globally, there has been market globally. The abundance of oil Global submersible pump market is heavy expenditure on the construction and demand for water in few regional dominated by large number of regional and infrastructural projects, creating pockets is expected to drive the growth and global players. However, Chinese and local players have a considerable market share in global submersible pump market and are highly competitive in terms of pricing and quality, proving to be a major threat for giant players in global submersible pumps market.

Future Market Insights Web: www.futuremarketinsights.com

إنَّ المضخة الغاطسة عبارة عن جهاز غاطس يُعتمد في استخراج المياه والسوائل األخرى من ثقب الحفر أو البئر. إنَّ المضخة الغاطسة هي مضخة نابذه مزوَّدة بمحرك كهربائي. وتظل هذه المضخات مغمورة في المياه لتلفي أي مشكلة في الضغط. ويعود السبب الرئيس الستخدام هذه المضخات لتجنب التجويف. ويعدُّ التجويف مشكلة ترتبط بالمسافة المرتفعة جدًا بين أسطح السوائل والمضخات. وخلفًا لغيرها من المضخات، تدفع المضخات الغاطسة المياه إلى السطح بد ً المن امتصاص المياه من باطن األرض، مثل مضخات المياه فوق األرض. تستخدم المضخات الغاطسة للتفريغ المستمر للمياه في كميات كبيرة. وتزداد الحاجة إلى المياه يومًا بعد يوم في مختلف االستعماالت. وتعتبر المضخات الغاطسة مطلوبة في معظم المجاالت وذلك للحصول على المياه من مواردها، كما أنَّالطلب عليها في السوق آخذ في االرتفاع. وتستخدم هذه المضخات في استخراج السوائل، وتُعتمد في مختلف الصناعات مثل الكيماويات، البناء، الطاقة والكهرباء، النفط والغاز، مياه الصرف الصحي، وغيرها. ويتزامن نمو سوق المضخة الغاطسة مع تزايد التحضر والتصنيع وتحسين ممارسات الري في الزراعة على مستوى العالم.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 35 أخبار صناعية املضخات الغاطسة Grindex Expands Product Portfolio with Mega Inox

Grindex, a world specialist in electrical same time an extension of the current A protective coating will only protect the submersible pumps, is now launching completely stainless steel Inox pump pump until the first scratch. The Grindex Grindex Mega Inox, a 90 kW (50 Hz) and range. Dewatering applications’ worst Inox range available from 2008 solves this 134 Hp (60 Hz) pump manufactured challenge is the combination of a corrosive problem by having dewatering pumps completely in stainless steel. The environment and contaminated water with made completely in stainless steel. The 90 pump is built on the well proven cast abrasive solids and tough handling due kW Mega Inox will considerably enhance iron Mega pump platform and at the to the temporary nature of the installation. the present range of Inox pumps, available in 2 to 8 kW. The pump is suitable for applications with pH 2-10 and with abrasive particles in a typically demanding dewatering situation. The stainless steel hydraulic wet end has proven itself over the years as an option that could be added to the standard cast iron Mega pump. Now the stainless steel Mega is completed by even offering the stator housing in stainless steel. “When we’re out in the field and visiting customers that for many years make due with less than perfect coated solutions, we anticipate that the new Mega Inox will solve a lot of their headache applications” says Peter Uvemo, Grindex pump Regional Manager Grindex. Lubi Presents its Wide Range of Submersible Pumps

Lubi manufactures a wide range of submersible pumps with the help of innovative technology and latest CNC machines. The water pumps and motors are as per international standard like CE. The submersible pump range is manufactured in different type of materials and thus is divided in different types which are Stainless Steel Submersible Pump, Cast Iron Submersible Pump, Noryl Submersible pump. High operating efficiencies of Noryl pumpset result into high water discharge rate and lower power consumption. The pump sets Submersible Pumps Group are compact and slim and can be easily installed in narrow wells. The stainless is being pumped. Submersible pumps steel submersible pump, which is made steel submersible pumps can withstand made out of materials other than stainless completely out of high grade stainless steel the harsh abrasive and corrosive steel can run very well in cold, clean & rubber of premium quality to ensure environment during their life span. The and clear water. However, ground water that the suspended particles do not wear octagonal rubber bearings and built in contains abrasives like sand which can out the pump. The cast iron submersible sand protection shields are designed quickly wear out both the pump and pumps are made out of premium quality of to ensure that sand is removed from motor. The company has hence designed raw material to ensure that pump is energy the pump and motor by the water that and developed the J & W series stainless efficient, reliable and has a very long life.

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Industry Spotlights 36 Submersible Pumps Pumps for Copper Ore

Tsurumi has fitted drainage pumps at one of the largest and deepest copper ore mines on the continent: most of the pumps come from the KTZ series, a comparatively small construction site pump from the global market specialist. It is also one of the most frequently sold pump series by this Japanese manufacturer. The underground mine in Küre in the northern part of the Turkish province of Kastamonu in northern Anatolia uses 134 of them. There are 182 electrical submersible pumps of the Tsurumi KTZ series in operation in this 980m deep mine forming the backbone of the dewatering system. Whilst the workers and equipment are moved via lifts, the pumps' task is Mine entrance: From here, the shaft goes 980 m under the ground much more difficult, but this is precisely why Tsurumi designed this series. it together. The dewatering process is selected configuration can pump water The delivery program lists 13 different also supported by 37 of the smaller up to 132 m. The operator Eti Bakir versions of this universal aggregate KTZ32.2 pumps and 27 aggregates A.S. has offices on site and is very made of resistant grey iron. They can of the sister series KTZE which has a satisfied with the choices he made. move between 430 and 2440 liters per level controller. These pumps control According to Eti Bakir, the pumps have minute at a maximum pumping height of themselves automatically. The controller, operated without a problem, despite 48.5 meters. The most common pump which has no moving parts, opens and the difficult conditions at the site. There used in the mine is the KTZ35.5 (there closes the pump depending on the pre- are approximately 600 people in the are 47 installed): this is a medium- selected water level. This discontinuous company's copper division working performance pump with a motor process saves electrical energy and round the clock at the site in three output of 5.5 kW allowing it to pump a prolongs its service life. The mine has shifts. Most of the excavated material is maximum of 32 meters and up to 1100 been equipped with 26 of Tsurumis' processed in Samsun, which is located l/min. Due to its dry weight of 76 kg, it much more powerful LH series to move to the east. Around 200 men enter the is possible for several people to move water through higher distances; this mine every day. Reputation for Reliability Wins Landia More Work

Landia has supplied a total of 22 Wastewater Treatment Plant in central first specified 13 Landia pumps for its pumps and mixers for an expanding China. The new Matougang sludge inaugural installation in China, when handling facility at Zhengzhou, the it built tanks for the Dalian Xiajiahe provincial capital of Henan Province, Sludge Treatment Project in Dalian will see four Landia submersibles mix City at the southernmost tip of China’s sludge before and after dewatering, northeastern Liaoning Province. The whilst each of the plant’s 16 new Landia pumps have continued to digesters will utilise an MPTK-I Landia work efficiently and reliably, with no sludge circulation pump (with two spare parts required to date. For the further units ordered for standby). expanding Matougang treatment plant The pump and mixer contract for the Zhengzhou, the new sludge handling municipal sludge treatment project was facility will see dewatered sludge awarded to Landia by the renowned digested in order to reduce the amount tank manufacturer, Lipp, whose of sludge. And as an added benefit, Dual-Seam System has proved itself biogas will be producing heat and The new sludge handling facility at Matougang worldwide. Almost a decade ago, Lipp green electricity.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 37 أخبار صناعية املضخات الغاطسة

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Country / Regional Reports Germany 39 Germany: Struggling to Become a Water Powerhouse 40 atech Pushes Ahead Membranes Sales in ME 40 Storm Water Collector in Göttingen Completed 42 Intelligent High-Precision Meters with Added Benefits 42 LANXESS Marks 5 Years of Membrane Production in Bitterfeld 43 New Motor-Driven Diaphragm Metering Pumps 43 HOMA Presents Redesigned Hydraulics & Motors Iraq 46 Iraq: Mosul Dam Breach a Disaster in Waiting 47 Amak: Specialist in Geophysical Equipment & Surveys Saudi Arabia 48 Saudi Arabia’s Water Sector Sees New Demands, Developments & Opportunities 52 RAKtherm Further Increases Footprint in the Global Market 52 SADAFCO Launches Solar Power Project in Riyadh Scandinavia 53 Bottled Water vs. Tap Water: Remains under Debate 54 Oil & Gas Industry Must Do Business Differently to Meet Sustainability Targets 54 Valve Solutions for Smart District Cooling Networks 55 Danfoss Exhibits Pump & ERD Range at WETEX 2016

Photo Courtesy of atech innovations gmbh 39 تقارير البلدان واملناطق أملانيا Germany: Struggling to Become a Water Powerhouse ermany’s water industry is highly developed, evidenced through high drinking water and sewage network connection rates, significant investment and strict drinking water criteria, according to a report by BMI Research. However, in order to G become a water powerhouse, Germany must further improve its overall water quality. Improvement of water quality is seen as the final hurdle in the advancement of the German water sector. All involved associations assured that suppliers of drinking water and effluent disposers address these tasks and will do all they can to achieve a consensus on flexible and individual local solutions.

According to the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany is the second largest donor in the water sector worldwide. An estimated 100 million people in 22 countries benefit from ongoing activities financed by the BMZ creating access to sanitation and water in consistence with human rights. In 2015, Germany spent USD333.94 million on water and sanitation within an international cooperation context. On the international infrastructure do need to be addressed by significantly. It is due to considerations level, Germany promotes a fit-for-purpose the government and utilities. As such, only such as these that the country is investing global water architecture. This includes a moderate boost to growth is expected. heavily into foreign water infrastructure the establishment of a dedicated UN The BMI Research report states that projects. Forecasts for the German water intergovernmental body on water allowing Germany has enough water resources sector have been expanded to include for a comprehensive follow-up and review of – with an annual supply of around 188 extractions from sources for household the water-related Sustainable Development billion cubic meters – and well-developed water usage (ground water, surface water, Goal targets. Over 2014, the German water infrastructure that is able to cater desalination and reservoirs). The under- construction industry has indeed use of flushing and minimal shown signs that it is in the best “In 2015, Germany spent USD333.94 water consumption habits are shape it has been for over a year. resulting in slow-moving sewage Yet, in spite of this positivity, the million on water and sanitation within an flows under the major cities. water infrastructure project pipeline international cooperation context” Both Berliner Wasserbetriebe is expected to remain small. This and Rheinisch-Westfalische is largely due to the well-developed nature to the rising industrial requirements for Wasserwerksgesellschaft utilities have of the country’s water sector. It can be large, steady water supplies. However, voiced concerns over the situation. highlighted that overall investment levels water risks still remain for the country, However a rise in wastewater discharges remain muted and major projects will be particularly for food retailers. This is due is anticipated over the longer term, in the subject to constrained budgets and strong to their reliance on imported foodstuffs wake of a government push to encourage opposition. Nonetheless, some repair work from more arid countries, such as Spain, less moderate water usage practices in and a moderate level of expansion are Kenya and South Africa. Should countries many of its most developed urban areas. anticipated, particularly of the distribution such as these reduce their export and sewage networks, as low levels levels due to water shortages, German Fatima Saab of domestic investment and ageing industries and consumers would suffer Content Editor & Researcher

وفقًا لتقرير صادر عن شركة أبحاث »بي أم آي« )BMI Research(، يُعتبر قطاع المياه في ألمانيا قطاعًا متطورًا جداً. ويتَّضح ذلك من خل ارتفاع معدالت المياه الصالحة للشرب ومعدالت االتصال بشبكة الصرف الصحي، وزيادة نسبة االستثمارات الكبيرة في هذا القطاع، وصرامة المعايير المتعلقة بمياه الشرب. ولكن، من أجل أن تصبح ألمانيا مركزًا غنيًا بالمياه، يجب عليها تحسين الجودة العامة للمياه. ويعتبر تحسين نوعية المياه العقبة األخيرة أمام تطوير قطاع المياه األلماني. وأكدت كل الجمعيات المعنية أنَّ موردي مياه الشرب والقائمين على عمليات التخلص من الفضلت السائلة سيتولون هذه المهامات، وسوف يفعلون كل ما في وسعهم لتحقيق توافق في اآلراء بشأن التوصل إلى حلول محلية وفردية مرنة. وبرهن قطاع البناء األلماني في خلل عام 2014 عن بلوغه أفضل مستويات له منذ أكثر من عام. إ َّ الأنَّه على الرغم من هذه اإليجابية، من المتوقع أن يبقى مشروع خط أنابيب البنية التحتية للمياه محدودًا. ويعود ذلك بشكل كبير إلى الطبيعة المتطورة لقطاع المياه في البلد.

