Laois County Council Comhairle Chontae Laoise

Appendix 1 : Record of Protected Structures (RPS)

Laois County Development Plan 2017-2023

Adopted 26th June 2017

In effect from 24th July 2017



A Protected Structure [formally referred to as listed building] is a structure that a local authority considers to be of special interest from an architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical point of view. The protection given to a structure applies to all parts of the structure, including the interior, the land lying within the curtilage of the structure, any other structures lying within that curtilage and their interiors and all fixtures and features.

Details of Protected Structures are entered by the authority in its Record of Protected Structures, which is part of the Development Plan. Each owner and occupier of a Protected Structure is legally obliged to ensure that the structure is preserved. Each owner and occupier shall ensure that the structure or any element of it which contributes to its special interest is not endangered. Any person who, without lawful authority, causes damage to a protected structure shall be guilty of an offence.

It is important to note that when a structure is protected it does not mean that the structure must be preserved exactly as it is, rather, it allows for managed change through the planning process, with the objective of retaining the qualities of the structure which give it its special interest.

The addition or deletion of a structure is a reserved function of the elected representatives of the Council in their functional area.

1.1 What is the governing legislation for a Protected Structure?

According to Section 10(2)(f) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, a Development Plan shall contain objectives for:

“The protection of structure, or parts of structures, which are of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest.”

Section 51(1) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, indicates the rationale for providing a Record of Protected Structures, stating that

“ For the purposes of protecting structures, or parts of structures, which form part of the architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest, every development plan shall include a record of protected structures, and shall include in that record every structure which is, in the opinion of the planning authority, of such interest within its functional area.”

1.2 How does a structure become a Protected Structure?

A structure becomes a Protected Structure when it is included in the Record of Protected Structures compiled by the planning authority. A planning authority must follow certain procedures if it proposes to deem a structure to be a Protected Structure. These involve notifying the owners and occupiers of the structure and certain interested bodies of the proposal and also notifying the public by means of a newspaper advertisement. The owner or occupier of the structure, along with any member of the public, is entitled to make comments on the proposal to the authority. These comments are taken into account before the planning authority’s elected members decide whether or not the structure should become a Protected Structure.


1.3 What obligations fall on owners and occupiers to ensure the preservation of a Protected Structure?

Under Section 58 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, each owner and occupier must ensure that a Protected Structure or any element of a Protected Structure is not endangered through harm, decay or damage, whether over a short or long period, through neglect or through direct or indirect means.

1.4 Do special procedures apply to a Protected Structure under the planning system?

Yes. Under the planning system, many minor works to structures do not normally require planning permission. These works are known as exempted development. However, for a protected structure, such works can be carried out without planning permission only if the works would not affect the character of the structure or any element of the structure that contributes to its special interest. An owner may request that the local authority provide a Declaration as to what is exempted development in each individual case.

Depending on the nature of the structure, planning permission could, for example, be required for:

• Interior decorating such as plastering or painting

• Works which involve the removal of original material

• Works which require the application of new material over existing (dry lining, etc)

• Reslating without re-use of existing slates

• Replastering in all cases

• Re-pointing in most cases

• Removal of renders to expose stone

• New opes for doors and windows

• Replacement of entire windows and doors

• All demolition works including outbuildings

• Works to boundary walls

• Works which are likely to impact on the setting of the structure

1.5 How do owners or occupiers know which works require planning permission?

An owner or occupier of a Protected Structure may request, under Section 57 of the Planning & Development Act, 2000, as amended, the local authority to issue a declaration indicating the types of works that could be carried out without affecting the character of the structure or any element of the structure which contributes to its special interest. These works would not require planning permission. A local authority will, in general, issue such a declaration within 12 weeks of receiving such a request.


1.6 How does an owner or an occupier apply for planning permission to carry out works to a Protected Structure?

A planning application involving a Protected Structure is generally made in the same way as any other planning application. However, because of the sensitivity of most Protected Structures to inappropriate works, a planning application for works to a Protected Structure will generally be required to be more detailed. The relevant newspaper and site notice for the planning application must indicate that the application relates to a Protected Structure. Additional information on how the proposed development would affect the character of the structure must be submitted with the application. The local authority will consult other bodies, including the Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government, the Heritage Council and An Taisce before making a decision on the application.

1.7 Are there any measures in place to assist owners and occupiers to preserve a Protected Structure?

Yes. A scheme of grants, called Conservation Grants Scheme, is operated by Laois County Council [and all local authorities] to assist the owner or occupier of a protected structure undertake works considered necessary to secure its conservation. The Council will prioritise applications for grant aid on the basis of the qualifying criteria [as established by the Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government] being satisfied.

1.8 Do local authorities have special powers in relation to a Protected Structure?

Yes. A local authority may:

• require an owner or an occupier of a Protected Structure to carry out works if it considers that the structure is or may become endangered;

• require an owner or an occupier of a Protected Structure to carry out works if it considers that character of the structure ought to be restored;

• acquire, by agreement or compulsorily, a Protected Structure if it considers that this is desirable or necessary in relation to the protection of the structure.

1.9 Are owners and occupiers liable to penalties?

Yes. Penalties for wrongdoing are stringent. A fine of up to €12.7 million and €12,700 for each day of a continuing offence and/or a term of imprisonment of up to 2 years can be imposed on an owner or an occupier who:

• Endangers a Protected Structure or undertakes any works to a Protected Structure without the necessary planning permission

• Fails to carry out works, ordered by a local authority, to a Protected Structure



The law governing Protected Structures is set out in the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended and the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended.

In addition to the baseline legislation, the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government has produced several guidance documents in relation to the detailed on-going care and maintenance of protected structures. These include:

1. A Guide To Protected Buildings.

2. Action on Architecture 2002-2005 Advice Series.

3. Maintenance - a guide to the care of older buildings (2007).

4. Windows - a guide to the repair of historic windows (2007).

5. Architectural Heritage Protection - Guidelines for Planning Authorities [2004]

Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 2 - Record of Protected Structures Chapter 3 - Architectural Conservation Areas Chapter 4 - Declarations Chapter 5 - Places of Public Worship Chapter 6 - Development Control Chapter 7 - Conservation Principles Chapter 8 - Walls & Other Structural Elements Chapter 9 - Roofs Chapter 10 - Openings: Doors & Windows Chapter 11 - Interiors Chapter 12 - Shopfronts Chapter 13 - Curtilage & Attendant Grounds Chapter 14 - Non Habitable Protected Structures Chapter 15 - Enabling & Temporary Works Chapter 16 - Making Good Disaster Damage Chapter 17 - Alterations to Enhance Fire Safety Chapter 18 - Improving Access Chapter 19 - Maintenance Appendices


6. Conservation Guidelines Pamphlet Series (1996)

Conservation Guidelines No1 - Conservation Principles/General Information (1996). Conservation Guidelines No2 - Sources of Information (1996). Conservation Guidelines No3 - Windows (1996). Conservation Guidelines No4 - Mortars, Pointing and Renders (1996). Conservation Guidelines No 5 - Interior Joinery and Fittings (1996). Conservation Guidelines No 6 - Decorative Plasterwork (1996). Conservation Guidelines No 7 - Stone Walling (1996). Conservation Guidelines No8 - Brickwork and Stonework (1996). Conservation Guidelines No9 - Paving and Street Furniture (1996). Conservation Guidelines No10 - Roofs and Rainwater Goods (1996). Conservation Guidelines No 11- Rising Damp and Timber Decay. Conservation Guidelines No 12 – Interior Decoration and Finishes (1996). Conservation Guidelines No13- Ironwork (1996). Conservation Guidelines No14 - Shopfronts (1996). Conservation Guidelines No15 - Settings and Landscape. Conservation Guidelines No16 - Fire Safety, Security and Maintenance (1996).

7. Thatched Structures in Ireland:

Report on the Present and Future Protection of Thatched Structures in Ireland- Executive Summary. Report on the Present and Future Protection of Thatched Structures in Ireland- Volume 1 The Action Plan. Report on the Present and Future Protection of Thatched Structures in Ireland- Volume 2 Supporting Information.

Copies of the legislation governing protected buildings, subsequent regulations, and guidance documents may be purchased from the Government Publications Sales Office, or on the Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Governments website ( Guidance documents are also available on the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) website (

2.2 Explanation of the Format of the RPS Listings

RPS No.: Denotes the unique number given to it within the Laois County Council’s Record of Protected Structures document. This will be the identifying number referred to on all correspondence relating to the structure.

NIAH No.: This is the unique number assigned to the structure by the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage section of the Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government. Not every protected structure has a NIAH reference number.

Address: Denotes the building address of the protected building, feature or structure.

Townland: Denotes the townland in which the protected structure is located.


Photograph: This is a photo of the protected structure.

Rating: Each structure or building is described in terms of its individual architectural heritage quality and character. Importance Rating Codes are used on each structure in order to ascertain its relative architectural heritage merits. The assessment of a structure’s heritage significance is not directly affected by its condition. The evaluation of a structure is related to its extant fabric and not to the manner in which it has been maintained.

Rating Codes:

National: Structure or Building which make a significant contribution to the architectural heritage of Ireland across the country at large.

Regional: Structure or Building within their own area or region and also form a comparative basis when the structures of particular regions are compared with those of other defined regions within Ireland.

Local: Structures or Buildings which make a significant contribution to the architectural heritage within their own locality.

Additions to the RPS under the Laois County Development Plan 2017-2023

RPS Address Town / NIAH no. as Photograph NIAH rating, Ref. Townland applies unless No. otherwise stated RPS Early 19th century 12504147 LOCAL 975 stable wall at the rear of No 11 Coote Street, Portlaoise (corner of Coote Street and Station Road)



Objectives and Policies relating to Protected Structures are contained in Volume I, Chapter 14.

The Minister recommends structures deemed of regional importance or national importance by the NIAH be added to the Record of Protected Structures; submissions or observations relating to these structures will be forwarded to the DoEHLG.

Additions in this table comprise curtilage buildings or composite elements of existing Protected Structures. Other proposed additions are listed in separate tables below. RPS Address Town / NIAH no. Photograph NIAH rating, Ref. Townland as applies unless otherwise No. stated RPS Heritage Centre 12900701 Regional 056 (Abbeyleix North School), Abbeyleix

RPS Main Street, Abbeyleix 057 Abbeyleix

RPS Purcell's, Main Abbeyleix 058 Street, Abbeyleix

RPS Sue Ryder, Main Abbeyleix 059 Street, Abbeyleix

RPS Newsagency, Main Abbeyleix 060 Street, Abbeyleix

RPS AIB, Main Street, Abbeyleix 061 Abbeyleix

RPS 5 Bay 2 Storey Abbeyleix 062 House, Main Street, Abbeyleix

RPS "Ireland's Own Abbeyleix 12900708 Regional 063 Antiques”, Market Square, Abbeyleix


RPS Benny's Pub, Main Abbeyleix 064 Street, Abbeyleix

RPS Credit Union, Main Abbeyleix 12900709 Regional 065 Street, Abbeyleix

RPS Bank of Ireland, Abbeyleix 12900711 Regional 066 Main Street, Abbeyleix

RPS O'Donnell's Medical Abbeyleix 12900710 Regional 067 Hall, Main Street, Abbeyleix

RPS Bramley’s, Main Abbeyleix 12900712 Regional 068 Street, Abbeyleix

RPS McEvoy Pub, Abbeyleix 12900714 Regional 069 Main Street, Abbeyleix

RPS Former First Abbeyleix 070 National, Main Street, Abbeyleix

RPS Preston House, Abbeyleix 12900723 Regional 071 Main Street, Abbeyleix

RPS Epworth Hall, Main Abbeyleix 12900724 Regional 072 Street, Abbeyleix

RPS J. Quinn (2 X 3-Bay Abbeyleix Regional 073 2-Storey Houses), Main Street, Abbeyleix

RPS Hibernian Hotel Abbeyleix 12900727 Regional 074_A (Abbeyleix Constabulary Barracks), Pembroke Terrace, Abbeyleix


RPS Hibernian Hotel, Abbeyleix 12900728 Regional 074_B Pembroke Terrace, Abbeyleix

RPS Abbeyleix Post Abbeyleix 12900729 Regional 074_C Office (Old), Pembroke Terrace, Abbeyleix

RPS Abbeyleix Abbeyleix 12900726 Regional 075 Constabulary Barracks Inspector's House, Pembroke Terrace, Abbeyleix

RPS Anita's Hair Salon, Abbeyleix 076 Main Street, Abbeyleix

RPS House Abbeyleix 12900731 Regional 077 Shop, Main Street, Abbeyleix

RPS The Kiln (Horse n' Abbeyleix 12900732 Regional 078 Riders), Main Street, Abbeyleix

RPS Morrissey's, Main Abbeyleix 12900733 Regional 079 Street, Abbeyleix

RPS Moran's, Main Abbeyleix 12900735 Regional 080 Street, Abbeyleix

RPS Horseshoe Inn, The Abbeyleix 081 Square, Abbeyleix

RPS Mooney Pub Abbeyleix 12900704 Regional 082 Market Square, Abbeyleix


RPS McDonnell, Market Abbeyleix 12900705 Regional 083 Square, Abbeyleix

RPS The Folkhouse, Abbeyleix 12900706 Local 084 Stucker Hill, Abbeyleix

RPS Abbeyleix Abbeyleix 12900707 Regional 085 Courthouse (Old), Stucker Hill, Abbeyleix

