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Grosse Pointe News 30 cents 44 Pages ~OL. 46-No 49 , , Thursday, December 5, 1985

your information •

Snow and balls Hello, Is there a full moon out? Con- sIder the following stones fresh hello! from the files of the Woods and It doesn't really matter whe- Citv pohce books One of the most dangerous ther you \:c111 him Santa. Claus, sItuations facmg a cop IS pulling Kris Kringle, St. Nick or that Jolly over a car late at night He Old Elf. What's most important literally doesn't know what to to the kids Is that he appears expect The dnver might be every year about this time. And holding anythmg from a gun to a appear he did In last Friday's knife to a bottle of beer. Christmas parade In the Village. A Woods officer pulled over a Santa and his reindeer were the car seen dnvmg erratically climax of one of the best down Mack and the driver stag- Christmas parades in years. gered out holdmg - are you ready for thIS - a bowling ball Two-year-old Demetri Salvaggio No, he didn't strike the officer, took It all pretty much in stride, but he wasn't spared eIther He while riding high on his father's was arrested for drunk driving, shoulders. Leo Salvaggio declin- which IS better than bleeding m ed to give his age, but from the the gutter looks of his SOC-wattsmile, he Sorry about that. believes in Santa Claus, too. In the City, officers rushed to the home when a woman report- ed a SUSpICIOUScar parked m her Photos by Tom Greenwood drIveway It belonged to her daughter. The caller said she dIdn't re- cognize It WIth snow on It Our Hollywood connection I've been meaning to get this one III for a while I recently re- ceived a mce htUe postcard from 's favonte ham, and no, I don't mean honey bak- ed - Mr Afternoon MOViehim- Clown Corps hits snag with Woods council self - Bill Kennedy. thIS city thmks and resolutIOns explained that the orgamzation photo of the preSident, personally Councdman Ted Bldlgare Bill, who retired to Palm should be handled appropnately " By Tom Greenwood In addressed to Kuehnel "Well, I know I Imtlally voted for Beach a couple of years ago, was founded 1975 as part of the Woods Mayor George Freeman was lamentmg the loss of the Sometimes !lability Insurance BlCentenmal celebratIOn III the Kuehnel was questioned byCoun- the resolutIOn after saymg that I cllwoman Jean Rice, who wanted wouldn't, but we made it clear that saId the council receives anywhere giant elm tree that graced the for a cIty can be very expensIve - Woods and the rest of the country from 50 to 100 requests a year for front of the Grosse Pomte News both m terms of money and m per- He said the group had entertamed more background on the organiza- the city attorney was to lIlveshgate tion, names of members and ques- the orgalllzation to determine Just resolutIOns for years sonal feelmgs at numerous functions over the "It seems !lke there's always two The postC'ard read: "Dear Torn That was nearly the case In the years, Includmg parades, partles tioned whether the group was in- what Its status was Then later m the meetmg 1was callmg myself an or three every meeting," he said - Please say it Isn't so' The ma- Woods recently when the city coun- and the Superdome as part of the corporated and had liablhty in- "1 thlllk many of the counCil jestic elm tree that towered over cil voted to adopt a resolutIOn on Super Bowl celebration Kuehnel surance old 'so and so because I voted for bomethlllg 1 was lml1ally agalllst members Iml1ally wanted to grant your building is a vIctim of the behalf of the Grosse Pomte Clown said hiS group had also been mVlted When she dIscovered the group the resolution, but didn't \Vantlt to dread Dutch elm disease? I lov- Corps for 10 years, then rescinded to entertam delegates at the 1980 was umncOl.:poraled and umnsured, Thai'<; when I asked the counCil to ''-'" Rice indicated to Mayor George rescmd the resolution at the end of come back to hurt us. Everyone IS ed that tree - Bill " the resolutiOn late in the same Republican convenhon m DetrOit, afraid of beIng sued. As did we all, Mr Kennedy. meeting, tabling the request until where Kuehnel met Ronald Rea- Freeman that she wouldn't be sup- the meetmg. I requested that it be tabled until a later date because I "Also, another reason is that we Have a Merry Christmas from the council met agam Monday gan portmg the resolutIon request wanted more information on the all your fans m GP mght As prool, he displayed a framed, When the vote fmally came, feel resolutIOns are Important They gIve credence to Issues Clown Corps Does It really eXist? The onginal request was made signed letter from the president things became slIghtly confused Is It regIstered? Is It Incorporated, Nov 18 by Woods reSident and thanking Kuehnel and the Clown The resolution was adopted 5-1, "It's the Idea of liability msur- I love a parade ance that wornes me the most," how many members, and does It Clown Corps ChaIrman Arthur Corps for their "talented perform- with Rice voting for the request have insurance? These were Items I know I say this every year, Kuehnel In hiS request, Kuehnel ance " He also received a SIgned Votmg against the resolution was RICe saId "Everybody and every- but every year it seems true thmg seems to gettmg sued today on our mmds" ThiS year S Village Christmas What If someone Joms the group, For Clown Corps Chairman parade was the best ever There gets hurt then deCides to sue every- Kuehnel, the resolutIOn request were thousands of parade- Punch project still stalled; thing m Sight, mcludlng thiS city I seemed fairly straightforward watchers Jammmg the streets think It'S a chance we don't have to "Lots and lots of groups get reso- from the reviewmg stand m take" lutlons," he saId "They've given front of Jacobson's to halfway Councilman Bldlgare Said he them to the Jaycees and to St. John down Kercheval to Fisher Road Bologna gets bond go-ahead voted agamst the resoluhon be- Hospital. My Clown Corps has en- tertamed thousands of people and Really and truly, I've never tlons wlthm the confmes of the ex- cause Rice's InqUines made sense seen so many people at tile par- to as!>lst the developers With the we've raised money for lots of By Nancy Parmenter Isting buddmg," Edgar told the to him "I Just don't feel comfort- ade before Maybe It was the parkmg problem It has met only able With it," he Said "I listened chanties, Includmg muscular Two HIll projects took their next sporadICally, however, and propos- council dystrophy I thought these people weather - no rain or sleet for a CounCil unammously approved to Mrs Rice's concerns and they change - or the fact that there step toward realizatIOn at the als by eIther Side have not meshed made an ImpreSSIOn We shouldn't were my friends. Farms council meeting Monday together member Harry Echhn's motion for "ThiS ISthe loth year we've been were 53 entrants this year, from a variance, as "the hardshIp would hand out these resolutIOns mdls- the lead police car dnven by mght Kercheval Development "We need to do what we did With cnmlnately They represent what (Continued on Page 191\) Company, the backer of the Bolog- the Standard Federal proJect," be In gettmg It down to 30 feet" City public safety officer AI The approval of bonds for the "Skip" Fincham to Santa him- na-Standard Federal BUilding pro- saId Councllman Bruce Rockwell, posed for the corner of MUIr and a member of the Punch subcom- Standard Federal project may self at the end mean that the abandoned gas sta- Once again my personal fav- Kercheval, receIved counCil ap- mIttee "We met and we made It proval for the Issuance of $6 5 happen On thiS one, we've just met tion on the property will finally be Park vote unchanged orite was the kilted Scottish bag- torn down Developer Peter Bolog- pIper band, With second place mIllion In low mterest bonds to fi- telephomcally There have been tlon workers had no prevIOus ex- nance the project The proposed proposals by the admmlstratlOn na told the council that he has held A recount Monday of the Grosse awarded to the Colomal soldiers off demohshmg the bUlldmg whde Pointe Park mayoral electIOn perience counting absentees who fired their muskets above Punch and Judy project also re- and there have been proposals by Heenan then hled a counter- he waited for bond approval In didn't change the outcome, except the crowd ceived some minor approvals, but Mr Edgar We need to meet - and petition for a recount m the pre- faIled to pass the bIggest obstacle we \VILJmeet and have It worked order to have the cost of the demo- for a one-vote dlfference In the ab I don't know, but It seems hke lition Included m tile total project sentee ballots The fmal tally IS Cinct m question and also the ab- the parade gets bigger and bet- still standing In Its way parkmg out by the next council meeting" sentee ballots The next day, he fil- Three months ago the counCil Mayor Pro Tern Joseph Fromm "WemohtlOn contractor) Paul 1,948 votes for Il1cumbent Mayor ter every year. Kerby has been calhng me three Palmer Heenan and 1,907votes for ed an amendment to hiS counter- I know, I know I said that last ordered Punch developers Robert said the two Sides are already m petitIOn requesting a recount In all Edgar and Richard Crawford to "substantial agreement" Ap- times a week to ask when we'll be challenger and Councilman John year, too ready to go," Bologna said Pro",t The orlgmal count had been of the preclllcts make a greater effort to solve the provals of the site plan and the Heenan's request was based on parkmg problem. ZOnIng regula- height variance for the Punch were The project bonds Will be Issued 1,949 and 1,907votee; Now you know under the auspices of the Farms PetitIOns for a recount had been pOSSIbleIrregularities he said were t10ns demand that the Punch pro- made contmgent upon ultimate ap- caused by Prost exammmg voter Well, looks hke they've done It VIde 76 parkmg spaces for employ- proval of the parkmg plan Economic Development Corpora- hIed by hoth candidates Prost, agam Durmg Halloween we re- tIOn and underwritten by Mernll who hled the flr"t request, based It registratIOn books on election day ees and customers None are aVail- The Punch IS 40 feet high m an Prost said he checked the number ceived calls about the ternflc able on Site The developers have area where zoning regulatIOns re- Lynch CIty approval permits the on pObslhle Irreguldntleb In one of voters III the precll1ctl, but did tnck or treat pamtmg on the asked the city to grant a parking qUire a maximum of 30 feet It was developer to obtam a lower mterest precinct ""herE' hiS name did not appear properly on the votlllg ma- not look at anv books Windows of the Grosse Pomte vanance and allow parkmg along bUilt In 1929, bpfore the advent of rate EDC bonds differ from mum- Book Village, in the Village chine templatp He also ",ald there County electIOn workers esti- Kercheval and In the City-leased height restrictIOn" on the Hill, clpal bonds III that they do not Now the calls are about thE: place to city's full faIth and credit may have been an error III the ab- mate that the cost of the recount Richard lot Edgar said WIll be between $600 and $800 great Chnstmas pamtmg on the A subcommittee was appOinted "We propose to do our renova- behmd the bonds sentee ballot count smce the elec- store's Windows Both knock-out rendermgs are by local artist Kathy Graybruck. Speakmg of the Book Village, The gro"" mg concern over Grosse Pomte Woods, and other mlttee Illcludes III addItion to Deeh, Judy Wheatley, co-chaIr- their mini-post office, located in- teen SUICide",will be the tOPiCof orgamzatlons Teen suicide person, Loretta AltobellI, Sarah Side the store, will be open from d speCial commuOlty forum Edward Deeb, chairperson of 9 30a m tll noon on the next two Thursday, Dec 12, at B pm at the commIttee planning the Flynn, Eula Hoover, Dr Sylves- Saturdays, Dec 7 and 14 Usual- fOrnm planned Grosse Pomte North HIgh forum, says commumty concern ter Hackney, Wendy Karouglan, Jerry KE'eney, Annette Locrlc- ly they close on weekends And ",chool auditOrium about teen SUICideIS the reason the servIces will be lImited to The featured "peakers ""Ill be for the forum "Teen SUICideISa ChlO,Josephme Mashour, Judith packages and stamps only noted psychldtn",ts Or Eman- serious problem that must be Navarra and Thomas NE'll Still speaking of the Book uel Tanay and Dr Beth Ann understood If It is to be pre Other members of the com- Village, Gwenn Samuel has Brooks, who along ""Ith other vented," says Deeb "Parents mlttcc mclude Susan Pierce, In- ClassifIed 5C School Par£~nl" Cluh s North feSSIOnals for the forum Include formation Will be available for Entertamment 3, 4C PAC/SAC' and I!-.co !-.ponsor£'d Dc Kenneth Schoof. who ""Ill attendees to take home ""Ith Events 4A by the Family Life J<~ducatlOn cover substance and bIOlogIcal lhem Feature 12B Council, Health J<:ducatlOnCoun abuse, Dr ElI Rubm on testing Letters 6A cil of Gro",,£' Pomte Northea<;t for parent-teacher commuBlca- For further mformatlOn on the Obituaries llA GUidance ('enter, the Grose;e hons, Gall Enckson, a SOCial Dr. Beth Ann Brooks forum, contact Tom Teetearl at Real Estate 9B Pomte PTAIPTO CounCil, Par worker at Grosse POInte South North Il1gh School. 14.~-2187,Ed- SocIety I-BB cells MIddle School PTO Gros<;e fllgh School, and LydIa De ward Deeb at 885-1858 or co- Sports 1, 2C POlOtE' South Illgh School Meulemeester, a SOCial worker dra Jl.lrdlllg chairperson Judy Wheatley at The forum., advl"ory com- 885-0432 Dr. Emanuel Tansy i'\'10thers' Club, the City of at North High School, and Ken-

, 'I GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 5, 1985 Grosse Pointe News (USPS 230-400) Publlllhesc"pt,,l)flS Chan9B 01Addra .. Forms 5579 \0 9S 1 DAISIES I Kercheval G,o..e POln'e Farms ~Jhch I I The deadl'nB lor news cOllY IS Monday noon to inS ure InsertlCn All advertising copy m I..ostbe IT the BUNCH ! News OHlCe by , I a m Tues

By Order of Board of Directors STAN SAX CORP. PANASONIC WAREHOUSE 25860 Lah•• r - Southfield, MI I.E. CORNER 10'1. MILE. CIVIC CENTER DR. 1ST ANNUAL YEAR END PANASONIC WAREHOUSE AUCTION SALE. Take Advantage of ThiS Opportunity to Purchase a New ar Refurbished TypeWriter 01 Plain Paper Copier at a SAVINGS TOO GREAT TO PASS UPI C""':,Ef.A ~"Wf,.l ~xt%: >f:! ..t1f h.N~ «-~"'"{ .1~;.~ftW'''':Q~.w.u..:[email protected]'~~..fl.tt~~ ,,~~~ featurmg Photo bl M,lIe Andrzelczyll 53 ASST. UNITS - New & Refurbished Panasonic Electronic Typewriters - New Panasonlc ElectrOnic Typing Stations 185 ASST. UNITS - New & Refurbished Panasonlc Copiers College Night I i A Hickey Christmas •• ABSOlUTE AUCTION - NO MINIMUMS - NO RESERVES •• Hundreds of Grosse Pointe high school students and their .. DOOR PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN AWAY .. parents showed up at North High School Nov. 19 for the dis- BLAZERS TAKFAN SLACKS STAN SAX CORP WilL WARRANTY PANASON1C EQUIPMENT ONLY trict's annual College Night. More than 130 colleges and univer- (New 90 Days, Used 30 Days) sities set up tables in the gymnasium and classrooms to Tenn. 25% Depos,1 Cash or Cen,t,ed Check Day 01 Sale NOTE MMOR CREOIT CARDS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THIS SALE ONLY answer questions about their schools. Also available was infor- InOjMClIon Tuesday De<: 10 9 00 a m to 4 00 pm through Day 01 Sale mation on financial aid, college entrance examinations and You Ire urged and advIsed to mspect prror to auction sale! how to apply to a college or university. The event, planned jointly by parents and administrators from the two high C,' In'c,rmat,on and EDWARD J. KAYE, INC. schools, is held alternately at North and South. i~,"" pt"p Brr,(I)l;re 19300 Sherwood ~ ;>'''<1',,, eN'lde! DetrOit, MI 48234.21121 I (313) 368-8786 Share with a senior For more than 50,000low-mcome than 16,000 semors are on a waiting ~.I seniors In the tri-county area, thiS list for the program. ," Christmas will be Just another day To share WIth a semor, a person can Focus:HOPE and WDIV-TV4 • Buy and deliver a box of food ConfeSSions of a will again co-sponsor Share With a • Buy a box of food, delIver It to Senior, a program that provIdes Focus' HOPE whIch WIll delIver it pipe smoker, or: Why I food for the holidays and en- m your name IThe mdtspenslble jacket for Pure wool trousers tn autbentic courages personal relationships • Mail a cash donatIon and tartan plazds to brigbten up hIS switched to "Haymarket" Blend between semors and those wtlling men,~~tbe navy blazer Soft, com- Focus:HOPE will deliver food' or fortable wool flannel, 190 00 party outfits Colorful and ftm "The pipe tobacco Side of my life used to make me to provide companionshIp, trans- provide a gIft certificate in your All year bopsack blend. 180 00 to wear From 65 00 miserable. One pipe tobacco would bite Another was too portation and support name smelly Or too sweet Or tasteless Then I found Haymarket Share WIth a Senior began as a • Donate your time Volunteers blend It's got everything Satisfying flavor It's bite-free, response to the hunger of thous- are needed to answer phones, ; MUFFLERS PINPOINT OXFORDS ands of elderly persons on the wall- match donors with seniors, fIle rec- I pipeful after pipeful With an aroma so niCe, my family ~t ords, make return telephone calls, I actually likes me to smoke! Even after three years, I'm not Ing list of Focus: HOPE's Food for deltver food tired of It Now, the pipe tobacco Side of my life ISone of Seniors, a program that provIdes baSIC food items throughout the To share, call 883-3131, a special my hapPIest." year. Food for Seniors currently Focus' HOPE telephone number ,Semol's in need should call 883-3300. " \'1, , provi4es\n~tJ;1~i9n fpr 7,500 ¥ore I Thinking ~ of Leasing , Think of ~ ,(~ HILL~HILL I F:T US HELP YOU DRUMMY WITH YOUR WARDROBf »\ yxw ~ PI ANNING AIID UNlo.U~ LEASING INC. GIFT BUYING ,'~ 19529 MACK AVE • Btw. 7 & 8 Mile Roads a "Mile at Gratiot Grosse Pte. Woods, MI 48236 (313) 882-9452 m.6700 m.2200 Warm muffle/'s to ward off the Pinp~int o~ord '.irt::""100% I~m RenaIssance Center. Oakland Mall DaVid Bel rare V P winter cold Pure wool or lux- imported cotton in white or Ralph FIr.ek Sales Mg r GIFT ~ w.toUS cashmere in solids or blue Silk neckwear In stripes, CERTlFICATES platds 1650 to 5250 AVAILABLE I ~~~~Y' or fOUlard" from I w~ For all your walklng life Fine men'. shoe •.••• lnce JB74 k'NTIMEFOR <\~ [~rtlltml1l! If OR ANY HOLIDAYS elf's I ""I ,.,,,,, TASSELED KERCHEVAL AT ST CLAIR GROSSE POINTE CHRISTMAS HOURS MONDA Y-FRlDA Y 9 30109'00 , MOCS! SA TURDA Y 9 3()"5 '30 I \ Visa 882-8970 Mastercard , *CLOSING OUT I'"'$~".f"'.%P.Ji.t; 1# '<"'-Ya !J'><~ •.l_dt'rJ'll'il$~~.~U'j:o~ ENTIRE STOCK! Caring ~ lJ~l ~~ " ~' j Professionals Holiday~ Sale ONLY ~r ¥ working ~~ Save 30% to 50% off. together '69" $49~2 for bener ~ The regular prices of t: • Cordovan Color health care Smooth Calf A Evan.Pk:ore~ selby affDQU)Q .NJ.dseIs ~

• Black Smooth Sesto Meucci of Florence • Van Eli Calf ('In stock shoes only) SIzes e~tud ~fWt. .£i~ PWdb, PalM ~ ~fWt. IWJMUK to 13 [-] 00 00 Affiliated NOW 820 to 859 - 1,000 PAIRS IN STOCK Health Services WIDTH 4 4lfl 5 5Vl 6 6lf.! 1 7lfl 8 8lfl 9 9lfl 10 10lfl 11 1m 12 AAAAA SO SO • PreSCriptIOn so so so so so so so MAlI (SS) SO SO so so SO Quality Smce 1874 service so so so so so so so X X X X X X SO DELIVERY AM (5) SO SO X so x so • Jobst Support AA (Nl SO so x x x x x x x x x x x so SO HOSiery A SO SO so so so so so so so so Perfect for all occasions. F;xpertly crafted in supple, smooth calf • DiabetiC Self. B (M) SO so x x x x x x x x x x x x x so so skin leather, leather lined with welt construction. Comfortable Testing Center C so so x x x x x x x so so so so and durable to stand the te'it of time. • Crutches & D CM SO so so so so so so so so so so so SO wheelchairs E SO SO so so so so so SO We offer EE I(WWl SO SO so so so so so so so so so personal service x = IN STOCK SIZE. SO = SElBY SPECIAL ORDER SIZE ONLY :1 for you and your family 10% OFF ALL selby SPECIAL ORDERS ~ SINCE 1900 ST. CLAIR 19483 Mack Ave. KERCHEVAL AT ~T CI.AIR • GROSSE POINTE " PHARMACY ~(,oll-I B G.P.W. 884-2447 SI Clair Pro! Bldg Holiday /lours. Monday-rrlday, 930 a.m. /0 9 pm. , 22151 Morass Rd New Hour. Saturday, 930 /0 5 30. C1o'ed Sundays DetrOit MI M-T-W, JO:00-6:00 ~ Th.•Frl .• 10:00-8:00 882-3670 1t%l;wnM S.t •• 10:00-5:00 Ma\ICrCard I 343.3776 ",. ~ , •• ,,"', .. &,Y.J,,< .... .,~$W_l UiilllflllftRI !ftl_~;'

1 _~ _ t GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-A'- '._ Thursday, December 5, 1985 ------.... ------_._------~: '", .". ~ More people move Grosse Pointe ~'. to :.;:;.~ ~ By I\lik(> AlldllCjczyk September tallied 7,350 students lIlcreased from 64 to 111 thIS year, The conclusIOn is supported by 3; !<'Ol' the [ll'.,( tllne 111 a number of this year, 49 more than last year he added reports of higher prices and a ... years, there me morE' kids m and 222more than projected by the Elementary schools showing the stronger market for homes in ••...., largest increase In students were Grosse Pomte from July to Sep- Grosse Pomtl' publle school class- school system The enrollment 1, rooms than the yea! befm e Most fIgures also showed there were 703 Maire and Defer, according to tember this year According to the , of tho!>enew elementary and mid- new students attendlllg pubhc King's report All elementary Grosse Pomte Real Estate Ex- .I dle school !>tudent!>hdve moved to schools in the dIstrICt schools showed Increases In the change, 729 homes were sold this . number of students, mostly in the year during the three months, com. ,. the area \\ Ith thell families, ac- Of the new students, the largo , cordmg to the Depar(ment ot Sup- est number came from famlhes kindergarten level pared to 685 the year before. port ServICe,> new to the area and transfers from The middle schools also posted The mcreases show the distnct is "The Glo'>!>ePOlllle school dls- local parochial schools. Students Increases because of famlhes mov- holding its own against non-public tnct ha<, g,lIlled a slgmflcant movmg to the dlstnct from out of Ing II1tothe area The Increase of 72 schools in competition for students, numbel of new !>(udents dUImg the area - cilles other than those bor- was 5 percent over the projected according to King. The number of 1,363 enrollment, accordIng to students from non-publIc schools last yeal " aLL 01 dlllg to a repol t by denng Grosse Pomte - accounted ., DaVId KlIlg, d~"l.,tallt director of for 308 of the 703 new students, Kmg's report The high schools was dramatically higher than the :. support sel \'Iee~ "We 11l1ghtcon- whIle transfers from local palo- reported lOSIngstudents number of students lost, according . clude thdl OUl excellent pubhc chial schools totaled 174, down One reason for the mcrease over to his report. .. <• school Sy!>tClIl the fllle mumclpal from last year'!> 193, last year was because the number The net gam of 98 students at the .. serVice,>, the pal k<,and the quallty The number of students moving of new families With school-age middle school level - 133 gained :... housmg d Vdil,lble {'ontJlluc to at- Into the dlstnct from out ot the chIldren movIng to the dIstrict off- minus the 35 movmg out - is a re- :.. tract famlhe., III SPdl (h of cl place area IS 109higher than the year be- set the number of famIhes whose sult of the three.year middle school ... of IeSldence fore, accordmg to Kmg Also, the students left the system, accordmg program now bemg offered by the ...~ The fOllltll Flld,lV connts taken number of students from DetrOit to Kmg's report school system, according to Kmg ~~~ Checj~that Christmas lisi iwice for mail restrictions flUid, war materials - Including somethmg like drugs, the package B) 1\ aIll' P ,It lIl('utcr tIons Some of the rules are eaSIE'r to swords and kmves (although Israel m question is likely to end up m Socks, tie::. dltl'l.,have You hate understand than others Agncul- okay~ daggers If they are antIque). lImbo somewhere. "I've never to keep glVlllg gdt<, III the same old ture departments the world over And many countries try to con- heard of anyone gettmg one back," rut FOl OllLe 'you'd iJke to fInd iJke to protect theIr own products trol theIr cItizens' deSIre to gam- said our source at the post office somethmg d ,,'ttie Ill1u<,udlfor Un- both from competItIOn and from dI- ble Lottery tickets and betting ad- With all these rules, we may be cle Charlie But d It s Uncle sease, so it's not hard to see why vertisements are forbIdden m back to the same old gift lIst - ex- SergeI, Unlle ,\llll1ed or Uncle Karl RUSSiaprohibIts seeds for plantmg, RUSSIa and Nlgena In fact, cept that Israel bans electric and he stIlI II\ e" III hiS natIve land, NIgena prohIbIts nuts, and South Nlgena bans ads for fortune razors, Egypt bans shaving better check po<,tdl IegulatlOns Afnca doesn't want your honey tellers, as well as forecasts or re- brushes, and Romania won't let before you let yom III1dglllatlOI1run LIkeWIse, the French are clearly sults of foreign football games you send more than two sets of wild protectmg their own pubiJshmg 111- Maybe that's why the Greeks bann- underwear. Well, how about some Custom., I eguldtIon!> III foreIgn dustry when they draw the hne at ed playmg cards Well, not to l1lce famIly photos? Sorry, they're count I Ie" Me evel y bit as capn- books written m the French smIle We aren't supposed to have agamst the rules in RUSSIa, Iraq Pholo by fhzab(lh Ca pE t lm" (lilt U l lrd CIOUSa!> they

Want to go to a

...with cookies and obstetricians and balloons and pediatricians and Santa Claus and nurses and a real, live Detroit TIger baseball player? Then come to the Open House CelebratIOn of the new SaintJohn Hospital Pediatric Units and Perinatal Center for Maternal and Newborn Care

For Kids: Meet DetrOit Tiger Dave Bergman and collClt hiS autograph • Pick-up free T-shIrts, balloons and '/\.dopt.A-Doll" certlficate'i • Watch elm\ n" .lIld magicians 'itrolhng through the halls • ViSitWith Santa Clau'i • FnloV lOOI,.IC .. and punch

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I.\..., -"r • lilt

~~!!~~ \\,k F,W1' Rd 100 pm to 5.00 pm ScHn "'ale Rti saintJohn Hospital --- I ~,1Iflt lol1n _ ""oll"ho I Pennatal Center, Pedlatnc Unit and , /11)I \.Ioro~~ RO,ld PediatriC IntenSive Care Ulllt I ), I 011 'vll( hlg,ln 4R2 1(1 I \ 1 \ I ' I \ lOOO 4th and ;th Hooes ,,,,,,,"'l- ~'r'13~j r • \ ~ I"

\ , Thursday, December 5, 1985 Page Four-A GROSSE POI Hey Comlllunity Events Mom,~ Breakfast Christmas concert Holly Mart GP Singles The Grosse POinte Commumty The 11th annual Holly Mart art Grosse Pomte Singles Will not with Santa Chorus WIll present its 34th Annual show Will be held at the War have any formal meetmg dUrIng the month of December The group it'sSanta Ferry Elementary School, 748 Christmas Concel't Sunday, Dec Memorial Friday, Dec. 6, from 15, at 3 p.m at Parcells Auditor- noon to 5 pm, and Saturday, Dec Will contmue the afterglow dances Roslyn Road, will sponsor Its an- at the Jefferson Yacht Club, 24505 nual Breakfast WIth Santa Satur- IUm, Mack and Vermer Road, 7. from 10 a m to 3 p.m ...forme! Grosse Pointe Woods The event, sponsored by the E Jefferson, St Clair Shores, day, Dec 14, from 9 a m to noon every Friday at 9'30 pm untIl Pancakes, sausages and bever- Tickets are $2.50for adults and $1 Grosse Pomte Inter-FaIth Center - for chlldren for Racial Justice, Will feature 35 Christmas age Will be served The Secret San- In January 1986, afterglow ~ ta Shop will be open for last-minute Conducting the concert WIll be artists and craftsmen, gingerbread l.- dances only are scheduled for FrI- shoppmg as well as the Bake Shop RIchard Johns With Francis WIlson houses, a bake sale, a terrace cafe day, Jan 3 and Jan 10 at the JYC I...... ~ In addition, there Will be a 50/50 at the plano Harp soloist Mary and the Cass Techmcal HIgh drawing and a sale of pomsettia MacNair will play four short fan- School's Madngal ChOir Fnday at 930 tasies on Chnstmas carols by afternoon Begmnmg FrIday, Jan 17,at 7 30 plants P m the Slngle~ group Will resume Santa wlil pose for pIctures Salzedo She WI))al50 accompany For further information, call 882- theIr regular programmmg at theu' Ferry students Will entertain With the group With the musIc of BenJa- 6464 min Britten With soprano Rita Ver- new meetmg locatIOn, Grosse Christmas Carols POinte Academy, 171 Lakeshore ~!!!!h~!l!!glTickets at $3 each WIll be avail- mihon solOing In "Balulalow " St. Nicholas fest i I Dnve, Grosse Pomte Farms The =I Here's your chance to dehght the young ones on your I able at the door Refreshments Will be served The DetrOit Waldorf School's an- = follOWing the concert speaker WIll be RIchard Walker of • C'hn<;tmrtc; hc;t with i'l ppr<;oni'll tplpphonp call from • 'lufl.l St NI<'holas Festival Will be Reuters ~C\\ys Sc:rvlce H!s tOplC I Jolly, old Santa Claus Send in this order form todayl i held Sunday, Dec 8, from noon to 5 WIll be, "Reportmg DetrOIt - For • PLEASE PRINT _ Lunch with Santa pm. the Rest of the World" I NAME(s) AIIO AGE(s) OF CHllDlren) ------! The Lakeshore Family YMCA m There wlll be handmade dolls Tuesday, Dec 10, at 7 30 pm ------St Clair Shores Will present Lunch Farms tree-lighting and toys for sale as well as child- Let's Talk Group WIll meet at the TelEPHONE HUMBER (Include Area Code) ._____ . ren's gift Items, Chnstmas decora- . Farms resIdents are inVited to = = WIth Santa Sunday, Dec 8, from home of a member The tOPICWIll = DAYTOCAll (From12 16 through12/25/85)------I 12 30 P m. to 2 p m attend the Grosse POinte Farms hons, plants, candles, books, crys- be, "What do women really want?" = TIME ISpecify any 2 hr period between 7am 9pm) •• A complete spaghetti lunch Will Boat Club's annual tree-lIghting tals and cards Visiting artists WIll Moderator Will be DaVid Taylor YOUR NAME _ be served and the fee IS$3a person ceremony at the Farms Pier Park offer pottery, clothmg, Jewelry, On Sunday, Dec 15, the wme and I ADDRESS = Children must be accompamed by Sunday, Dec 8, at 5 p m weavmgs, stamed glass and dned cheese party Will be held at the = CITY_~======_=-S-TA-T-E ::::=====-=--=--_-_-Zl-P ===== I an adult The mayor, councIl members herbs Grosse Pomte Shores home of a RegIstration should be made m and Msgr FranCIS Canfield WI))at- A lunch Will be served before the member i Please send check or money .. Santa Calling! ! ChrIstmas Concert at 1:30 p.m. The Any smgle person (35 and up) IS • order for $3.50 by 12120185to' ,. North Pole. Inc • person at the YMCA, located at tend Refreshments wIll be served m the recreatlon bUlldmg after the program Will Include music from mVlted to attpnd these functIOns POBox 2881 Dept GR 23401E. Jefferson Call 778-5811for = I ceremony the Nutcracker There wlll also be For IllformatlOn, call 445-1286 or .= Not a recordmg! A real conversation! Ann Arbor. Michigan 48106 I more mformatIon ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a silent and Dutch auctIOn 882-0316 ~ Rainbow Bridge ~ Arts, crafts fair The Regina Mothers Guild Will Winter concert sponsor an arts and crafts fair Sa- A winter choral concert of yule- GREAT GIFT IDEA 4 ~ Community Open House ~ turday, Dec. 7, from 10 a m. to 7 hde cheer Will be performed by p.m and Sunday, Dec 8, from 10 Macomb Commumty College's ~ ~ Mon., Dee. 9th ~ a.m. to 6 p.m. at the high school, concert and chamber chOIrs at 20200Kelly Road, Harper Woods Macomb Center for the Perform- MEN'S f ~ 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. W More than 100artIsts and crafts- mg Arts on Wednesday, Dec 11, at men will be featured as well as re- ? 'Ii Newest arrival _ i 8 pm freshments, a bake sale and bou- The cham ber chOIr, dressed in ~ ENGLISH CRACKERS i tique full medIeval costumes, will per- MOCCASIN form "The Ceremony of Carols" by ~ ~ party favors. Wi~h.a hidden ~ Benlamm Bntten ft il surpnse inside i Dance concert UniverSity Liggett School WIll SelectIOns mclude "The Many SLIPPERSl ~ ~ Also. homemade Christmas i present Works-in-Progress Upper Moods of ChrIstmas," by Robert i! candy, poinsettias, fresh ! School Dance Concert, Friday, Shaw and other sea~onal mUSIC Dec. 6, at 8 pm, 111 the Creative Humorous dIalogue WIll accom- o W citrus fruit and many more i and Performmg Arts Wing StUdIO, pany the selectIOns 0/ i gifts for the holidays. i 1045 Cook Road, Grosse Pomte Woods. Members of the audience are en- t ~ 707 Vernier 71 For more informatIOn, call 884- couraged to partake m the festiv- '\ ~ Enter from VernIer parkIng lot 71 4444 ItIes ;:1 ~ For more mfonnahon call i Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 Side gore elastic t i 343-2322 il Singles group for students and semor clhzens and for snug fit. may be obtamed at the Center's Singles by the Lake Will host box offICe or reserved on credit Warm lined. Soft .~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~ Sherry Barnes, a mol1vatlOnal card by callIng 286-2222, Monday crepe sole. Tan speaker, who will talk about "LIft- through Fnday, from 9 a m to 6 leather. $26. Classic Miniatures ing Your SpirIts" Sunday, Dec. 8, pm for the at Grosse POInte Memonal Church, 16 Lakeshore Road, at 8 The Macomb Center ISlocated on Discriminating Buyer pm the Center Campus of Macomb AdmiSSIOn IS $2 Proper attIre IS Commumty College at Hall (M-59) reqUIred Call 882-5330for more Ill' and GarfIeld roads m ClInton formatIon TownshIp Jungian analyst to conduct workshop The Center for Jung Studies of short dream to use m the work- DetrOit Will sponsor a weekend shop. Hand-built cars from the With Jungian analyst LOISKhan on The fee IS $35 for members and classic era, $250°0 to $3,500°°. Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 7 and 8, $45 for non-members at Christ Church Grosse POinte On Sunday afternoon, from 2 to 4 Some classics to choose from: Khan, in private practIce m the pm, Khan WIll lecture on the "Ar- Double sole ChIcago area, IS a faculty member chetypal World and the Developmg canoe moc. Rolls Royce, Mercedes, Buqatti, Alfa of the Jung Institute m ChIcago and ConscIOusness for the ChIld An In- Warm lined. Romeo, Duesenberg, Lamborghini, a former research scholar at the teracttve Process" There IS no Umverslty of Delhi 111 India cost for members for the lecture Maple leather: Cobra, Porsche, Ferrari, Corvette, On Saturday, the workshop from The fee for non-members IS $3 50 $29. Sand suede: Cadillac, Lincoln, Jaguar, BMW, race 10 a m to 4 p m. w1l1 explore the IndiVidual seSSlOns WIth LOIS $24. Also in cars, boats and planes forms of actIve ImagmatlOn, a Khan may be scheduled as her brown leather powerful tool through WhIChan m. tIme permIts To arrange an tn- unlined: $28. dlVldual may connect WIth the un- dividual appomtment and to All hand-built of the finest conscIOus while awake PartiCI- register for the workshop, call conoisseurs' quality. pants are encouraged to bring one Naomi Bowerman at 885-8792 Contact Gary Hughes at 644-1580 ----I Li ....._1 -, Blrmml.{ham • Gro,;se Pointe

, f Our CHRISTMAS GIFT to you / 20% off HOLIDAY'tfJSHIRT The entire New York Times Clas"ic unlined moc. in maple HARDCOVER BEST SELLER LIST!! leather. $22. ~'.~:~i'~::~ See us for all the rest of your Christmas Shopping Needs • DRESS SHIRTS • KNIT SHIRTS • SPORT SHIRTS • Children books . • Gift books ... • Paperbacks . • Sheet Music ... • Calendars . . . for Your Convcl1lcncc the Village PO'lt Office Will open ( .. f1 ....r.lppcd .11 "aturday Dee 7th & 14th From 9 ~() a m to 12 00 ..,I \MP.., A '\1) PM KM,I.., ONI Y GROSSE POINTE DETROIT 20535 James Couzens Highway KERCHEVAL AT ST. CLAIR • GROSSE POINTE Near Northland Shopprng Center 50o~ v111ra c EAST DETROIT ( I/N/\ I \fA \ I/Of'R\ Mll/ula}'./ nihil' ') {(J 10 ') 00 O 20929 Gratlol Avenue \aturdav. () W to S W YOU CAN CHARGE IT Nea' 8 Mile Road "", 17051 Kercheval-in-the- Village WESTLAND Vlf4 • .£ 7040 Wayne Road ~ :\la.,lf>rcard 882-3670 Visa ~ 885-0244 Near Westland Shoppmg Center Page Flve-A Thursday, December 5, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Business

In bus mess admimstration from the University of Michigan . MARKET . Announcing . , , Robert A. Bur. VILLAGE Scheuer promoted chett of the Woods, a senior consul- at Comerica Bank tant for Deloitte, Haskms, has re- 18328 Mack Avenue - In The Farms Marc L. ceived the highest professional de- Scheuer of the signation m the systems field, "Cer- / Farms has been tifIed Systems ProfessIOnal" The promoted to ViCe deSignation IS part of a new eel'. president of the tJhcatlOn program establishing "THIS WEEKS BELL RINGERS" metropolitan standards of knowledge In the mfor- fine corporate bank- malion management fIeld . . 109 department James E. Brophy of the City has wines DAILY 8 a.m•• 7 p.m. PRICES IN EFFECT at Comenca Inc been honored for outstandmg ser- liquor Wednesday and Saturday 8 a.m. ,.6 p.m. DECEMBER 5th, 6th & 7th He jomed the vice to the mortgage bankmg Indus- bank in 1977 as an administrative try. He received the James T assistant Scheuer received hiS Barnes Award of the Michigan bachelor'~ degree from Oakland Mortgage Bankers ASSOCiatIon, of University and hiS master's III which Brophy ISa past president WHEN ONLY THE BEST Will DO busmess admmlstratIOn from the Cathy Champion Dillaman has com- University of DetrOIt pleted an mtenslve trammg pro- ~SDA CHOICEBEEF gram on pohcles and procedures Bank names James relatmg to entorcement ot the Real- . ~ -:~ _. WHOLE tors' code of ethiCS She is current- NEW YORK banking officer ly servmg as Vice-chairman of the ORANGE Nancy A. state Realtors' profeSSIOnal stan- James of the CI- dards committee . Donald K. ROUGHY ty has been ap- Pierce of the Woods heads the STRIPS pointed personal Donald K. Pierce Insurance Agen. AVG. 12-14La FILLETS bankmg officer cy, which has been named to Aetna CUT INTO STEAKS OR ROAST m the personal Life and Casualty's 1985 Great Per- WRAP IN ONE PACKAGE PLEASE bankmg depart- formance Club. Harold J. Rau of FRESH ment at Comen- the Farms, new vehicle salesman ca Ine James for Lachmoor Chrysler-Plymouth, LAKE PERCH has been with has earned the Gold Award in honor 77 FillETS Comenca smce of hiS high level of achievement. La 1979, commg in as a branch manage- $2 ment tramee She holds a master's - Nancy Parmenter FRESH BONELESS-ROLLED PICKEREL Choices PORK LOIN FillETS of ROAST Arkie G. Hudkins Jr. PERRIER GRADE A FRESH WATER Cartoonist Book. .. . History of Art by H.W. Janson CHICKEN LEMON - LIME Actor ...... , ., George C. Scott LEG Actress ...... , .. . Helen Hayes 0 ORANGE • REGULAR Movie ...... An Affair to Remember QUARTERS L& Play. . Same Time Next Year 47 TV Show...... Miami Vice Newscaster...... No comment LEAN AND MEATY Mdgazme • ...... Sports lIIustrated Colummst ...... MIke Royko SHORT RIBS Newspaper ...... Grosse Pointe News $129L& ~EP.230Z' Music ...... Viennese 81 Entertainer . .. . .Luciano Pavaratti OF BEEF Pet or Animal...... Basset hound Sport ...... OlympiC games KLEENEX Athlete ...... Jon Paul Mazzacano Pro Team...... Washington Redskins JUMBO 630 Most AdmIred Person...... Teresa A. Brooks (my wife) Flower...... American red rase TOWELS Color .. . Any Vacation Spot ...... VlOreggJO. Italy FaVOrite Food ...... Italian calonc OUR OWN SLICED FaVOrite Drink ...... 1974 BV Cabemet Sauvignon KLEENEX Restaurant...... Rowe's Inn, Ellsworth, Mich. RANCH STYLE Song...... , Beethoven's Ode to Joy FAMILY NAPKINS Relaxation or Hobby Travel BACON Pet Peeve ...... Discourtesy CJ:T 79C Grot announces candidacy in 14th TAKE N' BAKE Stanley T Grot, formally an. SEMI BONELESS nounced hIS deciSIOn last week to 8ge KLEENEX run for Congress from the 14th Con- STUFFED lB. FACIAL TISSUE gressIOnal District He hopes to be the Republican nommee agamst PORK LOIN ROAST 175 COUNT Democratic incumbent Dennis IN COOKING BAG WHITE Hertel. WITH OUR OWN SAGE & ONION DRESSING Grot is the owner of the Polonia Restaurant III Hamtramck, and has lived in the DetrOIt area smce he emIgrated from Poland 16years OUR OWN ALL BEEF ago. Grot favors a balanced budget MEAT LOAF $2 DELSEY amendment and President Rea- READY TO 88 gan's tax reform proposal In addi- BAKE 2 La. BATHROOM TISSUE tIOn, he supports tUItion tax credits PAN 4 PACK WHITE "for parents who choose an alter- natIve form of education to the pubhc school system" The 14th Congressional DistrIct has more 2 LITER SALE than 10 private and parochIal Coke, Caff. Free Coke, Sprite, Dr. Pep- Stanley T. Grot schools withm its boundanes per, Sunkist, Squirt, Diet Coke, Caff. MADD to hold candlelight vigil Free Diet Coke, Tab, Diet Sprite, Diet KLEENEX Mothers Agamst Drunk Dnvmg been InVIted to read the names of Squirt, Cherry Coke.

