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College Voice Vol. 32 No. 18

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NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2,2008 Annual New Haven AIDS Walk to Take Place this Month

BY EMILY PERRY '11 from participating in the actual stoff writer walking aspect of the activity, there are ten major organizations that benefit from the money The AIDS Walk, held annual- raised by walkers as well. These ly in New Haven, Connecticut, associations are members of the will take place on April 20, 2008. New Haven Mayor's Task Force The walk was created in order to have participants help raise on AIDS. These include the AlDS Interfaith Network, the awareness and battle the stigmas AIDS Project in New Haven, and apathy that have developed Fairhaven Community Center, towards AIDs in Connecticut and Hispanos Unidos, Leeway, around the world. Liberty Community Services, The walk is a five-kilometer New Haven Home Recovery, path, which starts and ends on the. Hill Health Center, Planned New Haven Green, that partici- Parenthood, 'and the Visiting pants complete to raise money Nurse Association. for local AIDS organizations in In a letter addressed to those the New London area. The AIDS involved with the walk, New Walk is open to all members of Haven. Mayor John DeStefano ECLIPSE PERFOMANCE THRILLS the New Haven community, so said, "In the past year, the city long as the prospective walkers has raised an aggressive war "register and submit a registration Soturdoy, Morch 29th morked the thirty-third onnuol multiculturoltolent show sponsored fee Call of which goes to charity after the event). . SEE AIDS WALK by the Eclipse Executive Boord. Though many benefit simply (Kaminslcy '09) continued on page faur Reflections on Department of Gender and Women's Studies Conference, "Security of Person: - Creating a Campus Free of Sexual Assault"

BY CAI\OLlNE DENHAM '08 financial support to make this event pos- the power to stop. Thursday, Loretta the responsibilities of Connecticut Ross presented the hnrnan rights frame- College both as a private institution with contributing writer sible. From the drama students who read from Conn Coli Confessional to the cam- work that can help students to interpret quasi-state powers and as an institution pus safety officers and New London and work against sexual violence at abiding by Connecticut state and federal The department of Gender and police officer who brought their perspec- Connecticut College. Friday, Pat Rozee laws. By presenting this work, in addi- Women's studies would like to thank tives and service information to the con- and Heather Karjane brought to the con- tion to reflections on keywords, the sem- each member of the college cornrnnnity versation, the offerings of students and ference eye-opening statistics on inar students took steps toward reshaping who attended the conference, "Security staff helped to draw attention to the mul- acquaintance rape and up-to-date infor- the way our community understands sex- of Person: Creating a Campus Free of tilateral approach that is necessary to mation on what other colleges are doing ual violence in our environment. Sexual Assault," Thursday and Friday, stop sexual assault on our campus. The about it. Ed Blnnt focused on the inter- To all who attended, please keep March 27th and 28th. The event was co- Gender and Women's Studies department ests and responsibilities of men in the reflecting on the relationships between sponsored by the Office of Student Life, is thankful to the faculty and students struggle to end violence against women. consciousness, education, freedom, secu- whose staff has been engaging with who came to learn and demonstrate their Each speaker echoed ptinciples that rity, and the politicization of sex, to the GWS faculty and students throughout the solidarity. Mab Segrest's GWS seminar has been challenge of stopping sexual violence on semester and striving to improve the We hope that those who attended will focusing on throughout the semester. this campus. The success of this confer- safety of women in our community. take away the realization that sexual The seminar's collective paper, "The ence will be measured by what we do A wide array of departments, clubs, . assault is a violation of human rights, and Vulnerability of Gendered Terrain: How with the awareness it has raised and and individuals contributed their time or that it is a violation our community has Safe are Dorms for Women?" focuses on where we go from here. A&E: Best·Oressed Stars, page 6 SPORTS: Has (ann iained the Steroid Notion? page B

New Weokly Feature: iPod Shuffle, page 14 Playa' af the Weok, page 8

- ...-----~---- 2 EOITORlAL -THE COLLEGE VOICE APRIL 2, 2008 Letter from the Editor The College Voice We all have our idols, and [ wanted to share my Box 4970' Office (860) 439-2813 . number one go-to person for inspiration, guidance, Email: [email protected] pep, and a shoulder to lean on with the dear readers of The Voice [drumroll please )...Hannah MontaoalMiley Editor-in-Chief Cyrus! I struggle between which is more my idol, but Areti A. Sakellaris '08 that's because I totally relate to the pop star life of Hannah and the girl-next-store life of Miley. At the end NewsEditors of the day, Hannah has better hair, and Ialways want- Chris Buonincontri '08 ed to be blonde. Gozde Erdeniz '08 If anything, I am already on my way to pop star- Sports Editors dom because I sign my editorials with just my first Ben Eagle '09 name, following the career path of the great Brandy. Jason Starr '09 That being said, enjoy our joke issue. Arts & Entertainment Editors -Areti Zach Adams '08 Carolyn Sebasky '09- SOURCES IN CASE YOU MISSED IT, JOKE ARTICLES Opinion Editor Around tbe World: Pressing Issues of tbe Legendary Tbird Eye Blind Pulls A Lilah Raptopoulos 'll Week Radiohead, But Can They Pull It Off! The College Voice Does SXSW Photo Editors Wbo Needs Lombardi When You Got a Tony? The Madness of March Arielle Shipper '10 Playa' of tbe Week Gabby Kaminsky '09 SPECIAL REPORT: Connecticut College Graphics Editor Athletes on Steroids, Names Revealed Daniel Walker' II Who Needs Lombardi When You Got a Tony? Business Manager A Joke: Ben Eagle's NCAA Bracket Sasha Goldman '10 When Superbad is Supergood Advertising Manager Campus Inundated With Spare Time in Wake Claire Gould' 10 of New Dorm Entry System Head Copy Editor Sasha Goldman' i 0 CONNECT WITH Us ADVERTISEMENTS The College Voice is an open forum. The opinions expressed by individual advertisers are their own. In no way does The College Voice endorse the views expressed by individual advertisers. The College Voice will not accept ads it deems to be libelous, an incite- ment to violence, or personally damaging. Ad rates are available on request by calling (860) 439-2813; please refer all ad inquiries to the Business Manager, Claire Gould. The College Voice reserves the right to accept or reject any ad. The Editors-in-Chief shall have final content approval. The final deadline for advertising is 10:00 am on the Thursday preceding publication. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor are due strictly hy 3,00 pm on the .Friday preceding publication. The College Voice reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length. No unsigned or anonymous letters will be puhlished. However, names may be withheld upon the author's request. The College Volce will not puhlish letters deemed to be a personal attack on an individual. The College Voice cannot guarantee the publication of any submission. Letters should be single-spaced, no longer than 300 words, and must inclnde a phone number for verification. Please send all letters as a Microsoft Word attachment to: [email protected] Summer plans? Look no further. COLUMNISTS AND STAFF TUFTS SUMMER SESSION 2008 Students from any class year interested in writing weekly news, opinion, arts & entertainment, or sports First Session May 21-June 27, 2008 pieces should contact [email protected]. Second Session July l-August 8, 2008 PHOTOGRAPHERS Tufts Twelve-Week Session May 21-August 8, 2008 Students from any class year interested in taking UNIVERSITY photographs should contact [email protected] DISCLAIMER The opinions and comics represented in The College

