The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Washington, D.C. 20433 Cable Address: INTBAFRAD INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION U.S.A. Cable Address: INDEVAS From: Karen Hudes Date: Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 1:47 PM Subject: Re: question regarding currency To: Bengt Carlsson cc:
[email protected], Netherlands Distribution List Bengt, Thank you for this. I sent the question to H.E. Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Netherland's Minister of Finance, about replacing fractional reserve fiat currency with currency containing gold from international monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility to the Ministry of Finance's contact page, b169-facfbfeeb648 and tweeted it to him on the 25th of March: This followed a letter from Minister Dijsselbloem that was debated in the Netherlands' Parliament, in which Minister Dijsselbloem lied that the Netherlands could not carry out its own policy. H.E. Dijsselbloem knows about the decision of the Board of Governors for a Global Currency Reset. I reminded Minister Dijsselbloem of these facts: My letter of December 28, 2015 to H.E. Jeroen Dijsselbloem This is further to my letter to you of July 24, 2015,, fax to the Executive Directors dated December 18, 2015, , and email to the Chair of the Development Committee of December 26, 2015, concerning the Global Currency Reset from the assets in the Global Debt Facility, as described in .