RPS Abbeyleix Market Abbeyleix 12900736 Regional 086 House, Market Square, Abbeyleix

RPS Abbeyleix South Abbeyleix 12900721 Regional 087 National School, Ballycolla Road, Abbeyleix

RPS Church of Ireland Abbeyleix 12900720 Regional 088_A Church & Ballycolla Road, Abbeyleix

RPS Abbeyleix Sexton's Abbeyleix 12900722 Local 088_B House/Heritage Centre, Ballycolla Road, Abbeyleix

RPS Catholic Church of Abbeyleix 12900702 National 089 the Holy Rosary, Church Avenue, Abbeyleix

RPS Second Viscount de Abbeyleix 12900703 Regional 752 Vesci Memorial, Market Square, Abbeyleix

RPS Laois Cleaners, Abbeyleix 12900713 Regional 754 Main Street, Abbeyleix


RPS House, Main Street, Abbeyleix 12900715 Regional 755 Abbeyleix

RPS Third Viscount de Abbeyleix 12900716 Regional 756 Vesci Memorial, Main Street, Abbeyleix

RPS Abbeyleix Abbeyleix 12900717 Regional 757 Courthouse (New), Ballycolla Road, Abbeyleix

RPS Wingfield Abbeyleix 12900718 Regional 758 Memorial, Ballycolla Road, Abbeyleix

RPS Abbeyleix Railway Abbeyleix 12900719 Regional 759 Station, Ballycolla Road, Abbeyleix

RPS Old Manse, Main Abbeyleix 12900725 Regional 760 Street, Abbeyleix

RPS House, Main Street, Abbeyleix 12900730 Regional 761 Abbeyleix

RPS House, Main Street, Abbeyleix 12900734 Regional 762 Abbeyleix

RPS Oatlands House, Abbeyleix 816 Abbeyleix

RPS Allwort House, Abbeyleix 817 Carlow Road, Abbeyleix


RPS Bluegate House Abbeyleix 12802938 Regional 090_A (Former School), Demesne Abbeyleix Demesne, Abbeyleix RPS 90 Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix 12802350 Regional –B Church of Ireland Demesne

RPS Abbeyleix House, Abbeyleix 12802350 National 090_C Abbeyleix Demesne Demesne, Abbeyleix

RPS Abbeyleix Abbeyleix 12802949 Regional 090_P Demesne, single- Demesne arch bridge

RPS Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix 12802947 Regional 090_N boathhouse Demesne

RPS Detached house, Abbeyleix 12802351 Regional 090_O Abbeyleix Demesne Demesne

RPS Stable Yard, Abbeyleix 12802352 Regional 090_D Abbeyleix Demesne Demesne, Abbeyleix

RPS Farmhouse Abbeyleix 12802951 Regional 090_F complex Demesne

RPS Old Dairy, Abbeyleix 090_G Abbeyleix Demesne Demesne, Abbeyleix

RPS Abbeyleix Demesne Abbeyleix 12802945 Regional 090_H Monk's Bridge Demesne

RPS The Old Laundry, Abbeyleix 12802340 Regional 090_I Abbeyleix Demesne Demesne, Abbeyleix


RPS Lace Cottage, Abbeyleix 090_J Abbeyleix Demesne Demesne, Abbeyleix

RPS Knapton Cottage, Abbeyleix 090_K Abbeyleix Demesne Demesne, Abbeyleix RPS Tomb of Malachy Abbeyleix 090_M O'Moore, Abbeyleix Demesne Demesne, Abbeyleix

RPS Abbeyleix Corn Abbeyleix 12802341 Regional 648 Mill, Abbeyleix Old Demesne Town, Abbeyleix

RPS Millbrook House, Abbeyleix 12802342 Regional 649 Abbeyleix Old Demesne Town, Abbeyleix

RPS Church of Aghaboe 12802205 Regional 385 Ireland Church, Aghaboe

RPS Aghaboe House, Aghaboe 12802206 Regional 421 Clashina Cross Roads, Aghaboe

RPS Aghaboe Grange Aghaboe 12802204 Regional 422 House, Aghaboe

RPS Aghmacart Church Aghmacart 12803401 Regional 386 of Ireland Church, Aghmacart

RPS The Lodge, Aghmacart 426 Aghmacart

RPS Belmont House, Aghmacart 12803402 Regional 523 Aghmacart


RPS Mount Salem Annagh 438 House, Annagh

RPS Anneville House, Anneville 12803208 Regional 522 Anneville

RPS Archerstown Archerstown 12803510 Local 529 House, Archerstown

RPS Ashfield Hall, Ashfield 12803204 Regional 441

RPS Ashfield Hall Gate Ashfield 12803205 Regional 520 Lodge, Balickmoyler,

RPS Saint Brigid's Attanagh 12803501 Regional 167 Church of Ireland Church, Attanagh,

RPS Grenan Attanagh 12803503 Regional 168 Schoolhouse, Attanagh,

RPS Glebe House/ Attanagh 12803502 Regional 169 Rectory, Attanagh,

RPS Castle, Ballaghhara ASOI: 939 411 Ballagharahin hin

RPS Ballaghmore Castle Ballaghmore ASOI:940 391 (Late 17th Century Lower Ruins), Ballaghmore


RPS Mounthrath Church Ballaghmore 12802101 Regional 631 of Ireland Church, Lower Ballaghmore Lower

RPS Providence Lodge, Ballickmoyle 12803203 Regional 519 Ballickmoyler r

RPS Saint Brigid's 12901003 Regional 298 Catholic Church, Church Street, Ballinakill

RPS All Saint's Church of Ballinakill 12901002 Regional 299 Ireland Church, Church Street, Ballinakill

RPS Ballinakill Old Ballinakill 12901004 Regional 300 National School, Church Street, Ballinakill

RPS Stanhope Bridge Ballinakill 12901010 Regional 301_A (Castellated Blank Arch), Stanhope Street, Ballinakill

RPS Stanhope Arch, Ballinakill 12901011 Regional 301_B Stanhope Street, Ballinakill

RPS J. Jackman Façade, Ballinakill 302 The Village, Ballinakill

RPS McGrath Shop & Ballinakill 303 Pub Façade, The Village, Ballinakill

RPS House, The Square, Ballinakill 12901009 Local 304 Ballinakill


RPS Small Tower House, Ballinakill 12901006 Regional 305 The Square, Ballinakill

RPS Medieval Castle, Ballinakill NIAH: National 395 Ballinakill 12901012 ASOI:941

RPS Ballinakill School, Ballinakill 12901005 Regional 804 Church Street, Ballinakill

RPS Ballinakill Market Ballinakill 12901007 Local 805 House, The Square, Ballinakill

RPS House, The Square, Ballinakill 12901008 Regional 806 Ballinakill

RPS Glenbaun House, Ballinakill 818 Ballinakill Road, Abbeyleix

RPS Saint Molua's Ballinla 12801501 Regional 370 Catholic Church, Ballaghmore

RPS JamestownThatche Ballintogher 12800917 Regional 455 d Cottage, Jamestown

RPS Ballykilcavan Ballkilcavan 12801409 Regional 599 Bridge, Ballkilcavan

RPS Ballykilcavan Ballkilcavan 12801410 Regional 600 House, Ballykilcavan

RPS Ballyadams Saint Ballyadams 12801932 Regional 365 Joseph's Catholic Church, Ballyadams


RPS 17th Century Ballyadams ASOI:942 396 Castle, Ballyadams

RPS Ballyadams House, Ballyadams 12801933 Regional 626 Ballyadams

RPS Church of Ireland Ballyadding 12800908 National 390 Church of the Ascension, Rathdaire

RPS Newtown Bridge, Ballyboodin 12802939 Regional 499 Newtown

RPS House (Collins Hill 12800909 Local 313 Cafe), Ballybrittas, Portarlington

RPS Glenmalyre House, Ballybrittas 12800919 Regional 436 Ballybrittas

RPS Ashfield House Ballybrittas 12800912 Regional 569 Gate Lodge, Ballybrittas

RPS Ballybrittas Ballybrittas 12800921 Local 574 Windmill, Windmill Hill, Ballybrittas

RPS Lalor's Mills, Ballycarnan 12801805 Regional 619 Ballycarnan

RPS Saint John's Ballycarroll 12800552 Regional 359 Catholic Church (T- (BO. BY.) Plan Church),


RPS Holy Trinity COI Ballycarroll 12801301 Regional 379 Church/Dysartenos (MB. E. BY.) First Fruit Church, Ballycarroll

RPS Mount Saint Anne, Ballycarroll 12800920 National 573 Killenard, (PO. BY.) Ballycarroll

RPS Ballycullenbeg Ballycullenb 12800881 Local 705 Maltings, Irishtown, eg

RPS Ballyduff House, Ballyduff 12801937 Local 628 Ballyduff (ST. BY.)

RPS Country Ballyfin 12801207 National 413_A House & Demesne Demesne/Former Patrician College, Ballyfin Demesne

RPS Ballyfin Ballyfin 12801208 National 413_B Conservatory Demesne (Former Patrician College), Ballyfin Demesne

RPS Ballyfin Gate Lodge Ballyfin 12801204 Regional 581 (Former Patrician Demesne College), Ballyfin Demesne

RPS Ballyfin Gate Lodge Ballyfin 12801205 Local 582 (Former Patrician Demesne College), Ballyfin Demesne

RPS Ballyfin Gate Lodge Ballyfin 12801206 Regional 583 (Former Patrician Demesne College), Ballyfin Demesne


RPS Ballyfin Grotto Ballyfin 12801209 Regional 584 (Former Patrician Demesne College), Ballyfin Demesne

RPS Ballyfin Folly Ballyfin 12801210 National 585 (Former Patrician Demesne College), Ballyfin Demesne

RPS Ballyfin Farm Yard Ballyfin 12801211 Regional 586 (Former Patrician Demesne College)

RPS Saint John the Ballyfin 12801212 Regional 587 Baptist's Church of Demesne Ireland Church, Ballyfin Demesne

RPS The Yellow House, Ballyheyland 12801806 Regional 620 Cullenagh

RPS Capard COI / Ballyhuppah 12800704 Regional 388 Ballyhuppahaun ane Methodist Church, Ballyhuppahane

RPS Castleview House, Ballyknocka 12801807 Regional 621 Ballyknockan n

RPS Former Garda Ballylynan 12802602 Regional 306 Barracks (Ballylynan Courthouse), Ballylynan

RPS Community Centre Ballylynan 12802601 Regional 307 (Saint Anne's Catholic Church), Ballylynan

RPS Thatched Cottage, Ballylynan 308 South End of Village, Ballylynan

RPS Stone Cottage, Ballylynan 310_A South End of Village, Ballylynan


RPS Stone Cottage, Ballylynan 310_B South End of Village, Ballylynan

RPS Ballylynan Ballylynan 12802603 Local 481 Windmill,

RPS Camac Aqueduct, Ballymanus 12801414 Regional 603 Portlaoise

RPS Ballymanus House, Ballymanus 12801415 Local 604 Ballymanus

RPS Bloomfield House, Ballymooney 12801302 Regional 444 Ballymooney

RPS Blackhall Bridge, Ballymorris 12800401 Regional 542 Ballymorris, Portarlington

RPS Lansdowne Park Ballymorris 12800402 Regional 543 House, Ballymorris, Portarlington

RPS The Spire, Carrick Ballymorris 12800501 Regional 546 Hill, Ballymorris, Portarlington

RPS Catholic Church of Ballynagall 12803201 Regional 375 the Sacred Heart (19th Century), , Ballynagall

RPS Grace Mausoleum, Ballynagall 12803202 Regional 518 Church of the Scared Heart, Arless,

RPS Ballynakill Castle, Ballynakill ASOI: 1023 406


RPS O'Nuallain 17th Ballyroan 12802403 National 314 Century Buildings, Main Street, Ballyroan

RPS Ballyroan Castle Ballyroan 12802413 Regional 315 Ruins, Rear of Main Street, Ballyroan

RPS 3-Bay, 2-Storey Ballyroan 316 House, The Village, Ballyroan

RPS Ballyroan Catholic Ballyroan 12802401 National 317 Church, The Village, Ballyroan

RPS Ballyroan Church of Ballyroan 318 Ireland, The Village, Ballyroan

RPS House, Ballyroan Ballyroan 12802404 Regional 658 (CU. BY.)

RPS House, Ballyroan Ballyroan 12802405 Regional 659 (CU. BY.)

RPS Ballyroan School, Ballyroan 12802406 Local 660 Ballyroan (CU. BY.)

RPS Coach Road, Ballyroan 12802407 Local 661 Bunny’s Bridge, (CU. BY.) Ballyroan

RPS Glenbrook House, Ballyroan 12802408 Regional 662 Bunny’s Bridge, (CU. BY.) Ballyroan

RPS House, Ballyroan, Ballyroan 12802413 Regional 665 (CU. BY.)


RPS Tower House, Barrackquart 400 Cullahill er

RPS Belan House, Belan Belan 12800903 Regional 439

RPS Bellegrove House, Bellegrove 12800907 Regional 566 Bellegrove

RPS Blackford Bridge, Blackford 12801938 Regional 629 County Boundary Stone

RPS Blackhill House, Blackhills 12802343 Regional 753 Blackhills, Abbeyleix

RPS Monicknew Bridge, Bockagh 12801101 Regional 577 Monicknew,

RPS House Boley (CU. 12802344 Regional 650 Gateway, Boley, BY.) Abbeyleix

RPS Fruit Lawn House, Boley (CU. 12802345 Regional 651 Boley, Abbeyleix BY.)

