AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

V I E E W R S First published online as a Review in Advance on March 17, 2005



Structure and Function of Visual Area MT

Richard T. Born1 and David C. Bradley2

1Department of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115-5701; email: [email protected] 2Department of Psychology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637; email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. Key Words 2005. 28:157–89 extrastriate, motion , center-surround antagonism, doi: 10.1146/ magnocellular, structure-from-motion, aperture problem

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. annurev.neuro.26.041002.131052 Copyright c 2005 by Abstract Annual Reviews. All rights reserved The small visual area known as MT or V5 has played a major role in

0147-006X/05/0721- our understanding of the cerebral . This area has been 0157$20.00 historically important in the of cortical processing streams and the idea that different visual areas constitute highly specialized Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from representations of visual information. MT has also proven to be a fer- tile culture dish—full of direction- and disparity-selective — exploited by many labs to study the neural circuits underlying com- putations of motion and depth and to examine the relationship be- tween neural activity and perception. Here we attempt a synthetic overview of the rich literature on MT with the goal of answering the question, What does MT do? · Structure and Function of Area MT 157 AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

pathway. Finally, MT neurons are concerned Contents with visual motion, which is of obvious etho- logical importance, which has been exten- INTRODUCTION ...... 158 sively characterized psychophysically, and for MT WAS A KEY PART OF THE which there are well-defined mathematical EARLY EXPLORATION OF descriptions. Much of the work on MT has ...... 158 focused on its role in visual motion process- CONNECTIONS...... 159 ing, though, as we hope to make clear in what FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION . . 162 follows, MT plays a richer and more varied BASIC TUNING PROPERTIES . . . . . 164 role in vision. SURROUND MECHANISMS ...... 165 THE COMPUTATION OF VELOCITY...... 168 MT WAS A KEY PART OF THE NOISE REDUCTION ...... 173 EARLY EXPLORATION OF SEGMENTATION ...... 173 EXTRASTRIATE CORTEX THE COMPUTATION OF Part of MT’s significance is historical; it STRUCTURE ...... 174 played an important role in the discovery of EXTRARETINAL EFFECTS ...... 176 new extrastriate visual areas (Felleman & Van PERCEPTUAL CORRELATES Essen 1991) and in the idea that they consti- AND POPULATION CODES . . . . 177 tute specialized representations of the visual Single- Sensitivity ...... 177 world (Zeki 1978, Barlow 1986). Vector Summation versus At the beginning of the twentieth cen- Winner-Take-All ...... 178 tury, primate was to Distributed Speed and Acceleration consist of only three architectonically distinct Codes ...... 179 fields (Brodmann 1909). Beginning in the late CONCLUSIONS ...... 179 1940s, however, it became clear that consid- erably more of the cortex was involved in vision. The first demonstration came from lesions that produced visual im- INTRODUCTION pairment (Mishkin 1954, Mishkin & Pribram The middle temporal visual area (MT or V5) 1954) unaccompanied by deficits in other sen- of the macaque monkey possesses a number of sory modalities (Weiskrantz & Mishkin 1958, attributes that have made it particularly attrac- Brown 1963). Mapping studies using sur-

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. tive to systems neuroscientists. This region is face electrodes also revealed visually respon- typical of extrastriate cortex but is still readily sive regions well anterior to those tradition- identifiable both anatomically and function- ally associated with vision (Talbot& Marshall ally. Though extrastriate, it is still quite close 1941, Clare & Bishop 1954, Woolsey et al. to the —its principle inputs as few as five 1955). In addition, new anatomical techniques from the photoreceptors—a feature (Nauta & Gygax 1954) permitted the label-

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from which means, among other things, that the ing of connections after lesions of striate cor- mechanisms by which its receptive field prop- tex (Kuypers et al. 1965, Cragg & Ainsworth erties arise can be profitably studied. And, al- 1969, Zeki 1969), which revealed a direct stri- though MT neurons are near enough to the ate (V1) projection zone situated on the pos- inputs to be mechanistically tractable, they are terior bank of the superior temporal also close enough to some outputs—in par- (STS). ticular, those involved in movements— MT was discovered at roughly the same to provide an easily measurable, continuous by two different groups. In England, readout of computations performed in this Dubner & Zeki (1971) were able to record

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Figure 1 First demonstration of direction selectivity in macaque MT/V5 by Dubner & Zeki (1971). (a)Neuronal responses to a bar of light swept across the receptive field in different directions (modified from figure 1 of Dubner & Zeki 1971). Each trace shows the spiking activity of the neuron as the bar was swept in the direction indicated by the arrow. The neuron’s preferred direction was up and to the right. (b) Oblique penetration through MT (modified from Figure 3 of Dubner & Zeki 1971) showing the shifts in preferred direction indicative of the direction columns subsequently demonstrated by Albright et al. (1984). See also Figure 4.

visual responses from the V1-projection zone Following the first studies, a series of pa- in anesthetized macaques, in so doing es- pers confirmed that MT contained a high tablishing a number of physiological hall- concentration of direction-selective neurons marks, particularly their direction-selective in several species of both New and Old preferred direction: the direction of responses (Figure 1a). Quite presciently, they World monkeys (Zeki 1974, 1980; Baker et al. motion eliciting the also suggested a columnar organization for 1981; Van Essen et al. 1981; Maunsell & Van greatest response direction-selective neurons (Figure 1b) and Essen 1983a,b; Felleman & Kaas 1984). These from a given neuron a role for MT signals in guiding pursuit studies indicated that MT was both unique eye movements, both subsequently confirmed as a cortical area highly specialized for visual (Albright et al. 1984, Lisberger et al. 1987). motion and, at the same time, common to a Around the same time, Allman & Kaas (1971) number of different primate species. were recording from owl monkeys and using a different approach. They made systematic rows of microelectrode penetrations across CONNECTIONS the entire cortex, mapping receptive fields as Like every other cortical area, MT has a rich

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. they went, thus discovering a large number of set of interconnections with other regions of retinotopically organized maps. One of these, the cortex as well as with numerous subcor- which they named MT for middle temporal, tical structures. These connections have been mapped onto a well-defined region of dense discussed in previous publications (Felleman myelination in the lower layers and contained &Van Essen 1991, Orban 1997, Lewis & neurons that responded better to drifting bars Van Essen 2000), so we do not recapitulate

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from than to flashed spots. The myelination was them here. From a broad perspective, MT’s also later shown to be characteristic of the corticocortical connections identify it as one macaque motion area (Van Essen et al. 1981), of the main inputs into the dorsal or poste- which Zeki subsequently named V5. This his- rior parietal processing stream (Ungerleider tochemical feature has been an underappreci- & Mishkin 1982, Maunsell & Newsome ated factor in contributing to the detail with 1987), and its key outputs target structures which MT has been studied because it has per- that are implicated in the analysis of optic flow mitted reliable comparisons across different (e.g., MST, VIP) and the generation of eye studies. movements (e.g., LIP, FEF, SC, dorsolateral · Structure and Function of Area MT 159 AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

Figure 2 Gestalt map of major routes into MT in the manner of Felleman & Van Essen (1991). Line thickness is roughly proportional to the magnitude of the inputs, on the basis of a combination of projection neuron numbers and, where data are available, the characteristics of their terminals (see Figure 3). The thickest lines represent the direct cortical pathway emphasized in the text. Following are important caveats: The pathways shown are those discussed in the text and omit a number of known feedforward cortical inputs that appear lesser in magnitude (V3A, VP, PIP) as well as many subcortical inputs. The sources of the direct and indirect projections from V1 are probably not defined purely by cell morphology (i.e., spiny stellate versus pyramidal; see Elston & Rosa 1997), though they are largely distinct; the largest 4B cells contribute to the (Sincich & Horton 2003). The precise of the retinal inputs to K1,2 is not known, though their response properties are W-like in the galago (Irvin et al. 1986). Also, the proposed input to MT from the SC via the pulvinar is rendered problematic by the finding that, in owl monkey pulvinar, the principle target of SC terminals (PICM)is by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. different from the main source of MT projections (PIM) (see Stepniewska et al. 1999). Abbreviations: 4BSS, spiny stellate neurons in layer 4B; 4BPYR, pyramidal neurons in layer 4B; LGN, lateral geniculate ; M, magnocellular stream; P, parvocellular stream; K, koniocellular layers of LGN; PICL, central lateral nucleus of the inferior pulvinar; PICM, central medial nucleus of the inferior pulvinar; PIM, medial nucleus of the inferior pulvinar; PIP, posterior nucleus of the inferior pulvinar; RGC, retinal cells; SC, ; VP, ventral posterior area. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from