c, Voice do not reflect the views of the editorial staff . . " r ' r ~ f ,I l' I '-' -'::-r""'Jf ~~'!-i1) r1.1f ,1""-:t. LT."': APRIL 2, 2008 THE COUEGE VOICE NEWS 3 Around the World: Pressing Issuesof the Week COMPILED 8Y GOZDE ERDENIZ '08 AND DASHA LAVRENNIKOV '08

news editor & staff writer National: _ non-nuclear countries who aim to develop civilian atom- in Lhasa, they witnessed an outburst by a group of 30 Obama lays out U.S. Economic Revival Plan ic power programs. His office said Iran would be invit- monks. Senator Barack. Obama, the Democratic presidential ed if it meets its international obligations to cease urani- "Tibet is not free! Tibet is not free!" yelled one candidate, said Thursday that the U.S. government must um enrichment. young Buddhist monk, who then started to cry. revive the economy by tightening regulations and They also said their exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai improving its own agencies to adjust to the realities of Middle East: Lama, had nothing to do with recent anti-government modem finance. Thonsands in Baghdad protest Basra Assault riots by Tibetans in Lhasa, where buildings were torched "We do American business - and the American peo- Thousands of supporters of the powerful Shiite cler- and looted, and ethnic Han Chinese were attacked. ple - no favors when we tum a blind eye to excessive ic Moktada al-Sadr and his Mahdi army militia took to The government has said the March 14 riots were leverage and dangerous risks," Obama said in a speech the streets of Baghdad on Thursday to protest the Iraqi masterminded by "the Dalai clique," Beijing's term for in New York. Army's assault on the southern port city of Basra, as the Dalai Lama and his supporters. To rehabilitate the American economy, Obama pro- intense fighting continued there for a third day. posed relief for homeowners and an additional $30 bil- In Basra, there seemed to be no breakthrough in the Latin America: lion economic program. fighting by either side. As much as half of the city Four freed in Guetamala "If we can extend a hand to banks on Wall Street, we remained under militia control, hospitals in some parts Four Belgian tourists held hostage for 40 hours by can extend a band to Americans who are struggling, n he of the city were reported full, and the violence continued peasant fanners in the Guatemalan jungle were released said. unharmed and could fly home on Monday, the Belgian Obama dismissed the economic pbilosophy of Embassy said Sunday. Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican nom- The four travelers, ages 59 to 64, were seized along inee. with two Guatemalan guides as they traveled up a river On Tuesday, McCain criticized government inter- from the Caribbean coast on Friday. Their captors were vention to save and reward banks or small borrowers farmers angry over the arrest of a local Mayan leader. who behave irresponsibly, though he offered few imme- The tourists were released shortly before midnight in diate alternatives for resolving the growing housing cri- a swap for six detained activists. sis in the United States. McCain's plan, Obama said, "amounts to little more than watching this crisis hap- Africa: pen." In Snuth Africa, TB Patients Behind Barbed Wire Instead, Obama said, the next president should take The Jose Pearson TB Hospital in South Africa is like these steps: a prison for the sick. It is encircled by three fences Expand oversight to any institution that bor- topped with coils of razor wire to keep patients infected rows from the government. with lethal strains of tuberculosis from escaping. Toughen capital requirements for complex But at Chrislrnastime and again for Easter, dozens of financial instruments like mortgage securities, them cut holes in the fences, slipped through electrified Reorganize regulatory agencies to end overlap wires or pushed through the gates in a desperate attempt, and competition among regulators. to spend the holidays with their families. Patients have to spread. Clashes were reported all over the city and in been tracked down and forced to return; the hospital has Europe: locations twelve miles south of Basra. quadrupled the number of guards. Many of the patients Sarkozy and Brown Meet to Strike Deal The Iraqi Army's offensive in Basra is an important feat they will only get out of here in a coffin. French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Thursday political test for the government of Prime Minister Nuri "We're being held here like prisoners, but we didn't struck a multibillion-pound (at time of publishing, it was Kamal al-Maliki 'and for American strategy in Iraq. commit a crime," Siyasanga Lukas, 20, who has been 1.9947 dollars to pound and 1.2642 euros to pound) deal . President George W. Bush sought to portray the fighting here since 2006, said before escaping this week. "I've on a defense project with Britain, and promised new in a positive light on Thursday, declaring the offensive seen people die and die and die. The only discharge 'you cooperation on climate change and immigration - but by Maliki's govemment a "bold decision." get from this place is to the mortuary." acknowledged the nations remained divided over a pos- But if the army's assault in Basra leads the Mahdi Struggling to contain a dangerous epidemic of exten- sible boycott of part of Beijing Olympics. army to break completely with its current cease-fire, sively drug-resistant tuberculosis, known as XDR TB, Speaking alongside British Prime Minister Gordon which has helped to tamp down attacks in Iraq during the South African government is requiring the hospital- BroWO at the end of a two-day state summit, Sarkozy the past year, there is a risk of escalating violence and of ization ofthose unlucky enough to have the disease until again said he wonld boycott the August games in China replaying 2004. That year, the militia fought intense bat- they are no longer infectious. Hospitals in two of the over its handling of the unrest·in Tibet. tles with American forces that destabilized the entire three provinces with the most c!1ses- here in the Eastern He said he would to consult with other European country. Cape, as well as in the Western Cape - have sought court leaders about the European Union's stance, as France orders to compel the return of runaways. takes over the ED's rotating presidency on July I. Asia: The public health threat is grave. The disease spreads Brown has said he will attend the opening ceremony Reporters' State-Led Visit to Tibet Interrupted through the air when patients cough and sneeze. It is - a decision Sarkozy said was right because of duties byProtesting Monks resistant to the most effective drugs. And in South Britain must carry out as host of the 2012 Olympics, A government-managed visit by foreign reporters to Africa, where the epidemic has reached every province Meanwhile in Paris, Airbus parent company EADS the Tibetan capital backfired Thursday when Buddhist and preys on those whose immune systems are weak- said it bad agreed an air tanker contract with Britain's monks disrupted the tour, screaming that there was no ened by AIDS, it will kill many, if not most, of those defense ministry worth up to 13 billion pounds (16.7 bil- religious freedom and that the Dalai Lama was not to who get it. lion Euros; $26.4 billion). Last month, EADS signed a blame for Lhasa's recent violence. At a time when extensively drug-resistant TB is fast US$35 billion contract to build refueling tankers for the The Chinese government had arranged the trip for emerging as a global threat to public health - one found U.S. Air Force. the reporters, part of an effort to portray Lhasa as calm in 45 countries - South Africa is grappling with a sticky Britain and France will work to establish a system of after the deadly riots shattered China's plans for a peace- ethical dilemma: how to balance the liberty of individual "nuclear fuel assurances to reduce the proliferation ful run-up to the Beijing Olympics this summer. patients against the need to protect society. risks" of the spread of nuclear technology, a joint com- As the journalists, including an Associated Press munique said. reporter, were being shown around Jokhaog Temple - Brown plans to host a conference later this year for one of Tibet's holiest shrines - by government handlers 4 NEWS THE COLLEGE VOICE APRIL 2, 2008 Camels Around the World: Heather Day '09 Truman Scholarship Finalist, Discovers Mali ~. _~

