: -•_-£"':^'?W5Sj3 Press


3O««^VtkS«$««««««tt«»B«««C^^ THE CHURCHES. SOMETHING NEW FOR THE | DEER HUNTERS GET TWO fiTtEe afllnhative (and the latter in as l'ar away as CTilnu. - FIXE BUCKS. the negative) with even more emphasis "Whom do you consider your neigh- First Presbyterian. WEEK OF PRAYER. than God answered Cain when he bor?" asked the minister. "Tie man Something new for the Week of The deer hunters who go annually SPIRIT OF On account- of Friday being t0 lnes ln originated the selfish Inquiry.- Jesus whose farm adjoins me," was the Prayer this year is to be given the the P South Jersey, were prompt reply. "How far down Into Christmas Day-, the regular prayer church people of Cranbury. Dr. W. fortunate this year in getting two CHRISTMAS taught that the Decalogue Is summed and praise service will not be held. W.'White, President of the Biblical "ne bucks. They had their camp up in the greater commandment— the earth does your land extend?" Sunday School at ten o'clock. Seminary in New York, will conduct at Atsion, and every hunter had a "Thou shalt love they neighbor as thy- wns the next question and the farmer Men's Bible Class at the same a week of Bible Study. The minis- wonderful time. By Rev. Alan Pressley IDihon self," and His definition of "neighbor" just as promptly answered: "To the hour, taught by-^the pastor. ters of the three churches along Tne lucky hunters were William (©, m«, jveBtorn Now«paj»r Union.) is any one who needs our help. Ter- center!" "Very well," said the min- Praise service of ten minutes by with the official boards are endors- Dey, of Hightstown, and Rolland ritorial or other limitations do not ap- ister quickly, "There is a man down T CHRISTMAS bo merry, and Chorister, assisted by the Orchestra. ing a plan whereby the whole town Clayton, of Cranbury, who got one withal. ply when the case of one in need Is In China whose land joins yours at Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. will go to school for a week. buck each. And feast thy poor neigh- before us. the center of the earth; he is therefore Sermonette by the pastor. — bors, the great with the Dr. White is one of the leading The party comprised: Rev. Fred- small. There is no geographical limitation your neighbor and needs your help." Christmas Reading by Mrs. Arr educators 'of America. He not only erick Schweitzer," Russell Dauser, E. when we are extending the hand of This was a new thought to the slow- thur A. Clayton. knows his Bible but he knows how C. Wilson, James Ewart, Jerry So wrote the poet Tusser many years ago, but the assistance to one who needs our help: going church member. He learned his Special music, "Christmas -Class- to teach it. His school represents a Baremore Forman Coward, Alex.. lesson and we need to learn the same. ics" by the choir. suggestion is just as perti- triumph of" modern pedagogy. He Farr, Fred Danser, William Danser, | Only as we. do so will we be able to Community Service at 7:30 p. will probably give a study of The Clendon Danser, William Dey, John ] nent today as it was then. Judge J. War-res Davis, judge of Gospel of John. Forman, James Everett, Grant Ev- If anything, we need to be broaden our lives into the fullness of United States Circuit Court of Ap- A new plan has been endorsed, erett, Joseph Dey, Lewis Chamber- reminded of our duty to our fellow- the life of Jesus the Christ. peals will speak at this service. He In recent years the churches have Hn Raymond Davison, William Up- man more today than our fathers did The application of the teaching of •will he accompanied by the Choral made a poor showing in their at- dike, Alvin Updike, Rolland Clayton —more today, indeed, than ever be- Jesus to business and society would Society of his Bible Class which will tendance of the services during the Gordon Clayton, Clifford Allen, Al- fore. This is true because the need produce a perpetual Christmas season; sing a number of Christmas Carols, Week of Prayer. -This year minis- len Carson, for brotherhood is even more patent a time of peace and joy and happiness and "other selections. A most cord- ters and elders want to register the than at any other period of the history lasting throughout the year. ial invitation is extended to all to entire membership of the churches. "THE VAGABOND KING." of the world. The giving of cheap presents or enjoy this most unusual service. Tlie very lowest figure we are aim- money, however, does not constitute ing at is three hundred. Yes, three On December 15 th Jan- We live in an age when we think Russell Christmas; as well expect a .bouquet Second Presbyterian. hundred every night. We can do it ney's thrilling operetta "The Vaga- solely of ourselves and our Immediate There should be between 150 and Uond King" based on McCarthy's families and we should have brought of flowers (however lovely) to consti- Sunday School at 10 o'clock. 200 signers from the First church. "K I Were King" had its on hun- to our attention the fact that we owe tute summer! The Christmas spirit, Men's Bible Class at the same There should be between 125 and dredth performance at the Casion in a debt to our neighbor and that that rather than the Christmas show, hon- hour taught by the pastor. 150 from the Second church and be- New York. This does not include debt me ^t be paid. The story is told ors Htm whose birth, no less than Bis Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. tween 30 to 50 from the Methodist the week played in New Haven be- of a rich man who prayed— life, was the greatest Christmas gift Sermon by the pastor. . Keep the week beginning Sunday, fore coming into New York. Oh, Lord! bless mo and my wife. the world has ever received. The January 3rd and closing Sunday, To say that it^has been,a success My son, John, and his wife; Christmas spirit brings us into closer Schnltz Memorial M. E. January 10th, open. I""t will pay to i's --".-putting- i-•t- mildly— »•"•• . Practicall^._...._~i,.y. all Us four touch with Him whose very life was of the reviewers said that it was And no more! an exemplification of the precept: "it Sunday School at ten o'clock In do it. -,- bound to remain in New York a We blush for shame that there could Is more blessed to give than to re- -charge of Fred Carlson. DRY LAW PRAISEo- D BY long time. This prediction has ceive." 11:00-A.M. This service will be LLOYD GEORGE. every mark of being true as the be found one who is so narrow, yet I The Spirit of Christmas. in charge of the Epworth .League. business has been getting better am assured that such people exist to- As we celebrate the anniversary of wherever there Is found one or more the birth of Jesus let not the going The pastor will give the address England's War Premier Cites Pro- every week until ti is the subject of day. There are those who, when they only. - All the younger members of conversation every place it goes. have satisfied the needs of their own, whom we can (and should) assist, down of the sun mark the decline

- I


tm&nj about tMs Bluck Gang at General Electric to build manufac- yours." turing branch.In St Louis. * . Sir Bryan leaned back In his chair WORLD'S NEWS Wilson eulogy opens United States and lit A cigarette. Senate fight for World Court adher- "There are one or two'gaps.Ihavent ence. •- \ ! New Jersey filled In myself at the moment," he IN MIDGET FORM /"Younger Presbyterian mlnlBtera answered "But I can" tell you very urgoS-evislon of Westminster Confes- : State Briefs ** briefly what led us to onr discoveries sion. * at that house in Essex of which I Long Stories of Big Events Told District Attorney Buckner asserts ft ^ spoke to you—Maybrick hull. About in Brief Paragraphs for 99 per cent of liquor sold in New York Two Pennsgrove banks distributed six days ago I received a typewritten is poison. communication of a similar type to one more than $60,000 to members of.. Quick Reading. A reserve Judiciary, similar to exist- Christmas clubs. or two -which I had seen before. A ing military reserve corps, to be used certain defect In the typewriter made in time of emergency when rising Flower beds In the public parks at It clear that the source was the same, NATIONAL CAPITAL SNAPSHOTS tides of outlawry clog court calendars, Wenonah have been planted with nun- • and that source was the leader of the Black Gang. Here is the communica- of Grand -Jurors of New^York- County tion:" / Gleanings of Interest From Washing- by.former Judge Moaes M. Grossman, mer Trust Company is expected to be He opened a drawer In his desk, ton—Lato Happenings In the " ready for occupancy in a.few weeks. as a means of deterring crime wares. Westvilie Council, at its organiza- and passed a sheet of paper across to Eight quarry workers were killed the cabinet minister. .^ Realm of Sports—Foreign and tion meeting on New Year's Day, will • and three Injured at Patsaur Germany, receive bids for vcollectlng garbage BLACK GANG "If," It ran. "jolly old Mclver will ' Domestic Occurrences. •when an avalanche ol stone crashed and. ashes. take his .morning constitutional to upon them. A' Sequel to Bulldog Drummpnd, Rev. J. Swain Garrison, pastor ot Maybrick' hall In Essex, he will find WASHINGTON The mine sweeper Curfew la much to Interest him in" that delight- aground on a reef'bff the Atlantic side the Second M. E. Church, Millville, a BraiUl JfcNME *****ful and rural spot. Many specimens, of Panama "In the Son Bias area about will likely change at tho session ol both dead' and alive, will be found Swanson opens Senate debate with the Conference. three-hour address advocating U. S. 130 miles east of Colon. CHAPTER XIV—Continued —a breathing-space. And that" was all there, all In a splendid state of The eyes of foreign diplomats are The Cumberland County School preservation. He will also find a great adhesion to World Court." ' Teachers'"Association has announced —22-A tnat mattered for the moment—that turned upon ' Turkey, following the and the fact that the madness wiu many Interesting devices in the house. A resolution directing the President awarding of the Mosul oil region to meetings In Millville January 9 and Carl Peterson was no coward. In to recognize Soviet Russia was intro- one in Vineland January 23.- • the world In which he moved, there gone from Hugh Drummond's eyes. Above all. let him be careful of an Great Britain under a mandate. The black figures were still stand- elderly clergyman of beneficent aspect, duced in the house by Representative The war debt settlements with A loan of 517,600 "will be .floated by were many strange stories told of bis Berger, Socialist, of Wisconsin. the Wenonah Borough Council toward Iron nerve and his complete disregard Ing there motionless round the walls; whose beauty Is only marred by a Italy, Belgium, Rumania, Esthonla, the Russian was lolling forward— stiff and somewhat swollen neck, ac- CoL William Mitchell was found Latvia and Czechoslovakia have beea helping to finance the new paving of danger. Moreover Nature had en- guilty by a court martial. Hl3 charges project and water extensions. dowed him with physical strength far dead. Phyllis was lying back In her companied by a charmlngjady who an- approved by the Senate Finance Com- chair unconscious. But Peterson had swers to the name' of Janet. They against American air officers that they mittee. The Hinde-Dauch Company has above the average. But now, for per- were guilty of "criminal negligence" started erection, of another addition to haps the first time in his life, he knew eyes for none of these things: Count form the peerless gems of the colleo Six experts are working In the Adi- Zadowa shivering In a corner—the and "almost treasonable administra- rondacks looking over timber for Its paper plant in Gloucester City to the meaning of stark, abject terror. ion" resulted in his suspension from take care of increasing business. The sinister men In black—members huddled group of his own men stand- traces of gypsy moth. The men are in ing In the center of the room he the army for five years. charge of C. A. Mclsaac of the United Candidates are being enrolled for of that very gang he had come over to teams which will contest tor cups of- England to destroy—seemed to fill the passed by without a glance. It was Representative TInkham asks Con- States bureau of entomology. on Drummond his gaze wns fixed: gress to pass a resolution authorizing fered, for the best debater at the Pit- room. Silently! as If they had been the appropriation of $200,000 for the man High School by the local Kiwanla _ drilled to It, they disarmed everyone: Drummond, who stood facing Irma with an almost dazed expression on erection In Washington of a monu- SPORTINQ Club. then they stood round the walls— ment to the late Senator Henry Cabot waiting. No one spoke: only the hor- his face, whilst she pleaded with him Discontinuance ot service by the hi an agony of supplication. Lodge. National League may go It alone (n North Jersey Bus Company between rible Imprecations of the dying Rus- using resin ball. sian broke the silence, as he strove He ordered that man to brain my The National Academy of Sciences, Boonton and East Dover was sanc- feebly to pull out the rifle and bayonet wife with a rifle butt." said Drummond in co-operation with a group of pub- Bowling added to schedule of Olym- tioned by the Board of Utility Com- from his chest, which had fixed him to hoarsely. "And yet you ask for lic men, headed by Herbert Hoover, pic Games in 1928. missioners. Evidence was offered by the wall as a deud butterfly Is fixed In mercy." announces a national campaign to New York University to play Ne- the company to show that operations a collection with a pin. He swung round on the cowering raise a fund for research protessor- braska In football next year. over the route were being conducted at a IOBS. Peterson had a fleeting vision of a clergyman and gripped him once ihips, which would yield an Income of Red Grange will be in top shape for girl with white face and wide, star- again by the throat, shaking him as at least $2,000,000 anually. his professional football engagements Federal charges of prohibition vio- ing eyes, beside whom were standing a terrier shakes a rat. He felt the Senator Robert M. La Follette, in Florida. . lation against James A. Healey, and two of the motionless bluck figures asgirl, Irma, plucking feebly at his arm, progressive Republican of Wisconsin, Six teams—Pennsy, Columbia, C. C. William J. Carr, of Kingstos, were guards—the girl whom he had Just but he took no- notice. announced he will remain strictly in- N. Y., Rutgers, Cornell and N. Y. U.