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Country/regional reports 40 Germany

atech Pushes Ahead Membranes Sales in ME

atech innovations gmbh, based in Gladbeck/Germany, has been active since 1989 in the development, production and distribution of high- quality ceramic membranes for a wide variety of industrial applications. A wide variety of membrane designs is available for crossflow filtration from single- to multichannel modules and diameters from 1,2µm to 1 kD, with vessels that comply with ASME Code and EC Directive. Ceramic membranes are used when polymer membranes reach their limits. Due to their excellent material properties ceramic membranes Ceramic membranes ensure process stability and boast a high pressure resistance, they are resistant They are available in various lengths, in signing distribution contracts with to concentrated caustic solutions and up to the currently possible maximum companies located in Saudi Arabia and acids, offer a high flux and can be length of 1,50 m, in order to provide as Iran. For specific applications with water, backpulsed. The standard range includes many replacement options as possible. atech has developed the product range single-channel and multi-channel In the recent past, the Middle East (ME) “watatech” that is an inexpensive but membranes with various pore diameters region has been definitively a focal point yet high-performance alternative to the suitable for ultra-filtration (starting at 5 of atech’s general sales policy. As a regular product portfolio of the German kD) and micro-filtration (up to 1.2 µm). result of these efforts, atech succeeded membrane specialist. Storm Water Collector in Göttingen Completed

The University Hospital in Göttingen buildings. To ensure the safe and tunnel sections were drilled with three (Germany) is located in a depression, trouble-free disposal of surface water, different Herrenknecht machines for which is why the storm water and in 2014 planning of a new storm water the construction of the new sewer. sewage occurring here has to be sewer began. Tight space conditions The first of the three machines, an pumped uphill for disposal with an in the busy inner city area, highly AVN1400TC, began the shortest elaborate pumping system. If the heterogeneous geological conditions section in August 2014: the length of pumps fail, flooding could threaten and the drilling of a complex S-curve the drive was 200 meters. In December the supply of power to the hospital characterize the project. A total of three 2014 the second machine was put to work, an AVND2000AB. It drilled the longest section of 650 meters. Shortly after, in January 2015 the last and second longest advance began with an AVND1800AB. Thanks to professional planning and precise drilling the gas, water, electricity and sewer lines in the center of Göttingen were navigated around thanks to several curves. In May 2015 the last machine saw the light of day again in Göttingen. With the third breakthrough it was also time to celebrate the successful completion of the underground construction with the Herrenknecht microtunnelling machines. After only 9 months, drilling Tunnel sections were drilled with Herrenknecht machines was completed.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 41 تقارير البلدان واملناطق أملانيا

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Country/regional reports 42 Germany

Intelligent High-Precision Meters with Added Benefits

Smart meters are digital metering devices for the detection of water consumption, offering high resolution and also the transmission of the consumption values. Compared to traditional mechanical water meters, smart meters offer several new benefits and features. Smart meters such as the Badger Meter E-Series® work with a no moving parts ultrasonic measurement technology and are completely wear-proof and maintenance-free. For the first time, the smart meter provides the consumer, ® water supplier, repair services or property The Badger Meter E-Series managers with the ability to be informed promptly or even in real time about actual or notebooks. The new software platform to comprehend way on a smartphone. water consumption - via laptop, iPad, operates on the principle “Making water Users can view the measurement data, smartphone or conventional computers. visible” and allows virtual monitoring of analysis results and information on a The company presents a new standard water consumption. On the one hand mobile, anywhere and at any time. Critical of wireless metering data logging: BEACON® communicates with the already decisions, like leakage monitoring, can BEACON® Advanced Metering Analytics installed measuring points and on the other be taken quickly and safely, around the (AMA). BEACON® raises the bar in the hand with the ORION® Advanced Metering clock. The user interface can be designed mobile transmission and monitoring of Infrastructure (AMI), which allows for the individually by the user, alarms and metering data on smartphones, tablets display of measurement data in an easy notifications can be adjusted at will. LANXESS Marks 5 Years of Membrane Production in Bitterfeld

“Our foray into the reverse osmosis (RO) of the LANXESS Liquid Purification “The Lewabrane brand has established membrane business five years ago has Technologies (LPT) business unit, on the a firm place for itself in the market, not truly been a success story. We have occasion of a celebration of the five- least on account of its high quality and almost reached the limit of our current year anniversary of the Lewabrane plant performance properties, which both we capacity so we are going to double operated by IAB Ionenaustauscher and our customers expect from ‘Made production capacity in the coming GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of the in Germany’ products,” he added. year,” said Jean-Marc Vesselle, head LANXESS specialty chemicals company. The specialty chemicals company has invested a total of 40 million euros in the site in the last five years alone. In addition to the membrane elements plant, LANXESS also operates the world’s largest ion exchange resin plant in Bitterfeld. The market for RO membrane elements is currently projected to grow at an above-average rate of 10 percent annually in coming years (CAGR 2015-2020). Because the plant is already operating at almost the limit of its capacity, LANXESS has decided to double the corresponding capacity at the Bitterfeld site. The additional capacity is scheduled to come The building houses production & logistics facilities, laboratories & offices on line in the second half of 2017.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 43 تقارير البلدان واملناطق أملانيا New Motor-Driven Diaphragm Metering Pumps

Motor-driven diaphragm metering pumps MEMDOS LB and LP of Lutz- Jesco are leak-free and therefore suitable for highly aggressive or toxic chemicals. Uncontrolled escape from the medium is thus, even with wear of the pump diaphragm, avoided. Optionally MEMDOS pumps are also available with double diaphragm system. Depending on type of drive the membrane allows pressures from 3 to 16 bars. These pumps are especially designed for applications in industrial processes with relatively low pressures and high dosing amounts. Thanks Motor-driven diaphragm metering pump MEMDOS to a robust tappet drive with manual or automatic capacity adjustment continuous availability of all pumps pulsation dampener until the injection conveyed media can be, for example, in PVC, PP, PVDF or stainless steel valve. The motor-driven diaphragm of Acids, alkaline agents, precipitants (dosing head and valves). Thereby a the series MEMDOS stands for robust and flocculants, reliably and accurately great performance and durability range quality and reliable dispensing results dosed. Doubling the dosage is possible is covered. For each pump, there is a in the long run. A range of different with use of two dosing heads per wide range of accessories, inter alia, engines, also for potentially explosive pump. Fundamental principle for the from the appropriate suction line via atmospheres (ATEX Directive 2014/34/ dosing pumps by Lutz-Jesco is the backpressure and relief valves and EU)), rounds off the range. HOMA Presents Redesigned Hydraulics & Motors

Clogged and blocked pumps due to MXS hydraulics. HOMA has now by their high efficiency but also through high solid contamination in wastewater. redesigned the hydraulics and motors a particularly smooth running, which HOMA Pumpenfabrik GmbH, which of their pump units. The new MXS additionally increases the service life is specialized in wastewater technology, hydraulics 50Hz (AMS accordingly for of the overall very robust design. It has the solution to solve the problem: 60Hz) were mechanically optimized, guarantees optimized flow without optimized EffTec motors and the new which are now distinguished not only dead zones or turbulences. The most efficient EffTec motor can be operated in an immersed or dry well installation. This is made possible by the PermaCool system, a new, permanent motor cooling. The new design ensures that the cooling jacket cannot clog with solids matters, and as a result we achieve a high operational reliability. This is further supported by the mechanically robust construction and the low winding temperature, which leads to lower thermal stresses and hence to a longer service life. 70 years of experience in pump manufacturing. Originally founded as a service shop in 1946, HOMA is today an independent dynamic global company specialized in the design and manufacture of pumps and systems that The new MXS hydraulics utilize submersible motor technology.

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Country/regional reports 44 Saudi Arabia

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 45 تقارير البلدان واملناطق الدول اإلسكندنافية

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Country/regional reports 46 Iraq Iraq: Mosul Dam Breach a Disaster in Waiting raq’s Mosul Dam was completed in 1986 with a large number of structural flaws. The dam lacks robustness and has been classified by the US Army Corps of Engineers as the world’s most dangerous dam. The dam was created on a weak I foundation of gypsum, anhydrite and limestone, all of which are water-soluble. Since its creation, Iraq has been continually grouting the dam to ensure that it does not collapse. The presence of Islamic State (IS) around the dam in recent years, however, has diverted resources away from grouting. The absence of recent maintenance and a surge in spring waters from winter snow melt means that the dam is now at risk of a catastrophic breach. Flooding caused by a breach has the potential to create mayhem for millions of people who live in its flood path in the Tigris River valley. The Mosul Dam provides irrigation, destroy everything in its path, including a result of the breach, standing water will hydropower and water supplies to millions infrastructure and cars and would sweep not only lead to the closure of the airport, of Iraqis. The Jihadi militia group, IS, seized up hazardous waste material. Residents but will remain in Baghdad for a number of control of the dam in August 2014, creating living in the Tigris River valley would be given weeks. The statement outlines best practice fear that, given the devastating effect a dam little warning that a breach has occurred. policies for evacuation and aims to help breach would have, the dam would be a The potential flooding would result in the Iraqi Government plan for the potential prime target for the militants to disaster. In practice, however, it destroy. Iraqi forces and Kurdish is questionable how easy these Peshmerga fighters were quick to “If the dam were to fail, it would measures will be to execute. In the recapture the dam two weeks later. create a flood wave of up to 14 meters event of an emergency, it remains An Italian company, Trevi Group, in some areas” to be determined whether the has signed a contract with the Iraqi government has the necessary Government to maintain the dam resources and administrative for 18 months. The contract, worth USD296 severe loss of life and mass population practices in place to conduct a thorough billion, would see Trevi Group reinforce the displacement. The US Embassy in Iraq evacuation. According to US Ambassador, dam, yet works may not commence for a released a statement detailing suggestions Samantha Power, the collapse of the dam further six months. The Italian Government for emergency guidelines that may assist would be a ‘humanitarian catastrophe has also noted that it plans to send 450 Iraq to prepare for the dam breaching. of epic proportions.’ While the Iraqi troops to protect the dam that lies close The statement indicates that there is little Government has been seeking to down- to IS-held territory. If the dam were to fail, way of determining if or when a breach play the risk of catastrophe, it is attempting it would create a flood wave of up to 14 will occur, but emphasizes the importance to undertake preventative measures meters in some areas. The flooding would of determining evacuation procedures. As against a dam breach. While work is under way to restore some structural stability to the dam, it is vital that the Iraqi Government continues to work towards securing a robust and realistic evacuation procedure under the current circumstances.

Madeleine Lovelle Research Analyst Global Food and Water Crises Research Program Future Directions International – Research Institute E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.futuredirections.org.au

تم االنتهاء من إنشاء سد الموصل في العراق عام 1986 باحتوائه على عدد كبير من العيوب الهيكلية. إذ يفتقر السد إلى الصلبة. وتم تصنيفه من قبل فيلق القوات البرية األمريكي الهندسي على أنَّه السد األكثر خطورة في العالم. تمَّإنشاء هذا السد على أساس ضعيف من الجبس واألنهيدريت والحجر الجيري، وجميعها قابلة للذوبان في الماء. تعمل العراق منذ إنشاء هذا السد على حقن السد باإلسمنت لضمان عدم انهياره. ولكنَّ تواجد تنظيم الدولة اإلسلمية حول السد في السنوات األخيرة قد حوَّل الموارد بعيدًا عنعملية الحقن هذه. ويدلُّ غياب أعمال الصيانة األخيرة، وزيادة منسوب مياه األنهار نتيجة ذوبان ثلوج فصل الشتاء على أنَّالسد اآلن في خطر كارثي نتيجة الثقوب. وتمتلك الفيضانات الناجمة عن هذه الثقوب القدرة على إلحاق األذى بمليين الناس الذين يعيشون ضمن مسارها في محاذاة وادي نهر دجلة. ويوفِّر سد الموصل الري والطاقة المائية وإمدادات المياه لمليين العراقيين. لقد سيطرت الميليشيا الجهادية، تنظيم الدولة االسلمية، على السد في آب / أغسطس من عام 2014، وخلقت هاجسً ا أنَّهبغض النظر عن األثر المدمر الذي سيخلقه الثقب في السد، سيشكِّل السد هدفًا رئيسً ا بالنسبة للمسلحين لتدميره.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 47 تقارير البلدان واملناطق العراق Amak: Specialist in Geophysical Equipment & Surveys universities with training inside and outside Iraq. Unfortunately, in Iraq the groundwater resources are not really considered. There is a real demand for water all over Iraq. The 2&3D resistivity imaging geophysical equipment can help in exploring the groundwater to a depth of 300 meters, while Walk TEM geophysical equipment can reach a depth of 400 meters and it can distinguish the salty groundwater too.

Amak team using 2D resistivity imaging for groundwater exploration in Iraq

Amak Geophysical Exploration and Scientific Appliances Company is a well-known Iraqi company specialized in geophysics. It deals mainly with geophysical equipment and geophysical surveys for engineering, groundwater, archeology, and petroleum exploration. Amak possesses up to date geophysical equipment to carry out these tasks. These equipment include Seismic Refraction/Reflection, Soil Resistivity, Resistivity 2&3D Imaging system, Borehole Seismic Cross Shooting, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Walk TEM Electromagnetic system, Magnetometer, XRF analyzer and Vibraloc. The company is dedicated to give the best solutions through its staff of senior geophysicists and geologists who have long experience in geological issues of Iraq. Since 2005, the company has submitted various geophysical services for many local and foreigner companies all over Iraq, which were for soil investigations of petroleum installations projects, Electrical Power projects, cement factories projects, medium dams projects, Housing projects, Towers, Oil/Gas tanks projects, airports runways, pipe lines, and groundwater prospecting. The company also supplied the most advanced geophysical equipment for many governmental institutes/

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Country/regional reports 48 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia’s Water Sector Sees New Demands, Developments & Opportunities he task of providing new sources of potable water for the Kingdom’s growing population and expanding industry has become a matter of national importance. Water consumption has exceeded 8 million cubic meters per day (m3/d), and T is expected to reach 20 million m3/d by 2020. Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the world without running surface water and has been dependent on desalinated water since the 1950s. With daily water consumption at more than 300 liters per capita, Saudi Arabia has one of the highest levels of water consumption per capital in the world. To meet rising demand, the Kingdom of desalination in the Kingdom. SWCC design consultant for SWCC’s Jeddah developed Independent Water and currently operates 17 of the 28 total IV desalination project, a 400,000 m3/d Power Projects (IWPPs) in 2002 with desalination plants in Saudi Arabia, with plant designed to augment drinking water the issuance of an official resolution a total water capacity of 4.6 million m3/d. supply to the city of Jeddah. establishing a framework for private One of its desalination plants, expected sector participation through build-own- to be operational by the end of this Saudi Arabia’s desalination plants use a operate and build-own-operate- number of different processes. transfer schemes. The three core “SWCC currently operates 17 of According to the Electricity and IWPPs are Shuaiba III, Jubail III the 28 total desalination plants in Saudi Co-Generation Regulatory (Marafiq), and Shuqaiq II. The Authority, 64 percent of Jubail III and Shuaiba III IWPPs Arabia, with a total water capacity of desalination capacity relies on started production in April and 4.6 million m3/d” the multi-stage flash process August 2009, respectively, and (MSF), while 20 percent uses the Shuqaiq II IWWP was completed year, is Yanbu III, which will provide an reverse osmosis (RO) and 16 percent is in late 2010. In 2014, a USD7.2 billion additional 550,000 m3/d to 1.8 million produced using multi-effect Ras Al-Khair desalination plant opened, residents in the industrial city of Yanbu (MED). SWCC’s output relies on all adding 1 million m3/d to the national and people in Madinah. In February 2015, three technologies, with 47.8 percent of supply. The plant is operated by the Black & Veatch, a leading member its input to national capacity relying on Saline Water Conversion Corporation of the U.S.-Saudi Arabian Business MSF, 2.2 percent using MED and 9.5 (SWCC), a government-run organization Council (USSABC), announced it had percent based on RO. This year, SWCC responsible for approximately 60 percent been selected as the engineering and announced plans to invest about USD80 billion by 2025 in an effort to increase Cover Photo Courtesy of mr.water/Shutterstock.com desalinated water production to 8.5 million m3/d. In addition, the National Water Company (NWC) has invested nearly USD6.7 billion on more than 300 water projects in the fields of service, infrastructure development and water treatment in Makkah, Riyadh, Taif and Jeddah. As of 2015, the company has implemented 174 of these projects with a total cost of USD5.25 billion, while 127 projects remain in the contract signing stage. However, desalination alone may not be able to provide for future demand, which is growing at 7 to 8 percent annually. Saudi Arabia has taken a number of measures to reduce consumption by increasing efficiency, eliminating waste, and ending unsustainable practices. The use of ground water to irrigate crops beginning in the 1970s nearly depleted Saudi Arabia’s aquifers, so in 2010, the Saudi Government announced it would discourage agricultural water use by ending subsidies for water-intensive crops by 2016. And late last year, new tariffs