BY AMY FAlK' 11 over boys and clique issues, MSW with a policy concentra- Heather was bard at work get- tion," and then continue to work staff writer ting certified as a "domestic vio- in a variety of ways - social lence and sexual assault coun- The Truman Scholarship, services, policy making, non- selor," She also started a pro- awardedannually to between 60 profit management and perhaps gram in her high school to get and 65 students, may soon be even "state or national govern- students to help volunteer with given to a rising senior here at ment-to address the needs of kids living in shelters. Connecticut College. Heather women and children in Day '09, who is currently study- Upon arriving at college .. America." Heather didn't stop pursuing Currently, however, Heather ing abroad in Mali, was selected volunteer opportunities. She as a finalist for this prestigious has other things on her mind, award. volunteers at the Women's such as her life abroad in Mali: Center of Southeastern While Day majors in she is studying gender, health Connecticut working as a com- American Studies, she plans to and development while living munity intern in the children's look into social work and public with a family in Bamako. After program. She is also a scholar policy for graduate school, classes finish this week, the stu- in the Holleran Center for which is exactly what the dents in her program all start an Community Action and Public Truman Scholarship focuses on. independent study, and Heather Policy, a multidisciplinary aca- According to the Truman is doing hers with "the APDF .- demic center that prepares stu- Scholarship website, the schol- Association pour le Progres et la dents for civic engagement and arship "provides up to $30,000 Defense des Droits des Femmes leadership through research, in funding to students pursuing Maliennes - examining cross service and collaboration with graduate degrees in puhlic serv- cultural approaches to women's community partners. ice fields" while additionally advocacy, with a focus on the Heather viewed the scholar- providing "assistance with problem of domestic violence." ship assignment as an "impor- career counseling, internship Even though Heather is tant learning experience." She placement, graduate school thousands of miles away right explained that "it was [her] admissions, and professional now, she wanted the Conn com- choice whether to actually sub- development." There is also a munity to be aware of her grate- mit the proposals, and [she] public service requirement fulness. "I want to thank the fac- decided that if [she] was going where scholars must work in ulty, staff, and admin at Conn to spend any time on this, [she] public service for between three who have been so supportive should make the most of it." and seven years after using their and helpful during the applica- The scholarship seemed to funds to receive graduate tion process. [think there are be a "great fit for [her] inter- degrees. many studentsat Conn who ests." "As an American Studies Some of Heather's creden- would be excellent candidates major I was most interested in a tials include her large-scale for this scholarship and [ hope? fellowship that would support involvement in public service: that it becomes better known on my work to further social justice particularly regarding domestic our campus so more students here in America." She said violence, which interested her apply and eventually hecome Heather Day, in Mali (Web). enthusiastically. Heather hopes as early as high school. At the Truman scholars in future to go after her goal of "joint years." age of sixteen, when most teens degrees in social work and pub- are busy fighting with friends lic policy or an interdisciplinary

AJDSWALK thing to prevent the spread of the disease, and to protect continued fram page one themselves better such as students in the New Haven Hardy har-har. What a riot! public schools and from universities. against AIDS ... New Haven's strongest ally in this The official website for AIDS Walk New Haven fight is the dedication 'of its people, who volunteer their 2008,, states that AIDS, Be in on the inside time, services, and money to defeat the epidemic." . "is truly everyone's problem, so we invite you to be a The participants of the AIDS Walk New Haven part of the solution." One of the main goals of the strive to increase awareness and advocacy of AIDS by jokes . walk, aside from raising AIDS awareness, is to bring uniting New Haven as a community and vocalizing the together Yale University and the greater New Haven need for greater HN IAIDS prevention and treatment area to help fight the epidemic that is effecting so many options and resources. EDITORIAL BOARD throughout the community .: Connecticut College Freshman Alexandra Leith said, Last year, AIDS Walk New Haven 2007 gathered " [ think an AIDS Walk is a great idea. Everyone who over 500 participants and raised roughly $30,000. The and sees the walk will wonder why they're doing it, and walk, which happens rain or shine, has a registration people in the know will be able to tell them about pre- period beginning at 12:00 pm, and key speakers talk at STAFF POSITIONS venting AIDS." [:OOpm before the walk officially starts an hour later. In 2004, there were more than 6,000 people in [fyou would like to participate in the walk, there is still Connecticut living with AIDS, and [,000 of those available for the Fall. time to register online. Donations can be made either infected people lived in New Haven: The New Haven online through alink on the AIDS Walk New Haven walk hopes to help educate those not only directly website or by sending a check to AIDS Walk New E-mail ccvoice more info. effected by AIDS, but also those who could do some- Haven, PO Box 207236, New Haven, CT, 06520. APRIL 2, 2008 nm COLLEGE VOICE NEWSS Harris Goes Tray/ess to Redu.ce Food Waste

BY KASEY LUM '11 Harris. The 3-day experiment occurred in reduction. Zhong Huang' 10 said, ''Even achieve a reduction in food waste which ______.,....,,,----;;-_ December oflast fall and consisted ofthe though there are no trays for students to over time will allow Dining Services to staff writer removal of trays at breakfast through din- fill up with food, they can always keep reduce food purchases and food produc- With the ever-burgeoning concern for nero This was followed by a comparison going back for more food than they need. tion and thus save money," Bushwack reducing food and energy waste at Conn of the waste results produced during the There doesn't seem to be too much of a commented. From this small effort, there there have been many attempts within the trial period to the waste results during the difference than before." In addition to the have been more ideas in ways to improve campus community to improve the habits days when trays were available. From sentiment that tray-less dining halls don't the dining halls and reduce food waste and routines of Conn students. One this assessment, Dining Services found provide radical benefits, there are also and dish ronm labor. recent improvement has been the the reduction in food waste observed at concerns about the lack of student input In Harris there are still trays by the removal of food trays in the Harris cafe- approximately 8%. The successful in the decision-making process. dish room window and this is needed for teria, Although this modification may results from the tray-less test run prompt- Huang also added, "I've heard lots of dishes to go on the cnnveyor belt. Dining seem of minor significance to students or ed the Advisory Committee to present students complain about the decision Services is looking to change the way to the school, going tray-less in the cafe- their cause to the student body through because they were never asked about this system works in lieu of a different teria can reap some major benefits for the SGA, and during the.February 2008 SGA their opinion on the removal of the kind nf conveyor belt that aids in reduc- entire campus community. meeting the proposal received a majority trays." Many students still feel that the ing waste. Bushwack stated, "For the "There has been a lot of discussion in vote moving to remove trays in the din- decision-making was not well publicized future we are askingthe Physical Plant the past abont how a tray-less system in ing halls. and many dnes not even know that the department to look at a different convey- schools helps to reduce not only food Students are expressing mixed opin- removal of dining hall trays is now a per- or belt that would allow dishes tn be set waste but also the waste of water and ions in response to the tray-less dining manent feature. It seems many students directly on the belt. With that change we detergents. In addition, some institutions halls. "A -tray-less dining hall is nice are responding in this way because of the could completely eliminate the need for have also reduced labor in the dish room because it can reduce the food waste that lack of snared gnvemance with this trays and possibly start to see a reduction with the removal of trays," explained students create. People will be less likely aspect of the decision. in the amount of water and detergent Ingrid Bushwack, director nf Dining to take more food than they can eat. And Whether students find the tray-less used in the dish room." Services. even if people do want to eat more they dining halls beneficial or not, the advan- Future endeavors involving the During the past Fall semester, the can go back and get more without over- tages , if there are any, would only be dining halls will hopefully lead to better idea to remove trays from the cafeteria filling their plates," Vishwanie Persaud' revealed with time: Dining services dining experiences and improvements in was brought up by members of the eleven commented. views going tray-less as beneficial and other areas on campus. Money saved in Dining Student Advisory Committee. On the other hand, some students feel practical for the campus community. the dining halls could be put into good The Committee approached Dining as though removing the dining hall trays "This is a permanent feature in all dining use and provide great benefits to all Services proposing that a 3-day trial of doesn't have a huge effect on waste halls on campus. The college hopes to members of the college community. the tray-less system be conducted in