— nolle prossed in the United States sentenced to a dreadful and horrible ' But once again Fate was to Inter- dependent despite bis acceptance as a have entered the twentyseventh an- •District Court of Newark. The pair, death, and then his eyes came back ene on Peterson's behalf, through the iegular Republican in the senate. nual Intercollegiate chess tournamen'. who are hot-dog venjors on the Lin- again as if fascinated to the man who Instrumentality of a woman. And The six foreign debt settlements ne- i Billy Gibson believes that he has coln Highway, were charged with ped- was coming toward him. He tried *o mercifully for him the intervention ;otiated this year with Italy, Czecho- the makings of' a real champion In dling liquor during the summer shrink back farther Into his corner, came from the only woman—from the slovakia, Esthonla, Belgium, Ruma- young Johnny Grbsso, the Mount Ver- months. The evidence against the plucking with nerveless fingers at his jnly human being—who could have nia and Latvia were ordered favor- non lad, whom Bill is grooming, for men was not strong enough to war- clerical collar—while the sweat poured nfluenced Drummond at that moment. ably reported without amendment by heavyweight honors. Only a kid, the rant a trial. off hli fiice In a stream. For there It was Phyllis who opened her eyes the senate finance committee. Groaso boy has been knocking them The State Highway Commission di«- was no mercy in Hugh Drummond's suddenly, and, half-dazed still with dead at an awful clip. trlbuted a $2,700,000 fund for the re- eyes: no mercy In the great arms that the horror of the last few minutes, WORLD'S BUSINESS pair, maintenance and reconstruction Three Cubs have signed their 1920 of county roads. The money is de- hung loosely forward. And Peterson gazed round the room. contracts. They are Charley Grimm, realized he deserved none. "But It's Incredible, Johnstone," He Imports of rubber next year will bu rived from motor vehicle receipts and For a second she stared at Hugh's first baseman; Guy Joe Bush, pitcher, la apportioned among the twenty-one And then it came. No word~was ace, and saw on It a look which she Remarked for the Fiftieth Time. reduced by 200.000,000 pounds, Her- and Clark Pittlnger, an Infielder. "Simply Incredible." bert Hoover, secretary of commerce counties annually on the basis of road Bjjoken — Drummond was beyond had never seen before—a look so ter- The Boston Braves will take South mileage, population and area. Essex • speech. His hiinds shot out and I'eter- rible, that she gave a sharp, convul- Ion, and were on the point of leaving announced, as the result of schemes on tne 8pring training trip what prob- county tops the list with an award of Bon felt himself drawn relentlessly t - sive cry. to reclaim rubber to combat high ably will be the largest aggregation $245,673, and Hudson is second,""with he country with the enclosed packet prices. ward the man he had planned to kill, "Let him go, Hugh: let him go. which I removed from them for safe of players ever brought from the $199,152. Burlington also fared well, Senator Cummins's revised railroad North by a big league club. 1 not two minutes before. It was his Don't do it." keeping, iiy modesty forbids me to receiving $190,053. . v . turn now to wonder desperately If It Her voice pierced his brain, thouch consolidation bill provides for a volun- W. W. (Bill) Roper, successful foot- ell an unmarried man like you In what tary consolidation, subject to the ap- Abraham Bromberg. second hus- was some "hideous nightmare, even 'or a moment it made no Impression portion of dear Janet's garments this ball coach at Princeton, will be head band of the late Mrs. Fannie Wlnder- while he struggled lmpotently In his on the muscles of his arms. A slight- proval of the I. C. C, for three years. : ot the summer school of coaching at " final frenzy with a man whose strength ittle bag was found, but there's no at the end of which time a permanent : Springfield College next year. It was baum Bromberg, announced at New- ly bewildered look came into his eyes: harm in your guessing." ark he had withdrawn as administra- seemed equal to the strength of ten. he felt as a dog must feel who is plan would be drawn. announced by college authorities. AI He was choking: the grip- on his 'What the devil?" sputtered Sir tor ot her estate In favor ot Samuel called off his lawful prey by his John. "Is it a practical Joke?" Five subsidiaries of the Pennsyl- Wlttmer, line coach at Princeton, will Wlnderbaum, the first husband, who throat was" not human In Its ferocity. master. vania system will be consolidated Into be his assistant There was a great roaring In his ears, "Far from it." answered the other. returned June last after an absence Let him go—let Carl Peterson go! "Read to the end." a single unit known as the Pennsyl- Canadians conquered New York, 8 of twenty-three years, during"' which and suddenly he ceased to struggle. vania, Ohio & Detroit Railroad. to 1, in opening professional hockey The glare In Drummond's eyes hyp- That was wliat Phyllis wns asking him "After Mclver has done this little he was declared legally dead. Wln- do—Phyllis who had stood at job," Sir John read out, "he might like Buying of railroad stocks at the game at Garden. derbaum brought suit to gain posses- notized him, and for the only time in present time, according to bankers, Is Harvey Snodgrass, star tennis his life he gave up hope. death's door not five minutes before. a trip to the, north. There was an un- sion of the estate, valued at $13,000, Let him go! And suddenly the mad- inhabited island off the west coast of partially discounting traffic conditions player, has entered the professional on behalf of his children. The room was spinning around: the ness faded from his eyes: his hands Mull, which Is uninhabited no longer. for the first half of 1926. ranks. Andrew S. Orr, State motor vehicle silent black figures, the dying Yulow- relaxed their grip, and. Carl Peterson He may have everything he finds there, A conservative estimate of 3,G00,000 Compston and Massey, European agent and proprietor of the Colonial ski, the girl—all seemed merged In slipped unconscious to the floor—un- with my love.—The leader of the cars to be loaded by the railroads dur- champions, are coming to play in Hotel, whj had been In failing health one vast Jumble of color growing dark- ing December brings the total for the ! Florida. 1 conscious but still breathing. He had Black Gang." tor three years, died in the City Hos- er and darker, out of which one thing et him go, and after a while he year to more than 51,000,000. com- Hell Cat defeated Grand Dad by spital, Atlantic City. Mr. Orr had been Sir John laid down the paper and pared with 48,500,000 for last year. head in the Beauregard- at New Or- and one thing only stood out clear and stepped back and ghinfled slowly rounj stared at the director of criminal in- suffering from cancer of the stomach distinct on his dying consciousness— the room. His eyes lingered for a mo- Reduced prices ana greatly increas- leans. and recently underwent several Wood estigation. ed production will be Included in the Harry Robertson, former Syracuse the blazing eyes of the man who was ment on the dead Russian, they trav- "Is this the rambling of a partially transfusions. He was born in Phlla- throttling him. And then, as he felt eled thoughtfully on along the line of 1926 program of Dodge Brother > Inc., I University star, has been appointed delphia, was employed for several diseased intellect?" he inquired with motor car manufacturers '* has been physical director of Oglethorpe Unl- himself sinking Into utter blackness, black figures. And gradually a smile mild sarcasm. years in a cooperage factory and came some dim sense less paralyzed than began to appear on his face—a smile announced. versity. Robertson has been an as- to Atlantic City in 1898. Since that "Nothing of the sort," returned the Memberships on the New York curb sistant football coach at Syracuse for the rest seemed to tell him that a hlch broadened Into a grin. other shortly. "Mclver and ten plnln- time he has been associated with change had taken place in the room. market soared to another record the last two years. several shore hotels. He Is survived Something new had come into that "Perfectly sound advice, old thing," clothes men went immediately to May. breaking level when two changed he remarked at length. "Straight from brick hall. And they found It a very by his widow and six children. whirling nightmare that spun round bands at $37,500 each. FOREIGN him : dimly lie heard a voice—loud and the stable. I really believe I'd almost peculiar place. There were some fif- The Stefani News Agency say3 that Joseph Cavanaugh of Balmar and agonized—a voice he recognized. It ost my temper." teen men there—trussed up like so the voluntary subscriptions to the Miss Dorothy Stillman of Ocean many fowls, nnd alive. They were laid payment of the Italian debt to the The Italian chamber of deputies ap- Grove were killed when tho automo- CHAPTER XV out in a row in the hall. United States thus far exceed $4,050,- proved the debt settlement plan nego- bile In which they were riding was hit "Enthroned In state, in two chairs 000. tiated with the United States. by a switch locomotive at a grade at the end, and also trussed hand and Efforts to form a new German cabi- crossing near Sunset avenue, Asbury In Which the Threads Are foot, were the beneficent clergyman net have been postponed until after Park. The couple was returning from Gathered Up and Miss Janet. So much for the liv- GENERAL Christmas, President Hlndenburg an- Red Bank. It was a week later. In Sir Bryan, ing ones, with the exception of an nounced. Mrs. Mary T. Norton of New Jer- Italian, who was found peacefully Alienist says movie habit weakens Sale of tobacco monoply could savt sey, first woman to occupy a Demo- Jolmstone's office two men were seat- mind, causing crime. ed, tho features of one of whom, at sleeping upstairs, with his right wrist French finances in a trice, but storm cratic seat in the House of Represen- padlocked to the wall by a long chain. Lewis says mino strike may con- would follow. tatives, has been assigned to the Vet- any rate, were well known to the pub- tinue for year. lic. Si." Bryan encouraged no noto- I've mentioned him last, because he Japan, at request of powers, not In- erans' Committee, on care of ex-sol- was destined to play a very important Sarnoff predicts system of world cluding America, intervenes In China, diers ot the world war. Her duties riety: the man in the street passed super-radio that will exchange culture ] him by without recognition every part In the matter." He frowned sud seizing" Mukden and Newcbwang. there will not be entirely new as she denly. "A very Important part, con- of nations. Turkey will sever diplomatic rela- was active In the Had Cross during time. But with his companion it was District Attorney Buckner says alco- different: as a member of several suc- found him," he repeated. "However, tions with the kingdom of Irak as the the. war. we will now pass to the other speci- hol deaths In New York have risen result of .the award of Mosul to Irak Apportionment among the various cessive cabinets, his face _was well fast. known. And It Is safe to say tha1! mens. In the grounds were discovered by the League of Nations Council. taxing districts ot the tax receipts —a dead fowl, a dead fox—and three Pan-American Commercial Congress SJr wimam Arbnthnot Lano, noted from • second class property of rail- I never in the course of a life devoted calls on 'Canada to Join Pan-American to the peculiar vagaries of politics had dead men." London surgeon, just back from Amer- roads operating in New Jersey has Union. ica, declared that the prohibition in just been completed by State Comp- that fnce worn such an expression of Sir John ejaculated explosively, sit- Committee appointed to correct complete bewilderment. ting up in his chair.. the States Is an "utter failure" and troller Newton A. K. Bugbee. The financial abuses and bad trade prac- j tQat Ua exampi0 wiu prevent Brit- amount disbursed totaled $6,088,- "But it's Incredible. Johnstone." he "They ,had all died from the same tices In New York bjillding industry, i adopting the system. cause," continued the other imperturb- lphera £rom ever 723.69, excluding $781,6S2.83 withheld remarked for the fiftieth time. "Sim- Hughes looms as 1926 candidate for The king ot Italy has been called to await the outcome of litigation, ply Incredible." ably—"electrocution. But that was Governor of New York. nothing compared to what they found to the bedside- of the Dowager Queen. instituted by some of the roads. "Nevertheless, Sir John," returned Little sentiment for Colonel Mitchell Following tho announcement of Transfer ot tho purchasing power Inside. In an upstair room was as a Senatorial possibility in Wiscon- the other, "It is true. I have absolute dreadful looking specimen more like Herr Koch, former minister of the now exercised by the State House Indisputable proof of the whole thing eln. interior, that he is unable to form a Commission to the hands of a'full- an ape than- a man, whose neck was Tammany Leader Olvany says New And if you may remember, I have long broken. In addition,--the main artery cabinet, President von Hlndenberg is time purchasing agent, abolition of drawn the government's attention to York Is wide open but will close "with casting about for a new premier who the State Printing Board, concentra- of his left arm had been severed with "6 bang on January 1." the spread of these activities In Eng- n knife. And even that was rdild to will be able to command the support tion ot authority over all State buy- land." State Department makes public the of the German socialists. ing, storekeeping and property con- what they found downstairs. Support- League's invitation to Join tho pre- "Yes, yes, I know," said Sir John ed against the wall wns a red-headed Kuo Chlng-Lin, whose revolt caused trol with the State purchasing agent, Huverton a little testily, "but you have j.uxatory commission for a disarma- the overthrow of Chang Tso-Lln, as well as numerous other changes in Drummond's Hands sfiot Out and Pe- man stone dead. A bayonet fixed to a ment conference. never given us chapter and verse like rifle hud been driven clean through his Manchurlan war lord, will not be per- tho administration of New Jersey's terson Felt Himself Drawn, Relent- this before. Incredible," he muttered. Fred F. French plans five-acre apart- mitted to occupy Mukden, action ot purchasing department, .were recom- lessly Toward the Man He Had chest, and stuck stx Inches into the ment community at Forty-second "Incredible." wall behind him. And on that the the Japanese