). Because we desire to address how MT input to MT is from a magnocellular- neurons acquire their unique visual response dominated projection originating from layer properties and discuss the role they play in 4B of V1. motion computations, we focus the present To a first approximation, MT is domi- discussion on MT’s major inputs (Figure 2) nated by cortical rather than subcortical in- and their functional implications. In par- puts. Nevertheless, unlike some other extras- ticular, we argue that the most important triate areas such as V2 (Schiller & Malpeli

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1977, Girard & Bullier 1989) and V4 (Girard corticocortical ; Rockland 1989, 1995) et al. 1991), which are completely dependent and terminal boutons that are both larger on input from striate cortex, at least some MT and more complex than those from V2, of- neurons remain both visually responsive and ten forming multiple synapses on a single even direction-selective following removal MT neuron (Rockland 1989, 1995, Anderson or inactivation of V1 (Rodman et al. 1989, et al. 1998, Anderson & Martin 2002). These Girard et al. 1992). In some cases, residual specializations, which appear unique to the MT function may have been conferred by cal- V1-to-MT projection, should combine to losal connections from the intact hemisphere provide fast and secure synaptic transmission, (Girard et al. 1992) and, in other cases, via though this idea has not received a direct the superior colliculus (SC) (Rodman et al. test. 1990). However, although SC lesions com- Of the inputs directly from V1, those pletely eliminated residual MT responses af- from layer 4B predominate, at least numer- ter V1 lesions, alone they produced no signifi- ically. After injections of retrograde tracers cant changes in MT responses (Rodman et al. into macaque MT, more than 90% of the 1990). labeled V1 neurons are found in layer 4B; Also of interest in this regard is a small, the remaining are found in the large cells of direct LGN input to MT, mainly from ko- Meynert near the boundary of layers 5 and 6 niocellular neurons (Stepniewska et al. 1999, (Tigges et al. 1981, Maunsell & Van Essen Sincich et al. 2004). Although such a pro- 1983c, Shipp & Zeki 1989a) (Figure 3a). jection could, in theory, explain remaining These MT-projecting 4B neurons are pre- function in MT after V1 lesions, it is unclear dominantly spiny stellate in morphology how these LGN cells would convey direction (Shipp & Zeki 1989a) (though, see also selectivity to MT or why SC lesions would Elston & Rosa 1997), are the largest cells in abolish it. Rodman et al. (1990) raised the this layer (Sincich & Horton 2003), and ap- possibility that extrastriate-projecting LGN pear to receive exclusively M-inputs via layer neurons did not receive a direct retinal 4Cα (Yabutaet al. 2001). In addition to this di- input—supported by the anatomical study by rect V1-MT connection, there are important Benevento & Yoshida(1981) in which intraoc- indirect cortical inputs via V3 (Maunsell & ular injections of tritiated amino acids failed Van Essen 1983c) and the thick cytochrome to produce labeling in extrastriate cortex— oxidase stripes of V2 (DeYoe & Van Essen but instead were dependent on SC inputs for 1985; Shipp & Zeki 1985, 1989b) (Figure 3a). their visual responsiveness. This idea remains These indirect inputs also originate in V1 but

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. an interesting possibility, which awaits a direct from a mostly separate population of neurons test. within layer 4B (Sincich & Horton 2003) that Cortical feedforward inputs to MT come receives a mixed M and P input (though still from several areas, including V1, V2, V3, predominantly M by a margin of about 2.5:1) V3A, VP, and PIP (Maunsell & Van Essen (Yabuta et al. 2001) and is preferentially dis- 1983c, Felleman & Van Essen 1991); those tributed beneath interblob regions (Sincich

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from from V2, V1, and V3 are the largest inputs, & Horton 2002). Overall, this anatomical judging from the numbers of labeled neurons picture is consistent with functional studies, in each area after MT injections (Maunsell showing that reversible inactivation of the M- &Van Essen 1983c). However, single axon layers of the LGN nearly completely abol- data suggest that the most potent input is ishes the visual responsiveness of MT neu- probably from V1. These studies show that rons, whereas P-layer inactivation has a much some V1 inputs to MT are highly specialized smaller, though measurable, effect (Maunsell (Figure 3): They have larger axons (up to et al. 1990), the latter presumably mediated 3 µmindiameter, versus 1 µm for other by the indirect pathway. · Structure and Function of Area MT 161 AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION central [15◦ of the visual field occupies over half of MT’s surface area (Van Essen et al. MT is retinotopically organized, each hemi- 1981)] and a bias toward the lower quadrant of sphere containing a more-or-less complete the visual field (Maunsell & Van Essen 1987). map of the contralateral visual hemi-field, Within this relatively crude retinotopic map, with a marked emphasis on the fovea the by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from

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there exist, at finer spatial scales, several other organizations concerning neural tuning for different parameters. MT was the first extrastriate visual area for which clear-cut evidence of a columnar orga- nization was discovered. The possibility of di- rection columns was raised in the initial pub- lication of Dubner & Zeki (1971) but was not shown definitively until more than 10 years later (Albright et al. 1984). Evidence for a columnar organization consisted of relatively smooth changes in the preferred directions of neurons during oblique penetrations through MT, with direction sequences interrupted oc- casionally by sudden jumps and, in particular, by jumps of 180◦ more often than would be those lacking such surrounds are found pre- Figure 4 predicted by chance. Toaccount for their ob- dominantly in the input layers (Lagae et al. Functional organization of servations, Albright and coworkers proposed 1989, Raiguel et al. 1995). In the owl monkey, macaque MT (from a model in which columns of smoothly vary- where direction columns are not well defined DeAngelis & ing preferred directions ran side by side with (Malonek et al. 1994) and tuning for binoc- Newsome 1999). a corresponding set of columns preferring the ular disparity is rare (Felleman & Kaas 1984, Superimposed on the locally opposite direction. This was subse- Born 2000), a robust columnar organization model of direction columns originally quently supported by functional labeling stud- exists with respect to center-surround inter- proposed by Albright ies using 2-deoxyglucose (Geesaman et al. actions: groups of neurons having antagonis- et al. (1984) are the 1997). DeAngelis & Newsome later showed tic surrounds interdigitated with neurons that columnar zones of a strong columnar organization in terms of lack such surrounds and therefore respond op- strong (rainbows) and tuning for binocular disparity (DeAngelis & timally to wide-field motion (Born & Tootell weak (blue) binocular disparity tuning. Newsome 1999) coexisting with the direction 1992, Berezovskii & Born 2000, Born 2000). Within the zones of columns (Figure 4). There is also a cluster- The evidence for such an organization in the strong disparity ing of neurons by speed preference, but the macaque is more equivocal: Some investiga- tuning, the preferred organization is not strictly columnar (Liu & tors have found no consistent organization disparities vary in a Newsome 2003b). (DeAngelis & Newsome 1999), and others re- smooth manner, similar to the In the macaque, neurons whose receptive port a tangential clustering (i.e., parallel to direction columns

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. fields possess antagonistic surrounds are more the cortical surface) (Raiguel et al. 1995) in and to orientation common in supragranular layers, whereas addition to the laminar segregation noted columns in V1.


Figure 3 Comparison of two of the major cortical inputs to MT. (a) Labeled neurons in V1 (17) and V2 (18) after a Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from large injection of HRP into MT of a squirrel monkey (from figure 8 of Tigges et al. 1981; 40 × magnification). The far greater number of labeled V1 cells in layer 4B (arrowheads)ascompared with layer 6 (arrow) has also been found in the macaque monkey (Maunsell & Van Essen 1983c, Shipp & Zeki 1989a). Note the two well-defined clusters in the upper layers of V2 (open arrows), subsequently shown to be confined to the thick cytochrome oxidase stripes (DeYoe & Van Essen 1985, Shipp & Zeki 1985). (b–e) High resolution tracers (BDA) demonstrate differences in size and shape of terminal arbors and boutons from V1 (b, c) and V2 (d, e) within macaque MT (K. Rockland, unpublished data). (b, c) Example of a large-caliber V1 axon, with large boutons. Note, however, the mix of large and small boutons. (d, e) Field of terminations from V2. Note more uniformly small boutons. The scale bar is 100 µm panels b and d, and 10 µminpanels c and e. See also Rockland (2002). · Structure and Function of Area MT 163 AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