RPS Courthouse, Main Borris-in- 319 Street, Borris-in- Ossory Ossory

RPS 5-Bay, 2-Storey Borris-in- 320 House, Main Street, Ossory Borris-in-Ossory

RPS 5-Bay, 2-Storey Borris-in- 321 House, Main Street, Ossory Borris-in-Ossory


RPS Old National Borris-in- 322 School, Main Ossory Street, Borris-in- Ossory

RPS Church of Ireland, Borris-in- 12802108 Regional 323 Main Street, Borris- Ossory in-Ossory

RPS Market House, Borris-in- 12802112 Regional 324 Main Street, Borris- Ossory in-Ossory

RPS W. White Shop Borris-in- 325 Façade, Main Ossory Street, Borris-in- Ossory

RPS Kelly's Shop & Pub Borris-in- 326 Façade, Main Ossory Street, Borris-in- Ossory

RPS Rosie O'Grady's Borris-in- 327 Pub Façade, Main Ossory Street, Borris-in- Ossory

RPS Saint Canice's Borris-in- 12802109 Local 639 Catholic Church, Ossory Main Street, Borris- in-Ossory

RPS Townparks School, Borris-in- 12802110 Regional 640 Main Street, Borris- Ossory in-Ossory

RPS House, Main Street, Borris-in- 12802111 Regional 641 Borris-in-Ossory Ossory

RPS 19th Century Brittas (TI. 12800203 Regional 432 Gothic Ruins, BY.) Brittas House, Capparogan


RPS Camross Saint Camross 12801613 Regional 372 Kevin's Roman Catholic Church, Camross

RPS Capard House, Capard 12800705 Regional 434_A Capard

RPS Capard House Capard 12800706 Regional 434_B Stable Complex, Cappard

RPS Capard House Capard 12800707 Regional 434_C Coach House, Cappard

RPS Capard Windmill, Capard 12900109 Regional 540 Capard

RPS Saint Brigid's Capard 12900110 Regional 541 Catholic Church Gateway, Capard, Mountmellick

RPS Capard House Farm Capard 12800708 Regional 555 Yard, Capard

RPS Capard House Pool, Capard 12800709 Regional 556 Capard

RPS Capard House Gate Capard 12800711 Local 558 Lodge, Capard

RPS Georgian Inn, Cappakeel 12800910 Regional 567 Cappakeel, New Inn

RPS Emo Court Gate Cappakeel 12800911 Regional 568 Lodge, Emo


RPS Ballyfin National Cappanrush 12801202 Local 457 School, Ballyfin

RPS Rosnashane Cappanrush 12801203 Regional 580 Rectory, Ballyfin

RPS Sheffield House, Cappoley 12801804 Regional 618 Cappoley

RPS Oughaval Church of Carricksallag 12801920 National 382_A Ireland h

RPS Oughaval Carricksallag 12801921 Regional 382_B Graveyard h

RPS Castlecuffe House, Castlecuffe 12800204 Regional 433

RPS / Castledurro 12900931 National 409 Pre-Palladian w Demesne House, Durrow

RPS Castle Fleming Castleflemin 450 Country House, g Castle Fleming

RPS Killabban Church of Castletown 12802604 Regional 482 Ireland Church, (SL. BY.) Castletown

RPS , Castletown 12802605 Regional 483 Castletown (SL. BY.)

RPS Newtown Church, Check 376 Doonane, Newtown Townland: Cross, Newtown/ Crettyard/ Doonane


RPS De La Salle Churchfield 12900506 Regional 332 Monastery, The Green, Castletown

RPS Late Medieval Churchtown 389 Church ruins, Churchtown

RPS Clarahill House, Clarahill 12800205 Regional 534 Clonaslee

RPS Clarahill House Clarahill 12800206 Regional 535 Gate Lodge, Clonaslee

RPS Clonageera House, Clonageera 12803509 Regional 528 Durrow

RPS Wheelahan's Clonanny 12800551 Regional 547 Bridge, Clonanny, Portarlington

RPS Bridge, Clonard 12801738 Regional 615 Kilbricken

RPS Mounthrath Clonard 12801739 Regional 616 Railway Station, Cheerybrook, Kilbricken

RPS Saint Manman's Clonaslee 12800201 Regional 338 Catholic Church, Road, Clonaslee

RPS Saint Manman's Clonaslee 12800202 Regional 339 Church (former Church of Ireland), Main Street, Clonaslee RPS W. Morrissey Shop Clonaslee 340 Façade, Main Street, Clonaslee


RPS Greengrocer Shop Clonaslee 341 Facade / Maher's¸ Main Street, Clonaslee

RPS Fallons Pub Façade¸ Clonaslee 342 Main Street, Clonaslee

RPS M.D. Hickey Pub Clonaslee 343 Façade, The Square, Clonaslee

RPS John Feery Pub Clonaslee 344 Façade, Main Street, Clonaslee

RPS V.E.C. School, Clonaslee 345 , Road, Clonaslee

RPS Clonburren Tower Clonburren ASOI:950 410 House, Clonburren

RPS Cloncourse Castle, Cloncourse ASOI: 392 Ballaghmore 1025

RPS Clonreher Castle, Clonreher ASOI:951 397 Clonreher

RPS Clonreher House, Clonreher 12801307 Regional 445 Clonreher

RPS Country Cottage, Cloonagh 458 Cloonagh

RPS Clopook Graveyard Clopook 12801931 Regional 625


RPS Saint Canice's Clough 12802830 Regional 494 Catholic Church, Clough

RPS Woodbrook House, Coolnavarno 12800403 Regional 544 Woodbrook ge Demesne, Coolnavarnoge, Portarlington RPS Woodbrook House Coolnavarno 12800404 Regional 545 Gate Lodge, ge, Coolnavarnoge, Portarlington

RPS Sheeran's Thatched Coolrain 12801616 Regional 346 Pub, The Village, Coolrain

RPS Church of Ireland, Coolrain 12801614 347 The Village, Coolrain

RPS Coolrain House, Coolrain 12801617 Local 428 Coolrain (UP. BY.)

RPS Ballymorris House, Cooltedery 12800554 Regional 674 Cooltedery

RPS "The Reclining Cooltedery 12900225 Local 675 Bather", Portarlington Relief Road,Portarlington

RPS Cooper's Hill Coopershill 12803206 Regional 521 House, Demesne Ballickmoyler

RPS Valleyfield House, Copperhill 12803026 Local 451 Ballinakill Demesne

RPS Corbally House, Corbally (BA. 12802504 Regional 667 Corbally, Abbeyleix BY.)

RPS House, Rosenallis, Corbally (TI. 12900104 Regional 537 BY.)


RPS Shaen House Cottagefarm 12800878 Regional 560 Gateway (Saint Brigid's Hospital), Shaen, Coolbanagher RPS Grattan Aqueduct, Courtwood 12801402 Regional 593 Grand Canal, Portlaoise

RPS Saint Mary's Crissard 12802505 Regional 668 Catholic Church, Wolfhill, Abbeyleix

RPS 7 Bay 3 Storey Cullsboroug 446 House, h Cuffsborough, Clough,

RPS Barn, Curraghmor 12802106 Local 636 e

RPS Mountmellick Debicot 12800839 Regional 531 Aqueduct, Mountmellick

RPS Deer Park House, Deerpark 12801105 Regional 578 Deerpark, (Up. BY.) Mountrath

RPS Deer Park Farm Deerpark 12801106 Regional 579 Yard, Deerpark, (Up. BY.) Mountrath

RPS 17th Century Derrin ASOI:1034 407 Gabled House / Derrin Castle, Derrin

RPS Derrycloney Derrycloney 12800838 Regional 702 Railway Bridge, Derrycloney, Mountmellick

RPS Donaghmore 18th Donaghmor 12802828 Regional 336 Century Mill, The e Village, Donaghmore

RPS Avonmore Stone Donaghmor 337 Buildings, Borris e Road, Donaghmore


RPS Donaghmore Donaghmor 12802825 Regional 489 Church of Ireland e Church, Donaghmore,

RPS Mooney's, Donaghmor 12802826 Regional 490 Donaghmore e

RPS House, Donaghmor 12802827 Regional 491 Donaghmore e

RPS Holly Park Colliery, Doonane 12803102 Local 515 Doonane

RPS Dunmore House Dunmore 12802941 Record Only 501 Gate Lodge

RPS Gazebo at Dunmore 820 Dunmore Estate, Dunmore Estate, Durrow

RPS House, The Green, Durrow 12900909 Regional 144 Durrow

RPS "Saint Anne’s Durrow 12900908 Regional 145 House", The Green, Durrow

RPS 3-Bay, 3-Storey Durrow 12900907 Regional 146 House The Green, Durrow

RPS Durrow House, The Durrow 12900906 Regional 147 Green, Durrow

RPS 4-Bay, 2-Storey Durrow 148 House, The Green, Durrow


RPS House, The Square, Durrow 12900905 Regional 149 Durrow

RPS House, The Green, Durrow 12900904 Regional 150 Durrow

RPS Church of Ireland, Durrow 12900910 Regional 151 The Green, Durrow

RPS Lodge & Castle Durrow 12900911 Regional 152 Gates, Durrow Demesne, The Green, Durrow RPS Bob’s Bar, The Durrow 12900902 Local 153 Square, Durrow

RPS Ashfield House, the Durrow 12900903 Regional 154 Square, Durrow

RPS Durrow Library, Old Durrow 12900915 Regional 155 Chapel Street, Durrow

RPS Mahoney Shop Durrow 12900917 Regional 156 Front / Post Office, Old Chapel Street, Durrow

RPS Old Chapel Medical Durrow 12900916 Regional 157 Centre, Chapel Street, Durrow

RPS Durrow Pharmacy, Durrow 12900922 Regional 158 Mary Street, Durrow

RPS C. Sheppard, The Durrow 12900924 Regional 159 Square, Durrow


RPS Tom Woods, Durrow 12900918 Regional 161 Carrigan Street, Durrow

RPS Catholic Church, Durrow 12900920 Regional 162 Kilkenny Road, Durrow

RPS Community Hall, Durrow 163 Kilkenny Road, Durrow

RPS ICA Hall, Cork Road, Durrow 12900912 Regional 164 Durrow

RPS Durrow Infant Durrow 12900921 Regional 165 School, Cork Road, Durrow

RPS House, Castle Durrow 12900914 Regional 166 Street, Durrow

RPS Durrow Old Bridge, Durrow 12900901 Regional 772 Durrow

RPS Group of Houses, Durrow 12900919 Regional 790 Carragain Street, Durrow

RPS Joyce's Grocery, Durrow 12900923 Local 794 The Square, Durrow

RPS Durrow Inn, Mary Durrow 12900925 Regional 796 Street, Durrow

RPS The Cutting Corner Durrow 12900926 Record Only 797 Hair Saloon, The Square, Durrow

RPS The Copper Kettle, Durrow 12900927 Regional 798 The Square, Durrow


RPS The Copper Kettle, Durrow 12900928 local 799 The Square, Durrow

RPS Happy Days, The Durrow 12900929 local 800 Square, Durrow

RPS Castle Arms Hotel, Durrow 12900930 Record only 801 The Square, Durrow

RPS Castle Durrow Durrow 12900932 Regional 802 Obelisk, Castle Durrow Demesne, Durrow RPS Knocknatrina Durrow 12803507 Regional 449 House, Durrow Townsparks

RPS Rathsaran Catholic Eglish 12802704 Regional 363 Church, Eglish

RPS House, The Green, Elderfield 12900505 Regional 333 Castletown

RPS House, The Green, Elderfield 12900504 Regional 334_A Castletown

RPS 3-Bay, 2-Storey Elderfield 12900503 Regional 334_B House, The Green, Castletown

RPS Emo Court (Neo- Emo Park 12800871 National 412_A Classical House by Gandon), Emo

RPS Emo Court Bachelor Emo Park 12800872 Regional 412_B Wing, Emo


RPS Emo Court Temple, Emo Park 12800873 Regional 532 Temple Hill, Emo Park

RPS Cross, Errill Errill 12802703 National 488

RPS Fisherman's Inn (T- Fisherstown 12800901 Local 454 Plan Pub), Fisherstown

RPS Fisherstown Bridge, Fisherstown 12800902 Regional 562 Fisherstown

RPS Fisherstown House Fisherstown 12800904 Regional 563

RPS Shattered Tower Garranmaco ASOI: 955 408 House / Castle, nly Garranmaconly

RPS Summergrove Garroon 12800712 National 416 County House, Garroon

RPS Anatrim Church of Glebe (UP. 12801615 Regional 611 Ireland Church, BY.) Coolrain

RPS Gortnaclea Castle & Gortnaclea 12802347 Regional 405 House ASOI:957

RPS Goss Brook House, Gossbrook 12801619 Regional 613 Goss Brook

RPS Gracefield County Gracefield 12802507 Regional 417 House, Ballylynan


RPS Graigueaverne Graigavern 12800918 Regional 572 House Gate Lodge, Ballybrittas

RPS Join Graigue (SL. 12803702 Regional 387 Semple Church of BY.) Ireland Church, Graigue RPS Saint Lazerian's Graiguenaho 12802409 Regional 374 Catholic Church, wn Spink

RPS Maganey Bridge, Grange (BA. 12802609 Regional 486 BY.)

