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JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE VOL. XL. F,·ontispi,ce. PHOTOGRAPH OF THE NEWLY DISCOVERED MAMMOTH 'l'AKE:'.s in sitn, AND :--011· I N '!'HE MGSEUM OF THE ST. PETEllSBURG ACADEMY. JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS o:r ~ht ijict11ria Jnstitut~, OR, j gilosopbital ;Sotiet~ of ~nat ~ritain. EDITED BY THE SECRF.TARY. VOL. XL. LONDON: (Juhli~rll by tbr inistitutr, 1, ffilrlpl)i et:rrratr Utau.u, ~l)aring~erroisi,~im.«c.), ALL RIGHTS RBSBRVBD, 1908. LONDON: HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HIS MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN'S LANE. PREFACE.-- "XTHEN drawing up the Preface 'for the last Volume of r f Transactions, I indicated the urgency that existed for reducing the necessary expenditure for carrying on the work of the Institute, and that the Council had the matter under serious ' consideration. Since then, steps have been taken which will go far to diminish the expenditure-while, it is hoped, not lessening efficiency. These steps are stated in the Report of the Council-which ought to be carefully considered by all who value the work of the Institute. In retiring from the office of Secretary, which I have held Hince the year 1900, I cannot but acknowledge the general support and assistance I have received from the Council and members; as also the friendly character of the letters 1 have received from Correspondents, sometimes of a confidential nature. It was rarely indeed that they were otherwise, and I regret that they will now be transferred to my successor. I am consoled, however, with the belief that the Volume of Transactions now being issued to our adherents will be found in no way inferior, either in the range of subjects treated, or the value of their contents, to any of its predecessors.
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