, ' •

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 6 APRIL 2, 2008 THE COLLEGE VOICE Kodok Moments: A-List Flops BY ARETJ SAKELlARlS '08 Repeat Offender Supposedly this picture is Too much of a good thing Jessica, Jessica, edilor-in-<:hief taken the sarne day that Britney was spotted in a drug Jessica. I love your hair. [ love your lips. [ love your store buying pregnancy tests. [ wonder if the first outfit bod. But this is sensory overload. If the hair were pulled had anything to do with it Clearly, Brit is channeling the punk-schoolgirl look instead of the Catholic one we were enamored with. I see red checked knickers. Flaming red lipstick. Hair like a pin-wheel ready to blow her away. Girlfriend, [ hope you bought pants that day at Kitson.

The Money Shot Does it really get any better

than two highly attractive people embracing and one of '~..' '~~~ \lft,;i~ them is wearing painted-on .gold lurex leggings with back, the lipstick more suhtle and just a iiI more dress, stirrups like you wore to Gymbore? Complete package. I'd be sold on the glitter. She looks cheap. I don't like She must work out Becks will never lose Posh, but he will bave to fight off the jealous assistant (left), who is cheap. intently eyeing his foxy lady! Rawr! Jet-Setter or Disaster Victim? Tougher than airport security, Paris is so rock it's a crime. She is remixing "Stars are Blind" with XXX [insert band of your choice]. Need I say more? I Want My Mommy Amy Winehouse, why must you creep me out so much? Just because you are across the pond does not leave you scot-free of the Fashion Police. With her mouthguard in place, Amy is ready to take all American ruffians on. Is it necessary to protect her hair in that do-rag? [ thought it was a remov- able piece anyways?

, I, I

Hurting My EyesI wish the sixteen-year-old Britney would come back. There were no holes in her knee-highs. It looks like she tried to make fishnets out of ordinary tights and cut a few hnles while she was intoxicated. Or she was in a brawl. But her underwear (maybe?) is on top of the tights? Why she got to be kooky and wear her panties over"her clothes? That's so Quailman, As for the shirt, if she untied the knot at the bottom left, the shirt would not look so tight and would maybe cover her up a smidge. She looks like Americana gone awry in her blue and red. Her hair is really dark for her, and she could lose the boots and find a bra.

...... --" ~-_.-._-~~_.~ -- APRIL 2, 2008 THE COLLEGE VOICE AIm & EtmRTAlNMENT 7 Legendary Pulls a Radiohead, Can they Pull it Off'

BY CAROLYN SEBASKY '09 "Obscure Sound," that their new will be available' tomorrow, April 3, a&e editor online at with a "you decide" price tag. After the commercial failure of Fans can access the purchase point at 2003's Out of the Vein, it seemed that, and enter any Third Eye Blind's "90s alternative" run dollar amount, including zero, to begin of success had finally come to an end. the download. This is an incredibly After five years, it seems that the band brave move for the band, after indie has disappeared iota the shadows heroes Radiohead pulled off the unprece- amongst the other 90s rockers like Better dented stunt late last year with their Than Ezra and The Wallflowers, with the newest, In Rainbows. occasional appearance of "Semi- Above: 3EB (Web) Below: Taylor Hanson at SXSW(Sebasky '09) While In Rainbows earned a Charmed Life" on your local adult lis- respectable amount of money, an aver- tening radio station, just for nostalgia. age of four pounds or eight dollars per For the band's diehard fans, though, the download, one third of downloaders paid album is vocalist and writer Stephan nothing. The success of Radiohead's Jenkins' best work yet, and the band has experiment was due almost entirely to anything but disappeared. The size of the the band's incredibly immense fan base venues hit on their post-OOTV tours that has been building steadily for years. diminished from arenas and fairgrounds And it is doubtful that even 3EB's devot- to small bars and college stadiums over ed twentysomethings have the ten bucks the years, but fans remained faithful, to dish out for the new album .. .it's ten attending shows to sing along to the dollars that could be spent on rent, or soundtrack of their adolescence. This drinks at the bar. past summer, the band began to play new So, just who do Third Eye Blind material and hinted at the release of a think they are? Without any noticeable new album, titled, The Hideous Strength press coverage, will fans even be aware at the end of 2007. The five-year-long of The Hideous Strength's release? And wait for new material was incredibly if they are, how much money can the excruciating for the band's loyal fans, band possibly make? Free is always bet- and nf course, 2007 came and went with- ter. There is good news, though. When out a new Third Eye Blind album. the band realizes that their shenanigans Until just this week, the reiease date have put them into serious debt, Conn of The Hideous Strength had been post- will finally be able to afford them for poned indefinitely. But, the band has Floralia. Hell, they may even pay us for announced, via obscure indie blog, the "publicity." The College Voice Does SXSW,

BY LILY ALLEN, SUPER-SENIOR Carolyn and Areti. SXSW, in reality, is stumble from venue to venue. And what's wear on your cozy queen bed at three in exactly like spring break in Daytnna better about SXSW is that ynu can the morning with a bandana around your on location in Austin Beach, but with the more than welcome BYOB to save some money, and listen to head. Your choice. While the rest of you were on your addition of an indie-licious soundtrack. Rogue Wave while drinking it in an alley- typical (and lame) boozefest Caribbean Here's why: way. Or in the bathroom at the lobby of Hanson. Not out of your iPod on spring breaks, devoted Voice editors the Marriott. Whatever. the beach, but in the flesh. 'Need I say Caroiyn Sebasky '09 and Areti Sakellaris Free booze. Obviousiy the num- more? '08 ventured down to the not quite as hot ber one concern surrounding spring Hotel parties. There's no telling South by Southwest may not draw the and sunny Austin, Texas for the annual break. It might not be not shots being the things that can occur when drunken same crowd as, say, Cancun or the South by Southwest festival. Giving up poured down your throat by the bartender coeds convene in hotel rooms after get- Bahamas, and they may not offer booze drunken wet t-shirt contests and lazy at a club, but free SoCo and lime at one ting back from a club with "guests" in cruises, but the walk down 6th street at rivers for five days of non-stop concerts in the afternoon while seeing Nada Surf trail. And SXSW only makes these sce- night is enough of a "booze cruise" for from noon 'till 2 a.m., as any dedicated playing an acoustic set is priceless-and narios more exciting. With all of the rock anyone from college students to some- newspaper editors would do. inevitably leads tn a great night if you stars in town, you don't even need to go how hip and connected middle-aged Standing on your feet for i3 hours a keep the marathon going. to a club to pick someone up-there are dudes with iPhones. And to have all of day and listening to music from bands almost more performers than fans in the this plus the best up-and-coming bands of you've never heard of (that will perma- Public drunkenness. Sure, at city. Which means, of course, that you the.moment playing at more than 60 ven- nently damage your ear drums) may nnt SXSW there's no Senior Frogs, but 6th can "party like a rock star" with the rock ues for five days? I'm never going to sound like the most fun in the world, two street in Austin is one giant party. The sea stars (or, you know, sleep with them). Or Mexico again. important things were discovered: Austin of drunken scenesters (and the occasion- you can just jump around in your under- (Sent via Blackberry) knows how to party, and Austin loves al dirty hippie) ebbs and flows as people