I j---_.- Page Seven-A Opinions & letters Thursday, December 5, 1985

Physicians' insurance companies · • • are not over-reservmg to "shelter" increase rates The existmg rates mcome. The MIB, on the other (Continued from Page GAl were below cost and the contmued hand, watches to ensure that m- fit from the mterest earned on pre- use of such rates would have en- surance compames are not under- miums during the 12 years claims dangered the solvency of these reservlOg, If IOsurer~ do not set are being closed ThiS IS untrue We compames " aSide enough reserve, they may go Our company must submit set our premIUms so that the rate bankrupt charged, plus the future Interest quarterly fmanclal reports and an MPLMC plays an uuportant role we estImate will be earned, will be annual statement to the MlB We in society, balanCing the llghts of use standardized bookkeepmg pro- sufficient to cover future losses patients and the dutle~ of phySI- We disclose thiS adJustment m our cedures to report fmandal data cians It assures that patlenb in- We are subject to statutory ac- filings with the MIB Jured m the course of medical Our company and all other m- counting rules reqUIred by law treatment Will be compensated for Our rate filings are extensively surance compames domg busmess loss It serves phySICians by takmg documented, and are based 00 the m Michigan are regulated by the on their personal habillty lor pro- expert adv1('p of consulting ac- state to protect tile puoll ....'5 wtcrcst tesslOnal enOL:>[01 Willd. the) :::rc tuaries They are subject to the ap- In the mdustry's solvency. proval of the MIB, whIch has the responSible By monitormg each company's Our objective ISto stablhze 1\11Ich- power to lower or raise the rates igan's medical malpractice in- fmanclal reports and premIUm m- we propose All of the information surance system to keep doctors In crease £Hings, the MIB functIOns to we report to the Insurance Bureau keep msurers fmanclally sound busmess so they can contillue to IS available to the pubhc and whl1e prevent 109excessive costs to serve the health care needs of our pohcyholders clttzens MichIgan's Ill~urance policyholders Consider what the MBMLC has carried out Its bUSI- state's chief actuary said about system must guarantee that Ill- ness responsibly For the last flve Jured patIents Will be adequately phySIcian msurance company pre- years, our underwntmg expense mIUms at the Senate JudICiary compensated Without bankruptmg ratIO has averaged 5.8 percent, 11 physiCians or Illsurance com. , 11 , Committee's June pubhc hearmg which compares favorably with m Detroit: panies other physiCian liability insurance We beheve that legislative re- II II I "Major writers of medical mal- ,I I'll compames nationwide form IS essential to balancmg our practice in MIchigan have mcreas- MPMLC has set aside funds for ill II ed premIUms 50-60 percent in the msurance system All of the parties I its loss reserve accounts in keepmg mvolved - slate offiCIals, phySI- I I I past 12 months If these insurers 1 : \ With standardized accounting cians, attorneys and msurance ex- I II had not taken thiS action, the In- rules. All Insurance compames III &t\lillfJ~-S ecutives - must pool theIr talents I surance Bureau would have been must set aSide to make sure they I forced by law, to reqUire them to cooperattvely to Implement a solu- \II \ " tion OtherWise, thiS problem WIll iJ contmue to Impair our health care Social Security by phone system pomtment system ISthat the caller The Social Secunty office located WIllbe told what eVidence to bring at 17420 Mack Avenue is trying to the interView. In most sItuations something new in an effort to thiS consIsts of birth and marriage When young people lose hope shorten the time people have to certIflcates and W-2earning forms I say wait to be mtervlewed accordmg to By bemg given advance notice, the Verlyn J. Rebelem, dlstnct took place, SOCIalupheaval follow- need for more than one mtervlew is It seems to me that It'S too unbear- ed as people scrambled to catch up . manager. He was lookmg forward to hIS able I can only relate to a young The office has begun usmg an ap- greatly reduced In their last year of hIgh school. brother commg home for the long to the new order Some say we still he was class preSident and hiS man who watched a part of hImself pomtment procedure for in-person Anyone who wants an appoint- ThanksglVlllg weekend haven't caught up Progress car- and telephone application inter- ment to file an apphcation for re- brother was cap tam of lhe football Instead, the day before Thanks- bemg buned nes a heavy price tag And now we tirement, survIvors and disabihty team It was a good year for the Why does a young person WIth so have the technological revolutIOn views. Anyone wlshmg to visit the glvmg, he stood at hiS brother's much promise - and all young peo- offIce and walt for an mterview benefits or Supplemental Security twins They were mvolved III a lot casket, strokmg hIS hair and face, and the pot IS bemg stirred agam Income beneflts should call 855- of actIVIties, they were semors WIth ple have unlimited potential - end There are young people who fmd may still do so. hiS hfe, her hfe? Some of the litera- One major advantage to the ap- 4262 In most cases an appointment a capital S and their dark good It mconceivable that some of us can be scheduled to conduct the looks didn't hurt ture says the rate of adolescent SUI- grew up WIthout teleVISion There One outstandmg feature was CIde began mcreasmg In the mid are some of us who hnd It meon .. 1 r 1 Interview by telephone '50s and has tnpled Since 1960, OrpS an.e sa e Some types of Social Secuflty their genumeness, somethmg one celVable that men have walked on C b didn't expect from these two out- whIle the rate for the rest of the the moon Does any of thIS have The Grosse Pomte Clown Corps busmess can be conducted by tele- wardly confident, very popular population durmg thiS same penod any beanng on the uncertamty will hold ItS loth annual Old Coun- phone and do not require an ap- young men. They were so pohte has not fluctuated That's alarm- young people face today? Are we try Christmas Bake Sale Saturday, pointment. These include, for ex- and well-mannered The one who mg, e$pectally eonsldermg the fact going so fast that we're mlssmg the Dec. 14, from 8: 30 a m. to 9 p.m. at a.mple, benefl! estimates, notif~c~-_, that many of these deaths are not as has been a frequent Vlsltor to our human element? So many ques- the Kroger supermar~E:t on Mack tl9n that ~ bene~Lt check lN not-lio house over the past several years reported as such, but as accidents, tIOns and so many grIeving people . I near Moross ~ - .. h t 10. '" ~ receL\Ted, Jit.ePOtlltng\.a deA~ lxiii still automatically removes hiS because of the absence of a note lookmg for an answer When we can A variety of home-baked Items reporting a change' of address shoes at the door And if It'S wet or We know there are far more start answermg some of those Will be for sale For more informa- These situatIOns can usually be muddy, he leaves them outsIde. pressures on young people today, questIOns, that's when we'll really I tlon, call 881-8186. handled by calhng 963-1500 This m spIte of the fact that I tell that our society IS more complex progress as a race, because what's hIm It's okay to keep hiS shoes on and everywhere you look, there are the use of anything If our young classes or arttcles on deahng With people have no hope After graduatIOn, he got a full- stress The threat of a nuclear war In the meantime, a young man time Job and he began takmg mght is more fnghtemng to a child than mourns And all the rest of us are classes 10 hIS field He's still at It - most adults reallze And we know helpless The bnght spot IS that carefully savmg for hIS future and asked why There were a lot of that not everyone can make It aca he's gOIng to be all nght, because He's the only teen I know \vlth an people askmg the same question demlcally, yet It'S almost a given he's stronger than he reahzes The , , IRA. HIS brother, who took more No one WIll know for sure - he that a person today needs at least sad part IS that nothmg Will be the classes and worked part time, de- one degree to get a decent Job dIdn't leave a note It could have same agam By Pat Rousseau CIded to concentrate on hiS studies been an accident, a ruse that went When the mdustnal revolutIOn and live on campus tragIcally awry No one knows and We kidded hIm about their hrst that's what makes It so difficult to Hodgkin's support group to meet Just m time for Christmas . The GUIld real separatIOn - these twms who understand. The MIchIgan Hodgkm's Disease Donald Bucksbaum, Ph D., from of the Cottage Hospital Auxiliary announces were not only Identical and always The surVIVors, friends as well as FoundatIOn, a support group for U of M Medical School, Will speak '~ the December 12Grand Opemng of COTTAGE Impishly confusmg people, but who family, are m so much pain and Hodgkm's patients, family mem- on "Monoclonal AntibodIes for -.' ,COUNTRY CORNERS, the newly expanded were also each other's best fnend everyone feels so helpless There bers and frtends, will hold Its DiagnOSIs and Therapy of Lymph- ~~ and redecorated gift shop located wlthm Cot- It wasn't an ordmary separatIOn - have been too many of these cases monthly meeting at 7 30 pm, omas" The general public IS m- •Ia~ • tage Hospital. Hours are 10 a m to 8 p m these two people shared the same happenmg rtght here in recent Monday, Dec 9, at PrOVidence vlted • - quarters before they were born weeks and there are too many peo- Hospital MedIcal BUilding, Eighth Do Yourself A Favor. make an ~ ple - the survivors - whose hves Floor, Room C, Nme MIle Road m For further mformahon, call ~27- T8a o....w:.u. uMAllT The ftrst two months he went up are now forever scarred I can't appomtment TODAY to see your doc- II a couple of times to VISit and hIS southfield 3737 I 'I " even begm to imagine their pam - tor for an eye exam After, we can [.JLJu:= 00 brother came home for a weekend assist you In makmg the correct selec- 88 tion accordmg to your lifestyle WIth a 00 df[Fir 00 quality frame The Optical Library, t ~ Distinctive Accessories for the Well Dressed Man 87 Kercheval, 882-5950 e • WILD WIN GS . can put a flock of geese m your backyard With Wmd Sock held decoys The assorted geese to choose from are Snow Goose, Canada Goose and the Loon. They are available now at 1 Kercheval, 885-4001. • • Stuffed ammals rangmg from bears to ele- b.... phan", and even mclndmg sueh famous ones as ~ Garfield and BenJl are now available makmg . good stockmg stuffers for Chflstmas at Tral1 - Apothecary Also available are six hand-sized I -.l bars of Neutrogena for $9 50, a regular value of . $1290 You can receive FREE With thiS pur- - -- chase Neutrogena facial mOIsturizer and sham- - poo, 121 Kercheval Dated Chnstmas• ornaments, part of a dated series are now available at The League Sh:::lp,72 Kercheval These orna- mental senes mclude such ones as Water- ford $27, Orrefors $30, and Hablland Chnstmas ornament $19, plus many more' • You'll Love the new atmosphere at The Greenhouse a blendmg of mauve and other shades of pmk, track hghtmg and elegant SIlk covenngs along With the newest in fashIOns A pretty place to get pretty for the hohdays Book your appointments now for your holiday faCial or hair style. 881-6833 11 Kercheval • New mUSical Chnstmas ties have arrived Just In time at Picard-Norton These ties come m a Santa Claus or Christmas Tree pattern m red, navy, or maroon You have your chOice of three different tunes Priced at $1750 at 92 Kercheval At Seasons of• Paper MUSICboxes - penqUlns, Santa's, angels, rocKing horses, cdrousel horses, glass and hand-crafted, 115Ker- 886-4600 cheval edmund t. AHEE jewelers 20139 Mack Avenue • Gro~se pOinte Woods

\. .. • ' ~r GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 5, 1985 I Page Elght.A

Rocking rockets Cub Scout Pack 290 of Mason School held its annual NEW brllont HIGH space derby recently. Chris Oneski, at the len, of Grosse EFFICIENCY PLUS 90 FURNACE Pointe Wo"ds, makes a quick • UP TO 97% EFFICIENCY getaway, and Steve Williams, at the right, and also of the Woods, prepares his rocket for launch as his dad, Dick, USE GAS FREE FOR A MONTHH looks on. The rockets reach Buy a Bryant Formula gas furnace, and we'll altitudes of 400 of 1,800 feet reimburse you for your highest monthly gas bill. before deploying their own parachutes and returning to FREE $5000 SAVINGS earth. Bond with the purchase of a high efficiency fur. nace must be Installed by Dec. 15th, 1985. Nicaragua: A student's impression!lllli-s------responded, "I don't agree WIt'" have been accusations ap;amst the • 2 YEARS FREE SE:HVIGl:: Woods reSident Kathleen ::>eng- k1l1~u III all aHlou~i1lJ'y lilt: Wilt! a;:,. 398 DELUXE FURNACE anything that man saysl" She op- Sandinistas, suggestmg that the • 2 YR PARTS WARRANTY by FLAME FURNACE stock wrote a paper, "LIfe, PolitICS He had a very Simple casket With a posed the financing of the contras asentamientos are really concen- • FREE ESTIMATES "'"90 and People In Revolutionary Nlcar transparent sectiOn exposmg hIS on the grounds that the future of tratlOn camps. At this point, he m-' A TRIUMPH OF agua ImpreSSIOns of an Amencan head and shoulders for Viewing An • ASK ""BOUT OUR EXTENDED WARRANTY TECHNOLOGY NICaragua should be the bus mess vited us to judge for ourselves by ~ College Student," after spendIng FSLN flag was draped over the of Nicaraguans It IS not the Visiting one of their "concentration SERVING THE POINTES SINCE 1949 five weeks in NICaragua thiS sum- lower part of the casket On the bus mess of the Umted States camps" I feel it is safe to assume'. mer This IS the second of three ar wall above hiS head, hung a Of course, I ammt that I spoke that If the asentamientos actually:. 36 YEARS OF DOING IT RIGHT ticles crUCIfix With a white curtam With only a very small number of were concentrallon camps, we cer-~: 14847 GRATIOT NEAR 8 MILE Religion in Nicaragua draped around It Lookmg at the NICaraguan conservatives ThiS IS tamly would not have been mVlted Nicaragua IS a very Cathohc crUCifix hangmg directly above the due to the fact that, m Nicaragua, to walk around in them and talk to ~, 3'Locatlons to serve you 527-1700 country. Four of the country's ma FSLN flag I thought of how Iromc conservatives who oppose the San- people at our leisure. ", Jor politIcal figures - the mlms- It was that thiS man was kIlled dimstas are few and far between. Nevertheless, the asentamientos' ters of education and culture, the because our government consid- The asentamientos were the one place in Nicaragua:. foreign mmlster, and the represen ered him to be a "commumst The "asentamientos" (settle- where I saw eVidence of dissatis-: tative to the OrganizatiOn of Amer. atheist." ment camps) were set up by the faction with the government's: Ican States - are Roman Catholic A note on the oppositIOn government to accommodate the pohcles among a significant por- ~ FOR THE MAN pnests I have attended several I was most surprIsed to fmd that civihan populatlon which has been bon of the general population.: "misa campesinas" (peasant NICaraguan conservatives - those displaced by the war with the con- Many of these families feel frus-:- OF THE HOUR masses) and found them to be the U S government would call the tras (short for "counter-revolution- trated and angry that they are not: WHO VALUES HIS SECONDS spiritually ahve and very emo- "democratic opposItion" - do not aries") Some of the settlements allowed to return to their original- tiona I necessarIly support U S pohcies were agflcuItural cooperatives homes, that they were forcefully' ReligIOn in NICaragua, however, towards Nicaragua In Managua, before becommg asentamientos, uprooted from the land which had: is an extremely pohtical endeavor we had an mtervlew With Anna and therefore have families which belonged to them for many years, : The CatholIc church IS deeply dl- Mane RUlZ, a staff member and were not uprooted by the war. and that they had to leave therr. vlded between elements that sup- Journalist of the independent, con- Among the families which have belongings behmd. ' port the revolution and those that servative paper La Prensa and a Joined the settlements more re- However, others feel that the- oppose it. The latter group ISunder discussion With Vrrgllio Gedoy, the cently, a number of them fled from conditions of the settlements offer: the leadership of the Archbishop, presidenllal candidate of the In- their homes voluntarily to escape them a better life than they' Obando y Bravo, who, WIth the sup- dependent Liberal Party Both the contras, who are known for at- previously had. For instance, each: port of Pope John Paul, has been cnllclzed the Sandmlstas for bemg tacking and frequently slaughter- settlement is provided with a: pressuring pnests to leave theIr too soclahst m their economic ing civihans health center offering free health' positIons with the government pohcies (although about two-thirds The remamder were forced to care and a school providing classes : On the other hand, a large of the country remams m prIvate leave their homes by government for both the children and the: number of lay church volunteers hands> and for leamng toward the order. The Sandmista military adults, most of who are illiterate.: and most of the workmg class and Soviet Umon wanted to be able to enter areas At any rate, during my conversa- peasant population support the pro- Nevertheless, I was qUite shock- where contra activity was heavy in tions with the families In the revolutIOnary clergy Regardless ed by two pomts made by Ruiz order to fight the contras without camps, I could not find any of one's views of the pohtics of the One was 111 response to the paper's harmmg the ciVilian populatIOn. So evidence that they did not feel free various church factIons mvolved, I positIon regarding the economic the government provided the in- to express their opinions and dis- find the accusation that the San- blockade Imposed by PreSident Thc ultimatc watth from Baumc & Mcrder. habitants with new land, housing satisfactions openly; nor could I dimstas persecute rehglOn to be Reagan She said the paper con- and transportatiOn to the asenta- find any evidence that they were Gold plated and stainlen stccl with unreahstlc "RepreSSIOn of re- demned the blockade, because it IS mlentos and then told them to get not free to leave the camps any ligion" in the SOVIetUmon means not accomphshing anythmg, and handsome leather strap. Records scconds, minutcs and out I Some complained that they time they chose to do so. Of course, that priests are put in the pohtlcal because It IS the people of Nicar- were asked to leave WIth only a with e government and the con-- hOUriof clapsed time. Impctcably hand-crafted prIsons "Repression of religIOn" agua who are suffermg as a result th: Baume & Mercier quality. $795. day's notice or 111 sOf.Ilecases no tras usmg therr former homes as a III Nicaragua means that priests of It. advance'~ warrifn~g"at "all.lo .'.....-J "",qia~tlegJ16UDd,there is no place to ,\ ~J I Lb ~ are put in the governmental admm- • 1'he other was m rl!sponse to a IstratlOn queshon regardmg the paper's A government official who spoke which they can retur!l' . I went to a wake for a member of pOSitIOn on Reagan's support for to us on agricultural policy and on The next and last Installment IS the Sandimsta military who was the contras Regardmg Reagan she the land reform told us that there about the contra war. B''''....'''&>'''....'''....'''....'''....'''....'''....'''.. '''-'''.-~ ....'''.-A....'''-'''; ~ 0 ~ SUPER K , lingerk g CHARlES W. WARREN KEROSENE ~ Ltd.l W~eRids i

)l1IIUIS sma 1901 ALLEMONS ON MACK C'BRAND/[ ~C Slippers from Brooks Brothers SOIlIISfT IIALl, nil Ik9 3111 882.9085 WT1MIl- nu.u: 00\IlS OPEN SUNDAY 9-5 CNAMES ,~1f. ' make gifts of lasting comfort c UP ro I 1fI\ , ~ .L& 50010t .Vi .~' , ~ ~ ~~ 1'( 0 C~.o off l' I ~0 ~o 0 Our new exclUSive red-black ~ I -~ woodsman check wool slIppers o Ii I C • 0 , C - \) With genuine shearhng hmng. o g 0 Full SIzes 7 to 13. $38 ~ \) , KELlY STORE ONLY • INFANTS & i , ~~~~~ENINGS & CHILDREN'S t C WEAR. ~H.nd~tU,"'d op'" ,hppe" NOW OPEN EVENINGS o • TO SiZE 7 e I _ wlth soft soles made for us \) LOUNGEWEAR ~ SLEEPWEAR ., alone m navy or burgundy, K 1 , EAST DETROIT i Sizes 7 to 13 (no 12 /2). $45 « GROSSE PTE. 20971 KEllY • C 18710 MACK NEXT 10 VilLAGE SHOE INN , ~ 881.6567 774-1540 i ExclUSive hand-turned calf- '''''''''"''''-'''-'''''''''''' "'.-"'...."'...."'...."'...."'.-"'...."'...."'....""""""'...."'.: skin mules with soft padded soles Burgundy or navy in sizes 7 to 13 (no 121/2) $45

Moosegram leather moccasm With shearhng lImng. In .., natural color. Full sizes CHRISTMAS 7 to 13. $38 SALE Peal & Co black velvet opera slIppers from England with 30-50070 OFF qul1ted satm hmng, gold embroidered foxhead, leather Suggested Retail sale and heel. Excluslvely on all our" In full and half sizes Seiko, Longine 7 to 13 (no l2ljz) $95 AR':'.¥>TJIM CLARY PERSONAL APPEARANCE, DECEMBER 11,7 TO 9 P.M. See Jim Clary's latest work The 1913 Storm and listen to him Wittnauer. & Citizen as he discusses the Great Lakes manne event that mfluenced thiS Watches (roe ,our Brook, Brothe" ,ard, 4merlcan Express vr D,ners Club captivating work of art Collector's prints may be purchased or M/C VISA ordered for yourself or as gifts AppreCiate, too, Mr Clary's talent of artistic In <;tock ESTAllISHED 1111 ,. mterpretatlon as you view hiS yet unfmlshed pamtmg Also 30ftlo off all jewelry of the Enterp(/se aircraft carner In our Grosse POinte Store for the Home GEORGE KOUEITER JEWELER ~6lP~ 21019 Mack A~c. Gro~"c Pointc, Michigan ~~~ (Bct\\een Vcrll1er dnd 9 MIle) Jacobson's 882-1110 furnishings for lIm Women ~ 80ys 64~ GRISWOLD, PENOBSCOT BLDG., DhTROIT.SOMERSETMAI,L, TROY CONVENIENT HOLIDAY HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY UNTIL 9 Shop Saturday until 6 -:.'


- ~--- _ ...... _----- . , ,

Page Nme.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Th ursday, December 5, 1985 said The car continued on and -1------hon Thr officer, checklllg with the Community makes good start l Grosse Pointe Park pohce ar- struck a tree, pollce said rested two men Wednesday even. Law Enforcement Information Network computer system dis- mg, Nov. Tl- one for possessIOn of to battle substance abuse covered the car was reported The dfiver was arrested at the stolen property, the other for an scene and charged with possession Grosse Pomte public schools and date the large turn-outs o arrested outstandmg warrant - after of- stolen, according to police The mcreased awareness of the The occupants of the Pontiac of stolen property, pollce said The the Substance Abuse Commumty f1cers stopped the car III which the passenger was chased down and Council have made a good begmn- problem of substance abuse makes two were ndmg and discovered It drove away and the offIcer gave It easier to understand who the n Park chase chase The car headed down a side arrested A LEIN check revealed 109 With programs to address sub- ~ was reported stolen an outstanding warrant out of De. stance abuse, accordmg to SIS teenagers are who are most likely tv• Pollce stopped the 1978 Pontiac street until It reached St Paul, to become chemICally dependent, when the dnver and passenger trolt m the man's name, pollce Wenger of 's I Grand Pnx at about 6 33 pm on !>ald Maplegrove community education Wenger !>ald Mack Avenue for a trafflc vlOla- Jumped from the vehicle, reports The hIghest percentage of t office. Leaving Wenger made her remarks at the children who become chemically Nov 11 Board of Education meet- dependent are chddren of parents children mg at Ferry Elementary School wbo are substance abusers, Wen- Wenger, who helped orgamze the ger bald Another group of children unattended appearance of DaVid Toma locally that often become substance abusers are chIldren of dIvorce A fise m the number m 1982 and some of the follow-up education programs afterward, Learmng disabled students also be- of smgle parents and come chemIcally dependant in high two-mcome famlhes IS conducted a workshop last spnng percentages, Wenger said makmg It dlfflCult to for teachers and admmlstrators on deCide what to do with substance abuse. In May, she Another group that often ends up chIldren before adults traveled to Washmgton DC to seekmg help for chemICal depen- arrive home The Na- teshfy before a CongressIOnal com- dency problems are new students tIOnal Safety Council mittee on the effects of alcohohsm and chemical dependency on the III school, she saId realizes no one wants to The new kid 111 school often fmds leave children unat- faml1y It difficult to break into the estab- The school board III August tended, but often there hshed SOCial groups at the school IS no chOIce. adopted as one of Its seven goals f'xcept for one, Wenger said "The fUi lh~ coming YC::lr the develop- FOI p'H~nt::, \.Vho arc drug group ill a school IS always m thiS SItuation, the ment of an overall plan for staff Ill- happy to welcome one more per- council has developed formation and support for students son," she said "Sometimes It IS in need of help With substance ROLAIDS EiCllrin" "ChIld Alone," a better to share a Jomt or a beer abuse The system also deCIded to Imu STIIENm931 28-page brochure struc- with someone than to share develop a three-year-plan to tackle tured to help adults pre- nothmg." pare theIr chl1dren for substance abuse By far the greatest problem are Earher thIS year, the board bemg left on their own the children who are affected by adopted a pohcy covering student EXCEDRIN TopiCS of dISCUSSIOn substance abuse m their famJly, use of drugs which emphaSized 225 CT within the booklet Wenger said Because they are mclude: help fOt'those With a problem most hkely to become chemically While the school dlstnct ISa little - Key care dependent themselves, It is Im- behind m working on ItS substance • Strangers perative to help those children deal • Fire safety abuse program, a number of ac- with the problems the disease tlVlties have taken place III the • Household emer- causes 111 their lives, she added gencies schools and the community that are part of the education about the "In the average classroom m • First aid Amenca, one out of every four or problem, according to Supt John BAN VITALIS • Dealing with fears five children has one adult in their Interested partIes Whritner family suffermg from a substance AEROSAL Teachers and admmlstrators at SOLID can receive a smgle abuse problem," Wenger Said SUPER North High School recently heard free copy of the pam- "That person may be a parent, ~~ ... -POWDER or two consultants from Tennyson q phlet by sendmg a self- often an older brother or sister .. ~. -REGULAR NATURAL addressed No. 10 en- Center in Toledo, OhiO, descnbe the services available at the and often you can't see that We ~ •UNSCENTED velope, affixed with 39 have to tailor the programs to chemical dependency rehabilita- cents in postage, along adapt to those chIldren who don't 94 with your request, to tion center there. The program ~ $1 act out on their pain " Dept PR, National concentrated on the role of class- Part of the approach IS to educa- Safety CouncIl, 444 room teachers in helping students return to school after release from te adults who see the chl1dren, but North Michigan also important IS the development Avenue, Chicago, III a live-in treatment center. The meeting was chaired by as. of student assIstance groups, Wen- 60611.The complimen- ger said Support groups for stu- tary offer expires June sistant prmcipal Kathleen Her- dents with problems or those who schelmann and IS one of a senes of 1, 1986. are concerned about others who actlVltles planned during the year AA The National Safety may have a problem gives chl1dr&n 4 PACK Councu, headquartered to help teachers deal with students who may have a chemical depen- "permiSSion" or Identify their pam See Dlsplay in Chicago, is a non- and eventually to get help gettmg In Stores governmental, not-for- dency problem better, she added profit public service or- Programs in elementary and "We can never really prevent gamzatlon workmg 10 middle schools mclude BABES for substance abuse until we can get to "' . the private sector to 10- chudren ages 5 to 8 m certam the 20 to 25 percent of the chlldren elementary schools, Green Circle crease the safety and who are afhcted by abuse 10 their Improve the health of programs for upper elementary lives," Wenger said "All the edu- the American people students, and school teams 10 mid. cahan can't help them They don't d~e schools, combmmg the work of have hme to learn all the copmg parents, teachers and others to skills and positive self esteem STAYFREE Lincoln work on substance abuse educa- traming. They are too busy surviv- tion. mg" THINS reunion _ SAC' has offered a varIety of pro- While the school system works to Lincoln High School grams in the past few years. This give permIssion to students to re- MAXI-PADS in Warren is planning a year's slX-week educational series cover from substance abuse prob- M&M 24CT 10-year reunion for the opened WIth Denms Wholey's ap- lems, It is also Important that the PLAIN or PEANUT class of 1976. pearance in the Performing Arts system aid its teachers, ad- Center The meeting place for 1 POUND Interested persons mimstrators and other personnel should call 884-6896or other programs m the serIes had to who also suffer from the disease, be moved from the War Memonal 99 886-3231for more 1Ofor- Wenger said $1 mabon to Memonal Church to accommo- ob. HOW '10 Edwin D. Secord, D.D.S., M.S. - IlfGlJl,.Alll"~ RENT ab. A CAR announces the opening of his office SlMJlT~ FOR limited to the practice of -- LESS: Call772.8003 Because we ab. lease ttlousands of cars on a SuHJt JIllUS l'A»POf($ Orthodontics --- long term baSIS. and some are turned In earty (before the lease expires) we can alford ,r-" 10 rent ttlem to you dally 20166 Mack Avenue at Oxford VIDAL weekly or monttlly for less :~ than the resl1 Grosse Pointe Woods ;;~ SASSOON KEN BROWN (_ 1\ CORRECTOL LIQUID LEASING COIre 884-9585 18400 Nine Mile Rd R II aoz PROTEIN E Delrolt MI 48021 40Z Phone (313) 772 8003 1~$150


.. .' Page Ten.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 5, 1985 Call1elia Sadat works for understanding It was some time before Camel1a By Elsa Frohman the veil as a Moslem tool for subJU- Iran With the rest of the Arab world It IS only Khomeim Islam found out that her father had "I'm not a femInist I make my gatIng women never asked for maSl> murder divorced her mother As a Moslem own fights, I'll leave femInism to "The vell is not a Moslem cus- tom" she said "It was borrowed Moslem fanatics don't rE'flect on man, he did not beheve he had to' someone else," said Cameha justify or explam Ills achons to the Sadat, daughter of the late preSI- fro~ ByzantIUm It was an ancient Islam " In Egypt, Sddat alfected many women 10 hiS life dent of Egypt custom In Babaloma, not ArabIa It became fashIOnable later m hberalll'atlOns of Moslem law "In Moslem sOciety, you cannot Despite her protests, Sadat has confront your father," Sadat said fought agalllst the restnctlOns At age 39, Anwar Sadat suffered placed upon her as a woman In a heart attack and feared he would Arab society She has overcome die Behev10g as a Moslem that hiS the obstacles placed upon her man entry 1Otoheaven depended on the arranged marnage to an abUSive way he had prOVided for hiS man when she was 12 years old, to daughters, he immediately moved KITCHEN CONNElTION bE'come a respected professiOnal to marry them off 17243 Mack, 884-8588 woman and the author of an Ill- Sadat was 12 years old, four slghtful book about her relatIOn- years too young to be married by Mon.-Fri. 10-7 Sat. 10-4 ship With her father - one of the Egyptian law However, her father most well-known and respected In- sidestepped that law by havmg her ternatIonal political figures of the exammed and declared old enough 1970s to marry Sadat spoke In Grosse Pomte Her husband, 17years her semor, Woods recently as the second was a co-worker of her gl'and- speaker In the Bon Secours Cele- father's, brIty SerIes A capaCity crowd "I had a troubled hfe with an listened .:AS she told of her struggles dlJU~IVt: mdll,' ::.ht: :>d1l1, H~ Wd:> to be recogmzed as a human bemg abusIve emotIOnally and physical- by her father ly " That struggle was the seed of her When she tried to tell her father autobIOgraphical books, "My of her troubles, he shrugged her Father and I " After trymg to talk off As a good Moslem, he now to hIm about theIr relatIonship In believed that any resistance she . 1974, and fmdmg hIm unrespon- showed to the marriage was rebel- SIve, she started to write him a let- hon agamst her father who had ar- ter The letter was written and re- ranged the marnage ' .' WrItten She added to It and started Eight years later, she shocked ., ..... it over Seven years later, In 1981, her contemporaries by divorcmg . her father was killed by an assas- her husband and gOIng to work as a ... SIn - and the letter was stili In- secretary 10 a pharmaceutical . complete company "We Moslems beheve that the Today, Sadat bves m Boston with spirits of the dead hang around," her daughter, whom she refers to Sadat said "I wrote this book hop- as a "gift from God" She is often . Ing he would read it and under- consulted by the major news net- . stand" works on Egyptian matters, most ., In 1980, she came to the United recently durmg the Achille Lauro , States as a correspondent for an Natural NorwegIan mcident . For yourself Egyptian publication. She spoke . BLUE FOX COAT "I am not a politicIan," she said . or for a loved one. little Engish Very soon afterward, "But I have to keep up on Egyptian . $1867 her father was assaSSInated and matters" ~ a fur from the pubhcatlOn fired her to show She says she IS friendly With . sympathy for the new government ~, through Egypt's current PreSident Mubar- • Saturday In Egypt ak "I learned of my father's death "He was Vice president under my ." only from Dan Rather," Sadat said Photo by Elsa Frohman ~: Camelia Sadat father and they always worked Alone in a foreign country, Sadat together," she Said However, In hiS private life, he was " lived under an assumed name for Turkey and Persia, It distIngUish- ;. several years However, far from ed the free woman from the sla ve a strIct and tradItIonal Moslem Her future plans Include a book " ChristIan and JeWIsh women wore Islam allows a man to have more on the different customs that " down and out, she completed her "• master's degree In publlc com- it too It was a symbol of the rIch than one wife, if he can support govern women In dIfferent Moslem '. mumcatlon from Boston Univer- and middle class " both equally When Anwar Sadat countries. She would bke to m- '.,I sity She started usmg her real Sadat pOinted out that AmerI- marrIed hiS second Wife, Jlhan, crease the understandmg of Amen- 'i and attempted to put his first Wife. " name again when she started pro- cans tend to aSSOCIate Islam With cans for the Arab world DElROrr 873-8.100' 7373 Th.d Avenue Ekbal, Camella's mother, away, 'j. moting her book the pronouncements of the Ayatol- . BLOOMFIELD HILLS 6423000 Sadat saId she finds that most lah KhOmeInl Ekbal rebelled and refused to "The great tolerance Amencans I • 1515 N Woodward Ave AmerIcans hold many misconcep- "The veIl IS what Khomemi rehre to a small village out of the have for everyone has helped me a • OPEN Mon Sol 9 30 5 p m great deal," she said "But I would '", IBloomfield Thu" & F" hi8 30 p m I hons about Islam and the role of wants to see But there are funda- public eye Camelia's father mam- Malor Credit Cards Accepled women in Moslem society Particu- mentalists III every religion," tamed a close relationship With hiS shll hke to return to Egypt Egypt larly, AmerIcans tend to look on Sadat said "You cannot compare four children by his first Wife, and is the best place" 3.J&3.J (1J~imnet! :; ~W.e.ePlt ' , "Our SerVIce. For Your Safety" " Professional Service, Certified, Insured. NO MESS. NO DUST. Cleaning Fireplaces. Woodsloves, Inserts, 011Flues Quality of living, Caps Screens, Dampers Animals Removed, DeodOriZing AcceSSOries Mlch Siale Lie #5125 FREE INSPECTIONS 773-1444

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V~ 17114 Kercheval Avenue ~------"IN.THE.VILLAGE" 885-2267 u •