RPS Cylindrical Tower Grantstown ASOI:958 401 House, Grantstown, Ballacolla

RPS Treacy's Thatch Great Heath 12801310 Regional 460 Pub, The Heath (MB E BY)

RPS Catholic Church of Great Heath 12801309 Regional 368 the (MB. E. BY.) Assumption/1863 Rectangular, Great Heath RPS Attanagh Railway Grenan 12803504 Local 524 Station, Attanagh

RPS Grennan House, Grenan 12803505 National 525 Attanagh

RPS Tallyho Bridge, Grenan 12803506 Regional 526 Grennan

RPS Durrow Brick Grenan 12803508 Local 527 Works, Attanagh

RPS Tower Cross Roads Haywood 12803001 Regional 502 Gate Lodge, Demesne Heywood Gardens


RPS Heywood Obelisk, Haywood 12803002 Regional 503 Heywood Demesne Demesne

RPS Heywood Marian Haywood 12803003 Local 504 Grotto, Heywood Demesne Demesne

RPS Heywood Folly, Haywood 12803004 Regional 505 Heywood Demesne Demesne,

RPS Heywood Ice Haywood 12803005 Regional 506 House, Heywood Demesne Demesne

RPS Heywood Haywood 12803006 Regional 507 Summerhouse, Demesne Heywood Demesne

RPS Heywood Stable Haywood 12803007 Regional 508 Complex, Heywood Demesne Demesne

RPS Heywood Gardens, Haywood 12803008 National 509 Heywood Demesne Demesne

RPS Heywood Boat Haywood 12803009 Regional 510 House, Heywood Demesne Demesne

RPS Heywood Bridges, Haywood 12803010 Local 511 Heywood Demesne Demesne

RPS Tower Of The Haywood 12803012 Local 512 Winds, Heywood Demesne Demesne

RPS The Black Church, Haywood 12803013 Regional 513 Heywood Demesne Demesne

RPS Claude's Seat, Haywood 12901001 Regional 803 Heywood Demesne Demesne, Abbeyleix


RPS The Heath House, Heathlodge 12801308 Regional 423 Heathlodge

RPS Hollymount House, Hollymount 12803209 Regional 430 Hollymount

RPS Inch House, Inch Inch (ST. BY.) 12801416 Regional 605

RPS Anngrove House, Irishtown 12800882 Regional 706 Irishtown, Mountmellick

RPS Abbey View Jamestown 12800916 Regional 456 Cottage / Jamestown Thatched Farm- House, Jamestown RPS Jamestown House, Jamestown 12800915 Regional 571 Jamestown

RPS Glebe Farm, Keelough 12802203 Regional 644 Aghaboe Gleve

RPS Kellyville County Kellyville 12801935 Regional 627 Boundary Stone

RPS Kilbricken House, Kilbricken 12801737 Regional 614 Kilbricken

RPS Wolfhill Railway Kilfeacle 12802506 Regional 669 Bridges, Abbeyleix

RPS Killadooley Catholic Killadooley 12802701 Regional 362 Church, Killadooley

RPS Abbeyleix Demesne Killamuck 12802937 090 - Bluegate Cottages, Killamuck, Abbeyleix


RPS New Bridge, Killeany 12802346 Regional 652 Abbeyleix

RPS St Abban's Catholic Killeen 12802608 Regional 366 Church/Early T-Plan BarnChurch, Killeen

RPS Catholic Church of Killeshin 12803207 Regional 364 the Holy Cross / Stone Façade, Killeshin

RPS Saint Paul's Catholic Killimy 12800874 Regional 361 Church, Emo

RPS Popefield House, Killyganard 12802001 Regional 630 Killyganard,

RPS Kilmartin House, Kilmartin 12802102 Regional 632 Kilmartin

RPS Kilmorony House, Kilmorony 12802606 Regional 484 Kilmorony

RPS Kilmullen House, Kilmullen 12800556 Regional 550 Kilmullen, Portarlington

RPS Kilpurcel 12802201 Regional 643 Railway Station, Ballybrophy

RPS Knightstown Knightstown 12800879 Regional 427 House, Knightstown

RPS Knightstown House Knightstown 12800880 Local 561 Gateway, Knightstown

RPS Bridge Mill, The Knockanina 12900502 Regional 328 Green, Castletown


RPS Castletown Bridge, Knockanina 12900501 Regional 715 Castletown

RPS Pike of Rush Hall Knockbrack 12802202 Local 369 Catholic Church

RPS Rockview House, Knockmay 12801306 Regional 591 Portlaoise

RPS Saint Fintan's Knocknakear 12801201 Regional 367 Catholic Church, n Ballyfin

RPS Thornberry House Knocknamoe 12802410 Local 663 Gateways

RPS "Gai Line", Knocknamoe 12900737 Record only 763 Ballinakill Road, Abbeyleix

RPS Kyle Graveyard, Kyle (CL. BY.) 12801503 Regional 609 Kyle

RPS Lamberton House Lamberton 12801803 Regional 617 Gate Lodge Demesne

RPS Larch Hill House, Larch Hill 12801620 Regional 429 Larch Hill

RPS 18th Century 5 Bay Laurel Hill 419 Country Home, Laurel Hill, Coolrain

RPS 13th Century Lea Lea ASOI: 936 403 Castle, Lea

RPS Lea Castle House, Lea 12800555 Regional 549 Lea, Portarlington

RPS Catholic Church of Luggacurren 12802501 Regional 371 the Holy Rosary, Luggacurren


RPS Woodville House, Meelick 12801304 Regional 589 Meelick, (MB. E. BY.)

RPS Woodville House Meelick 12801305 Local 590 Gate Lodge, (MB. E. BY.) Meelick,

RPS 18th Century Middlemoun 443 Country House, t Middlemount

RPS Ballykilcavan Saw Mill Land 12801408 Local 598 Mills, Ballykilcavan

RPS Milltown House, Milltown 12802503 Regional 666 Abbeyleix

RPS Saint Peter's Monaferrick 12801406 Regional 380 Church of Ireland Church, Bawn Hill, Monaferrick

RPS Monaferrick Monaferrick 12801407 Local 597 Windmill, Bawn Hill, Monaferrick

RPS Monavea Monavea 12803101 Regional 514 Milestone, Drumagh

RPS L Plan 5 Bay House, Mondrehid 418 Mondrehid, Coolrain

RPS Moneycleare Moneyclear 12901013 Regional 807 House, Ballinakill e

RPS Saint John's Church Morett 12800875 National 377 of Ireland Church, Coolbanagher

RPS Corner Fragments Morett ASOI: 963 402 of Tower House (Morette Castle), Morette, Emo

RPS Portarlington Morett 12800876 Regional 559 Mausoleum, St. John’s Church, Coolbanagher


RPS Mounteagle House Mounteagle 12802411 Local 664

RPS Presentation Mountmellic 12900306 Regional 001 Convent, k Sarsfield Street, Mountmellick RPS Saint Joseph's Mountmellic 12900307 Regional 002 Catholic Church, k Sarsfield Street, Mountmellick

RPS Parochial House, Mountmellic 12900355 Regional 003 Sarsfield Street, k Mountmellick

RPS House, Mountmellic 12900356 Regional 004 Sarsfield Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Scott & Dunne Mountmellic 12900357 Local 005 House, Sarsfield k Street, Mountmellick

RPS O'Horain Shop Mountmellic 006 Façade, k Parnell Street, Mountmellick

RPS Bank of Ireland, Mountmellic 12900308 Regional 007 Parnell Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Mountmellick Town Mountmellic 12900309 Regional 008 Hall, Parnell Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Mountmellick Mountmellic 12900310 Regional 009 Methodist Church, k Parnell Street, Mountmellick

RPS Avonmore Home Mountmellic 12900311 Regional 010 and Farm Supplies k Façade, Market Street, Mountmellick


RPS House, Mountmellic 12900312 Regional 011 Market Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Parnell House, Mountmellic 12900313 Regional 012 Market Street, k Mountmellick

RPS House, O’Connell Mountmellic 12900314 Regional 013 Square, k Mountmellick

RPS House, O’Connell, Mountmellic 12900315 Regional 014 Square, k Mountmellick

RPS House, O’Connell Mountmellic 12900316 Regional 015 Square, k Mountmellick

RPS McCormack's Mountmellic 12900317 Regional 016 Patrick, Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Community School Mountmellic 017 (formerly Convent k School), Patrick Street, Mountmellick RPS House - Dr. Bergin Mountmellic 12900319 Local 019 Surgery, Patrick k Street, Mountmellick RPS Mountmellick Mountmellic 12900320 Regional 020 Manse, Patrick k Street, Mountmellick

RPS Mountmellick Mountmellic 12900321 Regional 021 Presbyterian k Church, Patrick Street, Mountmellick

RPS Leinster Bar, Patrick Mountmellic 12900322 Regional 023 Street, k Mountmellick


RPS Barnes Shorthall Mountmellic 12900323 Regional 024 Drapery, Patrick k Street, Mountmellick

RPS Margaret Bradford Mountmellic 12900324 Regional 025 Boutique, Emmett k Street, Mountmellick

RPS Hardware Providers Mountmellic 12900325 Local 026 Shop Front, k Emmett Street, Mountmellick

RPS Hair Stylist Shop Mountmellic 12900333 Regional 027 Front, Patrick k Street, Mountmellick

RPS J. & M. Moloney & Mountmellic 12900334 Regional 028 Sons, Patrick Street, k Mountmellick

RPS J.J. Phillips Front, Mountmellic 029 Patrick Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Patrick Street, Mountmellic 030 Mountmellick k

RPS J. Dooley, Patrick Mountmellic 12900337 Regional 031 Street, k Mountmellick

RPS The Mellick Inn (U- Mountmellic 12900338 Local 032 Shaped House and k Pub), Patrick Street, Mountmellick

RPS Bank (Chemist), Mountmellic 12900341 Regional 033 Parnell Street, k Pearse Street, Mountmellick

RPS House, Mountmellic 12900342 Regional 034 Parnell Street, k Mountmellick


RPS House, Parnell Mountmellic 12900343 Regional 035 Street, k Mountmellick

RPS House, Parnell Mountmellic 12900344 Regional 036 Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Park Terrace, Park Mountmellic 12900365 Regional 037_A Street, k Mountmellick

RPS 2-Storey, Over- Mountmellic 12900365 Regional 037_B Basement House, k Park Street, Mountmellick

RPS Saint Paul's Church Mountmellic 12900345 Regional 038 of Ireland Church, k Pearse Square, Mountmellick

RPS Pair of Houses, Park Mountmellic 12900362 Regional 039_A Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Pair of Houses, Park Mountmellic 12900362 Regional 039_B Street, k Mountmellick

RPS 2 X 1-Storey over Mountmellic 12900363 Regional 040_A Basement Houses, k Park Street, Mountmellick

RPS House, Park Street, Mountmellic 12900364 Local 040_B Mountmellick k

RPS Park Street Terrace, Mountmellic 041_A Park Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Park Street Terrace, Mountmellic 041_B Park Street, k Mountmellick

RPS House, O’Connell Mountmellic 12900351 Regional 042 Square, k Mountmellick


RPS House - Nora's Cake Mountmellic 12900348 Regional 043 Shop, O’Connell k Square, Mountmellick

RPS A.I.B. Bank, Mountmellic 12900353 Regional 044 O’Connell Square k Mountmellick

RPS J. A. McElwee Mountmellic 12900346 Local 045 Pharmacy, k O’Connell Square, Mountmellick

RPS Clelands House, Mountmellic 12900350 Local 046 O’Connell Square, k Mountmellick

RPS Victor Cox, Mountmellic 12900349 Regional 047 O’Connell Square, k Mountmellick

RPS Conroy, O’Moore Mountmellic 12900326 Regional 048 Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Dowling's Bar, Mountmellic 12900327 Local 049 O’Moore Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Breen Front, Mountmellic 050 O’Moore, Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Baker, O’Moore Mountmellic 12900328 Local 051 Street, k Mountmellick

RPS House, O’Moore Mountmellic 12900330 Regional 052 Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Mountmellick Mountmellic 12900329 Regional 053 Library, O’Moore k Street, Mountmellick

RPS Hendy's Mountmellic 12900339 Regional 054 Supermarket, k Market Street, Mountmellick


RPS Hackett, Patrick Mountmellic 055 Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Grand Canal Mountmellic 12800801 Local 687 Warehouse, k Harbour Street, Mountmellick

RPS Ballycullenbeg Mountmellic 12900302 Local 688 Terrace, Harbour k Street, Mountmellick

RPS Grange Lodge, Mountmellic 12900303 Regional 689 Harbour Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Pair of Houses, Lord Mountmellic 12900304 Regional 690 Edward Street, k Mountmellick

RPS United Irishmen Mountmellic 12900331 Regional 692 Memorial, O’Moore k Street, Mountmellick

RPS House, Patrick Mountmellic 12900335 Regional 694 Street, k Mountmellick

RPS House, Patrick Mountmellic 12900336 Regional 695 Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Bank Manager's Mountmellic 12900340 Regional 696 House, Pearse k Square, Mountmellick RPS Farrell's Mountmellic 12900347 Regional 697 Restaurant, k O’Connell Square, Mountmellick

RPS Jack Nolan's Shoe Mountmellic 12900352 Regional 698 Clinic, O’Connell k Square, Mountmellick