war office Indicates. Jap- mended In a report by the L.ight In- Planneo to Kill. street and JSast River, New York, anese forces in Manchuria are to be vestigating Committee. "And yet—the truth," said the other. body was supported. called Tudor City. "That there is nn organized and well increased to 7,000. was a woman's voice, nnd after a "But, my dear fellow," sputtered the A collection of jewelry valued at American, British and French gun- It Is taken for granted that Mr. while the grip on his throat relaxed financed conspiracy to preach Bolshev- cabinet minister, "you enn't expect m more than a million dollars has just Moore, the Incoming Governor, one ot ism In England we have known for boats have arrived In Tientsin. China, He staggered back ngalnsf the wall to believe all this. You're pulling' my arrived in London by mall from Paris. to strengthen protection of foreigners tho chief topics of whose campaign gasping nnd spluttering, and gradual- some time: how well organized It is leg." A bill to establish an additional ju- was the opportunity for service to the we did not realize. But as you will in tho current civil war. ly, the ruom censed to whirl round— (TO BE CONTINUED.) dicial district within the present west- Tho Greek government after agree- people and his record for savings to the. Iron bunds censed to press upon from that paper, there is not a single ern district of New York was Intro- the taxpayers of Jersey City, will manufacturing town or city in (Jrent ing to pay §210,000 Indemnity for Its his lienH and lungs. The Letter "E" duced by Representative Jacobsteln. invasion of Bulgaria, changed Its have considerable to offer In the way It was Irmu who stood there: Irmr Britain thnt tins not got a branch of Democrat, New York. of proposed economies. the organization Installed, which can The letter "e" Is the beginningg g o mind and ordered that the league of whose piteous cry had pierced througl What is claimed to be the shortest nations council bo Instructed the fine Edward T. Bradway, 72, former If uer-cl be draw plentifully on fund . energy, endurance, eminence murder trial on record rook place ro- bank cashier and for years prominent to Ills brain:. Irinu who had caused from headquarters." evolution, empyrean, emulation, enter Is too high. those awful Imnds to relax their grip centiy when Sam Johnstono vas eeu- Three thousand, five hundred spe- in civic affairs, killed himself at his Sir John Haverton nodded thought prise, enfhusJiism and exultation. I. homo at Woodbury. Mr. Bradwiiy, Just before It wns too late. Little by Is the center of usefulness and the end tenced to death for killing his aunt. cial constables went on strike at Bel- little everything steadied down: he fully. From tho moment he entered the court fast, Ireland, as a protest to their dls long a familiar figure as cashier ol of iiope. It Is also.the beginning of the First National Bank and member found lie could see nguln—cuulil hear. "I must go Into all this In detail, Ernest, the center of spare ribs, the until._tho death-sentence was passed bandment under tho Ulster-Free State He rtlll crouched slinking agiiln.-t the he remarked. "But In the meuntim upon him-the court clock only record- boundary pact' A demand for a of a wealthy family, had been living support of delectable and the chaw> In retirement for several vears. wall, but he hud got u respite unywuj J you have ralsea my curiosity most m- | of cucumber.—Waltoc (CJa.) Tribune ed tho passlr-g ot four minutes.^ [ bonuB wua 8ent t0 Preroftr Cra|g >• '


FUR-TRIMMED CLOTH COATS; LiiikKnownBuritu ^KITCHEN] APRONS OF GAY CRETONNE CABINET HE present season wilt-long stand there Js nothing quite so effective fondayXchool Tout in the memory of the world as a' dashingly gay piece of cretonne. ? f m of fashion as record breaking in the If you would prove the efficiency of cretonne In the matter of dispelling He that hatWoatorh n Nowspupor Union.) matter of stunning cloth coats trlnftned Lesson mlsory, with fur. Stylists have covered them- that feeling of gloom which so takes (By REV. P. B. FITZWATEK. D.D.. De«n Nor ever tuggeneved witr warreh danged witr ohr selves with glory In the designing of possession of one. when the sky Is of tho Evening School. Moody BIbl* In* distress: the cloth coat with Its fur trim, prov- leaden and mid-winter snow and Ice ftltuto of Chicago.) Hath no occasion nor no field to try (©, 1926, Woatorn Newspaper Union.) Tho strength and forces of his ing conclusively that It can be every envelop the earth as far as eye can worthiness. . . Inch as handsome and even more prac- see, try the following experiment: tical than on all-fur garment It Is Secure from your nearest dealer Lesson for December 27 SEASONABLE FOODS at this time of the year, when win- three yards, more or less, of the ter merges Into mldseason, that the flowerlest cretonne to be had for the REVIEW—FROM ATHENS TO ROME ' Where fresh fish are obtainable a advantages of the cloth coat over the buying. Cut from this cheery mate- fish chowder Is a dish which will be one all • of fur, is really appreciated. rial a quaint "cover-all" apron pat- REVIEW—From Athens to" Rome. often repeated when once Soon as the temperature begins to teraed after the model shown In this GOLDEN TEXT — Therefore, being tried. Justified by faith, worhnvc peace with Fish Chowder. —Cut God through our Lord Jesus -Christ— fresh fish Into small Rom. 5:1. - PRIMARY TOPiC—How? Paul Helped pieces—codfish which has the Poor. been freshened may be JUNIOR TOPIC—Helping Others by used as weli. Cut a Our Girts. quarter of a pound of fat INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP- salt pork into cubes and IC—Paul, tho Missionary.. fry in the chowder kettle YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP- until crisp and brown. Add sis small IC—Paul the Christian. sliced onions, stir until well softened but not brown, then add six or eight The lessons of the p,unrt»r gather medium-sized potatoes cut into thin about Paul. The review therefore will slices. Cover with water nnd cook have to do with his character, service until the vegetables are nearly tender, and teachings. A' good method of re- then add the fish and cook until well view is to study the satient points done, If fresli; if salt, a short cooking with the leading teachings of each - will be sufficient. Add a'quart* of milk, lesson. The following suggestions are six or eight milk crackers which have offered: been softened In boiling milk, season October 4. well and serve hot. Paul took advantage of fhe oppor- French String Beans.—lielt a table- tunity to preach the gospel- to the spoouful of sweet fat or lard in a Jews in the synagogue at Athens, and saucepan, slice a clove of garlic In to such of the Gentiles nnd Jews as wafer-like slices, cook for five minutes, were found in the market-place, call- add. a tablespoonful of finely minced ing upon all to repent because of parsley, turn in the beans and when God's appointed day of judgment by well heated serve. Jesus Christ Kachin Women of Burma. Rjpe Olive Salad.—Take one pack- October 11. y_hich (llspjrjses one to Incur dlscom- at tiny villages and at many points and wipe dry and roll In seasoned rule rather than the exception in the the spring," perhaps the cure is not ~whererone~sees~rio signs" of "a" village, complete. In which instance it would November S. fort and to overcome difficulties. flour. -If the rabbits are tough, par- modern cloak versions. Sometimes Paul with undaunted courage pressed but she tows, lashed alongside, a the flare ripples all around the bot- be well to repeat the process, mak- Hurmu Is governed as a department boll them In water with a little vine- ing two aprons Instead of one—for on toward Jerusalem, knowing that of India, since her taxes are all palp barge nearly as large as herself. This gar. Roll In seasoned flour and put tom of the coaC but most generally It bavge and the" great after-deck of the now is the time to stock up on pictur- bonds and affliction awaited him. As Into the Indian treasury; and her Into a Scotch kettle with an Iron lid, occurs at the front or the sides. It la he took leave of the Ephesian elders steamer form one big "department the side flare treatment which individ- esque bungalow aprons, preparatory to Scottish residents complain bitterly adding a slice of salt pork; cover the coming summer months to be spent he warned them of the false teachers; of the policy which doles out such store." Space Is rented to native mer- tightly and cook without uncovering ualizes the coats in. the picture. chants, who go back and forth each Favored materials for coats prac- In one's country home. who would arise among them, and a*- funds as nre appropriated for local until It begins tp fry, adding a table- sured them that he had declared the trip, supplying the native with every- spoonful of water occasionally to keep tical to wear until the coming of sum- By the way, a cretonne apron makes Improvements and the development a lovely valentine gift One conld whole counsel of God. of the country. Nothing has been thing he needs, from sarongs to betel. from getting dry. Chicken or any mer Include pinpoint bollvlas, suedes, Each merchant. In his few square other fowl Is especially good-flavored November 15. done In the wny of road building ex- Despite Paul'sT'engerness to concili- <-."ir for a few miles around Rangoon. feet of allotted space, arranges his cooked this way, as all the flavor Ja wares exactly as In the little booth kept In the meat and the flesh Is es- ate the people in Jerusalem, he wag There are no good roads In fact and arrested. Because of his passion to i> Driii" wiisons outside the large along the village street. Hundreds of pecially tender. natives swarm aboard at each stop- preach the gospel, he witnessed to the towns. For conveyance In the coun- 1 ping place, carrying baskets and bags Things Worth Remembering. angry mob which was striving to kill try there nre only the bullock carts. When using the furnace this win- him. The Burmese have not reached the •for their purchases. One Is reminded every hour of the ter, place potatoes to bake, beans to stage of development requiring hotels; bake, steak to November 22. hence there nre no Burmese hotels. dny from how many and diverse ele- Though falsely accused and ar- ments Is to be welded the Burmese broil or roasts to Those In the large towns, for for- roast. In the fur- raigned before the wicked governor, eigners and supported by foreigners, nation of the future. All originating nace or on the Paul with becoming dignity and are bad and very dear. from the same parent stock (except, ledge. This will courtesy defended himself In such a perhaps, the Selung tribe), the vari- save fuel and the way as to win the favor of Felix. How to See the Real Burma. ous tribes have through the centuries Yet Burma Is a country of sur- food has a differ- November 29. contended for possession of lands, ent flavor. On- pii<™ini: interest, and once outside the hunting and fishing grounds, for life Paul defended himself before Agrlp* tourist's triangular path, bounded by ions roasted - In pa and so wisely and confidently used of the simplest form, till their char- their skins are especially delicious. Kangoon, Mnndalay and Prome (none acteristics have become as distinctive the Scriptures as to almost persuade of which Is typically Burmese), one Remove the outside and serve with Agrippa to become a Christian. as If of different races. butter. may Journey at will among a simple, December 6. hnppy. kindly people, still very young Kachlns and Karens. Here we find the stocky, pictur- When the screw tops of cans fall to Paul's behavior on the voyage and mid wholly unspoiled by contact with respond to the hand, try using a lit- during the shipwreck displayed his the West. It is a country of mystery, esque Shans, with their bright plaids, heavily bedecked with brass and sil- tle sandpaper. Another use for sand- sublime faith in God as well as his , where nuts (nature spirits) still dwell paper Is on a zinc table when the remarkable bravery and common sense. In mountains, trees, streams and ver buttons, bells nnd other orna- meat chopper is to be fastened on; temples; a country Inhabited by many ments. The Knchln women wear a place a strip under the clamps to hold December 13. tribes, widely diverse In customs and score or more belts of narrow hoops, it firmly. fcpon Paul's arrival in Rome he was physical characteristics, living as they stained black and falling over the When .straightening the horn In greatly heartened by the reception lived 1,(X>OJ years ago; tribes among hips In a manner to require frequent linen, save all the drawn threads to given him by the brethren who came which the Burmese are only one, but adjusting. They come from the' Shan be used for darning old linens. to meet him. Paul was Intensely hu- happened to be In the ascendant at states to the east; nre rather attrac- For those who dislike dusting, bed- man. He, like his Lord, craved human the moment of England's conquest of tive In form and feature; eaters of making and many of the everyday- fellowship. the country. I lizards; of beetles, of snakes—In fact, household duties, start the vlctrola December 20. of everything except human flesh, with a lively tune and work to the If the summary of Paul's life was Much of this country mny bo reached which Is forbidden. • by the Irrawaddy and Its estuaries, time of the music. It will take all the the lesson used.,on this Sunday, the where a comprehensive service Is es- Here are (so-cnlled) white Karens, drudgery out and time will pass review should be the vision of the tublishcd. For such a journey only a heavy and stolid and very dirty, of swiftly. veteran soldier of the cross, near the ' single servant Is necessary, as In In- fairer skin than the Burmese and Slip-on covers for Ironing boards close of his life, declaring, "I hpve dln or Ceylon. _ with a more distinctly Mongolian eye. are easy to wash and keep the board fought a good fight, I have finisl-ed They take kindly to Christianity, always fresh if one tins two or three my course, I have kept the faith r there For i\. more .extended journey. In- 1 volving the necessity of leaving the whole villages at a time, as also do on hand. is therefore laid up for me a crown waterways some provision must be the red Karens, a tribe less numer- To remove water marks on vases or of righteousness which the Lord, the made. A bedding outfit will be need- ous, small nnd wiry, with broad red- glasses rub in a little oil, then wash righteous judge, will give to me at ed, as '.veil as cooking utensils and dish faces. Heavy drinkers these, som- as usual. that day." ber In mien, formerly very wild and some cupplies. Sticks of candy on a child's birth- If the Christmas lesson was used Thus equipped, an extremely Inter- savage, they have been reduced from day cake nre just as decorative and stealers of men to stealers of cattle. with a candle or two lighted will add for this day, the method of review esting Journey may be made—for In- should be to picture the wise men stance, through the Shan states north- The females of one branch of the to the pleasure, as the kiddles will eat the candy. seeking Jesus, Herod seeking to kill ward to the ruby mines or the oil Karens and Pnlaungs wear brass A VERY CUNNING APRON Him, and the finding of Jesus In Beth- rings around their necks, arms and Drop pieces of toilet soap Into the • fields, thus passing through the coun- brondcloths and plaid woolens for make It like this one In the picture, lehem. try of several Interesting peoples. The legs, weighing. It is said, 50 to GO boiler when washing; It will take the pounds. ,The neck rings, as thick as place of soap nnd add a dellente orior sports. although other cunning Ideas can be weuther. except for a few rainy days to the clothing. If more economical, Colors for cloth coats are most at- carried out. A little tea apron of at Christmas time, Is good for the the little finger, nre put on the girl In Our Thanks melt the pieces In a little water and tractive, such as deep wine shades, cretonne with the bib cut in the shape Our thanks should be as fervent for most part from December to March. Infancy, four or five rings at first nnd of a heart would bring a note of valen- others added as fast as she grows, till pour into a mold. When cold you red, gracklehead blue, hunter's green, mercies received as our petitions for Dnlt bungalows are to be found have a good cake of sonn, rust, black nnd particularly gray. By tine cheer. Perhaps a sewing apron nearly everywhere, though often only eighteen or twenty keep the neck al- would be more appropriate for the mercies sought. ways stretched. Cream Cheese. — Grnte nil dry the way, gray Is made mention of re- shelters nnd not always provided with .