Thursday, December 5, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven.A

A Clean Chimney Is a Safe Chimney! Obituaries PROFESSIONAl SERVICE SINCE T97a Robert D. Jol iet Gloria Anne Rutan Steven B. Hubbard A funeral Mass for Mr. Joliet, 55, services for Mrs. Rutan, 50, of Memorial services for Mr Hub- SAFE FLUE of the Park, was held Wednesday, the Farms, were held Friday, Nov. bard, 39, of the Pomte, were held Nov '1:7, at the Verheyden Funeral 15, at the A H. Peters Funeral Wednesday, Nov '1:7, at Christ Home and St Paul's CatholIc Home and Our Lady Star of the Sea Church. CHIMNEY SWEEP Church Church He died Nov 25. • Chimney Cleaning • Caps and Screens He died Nov 24 at Bon Secours She dIed Nov. 13 a t the Bon A graduate of Stormklllg Aca- • Animal Removal Installed Hospital. Secours Nurslllg Care Center. demy III New York, Mr Hubbard • fireplace Deodorized • Mortar and Damper Mr. JolIet was an Independent 1Il- Mrs Rutan was predeceased by was a Realtor III the Detroit metro- • Safely Inspection Repairs surance agent affiliated With the her husband, Charles R, and IS politan area He also attended Charles P Davey Agency, Troy survived by four daughters, Mary Michigan State University and the NEVER A MESS Born 10 DetrOIt, he attended the Ellen Newtonk, Kathryn A. Dean, Umverslty of MiamI III Florida He Ulliversity of DetrOIt after gradu- Michelle Rutan and Jeanne Helin; was preSIdent of the Steve B Hub- ation from Catholic Central fhgh two sons, Charles Jr and MIChael, bard Real Estate Co. III Harper School and nine grandchildren. Woods. Certified by. NatIOnal Chimney Sweep Guild He was a lector at St Paul's Memonal contnbutions may be Mr Hubbard was a member of Independent Safety Commission CatholIc Church and was a mem- made to the Bon Secours Hospital the Middleburg TenOlS Club, ber of the St Paul's Dad's Club He Hospice program Orange County Hunt Club, Grosse was also a member of the Detroit Interment was at Holy Sepulchre Pomte Club and the DetrOIt Economic Club, Catholic Central Cemetery Atheltic Club He also mamtallled Alumlll Association and the South homes III Middleburg, Va, and ~EDRICK 4716 12-lIle pendant High School Dad's Club Olive M. Jackson NeVIS, Bnhsh West Indies Width 24' dlam, Mr Joliet ISsurvived by his wife, Mr Hubbard IS survived by hiS R4iVO'JDf'1 Length body 17" VIrgmla, four sons, James, Services for Mrs Jackson, 84, Wife, Judith, a daughter, Alexan- 18" chain and cano- Jerome. John and Jeffrev a Shirley Ruth Blain formerly of the Woods, lately of dra his mother Marv Jane Hub- DV 12-25 watt daughter, Joann, two brothers, Coral Sprmgs, 1"la, were held bard; and two brothers candelabra base FInish Solid and one sister Shirley Ruth Blain Wednesday, Nov. '1:7, at the Kraeer Memonal contributIOns may be polished brass Glass Bound. Interment was at Holy Sepulchl e Memonal serVIces for Shirley Funeral Home, Coral Sprmgs. made to the Michigan Humane beveled, clear and peach Cemetery Ruth Blam, 64, formerly of the She died Nov. 24 at Doctors Society. Bulbs not included Pomte, lately of Tucson, Anz , Will General Hospital, Plantation, Fla Arrangements were by the WIl- Margaret Smith be held at noon Saturday, Dec 7, at Mrs Jackson was a resident for liam R Hamilton Co, Birming- A small and slIght woman by na- Grosse Pomte Memorial Church 51 years and a member of Grosse ham ture, friends and family member!> She died Nov 28 in Tucson Pomte Woods Baptist Church She of Margaret Smith remember her The daughter ot the late Dr and moved to FlOrida in 1961. as a human dynamo - e!>peclally Mrs Alexander Blam, founder of She is survived by her husband, Jeffrey W, Boettcher where It came to her beloved the Alexander Blain HOSPital, she Herbert S; five daughters, A memorial Mass for Mr. Boett- Neighborhood Club was born III Detroit She graduated Burlene Hopper, Dorothy Waldo, cher, 20, of Kenwood Court, was A board member of the orgamza- from Liggett School and Pine June Philipp, Dolores Scott and held Monday, Nov. 25, at the Ver- Almond Glass tion for 30 years, Mrs Smith serv- Manor College, Wellesley, Mass Joanne Talkmgton; 11 grandchil- heyden Funeral Home and St Accented With Wood ed as treasurer and president of the She was a member of the Village dren, and eight great-grandchil- Paul's Catholic Church 5 100 Walt up 1 50R 20 down club, and was mstrumental in mov- Garden Club, the Ann Arbor chap- dren. BULBS NOT INCLUDED mg it from its old locatIOn to ItS ter of the Farm and Garden Club Interment was at Tamarac, Fla He died Nov. 23 at Sparrow newer headquarters on Waterloo and the Jumor League of Tucson. Hospital, East Lansmg $17650 Survlvmg are her sons, Henry E Herbert McClure and St. Clair F. Mr Boettcher IS surVived by hiS Bowes II and Blam Bowes, a Mrs. Smith, 79, of Provencal Services for Mr McClure, 81, of parents, James and Barbara Boett- daughter, Susan Alexandra Berl'y, Road, died Nov 28 in her home Hollywood Road, were held Wed- cher, a brother, Chnstopher, three Services were Monday, Dec 2, at two brothers; four meces; and nesday, Nov. 27, at the A H. Peters sisters, Momca, Alexandra, and ChriSt Church, With mterment at three nephews Funeral Home and First English Katherine: maternal grand- 26- d,s Woodlawn Cemetery Ida McDonald Lutheran Church mother, Georgma Wines; and pa- Mrs. Smith was the widow of Hal He died Nov. 23 at S1. John ternal grandmother, Mrs. WIlham LIMITED QUANTITIES ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN H. Smith .Ir, founder of Smith Services for Mrs McDonald, 87, Hospital Boettcher Hague and Co, a stock brokerage of Devonshire Road, were held Born in Michigan, he was presi- and investment firm with offices 111 Wednesday, Nov 27, at the Verhey- dent of Garwood Detroit Truck Memorial contributions may be Detroit and Grosse POInte den Funeral Home and St Clare of EqUipment, Inc. He was a 1930 made to the Jeffrey Boettcher She was a graduate of MISS Montefalco Church graduate of the University of Memorial Fund, 237 Kenwood Hall's School, Massachusetts, and She died Nov 24 at the Luther Detroit and a member of the Senior Court, Grosse Pointe Farms. Mich attended the Sorbonne m France A Haven Nursmg Home, DetrOIt Men's Club. 28236. nature lover, Mrs Smith was an Born m Manly, Iowa, she was a Mr. McClure's degree was a me- Model avid gardener and a board retired nurse chamcal engmeermg, and he also Cremation was at Forest Lawn M29'6 member of the Garden Club of Mrs McDonald IS surVived by worked for Fruehauf Trailer. Cemetery MIchigan smce 1954 She was also a two daughters, Mary Hennessy and He is surVived by hiS wife, Ester; reCipient of the most dlstmgUlshed Patncla Hutchms, 13 grandchIl- two brothers, and many meces and Honey Bronze and horticulture award Mrs Smith dren, and 3 great-grandchildren. nephews. Bertha Mae Donaldson Highlighted With Oak Wood was also a member of the Country Interment was at Assumption 6 Lights plus Downhght 21" D,a Memonal contributIons may be Memorial services for Mrs Don- Cluo of DetrOIt and the Grosse Grotto Cemetery, Detroit made to the MUSIC Enrichment BULBS NOT INCLUDED POInte Club. aldson, 72, formerly of the Pomte, Fund, First English Lutheran lately of New Baltimore, were held She IS survived by two sons, Hal Janice Clark Meno Church Saturday, Nov. 30, at the A .I. Des- H III and Leonard W , two sisters, Services for Mrs Meno 81 for- Interment was at White Chapel mond & Sons Funeral Home and and nllle grandchildren. merly of the POInte lately of De- Cemetery. Model Grosse Pointe United Methodist #58ABIPB MemorJal co~trJbutlOns may be trolt, were held Wed~esday, Dec 3, Church Opal Glass wlpohshed ~ade to the.NelghQQrlJooQ:~;~~J;,~1at1Grk"Of'the Hills Church. - or antique brass the memor~al fund of La eSlde She died Dec 1at Wilham Beau- Pietrina Leto She died Nov. Z7 at 8t Joseph 1 TY2" Wide. 8" height ,C~mp, HIgglllS Lake, Roscommon, mont Hospital Services for Mrs. Leto, 94, of the Hospital East, 10 Mount Clemens. up to 1 150 wan bulb Mich. 48653. A native Detroiter she was a City, were held Friday, Noy. 29, at BULBS NOT INCLUDES , Arrangements were by the WIl- graduate of Liggett School and a Born 10 Grand Rapids, she ISsur- the Bagnasco Funeral Home and vived by a daughter, Nancy ham R Hamilton Co founder and active member of St Ambrose Church. Brown; two sons, James and $2995 ALS group GoodWill IndustrIes. She was a She died Noy. 25 at Bon Secours Thomas Brown; her mother, Neva member of Kirk III the Hills Hospital. M. Hart; and four grandehlldren. 'plans party Church, the DetrOIt Athletic Club, Born in Italy, she is surVived by Country Club of Detroit, DetrOit two daughters, Lena Bologna and Memorial contributions may be Erway Electric Co. The National ALS FoundatIOn Golf Club and Detroit Yacht Club. Grace Tocco, two sons, Larry and made to the MIChigan Cancer ,(Lou Gehng's Disease) MichIgan She also did volunteer work at Bon Nick; 16 grandchildren, and 28 Foundation or the Michigan I.ighl ing (.allery and S••pplies Chapter, will hold Its annual holi- Secours Hospital great-grandchildren. Special Olympics, Central Michi- 2112J I 11,\ H P ~,H A \ E Between 7& 8 Mile Harper WoC'ds 1I111-H99 I day party honoring patients, fami- Mrs. Meno IS surVived by a son, Interment was at Mount Olivet gan UniverSity, 127 Rose Hall, MON -SAT 8-5 ly and fnends Sunday, Dec 8, at 2 FrederIck .I III, two Sisters, and Cemetery Mount Pleasant, Mich 48859 pm two grandchildren She was prede- The festivities Will be held at ceased by her husband, Frederick Harper Hospital, 3900 John R, J II DetrOIt. Call Mike Miller for addl' Interment was at Woodlawn Ce- tional informatIon at 777-7145 metery UREAL ESTATE" Dlvenlfy Your Future .0 INN E R FOR

I • Shopping centers. Office buildings Art Glass for Christmas • Other income-produdng properties Cflit I.R.E. Real Estate GroWth Fund-Series 28


For turther information, contiICt

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Cl-L\RI£Ql-lOLk~b(?J CO We're extending Christmas Hours


The paperweIghts shown are selected from the Correia Art Glass OPEN: DINE BEFORE OR AFTER YOU HOLIDAY SHOP i MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, 4:30.8:30 P.M. collection available at The Detroit Institute of Arls Museum Shop. \IO\DA Y.FRIDA Y Take time out from your holiday shopping to dine In Each pIece is signed, dated and registered 930-600 a pleasant atmosphere where the two of you can relay THl 'R~D,\\ till 9 and enjoy attentive service In our restaurant Choose (lAI) Cobal! IfIdment qlohe ~hi\pt'd paper welqht ~\nRD \ \ 10 00-.) 00 from three speCial entrees Prime Rib, Lasagna, or With a ne~(ent moon hoverlO~ o.,er a ~olden ~ea Barbecued Chicken Plus, the complete meal Includes (Rlqhrj Golden 1IIIIre e'l.~ shaped paper wl'l~ht I~ overlaid With ~I a cup of soup, salad, potato or vegetable, roll. beverage a fealhel') rept'aIJn~ pattern OPEN: Children's menu also available at speCial pnces I'III $8') 00 (Founder, pnce 576')0) Ii mn.,\mFR 2.{tIll 9 OECE\1BER 24 till .) 1III Jacobson's The [)elroilinstilule of Arls Museum Shop farns ....orlh Fnlrance ')200 Woodward Ave [)elroll ('onvenlent S\J~r.I'i'd parkln~ In Ihe L1nder~rollnd (ultLlral ernler (,ar,~ iF,rnsworth al Woodwardl and the ',mnrt' ('eoler 101(enler from lohn R a1 Farnsv.orthj \.I"Irr('M~ VI,~ Amrfl,an F,prr« DId and per<,ooal We welcome Jacobson's Charge Card or The American Express~ Card chefk' a,repled III 11' am 10 ') P rr cIally rI,SI'~ 'Aonda) 811 7944 Shop until 9 p.m. on Thursday and Friday The DetrOIt Institute of Arts MuseumShop" 16835 Kercheval, Grosse POinte, 885.1232 Until 6 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday

..., Page Twelve-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 5, 1985 fr .

ft ''II I ,I l :, •I i

Santa Claus \s coming to American Fdst Photo' STing your chlld In and recelVe a complimentary picture taken wIth Santa hlm~elf No hmltto the ,.;. number of children SANTA WILL BE AT AMERICAN FAST PHOTO 20643 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woods - 884-2808 Saturday. Dec. 1 from 12-6

•••••••••••••••••• tm Child must be accompamed by an adult Allow one day fo' photo processing PRIME Military tour Twelve Grosse Pointe residents were among a group of 40 civic Standing on the steps of the chapel at the Air Force Academy leaders who toured NORAD, the North American Defense System are, front row, from left. M. Jane Kay, Vincent Manzo, Charles R. BEEF complex carved inside of the Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Rutherford, John F. Ward and the Hon. Vincent J. Brennan; back Springs, Colo. The facility, a joint U.S.-Canadian project, is the row, from left, Robert G. Johnston, Robert L. Nugent, Rudolph T. nerve center of the North American continent that keeps track of Stonisch, Robert E. Yuhn, Robert G. Edgar and Robert N. Lynch. GRAIN FED WESTERN BEEF airborne objects throughout the world. The group also visited the Missing from the photo is Roger Rinke. for Tender, Juicy, Flavorful Meat Air Force Academy during the two-day tour. Poultry • Lamb • Veal • Rabbit St. John celebmtes new additio~ with open house Order Early For To celebrate the openmg of St There wIll also be VISIts by The Pediatric Units and Pen- cently opened Concentrated Care John Hospital's new matermty and clowns, magicians and Santa natal Center are located on the Building addition, 22101 Moross HOLIDAY pediatric areas, the community IS Claus Free T-shirts and balloons fourth and fifth floors of the re- Road near Mack Avenue. Fresh Turkeys invited to an open house Sunday, Will be distributed to children who Dec. 8, from 1 to 5 p m attend Christmas cookies and re- Fresh Baked Pies Families are encouraged to tour freshments will be served, - also- the specially designed Permatal Parents may have theIr child Vietnam author to speak at ULS Duck • Goose • Baked Center, WhIChis certifIed to handle particIpate In the Child IdentifIca- Josiah Bunting III, preSIdent of mIlitary subjects, to national Hams • Standing Ribs both normal ane; hIgh-risk preg- tion Program, sponsored by the Hampden-Sydney College in Vir- magazines and newspapers He is nancies and deliverIes The hos- Grosse Pomte Woods Police gmia and author of "The LIOn- also a contrlbutmg editor of Har- pital's Neonatal Intensive Care Department. heads" a best-selhng novel, will per's Magazme speak at Umversity LIggett School spectallCE CREAM Specials Umt, one of the fIrst to be estabhsh- Bunting was commIssioned a ed In Michigan, prOVides 24-hour St John HOSPItal obstetricians Thursday, Dec. 12 In hIS speech, 49 and nurses will be available to "What DId We Learn in Viet- fIrst captam on his graduation Dove Bars $1 care to premature and seriously III from the VirginIa Military Insti- newborns. answer questions for those touring nam?", he Will draw on his experi- Haagen Dazs Tres the Perinatal Center's BIrthing tute, and he attended Oxford as a Chocolate To/utt, Also open to the public will be the ence as a major in the Vietnam Room, Labor Lounge, delivery war Rhodes Scholar He is a competent PediatriC Umt and the eastside's pianist and a marathon runner. only PediatriC IntenSive Care Unit rooms and Newborn Nursery. "The LLOnheads," named by SpeCial actiVIties for children are Pediatric nurses and hospital staff Time magazine as one of the "Ten Since urn ~unting has served as I planned throughout the afternoon pediatricians will also be available Best Npvel$ of 1972," <15 ape~l.rat- -1 president ot1;Iampden-8ydney Col- for specific questions about the ...J: mcludmg Detroit Tiger Dave Berg- mg, critical look at the Vietnam lege, a prestigious liberal arts col- I man autographing "offICIal" facilitIes for chIldren war, written whIle Buntmg was a lege near Richmond, Va. Founded Adopt-a-Doll BIrth Certificates (for Further mformatIon or arrange- hIstory professor at West Pomt. He in 1776,it is the tenth oldest college youngsters who want to vahdate ments for speCIal tours can be ob- contmues to contribute nwnerous m the nation and the oldest remain- theIr doll's birth!). tamed by calhng 343-3970 articles and reviews. mostly on ing all-male college.