RPS Mountmellick Mountmellic 12900354 Regional 699 Masonic Lodge, k Church Street, Mountmellick


RPS Dempsey's Bar, Mountmellic 12900358 Record only 700 Sarsfield Street, k Mountmellick

RPS Ballycullenbeg Mountmellic 12900359 Regional 701 Bridge, Sarsfield k Street, Mountmellick

RPS National Training & Mountmellic 12900360 Local 703 Development, k Pearse Street, Mountmellick RPS "Standing Stones", Mountmellic 12900361 Local 704 Pearse Street, k Mounmellick

RPS Hibernia Foundry Mountmellic 12900366 Regional 707 Gateway, k Mountmellick

RPS 5-Bay, 2-Storey Mountmellic 814 House, Rosenallis k Road, Mountmellick

RPS Saint Columba's Mountoliver 12802829 Regional 493 Catholic Church, Rathsarah

RPS Saint Fintan's Mountrath 12900630 Regional 253 Catholic Church, Patrick Street, Mountrath

RPS Brigidine Convent, Mountrath 12900631 Regional 254 Patrick Street, Mountrath

RPS Saint Peter's Mountrath 12900605 Regional 255 Church of Ireland Church, Portlaoise Road, Mountrath RPS Mountrath Mission Mountrath 12900604 Regional 256 Hall / 1822 Meeting Hall, Portlaoise Road, Mountrath

RPS Mountrath 1883 Mountrath 12900603 Regional 257 Parochial Hall, Portlaoise Road, Mountrath


RPS 3-Bay, 3-Storey Mountrath 12900602 Regional 258_A House, Portlaoise Road, Mountrath

RPS Inis Atha / 3-Bay, 2- Mountrath 12900602 Regional 258_B Storey House, Portlaoise Road, Mountrath

RPS Rosedene House / Mountrath 12900601 Local 258_C 3-Bay, 2-Storey, Portlaoise Road, Mountrath RPS J. Hargroves Shop Mountrath 12900611 Local 259 Front, Factory Street, Mountath

RPS Gothic House/ Mountrath 12900610 Regional 260 Royal Irish Constab. Barracks, Mary Street, Mountrath

RPS 3-Bay, 2-Storey Mountrath 12900609 Regional 261_A Over-Basement House, Mary Street, Mountrath

RPS 3-Bay, 2-Storey Mountrath 12900608 Regional 261_B Over-Basement House, Mary Street, Mountrath

RPS 3-Bay, 2-Storey Mountrath 12900607 Regional 261_C Over-Basement House, Mary Street, Mountrath

RPS Bank of Ireland, Mountrath 12900613 Regional 262 Main Street, Mountrath

RPS Fitzpatrick Shop Mountrath 12900612 Regional 263 Front, Main Street, Mountrath

RPS P. J. Delaney Shop Mountrath 12900614 Regional 264 Front, Main Street, Mountrath


RPS The Paper Clip Shop Mountrath 265 Front (formerly McKevitts), Main Street, Mountrath

RPS Round Tower Cabs Mountrath 12900615 Regional 266 Shop Front (formerly Shorthalls), Main Street, Mountrath RPS Clelands Coffee Mountrath 12900618 Regional 268 Shop (formerly Murphy's), Market Square

RPS McCarthy's Mountrath 269 Foundry, Thomascourt, Mountrath

RPS Gallagher's Façade, Mountrath 270 Main Street, Mountrath

RPS Laois TV Services Mountrath 12900623 Regional 271 Façade, Main Street, Mountrath

RPS Eddie Kirwan Mountrath 12900624 Local 272 Façade, Main Street, Mountrath

RPS What's New Shop, Mountrath 273 Main Street, Mountrath

RPS Cahill's Pharmacy, Mountrath 12900625 Local 275 Shannon Street, Mountrath

RPS Former Allied Irish Mountrath 12900626 Regional 276 Bank, Shannon Street, Mountrath

RPS D. Deegan Shop Mountrath 12900627 Regional 277 Shannon Street, Mountrath,

RPS D. Ryan's, Shannon Mountrath 279 Street, Mountrath


RPS "Two Piece Mountrath 12900632 Record only 735 Standing Stone", Riverside Walk, Mountrath

RPS Mountrath Fever Mountrath 12900633 Local 737 Hospital, Abbeyleix Road, Mountrath

RPS Saint Fintan's Mountrath 12900634 Local 738 Terrace, Mountrath

RPS Millbank Cottage, Mountrath 12801740 Regional 739 Mountrath

RPS House, Mary Street, Mountrath 12900606 Regional 727 Mountrath (MB. W. BY.)

RPS Mountrath Post Mountrath 12900616 Local 728 Office, Mountrath (MB. W. BY.)

RPS Group of Houses,(1 Mountrath 12900617 Regional 729_A of 3) Market (MB. W. BY.) Square, Mountrath

RPS Group of Houses, (2 Mountrath 12900617 Regional 729_ B of 3) Market (MB. W. BY.) Square, Mountrath

729_C Group of Houses, (3 Mountrath 12900617 Regional of 3) Market (MB. W. BY.) Square, Mountrath

RPS House, Patrick Mountrath 12900619 Regional 730 Street, Mountrath (MB. W. BY.)

RPS The Curiosity, Mountrath 12900620 Local 731 Market Square, (MB. W. BY.) Mountrath

RPS Telford's, Market Mountrath 12900621 Local 732 Square, Mountrath (MB. W. BY.)


RPS Centra/Hibernian Mountrath 12900622 Regional 733 House, Main Street, (MB. W. BY.) Mountrath

RPS Payless Fashions, Mountrath 12900628 Regional 734 Shannon Street, (MB. W. BY.) Mountrath

RPS Moyne House, Moyne 12802942 Regional 425 Moyne Demesne

RPS Edmondsbury Newtown 12803512 Regional 448 House, Newtown (CM. BY.)

RPS Newtown Mills, Newtown 12802940 Regional 500 Newtown (CM. BY.)

RPS Skirk Church of Newtown or 12802105 Regional 635 Ireland Church, Skirk Skirk

RPS House, The Green, Old Borris 12900509 Regional 329 Castletown

RPS Bianconi House / 6- Old Borris 12900507 Regional 330 Bay, 2-Storey House, The Green, Castletown

RPS House, The Green, Old Borris 12900508 Regional 331 Castletown

RPS Quinn's, The Green, Old Borris 12900510 Local 724 Castletown

RPS Castletown School, Old Borris 12900511 Local 725 The Green, Castletown

RPS Everton House, Oldderrig 12803703 Regional 671 Crockaun, Abbeyleix

RPS Catholic Church of Park (CM. 12802933 Local 495 the Immaculate BY.) Conception


RPS Ballacolla School, Park (CM. 12802934 Regional 496 Ballacolla BY.)

RPS Early 19th Century Peafield 420 3 Bay Country Home, Peafield, Coolrain RPS Poorman's Bridge Poormansbri 12802338 Regional 645 dge

RPS Kilnacourt House, Portarlingto 12900243 Regional 091 Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS 2 X 4-Bay, 2-Storey, Portarlingto 12900233 Regional 092 Over-Basement n Houses, Main Street, Portarlington RPS The Elms (3-Bay, 2- Portarlingto 12900235 Regional 093 Storey, Over- n Basement House), Main Street, Portarlington RPS An Teach Coiste, Portarlingto 094 Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS 5-Bay, 2-Storey Portarlingto 12900247 Regional 095 House (Veterinary n Surgeon), Main Street, Portarlington RPS Laurel (3-Bay, 2- Portarlingto 12900236 Regional 096 Storey, Over- n Basement House), Main Street, Portarlington

RPS Marian (3-Bay, 3- Portarlingto 12900237 Regional 097 Storey House), n Main Street, Portarlington

RPS Ivy House (2-Bay, 3- Portarlingto 12900238 Regional 098 Storey House), n Main Street, Portarlington


RPS House (4-Bay, 3- Portarlingto 12900239 Regional 099 Storey House), n Main Street, Portarlington

RPS 3-Bay, 2-Storey Portarlingto 12900240 Regional 100 House, Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS 5-Bay, 3-Storey Portarlingto 12900241 Regional 101 House, Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS Irish Permanent Portarlingto 12900242 Regional 102 Building Society n (House), Main Street, Portarlington RPS 2-Bay, 3-Storey Portarlingto 103 House, Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS Garda Station, Portarlingto 12900215 Regional 104 Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS 3-Bay, 2-Storey Portarlingto 105 House, Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS Higgins Portarlingto 12900222 Regional 106 Builders/Pretty n Lady (House), Main Street, Portarlington RPS 3-Bay, 3-Storey Portarlingto 107 House, Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS 4 Bay, 3 Storey Portarlingto 108 House (Whelehan's n Central Stores),Main Street, Portarlington


RPS 2 Bay, 2 Storey Portarlingto 109 Building (Clelands), n Main Street, Portarlington

RPS 5-Bay, 3-Storey Portarlingto 12900216 Regional 110 House/Mathews n Coffee Shop & Bakery, Main Street, Portarlington RPS 5-Bay, 2-Storey Portarlingto 111 Building / Vera's n Shop, Main Street, Portarlington

RPS 5-Bay, 2-Storey Portarlingto 112 Building / Jewellers, n Main Street, Portarlington

RPS Portarlington Portarlingto 12900209 Regional 113 Market House, The n Square, Portarlington

RPS 4-Bay, 3-Storey Portarlingto 12900208 Regional 114 House (Arches) The n Square, Portarlington

RPS 6-Bay, 3-Storey Portarlingto 12900207 Regional 115 House (Finnegan n Racing), The Square, Portarlington RPS 5-Bay, 3-Storey Portarlingto 12900206 Regional 116 House & Bar, The n Square, Portarlington

RPS The Spa Inn/House Portarlingto 12900205 Local 117 & Bar, The Square, n Portarlington

RPS The Weighbridge Portarlingto 118 Inn, The Square, n Portarlington

RPS Church of Ireland Portarlingto 12900204 Regional 119 Church (Parochial n Hall), The Square, Portarlington


RPS Mullany's Portarlingto 120 Pharmacy, The n Square, Portarlington

RPS Saint Paul's Church Portarlingto 12900203 Regional 121 of Ireland Church, n French Church Street, Portarlington

RPS Le Quartier Portarlingto 12900202 Regional 122 Francais Pub / 5- n Bay, 3 Storey, French Church Street, Portarlington RPS The Anvil Inn (7- Portarlingto 12900210 Regional 123 Bay, 3-Storey n Building), Main Street, Portarlington RPS Portarlington Portarlingto 12900211 Regional 124 Catholic Club, Main n Street, Portarlington

RPS 3-Bay, 2-Storey Portarlingto 125 House, Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS 3-Bay, 3-Storey Portarlingto 126 House, Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS Post Office / 3-Bay, Portarlingto 127 2-Storey Building, n Main Street, Portarlington

RPS AIB & House, Main Portarlingto 12900212 Regional 128_A Street, n Portarlington

RPS Allied Irish Bank, Portarlingto 12900213 Regional 128_B Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS Melrose House / 4- Portarlingto 12900214 Regional 129 Bay, 2-Storey n House, Main Street, Portarlington


RPS 4-Bay, 2-Storey Portarlingto 12900227 Regional 130 House Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS 3-Bay, 2-Storey Portarlingto 12900245 Regional 131 House, Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS The Wilton & Portarlingto 12900228 Regional 132 Adjacent House, n Main Street, Portarlington

RPS Bank of Ireland, Portarlingto 12900229 Regional 133 Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS 5-Bay, 3-Storey Portarlingto 12900230 Regional 134 Over-Basement n House, Main Street, Portarlington

RPS Portarlington Portarlingto 12900231 Regional 135 Gospel Hall, Main n Street, Portarlington RPS 3-Bay, 2-Storey, Portarlingto 136 Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS East End Hotel, Portarlingto 12900232 Regional 137 Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS 3-Bay, 2-Storey Portarlingto 140 House, Foxcroft n Street, Portarlington

RPS Foxcroft Portarlingto 12900226 Regional 141 House/Greenville n (5-Bay, 3-Storey House), Foxcroft Street, Portarlington RPS 5-Bay, 3-Storey Portarlingto 142 House, Foxcroft n Street, Portarlington

RPS Portarlington Portarlingto 12800502 National 143 Railway Station, n Station Road, Portarlington


RPS Portarlington Portarlingto 12800503 Regional 143_a Railway Station n Footbridge, Station Road, Portarlington

RPS Letter Box, Station Portarlingto 12800504 Regional 143_b Road, Portarlington n

RPS Arlington House, Portarlingto 12900201 Regional 676 French Church n Street, Portarlington

RPS Cooltedery School, Portarlingto 12900217 Regional 677 Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS O'Sullivan & Portarlingto 12900218 Local 678 Hutchinson n Solicitors, Main Street, Portarlington RPS Stylistics Hair Salon, Portarlingto 12900219 Local 679 Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS House, Main Street, Portarlingto 12900220 Regional 680 Portarlington n

RPS House, Main Street, Portarlingto 12900221 Regional 681 Portarlington n

RPS Vincent Cryan, Portarlingto 12900223 Local 682 Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS House, Main Street, Portarlingto 12900234 Regional 684 Portarlington n

RPS House, Main Street, Portarlingto 12900248 Regional 685 Portarlington n

RPS Stable Complex, Portarlingto 12900246 Regional 686 Main Street, n Portarlington

RPS 3-Bay, 3-Storey Portarlingto 813 House, Main Street n North, Portarlington


RPS Church of Ireland, Portlaoise 12506044 Duchas: National 170 Mountrath Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise National