•heese. using a cupful of grjitod, peatedly In spring forecasts not only "one you love best." This Is easy to crockery and cooking utensils. There 'And so one Journeys on nnd on. for topcoats but for the entire cos- accomplish. Stitch another heart on each day bringing new scenes, new cheese nJid a hnlf cupful of boiling Must Enjoy Work nre many very comfortable "circuit hot cream, stir In- the cheese .and tume including the millinery to ac- the lower skirt portion which shall No one who does not enjoy work, houses" built for and used by the gov- types of people to study, and all nt when dissolved pour Into a Jnr. Add company It. There Is also a noted serve aB a receptacle for scissors and can truly enjoy anything else.—Ray- ernment officials, who are very cour- lenst 1,000 years behind the epoch In preference for red and brick shndes. darning cotton, thus Is the erstwhile which we live. Everywhere are pa- my seasoning liked, ehopped-plmen mond. teous to any properly accredited trav- •OPS. red pepper or paprika. Squirrel, fitch, fox. gnzelle, leopard tea-apron converted Into a sewing godas—great pagodas, little pagodas and wolf are the popular furs used apron, On the other hnnd. though on land al| sorts and sizes of pagodns, to flt_ In a trimming way. Faithful the purses of the people who sough* JULIA BOTTOMLEt. one must travel In the snddle'or by As a means of creating cheer, <©, 1020, WMttrn N«wapapor Union.) "He that Is fulthful In that which bullock cart, the trrawaddy river and to "gain merit" In their, building. • Is least Is faithful also In much." The Cranbury Press gan gods might be propltiuted in favor iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiinii CHRISTMAS****? of their savage worshipers. How Butter Fat in S BusinessHoun—Open 8:30. Closent OiOO.Everj Dnr.Saturday Included. S So tfe ftnow that the Christmas cele- PUBIiISHBD EVERT FRIDAY AT GOD BLESS US brations were not in the beginning of | Milk Is Broken Up religious slgnlneauce. Cut with Chris- , CRANBURY, NEW JERSEY. EVERYONE!" tianity's dawn the many old customs that remained were given a religious Do you know what the word I Hoenid,Swem &Co. 1 GBO. W. BURROUGHS & SON, symbolism. There are -a- number of homogenization means? Editors and Proprietors. v our present-day customs that are pic- Ninety-eight out | MgftgRiy KAUFMANS | WILLIAM AVERY BARRAS, turesque and Interesting because of of" 100 house- their great antiquity. wives to whom Associate Editor. | Phone 8101 'South Broad at Lafayette Sts., TRENTON, N. J. | When we tramp • Into the winter the question re- $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. woods and bring home loads of scar- cently was put FRANCES let-berried holly and mistletoe we are admitted they merely following in the footsteps of couldn't answer. Xnttnd u Hcond-claa nuttar Jolr ITjh. IBS, MARSHALL Can you? . st th» ftmt ofies it Q*abiH7, Ncir Jam MORGAN our .pagan ancestors. When we *• Act of Cmm of Mock I. IK*. wreathe our doorsills afrd windows with But here if Is - the beautiful, waxj white clusters' of j explained byTliss ' FRIDAY, DECJEMBER 25th, 1025. mistletoe, when we ornament the man- Meta H. Given, tie above the bright-fire with Its dark- food authority do- green clusters we are but unconscious- ing research MAYOR HOFFMAN CHOSEN AS MAGAZINE ! SECRETARY TO ly repeating the pagan custom of old work at the Uni- writer not long _Ttf> versity at Chl- SENATOR MORGAN F. LARSON. when' tSe Druids, the.ancient priests, ago made the performed their mystical rites upon ca.go. \ statement that their, forest altars. "Homogcn 1 z a- the real Christ- The cutting and burning of the Yule tion," says Miss mas spirit was as de- log is, today, as Important as a feature Given, "is the ceased as old Marley's Fat Globules of the' Christmas celebrations of the name of the proc- in Raw. Milk. ghost—dead as the pro- manor homes of "ilerrie England" as ess which breaks verbial doornail—or dead- It was before the world- knew trie up butter fat in evaporates milk into er. "We are shekel-mad," meaning of a true Christian observ- tiny particles so they blend evenly he said In substance; ''we ance of the season. The cheery, heart- with the solids. Homogenlzatlon modern men and women; ening salutation "Merry Christinas!" causes the butter fat globules to ad- even our children have originated In England. This greeting here to the albumin and the casein become too sophisticated has never been known to fall in bring- of the milk. In the process, milk Is to believe in its milk and ing a smile to even the most woe-be- forced through countless numbers of A Merry Christmas To All water myths—" * gone countenance. openings at a pressure of around 3,- A man who will deliberately and And an English Christmas Is, indeed, 500 pounds'. with malice aforethought sit down be- a wonderful thing to experience. Even "In addition to preventing a cream It is with gratitude in our hearts for the kind fore his wheezy old typing machine the very tales of the Englishman's and skim milk line, this breaking up patronage of our many customers throughout the and -whack out mildewed sentiments Yuletide make our hearts beat faster - of fat contributes to smoothness and past year that' we extend to you all our heartiest i>f that kind, without a single qualify- and cmr Imaginations run riot. The perfect blending of foods such as ing phrase attached, is either a born time has not yet arrived when Dick- cream sauces,' soups, ice cream and Christmas wishes. The gifts we want most to give tnnmn or a shameless glutton. Either ens' "Christmas Carol" with its, descrip- in baked products. you, is the promise and fulfillment of our best en- he crime into the world with light men- tions of the Christmas market stalls deavors for the finest department store service It tal luggage or else he wrote that ar- "It also has a digestive advantage with their long rows of hanging geese for those who have difficulty in as- ticle the day after the Christmas feast decorated with bunches of sage and is in our power to give. It is our customers who —three helpings of juicy, brown tuffiey similating milk. Many pediatricians onions, of tarts, puddings and sweet- recommend evaporated milk as a baby have made, possible our development, and to them nestling close to a sugary pyramid of meats will lose its delicious charm and wo owe every effort for future Service and complete cranberries, fragrant giblet gravy and food, although, like other substitutes mouth-watering powers. for the natural supply, it should not liNenits—southern .style—done to a And who. can write about Christmas satisfaction. v pui.leu turn; a feast in which a steam- be considered as a, food complete In without thinking of the humble, though itself. Addition of'orange or tomato ing, raisin-studded and spice-spiked none the less, delectable dinner presid- Thus in wishing you all a very Merry Christmas plum pudding played a stellar role. juice, barley water or lime water are Important in providing adequate diet we want to express our heartiest appreciation for This is a day of "movements." Sup- for the Infant. your loyal support of our enterprise. HAROLD G. HOFFMAN. pose we start a brand new one. Sup- "All authorities recognize that Senator Morgan F. Larson, presi- p in butter fat and thp essential food Mr. Beuchner attended one of the ten by Nahum Tate, England's - poet j element known as vitamin A, which is farm account schools conducted by laureate In 1G02. the Middle-sex County Extension found In butter fat. Many mothers Service each winter, and after a Quaint old English carols that are do not appreciate that removal-^o cay's instruction wont home with, still sung are: "God Rest You, Merry cream from the top of a bottle of the necessary record book. The fol- Gentlemen," "Good King Wencesles" milk results in skim milk. lowing day he spent in taking inven- and "The Holly and Ivy." These were In evaporated milk, a product rec- tory of all liis possessions— barns,, sung by the waits who went from ommended by many leading ^doctors hay, grains, plows, harrows, harness, house to house In the old days. A for the use of infants and children tools, wagons, blankets, animals, all whole book could be made Interesting He had fanned all his life on this and Which Is simply pure cow's milk same farm, and this was the first Brought In Uo^ds of Scarlet-Berried by recounting the customs of the an- sterilized In cans and with sixty pe time he had taken an-inventory. Holly ^ld Mistletoe. cient carol singers of the different cent of the water removed, there is Six weeks later, Mr. Beuchner was lands. no cream line. The milk In the top. awakened in the night to find his the blessed Savior. Throughout the In connection with the Christmas of a can Is the same as It Is in thi barns in flames. When the fire centuries' a spirit of revelry has marked ! candle-which has been used as a beau- bottom of the container. This re- ceased, nothing remained of the out the tide of Yule. The observance of tiful symbol In many countries from sults from a process called homogenlz- buildings-and barns but the smoking an annual, season of merrymaking I ancient days to the present It is Inter- J atlon, In which the fat globules In debris. dates back even fartlier than the ad- estinp to know that even the gypsies, the milk are broken up into such Greater Value—Lower Price\ Fortunately,- he carried insuranc vent of Christianity. It Is said that i those wandering, mysterious vaga- When the adjuster arrived, one of microscopic bits that they remain in More than lOOO Pages of the Finest Entertainment for long ore the birth of the Babe of j bonds of unknown origin and self-con- homogeneous suspension. Every drop the first things he asked Mr. Beuch- Bethlehem the ancient pagans- cele- ! fessed paganism, have a legend about ner was, "Have you an inventory of of homogenized milk has a buttery 9 SERIAL STORIESV&^"<^^^?$£^ brated a yearly feast near the winter ja burning candle that was set at a cer- taste because it" contains butter fat. iQtcrei t your barns and things?" solstice. Romans called this the Satur- j i on to light the way of a 50 SPECIAL ARTICLES' %>%&*% tiSSffi**' "Yes," was the reply, "come into tn n seaS For this reason, In evaporated milk, the house and look it over." nalia. It was marked with much wine- ; mother and child across the darkness there Is none of the flat taste on drinking, dancing and eating. 200 SHORT STORIES ^i^^X&^g. The insurance adjuster, delighted of a desert land. This legend Is to be finds In drinking from the bottom of capes, Athletics. on seeing the detailed statement, In the ancient' countries of th,e found somewhere In an old book—per- bottle of market milk. Radio —"Make-It and Do-It" Pages — Games — Caleb Peastee'a Cam remarked, "This is fine, the most North huge fires wore kindled and fis j haps It was recounted by George Bor- Cod Philotophy — Wood Craft —Nature Lore — difficult claims I have to adjust are thelr leaping flames shot skyward hu- I row—but the writer of these lines has In order to avoid feeding the bab The Beat Children's Pago those for fire insurance on farm man beings were sacrificed upon the-, been uouble to locnte it again. or child plain milk three or four time: a day, many authorities recommen DON'T MISS THIS GREAT YEAR! property; so few farmers make out altars to Thor and Oden. The Goths After all, It is the spirit of any ob- a yearly inventory." the use of a mixture of fruit juice an and Saxons called this the festival of servance that truly counts. OFFER No. 1 OFFER A In a few days the adjuster return- Yule. milk, a highly palatable and refresh- ed and handed Mr. Beuchner a check (©, 1924, 'WeHtorn Newspaper Union.) ing drink. 1. The Youth's Companion — 1. The Youth's Companion to cover the losses. The settlement The Teutons selected a huge tree 52 issues for 1926 for 1928 92.00 which they raised amid much chanting Christmas in Dixie Following Is a recipe worked oui •was based on the inventory. by experts for an orange-mlllc drink * — and— 2. All remaining 1025 Issues . o and shouting,'in honor of the god of Way down Souf In da land ob cbtton, 2. AH the remaining Issues 3. McCaU's Magazine ••> 91.00 the sun. Bright objects and lights An' down In de plnc-trte groun', Mis In a fruit jar % of a cupful o: for 192S Experienced orchardmen have ob- De possum pic am not fo'Rotten orange juice, ?,i of a cupful of evap served that narrow-crotched scaf- were—placed in its branches to repre- When de Christmas time comes roun'1 All for $2.00 All for $2.50 fold branches • on apple trees break sent the light of day, the moon and Hooray fo' de chickuns n.n' do hot-cohn orated milk, three teaspoonfuls o) more easily than wide-crotched stars. Animals were fastened to the pone! sugar, V2 tcaspoonful of lemon Juice Check your choice and send thil coupon with your remittance to the PUBLISHERS Hooray, hooray, to' de sweet ham bone! branches when loaded with fruit. branches, historians say, that the pa- and a few grains of salt. Shake well OF THIS PAPER, or to THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Bouon, M«««achuictu. —Leslie's Weekly. before serving. • '->,•»