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 49 تقارير البلدان واملناطق اململكة العربية السعودية

more than 433 million m3 of water from 2009-2014 worth USD690 million. NWC has also been working on improving Saudi Arabia’s wastewater infrastructure. Since widespread flooding in Jeddah in 2009 revealed the lack of a sufficient sewage network in the city, foreign companies have been selected to manage water and wastewater networks in three of the Kingdom’s largest cities. French companies Veolia Water, Suez Environment, and Saur are NWC’s strategic partners in Riyadh, Jeddah, and Makkah and Taif, respectively. NWC had planned to award similar water management contracts for the cities of Madinah and Dammam, but after a policy review, it will now issue were implemented for water and sanitary desalination facility and the photovoltaic operations and maintenance contracts drainage services for consumers in the (PV) plant at Al Khafji are on sites owned that will run for longer periods than the government, industrial, and commercial by KACST, which will own the facilities management contracts. sectors.New solutions to water issues once they have been completed. These are also being developed to complement capital investments provide opportunities As a result of private sector involvement, increased desalination capacity and better for U.S. businesses that can help Saudi the number of new wastewater conservation efforts. In January 2009, Arabia overcome its water challenges connections made annually in Riyadh King Abdullah City for Science and with new technologies and innovative and Jeddah has grown from 20,700 in Technology (KACST) officially launched techniques. The Kingdom aims to reuse 2010 to more than 38,000. In 2013, the the Initiative to Desalinate Water Using over 65 percent of its water by 2020 and USD273 million plant at Jeddah’s King Solar Energy. As a part of the program, over 90 percent by 2040 by transforming Abdul Aziz International Airport began KACST cooperated with IBM to develop its existing and planned wastewater operation with a capacity of 0.5 million nanotechnology to use solar energy treatment assets into source water m3/d. The plant features a biogas heat- in the operation of desalination plants. suppliers across most industrial sectors. to-power unit with an annual capacity of At the end of 2011, SWCC 8 megawatts. In total, NWC has announced a similar agreement “NWC also aims to build and expand its allocated approximately USD1.5 with Japanese company billion to future wastewater Hitachi Zosen Corporation wastewater treatment plants in Riyadh, treatment plants and USD2 to conduct research on using Jeddah, Makkah and Taif” billion for wastewater pipe solar power for desalination mains nationwide. NWC also purposes. In March 2012, SWCC also Valued at over USD4.3 billion by Global aims to build and expand its wastewater signed a memorandum of understanding Water Intelligence, the Kingdom’s treatment plants in Riyadh, Jeddah, (MOU) with USSABC member The Dow water reuse market is estimated as the Makkah and Taif in the next years adding Chemical Corporation to jointly pursue third largest in the world. 2 million m3/d in capacity. research and development in desalination technologies. The MOU follows Dow’s July As a result of aging distribution systems, In 2015, the Ministry of Water and 2011 plans to invest in a manufacturing Saudi Arabia loses between 20 and 30 Electricity, now the Ministry of facility for reverse osmosis elements percent of its water (around 1 million Environment, Water and Agriculture, in the Kingdom. Furthermore, in 2015, m3/d) before it even reaches customers. signed more than 75 water and sewage Advanced Water Technology (AWT), As of 2013, Saudi Arabia’s leakage rate projects worth more than USD425 million a subsidiary of TAQNIA, a technology was one of the highest in the world. In to be implemented in various regions of development and investment company, 2007, the Kingdom launched a program the Kingdom. The projects included the announced it would be working with to address the leakage and reduce the first phase of the sewage networks in Abengoa, a Spanish global technology loss to 5 percent by replacing municipal Houta Bani Tameem region in Riyadh, firm, to develop the world’s first large distribution systems. NWC announced costing USD26.4 million, setting up desalination plant powered by solar the application of modern monitoring of plant at the Wadi energy. The new USD130 million plant devices and technology, including radar Tandaha dam in the Asir Province at is designed to deliver 60,000 m3/d to beams, audio devices, and helium gas to a cost of USD21.2 million, and the first the city of Al Khafji and is expected to monitor leaks in the networks. In 2014, phase of the sewage treatment plant in become operational in 2017. Both the the company disclosed that it had saved Mikhwa, costing USD13.7 million.

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Country/regional reports 50 Saudi Arabia

strategic objectives set for the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture refer to desalination. The objective on organizational development and privatization also challenges the Ministry to increase the share of treated water produced by private operators from zero to 20 percent, and to extend water and sewage services to 70 percent of cities, up from 42 percent, by 2020.

Rising demand and large government projects have made Saudi Arabia’s water More recently in March 2016, the Ministry privatize its water and wastewater assets and wastewater sector an attractive signed a new series of contracts worth and is seeking technical, legal, and market for U.S. companies offering USD142.4 million for water and sewage financial consultants on its TSE program. engineering services for the desalination projects to be implemented throughout Under the plans, NWC is looking to sell and wastewater industries. Another need the Kingdom. its assets to the private sector through is equity financing for new water works the establishment of two special purpose projects. Although the Saudi Government Increased capacity for sewage treatment vehicles. While NWC will remain a is leading the investment drive in the sector, has also provided a new solution local private sector companies to the Kingdom’s water shortage. “Rising demand and large government are looking for foreign technology In 2013, Saudi Arabia reused projects have made Saudi Arabia’s water partners and lenders to help less than 20 percent of its treated bid on new contracts and build sewage effluent (TSE), a strong and wastewater sector an attractive additional plants. The private alternative to desalinated water market for U.S. companies” sector contributes 2 million in non-potable applications. In m3/d to SWCC’s production via comparison, Bahrain and Qatar have significant shareholder in the treatment the Water and Electricity Company, the demonstrated 100 percent reuse of TSE plants, a private sector firm will assume purchasing agent of SWCC and the Saudi for agriculture and industrial purposes. operation and maintenance activities. Electricity Company, and investment While Saudi Arabia has a much larger This decision mirrors similar plans being incentives exist for companies that want and more broadly-distributed amount undertaken by SWCC to privatize its to help contribute to further growth in the of TSE, the country is beginning to desalination business in order to invite industry. In total, the Ministry estimates operate more strategically in using this private sector efficiency and experience that there are USD107 billion worth of water. TSE sales in the Kingdom have to the Kingdom’s water sector. investment opportunities in the water and risen from a negligible amount in 2008 wastewater sectors over the next 10 or to approximately 0.5 million m3/d in As part of Saudi Arabia’s National more years. 2013. Saudi Arabia aims to become the Transformation Plan’s (NTP) strategic Gulf Cooperation Council’s largest TSE objectives, the Kingdom aims to increase Wiam Alwazir market, with a target of increasing reuse the proportion of desalinated water Research Assistant 3 The U.S.-Saudi Arabian Business Council to 1.9 million m /d by 2020. NWC is produced by private operators from E-mail: [email protected] now moving ahead with plans to partially 16 to 52 percent by 2020. Two of 16 Web: www.us-sabc.org إنَّ توفير مصادر جديدة للمياه الصالحة للشرب لعدد سكان المملكة المتزايد وللصناعة التوسعية أصبحت مسألة ذات أهمية وطنية. لقد تجاوز استهلك المياه نسبة 8 مليين متر مكعب يوميًا، ومن المتوقع أن يصل إلى 20 مليون متر مكعب بحلول عام .2020 وتعدُّ المملكة العربية السعودية من أكبر بلدان العالم المفتقرة إلى المياه الجارية فوق سطح األرض. وهي تعتمد على المياه المحلة منذ سنة 1950. وتعتبر السعودية واحدة من البلدان التي تتمتَّع بأعلى مستويات استهلك الفرد للمياه في العالم. إذ يستهلك الفرد فيها أكثر من 300 ليتر يوميًا. ويجري حالياً وضع حلول جديدة لقضايا المياه الستكمال زيادة القدرة على تحلية المياه ولتعزيز جهود المحافظة على البيئة. وتهدف المملكة إلى إعادة إستخدام أكثر من 65 في المئة من المياه بحلول عام 2020، وأكثر من 90 في المئة بحلول عام 2040، وذلك من خلل تحويل أصولها الحالية والمخطط لها لمعالجة مياه الصرف الصحي إلى موردي مصادر المياه في معظم القطاعات الصناعية. ووفقًا لشركة »غلوبل ووتر انتاليجينس« )Global Water Intelligence(، تبلغ قيمة سوق إعادة استعمال المياه أكثر من 4.3 مليار دوالر أمريكي، ومن المتوقع أن تصبح ثالث أضخم سوق في العالم. ونتيجة لقدم نظم التوزيع فيها، تخسر السعودية ما بين 20 و 30 في المئة من مياهها أي حوالى )1 مليون متر مكعب في اليوم(، قبل أن تصل هذه المياه إلى المستهلكين. وكان معدل التسرب في المملكة العربية السعودية بدءًا من العام 2013 واحدًا من أعلى المعدالت في العالم . وفي العام 2007، أطلقت المملكة برنامجًا لمعالجة التسرب وللحد من الخسائر حتى 5 في المئة من خلل استبدال نظم شبكات التوزيع البلدية.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 51 تقارير البلدان واملناطق اململكة العربية السعودية

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Country/regional reports 52 Saudi Arabia

RAKtherm Further Increases Footprint in the Global Market

RAKtherm® the internationally certified brand of innovative PPR and PEX piping systems, has devised its Solid Growth Plan to increase its international footprint in response to growing global market demand for piping technology solutions. The three-pronged plan comprises investment in capital expenditures, market dominance strategies, and product innovation which has resulted in a 34 percent increase in production capacity. This has ensured adequate RAKtherm products global supply, strengthening of resources for wider market penetration provide the luxury of piping systems developed by RAKtherm. Investments and reinforced an already extensive to worldwide, we have realigned our to the tune of USD200 million in capital distribution network in 35 countries focus this year to leverage the potential expenditures which we announced last worldwide. Ali Hashim, Chairman of global markets. We are preserving year is for technology enhancement, of Hashim Group said, “Having and expanding our market territories by equipment modernization, and for established ourselves as market leaders developing the latest MEP technology launching of the new innovative piping in the global arena with a portfolio solutions to meet plumbing challenges. systems from RAKtherm.” RAKtherm, that boasts the world’s most versatile Furthermore, in 2017 we will be part of Hashim Group, was established and comprehensive piping systems to launching a new range of piping systems in 1963 in Saudi Arabia. SADAFCO Launches Solar Power Project in Riyadh

After announcing its investment in a photovoltaic (PV)-diesel hybrid system sustainable,” said Wout Matthijs, CEO of USD533,184 solar power project in its that can deliver up to 40 percent of the SADAFCO. “We are looking forward to Riyadh Regional Distribution Centre facility’s daytime energy requirements. find new ways to become more efficient (RDC) last October, Saudia Dairy and “We are excited that the Riyadh RDC and apply these learnings to other areas Foodstuff Company (SADAFCO) has Solar Project is operational as it is a in which SADAFCO operates. This is not now commenced operations utilizing a huge step towards becoming more just about powering our business, but reducing our operation’s carbon footprint in a way that is socially responsible.” Covering a surface area of about 1,600 m2, over 2,000 solar cells have been installed atop the carport structures in the parking area offering the additional benefit of sun shade for cars. The project will operate high performance thin film photovoltaic modules from US-headquartered First Solar, Inc. These modules deliver more energy than conventional crystalline silicon panels, in the hot, humid and dusty conditions experienced in the greater part of Saudi Arabia. The hybrid system will not only result in cost savings from reduced diesel consumption on the generators necessary for an off-the-grid facility, but Over 2,000 solar cells have been installed atop the carport structures in the parking area will decrease pollution as well.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 53 تقارير البلدان واملناطق الدول اإلسكندنافية Bottled Water vs. Tap Water: Remains under Debate lean water runs through the taps of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Unlike other less fortunate countries, analysts state that consumers in Scandinavia view bottled water as more of an indulgence drink and not a necessity. Nevertheless, bottled C water volumes in Denmark and Sweden continue to rise, driven by health-conscious consumers, according to a series of reports by Euromonitor International. In terms of products sold in the Scandinavian bottled water market, the still water segment held the largest share in Sweden, while the functional bottled water registered a notable growth in Denmark. On the other hand, bottled water in Norway recently witnessed a drastic drop in demand.