above. This clustering may occur predomi- herit three of their most important properties nantly in the upper (output) layers of macaque from V1. MT because a segregation of center-surround So what, then, does MT add? It is chasten- binocular disparity: a difference in the properties appears to exist in subdivisions of ing to note up front that more than 30 years relative position of a one of MT’s main projection zones, MSTd of physiology have not yielded a clear-cut an- stimulus on each of versus MSTl (Tanaka et al. 1986, Komatsu swer to this question. In a number of cases, the two . This &Wurtz 1988, Eifuku & Wurtz 1998). The early evidence pointed to differences that were disparity is the basis finding that microstimulation in macaque MT theoretically attractive but that, upon closer of stereoscopic depth perception. has qualitatively different effects on smooth and more quantitative analysis, failed to ma- pursuit eye movements depending on the na- terialize. Because these examples are informa- ture of center-surround interactions at the tive, we first consider several of them, before stimulation site (Born et al. 2000) is consistent moving on to other differences that have been with the idea of segregation and, to date, is the borne out. only direct experimental evidence to support MT receptive fields are much larger than a role for MT center-surround interactions in those in V1—a ballpark figure is tenfold the type of figure-ground comparisons origi- greater in linear dimensions—so one might nally suggested by Allman and his colleagues suppose that MT neurons can compute mo- (Allman et al. 1985b). tion and disparity over larger spatial ranges than can V1 cells. This idea was particularly attractive for directional interactions because studies of perception have revealed BASIC TUNING PROPERTIES at least two different motion-sensing mecha- The visual responses of MT neurons are de- nisms that operate over different spatial scales termined principally by five properties of the and also differ with respect to other proper- stimulus: (a) retinal position (b) direction of ties, such as contrast invariance (Nakayama motion, (c) speed of motion, (d ) binocular dis- 1985). As a result, investigators proposed parity, and (e) stimulus size (due to surround that MT neurons might inherit short-range suppression). In the following paragraphs we motion sensitivity from their V1 inputs but expand on selected aspects of the above de- would, in addition, compute motion over scription. The basic visual-response proper- longer spatial displacements, commensurate ties of MT neurons have been addressed ex- with the size of their receptive fields. Indeed, tensively in excellent reviews by Orban (1997) initial experiments by Mikami and colleagues and Britten (2003), so we focus on more recent (1986), using sequences of flashed bars,

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. studies and on those most relevant to the sub- suggested that MT neurons did produce di- sequent discussion. In particular, we attempt, rectional signals to larger spatial separations, where possible, to compare MT properties on average, than did V1 cells. However, a with those of its principle inputs, with an eye recent reexamination of this issue, using more toward understanding what MT contributes directly comparable stimuli revealed very sim- to cortical motion processing. ilar upper limits for V1 and MT (Churchland

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from The principal V1 inputs to MT described et al. 2004). In fact, the directional interac- above are themselves strongly direction selec- tions of neurons from both areas take place tive (Movshon & Newsome 1996) and also are over extremely small spatial ranges—fractions tuned for speed (Orban et al. 1986). More- of a degree in receptive fields that are, in MT, over, given that the most direction-selective many degrees wide (Figure 5d–f )—and they V1 cells also tend to be highly selective for reverse direction for contrast-inverting se- binocular disparity (Prince et al. 2000), many quences (Livingstone et al. 2001, Livingstone of MT’s V1 inputs are also likely disparity & Conway 2003), both of which are char- tuned. Conceivably then, MT neurons in- acteristics of the short-range perceptual

164 Born · Bradley AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

process (Braddick 1974, Anstis & Rogers graphs, starting with center-surround interac- 1975). Finally, when short-range (x ≈ 0.13◦, tions, followed by the computation of velocity, t ≈ 17 ms) and long-range (x ≈ 1◦, t ≈ and then operations related to segmentation 125 ms) apparent motion cues were pitted and structure in three-dimensional space. We against each other in opposing directions, the conclude with extraretinal effects and discus direction of the short-range motion domi- perceptual correlates and the mechanisms by nated the responses of MT neurons (Shadlen which the MT population might be decoded et al. 1993), whereas the long-range direction by other centers. clearly dominates the visual percept. A similar comparison has been made with respect to the spatial scale of interactions SURROUND MECHANISMS for binocular disparity (Figure 5a–c). The About half of the neurons in MT have re- vast majority of MT neurons are sensitive to ceptive fields with antagonistic surrounds the relative position of visual stimuli on the (Allman et al. 1985a, Tanaka et al. 1986, two retinas (Maunsell & Van Essen 1983b, Raiguel et al. 1995, Bradley & Andersen 1998, Bradley et al. 1995, Bradley & Andersen 1998, Born 2000, DeAngelis & Uka 2003). These DeAngelis & Newsome 1999, DeAngelis neurons respond well to a centrally placed vi- & Uka 2003)—a comparison essential for sual stimulus, such as a small patch of moving stereoscopic depth perception (see Cumming dots; however, if the stimulus is made larger & DeAngelis 2001 for review)—and, indeed, so that it invades the surrounding region, the MT activity has been linked to this percep- response decreases (Figure 6A). tual function as firmly as it has been linked to In general, the surround effects are (see below). In this case, such that maximal suppression occurs when the spatial scale of the binocular interactions the surround stimulus moves in the same in MT does appear significantly coarser than direction and at the same disparity as that in that of V1 (DeAngelis & Uka 2003) but may the center (Allman et al. 1985a, Bradley & not be that different from the scale in V2 Andersen 1998). As such, the center-surround (Thomas et al. 2002) (Figure 5). Given the apparatus would act as a differentiator over clustering of disparity-tuned neurons in V2 at least two dimensions, direction and depth, thick cytochrome oxidase stripes (Hubel & bestowing on MT firing rates the quality Livingstone 1987, Peterhans & von der Heydt of salience. The more a stimulus sticks out 1993), which are known to project to MT in terms of direction and depth, the larger (Shipp & Zeki 1985, DeYoe & Van Essen the neuron’s response will be; in fact, the

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. 1985), it is thus plausible that MT inherits effects combine roughly linearly (Bradley & its disparity tuning as well. Andersen 1998). Surround suppression Overall, a number of recent studies con- also depends on speed, but surprisingly, cluded that although differences exist in some suppression is not consistently maximal when of the population properties of V1 and MT surround speed matches center speed; in neurons with respect to direction, speed, and fact, results have been quite mixed (Allman

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from disparity tuning, the more carefully and quan- et al. 1985a, Tanaka et al. 1986, Orban 1997). titatively these parameters have been studied So there may not be a simple differencing and compared, the subtler the differences have mechanism based on center-surround speed become. But this is not to say that MT sim- comparisons. ply mirrors its V1 inputs. MT is now known Although we have discussed MT surround to be involved in a number of visual functions effects in terms of direction, speed, and dispar- that are complex and, in at least some cases, ity relative to the center stimulus, effects are are linked to perception and behavior. We not relative, at least for direction and speed discuss these functions in the following para- (Born 2000). Surround stimuli modulate the · Structure and Function of Area MT 165 AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3 by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from

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magnitude of responses to central stimuli but 1997, Polat et al. 1998, Kapadia et al. 1999, do not laterally shift tuning peaks for direc- Sceniak et al. 1999) and the LGN (Solomon tion and speed. In the same way, we would ex- et al. 2002), so this strategy may be general. pect disparity to have an absolute rather than Another level of complexity concerning relative effect, but we are unaware of any ex- MT surrounds is their spatial organization periments that have tested this. (Raiguel et al. 1995, Xiao et al. 1997a,b). The Recent data suggest that MT surrounds are Orban lab has used small patches of moving actually quite complex. For example, center- dots to probe various positions within the surround interactions behave quite differently surround while the center was stimulated for low- and high-contrast stimuli: Area sum- optimally with a separate dot patch. Although mation prevailed in the former case and sup- about 20% of the antagonistic surrounds pression prevailed in the latter (Figure 6A,B; were circularly symmetric, 50% were asym- Pack et al. 2005). These results are consis- metric with most of the suppression being tent with psychophysical results demonstrat- confined to a single location on one side of ing improved motion integration at low con- the preferred-null direction axis, and another trasts (Tadin et al. 2003). The change in 25% showed bilaterally symmetric zones of center-surround interactions with contrast is “end” suppression that tended to lie along interesting because it points to a strategy of the same axis (Figure 6C). The neurons the , first suggested by Marr having asymmetric and bilaterally symmetric (1982), to integrate for increased sensitivity surrounds appear well suited to calculate when the signal is weak, but to exploit the high directional derivatives of the first and second information content of image discontinuities order, respectively, and computational studies by differentiating when the signal is strong. A have indicated that such computations are similar effect of contrast on surround effects potentially useful for encoding important has been observed in both V1 (Levitt & Lund surface features, such as slant and tilt (first