------ArRJL 2, 2008 8 SPORTS THE COLLEGE VOICE The Madness·of March. Playa' of

BY MATT FAVA '09 this has NEVER happened in NCAA history. There are plenty of sports analysts that think this might be the the Week staff writer year because the top seeds (liNC, Memphis, Kansas, Every year, millions of people try to figure out the and UCLA) look dominant, but still, the odds are secret to picking the perfect bracket. This year, it was stacked against you in making your bracket. reported that there was less than a 1% chance of anyone The "Rankings Theory" has already been discredit- accomplishing this feat, and so far this statistic seems to ed by the first round #5 vs. #12 and #4 vs. #13 upsets hold true. that occurred in the playing site that has become known What is the best strategy for making your picks? as Terrible Tampa. Never in NCAA history has there How do you know which upsets to go with, and when been four upsets at one opening round playing site, until to stick with the higher seeds? Who should you believe now! #12 Western Kentucky took our #5 Drake on a if you ask for help? How useful are those "game tips" buzzer-beater three pointer from about 30 feet, #13 San that corne with the online brackets? Here are a few Diego downed national powerhouse #4 UCONN in an approaches that could guide you to that elusive perfect overtime victory, #12 Villanova beat #5 Clemson with bracket. their dtibble dtive offense; and #13 Siena shocked the Although die-hard Madness Fanatics pity them, nation when they took out the red hot #4 Vanderbilt. some people go with the "Mascot Theory." In this situ- If picking the mascots is a mistake and sticking to ation, one always selects the team with the tougher the seeds can clearly lead you astray, should you listen to the seemingly informed analysts who are paid to dis- BY MARISSA DEMAIS '11 staff writer Dave Kellogg '09 is known across campus for his "straight off the beach" sexiness, but his accomplish- ments as captain of the Playa team has made him this week's player of the week. One of the most notable achievements of his career came in his freshman cam- paign. Hibiscus flowers and tan in tow, Kellogg mirac- ulously "shtupped" three quarters of the senior class as a rookie. As we look back on this junior's stellar career, we can't help but lament on the fact that next year Conn's Hawaiian hot shot will leave New London behind. I met with him to reflect on his extraordinary and celebrated career. Marissa DeMais: You have had a great career and season so far at Conn, how do you think its going? Dave Kellogg: It's had its ups and downs, got some big wins under my belt and a few heartbreakers. MD: Who has inspired your macking career?' DK: I've learned a lot from Dave Goldblatt. And of course, the awkward, yet so successful tactics of my mentor, Kyle Neidhardt ['08]. MD: What are your pre-game rituals DK: A little J Holiday and a little aftershave. MD: How long have you been macking? DK: As long as I can remember. MD: What do you feel sets you apart from the other players on campus? OK: My good looks obviously, but I mean I think I'm the hardest worker on campus. I'm completely dedicated to my sport. I'm the first one in Cro and Despite the Goomblie's best efforts, he was no match for Bernard the Bumble Bee's speed (Web) that makes me the first one out. MD: What is the_biggest challenge you have faced and seemingly more dominant mascot. For instance, cuss the tournament? How about the winningest and how have you overcome it? . it should have been a no-brainer to pick the Arkansas coach in NCAA Men's basketball history, Bob Knight? DK: Topless Winslow Robinson ['08] living next Razorbacks over the Indiana Hoosiers in the first round. He asserted that Pittsburgh had great potential this year door: That calls for some overtime, and it usually If you went with this theory. however, you would have and picked the Panthers to ultimately upset #1 requires some guitar. been duped into selecting the ferocious Georgetown Memphis. But Pitt they fell to an athletic Michigan. Bulldogs over the innoxious Davidson Flyers, even State team in the second round, and anyone who lis- . MD: What advice would you give to those who are Just getting started in the game? " though Davidson pulled a major upset and embarrassed tened to Coach Knight probably lost a Final Four team. , , Gtown. Similarly, any college student following the It appears that sports fans are on their own when they DK: Call Jay Sprung ['10] at 917-375-7882. He'll ''Mascot Theory" probably assumed that the USC fill out their brackets because no strategy can guarantee hook you up; he's the Mr. Miyagi of the mack game. Trojans, who lost in the first round, would go all the perfection. The field has been narrowed to 16 teams I left the interview with a new respect for Dave's way. and everything is just getring started. Enjoy the games: art of macking and of course him, the artist. He truly Another idea is to simply stick with the rankings. say a prayer to the Bracket Gods, and hope that you understands the woman, especially the freshman The tearns are seeded for a reason, thus it should be safe make the fewest mistakes in your pool. woman, and deserves 'this award. After he reads this to pick all the #1 seeds to reach the Final Four. Alas, article, he should call me... .

- APRIL 2, 2,008 THE COLLEGE VOICE SPORTS 9 SPECIAL REPORT:. Connecticut College Athletes' on Steroids, Names Revealed


Black Mollies, Lemon Drops, Iron Mans, and Windmill Walkers (Web)

BY STEVE BLOOM '10 ers have always been concerned that college athletes will be expelled from the College. Immediately. might be tempted to use performance-enhancing drugs. staff writer Athletes have busy schedules (schoolwork, practices, Furthermore, karate star Matthew Jacobs '08 weight room training, social, etc.), and J am admitted to using this awful drug. We found Matt in The women's lacrosse team has won five straight not surprised. Many people don ~ know, but using tears on the basketball courts, and he gave us his story. games, 'their male counterparts just beat Tufts steroids can lead to contracting HIV, extreme diarrhea, Matt has been paying freshman girls to inject steroids University for a third consecutive win, and Sara liver cancer, collapsing of the lungs, leg amputations, into his buttocks for quite some time, and admitted that Christopher' 10 was named the NESCAC player of the noses falling off, and occasionally, death. he used his seven year old sister s clean urine for the week. The school's athletics have never been this good. first round of testing. Like Ben, Matt is no longer per- Some believe the recent success is due to an improved After talking with President Higdon, we began drug mitted to use Connecticut College athletic' equipment . scouting and recruiting program, while others claim . testing all varsity and club athletes. Each student was coaches are demaoding more out of their players with asked to bring us urine samples in Nalgene water bot- Please understand this is a sad time for all the mem- early-morning runs and. late-night fitness tests. tles that we provided. All results came back negative for bers of Connecticut College athletics and the entire Determined to uncover the truth'of why the Camels are steroids, but we realized that over half of the samples community. As we continue the search for students who playing more like the Bobcats, I emailed Fran Shields, were actually apple juice and orange soda, not urine. have been using steroids, we will learn how many wins Director of Athletics, and Susan Patterson, Assistant actually belong to our opponents. 1will be in touch. Athletic Trainer, demanding an explanation. I have All students who had brought non-urine samples included copies of their responses below. were asked to return to our office. 1accompanied them Sincerely, into the restroom and collected their urine directly from Susan Patterson the source. The job was unpleasant. 1nearly lost an eye. Assistant Athletic Trainer Steve, Ext. 4763 For a second time all tests came back negative. The I cannot comment at this time. issue was dropped until more syringes and bloody tis- sues were found on Chapel Field during an Ultimate Fran Shields Frisbee practice. These needles were studied, and the Director of Athletics DNA on them matched one Ben Berkowitz '10. Ben is the star of the track and field team and has excelled at shot put and javelin. Steve, It seems he consistently injected himself on Chapel I'm glad you asked Months ago when in the train- Green while on late night visits to his girlfriend's dorm er s bathroom, I noticed a syringe poking its head out room in Knowlton. Ben has been suspended from his from behind a few bloody tissues in the trashcan. With team and is currently banned from all athletic facilities all the talk of steroids in~~ofessional sports, we train- until further notice. If he is seen in the fitness center, he