RPS Methodist Church, Portlaoise 12504136 Duchas: Local 171 Station Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS Courthouse, Main Portlaoise 12506023 Duchas: National 172 Street, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: National

RPS Dunamaise Theatre Portlaoise 12506025 Duchas: Regional 173 and Arts Centre, 2008 Survey: Church Street, Regional Portlaoise

RPS Garda Barracks, Portlaoise 12506160 Duchas: Regional 174 Abbeyleix Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS Kingfisher, Main Portlaoise 12507008 Duchas: Regional 175 Street, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 4-Bay, 3-Storey Portlaoise 12505150 Duchas: Regional 178 House, 2008 Survey: Road, Portlaoise Regional

RPS St. Fintan's Portlaoise 12508088 Duchas: Regional 179 Hospital, Dublin 2008 Survey: Road, Portlaoise National

RPS Portlaoise General Portlaoise 12508013 Duchas: Regional 180 Hospital, Dublin 2008 Survey: Road, Portlaoise National

RPS Old County Portlaoise 12505015 Duchas: Regional 181 Hospital, Dublin 2008 Survey: Road, Portlaoise Regional

RPS 1 Coote Street, Portlaoise 12504209 Duchas: Regional 182_A Portlaoise 2008 survey: Regional


RPS 2 Coote Street, Portlaoise 12504211 Duchas: Regional 182_B Portlaoise 2008 survey: Regional

RPS 3 Coote Street, Portlaoise 12504212 Duchas: Regional 182_C Portlaoise 2008 survey: Regional

RPS 3-Bay, 2-Storey Portlaoise 12504225 Duchas: Regional 183 Over-Basement 2008 survey: House, Coote, Regional Street, Portlaoise

RPS Roche Gibney Mill, Portlaoise 12504216 Duchas: Local 184_A Coote Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS Coote Street, Portlaoise 12504219 Duchas: Local 184_B Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Local

RPS U-Shaped Pair of Portlaoise 12504234 Duchas: Regional 185_A Houses, 2008 Survey: Mountmellick Regional Road, Portlaoise (1 Harper’s Lane, Portlaoise) RPS 2 Harper’s Lane, Portlaoise 12504235 Duchas: Regional 185_B Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS Old St. Peter's Portlaoise 12504175 Duchas: Regional 186_A Church of Ireland, 2008 Survey: Rear of Church Regional Street, Portlaoise

RPS Old St. Peter’s Portlaoise 12504276 Duchas: Regional 186_B Church Graveyard, 2008 Survey: Railway Street, Regional Portlaoise

RPS Midland Legal Portlaoise 12504127 Duchas: Local 187_A Solicitors, Bank 2008 Survey: Place, Portlaoise Regional

RPS Ivyleigh, Bank Portlaoise 12504128 Duchas: Local 187_B Place, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional


RPS Rosetta House, Portlaoise 12505030 Duchas: Local 188_A Dublin Road North, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS Coach house, Portlaoise 12505031 Duchas: Local 188_B Rosetta House, 2008 Survey: Dublin Road North, Regional Portlaoise

RPS Fitzpatrick's Shop, Portlaoise 12506194 Duchas: Local 190 Mountrath Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS P.J. Hume Portlaoise 12506335 Duchas: Local 192 Auctioneer, Main 2008 Survey: Street, Portlaoise Regional

RPS Coppers, Main Portlaoise 12506030 Duchas: Record 194 Street, Portlaoise only 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS Bar Mondays Pub, Portlaoise 12506029 Duchas: Local 195 Main Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS M. Dunne Grocer Portlaoise 12507066 Duchas: Record 196 Shop, Main Street, only Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS Permanent TSB Portlaoise 12506020 Duchas: Record 198 Bank, Main Street, only Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS O'Loughlin's Portlaoise 12506006 Duchas: Local 200_A Pharmacy / Medical 2008 Survey: Hall, Main Street, Regional Portlaoise

RPS O’Loughlin’s Hotel, Portlaoise 12506007 Duchas: Local 200_B Mains Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional


RPS Midland House / Portlaoise 12506004 Duchas: Local 202 The Office Centre, 2008 Survey: Main Street, Regional Portlaoise

RPS Gate & House, Portlaoise 12507002 Duchas: Local 203_A Main Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS Kingpin, Main Portlaoise 12507003 Duchas: Local 203_B Street, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS Newslink, Main Portlaoise 12507004 Duchas: Local 203_C Street, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS Egan’s Café, Main Portlaoise 12506003 Duchas: Local 201 Street, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS Egan's Portlaoise 12506002 Duchas: Record 204 Pub/Hostelry, Main only Street, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS Laois Derma Clinic, Portlaoise 12507005 Duchas: Local 205_A Main Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS205 Annie Apple, Main Portlaoise 12507005 Duchas: Local _B Street, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS The Polish Shop Portlaoise 206 formerly Whelans, Bridge Street, Portlaoise

RPS Clement Herron, Portlaoise Duchas: Local 207 Real Estate, Bridge 2008 Survey: Street, Portlaoise Regional

RPS Donoghue's Portlaoise 12507047 Duchas: Record 208 Plumbing Centre, only Main Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional


RPS Hume's Pub, Main Portlaoise 12507056 Duchas: Local 209 Street, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS "Ramsbottom & Portlaoise 12507060 Duchas: Regional 210 Sons" Shop, Main 2008 Survey: Street, Portlaoise Regional

RPS Carton's Opticians, Portlaoise 12507061 Duchas: Record 211 Main Street, only Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS Kayrn & Cuddy & Portlaoise 12507065 Duchas: Local 212 Hackett's 2008 Survey: Bookmakers, Main Regional Street, Portlaoise

RPS Breslin’s Pharmacy/ Portlaoise 12506258 Duchas: Local 214 Estique, Main 2008 Survey: Street, Portlaoise Regional

RPS A.J. Flynn's Shop, Portlaoise 12506257 Duchas: Local 215 Main Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise, Regional

RPS Tree of Life Shop, Portlaoise 12506255 Duchas: Local 216 Main Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS Bergin's Pub, Main Portlaoise 12506253 Duchas: Local 217 Street, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS Irish Nationwide, Portlaoise 12506251 Duchas: Local 218 Main Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS De Barbers, Main Portlaoise 12506246 Duchas: Local 220 Street, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional


RPS Treasures Shop, Portlaoise 12506245 Duchas: Local 221 Main Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS Whelan's Bros. , Portlaoise 12506244 Duchas: Local 222 Main Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS Empire Records/ Portlaoise 12506243 Duchas: Local 223 Dempsey's, Main 2008 Survey: Street, Portlaoise Regional

RPS Grellan Delaney & Portlaoise 12506240 Duchas: Record 224 Sons Pub, Main only Street, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS Sivana Shop, Main Portlaoise 12506225 Duchas: Record 225 Street, Portlaoise only 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS Adams Chemist, Portlaoise 12506227 Duchas: Local 226 Main Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS Portlaoise Arms, Portlaoise 12506216 Duchas: Record 227 Main Street, only Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS The Welcome Inn Portlaoise 12506219 Duchas: Record 228 Pub/ Mezza Pizza, only Main Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS The Square Bar, Portlaoise 12506217 Duchas: Local 229 Main Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS Alo Donegan's Portlaoise 12506221 Duchas: Local 230 Electric Store, Main 2008 Survey: Street, Portlaoise Regional


RPS Greenville House, Portlaoise 12504004 Regional 461 Mountmellick Road, Portlaoise

RPS Newpark House, Portlaoise 12504031 Regional 462 Flats 1-7, Mountmellick Road, Portlaoise

RPS Maryville, Church Portlaoise 12504114 Duchas: Regional 463 Street, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS Station House, Portlaoise Duchas: Regional 464 Station Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS Fort of Portlaoise 12504200 Duchas: Regional 468 Maryborough, 2008 Survey: Tower Hill, National Portlaoise

RPS Detached 3-Bay, 2- Portlaoise 12504218 Duchas: Regional 469 Storey House, 2008 Survey: Coote Street, Regional Portlaoise

RPS Footbridge at Portlaoise 12504330 Duchas: Regional 471 Portlaoise Railway 2008 Survey: Station, Station Regional Road, Portlaoise RPS Railway Waiting Portlaoise 12504338 Duchas: Regional 472 Rooms and 2008 Survey: Ancillary Offices, Regional Station Road, Portlaoise RPS Portlaoise Prison, Portlaoise 12505009 Duchas: Regional 473 Dublin Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS Old County Hospital Portlaoise 12505016 Duchas: Regional 474 Wall (Gate, Piers & 2008 Survey: Entrance), Dublin Regional Road, Portlaoise

RPS Presentation Portlaoise 12505169 Duchas: Regional 475 Convent, Church 2008 Survey: Street, Portlaoise National

RPS Circular Tower in Portlaoise 12505199 Duchas: Regional 476 Presentation 2008 Survey: Convent, Church National Street, Portlaoise


RPS Garda Station Wall, Portlaoise 12506163 Duchas : Regional 477 Abbeyleix Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS Former OPW Portlaoise 12506349 Duchas : Regional 478 Offices / Garda 2008 Survey: Station, Abbeyleix Regional Road, Portlaoise

RPS 2-Bay Single-Storey Portlaoise 12506348 Duchas : Regional 479 Guard 2008 Survey: House/Garda Regional Station, Abbeyleix Road, Portlaoise

RPS Gate Lodge at Portlaoise 12508069 Duchas : Regional 480 County Hospital, 2008 Survey: Dublin Road, National Portlaoise

RPS Donovan Façade, Portlaoise 12506220 Duchas: Local 809 Market Square, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS Blandsfort House, Rahanavann 12802412 Regional 442 Rahanavannagh agh

RPS Saint Fintan's Raheen 12801734 Regional 373 Catholic Church, Raheen

RPS Raheenduff House, Raheenduff 12801939 Regional 440 Raheenduff (ST. BY.)

RPS Saint Colman's Raheenduff 12801922 Record only 622 Russian Orthodox (ST. BY.) Church, Hall Demesne, Stradbally

RPS Rathaspick Ruined Rathaspick 12802502 Regional 383 Church of Ireland Church & Tower, Rathaspick

RPS Rathdowney 12900818 Regional 280 Church of Ireland Church, The Square, Rathdowney

RPS Eastholme Gate Rathdowney 12900814 Regional 281 Lodge / Gothic Lodge. The Square, Rathdowney


RPS Richard Williams & Rathdowney 12900815 Regional 282 Sons Shop, The Square, Rathdowney

RPS The Card Stand Rathdowney 283 Shop The Square, Rathdowney

RPS H. G. Perry & Son Rathdowney 12900816 Regional 284 Shop The Square, Rathdowney

RPS Tim Barry Bar, The Rathdowney 285 Square, Rathdowney

RPS E.A. Giles Shop, Rathdowney 12900806 Regional 287 Chapel Street, Rathdowney

RPS Conroy Shop, Rathdowney 12900805 Regional 288 Moore Street, Rathdowney

RPS P. Whelan Shop, Rathdowney 12900804 Regional 289 Chapel Street, Rathdowney

RPS Patrick Malone Rathdowney 12900803 Regional 290 Shop, Chapel Street, Rathdowney

RPS P. Healy Shop, Rathdowney 12900802 Local 291 Moore Street, Rathdowney

RPS Flynn's Medical Rathdowney 12900801 Regional 292 Hall, Moore Street, Rathdowney

RPS J.A. O'Malley Pub / Rathdowney 12900811 Regional 293_A Teach an Chuinne, The Square, Rathdowney

RPS J. A. O'Malley, The Rathdowney 12900812 Regional 293_B Square, Rathdowney


RPS Tuohy's Bar, Pound Rathdowney 12900808 Regional 295 Street, Rathdowney

RPS Holy Trinity Rathdowney 12900825 Local 297 Catholic Church, Rathdowney

RPS The Golden Cod, Rathdowney 12900813 Local 764 The Square, Rathdowney

RPS Allied Irish Bank, Rathdowney 12900817 Regional 765 The Square, Rathdowney

RPS Rathdowney Glebe, Rathdowney 12900819 Regional 766 House, Church Street, Rathdowney

RPS Rathdowney Rathdowney 12900820 Regional 767 Courthouse, Church Street, Rathdowney

RPS C.Y.M.A., Church Rathdowney 12900821 Regional 768 Street, Rathdowney

RPS Erkin View, Rathdowney 12900822 Regional 769 Rathdowney

RPS Group of Houses, Rathdowney 12900823 Local 770 Moore Street, Rathdowney

RPS Perry Memorial, Rathdowney 12900824 Regional 771 The Square, Rathdowney

RPS Rathleague Lodge, Rathleague 12801303 Regional 588 Rathleague

RPS Rathleash House Rathleash 12800553 Local 548 Gateway, Rathleash, Portarlington


RPS Huntington House Rathleash 12800557 Regional 551 Gate Lodge, Rathleash, Portarlington

RPS Huntington House, Rathleash 12800923 Regional 576 Rathleash

RPS Killermogh Church Rathmakelly 12802935 Regional 497 of Ireland Church, Glebe Rathmakelly Glebe

RPS Rathmakelly Glebe Rathmakelly 12802936 Regional 498 Glebe

RPS Lea Church of Rathmiles 12800922 Regional 575 Ireland Church, Rathmiles

RPS Rathmoyle House, Rathmoyle 815 Abbeyleix

RPS 19th Century Single Rathronshin 360 Cell, Rathronshin

RPS Rath House, Rathronshin 12800914 Regional 437 Rathronshin

RPS Catholic Church of Rathronshin 12800905 Regional 564 the Sacred Heart, Rathronshin,