Figure 5 Comparison of the spatial scales at which interactions for binocular disparity (a–c) and direction selectivity (d–f ) are computed. Panels a and d show conventional tuning curves for a single MT cell ◦ ◦ ◦ whose receptive field was located 4.4 to the right of and 2.7 above the fovea (∼5 eccentricity). This cell preferred crossed disparities (a) and responded optimally to motion up and to the left (d ). Panels b and e show two-spot interaction maps for the same cell. Orange indicates facilitation, and blue indicates suppression. Panel b plots the probability of spiking as a function of the relative position of a probe by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. stimulus presented to the left eye relative to the position of a simultaneously presented reference spot in the right eye (defined as 0,0 on the map). Consistent with the standard disparity tuning curve, the cell was facilitated (orange)byspots in the right eye appearing to the left of those in the left eye (crossed disparity) and suppressed (blue)byuncrossed disparities. Panel e plots the relative positions of the two spots on successive frames (t = 13 ms), revealing the facilitation for probe (preceding) spots down and to the right of the reference spot. For both two-spot maps, note that the relevant interactions take place over a very small spatial range. To quantify this, a gabor function was fit to the two-spot map, and the spatial Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from frequency of the sinusoid was used as a measure of the coarseness of the interactions. For this cell, the disparity spatial frequency was 1.7 c/deg and the directional spatial frequency was 1.67 c/deg. Panels c and f show population data on the coarseness of disparity (c) and directional (f ) interactions for a population of neurons in V1 and MT (and V2, for disparity). Because we did not have a large sample of disparity maps, we have used the data from figure 8 of Cumming & DeAngelis (2001). Their measure of coarseness was different from that described above; however, we believe both measures reflect the same underlying substructure. Note that, at a given eccentricity, the range of spatial scales for V1 and MT largely overlap and the interactions for MT cells are at a much finer spatial scale than the size of their receptive fields. Panels a, b, d, and e are from Pack et al. (2003); data for panel f are from C.C. Pack, M.S. Livingstone, B.R. Conway, & R.T. Born (unpublished observations). · Structure and Function of Area MT 167 AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

Figure 6 Center-surround interactions in MT. (A) Effect of contrast on center-surround interactions for one MT neuron. When tested with high-contrast random dots (RMS contrast 9.8 cd/m2) the neuron responded ◦ optimally to a circular dot patch 10 in diameter and was strongly suppressed by larger patterns. The same test using a low-contrast dot pattern (0.7 cd/m2) revealed strong area summation with increasing size. (B) Population of 110 MT neurons showing the strength of surround suppression measured at both high and low contrast. Surround suppression was quantified as the percent reduction in response between ◦ the largest dot patch (35 diameter) and the stimulus eliciting the maximal response. Each dot represents data from one neuron; the dashed diagonal is the locus of points for which the surround suppression was unchanged by contrast. The circled dot is the cell from panel A.(C) Asymmetries in the spatial organization of the suppressive surround (after Xiao et al. 1997). Different kinds of surround geometry are potentially useful for calculating spatial changes in flow fields that may be involved in the computation of structure from motion. Neurons whose receptive fields have circularly symmetric surrounds (top) are postulated to underlie figure-ground segregation. The first- (middle) and second-order (bottom) directional derivatives can be used to determine surface tilt (or slant) and surface curvature, respectively (Buracas & Albright 1996). Panels A and B are from Pack et al. 2005.

order) or curvature (second order) (Droulez horizontal connections within MT (Malach & Cornilleau-Peres 1990, Koenderink & van et al. 1997). Doorn 1992, Buracas & Albright 1996). This null direction: the potential role of the surround in structural direction of motion computations is discussed further in the next THE COMPUTATION OF opposite that VELOCITY

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. eliciting the greatest section. response from a The source of MT surrounds remains un- By “velocity” we mean the vector representa- given neuron; e.g., if clear. One possibility is that the surrounds are tion of the direction and speed of retinal mo- a neuron responds already present in the inputs to MT. Though tion. As discussed above, MT adds little to the optimally to rightward motion, its center-surround interactions for motion have raw direction and speed tuning already found preferred direction is been reported in V1 (Gulyas et al. 1987, Levitt in V1, but researchers still think it plays a role right and its null

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from & Lund 1997), the relative paucity of such in- in computing the motion of whole objects or direction is left. teractions in the input layers of MT (Lagae patterns. The nature of that role is the subject et al. 1989, Raiguel et al. 1995, Born 2000) and of this section. We first discuss some theoret- the very large size of MT surrounds—at least ical considerations and outline the roles MT several-fold larger than their centers (Allman might play. et al. 1985a, Tanaka et al. 1986, Raiguel et al. For a rigid object, it would seem trivial to 1995)—make this an unlikely explanation. It compute pattern motion because one would may be that surrounds reflect feedback from expect every part of the object to have the higher areas such as MST or are created by same velocity. But the measurements obtained

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depend critically on how the local motion is As we address below, some MT neurons re- sampled. Because of the “aperture problem,” port 2D motion, but the computation of 2D moving edges seen through small apertures motion itself does not need to occur in MT; appear to move orthogonally to their length; indeed, it could take place anywhere along therefore, for an object sampled at high res- a continuum between two extremes. At one olution (through small apertures), different extreme is the idea that the V1 stage is lin- parts of the object appear to move in differ- ear and the informative (nonlinear) compu- ent directions, depending on the orientation tation occurs in MT (Adelson & Movshon of the sampled edges (Fennema & Thompson 1982, Albright 1984, Movshon et al. 1985, 1979) (Figure 7a). In the primate, visual mo- Heeger 1987, Simoncelli & Heeger 1998). At tion is first computed in V1, and these neu- the other extreme, 2D motion is extracted in rons have small receptive fields; therefore, in- V1 through nonlinearities, such as endstop- vestigators generally think that V1 neurons ping, and all that is required of MT is to pool see normal (orthogonal) velocities (Hubel & the V1 inputs (Wilson et al. 1992, Barth & Wiesel 1968, Movshon et al. 1985, Heeger Watson 2000). Below, we discuss physiolog- 1987). The problem then is to compute two- ical evidence supporting each of these ideas. dimensional (2D) pattern motion on the basis At present, there is no definitive evidence for of these local, one-dimensional (1D) samples. either model, and indeed, we conclude by sug- In theory, two local samples are sufficient to gesting that both may be operative, depending compute the pattern motion; the geometric on the stimulus conditions. solution to the problem is called the intersec- According to models of the first type, tion of constraints (IOC), which is illustrated the aperture problem is built into the sys- in Figure 7B. tem by virtue of the linearity of the motion

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. Figure 7 The problem of two-dimensional motion detection. (A) The aperture problem. A moving edge seen through an aperture appears to move perpendicularly to itself because the object’s motion, in this case to the right, can be decomposed into vector components, one parallel to the edge and one perpendicular. The parallel component is invisible because there is no contrast parallel to an edge, so only the perpendicular component remains. (B) The relationship between the component (apertured) vector samples and the global motion of an object is cosinusoidal; that is, the speed of the samples is the object Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from speed the cosine of the difference between the object direction and the direction of the vector sample, as shown in the equation. In the equation, SN and θ N are the normal (sampled) speed and direction, and θ O and SO are the speed and direction of the object. Because there are two unknowns, the object direction and speed (shown in red in equation), two samples are needed to solve for the object velocity. This requirement is usually referred to as the intersection of constraints (IOC). It is often visualized differently (Movshon et al. 1985). (C)Apossible neural algorithm for solving the IOC, as suggested by Simoncelli & Heeger (1998). For a rigid, translating object, all local spatiotemporal frequencies must lie on a plane in frequency space. To detect this, one could create a linear filter, represented by blobs in the diagram, for each location on the plane, then sum the energy passed through the filters. · Structure and Function of Area MT 169 AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

detection stage of V1 simple cells. Consider the frequency representation of moving ob- jects (Watson & Ahumada 1983). For any rigid moving object, the spatiotemporal frequency of all local samples must lie on a plane in fre- quency space (Figure 7c). V1 simple cells, to a first approximation, act like linear space-time filters (McLean & Palmer 1989, Reid et al. 1987), and complex cells are thought to dif- fer mainly in their phase-insensitivity but not in their frequency selectivity (Movshon et al. 1978). So V1 neurons effectively measure the amount of motion energy in their passband (Adelson & Bergen 1985). In other words, such neurons do not really know what the stimulus direction is; they see only the mo- tion component within their frequency band. This is the expression of the aperture problem in frequency space (see Figure 8). If V1 neurons see component motion, they are ignorant, in a ; MT neurons would need to be relatively intelligent in combin- ing V1 inputs to recover the true, 2D direc- tion of motion. As described above, the IOC Figure 8 construction is the basic rule needed to com- Cutting a horizontal slice through an oblique sine wave grating reveals a sinusoidal modulation of pute pattern velocity from component (local) intensity vs. x position (A). Cutting a vertical slice velocities. But what physiological mechanism through the same grating reveals an identical could do this? Heeger (1987) and Simoncelli intensity modulation versus y position (B). & Heeger (1998), building on important the- Looking at a fixed location as the grating moves oretical (Adelson & Movshon 1982, Wat- reveals a sinusoidal modulation of intensity versus time (C). Changing the angle (direction) of the son & Ahumada 1983, Movshon et al. 1985) grating changes the relative x and y sinusoidal and physiological (Hubel & Wiesel 1962, frequencies, and changing the grating speed Movshon et al. 1985, Reid et al. 1987) ground- changes the temporal frequency. Thus, the velocity (direction and speed) of the grating is

