Coin Register 2010
Available online at COIN REGISTER 2010 EDITED BY MARTIN ALLEN AND SAM MOORHEAD THE Coin Register provides a platform for the publication of unusual and remarkable single coin fi nds from Britain and Ireland. All Celtic, pre-conquest Roman, Roman silver prior to AD 64, Roman gold and late Roman silver coins from the fourth century onwards are welcomed, as are Anglo-Saxon, Norman or Plantagenet coins and their continental contem- poraries (down to and including the Cross-and-Crosslets (Tealby) type of Henry II), and most later medieval continental coins. However, coins outside these categories will still be consid- ered for their numismatic interest. As always, the essential criterion for inclusion will be that the coin is new, by virtue of either being newly found or (if previously discovered) being hitherto unpublished. Single fi nds from archaeological excavations may be included if it seems that there would otherwise be a considerable delay in publication. Celtic material should be sent in the fi rst instance to Ian Leins, Department of Coins and Medals, British Museum, London WC1B 3DG ( Finds of Greek and Roman coins should be notifi ed to Sam Moorhead, Finds Adviser, Iron Age and Roman coins, Portable Antiquities Scheme, c/o Department of Coins and Medals, British Museum, London WC1B 3DG ( Other material should be sent to Dr Martin Allen, Department of Coins and Medals, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge CB2 1RB ( Contributors K.H. Katie Hinds D.H. David Holman R.A.A.
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