WINNERS Begins Page 28 SPOTLIGHT: Z -100 See Page 26 DALLAS RADIO MARKET ® See Page 24
ICD 08120 YYY Y YYJ. .M1AAJ..4YM 3-D I GI I 9 .b ÿ ii 1466 í'4ELk49B Chr_E vLti 9 l 374, tLM VCti z"' w LGhv bLACH CA 91äv7 ammo z WINNERS Begins page 28 SPOTLIGHT: Z -100 See page 26 DALLAS RADIO MARKET ® See page 24 VOLUME 97 NO. 37 THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSWEEKLY OF MUSIC AND HOME ENTERTAINMENT SEPTEMBER 14, 1985/$3.50 (U.S.) Metal Mining Mounts LYRIC ROW: NEW DEVELOPMENTS August Yields Bumper Crop PMRC Says Beach Boys' Mike Love Gave Seed Money Of Gold, Platinum Albums problem [of lyrics], and he was very recording artists." BY BILL HOLLAND sympathetic." The purpose of the hearing, ac- The two other albums to go plati- WASHINGTON Part of the seed In a concurrent development, an cording to the staff source, is to "air BY PAUL GREIN num in August were both by repeat- money for the Parents Music Re- announcement came from Capitol the issue, educate the Senate and But LOS ANGELES The Recording In- ing acts. Motley Crue's "Shout At source Center (PMRC), the poliuical- Hill that the witness list for the bring things out in the open." dustry Assn. of America (RIAA) The Devil" is the group's second ly well -connected group of Wash- Sept. 19 Senate Commerce Commit- the source admits that the hearing awarded an unseasonally high total straight platinum album; Dire ington mothers that has been wag- tee hearing on rock lyrics will in- could "bring some slight pressure PMRC and the of 16 gold albums in August, com- S xaits' "Brothers In Arms" is also ing a fight against so-called ' porn clude recording artis-s Frank Zappa on the groups [the to come to a pared to 11 in the same month last their second platinum album, but rock," was a gift from Mike Love of and Dee Snyder.
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