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. work, described what we refer to as the F- plane model. It assumes a front end made of completely characterized by a single, three-dimensional frequency, (ωx, ωy, ωt). Just as linear V1 cells whose outputs are summed any sound is the sum of its harmonics, any moving over a plane in frequency space by an MT object can be represented in terms of its pattern cell. This planar summation is an component frequencies, each equivalent to a instantiation of the IOC rule (Figure 7C). single, moving sinusoidal grating. If the object is rigid and not rotating, all of its component

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from The model is able to explain a num- frequencies will lie on a plane in ωx, ωy, ωt space. ber of physiological results, including MT The aperture “problem,” stated in these terms, responses to variable coherence stimuli arises insofar as V1 neurons are linear ωx, ωy, ωt (Newsome et al. 1989) and to plaid patterns filters, each detecting a certain component (Adelson & Movshon 1982). There are other frequency. The relative blindness, or ignorance, important models of MT computation, how- implied by the aperture problem is in the linearity of these cells; they are presumably unaffected by ever, which we regrettably do not have space frequencies outside their passband. Thus, the to discuss here (Wilson et al. 1992, Nowlan & “component” cells of Movshon et al. (1985; see Sejnowski 1995, Lisberger & Movshon 1999). text) see only one grating—one frequency.

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Note that even if V1 neurons act like lin- types of response. They found that 25% of ear filters, MT neurons might not necessarily the MT neurons yielded tuning curves sig- combine their outputs according to an IOC nificantly more like the pattern response and rule; a vector average or sum, for exam- 40% more like the component response; the ple, would also be a plausible combination remaining 35% of the neurons were unclas- (Mingolla et al. 1992, Wilson et al. 1992, sified. In V1, nearly all of the cells displayed Rubin & Hochstein 1993). component behavior, and none matched the An alternative to the F-plane model is that pattern prediction. These authors roposed 2D-motion information is computed in V1 a two-stage mechanism where pattern cells through specific nonlinear operations. For ex- combine the outputs from component cells to ample, image squaring can be used to extract compute pattern direction and suggested the periodic elements, which can be low-pass fil- possibility of an IOC construction. Because tered from component frequencies (Wilson the plaids were symmetric, the direction of the et al. 1992), and luminance minima and max- IOC and the direction of a vector average (for ima are reliable features to track, as well example) would come out the same, so these (Bowns 1996). We see below that endstopping experiments did not prove the operation of an in V1 neurons amounts to feature detection, IOC mechanism. which has been formally related to the more However, Albright showed that for some general notion of curvature (Barth & Watson MT neurons, which he called Type II cells, 2000). Because features always move in the the preferred orientation of a static bar was object direction and at the object speed, MT parallel to the preferred direction of motion would not really need to elaborate on V1’sout- (Albright 1984). This behavior is consistent put, other than perhaps spatial pooling and with the IOC rule because the vector compo- noise reduction. At this stage, we cannot rule nent 90◦ off the object direction has zero speed out that such pooling is the only role played (see Figure 7b). These TypeII cells were later by MT in pattern motion detection. shown to correspond to Movshon et al.’s pat- Having outlined the different possible tern cells (Rodman & Albright 1989). Other computational mechanisms, we now discuss studies have found evidence that MT pattern evidence for and against them. The first cells are bimodally tuned for bars (Okamoto breakthrough came from experiments by et al. 1999) and gratings (Simoncelli et al. Movshon and colleagues (1985), who tested 1996). The IOC model predicts this also, as- MT and V1 neurons with stimuli known as suming the stimulus is moving beneath the plaids. These stimuli were formed by super- neuron’s preferred speed. In that case, the

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. imposing two sine gratings moving in differ- neuron should have two preferred directions, ent directions, in this case 135◦ apart. Treating one for each time the stimulus crosses the the summed gratings as a single, plaid stimu- cosine-shaped function relating direction to lus, they measured direction tuning in MT speed (see Figure 7b). Unfortunately, both neurons and found a continuum of different studies were based on small samples. tuning curves. At one extreme, there were two Other evidence suggests that a two-stage

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from peaks in the direction tuning curve, corre- model may not be required because the aper- sponding to the two-pattern directions that ture problem is overcome in V1. Layer 4B resulted in one of the gratings moving in the neurons, which dominate the V1 input to MT, neuron’s preferred direction. At the other ex- are heavily end-stopped, typically exhibiting treme, the tuning curve was unimodal, peak- around 75% suppression by extended con- ing where the pattern as a whole moved in the tours as compared with their maximal re- neuron’s preferred direction. Movshon and sponse (Sceniak et al. 2001). This effect is colleagues (1985) coined the terms pattern largely independent of the orientation of the and component cell to represent these two stimulus in the surround; therefore, these · Structure and Function of Area MT 171 AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

neurons respond well to line terminators mov- MT-projecting V1 cells and did not find any ing in their preferred direction, regardless of (Movshon & Newsome 1996), but this sam- the orientation of the contour (Pack et al. ple may be too small to tell. Only 9 of these 2003). Although not tested directly, these cells were tested with plaids, and only 6 of cells likely show a similar preference for cor- the 12 cells were in layer 4B. Because 90% of ners, dots, and other features compared with MT’s V1 input comes from 4B, it is prema- extended contours. Because features always ture to conclude that the V1 cells feeding MT move in the object direction, and because end- do not have pattern behavior. In fact, Tinsley stopping suppresses neurons not responding et al. (2003) and Guo et al. (2004) both found to features, end-stopping tends to have the im- a small number of pattern-selective cells in portant effect of defeating the aperture prob- V1. Clearly, the issue of whether substan- lem. Whether end-stopping actually produces tial pattern selectivity occurs in primate V1 a pattern-motion computation in the naturally remains unresolved. Still, under conditions functioning visual system remains to be seen. where Movshon et al. did not find V1 pattern But some evidence suggests that end- cells, they did find MT pattern cells (Movshon stopping does play a critical role in solving et al. 1985); therefore, the pattern mechanism the aperture problem. Pack & Born (2001) under those conditions cannot be explained tested MT neurons with a pattern of line seg- solely in terms of feature tracking. ments drifting coherently such that the mo- In summary, there is substantial evidence tion components—the velocities normal to for both feature tracking in V1 and a two- the segments—differed by 45◦ from the direc- stage mechanism involving linear filtering in tion of the pattern as a whole. The neuronal V1 followed by a nonlinear process, some- responses were initially strongly biased by the thing like IOC or vector averaging, in MT. component directions and then evolved to the We note that IOC and feature tracking mech- pattern direction over the course of about anisms are not necessarily incompatible; in 80 ms. In a separate study of V1 neurons, the fact, there is perceptual evidence that different end-stopping effect was shown to also develop sorts of computation are at play under differ- over a similar time course (Pack et al. 2003). ent circumstances (Weiss et al. 2002). In the Thus, MT neurons may have computed the absence of end-stopping, V1 neurons are as- motion of the line pattern by integrating the sumed to extract motion energy at the var- output of a feature-based mechanism afforded ious spatiotemporal frequencies in the stim- by end-stopping in V1. ulus. For the F-plane model to be robust, But the slow time course observed in MT it is best to have energy broadly distributed

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. by Pack & Born does not need to reflect end- over the frequency plane defined by the ob- stopping in V1. Smith et al. (2005) recently ject’s velocity; otherwise, it is difficult for the measured the time course over which MT MT population to determine the orientation neurons develop pattern selectivity and also of this plane. This may be why sinusoidal found it to be gradual. Because they used sine plaid stimuli, whose energy occupies only lo- wave plaids, the observed time course may calized portions of the frequency plane, are

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from have had nothing to do with end-stopping, not perceived as moving in the IOC direc- reflecting instead mechanisms within MT or tion unless the grating directions are roughly even top-down effects. Of course, one could symmetric about the pattern direction (Yo & argue that the overlap regions of the plaids Wilson 1992). When end-stopping is oper- constitute features that could be tracked by ational, neurons with extended contours in end-stopped (or other feature-selective) neu- their receptive fields are suppressed; so the rons; in that case, though, one would ex- remaining input consists mainly of features pect to find pattern cells in the V1 inputs to that have energy that is well dispersed over the MT. Movshon & Newsome studied this in 12 frequency plane. Therefore, the overall effect