"KELLY & CO. LIVE AT LAKESIDE" That dynamiC duo of the ever-popular WXYZ TV show, Marilyn Turner and John Kelly. Will be SKIING hostmg their show live at lakeSide Fnday, December 6, 900 am, Center Court Doors open at 8 15 a m between JCPenney and Lord & Taylor 6Jk ~ at parking pole #47 Hotel accommodations for 61t1f.r ~ - Kelly & Co prOVided by The Best Western Midway , _ Motor Lodge of Warren

~~~~td~ . "MEN'S NIGHT OUT" ------A special evening that solves the hassle of holiday shopping for men-a glittering fashion show- .

'~~k~. LAKESIDE GIFT CERTIFICATES Available In $500 denominations, are valid at any 01 LakeSide's fine stores, and may be ~'tL(~aa~~~ purchased at the Customer Service Center The perfect gift for anyone on your I,St'

HOLIDAY HOURS: ~, J1)i.,'/L AtIf.~JH fib Monday. Salurday: 10:00 AM - 9:30 PM through December 14 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM December 16 - 23 Sunday. 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM ~~~&~~. ChrlBlmaB Eve: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM IJ4 ~'~f:'

SEARS HUDSON'S JCPENNEY, LORO & TAYLOR. CROWLEY'S SKI SHOP .nd over 170 grl.' .torll Ind .. rvlc•• M 59 (Hall Road) and 5choenha(( Sterl,ng Halghts (313) 2471590 22301 KELLY between 8 & 9 Mile Rd. Monday Saturday 10 a m -9 p m Sunday Noon-5 pm Siroiler Rantal $1 00 All Oay EAST DETROIT 778-7020 Gill cen,f,catas available at Customer Service Booth '"'F.."-"I.....~.."...--, ..t-...,.-..~-....,------

Page Thirteen.A ' Thursday, December 5, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

Schools RONALD J. CONKLIN, D.~M., ~C. Foar SPECIALIST AND FOOT SURGEON Cook named ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF to state panel HIS NEW OFFICE AT DOriS Cook was appomted re- cently by the Michigan Board of 20835 MACK AVENUE EducatIon to serve on the newly GROSSE POINTE WOODS, MICHIGAN 48236 formed PeriOdIC RevIew/Program Evaluation Council 884.7566 Cook, preSIdent of the Grosse POinte EducatIon ASSOCIatIonand HOURS BY APPOINTMENT the MichIgan EducatIOn ASSOCia- tIon Local One, Will serve a two- SA.TURDAY AND EVENING HOURS AVAILABLE year term on the commiSSIOn, whIch IS to propose standards of I r HAS BEEN MY PLEASURE TO HAVE SERVED YOU IN THE quahty for teacher education pro- PAST. I HOPE OUR NEW AND EXPANDED FAClUllES WILL grams in the state subJect to board CONTINUE 1D MEET THE GROWING NEEDS OF OUR approval The commiSSIOn Will review re- PATIENTS. ports of program review teams and make recommendatIons to the ",tate board on the progress of :nstl tutlOns It will also establish and update guidelines for state board MELDRUM & SMITH approval covermg the eVidence an InstitutIOn must prOVide to demon- NURSERY strate that Its programs meet stan- dards of quality established by the "Old Fashion" Christmas state Board of EducatIOn Boutique Items Pholo by Kay Photography The board approved formatIon of Heritage observed the commiSSIOn In May, actIng on a Small Artificial Trees • Activities at Parcells In November have been directed at pursuing students' awareness of their recommendatIOn contamed m a Decorated Wreaths: heritage, On Veteran's Day, a showcase and public address announcement accompanied by policy paper titled "A Proposal for Eucalyptus - Grapevine - PeriodiC ReVIew/Program Evalu- Baby Breath - Potpourri patriotic music honoring school staff who are veterans drew considerable attention. The activity ation of MIchigan Teacher Pre- listed 12 staff members whose dates of service range from 1944 to 1971 and represent all branches paredness Programs ,. Victorian Eucalyptus Trees of the armed services, It was planned by Nell Suomela, Parcell's Industrial arts teacher, On Nov. The 22 members of the commIs- • Pine Cones • Candles 19, the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, the Heritage Ensemble of the University of Wiscon- sion will include five members of sin presented to students "Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory," relating In music and text the partici. the MEA, seven members from the • Ribbons • Bows patlan of the Midwest In the Civil War. The ensemble's program coincides with the studl of the Michigan Federation of Teachers • Tree Decorations Civil War period by elghth.grade Social Studies classes and preparation of a showcase w~ich will and members representmg board • Table Decorations travel to all middle schools. of education, superIntendents, Christmas Trees elementary, middle and high Pictured above are nine of the 12 honored on Veteran's Day. They are, from left standing, Bill Douglas Fir • Scotch Pine • Balsam • Edmunds, Daniel Evola, Nathan Judson, Bill Taylor and Bill Arbaugh; from left siUing, Robert Rod- school principals, colleges and uni- verSIties. Norway Spruce • Blue Spruce dewlg, Neil Suomela, Michael Currier and Robert LaVacque, LIve Potted Trees. Small Mixed Noble Candle Rings' Chnsrmas Greens. Michigan Holly Bernes • Custom Decorated Live Wreatlls • Holly M,stleloo.JUniper Boxw~/lf Oregon Noble. Bran clles & Wreatlls • Ropmg • Tree Srands • Plants. Azaleas - Azalea Trees. POinsettias - allsIzes North Pointe • POInsettia Trees. Cyclamens .Amaryills \11!!!1!!1'1 Local students are finalists for math test I-I Open 7 Days 9 a.m.• 6 p.m. .~ Thirty Grosse Pointe publlc high of the winners receiving college MathematIcs wins award school students - 18 from South scholarships Last year's awards Carl JustIce. math department The Columbia Scholastic Press 17750 Mack (corner Rivard) and a dozen from North - finished totaled $16,325, chaIrperson, served as the high AssociatIOn of ColumbIa UnIVer- Grosse Pointe 885.5433 In the top 5 percent of the nearly The competition funds mclude school supervisor for Grosse sity, New York City recently 23,000 MIchigan students taking contributIons from the Arvco Con- Pointe South High School students awarded a medIa list certificate to Part I of the 29th Annual Michigan tainer Corporation, Burroughs Cor- participating m the competitIon North Pomte, the student news- Mathematics Prize Competition. poration, Ford Motor Company, John Bmgham, math department paper of North High School They will compete WIth about Michigan Bell, Kuhlman Corpora- head at North HIgh School, was The media list rankmg, granted 1,000 other Michigan students tak- tion, Upjohn Company and the that school's supervisor for the to pubhcations selected from the mg the second part of the exam MichIgan Council of Teachers of competItIOn first place ratings, IS the associa- Wednesday, Dec. 11. tion's highest rankmg North students quahfymg were The Issues Judged were from the Now through December 15, 1985 you can save Nicole Abood, Patrick Carlsen, C d ~ d dr.. fut 1984-85academic year Tarek Elalayli, FIroz Ghandhi, a BIG 25% on a great selection of fashion anne .lOO lye IS success "Among your strengths are your eyeweAlrfor men. women and children al Umque Chris Herman, Michael Inman, The Bishop Gallagher High food Crossroads, a SOCial serVIce dIVerSity m coverage and the news- Optique Everythmg is 25% Off - frames, Mark Kane, Bryant Kong, James School canned food drive and umt, WhICh prOVIdes emergency paper's attractIve appearance lenses, Jewelry and accessones. Lee, Albert Lombardini Walter dance collected numerous cans and care for those III cntIcal need, Keep up the good work; youI' Choose from Tura, Logo, Sophia Loren, Meier and DaVId Totr~IiCl~.,Il;-,llh '> , paod dum ~ ,t.. Iasl 12 """"Iu HIgh Y",lds - The Trusl ulll'les a spec,al hoghY1eld Slrat ~:E~~GJIg are guaranteed as to TIm ..,11 .. ry ..,th chanc. The Fund ...... WllhQuT penalty atlhe then curren! nel asset value interest and pnn- ",m""", Iy Kttpl«l lI<=1ml! Profe'S>OMIManegemenl- The Trust IS manaqed bv New ALMOND STUFFED CANNED JUMBO CRAB MEAT pmctpk knownu equahu_ El1{jland Life one of the natton s lar'l8st ~n&nC,e1I1\S!lluoons cipal by the U.S. 1"he 'IIINt of your mvestmenT al WIth over a centwy of expenence manllllll1{j ftxed-<1'-'ore -Il~.' monlhly ,nCOlne dlslobutJons extra OLIVES $1.59 $13.951 quarterly d,slnbutlOl1s and membersh.p ,n the New England 3 Ol. JAR Investors also tThe U ~ Go, es Trust 8I"IV wtty OF liquidity at Fund you i0oi< aT 11 II s worth IooIong InlO POTATO NATURAL SCOTLAND CIDER MILL . H FORO PRINCE CHIPS \ READY TO .... 15224 E Jefferson SERVE d Swle 208 $1.49 CIDER$1.39 Grosse Pomle Park MI 48230 LOBSTER ~ 1 'h GAL. 822 0010 50C OFf 14 OZ. BAG BISQUE AUNT CALIF. $ 2 .49 .: 20155 MACK AVE. I 15 OZ ------MIDS a9<= BAG Comer Mack 8< Oxrord I NAVAL 41 9 9'c :: I ORANGES ...... : Grosse Pointe Woods, MI. 48236 I SPINACH . I . 1 (313) 884-9600 I IDAHO ~L LB : Nome______I ~~~~b~s..$1.69 'I. Allllreu I POTATOES ~;~ C'ty 5'018______I l' Z.p F'hotl8 _ $ l' MERRY CHRISTMAS I C f 1.49 BlB. BA& ~ , ~~~~~~..,.....69 LB , ...r. Member $13 81111011Franklm Group of Fund! • 4:;:. ,~'- l_~.:~.':~".::.:o:::~s..:::~~~~~.~~:.~~_J Thursday, December 5, 1985';'" GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fourteen-A Board takes up county budget FENCES TOM'S What's on Cable ADD The Wayne County Board of Hertel The commiSSIon may also A list of program&on Grosse Pointe Cable thi!>week E CommissIOners meets today to de- be reluctant to appropriate the 'fhur&day. December 5 PRIVACY dollars unhllt sees the color of the 05 pm "Local Huntmg and Flshmg " (Ill FENC cide what to do about County Exec- "The Job 5how" - From the M E S C (11) utive Wilham Lucas' veto of specI- government's money, he added. 0530 P m.- & - "There are too many mstances of 01' 30pm - "The Savmg Word" (II) fic Items In the flscal 1985-86bud- "Sports View Today" - With Bob Page 00 CHARM TO OUTDOOR LIVING AREAS get The board can, with 10 of 15 federal money and grants not com- '6pm - -Gpm - "Voices" - St Joan of Arc Church magazme (8) votes, overnde the veto~s or ileek a mg through," Hertel said. The "Fitness Connection" - Bonme Breidenbach from federal government is paymg the 0630pm- e Licensed e 15 Yrs. Experience compromise MacrobIOtiCLifestyles (IJ) county to house pnsoners, but none e Fully Guaranteed Lucas last week used his hne- .630 P m - "Steady Gams" - From Bishop Gallagher (19) of the money is bemg allocated to • 7 P m - "Pomters WIth Prost" - John Prost talks WIth Mado Lie e Residential & Commercial Item veto power on the comlms- sJOn's appropnattons for the Parks cover those expenses, he said, ad- OJ) ALL TYPES OF PRIVACY & and Shenff's departments. dram dmg "We can't conSider all of that o 7 p m - "Somethmg Special" - From ANPEC (t9l ab revenue .. .7 30P m - "Young Vlewpomtes" - Young adults share theIr views SECURITY FENCES commissIOner's offIce, Economic on a vanety of tOPiCSOl) Development CorporatIOn and the The restorallon of $500,000in cuts CALL to the Parks Department Will re- 08pm - "Health Talks" - Sports related dental mJunes from Dr FOR FREE ESTIMATF executive's office staff Jack Fuller (11) "By structuring the veto 10 thu, duce the number of layoffs, cut sea- .8 30pm - "Johanna Gilbert InterViews" - 1nterestmg people who 774-2045 manner, I have attempted to Iden- sonal programs m half, but will make up our commumtles (11) tify problems wlthm the adopted still prOVide the mmimal fundmg budget and also ways m which necessary to operate the system, I>d)t1meprogramming these problems can be remedIed," accordmg to Lucas The extra i\lolldd) through Friday Lucas saId m hi!> veto message fundmg for the Sheriff's Depart- • 9 a m - "Practical Astrology" - Horoscopes (I I) PROFESSIONALS "AdditIOnal revenues have been ment Will restore POSltlOnsIn park • 9 30a m - "Fitness ConnectIOn"- Dottie Georges OIl security, the warrant squad and • 10a III - "Pomters Wlth Prost" - Art Badeau (J I) Idenhhed to make thiS a work- • 10 30a m - "Health Talks" - Kathy Miller (11) YOU CAN TRUST able budget and restore some 01the the OUIL enforcement program, accordmg to the executive budget .11 am - "Johanna Gilbert Interviews" (1) EXPECIAllY NOW \ departmental cuts prevIOusly • 11 ~(\ '1 P1 - """norl<;View Todav" - Bob Page (1) made due to lack ot tund!> lIlt:::'::'d~t:. • 12P m - "B-ackPorch VIdeo" - MUSICVIdeos UJ) The executive also asked for Before you can purchase your license Plate =->->-' The extra money comes from the 01 pm - "Local Huntmg and Flshmg " (lJ) - federal government, which Will $269,000 to be restored to his _ 1 30P m - "You Can Do Ill" - Claudia Stieber OJ) Tag, YOU MUST HAVE YOUR EMISSIONS TESTED pay the county close to $2 1 mllhon budget. The commISSion had cut • 2 P m - 'Charlie Chaplin Theater" (111 and to house 82 federal pnsoners, ac- that budget by $440,000,calhng for o 2 25P m "Tableslde Cookmg" - Monday Introducllon, Tuesday ehmmatJOn of an admimstratlve Salad Florentme, Wednesday Drunken Lobster, Thurs- cording to Lucas' ofhce The coun- day Chernes JubIlee, Fnday B&B OJ) ty ISto receive $68a day for each of pOSition, four pubhc relations per- Precision Tune is an Official sonnel who help film Lucas' cable -230pm "DetrOit CUItam Call" - Entertamment (II) the pnsoners -330pm , Young Vlewpomtes" - Local tOPiCSOJ) teleVISIOn program titled "Wayne "Jumor League of DetrOit" - Focus on Semors (11) EMISSIONS TESTING STATION Lucas proposes usmg the money County: A New Perspective," .4pm - and as always to add $500,000to the parks budget, three additIOnal bodyguards and $100,000to the EDC, $987,000to the reduced travel expenses Monday, December 9 . Professional, warranted TUNE-UPS sheriffs and $269,000 to hiS execu- Lucas delivered his vetoes to the 04 30pm - "Back Porch Video" - MUSICVideos (It) .430pm- "American Catholic" - Wilh the Rev John Powell (S) tlVe staff budget to restore cuts commiSSIon Nov. 'l:l and asked the "Faith 20" - With Dr Joel Nederhood (8) OIL FILTER I -SPECIAL- ELECTRONIC I made by the commiSSion. He also board to hold a specIal meetmg - 5 pm "Tableslde Cookmg" - Gregory Potts With demonstrate a I proposed an additIOnal $38,000for a .5 P m r------,------,& LUBE I ELECTRONICTUNE-IJP TUNE UP I before the fiscal year ended Dec 1 four-course meal OJ) youth program to take up the budget "Practical Astrology" - Richard Mllostan Willtell your lOlL, FILTER & LUBE I I .6 pm $16 $4490 CommiSSioners are already on Hertel said there was no need to horoscope for the week (lJ) 88 "Wayne County A New PerspectIVe" - With Bill Lucas IIIIfrMS I $5500 I 1Int~ I record recommendmg that the call the speCial meetmg smce the .6'30 P m - Up to 6 qts all I l1li $11.18 I Includes Parts & labor I money be spent to renovate board had seven days to take up (JJ) 011 Filter I Most American and I Most American and I budget matters before there was .7 pm "You Can Do It!" - Claudia Stieber tell about baskets ChaSSIS Lube ... foreign Cars foreign Cars General Hospital's N BUlldmg for (11 ) .J any danger of a missed payday III use as a county lock-up, according • 7 P m "Harper WoodsHIghlights" - What's happemng around • to commISSIOn Chairman John the county the Harper Woodsschool system (19) : Good------For Your Appointment------~------Call 884.6300 .730pm- "Some .semblance of Samty" - Gary Thlson brings you I Onlyal the lighter Side of life. 0 J) t 16505 WARREN FREE - PATCH PREP@ Diploma* - FREE .8pm - "DetrOit Curtam Call" - Michael Chapp and Richard • Schultz revIew Sweet Dreams, Macarom, Krush Groove, *with every order of a PATCH PREPS T-Shirt That Was Then, ThIS Is Now and To LIve And DIe In LA See Videosby Starshlp, Kun Carnes, KaJa and OlIVia Newton-John and a speCIalappearance and performance by Xavier (11) Great Order Tuesda.), December 10 Gift Now For -4pm - "Church of Today" - With Jack Boland (11) Idea! Christmas! .Spm - "Local Huntmg and Flshmg " (It) oS30pm - "The Job Show" - From the M E S C OJ) -530pm- "The Savmg Word" (8) .6pm - "Sports View Today" - With Bob Page (11) 06pm -- "VOIces"- St Joan of Arc Church magazme (It) YESlllhi. i. the famous Prep School for "uDique kid •• " As "Fitness ConnectIOn"- Dottie Georges from Body by SOODOD TV, radio, and ID IIOwspapen coa,1 10 couto 0630 P m V.S.D.A. Choice Lean & Tender HOLIDAY HAMS Ford, corporate fitness OJ) ~Dd kid', Dame, color choice (white. blue, pink, yellow) M.O. .630pm "Steady Gams" - HappE}mngsfrom Bishop Gallagher aDd STEAK BOXES or check for $5.95 perT .. h.irt (21$11) to: Patch PftP, 10 Corbia Sirloin Tip Roast .. $2.49 LB (9) Clrde, B...... foN, CT. 06405 (plul $1 ror pool .. e &lwtdlilll). HANDSOMEL Y WRAPPED 07 pm "POInters With Prost" - A look mto the services of S.O.C PACKAGES FILLED WITH WithPresident Art Bodeau and board members Burt and V.S.D.A. Choice Tender VERBRUGGE QUALITY Helen FranCIS () I) • 'I P m "Somethmg SpeCial" - Happening from ANPEC (19) Rump Roast LB $2.49 07 30pm - "Young Vlewpomtes" - Young adults share their views on a varletv of tODICSnu Lean, Fresh Cut Boneless .Spm - '''Jumor League of Detroit" - Focus on Semors OJ) (lTnarltUglJt -8 30pm - "Johanna GiIbert InterVIews" - Interestl~g-peopie;,...ho Stewing Beef...... s2.29LB ~tI,~,~.t.t~~F~::N~~~t~~~D make up our commumtles (It) chme <1111imntt1 ~wttp

CITY OF <&rOli1i£'ointe IInn~1i MICHIGAN NOTICETOTAXPAYERS The 1985 CountyTax IS dueand payable December FURNISHED MODELS NOW OPEN t, 1985at the Mumclpal BUlldmg,20025Mack Plaza, Grosse Pomte Woods, FREE PHOTO Michigan Payment WIthoutpenalty can be made up toand mcludmgFebruary 14, 1986 Begmmng February 15,1986,a 4% penalty ISadded WITH SANTA Mark R. Christiansen City Assessor AND MRS. CLAUS! G P N 12-5-85& 12-1285 ~? SAt DEe. 7 NOON-4 P.M, CITY OF <&rOli.6e 'ninte IInn~li MICHIGAN NOTICETO BIDDERS Sealed bIds Willbe receIVedby the City Clerk of the ,JEWELL PHOTO City of Grosse Pomte Woodsat the mumclpal buddmg, 20025Mack Plaza, VVINDVVOOD GrossePomte Woods,MichIgan48236,unttl4 00pm on Thursday December , 27887 Harper 19,1985,at which time and place bids Willbe publIcly opened and'read aloud for furmshmg the followmgItem desCribedas One(I) 1986Four-WheelDnve S.C.S. Tl7-8570 Loader COpIesofspeCIficationsand bid sheets may be obtamed from the CIty POINTE Clerk The City of Grosse Pomte Woodsreserves the nght to reject any and all bids, to waive any mformahty m the blddmgand to accept any bidIt dCf'ms Over A Century of Service to be m the best mterest of the CIty Bids WIllbe accepted on any mdlVldual Item, as well as all Items hsted hereinabove and may be awarded separately to the Eastside Communities or combmed NEW LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS Chester E. Petersen , -~./!L"~r('~. Located at 24212 Jefferson Avenue, },~)" T~ t -w- -.', ~ ...(~ City Admmlstrator-Clerk '-) R ~'V' '" - ~ G P N 12585 1/4 mile north of 9 Mile In St. Clair Shores, Michigan. .fY) ,- ~':' I.-_~ l.. J ~ I ~ • -r>.,-....' ~ • { tAl .;c, ,/' -= ~ ..... l,.,\. Informal1Onon Models t...:') .. '- . ; &\.6.,', For Call: ~,-4",~tf 777.6780 - 881.6100 ~ ~ -~ l CITY OF <&roaae 'ointe 1J1arma MICHIGAN NOTICE OF HEARING Open Tuesday . Sunday I . 5 p.m. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS THE BLAKE COMPANY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zomng Board of Appeals Will 19806 Mack Avenue meet III City Hall at 90 Kerby Road, Grosse Pomte Farms on: Pomle Woods, MIchIgan Groesbeck t:hapel of Gro~ 48236 MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1985

The Wm. R. at 8 00P m to hear the appeal of Mr & Mrs Donald Sulhvan. owners f~'-~,~ of thl'l premlsec; located at 18 Harbor Court, from the demal of the Hamilton Co. BUlldmg Department to Issue a BUlldmg Permit for the construction ~ H ..... RAI J)IRI-CTOR ... of a greenhouse to the rear of their eXlstmg dwellmg located at the h/ahli

~_... 4 ~~~_.~....--T r -. • ....- - ____ .$- - .....-T" T ..

Page Fifteen-A Thursday, December 5, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Old Grosse Pointe remembered with calendar ~~ Creative Cuisine By Tom Greenwood "We only used 12 m thiS calendar another Grosse Pomte-based prod- like about 1,500 before we decide to market It We're also gomg to put If you ask most people what they and we'll use the rest in another uct before long, a Grosse POinte out another mansIOn calendar On envision when Grosse Pomte IS calendar It's hard to believe, but Trivia game some of them only stood 20 years "We've come up With about 80fl Iy thIS time, It Will be homes that ~\C>~ mentioned, inevitably the descrip- are still slandmg " tIOn will be of lakeside mansIOns before they were demolished I questions so far," she said "We'd ... Old money, magnificent esta tes . sweeping to the water and debu- . tante parties But despite ItS rep- '.:4 Unique utation, Grosse Pomte IS no longer a city of mansions. Most of the Dining large estates have tumbled down, giving way to mim-subdlvisions for Pleasure" an ever-growmg class of affluent upper middle class famlhes But it's still possible to see some of the legendary Grosse Pomte homes, thanks to the 1986Calendar of Great Homes of Grosse Pomte, produced by City residents Steven and Shawna Chapman "We had the idea to produce thiS type of calendar back 111 1982," she said, "but we were so busy we never got around to It Then the Grosse Pomte poster came out, then Pomtc postc3rds :md my hus band suggested we get busy We put it out all by ourselves, with the Come and join us! much appreciated help of a lot of private agencies" The Chapmans, publishers of The Grosse Pomte Real Estate GUide, drew heavily on the re- IRISH eElFFEE sources of hbrafles, the Grosse ,~~~~~~&RR~. 6Rluu lST._ ~~ ... ~ ... Pointe Historical Society and the famlhes of many of the mansion owners themselves. "It was really a lot more difficult Your Hosts John & than you might imagme," she said "Amazingly enough, some cities guess they had to go They were too didn't have records of when the big and hard to manage" Ask the computer at the libraries Kathy Kennedy manslOns were bUilt or destroyed For mformatlOn, the Chapmans Mostly they just knew the year culled old SOCialregisters for exact A new program at the Grosse Charle[:, Hanson, director of Enjoy the best There weren't very many photos of addresses and pored over city Pomte public hbraries Will allow hbranes, adds that the program IS the estates available, even from records for construction and demo- chlldren to ftIl out a bnef questlOn- a good example of what computers Ground Round sone of the famihes themselves I lition dates. nalfe and ask the computer to tell can do for mdlvlduals to serve the in Town! have to admit that a couple of the "We received a great deal of aid them what books are available at particular needs and mterests of photos are reproductions of other from the Glancy and Shelden the library to match their mterests children We Specialize in photos taken from books But they famllles," she said "Afterward we Dubbed "Ask the Computer," the Club Sandwiches, still look pretty good and they've took all the information we'd program uses the hbrary's Apple Childbirth film Perch Dinners, brought back a lot of memOfles for received, and there was a lot of it, lIe microcomputer and a database some people." and bOiled It down to just what we The Lamaze childbirth movie, Perch Sandwiches, of new fiction books to produce "Nan's Class." wiII be shown at All the manSlOns m the calendar needed" reading lists for children. The Chapmans report the calen- 8: 15pm Fflday, Dec 6, at Cottage Wing Dings, were built on either Lakeshore or The questIOnnaire asks chlldren Hospital, Grosse POinte Farms, m Jefferson and include the homes of dars have been selhng briskly. Ham & Cheese "Grosse Pomters are very loyal to to choose a theme, focus, types of the bOard room Henry D. Shelden, Alvan Macaul- characters, time setting, place and Sandwiches ey, Joseph B Scholtman (Stone- their town," she said "They like to No fee or reservation ISreqUired length The mformation IS fed II1tO hurst), John S Newberry (Lake look back on their history The Ground Rounds 96~ calendar IS in about 30 stores m the the computer, which produce" an The fIlm ][:,presented as a pubhc Terrace), Elmer D Speck (Falr- annotated hst of books, which holme), Henry B. Joy (Fair Pomte, S1. Clair Shores and Harper servICe by ChildbIrth Information Come to our Christmas Party Woods Some stores ordered them chIldren may then ~eek out 10 the SerVice, Inc (CIS), a non-profit Acres), Horace E Dodge (Rose hbrary All Day December 18 Terrace), Joseph H Berry (Edge- Sight unseen I'm happy to say volunteer group which provides mere), Harry N Tortrey (Clair- we're almost sold out and are con- Blame Morrow, chief of child- childbirth preparation classes to view), Dexter M Ferry Jr , Stan- templating a second prmting ren's serVices, says the program expectant couples m the northeast Parking In rear - Complete carry-out seroice dish Backus, DaVid C Whitney "We've also received mall was msplred by the "Computer metropohtan DetrOlt area 18666 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Fanns (Ridgemont), Wesson Seyburn and orders from Cahforma, Aflzona PIX" program offered to young adults by the Wayne Oakland Information regardmg chlldblrth Emory L Ford and of course, Florida " Sunday 881-567 S Open trom I 1 00 am Encouraged by their success, tfie Library Federation, of which preparatIOn classes may be ob- 5 p.m 2. m unl,l 200 am "We had 30 photos of different tamed by calling 263-6700 mansions altogether," she said Chapmans are hopmg to market Grosse Pointe IS a member


It's time to shape up for the holidays and save at VIC Tanny, the world's number 1 health club chain Right now, 2 people can JOinand each get a one-year renewable membership for the price of 1 . Or, JOinby yourself and save 50 % on monthly dues. Either way, you'll enJoyall the latest faCIlities, the best equipment, knowledgeable Instructors and a fitness program that works I Men. women, make thiS holiday season your best ever Call VIC Tanny today I 2 PEOPLE FOR THE PRICE OF 1 OR 50% OFF MONTHLY DUES

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Page Sixteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 5, 1985 Juvenile justice SysteDl needs revamping, Kelly says REMODELING? By Mike Andrzejczyk committed include 45 homiCides, 39 There are still some Juvemles come role models for others, who MIchIgan legIslators may be second degree sexual conduct who can benefIt from the program see that the system can't touch ready to do something about VIO- charges, 529 robberIes, 779 burgla- offered by the state through the ju- them, he added. ~ it'o ~ by For 29 years, ries, 1,064 assaults and 39 charges lent Juvemle offenders, accordIng venile justice system, but others by Pressure ISbulldmg for action on ADDITIONS. DORMERS to State Sen John Kelly, D-Detroit. of arson age 17 have become hardened cri- Cub~. REC ROOMS the Juvemle justice system, caused Two bIlls sponsored by Kelly, be- Of those, prosecutors attempted mmals, Kelly said. "We have to by growing attention to the actlVl- it' 0l,c a. .0 CUSTOM KITCHENS recognize that these are VIcious BATHROOMS fore the House JudiCiary Commit- to have 148 cases trIed in adult ties of orgamzatlons like Young Iuj il6~ PORCH ENCLOSURES tee smce spnng, would automa- courts. Only 25of those cases came amoral killers" from which society Boys Inc and other organized CUSTOM GARAGES tIcally waive probate junsdictlon to trIal. according to the senator's needs to protect itself, he added. crime groups that actIvely recrUIt • • • REPLACEMENT AND over Juvemles accused of commlt- offIce. Kelly said he has persisted in 10- Juvemles. Kelly saId he expects the CALL THE GREENHOUSE WINDOWS tmg felomes troducmg legIslation aimed at re- House to take some action on the OFFICES REMODELED "Juvemles are almost incIted to The current system grew out of formmg the juvemle justice system PROFESSIONALS COMMERCIAL REMODELING questIOn, either actmg on hIS bIlls go out and commIt violent crimes arguments a half-century ago because "it is the highest prIOrity or mtroduclng leglslatlOn of ItS because they know nothmg Will about whether Juvemles could be- crImmal Justice question 10 the city own happen to them," Kelly said neflt from rehabllltatlOn or whe- of DetrOIt" BeSIdes the human suf- , They are recrUited., and expll- ther they should be treated as fermg caused by vlOlent Juvemle "Sponsorship Isn't as Important Cltly mformed . they can commit adults for committing cnmes, Kel- offenders, they return to school or as getting a working program m these crimes with impumty and not ly said their neighborhood, where they be- place," he added ,-51I!!,!.RRFI+ go to JaIL" The need to revamp the juvemle 18332 made avenue Jusl1ce system to take VIOlentjuve- mles off the street IS especIally grosse pointe farms, mi 48236 881-1024 acute m hIS dlstnct, whIch mcIudes the Pomtes and Harper Woods, be- Ui6it euJt ~ cause of the large percentage of olopr rp"irlpnt<; in the- are-a who are- often the vIctims of such crimes, he saId FOR PEOPLE WHO PREFER For the thIrd time m five years, Kelly mtroduced legislation that AN INTIMATE NEW YEAR'S EVE would requIre automatlc waiver of Imagme a truly mtlmate New Ye,J.r'>L\ e probate JurisdIction over juveniles with those who enloy the finer tou(.he~ accused of commlttmg crimes that m hfe would be felomes If they were com- mItted by adults The bills were in- ~t the mood at 6 pm with a Slx-(.our,>c troduced III February and passed dInner, complemented by your !>electlOn on to the House JudiCiary CommIt- from five glonous entrees All presented tee thiS sprmg In the ambIence of our IntImate Under the proposed Senate bills, restaurant a juvenile aged 15or older accused of an adult crime would be tried m Keep the ntght festive and follow.up your 6 pm dmner with a tflP an adult court The juvenile would , back In tune EnJOy AttIC Theatre's presentation of "The 1940\ get a hearIng prior to hiS waiver SI- '~ RadIO Hour" -a no!>tal81cmUSIcal featurIng classIC songs from the milar to a prelimInary examina- ~;WIngera tlOn m the adult court system The Juvenile would have the right to le- Of cour!>e, should your mood be such that you would hke to .,ta) gal counsel for the hearing and a \ mernlght WIth u!>-take dehght m our Auld Lang Syne Room written order of waiver would be Package. It starts WIth a 9 p m dInner seatmg for two and IS prepared giving the reasons for the enhanced WIth a mldmght celebration In our plush lDunge, your!> order for the evemng MusIC by the Greg Purcott Tno • dancmg amIdst Also, If a Juvemle under 17is con- love seats • a champagne toast at mldmght with Taittmger Victed of a felony m adult crimmal Brut • typlCally "Brttlsh" party favors • and a sweet table and court, the offender could be placed coffee at 1 a m m a juvenile detention facility until age 19 At that time, the case would Your accommodatIOns for the evemng WIll be nothmg less than be automatIcally reVIewed to de- Margherltta Allardice, at the left, host of the Junior League of Detroit's cable television program, grand Champagne, memento glasses and a remembrance keepsake termme If the Juvenile has been re- Will be waltmg upon your arnval habIlitated, Kelly said. "Focus on Seniors," talks with guests Dr. Mary Martlnen and Paul Prentls. The show will air the week If so, the offender could be re- of Dec. 9. Selection and Prices: leased or placed on probation to al- 6 pm Dmner- S4S/person low supervlSlon. If not, Kelly's bills 8 p m "The 1940's RadIO Hour" - S30/perM>n would allow the state to transfer Junior League gets into broadcasting (,uest Room- S86/per couple, l11c1udesdeluxe accommodatIOns the 19-year-old offender to adult fa- The Jumor League of DetrOIt's a board member of the National duced the program are' Lynda and amenIties Cilities for the rest of his or her cable television program, "Focus Council on Agmg. GrippI and Roberta Wallrich, Auld Lang Syne Room Package- S206{couple sentence. Currently, Juvenile of- on Seniors," will concentrate on Guests on the initial show Will be co-chairmen, and Jeannette fenders may only be incarcerated health concerns of semor citizens Dr. Mary Martmen, an internist Broutm, ShIrley Callahan, Sally Dinner pnccs mclude lax & lip unbl age 19 The first program will be shown on specializing in geriatrics, and Paul Hanley, Christine KaIser, Erica Were the Kelly bills passed, Call our sale'>office, 9 am .5 pm, for further tnformatlon on the Grosse Pointe Cable's Channel 11 Prentis, a pharmaCist who works Lmdow, Sharyn Mannmo and Cons- waiver would be automatic. Cur- durIng the week of Dec 9. With nursing homes. tance Sfire only Intimate New Year's Eve 10 town, 313/873 3000 Early reservations are recommended Comphmentary valet parking rently, prosecutors must ask for Junior League commIttee mem- waivers of a juvemle to be tried as The host of the program IS Mar- bers have spent a year researchmg "Focus on Semors" will be an adult and that request may be ghentta Allardice, former execu- the cable project. They recently shown at the following times: Hotel St. Regis rejected tive director of the Adult Service prepared for this program and twO" 'i'Tiresday, Dec 10,and Thursday, ~071 W Grand Blvd, Detroll, MI 48202 Accordmg to Wayne County ju- Centers and a past preSIdent of the others by participating in work- Dee 12, at 8 pm I (31.3) H7~ 3000 vell1le court statIstIcs compiled by Junior League. She IS currently shops on televiSIOn fllmmg skills at I • Monday, Dec 9, Wednesday, Kelly's offICe, 5,096delinquency pe- serving on the MichIgan Commis- Grosse Pointe Cable. Dec 11, Thursday, Dec 12,and FrI- I titIOns were fIled in 1984. Offenses sion on Services to the Aging and IS Committee members who pro- day, Dee 13, at 4 p m i It's Be • • ToLook A Lot tmas. Rekindle 1 t I , I , I I .- the I Traditional Flavor of the Holidays Offer your famIly and friends an appetizing treat of fresh-roasted Germack pistachios. Take advantage of the generous terms of our Holiday Coupon

------.• 00 71. THIS COUPON IS redeemable only at 00 the Germack factory outlet $5 at 5151Bellevue, DetrOit

Also Available at - OFF FOR PURCHASES Healy's Health Hut Of $50-$100 19850 Mack Avenue VALID UNTIL 12/31/85 G P Save UpTo4m> OnOptical Gifts And Save $20 On Prescription Eyewear,Too Grosse Pointe WOOds o 00 Slgncd to C,lpllllC lhle In Ilighl <;kles. OFF Aen<;on hm, olher great opllcal gift'>, too. And \\hen Benson VISA and MasterCard accepted you purcha<;c any of lhcc;e I3cn<; never looked hctter. I54 r 5 E. Jeffer~on Sunday 1200 Noon 3 00 P M 824.8160 CERMACK PISTACHIO------COMPANY Smce /924 5151 Bellevue, Detrott, Michigan 48211 • Telephone 921-3600

:.t..,~f ...... hursday, December 5, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen.A New WCCC president begins reorganizing

By Pat Paholsky placement are now located In the northwest The other two are m One of the standards Temple With five campuses located admmlstrahve offices downtown, Taylor and Belleville would like to mstltute at the school throughout the county, the new makmg It IOconvement for students IS an eXit exam m both math and at the Westland campus, for m- Temple said some program~ Will English A student who has com- president of Wayne County Com- be offered at all of the campuses mUnity College says, "We have stance, to avaJl themselves of those pleted all reqUirement.'> for a pro- serViCes and some campuses WillspeCialize gram would not be able to graduate some of the best facIlities m the The problem now 1&that a student country" And then he adds, "But "The campuses are literally until he passed the exam starvmg for servICes and the has to travel to more than one cam- It's not the facIlitIes, it's the peo- pus to complete a speCifiC pro- "We need tJ'amed and educated ple " students are expenencmg nothmg people," he saId, <,tressmg the but frustratIOn," he said gram "Thdt'~ no way to run a With that, Dr Ronald J Temple, ship," he &dld word "educated" who assumed the post Sept 1, Temple, who was appomted pres- WCCC, which had an enrollment pomted out what separates the Ident of the troubled and scandal- of 25,000 In 1980, IS now at 11,800 good schools from the average ndden commumty college after a Temple saId there al e between In less than two months mto IllS natIOnwide search, was formerly 13,000 and 10,000 \\ cros&lllg the border to at- trustees approved his recommen- the Umverslty of CmcmnatJ where tend communIty college<; III other dation for a major reorgamzatlOn he was also associate professor of counties at II hleh the) are pay lllg m the top levels and reduced the general studies In history Pnor to higher non-re&ldent tUitIOn fees number of admmlstrators from 45 bemg named dean, he &erved for "It's obvIOUSthe students are go to 38 There had been a confusmg one year as a speCial assIstant to system of admmlstrators on cam- Illg elsewhere but If \\ e do some of the president, representing the um- the&e thmgs, we'll revel:"e that, ' puses and m the downtown offICes verslty at the OhIO state legisla- he ~dld whose dutIes overlapped, Temple ture said Barbara Gattorn, a Grosse Refen lI1g to the neighboring . We wiped out the whole double Pomte reSident who was part of the community cOlleg~, 1 empw :>dlU, deanship," he said, addmg that the lO-member search committee, said "We don't have to grow by destroy- reorganli:atlOn Will mean a savmgs Temple and hiS Wife Will be assets Illg our nelghbm s The market of $300,000 to the community Temple's wife, place In terms 01 need IS so great, The remammg admmlstrators Juamta, IS an attorney With the all of us have a role" have receiVed notIces of contract Sixth Federal Circuit Court In Cm- Temple 1&concern('d \\ lth the co! Photo by SuI Buckler termmatlOn and the posItions are cmnatJ They have three children lege's current lundmg III which a bemg advertised natIOnally Mmmm, good Temple earned a bachelor's de- tax of $1 02 per $1,000 valuatIOn of "They can apply back, but they'll property was Impo~ed by the Kmdergartner Laura Morris digs into her plate of spaghetti at have to compete With the national gree from Eureka College m Il IInms and hiS master's and doc- legislature on dll Way ne Count) the Defer Elementary School's PTO spaghetti dinner held market," he said "We have to property ownel S recently, Two hundred people attended. ~ bring people m from the outSide toral degrees from the Umverslty Dr. Ronald J. Temple With a fresh perspective" of Cmcmnatl "I feel embalras&ed gomg to HIS plan IS to have an executive More than 40 career programs, The curnculum IS also due for Lansmg where the leglslatols have dean on each campus who would mcludmg accountmg, aVIatIOn me- some tnmmmg, he said, usmg key voted an extra $9 million for us," ( functIOn as a chief adminIstrative chamcs, cnmmal Justice, gerontol- punchmg as an example "That's he saLd '1 would like to develop and academic officer "The deans ogy, labor stUdies, small engme re- not where the market place IS any suffiCient pubhc acceptance, so the Gland Opening Will run those campuses and wlll pair and substance abuse counsel- longer The mdustry ready to take public WIll vote to support the make the budgets localized," he 109, are offered at the vanous cam- off IS telecommUnications," he school " said puses Three of the campuses are SaId, "and we are fortunately Temple said he IS workmg to Isolate the school "from the poli- EDWIN PAUL The $300,000savmgs Willgo to the located In DetrOIt - on West Fort located III the area With a world- tical arena \\ hel eWe' 1<,d p lace to campuses for student serVices, Street downtown, Conners on the class telecommUnicatIOns in- FOR mEN AND womEN get your fnends hn ed " , Temple said Financial aid and job east Side and Greenfield on the dustry" HAIR • SKIN • SUNTANNING • mASSEUSE NOW FERTURING mRSSRGI THERRPIST JRNET STELLINO OFFERING ~~Herman.s we are sports SRTURDRY RPPOINTmENTS ~rf WORLD OF SPORTING GOODS

9\1\5 comPLETE HAIR AND SKIN cosmETICS FOR RETAILSALE Evening Rppolntments RVQI/Qble 885-9001 885-9002 20327 meck Grosse Pointe Woods

• Ail courses laughl by allorneys • Two semeSler evemng program YOUR CHOICE • Deferred lUllIon plan • FinanCial aid available to qualifIed students Now Save $112 on < • Classes at Grosse Pie. North High School Ski Packages. by 16999II sold ::; ROSSIGNOL, K2, HEAD sep 281 99 HEAD Master AT Package For Brochure Call: • HeadMasterATskiS • Tyrolla220 bindings • Aerro Flltepoles 961-3744 •Mounling a1 extra COlt Co-Sponsored by NORDICA Men's Gemini RE or Women's Venus RE Grosse Pomte Public Schools Ski Boots Dept. of Commumty Education

89::9999 '\ Rear entry boolS w\h double hingedcuffs IX stitutc "- . -, ~aI Studies, Inc. .~ '-_---.I:':':'''-,~__~ J 820 Bubl Bldg., Detroit, MI 48226 PROFILE Men's and Women's 2-pc. Ski SUits 9999 Warmand fashIonableparkas Withmarchng bib pants Greatbuy great gill 0"9 12999

PROFILE Kjds 1 pc Sic. SUlt eo., 'S'i n47 99 WOODS HOME CARE GERRY,WHITE STAG, ~ PROFlLE, HERMAN'S Now PROFiLE, HERMAN'S and -- I Men's and Women's other Ski ParkilS ""."';~ >"\ Ski Sweaters 9912999 ' ,'~ ~ 31~ There's Help! .,,,59..~~ /:\>'-~!:! 3999 ~ AI ROSSIGNClI3" Mens and ~mens / c.~ ...... ~.... Durable Carbon SL SP33 STSJ[ selecled styles /'.. '-'= GERRY, Ski Package' Ski Package' Ski Package' '>ssortedcolors j \ \WHITE STAG, 0yVoo ,..-. PROFILE Practical 99 20 ~---':::., ~ HERMAN 5 9 ",old % ,,~~, 'v'Iensand 1999 oep 324 99 22999"""1<1.. ? $355 299 "001<1"P $440 25 OR' - >c=:.. \' 7 Women's Package Includes Package ,"eludes Package ,"cludes HERMAN5 , ~ I Bib Pants Comfortable • Carbon Sl skiS • K2 SP33 skiS • ROSSignolSTSJI skiS ""en s and Women's 'X/ , }" ~ 4499ro • Salomon 637 blndmgs • Tyrolla 280D bindings • Tyrolla 390D bindings Rugged Parkas / • Scott OlympiC poles • Scott or K2 poles • Scott or ROSSIgnolpoles ,~ 799fu9999 5999 ~;

REEBOK Phase I Men sand EntIre Stock of WILSON Graphite Force Medicare -I" Women's TenniS Shoes SPALDING TenniS Frame 99 4199 Top-Flrte, 15 Ball =I~ Balls 200/0 OFF o

~ -~------pF ...... , .. Ii » \r; $ 4 $ e p ; , /,F , ..p------,-.-, ,-'--'~ *,. ';.:~;,.,e/+ t #\ we • • ; .' ,

Thursday, December 5, 1985. ~ ~age Eighteen.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Park group honors residents, businesses The Grosse Pointe Park Beauti- Wmdmlll POInte Park clubhouse to ments The commission also hon- fication CommissIOn held its an. honor bus messes that Improved the ored residents this year who nual awards night Nov. 14 at the appearance of their establish- beautified their property with land- scaping or any renovation. The Mayor's Award went to Wilham W. Lewis Associates, Inc, Plaques were given to Kings Flowers for attractive wlOdow displays and Femole and Petne Properties, Inc. for an attractive, neat and clean establishment. t Clara Odell and Venus Verrus re- cClved personal awards for extend- ing beautification efforts to the community The followlOg businesses re- ceived certificates: Chas Ver- heyden, Inc, Jess Servlcenter, Inc; Mama Rosa's Pizzeria; Tom's Oyster Bar; Callaghans in the Park; Susan Charles; and Bo- tanical Gardens Churches recelv- mg certificates were St Ambrose, First Chnstian Reformed Church, Grace Umted Church of Christ and St Cl:l.re of ~,~ontcf~lco ReSidents who were awarded certifIcates for outstanding garden or property Improvements were' Paul and Norma Smith of Three 'f Mile Dnve, Mildred Ayres of Maryland, Ronald and Norma ~ Eschenburg of Westchester, Craig and Nancy Smith of Harvard, Paul Getting everything ready for Rainbow Bridge's open house Monday, Dec. 9, are, front from left, Mark and Deloris Lavins of Wmdmill Bente, Lynn Benson, Alexa Parmentier, Stella Thomas, Belinda Frazier, Pam Lisenby, top row from left, .' PolOte Dnve; Mark Wutchler and Chris Rodriguez, Bob Koehler, Andy Maclachian, Jeff Czerniakowski, Kristina Sieffert and Lisa Buc- Kathryn Keefer of Barrington, and cinna. I~ Gene and Betty Wilson of I' Maryland, Evangeline Parker, owner of Kings Flowers, stands next to one of Dons MIller IS chairwoman of Rainbow Bridge will hold open house her award-winning window displays. the commission. North High School's student-run stuffers available, mcludmg a col- store In the mormngs and dunng gift shop, Rambow Bridge, Will lection of bears from Sammy their regular class penod open its door to the community Skates to ethmc bears whIch smg The store ISa trammg center for Monday, Dec. 9, from 7 to 10 pm lullabies m foreIgn languages those who Will be part of the RETIRING - AFTER 13 YEARS ... Also available are Chnstmas school's co-op plOgram m retaIling , The store IS an arm of the market- , ing and retailing program at mugs, ornaments and poinsettias when they become semors At that f North Orders Will also be taken from time, students mtervlew for jobs ! A variety of merchandise will be fresh Citrus frUlt Half of the pro- With tl'ammg sponsor stores, com- t available and everythmg IS brand- ceeds of the sale will go to the petmg agamst other students seek- ( PRICES CUT AGAIN! name merchandise sold at compar- Foundation For ExceptiOnal Chil- Ing Jobs They usually begm work- able prices, Since students work in dren. Students Will also help the Ing before school starts, but some the store as part of their training, foundation children select gifts for students are placed III September - ON MANY ITEMS FOR THE the overhead is lower than at retail family members from the store at As semors, students elect both outlets a speCial party. marketmg and co-op They receive Refreshments Will be served and Students assist in the selectIon of credit for the class and work tram- prizes will be offered to purchasers Items for sale and help figure mg Students hold Jobs m the real who flll out a drawmg coupon. The prices on goods Each student m world and are graded by profes- FINAL WIND-UP store has a number of stocking the retailing program works m the sionals GOING OUT OF BUSINESS H E R A L D THE BOOK SHELF WHO L E 5 A L E Books of all Publishers, Maps, Globes, Stationery \ LOCATED-AT AUBURN BRASS " f' -f'I'l" ...... If~ ~f"" -~.-1t2-KERCHEVA'L AV.;;-~~, B"nO, " '" •• ~ ON THE HILL IN GROSSE POINTE FARMS ~ ~ . BUILDING SOLD - WILL VACATEIN A ~ " ~

:;;. J,.. • GREAT $200,000 GOING ~ r ~ ~ ~ OUT OF BUSINESS SALE ,; ~ ~ I , EVERY ARTICLE AND FIXTURE TO BE SOLD OUT I ~ I £ DOWN GO PRICES - AWAY GO PROFITS ~ ~ B We must and Will sell out our entire stock to the bare walls 1~ WE HAVE BEEN qUickly - We have agam marked down pnces to speed- up seiling and hasten the end of our GOing Out of BUSI- MARKING DOWN ~ ~ PRICES ON MANY ness Sale - Don't miss out - Be here early to take advan- (~ tage of the Book Bargams on sale from now or untd sold '~ ITEMS ALL DAY out TO SPEED-UP STORE HOURS ~ ~ SELLING ... 9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P..M. SALE BEGINS THURSDAY ~ ~ MORNING AT 9:30 SHARP ~ ~ -USE CASH CHECK VISA OR MASTERCARD. VALUESTO $14.95 VALUESTO $12.95 ~ ~ CLASSICS CRAFTS A FINE SELECTION MAKE WHILE THEY LAST ~ UP THIS GROUPING A GREAT SELECTION FOR ~ PERFECT FOR THE WHOLE PROJECTS & HOBBIES FAMILY - JUST IN TIME FOR X-MAS DON'T MISS THIS BARGAIN ~ ~ $988 $888 ALL SALES FINAL - NO REFUNDS - NO EXCHANGES ~ ~ VALUESTO $3.95 VALUESTO $13.95 ~. CHILDRENS SPORTS NANCY DREW-HARDY BOYS IMPROVE YOUR GAME NOW: ~ JUST TO MENTION A FEW FANTASTIC LESSON BOOKS .~ PERFECT FOR THAT YOUNG AVAILABLE THIS GROUP ~ MAN OR LADY FOR X-MAS NOW WON'T LAST LONG FOR: 48 88 $2 S8 ~ ~ DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW AT SALE PRICES VALUES TO $50.00 VALUESTO $6.95 VALUESTO $3.50 ~ FINE ARTS TRAVEL PAPERBACK ~ HURRYI DONT MISS THIS MAPS - DIRECfORIES AND MYSTERIES, SERIES, Our Auburn Brass Collection A Widesprei\d faucet ISaval! shoVv'San eXCiting contrast ONCE IN A LIFETIME BUY TRAVEL GUIDES MAKES NON-FICTION & FICTION OF able as well as" roman tub set THIS GROUP IS FANTASTIC UP THIS GROUP - OUT THEY THIS GROUPING INONT LAST between claSSICelegance and 2 10,000 VIIltha I() Wide casc"de spout contemporary flair Available Choose from two ~piUkhng FOR THE LOW-LON PRiCE OF GO FOR ONLY GREATSTOCKINGSTUFFERSFOR In many Kohll'r colors, the Refreshingly Different Items finishes of polished chrome or 18 Porcelain 'n Brass Collection polished brass Let us show $3488 $418 $2 (top photo) may be decorated AT you our entire Auburn Brass 'Mth hand applied baked-on HERALD WHOUSALE Collection And save 20% decals and come In a vanety of and more THE BOOK SHELF metal finishes Our Cascade 20830 Coolidge Hwy HOURS: Collection has n waterfall.llke lust north of 8 Mlle Rd 9-5:30 MON/FRI, 9-3 SAT 112 KERCHEVAL AVE, • ON THE HILL IN GROSSE POINTE FARMS flow that adds delightful 398.4560 OR CALL FOR A SrKIAL ..ALL ITEMS SUB.JECT TO PRIOR SALE. character to any bath APPOINTME.NT ANmME. GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nmeteen-A -. Thursday,------December 5, 1985 • Clown Corps • • • ", (Continued from Page tA) around provIdmg faithful servIce Knowledge Nook to the community. We'd lIke to get December 14, 1985 it for our efforts for all of Grosse Pointe. I've already gotten thanks 12 - 4 :~... from President Reagan and resolu- .....~... tIons from the Shores and the PRESENTS THE BOOK: .....".. Park." '!1elp for the learnmg dIsabled chtld ~~. Kuehnel admItted hiS orgamza- - symptoms and solutions" -.. tlOn was umnsured and wasn't m- ::.: corporated "We're a volunteer .... ,....:, orgamzation," he saId "We cur- MEET AUTHOR LOU STEWART ...... renU~have about 10 members I learnmg dJlabillty teacher comultant - who 1'0'111 ,-.". thmk we've done a lot for thiS com- help select the toy, and games to help YOUR Lhlid ...... mumt . I'm even a member of the '. Gross Pointe Woods HistOrIcal :: CommiSSIOn I have been for the Af\lD ARTIST MARY DOUSE past three years " WjBK 7 V (ourtrOOf'l ar!b! Kuehnel said he had been urged - who will dra\\ 'Oil the IPO!' ;,h>tLhes to look into Insurance for hIS group and would do so m the future The Issue of the resolutIOn was Venn bl r IfJU 1.11 1')"0 ••11 r"her I'fI(" & Pla},koo! quietly resolved Monday mght ( hflsrmd' !/ours Opt>fl Monday unol 9 UO P m when the council voted 6-1 to Issue 21413 \1"d h' nut SI (I.If Ih"r('\ \11 48080 the Grosse Pomte Clown Corps a (313) 777-3535 I congratulatorv letter from the mayor for 10 years servICe to the community Councilman Bldlgare was the one dIssentIng vote

Photo by Ed AJ:;, fyi Troop 96 Boy Scouts Joshua Christian, from the left, Jeremy Bricker, Terry Kavanaugh and Mark Pin- (Continued from Page 1A) ney use their muscles to make space for the delivery of the troop's greens for their annual Christmas announced that the store WIll greens sale. The sale is the sole fundraiser for the troop, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary in match customer contributIOns 1986. Greens are still available. Call 885.3853 after 3 p.m. for information. toward the purchase of new ., books for the Childrens Home of Detroit, located on Cook RQad, III Boy Scouts prepare for holiday greens sale the Woods Scouts from Boy Scout Troop 96 passed the natIonal average year tIon, may WrIte to Troop 96 Anni- Gwenn says they made the will receIve several thousand after year versary, 858 Washington Road, same offer in 1983and the public dollars worth of Christmas greens Grosse Pomte, MICh 48230.Include really responded "We receIved for their annual greens sale The first scout in the troop to $500 in donations and added earn the Eagle badge was Duncan your name, address and phone The boys have been busy sellIng another $500," Gwenn said "It McKenzie In 1934followed by Tom number so that someone may con- wreaths, garlands, holly and tact you All donations should be cost a small fortune, but it was centerpIece kIts to supplement G. Chandler (938) and Bruce worth it for the kIds " Bughie (944). In the early '50s, made to B S A Troop 96, and are theIr troup fund whIch wIll defray Bucks for books. Put me down George Nicholson, Robert Schuller tax-deductIble. Those who might the cost of campmg, eqUipment for $10. (1951), James Owens, William know a former scout from the troop and other troop needs The annual Quinlan (1952), John JackIe and may also contact the committee at sale is the sole fundrmsIng effort tha t address Community chorus for the troop and was selected be- Bradford Tisdale (1953) achIeved cause the greens tIe m WIth the the honor. Robert Fransmlth, seeks new members David Law, WIlliam Reeves, John traditIon of nature and the outdoors Park home robbed The Grosse Pointe Community associated WIth scoutIng Thorne, Peter Wells and Jack W. WhIting made the rank in 1954. A Balfour Road home was re- Chorus is looking for new members ported broken Into Wednesday over 16 from all communitIes. No The ChrIstmas greens sale is of "The list goes on and on," said partIcular slgmfIcance thiS year as mormng, Nov 27 The thIef or auditIon is needed. Both trained current scoutmaster David Steele thIeves escaped WIth $6,530 In and untramed voices are welcome. It kICks off the 50th anmversary of "It IS our desire to locate these Troop 96, whIch has met at the household Items, accordmg to Park The first rehearsal for the spring former scouts before our big cele- pollee concert will be held Jan 21, at 7'30 Grosse POInte Memorial Church bration at the Sprmg Court of SInce ItS InceptIOn A parent com- The thieves entered the home p m. at Parcells MIddle School, mittee will research the troop's his- Honor." through a rear kitchen wmdow and Mack and Vermer Road, Grosse The troop hopes to receive dona- made off WIth SIlver flatware, a Pointe Woods. tory In preparation for events that tIons to underwrIte some of the A GRfAT WAY TO SERVE WIll honor the troop, the church, watch, money and athletic eqUIp- For further mformatIon, call 886- costs of the project The committee ment, accordIng to police 0710 former members and leaders, and plans to profile former members as boy scoutIng in general. well as some of the achievements It takes only 12weeks for a baby The commIttee hopes to locate of Troop 96 in weekly columns m boa constrIctor to grow to 400 former scouts who attamed the the Grosse Pointe News and IS pounds Inasmuch as that snake's Eagle - the highest rank In scout- seeking busmesses and indIViduals meat IS said to taste better than mg. Only one In one hundred boys to sponsor the articles chicken, a London entrepreneur 18 ever earns the Eagle rank and Anyone mterested m sponsoring planmng to raIse boas commer- Troop 96 boasts that It has sur- a profile and/ol""1rnlkil1g" a dona- cially NOW OPEN FENCE IN~TALLATION & REPAIR AVOID THE JAM ... SAVE TIME • WOOD • PACKAGING AND • CHAIN LINK WE STOCK THE BEST SHIPPING • VYNAL COATED • PACKAGING SUPPLIES RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL HOLIDAY FAVORITES • PRIVATE MAil BOX RENTAL • TElEPHONE FOR YOUR TABLE! ANSWERING SERVICE • KEY MAKING GROBBE'S $1 69 • PASSPORT PHOTOS CORNED BEEF. • • • LB• • RUBBER STAMPS (ALL FLAT BRISKETS) • POSTAGE STAMPS WE'LL PACK & SHIP • COPIES FLORIDA YOUR HOLIDAY PACKAGES Don't waste your time standing In line at the Post Office or UPS We'll do TANGELOS the packaging and furnish all packaging matenals, or you do the packagmg and we'll ship It for you via United Parcel Service (UPS), Federal Express, 10 FOR 990 Emery, Greyhound. or Motor Freight We can handle It all NEW GREEN Pos'tal and Business Services CABBAGE" 19f;lB • J\lJA1L BOXES ETC. USA'" FIND THAT SPECIAL 18530 Mack Ave., at Touraine '~ CHRISTMAS GIFT AT FRESH, LEAN FRESH Gro<;se POinte Farms MI 48236 (313) 884-8440 $199 29f; dt~ LB. P~G. ~~ Mon Fri 830 10 6 00 Sat 830 to 400 @xtt:aot:!Jinait:e ~ifjt.s LAMB PATTIES • • CARROTS MUSICBoxes, Crystal Suncatchers, Caplze SHOULDER $2 29 u.s. #1 WINTER SPECIALS Shell and other unusual ornaments From LAMB CHOPS. • LB. IDAHO Germany Hand Carved Santa With Sleigh Candleholder Koestel ornaments Wood FANCY POTATOES WElL Ducks, Wrapping Paper and Chnstmas BRYANT McLAIN Cards from Sweden are only a few of the 398 SERIES VHE SERIES delightful Items available $4.991& $1.79101I~" GAS FURNACE HYDRONIC BOILER ~:ro~~~..... 73 KERCHEVAL on-the-hill $1 99 MORRELL E-Z $ ENJOY SPECIAL PRICING AND INCENTIVES 885-2280 LAMB SHANKS • • LB. CUT HAMS ••• 2.29 LB. ON ALL OUR HI-EFFICIENCY MODELS OPEN Man - Sat 9 30-5:30 CASH & CARRY SPECIAL Thurs 930-9'00 I ,..~- __ ~JI Honeywell energy saving ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0f.y) ~t.kittti~ DOLE°'SORBET. $1.39" DIgital Thermostat ~ '" NATURAL $ I""'" ~ J•• LJ REG. $182.00 NOW rl ~ "SPRUCE UP ~ LB. 1~J •• $99.95 90,000 BTU Pistachio Nuts. 2.99 \) , r 1 l --.J lias Fired Furnace I FOR THE I "READY TOSERVE" $2.99 LB. Large Grade A Eggs .... 79C Ill. NOW $499.95 BIG FURNACE CLEANING ~ HOLIDAYS ~ SPIRAL SLICED, GLAZED HAMS Borden's Homogenized Milk $1.69 IAL 12 STEP PROCESS WITH 2 MEN AND 95 I I FRESH ROASTED FRESH SQUEEZED STAHL'S BAKERY A SPECIALLY DESIGNED VACUUM TRUCK $79 W a SMALL FURNACE COFFEE BEANS! ORANGE JUICE FRESH DAILY A REAL VALUE $6995 ! Make your home ! BOILER FLUSHING I( look ~t's lA 15 STEP FLUSHING OF YOUR INTERNAL WATER SYSTEM $13995 I entertalnlng best! I I BOILER CLEANING 95 ! PRICED RIGHT TO CLEAN THE BURNER AREA OF BOilER $&9 I I FLUE DAMPERS I INSULATION OAKLAND COUNTY I I j~ SAVE 15% ON FUEL I BLOWN CElLUOSE 553 8Ion SPECIAL HOl.IDAY COKE SALE CONSUMPTION FOR ATIlCS AND SIDEWALLS -" ~ Jack Calas ! MACOMB COUNTY COKE DR. PEPPER SUPREME Heating 777-8808 I Custom Painting I SPRITE $119 SQUIRT DIET COKE 2 LITER SUNKIST & Supply Company I 884-5410 881.7417 • CHERRY COKE • BOTTLE ORANGE 885-2400 L-- ~ J + DEP. i ______, __ ~__,._____r_~ " p , • • j r ; , ( :- :~ .' " • r' :" t ,I .~ ~ r /"l t t . ..

Thursday, December 5, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS , Helping and healing a special little girl Wh~we.D By Tom Greenwood doctors recently went to Guatama- ing the short lime they were there counseled the famllles of those la and saw over 3,090 chlldren dur- They helped those that they could, beyond hope and arranged for a Every day brmgs something new number of other children to be for Mana Rosano Santlago Ven- brought to the Umted States All our eOlIa beans tura their medical care is free All the "She's from Guatamala, where airfare and lIvlllg expenses are the average yearly temperature is paid for by donations. with 72 degrees," said Pam Linsdeau, "All the host famlhes are picked Mana's American mother. "It's on a volunteer basIs ThiS IS the snowmg today She's never seen it first tlme for Bob and myself. Two speeial pride••• before, so she ran from wmdow to of our children attend Lutheran wmdow, checkmg to see If it was all East High School They told their I Becaus~ they come from Whlle House, Ihe renowned Importer roasler of the around the house At first she classmates about Maria and they world S fmest quality coffee beans The world's chOicest, 10 facl didn't want to go out mto the cold, sort of adopted her There's a fund 2 Because WhIte House coffee beans are always freshly roasted for us on a cuslom then she giggled and started to en- drIVe under way and they've al- order baSIS Wh,le House even cert~hes that 10 wIlting let us show you JOYIt It must be qUIte a change most collected enough for her air- 3 Because WhIle House prOVides us WIth such genuinely from what she's used to " fare home They're a good bunch of great coffees as Kenya AA 100% C%mblon and Mana, 10, Will be hVlllg with the kids .. ColombIan Supremo, Mocha Java, Pure Water Decaf C%mbla, thell exclUSive TIp of the Andes and Lmsdeau family for the next SIX In the meantime, Mana faces the Copenhagen plus their naturally flavored and naturally months while surgeons at Cottage prospect of several more opera- decaffeinated (water only process) coffee beans Hospital work to repair the heavy tiOns before she's reumted With her and many others burn scars on her face and hands. family Yes we lake a lot of pride In assuIIng your complete :\Iana was brought here by Heal "We're her family nght now, sabsfactlon when you come to us for really fine coffee the Children, a non-profit orgamza- Lmsdeau said "She's httmg m just Drop In soon We'd like to show you - and let you laste LJUIl Udll:d.ltu tu tHtUl\.dlly d.iJihg 1111~ Sh~ JU~i:>lI.t hollUW Lw mu\.h _ 1Il~ Ul!j~h:~w ...c loh,,, ~~/}m.; Hvu.se q ...J.~'~ "7'~Y'Zs W! tho the children of the world. English yet, although she calls me kmd of quahty you deserve Ce1f'aI FtnHy Ra.t.1 "Mana comes from a very poor Mom Sometimes she just says it --

.' , I Section B The Second Section Thursday, December 5, 1985 Christmas Walk Detroit Symphony League holiday home tour presents four Grosse Pointe houses The DetrOit Symphony League's advance tickets will Iecelve a dls As d ~peCldl highlight to tillS 2Mh annual Eastside Chnstmas count yedr'!> wdlk, tl1(' Mdnoogldn Man Walk, scheduled for 10 a m to 6 The homeowners ask that you re !>lOn hds been .dded to the p m on Thur~day, Dec 12, will in- move your shoe!>as entellllg each ~chedule Tim I'>d Idre opportumty clude the l\ldnooglan Man~lOn, De house Non-slIp slippers are d good for the public to Vle\\ tb£>lIty 01 De trOlt'!> offICial mayor's residence, Idea for safety's sake trolt's offICial maYOI'd) I e~ldence Jefferson Avenue Prec;bytenan A good startlllg plac.e for the tour The IS-room man~'lOn \\'a~ given to ChUllh and tour beautifully ISthe Jeffer~on Avenue Presby tel the city In 1965by llldu!>tlJall!>tAlex decorated GI o!>sePOlllte homes . Ian Church, 8625E Jefferson flow Manoogian 'The man,>lon \\ III re-

The ~;.1H~~o.) h~!d ~~~u::ll!y O~ bc~h c\cr) lG(.~t~0n:; m~j b2 ".l~~tcd ..l: £1c-.::t th~ 0t~L,A~C c! ~~...... 0ff,l ....__ tt the east and we~t Sides to raise any order repre!>enb," Manoogian '>dlddt the money for the DetrOIt Symphony The church sanctuary contains time Bullt In 1927,dt dn estimated Orchestra The \\e~tslde walk the beautiful Berry Memonal WIIl- cost of $65,000, the hou~e ha~ seven takes place today, Thursday, Dee dow, deSigned by the WIllets, who bedrooms, mne bath!>, an outdoor 5, mcludmg Klrk-m-the-HlIls deSigned the wlIldows for the sWlmmlllg pool, basement recrea- Church and fIve homes chapel at West Pomt There are tIon rooms and many umque archl Next week's easblde walk "'Ill wood carvmgs and a very old pipe tectural feature!> It wlll be hand- mclude the DetrOit Symphony organ dedicated to the memory of ~omely deCOI'dted tOI the holtdd) s BoutIque, set up at the ManoogIan Horace E Dodge The ceiling and The Symphony BoutIque elnd ellll- ManSion, and a performance by the walls of the chancel show orlgmal sans WIll be located there Chorahers at the Jefferson Avenue pamt VISitors can relax and enJoy In Gros~e POll1te four very IJ1 Presbytenan Church coffee and cookies while IIstemng dlvldual home~ Will be featured Tickets for the walk are $7 for ad- to the DetrOit Symphony League One IS a Cotswold style hou!>ebuilt Photos by Elsa Frohman vance ~ales and $8 at the door Chorallers performing at the IJ1 1923, known a~ the Swan House ThiS University Place home, featured on the Detroit Symphony League Christmas Walk, features a Groups of 10or more people buymg church because of the sculptured swan renovated master suite combmed from three previous rooms. carved II1tOthe stucco of the ex- tenor The hou~e features seven ~ V~~ bedrooms and a garden room With ~. /1. a pall1ted and stenCilled floor '/ An Impress Ive centel-entrance / Georgian colomdl located on Um- versltv will feature a ell cular dnve and pnvate grounds The large paneled family room dl~plays elegance and Christmas charm The master bedroom has been remodeled from three !>mall rooms and contall1s a lUXUrIOUSsunken tub and sauna 111 the new master bath On Bnarwood Pldc.e a new home bUilt III the style of a French chateau IS featured The homes on thiS street occupy the land of the former Shelden estate that en- Joyed a lake view ThiS home mcor- porRtes unusual angles and ceiling heights to create a light and spaclOUS feeling On Moran Road, VISItors are in- Vited to see an old farmhouse that - was orIgll1ally part of the Moran Farm It has been extensively I'enovated and remodeled III the past year and shO\\~ speCial charm At the tune of renovatlon, workmen selld It had Iwen bUIlt This swan decoration, in the exterior plaster of a home on Lake- some llme alound Uw tU! n 01 the land 10 Grosse Pomte CIty, earned the house its nickname, the Swan centur" A highlight of this year's Christmas Walk will be a visit to the Manoogian Mansion on the waterfront House. The house IS one of those featured on the tour. ( Olltllllll'd (,Il P 1"l' 1B I In DetrOit. The house was donated to the city for an official mayoral residence in 1965.


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, . Page Two-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 5, 1985 :Hand Painted Metal SOLDIER SETS Children's Aid Society needs some help . individually crafted .. collector pieces to provide 1,200 merry Christmases By Elsa Frohman Last year's model of teddy bear may make a troubled child happy this year If you dIdn't reahze that teddy bears have model years, you know Q.. i , '" about as much about the toy indus- ~:, try as Grosse Pomter Jenny Kerr ,~, did before she started running the Children's Aid Society Chnstmas (.~ ;~~~~ b;" "JUDY TOYLAND project SIXor seven years ago The Children's Aid Society is a ~ ~~~ 97 KERCHEVAL ••. tIIl.hlll 881-7075 Torchdrive agency which provides counsehng and many other ser- vices to troubled chIldren and fa- mlhes m the DetrOit area. As the OF WiNdSOR largest pnvate child-welfare agen- ARPIN FURS cy m the state, It has served more Fine/Canadian Furs at Very Special Prices than 85,000 troubled children and famIlies In Wayne County since It was estabhshed In 1862. ServICes provided by CAS m- clude anti-abuse programs such as the Preventlve Outreach ServICes, Early Attention Project and the Special FamIly Problems Service Other programs Include the ChIld Sexual Assault Vmt, the Smgle j Parent Program, Foster FamIly Care and adoption servICes. Photo by Elsa F,ohman John Snyder, a Grosse Pomter John Snyder, president of the Children's Aid Society board of directors, and Jennie Kerr, head of the and the president of CAS, explam- CAS Christmas project, show a few of the toys that will be under the Christmas trees of CAS clients ed that children are assigned to this year. The society needs donations to keep the project going. CAS and other private agencIes by the Department of Social SerVIces need clothes are taken care of year as thiS CAS' chents. To continue next The agency IS currently servmg regularly through the CAS clothmg Manufacturers are solicited for year, the treasury must be re- more than 1,200 indIVIduals room donatlOns and others gIve the proJ- plenished as soon as poSSible. The The Christmas project was on- Kerr got Involved m the project ect speCial pnces One of this group needs about $8,500 in dona- ginally created to help chent faml- through her husband Stewart, who year's hIghhghted Items IS a black tions to get next year's project rol- .. hes stick together through a plea- was preSident of CAS for many baby dolllhat Kerr was able to buy hng sant holiday expenence Over the years for wholesale pnce CAS IS also looking for volun- years, the project shifted from the teers There are usually vacancies A small part of the Chnstmas In the fIrst week of December, CAS staff to volunteers - to con- on the board of directors. Grosse project money comes from the the toys and socks and alarm serve the time of employees and to POinters currently on the board In- state, which provides a Chnstmas clocks and purses and wallets are avoid conflicts of mterest allowance for foster children. The cludeJohn Snyder, John Durno and The goal of the Chnstmas proJect wrapped and dehvered to the SOCial A Stewart Kerr. SOCIetyhas charge of about 350 fos- workers who Will dlstnbute them. ISto allow family members to give ter children But to make the proJ- To send a tax deductible donation each other presents on Christmas. ect stretch to cover all the CAS Though thiS year's proJect 18 com- to the ChrIstmas project, mail a Come Sli Arpin's fabulous 1986collection of fashion furs, expertly crafted It IS not a simple toy give-away for chents and theIr families - private plete as of thiS week, the society check to the ChIldren's Aid Society Into today's exciting new designs •.. and of course, you are assured 01 children. While the bulk of the donations must be sought still needs donations. The project Christmas Project, 7700 Second fine quality and value when you shop Arpin's. presents are toys, the children can "Many times In a foster home, costs about $10,000 to serve all of Ave, DetrOIt, MICh., 48202 also choose presents for their there WIll be several chddren who LAYAWAY NO CHARGE TILL CHRISTMAS parents They work from a cata- are not foster children We don't logue compiled by Kerr want to say that only the foster Review Club plans luncheon Duty and Sales Kerr works on the project nearly child can have a present," Kerr year-around She VISitS toy and said to honor past presidents Tax Refunded clothmg merchandise shows and Kerr's buymg year starts m Full Premium on strives to make the project's funds January when she buys overstock- On Dec 10, the Lochmoor Club Mrs. Louis Hopping and Mrs. Carl go as far a poSSible In goods ed wrapping paper Each of the Will be the scene for the annual H. Woolf American Funds Fur Specialist for over 59 years "I bought a lot of designer socks presents IS gift wrapped by volun- Presidents' Day luncheon and pro- Born in November, 1891, the De- thiS year," Kerr said Her goal ISto teers Later In the year, m May, gram for the DetrOIt ReView Club. trOIt ReVIew Club has SurVIVed Park In the Downtown 484 PeliSSier Street buy Items that will make a speCial she VISitSthe toy shows and buys ThiS ISthe day that the club honors wars, depreSSIOns, as well as SOCIal Parking Garage - Windsor. 1519-2535612 gIft -.not to find practical clothmg. last year's model toys - reasonab- ItS past preSidents, Life and Honor- mores, and changes in lifestyles. Park at PelISSier Dally 9 to 5 30, Fn to ') She explamed that the children who ly pnced and every bit as good next ary members, as well as current Started as a literar~ club, it preSIdent, Mrs Justin Emery, who changed to a townhall-format of Will act as official hostess for the programmmg, plus an active before-Chnstmas party philanthropIC fundraismg effort Among the Grosse Pointe women The club helped start the Salva- who have served as preSIdent are: tion Army Auxilliary, during the Mrs Aaron E Wl1cox, 1957-58; reign of president Delphme Dodge Mrs. MarVin Dahnke, 1964-66;Mrs Ashaugh. Robert Kales, 1966-68;Mrs Frank Following the luncheon and the Scott Perkm, 1974-75, Vera Brown, Introduction of the honored past 1978-77, Mrs Robert Kefgen, presidents, Gerish, program chair- NV TAT 1978-80, Mrs James Mullaney, man, WIll introduce the Grosse 1980-82 Other preSidents who will Pomte Semor Men's Choral group, be invited to the luncheon mclude' and Edward Gray Acomb, who Will Mrs L James Keller, Mrs Wayne tell DRC members and guests of H. Garrett, and Mrs Robert the work of the group, which is an LOUIS FERAUD Gensch, ImmedIate past presi- outstanding singing group. The SPRING/SUMMER '86 dent Honorary members include group WIllbe makmg its second ap- COLLECTION SHOW R. HANS STUDIO, LTD. Mrs BenJamm Sprmgborn and pearance at the Detroit Review Mrs Aaron E Wl1cox Life mem- Club - and will be smging nostal- 20801 Lennon (at Harper Service Dnve) bers include former Grosse gic songs of the past, as well as Friday, December 6 Harper Woods - 881-7289 Pointers: Mrs Wilham Oddy and special Christmas songs, and mod- Saturday, December 7 Tues -Sat 12noon 10 5 30 Mrs Wilham J NIxon Others are: ern popular musIc. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. International Designer .. Salon, Grosse Pointe !'~ SUPERIOR BAGez!d. Fresh Roasted DRESS HIM UP FOR Gourmet Coffee CHRISTMAS - "" FREE Delivery to your door Call 886-7021 to order GANT 100010COLOMBIAN FOR BOYS We invite you to expenence a Supremo Water Processed De-Caf Dress him up for Christ- fresh taste of spnngtlme in Pans, $4.50 I B $5.50 I B at Jacobson's. See a collection mas at grandmother's of suits, coats, separates ($1 00 LB. off reg pnce) house. Tweed jackets or C\P 12 14 R5 and dresses from the House of Feraud, solid color blazers in pure informally modeled so that you wool flannel m" year may special order your selections 'round blended hopsack. well in advance of the season Thursday,December 12th Finish his outfit with our He has slimmed shoulder Imes to is washable flannel dress narrower proportIons. Added trousers in grey, navy, pieces, and adapted hiS clean, FREE CLASS DAY brown or camel Coats in easy-to-Ilve-wlth signature deSigns to coordinate compatibly With bo.}"ssizes 8 to 20, young those Louis Feraud fashions you rnen's 36 to 42. Trousers already have In your wardrobe in boy's waists 22 to 30, Sizes 4 to 14. young men's 30 to 36.

,,\ fllJ urn \ \/lOP A 7 Jacobson's ,,

KERCHEVAL AT ST CLAIR GROSSE POINTE We welcome Jacobson's Charge Card or The American Express' Card ( 1I111\III 1\ lI()t R\ Hmul

lit ____ ,..,_, ...,_, ..._, ..,~,...... , ..,1'""._•.,...... , ...- ...... ql""""r' ...... -~ ...... ~-~~

Thursday, December 5, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-F,.i , AAUW JAN CARREIRO plans Color TechlStylist holiday 15 Years with the Edward Nepi Salon has moved to gathering BALDO & MICHAELS "I've always loved readIng 17670 Mack Ave. aloud," !>dySEne LInder, a teacher of Enghsh at Umver!>lty Liggett 881-7297 885-2466 Upper School "Probably because I was fortundte to have been read aloud to a lot when I was a child To my customers and friends Also, my father wa!>d marvelous storyteller" WELCOME At an {'arly age Lmder was taken to hve In ColombIa, South Amenca, where SpaOl!>h became hiS fIrst language After that he spent five years III Brazil, movmg to MlChl- e-an when he was 12 veal's old He ,graduated flom Kenyon College, Bogner OhIO, WlleI c he ueveloped d strong mterest m actmg, and recently --- taught for a short penod of tIme III Honduras, Centrdl Amenca Member!> ot the American Asso- CiatIOn of Umverslty Women - Grosse Pomte who plan to attend the group's Annual ChrIstmas Tea, on Dec 12, m Grosse Pomte Umted Photo by Joe Gazd ck MethodIst Church, Will have a Eric Linder, right, previews some of his reading selections for social arrangements chairman Viki Adik, chance to enJoy LInder's readmg second from left, and for program planning committee members Carla Teagan, left, and Peggy Kaiser, skIlls when he presents a program second from right. The program of the day will also include a medley of Yuletide songs by the AAUW of "Chnstma!> LIterature Through the Centune!> "The AAUW Chorus Chorus, under the direction of Mary Jane Starnes. will share the spotlight, smging a Reid, Leila Lynch, Mary Lou galls, Carol Jones, Lee Kolb, Rose Karla Sumner and Joyce Walker medley of YuletIde favol'ltes, Boresch, Gerry Dice, Corinne Lemmerman, Florence Miller, Pat Joan Owens is m charge of social under the dIrection of Mary Jane Dlckmson, Pat Erikson, Mary- Miller, Gene Moore, Gerry Mullen, arrangements for the tea and Starnes helen FeIghner, HIldegarde Ann NIcholson, Elallle Reed, Doro- ElOise Spencer heads up the gene- Chorus members mclude Sue FIchtner, Helen Fisher, Ann In- thy Rleven, Ann Schumacher, ral program committee Grosse Pointe Yacht Club elects directors for the 1985-86year

Members of the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club elected four new mem- bers to theIr board of directors at the annual meetlllg on Nov 6 Thomas D Ogden, Edward B Palm, Theodore H Smith, and Charles E Stumb were elected to the 12-member board for three- year terms From our collection of the most exciting fashions On Nov 7, Wayne C Inman was apPolllted to a one-year term on the in the world of skiing. board, fIlhng a vacancy left by out- gOlng Commodore James R Daoust The new board of dIrectors elect- ed the followmg offIcers for 1985-86. John A Boll, commodore; Robert E Yuhn, vice commodore, Photo by W,lhanfHurd Theodore H Smith, rear commo- Front row, left to right, Fred G. Schriever, secretary; Theodore H. Smith, rear commodore; John A. Boll, commodore; Robert E. Yuhn, vice commodore; Dr. Tymon C. Totte, treasurer. Back row, left to dore, Fred G Schl'lever, secre- 6600 Telegraph at Maple • Phone 626-9500 "'• tary, and Dr Tymon C Totte, right: directors Wayne C.lnman, Remie laenen, Richard W. Thams, Edward B. Palm, Charles E. Stumb, •. treasurer George F. Clark, Thomas D. Ogden. t I ! •

.' Looking for a special place to have your baby? .. j ...with birthing rooms and sibling classes and candlelight dinners and liberal visiting hours and one, single nurse whos responsible for both you and your ba~ythrough- out your entire stay? Then corne to the Open House Celebration of the new SaintJohn Hospital Perinatal Center for Maternal and Newborn Care

For Parents: Tour our state-certIfied Pennatal Center for normal and high risk dellvenes - Meet our obstetriCians, pedlatncians and nursmg staff- See our nationally recognl7ed Neonatal Intensive Care lJllIt for premature ,lOd seriously III Infants - VI.,ltour newly remodeled PediatriC and Pediatric Inten';Ive Care Umt'; for children and teens - Register your children 10 the Child Identification Program spon~orcd h) the Grosse Pomte Woods Pollee Department

For Kids: Meet Detroit Tiger Dave Bergman and collect hi" autograph e Pick up free Tshlrts, balloon,; and '/\dopt-A Doll" certificate.,. Watch clowns and maglClan'i .,troillng through the halls. ViSll With ~anta Claus. EnlOY cookies and punch For more mformatlOn call SamtJohn HospItal at ~4~-4000