• • 'APRIL 2, 2008 10 THE COLLEGE VOICE I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life. Let's make some music, make some money, find some models for wives. When Superbad I'll move to Paris, shoot some heroin, and f--- with the stars. You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars. This is our decision, to live fast and die young. We've got the vision, now let's have some is Supergood fu n. Yeah, it's overwhelming, but what else can we do. Getjobs in offices, and wake up for the morning commute? Forget about our mothers and ourfriends. We're fated to pretend. To pretend. We're fated to pre- tend. To pretend. I'll miss the playgrounds and the animals and digging up worms. I'll miss the comfort of my mother and the weight of the world. I'll miss my sister, miss my father, miss my dog and my home. Yeah, I'll miss the boredem and the freedom and the time spent alone. There's really nothing, nothing we can do. Love must be forgot- ten, life can always start up anew. The models will have children, we'll get a divorce. We'll find some more models, everyting must run it's course. We'll choke on our vomit and that will be the end. Wewere fated to pretend. To pretend. We're fated to pretend. To pretend. Yeah,. yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah..Yeah, yeah, yeah. - -Mgmt "Time To Pretend"

Across December 15, 1998 - "All Joked Up" By Bob Klahn 1. What some pools 123456789 10 11 12 13 In time for spring flings and graduations, Superbad: The Drawings is the only consist of 5. Thick liqueur 14 compendium of 62 hilarious, captioned "phallographics" created exclusively for the 10. Fteshv trult 17 movie Superbad. 14. A turn and a half on the ice 20 Synopsis 15. Screw thread, for Everyone who has seen the blockbuster comedy hit Superbad will recall the out- example ea 16. Diabolical rageous phallic follery featured in the movie, inspired by the character Seth's obses- 17. Final Four letters sive drawings from the third grade. 18. Liqueur flavoring' When Evan Goldberg, Superbad's co-writer/producer, called his older brother, 19. Diminished by David, about a job on the movie, David had no idea that he would tap into the unex- 20. What comedians 36 use to keep others I-;;"rl-+-- . plored world of phallographics. The brilliant results are these 62, full-color, laugh- from stealing their out-loud drawings that will surely tickle your funny bone. Some of these illustra- jokes? tions were featured in the end credits of the movie, and audience members are still 23. Flamenco cry 24. "Dream _" (1959 48 buzzing about them! Many of these clever depictions are exclusive to this novelty Bobby Darin hit) art volume. 25. "I forgive you" 27. "Peter Pan" pooch About the Authors 28. It may be a bust Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg, the screenwriters and executive producers, grew 29. Helpless with 60- laughter up in Vancouver, British Columbia, together and began to write their first screenplay, 63 32. Big horn Superbad, when they were 13 years old. 35. Dough dispenser .1998 CrosSyneorggSyndicate After moving to Los Angeles, Rogen served as a staff writer on Judd Apatow's 36. Like NBC, before 4. Blind strip 44. Rattled television series Undeclared. The duo went on to write for Sacha Baron Cohen's cult Seinfeld quit? 5.lV:.ross-S't!(X 45. All in the famity 40. Tsp. or tbsp. boatman 47. Frank's comics hit Da Ali G Show, as well as the feature film Pineapple Express, which the pair also 41. Comics canine 6. Like new colleague executive produced. 42. War of 1812 treaty 7. Favored few 49. Cougars Rogen served as co-producer on Apatow's sleeper hit The 40- Year-Old- Virgin, site e. Moneygrubber 50. Put on 43. Infamous insider 9. Biz boss 51. Shaky dessert and executive produced, along with Goldberg, Apatow's blockbuster hit Knocked Ivan 10. Fronton missile choice Up. Seth Rogen plays Officer Michaels in Superbad. f 46.1994 Jodie Foster 11. Hyperbolize 52. Umbrella film 12. Lose, as an 53. Concord or Catawba 48. Sour, cold rice dish opportunity 55. Baby's favorite art 49. Junipero Serra, for 13. U.S. Open champ of movement? "This is one book you will want one '94 and '97 56. Kid around 51. Exhilarated state 21. Primary strategy 57. Criminal charge 54. Heckler's directive? 22. Palindromic bird to get in bed withl It kept me up 57. Hazard 26. Not the least blowzy 58. Copious 27. Medical research 59. One of Chekhov's agcy. all nightl " "Three Sisters" 28. When tripled, a 60. Las Vegas opener McCartney/Jackson 61. Secluded spots chart-topper -Rory Gilmore 62. Pink or pillow 29. Clears the deck follower 30. It may be a stretch 63. Working stiff 31. Corroborates, in "Grippingl" 64. Thus far court 65. Socks 33. William Tell's canton Down 34. "I'm Sorry" singer -Hermione Granger 1. "Oh! Susanna- 37. TIckled-pinkness instrument 38. Gave the twice-over 2. Get straight A's 39. Orr org. 3. Tantalize

• APRlL 2, 2008 THE CoLLEGE VOICE SPORJS 11 Wh~Needs Lombardi When You Got a Tony? BY JASON STARR '09 eight Pro-Bowls, Peyton underachieved throughout his ketball and dappled in Major League Baseball between career. Even though he always per.formed at an excep- 1993 and 1994. If not for his starring role in Space Jam sports editor tionally high level during the regular season, he choked (1996) and the lessons he learned from playing basket- countless times in the playoffs, and could only lead his ball with Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, it is highly team to one Super Bowl championship. unlikely that he would return to the NBA and win three Brett Farve wasn't the only big- Needless to say, Iexpected a lot more out of Peyton more championships with the Chicago Bulls. name quarterback to retire after the Manning and his self-proclaimed "laser rocket arm." Through acting, Peyton will undoubtedly learn more 2007 season. After ten marginally Shortly after his retirement from the NFL, Peyton about himself and will successful seasons, Indianapolis flew to New York City and began looking for work on' develop into champion. Colts' quarterback Peyton Manning Broadway. Supposedly, he has already received offers Shaq never would have announced tbat he will leave the to play Dr. Frederick Frankenstein III Young emerged as a dominant NFL to pursue a career in acting. Frankenstein and Danny Zuko in Grease. force in the NBA or Peyton's decision does' not sur- Although Peyton hopes to star in several shows, it is won four titles if he had prise me for several reasons. Judging from his affinity more likely that we will see him in movies. That's gen- not starred in Kazaam for the no-huddle offense and his tendency to call plays erally what happens to underachieving quarterbacks. (1996) or Steel (1997). at the line of scrimmage, he clearly has incredible For example, Dan Marino, who never won a champi- After Peyton appears in improvisational skills. Unfortunately, his life as a NFL onship, expected to play Nathan Detroit in Guys & a few blockbusters, I'm quarterback greatly prevented him from indulging in Dolls, but he ended up playing himself in Ace Ventura: positive that he will theatrical endeavors, thus be can only make commer- Pet Detective (1994). finally have what it takes to redefine the quarterback cials and have just one appearance on Saturday. Night It is important to note that the former football play- position. Live. ers who had successful careers also appeared in major He will definitely return to the NFL, but it is impos- Peyton also retired because he felt very out of place motion pictures. Hall of Farner and three-time Super sible to know when exactly he will he back. Pacman in the NFL. He always seemed to be much more com- Bowl champion Michael Irvin was one ofthe main char- Jones and Michael Vick will certainly be reinstated long fortable wearing tacky wigs and amateur porn star mus- acters in the 1995 remake of The Longest Yard. before Peyton is ready to play again. Peyton Manning taches than jerseys and spikes. Several sports stars have pursued a career in acting in will be greatly missed, but I applaud him for finally fol- • ' Ultimately, it came down to the fact that he just was- • order to rejuvenate their careers or reinvent themselves lowing his dream of becoming an actor. n't cut out to play quarterback in the NFL. Despite win- as athletes. Michael Jordan was a three-time NBA ning the league's MVP award twice and appearing in champion, but he appeared to lose his passion for bas- Manning photo courtesy oj Web A Joke: Ben Eagle's NCAA Bracket