172 Born · Bradley AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

would be to provide MT with a well-balanced, when opposing motions occur within ∼0.5◦ broad-spectrum input. At low contrast, where of each other, roughly the scale of V1 recep- end-stopping becomes weak or even nonexis- tive fields (Qian & Andersen 1994). The fact tent (Sceniak et al. 1999), the system would re- that V1 cells do not themselves show appre- vert to a more linear mode of operation, using ciable motion opponency suggests that there signals derived from moving contours as well is strong mutual inhibition at the stage of V1 as features. The idea of representing moving inputs onto the of MT neurons. Be- objects in terms of sparse features at high con- cause a flash emits motion energy simultane- trast and diffuse frequency components at low ously in all directions, a mechanism that can- contrast is consistent with theoretical stud- cels opposite-direction signals on a local scale ies demonstrating the advantage of minimiz- could be a particularly effective way of reduc- ing redundancy when signal-to-noise is large, ing responses to flicker. and at the same time it emphasizes sensitiv- There is no reason to assume that the only ity and noise reduction using broad pooling function of motion opponency in MT is to mechanisms at low contrast (Field 1987, van reduce noise. In fact, opponency is likely at Hateren 1992). Of course, other nonlinear least partly a manifestation of gain normaliza- mechanisms besides end-stopping could also tion, the process by which neural responses be used to track features (Wilson et al. 1992, are scaled according to the total amount of Bowns 1996). neural activity in their immediate vicinity (Simoncelli & Heeger 1998, Heuer & Britten 2002). But there is little doubt that opponency NOISE REDUCTION would tend to reduce the responses to motion Regardless of how pattern velocity is com- noise. Some behavioral evidence also exists: puted, the visual motion system is compelled Perceptual studies in a patient with bilateral at some point to filter noise from the process- damage to a region corresponding to MT/V5 ing stream. MT neurons appear to serve this found that performance was normal for var- function in a way that is akin to common mode ious motion tasks except when noise was rejection by a differential amplifier (Snowden added to the stimulus, in which case perfor- et al. 1991, Qian & Andersen 1994, Qian mance fell to chance (Zihl et al. 1983, Marcar et al. 1994, Bradley et al. 1995). Snowden et al. 1997). This, together with the suppres- et al. showed that MT neurons responding to sive effects of nonpreferred motion discussed dot patterns moving in their preferred direc- above, suggests that MT has a basic role in tion were suppressed when dot patterns mov- noise reduction within the motion processing

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. ing in nonpreferred directions were simul- stream. taneously introduced (Snowden et al. 1991). This suppression, termed motion opponency, is not a guaranteed result; V1 neurons, for in- SEGMENTATION stance, are not substantially affected by non- Although pooling is an important stage in preferred motion directions, consistent with motion processing, it introduces its own

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from their approximately linear behavior (Qian & problems. It is not uncommon for more Andersen 1995). Snowden et al. demonstrated than one moving object to appear in the that nonpreferred motions exhibited a sup- same part of visual space, and pooling these pression in MT that was roughly divisive; movements would obviously be inappropri- that is, the nonpreferred pattern tended to ate because there is nothing meaningful about reduce the response gain for the preferred- the joint (say, average) velocity of two inde- direction pattern. Later studies by Qian & pendent objects. Therefore, pooling mech- Andersen showed that suppression of MT by anisms need to be accompanied by pars- nonpreferred directions is particularly strong ing mechanisms that distinguish groups of · Structure and Function of Area MT 173 AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

signals to be integrated separately (Nowlan that MT neurons are critically involved in & Sejnowski 1995, Hildreth et al. 1995). segmenting an image into separately moving Several lines of evidence suggest that MT parts. neurons are equipped with response proper- ties that allow them to carry out, or at least contribute to, this parsing. For one thing, the THE COMPUTATION OF suppression of MT responses normally ex- STRUCTURE erted by nonpreferred motion is relaxed when One of the most important discoveries since the nonpreferred and preferred motions oc- MT was first located was the binocular dis- cur in separate depth planes (Bradley et al. parity tuning of its neurons. Maunsell & 1995). Opposing movements in the same part Van Essen (1983a) showed, using stereoscopic of 2D visual space usually are separated in moving bars, that a majority of MT cells depth (otherwise they would collide), which were disparity selective, although it is now would tend to prevent the pooling and cancel- known that moving dots, which have a broader lation of motion signals emanating from dif- frequency content, reveal selectivity in al- ferent objects. Also, most MT neurons have most all MT cells. The tuning resembles an antagonistic surround that is least suppres- sigmoids, Gaussians, and shapes in between. sive under conditions where center and sur- Curves sometimes peak near zero disparity, round stimuli move in different directions and but usually they peak or flatten out well to speeds and at different stereoscopic depths the left or right. Therefore, with some ex- (See Surround Mechanisms). This could be a ceptions, these neurons are tuned “near” or mechanism for emphasizing the relative mo- “far,” with about a twofold preponderance of tion of an object against its background. Other the near-tuned (Bradley & Andersen 1998). studies suggest that more complex mecha- Importantly, Maunsell & Van Essen showed nisms may be in place. For example, Albright that MT neurons are not tuned for motion and colleagues superimposed square wave through 3D space. They are simply tuned gratings and manipulated the luminance at for a certain 2D direction in a plane a cer- the overlaps, according to physical transmit- tain distance from the fixation point. This re- tance rules, to produce stimuli that looked ei- mained something of an anomaly until the ther transparent (separate gratings) or coher- mid-1990s when experimenters began search- ent (single plaid) in their static state. They ing for possible functions of disparity in MT. then demonstrated that single MT neurons First, they showed that null-direction motion, could exhibit either pattern- or component- which normally suppresses MT activity, be-

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. like direction tuning, depending on whether comes less suppressive if it occurs outside the the stimulus was in its coherent or trans- preferred depth plane of the neuron. The sup- parent configuration, respectively (Stoner & pression is itself thought to have a role in noise Albright 1992, Stoner & Albright 1996). reduction, so this depth constraint provides a These results could reflect external pars- way of confining the filtering mechanism to ing mechanisms that influence MT, but a particular surface. Later it was shown that

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from they could also reflect low-level mechanisms surround inhibition is also modulated by dis- where the overlap regions of the plaids are parity, predictably in such a way as to min- detected by nonlinear mechanisms in V1, imize inhibition when the surround stimu- leading to a change in the distribution of lus is outside the depth plane containing the inputs to MT. Finally, MT neurons are center stimulus (Bradley & Andersen 1998). better able to extract signal (motion) from This could be a mechanism for segmenting noise when the two have different isoluminant an object from its background. So there is (Croner & Albright 1997, 1999). All to- some evidence that disparity is wired into gether the evidence rather strongly suggests MT in a way that facilitates the processing of

174 Born · Bradley AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

visual motion, presumably for purposes of noise reduction, segmentation, and probably other functions. However, subsequent studies suggested that MT is involved in the perception of depth itself (Bradley et al. 1998, DeAngelis et al. 1998, Dodd et al. 2001). Two groups of inves- tigators trained monkeys to view revolving cylinders whose direction of revolution was unspecified in the stimulus, but which nev- ertheless appeared to rotate (Figure 9). The perceived rotation was bistable, and monkeys reported their percept on each trial. Both groups found a clear correlation between MT firing rates and the monkeys’ judgments. In terms of motion, both percepts meant seeing Figure 9 two, opposite directions; the only difference properties is the presence of inhomogeneities was the order of these directions in depth. within the receptive field with respect to Schematic illustrating cylinder So these were the first neural correlates tuning for both speed (Treue & Andersen experiments first of the perception of depth. In fact, Dodd 1996) and binocular disparity (Nguyenkim used to link depth et al. (2001) computed choice probability, a & DeAngelis 2003). As a moving textured perception to MT. measure of the correlation between percep- surface in the fronto-parallel plane is either A monkey views the tion and neural activity (Britten et al. 1996), tilted forward or backward or slanted to orthographic projection, or and found the strongest neuro-perceptual the right or left, the retinal projection of shadow, of dots correlation of any MT study, to date. local motion and depth vectors will form a revolving on a This role for MT in depth perception gradient in both speed and disparity. If MT transparent, has only been strengthened by additional neuronal receptive fields possessed systematic cylindric surface. experiments. In fact, of the criteria linking variation in these tuning properties as a The planar image contains only dots neurons to perception proposed by Parker & function of position within their receptive moving in opposite Newsome (1998), the only important one fields, the resulting structure might serve directions, but the that has yet to be met is that of MT lesions as a template for a particular 3D surface observer perceives a affecting disparity judgments. Thus far, orientation. Indeed, both of the above groups three-dimensional this research has rigorously demonstrated have demonstrated tuning for surface orien- revolving cylinder. Monkeys are trained