~~~2~ . "ollnt lohn I 00 pm to '5 00 pm ., I SaintJohn Hospital j 2210l Moro" Road S.lInl lohn I DelrOlt, Mlthlgan 48216 Pennatal ( enter, PediatrICl nit and •. D 13) 141-4000 p(.(ltatrlt Inltn'iIVeCare Unit . A ~ub'>ldlary of <;, U,lIr Hpillth Corporoltlnn 'lth and '5thflo{m . HospltJI• ,.,~

---.--..- page Four.B GROSSE POINTE NEWS

Sf. Ambrose Parish 'Day's 'Ease, Inc. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR 1014 Maryland Professional housekeeping Grosse Pointe Park for professional people SATURDAY, ~ DEC. 7th, 1985 • Experienced i •~ ". .. • Bonded ~ 10 a.m, . 6 p,m, • Insured

463-7150 "Be it ever so St. Ambrose humble thereJs no place like home. Jl Monday-Fnday Barb Smlhal displays a small sampling of more than 30 tables 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. " Homl' (are "Iur~lIlg of arts and crafts that will be offered to shoppers at St. Am- -- ?r" 'tl' nUl) "h'r'-"1~ brose Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, Dec, 7, at the parish hall, • Homemaking Srn l('{'~

1014 Maryland, in Grosse Pointe Park. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 If \~e (dn help) uu \\ Ith ) UUI ~ p.m. Stained glass, imported art from Poland and Israel, jewel. medlcdl or PCI ~ondl <. are // "\ ry, gifts and hundreds of ornaments will be on sale, as well as plea~e (dlJ I \\ all day raffles and a visit from Santa himself. Have lunch at the 343-4357 snack bar, purchase mouth watering deli.foods, baked goods, ~)/;J..,,' and candies to treat the family and yourself. The talented 'r9/rf~l young artist, DarreH SWIft, will be available for caricatures. PM S Prolessionil Medicil Senic~ 20410 Harper Ave ~t;)1. ~ Auto Show Charity Preview Harper Woods, Ml 48225 ~ ~ (1~~.JJ~(;I't~'1 MIJI,aled wrlh Saml John Hmpllal ~r. tickets available locally Serving the surroundrng /~ ~ ,,(I communilles for over 30 years The DetrOIt AutomobIle Dealers Honorary chairmen for the As- ASSOCiationwill present Its annual sistance League of Mr and Mrs. it/1fT ?JV:~( ·~~\ Richard Mayk General co-chair. Chanty Preview to the 70th annual -I u6, /' DetrOlt Auto Show on Jan 10, 1986, men for the league are Judy Rutan .~. ,I ./ I ~ from 7 to 9 pm at Cobo Hall The and Sandi Cook THE PROFESSIONALS WHO CARE :/' -~ ---(Jy~(~ black-he event benefits four chan- All proceeds of the preview Will ties - Easter Seals, the Boys and go to the four chanties There WIll ( A fa.. (": y/ --~r \ GirlS Clubs, Children's Center and be an afterglow at the home of the ASSistance League to the Gary and Sharon Vasher for people Northeast Guidance Center purchasmg tickets through the As- ~/~-~) Tickets are $30 per person and sistance League, ,WORSHIP SERVICES $60per couple They are tax deduc- For ticket and afterglow informa- tible tion, call 824-8000 They're Christ the King St. James First English Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Ev. Lutheran into 20338 Mack GPW "on The Hill" Church 884-5090 McMillan at Kercheval Vermer Road at 884-0511 WedgewoodDrive, everything! -engaged Sunday SChool 9 00 a m Bible Classes 9 00 a m WORSHIP SERVICES Grosse Pomte Wood" Bubbling with joy, children are naturally curious and in- Family Worship 10 30 a m 930 & 11 00 am 88~-;MO terested. They need to know which way to go, what to Istrative medical assisting. Followed by FeUo ...shIp (Nursery 9 30 am) Earl} Worship & Russel- M O'nahan The brldegroom-elect IS a 1980 Hour Sunday School Sunda) School - 9 10 a m choose. And so they need guidance. 930am Late Worslup - 11 00 a m Mary Jane Moore of Warren and graduate of Grosse Pomte South Wed Bible Class 10 00 a m At the Christian Science Sunday School they learn about High School with a bachelor of ap- Paslor George M &heller Paul F Keppler, Paslor Joseph Russel of AnchorvIlle, Joseph P Fabry, Paslor Pas lor Roberl A Rlmbo Bruce Quatman, Pastor God. Here young people consider the choices the Bible Mich., announce the engagement plied sCience degree m construc- tion supervisIOn and management characters made, Sunday School is a resource to use in of theIr daughter, Janean, to Redeemer Faith Lutheran Michael Patnck Monahan, son of from Western Michigan Univer- St. Paul Ev. helping them choose the best, United Mr and Mrs Edward Monahan of sity .'<:r Lutheran Church Methodist Your childl'en are invited to come and explore how God Grosse Pomte Farms A June 20, 1986 weddmg IS (J CHRIST CENTERED - planned .db', Church Church SPIRIT LED guides their lives. The bride-elect IS a ~emor nurs- ~ ~.' 881.6670 Jefferson at Philip mg student at Wayne State Umver- " • • Chalfonte and 20571Vermer 822 2296 sity The bridegroom-elect holds a Eckhardt- Lothrop Just east of 1-94 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUNDAY SCHOOL bachelor's degree m marketmg Hagerman 9 00 a m Famli) Worslllp Harper Woods Sunday Worship 10 15 a m Every Sunday ot 10 30 a m from Central Michigan Umverslty 10 10 a m EducatlGn lor all 884-2035 Sunda\ S<:hool 9 00 a m and IS currently workmg on hiS Mr and Mrs Wilham Eckhardt HI5a m lIorslup Prayer .t PraIse FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST GROSSE PTE FARMS master's degree at Walsh College of Grosse Pointe Shores announce Nursery all servIces 9 00 a m Church School Wed 7 30 P m 282 Chalfonte m Troy the engagement of their daughter, REV J PHILIP WAHL 10 30 a m WorshIp Pastor A June 1986 weddmg IS planned Robyn, to DaVid Hagerman, son of REV ROBERT CURRY ReI' Don Llchtenfelt Ronald W Schmidt Mr and Mrs Howard Hagerman of Holt, Mlch Grosse Pointe Watts-1V!mrl.s The bride-elect is a graduate of Grosse Pointe Barbara Watts of Grosse Pomte Star of the Sea HIgh School and UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Unitarian Church Farms and Frank Watts of Palm MIchigan State Umverslty, where 211 Moross Road 886-2363 Harbor, Fla, announce the en- she is currently studying Chmese k. 7k~~6t~ gagement of their daughter, and Japanese m preparation for ~ Wendy Lee, to James Wilson Mor- graduate school and a career m m- A Chancel Drama "NOEL ns, son of Mr and I\lrs R Cabell ternational bus mess by The Covenant Players A French Christmas ~~/BM. 7-lJ~. MorrIS of Grosse Pomte CIty The bridegroom-elect ISa gradu- Celebration" Both Services The bride-elect ISa 1981 graduate ate of Michigan State UniverSity 11 a.m. Service of Grosse Pomte South High With a degree m agriculture. He and Church School School, and a graduate of Kalama- plans to earn a master's degree m 9:00 a m WorshIp & Church School 17150 MAUMEE tZkda~w~rtklwnt£/ zoo Valley Commumty College agricultural economics 11:00 a m Worship & Nursery through Kmdergarten 8B1-0420 Dr Robert W Boley Rev. Jack Mannschreck WIth an associate degree 1Il admm- A June 14 wedding IS planned > 1 John Corrado MinIster The Grosse Pointe St. Nicolas scheduled at Christ Church THE SUBJECT FOR THIS SUNDAY IS: Chnstmas is commg on Dec 25, )amin Braun and Duncan McMil- Congregational with Santa Claus, sleigh bells and Ian smg NIcolas as a youth and the "God, the Only and festIval trappmgs three boys miraculously returned Cause and Creator" American Baptist "Samt Nicolas" ISJust as certam to life Church to arrive thIS year at Chnst Church The Legend of Samt Nicolas ISto First Church of Christ, Scientist 240 Cha !fan Ie al Lothrop Grosse Pomte m mU~lcal perfor- Imagme a return on hiS feast day 884-1075 Grosse Pointe Farms •'Preparation: mance on Dec 6, hI!>patron samt He recounts hiS birth and deciSIOn 282 Chalfonte Ave. day BenJamm Britten composed What's the thiS cantata ulll171ng the stage of to devote hImself to God, journeys (4 blocks West of Moross) the church nave and the talents of and Imprisonment, piety and mar- Services Recipe?" orchestra, chancel dnd gallery velous works, and death Sunday 1030 A M St John 1 6-8; 19-28 Sunday School 10 30 A M 9.30& 1115am ~l'\ICes chOirs, and three young boys Fred To celebrate hIS hfe Britten com- Wednesday, 800 P M 9 30 a m Church School eric DeHaven conducts posed thiS work on the occaSIOn of ALL ARE WELCOME Crib room bolh sel"\ ICes Smgmg the adult Nicolas role the Centenary Celebrations of Dr Ro) R lIulchcon Will be DaVid Phelp~. who IS cur. Lancing College, Sussex, III 1948 ReI KCllh 0\ lIarrmglon rently pursu111ggraduate studICs at Its performance IS the second con- the Umverslty of MIchIgan's cert m the 1985/1986 Christ Church Grosse Pointe Woods School of MU';lc Phelps was wm- musIc series Tickets are $8 and PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH x""1 ST MICHAEl'S ner of the Oberlm Concerto Com- avallable at the church office (885- 19950 Mack Avenue EPISCOPAL petitIOn The Kirk 111 the-Hdl,; chOIr 4841) or the mght of the perfor- (taltway between Moross and Verrller Rl»d::ll CHURCH 886-4300 ~ WillJom the ChII.,t Church chOlrs of mance 2Mi') SUI'"lngdale Park men, boys and girl,>, and chorale Samt NIcolas comes to Christ 11 a.In Divine Worship (.r()';~e POinte \\00<15 for thIS productIon ChOIrboys Church, 61 Grosse Pomte Boule- AAI-4S20 Brent Jahnke, Ryan Baller, Ben- vard, on FrIday, Dec. 6, at 8 pm. Christmas ChOIr S 00 a m 1101\ Eucharlsl "SONG OF CHRISTMAS." 10 10 am Choral Euchanst and Carol-Along set at First Lutheran by the Chancel ChOIr Serm"n Sunda) <;ehool Richard Johns Helen "fcCanach,c I \ursery AI allable) The FIrst Engh.,h Evangehcal tma Judson, will be on hand to help dlreclor orgal1lst Lutheran Church, 800 Vermer Rd lead the caroling And, for the \\eekdaj Euchansl Nursery prOVIded ChIldren s ~unday SChool q 10a m Tue,daj m GrossE' Pomte Wood." mVltE'S fmale, the audience Will be Illvited Rector Roht'rl F \0111 eVE'ryone to come ,md "Carol- to Jom 10 the "HallelUjah Chorus" Karen P EI an a~oclale Along' on Sunday, Dec 8 at 7 10 from Handel's "Messiah" qIMJ(' ("f+.mlp ('i\{mu.}wl r{fhmth Lookmg ~'O" F'rlend<;hlp T mpo"nl( ll(n, f1.l~, I, " "()r~m,Hl,h, p oIn Good News Smger'i. under the dl' mUSically excltmg way to cele- rectlOn of Hohl'rt Fo ...ter, a'i well as 930 & II 30 a m ServIces \ \\ arm \\f"komf' I I rilly a III ,,(rrpll'( 1" brate the holiday season Brmg A\ol,allr;; rou 51099 two bell chOIrs rhrecled by ChriS- your fnends and your vOIce t Many Other Unique Gift ..Of FIne Furniture And Acce~~one~. Crib Toddl!'r Care Chlldren'~ Church lfi Lak",h"r" Ilflve ",Ie ItIrh Dr< 11 (,ro~,c POinie Farm, (onl1;n~:'~~:"kr'" ~" i School Rll2 1'l"lil 24 hI', 1fT f'\ rr\nnf' Christmas Walk . . . ~ 4, 1 m L ~unaMOlredle at 822- whl're you make a left turn on 882-8770 ~ r.lor Pa'itor StulltJX Helxht. grOTI'."'0 open Frl 110/1/ g.OO P m 7967 TIckets may tw purchased on DWIght ft.1) Hamm,1I Min nf Fd Page Fiv&-~ Thursday, December 5, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS LINC to provide gifts for needy children Computer games and transform- and we want to increase their abIli- corder and record player. and prOVIde for those less fortunate ing robots are hot Items for kids ty to give The Homemakers of MetropolI- by contrIbuting either useable writing to Santa this year But "Grosse Pointe students have al- tan DetrOit has made an urgent re- goods or money for any of the agen- ~GC~ there are thousands of chIldren m ways been very generous in the ~uest for desperately needed cies lIsted here Simply contact the the metropolItan area whose sim- past and we know that so many fos- lInens: towels and washcloths, LINC offICe at 331-6700 Our office ple requests for warm clothIng or a ter care children are much happier sheets, blankets, rugs and plam hours are 9 a m to 2 p.m. WE'll WARM • doll or ball are lIkely to go unan- ;j during the holIdays because of the curtam rods Thoughts of Christmas are also swered great kids m our area," she added The Department of SOCial Ser- bnngmg LINC volunteers together ~/YOURPOCKETI ~ It's the concern for these forgot- LINC ISalso trying to help Santa vices IS m need of clean and work- for a holIday luncheon, Thursday, ten little ones that ISleadmg Opera- by flllmg Christmas gift requests mg appliances to help clIents who Dee 12, 11 30 a m at ZaPaul's, i!" WITH $5 \)~ tion LINC to once agam sponsor the from other SOCialagencies are trying to establIsh new homes 19450 Mack Ave BabYSitting is Foster Care Children's Chnstmas The Jefferson House for men has Frequently these needy people are available at the Grosse Pomte Gift Program requested personal care items mothers, perhaps the victIms of do- Memonal Church Please make ,...{ WHEN YOU .~ Now m ItS 12th year, the program LaCasa commumty youth ser- mestic VIOlence, who had to leave reservatIons for luncheon and Will attempt to fmd gifts for 3,500 vice needs clothing, toys, and as home and all belongIngs behmd. babySIttIng by contactIng Fran PURCHASE A foster care children IJ1 Wayne many food baskets as LINC can For these strugglIng women, at- Mumma at the LINC office by Fn- County supply temptIng to hold theIr familIes to- day, Dec 6 TODDLEROR 4-6x The state allotment to foster The Rennaissance Health Care gether, applIances and other A fmal note about the Nov 9. parents to purchase gifts IS$10 per for frail elderly patients diS- household Items can be crUCial LINC wmetasting party and fund- TWO PIECE WARM-UP chIld. And for each of these charged from the hospital near the LlNC IS also happy to prOVide, raiseI' conducted by Gibbs Wme Fnday Only, Dec. 6 chIldren, who are m temporary holIday season IS IJ1 urgent need of With the help of the DetrOIt Tigers Store. The evemng drew together a foster homes because of parents volunteers Many of these semors and volunteer LIsa Morrealle, 1,000 congemal crowd who agreed the who were absent or 111, or because need personal care and would wel- DetrOit Tigers Yearbooks to our event was mformatlve and enter- Open Thurs., 'hI 8:301 Sun. 12-4 tht> ehlldre-n had h(>(>nnt>glecte(i or ~OI11t:tlj~ alG of a g€:l1€:lOuS md)\, id ~gcncics ~1orrc~lc dro\ c her trus t:lImng ~bny th~nks to Larry 110 Kercheval on-the.Hill 881-7227 abused, Christmas is meager at ual who might "adopt" them and ty station wagon to Tiger StadIUm Shade whose presentation made • best help wIth special needs for the third year m a row, picked the party a success. • Each year LINC has asked chJld- Brown's MISSionary Chapel up the yearbooks and delIvered Operation LINC needs your tIme •• ren In the Grosse Pomte elemen- needs to prOVIde 150 children with them to the LINC storproom. The and contnbutlOJ1S It is a non-profit, Z" tary schools, nursery schools and gifts and the DetrOIt Anti-Hunger books WIllbe dlstnbuted m tIme for volunteer orgamzatIon which helps organizations such as the Boy and Program must fInd gifts for 21 ChrIstmas numerous metropolItan area agen- j Girl Scouts to donate gifts needy children WhIle Grosse Pomte school child- CieS and depends on your support Flyers are dlstnbuted to stu- The Focus HOPE-Center for ren work hard to make their Chnst- To volunteer or to donate useable dents who are asked to select a toy Chlldren has sent LINC a wish lIst mas goodwill projects a success, Items for the holIdays or any time or hat or mittens and return the gift for sturdy play equipment, toys, an LINC asks that you too take a lIttle of the year, please call them at WHITTIER to school. adult rocking chair, cassette re- time thiS holiday season to thmk 331-6700between 9 a m and 2 p.m Students take great pride in pre- TOWERS parIng their own gift packages and I last year 1,630 gifts were donated Memorial Church Women plan holiday tea This year the gifts will be picked up from the schools on Dec 13 by The Grosse Pomte Memonal LINC volunteers under the direc- Church Women's ASSOCiation is for Gracious Retirement living tion of co-chairmen Jeannie Noto havmg Its annual Christmas Tea on and Maggie O'Brien Volunteers Tuesday, Dec 10, at 1 p m. Co- will then transport the packages to chairmen are Nancy Burrows and Wayne County Social Services for Lmda Lloyd, and JulIa Keirn ISpro- the great task of distnbutlon to gram chairman They are bemg foster care homes. assisted by Lmda Gregg, kItchen LINC President Chns Lltka ex- chairman, Nancy Stevens, dmmg plamed that this year's gift pro- room chairman, Carol Marks, de- gram is an even greater challenge coratIons, and Cmdy Wheeler, than in prevIous years. tickets Posters were done by Nan- "There are more needy kids than cy Shulte. ever before," she said. "We feel its Guests WIll gather m the sanctu- very important to augment fostel ary where they will be welcomed care mothers' allotments They by Ann Hathaway and the assocI- don't have enough to purchase atIOn preSident Devotions wIll be more than one or two small gifts given by Dorothy Kennel Sharon Conti will present a solo narratIon and mterpretation, "The Grandmother of ChrIst" She is well-known m local theatrIcal groups. Besides actmg, she is also a smger, dancer and choreog- Photo by Kay Cendler rapher Her experience includes From the left, Nancy Burrows and Linda Lloyd, co-chairmen of the NURSING work With the Detroit CIvic Center Memorial Church Christmas Tea, and Julia Keirn, program chairman. Theater, Macomb College Barn A narration of "The Grandmother of Christ" will be featured on the Theater GUIld, St Clair Shores HOME Players and the Theater Arts Club program. 8045 of DetrOit She has appeared in Vide a refreshmg and movatlve The tea Will end m the candlelIt FA~T JHHR~O\ such productions at "The CrucI- vocal arrangement of familiar fellowship hall where hors d'oer- 415 Burns Dr. UFTROIl, MllH ble," "Sweet Chanty," "The Smell Christmas Carols The group is vres and ChrIstmas cookies Will be of Greasepamt . ," "A Lion In made up of Grosse Pomters Penny served Detroit,Michigan 48214 • I 821-3525 Wmter," ('Inherit the Wmd," Steyer, Pat DeLodder, Damca The tea IS open to the public. "Bng~doon," "KISS Me Kate," and Randall, Robert Tye, Dale Jasch, Tickets, available at the church, QUAL In' "Oklahoma. " Dan Aggas and Phil MlCheaI. They are $3 each For more mformation, (313) 823-6470 NURSING CARE MuslCkes Pleasure will then pro- sing a cappella call 882-5330 • • Pa.ge Slx-B Thu~day, December 5, 1985 Woman's Health Most infertility cases have a cause By William T. Mixson, M.D. cent) Other conditions could be the Several conditions may con- mucus in the cervIx which IS President. American College tribute to a woman's infertihty believed to help speed the sperm on Obstetricians and Gynecologists She may not ovulate or produce an their way may not be 10 the right Couple:. who have been trymg un- egg each month The fallopian amounts, or the woman's Immune successfully to have children often tubes, where the egg is fertilized by system may even attack the feel that they are the only people the sperm, may be blocked or sperm. With fertIlity problems Truthfully, diseased, or the uterus Itself may Infertlhty testmg In a woman IS 15 percent of couples are mfertile be abnormal The hormones, which usually started after her partner and almost always have a phySICal prepare the body for ovulation and has been evaluated because testmg cause which can be traced back to pregnancy, may not be produced at for male mfertility is Simpler The the woman (50 percent of the time) the nght bme or III the nght first step is a thorough examlna. or to the man (the other 50 per- amounts. bon and a discussion of proper tim- Ing and techmque of mtercourse Then the woman may be asked to Detroit Garden Center hosts take her temperature every morn- ing after wakmg, to see if she IS holiday open house display ovulatmg Certam blood tests may "VISions of Sugar Plums" IS the Filhng the house with fresh show If the woman is producmg normal amounts of hormones In theme for the DetrOit Garden Cen- greens and floral arrangements some cases a sample may be taken ter's annual Christmas open house wlll be the Grosse Pomte Farm and of the hmng of the uterus to see 1f at histone Moross House, 14bOl!,; Garden Club, Hdrper woodJ, Gar- the uterus responds to hormonal Jefferson near RIOpelle m DetrOIt. den Club, IndIan VIllage Womans changes of the menstrual cycle In Saturday, Dec 7 from 10 a m to NatIonal Farm & Garden, 8t ClaIr 4 p m and Sunday, Dec 8, noon to Shores Womans NatIonal Farm & addibon to ovulation and hormone 4 pm, the pubhc IS inVited to tour Garden, Trowel and Error Garden factors, the cervical mucus IS tested for the proper consistency DetrOIt's oldest brick house decor- Club, Wmdmill Pomte Garden Wrapping gifts at the home of Roberta Wallrich in preparation for the Junior league of Detroit's Club, and friends of the center A during the cycle and after inter- ated for an old-fashioned Christ- Christmas partIes are, left to right, Pam Wheeler, Maureen McHugh, Pat Price, Drew Louisell, Wendy mas AdmiSSion is free, although display of antique toys from the course There are several tests that can Hollidge, Nancy Zablocki, Nancy Meehan, Roberta Wallrich, Milo Schulte, and Mary Anne Frank. donatIOns are appreCiated The up- Detroit HistOrical Museum Will tell 1£ the fallopian tubes are open stairs gift shop IS stocked with compliment the theme. Call 259- and funcbonmg or damaged m many unusual Items for holiday 6363 for further mformation. some way Laparoscopy allows a givmg good look at the pelViC organs and JLD hosts Christmas parties may pick up such conditions as en- The Jumor League of DetrOIt Will School Girl Scouts. Entertamment ployment, and placement of De- dometriosis or unsuspected scar- host its 28th annual Christmas Par- Will be prOVided by the DetrOIt trOIt's handicapped Citizens "You shouldn't be afraid of finding a ring or adheSions ties for the GoodWill Industries of Pohce Band "Les Cochons Bleus" Saturday, Dee 7, Adult Service' lump. Youshould .be afraid of The good news IS treatment Greater DetrOIt and the Adult Ser- and Santa will jam the festivities Centers, Inc Christmas Party will which may include drugs and/or vICe Centers, Inc m December A Thursday, Dec. 5, the GoodWill be held at Butzel Middle School not looking for it!' surgery is successful for many traditional Turkey Dmner served Industries of Greater DetrOIt Cafetorlum Three-hundred- couples. The not-so-good news is by JLD members, giftS, and enter- Chnstmas Party Willbe held at the twenty-five semors are expected to that infertJhty testing and treat- tamment Will be prOVided for the Untted Food. & CommerCial attend. Formerly known as Semor • While most lumps aren't cancerous. the Centre for Breast ment is time-consummg, expen- Health can detect cancer In Itsvery ea~lest stages USing guests Donations from JLD mem- Workers Union Local #876 III Center, ASC was established by Simple, safe tests Performed by skilled and canng doctors, sive, and emotionally draintng bers pay for the meals and some Madison Heights Three hundred JLD in 1953 to assist In the provi- aSSistedby a staff of women techniCians If you have been trymg to have a gifts handlCa1?l?ed adults Will enJoy the sion of recreation and rehabihta- • And we make sure you're Informed of the results of our baby and haven't succeeded, see Pnzes and other gifts are made addition of Joe Vitale & hiS quartet tion for the elderly testing, often the same day We diSCUSStreatment your dcotor. Infertility IS a pro- pOSSible by generous personal and The League for the Handicapped, Pam Wheeler and Wendy Hol- options With you and your doctor And we make blem that you shouldn't tackle corporate donations Each guest now merged With GoodWill was ltdge are the JLD co-chairmen of appointments for you If you need followup care alone Will also receive a corsage donated founded by JLD In 1921 Goodwill IS the Chnstmas parties A wrap par- • So call us now Because It'Snever too early to Single, free copIes of "InfertilI- by varIOus Garden Clubs and a can- the largest smgle agency currently ty was held Nov 14 m the home ot find cancer ty. Causes and Treatments" dy roll made by Richard and Mane devoted to testmg, tralnmg, em- Roberta Wallrich A Chnstlne Watt (p-002) are available by sending a ii:1 CENTRE FOR M D DilectOi stamped, self-addressed, bUSiness .1 BREASTHEALlH size envelope along wlth the name Dla nosls Treatment Education of the booklet to The American College of ObstetriCians and 31730 Hoo\lE!lRd (North of 13 Mile) Sorority SUite C • Warren MI 48093 Gynecologists, Resource Center, 264.8777 600 Maryland Ave, SW, Wash Affiliated WIth $emoy6Iiitt~ ington, DC 20024 officers honored ,\11 \\Ol 'dJ L pI (,I lOll 01-1 HI RAl RACI CALI IAIRI-IH D '> ~ ~ At a November cof- ~ r ~ r fee m DetrOIt Alumnae ~ Panhellelllc ASSOCia- o tion honored ItS presI- C WffilJlDll11l11ll11mIIIIIIIIllIIIllIIllIllI1III01111111111111111111111I11filll!:' Relax - 7 dent, Anna Sarkisian, o of Farmmgton and Vice Let Falrfield\ ~taff C IA POSITIVE ALTERNATIVE ~ PreSident Nancy Mes- "tl .trovie of Grosse Pomte cater Cl For an older person needing supervision Farms both of Chi your ~pecJaI event. i i Omega Sorority The i-- and a place to stay during the day ~ coffee was held at the ~ Transportation ::lvallable. ~ home of Ka thleen Kaslborskl of South Ox- Honoring Panhellenic Vice President Nancy Mestrovic, left, and Fairfield's Restaurant .., CALVARY ADULT DAY CARE ford Road President Anna Sarkisian, third from left, at a November coffee were .,..:c I I fellow Chi Omegas Kathleen Kasiborski of Grosse Pointe, vice presi- IIltroduce<; Complete Catering ~ near Mack & Moross ~ Attendmg wre soron- Services prepared by award- ty alumnae preSidents, dent of Detroit alumnae, and Karen Hollidge of Grosse Pointe, presi- ~ 881-3374 ~ national officers and dent of Detroit alumnae. winning chef Ray Holllllg~w()rth. ~UllllUJUIUIUU IIUUIIlllUlUllilllUUllllll11UUllIlIlIllIl1 II1111111ffi. metropohtan area Pan- ehllemc delegates tates mclude the grant- philanthropiC proJects, and coordmatmg 18 so- In wur Office - ranl( I. .I//II( /11'01/ I •• 111( (!II11i1 109 of scholarship extending fraternity rarity alumnae Panhellemc achvI- awards, promotion of educatIOn informatIOn, chapters In ~our Uome - dllllll'r {lartlel. 11 edd,1IIiI (1/1/11 I((Iarrel. 1/1/1\1 ('n ..... Complete lien Ice - whlel . . . frill 11\ • • • IrI\ ('/ • 11 arll11 II Ii (Il/\ I •• I( Ii//Ili Hlllf . dc/rlen . . . 1('/ /II' DECEMBER AUCTION:

10 pl,in lour ,p~lI,d I\Cnt --

1,111 979-1400.

V,Ol '\j) II" (,) r OIL Of IHf R\T R\(1 (\1 [ f \IR1JlIIl\ ~ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 7:00 P.M - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14 - 11:00 A.M. - SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, NOON Preview beg rlSDecember 6 'hrough the sa'es dates \0 5 Pr~ SpeCial hhlbltlorl Wednesday December 11 urltll 9 p m Call or wrlle for a free broc~ure aeSCrlpllve catalogues postpaid S1000 • 'Cour'esl Vole! Park,rlg all three auction days" FEATURING: FRIDAY Handcarved Duck Decoys Paul Storr Georgian Sliver Large collection of Goerglan sliver flatware Victorian Silver R S Prussia 'Red Star porcelains SATURDAY Scottish Sampler Audubon Print 18th Century Sheraton Knife Boxes American Cherrywood Tallcase clock LOUISIcart SUNDAY Modern graphiCS by Miro Chagall. Thomas Hart Benton, Picasso Joseph Webb Signed Peach blow vase Northwest Indian Totem Pole Carl Milies bronze Antique Furniture

Jo .. pIl Webb Ilgned Rolley Watches Carl Mille. bronre peachblow ...... H 12" Items of Interest K P \1 PO'('E"I air, lov'Jl f oullon ,!euben Dramorld and fine SCUlpture He

~ Hopkin (SCollIlhIA_anI19ll>-201h C... tury 011on canvas 23'1." J( 15';''' o.org J ...... Sterling Sllv .. lruft bowl L 16".102 Ttoy OL Signed o-g Jensen See our collection of fine furs on sale now George IV Mqu,,,(j mahogany wine coole, c 182030 W 31 H 2211 ..' 0 21'/2 Open Sunday, Noon - 4 p.m.