Health & wellness trend seen in sales of still bottled water can In Denmark, functional bottled water be explained by the health and wellness registered retail volume growth of trend. Swedes are, however, expected 83 percent in 2015, according to to remain less willing to pay high prices Euromonitor’s report. The category, for bottled water that is essentially similar which grew from a low base, accounted to what they can get from the tap, states for less than 1 percent of retail volume the report. Products with functional sales in 2010 but its share increased to ingredients such as Vitamin Well are 16 percent in 2015. The category was thus set to be among the most dynamic clearly boosted by surging sales of the products in bottled water in Sweden. Swedish functional bottled water Vitamin Well, while sales of Glacéau VitaminWater Safe tap water from Coca-Cola Tapperierne remained Water quality in Norway is overall to be relatively stable and less dynamic. satisfactory. According to Statistics Sales of functional bottled water (vitamin Norway, in 2015, around 99 percent water) increased by 344 percent from of inhabitants connected to municipal 2012 to 2013 in Coop outlets, and by waterworks were provided with acceptable 218 percent during the first five months drinking water in terms of content of which serve a bigger purpose other than of 2014 compared to the same period thermo-tolerant intestinal bacteria (E. coli). just hydration, according to a Euromonitor in 2013. Sales also surged report. Many sales, especially of in 7-Eleven outlets, mainly in “… the growth categories of bottled still water, happen purely because bigger cities. Functional bottled of convenience reasons, and not water is expected to be the key water will be those which serve a bigger because the consumer perceives driver of the category over the purpose other than just hydration” the quality to be superior to next few years, with product tap water. In 2014, the Oslo developments driven by Swedish Around 44 percent of water supplied Municipality spent a great amount on company Vitamin Well, adds the report. by municipal waterworks to the pipeline an awareness campaign to make people Moreover, in Sweden, total volume system is consumed by households. appreciate the high quality of tap water, and sales of still bottled water increased An additional 2 percent is consumed in similar campaigns have been conducted in by an impressive 12 percent in 2015 holiday cottages or holiday homes. This Norway’s biggest cities. These campaigns after increasing by 22 percent in 2014, gives a specific water consumption in the are expected to continue, underlining the although this was from a relatively low households of around 207 liters a day per increasing importance of offering. base, according to another Euromonitor person. That is why, for Norway, the growth Dana Hani report. The strong and sudden increase categories of bottled water will be those Content Editor & Researcher

تجري المياه النظيفة عبر الصنابير في كل من الدنمارك والنرويج والسويد. وخلفًا لدول أخرى أقل حظً ا، يذكر المحللون أن المستهلكين في الدول االسكندنافية يرون أنَّ المياه المعبأة في زجاجات ليست من الضروريات في حياتهم بل يعدُّونها شكلً من أشكال التَّكَلُّف. إ َّ الأنَّه وفقًا لمجموعة تقارير صدرت عن شركة »يورومونيتور إنترناشونال« )Euromonitor International(، يستمر حجم سوق المياه المعبأة في زجاجات في الدنمارك والسويد في االرتفاع، مدفوعًا بالوعي الصحي لدى المستهلكين. واستحوذت سوق قطاع المياه من حيث بيع المنتجات في سوق المياه المعبأة في زجاجات االسكندنافية على الحصة األكبر في السويد. في حين سجلت المياه الوظيفية المعبأة في زجاجات نموًا ملحوظًا في الدنمارك. ومن ناحية أخرى، شهدت المياه المعبأة في زجاجات في النرويج في اآلونة األخيرة اانخفاضً حادًا في الطلب. وفقًا لتقرير »يورومونيتور«، سجَّ لت المياه الوظيفية المعبأة في زجاجات في الدنمارك نموًا في حجم تجارة التجزئة بلغ 83 في المئة في عام 2015.

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Country/regional reports 54 Scandinavia Oil & Gas Industry Must Do Business Differently to Meet Sustainability Targets Pressure is mounting on the global oil and gas industry to reduce environmental footprint at the same time as the industry is under significant cost pressure. Since business as usual is not an option, DNV GL has launched two papers to advise the industry on how and where to make impactful changes within financial constraints. The paper, ‘A cost-efficient approach to reducing environmental impact’ provides a framework for the industry on how to improve environmental sustainability by identifying the most industry right now but it’s still possible internationally recognized guidelines cost-efficient mitigating measures. to reduce our environmental footprint (IPIECA, API and IOGP) for sustainability To demonstrate how the abatement without breaking budgets. Cost-effective reporting. It can also be used alongside framework can work in practice, DNV measures can be implemented across other sustainability reporting initiatives GL has also carried out a case study for the lifecycle of assets and throughout the or company specific sustainability an offshore asset. The second paper, supply chain. Our papers will advise and KPIs. Aligned with UN Sustainable support decisions in this critical area. Development Goals for the environment, ‘CO2 abatement potential for offshore upstream installations’ demonstrates the Greater transparency by the industry it covers a wide range of indicators, results of a comprehensive case study on environmental risk management including emissions to air and discharges processes and sustainability reporting to sea (i.e. hydrocarbon spills, produced on how CO2 emissions can be reduced through the implementation of a number will give the sector much needed water, etc) for specific offshore assets. of cost-effective measures for offshore credibility and speed up sustainability It is based on a three-step integrated production on the Norwegian Continental improvements as a business advantage.” approach: reporting and accounting of Shelf (NCS). Elisabeth Tørstad, CEO, The framework proposed in ‘A emissions and discharges; impact and DNV GL – Oil & Gas, says: “Cost cost-efficient approach to reducing risk assessment; and prioritizing cost- management is a top priority for the environmental impact’, is based on efficient environmental improvements. Valve Solutions for Smart District Cooling Networks

Vexve is a Finnish company specializing of modern district cooling networks in sizing and selection of valves during the in designing and manufacturing solutions the Middle East. The Perma-Pipe Vexve design phase of district cooling networks for district energy. For more than 50 years Underground Solution includes pre- greatly reduces costs during installation. Vexve solutions have secured the comfort insulated valve elements with welded “With our solution, optimization can be of living for hundreds of millions of people connection, operating options ranging accomplished on the drawing board in over 30 countries. Vexve and Perma- from manual gears to remote operated instead of on site and with flangess,” Pipe Middle East have developed a hydraulic actuators and adjustable plastic comments Petri Tuominen, Vexve’s complete valve solution for the demands chambers for valve access. Optimized Export Director for Middle East. The company’s adjustable plastic chamber solution ensures that district cooling networks can be designed seamlessly for each individual location, irrespective of installation depth and without need to invest in concrete chambers. Vexve valves solutions together with world- class pre-insulated piping by Perma-Pipe offer the ultimate value for investments in Vexve district energy products are manufactured in Finland district cooling infrastructure.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 55 تقارير البلدان واملناطق الدول اإلسكندنافية Danfoss Exhibits Pump & ERD Range at WETEX 2016

At this year’s WETEX exhibition in Dubai, Danfoss will present their latest innovation within high-pressure pumps and energy recovery devices. With the latest innovations, Danfoss offers an extensive range of pumps and ERDs from small to large sized seawater RO plants. On show is the Danfoss range of APP high-pressure pumps and iSave ERDs used from small to large sized seawater plants. Attendees will find the latest APP pump, which delivers up to 86 m3/hour. This is the highest flow rate APP pumps & iSave family of any axial piston pump on the market. Installed in parallel trains, the pump costs on the bottom line. The APP pumps and are compact as well as they are easy enables unprecedented energy savings have some of the highest efficiency rates to install and operate. “Customers are in SWRO plants up to 30,000 m3/day or in the market, they have a simple and more focused on energy efficiency than more. Attendees will also find the iSave compact design, which makes them easy ever before,” explains Jesper Bentzen, 70, which handles flow rates of up to 70 to maintain, and a small footprint which global sales director at Danfoss. “With m3/hour. Like for the pump, the iSave fits in everywhere. The iSave ERDs do the growing trend towards modularity for can be installed in parallel trains and it also have competitive efficiency rates. SWRO plants, we believe our pumps and will cause dramatically reduced energy The iSaves have a service friendly design ERDs will be an excellent choice.”

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Departments Corporate Happenings 57 BlueInGreen Names Christopher Milligan CEO 57 British Water Puts Focus on Data & Analytics 58 Italian Green Energy Technology in the UAE 58 GROHE: “Turn Water into Food” 60 The World Bank & IWA to Establish Partnership

60 New Head of Sales at H2O GmbH Industry Literature 61 Wastewater Is a Valuable Resource – So Why Waste It? 61 Markets-Based Approach Can Help Solve Global Water Scarcity 62 Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture 62 A Tale of Clean Cities: Solving Urban Sanitation Challenge Products & Services 64 Tormac Multistage Pumps: At the Heart of Reliability 64 Proseries-M® M-3 & M-4 Peristaltic Metering Pump 65 Metal Seated DBB Valves for Reliable Primary Isolation 66 Electro-Oxidation Technology for Spent Caustic Treatment 66 Sensorex Online Process UV Transmittance Monitor Self-Calibrates Projects & Developments 68 Power Plant at Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park 68 Cambi Awarded Contract for Thermal Hydrolysis Procurement 69 Hotel Groups to Launch First Standardized Water Measurement Tool 70 Anaerobic Digestion Nozzle Mixing Systems in North America 70 Important Jigsaw Penstock for Thames Water 72 Major Water & Wastewater Capital Improvement Program 72 Bronze Pump Aids Manus Water Supply 74 Bespoke Pipe Puller Aids Mutli-Duct Installation in Ireland 74 Water Planet Teams Up with Osmoflo

Photo Courtesy of Siemens 57 أقسام أخبار الرشكات BlueInGreen Names Christopher Milligan CEO

BlueInGreen has appointed received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Christopher Milligan, PE as its new Engineering from the University of CEO. Milligan was unanimously selected Arkansas and a Master of Science in by BlueInGreen’s Board of Directors to Civil Engineering from the University oversee the water treatment company’s of Oklahoma. In April 2004, Milligan operations, resources and market joined Garver, an Engineering News- strategies effective immediately. Milligan Record (ENR) Top 500 Design Firm and originally joined BlueInGreen as Director quickly earned a senior management of Engineering in March 2012 and was position. He would go on to serve later named Senior Vice President in as President of Menen Group as March 2013. A licensed professional well as CFO of Aquagro, a nonprofit engineer in nine states, Milligan has organization focused on advancing nearly 15 years of extensive experience aquaponics through research and in both civil engineering and water development. After establishing his Christopher B. Milligan, BlueInGreen CEO treatment while working for government own consulting firm in 2011, Milligan agencies as well as private companies. was approached by an up-and-coming, Northwest Arkansas Business Journal’s His areas of expertise include process Arkansas-based startup to further 40 Under 40 list in 2013 as well as the design, product development, facility develop its water treatment technology. Water & Wastes Digest Young Water operations and technical design. That startup was BlueInGreen. “Chris Professionals list in 2016. Milligan’s “Chris is a very special talent,” said is an accomplished engineer and work with membrane biological reactors Board Member Steve Brooks. “He’s a natural leader,” Chairman Clete has also led to publications by the an invaluable asset to this company, Brewer said. “We can’t wait to see Water Environment Federation as well as the water and wastewater where he takes BlueInGreen moving (WEF) and the American Water industry as a whole.” Milligan forward.” Milligan was named to the Works Association (AWWA). British Water Puts Focus on Data & Analytics

A focus group specialising in data and Perez said: “Over the last 12 months in June last year. Its objective is to analytics has become the latest addition British Water has doubled the number of explore the opportunities for the water to the British Water Technical Forum. technical forums, which are free and open industry’s supply chain presented by The Data & Analytics Focus Group, to members. Becoming a part of these the development of hydraulic fracturing which had its first meeting in June, will forums allows members from all aspects in the UK and to help regulators identify bring together experts on data capturing, of the water industry to share knowledge, available technologies. The three new processing and usage from across make new connections and to have a focus groups are in addition to the the industry. Technical Director Marta say in common standards and future existing British Water groups, which regulation.” At its first meeting, members address issues relating to package of Data & Analytics Focus Group vowed treatment plants, network management to work towards a code of practice and sustainable water management. to advise UK utilities and their supply Perez said: “Focus groups are a fantastic chain. The data and analytics experts opportunity for British Water members also propose to compile a glossary of to share their expertise, and develop technical terms to streamline the way new contacts across the industry. As language is used across the industry. well as setting common standards and The Innovation Focus Group had its first codes of practice for different areas of meeting in September 2015. Its aim is to the water industry, British Water focus share knowledge about the process by groups help build knowledge of the which new products can be developed challenges our members face. The sort and brought to a commercialisation of detailed information provided by British stage, to improve information about Water focus groups can be tremendously grant funding and to build new links useful when advising governments and with academia. British Water set up regulatory bodies about new standards British Water Technical Director Marta Perez the Extractive Industries Focus Group and legislation.”

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Departments 58 corporate happenings

Italian Green Energy Technology in the UAE

Fast Solutions, a well-known importer, re-exporter, technological solutions provider and distributor of renewable energy systems in the UAE, has unveiled Italian global brand Ferroli’s premium range of solar panels and green energy solutions in the UAE. The firm will redefine standards in the domestic water heater industry of the region with the launch of its product range that is equipped with the highest energy efficiency and eco-friendly features. The company is a multinational quality green solutions in the UAE. Fast of commercial boilers. Fast Solutions giant for home and industrial heating, Solutions plans to expand the market will exclusively distribute a range of air-conditioning and water heating of its partner’s specialized solutions in a Ferroli products including solar water solutions. Fast Solutions Contracting & phased manner, beginning with the UAE heaters, electric water heaters, industrial Engineering is a specialist in the UAE and and covering the distribution across other range calorifiers, heat pumps and gas the Middle East market for the world’s countries including Oman, Saudi Arabia boilers in the UAE. Speaking about its leading brands in water technology and and the untapped Indian market. Ferroli foray into the UAE and partnership with renewable energy systems with products has brought many innovative heating Fast Solutions, Marco Ippoliti, Head ranging from water heaters, solar appliances into the marketplace from of Exports at Ferroli Group, said, “The systems, gas boilers, heat pumps and high efficiency domestic combi system Middle East is a huge market for us with calorifiers. The partnership between Fast and open vent boilers to a wide range of the UAE being a very important country Solutions and Ferroli will provide a smart renewable products, including complete to have our presence in, with their combination of local value and superior solar systems, plus an extensive range exemplary Green Buildings Initiative. GROHE: “Turn Water into Food”

Memac Ogilvy Public Relations, Relations was rewarded at the IPRA awareness about water conservation the Middle Eastern operation of Ogilvy Golden World Awards (GWA) for the techniques and to secure the future PR, and GROHE, world’s specialized diligent work that has been completed for of this precious natural resource. In German manufacturer in the sanitary GROHE’s TWIF initiative in Saudi Arabia,” 2014 GROHE partnered with the fittings, enjoyed an unprecedented said Saada Hammad, Regional Director Sharbatly Foundation & installed 40 announcement of the International Memac Ogilvy Public Relations MENA. environmentally-friendly self-closing Public Relations Association (IPRA) “Our work could not be recognizable faucets in the ablution rooms inside the 2016 Golden World Awards (GWA) for without the trust of our clients with our mosque. The aim will always remain to its “Turn Water into Food” campaign creativity and originality. These awards reserve the effects of irresponsible water in Saudi Arabia. Established in 1990, are a great acknowledgement for the practices in the region. Back then 3,460 the IPRA Golden World Awards (GWA) efforts of our teams across the region; liters of water were saved and converted initiative recognizes excellence in public they have my deep thanks and respect”. into 346 boxes of food and distributed relations practice worldwide. “I am Piloted in 2009, The “Green Mosque” to families in need. “Rewarded for our honored to announce that Ogilvy Public initiative seeks to increase public WaterCare program for the second time in the MENA, we are keen on enhancing and optimizing sustainability regionally. As a matter of fact, our program did not only increase water conservation awareness, it has also enabled us to finance sustainable food resources for families in need to improve their standard of living” said Lina Varytimidou, GROHE East Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa Public Relations Director and Head of GROHE SPA.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 59 أقسام أخبار الرشكات