RPS Rathronshin Rathronshin 12800906 Regional 565 Parochial House, Rathronshin

RPS Saint Brigid's Rosenallis 12900108 Local 348 Catholic Church, Rosenallis, Mountmellick RPS Saint Mary's Church Rosenallis 12900102 Regional 349 of Ireland Church, Rosenallis, Mountmellick

RPS Society of Friends Rosenallis 350 Arch & Wall, The Village, Rosenallis


RPS J.J. Shelley Façade, Rosenallis 12900103 Local 351 Rosenallis, Mountmellick

RPS Arched Wall (Saint Rosenallis 12900105 Regional 352 Brigid's Well), Rosenallis, Mountmellick

RPS House, Rosenallis, Rosenallis 12900106 Regional 538

RPS Church of Ireland Rosskelton 12801736 Regional 381 Church, Rosskelton

RPS Roundwood House, Roundwood 12801102 National 415_A Roundwood

RPS Roundwood House Roundwood 12801103 Regional 415_B Stable Complex, Roundwood

RPS Roundwood House Roundwood 12801104 Regional 415_C Barn, Roundwood

RPS Imposing 17th Rush Hall ASOI:1029 394 Century Stacks / Rush Hall Court, Pike-of-Rushall

RPS Shaen House & Shaen 12800877 Regional 399 Lodge / Saint Brigid's Hospital, Shaen

RPS House, Shanahoe 12802348 Regional 653 Shanahoe

RPS Springmount House Shanahoe 12802349 Regional 654

RPS Shanderry House, Shanderry 12801618 Regional 431 Shanderry


RPS Shrule Castle Tower Shrule ASOI: 965 404 House, Shrule

RPS Capard Forge, Skerry 12800710 Regional 557 Capard

RPS Fleming's Fireclays Slatt Lower 12803103 Regional 516 Kilns, Swan

RPS Fleming's Fireclays Slatt Lower 12803104 Regional 517 Manager's House, Swan

RPS , Spinghill (SL. 12803704 Regional 672 Springhill, BY.) Abbeyleix

RPS Norefields House, Springmount 12802339 Regional 646 Abbeyleix Old Town, Abbeyleix

RPS Catholic Church of Stradbally 12900425 Regional 233 the Sacred Heart, Main Street, Stradbally

RPS Presentation Stradbally 12900427 Regional 234 Convent, Stradbally

RPS Saint Patrick's Stradbally 12900423 Regional 235 Church of Ireland Church, Main Street, Stradbally RPS Stradbally Maltings, Stradbally 12900430 Regional 236 Main Street, Stradbally

RPS Saint Joseph's Old Stradbally 12900428 Regional 237 School, Main Street, Stradbally

RPS St. Mary's Old Stradbally 12900424 Regional 238 School (Stradbally Convent School), Main Street, Stradbally


RPS Cosby Church of Stradbally 12900422 Regional 239 Ireland School, Main Street, Stradbally

RPS House, Market Stradbally 12900405 Regional 240 Square, Stradbally

RPS House, Market Stradbally 12900406 Regional 241 Square, Stradbally

RPS Stradbally Stradbally 12900414 Regional 242 Courthouse, Court House Square, Stradbally

RPS Daniel Dunne Stradbally 12900418 Regional 243 Public House, Court House, Square

RPS 2 Stone Cottages, Stradbally 12900416 Regional 244 Court House Square, Stradbally

RPS Artisan Cottages, Stradbally 12900421 Regional 245 The Green, Stradbally

RPS O'Toole's Shop, Stradbally 246 Main Street, Stradbally

RPS Dobbin's Shop, Stradbally 12900431 Regional 247 Main Street, Stradbally

RPS The Valley Diner, Stradbally 248 Main Street, Stradbally

RPS Stradbally Credit Stradbally 12900409 Local 249 Union, Main Street, Stradbally


RPS Stradbally Stradbally 12900403 Regional 250 Wesleyan Chapel / Old Church, Main Street, Stradbally

RPS T. Handy Façade, Stradbally 251 Main Street, Stradbally

RPS Napper Tandy Stradbally 12900410 Local 252 Façade, Main Street, Stradbally

RPS Ballintubbert Glebe Stradbally 12801936 Regional 311 House, Ballintubbert, Stradbally

RPS Saint Brigid's Stradbally 12801934 Regional 312 Church of Ireland Church, Ballintubbert, Stradbally RPS , Stradbally 12900432 National 414 Stradbally

RPS Brockley Park Gate Stradbally 12801411 Local 708 Lodge, Stradbally

RPS Stradbally Maltings, Stradbally 12900402 Regional 709 Main Street, Stradbally

RPS Stradbally Market Stradbally 12900404 Regional 710 House, Market Square, Stradbally

RPS Saint James's Stradbally 12900407 Regional 711 Catholic Chapel, Main Street, Stradbally

RPS Kate's Restaurant, Stradbally 12900408 Regional 712 Main Street, Stradbally


RPS The Abbey, Main Stradbally 12900411 Record only 713 Street, Stradbally

RPS Stradbally Rectory, Stradbally 12900412 Regional 714 Church Lane, Stradbally

RPS Pole Bridge, Stradbally 12900413 Regional 741 Stradbally

RPS Cosby Terrace, Stradbally 12900415 Regional 742 Court House Square, Stradbally

RPS "Lost", Court House Stradbally 12900417 Record only 743 Square, Stradbally

RPS O'Higgins Stradbally 12900419 Local 744 Memorial, Court House Square, Stradbally

RPS Stradbally Stradbally 12900420 Regional 745 Wesleyan Church, Court House Square, Stradbally

RPS Presentation Stradbally 12900426 Regional 746 Convent Chapel, Main Street, Stradbally

RPS Stradbally Bridge, Stradbally 12900429 Regional 747 Main Street, Stradbally

RPS Hydraulic Ram, Stradbally 12900433 Local 748 Stradbally Demesne, Stradbally

RPS Superette, Main Stradbally 12900434 Local 749 Street, Stradbally


RPS House, Main Street, Stradbally 12900436 Local 751 Stradbally

RPS Willie Headon 12801802 Regional 353 Memorial Library/ Ch of Irel, Timahoe.

RPS Saint Michael's Timahoe 12801801 Regional 354 Catholic Church, Timahoe

RPS Timahoe National Timahoe 355 School, The Village, Timahoe

RPS Stone Warehouse Timahoe 356 1860, Portlaoise Road, Timahoe

RPS Ramsbottom Timahoe 357 Façade, The Green, Timahoe

RPS Tower Inn Façade, Timahoe 358 The Green, Timahoe

RPS Timogue Church of Timogue 12801929 National 378 Ireland Church, Timogue

RPS Woodlands House, Timogue 12801928 Regional 623 Timogue

RPS Timogue House, Timogue 12801930 Regional 624 Timogue

RPS Ruin of Tower Tinnakill ASOI: 968 398 House, Tinnakill

RPS Tinnakill House Tinnakill 12801735 Regional 452 (18th Century, (MB. W. BY.) Bay), Tinnakill


RPS Tinneel Society of Tinneel 12900101 Regional 536 Friends Burial Ground Rosenallis

RPS Thatched House, Townparks 12800701 Regional 552 Cloonagh, (TI. BY) Mountmellick

RPS Thatched House, Townparks 12800702 Local 553 Cloonagh (TI. BY.)

RPS Mountmellick Townparks 12900332 Regional 693 Railway Station, (TI. BY.) Wolfe Tone Street, Mountmellick

RPS Rynn House, Rinn, Townsparks 12800307 Local 539 Mountmellick (TI. BY.)

RPS School, Vicarstown 12801404 Regional 595 Vicarstown (Cosby)

RPS Catholic Church of Vicarstown 12801405 Regional 596 the Assumption, (Cosby) Vicarstown

RPS Grattan Lodge, Vicarstown 12801413 Regional 602 Vicarstown (Cosby)

RPS Dunrally Bridge, Vicarstown 12801401 Regional 592 Vicarstown (Dodd)

RPS Vicarstown Bridge, Vicarstown 12801403 Regional 594 Vicarstown (Dodd)

RPS Dunrally Fort, Vicarstown 12801412 Local 601 Vicarstown (Dodd)

RPS Vicarstown Canal Vicarstown 12801428 Regional 606 Warehouse 1, (Dodd) Vicarstown


RPS Vicarstown Canal Vicarstown 12801429 Regional 607 Warehouse 2, (Dodd) Vicarstown

RPS Vicarstown Canal Vicarstown 12801430 Regional 608 Warehouse 3, (Dodd) Vicarstown

RPS Quakers Bridge, Ballintagga- 12802103 Regional 633 Ballintaggart rt, Borris-in- Ossory

RPS Moneymore Bridge, Moneymor- 12802104 Regional 634 Borris-in-Ossory e, Borris-in- Ossory

ADDITIONS TO THE RPS Based on Recommendations of the Bridge, Thatch and Industrial Heritage Surveys of 2007 Proposed RPS Name Townland/ Survey Ref Photograph Rating no. Town Bridge Survey 2007 RPS 821 Rathcoffey Bridge, Rathcoffey LAIAR-003- 2007 Rathcoffey, Co. 011 Survey: Laois Regional

RPS 822 Tinnahinch Bridge, Drumnabehy LAIAR-003- 2007 Drumnabehy, 014 Survey: Tinnahinch, Co. Regional Laois

RPS 823 Bay Bridge, Forest Townparks LAIAR-004- 2007 Lower; Townparks 001 Survey: (Tinnahinch By) Regional

RPS 824 Portnahinch Bridge, Portnahinch LAIAR-004- 2007 Portnahinch, Co 004 Survey: Offaly Regional

RPS 825 Kilnahown Cooknavarnog LAIAR-004- 2007 Bridge,Coolnavarno e 006 Survey:


ge and Coolaghy, Regional Co Offaly

RPS 826 Bergin's Bridge, Loughmanslan LAIAR-005- 2007 Loughmansland d Glebe 016 Survey: Glebe. Regional

RPS 827 Baylough Bridge, Inchacooly LAIAR-005- 2007 Inchacooly, Co 022 Survey: Kildare. Regional

RPS 828 Railway Brdige, Tirhoger LAIAR-005- 2007 Tirhoger 031 Survey: Regional

RPS 829 Railway Bridge, Derrycloney LAIAR-008- 2007 Derrycloney 005 Survey: Regional

RPS 830 Debicot Bridge, Strahard LAIAR-008- 2007 Strahard, Co. Laois 022 Survey: Regional

RPS 831 Kilnacash Bridge, Kilnacash LAIAR-008- 2007 Kilnacash 027 Survey: Regional

RPS 832 Dangan's Bridge, Dangans LAIAR-008- Dangans 029 2007 Survey: Regional RPS 833 Skeagh Bridge, Tinnakill LAIAR-008- 2007 Tinnakill 030 Survey: (Portnahinch By) Regional

RPS 834 Courtwood Courtwood LAIAR-009- 2007 Bridge,Courtwood 012 Survey: Regional

RPS 835 Dooley's Bridge; Inchanisky LAIAR-011- 2007 {Killinure Bridge} 003 Survey: Inchanisky Regional

RPS 836 Lacca Bridge; Lacka LAIAR-011- 2007


{Bennett's Bridge} 009 Survey: Lacka Regional

RPS 837 Roundwood Bridge, Killinure LAIAR-011- 2007 Killinure 011 Survey: (Upperwoods By); Regional Paddock RPS 838 Ballymanus Bridge, Ballymanus LAIAR-014- 2007 Ballymanus 025 Survey: Regional

RPS 839 Annagh Bridge, Annagh LAIAR-016- 2007 Annagh; 005 Survey: Derrynaseera; Regional Glebe (Upperwoods By)

RPS 840 Derrynaseera Derryduff LAIAR-016- 2007 Bridge, Derryduff; 007 Survey: Derrynaseera Regional

RPS 841 Derryduff Bridge, Derryduff LAIAR-016- 2007 Derryduff 013 Survey: Regional

RPS 842 Nore Bridge, Shangownagh LAIAR-016- 2007 Kildrinagh; 018 Survey: Shangownagh; Regional {Peafield} RPS 843 Rushin Bridge Mountrath LAIAR-017- 2007 Mountrath 004 Survey: (Maryborough Regional West By); Mountrath (Upperwoods By) RPS 844 Railway Bridge. Tullyroe LAIAR-023- 2007 Tullyroe, Abbeyleix 025 Survey: Regional

RPS 845 Stone Arch, Knocknamoe LAIAR-023- 2007 Knocknamoe; 033 Survey: Tullyroe, Abbeyleix Regional

RPS 846 Kilfeacle, Laois Kilfeacle LAIAR-025- 2007 028 Survey: Regional


RPS 847 Tankardstown Tankardstown LAIAR-026- 2007 Bridge, 006 Survey: Tankardstown; Co Regional Kildare

RPS 848 Gale’s Bridge, Ballyfinnan LAIAR-026- 2007 Ballyfinnan 011 Survey: Regional

RPS 849 Coneyburrow Coolkerry LAIAR-028- 2007 Bridge, Coolkerry; 013 Survey: Rathdowney Regional