Ill') I 1'1 J' If< f'(ln \\('rHH Now accepting consignments of f), Iroll 'I" h h.m 4

OJ Thursday, December 5, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven-B

(!/ub and (!hurch Hews

Professional for the occasion are: Mrs EdWin S Rose and Louise Owen Louisa St. Clair DAR Delta Gamma Alumnae Baptist Life Association Deeplands Garden Club Secretaries LOUIsa St Clair Chapter of the The Grosse Pomle Alumnae Al,- BaptIst Life AssociatIOn, a Saturday, Dee 7, members WIll A meeting of the Macomb Chap- Women Lawyers National Society of the Daughters sociatlon of Delta Gamma gath- fraternal msurance orgamzatlOn, viSIt the Moross House on East Jef. ter ProfessiOnal SecretarIes Inter- The Wayne County RegIOn of the of the Amencan RevolutIOn Will ered on the evenmg of Nov 15, III aSbists Baptist churches in com- ferson Avenue, Detroit, to enjoy national will be held on Wednes- Women Lawyers ASSOCIatIOn of meet at 10:30 a m on Thursday, the WhIther home of Susan Damos mumty mlSStlOnprojects Through the beautIful Chrtstmas decora- day, Dec 11, at Kmg's Mill Inn, MIchigan WIllhold Its holiday party Dec 12,at the home of Mrs George of Grosse POinte Park A pre- ItS local chapter at Grosse Pointe tions, "VISIOns of Sugar Plums." 16655 Nmeteen Mile Rd., Mt. Clem- on Thursday, Dec. 12, at 6:30 p.m., F. Ryckman Mrs GeorgeT Edson, holiday celebration mcludmg a BaptIst Church, the BaptIst Life Followmg the VIsit there will be ens The evemng wIll begm at 5'30 at the home of former PreSident regent, WIll preSIde at the busmess complete ThanksgiVing feast of ASSOCiatIon recently donated $600 luncheon and a Christmas gift ex- pm with a cash bar, dinner at 6: 15 Lorraine Weber, 2225 Burns (be- meeting during whIch there WIllbe turkey and all the tnmmlngs was III a matchmg funds program to the change pm and the program at 7'30 p m. tween Vernor and Kercheval) m election of delegates to the DAR prepared by VICe PreSident Pns- MlssiOnarv Workers mISSIOnm De- The cost of the buffet IS $11 25 for IndIan Village. Contmental Congress. Luncheon cilla Martysz of the Park while Ann trOIt Thls.$1,200 project helped the PSI members and $12 25 for non A donation of $10will be collected reservations are bemg taken by Baxter, also of the Park served as ml:'SlOn purchase much needed St. Margaret PSI members at the door and all proceeds WIllgo Mrs. Charles E Marchessault and co-hostess. All members contnb tables and chairs whIch are used of Scotland uted Items for several food basketl, The program for the evemng Will to the Women's JustIce Center. For Mrs Ernest Gdlesple for medls, Sunday classes and ser- St Margaret of Scotland Partsh WhICh were donated to the Capu- be the ChIppewa Valley HIgh more mformatlOn, call Sharon A FollOWing the business meetmg, vIces Concert SerIes, "Sundays at chm Soup Kitchen School ChOIr Kennedy, 354-3500. the speaker will be Jamce Deer, BaptI:,t LIfe AssoclatlOn whICh IS Seven," presents Its annual Chnst- For further mformatJOn, please dIrector of program for the North The Annual Chnstmas AuctIOn headquartered m Buffalo, New mas Concert on Sunday, Dec 8, at WIllbe held on Dec 9, at the home contact DIane Baker at 939-0059 Widow's Organization Amencan IndIan ASSOCIatIOn of York prOVides funds to local chap- the church, 21201 13 Mile Road, St of Marge Peabody of Grosse POinte after 6 p m. The format of the next WIdow's DetrOIt, Inc. Her presentatIOn WIll ters thdt request funds for speCIfIC CIty Th:s successful fundr.:lIscr :s ClaIr Shores I..Olll..o:lll tho; ufbdl1 Amenl-an In- ..,1 VJ('-.-t~ th~ t \"1:11be of assls~ncc The Concert, entItled" Home lor OrgamzatlOn meetlng Will be the always an enjoyable event whIch dIan and the problems faced WIth to theIr commumty the Holidays" Will feature St Mar- Windmill Pointe seventh annual Christmas party on raIses valuable scholarshIp money Wednesday, Dec. 11, starting at coping WIth city life It wdl be bas- garets adult ana children's chOIr, Garden Club _ed on the programs functlomng at Any Delta Gammas Interested In 7'30 pm III the Dearborn CIvic attendmg may contact Ann Baxter Grand Marais the Lakeshore HIgh School GIrls "HistOriC Gardens" with Center, MIchigan and Greenfield the Indian Center and how legisla- Glee Club, David and Anthony at 886-0538 Marilyn Tuchow was the program Avenues tion formed these programs She Garden Club Lemelin and other featured per- topic for the Windmill Pomte It WIll be a pot luck dmner and will hIghlight the Impact of these Farm and Garden The Chflstmas meetmg of the formers. Garden Club's monthly meetmg on members are suggested to brmg services on the IndIan Commumty Grand MaraiS Garden Club WIll be Tickets are for the concert, avaIl- Nov. 6, held at the home of Mrs. vanous food and beverages Association held on Dec 9 at the home of able m advance or at the door, are Lawrence Wixson, whose co-host- There Will be a $3 grab bag and AARP The Grosse Pomte Shores Esther Nagel The luncheon co- $3 for adults, $2 for semors and ess for the day was Mrs Paul Branch of Woman's NatIOnal Farm ho:,tesses are Irene Weed and Mrs Santa Claus WIll help distrib- The Dee 9 meeting of the Grosse students and $1 for chl1dren 12 and Woerner. Mrs. George Malley, and Garden Association WIll meet Margaret Young Shirley Goolsby ute the presents. Various govern- Pomte chapter, AARP #3430, Will under Further mformation may be preSident, conducted the business for Its regular monthly meeting ment officials have been invited to be held at the NeIghborhood Club will present a program of slides on obtained by calling the pansh of- mectmg wish the members "Happy Holi- tomorrow Fnday, Dec 6, at the "Gardens of the BIble." at 17150Waterloo III Grosse Pointe fICe at 293-2249, 9 a m -9 p m Members voted to decorate the days. " home of Mrs. DaVid Martin who Library of the Moross House, home Plans have been fmalized for a The offICers and board of dIrec- will be aSSIsted by co-hostesses of the DetrOit Garden Center, for Madn Gras Dinner on Tuesday, tors WIll meet at noon Those WIth Mrs PhIllip Dlckmson and Mrs THINKING OF A NEW the Chnstmas project, with Mrs. Feb. 11, starting at 6'30 p m m the luncheon reservatIons will meet at Robert S King Following lunch- Erik Erikson and Mrs. Ralph Rentage House on Schaefer Rd , 12:30 p.m and the general meeting eon and a bUSiness sessIOn the Dewey as hostesses and program one block south of Warren Ave. will take place at 1:30 p m members WIll vIew Chnstmas chaIrman Mrs Charles Weikel and sl1des of mtenors and doorways KITCHEN? Tickets and reservations for thIS Officers for 1986wdl be installed DOrIS Woerner as co-ordmators. festive dinner can be made by The new offIcers are' preSIdent, With commentary phoning the orgamzation's office at Mrs Gad Seltz, vice preSIdent, Historic Memorials 9fJ 9f6 'By Cu6~ I First English 582-3792 Attendance is open to WId- Hazel Ashley; secretary, Margaret 9t'6 itt Ct C€oM by ~ Evangelical ows and friends, male or female, Asarovits; treasurer, Cathenne Society I and the price is $9, including tip Goodsell The Hlstonc MemOrIals SocIety Lutheran Church ,nd tax To be installed for a three-year WIll have ItS Christmas Luncheon CALL THE PROFESSIONALS On Sunday, Dec 15, at 11 a.m , term on the board of dIrectors are at the on Dec 6 the First English Evangelical Women's Association Esther Peters, James Masten, and After lunch, there will be a Chnst- Lutheran Church, located at Ver- The Women's Association of the LUCIlleAlthen, and for a two-year mas Musicale Barbara Hawsley, nier and Wedgewood m Grosse Grosse Pointe Congregational- term, Angela Fowler LydIa Swan- soprano, and Doreen Taylor, pian- Pointe Woods, will hold its seasonal American Baptist Church IS spon- son and Albert Yaklin Will be the ISt, Will entertam Mrs George Music Sunday service. This ser- soring the James Topp Singers, new nominating commIttee mem- Ryckman, of RIvard Boulevard, IS Vice, a celebration of the Festlval formerly the Goldberg Concert bers preSIdent For further information, ~5~~~:!~~F'+881.1024 of Chnstmas through mUSIC, will Choir of DetrOIt for the Christmas Entertamment for the day Will be contact Mrs John Pamer, 882-7879, Ui6it llWl ~ mvolve the partlcipation of five of Program on Tuesday evening, Dec. presented by the "Go-Go Granmes." or Mrs Edward Truswell, 585-0127 the church chOIrs, as well as a 10. This group is sponsored by the chamber orchestra Works to be Michigan Council of Arts and has performed mclude Giovanni Per- won many honors throughout Mich- KNlnlNG AND WEAVING YARNS. golesi's "Glory to God," the fIrst igan. The program will be pre- 25% DISCOUNT movement of J S. Bach's "Bran- ceeded by a family pot-luck dinner Wool Silk. Alpaca, Acrylics, Mohair, Colton, Cashmere denburg No.5," the John Rutter at 6 p m Guests are invited to hear CAROL GRAY STUDIO setting of "Joy to the World," and the singers at 7:30 p.m. 315 Lakeland • 882.2428 Mozart's "Church Sonata m C Ma- Mon. Tues. 10:00-4:00 • Or By Appointment jor" wrItten for organ and orches- St. James tra. A free Will offermg wIll be taken Christmas Concert durmg thIS servIce For more mfor- St. James Lutheran Church will mahon, please call the church of- present a Christmas concert Wed- Parvin Mirabadi, M.D. hce at 884-5040during regular busi- nesday, Dec. 11, at 7:30 p.m. at the ness hours. church, 170 McMillan. The "Cus- Is pleased to announce tom Blend" quartet from the East Grosse Pointe Pointe chapter of Sweet Adelines the relocation of her office and Marjorie, Darnel and BenJa- for the practice of Parl{ Garden Club min Etschmann wIll entertam. Mrs John A Ross will open her Refreshments will follow the ser- home on Monday, Dec. 9, for the vice For more information, call Obstetrics, gynocology - Grosse Pomte Park Garden Club 884-0511 colposcopy meeting and luncheon. Mrs. H. Sanborn Brown will assIst her. Mah-Nah-Be-Zee at Followmg a bus mess meeting Questers 18811 E. 10 Mile Rd. conducted by Mrs. RIchard Mertz, The Mah-Nah-Be-Zee chapter of Roseville, MI there WIllbe an all member particI- Questers will meet Dec. 12, at the pa tion m a cookie exchange with home of Mrs. Joseph Thomas on accompanying recipes. Hillcrest Rd. The presIdent, Mrs byappt 774-4664 J Hertel, will presIde at the meet- Pointe Garden Club ing. The program will be "Christ- Hark, the herald cookies bnng! mas Customs" and Christmas The Pomte Garden Club will hold ornaments will be made Home- its annual Cookie Exchange on made cookies WIll be exchanged Monday, Dec. 9, at 10.30 a.m. m the Members attending WIll be from Jbt .shops of Garden Center room at the Grosse Harper Woods, Detroit, Grosse EARN YOUR Pomte War Memorial. Hostesses Pomte, Mt Clemens and Warren. POTENTIAL W41lol\.Pi~ru 16828 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe JOSEPH P. PEISE with LAMIA IS LOOKING FOR 884.1330 INDEPENDENT HAIR STYLISTS, NAIL TECHNICIANS AND FACIALISTS.CALL 884-1710 UPHOLSTERING & DECORATING FOR LEASING INFORMATION The Ultimate Caribbean Resort Servicing the Polntes for over 30 }'ears Casa de CampO Wide Selection of I CASUAL & [LAMIA] 7,000 acres of luxury Free pick-up & delivery on the Caribbean in free estimates DECORATIVE VA 2.9660 the Dominican Repub1i.c1 12339 HAYES FABR1CE.' 98 KERCHEVAL • On-the-HIII ~:;allonlJlOnack riding and Let one of our ProfeSSIOnal Consultants deep 'lea fishing assist you in planning your event For a tTUr cJ1dnge of parr vl'lll Allo", de Photographers - Florists. Cakes Chavon. an aulhcntlc reproduction of a 161h century vllldge wHh unique 'lhops galleries. Pr/I r /. /X'r perS-OJ1 and Int ludf'''' round /rlp aU IransporrQllon pIa 263-0580 Arn,.,'can Tran,Alr ,ransffOrsond haqgaQf' ha"d"nq ClN'OmmodoliOllS Invatatlons • D.do's • Bands reslauranl'l and more fm '1 nlq"" lax" and g,a{ll"'''~ limited Oates Stili Available in 1986 18000 E. Warren See Your Travel Agent For Full Details at the Porntes .. 884-9100 SamsonTours

\ " \ Thursday, December 5, 1985 _~age Eight.B GROSSE POINTE NEWS

-Weddings Cleveland, OhiO Bfldesmaids were Ivory lace with cap sleeves and the ceremony. The bnde's slster- tnp to Hawall They Will live III El satIn sashes They carned arm 1O-Iaw,Penny Steyer, was the solo- Jebel, Cola June Kunkel, sister of the groom, RoseVIlle, and Cmdi Capobres and bouquets of birds of paradise, pur- ISt The bnde attended Colorado ple freesia, gypsophiha and tropi- Mountam College She IS employed Nancy Pecar, friends of the bnde, cal greens. by the Colorado West RegIOnal DetrOit The flower girl was EmIly The best man was John R LeVan-Ground Mental Health Center Craft, fflend of the bnde, Grosse Emery, fnend of the groom, The groom IS a graduate of Pomte Farms They wore ivory Chapm, N C Ushers were David Sheleen MarIe LeVan, daughter Grosse Pomte South Hlgh School tea-length gowns WIth cowl necks Becker and Bruce Levy, frIends of of Mr and Mrs. Dan LeVan of and IS manager and vice preSIdent and satin skIrts They carrIed bou- Glenwood Springs, Colo, and Chris- the groom, MIamI, Fla , Edward of the Aspen Rent-All III Aspen, quets of FUgl'S heather and baby's CYPlOt III, frIend of the groom, topher Carl Ground, son of Mr and Colo breath New York, NY, Jack WIthrow, Mrs Carl J Ground of Grosse Pns Cutler of Glenwood Sprmg~ The best man was Steve Socia, fnend of the groom, BIrmmgham, Po1OtePark, were marned on June was orgamst fnend of the groom, Grosse Pomte Mlch , Robert Slgnst, fnend of the 8 at the Umted Methodist Church of Farms Ushers were Shepherd groom, Altamonte Sprmgs, Fla Glenwood Sprmgs Norton Jr, brother of the bnde, The mother of the bnde wore a The Rev Lonme Eakle offIciated Grosse Po1Ote Farms, Gary dress of Ivory pleated chiffon, at the 1 p m ceremony which was Kunkel, brother-1O-law of the trImmed wIth Chanhlly lace and followed by a receptIOn and dance groom, RoseVIlle, Al Socia, frIend seed pearls She wore a corsage of at the Eagles' Hall 10 Glenwood of the groom, Grosse Pomte Euchans hhe!l Sprmgs, Colo. Farms The nngbearer was WIl- The mother of the groom wore an The bnde wore a gown WItha ruf- ham M Keller IV, frIend of the i\ult trimmed \\1th fled bodlce and b? 11g(lwn "l('('v.,." glvom, Western Springs, III lace at the neck, sleeves and hem with JulIet cuffs The full-sweep The mother of the bride wore She also wore a corsage of tram was accented With two hers of mauve crepe and a corsage of Eucharis hlies Wedgewood lace. Her derby hat white gardenias The couple honeymooned with a and fmtertIp-length veil were de- The mother of the groom wore Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Brownell tnp to Bora Bora, Tahiti and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stapleton Signed by her aunt, Carol Fattor rose sat10 chiffon and a corsage of Moorea. They WIll make their She carried a bouquet of silk whlte gardemas. home 10 Glendale, Callf gathered skirt and tram She car- flowers The couple honeymooned WIth a Kirlin- Brownell The bnde IS a graduate of the ried a bouquet of silk lihes and The matron of honor was Andrea tnp to Cape Cod They will hve 10 Jana Armstrong Kirhn, daughter Umverslty Liggett School, Mount roses WIth IVy accents Russell Harmon, fnend of the Wdrren, Mich. of Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong Holyoke College and Harvard The matron of honor was Lynne bnde, Meeker, Colo. The brides- The bnde holds a bachelor of Kirlin of Grosse Pointe Farms, and School of Busmess. She is the prod- Steyer Noble, sIster of the bnde, maid was Christy MIlne, fnend of sCience degree 10 chIld develop- Stephen Cummms Brownell, son of uct manager for the Hyland DIVl- Columbia, S.C Bndesmaids were the bride, Newcastle, Colo. The ment from Mercy College She ISa Mr and Mrs James Fulton Brown- slon of Baxter Travenol Corp. Bethann KIrk, friend of the bnde, Junior bridesmaid was Stepha me care gIver at the Salem Memoflal Grosse Po1Ote Park; Marianne Fattor, cousin of the bride, Glen- ell, were married on Sept. 28, at the The groom ISa graduate of Tr1O- Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kronback Child Care Center Grosse Pointe MemorIal Church. ity Preparatory School of Florida, MikhaIl, frIend of the bnde, Grosse wood Sprmgs, Colo. The flower girl The groom IS a graduate of The Rev Dr Louis Prues and the the University of FlorIda and Har- Pointe City, Sarah Noble, mece of and ringbearer was Katie Fattor, Grosse Pomte South High School Rev. Canon A Rees Hay of Long- vard School of Busmess He is the the bride, Columbia, S C. The cousm of the bride, Glenwood NorWn-Kronhcwk and is a supenntendent at Mid- wood, Fla , offiCiated at the 4 p m assIstant vice preSident of Bankers flower girl was TIffany Steyer, Springs, Colo. Attendants wore West Plastic Top Co Trust Company, Los Angeles mece of the bnde, St. Clair Shores dresses of blue taffeta and carned Chnstme Ehzabeth Norton, SOlOISt for the ceremony was ceremony which was followed by a daughter of Barbara and Shepherd reception at the Grosse Pomte A readmg was given by Corrine The attendants wore long gowns of silk bouquets m vanous shades of Dave LemelIn. Scnpture readers Norton of Grosse Pomte Farms, Hunt Club Sidler. Laura Ware, cousm of the rosette taffeta with basque fronts blue were Richard B Norton and WIl- and Dale RIchard Kronback, son of The brIde wore her mother's groom, was the soloist WIlliam and full skirts They carned bou- The best man was Kyle Ground ham O'Bnen The orgamst was Dr Alfred and Beverly Kronback of -French Colomal-style gown of can- DeTurk was orgamst and a string quets of silk pink hlles and roses brother of the groom, Grosse David Wagner. Edward Picard Winterhaven, Fla., formerly of dlelight satin The skirt swept into quartet entertamed the arrivmg with IVyaccents. Pomte Park The groomsman was was master of ceremomes guests The best man was Matthew Roger Shook of Basalt, Colo. Grosse Pomte Farms, were mar- a wide, cIrcular tram. Satin braId ried on Aug 24 at St. Paul's Catho- and orange blossoms trimmed the DeVuyst, friend of the groom, Ushers were Sgt Dan LeVan, he Church in Grosse Pointe Farms Regency bonnet of shirred Illusion Detroit Ushers were MIChael brother of the bnde, Scott Air Steyer-Stapleton Stapleton, John Stapleton and Paul Force Base; and Corp Michael The Rev Terry Langley offICI- -~11 with a fIngertip-length veIl She ated at the 11.30 a m ceremony carrIed a cascade bouquet of Nancy Ruth Steyer, daughter of Stapleton, brothers of the groom, LeVan, brother of the brIde, Camp which was followed by a reception Eucharis lIlies, white sweetheart Mr and Mrs. George Frederick DetrOIt Lejeune 11 ~ at Thomas Manor roses and stephanotis with trailing Steyer Jr. of Grosse Pointe City, The couple honeymooned With a The guestbook was In the charge tnp to Longboat Key, Fla. They of Patty Ground, sister of the The bnde wore an Ivory gown of Yl I IVy and Douglas Bernard Stapleton, embroidered Schiffli lace and The maid of honor was Corr1Oe son of Mr. and Mrs John Stapleton will lIve in Grosse Pomte Woods groom, Mt. Pleasant, MICh ~ CHRISTMAS ! Sidler, friend of the bride, ChIcago of DetrOit, were married on Oct 19, The brIde holds an assocIate de- The mother of the bride wore a organza with seed-pearl accents DECOR I( Ill. Bridesmaids were Mrs Cari the 39th anniversary of the bnde's gree in business from Western street-length dress of gray-blue Her waltz-length veil fell from a crown of seed pearls. She carned a i DESIGNER ORIGINALS Pi Amendola, friend of the bride, parents' marriage, at Grosse MIchigan Umverslty The groom and a matchmg silk corsage ~ • WREATHS ~ Marma Del Ray, Calif; Susan Pointe Memorial Church holds a bachelors degree in engI- The mother of the groom wore a bouquet of red roses, stephanotIS ~ • ORNAMENTS ~ and baby's breath Jane Brownell, sister of the groom, The Rev Dr Stanton Wilson offi- neermg from Wayne State Umver- cocktail-length dress of coral and l.{ • STRAW HATS ~ RaleIgh, N.C , Amy McCoy, friend ciated at the 2 p.m. ceremony that slty carned a blue and gray corsage The maid of honor was Mary I 881-9233 i of the bride, Menands, N.Y , Paula was followed by a recephon at the Wilham DeTurk was orgamst for The couple honeymooned With a Alice O'Brien, friend of the bnde, ~~~~~~~'£s;:t ReId, friend of the brIde, Warm Westm Hotel Riverfront Ballroom SprIngs, Ore, Mrs Mark Strana- The bride wore a gown of sIlk taf- Moving) Engaged, New Baby?~ . . . ham, frIend of the bride, Ann Ar- feta with a neckhne edged 10 Alen- Wrap-it-Up Getting Settled Made Simple Return Address bor They wore tea-length gowns of con lace The Ivory dress had a -giftWrapping for New Town dilemmas fade after a WELCOME WAGmJ Self In,k~ng : call Rubber Stamps .. every oaasion- As ~ELCOME WAGON Representative, It'S my Jobto Makes A • ~'eJJln9S • amUK-rrones help YOfl make the most of your new neighborhood l Shopping Areas Community dpportumlles Specral at Great Glft • Jhm.'erJ • blrlhJays tractions Lois of trps to save you time and money Plus a baskel of gifts for your family III be IlstenlOg Tl)e • ChrnlmQJ • for your call • UTS Jtnlu aiadable C.11 Chm) HELPFUL HINTS for Weddings and Engage- QUILL • 'Free I'll;' up 'n th, q"JJt Tomt" 884-8749 ments tool ~@m~~O~

Newcomer, chang_f.re.ldence, baby callI, and enllagementl. 881-5618 GROSSE POINTE Hostess Helpers can take you out of the ktlchl'Il du~ng the hohdays ENTER •.• The Great Entertainers Wonderful food - Tastefully presented ••• • Brunch • Cocktail Parties • Dinners 886-0949 "OSTESs 884-7168 ,flu" )l n. 't\..£lPERs ,1<" 6 pm

Le Fleur

Friends of V~ion Flowers For All Occas,ons The Friends of Vision opened the holiday season with an open house at the home of John and Suzie Lambrecht on Nov. SpeCialiZing Tn S,lk 13. The home was converted to a Christmas wonderland ot Weddmg Consultant 9 Stieff animals, Madame Alexander dolls and trains, as well as a variety ot Christmas decorations. Above, Betsy Hessburg and 881 6894 8864783 Suzie Lambrecht admire a Stieff animal.

F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For your Holiday entertaining, ,) ~ Grosse Pointe Inter-Faith for Racial Justice, Inc. ~ or as exciting, useful gifts, i PRESENTS THE ELEVENTH ANNUAL HOLLY MART ON W these Nature Creation W Friday, Dec 6, 1985 - Noon. 5 pm i Servers will add elegance to ~ Saturday, Dec 7, 1985 - 10 am - 3 P m ~ any table and bring Compliments to you!

71 GROSSE POINTE WAR MEMORIAL i ./ >C'PI'f<~(».rlJfv ~ 32 lakeshore Dr., Grosse Pointe Farms ~ by grQJ0~Q(~- W AdmisSion Donal,on $1 00 i tl! Children 12 and unaer Free i i For more ,nlormalon Call 8826464 W ... ad lteuu6e yeU'le ~ I i Iuj fU gijt, yeu give ... lIwti6 i PARTICIPATING ARTISTS I Pi KRISTINE CAMPBELL - Porce!al'1pdtery LINDA A HADERER - Soft counlry lol~ RACHELLE NEUMANN - Cliche Verre W I functional and abstract form, art plmt ve wall hangings comb nallO'1of photography and pnntmak i / tl! CELLAR WORKSHOP With PATSMITH & KATHY HAWLEY HERZOG - Childrens Ing tl! cSlade~ = EMMY CAVERLY - Ch'drens pUN'If>S ,'pms txJOkends h'OCks MARY MODELL - Handwoven throws ~ ~ CREATIVE METALWORKS by JOSEPH E SANDRA M HUMMEL - Collectible ve<;ls coals a.rd 'l<'arvrs f.( II:! FERRIS - Decorative metal sculplure ceramws tJells mdgS ste'n,> MARCIA BAILEY PENN - F,ocr art blan it ~ CAROL CZECHO'NSKI - A vallely 01hol' THERESA POLITOWICZ HEIAES - ke's SCilrves linens wall hangings tl! J( day and other wrealhs Watrrcolors CONSTANCE POWELL - Pf>nand Ink 'l: Gift Wrapping Experience Slade's II:! BARBARA DALTON-EMERY - Poltery ANN HENNING - Ornamf>nls prints espeCially of metropol'tan area W = MARTHA ELDREDGE - JCVlelry HMONG STITCHERY - Pang Oao JEANNE PROM - Walf>rcolors tl! u.P.S. Delivery throughout the USA Executive Gift Planning Service to! RICHARD FOOTMAN - Fine wooden (nf'edIPWOrk)'und onal "no of>COrat,w NANCY PROPHIT - 011 skelch portra.ts fA: at \'Cry Spenal Sdvmgs • je'Nelry boyes and olher functional ,tems JOHN M HOOD - Waierfowl Cilrvmgs <;ome on the spol portraits • ~ MICHELLE GAUTHIER - Pen and mk In STAN HUEY - Jewelry CHARLOTTE RAYMOND known asCHAZ i R d,an pnnts and cards RUSS JIMISON - Custom I'.ood Batik wearable'> ~ 2q721 Northwe~tem Hwy (b~n 12 & n Mile) i STUART GRAY - Crystalline porce1aJn ADRIANNE R KING - Bltlk..s GAIL RYDER - Jewelry rot Applegate Square • Soothfi('ld (13) 3~4-006f> II Chnstmas ornamenls CLARISSA JOHNSON - rOflra!' pnnt, of P TEEPLES - Pnnl~ • it ... - Holld.y Hour< MilO fl "" TO-, ~n 12 \ LR PAM tiARRAH~_ Hand paln!ed s,o,ealslwts~~ children at play~~_~pen and Ink cards JIM~~_~~_~~~WEBERS - PatlNy ~W Thursday, December 5, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine-B.


'.~, ~~~},'";,o~ SINK HOPE••• OR II s neVCf 100 Lue 10 le-amhowlOsw,m JUSIC2JJUS and "gn up tor a SWIM? R

GROSSE POINTE FARMS OFFICE the TAPPAN AND 90 Kercheval Besl Christmas ASSOCIATES 884-6200 Present 01All ST, CLAIR SHORES OFFICE [B 23915 E. Jefferson REALTOR' 775.6200

FIRST OFFERING Investors lake note Ex- ceptional bnck two famIly Income WIth two bedrooms and one bath In each umt Excellent location m the CITY Close to shoppmg, S~ 20439 MAC.K AVENUE schools and transportation Seperate utIhtles Grosse POinte Woods Cal! for an appomtment today E,1::, g'~ ~e4~ "lTllf)r~ Sflle~ (lwl Frit)tl(I ... tn) lImle'I' 886-8710


1410VERNIER RD - \\ ell priced Coloma I offermg three bedrooms. natural fIreplace m hVlng room, OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 den Roof five ye

CONDOMINIUM In St C1dlr Shore~ near Grosse Pomte Only two years old All on one floor Two large SHOREHAM A farm Colomal \\ lth cedar WHITTIER Vacant lot located near lake be bedrooms, centrdl all, full ~ILPd g\ m and whIrlpool avaIlable to all owners Refrigerator and range shake roof Featunng four bedrooms, three tween Jefferson and the water Very prIvate mcluded plus washer dnd dryer cOmbInatlOn Terrace With doorwall With court yard and one half baths, garden room, lIVing room and lovely street With larger homes and well WIth natural fireplace, fIrst floor master bed- mamtaIned nClghborhood Lot size IS70 x 155 VACANT LOT - Grosse POInte Wood~ 35xlJ5 Priced at $8,800 room and bath, second floor sewmg room, Offered at $37,000 Bnng In all offers brick patIO and lovely yard Great locatIOn

-~fim£nro~ ~~~t\t:£, ~nc. .'. 17108 MACK ~Edgar &assodates 886-9030 ~:I 114 KERCHEVAL 886-6010 HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT

PRICE REDUCED 868 Westchester - Three bedroom ColOnial, for- Three bedroom horne located m the Farms New mal dmIng room, famIly room, screened porch, kitchen WIth work Island, lovely famIly room and two and one half baths, attractively decorated, a multi level deck for the nicer weather Owner new cement m yard and drIve In 1984 transferred Beautifully mamtalned and tastefully decorated Under $100,000

797 MIDDLESEX - A FIRST OFFEHING I , , Manageable home In a \ ery prestigIOus ared of larger house~ Located on one of Grosse POinte Natural woodwork throughout thiS claSSICTudor Park's fme~t and most ~ecluded streets Its many sItuated m the hCdrt of the FARMS The step-down features mu~t be seen to be apprecIated I Four IIvmg room IS mtlmate, the family room IS open large bedroom~ ....lth ba lhs lavatory on fll'St floor, and the kitchen IS convenient and modern Add large hVllIg room WIth natural flreplace formal that to the charm of a master bedroom WIth fire- dmmg room family room WIth IIet bar, spacIous place and you have ~slbly the best SIXbedroom kitchen \\ Ith \~ork area, basement rccreahon home on the market room \\ Ith natural fireplace, cenlalr air condItIOn Ing garage door opener, lawn sprinkler s)stem and much more" Call today for a private shOWing' ,

lI08 BERKSHIRE - Fabulous EnglIsh Tudor on SANTA'S COMING EARLY SItuated near the a fme street In the Park Newer four and one half lake thIS spacIous Tudor has five bedrooms, four car garage wllh "roughed m" carnage house and one half baths, a huge modern kItchen and Home features great rooms SIZes, five bedrooms, sunny den There I~ a three car garage and two four baths, lIbrary, butler's pantry, natural fIre- natural fIreplaces The best buy m the area. only places, all the features to make thIS an outstand- $140,000 mg buy

'l76 BARRINGTON - OPEN SUNDA Y I l remodeled four bedroom Tudor home WIth two baths and OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 a large lot Excellent opportumt\ ' $66llOO" I PRUDENT BtJYERS WILL LOOK CAR1':nJLLY at thIS three bedroom bungalow and WIll like l'i'lOOWI:-JDMILL POI NTE 2()(1 feet of IIa fer frontage I 1"eaturlng four bedrooms, three and one half what thpy ~ee Thl~ custom hllIlt home on a large lot features n

1I'i'i MAHYLAM) ('ute enough to he profe~~lonaJly decorated owner has done a splendId Job LEASE/OPTION Gorgeou~ flm~hcd hard\\ ood floor'> modern kItchen, natural woodwork, Pewablc tile fIreplace You Centrally located m GROSSE POlNTr: CITY Thl'>charmmg older home offers updated kItchen, three • mu<;t ~ee to appreclate' bedrooms, two full baths, and a ma~ter <;U1teon the second floor Priced to sell In the sevenLJes

\ \ Page Ten-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 5, 1985

IOPEN SUNDAY 2-51 Grosse Pointe Real Estate Exchange 1845 KENMORE - Grosse Pointe Woods THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVE~ Great starter house, property abuts GhesqUlre Park Sharp Colomal, three ~ BY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE _8 bedrooms, one and one half baths. covered porch, two car garage Only $87,500 987 LAKESHORE RD, GROSSE POINTE SHORES, two bedrooms, one and one half 536 GLEN ARBOR baths, and family room All on one floor ATIENTION OUT-OF-TOWNERS OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P m SINE REALTY INCOME PROPERTY 612-614 ALTER ROAD, Stdr of the Sea and North HIgh at your doorstep Elegant custom-bUIlt center IT'S WORTH YOUR TIME two family brick and two bedrooms eaC'h umt entrance brick Colomal, four or five bedrooms, two and one half bath, 1'0 CALL SINE paneled famtly room With fireplace, large Iutchen With eatmg area, marble VACANT LOT' 121x 167Jefferson Ave, corner foyer With circular staIrs and utlhty room Call for details 3,300 sq fl of Ulllverslty Place Sellers are anxIOus for reasonable offers Priced $219,000 HARPER WOODS 20476 Damman - Beautiful, brick ranch WIth natural hrepalce, kitchen with eatlUg area, Jfoqn$. ~oonman,,( BY APPOINTMENT three bedrooms or two bedrooms and den, 1m Computeflzed - Multl/'s/ed CLA~C;ICI<'ARMCOLONIAL - WILLOW TREE PLACE A umque floor pldn maculate, move.m condition for the profeSSIOnal who elects to work at home Four bedrooms, two dnd 93 KERCHEVAL 886-3060 GROSSE POINTE 19660 Country Club - Price reduced, three one half baths featUring extra room advantages mcludmg den, library Established 1951 or office, and a large comfortable family room With natural fireplace A bedroom, brick, bungalow, Grosse PaIUte double patIO and a secluded backyard and a most desirable Shores loca School DIStnct. large kitchen Withappliances, tlOn add to the charm We mVlte you to call today for your appomtment family room, flrushed basement, two and one half car garage. newer roof and furnace, qrnck 4820 GRAYTON, DETROIT- occupancy REDUCED $22,000 Brick bungalow south of Warren, two bedrooms, one bath, den, new gas fur- GROSSE POINTE WOODS ,,~(''' Tnt"",,," recie<'0r.ten 2209Hampton - Three bzdroom, Calo!,!.1 p('wpr kitchen-no, wax floor, new roof, natural fireplace, nicely decorated, full basement With 1.... _- I)all11S. lavatory, low $50's --QtlCCl1 George Palms PEAL TORS Wallace Guertler SINE REALTY Wtlbam Queen Gerald Leone HOMES Gloria Barker Herb Lorenz MULTILIST SERVICE FARMS OFFICE Leo Drolshagen Jr Tracl Tapert 884-7000 17646 MACK 886-4444 FIRST OFFERINGS FARMS FOU R BEDROOM - $165,000,three and PRICE REDUCED one half baths, attached garage and family room Extra features mclude mground spnnk- leeS, new furnace With central all' and fire- place 10 master bedroom

IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY - Four bedroom, Our Guide to Homes Magazine features 142 two and one half bath, newer Woods Colomal, family room With fireplace, attached garage, cen- beautiful homes available for sale in the tral all', converuent floor plan, transferred owner metropolitan Detroit area. You'll find your LlNCOLJ\I ROAD ENGLISH TUDOR WIth Old copy inserted in today's paper. World <-harm Touches of stamed and leaded glass, EDGEMERE RD - NEW ENGLAND COL- ne\\lcr kItchen, three bedrooms and two and one ONIAL arcllltecturally outstandmg home near OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 half baths Priced compehhvely Lakeshore, four bedrooms, two and one half 829 BerksQire. Grosse Pomte Park 4 bdrm Colomal $153,000 CENTER HALL - Four bedroom on popular baths. large family room, kitchen With bullt- Lakeland, near the "Village" shops Nearly 3,000 1536Brys, Grosse Pointe Woods 3 bdrm Bungalow $76,900 10 apphances, oversized attached garage, 22410'Colony, St Clair Shores 3 bdrm Bungalow $49,900 square feet of IIvmg area With speCial features beauhful mamtenance free yard SPECTACULAR I BEAUTIFUL I OUTSTAND- such as a 21x17family room Withfireplace and wet 23203Johnston. E DetrOlt 4 bdrm Ranch $87.500 ING quality a.nd craftsmanship all and 19636Kenosha, Harper Woods 4 bdrm Bungalow $43,900 bar. Three car garage, situated on a spacIOus AUTHENTIC FARM COLONIAL - mmutes from more have been said of thiS magmflcent and 6OxlB3lot 59 Lakeshore, Grosse Pomte Farms 4 bdrm Colomal $320,000 hlstonc home For the dlscnm10atmg buyer, the Ren Cen, be the flfSt home Tills ISthe per- 801 Lmcoln, Grosse Pomle CIty 3 bdrm Colomal thiS executive reSidence Will enhance your fect home for family hvmg and entertammg 468 McKmley, Grosse Pomte Farms 3 bdrm CLASSIC TUDOR - Five bedrooms, four and one Coloma I $94,500 famlhes hfe-style and prOVidethe perfect sur- It features four family bedrooms and three full 47 Wllhson. Grosse Pomte Shores 3 bdrm Ranch $217,000 half baths, raised paneled hbrary With beau- baths, family room With fireplace, paneled roundlllgs for elegant and gracious entertam- hful woodwork and paneled doors throughout 39230 Clearvlew, Harrison 4 bdrm Colomal $88,500 lllg The most lllterestmg and fabulous details hbrary With full adjacent bath and a deep lot Forced all' heat With central all', large two With large pool Willbe rendered to you when you lllqulre_ Call story foyer which leads to all rooms, lllcluchng OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 about the home Grosse Pomters have admired 867 Umverslty. Grosse Pomte City 3 bdrm Colomal an overSized step-down hvmg room $85,000 and loved for years LEWISTON - Extraordmary New England Col- 805 Canterbury, Grosse Pomte Woods 4 bdrm Colomal $157,000 omal III superb Farms locatlon Modern kit- 395 Mt Vernon, GroSse Fofnte Farms 3 bdrm Colomal $89,900 chen, master bedroom and slttmg room With NEWER INCOME PROPERTY - HARCOURT fll'eplace_ Heated garden room plus four fami- Both umts feature two bedrooms and one of ly bedrooms Hardwood floors and large en- the apartments has been slgrnflcantly updated trance foyer make thiS home With the picket to lllclude a new kitchen Priced at $125,000to fence say "welcome to all that enter" sell Ideal for the owner-occupant or the In- vestor trylllg to make last mmute tax-plan- NEWER Center Entrance Colomal near Rose Ter- mng Be part of the hot Grosse Pomte rental race Perfect floor plan for entertammg or market family activIties Large family room WithfIre place, five bedrooms, three and one half baths, 882.5200 attached garage, spacIOus lot


I -'- ~-~...=. ~ ~~-... ~- ;, '" -~-=. ~~- - '=? ~ ------",.....------.:;.~~~~- -~ Beautifully reconstructed Georgian Colomal With both Start the New Year off nght 10 )'our own new home GracIOus center entrance Colomal offers fresh new de- a view of the lake and the golf course Among the out- Don't mJSSour custom brIck Colomal on a qUIet cul-h Tudor - Four bedrooms With ex- A decorator'~ dehght - Old world charm exudes from tra large master bedroom, large, large rooms - a thiS gracIOus English Tudor located on popular Lm- den WIth wet bar, year round FlOrida room With coin Road Hardwood floors throughout, natural oak bUIlt In grIll, gorgeous IS the only word for the kit- woodwork, many lovely bay wmdows, wormy chest- chen, attached greenhouse, secUrIty system Many, nut paneled library ....Ith natural fIreplace, large many extras PrIced at $145,000 famIly room ....Ith brIck floor and secluded backyard ",Ith slate pallo are only some of the features of thiS lovely home ... BY APPOINTMENT * * -Y.'IRSTOFFERING- CUL DE-5AC IN THE FARMS IS The cold Winds \\on't bother you If you are thj> proud the site of thIS cozy Coloma I Features Include hv- owner of thiS cozy three bedroom, one and one half --.::::, mg room WIth fIreplace, bookcases and adjacent bath Colomal wlthlll walkmg distance of the VIllage c;creened porch, formal dmmg room, effiCIent kIt Llvmg room With fIreplace, formal dmmg room, den, CtL'itombuilt one 0....ner home ThiS lovely three bedroom chen, first floor lavatory, three bedrooms and one lovely large yard, recreation room WIth fireplace m house offers cozy den, strIkmg famJ1) room WIth pegg dnd one half baths upstaIrs, two car attached garage lllcely fllllshed basement SImply beaul1ful condi- and pnvate ~ard $152,500 ed ",000 floormg and \l,Imdow walls exposmg magmfl tIOn $117,000 cent lot, modern kitchen. central aIr a nd a secUrIty sys- MOVIngto town' We have the perfect thrre bedroom Col- tem A must see' \'vATER!,'RONT PROPERTY - 22fIl2 MADISON, S C S ClaSSICcenter entrancl:' Colomal 10 a very popular Farms omal 10 Grosse Pomte Fanns Just like new. a lovely Exqul~lte vIew of Lake 5t Clair and a canal at the locatIOn - parquet entrance hall, paneled hbrary family room and garden room have been added, the St ClaIr Shores - A great family home' Four bedrooms, SIde offer water views from most rooms 10 the home With fireplace, hvmg room accesSible to garden kitchen has been remodeled and the hvmg and dm- III New"'r tlrlck ranch With three bedrooms, two baths, natural flrepla(e spaclOu~ famIly room - newer room, dmmg room has bUilt-ill corner cupboards, mg room are ta1:tefully decorated for gracIOus en- famllv room WIth !treplace, attached garage, first kItchen - two car garage and corner lot Near four bedrooms, two and one half baths, addltlonal tertammg Call for detaIls Schools Pflced III 10'" 60's floor iilUndry and modem kItchen EnJOy the prIvate space on thIrd floor, prIvate backyard ImmedIate park for reSidents of Eagle Pomte"and the beautl occupancy' ThIs very sharp, well decorated three bedroom, lwo and fully landscaped gardens HARCOURT - Outstandmg t\~O famIly flat -I<:ach umt one half bath ranch I~ready for your famIly to move has two bedroom~ hVlllg room", Ith fIreplace. dm- Warren - Lo..ely ihree bedroom, one and one half bath fight mto Den, formal dining room natural fIre TradItIOnal Colomal 10 a most convement "Woods" loca Illg room, nE''AerkltchE'n largE' fdmJ1) room and two ranch Large fdmlly room WIth fIreplace, thermo- place m IIvmg room, walkmg dIstance to all schools hon ha~ ImmedIate occupancy Three bedrooms, re newer baths Truly exceptional Call for further de pane wmdo",~ and marble SIlls, central all' and lall~ modeled kitchen hdrdwood floors and central air ~pflnkler ~ystem Pnced In the 60's CHAMPION~BAER REALTORS !02 Kercheval Ave I Grosse Fbmte furm<;, M I 48236 Gl 884-5700 tij