1st Round 2nd Round Reg. Semis Reg. Finals Nat. Semis Championship N.t. Semis Reg. Finals Reg. semis 2nd Round 1st Round

North Carolina Memphis' North Carolina Memphis Mount St. Mary's TX Arlington I North Carolina MemPhi~ Indiana Mississippi St. Arkansas I Mississippi St. I Oregon Arkansas - North Carolina Pittsburgh Notre Dame Michigan St. I

• Should Floralia be banned?

Is there too much sexual respect on campus? .

write opinions. Contact ccvoice@conn<; &------_._---_.

APRIL 2, 2008 THE COLLEGE VOICE QPINlON 13 Eliot Spitzer, Cost of Illegal Love Rising

By Adrian Stover '08

For those power tend to follow this kind of behav- ironclad silence from the organization guarantee that these prostitutes are drug of you who do ior. As tragic as the situation is, I am fas- providing the services, and an escort who free and will maintain a code of discre- not know cinated by this story for two reasons; the is guaranteed to possess attractiveness, tion. No matter how much money a per- what hap- first is that these acts of vice were so intelligence, and grace. For people like son like Eliot Spitzer may spend on a pened to the bizarre and intricately planned that it sets Client-9, as Eliot Spitzer was known to very special call girl, control over a scan- governor of them apart from other drab stories of un- the Emperor's Club, this silence was an dal erupting is still ultimately out of his New York last bridled power and hot sex, and the sec- essential part of the deal because of his hands. month, let me ond involves my naive understanding of position of power. It seems that this was The truth of the matter is that he briefly review the world of modern prostitution. Upon something he could only get from a pros- really should have known better when he the story. Gov. Eliot L. Spitzer allegedly learning of the price of the services titution ring in New York that he could started to put this whole thing together. paid $4,300.for a New York City call girl offered by the Emperor's Club, many of not find in local gals of Washington. Everyone knows that his former position known as "Kristin" to come to us wonder why it is so expensive. With a There is also the guarantee that the girls involved prosecuting prostitution rings, Washington D.C. and meet him at the little investigation, I learned that the· being offered to clients are risk-free. In a but somehow the temptations of the flesh Mayflower Hotel on the night of highest going rate for a lady of the recent Washington Post article that was persuaded him to go against his better February 13th. The story broke on March evening in Washington is a figure around entitled High-Priced Call Girls' Lips Are judgment and convince him to take the lOth, and two days later he resigned from $500 an hour, which is a $3,800 differ- Sealed, the authors mentioned that police risk of getting caught. The result has cost office. As time passes, more details ence from what Spitzer paid. say high-priced women constitute just a him his career and a possible position as emerge about the story, including infor- The question that one really has to tiny fraction of the Washington D.C. a running mate to one of the Democratic mation about the "Emperor's Club" answer is what you get from a prostitute underworld. They command a higher candidates, not to mention the $80,000 in (which provided escorts to wealthy when you pay her $4,300. OK, other than price because they claim to stand out "love" fees. Take it from Eliot Spitzer: clients). the clandestine transactions-of the obvious answer. Judging from what among a population affected by drug money can't buy you love. It can't even Spitzer to cover his tracks, and wby many vice-squad detectives have offered addiction and sexually transmitted dis- buy you secret, illegal love. Spitzer and other important leaders in about the story, the answer is a pledge of ease. Despite these promises, there is no Hey therel Looks like we could use a hand.

Join The Voice.

You get the best of both worlds.

Maybe even backstage posses! ....,

APRIL 2, 2008 14 ARTs & ENfERTAlNMENT nm COLLEGE VOICE • Campus Inundated with Spare Time In Wake of New Dorm Entry System