RPS 850 Watercastle Bridge, Granafallow LAIAR-029- 2007 Granafallow; 012 Survey: Watercastle Regional

RPS 851 New Bridge, Castlewood LAIAR-029- 2007 Castlewood; 029 Survey: Course; Rath Regional

Thatch Survey 2007 RPS 852 Thatched House, Garrymore 1 2007 Garymore, Survey: Mountmellick Regional

RPS 853 Thatched House, 2 2007 Clonaghdoo, Survey: Mountmellick Regional

RPS 854 Thatched House, Corbally 3 2007 Rosenallis Survey: Regional

RPS 855 Thatched House, Reary Beg 5 2007 Reary bog, Survey: Clonaslee Regional

RPS 856 Thatched House, O’Moores 6 2007 O'Moore's Forrest, Forest Survey: Mountmellick Regional


RPS 857 Thatched House, Derrycloney 7 2007 Derrycloney, Survey: Mountmellick Regional

RPS 858 Thatched House, Graigue 11 2007 Graigue, Survey: Mountmellick Regional

RPS 859 Thatched House, Morett 13 2007 Morette, Emo Survey: Regional

RPS 860 Thatched House, Morett 14 2007 Morette, Emo Survey: Regional

RPS 861 Thatched House, Tullaghan 20 2007 Ballybrittas, Survey: Tullaghan Regional

RPS 864 Thatched House, Paddock 24 2007 Paddock Mountrath Survey: Regional

RPS 865 Thatched House, Raheenahoran 26 2007 Raheenahoran, Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS 866 Thatched House, Rosnamullane 29 2007 Rosnamullane, Survey: Vicarstown Regional

RPS 867 Thatched House, Kylespiddoge 30 2007 Kylespiddoge, Survey: Stradbally Regional

RPS 869 Thatched House, Rosnamullane 33 2007 Rosnamullane, Survey: Vicarstown Regional

RPS 870 Thatched House, Tomaclavin 38 2007 Tomaclavin, Survey: Timahoe Regional


RPS 871 Thatched House, Crannagh 39 2007 Crannagh, Survey: Stradbally Regional

RPS 872 Thatched House, Clondouglas 41 2007 Clondouglas, Survey: Abbeyleix Regional

RPS 873 Thatched House, Tinnaragh 45 2007 Tinnaragh, Clogh Survey: Regional

RPS 874 Thatched House, Tooreagh 46 2007 Tooreagh, Clogh Survey: Regional

RPS 875 Thatched House, Ballyfin 48 2007 Ballyfin Survey: Regional

RPS 876 Thatched House, Park 49 2007 Park, Ballacolla Survey: Regional

RPS 877 Thatched House, Ballyboodin 50 2007 Ballyboodin, Survey: Durrow Regional

RPS 878 Thatched House, Rathmakelly 51 2007 Rathmakelly Glebe, Glebe Survey: Ballacolla Regional

RPS 879 Thatched House, Gorteen 52 2007 Gorteen, Ballacolla Survey: Regional

RPS 880 Thatched House, Newtown 53 2007 Newtown, Durrow Survey: Regional

RPS 881 Thatched House, Raheenleagh 54 2007 Raheenleagh, Survey: Cullahill Regional

RPS 882 Thatched House, Barrackquarte 55 2007 Barrackquarter, r or Ross Survey: Cullahil Regional


RPS Thatched House, Aghnacross 60 2007 883 Aghnacross, Spink, Survey: Abbeyleix Regional

RPS Thatched House, Rathleague 61 2007 884 Rathleague, Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS 949 Thatched Cottage, Mountmellick Thatch 2007 Brittas, The Rock, Survey: 57 Survey: Mountmellick Regional

Industrial Heritage Survey 2007

RPS 885 Malt House & kiln, Townparks LAIAR-008- Regional Mountmellick (Ti. By.) 066

RPS 886 Finlay's Mill Garrymaddock LAIAR-014- Regional Tonafarna, ; Tonafarna 002 Mountmellick

RPS 887 Pass Mill, Pass Pass LAIAR-018- Regional Portlaoise 015

RPS 888 Grain Mill, Timogue Timogue LAIAR-019- Regional Stradbally 016

RPS 889 Beechfield Mill, Poormansbrid LAIAR-023- Regional Poormansbridge, ge 021 Abbeyleix

RPS 890 Flour Mill, Mounteagle LAIAR-024- Regional Mounteagle, 001 Ballyroan RPS 891 Corn MIll, Ballyroan Ballyroan (Cu. LAIAR-024- Regional By.) 002

RPS 892 Simmons Mill, Ballylehane LAIAR-025- Regional Ballylynan Lower 026


ADDITIONS TO THE RPS Based on Recommendations of the Lotts Architects Portlaoise Survey 2008, Clonaslee and Knockbeg Surveys of 2011 and miscellaneous sources.

RPS 893 Abbeyleix Sawmills, Abbeyleix LAIAR-029- Regional Abbeyleix Demesne 006

RPS 894 Threshing Mill, Killeen (Ba. Regional LAIAR-032- Killeen, By.) 018 Ballickmoyler

RPS 895 Flour Mill, Grange, Grange (Ba. LAIAR-032- Regional Ballickmoyler By.) 023


Proposed Address Town Duchas Photograph Rating RPS no. Ref.

RPS 896 6 Millview Terrace, Portlaoise 12505142 Duchas: Ridge Record only Road,Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 897 Outbuilding to Portlaoise 12505147 Duchas: Local Portleix House, 2008 Survey: Dublin Road, Regional Portlaoise,

RPS 898 Outbuilding to Portlaoise 12505149 Duchas: Local Portleix House, 2008 Survey: Dublin Road, Regional Portlaoise,

RPS 899 Scoil An Clocair Portlaoise 12505166 Duchas: Local Portlaoise (or 2008 Survey: Sacred Heart Regional Primary School), Church Avenue, Portlaoise RPS 900 Sacred Heart Portlaoise 12505168 Duchas: Local Primary School, 2008 Survey: Church Avenue, Regional Portlaoise

RPS 901 Scoil An Clocar, Portlaoise 12505167 Duchas: Local Church Avenue 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS 902 Vent pipe, Portlaoise 12505192 Duchas: Local Stradbally Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise, Borris Regional Little

RPS 903 Black Jacks Clothes Portlaoise 12506018 Duchas: Local Shop (or Irish 2008 Survey: Permanent Building Regional Society), 36 Main Street, Portlaoise

RPS 904 (or Paddy Power Portlaoise 12506018 Duchas: Local Bookmaker) 2008 Survey: 37 Main Street, Regional Portlaoise


RPS 905 6 Grattan Street, Portlaoise 12506051 Duchas: Local Portlaoise, 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 906 14 Mountrath Portlaoise 12506060 Duchas: Local Road, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 907 St Fintan’s Hospital, Portlaoise 12508087 Duchas: Local Dublin Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS 908 St Fintan’s Hospital, Portlaoise 12508086 Duchas: Local Dublin Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS 909 St Fintan’s Hospital, Portlaoise 12508084 Duchas: Local Dublin Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS 910 St Fintan’s Hospital, Portlaoise 12508082 Duchas: Local Dublin Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS 911 St Fintan’s Hospital, Portlaoise 12508081 Duchas: Local Dublin Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS 912 Former laundry, St Portlaoise 12508080 Duchas: Local Fintan’s Hospital, 2008 Survey: Dublin Road, Regional Portlaoise

RPS 914 Kane Whelan, 15 Portlaoise 12507010 Duchas: Local Main Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS 915 Scully, 9 Bridge Portlaoise 12507016 Duchas: Local Street, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional


RPS 916 7/7A Bridge Street, Portlaoise 12507018 Duchas: Portlaoise Record only 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 917 6 Bridge Street, Portlaoise 12507019 Duchas: Local Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 918 Barber Shop, 5 Portlaoise 12507020 Duchas: Local Bridge Street, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS 920 Anglican Mortuary Portlaoise 12505001 Duchas: Local Chapen, St Fintan’s, 2008 Survey: Dublin Road Regional

RPS 921 Graveyard at Ridge Portlaoise 12505117 Duchas: Local Road, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 922 Vent pipe, Grattan Portlaoise 12506308 Duchas: Street, Portlaoise, Record only 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 923 Domestic House, Portlaoise 12507080 Duchas: Local Well Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS 924 Domestic House, 3 Portlaoise 12507082 Duchas: Well Road, Record only Portlaoise 2008 Survey Regional

RPS 925 Portrain House, Portlaoise 12507122 Duchas: Local Stradbally Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional


RPS 927 Former nurses Portlaoise 12508067 Duchas: Local home, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: General Hospital, Regional Dublin Road

RPS 928 RC church, Portlaoise 12508068 Duchas: Local Portlaoise General 2008 Survey: Hospital, Dublin Regional Road

RPS 929 Outbuilding, St Portlaoise 12508077 Duchas: Local Fintain’s Hospital, 2008 Survey: Dublin Road Regional

RPS 931 Former Mortuary, Portlaoise 12505002 Duchas: Local St Fintan’s Hospital, 2008 Survey: Dublin Road, Regional Portlaoise

RPS 932 RC Mortuary Portlaoise 12505003 Duchas: Local Chapel, St Fintan’s 2008 Survey: Hospital, Dublin Regional Road, Portlaoise

RPS 933 The Lodge (gate Portlaoise 12505007 Duchas: Local lodge), St Fintan’s 2008 Survey: Hospital, Dublin Regional Road, Portlaoise.

RPS 934 IBS or Annefield Portlaoise 12505056 Duchas: House, Dublin Record only Road, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 935 15 Mountrath Portlaoise 12506062 Duchas: Local Road, Portlaoise. 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 936 16 Mountrath Portlaoise 12506063 Duchas: Local Road, Portlaoise. 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 937 17 Marian Avenue, Portlaoise 12506088 Duchas: Local Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional


RPS 938 Dennis Bowe Portlaoise 12506157 Duchas: Local Furniture, Factory 2008 Survey: Lane, Portlaoise. Regional

RPS 939 Gymnasium, Portlaoise 12506162 Duchas: Local Abbyeleix Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise. Regional

RPS 940 24 Grattan Street, Portlaoise 12506213 Duchas: Local Portlaoise. 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 941 22 Grattan Street, Portlaoise 12506215 Duchas: Local Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 943 Residence, Portlaoise 12507030 Duchas: Local Stradbally Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise. Regional

RPS 944 Annebrook House, Portlaoise 12507035 Duchas: Local Stradbally Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS 945 Former Cinema, Portlaoise 12507040 Duchas: Local Well Road, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise. Regional

RPS 946 Robert Redmond, Portlaoise 12507058 Duchas: Local 103-104 Main 2008 Survey: Street, Portlaoise. Regional

RPS 947 102 Main Street, Portlaoise 12507059 Duchas: Local Portlaoise. 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 950 Portlaoise General Portlaoise 12508071 Duchas: Local Hospital, Dublin 2008 Survey: Road Portlaoise National

RPS 951 St. Mary’s CBS Portlaoise 12504117 Duchas: Local School, Tower Hill, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional


RPS 952 Outbuilding to Portlaoise 12504167 Duchas: Local Former Bank of 2008 Survey: Ireland Branch Regional Office, Bank Place Portlaoise

RPS 953 Former Bank of Portlaoise 12504168 Duchas: Local Ireland Branch 2008 Survey: Office, Bank Place Regional Portlaoise

RPS 954 War Memorial Portlaoise 12504171 Duchas: Local Monument, 2008 Survey: Millview Memorial Regional Park, Ridge Road, Portlaoise

RPS 955 Former VEC Portlaoise 12504183 Duchas: Tower Hill, Record only Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 957 St. Mary’s CBS Portlaoise 12504322 Duchas: Local School, Tower Hill, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise, Regional

RPS 958 St. Mary’s CBS Portlaoise 12504116 Duchas: Local School, Tower Hill, 2008 Survey: Portlaoise Regional

RPS 959 Post box, Tower Portlaoise 12504323 Duchas: Local Hill, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 960 Vent Pipe, Coote Portlaoise 12504333 Duchas: Local Street, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional


RPS 961 Post box, Green Portlaoise 12504336 Duchas: Local Road, Portlaoise 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 962 Postbox, Station Portlaoise 12504341 Duchas: Local Road, Portlaoise, 2008 Survey: Regional

RPS 963 House, Chapel Clonaslee Lotts Survey Lane, Clonaslee 2011:

RPS 964 House, Glenkeen Glenkeen Lotts Survey Upper Upper 2011:

RPS 965 Old College Knockbeg Lotts Survey Building, including 2011: Knockbeg House

RPS 966 Main College Knockbeg Lotts Survey Building including 2011: service wing and Recommende link d for addition

RPS 967 St. Joseph’s Knockbeg Lotts Survey Building 2011: Recommende d for addition

RPS 968 Infirmary Building Knockbeg Lotts Survey 2011: Recommende d for addition

RPS 969 Industrial single- Abbeyleix storey building, stone arch compound


RPS 970_A Knocknamoe House Knocknamoe Abbeyleix

RPS 971 Sweetview Post- Sweetview, box Abbeyleix

RPS 972 Killamuck Post-box Killamuck, Abbeyleix

RPS 973 Aughmacart Post- Aughmacart, box Cullahill

RPS 974 Dunmore Post-box Dunmore, Durrow

RPS Early 19th century Portlaoise 12504147 LOCAL 975 stable wall at the rear of No 11 Coote Street, Portlaoise (corner of Coote Street

and Station Road)