
August TRACK-tivity: Uncovering Cove There are many different types of forests here in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Acidic cove forests and rich cove forests are found in bowl-shaped valleys found between two ridges in the Appalachian Mountains. Have you ever been in either type of ?

Acidic Cove Forest Rich Cove Forest An acidic cove forest has few , a dense shrub A rich cove forest has a high diversity of large , a sparse layer, and a sparse layer. Canopy shrub layer and a dense herb layer. Few Tree SPecies Biodiverse CanoPY Few tree species can grow in acidic soils, but the trees that do The thick canopy protects the forest from strong winds. grow form a thick canopy. Trees grow fast, tall and wide. Eastern Hemlock Yellow Buckeye The eastern hemlock has short, Wray Paul have five distinct parts. rounded needles and cones The nuts are eaten by squirrels but are about the size of a nickel. deadly to humans.

Lots of Shrubs and laurels grow well in shaded, acidic soil. The sugar maple looks like a hand with five fingers. They have winged , called samaras, that spin as they fall from the tree. Look for shrubs with large leaves the length of an adult hand. are white, pink or purple. Mountain Laurel Dense Herb LaYer The flowers are pentagon shaped A thick tree canopy that creates shade year-round and soil and have pink . Leaves rich in nutrients provides a great environment for a high variety of . are the length of an adult finger. Bloodroot Shrub Herb layer Jewelweed SParse Herb LaYer layer (forest floor) The dense shrub layer prevents many plants from growing on the forest floor.

Galax Look for leathery oval leaves that are close to the ground. Stinging Nettle Trillium Careful! Don’t touch!