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. (a) neuronal selectivity for disparity (Maunsell tation on the basis of either cue alone. The to report the &Van Essen 1983b, DeAngelis & Uka 2003), group testing speed gradients confined their perception of (b) neuronal disparity sensitivity that is suffi- stimuli to the receptive field center, but it structure (Siegel & cient to account for the abilities of monkeys appears that, if asymmetries of the surround Andersen 1988) or to perform coarse disparity discrimination described above are included, the tuning the direction of revolution (Bradley tasks (Uka & DeAngelis 2003), (c)apredictive to speed gradients may become even more et al. 1998, Dodd

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from relationship between MT neuronal activity marked (Xiao et al. 1997a). Furthermore, it et al. 2001). and monkeys’ perceptual decisions concern- now appears that at least some MT neurons ing depth (Uka & DeAngelis 2004), and are selective for surface orientation defined (d ) the ability to predictably bias monkey’s by both cues. In such cases, the selectivity is disparity judgments by microstimulation of generally consistent and reenforcing, in that disparity columns favoring a given depth tuning is sharper to gradients defined by the (DeAngelis et al. 1998). combination than by gradients defined by Another hint that MT neurons may either cue alone (Nguyenkim & DeAngelis be involved in the extraction of surface 2004). · Structure and Function of Area MT 175 AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

EXTRARETINAL EFFECTS magnitude than those found in MST, one of the next higher-tier motion-processing areas For most behavior, visual information must be to which MT projects. And it is telling that integrated with other, nonvisual information. this type of effect was initially discovered in an An example of this is the use of copies of the area still further up the hierarchy—7a of pos- signals used to generate eye movements, so- terior parietal cortex (Andersen et al. 1985), called efference copy or corollary discharge, where the effects of eye position are even more to aid in disambiguating retinal motion caused profound and where vestibular, auditory, and by the eye movements themselves from that somatosensory information is also integrated due to motion of an object. In ascending the (Andersen et al. 1997). None of these latter hierarchy of visual areas, at least in the dor- signals are known to influence neurons in MT, sal stream, such extraretinal influences tend to and anatomical data would suggest they are become increasingly powerful. Thus, whereas unlikely to do so. investigators have reported small-to-modest Perhaps the most prevalent nonretinal effects of eye position (Bremmer et al. 1997), influence on MT neurons is that of . saccadic eye movements (Thiele et al. 2002), This is manifest as an enhanced neuronal and attention (Treue & Maunsell 1996) for response to visual stimuli when an animal some MT neurons, much larger and more is attending to either the spatial location of prevalent effects of these signals have been the neuron’s receptive field (Seidemann & found in areas above MT, particularly MST Newsome 1999, Treue & Maunsell 1999) or and LIP. So, at least to a first approximation, to some preferred neuronal feature, such as MT is a relatively faithful representation of a particular direction of motion (Treue & events occurring on the retina. Martinez-Trujillo 1999). The gain increase The issue of extraretinal influences in the appears to be a straightforward multiplication dorsal stream was first examined by Wurtz’s of the responses, without any changes in the group at the National institutes of Health shape of the direction tuning curve (Treue (NIH) in the context of smooth-pursuit eye & Maunsell 1999) nor in the nature of the movements (Newsome et al. 1988). MT neu- underlying motion computations (Cook & ronal signals are important for the initiation of Maunsell 2004). However, the magnitude pursuit (see Lisberger et al. 1987 for review), of the gain may change both as a function and many MT neurons with foveal receptive of stimulus contrast (Martinez-Trujillo & fields are also active during ongoing pursuit. Treue 2002) and, for feature-based attention, However, when Newsome et al. (1988) elim- as a function of the similarity between the inated retinal motion, either by briefly extin-

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. attended feature and that preferred by the guishing the target or by using the recorded neuron, actually becoming negative as the at- eye movements to stabilize the target’s im- tended feature approaches the antipreferred age on the retina, the MT responses disap- feature of the neuron (Martinez-Trujillo peared. This result stood in marked contrast &Treue 2004). As for other extraretinal to many neurons in MST that showed con- effects, however, the general magnitude of tinued directional responses under the same

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from attentional modulation in MT appears to conditions. follow the cortical hierarchy: Attentional Subsequent groups have found some ten- modulation strengths range from less than dency for the position of the eye in the or- 10% in V1 (McAdams & Maunsell 1999), to bit to affect the overall level of responsiveness a ballpark figure of 20%–30% in MT (Treue of some MT neurons, without affecting their & Maunsell 1999), to values well over 50% tuning for direction (Bremmer et al. 1997). in higher-tier areas, such as MST and 7a But, in line with the idea of hierarchy, the ef- (Maunsell & Cook 2002). fects in MT were both rarer and smaller in

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PERCEPTUAL CORRELATES the University of Chicago showed that when AND POPULATION CODES monkeys performed fine direction discrimi- nation, neuronal sensitivity was at best 2–3 Single-Neuron Sensitivity times worse than the observer as a whole, In classic experiments at Stanford University, and no amount of pooling could account Newsome and colleagues trained macaques for the psychophysical data unless the most to watch moving dot patterns and then in- sensitive neurons were selectively pooled dicate which of two opposite directions they (Purushothaman & Bradley 2005). The dif- had seen (see Parker & Newsome 1998 for ferent results obtained by the two groups review). The strength of the motion signal probably reflects important differences in the was controlled by varying the fraction of dots tasks they used. The Stanford task used a moving coherently, and the remaining dots large direction difference embedded in noise, moved in random directions. The task was whereas the Chicago stimuli were noise-free executed simultaneously with the recording but the monkeys had to discriminate very of single MT neurons, in each case align- small direction differences. One would expect ing the coherent motion axis with the pre- the former task to reflect the sensitivity and fil- ferred direction of the recorded neuron. Us- tering capability of the neurons, whereas the ing methods from signal detection theory, latter task should depend more on the slopes Newsome and colleagues were able to com- of the direction tuning curves. Of course, both pare neuronal sensitivity directly with that of tasks probe critical aspects of MT process- the monkey itself. Remarkably, they discov- ing. The point is that a neuron’s sensitivity ered that most MT neurons were at least as relative to the observer is likely to depend sensitive as the monkey itself. Later, the same on the task, and in particular the computa- group defined the choice probability (CP), tional role the neuron plays in the decision an extension of detection theory, which re- process. flects the correlation between a subject’s judg- Other examples reinforce this idea. Uka ments and random fluctuations in a single & DeAngelis (2004) trained monkeys in a neuron’s firing rate. For their task, the mean near/far-depth-judgment task and compared CP in macaques was only 0.55; chance was their sensitivity with that of MT neurons. 0.50 and perfect correlation was 1. In a com- In each case the near and far depths were putational analysis, Shadlen et al. (1996) con- set at the worst and best values for the MT cluded that roughly 70–100 neurons would cell being studied, much like testing a neu- have been involved in the decision pool for ron with its preferred and antipreferred direc-

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. the task, far more than would seem necessary tions. Though depth differences were large, considering the exquisite sensitivity of single the task was made difficult by adding noise cells. to the stimulus. They found that single neu- Shadlen et al. (1996) suggested several pos- rons were on average as sensitive as the ob- sible reasons for the discrepancy, including servers. In contrast, Liu & Newsome (2003a, correlated noise in MT’s inputs, which would 2005) trained monkeys to discriminate small

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from limit the benefits obtained by pooling, noise speed differences and found that MT neurons in downstage decision processes, and the like- were much less sensitive than the observers. lihood that, owing to limitations in the pre- Overall, it would seem that single MT neu- cision of cortical connectivity, signals from rons are exquisitely sensitive when the task relatively insensitive neurons would also be is to detect a large direction or disparity dif- included, thus degrading the calculation. But ference that is heavily corrupted by noise, but this coarse pooling may not occur under all they are less sensitive (relative to the observer) conditions. For example, a recent study at when the task requires fine discrimination · Structure and Function of Area MT 177 AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

of the relevant cue (e.g., direction or Vector Summation versus speed). Winner-Take-All Yet another important factor in inter- For any simple moving stimulus, the re- preting such studies is the role of temporal sponse distribution in MT assumes a roughly integration. The Stanford experiments Gaussian shape. By “simple” we mean that the used stimulus presentation intervals of two stimulus is translating, rigid, and not rotating; seconds, after which time monkeys indicated by “distribution” we refer to the mean firing their decision. If the monkeys actually made plotted on the ordinate versus the preferred their decisions much earlier, however, this direction of the neurons on the abscissa. Un- could affect the ratio of neuron-to-observer der the same visual circumstances that create sensitivity because the signal detection anal- such a distribution in MT, subjects accurately ysis used the entire two seconds to compute perceive the direction of the moving stimulus. neuronal sensitivity (Mazurek & Shadlen Given the mountain of evidence linking MT 2002). Cook & Maunsell (2002) found some to direction perception, we seek to determine support for this idea in monkeys trained in how the response distribution is linked to the a reaction time task with variable-coherence direction perception. More formally, we rec- stimuli. When integration times were com- ognize that the response distribution is char- mensurate for neurons and observers, the acterized by many numbers—the firing rates neuronal sensitivity was found to be sub- of many neurons—but the perceived direction stantially less than observers. Some caution is a single number. So there must be a code, a is warranted, however, because the task was rule, for the conversion of many to one. But not identical to that used in the Stanford what is it? experiments. In contrast, Britten et al. (1992) Tw o simple possibilities come to mind. showed that psychophysical and neural First, the direction percept may derive from thresholds declined similarly with shorter the peak of the distribution; that is, the pre- stimulus presentations, which would produce ferred direction of the most active neurons similar neuron/observer-sensitivity ratios is taken by decision networks as the direc- regardless of the particular time window tion signal. Second, the overall distribution chosen. Uka & DeAngelis (2004) also found mean could constitute the direction signal. a similarly small effect of integration interval The Newsome lab has also attempted to probe on neuronal sensitivity in their disparity these two potential mechanisms using mi- task, probably because of serial correlation crostimulation (Groh et al. 1997, Nichols & (Osborne et al. 2004). Overall, the bulk Newsome 2002). The basic experiments in-