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Departments 60 corporate happenings

The World Bank & IWA to Establish Partnership

The World Bank and the International Water Association (IWA) declared their intentions at World Water Week to establish a global partnership to help countries, especially the poorest, improve management of water that is pumped but then lost or unaccounted for, called non-revenue water (NRW). In developing countries, roughly 45 million cubic meters of water are lost daily in the use of performance based concerned about the future of water. with an economic value of over USD3 contracts (PBCs) to reduce NRW, It has sixty-year heritage connecting billion per year. Saving half of those raise awareness on the issue of NRW, water professionals worldwide to losses would provide enough water to simplify and streamline the preparation find solutions to the world’s water serve at least 90 million people. High of such contracts, and support their challenges as part of a broader levels of NRW reflect huge volumes implementation in developing countries sustainability agenda. As a non- of water being lost through leaks, in the next few years. Furthermore the profit organization with members in not being invoiced to customers, or partnership will build the market of more than 130 countries, the IWA both. Reducing NRW can significantly suppliers at the local level. The Public- connects scientists to practitioners and improve the performance of public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility communities so that pioneering research water utilities in developing countries. (PPIAF) has co-developed the initiative. delivers sustainable solutions. It further The two international organizations set The International Water Association fosters technological innovation and out to collaborate on a joint program is a unique, global knowledge hub drives best practice through international that aims to capture good practices for water professionals and anyone frameworks and standards. New Head of Sales at H2O GmbH

A new job for a familiar face: H2O has a new Head of Sales. Jochen processing and recycling industrial GmbH, based in Steinen in the state Freund has worked at H2O GmbH wastewater. The experts for zero of Baden-Württemberg, Germany, as Head of Product and Business liquid discharge from the H2O Development for nine years and has GmbH are worldwide technological been working as Head of Sales Force specialists in the field of efficient and for three years. He will now become reliable vacuum distillation systems Head of Sales and Marketing. He has for the processing and recirculation a diploma in chemical engineering of industrial wastewater. Thanks to and his goal is to make the sales a modular composed technology, network of H2O GmbH even more each system is tailored individually international and to improve market according to the customer’s needs. penetration in existing markets. 30 years of experience lead to “We want to be close to customers, exceptional products, which set correctly identify their needs and offer technological standards. Since the optimal solutions,” says Freund. He is spin-off of the Mannesmann Demag a big fan of football and is particularly Group in 1999 the owner managed looking forward to being part of an H2O could win a growing number of ambitious team that drives the growth loyal customers who appreciate the of H2O GmbH. “It’s great that we scope of services of the H2O. The contribute towards protecting the turnover increased since the foundation environment all over the world with our on an average of 15 percent up to sustainable products!” H2O GmbH, USD20 million in the year 2015. The with its VACUDEST vacuum distillation H2O employs today more than 100 systems, is a well-known company colleagues worldwide, thereof 80 at the Jochen Freund, Head of Sales at H2O GmbH in efficient and safe for head office in Baden Steinen.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 61 أقسام مكتبة العدد Wastewater Is a Valuable Resource – So Why Waste It? A book published by Stockholm households through biogas generation. Environment Institute (SEI) and It says globally produced municipal United Nations Environment wastewater contains the equivalent Programme (UNEP) is pushing for a of 25 percent of the nitrogen and 15 radical rethink of the way people deal percent of the phosphorus applied with their excreta and wastewater – as chemical fertilizers, as well as vital and illustrating how it can be done. To micro-nutrients and organic matter achieve the Sustainable Development that chemical fertilizers lack. In just one Goals (SDGs) people need to recognize day, a city of 10 million flushes enough wastewater and sanitation waste for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium what they are – a valuable resource to fertilize about 500,000 hectares of – and see their safe management as agricultural land. In poor rural areas an efficient investment in human well- resource recovery could be a lifeline for development. “Throughout history, being. The book, titled “Sanitation, small farmers. The book presents many sanitation has catalyzed development. Wastewater Management and examples from around the world – from We’re at a point where it can really do Sustainability: From Waste Disposal luxury condos in Brazil to the deserts of that again. I’d go so far as to say that to Resource Recovery” suggests that Egypt to the streets of Ouagadougou – a transition to sustainable development the 330 km3 of municipal wastewater where sustainable sanitation is already cannot happen without a radical rethink produced globally each year is enough being used successfully. The conclusion of the way we deal with our excreta to irrigate 40 million hectares – is clear: what comes out of the other and wastewater.” says Kim Andersson, equivalent to 15 percent of all currently end of the pipe can no longer be Research Fellow at Stockholm irrigated land – or to power 130 million ignored – and its potential to transform Environment Institute. Markets-Based Approach Can Help Solve Global Water Scarcity

As cities grow and farms expand, support farmers and drive sustainable methods for securing additional water many rivers and lakes are being dried water management, especially in areas supplies, such as building more reservoirs up by water diversions. The Nature where water trading exists and water or aqueducts, are often beyond affordable Conservancy is now working with use is dominated by irrigated agriculture. reach for people living in water-scarce environmentally-minded investors to Today, nearly half the world’s population regions. Nature is the silent and often buy back some water for nature. That is impacted by water shortages. More unseen victim of water scarcity. A story is told in a new report titled “Water than 50 percent of the world’s cities recent report noted that since 1970, 76 Share: Using water markets and impact and 75 percent of all irrigated farms percent of recorded freshwater species investing to drive sustainability.” The experience water shortages on a regular populations have declined with water report explores the use of creative basis. Water sources around the world depletion being a lead cause of their impact investing solutions to alleviate are being over-exploited with over 30 decline. Climate change is expected to water scarcity, restore ecosystems, percent near exhaustion. Traditional place even more challenging conditions on nature in the future. “We need to get smarter about how we use every drop of water,” said Brian Richter, Chief Scientist for the Water program at The Nature Conservancy. “We can no longer build our way out of water scarcity. The closer water consumption grows toward the limits of water availability, the more we put ourselves at risk. But new approaches in water management can shift us toward long-term sustainability.”

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Departments 62 industry literature

Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture

In face of increasing water scarcity, recognizing wastewater as a resource has been a crucial step towards ensuring future water security. Today, more than 20 million hectares of land are irrigated with wastewater. However, much of this practice is not based on any scientific criteria ensuring the institutional arrangements,” UNU- 17 case studies selected from Latin safe use of the wastewater. The new FLORES Director Reza Ardakanian America, Asia, and Africa addressing book “Safe Use of Wastewater in explained. “The SUWA Initiative partners three different dimensions of the topic: Agriculture: Good Practice Examples,” were approached by a number of Section I – Technological Advances; launched by the United Nations countries with the request to help Section II – Health & Environmental University Institute for Integrated them address these capacity needs.” Aspects; and Section III – Policy & Management of Material Fluxes In response to this request, UNU- Implementation Issues. The aim of the and of Resources (UNU-FLORES), FLORES identified several interesting editors is to enhance not only north- is a useful resource for Governments case studies from around the world south but also south-south knowledge interested in learning from existing in 2015 exemplifying the practice of sharing. The United Nations University ventures. “A sound understanding of the wastewater use in agriculture across aims to develop sustainable solutions opportunities and potential risks must the globe. These were discussed at a for pressing global problems of human be the base for any use of wastewater. workshop in Lima, Peru, in February survival and development. UNU-FLORES In order to address the technical, 2016 attended by experts, researchers, was established in Dresden, Germany in institutional, and policy challenges of and ministerial representatives from December 2012. The Institute engages safe water reuse, developing countries 15 different countries. The book is the in research, capacity development, and countries in transition need clear result of that workshop. It includes advanced teaching and training. A Tale of Clean Cities: Solving Urban Sanitation Challenge

New research from WaterAid has works’ by examining how three cities of the sanitation chain, such as access identified the ingredients of success have made significant strides in ensuring to toilets, emptying septic tanks, and for tackling the ever-growing sanitation access to sanitation services for all treating the faecal waste. Meanwhile, challenge caused by uncontrolled urban dwellers. Strong local leadership inadequate financing and a lack of urbanization across the developing proved vital to success in all three cases, coordination between municipal world, with strong leadership being key be it from the mayor or the head of departments are frequent obstacles. to effecting change. With over half (54 the waste management department. Furthermore, the urban poor and those percent) of the global population now While rapid urbanization poses huge who live in challenging areas are being living in urban areas, city infrastructure is challenges, the pressure it causes can left behind. Innovative solutions that have struggling to keep up in many countries, actually be positive, driving demand for been shown to work range from public leaving millions without access to clean services to be provided. Efforts were toilets managed through public-private water and toilets, increasing the risk of also driven by financing opportunities, partnerships, to public campaigns on disease. However, progress is being commercial competitiveness or tourism, cleanliness to create tourist friendly made. “A tale of clean cities: insights for and even by crises, such as outbreaks spaces, and from decentralized planning urban sanitation from Ghana, of disease. Findings also showed sanitation wastewater treatment to India and The Philippines” explores ‘what uneven progress along different parts centralized pit emptying services. WaterAid’s report, released at Stockholm World Water Week, provides guidance for municipal authorities, national governments, donors and development agencies to support the UN Global Goal to ensure improved sanitation for everyone everywhere by 2030.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 63 أقسام مكتبة العدد

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Departments 64 Products & services Tormac Multistage Pumps: At the Heart of Reliability

Tormac multistage pumps – both vertical and horizontal have found wide acceptance across diverse markets by virtue of their superior quality standards and unmatched performances. Tormac TV series Vertical Multistage Pumps are highly reliable and technologically advanced to suit the needs of a wide variety of users. The in-line design enables the pump to be installed in vertical position and does not interrupt the horizontal pipe line system. All the wet parts like impellers, diffusers, shaft of these pumps are constructed by corrosion resistance AISI stainless steel and designed to deliver the best possible hydraulic efficiency. The Tormac pumps integrated and most modern quality assurance systems used at every which ensure a smooth and trouble free tests to ensure fail safe performances stage of the production and flawless performance helps to pump safe and at all times. As a company committed workmanship ensure sustained and hygienic drinking water system. The to innovation, quality and service, consist operation. These pumps are prime mover of this product is robust Tormac, has always looked at customer equipped with replacement mechanical in construction and built with thermal demands and requirements to ensure seal. Tormac TH Horizontal Multistage overload protection (only in single phase that their needs are met with innovative Centrifugal pumps are specially motors). High quality mechanical seals solutions. The company has a strong designed to facilitate pressure boosting are used to ensure less friction / power global presence and have found wide and are best suited for a wide range loss. These pumps are manufactured acceptance in diverse markets by virtue of applications. The vital components at the company’s high tech facilities of superlative product performances. viz. impellers, diffusers, and shaft used employing innovative technology. Also, the fact that Tormac designs in these pumps are made of corrosion Every single product that rolls out of pumps that are country specific adds to resistance high quality Stainless Steel the factory is put through a battery of the acceptance factor. Proseries-M® M-3 & M-4 Peristaltic Metering Pump

Proseries-M® M-3 and M-4 NSF 61 listed compatible with the most commonly brushless variable speed motor and peristaltic metering pumps, are designed used chemicals in these applications, a 10,000:1 turndown ratio, with high for use in mid to high volume Municipal such as Sodium Hypochlorite and resolution motor speed adjustment. Water and Wastewater Treatment Hydrogen Peroxide. Proseries-M® Additional benefits include: Operator applications. Proseries-M® units are pumps have a no-maintenance, friendly digital touch pad; high contrast backlit LCD; NEMA 4X / IP 66 rated for wash down; Exclusive Built-in patented Tube Failure Detection System; and the heavy single piece rotor means no flexing and increased accuracy. Available feed rates range from .0002 to 158.5GPH (depending on model ordered), pressures to 125PSI. Founded in 1957, Blue-White Industries is a well- known manufacturer of metering pumps (diaphragm, peristaltic), flowmeters (variable-area, paddlewheel, ultrasonic), BlueWhite ProSeries M4 and water treatment accessories.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 65 أقسام منتجات وخدمات Metal Seated DBB Valves for Reliable Primary Isolation The VariAS-Blocks by AS-Schneider are used in chemical plants and the oil and gas industry among other applications. The pressure must be continuously monitored and measured in the pipework used there. As primary isolation valves on the pressure tapping points, these special shut-off devices serve to reliably separate the impulse lines and process lines from each other. This not only allows reliable pressure measurements, but also protects people and the environment from dangerous and harmful process The metal seated VariAS-Blocks are especially suitable for use under extreme conditions media. With their sophisticated and compact design, VariAS-Blocks offer numerous advantages over traditional maintenance costs and ensures accurate fluctuations, pressures up to 420 bar, process measurement installations. They measurement result. The VariAS-Block high contamination levels and aggressive combine primary isolation (process side) type most commonly used is the Double process media are no problem for the and secondary isolation (instrumentation Block & Bleed Design with a primary and metal seats. The new version is also fire side) valves in one single valve body – a secondary isolation ball valve design safe tested and certified according to ISO saving weight and space and simplifying and a metal seated needle vent valve. The 10497 and API 607. With these features, the installation. Potential leakage points VariAS-Block ball valves are available with the metal seated VariAS-Blocks are are also reduced to a minimum in order to valve seats made of PTFE Compound particularly suitable for use under extreme increase safety. Measuring instruments like or PEEK in the standard version. With conditions. The company, however, has pressure gauges or transmitters are usually the expansion of its product range, AS- not neglected the cost efficiency: By using directly mounted on the VariAS-Blocks. Schneider now also offers metal seated standard components, the manufacturer This compact, space-saving mounting ball valves with a bore diameter of ten is able to offer the product at an attractive minimizes the disturbing influence of millimeters. These score above all with price. The standard version is suitable for vibrations, reduces installation and their high reliability. Even large temperature temperatures up to 232 degrees Celsius.

