: -•_-£"':^'?W5Sj3 Press VOL. XLI. CRANBIJRY. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. N. r., FRIDAY, DECEMBEK 25, 1925. NO. 26. 3O««^VtkS«$««««««tt«»B«««C^^ THE CHURCHES. SOMETHING NEW FOR THE | DEER HUNTERS GET TWO fiTtEe afllnhative (and the latter in as l'ar away as CTilnu. - FIXE BUCKS. the negative) with even more emphasis "Whom do you consider your neigh- First Presbyterian. WEEK OF PRAYER. than God answered Cain when he bor?" asked the minister. "Tie man Something new for the Week of The deer hunters who go annually SPIRIT OF On account- of Friday being t0 lnes ln originated the selfish Inquiry.- Jesus whose farm adjoins me," was the Prayer this year is to be given the the P South Jersey, were prompt reply. "How far down Into Christmas Day-, the regular prayer church people of Cranbury. Dr. W. fortunate this year in getting two CHRISTMAS taught that the Decalogue Is summed and praise service will not be held. W.'White, President of the Biblical "ne bucks. They had their camp up in the greater commandment— the earth does your land extend?" Sunday School at ten o'clock. Seminary in New York, will conduct at Atsion, and every hunter had a "Thou shalt love they neighbor as thy- wns the next question and the farmer Men's Bible Class at the same a week of Bible Study. The minis- wonderful time. By Rev. Alan Pressley IDihon self," and His definition of "neighbor" just as promptly answered: "To the hour, taught by-^the pastor. ters of the three churches along Tne lucky hunters were William (©, m«, jveBtorn Now«paj»r Union.) is any one who needs our help. Ter- center!" "Very well," said the min- Praise service of ten minutes by with the official boards are endors- Dey, of Hightstown, and Rolland ritorial or other limitations do not ap- ister quickly, "There is a man down T CHRISTMAS bo merry, and Chorister, assisted by the Orchestra. ing a plan whereby the whole town Clayton, of Cranbury, who got one withal. ply when the case of one in need Is In China whose land joins yours at Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. will go to school for a week. buck each. And feast thy poor neigh- before us. the center of the earth; he is therefore Sermonette by the pastor. — bors, the great with the Dr. White is one of the leading The party comprised: Rev. Fred- small. There is no geographical limitation your neighbor and needs your help." Christmas Reading by Mrs. Arr educators 'of America. He not only erick Schweitzer," Russell Dauser, E. when we are extending the hand of This was a new thought to the slow- thur A. Clayton. knows his Bible but he knows how C. Wilson, James Ewart, Jerry So wrote the poet Tusser many years ago, but the assistance to one who needs our help: going church member. He learned his Special music, "Christmas -Class- to teach it. His school represents a Baremore Forman Coward, Alex.. lesson and we need to learn the same. ics" by the choir. suggestion is just as perti- triumph of" modern pedagogy. He Farr, Fred Danser, William Danser, | Only as we. do so will we be able to Community Service at 7:30 p. will probably give a study of The Clendon Danser, William Dey, John ] nent today as it was then. Judge J. War-res Davis, judge of Gospel of John. Forman, James Everett, Grant Ev- If anything, we need to be broaden our lives into the fullness of United States Circuit Court of Ap- A new plan has been endorsed, erett, Joseph Dey, Lewis Chamber- reminded of our duty to our fellow- the life of Jesus the Christ. peals will speak at this service. He In recent years the churches have Hn Raymond Davison, William Up- man more today than our fathers did The application of the teaching of •will he accompanied by the Choral made a poor showing in their at- dike, Alvin Updike, Rolland Clayton —more today, indeed, than ever be- Jesus to business and society would Society of his Bible Class which will tendance of the services during the Gordon Clayton, Clifford Allen, Al- fore. This is true because the need produce a perpetual Christmas season; sing a number of Christmas Carols, Week of Prayer. -This year minis- len Carson, for brotherhood is even more patent a time of peace and joy and happiness and "other selections. A most cord- ters and elders want to register the than at any other period of the history lasting throughout the year. ial invitation is extended to all to entire membership of the churches. "THE VAGABOND KING." of the world. The giving of cheap presents or enjoy this most unusual service. Tlie very lowest figure we are aim- money, however, does not constitute ing at is three hundred. Yes, three On December 15 th Jan- We live in an age when we think Russell Christmas; as well expect a .bouquet Second Presbyterian. hundred every night. We can do it ney's thrilling operetta "The Vaga- solely of ourselves and our Immediate There should be between 150 and Uond King" based on McCarthy's families and we should have brought of flowers (however lovely) to consti- Sunday School at 10 o'clock. 