The Cranbury Press 21-29 South Broad Street IJenry Wirtschafter & Sons j TRIDAY, . DECEMBER 2oth, 1025. I Merry S. P. Dunham & Company, Trenton, N. J. The • publishers of THE PRESS wish you all a very Merry Christmas The Comuunlty Service this Sun- •day evening which is to be held In .th First Presbyterian Church, Is one that should have a large attendance Judge J. Warren Davis of the United Christmas States Circuit Court of Appeals, will apeak." He will be accompanied by the Choral Society of his Bible-Class Annual Mid Winter Clearance Sale •which will sing • a numbr of Christ- Give and feach your mas^ Carols and other .selections. Plan to attend the -service. child to give gifts of util- ., To-night, at 7:45 o'clock, at tho •Community Christmas Tree, the ity. Following are some of Women's Coats .singing of Carols, and "-exercises ap- proprlaft- to the occasion will begin. last moment suggestions J3e prompt and take part in it.. * for the whole family. • Miss Mary Symmes of Wilson Col- at Half or Near Original Prices lege is spending- the holidays with .her mother, Mrs. Josie Symmes. Flash Lights Mrs. Thomas Hutton is spending Newest models, correct in tailoring and materials, suitable the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jos- Pocket Kuives • -eph Hutton of Brooklyn. JbMerry Christmas for present wear, and for next season. AH priced to meet the Miss Georgia Thompson will spend Razors requirments of economical buyers. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George .Spratford at Prospect Plains.- Clocks Scfuirrel or Beaver trimmed coats, former prices, ?39.75 Mr. and Mrs. Winfleld Johnson Watches and ?45.00, $18.75. •will entertain on Christmas Mrs. i Mary Errickson, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. To All Harrison and family of Sharon; Miss Radio Winter Coats of soft pile fabrics, trimmed with high grade Kathryn Errickson of New Tork.- furs, ?69.00 and ?75.00 values, $35.00. John Hughes has been quite ill at Sleds the home of his son, W. N. Hughes. Misses' Coats of pin point, Lustrosa and Montebella, plati- oosQOQeooeosoososoooooseoeeooosoGosoosooscisosesososQ .Wagons Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pullen are num wolf, or fox fur trimmed; $69.00 values, $45.00. .spending several months in Cincin- atti, Ohio. Tools (all kinds) Luxuriously furred coats, handsome garments, of charm and The Public School closed Wed- Tool Box distinction, favored colors, 59-5.00 to ?125.00 values, nesday afternoon for the holidays. It will re-open on Monday, January Cooking Utensils $69.00. ' 4th, 1926. Extra size Hudson Seal plush coats, sizes 47, 49, 51 and 53, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Symmes Elec. Tree Lights will have as their Chritsmas guests THOS. JAMES values to ?65.00, JUrs. Minnie Symmes, Miss Mary Extra Bulbs Symmes and Mrs. H. C. Symmes. Miss Edna Brown of the N. J. •College for Women of New Bruns- General Merchandise CRANBURY, N. J. wick, is home for the holiday vaca- I will be open Thursday tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. FREE DELIVERY New Phone Number 426 osossooscoseoosoosoeososoe Henry W. Brown. night till 9 o'clock to ac- Miss Mary R. Symmes has been commodate the last min- cooaaasaaaooaaaeeaaaaececoocaaeeaaeaaececcsoaogseeeoo •confined to# her home on account of illness this' week. Mrs. M. A. Rue ute shopper. lias been substituting for her at the 1847 A. V. Manning's Sons 1925 .school. We extend to our many patrons the Albert Barclay of Syracuse Uni- versity Is at the home o£ his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Barclay, for the Christmas. vacation. The goose chanced off by the Season's Greetings B: Chamberlin •Cranbury firemen was won by Mr. Harold C. Wilson. The duck was and appreciation for your generous •won by I'arr Chamberlin. Hardware Miss Enid Walker of Newark is patronage which has made this the spending the holidays with her par- Cranbury, N. J. We Wish ents. Postmaster and Mrs. E. W. ^VKOMKr' leading store of Cranbury. Phone 400. Gifford Gordon, a very eloquent .speaker of international fame, gave a splendid address Sunday evening SHERIFF'S SALE. in the First Presbyterian Church on Yours for Better Service and a wider the question of Prohibition. MIDDLESEX COUNTY CIRCUIT Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Griggs variety of Merchandise for 1926. COURT—John B. Grover & John of the Friendship Road, have just H. R. Gulick, partners, trading as Grover & Gulick Lumber Com- A Merry returned from a vacation spent at pany Plaintiffs, vs. Paul Newell Hot Springs, and Luray, Virginia. 00000! and Martin JM. Riedel and Emma They visited the famous cave and O. "Riedel, Defendants. Fi Fa for spent a few days in Washington, sale of premises dated December D. C. 9OOOOO 4, 1925. Christmas The Christmas entertainments By virtue of the above stated writ last evening in . both the First and to me directed and delivered, I will Second Presbyterian schools were THE SUN" OPTICAL CO. expose fdr sale at public vendue on exceptionally well presented by. able WEDNESDAY, JANUARY TWEN- •casts and excellent directorship. F. C. LEAMING, Pres. TIETH, NINETEEN HUNDRED Constable Arthur V. Danser is 38 West State Street, TRENTON, N. J. AND TWENTY-SIX at two o'clock in the afternoon of .seriously ill and is in the Presbyter- Between Warren and Willow Streets, opposite site of new ian hospital at . „ said day at the Sheriff's Office in the Stacy-Trent Hotel, within site of the old location at City of New Brunswick, N. J. State and Warren Streets, one-half blpck west. DEER- HUNTERS GET All the right title and interest of 200 1b. BUCK. the defendants, of in and to all the Eyes Examined, Glasses Prescribed, Made and Repaired following described premises, to wit: A. V. MANNING'S SONS, Addison Mount. "Wesley Southard 8 All that lot, tract or parcel of and Jacob Aler went on a deer oooo land and premises situa'ted in the hunting trip in Ocean County and Township of South Brunswick, in came home with a 9 prong Buck the County of Middlesex and State 20-22 South Broad Street, TRENTON, N. J. weighing 200 lbs. which was shot The older we get the more truth Buy Christmas Seals of New Jersey, and described as by Wesley Southard. we see in the copy-book maxims. follows, to wit: o Beginning at an iron pipe in the Henry Ford Is teaching the old A penny's worth of fresh, air to PUBLIC SALE CALENDAR. dances but some of his cars still do northerly^ line of the proposed ex- bring color to pale little caeefas and tension easterly of the street lead- the shimmy. GCO0C WEDNESDAY, December 30, 1925, brightness to doll ing from Mapleton Road to Heath- ooooecaceoscccccccaeaccccccoscccacaacox Public Sale of Horses, Cows, Ma- It Is more profitable to pay a eyee— cote Brook Road, as shown on a chinery and Household Goods at doctor to keep us well than to get A penny's -worth "Map Showing Plan of Lots for soec Union Valley, opposite the church, sick_ and perhaps never be able to i of yetlow nrflk to Martin M. Riedel and Emma O. Rle- at 12 o'clock, noon. Yetta Alden- payhim. be transformed into ael, his wife, Kingston, Middlesex stlne. W. H. Johnson, auctioneer 'good red blood In County, N. J., C. S. Sincerbeaux, FRIDAY, January 8, 1926, at 12 The propagandists in this country tite veins of a EtUe Civil Engineer, Princeton, ->N. J., noon, Public Sale of Stock, Ma- have done everything they could for child threatened January, 1923," and approved by chinery at Rhode Hall, near the the League of Nations except write with tnberculosia— South Brunswick Township Com- School* House, Frank Sigle. a song about it. Why doesn't some •'' A penny^s -worth mittee, February 3, 1923; said iron THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS BRIGHTEN-UP STAINS W. H. Johnson, auctioneer . body write: "Meet me at Geneva, and Good Hc.ilth. o£ hope for some pipe bearing' South 74 degrees 13 minutes West 142.20 feet from the Produce a Stained and Varnish finish in one operation on old Eva?" 'family burdened west line of Heathcote Brook road; with the specter or new Furniture, Floors and Woodwork. It is easily applied "Police Dogs, Dobermans, Chows, and running thence along the North Probably we'could get up more in- of the great white plague—These are line of said proposed extension and does not show laps or brushmarks. Surfaces previously Bostons, Airedales, Fox Terriers, terest in the league court if it would Setters and Great Danes. Noted things your penny for a Christmas South 74 degrees 13 minutes West flj painted may be changed to imitate any woods represented in this move its headquarters from The Seal will do. 60.00 feet to an iron pipe; thence dogs at stud, Dogs boarded and Hague to Miami. § list, by first applying a coat of Brighten-up stain ground, and- conditioned. A few very exceptional along the East line of lot No. 14 on after thoroughly dry follow with color selected. . Dark Oak, said map North 15 degrees 47 min- puppies given to reliable people on Light Oak, Mahogany, Walnut Ground. We sell the entire line breeding basis.. Police Dogs, Dob- SHAREHOLDERS MEETING. utes West 255.00 feet toi an iron ermans, Airedales and Setters train- With that pipe in the South line of other lands of the Sherwin-Williams paints. We shall hope to be able to ed by noted German Trainers at The annual meeting of the share- of Martin M. Riedel and Emma O. serve you. Our Paints are the very best that money can buy, reasonable fees. Strongheart Ken- holders of the First National Bank Riedel, his wife; thence along ' the our prices, are close to cost. nels, Easton Ave., New Brunswick, of Cranbury, New Jersey, for the Christmas Money same North 74 degrees 13 minutes N. J. Tel. 1443 W 1." election of the number of Directors East 60.00 feet to an iron plpep GALVANIZED CORRUGATED STEEL ROOFING to serve for the ensuing year as di- thence along the West line of lots rected by the shareholders, and for You can choose one of thousands of Nos. 12, 11, 10 and 9 on said Map AND SIDING. I the transaction of any other busU- dainty things for your room, desk, South 15 degrees 4 7 minutes East all lengths including 12 feet, in stock. Get our prices before Worth Saving! ness that may properly come before 255.00 feet to the place of begin- the meeting will be held at its table, shelf, sideboard, china closet ning; being lot No. 13 on the afore- , you buy. banking house on Tuesday, January walls or use in the home generally. said map. METAL HOG SCALDERS, Hold 200 Gallons of water, enough 12th, 1926, at ereven o'clock A. M. Judgment amounting to approxi- to scald the largest hog, the crank hoists lifts the hog easily and The polls will remain open one hour. There's hardly an end to the mately ? 1,0 2 5: holds it in any position. No lubber lifting, no straining labor. GEO. B. MERSHON, Cashier handsome and needables which Together with all and singular Price 554.00. Cash. the rights, privileges, hereditaments STOLL'S show. and appurtenances thereunto be- Farm Wagons and Low Wheel Farm Trucks, always on hand. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Prices Right. A leisurely choice can be made longing or in anywise appertaining. The annual meeting of the stock- FREDERICK GOWEN, FARM WAGON TONGUES to fit any farm wagon. Price $8.00 holders of the First National Bank mid satisfactory selection is certain. *" Sheriff. Complete with hounds. of Jamesburg, N. J.,\will be held at WM. C. VANDEWATER, Quality above reproach and prices $28.14 Attorney. WE GIVE a Farmers account book to everj Customer. Come their banking house /Tuesday, Jan- and get one, they are a good thing. '•>' uary 12th, 192 6 for the purpose of very fair. electing Directors for the ensuing . Boys Mineature Farm Wagon, only S10.80 each* wirtb. much more year and to1 transact any other busi- We invite your choosing. NOTIClE. ness that may properly come before the meeting. Polls open at 2:00 THOMAS PEPPLER, SON & COMPANY, P. M. and remain open for one hour. I am still selling wood M. I. VOORHEES, HIGHTSTOWN, NEW JERSEY. Cashier. sawed in stove length, STOLL'S delivered. Over 47 Years in Business. Wo sell only highest. Grade CORN STAIiKS FOR SALE. Standard Goods at tho Lowest Possible Prices. Chrl.tmas Seals Help Children Sua- 2,000 bundles, good bright stalk, JOHN J. OEHLER, fleeted of Tuberculosis to Enter Sani- at 3 cents a bundle. Also a Collie 20—22 East State/ Street, tariums. «. Dog. M. METZ, Cranbury, N. J. Phone SM37. CRANBURY, N. 3. TRENTON, NEW JERSEY .•"•••'.••'';' ' * V' .-. ':./.•'•"'.;'"f^''-i:;';''$Vi'^.••-:;i|-