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Departments 66 Products & services

Electro-Oxidation Technology for Spent Caustic Treatment Based on experience and knowledge to address the needs of refinery reactions at near ambient conditions. gained from application of the highly- and petrochemical spent caustic The oxidation potential is very high, effective Zimpro® wet air oxidation treatment. This new process – Zimpro® allowing for polishing to end-of-pipe (WAO) technology, Siemens has electro-oxidation – uses electrically requirements in the wastewater plant. developed an electrooxidation process conductive boron doped diamond Unlike other advanced oxidation (BDD) electrodes, enabling efficient processes, no strong and expensive oxidation of organic and inorganic oxidizing chemicals are required to compounds that are dissolved in be stored on- site, and the oxidation spent caustic. The system’s flexible, reactions only occur when electricity modular design is capable of treating is applied to the electrodes. The highly-contaminated spent caustic heart of the Zimpro electro-oxidation streams typically generated by process is based on a reactor that both refineries and petrochemical contains high-purity, electrically- plants in producing clean fuels and conductive, solid polycrystalline chemicals. Treatment using Zimpro BDD electrodes. These specialized electro-oxidation produces an diamond electrodes generate hydroxyl effluent that is amenable to traditional radicals that, when combined with the wastewater treatment processes. The chemically inert nature of the synthetic Zimpro electro-oxidation technology diamond, provide a long-lasting, performs oxidation in a unique way, efficient electrode for challenging using electricity passed across BDD oxidation applications like refinery and ® Siemens’ Zimpro electro-oxidation system electrodes to produce oxidation petrochemical spent caustics. Sensorex Online Process UV Transmittance Monitor Self-Calibrates

The UVT-LED-PW Transmittance Monitor (formerly PearlSense T254) provides continuous monitoring for accurate UV disinfection dosing. The compact monitor delivers fast, accurate, in-line transmittance readings in industrial process and drinking water settings, where UV disinfection is used. Patented automatic wiping and calibration mechanisms significantly reduce maintenance burden and extend service life. UV Transmittance measurement with the UVT-LED-PW ensures proper UV dosing and efficient The UVT-LED-PW Transmittance Monitor operation of UV disinfection systems. Simple to operate, with a clear backlit LED display, the UVT-LED-PW is mounted The integrated Teflon wiper delivers a LED lamps, reduce maintenance and directly in a pressurized pipe or sampling swift cleaning cycle before each reading significantly lower operating expenses line, taking automatic measurements every is taken, to prevent fouling and build-up related to UVT monitoring and UV 60 seconds. The sensor directly outputs in water and wastewater applications. disinfection. The UVT-LED-PW has the a 4-20mA signal for UV system control The sensor automatically calibrates to smallest footprint of any commercially or data logging. Patented cleaning and a quartz reference standard built into available UV-transmittance sensor for calibration features ensure UVT-LED-PW the wiper mechanism. These integrated easy integration in new or existing UV measurements are accurate and reliable. features, along with highly efficient UV-C disinfection systems.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 67 أقسام منتجات وخدمات

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Departments 68 Projects & developments

Power Plant at Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park DEWA has awarded the contract for Independent Power Producer (IPP) Advisory Services for the 200MW Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Plant to a consortium led by KPMG Lower Gulf Limited (Financial), alongside Mott MacDonald (Technical) and Ashurt (Legal). This is part of DEWA’s efforts to make significant and steady progress in increasing the percentage of renewable and clean energy in the energy mix, and support the Dubai Green Energy Strategy 2050, launched by Sheikh Solar Park Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to make of the CSP plant. It will be operational Maktoum solar park the largest single- Dubai a global center of clean energy by April 2021. DEWA will generate site solar project in the world with a and green economy. Accordingly, DEWA 1,000MW using this technology by 2030. planned capacity of 5,000MW by 2030, released a tender on 26 May 2016 for The closing date for this tender was 20 and a total investment of USD13.6 leading international CSP consultants July 2016. The project lies within the million. When completed, the park will to submit their proposals for advisory Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum reduce over 6.5 million tons of carbon services for the 200MW first project solar park; the Mohammed bin Rashid Al emissions annually. Cambi Awarded Contract for Thermal Hydrolysis Procurement

In the first half of 2016,Cambi received Cambi system is designed to treat hour of biomethane. The sludge from a signed contract from MWH Treatment 70,000 tons ds (dry solids) of sludge Minworth used to contain a substantial Limited, for the delivery and installation per year with a peak of 250 tds per day. amount of industrial impurities therefor of 3 lines of Cambi THP B6 – 4 reactor The site has 12 digesters in use with it was burnt at a nearby incinerator. system and sludge coolers for cooling over 60,000m3 total capacity and has After the recent cleanup of the of hydrolyzed sludge prior to digestion a large CHP (cogeneration) system that industrial inputs, it was decided to at Minworth STW plant in Birmingham. can generate over 8 MW continuously. make beneficial use of the sludge in Minworth STW treats sludge from the More recently a gas to grid system was agriculture and to shut down the aging equivalent of 2.5 million people. The installed that produces up to 750 m3/ incinerator. The benefits of adding Cambi THP at this stage are: much better dewatering expected to exceed 30 percent DS – they only get 22 percent DS currently – cake quantity will be greatly reduced; class A product gives them more security now they have shut down their incinerator; low odor, compost-like cake product with more secure final disposal to agriculture; more import capacity including glycerol – so more biogas; improved biogas yields, integrated with Gas to Grid project where biogas has Minworth STW plant in Birmingham high value.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 69 أقسام مشاريع وتطويرات Hotel Groups to Launch First Standardized Water Measurement Tool ITP (International Tourism Partnership) is proud to announce a major step forward in the hotel industry’s stewardship of water, with the launch of the Hotel Water Measurement Initiative (HWMI). Eighteen global hotel groups have worked together to create the industry’s first coordinated and consistent water measurement tool. HWMI is the result of 18 months’ work to develop CEO Water Mandate. Fran Hughes, hotels but each group has a different way a free methodology and calculation Director of ITP said, “The hotel industry to measure and may include or exclude tool which will enable hotel companies identified water as an issue it urgently different sources or uses of water. and individual properties to measure wanted to address, and whilst many Building on ITP’s earlier success with the and report on water consumption in a hotels are already measuring their universally recognized tool for measuring consistent way. ITP member companies water consumption, the use of different the carbon footprint of a hotel room, have collaborated to develop the methods makes it impossible to stay or meeting – HCMI (Hotel Carbon methodology, working with KPMG as benchmark. By bringing these leading Measurement Initiative) – now used by technical consultants and with feedback companies together we have created over 24,000 hotels globally, HWMI will from a stakeholder steering group of a free tool which will ensure all hotels allow any hotel anywhere in the world to global experts, including the Stockholm can measure their water use in exactly measure and report on the water footprint International Water Institute (SIWI), the same way.” Measuring water of a hotel stay or meeting / event in Water Footprint Network, CDP and consumption is a common activity in exactly the same way.

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Departments 70 Projects & developments

Anaerobic Digestion Nozzle Mixing Systems in North America GE announced that Hayward Gordon will be the exclusive supplier of process support and mixing nozzles for GE’s anaerobic digestion solutions in North America. This arrangement will enable GE to provide nozzle mixing solutions for anaerobic digestion tanks, sludge holding tanks and many other wastewater mixing applications. Hayward Gordon will take the lead in offering this complete nozzle mixing solution through its existing and Anaerobic Digestion Tank well-established distribution network. “GE is a leading global supplier of water Hayward Gordon. Hayward Gordon’s Reliable pumping, sludge conditioning treatment, wastewater treatment, water HydroMix system is a highly effective and elimination of nozzle clogging reuse and process systems solutions. hydraulic mixing system encompassing is provided by the Hayward Gordon Hayward Gordon is an industry leader a precisely engineered design of CHOPX series of chopper pumps, which in pumping and mixing solutions for the horizontally positioned nozzles combined have been proven on nozzle mixing municipal and industrial wastewater with strategically angled vertical nozzles. applications across North America. markets. Together, we can make great This design not only provides a circular This mixing is accomplished with no advancements in nozzle mixing systems velocity pattern, but, more importantly, moving parts within the tank resulting in in North America,” said Graham Hicks, ensures good top-to-bottom movement a significant maintenance and process vice president, manufactured products, that is critical to optimum mixing. downtime savings. Important Jigsaw Penstock for Thames Water

Ham Baker and Unitspark have life, a 1.2m by 1.2m penstock was about the manufacture and installation completed the intricate installation of a required at Wandle Pumping Station of a new unit that would overcome the penstock at a pumping station in South but with this size too large for the 9 sizeable access challenge. Based on a London in which a severely restricted meter deep shaft and pipe, installation highly detailed concept from bespoke access issue had to be overcome with of a standard penstock would have engineering specialists Unitspark, an innovative, cost-effective engineering caused significant delays and costly Ham Baker (who have been making solution. Part of Thames Water’s disruption. Thames Water called upon penstocks since 1886), set about ongoing program to replace ageing two companies with vast experience of designing what became known as the assets before the end of their forecast penstocks and specialist works to bring ‘jigsaw’ penstock, crafted in segments. “We have penstocks installed all over the world, but this one required a very different way of thinking”, said Paul Higginson, Director at Ham Baker Group. “Designing a two-leaf segmented penstock (to extremely fine tolerances) that would have to be lowered down and traverse up a pipe for a very precise installation certainly called upon all our experience. Together with Unitspark, we very much wanted to provide a long term solution for Thames Water, producing a high quality penstock made from stainless steel, including every single component part, Jigsaw Penstock for Thames Water with exacting attention to detail”.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 71 أقسام مشاريع وتطويرات

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Departments 72 Projects & developments

Major Water & Wastewater Capital Improvement Program

CH2M and Parsons, as part of a joint venture team, have been selected by the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) to perform program management services for the development and implementation of DC Water’s capital improvement program (CIP) – a USD1.3 billion water and wastewater areas, including piping, pumping, many years on capital improvement infrastructure program focused on storage and other appurtenance projects and most recently has been repair and replacement of mostly structures, such as hydrants, valves, leading the utility’s Asset Management underground infrastructure in inflatable dams, diversion structures Program,” said Peter Nicol, CH2M Global Washington, D.C., and neighboring and manholes. The program includes Water Business Group President. “Aging jurisdictions. The three-year contract, rehabilitation or replacement of small and underground infrastructure is a national with options for renewal up to two large-diameter water mains; rehabilitation problem and leads to disruptions in years, combines two separate program of water, sanitary and storm pumping service and threatens water quality. We management contracts into one large stations; rehabilitation of minor and are excited to help DC Water tackle the program – providing greater efficiencies major sewers and storage facilities; complicated repair and replacement of its in delivery and cost. The CIP includes and condition assessments of water aging underground water and wastewater the planning, design and construction and wastewater buried infrastructure, infrastructure to ensure local communities of linear and vertical infrastructure pumping stations and storage facilities. have access to safe drinking water and in the water and wastewater service “CH2M has worked with DC Water for sanitation systems.” Bronze Pump Aids Manus Water Supply

A pair of big, 10 cm nickel aluminum self-priming characteristics and overall of 6 meters. The pumps are matched bronze self-priming pumps were reliability. Called the Aussie B4KQ-A/B, to a TEFC three phase 4 Kw 415 volt employed at the Manus Island Detention the big pumps deliver up to 1,650 liters motor, providing adequate power for Centre to feed the all-important RO per minute each, that is over 3,000 the required performance. The big 10 System. The units selected by system liters per minute as a pair and offer a cm bronze units are close coupled. designer, the Heal Group, were chosen maximum head of 15 meters. Their self- The drive is through a 316 stainless because of their high flow, excellent priming suction capability is a vertical lift steel stub shaft and seals are heavy duty carbon mechanical, with nitrile elastomers and 316 stainless steel casings. The pumps were designed originally for marine applications and are found on trawlers, barges and work boats. The nickel aluminum bronze bodies, impellers and suction cases are specifically designed for seawater applications. The impeller is a non- clog style open vane design capable of passing small solids and suspension. Australian Pump Industries, commonly known as Aussie Pumps, specializes in high performance, self- priming centrifugal transfer pumps for a wide range of applications including firefighting as well as water and The Aussie B4KQ-A/B chemical transfer.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10

Departments 74 Projects & developments

Bespoke Pipe Puller Aids Mutli-Duct Installation in Ireland During April 2016, Stockton Drilling Ltd (SDL) commenced work on a challenging crossing of the River Corrib in Galway, Ireland. The work was completed on a sub-contract basis for GMC Utilities, the principle contractor for SSE in Ireland. The project involved the installation of a 390 meter long HDPE pipe-bundle beneath the River Corrib to facilitate the installation of a 110 kV grid connection to the SSE The drill rig launch site on the Galway project wind park west of Galway city. To complete the work SDL utilized its 250 ton horizontal directional drilling which is a Galway County Heritage limestone, converge. The area is also rig to install a bore of 710 millimeters site. Drilling work commenced from a Special Area of Conservation (SAC). diameter into which the HDPE pipe an entry-site on the western bank of These factors, combined with works bundle was to be pulled. The HDPE the Corrib, with an exit-point set within being required not to interfere with pipe bundle consisted of three 200 the National University of Ireland the ongoing activities of the University millimeters diameter and three 125 Galway (NUIG) campus. As well as and not to disturb the ruins of the millimeters diameter pipes. The having a width of approximately 110 medieval castle, resulted in the project installation took place at a site located meters, the Corrib, flows along a fault presenting an array of logistical and close to the historic Menlo Castle, line where two rock types, granite and technical challenges. Water Planet Teams Up with Osmoflo

Water Planet, a global supplier units, the remote monitoring infrastructure and provides significant value to our of high-performance membrane- will include access to Osmoflo’s 24/7 call customer’s ongoing operations. Osmoflo based water treatment solutions, has center to offer clients comprehensive, is recognized as one of the world’s leading signed an agreement with Osmoflo, real-time operation & maintenance (O&M) companies in desalination and wastewater a global specialist in desalination and support. Features include automatic treatment solutions, with world class wastewater treatment, to adapt Osmoflo’s emails or SMS notifications for critical capabilities and international coverage. PlantConnect® remote monitoring software alarms, preventative maintenance alerts, Our collaboration provides a solution that and response infrastructure to support and detailed energy consumption and combines our leading-edge technologies Water Planet’s IMS-5000 Produced performance data. Remote monitoring and delivers world-class service to Water Water Treatment Solution installations. O&M support will be available as an Planet’s customers,” said Eric Hoek, Chief In addition to leveraging the power of add-on service offering to support Water Executive Officer of Water Planet. “This IntelliFlux fully automated, self-adaptive Planet’s IMS-5000 customers around collaboration signifies an exciting time for flux enhancement and recovery controls the world. “This development expands Water Planet and Osmoflo. Innovation technology residing onboard IMS-5000 Water Planet’s O&M service offering is at the heart of both Water Planet and Osmoflo, which together we will deliver to clients globally,” said Emmanuel Gayan, Chief Executive Officer of the Osmoflo Group. Water Planet’s award winning IMS- 5000 Produced Water Treatment Solution – powered by IntelliFlux – is an integrated system comprising up-front mechanical oil-water separation to capture free oil and settleable solids followed by ceramic ultrafiltration membranes to eliminate oil and suspended solids.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 75 معارض ومؤمترات عرض مسبق ملعارض ومؤمترات