happen if we start paying the guides more? It'll set off a BY JACOB MEADE '08 chain reaction, and before you know it those slackers at staff writer the library reception desk who get paid to go online will Prior to this semester, Connecticut College had ao be making 50 grand a year! Lord help us!" endearingly archaic method for allowing its residents to The dramatic time-shift effect of the card-scan sys- enter dorms. Upon approaching an entrance, one bad to tem could also lead to far-reaching changes in the aca- pull a phone off its-receiver; enter an endless stream of demic curriculum at Conn. Faced with the prospect of numbers into a keypad, wait a second or two for the losing its status as a rigorous Liberal Arts institution, Eisenhower-era switchboard to mull it all over, and Connecticut College will likely start to assign its rudder- r finally pass through to one's respective destination. less student body significaot amounts of work. "We The germ-spreading, Freshman-balling phone sys- need to get those kids out of the sunshine aod back tem was an integral aspect of the Conn experience indoors with their noses in a book, where they belong," because it created a complex code of etiquette. Since the says one Economics professor (who also wished to task of entering a dorm was such a lengthy affair, stu- remain anonymous). "I cringe at the thought of young dents were socially required to hold the door open for people sitting around outside and thinking original others approaching it from as far off as a quarter mile- thoughts that aren't dictated to them by their studies. It's that is if they didn't want to appear rude. Conversely, just sickening," Faculty members have formed a group those recipients of such generous door-holding would called the Committee for Reinstating Academic be required, upon noticing it, to sprint toward the Principle (C.R.A.P.) to brainstorm solutions to the entrance as fast as they could, thus wasting as little of Camel Card crisis, such as the establishment of a 5- the good samaritan's time as possible, and zing past class-per-semester requirement. C.R.A.P. hopes to capi- ;;Ie them in a flurry of "thank you"s aod barely-contained talize on Conn's new efficiency and force students to get notebooks. the most out of their college education, while restoring But this fine-tuned method of gauging strangers' the college's good name. kindness came crashing down in late January, when stu- Accordingly, the student body is horrified. "I don't dents returning from winter break were shocked by the want more work!" says Laoa Lee, a particularly fright- efficiency of the ~nappy new card-sean entry system. ened junior. "My schedule was just right last semester. I . During the long reign of phone-granted entry, the aver- long for the days when I'd spend up to 10 minutes stand- age time it took between approaching a dorm door and ing outside my dorm in the rain when the phones actually passing through it stood at about 16.5 seconds, weren't working. Oh, how I miss them!" Growing angst factoring in the regular occurrence of failed first aimlessly and blinking in the early spring sunlight. on both sides of the controversy could come to a head in attempts. Under Camel Card-scanning, average dorm- "What am I supposed to do with myself?" asked one, the coming weeks, when spring fever sets in and dedica- entry time has been shaved down to a scant .5 seconds. tears welling up in her eyes. tion to classes starts to give way to end-of-year events This 16-second difference, multiplied by the mil- The hreakneck pace of the Camel Card has harmed like Floralia. 'lions, has profoundly transformed the lifestyle at Conn. Connecticut College's public image in unforeseen ways . But amid all the tumult of the Camel Card system, . Students now experience hours of more spare time in Student tour guides must now weave their groups of one indisputably positive change has occurred; Conn's their daily schedules, aod are struggling to make sense high schoolers and unimpressed parents through the residents are now more secure. A rash of thefts last fall of their newfound freedom. "I'm lost," says Sarah Scott, hordes of inactive students who now cluster every left no doubt that the phone entry system, while fun, green. One guide, Stephanie .Strommbert says, "Life as a sophomore. "1 was used to having just enough time simply had to go. Now Conn's 1,800 or so on-campus a tour guide is already hard enough. We have to talk and during the day to get my homework done, but now I fin- dwellers can sleep more easily, knowing that theirlap- ish everything by about 3pm. What am I supposed to do walk: backwards at the same time! Now we also have to tops and Anna Kournikova posters are safe. This fact, for the rest of the day?!" Says Joe Landen, a senior, "1'm dodge Frisbees and footballs, and pray that none of however, has been lost on the angry mobs who gather already involved in five extracurriculars, which used to these delinquents says a swear word within earshot of nightly at Unity House to paint "C.R.A.P. is crap!" our guests. It's so stressfujl" The College Voice has keep me pretty busy. But now'] can do them ajl aod still posters, and on those professors who now hit their class- wind up sitting on my ass watching 'Family Guy' all exclusively learned that Conn tour guides are currently es with not one, but four weekly web posting require- threatening to unionize and demand a higher wage, a day. How many more clubs do I have to join to not feel ments. The advent of the card-scan method has ruptured source of great tension within the administration. Says like a total loser?" A walk across campus currently the Conn Coli utopia, and it remains to be seen whether yields the sight of dozens of bereft camels, wandering one rep, who wished to remain anonymous, "What will stability will ever be recovered. The iPod Shuffle - Carolyn Sebasky, A&E Editor 1, The Unicorns "Tuff Luff" 8. The Mountain Goats "You 2, Sad Dracula "Be Careful" and Your Memories" 3. Vampire Weekend "Walcott" g, Sufjan Stevens "The 4. Broken Social Scene Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is "Bandwith" Out To Get Us!" 5. The Weepies"Not Your Year" 10. The Beatles "You're Going 6. Battles "Rainbow" To Lose That Girl" 7. Islands "Ones" APRIL 2, 2008 THE CoLLEGE VOICE ARTs & ENITJ

Join The Voice and Brandon Mosely from College Relations for a workshop on layout this Friday at 1:00 p.m.

Space is limited; please register bye-mailing • [email protected] -

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APRIL 2, 2008 16 THE COLLEGE VOICE WEEKLY CALENDAR APRIL 2 - APRIL 8 WEDNESDAY FRIDAY EXHIBIT EVENT The Ubiquitous Chapbook, all day, Shain Sustainable Food Conference, all day, TBA

.0- All Student Art Show and Art Minor Exhibit, 9:00 AM, EXHIBIT Cummings The Ubiquitous Chapbook, all day, Shain EVENT All Student Art Show and Art Minor Exhibit, 9:00 AM, Taste of Harris Food Show, 11 :00 AM, Harris , Cummings Mirch Masala Indian Lunch, 12:00 PM, Cro LECTURE Common Hour: "Cocaine: From the Coca Leaves of Camel Knitters, 12:00 PM, Oasis Snack Shop South America to the Streets of New London," 11:45 SPORTS AM, Blaustein 210 Tennis vs. Springfield College, 3:30 PM EXHIBIT MONDAY Women's Lacrosse V5. Wesleyan, 4:"30 PM Asian Pacific Islander Month Photo Exhibit, 4:00 PM,' EXHIBIT EVENT Unity House The Ubiquitous Chapbook, all day, Shain (ISLA Festival for Freshmen, 6:00 PM, 1941 Room. EVENT All Student Art Show and Art Minor Exhibit, 9:00 AM, LECTURE Shabbat Dinner, 6:00 PM, Freeman Cummings "Yesterday's News," an Endowed Chair Lecture, 6:30 King Korn Film Screening, 7:00 PM, Olin PM, Ernst Common Room FITNESS Personal Trainer, 12:00 PM, Fitness Center SPORTS Water Polo vs. lona College, 7:30 PM, Lott MEETING Natatorium SATURDAY Women's Center Programming Committee, 4:00 PM, Women's Center EVENT EXHIBIT EVENT Sushi Night, 8:00 PM, Cro's Nest Kente Student Art Exhibit, all day, Alice Johnson, Cro Psi Chi Induction Ceremony, 4:30 PM, Becker Sustainable Food Conference, all day, TBA "James Baldwin: A Prophet Without Honor? The Black THURSDAY The Ubiquitous Chapbook, all day, Shain Writer and the Politics of Literature in American EXHIBIT Culture," 4:30 PM, Chu Room, Shain HEALTH The Ubiquitous Chapbook, all day, Shain Skin Cancer Screening, 9:00 AM, Health Center Asain Pacific Islander Month Dinner, 5:30 PM, Harris All Student Art Show and Art Minor Exhibit, 9:00 AM, EVENT LECTURE Cummings Sustainable Food Conference, 9:15 AM, TBA "Five Pearls of Euler," 7:30 PM, Blaustein 210 FITNESS SPORTS MEETING Personal Trainer, 12:00 PM, Fitness Center Women's Lacrosse vs. Bates, 11 :00 AM Habitat for Humanity, 10: 15 PM, Larrabee Common EVENT Room Tennis vs. Middlebury, 1:00 PM Flute Master Class, 4:00 PM, Fortune Hall, Cummings Men's Lacrosse vs. Bates, 1:00 PM TUESDAY LECTURE "Landscape, Art and Integration," David A. Rubin, SERVICE FITNESS 4: 15 PM, Room 308, Cummings Roman Catholic Vigil Mass, 5:00 PM, Chapel Personal Trainer, 12:00 PM, Fitness Center EVENT "Diversity in American Business: Where Core Values EVENT "Domestic Violence and Domestic Homicide: A Mother Meet Bottom-Line Succes," with Richard F. Zannino Cape to Cairo, 7:00 PM, 1941 Room and Father Reilect on the Tragic Death of Their P'09, 4:30 PM, Ernst Daughter," 2:45 PM, Room 113, Olin FITNESS "Are We Nearing The Peak CII Fossil Fuel Energy? Has Personal Trainer, 5:00 PM, Cro's Nest Twilight In the Desert Begun?" 4:30 PM Ernst SPORTS SUNDAY FITNESS Water Polo vs. Brown, 7:30 PM, Lott Natatorium EVENT Senior Flute Recital, 2:00 PM; Fortune Hall, Cummings Community Yoga Class, 5:30 PM 1941 Room, Cro EVENT SERVICE MEETING onStage: "Fear & Loathing" and "Zippo Songs" by Phil Support Group for Queer and Questioning Students, Kline, 8:00 PM, Evans, Cummings Unitarian Universalist Campus Ministry, 6:00PM, Chapel •. , 6:30 PM, LGBTQ Center .