TTeaiii of Star :et Ball Girls Slants on Life ByJ. A. WALDRON FARM Photo shows the girts compos- ing the NeW York university girls*, Paring Hia Expense Account POULTRY basket ball team. pHB Rlsedales were at breakfast From bottom to L Rlsedalo had not been as cordial the top are: Kate as usual. PLAN TO,PRODUCE Bow denst ein; "Anything the matter, dear?" "asked Maybelle Tamor; Mrs. Eisedale. STRONG CHICKS Stella ZIn3, cap- "Lots of things, always,' Lavinia." tain; Ann Haber "Well, what Is the" particular tiling The condition and health of the par. and Angelica Wll- __ his morning? Yon look as though ent stock largely determine the con- liams.. This team ' you were harboring an embryonic dition and health of the offspring. No played their first grouch. •- Better scotch it before It question Is more important than that , gome with Hunt- of constitutional vigor. er college, and develops." ' i The actions of the fowl indicate to are pretty sure to "I will. When I-made you an allow- a considerable exr«it Its physical -con- be kept quite ance I asked you Just how large It dition. A weak bird is usually Inac- should be." 3 busy during the tive and droopy. It does not scratch entire basket ball "Your memory is faulty, Benjamin. You asked me how small it should be. or forage actively. The loudness and season this win- frequency of the crow of the male and ter. Not In those words, of course. What you' really asked was that I should the cackle of the female are indica- tell you the least 1 could get along tions of strength. The large, bright- with for personal expenses—how red comb and wattles Indicate health. much a month. You said you had to The eye is the mirror of the body and have a lot of money at work in busi- Is a good Indication of either health ness. Am I right?"' or disease, the healthy fowl having a "Your mindjLavlnia, Is exact as to good, bright, clear eye, while the dis- some details th\mgh a—bit lax as to eased bird's eyelids droop and present others. You haven't a shrewd busi- a sleepy appearance. ness sense. I suppose you remember The brightness and brilliancy of the what you replied. 'My dear,' you said plumage are indications of constitu- —and I remember you looked charm- tional vigor. Feathers on a fowl of i ing as you said It—'I think I can get low vigor usually, grow slowly and along nicely on a thousand a month.'" appear to be dull and ruflled, as com- "I remember. And you were gen- pared with the close-lltting. smooth, irous enough to respond: 'My dear, (Copyrlcht. 1026.) fully developed, bright plumage of the I'll make it $1,200 a month.' You've Horizontal IB—Summit vigorous fowL The strong bird also always been a liberal darling." She 1—Condiment 18—Covers over vrlth a surface Bnlsb has a good appetite and a large crop. B—Harbors 19—A footllke part The causes of loss of vigor may be went over and kissed him, and then O—An Hawaiian food SI—Wagering went back to her coffee. 10—A dead language 23—A funeral chant Bummed up as follows: "Thank you. But why should bills U—Aged 24—Father (Latin) First—Inbreeding without knowledge 13—One 25—Quivering of the principles of breeding. Poultry like this be sent to me?" He handed 14—A thick blnck anbRtnnce 27—Senseless her a paper. "That calls for $150 for IS—A hard-shelled frutt 29—A hole In the ground raisers sometimes have a bird with ex- three hats. Aren't"'hats related to IT—An old form of "the" 30—^To consume ceptionally fine plumage, and for that your personal expenses?" She looked 18—A force ivalon 34—A. spring month reason mate the bird in their- breeding 20-—To weep convulslvelT* 30—A round handle at the bill. "But I was short, Benja- 22—Paradise 38—A person aflllcted iilth a hlghb pens regardless of Its vigor or Its rela- min. I had spent all my money. And 24—A vegetable contagious dlseair tion to other birds In the same pen. the one thing you warned me about 20—To sound, OR bells 40—To dress There Is a distinction between line- Now for Basket Ball 28—Clamor 42—A cask was my bank account. 'Never, In any 20—Old-fashioned 44—A parent breeding and Inbreeding. case, overdraw,' you told me." SI—A highly dangerous explosive (Ini- 45—A shoe Second—Use of pullets and Imma- Jporfflofes "Im-glad you remembered that. But tials) - ' 47—Came together ture male birds. As a rule, pullets 40—To ramble ou'U have to pay this bill out of your 32—To Mend money lay more eggs than hens, yet It hns Usala college In East Orange, N. J., 33—Motley; variegated BO—Twice (musical term) next month's allowance." 34—To arrow old 51—The sewed bottom of a skirt been- proven by experiments that the has a girls' football team. RS— Doctor (abbr.) "Oh!" She thought a moment 35—Principle chicks from hens ;are larger ;when » • • 37—Sick 53—Either hatched and that they mature more "And I wanted to go shopping today!" 3{^—Saucy The Women's Swimming association The solution will appear In next issue* quickly and produce stronger and more of New York city has 1,400 members. 41—A poem; a sons (obsolete) 42—Part of the leg vigorous specimens than those hatched • * • 43—To soak up from pullets. A half-grown cockerel The Armory A. A. of Boston Is the" 45—To supplicate Solution of Last Week's Puzzle. should never be used for breeding pur- 48—1 am (contraction) poses. oldest boxing organization in the Unit- 48—To choke ed States. CO—A marsh or mire CRAM Third—Increased egg production. • « • 51—That man Forcing fowls to lay by continuously Twenty-five million dollars wns SB—Guided RILSll 04—An open courtyard In a house feeding heavy, rich foods tells upon spent In admissions this year at major H5—Over (contraction) the health of the females and often in- league baseball parks. SO—A group of three AIDID. jures their breeding qualities. i • * * 57—-A severe atmospheric disturbance RBA Fourth—Crowding. Poultry raisers "Red" Grange, the sensational foot- Vertical SPOT make a mistake too often of crowding ball player of Illinois, receives as 1—A male descendant a great number of birds Into ^smoij, many as 200 letters a day. 35-—-Jumbled type 3*—A family- quarters and then expecting the best i • « » 4—An organ of hearing results from the (lock. There will be 95 days of racing this 5—A nharp pointed fastening Imple- Fifth—Lack of exercise. If strong, winter in New Orleans, from Thanks- ment ; G—Burden nealthy chicks are desired, the fowls giving day to St. Patrick's day. 7—A prepof-itlon In the breeding flock must be required • * * 8—Cunning) crafty to exercise by being forced to scratch The football season Is over and the With a string of 81 purses, Johnnie O—Summoned as by a bell-boy •different universities worked hard 12—Distributed, as cards for part of their food in a litter, or Maiben has been crowned king of "1 Saw a Policeman Standing by My 14—A color by being given plenty of range. shaping their basket ball teams for the eastern jockeys for the 1925 season. "Winter struggle. Iowa has always Car." • Sixth—Care of eggs for hatching. • • * Eggs for hatching are often kept in been strong In-basket hall and Coach _'33ut_ tomorrow Is the. first of_the " Berry claims to have some very fine, __La_crosse is a game which originated O0OCXX)0O0O0OOC)OOCX)O0O0OCX3O0OOO0OO00O000CX300OO -places~thut~are~too~hot ~or~too~coltl:— with the Indians and was fathered for month. Can't you postpone your ex- Clean nests should be provided, eggs material for this year's team. The HOW TO SOLVE A CROSS-WORD PUZZLE photograph shows C. H. McConnell. white men by Doctor Beer of Mont- cursion?" gathered dally and kept In n tempera- captain and jraard- real. She thought another moment "It's ture of from 50 to CO degrees and not • « • a bargain sale. And tomorrow I might held more than ten days before being They call him Tiger Flowers, but not find a bargain." get. ' Ladkin, One of Fastest his opponents insist that Thorns "Well, I'll lend you $100 until tomor- Seventh—Improper Incubation. An would be a more befitting name for row." He wrote a check and passed Incubator which cannot be regulated Horses of Age, Retired him. t over. "But you must pay me from with any degree of satisfaction, which Ladkin, one of the greatest horses • » * your allowance." lacks the proper provision for both of the present turf generation, has The German Sports union has super- "What a dear you are! But I saved ventilation and moisture, which Is flrst run his last race. This four-year-old vision over all sports in that country. you $25 yesterday, so I'll pay you back too hot and then too cold, should not colt, once owned by MaJ. August Bel- Its headquarters are located In Mu- ;757' be used. The germ of the egg Is weak- mont, will be retired to the stud on nich. "Saved me 525? How?" ened so that It-cannot free Itself from the nursery farm in Kentucky, where • • * "It was the funniest thing! But it the shell, and the chicks which hatch he is now stabled for the winter. As Golf teams are to be organized In proved that I have an alert business are poor and sickly, either dying In a three-year-old last year Ladkln won each of the five high schools of Dal- sense, though you say I lack It." less than two weeks after hatching or many important stakes, the biggest of las, Texas, by the Municipal Golf asso- "I'm anxious to be convinced as to URSERY RHYME having very low vigor. which was his victory by a nose over ciation. that." Eplnard, the French champion, in the Eighth—Insanitary quarters. Where • • * "You know when you bought my the poultry house Is allowed to be- second of the series of three interna- Conditions under which some of the limousine you said it was a present, tional races. That day Ladkln ran come filled with filth, lice and mltea, football games have been played this and you agreed to keep it .up If I which suck the life blood from the a mile In 1:36 2-5 at Aqueduct. . season suggest that they may yet see would learn to-drive it." It was his last big victory and after fowls, chickens cannot be strong and the game In Venice. "Yes." healthy. the death of Major Belmont he was "Well, I went shopping yesterday." sold to the Log Cabin stable, but as a • * * Ninth—Inferior breeding stock. No They want "Red" Grange to be a "Another bargain sale?" one should attempt to'raise chickens four-year-old this year ran in disap- "No. Just shopping. Though I did pointing form and refused to respond candidate for congress. Well, he frorj drones, from birds that are not won't have to call on anyone to do his buy a new costume. That's why I'm tru^ to type, from birds that have been to training. He wns a starter in the running for him. short." • 1924 Chicago Derby at Hawthorne Gerlously sick with somo. disease, If he • • • "But how did you save me $25?" expects to be successful In the poultry won by Black Gold, but failed to Heads of the various hockey leagues "It was the strangest thing! I- left place. business. All these things can and in Canada and the United States are my car in front of Bllghtlcy's, where vhould he avoided. npt to get together one of these days I bought my costume. I was In the and form a uniform code of rules. Tenth—Breeding from n Hock' indis- White Sox Now Seeking shop quite a while. When I came out, criminately. Many flocks contain a Shortstop From Orioles just as I was In the doorway, I saw greut many birds which lay only dur- a policeman standing by my car. I ing the spring season. Breeding should Charles Corniskey,. owner of the Woman Hockey Coach stopped, a little frightened. Thought Chicago White Sox. realizes his club be done with birds which are known - something'" was wrong. I waited fox to be good winter layers.—T. W. No- must have n star shortstop if It Is him to go away." to be in the running next year. . It :and, Director, Missouri State Poultry is understood that he has given orders "Just happened to be standing there, Experiment Station, Mountain Grove... that no expense be spared In landing I suppose." the right man. "I thought so, but he dldnt go. Then Eddie Collins wants a finished I began to think. All at once the player, one able to step right into truth dawned on me." POULTRY NOTES the big shaw and deliver. White Sox "Well?" scouts have reported that Joe Boley "I remembered reading there is a of the Bnltirrore club is such a player. fine of $25 for leaving a car within A farm without poultry is a finan Boley has been ready for the ma- a certain distance of a Ore plug." clal mistake. jors for several years and only Jack "And you had violated the- ordi- • • • Dunn's refusal to part with him has nance, of course." A turkey hen can cover from nfteeo prevented the Oriole shortstop from "Well, there was a fire plug right by to twenty eggs during ineubiitJon. . coming up sooner. my car!" • * * Ike Davis, who played short for "You got in bad, Lavinia. Paid the Kaislng geese, exclusively, would Chicago' during the season just policeman, I suppose! That would hardly be found profitable. The lay- closed, did as well as expected. Davis be the woman's way." Ing season ;gg sheila around on the floors, make 1904 and 1905. and Jerome D. Travers «25, dear!" un effort to locate the guilty one und .twice, in 1907 and 1008 and In 1912 tournament to be held at Welleslej fCoDyr'"'i , Find three other cry-babies. Left side down, in grass. Left side down, college. above rotxtc Upper side down, on hay. try to break up the habit or dispose, «nd jf the offender. '">•:•:••"•••;•


Watch Cytlcura Improve Your 8kln. On rising and retiring gently smear, the "face with Cutlcura» Ointment Sure Relief Wash off Ointment In five minutes with Cntlcura Soap and hot water. It Is wonderful what Cutlcura' will do for poor complexions, dandruff, Itching and red, rough hands.—Advertisement. 6 BELL-ANS Hot watet New Diamond Mines Sure Relief The discovery of new diamond mines In the Belgian Congo, in, South Africa, has.been balled as very Important, be- ELL-ANS cause for many -years experts have sold that diamond production is des- FOR INDIGESTION tined to decrease steadily,. 'The new nines .are believed to b'e potentially 25* and 75$ Pk&So!d Everywhere the largest In the world when proper- ly developed. All of the development PASTOR KOENIGS thus far has, been done'since the close of the World war, although It was NERVINE QUALITY known there .were diamond deposits there as early as 1907. OutJar Monarch JO years. Quality j Epilepsy Foods aro not sold Houlc"» Crou1 p Bemedy strikes at tbs root by chain store*. and prevents serious Ions troubles. No family Nervousness & sale without It. No opium. 60 cts.—Adv. Sleeplessness. Discreetly PRICE $1.50 AT YOUR DRUG STORE . Silk stockings, considered ah essen- •Write fo> free Booklet Never put off until tomorrow the tial by the fashionable women 01*1925, .. KOENIG MEDICINE CO. enemy you can whip today. are not of recent Invention. The fol- 1045 N.WELLS ST. CHICAGO.ILL. lowing paragraph appears In a style sheet of the year 1830: "The modish Sore eyes. bloofl-»hot eyes, watory eyos •tlcky eye., nil healed promptly with nlghtft woman Is conspicuous by her hose applications of Roman Eye Balaam. V which are of the finest white silk, and the latest wrinkle Is to wear beneath ASTHMA? Water Cannot be compressed. these transparent stockings a second Kidder's Asthmatic Pastilles pair" of pale-pink cashmir."—From Le arc relieving: sufferers all over the Bulgarie, Sofia' (Translated for theworld. Sample free at your druggist's or from Kansas City Star.) BABITJEIj KIDDER & CO., IXC. Chemists Since 1801 Boston 20, Mass. Constipation generally Indicates disordered stomach, liver and bowels. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills restore regularity without '•w-'^. INSIST UPON ril 872 Pearl St.. N. T. Adv.

ToaT KEMPS Lehlgh Palkner, the Australian cat- tle king, was talking In New Tori: BALSAM about the Important commercial trea- ties that have been madejbetween Ger- forthat COUGH> many and Russia. "These treaties," he said, "will be *Zrf Lini/nent~ very valuable If only the Bolsheviks will keep their grimy paws off them." Porter's Pain lOncr "The Bolsheviks!" he went on. "I Cheeks Cold* and Coughs f^ heard one of your wits describe them Tie/feves ~4ches and Pafns the other day—describe them to a t, S •Sores, Cuts and "Bums so to speak—as the men -who put the | rouble In trouble."