~. .. _ ..... IIIIIl""" ...... ,....,...... ".""'-Y'f""'"lrl'-'-" -,w...... ,...... ,.-...-~-,,-r-"...--.-....~~~~

Page EJeven-B hursday, December 5, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

PRIME INCOME PROPERTY - The perfect In- ENGLISH AT IT'S FINEST - Spauous home vestment opportunity Each urnt features fire- features large rooms and !>olldold fashIOned Grosse Pointe Real Estate Exchange place, dmmg room and two bedrooms quality Four bedrooms, three and one half THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY TransportatIOn and shoppIng m the Village are baths, a paneled library, screened terrace, two blocks away recreatIOn room With fireplace @ BY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE @ GROSSE POINTE SHORES - Custom bUIll Col- PERI<'ECT STARTER HOME - Harper W<>LOnsare 80 feet x t30 feet With Land WHITTIER - FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY - Contract terml> avaIlable Newer four bedroom, two and one half bath I<'IRST OFFERING - Newly dec.orated and Coloma 1WIth large family room and kitchen beautifully mamtamed three bedroom, two TemflC floor plan only $117,500 and one half bath townhouse type condomm IMMACULATE INCOME - Very clean and well lum New triple track !>torms that maXimIze mamtamed two family m Gros!>ePomte Park, heatmg effiCIency All appliance!> mcJuded CAN DO ... BY CHRISTMAS! each umt has three bedrooms natural fire Gros!>ePomte School dlstnct Favorable mor place and separate utili tie!> tgage a!>!>umptlOnCall today for more detalb HUNTINGTON - You'll be surpmed at the spacIOus rooms, the custom klte.hen, the see. ond floor laundry, den WIth wet bar, recred tlOn room, four bedrooms, two full baths and much more WOODS COLONIAL - ThIS home I') perfect for Youngblood those seek 109 quality IIvlOg space at a very affordable pnce $73,900 With updated RcaltlJ 1M kitchen, screened terrace and more THREE MILE DRIVE - ThIS four bedroom, three and one half bath Colomal has plenty of rwm for) cur famlly 2ctPo,!tle" t\ hr1ght r~ml Iy room, a paneled library and a 20 foot hob by room

Stunmng center entrance Geoqpan Colomalloaded With traditional charm on ISLAND LANE - ExceptlOnal home bUIlt for an upbeat theme Roomy fIve bedrooms, three and one half baths Great loca- bUilders olNnuse on a private lane south of Jef- tion - OPEN SUNDAY 2 5 fer!>on CeramIc tlle foyer Oak paneled hbl ary 26x26famll) room With fireplace dnd BY APPOINTMENT hot tub Mdster bedroom has fireplace Four bedrooms and three and one half baths In all PEMBERTON - Dlstmcllve brick Colomal WIth BARRINGTON - Honeymoon cottage or cozy re- Three car attached garage Central air large yard has great potenllal for the decora- tirement home or anythmg m between thIS tor/handy man Four bedrooms, cedar closet, three bedroom bungalow could answer a SOMERSET - Two famIly bmk flat TIW bed den, kJtchen and pantry, and central arr are just mullltude of housmg needs (and for a very af- rooms m each umt Natural fireplaces Rec- a few of the many features fordable price 1 ) I eatlOn room Separate utlhtles 'f\1'0 e.ar garage 79,000 TORREY - Beautiful three bedroom semI ranch MARYLAND - Four bedroom family home WIth Huge hVlng room WIth natural fireplace, mar- RIVARD - Two family brick flat WIth two bed SOMERSET - Two famllv brIck flat Three bed large remodeled kitchen, new furnace, and hot ble and slate hearth Central air, alummum rooms m each umt Screened porche!> Natural rooms In each Unit Updated kitchens water heater Recreation room WIth wet bar trim OPEN SUNDAY fIreplaces Two car garage Aluminum tnm and gutters Separate utll and lavatory Illes 1\\10 car garage Owner OCCUPied79,500 CLOVERLY - Super three bedroom Colomal m RIVARD - Enghsh styled condomlOlUm town- Grosse Pomte's most popular residential area house First floor library Four bedrooms and HARVARD - Charmmg three bedroom one and NOTTINGHAM - Cozy three bedroom bungalow SpaCIOUSstep-down chen)' paneled family two baths on second plus two bedrooms, bath one half bath Colomal With 2Ox15family room With hardwood floors All appliances mcluded room Large kJtchen WIthbreakfast room love- and storage on third One and one half car gar Paneled recreallon room Central air and two Second floor expansIOn space Pnce reduced ly decor age car garage Near Chandler Park Dnve m DetrOIt Priced fight SUNDAY OPEN HOUSES 2-5 RIVARD - French ('olonlal on popular street VENDOME - Outstanding Enghsh Tudor m ter- LIbrary Four bedrooms two baths Recrea nflc Farms locatIOn Oak woodwork and oak 1540TORREY - GPW lion room Two car attached garage Pallo banmster on open staircase Library With frre- 1142HARVARD - GPP place Five bedrooms and four and one half 18!172KENOSHA - HW LOTHROP - Pride of ownershIp ISeVident In thl<; baths RecreatIOn room Three car garage three bedroom Coloma I One and one half :\Idn) dmemlles for the pdrtlcul,u bUjer baths Large faml1y room plu!>a gla!>sed en SCHULTES REAL ESTATE closed porch With !>kyhghts Recreation room Thmlullg of relocdtmg to an unfdml1Jar area 'I Call Two car garage or !>topIII office and I~e Will be glad to have 710 NOTRE DAME mformdtlUn on your nel\ drea !>elltto JOU \Vlth PROVENCAL ROAD - The ultllnate m exewtlve uut obligatIOn We al e member!> of one of tile liVing on a private road overlookmg the golf largest relocdtlOn services In the UmtedStates 881.8900 course Beaullful library With fireplace Five and Canada family bedrooms each With bath Maids rooms Pool and poolhouse 175x565lot Call Other fme Gro%e Pomte Properties available m JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE, INC. for further detal1s dll price ranges S OXFORD - Priced to sell Four bedrooms and NEW ON THE MARKET two baths Faml1y room Fmlshed basement Central air Three car attached garage Kercheval Ave. LAKESHORE LANE - Three bedroom ranch m .83 lovely Shores area Paneled famIly room INVESTORS WILL LOVE thiS SHARP two fami- Paneled recreation room With flreplace Cen 886-3400 ly brick m handy Park area with updated kit- tral air Two car attached garage 90 foot lot moom chens and baths, lots of,newer carpetmg and separate utilities Assume land contract for AUDUBON - Delightful fIve bedroom three and Member Homel'lca easy purchase' $84,900 881-4200 one half bath English Updated kitchen Large MAXON RelocatIon SerVIces family room With fireplace JacuzzI off fam- GREAT STARTER 10 Harper Woods has four Ily room Fmlshed basement Three car gar- large bedrooms, one and one half baths, newer age Adjacent bUIldable lot mcIuded kitchen, recreatIOn room and garage on deep ThiS newly listed OUTSTANDING four bedroom, lot Nice large rooms throughout $46,900 881- two and one half bath COLONIAL on deSirable 4200 Lochmoor mcludes 'Xl' IIvmg room, faml1y room and library - both WIth beautiful panelmg, huge solanum, nicely flmshed basement and MORE plus mcremble custom extras' Details at 884-{)600 IOPEN SUNDAY 2-51 jYOUR VARIETY STOREj 4Q2BOURNEMOUTH - SpacIOus Farms semi-ranch' Four bedrooms, famIly foom, fllllShed basement, $74,900 88Hl2oo 101HANDY ROAD - Three bedroom, one and one half bath Colomal has library, family room, two fIre- places, central aiI'm pOpUlar secluded Farms area 884-0600 418 MADISON - Three bedroom Farms bungalow lots of leaded glass, natural woodwork $74,900 881-6300 260 McMILLAN - FaVOrite Farms locatIOn offers three bedroom, two and one half bath Enghsh - m- c1udes step-down family room With wet bar, gracIOus formal dllllng room, pnvate bnck courtyard, easy outsIde mamtenance' A claSSIC at an attractive price' 884-0600 ISHOWN BY APPOINTMEN!1 NEW LISTING - RANCH I GRACious CONTINENTAL CONDO - pnce reduced to Squeaky clean, and ready to move MANSE bUIlt by Mlcou Con- $129,900' ThiS Enghsh Tudor con- DISTINCTIVE TUDOR offers great space m, three bedroom, two bath Well structed With durabIlity, security domlmum ISlocat.edone block from UNDER $100,000' Four large bedrooms, two located 10 mcely mamtamed and beauty III mllld Slate roof and the VIllage Five bedrooms, three and one half baths, den, new kItchen, fmlshed neighborhood In the Woods The concrete floors throughout nearly and one half baths and a 1Jbrary all basement, new furnace and attached garage updated kitchen has Instant hot every room SIX bedrooms and done m traditIOnal decor See It 881-4200 water Convement floor plan and four and one half baths SItuated Sunday at 592 Cadieux attached garage at the end of a very secluded cui- PARK near Kercheval - walk to everythlllg' Ex- de sac 10 the Farms near the lake cellent three bedroom bnck two-story WIth spacIOus rooms Fireplace, updated kitchen With breakfast room and more make an ex ceptlOnal value at $59,5001 884-0600

CLOVERLY - Immaculate three bedroom, one NEAR THE LAKE I ThIS outstandmg Colomal fea- tures sparklmg new decor and mcludes gracIOus and one half bath bungalow now reduced' In cludes cozy fIreplace, Flonda room, lIled 23' foyer, new gourmet kitchen, fIve bedrooms, basement and attracllve pnce of $77,900' 881- four full baths plus two half baths and paneled library all on lovely, large site Formal assump- 4200 lion available 881-4200 .,.,... SOUTHERN COLONIAL y'all YAMASAKI DESIGNED and hld- FARM HOUSE OUSTSIDE - come and see It this Sunday The den away on a secluded cuI de sac CONTEMPORARY INSIDE - ROSLYN - The SPACE Willsurpme you I Includes first floor bedroom and bath, two bedrooms and bath kitchen and bathrooms have been m the Farms The tn-level floor )ou enter a quarry tiled foyer WIth on second plus smaller fourth bedroom perfect for nursery or sewmg room Cozy fireplace, den, pan- remodeled and recent decoratmg plan ISsuffu~ed With hght and ISa a cathedral ceJlmg The IIvmg eled basement, and screened porch Now $99,500' 881-6300 IS 10 neutral colors Modern fur dehght for owner and guests ahke room entry has beautiful wooden nace With five bedrooms, three One 17 acre lot, It has six-seven gates that formerly flanked the UPDATED PARK COLONIAL has four bedrooms, den, two-car garage and Irreslstable pnce of $53,900' baths :md a family room, Its a bedrooms and fIve baths GMC hoard room Loaded WIth un- Transferred owner wants to G-O" 881-6300 great family house See It Sunday usual architectural detaIls Three at 737 Bedford hedroom, and one and one half PRIME WINDMILL POI~TE AREA offers SpaCIOUSfour bedroom, two and one half bath Colomal Ac- bath~ plus a ~tudlo apartment commodalJons mclude large family room With fireplace, library, newer kItchen, fmlshed basement, attached garage - a well planned family home 884-0600 (OPEN SUNDAY 2-5) HANDY LOCATION for thIS three bedroom, one and one half bath Colomal With speCial family room. fllll"hed basement, attached garage 881-6300 737Bedford - Great family home \\lth five bedroom~. threc and one ha If bath". famIly room remodeled HAMPTON - Lookmg for that "first house"? See thiS easy-care alummum Coloma I v, Ith three bedrooms, kItchen, and first floor laundry fllll')hed basement and qUIck occu~ncy $58.0001 884-0600 1076Bedford - SpaCIOUSTudor Withden card room, four bedrooms. t ....o and one half bath~ plus an apart- ment WOODS - SPARKLING two bedroom Colomal has famIly room, flOlshed basement and lovely pnvate 592 Cadieux - English Tudor condomlnlUm ~e(' abovc 1414 Bishop - Great famIly house \\lth four b€droom!> one and one half bath patio Pnced 111 the 70's 881-6300 234 Lothrop - SpeCial contemporary de"lgned by Yama~akl See above NI-:ATTWO BEDROOM CONDO 111 Grosse POinte VICIOltyIncludes appliances, laundry faclilltes, low maintenance fee and low taxes' $42,900 881-4200 BORLAND-JOHNSTON A8!!ilOelate."li 01 Many, Many More by Appointment ~ 1111"'_ ,:~ ':r~IJ!~ \dlJng or Bu\ II1g Our Fu1l1111lC Profc""10n.ll" ,He read\' to heIr (.111Tod.l\ 0" 000'0 .~95Fi'iher Road 20647 Mack Avenue (i:J "{lI/(),III' (,/' \()IIII. 1/1f..~!>~1)/)I)("1I1 /"11 (,,1/, \, !>()()/ • GROS'>E POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GROSSE POIN'I'E WOODS _Tile Helpful People! 886-3800 884-6400 82 Ker('heval 884-0000 16610Mack 881-4200 19790Mack 881-6300 ...... _ ...... ~ .... P.. 5__ .,01 P_$ _

. I ;

,I; 1 ! ' ! ,~ 'J Page Twelve-S , Feature Thursday, December 5, 1985 l I James Hartway: writing music to please modem audiences he said piece he composed for MIsha By Elsa Frohman State Umverslty Hartway says he admires many New concert mUSiCis written on Rachlevsky, you probably haven't modern American composers, tn- "It has the optimism of Haydn, commission today, much as it was heard any musIc by Hartway. He cludmg Bernstem, Copland and the openess of Htndenllth, the edgl' by Mozart and Bach An orchestra has seldom been recorded. One not- Ellington ness oj good Jazz. But It's not any of or chamber group wants a piece of able exception is hiS "Seven Ways .'It's hard to say who Willemerge those thmgs at all - If It was, It its own to perform and contracts to Look at a Blackbird," recorded from this century as the great com. wouldn't be hltn It's Amencan " with a composer for the work The by a group of DetrOIt mUSiCians on posers," he said - Composer John Rea composer receiVes an honorarium the Advance record label How- Writmg music has to be a combI- descnbmg the musIc of Hartway's customers have in- ever, the record is not Widely nation of mtellectually bUIlding a James Hartway cluded the DetrOIt Symphony Or- available pIece from the composer's mUSical HIS work has been performed by chestra, the Ameflcan Artist Contemporary composers of con- knowledge and letting the musIc orchestras and musical groups cert mUSiC ofte-n find rough sled- flow through a more mystical pro- from the DetrOit Symphony 01'- dmg when they try to get their f'hf'<;trro "nel thE' ~pn,,'''-,"I "People m the mUSiCscene in De- ," drawn m, not pushed out." "I know what It will sound like," tormt know me," Hartway said But writmg music that everyone .,And there are people throughout Series, the Bushnell Performmg he said will like is not often poSSible Hart- Hartway's upcommg proJects m- the midwest, New York and Cana. Arts series, the Meadow Brook way said that each person that clude a stint this coming summer da. But there are never quite Music Festival, the Renaissance hears a piece of music hears some. when he will be a composer ill resI- enough It's difficult to get City Chamber Players and the thmg different. dence at the Chamber MUSiCand , (modern} pieces played" American Guild of Organists \ I "After a concert, people will Composers Conference of the East, Hartway is head of the music However, unless you were In the audience when the DSO performed come up to me and say what they planned for Bennington, Vt., and a compositIon and theory diviSIOn m heard,' he said "They all have hiS work for symphony and Jazz piece he is workmg on for Fedora the mUSiC school at Wayne State some element of truth. That's part quartet, "City-Scapes," or were on Horawltz, leader of the Lyric Umversity He holds a PhD in of the fun - It'S part of the art." mUSiCcompoSition from Michigan hand when the RCCP played the Chamber Orchestra He recently Hartway's style is sometimes completed a movie score for an serious and symphonic and some- IBM promotion bemg shown m times jazzy - though he em- Europe. phasizes that jazz is every bit as "I wish there were more patrons serious as symphonic music. for musical compositiOn," Hart- "When the phone rmgs and way said. He pomted out that most fIJ-Ith this column.. i8536East beans increases 29 to 86 times after StIr-fry until just browned, about 3 Tblsp. vegetable oil This delicious salad is unusual III \Valren near Mack. 8KI-S383. they sprout one minute Add sprouts, scalhons, 4 cups shredded red cabbage that It contains qUite a lot of com- '" * '" Do not bother to remove loose and pickle relish, stir Stir sherry, 2 cups bean sprouts plete protein. If vast selection, courteous service, and afford- hulls or little roots from the 1 Tblsp. caraway seeds % pound bean sprouts (about f Salt and pepper to taste cups) able prices are what you expect from a jeweler, than sprouted beans, a tedious task often recommended; most of the 1 Tblsp. soy sauce 114pound fresh mushrooms, thinly edmund T. AHEE jewlery co. is the place for you. Vitamins and much of the flavor 1 Tblsp. vinegar sliced- They have a larger selection of jewelry than ever are contained in these often dis- In a wok or heavy skillet, heat 1 cup coarsely grated zucchini before. Come in and relax as you view our displays. carded parts glegant the oil Saute the cabbage for about 1'4 cup chopped parsley Our holiday hours have been extended especially for The following is a selection of three minutes Add sprouts and 1/4 cup sunflower seeds your shoppmg convenience: Monday-Friday 10 a.m.-9 recipes featuring sprouts from the saute two mmutes longer 11/2 ounces freshly grated Swiss pm, Saturday 10 a.m.-7 p.m., 20139 Mack Ave. at Ox- low-cholesterol, low-calorie, bud- gating Add remainmg mgredients and cheese (low calorie) ford, 886-4600. get-wise kitchens of Thyra Grey reheat. Toss lightly and serve hot. I!l cup Tofu Dressing .. Howard and Helena DeWitt Roth Makes SIXservings. ' 8 romaine lettuce leaves * '" Calones about 96 per servmg 3 tomatoes, sliced Wrzght's Gift and Lamp Shop. is ready for Beef and Bean Sprouts Cholesterol 0 8 ounces alfalfa sprouts Christmas With a great selection of cards, paper par- 1 pound lean beef, partially frozen JallnL Cut bean sprouts mto pieces ty goods, collector plates and figurines. To brighten 2 Tblsp. safflower oil Chicken-Vegetable about I-mch long, if deSired, for your holiday decor choose new lamp shades conve- I clove garlic, minced Lo Mein easier eatmg. Gently toss together nzently at 18650 Mack Avenue with FREE PARKING Fresh or powdered ginger to taste ~~/ WIth mushrooms, zucchml, pars- Water ley, seeds, cheese and Tofu Dres- next to the building 2 cups bean sprouts 3 Tblsps. cornstarch, divided 4 scallions, sliced diagonally sing. * * '" 2 Tblsps. soy sauce, divided 1/4 cup sweet pickle relish Line four salad plates with ro- StmLing Planmng NoY>... for the tailgate of your ~ soy sauce, cornstarch and broth to- I ch~cken breast (Il pound), diced maine lettuce leaves and mound hfe' lI-M football and HawaIIIn '86 Yes Michigan play' gether, add to skillet Stir and cook skinned, sliced thin 1 Tblsp. dry sherry bean sprout mIXture m middle HaWaiiIn '86. Come and root for the Maize and Blue and another minute Serve With boiled 1 tsp. sugar III 1 Tblsp. soy sauce Place two slices of tomato on each rela" paradise, December 2 thru 15, 1:186.Space flce Makes four servmgs 4 Tblsp. oil, divided limited to 100persons. All inclusive tour. Call Travel 1 Tblsp. cornstarch side of sprouts, then place alfalfa I clove garlic, minced GaleTie.886-0I1i Ask for Karen. GO BLUE! 1/2 cup beef broth Calones about 276 per servlIlg sprouts on either side of bean Il cup sliced onion .. * .. Shce the meat very thm, diagon- Cholesterol about 70 mgs sprouts Makes four servmgs 2 cups sliced celery Calories about 318 per servzng Now is the time to choose from the 2 cups sliced celery cabbage Cholesterol about 14 mgs fmest selectIOn of 14K gold pins avaIlable 3cups bean sprouts (II pound) well at Valente Jewelers. Your choice of plain, rinsed and drained Javanese Curried Il cup 'iliced water chestnuts ~ traditional, or contemporary set with or Noodles and Beef Without stones. A perfect gift for the holi- Il cup sliced bamboo shoots day, 16849 Kercheval, 881-4800. Open I can (4 ounces) sliced mushrooms 3 quarts water I I pound spaghetti, broken in 1/4 tsp. salt ~ Thursdays until 9 p.m fourths, cooked. rin'ied, and 311l tsp. vegetable oil . .. '" * SAVE TWO WAYS drained (ll of 8 ounce packa~e) 212 cups curly broad noodles ThiS week's Christmas Specwl at Notre Dame In medIUm bowl combme two Il cup cat'iup Pharmacy is Eaton stationery, a box of 100, regular THIS DECEMBER tablespoons water, one tablespoon 2 Tblsp. soy sauce $6 75 !s now priced at only $4.29. cornstarch and one tablespoon soy 1/4 tsp. black pepper .. .. Buy A ,;auce Add chIcken and toss well % cup water until coated, set aSide In small 2 to 3 tsp, curry powder Take An \ddltIonalIO% Of[ ••• thl' sale tag..on Amencan made Sullivan-Rollins bo\\ I miX well II cup water, re- 1/2 cup green onions, chopped \H.od rockl'r~ and (ono\ er '>ofa...chair..and lovl'seal..for thiSY>eek's mammg two tablespoons corn. 1 pound very lean ground chuck ~p('('lalduring White's L \ST SALE You will al..o sa\ e 20%to 50% Quality Fur ';tarch, remammg tablespoon soy 1 cup bean sprouts or finely shred- oHoriginal pr1ce~stOf('-Y>Ide Oon't mi .... the bargams NEWHOLI. "auce and the sugar, set aSide In ded Romaine lettuce I)AY 1I0UH!olOPI'II "onday ..through FrIda) '>10a m .. 9 p.m , Satur- At Holiday Savings d



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MINI FARM surrounded by over 3 acres 10 ADD UP THE EXTRAS In thiS CUNTON TWP showcase 3 bedroom Colonial set on MACOMB With large pole barn Property ' backs to Chnton R,ver 4 bedroom home pnvate cui de sac With 2lJer deck and ex has many features $79900 (C 751ND) tenslve landscaping $108,900 (V 72THU) 2860300 264 3320 or 739 7300

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You'll find 1,251 tested recipes in the famous red plaid Better Homes and Gardens,R) New Cook Book. Ornament Cookies

1112 cups butter Cream butter and brown sugar; add 2 cups packed brown sugar egg. Beat till light MIXflour, cmnamon, 1egg nutmeg, cloves, and bakmg soda. Stir mto 4 cups all-purpose flour egg rruxture. Cover; chill 2 hours. 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon On floured surface. roll dough to 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg Va-inchttuckness, Cut mto desired shapes 112 teaspoon ground cloves WIth cookie cutters. Place on ungreased 1/4 teaspoon baking soda cookie sheet. Cut paper dnnkmg straw into 1-mch pIeces. Push one pIece mto top of each ornament. Bake at 350 degrees, 8 to 10 rnmutes. Remove straw pieces. ThlS year, why not make tree decorahons that are Cool 1 minute; remove to rack. Usmg good enough to eat~ These cookIe dough ornaments hole made with drinking straw, hang WIth wIll gIVeyour tree a festwe look throughout the nbbon or yam. hohday season Be sure to make an extra batch, they're lIkely to dISappear nght off the tree' Reprinted from Home Front'. Dee 1985 Issue - Copyright Meredith Corporation, 1985

SUPERB, CLEAN HOME m ST CLAlR GROSSE POINTE WOODS Colomal w/4 CIRCULAR CANAL Tudor style Colomalln ENJOY OPEN lAKE VIEWS from thiS 4 SHORES IS not your typIcal 3 bedroom bedrooms, 2!r'.1baths large family room ST CLAIR SHORES 3 bedrooms plus par bedroom tn level on lAKE ST ClAIR Steel bnck Ranch' Newer WIndows and fumace has natural fireplace finished basement, ents' hideaway' Newer Coloma I WIth seawall seawall WIth concrete sun bathing and fish keep heatIng bills at a mlmmum $51,900 formal dlnlDg room and central air (G and SWlmmlDg beach $159,900 (&06MAP) mg deck. $189,000 (S'()l STA) 777-4940 ' (S 13ALF) 777-4940 73CAN) 8/364200 777-4940

NICELY DECORATED 4 bedroom Cape ALBERT KAHN BUILT hlstoncal reSidence GROSSEPOINTEFARMS Beautlfullydec ADMIRE THE INTERIOR DETAlUNG of Cod located InGROSSE POINTE WOODS restored toongmal beauty' Balustraded rail orated and well-cared for all bnck Colomal thiS lovely 3 bedroom Tudor Ideal famlly This lovely home has 2 full baths, screened Ings, lead glass WIndows, oval rooms, tlle New roof, new dnveway, and new garage ho me accented by Pewa b,C ble, natu ral porch Move In condition $79,000 (H and bnckfireplaces Umque'GROSSEPTE. floor Family room and more $96,900 (F fireplace and lead glass WIndows $76900 63BRY) 885-2000 (F 59lAK) 886 5800 27MOR) 8865800 (G 76lAK) 886-4200 ."ilI l: .~~ ,:-'f":~~ • ;'or.'~~'_'~ ..11 ---II';._.4 ~~ ... ; --- jij'!SQiiiii:-' ~ ..._- --~_...... FRESHLY DECORATED, thiS speoal and LAKE ST ClAIR VIEW from SpaCIOUS,well PLYMOUTH Simple assumpbon or blended-- EXECUTNE TOWNHOUSE m GROSSE rate ExqUIsitely bUilt custom Tudor In pres PTE. WOODS 2 bedrooms WIth pnvate umque GROSS POINTE FARMS resldence mamtalned Colomal In GROSSE PTE. 5 tlglOUS Beacon Estates Decorated to per baths Den or third bedroom EqUiPped has four or five bedrooms, 2!r'.1baths, 1st fl bedrooms, 3!r'.1baths, hbrary, sun room, fectJonl Magnificent kitchen $225,000 (P !


MEADOWBROOK GLENS 4 bedroom NORTHVlUE - Beaubful home on extra CHARMING SALT BOX - Aluminum Co NEW CLASSIC BUILT HOMES m Lakes of bnck and aluminum Coloma I Formal dm WIde wooded lot Walk-out basement, gar lomal on over an acre, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, NorthVllle' SUbdlVlslon Let us custom bUild mg room Quahty home WIth full bsmtand 2 den room, den, wood floor In kitchen and large country kitchen, 2 car garage has your dream house 2800 sq ft of luxury car attached garage Only $87500 (L-48 foyer, upgraded appliances Quality electnc workshop Set on ravme acre star1:Jng at $149,900 Model pIctured (L $207,000 (P 39Woo) 453-6800 $59900 (L 11ANG) 522 5333 33PON) 522 5333 PAR) 522 5333 Page 4 IchW

:. ' j. ~ , ___ E::=~~ ~ • LARGE TREED LOT surrounds thiSlovely ELEGANT PEBBLECREEK CONDO 10 LOVELY TUDOR Sll'LE ColomaI set In CANTON Perfect for transfereesl 4 bed 3 bedroom RanchWithformal dlmng room cated m WEST BLOOMFIELD Upper G TROY near goll course Well mamtalned room, 2~ bath ColomaI m mint condlbon 2 h baths and manyamembes Central air, ranch model With2 story foyer, den central ExceptJOnallandscapmg Spnnkler system 1stlloor laundry Decorated In neutral col ' crown moldings, and morel $129 900 (T air bsmt and attached garage $139,900 and two patios fireplace and more ors Open field In back. $89500 (P 21BOS) 78SPA) 689 3300 (W 16BRI)6831122 $106 900 (T 20WlN) 689 3300 453-6800


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Section C The Third Section Thursday, December 5, 1985

Basketball previews ! Varsity cagers have big shoes to fill

By Peggy O'('onnor Port Huron, L'Anse Creuse North, "But we should be a better defen- programs at St Paullflgh, <.Ind'\.~ When South varsity basketball non-league schedule, openmg up at speed to use the fast break qUlte a coach George Petrouleu!> says he's HIghland Park (which South beat ball up the way Szymanski dId last bit," Wright says "We're not that Out and about got some pretty big hole~ to fill thiS for the first time last season) on season. bIg, we'll have to work hard on po season, he Isn't klddmg. Gradua- Dec 6, followed by Notre Dame, Based upon last season's first sitlOnmg and reboundIng, but v.e Things I see when I play roving sports tIOn took away Petrouleas' big Utica Ford and crosstown rival place finish and their strong JV should have a balanced dttack and writl'r ill?", <\11 Le?gupr ?l1rl ElI.~T M\1P ~!crth II~6h teams, C'lintonda1e <;ho\lld he the good b"D htind1.r.'b " Al Ament, as well as EML standout Petrouleas says he thmks his team to beat In the Bi-County, Semor KIrk Haggart), dn All- the smiling face of former North HIgh left- Alex Mellos and RICk Whitney, 198586 squad can answer those Olman says But North will have State selection in tenms and soc- hander Bill-Babcock, standmg m the rain at from the squad which challenged tests "These kids have picked up somethmg to say about that, too cer, will start at pomt guard He's North'~ football playoff victory over Murray- for the distrIct title last season more of our total concept faster "I'd lIke for us to be as good or 6-2 and known as a good ball Wnght The Chicago White Sox' farm hand is "Those are some pretty big holes than any other team I've coached better than last year. Our attitude handler and strong rebounder still recuperatmg from arm surgery, but says to fill," Petrouleas says "But I feel Of course, whether they are able to IS very good, the kids get along Semor Joe JurewIcz (5-9), 6-2 he's feeling optimistic and looking forward to we'll be a pretty good shooting execute 111 a game SituatIOn, IS a well with one another and come to sophomore Kevm Darby, 5 9 semor spnng tralnmg when he'll get a chance to test 'I'd like for us team and we should have l>omeex different matter We hope so work all the time Marc Hunt and 5-9 !>emor Tony hIS arm after nearly a year off cellent guard play Now we Just "We're Just lookmg forward to Then there's the added spmt the Malcoun are battling It out fO! the to be as have to stay healthy and out of foul ~tartlng the season hopefully, SIX football-playmg Norsemen other guard spot!> Hunt started . members of the boys' varsity basketball good or bet. trouble" It'll be a carryover from last brought with them. every game for the Kmghts last teams from South and North, In the stands at South Will have some size up year" "That's a positive aspect, we can season the girls' dlstnct basketball playoffs Plckmg ter than last front m the form of forwards Gor- always benefit from theIr ex- Up front, WrIght will go wIth 6-0 up a few pomters, guys? year ... we die Langs, a 6-b semor and 6-4 North High Norsemen periences in the playoffs The nega- semor Keith Calcagno and 6-2 John tIve aspect is that we lost them for senior Tim Hudson The 6-1 semor 1984-85: 12-9, third in Bi-County TravIs, with 6-2 semor Ian Jones have a good EddIe Gramlmg Will step mto a week of practIce and they'll need . the amazmg way North's football Coach: George Olman ready to see playmg time at for- players (like Casey Quick, John Quinlan attitude .. .' Ament's center spot to catch up," Olman says of hiS ward Addmg bench strength WIll and Tom Shehab to name a few) made the QUick, hot-shootmg guards P.J North High has had to £Ill a cou- football Norsemen "But they also be Juniors David Chl1lOgman, BIll jump from football playoffs to the opemng of - North Imesch, a 6-0 sent or and Sean ple of ItS own holes thiS season, have an excellent mental attItude Listman, William Middlebrooks new seasons, hockey for QUick and QUinlan coach Bruce (5-11) the squad's only after the graduation of Art Szy- and that helps" and the 6-4 Charles Taylor, m addi- and basketball for Shehab. underclassman, Will man the back- manskI and Kevm Weldmger, All- tion to 6-5 semor Michael Prus, the League and All-Metro selectIOns University Liggett School George court spots Knights tallest man on the squad Ditto for South's football crew I Just wish I PetroUJeas says he wouldn't from a season ago "Our success thiS season ISgoing Olman mmd a repeat of last season's 17-4 But big Rob Skuras, a 6-4 senior, 1984-85; 9-12 overall could make the tranSItIon as fast. I always get Coach: Chuck Wright to be dictated by how the kids can thIS odd feeling seemg, say, South's P.J. Im- record, the most wms by a South WIllhelp a lot In that area, moving handle a four-month season We're esch and Sean Bruce, playmg basketball team since the 1980-81season But mto Szymanski'S center spot from The varsIty basketball team at the type of team that will have to be when I know they should be out there on the With an untrIed startIng lIne-up, forward One week before North's University Liggett School has a ready to play every game," WrIght soccer held or takmg cuts at curve balls. It that mIght be tough opener agamst SterlIng Heights new coach, a new offense and a says takes me about three weeks into the new sea- "We're lacking In starting ex (FrIday, Dec 6 at North), Olman new outlook Wright adds that he's stressing dIdn't qUite have hIS startmg line- son to become acclimated and by that perience, but we do have the ex- Chuck Wflght is the new coach team UOlty and an all' of sacrifice hme, Its almost over penence that comes from havmg a up set and he's trying to rejuvenate the and committment from hIS players semor-domlnated line-up. Hopeful- PencIled 10 at the guard spots basketball program on the Cook this season, saymg he believes . ,More and more people approaching me ly, even though they weren't were 6-2 semor Jon Palazzo, who Road campus With a new game such spmt would go a long way to- Just fImshed a successful season in at games or m the schools to express theIr dIS- starters last year, our seniors can plan for his senior-dommated lme- ward bUIlding excitement 10 the pleasure over what they feel IS unfair cover- prOVide the kmd of leadership we the North football recelvmg corps, up ULS program age of North (from Norsemen fans) and/or need," he adds 6-0 Jumor Chns Dudeck and 6-0 "That's the way Troy Zion appeal's to be the team Jumor Dave Justice Forwards Ill- South (from South supporters) It's okay. Petrouleas says he'd like to see you build a good to beat ill ULS's league, the MIChI- That way I get a change to set them straight. his team challenge for the league elude Dave Bryer, a 6-3 senior, 6-2 program, bring- gan Independent AthletIc Con- champIOnship, and after that, the semor Bill MIller and 6-1 semor mg talented fresh- ference, thIS season, But Wright By the same token, more people are also dIstncts "Then, hke the sign we Enc Walters Only Skuras saw ex- men and sopho- stresses that all the Kmghts' coming Up to thank me for a certam story or have says: Everythmg after that IS tensive playmg time last season mores m to learn games wIll be tough, begmmng column It's not necessary, but it sure is nice gravy" "Our lack of expenence WIll be from your with the opener Dec 6 agamst The EML should he tough, With our big weakness," Olman says semors " Wright mter-city rival Harper Woods at South's girls make a valiant attempt says. WrIght, a Chuck Wrig t ULS Game time IS 6 P m agamst eventual-champ Bishop Gallagher Grosse Pomte natIve who grew up "We're really excIted about thiS Coach Peggy Van Eckoute sure got the admlrmg the late Ed Lauer for hiS year," Wright says. "ULS basket- most of her grrls - Myreya Amezcua, enormously successful basketball ball IS on the way up " Heidi Albrecht, Carmina Amezcua, Lynn Vismara, Shelly Kritzman, Patty Pente- cost, Missy Dinverno, Stephanie Purdy, Pat Hess, Marybeth McCormick, Cindy Historic Coast Guard Tewes, Lisa Fromm and Keltie Buchan- an. poor Star of the Sea The Tunas got past station gets facelift the hrst round of the Class C dlstncts and ran straight mto DetrOIt St Martm DePorres ReconstructIOn of the U.S Coast 5, 1882 The hghtkeeper's dwellmg and Its No. I-ranked, 21-1 record. Ouch. Guard's Station Belle Isle began was bUIlt the succeedll1g year Nov 15, with the target date for re- along WIth a surroundll1g retammg North fans who were probably delinous opening approximately one year wall and a boat house That ltght- over the post season all-star teams-And South from now The station personnel house occupied the site contmuous- fans didn't have anything to kick about, either and eqUIpment Will operate at the ly until constructIon of the present base on Atwater Street In DetrOIt, faCIlIties North quarterback Craig Como earned according to CommandoI' Ted W, Class A All-State honorable mention recogni- Angott, USCG auxiliary ConstructIOn was 10 progress tion from ASSOCiatedPress Como and team- Belle Isle Station is primarily a almost contll1uously for 2\ 2 years, mates Jon Palazzo and Rob Brumer were search and rescue unit It IS and upon completIOn 10 1942,StatIOn named to the first team DetrOIt News All- responSible for respondIng in Belle Isle was the most modern sta- Metro East squad; Norsemen Brian some way to all distressed marIn- , bon of Its kind m the Great Lakes Bergeron and Rob Olds to the second team, ers wlthm its boundaries. Sec- In recent years another Coast and Keith Peltz, Casey Quick, Mike ondary mIssions mclude aid to Guard StatIOn was constructed In Miller, Steve Pochmara and Greg Guest navigation, logistics support to St Clair Shores, and the to\\el at and South HIgh's Steve Kinseley, honorablp other law enforcement agencies, Belle Isle was dIscontinued III favor mentIOn water pollution checks m aSSIst- of modern commumcatlOn facllI The News' All-State team featured Brumer ance to the Manne Inspection Of- ties The sta tion has grown ft om It-. as "best of the rest" and Olds, Palazzo, Ber- fice and safety patrols in support of deSIgn compliment of II to the geron and Como m the honorable mentIon Those smiles ... Marine Regattas Trammg of Coast present 29 and IS conSidered to be category And the DetrOIt Free Press' All- Guard Reserve one of the bUSIest despIte Ill>short Metro team mcluded first-teamer Bergeron, , .. belong to the St. Clair Shores Figure Skating Club skaters who participated in The facilities of Station Belle season Palazzo and Como and South's Jeff Van regional skating competition Nov. 2 to 10 at the DetrOit Skating Club. They are, left Isle, formerly known as St Clair Tassel, honorable mentIOn to right, (front row) Tekla Warezak, Danielle McCarron, Colleen Cantlon, Lisa Ritter, Lifeboat Station, were deSigned by Followmg a recent l>une)- It \"a~ the Ninth Coast Guard CIVil Engi- decldeq that StatIOn Belle Isle NIce gOing, guys ~Dawn Ziegler and Heather Brzezlllski; (middle row) Carla Caputo, Nicole Bullaro, Staci Turowski, Brenda Willhite, Sheila Davis, Kristin Buckler; (back row) Alissa Ellinger, neerll1g SectIOn, Cleveland, Ohio should remain an active ::,t.1tlOl1m Its present locatIOn Plane; are Julia Caputo, Alexis DiNatale, Anna Cream, Dawn Shutler, Laura Macaulay and Carol The property On acres) was eVidence that the fans and booster clubs underway to conduct a major re Gaffke. DiNatale, Davis, Buckler and Warezak are Grosse POinters. Buckler was first in purchased Apnl6, 1881from the CI- of the three-year-old varsity hockey programs ty of Detroit for the sum of $1 Belle habilItation of the statIOn to bnng It at North and South are gomg Just as strong as her division in the regionals; McCarron was second; Ziegler and Davis, third; and Isle LIghthouse was constructed 111 hne With today's ml~Slons and they were m the first season, despite the Caputo, fourth. and a light was first shown on May personnel assIgnmente; clubs' sub- 500 records last year As always, I'm 100kll1g forward to the INTROpUCING North-South showdown, which IS set for Jan 18 South leads the rIvalry, three wms to one, The but the Norsemen are sure to be loaded for Grosse bear after the last clash on Feb 9 of thiS year, Pointe when South scored tWIce 10 the last 40 seconds Racket Fills the of the game to take a 4-3 Win Stringing Service a letter from Ottumwa, Iowa's biggest South HIgh fan In a letter to me, Mr Ottum- Fa~t • Reasonable • Courteou~ Servrce Air wa wondered when South had dlscontmued Free prcl.lJp and delivery In the Porntes varsity athletICS, whIch, he said, was the only Next week: Can 882-2139 reason he bought the Grosse POll1te News He Garv l-lod~nl1'll1~r and Bob HartWIck in our new location added that he could read about the TIgers and Kirk Gibson III the Ottumwa paper More Special-Unique Gifts At fIrst I thought maybe Otlumwa was hmt- Come-in and see 109 that we didn't cover South High sports enough And that because of that, maybe he Woodstoves-Glass Doors-Gas Logs-Bar-b que Grills was con';Idermg droppmg IllS News subSCrIp- c tIOn Nah .Just ask any North High fan how winter sports Christmas Sale GIftS from 99 well we cover South, Mr Ottumwa, and next RUGER 10-22's Fireplace Matches - Fireplace Tool Sets Heat G/opes time, don't send your "fan letters" 10 the same envelope as your subSCrIptIOn renewal ALL BROWNING RIFLES & SHOTGUNS Ash Pale and Shovel - FIre Starters Large Log Tongs form and payment previews ALL IN STOCK Hearth and Area Rugs - Fireplace Bar b-ques and more New & Used Hand Guns & Shot Guns the fact that North football player Paul HI-Ball Glasses - Binoculars Altobelli was pictured four - count 'em - four PlaYing Cards - SWISSArmy Knives times In the Oct 31 and Nov 14 News' sports & Unique GiftS for the Outdoorsman sectIons Alto has a great future both III football ....ROSS.: POI:\TI: ..mN SHOP and as a cover boy for GQ II' '" g10,m 51()~m 1>l'~Q~I'Mo, ~T~"r< 1J800pm 20784 Mack Avenue - Grosse Pointe Woods ?1006 M1r~ !lvp 14'1 N of 8 Mile -- • Grosse POinte Woods • 881 5000 885-4670 Thursday, December 5, 1985 Page Two-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS South sports South High cagers go far ... but not quite far enough