Events Events Preview

76 WETEX 2016 to Display Sustainable Solutions 78 USD400 Billion Worth of Construction Projects Ongoing in Dubai Events Review

80 Water Has a Central Role in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 81 IWE Istanbul Water Expo Hosted 3,677 Visitors

5 عامل Big املياهof The العريب Photo Courtesy ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ events 76 Events preview

WETEX 2016 to Display Sustainable Solutions

WETEX 2016 has shifted from an Renewable energy landscape in and insights on the trends in global exhibition to show products of energy, the GCC obviously, the Gulf region markets, and to discuss the most water and the environment to an is actively investing in clean and effective and sustainable technologies annual strategic platform to launch renewable energy, which represents in this area,” said Saeed Mohammed Al new technologies and major projects significant opportunities for companies Tayer, MD & CEO of Dubai Electricity that shape the scene of the energy specialized in renewable energy. A and Water Authority (DEWA), sector around the world. WETEX is recent report by The International Founder and Chairman of WETEX. organized under the directives of Sheikh Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, says that the UAE plans to generate “The transformation process to Vice President and Prime Minister of the 24 percent of its power from clean renewable energy requires a solid UAE and Ruler of Dubai, and under the energy by 2021. Similarly, Saudi infrastructure to meet future needs. To patronage of Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Arabia plans to produce 9.5GW from do so, any country should review the Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, sustainable sources by 2030. Qatar case studies from the region and the Minister of Finance and President of plans to produce 1.8GW of solar world to understand what is offered in DEWA. The 18th WETEX is held at a time energy by 2020, while Bahrain plans the market as far as modern techniques when countries from around the world to start increasing its capacity from are concerned, to serve the process are competing to promote reliance on sustainable solutions and Kuwait of green transformation. The UAE in renewable and clean energy solutions targets 15 percent by 2030. “Shifting general and Dubai in particular, has to be a part of the drive for a green the focus towards renewable energy determined the most effective and economy and sustainable development. solutions throughout the Gulf region sustainable renewable energy solutions Regional competition and promising and the world makes it imperative for in the long term. Solar energy certainly plans WETEX annually attracts elite decision-makers to stay abreast of presents itself as the major alternative organizations and specialized energy developments in the energy sector, to to traditional energy as a sustainable companies from around the world. utilize new technologies and solutions. renewable resource,” added Al Tayer. Many participants use WETEX to unveil WETEX serves as a comprehensive Large investments reflect forward- ambitious goals and projects that make platform for such innovations, as it thinking DEWA allocates a considerable global companies compete to provide annually sees launches of leading budget every year to accelerate the services, products and advanced products, not just partnerships adoption of green solutions, launch solutions in response to the requirements signings. It also attracts speakers strategic projects in accordance with of new projects. and experts to present their views the independent power producer (IPP), present new opportunities to explore partnerships between the public and private sectors, and diversify its sources. “We see WETEX as an ideal platform to explore new partnerships, and review the products and technologies of manufacturers in this area. We also present opportunities for cooperation in several DEWA projects, to build strong investment relations backed by the latest production standards in the international energy market,” concluded Al Tayer.

WETEX 2016 will be held from 4-6 October 2016 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre. It will be the largest exhibition so far in terms of display area, number of exhibitors, and anticipated number of visitors. This year, WETEX is expected to attract 1,900 exhibitors from 46 countries, 22,600 visitors from 65 countries for the event which will WETEX 2016 will be held at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre span 63,700 square meters.

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 77 معارض ومؤمترات عرض مسبق ملعارض ومؤمترات

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ events 78 Events preview

USD400 Billion Worth of Construction Projects Ongoing in Dubai Positive forecast in the Emirate’s units, education, health care and growth. The Government of Dubai construction market hospitality buildings, leisure and has outlined an ambitious 2021 Plan, Dubai’s construction industry knows recreation facilities, religious buildings, which includes the development of no standstill. According to BNC’s retail facilities and mixed use urban Dubai as a “Smart and Sustainable “Dubai Construction Market 2016” developments make up approximately city”. The Emirate is also getting ready report commissioned by The Big 5, the 77 percent of all project values in Dubai, to welcome up to 25 million visitors largest construction industry event in amounting to almost USD320 Billion. “A to the first World Expo in the Middle the Middle East, over 3,700 projects growing population, the tourism sector, East, 70 percent of which are expected are currently ongoing across the strategic government investments like to come from overseas. Total spend Emirate. Their total value is estimated the Dubai Plan 2021 and the Dubai Expo on infrastructure projects related to around USD400 Billion. The Dubai 2020 are fueling the local construction Dubai Expo 2020 might reach up construction market is on an upward industry”, Josine Heijmans, Event to USD18 billion, with estimated trajectory, the report shows. Although Director of The Big 5, commented. development costs of the Dubai South approximately 21 percent of them are Dubai’s population is approximately 2.46 Area between USD8.1 billion and on hold, a large number of projects are million people today, and is expected to USD8.7 billion. Presenting the “Dubai in advanced stages of construction, reach 3.40 million in 2020. The Emirate Construction Market 2016” report, The with an estimated value of over is also becoming a major destination hub Big 5 organizers, dmg events Middle USD100 billion. Noteworthy high-value for international travelers. Last year, it East, Asia & Africa, stated that the projects under construction include the welcomed 14.2 million overnight visitors, shift towards smart and sustainable Sobha Hartland Development (USD2.1 and is on track to reach 20 million by solutions and the introduction of new billion), the Royal Atlantis Resort and 2020. “This impressive increase is likely building regulations are motivating Residences – Palm Jumeirah (USD1.4 to put a strain on the city’s infrastructure, companies to look for new, innovative billion) and the Innovation Hub PT-163 creating a need to expand its capacity” products and services. – Dubai Internet City (USD1.2 billion). Heijmans stressed. New floor plan Per the BNC project intelligence Indeed, state planning is strongly In order to meet this growing demand, database, commercial and residential supporting the construction market’s the 2016 edition of The Big 5 will

The Big 5 2015 welcomed a record of over 73,000 visitors across 113,526 square meters space

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 79 معارض ومؤمترات عرض مسبق ملعارض ومؤمترات

The Big 5 2016 returns from 21 to 24 November at the Dubai World Trade Centre welcome attendees with a brand new MEP Services, Building Envelop & Special these votes in their decision while floor plan. Taking place at the Dubai Construction, Construction Tools & selecting the final winner of 2016. World Trade Centre from 21 to 24 Building Materials, and Smart Building & November, The Big 5 2016 is expected Design technologies. Presenting The Big The Big 5 has grown in parallel with the to host over 3,000 exhibitors, attracting 5 2016’s new layout, Heijmans explained: impressive urban development of the approximately 75,000 visitors. Heijmans “These main sectors are further broken Emirate. The show has been one of the is confident the new layout will facilitate down into subsectors, so it will be really first in the region to welcome a foreign business opportunities, while effectively easy to navigate the exhibition halls and Prime Minister: in 2007, then Italian leader responding to the current needs of all find the right exhibitors and products. Romano Prodi visited the exhibition construction industry professionals. In addition, a new App, route planners, with his Minister for International Trade, “One of the key reasons for our visitors a search function on the website and followed by British Prime Minister David to attend The Big 5 is to look for staff onsite will further support visitors Cameron in 2012. In 2015, the Big 5, specific products, innovations and new attending the show”. held in conjunction with PMV Live and technologies as well to network with Middle East Concrete, welcomed a new or existing business partners and Beyond offering both visitors and record of over 73,000 visitors across industry peers”, Heijmans stated. exhibitors a better experience, the 113,526 square meters space. new floor plan is studied to align with Although the event’s old layout the construction industry’s current Founded in 1989, dmg events has already accommodated dedicated trends, as the introduction of the operated in the Middle East since 1995 product sectors, the majority of the Smart Building & Design Technologies and owns many leading brands including international exhibitors were located in sector shows. Heijmans also promises The Big 5 portfolio of construction country pavilions. This, coupled with a stronger focus on the theme of events, INDEX – the Middle East’s largest the expansion of The Big 5 over the sustainability at The Big 5 this year. event for the interior design industry and years, made it more challenging for Visitors will be able to cast their vote The Hotel Show, the longest running and attendees to find the specific products for the show’s GAIA Awards, which most important event for the hospitality or the companies they were looking since 2008 honor companies in the industry. Headquartered in Dubai, UAE for. The new floor plan is the result of construction sector whose products and with satellite offices in India, South a meticulous analysis of the industry’s and services demonstrate a reduction Africa and the UK, dmg events Middle current needs. The five product sectors of construction’s impact on the East, Asia & Africa organizes over 45 in which exhibitors will be grouped this environment. For the first time ever, the events across the Middle East, Africa, year are: Building Interiors & Finishes, GAIA Awards’ judging panel will include Asia, North America and Europe.

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ events 80 Events review

Water Has a Central Role in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development “Water – the lifeline of our planet – will It is also important that civil society, 2030. The Week also welcomed be needed to achieve nearly every businesses and social entrepreneurs representatives of the High Level Panel Sustainable Development Goal, and are engaged, to learn from each other on Water, which was established to face the challenges that climate to create smart, viable and sustainable earlier this year by UN Secretary change presents,” said Karin Lexén, partnerships. Water is too important General Ban Ki-moon and World Director of World Water Week at to keep inside the water community Bank President Jim Kim, with the aim Stockholm International Water Institute – water is a central part of the entire of furthering the water-related SDGs. (SIWI). World Water Week 2016, society,” said SIWI’s Executive Director The Panel representatives used the themed Water for Sustainable Growth, Torgny Holmgren. This was underlined Week to get input from the wider water welcomed 3,100 participants from by Sweden’s Environment Minister and development community. “We over 120 countries. Implementation of Karolina Skog: “Water is a shared must continue to focus on water as a the Sustainable Development Goals resource and a shared responsibility. carrier to achieve the 2030 Agenda, (SDGs) including the goal on water The private sector has an important and to push for better integration of (Goal 6) was one of the key issues part to play. It has the competence, water into the global climate agenda,” discussed by high-level policy makers, the technology and the ability to said Karin Lexén. Abdeladim Lhafi, development and water professionals, invest. Responsible water usage is an High Commissioner for the upcoming researchers, civil society and private economical advantage and will pay off COP22 (the 22nd Conference of the sector representatives. Throughout both for sustainable business models Parties to the Climate Convention) and the Week, there was a focus on and for new innovations.” High Commissioner for Water, Forestry implementation and action, particularly and Fight Against Desertification in on local and city level, marking a This year, World Water Week offered Morocco, told the Closing session transition from the global discussions an opportunity for key actors to meet that COP21 in Paris was “a historical and negotiations that led to the and take stock of progress towards turning point, a diplomatic success, it adoption of the SDGs and the Paris the SDGs and the Paris Climate was a COP of decisions. COP22 will Climate Agreement in 2015. Agreement, from a water perspective. be the conference of implementation.” “In order to achieve the SDGs; city The Week will provide an annual and local leaderships are crucial; update, tracking water in the global “Climate change is the challenge of that is where we will find the drive. development agreements until our generation. There is a great need to identify risks and vulnerabilities. Preventive measures are much more cost-efficient than re-active ones. Smart water proofed climate investments will give payback in several ways,” said Swedish Environment Minister Karolina Skog. During the Week, climate was also discussed in relation to alleviating hunger in sub-Saharan Africa. Professor Malin Falkenmark, SIWI, called Africa’s climate its “Achille’s Heel”, and said that rainwater harvesting and other green water management methods are necessary to alleviate hunger in sub- Saharan Africa and meeting the SDGs. Together with other water and climate experts, she called for a Green Water Initiative in Africa. World Water Week 2016 was the 26th edition. The 2017 World Water Week, to be held from 27 August to 1 September in Stockholm, will focus on water and waste under the theme “Water and waste – reduce World Water Week 2016 welcomed 3,100 participants from over 120 countries and reuse.”

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 81 معارض ومؤمترات معارض ومؤمترات سابقة IWE Istanbul Water Expo Hosted 3,677 Visitors

IWE Istanbul Water Expo which brought together the players of the water and wastewater treatment technologies industry between 1-3 September 2016, has been organized with support from the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, Ilbank, Union of Municipalities of Turkey, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, ISKI, KOSGEB and Izmir Chamber of Commerce. The conference organized alongside the exhibition served as a platform that supported further development and globalization of the sector, and helped The conference held concurrently with the exhibition was the center of attention increase the level of public awareness regarding use of “water” in the country Expo hosted over 190 companies and Jordan were hosted. The conference where water resources are limited. The their affiliates from numerous countries held concurrently with the exhibition conference attracted a great deal of including Germany, Netherlands, Poland in partnership with ITU National interest from the sector’s professionals. and Belgium. The exhibition brought Research Center on Membrane Organized by EUF International Trade together decision makers from state Technologies (MEM-TEK), was Fairs, an affiliate of ITE Turkey which organizations, water and sewage the center of attention of all sector’s is the organizer of leading exhibitions administrations, municipalities and other professionals. The conference covered in the leading sectors of Turkey, the public institutions as well as industrialists, major topics such as “Water and 2nd Istanbul Water and Wastewater investors and officials of operator Wastewater Management”, “Investment Treatment Technologies Exhibition and companies from the private sector to and Incentive Opportunities in the Water Conference – IWE Istanbul Water Expo set the future direction of the water and industry”, “Water Reuse”, “Sludge hosted 3,677 visitors. The exhibition wastewater technologies industry and Management”, “Practical Applications introduced to sector’s professionals offered new business opportunities to of Local Administrations”, “Energy at Istanbul Expo Center, the latest sector’s professionals via the commercial Efficiency in Water and Wastewater technologies and advancements platform it created. The exhibition also Industry”, “Membrane Technologies” regarding sustainable utilization of featured a buyers delegation program and “R&D Studies in the Sector” and water resources, water management, organized by ITE Turkey whereby was joined by expert speakers from water and wastewater treatment and buyers delegation from United Arab state organizations, universities and the recycling. This year, IWE Istanbul Water Emirates, Iraq, Lebanon, Oman and private sector.