CHOCOLATES fLEAR YOUR SKIN . why cant I have a eWn llfce Finest made. Factory to you to be- J other girls? Why do I have to come acquainted. 5 lb. box "Gloria's of disfiguring blotches and Joy," J2.10; 2 lb. box, $1.10; 1 lb. box. irritations. Use nave these ugly pimples, blotches and Over the 60c; three 5 lb. boxes (same address), bteckheads? $6.96; three 2 lb. boxes,-?S.15; three "If I could only find something that 1 lb. boxes, $1.(0. Carriage pal a near- est post office. All candy — no frills. Would clear up my skin and give me Cash with order. Ordor early; write back my edit; rosy complexion, I know address plainly. McAlplne Candy Co., I -would be the happiest girl la the Vandorbllt Bid?., Nassau Street, New world! What can I do?" Tork City.—Adv. Resinol By JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN Is that you talking? It It Is, yon •HAT'S over the next ridge? don't have- to worry a mlnntet Just That's what the American Sound Salesmen Student Nurses build up the rich, red blood in your Mount Sinai Hospital of Philadelphia, Pa., ever wants to know. The Judge Gary of steel renown said In ^.ccrodHod by State Board, offers a complete body. Then your skin will he as clear .hreo year course in NurBlnu to yountf wom- 5ft as anybody's, level way may be beautiful a recent address before a salesmen's •n with two years of High School education, t's what S. S. S. has been doing to the eye and soothing to games of a November Saturday shows the senate passed such an amendment congress: ir Ita eaulvftlent. Beautiful new Nursea' Residence; largo recreation rooms, Individual invratlons—helping Nature build the mind, but in time its that twelve Intercollegiate games out by the significant majority of 63 to 7. "I declared at the New York univer- bedroomn, modernly equipped class and 3 demonstration rooms and laboratories. Apply rich, red blood! You can build red- of a total of 110 were seen by 470,000 In the house, owing to various reasons, sity the other day that we all talk too very perfection tires. But Superintendent of Nun en. blood-cells so fast that the Impurities let a ridge rise across the spectators, which means an expendi- It did not come to a vote. Washing- much. My declaration excited a lot that cause breaking out on the skin ture of many millions on one day in ton wiseacres predict that the Sixty- of comment, and everybody seemed to T011ACCO — KENTUCKY bVVKKT LKA hardly get Into the system before the way and jaded attention Home crown. Home cured. Mellow with ago. c ready cash for a luxury. ninth congress will pass It. Its pass- agree with It." Quality (Int. Satisfaction guaranteed. 6 lbs. pare blood annihilates them—kills springs to new life. "1.25. C.O.D. J. E. CHOATE. Wlngo, Ky. them right out—stops them from )f * What's over the ridge? Material conditions of living for the age would simplify a situation that He smiled and added: breaking out through the skin. He asks. He starts to find American people during 1925 have 'has argued pro and con ever since "Tou, too, will agree with me, I And then this rich, red, pure blood out. He may find the climb steep and been the "highest in all history," Sec- 1795. know, when I declare that the sound- feeds and nourishes the tissues of the the going hard, but he presses on to retary Hoover declares In an economic est salesman makes the least sound." CHIDES ekln and beeps it looking healthy. Dress them and mako gain the crest. Curiosity piques him. review made public as part of the an- HAT'S next In radio? Make o Into Coats, Robcn, Rues, That's all there is to nual report of the Commerce depart- etc. Send for circular. It Healthy. •, vigorous, Imagination Incites him. Expectation W 192G guess for yourself; your Reporting by Film ment. Factors listed by the secretary W. W, WEAVEK red blood such as S. S. S. spurs him on. "Anticipation Is better guess is as good as anyone's—provided Mr. Suglmura, the Japanese accred- Beading, Mich. helps Nature build, than reality," may be true. But lieas contributing to this condition In- your imagination Is going strong. In ited representative, made an Innova- makes you healthy all cluded a virtually complete absence of •All 9*f% relieved permanently oi must see for" himself. the meantime you can get anything tion at the session of the mandates j^PIH JLf \S money refunded. Nodrugs. over. It beautifies your It .was this urge "for to see andunemployment, high wages, continued from President Coolidge's message to commission by giving a film display riir |^28 years' success. Write skin—drives away pim- know" that marched the American growing efficiency In managemsat and congress to a dictum by Overseer Vo- to show the progress and moral and • •••^^^ for FREE information ples, blackheads, blotches, rash, Colls labor, efficient railroad operation, an material development of the popula- Wrow. Remedy Co.. P. 0. Boa 8», Baffalo.N. Y. and eczema—gives you back your ap- people across the continent, from fron- livia in Zion that the earth is flat— petite—builds firm, plump flesh and tier to farther frontier. That march equitable balance of prices as among which Is more tha'n you can say of tions of the South sea islands, which TUE HOME BEAUTIFUL—Write for (me the greater producing groups of the are under a Japanese mandate. letters of suggestion, with list of Bpoclal flllayou full of new life and energy. Is now accomplished. The United his music. You can get religion of any bargains. Cassa Irene- Stephens. Interior Dec- AU drug stores sell S. S. S. Get the States is now the richest and most population and a gradual return to selected variety; also politics and In- orator. H4 E. 37th. N. Y. Tel Caledonia 7770.. larger bottle. It's more economical. prosperous and most powerful nation stable currencies and normal business formation. Turn the dial- and take The small boy's love for his moth of earth. The physical frontiers are operations among the nations abroad. your choice: the markets; a lecture OB er Is apt to undergo a severe strain Just Try Once More gone, but In their stead are new things The best of it nil Is that no voice hog cholera; a college education. All every time she cuts his hair. If r>i-prythlnff »1 = <- h->« t-l'n- "over the next ridge" in Industry, in Is heard predicting anything but con- the world Is listening and learning as DADDY'S TONIC EXERCISES Boschee's Syrup tinued prosperity for 192C. (a safe nnd Bane health COUTHC) science. In. invention, In politics, in life. never before. In snowed-in cabins in Reduce wolffht without Injury. Brine HAS BEEN the silent places none go Insane from GASTRITIS IS DANGEROUS bacic health and vigor of youth. Send 25a f: And os the Old Year dies and the for complete courne nnd membership to Relieving Coughs New Tear Is horn it is more than ever F THE'dear old Congressional Rec- loneliness whom the radio keeps In HEALTH INFORMATION CLUB X. STOP IT QUICK ADDRESS DADDY the question, "What next?" I ord Is not among the "Best Sellers" touch with the world. Today the ra- 1777 E. 24th St, - Brooklyn. N. Y. for 59 Years in 1926, It will not be for lack of ex- dio Is boiling wnter In a kettle on Ice; When your stomach la bloated—when Carry a bottle in HE New Tear bids fair to spring citing material. Congress will be in is. stopping • head-on trains througli It Is so distended with gas that pressure session until the beginning of the con- emergency brakes; Is making the diag- on the heart almost suffocates yon your car and always keep It in the T nn international surprise as stu- What are you going to do? gressional campaign nest fall. And nosis for a surgical operation. Next! INDIGESTION house. 30c and 90c at all druggists. pendous as that of the World war of Take a chance or get rid of the [ 1914 and thnt of the Armistice of 1918. the tentative program is full of po- quick? Dyspepsia, "Gas" on Stomach, etc If "coming events cast their shadows tentiul thrills. Tax reduction is im- The one big Belling stomach medicine To provo ita remarkable efficacy wo ERE Is a new ."Prayer for Ourtoday Is Dare's Montha Pepsin and Itswill send FREE a bottle of our cele- before," the passing Old Tear fore- portant, though not exciting. But look ' Country" that is soon to be brated Dyspepsia Remedy to sufferers H mighty power to relieve terrible gastritis, from stomach trouble. Guaranteed to shadows action by the nations of Eu- at the possibilities In war-debt settle- heard In public worship—It would acute or chronic Is..a blessing to tens ol Klve Instant relief. Agents wanted. FOR OVER rope likely to result In concord, co- ments, the World court, reorganiza- thousands of people w)ro have been un- Write Grover Graham Co., Nowburgh, N. V. seem that any good American, Irre- able to get help from any other source. operation and solidification which have tion of the executive departments, the spective of race and creed, can join It's splendid for any stomach trouble— until now seemed unthinkable. Lo- shipping board, agricultural co-opera- In the petition: Is Bore's Mentha Pepsin. 200 YEARS carno, with its documents there In- tive marketing, consolidation of the "Almighty God, who hast given us So when your food won't digest or gas, bloating or shortness of breath cause you NATURE'S CORE IS haarlem oil has been a world- itialed, Is a shadow of tremendous railroads, the coal strike and military this good land for our heritage; we to become nervous or dizzy or have a HOT BLACK WATER BATHS Import. and civil aviation development. And, humbly beseech Thee that we may al-headache always remember that you can atWeatfield. N. Y. Hotel and baths connecting. wide remedy for kidney, liver and for good measure, there are the row gel one bottle—of Dare's Mentha Pepsin Steam beat Opes all year. Bates 524.60 pa "Who won the war?" Certainly no ways prove ourselves.a people mind- mck up. bladder disorders, rheumatism, between the forest service and the from your druggist and If It doesn't help European nation. It has at lnst come ful of Thy favor and glad to do Thy your disordered stomach—your money RUMSEY MINERAL BATH RESORT Hmbago and uric arid conditions. home to victors and vanquished alike western live stock men over grazing will. Bless our land with honoTrible will be returned. Pack Up YOBT Crip and Comt! that the World war was disaster for fees; the education bill for a now de- Industry, sound learning, and pure WESTFIELD - - - NEW YORK them all, Individually and collectively. partment with a cabinet officer; the manners. Save us from violence, dis- Europe has lost Its domination of the public shooting bill and investigations cord and confusion; from pride and Salesbooks and Counterpads HAARLEM OIL Qnanclal and economic world. Its po- galore. And finally, there's always thenrroganey, and from every evil way. THAT Agents wanted litical prestige has diminished to thechance of a mixup between Vice Pres- Defend 6ur liberties, and fashion into •Write for samples ^renting point. No one nation has the ident Dawes and the senate! one united people the multitudes Rochester Salesbook Co. . correct Internal troubles, stimulate vital tOUGH resources to regain its lost position. brought hither out of; many kindreds ROCHESTEB, N. X. organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist The nntlons must "hang together or the safe easy way before OULD It surprise you If congress and tongues. Endure with the spirit worse troubles follow. Take on the original genuine GOLD MEDAL. hang separately." No need to assume W should start the Twentieth of wisdom those to whom In Thy Last Will ap

the food, not alone for themselves, Mexico from the- north In the Sev- ?MEN? The Ant in the Colony but for all members of the colony, par- enth century, the Aztecs were skilled ticularly for the little ant children of architects. While for 'four centuries You have no reasons for INDIGESTION Scientists find continued enjoyment the queens that are at the head of the the Toltecs raised their gigantic col- being BALD, when Font's colony.—Ohio StnteJournal. umns ami built their palaces of huge pr2wrth in studying the social hubits of ants Original BARE-TO-HAIR and consider them extremely Interest- blocks of stone, adorning them with grows hair and saves what a swallow Puzzles Archeologists qf water ing little people In the world they in- elaborate stone carvings, their succes- you have. habit, with a diversity of hubits and It was almost 200 years before Her- sors, the Aztecs, erected public build- instant: tastes much the same as human be- nando Cortez dropped anchor in • tire' ings and dwelling places of similar de- Drug Stores and Barber Shops. ings. Some are hunters, some agri- Gulf of Mexico that the Aztecs found- sign. And these ruins still endure to Correspondence given personal i-elieF culturists, some collectors of food.isome ed the present City of Mexico nnd confuse archeologists intent on discov- attention. 25^60" slaves to care for the young la thecalled It Tencochtltlan. Like their ering Just where Toltec craftsmanaWjo nnt colony, and some just plain work- predecessors, the ToltecB, who, accord- stopped und Aztec craftsmanship be- W. H. FORST, Manufacturer ers, tolling hard and long, bringing in Ing to anthropologists, wandered Into gan. SCOTTDALE, PA. W. N. U., NEW YORK, NO. 52-1925.