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. of the evidence suggests that observers volved a moving visual target paired with the probably do make decisions in less than two electrical stimulation of neurons tuned to a seconds, and that information continues to different direction, and animals were required accumulate for two seconds in spike trains, either to pursue the visual target or to re- assuming it is extracted with the type of port simply the direction of motion they per- signal detection analysis used in the detection ceived. The authors’ rationale was that if di-

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from and discrimination experiments discussed rection percepts derive from activity peaks, above. That said, the effects probably are then the animals’ answers should center on not dramatic, and the basic claim of the early either the direction of the visual target or the Stanford experiments, that monkeys could direction encoded by the stimulated neurons. perform the task in question with a relatively In comparison, if direction percepts depend small number of neurons—compared with on the activity distribution as a whole, then the hundreds or thousands of neurons one the perceived direction should lie somewhere might suspect—is probably correct. in between. The general finding of these

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experiments was that direction percepts are tivity, one would expect MT firing rates to usually somewhere between the two extremes, correlate with speed judgments. Indeed, pre- suggesting that direction percepts derived liminary evidence suggests that they do (Liu & from pooled activity rather than from activ- Newsome 2005). ity peaks. But a potential confound in these Lisberger & Movshon (1999) studied MT experiments is that animals might have per- responses to accelerating random dot pat- ceived two directions at one time. Forced to terns. Judging from the neurons’ sustained fir- choose a single direction, they may have set- ing rates, there was no evidence for single- tled on a strategy of splitting the difference. neuron encoding of acceleration. However, There is, however, no evidence for this. using a measure of the neurons’ transient re- Besides the winner-take-all and vector- sponses and taking their weighted average, the average hypotheses, Weiss et al. (2002) have authors could accurately predict the target’s proposed a Bayesian model of motion percep- acceleration. This result was important not tion, which could be implemented with ap- only because it was the first evidence for ac- propriate weighting of MT responses. Unlike celeration coding in MT, but also because it vector-average and winner-take-all schemes, revealed a signal quite hidden in the popula- the model would address the MT response tion response. One wonders how many other distribution probabilistically; as such, it could kinds of information are encoded in such dis- take into account the effects of noise on un- tributed forms. certainty and allow the introduction of pri- ors (biases). The model can explain a remark- able array of psychophysical observations, so CONCLUSIONS it will be interesting to test the model with Cortical physiologists often claim—whether MT recordings as well. or not it is true—that in studying a particu- lar area they hope to discover general princi- ples of cortical function. One could argue that Distributed Speed and Acceleration more information has been learned from MT Codes than from any other visual area. We make this Maunsell & Van Essen (1983b) found that bold claim because MT has, in many ways, MT cells were generally broadly speed tuned disappointed its explorers, who initially ex- but, by and large, tended to have distinct pre- pected a number of obvious contributions to ferred speeds. Lagae et al. (1993) later distin- motion processing but did not find them. Al- guished MT neurons in terms of their speed though MT may slightly extend motion de-

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. tuning as being low-pass, high-pass, or band- tection to longer ranges and higher speeds, pass. Because high-pass neurons generally in- these are clearly not its main functions; nor creased firing as stimulus speed increased, does it make the obvious step from speed tun- they pointed out that the overall mean ac- ing (as in V1) to acceleration tuning, at least tivity of these cells could be used to gauge in single neurons. So it is a testament to the the stimulus speed. Recently, both Church- persistence and ingenuity of researchers in the

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from land et al. (2001) and Priebe & Lisberger field that visual motion research has reexam- (2004) found that speed percepts in macaques ined itself and reapproached the study of MT were consistent with the firing rate-weighted in a variety of novel and fruitful ways. These average preferred speed of MT neurons. new approaches and their results have been Lisberger & Movshon (1999) successfully the focus of this review. used a similar population average to account Overall, MT does not appear to detect for changes in stimulus speed in anesthetized or measure visual motion; this computation monkeys. Because the population average can occurs in V1. It also does not elaborate shift only if single neurons change their ac- substantially on this basic signal; for example, · Structure and Function of Area MT 179 AR245-NE28-07 ARI 16 March 2005 1:3

direction tuning is not much sharper in MT, MT is involved in the computation of struc- and speed tuning is not much broader. One ture (although the first evidence for this fact of MT’s main functions—that is, above and dates back to Siegel & Andersen 1988). The BDA: biotinylated dextran amine beyond what is done in V1—concerns inte- sensitivity of MT neurons to speed gradients; gration and segmentation. Obviously, its large the correlation between MT responses and FEF: frontal eye field receptive fields combine information over the perception of 3D cylinders; and the re- space, and it integrates V1 inputs and com- markable integration of direction, speed, and LGN: lateral geniculate nucleus bines them, at least under some conditions, disparity gradients all make a compelling case to compute pattern motion. Its opponent that MT is processing motion but doing more LIP: lateral intraparietal area mechanisms probably have a noise-reducing than computing the direction and speed of effect. But with integration, new problems motion. MT: middle temporal area arise, in particular, the inappropriate merging One of the important, largely unexplored of independent moving objects. MT appears questions about MT is how its population MST: medial superior temporal to have built-in mechanisms to deal with response is read out for different tasks. area this. For example, opponency has a disparity Several studies have addressed this question; MSTd: dorsal constraint, and possibly other constraints, to however, there are many ways to decode a subdivision of MST limit integration to a particular depth. And population (Seung & Sompolinsky 1993, MSTl: lateral the center-surround apparatus is direction- Weiss et al. 2002, Ben Hamed et al. 2003), subdivision of MST and disparity-constrained in such a way that and many experiments will be required before PIP: posterior neurons tend to segment motion from its we understand the mathematics between MT intraparietal area background. activities and downstream behavior. Because SC: superior The idea that MT deals only with segmen- its response properties are well understood colliculus tation and integration might have sufficed up and because of its tight links to perception, V1: primary visual until the mid 1990s, but since then, a series MT is an ideal place to evaluate models of cortex, striate cortex of remarkable studies has made it clear that population decoding. or area 17 V2: second visual area V3: third visual area ACKNOWLEDGMENTS V3A: V3 accessory We thank numerous colleagues who aided in the preparation of this review: M. Churchland, area G. DeAngelis, K.P. Hoffmann, J. Liu, J.A. Movshon, W. Newsome, K. Rockland, A. Thiele, V4: fourth visual and S. Treue for providing preliminary data and figure material; V. Berezovskii for help area with anatomical tables; E. Adelson, J. Allman, T. Albright, D. Heeger, J. Kaas, N. Priebe,

by HARVARD COLLEGE on 04/14/05. For personal use only. V5: MT E. Simoncelli, and S. Zeki for helpful discussions and comments on earlier drafts; and C. Pack VIP: ventral and G. Purushothaman for invaluable insight. Supported by EY11379 (R.T.B.) and NS40690 intraparietal area and EY13138 (D.C.B.). VP: ventral posterior area LITERATURE CITED Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 0.0:${article.fPage}-${article.lPage}. Downloaded from Adelson EH, Bergen JR. 1985. Spatiotemporal energy models for the perception of motion. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2(2):284–99 Adelson EH, Movshon JA. 1982. Phenomenal coherence of moving visual patterns. Nature 300(5892):523–25 Albright TD. 1984. Direction and orientation selectivity of neurons in visual area MT of the macaque. J. Neurophysiol. 52(6):1106–30 Albright TD, Desimone R, Gross CG. 1984. Columnar organization of directionally selective cells in visual area MT of the macaque. J. Neurophysiol. 51(1):16–31

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