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ services 82 coming events

Info: January 2016 Jenitha Martin Al Nimr International Exhibition Organizers Tel: +968 24700656 Fax: +968 24799737 United Arab Emirates E-mail: [email protected] International Water Summit 2017 October Web: www.infraoman.com A Global Platform for Promoting Water Sustainability in Arid Regions Saudi Arabia 16 – 19 Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center Saudi Agriculture Saudi Arabia Abu Dhabi – Dubai The 34th International Trade Exhibition for Saudi Build 2016 Info: Agriculture, Water & Agro-Industry th The 28 International Trade Exhibition for Afrina Nasrin 02 – 05 Construction Materials, Building & Reed Exhibitions Companies Riyadh International Convention & Environmental Technology Tel: +971 2 4090387 Exhibition Center 17 – 20 E-mail: [email protected] Riyadh – Saudi Arabia Riyadh International Convention & Web: www.internationalwatersummit.com Info: Exhibition Center Khalid Daou Riyadh – Saudi Arabia Riyadh Exhibitions Co. Ltd. Info: Tel: +966 (11) 2295604 Ext. 511 Shahid Bhatti February Fax: +966 (11) 2295612 Riyadh Exhibitions Co. Ltd. E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +966 11 229 5604 Saudi Arabia Fax: www.saudi-agriculture.com Fax: +966 11 229 5612 E-mail: [email protected] Saudi Water and Electricity Forum Web: www.saudibuild-expo.com The Premier Water & Electricity Summit & Exhibition in Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates 12 – 14 WETEX 2016 Riyadh – Saudi Arabia The 18th Water, Energy, Technology & November Info: Environment Exhibition Sebastien David 04 – 06 The CWC Group Dubai International Convention & United Arab Emirates Tel: +44 20 7978 0080 E-mail: [email protected] Exhibition Center The Big 5 Show 2016 Web: www.saudiwaterelectricity.com Dubai – UAE An Annual Meeting Place for the International Info: Building & Construction Community in Dubai Dubai Electricity & Water Authority 21 – 24 Tel: +971 4 3072462 Dubai World Trade Center United Arab Emirates E-mail: [email protected] Dubai – UAE Solar Middle East Web: www.dewa.gov.ae Info: The Region’s Largest Trade Event for the Victoria Wilcox Solar Industry dmg::events 14 – 16 Oman Tel: +971 4 445 3629 Dubai World Trade Centre Infra Oman 2016 E-mail: [email protected] Dubai – UAE The Sultanate's Most Comprehensive Web: www.thebig5.ae Info: Infrastructure Exhibition Informa Exhibitions 10 – 12 Tel: +971 4 336 5161 Oman Convention & Exhibition Center Email: [email protected] Muscat – Oman 2017 Web: www.solarmiddleeast.ae

If you would like to run your event in this space, kindly send all necessary details to [email protected]

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 83 خدمات دليل املشرتين

عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ Info 84 advertisers’ index

Advertisers Websites Page #

3M Industrial Business Group www.3m.com/membrana 23

Blue-White Industries www.blue-white.com 03

C.R.I. Pumps (Pvt) Ltd www.crigroups.com 83

CAPRARI SPA www.caprari.com 13

GEFCO www.gefco.com 83

Gorman-Rupp Company www.grpumps.com 59

International Water Summit 2017 (REED Exhibitions) www.iwsabudhabi.com 73

Jiangmeng Ruirong Pump Industry Co., Ltd www.ruirong.com 65

Keller AG www.keller-druck.com 41

LACROIX SOFREL www.lacroix-sofrel.com 29

Layne Bowler Pompa Sanayi A.S. www.laynebowler.com.tr OBC/83

Lidsay Corporation www.lindsay.com 67

Pure Aqua, Inc. www.pureaqua.com 63/83

REED Manufacturing Company www.reedmfgco.com 47

ROTEN SRL www.roten.it 44/45

SAER ELETTROPOMPE SPA www.saerelettropompe.com 17

Siemens AG www.siemens.com/flow 09

Singer Valve Inc. www.singervalve.com 81

SMS Sanayi Malzemeleri Üretim ve Satisi A.S. www.smstork.com 83

SoCap SRL www.socapsrl.com 11

SULZER PUMPS WASTEWATER ITALY SRL www.sulzer.com/cleanwater 33

TAMAR MENA S.A.L. www.tamargroup.com.au 83

The Big 5 Show 2016 (dmg::events) www.thebig5.ae 77

Toray Membrane Europe AG (Middle East) www.toraywater.com 19

TORMAC Pumps (Naargo Industrial Private Limited) www.tormacpumps.com IFC/83

Tsurumi Manufacturing Co., Ltd. www.tsurumi-global.com 71

VAF Filtration Systems www.vafusa.com 69

VAG Valves ME www.vag-group.com 37

Vansan Water Technologies www.vansan.com.tr IBC

Vesco Plastics Sales www.vesconite.com 83

Vexve Oy www.vexve.com/en 55

WILO ME www.wilo.ae 51

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 85 خدمات معلومات عامة

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عامل املياه العريب ترشين األول )أكتوبر( 201٦ / ّمجلد 3٩ - عدد ١٠ 86 closing Letter الكلمة الختامية

ازدهار الطاقة الشمسية Solar PV Poised to الكهروضوئية يف أفريقيا Boom in Africa Thanks يف ضوء انخفاض تكاليفها to Declining Costs

أصدرت "الوكالة الدولية للطاقة المتجددة" )IRENA( تقريراً جديداً بعنوان "الطاقة The business case for solar photovoltaics (PV) in Africa is الشمسية الكهروضوئية في أفريقيا: التكاليف واألسواق"، وتكشف فيه أن االستثمار stronger than ever thanks to rapidly declining technology costs, according to a new report released by the International في قطاع الطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية في أفريقيا يشهد زخماً أكبـر من أي وقت :Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Solar PV in Africa مضى بفضل االنخفاض السريع في تكاليف تقنيات هذا القطاع. ويشير التقرير إلى أن Costs and Markets, estimates that installed costs for power التكلفة المركبة لمشاريع الطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية على مستوى المرافق الخدمية generated by utility-scale solar PV projects in Africa have في أفريقيا قد انخفضت بنسبة 61 في المئة منذ عام 2012، إذ تبلغ هذه التكلفة حالياً decreased as much as 61 percent since 2012. Today, installed 30, 1دوالر أمريكي لكل واط مقارنة بالمعدل العالمي البالغ 80, 1دوالر لكل واط. costs for these projects are as low as USD1.30 per watt in Africa, compared to the global average of USD1.80 per watt. وفي إطار تعليقه على الموضوع، قال )عدنان أمين(، مدير عام "الوكالة الدولية In recent years, solar PV costs have dropped dramatically and“ للطاقة المتجددة": "انخفضت تكاليف الطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية بشكل كبير will continue to do so with further declines of up to 59 percent خ ل السنوات األخيرة، وستواصل انخفاضها لتصل إلى نحو 59 في المئة في السنوات possible in the next ten years,” said IRENA Director-General العشر المقبلة. ويوفر هذا الهبـوط في التكاليف، مقروناً باإلمكانات الواسعة للطاقة Adnan Z. Amin. “These cost reductions, coupled with vast الشمسية في القارة األفريقية، فرصة كبيرة الزدهار هذا القطاع هناك. وتشكل حالياً solar potential on the continent, present a huge opportunity for الطاقة الشمسية - سواءً المتصلة أو المنفصلة عن شبكات الكهرباء العامة - مصادر Africa. Both grid-connected and off-grid solar PV now offer a تنافسية من حيث التكلفة لتلبية الطلب المتزايد على الطاقة، وتوفير الكهرباء لنحو cost-competitive means to meet rising energy needs and bring 600 مليون شخص يفتقرون إليها حالياً في أفريقيا". وبحسب التقرير، فإن الشبكات ”.electricity to the 600 million Africans who currently lack access المصغرة الموصولة بمحطات الطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية ونظم الطاقة الشمسية Mini-grids utilizing solar PV and off-grid solar home systems المنزلية المنفصلة عن شبكة الكهرباء العامة توفران أيضاً خدمات الطاقة بجودة also provide higher quality energy services at the same or lower أفضل وتكلفة مماثلة أو حتى أقل من المصادر البديلة األخرى. وفي أفريقيا، تبلغ costs than the alternatives, finds the report. Stand-alone solar التكلفة المركبة لشبكات الطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية المصغرة والمستقلة PV mini-grids have installed costs in Africa as low as USD1.90 1,90 per watt for systems larger than 200 kilowatts. Solar home دوالر أمريكي لكل واط في النظم التي تتجاوز استطاعتها 200 كيلوواط. أمّا نظم systems – which have tripled in Africa between 2010 and 2014 الطاقة الشمسية المنزلية – التي تضاعف وجودها في أفريقيا بواقع ثلث مرات بين provide the annual electricity needs of off-grid households for – عامي 2010 و2014 - فتلبي احتياجات الكهرباء السنوية للمنازل غير المتصلة مع as little as USD56 per year, less than what they currently pay for الشبكة العامة بتكلفة ال تتجاوز 6 5دوالراً سنوياً، وهذا أقل مما يدفعه األفريقيون .poor quality energy services حالياً مقابل خدمات الطاقة الرديئة. Global capacity additions for solar PV have increased six-fold since 2009, a trend that is now beginning to materialise in Africa. وتضاعفت السعة اإلنتاجية العالمية للطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية بواقع ستة أضعاف More than 800 new megawatts (MW) of solar PV capacity was منذ عام 2009، وهو توجه بدأ يتبلور بوضوح في أفريقيا. حيث تم رفد القارة بما يزيد added in Africa in 2014 – doubling the continents cumulative على 800 ميجاواط إضافية من الطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية في عام 2014 - وهذا capacity – and another 750 MW was added in 2015. IRENA يمثل ضعف إجمالي السعة اإلنتاجية للقارة - و750 ميجاواط أخرى في عام estimates that with the right enabling policies, Africa could be .2015 وتشير تقديرات "آيرينا" إلى أنه بوجود السياسات الداعمة المناسبة، قد تمتلك أفريقيا .home to more than 70 gigawatts of solar PV capacity by 2030 ما يزيد على 70 جيجاواط من الطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية بحلول عام 2030. وقال Africa’s solar potential is enormous, with solar irradiation levels“ أمين بهذا الخصوص: "تمتلك أفريقيا إمكانات هائلة في مجال الطاقة الشمسية، حيث up to 117 percent higher than in Germany – the country with أن مستويات اإلشعاع الشمسي فيها تتجاوز نظيرتها في ألمانيا – التي تتصدر بلدان the highest installed solar power capacity,” said Amin. “It has العالم من حيث القدرة المركبة للطاقة الشمسية - بنسبة 117 في المئة. وقد باتت never been more possible, and less expensive for Africa to أفريقيا أكثر قدرة على االستفادة من هذه اإلمكانات وبتكلفة أقل من أي وقت مضى". ”.realize this potential

عدنان أمين Adnan Z. Amin مدير عام Director-General "الوكالة الدولية للطاقة المتجددة" IRENA

Arab Water World (AWW) October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10 فوائد اإلشرتاك (Arab Water World (AWW Subscription Benefits يف مجلة “عامل املياه العريب” ُتعرف مجلة “عامل املياه العريب” حول العامل بكونها ّاملجلة ّاملتخصصة Renowned the world over as the premier B2B magazine in the MENA region to serve the Water, األوىل يف مجال األعامل يف منطقة الرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا لخدمة Wastewater, Desalination, & Energy sectors, Arab قطاعات املياه والرصف الصحي وتحلية املياه والطاقة. ّيتم نرش ّاملجلة من Water World (AWW) has been published by CPH قبل يس يب اتش ورلد ميديا منذ العام World Media since 1977. .1977

إن اشرتاككم يف مجلة "عامل املياه العريب" ّسيمكنكم من االط عل عىل By subscribing to AWW, you will have access to األقسام التي تغطي آخر األخبار يف قطاع املياه يف منطقة الرشق األوسط sections covering the latest in the MENA water industry وشامل أفريقيا مبا فيها أحدث االبتكارات وآخر التقنيات واألحداث ,including new innovations, latest technologies باإلضافة إىل أخبار السوق وغريها الكثري من املواضيع األخرى. .events, market update and much more

مجالت متخصصة أخرى Other Specialized B2B Magazines

كام يصدر عن املج تل املتخصصة التالية CPH World Media also publishes the following "يس يب اتش ورلد ميديا" leading specialized B2B magazines, each of which التي ّتتضمن أحدث املعلومات املرتبطة بالقطاع الذي تغطيه: includes relevant, up-to-date & insightful content related to industry sectors covered by each 1. عامل اإلنشاءات العريب: تصدر منذ العام 1983 وتغطي قطاعات :magazine البناء ومعدات اإلنشاءات والطرق والطاقة. Arab Construction World (ACW): Covers .1 Building, Machinery, Road & Power sectors, 2. مأكوالت الرشق األوسط: تصدر منذ العام 1985 وتغطي .published since 1983 قطاعات تصنيع األغذية ّواملكونات والتوضيب والضيافة. Middle East Food (MEF): Covers Food .2 Processing, Ingredients, Packaging & Catering 3. عامل الصحة للرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا: تصدر منذ العام sectors, published since 1985 1986 وتغطي قطاعات املستشفيات واآلالت الطبية واألدوية والغذاء. -MENA Health World (MHW)*: Covers Hospi .3 tal, Medical Equipment, Pharmaceuticals & Nutri- tion Sectors, published since 1986. * MHW magazine is currently suspended due to *إن مجلة عامل الصحة للرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا ّمعلق العمل بها حالياً .restructuring; we will resume publishing it later this year بسبب إعادة هيكلتها وسنستأنف إصدارها يف وقت الحق من هذا العام. ملزيد من املعلومات الرجاء ّاإلتصال بالسيد جاد ابو الحسن ,For further information please contact Jad Aboulhosn مدير قسم التسويق والتوزيع بواسطة: :Circulation & Marketing Manager, by الهاتف: 748333-1-961+ املقسم 111 | فاكس: Tel: +961-1-748333 ext. 111 | Fax: +961-1-352419 +961-1-352419 Email: [email protected] عنوان الربيد اإللكرتوين: [email protected]

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