200 signers from the First church. "K I Were King" had its on hun- to our attention the fact that we owe tute summer! The Christmas spirit, Men's Bible Class at the same There should be between 125 and dredth performance at the Casion in a debt to our neighbor and that that rather than the Christmas show, hon- hour taught by the pastor. 150 from the Second church and be- New York. This does not include debt me ^t be paid. The story is told ors Htm whose birth, no less than Bis Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. tween 30 to 50 from the Methodist the week played in New Haven be- of a rich man who prayed— life, was the greatest Christmas gift Sermon by the pastor. Keep the week beginning Sunday, fore coming into New York. Oh, Lord! bless mo and my wife. the world has ever received. The January 3rd and closing Sunday, To say that it^has been,a success My son, John, and his wife; Christmas spirit brings us into closer Schnltz Memorial M. E. January 10th, open. I""t will pay to i's --".-putting- i-•t- —mildly »•"•• . Practicall^._...._~i,.y. all Us four touch with Him whose very life was of the reviewers said that it was And no more! an exemplification of the precept: "it Sunday School at ten o'clock In do it. -,- bound to remain in New York a We blush for shame that there could Is more blessed to give than to re- -charge of Fred Carlson. DRY LAW PRAISEo- D BY long time. This prediction has ceive." 11:00-A.M. This service will be LLOYD GEORGE. every mark of being true as the be found one who is so narrow, yet I The Spirit of Christmas. in charge of the Epworth .League. business has been getting better am assured that such people exist to- As we celebrate the anniversary of wherever there Is found one or more the birth of Jesus let not the going The pastor will give the address England's War Premier Cites Pro- every week until ti is the subject of day. There are those who, when they only. - All the younger members of conversation every place it goes. have satisfied the needs of their own, whom we can (and should) assist, down of the sun mark the decline <jl hibition As Cause of America's there nelghborllness must begin. the congregation are urgently re- Prosperity. Urges His Country Its music, which was composed by assume a self-satisfied air and say the Christmas spirit but, as the dajfe quested to be present. to Investigate Prohibition, Refers that genius Rudolf Frimil, is being that they have .done their whole duty. A minister once approached one of come and go, and we enter the new , e-".o.p, M. Regular League meet- played by all the big bands, and Approach such a person and remind his parishioners with the request for year, let us each one reach out tfta to Immense Drink Bill. danced to every night in the caba- .•&'g.w- • him of the need of a friend or a neigh- a contribution for the purpose of do- loving had to the sick, the unfortu- A Watch Night devotional ser- rets. The music publishers are At a recent meeting in the City bor and he will ask the .time-worn Ing Christian work abroad. The par- nate and the outcast, remembering that vice -will be held from M to 12. reaping a golden harvest as the ticular field he had In mind was China. Temple in London David Lloyd "Song of the "Vagabonds" and "Only question: "Am I my brother's keeper? Jesus the Christ said: "Inasmuch as Social program from 8 to 11. The The man replied that he was willing re have done it unto the least of one public invited. George, former prime minister, in a Rose" are universally popular. Haven't I enough to do to look after an address on "The Responsibilities At the end of the second week my own family?" The teachings of to help his neighbors but did not 3f these, my brethren, ye have done YOUNG'S HAVE BABY GIRIi. of Fre.e Churchmen" had some fav- Dennis King who plays the part of Jesus Christ answer the first question thtnk_lie_was called upon to help tlose it unto Me!" orable words to say of the Prohibi- Francois Villon was raised to star- Rev.
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