/ . '/..'i ...,-'. !--,i--iwi •••-.' 7',x-»v;'i

her this mornla'. JJebbe 't ain't the one, but I wouldn't be sur- CHRISTMAS prised If she was without wood or coal JUNIOR -EXTENSION ACTIVITY to keep her, warm an' a scrap to eat, MAIL A> 6e an' that this letter will fix her Tip all R. E. HARM AM Beanty Parlor, right. Then there's Johnson an' his Middlesex CooBty Club Agent jjj . Bobbing Shop, vDELlVERED wife, who have a sick son off In China. Rest Room— , Moll Orders They're out to the box every mornln' Mezzanine Floor Carefully Filled waltln' for me. I've got a letter for POUL&tY CLUB MEETS them, an' It's from China.' An' there's Almy Rose, whose husband Is .off. to Friday evening, the New Market sea, an' little Nina Clark, whose fellow Poultry Club met in the New ^Mar- Is up to the mines workln' hard to ket School. This is the first of a earn enough to start housekeepln*. I've series of regular monthly''meetings Calcftc got .letters for both of them. An' 'tto be'held by the club on the third ain't all the mall, either. I do errands Friday of each month. A regular for a good many. Ton know the Watts', schedule of programs will be map-^Requirements, ped out for the future meetings.. whose boy ;ls • so awful sick. They Twelve members of the poultry club ain't nobody to send for a doctor. were present. At the next meeting / of the Child What mightn't It mean" If I didn't get election of officers will be part of therein two or three days? No, no,the program . J declare that the aver- yon *-f age boy or girl of four years I can't .. go .Benson, I wouldn't dare to stay if_I wanted to. I'm only one, an' they're Club Member Sells Calf. should receive about forty calories a no.forder," 'old . Charles Mitchel, New Market, sold pound of body weight per day. The Farmer' Benson a good many. Good-by.'.' : his Guernsey b'ull calf from his prize average weight of a child of four years After Christmas Reduction Sales Start yelled, curving his Usually it • required less than five cow "Meadowbrook Phyllis:" Walk- Is forty pounds. Therefore the total mlttened hanccer to his minutes to.- drive between the houses, er-Gordon Farms of Plalnsboro is caloric requirement wonld be ap- .mouth so the words wonld, but It. was -two hours later when Hol- the new owner of this calf. proximately 1,600 calories. Calory lfl Saturday, December 26th reach the mall carrier, five den struggled up on the piazza and Charles also sold his younger calf •merely the name for a certain meas- or six feet on the oth'er knocked on the door, looking more like from the same dam to Geo. Perrine ure of heat derived from the burning at S.3O A. M. ride of the .fence ' At the a crudely made snowman tljan any- of Monmouth Junction. of food. " •Bine time he nodded thing human. Boy Buys New Poultry Stock. I "For the land Bake!" cried the wom- Necessarily, the caloric requirement Important Reductions •tgntBcantly toward the George Freeman o£ the New Mar-of the child Is dependent on hla toad farther on, where the an who opened the door, "If it Isn't Mr. v ket Poultry Club purchased from ' temperamentp , since a child who plays •now had drifted entirely Holden! How"d you ever manage to anSle Ot d brebre dederr ff harh d lon ' get through? But come right In. You V" ^ 5 l t ° S requires more nourlsh- fccross, covering the fence 5 l t ^ ° ' than one who leads a quieter •a either side. "Five foot , II can't go on any more today. My folks pen consisting of pullets and one . are almost scared to go to the barn. cockerel. life. Rate of growth also has a bear- deep an' still drlftln', an' plenty more . ing on caloric requirements. -The Wearing Apparel for Women anil Misses places on ahead jest like It. Don't see Club Entries at the State Poultry child who Is growing rapidly should how yon got thlB for. Well, well shovel /^ Show. be given more food to meet his caloric Fur Coats, Fur Trimmed Cloth Coats, out the gate, an' teen yon can drive in Six Middlesex County poultry club needs than the boy or girl whose under my shed. It's three miles back members will enter birds in thegrowth Is normal. Ensemble Suits, Dresses, Millinery • to town, an' you can't return any more i state poultry show to be held in than yon can go ahead. I never see Mothers know the daily diet should and Shoes. Trenton the second week of Jan- consist of the essential foodstuffs, pro* snow fly so fast Mebbe It'll ease np j and Ellis S. nfN^ ZT^%Jnt ^,h teta- carbohyrates, fats, minerals and - by tomorrow so we can start to plow Smith ot New Market Poultry Club, _„«.„_ . ,_ . , ', . . . the roads ont, but't ain't likely you'll j Emerson Mount and Anna Patterson!wa er- Thm ? important thing for her In get the mail Tound nnder two or three j of the Eidge Club will be four of r arn the foods that contaln these Wearing Apparel for Girls and Junior Misses the exhibitors. All of these have i essentials in a balanced diet Below days, or perhaps a week. You'll drive-i Is a well-balanced menu for any child right In." exhibited at previous shows. Fur Trimmed Coats, Dresses, . New Calf Purchased. six years old compiled by an authority It was trying, for this was the last ' on home economics. day,of rural free delivery No. 8. The Emerson Mount, member of the Millinery, Shoes. Ridge Calf Club, has just become route had been started as an experi- ONE DAY'S MENU FOR SIX- ment,'bnt now was thought to hardly the proud owner of a six months old Guernsey calf. This calf was pur- YEAR-OLD CHILD. be worth while, and was to be dropped. chased from Dorothea Flint of Toms Wearing Apparel for Growing Boys. John Holden had' been one of the River, a calf club member of Ocean Breakfast. strongest advocates for it, and had ob- County. Emerson joined the calf 6 stewed prunes 120 calorics tained the route, leaving his oldest boy *& cupful cream of wheat 85 calories club three months~ago but up to this erved with half cream (6 Infants' Wearing Apparel. to look after the. farm. The salary was time we were unable to find a suit- tbsp.)^and half evaporated not large, but "in a year or so would en- able calf for him. milk 140 calories able him to stock the farm as be had slice buttered toast ...... 150 calories cup cocoa made with This year the annual • after-Christmas sale -of wearing wanted to stock it all his life. FARM AAD HOME FACTS. evaporated milk 150 calorics At length the snow was, cleared apparel promises to surpass sales of any other year.,. •from sufficient space for the gate to Freezing l&wers the quality of 64 5 calorics be opened and swung back. Holden milk. Luncheon at School. In the recently enlarged departments a greater variety led bis horse*-through igjeislfea, ."then It Was Still Snowing .and the Drifts Conifers, the pines in particular Baked potato and butter. 200 calories of merchandise has been newly assembled, from the fore, 1 Much Deeper. thrive better than hardwoods on Vt cupful spinach 25 calorics unharnessed 'an ?! tojj^thnn'^'t'o the most style houses in New* York City,— and is now offered stable, where he fed him generously poor soil, says the United States baked apple (1 tbsp. sugrar, Come," throwing wide the door, '"don't Forest Service. Vi tbsp. butter) 200 calories for your selection at astonishing low prices. with the hay which Bensoa threw The fruit and vegetable products Class milk 1G0 calorics down from the mow. Then the twostand there in the cold. Take your slice bread buttered with wraps right off and set right up to theof New Jersey are worth about o3 % tbsp. butter 100 calorics Women, who are critical of styles, — of values — of men returned to the wagon, and Hol- per cent of the total value of all her den quickly arranged his mall into a fire and warm." crops. G85 calories quality, — respect the H. M. Voorhees & Bro. standard .of "I haven't time now, thank you," compact package. Hogs should be deprived of food Afternoon Luncheon at School, merchandise at all times. "Well take It right Into the house," Holden replied, as soon as he could during- the 21 hours preceding orange 100 calories said Benson. "It'll be saf«> there till interpose a word. "I must get on to slaughter, but should receive plenty Dinner. you're able to go on." Watts'. I have some medicine for the of water. 1 small piece broiled steak Eolden smiled and shook his head. sick boy, an' he may' need it Here's o (2Vi x 2% x V,) 75 calories your mall. Merry Christmas, speaking cupful mashed potato ..100 calories "I shall go right on now," he said. A test of love—eating the bride's 2-3 cupful lima bean soup Tilall mustn't be delayed, you know. ahead." And once more he went out first fruitcake. made with evaporated- 131-133-135 East State St., TRENTON, N. J. Besides, a lot of this is Christmas into the storm, disappearing in its milk 75 calories man." blinding whirl almost instantly. 1 glass milk, orange drink 160 calories "But, man alive, you can't do it!" It was scarcely half a mile to Watts', 510 calories expostulated Benson, Incredulously. but it took him twice the time to reach Total 1,840 calories "IPs half a mile to the nest house, It. And when finally he stumbled up Children often become wearied of and that drift right ahead Is up to the steps, he had to pause to catch his drinking plain milk. Mixing their milk ! yonr armpits, an' too soft to stand on breath before he could summon with fruit juices is a welcome change. | an* too deep to push through. Tou're strength to knock. Following is the recipe for a refresh- Romweber's Store crazy!" "M-merry Christmas, an' here's your ing milk drink: Mix % cupful orange "Mebbe," laconically, "but It's got to mail, an' medicine," he gasped, as the juice, *4 cupful evaporated milk,* be done." door was opened.- "No, I can't stop. three teaspoonfuls of sugar, % tea- PROSPECT PLAINS, N. J. All this time he had beea fastening I'm a good deal behind time, an' must spoonful of lemon juice and a fewj . the-package securely upon his shoul- read^the widow's tonight, an' John- grains of salt Shake well in a fruit Before buying a RADIO let us jar before serving.' son's, an' Rose's an' others. They all give you a demonstration In your ain't much over a quarter of a mile. The storm's something terrible. Good- own homo with a A Good Place to Buy Good Things to Eat STEWART-WARNER RADIO by." Housework Worth When he reached the Widow Cross' We carry a full line of accessories A Good Place to Buy Good Things to Wear it was she who heard him fumbling and do repairing,—any make set,— $900 a Year, bat— about the door, and opened it, thinking anywhere. it was n cat or dog wanting shelter. At first he could not speak, but held STEWART-WARNER • Nine hundred dollars a year is the ! out her letter. RADIOIiA value of the average housewife's j "If it's the right one," he whispered EAGLE NEUTRODYNE services In the j fi| presently, "I'll take it down to the ELECTROLA home, and statis- : Q store an' get your supplies in a few tics show there ' H minutes, soon as I'm rested. It's only SEE are 20,700,000; ft a few rods. An'—I hope you'll have a women engaged ' {{ ARMOUR'S CLOVER BLOOM BUTTER Merry Christmas." in housework, ac- ARMOUR'S SWISS AND PIMENTO CHEESE I. D. BURROUGHS, cording to Mrs. ARMOUR'S PORK ROLL AND CANNED MEATS "Tou'll stay all night of course," she NEIDT-ERTEL RADIO SHOP, said, anxiously. "Tou're completely Leonora Z. Meder, SILVERS' CANNED GOODS used up an' it won't be Safe to at- So. Broad at Centre St., prominent Ohl- SILVERS' WHITE DIAMOND .MAYONNAISE cago woman tempt :;oing any farther." TRENTON', NEW JERSEY. SILVERS' WHITE DIAMOND COFFEE lawyer and econ- ] WHITE STAR FLOUR "Only to Johnson's an' Rose's an' omlsL one or two more, just beyond the BALL BAND BOOTS AND RUBBERS "The wife," ; store," lie answered. "I have letters said Mrs. Meder, KHAKI PANTS. BIG YANK WORK SHIRTS for them which I want to deliver to- who was former- night." Is Your Automobile TRY A POUND OF OUR GOLDEN SANTOS COFFEE, Leonora Z. Meder. iy commissioner FRESH ROASTED @ 42c. Ib. The next day It was still snowing, of public welfare of Chicago, "is an "Look Here", Holden,""Don't Try It," and the drifts much deeper. Although Insured? executive, purchasing agent, budget he started early and struggled through He Said. Don't WAIT until too LATE, expert, and producer rolled Into one." the snow until after dark, he made The successful home maker studies ders. Now he straightened up, taking little" more than a mile. It was Christ- make a specialty of AUTOMOBILE food values. She arranges her the broken half of a rake handle he mas day, when mail was not supposed INSURANCE insuring them agalns budget so that the food she buys will saw near. to be delivered, but Holden did notFIRE, THEFT, PUBLIC LIABILITY have all the necessary body building "If you don't mind, I'll take this even think of that. He had letters to PROPERTY DAMAGE-and COLLIS- qualities. LONG TERM FARM LOANS along," he said. "It will help steady leave, and anxious people were wait- ION. "The woman who would keep down- We grant loans to farmers on the Government Plan some." ing for them. So Christmas went by. her food bill will do better to spend Benson placed his hand upon his The third day the weather turned Call, phone or write and get myher money on milk and green vegeta- which loans run for a period of thirty-three' years shoulder. . colder and the moist snow crusted rates before your car la gone. bles than on butter, though butter Is and are paid off by the amortization or installment "Look here, Holden," he said, earn- enough to bear one's weight. The snow one of the best sources of the es- plan of'payment. estly, "don't, you try it. The-thing's changed to a bitter, driving sleet I write sential food element, vitamin A. There We can give you prompt service and cost of nothing more nor less than suicide, and It was much harder traveling, but are butter substitutes, but nothing securing loan Is the actual expenses to the bank. you know It" the crust enabled one to go more INSURANCE can take the place of milk and vege- Write now for information. Holden met bis neighbor's look swiftly. This day Holden completed tables. • squarely and smiled. "I don't think his delivery, and returned to the post of all kinds, best companies, lowesi "Milk, food experts say, is the most BO," he answered. "I shall try to creep office with the mall he had "collected on rates and prompt settlements. nearly perfect food. Science solved H. H. DEY, Hightstown Representative along the fences where it's bad, and the way. ' t -~- the problem by inventing evaporated stick mostly to the high, windy ground Three days, later the roads were FIRE i milk, which is simply fresh cow's New York & New Jersey Joint Stock Land Bank across lots, where the snow will be open so he could go for his wagon. In . AUTOMOBILE milk sterilized in cans and with sixty less deep. I wouldn't wonder if I could the afternoon he went back to his 31 Clinton Street, NEWARK, N. J. TORNADO per cent of the water removed. Be- make it all right. It's only a half mile farm. cause evaporated milk Is of double to the next house, an' not more than Rural free delivery No! 3, however, WORKMENS COMPENSATION 1 the richness of ordinary market milk, that betweeil\ any two places, an only was discontinued only a month. Then PLATE GLASS many housewives dilute it half and fourteen miles, ronnd the whole route. a letter came to the post office and BURGLARY half with water for cooking- purposes. Then there's another" thing, tbe main was sent out to John Holden. It read. Keeping longer than ordinary milk, one," his face becoming grave; "you "Owing to more definite information BONDS NOTARY PUBLIC there is no waste from souring. Then, forget the folks who are waitln' for in regard to route No. 3 and to the (with seal) too, it is cheaper. their mall, especially a Christmas one. prospect of Its betterment and more "Savings also can be made on meat. The ones away are writln' to their especially to the manner of the last Cheaper portions of beef skillfully folks then. What will It mean to them day's delivery, the department has re- LIME«UM1 E cooked are highly nutritious and often Sour soil is sick soil. Give It LImo Crest, the real "soil sugar, ' and youil If I don't get 'round? Of course I don't considered the matter. The route will better tasting- than portions which produce bumper crops. Haul it In winter when you're not so busy—put It on top of the snow. LImo Crest is so.fine It will thoroughly Impregnate know much about what's in the mail, be continued for one year, with the CharleiTC. Groves, cost more. The shoulder, breast and the soil. It is cheap and the best crop insurance you can buy. Shipments but there's the Widow Cross, Hvln' probability of being made permanent Office North Main Street, stew meat of lamb are excellent Pork guaranteed in 48 hours. alone, an' her son workin' up country John Holden la appointed carrier." shoulders, feet, tails, heart, 'sparerlb* Atk your dealer or write for free tomple. in a mill. I've got a little for j (©. 1934. Wutern Novripaper Union.) Phone 868. ORANBURY, N, 1 and hocks are In the same category." t UMXSTONBPHODUCT8COBPORATIONOFAMnUCAtNewton,NJi