The DeVIls led, 2-0, in the game John NICholson made It 3-0 when he play 10 the 'form of the Bnghton In- By Jennifer McSorley Bishop Gallagher squad took home fore injuring her ankle vitatIOnal, on Nov. 22 and 23 the district trophy with a 70-56vic- With Stevenson on goals by sopho- converted a pass from sophomore South High "The girls played a great game KeVin Bourke Cabnm scored Rival North dominated the meet, tory against Bishop Gallagher," Van more Tim Jerome and selllor Rob South's girls' varsity basketball tWice In the first period wmning SIX events and finishmg Against Southeastern, Heidi Al- Eckoute said "They put a lot of Wood Wood aSSisted on Jerome's team ended Its season last week, goal But Stevenson hed the DeVils first overall with 374 points. South brecht had 12 pomts and 9 re- points on the scoreboard against a South made It 5-2 on goals from was close behmd with 320 pomts, but not before gomg farther m the bounds, Patty Hess had 12 points, and went on to the victory playoffs than any other girls' cage team that outsized them by a lot Jerome, Wood assisting, and Wood, the result of fmishmg second and Carmma Amezcua had 10 points They had an excellent season South's victory over Cabnlll on squad III South history from Roy Goahe Bill Tecos held third III several events. and 8 rebounds, Lynn Vlsmara had the girls can be proud of the Nov 30 put the DeVils at 1-0 m the Cabnm off the scoreboard m the First-place flmshers for South In South defeated North, 42-41, 10 10 pomts, and Kelly Buchanan the hrst round of the dlstncts be- achIevements they made" tough Michigan Metro League It second perIOd, but the Allen Park the Bnghton InvitatIOnal were chipped III With 10 rebounds Play- was a penalty-filled contest - 14in Class B team made thmgs Interest- diver AllIson Cnssman and Karen fore trouncmg Southeastern, 61-32, mg m her first varsity game, Patty Nov 25 But m the fmals, a tough Good start on Ice the third penod alone - but It also mg With three goals m the third Renti:>chler, 100 backstroke. Home Pentecost had what coach Peggy was a scorers' game as eVidenced penod Huntington i:>coredthe wm- team Brighton fimshed thIrd, Wln- Van Eckoute called a "fme game" South's varsIty hockey team had by the fmal tally a pretty good week after opemng nmg goal, unassisted mng two events on defense South and North also met last In the fmal agamst Gallagher, the hockey season Nov 22 With a Sophomore Bill Huntmgton 5-2 loss to Llvoma Stevenson The scored South's first goal from South's in the swim week for the North InvitatIOnal, the Blue Devils were led by Car- WIth the Blue DeVil tankers flmsh- mma Amezcua's 18 pomts. VIS- DeVils beat Allen Park Cabnm, 6-5, Jumor Andrew Roy Wood added a With the 7-2 regular season be- and topped Umversity Liggett goal on an assIst from JUlllorJerry hmd it, South's girls' varsity sWim mg second ahead of fourth place mara had 12 points and 6 rebounds North (By Stephen Ebner) and Albrecht scored 10 pomts be- School 10 a scnmmage. Bourke and second~ later, Jumor team concentrated on post-season Toughstartfor UniversityLiggett School skaters"------(Michigan Independent Athletic The Umverslty Liggett School McCann Arena on Cook Road (By Jumor varsity team WIllcontflbute Jumors Charles Taylor and WIl- Conference) and to become the Kmghts began their Ice hockey sea- John B1rgbauer and John Petrilh) Sophomore Kevm Darby, last ham M1ddlebrooks, along With best team and people we can." son on Nov 15, traveling to Toledo year's leadmg scorer and re- semor Michael Prus, round out thiS Challenge bounder on the JV team, Will prob- year's team ULS opens Its season on Friday, Northvlew The Kmghts ran mto Dec 6, at home against Hat'per some tough competition, eventual- ably start for the varsity Knights "We have many team goals th1S As the 1985-86basketball season Woods The Knights then travel to ly losmg 9-2 begIns Friday, Dec. 6, the Umver- Jumors Dave Chllmg1rian and Bdl year," Coach Chuck Wright said ULS goals were scored by Jumo- Llstman could see important play- "Our two most important ones are Bethesda and Greenhills for away slty Liggett School varsity basket- games on Dec 7 and 10. or captam Bob Jewett, Sopho- ball team faces several challenges mg time in the backcourt to W10 the league champIOnship more Gordie Maitland and senior Gone are the top two scorers from John Blrgbauer each drew two as- last year's team SISts. Ed Brady and Steve Stoyka ULS has a number of experi- Winter sports abound at Metroparks shared the goaltendmg duhes for enced players returmng thiS year, Among the most popular wmter Ice flshmg. and North Mat-ma and at the west the Kmghts. as well as three newcomers who playgrounds m southeastern MIChi- Ice skatmg faclhtles mclude a playheld On Nov 23, Coach John Fowler's should help. Starters back are gan are the Huron-Clmton Metro- rmk for general skating, located Weather permitting, the lighted team went to Port Huron to play guards Joe Jurewicz and Marc parks servmg reSidents of Wayne, directly m front of the food bar, and general ice skating hours are 10 Port Huron Northern Leadmg 2-0 Hunt, while Keith Calcagno IS the Macomb, Oakland, LIvingston and a hockey rink located at the west a m to 10p.m daily, while hockey through two periods of play, the returning starting forward In ad- Washtenaw counties Each fea- playheld area The food bar site Kmghts skated impressively, but rink hours are 10 a m to 10 p.m , dition, John TraVIS and Ian Jones, tures a WIde vanety of faCIlities has a warmmg shelter, restrooms with a one-hour limit on Saturday, eventually lost, 3-2 Goals were valuable back-up men last year, which will open when wmter and a wmdbreak scored by jumor Blasko Rlstic and Sunday and hohdays (no reserva- Will prOVIde more depth at the weather arflves hons are available sophomore Bill Jewett, and assists other forward spot Metro Beach Metropark on Lake The park's 6,OOO-carparkmg lot went to Maitland, Brandon Pelok St Clair near Mount Clemens IS a provides ample space for thous- For a dally report on snow and and Bob Jewett. Ed Brady had an Kirk Haggarty and Tony Mal- good perch fishing Site, With fisher- ands of patrons seekmg winter rec- ice conditions contact Metro Beach outstanding game for the Knights, coun will also help a great deal III men usmg the canals, boat basms, reatIOn Heated restrooms are pro- Metropark 0-800-552-6772) or 463- stopping 23 Port Huron shots. the backcourt Neither player was Black Creek and Lake St Clair for Vided at the South Manna Bulldmg 4581 (Mount Clemens) The Kmght's next game is at a part of the program last year, but Lahser on Thursday, Dee 5 Their both are expected to see lots of ac- Heidi Albrecht made her pre- next home game is agamst South- tion sence felt In South's girls' basket. field Lathrup on Dec. 7 at 6 p.m at Several players from last year's ball playoffs against North High, Southeastern and Bishop Gal- lagher, before injuring her ankle North bea1s Rice, 6-2 In the Gallagher game. Albrecht The North High varsity hockey North coach Mike Manzella says was among the team leaders In team improved its record to 2-0 he's pleased With his team's early scoring and rebounding in With a convmcmg, 6-2 victory over progress. "We have more size than South's drive to the district finals, tough Metro League power Blr- last year and are able to skate four mmgham Brother Rice on Nov. 27. forward lines ... our aggressive- ness and depth will be key factors Fundraiser The VIsitors scored first, but to thiS team's success," Manzella were no match for the speedy for skaters added Norsemen who dommated play The Norsemen have an extreme- The St. Clair Shores PreCISIOn throughout the rest of the contest. Jumor goaltender Matt Dennis was ly difficult schedule in the commg Skating Teams will present weeks, mcluding powerful Ann Ar- "Christmas Capers," a fundralsmg outstanding m the North nets, mak- ing key saves early m the game. bor PIOneer, Trenton, Fraser and show featurmg soloists from the Catholic Central Perenmal top- teams, thIS Sunday, Dec 8, from 2 Junior center Rob Marshall scor- rated Class B powers Cranbrook, to 4 p m at the St Clair Shores Ice ed a pall' of power play goals on DetrOlt Country day and Cabrim Arena. pretty passes from John Russell, will also face the Norsemen thiS Tickets are $3 for adults, $1 for who had three assists. Scoring season. children and semor cltlzens The smgle goals were defens.eman ThiS week, North faced South- event IS a fundraiseI' for local Dave Johnston, wingers Kevin Tis- fIeld (after press hme) and Will skaters hopmg to participate m the dale and Doug Olds and center host St. Clair Shores Lakeview at G P News f Ie phalO national skatmg competitIOn m Casey Quick the GPCR thiS Saturday, Dec 7 Matt Dennis, North's junior goaltender, has come up with big saves in the Norsemen's first two vic- Boston, Mass The season IS shll young, but Game time IS 7:20 pm tories this season.

learn to skate Pt;KIN 3177.J \i Ice skatmg lessons for those of all ages are _p-~ sPOrts people _ Jefferson _ PAVILION E. :A U offered at the St Clair ' '4 Shores Civic Arena on y . ('; r. ,. ~ ... ~ i J' Tuesday andlor Thurs- Pointer J ef- Frost Bite Meet m Philadelphia, vious record was 15) m 12 league ChampIOnships 10 Orlando, Fla ~ day morrllngs. The ses- frey Giraldo, 12, Pa , Nov 22 Bernard is the daugh- games, he also scored on three She quahfIed by settmg a GVSC "':.1~ ~ _ __ _,...,.).e"'---A-•., ~ sions run for 10 weeks took home a solId ter of Mr and Mrs Walter V Ber- penalty kicks (th1rd on the all-time record of 4:48.57 for 11 dIVes on the ~.I~~~~ gold tennis ball nard Jr , of Hamilton Court. MIAA list) and was credited with three-meter board at the Midwest Contonese • American. Mandarin. Szechuan trophy after wm- five assists Tlriklan's season Regional III Chicago Campbell Dine In • Carry Oul • CocklOlI Lounge mng the 12 and league total of 63 pomts broke the also holds GVSC varsity and pool Banquet Faclhlies He didn't make the national Downtown Delrolt mInutes away from Ren Cen under national Jumor OlympiCS fmals, but Peter old record of 42 His complete sea- records for SIX dives on both the ')pen ".101"\1'nt..rsl' o'"n , am Frl & Sat 110m 2 am Sur noor"l 1 am tennis tourna- Donaldson's personal best III the son statlstlcs mcluded 42 goals and one- and three-meter boards In 2591510,2591511 ment title m In- reglOnals m Kentucky on Nov. 23 9 assIsts for 93 points for the 17-1-1 her freshman year, Campbell won dianapolis, Ind., last weekend. The was enough of a thnll for the MIAA-champlOn Hornets, who all her meets on both boards, m- 6-2,6-4 vIctory over No 8 seed Chns Grosse Pomte Academy student were ranked No 14 m NCAA DiVI- eluding a victory over Michigan DeVone, of Decatur, III , gave Glfal- He flmshed 20th, Improvmg from a sIOn III Tlrlkian IS a graduate of State Umverslty. At the NCAA do the No. 1 rankmg m the U S 39th place fimsh in the state fmals North H1gh and the son of Mr and meet, Kfls fimshed 24th in the na- among 12and unders Giraldo, who Accordmg to Peter's mom, Steph- Mrs Raymond Tmklan tional among Division II divers As sponsored by: has played tenms since age 6 and ame Donaldson, Peter was the a result of her contnbutlOns to the JCPenney was the natIOnal 10 and under fourth 13-vear-old runner over the team, Campbell was elected by her champ two seasons ago, also won flmsh lllie m the 4,OOO-meter 1984South High teammates as MVP for the 1984-85 21st Annual the sportsmanship award at the na- regIOnal graduate Kristen season The new season begms this tionals on Sunday He IS an all-A Campbell 1S be- week for GVSC with meets against seventh grade student at St Joan of Marc Tirikian, a Kalamazoo glllnmg her Hope, Grand Rapids and Ferns Arc School Jeffrey is the son of Dr College sophomore from the sophomore year State colleges, then a trammg ses- and Mrs. Alvaro Giraldo, of Elm- Woods, has been named a member as a membr of the sion and mVllallOnal meet m Ur- sleigh Lane. of the All-MIAA (Michigan Inter- Grand Valley lando during Chnstmas vacatIOn collegiate Athletlc ASSOCiatIOn) State College Campbell says her goal this season Jumor Sarah Bernard, of the soccer team m a ballotmg of league SWimming and dlvmg team Camp- is to help the Lakers wm more Farms, ISa member of the Umver- coaches It's the second hme that bell, a diver, last year became the meets and to quahfy for the NCAA sity of Notre Dame crew team thiS Tlrlklan has been elected to the first GVSC Laker to qualify for the tournament m both the 1- and fall Shl" was mV1ted to row In the squad He scored 26 goals (the pre- NCAA DIVISionII NatIOnal DIVIng 3-meter boards GREATLAKES INIIITATIONAL I Dee. 27,:ZS& 29. Joe LOuis Arena -Fri. DECEMBER27 • 7:30 pm- Center Ice in the GPHA Michigan State vs. Michigan Tech thIS game until the MagiCS took Peter Anthony Brown (two as- scored the wlnmng goal on assIsts -Sat. DECEMBER28 • 7:30 pm- Mite Division control m the third penod enroute SISts), Bnan Brown (one goal, one from SmIth and McSorley Pete MAJOR MAGICS-OILERS to a 4 0 vICtory Donny Tocco, Matt assist) and Mark Aronson (one Cueter, Dan Grundman and Jason University of Michigan vs. R.P.I. C-lmers Brian Everham and Elich, Faber and Mike Colhns (hIS goal) Leo SalvaggIO's bid for a Erbecker played well on defense Aubrey E1Jch scored and DaVid first) scored the goals, DaVid Col- shutout was spoiled by the Seals' RAIDERS-ULMS KNIGHTS Collins earned the shutout In goal lins had two assIsts Flyers Pete Paul Megler, who converted a re- The Raiders continued theIr per- -Sun. DECEMBER 29 • 3:30 & 7 pm- as the MagiCS beat the Oilers, 2-0 Blrghauer and Mark Campbell bound off the stick of .Jay RICCI fect season, beating the Umverslty Earnmg assIsts were Everham, played well, a<;did Kevm Cullms, The Seals' brother combmatlons- Liggett MIddle School Kmghts, Consolation • Championship Elich and Jonathan Bayko (two) Magdowskl, Baskel and Patnck the AscenclOs, the Debskis and the 10-1, Nov 26 The Raiders outshot Defensemen Danny Magdowskl Pound The wm brought the RICC1S- played sohdly ULMS, 25-2 McSorley opened the and Chuck Schervlsb were tough MagICS' record to R-1-1 scoring (unaSSisted), before Gabe 3-DAY SERIES TICKET only $25. agamst hard-skating Oilers Geoff (' A N A DIE NS.SE AL,'i Benvenuto scored the fIrst two available at JOE LOUIS ARENA Kimmel and Peter Blake Goa1Je PO<;ltlOnplay and teamwork led Pee Wee Division goals of hIS hat tnck on assIsts Joey Berger made some mce stops Henson's Canadlen<; to a 6-1victory from SmIth, Grundman and for the Oilers BJily Faber, KeVin over the Seals Kevm O'Malley RAIDERS-TRENTON Cueter Matt Hoonhout scored CHARGE BY PHONE (313) 567.7500 Baskel, Jonathan Solaka and broke a scoreless tie midway The Grosse Pomte Raiders ULMS's only goal, on assIsts from Byron Brewer skated well for the through the second pel'lod, startmg hosted Trenton m an invitational Jam1e Loffredo and Brian Dlsser For mformatlOn call (313)567-6000 ,.. MagiCS an offenSive surge by hiS team- contest. takmg a 2-1 VictOry Derek Zack Van Auken scored hIS first ,.~ "'\.. MAJOR MAGlCS-F'LYI-:RS mates Jeff Huebner (two goals), Smith scored from hne passmg hat trIck and Benvenuto added hiS 1m BUSCH Goalies Joey LUCIdo

•I "4a..4.... _.:_4 ....4_q .....__ ~~~~---"--,,,,~"- ...... ---.,...... - ..-~ 4. 4


Page Three-C Entertainment Thursday, December 5, 1985 Sting shines In• 'Bring on the Night' when they gather for dmner, Jokes routines By Marian Trainor EnglIsh gUitaflSt vocalIst Stmg, All of thIS IS mterrupted long If there were categories for fIlms born Gordon Sumner, son of a and camara die abound StIng IS the center attractIOn as enough for the viewer to be taken as there are for books, "Bnng on London milkman; drummer Omar mto the dehvery room to watch the the Night," a documentary which HakIm; bassist Darryl Jones, key- the press agent lays It out He tells the group that anyone of them birth of Stmg and Styler's !>onwhile IS a little more than that, would be board Kenny Kirkland, saxapho- m the backgro1md "Ru!>!>lans" I!> nIst Branford MarsalIs. and voca- could take a mght out and people put in the non-fiction shelf. It ISnot playmg ., oeheve me v. hen I 'ia~ the usual type of film we are used list Dolette Mcdonald and Jancle would still come, but If Stmg stayed away, the fans would demand their to you I hope the RUSSians love to seeing in a popular movie thea- PendarvIs who have sung With thplr children too " ThiS I!>a hne ter such groups as LIOnel Hampton, money back Even so, they all have their time moment m the fIlm that culmmates It is a true story with no fichonal the Talking Heads and others m the JOyous concert at ,he Theatol" The rehearsal place IS the musIc to shme, saxaphomst Branford touches added solely for entertain- Matado and the mesmerlllng pev- salon of the 17th century Chateau MarsalIs who gave up clarinet be- ment value Yet it does not follow formance of the group that sent the du Cousu. (There IS an amusmg cause a sax player could pICk up the usual made-as-a-concert on hundreds there mto a frenzy of ap scene showmg older tOUflSts walk- more girls, Kirkland's claSSICally film nor that of a straight-line preclatIon It IS a captLvalmg ex- documentarv Rather it is a combI- 10g through the Chateau aghast at tramed hands roammg the key- bOard dml Jl UmJli~1 Omar HakIm perience to '.".1tch the ;:lllrl,pn('p "it nation of both with an occasIOnal what they are hearIng). qUietly at the begmnmg of the con- We see the musiCians and voca- who never lets the momentum flag break m the sequence It is m the cert and then gradually begm fo hsts working and reworkmg their are all featured true sense a umque presentation. move With the beat and fmally give routmes separately and as a group It is a rare pflvilege to be m the To begin with Sting (played by their whole beIng over to ItS m- Interspersed with the session are midst of artists as they question, himself) does not match the mental sistence picture of what is generally shots of the IndiVidual musiCians explain, suggest and revise their thought of as a rock star. He has talking about themselves and their the sensitive mien of a ballet own personal theorieS of what dancer; he is intelligent and makes musIc. The VIewer gets a charmmg. He never browbeats hIS real close-up of them which makes fellow musicians, but gracefully It more interestIng when they are leads them into what he is trying to seen together in concert. express with his music The profile featuring Stmg ISpar- On stage he projects without un- tIcularly interesting because It due gyrations and vocal assaults on gives us a clear insight into why the ear. He magnetizes the au- and how he came to strike out for dience and brings them screaming himself. to their feet with the beat of his He goes back to when he was a music and the message of the teacher and tells us how he looked Germany lyrics. down the road and could see a pat. Those who saw "Plenty" know tern he did not want to follow. .. _a travelogue that traces the caliber of his acting He held "I like change, not knowing its historic past to its role in hIS own against the brilhant ac- what's ahead," he tells us. He then modern times will be presented 'Christmas Carol' cast tress Meryl Streep. discoursed on his decISion to bring at 8 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 12, at rock and jazz together in concert. Concert fans know Stmg as the the Macomb Center for the Per- He knew it was a gamble "People pop star who left the highly suc- forming Arts. Ted Bumiller will 'Christmas Carol' at Macomb cessful "Police" to start his own like to hear their faVOrites," he band. ThiS film follows the process said. "They distrust the new" present the film. Tickets at $4 Charles Dickens' classic yuletide Enhvened by exuberant song and of bringmg together top musicians Rehearsal is hard and serious for adults and $3 for students story, "A Christmas Carol," will be dance is the familiar cast of story- and taking the audiences behind but always good-humored The and senior citizens are avail- retold m spirited musical form by a book characters - crotchety old the scenes to follow them in rehear- groups have fun as they go along able at the box office or by troupe of professIOnal singers, Scrooge, the ghost of Jacob Marley sal right through their first concert They tease Stmg about a tabloid calling 286-2222. actors, dancers and musIcians on and the Cratchlt family wIth love- which featured the songs from story citing "Milkman's Son to Mil- Saturday, Dec 14, at the Macomb able Tiny Tim. Interwoven ISa full "The Dream of the Blue Turtles." lionaire Pop Superstar" and break Center for the Performmg Arts array of traditiOnal Christmas It is a musical birthing process into "Movin' On Up," the theme carols, along with mystIcal stage Two performances Will be staged matched by another birthing, also song from the televISIOn show, The by the 35-member tourmg ensem- effects that produce the Image of a shown on screen, of Jake, Stmg's Jeffersons. living three-dimensional Christ. ble - a matmee at 2 p.m and an second child by Trudie Styler There is laughter as Sting clowns evemng show at 8 p.m mas card. The musicians are 35-year-old with the band for photographs, and Like a time machme that takes Tickets for both the afternoon the audience back to the days in and evemng performances are $10 Ted Bumiller Old England when Dickens penned for adults and $8 for students ana his timeless hohday tale, the pro- senior citIzens. They may be ob- Scottish theme featured ductIon features colorful costumes, tained at the Center's box office or elaborate period sets and special reserved on credit card by calling at Meadow Brook walk 14 institutions to participate effects that recreate the charm of a 286-2222, Monday through Friday, London ChrIstmas m the 1800s. from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Bagpipes, heather and tartans of a playhouse nestled m the woods in annual Noel Night Dec. 11 will set the theme for "A Bag- near the Hall piper's ChrIstmas," Meadow DetrOIt's UniverSity Cultural pating mstItutions, mcludmg the The Hall Will be open 10a.m. to 5 DetrOIt Historical Museum, the Brook Hall's 1985Christmas Walk Center Will be wrapped 10 a festive p.m. all 12 days of the walk. In DetrOIt Institute of Arts, DetrOIt Oldsters to perform Dec. 8 The annual fundraiser is a 12-day addition to daytime hours, guests spirit for its annual Noel Night, be- I The Oldsters Performance at 875-8284or Ticket World at 423- extravaganza of holIday decora- Ing held Wednesday, Dec 11, from Pubhc Library, DetrOIt SCIence may tour until 8 p.m. on Dec. 9, 10, Center and Wayne State Umver- Troupe Will pre~ent a benefIt Sun- 6666 tions and displays that runs from 11, 12 and 13. Knole Cottage Will be 6 p m to 9:30 p m day, Dec 8, at Central United The Olsters Performance Troupe Wednesday, Dec 4, through Sun- In keeping With this year's slty open during daytime hours only. To defer costs, Hardee's Rest- Methodist Church, second floor, 23 presents unIque entertainment day, Dec. 15. All proc-eeds are used for main- theme, "A Gift From The Heart of aurant, 5057 Woodward, Will honor East Adams at Woodward The straight from the heart of DetrOIt's Created in the 100-room histOrIC tenance and preservation of DetrOIt," Noel Night Will offer chil- show will feature The Oldsters Join- downtown semor cItIzens. Their mansIOn on the campus of the Oak- dren's workshops, umque gift shop- 65 cent coupons for hot beverages . General ad- and apple pie or cookies, With 30 ed by an array of Detroit talent m- show, "Young at Heart," prOVides land Umverslty in Rochester, the mission is $6 on Saturday and Sun- Ping, free entertamment, mcludIng cludmg blues smger "Muddy a combinatIon of song, comic skits ChrIStmas Walk showcases the performances by the Cooley High cents from each coupon that IS re- day, $5 weekdays. For adults over deemed gomg toward fundmg Noel Waters" Thomas, gospel singer and story-telhng, guaranteed to works of DetrOIt-area floral design- 64, students and children under 19, School ChOIr, Bates Academy Cynthia Cribbs, the Pierce Sisters raise a smile Sponsored by the At- ers, display artists and special ex- Chorus and the Central Umted Night activItIes Coupons are avail- reserved groups of 20 or more, and able at all Hardee's Restaurants domg Motown favontes, and tIc Theatre, the group is head- hibitors. This 42 participants will Oakland University affiliates, ad- MethodIst Church Bell Choir, an Muslks Pleasure, an a cappella quartered at the Downtown Senior donate materials, time and talents appearance by "Mona" of WXYZ, Noel Night IS orgamzed by thE:. mission IS $4 all days Knole Cot- DetrOIt UnIversity Cultural Center chOIr CItIzens' Center, located at Central 10 support of the preservation of tage admiSSIOn is $1all days and all Channel 7 Hot Fudge Show, face A donatiOn of $10 IS requested Umted Methodist Church. Meadow Brook Hall. pamtmg by the Metro DetrOIt Girl Association and IS sponsored by ages. Hardee's Restaurants and the Bur- wIth proceeds to benefit The Old- Begun m 1977, The Oldsters are In additIon to dozens of im- For more information, call 370- Scouts and other holIday actiVItIes roughs CorporatIOn sters Tickets are available at the part of the Attic Theater's outreach aginatIve adaptations of the Scot- 3140. The evenIng finale will feature the Attic box office, located on Third at programs to bring live theater to tish theme in major rooms SalvatIOn Army Band and tradi- The Umverslty Cultural Center IS W Grand Boulevard, and at all all segments of the metro Detroit throughout Meadow Brook, Santa A woman can make her teeth tIOnal outdoor carolmg on Wood- located along Woodward Avenue,: Ticket World outlets Tickets may populatIOn Proceeds will help Claus will be part of the festivities look whiter by wearing lIpstick ward Avenue two mIles north of downtown De . be ordered by telephone with VIsa them to take their show on tour Santa will live (and greet visitors) with a faint suggestIOn of the color Large, red hohday bows wIll treJ1t For further infOrmatIOn, call: 831-1811 • or Mastercard by calling the Attic throughout the area In Knole Cottage, a mim-mansion blue m It. decorate more than 14 partlcI- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••New Orleans Dixieland •. : CHET BOGAN and the Wolvenne Jazz Band :: • Every Tuesday 8 30 pm .• : NOW OPEN FORMERLY SERVING LUNCH & DINNER : THE LIDO Dining, Cocktails r ANTONS OF • 24026 E. Jefferson (Just North of 9 Mile) • GROSSE POINTE WOODS 20930 MACK • 773.7770 • CARRY OUT •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SERVICE OPEN EVERY DAY 11 A.M.-2 A.M. 885-7979 AVAILABLE Banquet & Party Facilllies Avallable. Your Host John Kelalhnos SUMMER PALACE Specializing in Chinese CookinR - Cantonese ,> L DAILY SPECIAL ••••• 3.65 Sandwic~ DINNERS ~----I. Di- - Fromthe BroiI_ and Szechuan <,~ Appetizers SERVED ~"ITH SOUP C'I\EI!::I: SAUD .uL Dnnaas INCLUDE SOUP nuu. CUZI: ~ ~ IJmAO A..'" ItTnT.JI Cuisine SAGANAKI OPAt1! .. . 2.95 H010CDCADE ",DR PW-Y ALL u...-oW1C1W m.vm WJT1IIOCP CHOICZ Of fOTATOa SPINACH CHEESE PIE • 5..25 16 Oz. NY DINNER 9.45 Lunch-Dinner - Takeout CI\'I:D.: L\SSDI CHDSJ: n...ua: WTrB JI.AHDt ~~J=~~ 11IDf UT'DS Of" ITIVDAL rn.z.m WTI'R c.uDKH 6.95 SHRIMP COCKTAIL. 4.25 SoUps ~~~~W~~;.,m' 3.45 ~=.::.~a:-- AND ILUUTOES.um 0WI0N1 Q_~ __ "" STUFFED GRAPE LEAVES 5.25 HOUSE SPECIAL Weekcl.). 11 a.m.- 9 p.m 'I AJLJ:ml OfTOC","'coorn:n cvex",,"":lLS CREAM OF BROCCOLI 1.25 SOUVLAKJ SANDWICH 3.46 ~~ 0"'" tooQVZ ua>m (W """'" CJ.Ot'ND >QATPRIME RIB _...... 9.45 F.-i A Sat till 10 - Closed Monda,. ,4 c.uue- SAt T OUV'E on.. U1ION • sa.vm COU> SEIl'''ED :CArLT BOW"L WJ.At'MATm rou: TKHJ)D%.OIN IDWD IJa 4HD 1L\5Of'rlING, "'-""'1'm IH nua CLU'S OCTOPUS . .. . 2.95 FRENCH ONION SOUP 1.95 ~=:..~ ~ '= W1TB BROILED SEA BASS 7.45 IZAVD LONDON BROIL US 331-8441 - 331-8440 .' nNDlJ\ aAOT0CT0Pt15 AVCIUTIN """"- ,CUD

EUCClNISUCEO ,.L n.m> Sal..a- FRENCH DIP ••••••• 3.95 BROILED WHITEFISH.. 6.95 PASTITSIO ••.••.•. ., .." BROILED PORK CHOPS 6.95 ZUCCINI w,th SCORDALIA 2.75 ,aQ.at TKHDO""m am WITH AcaolISAHT WITH ... WON.l1TttIl ... ua ,um CUD: L.UACNA)_ C1IOICII ...- PRJME SPLIT LAMB ~ ~~';:':':.~lP~~ wrnr o.uwc ~~'ts':";~:,":;'!D"ITH 5P1C1AL COED: STEAK SANDWICH •.. 4.95 BROILED PICKEREL. •• 8.45 >QATAND llAOOOlONl, IUNDID WJTH nT CHOPS 995 The Front Page $DVED 'WITH AU JUt WITH LDfOW aUTTDl SAUCE CBDS&, ICCl. :w.n.r. 4HD II.AJONIHC CI.aI: mu • TARAMA (RedCnur) ., 1.50 FAMOUS GREEK SALAD 1.95 .orz.NEWTOUSTlllPONcuua....." BROILED RAINBOW VEGETARIAN PLATE .• 5.25 TASTY BBQ RIBS A Il.Do"U or :un CA\1"k,. MASHID PO'TAT'O£.S ("IUS" L.ETTt1CE ()}(ION' TONATOD FIT'" WJTR CHOIa 01' POTATOU lft.ATLUS 11.115 Saloon ANt>'PUJAL SUCJ:S CKttSE c.En OU"" OUTS ...." PZPDOCD<1 HAM AND CHEESE • •. 3.75 ~O~ a";";'; ,~~ .•• " 5.95 ucz PI1.U'~~~ "':'="ACR Pm. WHOU: sua DOLMATHAKIA ....• 2.75 :.""C1Al c.... ":;"0) _VED ON CUD: Pl'TAa....." AND c.w BROILED STUFFED ~ CUt.D SltfTED rllAl'f UA'[S ""IrK I':lCE IlLI.:....O or- n"'"oSH 1'OMATC'1:$ CUX"UMJlD.S", ~n~ ~~~~ LATDS C1I 1t11'LA.1 ARDICHOKE HEARTS . 2.25 c.nN ,..>n" "",,ON'r .... ouvu CHU>IU MONTE JULIO S ••••• 3.95 SHRIMP ..••..•••. 9.45.IeD >flU,""" CJIDU AND :=:ATO 1/2 BD"- CHICKEN 4 ot rri A CHEESE AJrm pE:.P'EJOCINl "Aau> RA.M,. SUCJ:D 1"OUET SUCZD nnss & Jt1IOO SJD.J'WP STUTP'1D WITH DIl..JCIOV'I OAII DCIII: ..... N.TED .. TICHon BLUm 4ND CREDOOnll'LE DICOD DJPnD III "'" • "VSI.>('('"nuFnNO 1Oft'ED wrnr -.~ BAKED LAMB 5.95 95 GREEK BLACK OLIVES 1 50 GREEN AND SURF ••• "95 OAlTD ....'0 0U7 FIUED - _VED wms rr MCOlJDT'Acr.C1IUSI , .. vtt>"rm UCKl' TO":'T"";uez.' Side. no (elfn our ... 1:SO ~,~~",L .. lAD Tornn WTT1l ...... CRAB CROISSANT ••• 4.95 BROILED ORANGE .1C1 PlU, "'" ''Ze'''''U OF not OAT .99 7hur Fn A ~1l HBEOETTSP~:~O~~~L;~: CHEF SPECIAL. . • . .. 3.95~: ~ ~a""~ IROUGHY ••••••••• 7.45 ~~~t.t~ ..n....:..; ~ FRENCH FRIES 2.25 ,..,.... SPNACH WITH c.... nu CHnn. cr.OIS"""wmI PUNCII nIa wmr LOIO'I a ,..,m we...... ARTICHOKE HEARTS 175 .th A' F 1'1.. LEGS ....•.•.•..• 9.95 TWOTENDOU'" Of"" ,""ACR PI&. woo 00' ",.ntA'" ..OlD ILCON'[mlcns ., • WI menun or eta...,~ 2.75 AlnA"lNc .... n (W LA'C.)(un C1UalZC' sUA,C•• "J.UVU. PAST1CIOO AND>IC& PILAF COFFEE, SANKA .50 'th ANCHOVIES • . . . • . .. .75 DELUXE •.•••••••• 3.45 wtTH HOTOOAWNal1Tttll..OlD'U'" 1.1,,"" YIANNIS' GREEK SPECIAL HOT...... "" LAIKON CAFE FETA CHEESE Wl FROG LEGS • • • • . . .. '1.45 FOR TWO ••..••.• 11.95 .1Ooft. . • . . • . .. -CE 1'PnfA.0I "J~ MOOJUA,. runcuo AHD • STUFFED MUSHROOMS 2.95. c...... VI.I MIL'" ... )("Hl«"'''' cm ""EO'rTH O.. IClOO.cr... Egg ~&a,D~_.--6_ DEEP FRIED FRESH ... •...•••...•. .,<1 Authentic Gr~ek Cooking AOID"C'H'oo" m"Nr T<>m:o"',TH EGG SAGANAKI . 295 SHRIMP ••..••.... 8.95 BBQ RIBS sl CHICKEN . 7.95 ------rOTA ToskriNS Of,":,,~ .. 2.95 :,:;;';~~~~:~:'~A.~~~O= NY CHEESE CAKE 1.25 WlACHPI&, 'AS1'Tfi1O WOIlS.UA GREEK OMELLETIE •• 2.95 ICE CREAM ..•••.•• 1.00 DIU ,,"0 "lTH UN"" allTT:tll.. uc. ~"~I ~~ d..~.~,: .. 9.95 ORANGE JUICE . _ • .• 1.00 Sun., Mon., Wed.& Thurs. 11a m:3a m ALL APPETIZERS 'fCG' wrTHCRtM'UO'ETACHn.. FRESH GREAT LAKE ~ SERVED WITH STEAK AND EGGS ... , 5.95 MUD PIE . • • • ...... 2.25 PERCH ••.••• ,... 6.45 SEAFOOD COMBO '" 9.95 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .• 1.00 Fri. & Sat. til 4 a.m LOTS OF GREEK BREAD ,az NlWYOA. rn." m: .. "'!THlOTATOIlRICE PUDDING . • . . .• 1.00 "'><0' T...... lAUC. ~ =- ICAWlr'l noc !ZO' AHll TOMATO JUICE 100 &

\ _____ p_-_-.. P __ • ••"'''.-0-' '*'-'10-;-'

Page Four-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 5, 1985 'One Magic Christlt\as' shines with the spirit of holiday season By Marian Trainor make the children's Christmas all most skeptiC mood, pomts out how , Like the bnghtest ornament on they hope for They quarrel ImpractICal that dream IS the Christmas tree, the movie, Enter Gideon - an angel and the Steenbrugen glve~ d fme perfor- d !JdU '''Ilil Glut::un They have two children, Abbie Ize the hopelessness of the sltua- that she WIll help hun to rekmdle (Ehzabeth HarnOIS) and Cal e states before he was 19 years old. true to formula History accurately And thiS deCISIOnwas made after $21.95 e was mdeed for- PaCIfic" which won the Pulitzer Readers can undoubtedly look tUItouS m moving the publicatIOn 109 readmg pnze and inspired the Rodgers and As for Texas, the state. he gives forward to another giant 'read' b) date of James Michener's newest ISa good press In the process of re- book back a month from November Hammerstem musical thIS 78-year-old best-selhng author After that, he could afford to search and wntmg the book, he ap- - thiS ttme set 10 the land of the to October 111 order to catch the travel to all the places that held m- parently became attracted to It He mldmght sun and dog sleds Chnstmas book buyer It take" the most diligent reviewer that long to terest for him, and he did Among read, aSSimilate and evaluate thiS them were India, Poland, Austria, giganttc saga Afghamstan and Spain Two be- It IS likely that thiS was not an came the basis of the novels - Important conslderatlOn m the "Hawall" and "Poland" both . $h~ ParkPla~_~ deCISIOn One would guess Ihe mam ambitlous, inclUSive novels. reason was that any book Wl'ltten Texas ISequally so The material JI~C.a.f.e~ by Michener IS guaranteed to top was there. It has existed under SIX the best-seller hst and puttmg it on flags - those of Spain, France, the stands early would allow time MeXICO,the Repubhc of Texas, the Now Open Mondays for more printings to meet the de- Confederacy and the Umted States, & mand giVing It a varied hIstory Lunch Dinner As It was, Random went out on a Ilmb With a mIllion copies, which IS Its settlers came from Scotland, Reservations now being accepted for Germany, Spain and surpnsingly a record, but worth the chance enough - DetrOit - a fact that our New Year's Eve Dinner Party since some 60 mllhon copies of hiS books have been ",old Another fac- should make the book of speCial in- Small Private Banqu,,4 Room available for }our Office ChrlSlmas ParI) One of the exhibits in the Center for Creative Studies College of tor was that the TV mml<;enes terest Art and Design's Crafts FaCUlty Exhibition is this bronze, aluminum, rights were already bought before As a framework, the author has a 15402 MACK plexiglas and 40-watt bulb lamp. The exhibit runs from Dec. 4 Chapter One was even down on fictIOnal modern-day governor corner 01 NO\lll1gil.l1ll In till PM!.. through Jan. 15. paper create a task force to determme S81-0550 OI'LN lOR <..,UND\) BRuNCH Vi\l LT PARJ....1N(, Fmally there IScl my"tlque about what and how Texan students this sprawlmg state, ~econd only 10 should be taught about the history • Faculty exhibition at CCS size to Alaska, WItha hIstory full of of their state MOVIE "Crafts Faculty Exhlbltlon" by Hills, metalsmlth Karen Miller VIOlence Presently It IS known as The task force Itself IS compnse the place to be because of ItS repu- 10 members of Center for Creative Thomas of DetrOIt, metalsmlth of mterestmg characters whose Studies-College of Art and Design Tom Muir of DetrOIt, ceramist Gor- tation for economic growth and af- background and stories are woven fluence will be shown Dec 4 through Jan don Orear of Troy and sculptor mto the narrative There are a cou- Michener doesn't miss a beat m 15 In the school's SarkiS Gallenes, Albert Young of Birmmgham ple of male oll bllhonalres a hiS encapsulatIOn of the slate's 245 East KIrby. female millIonaire With more ~an- ~••••••••••• ••••••••••• The pubhc IS mVlted to an open- ThiS IS.the first time in two years four-and-one half centuries of . ches than she can count, a MeXI- ._. . growth It's all there from the ar- ,- mg to meet the artists from 4 to 7 the craft faculty has exhibited to- can-American college professor ~ ...... ,,', :: p m Wednesday, Dec 4, in the gal- gether rival of Cabez de Vaca In 1528and who traces hiS ancestory back to ..;--~ : leries on the second floor of the Included Will be silver Jewelry Coronado In 1541up to the present the state's beginnings and a WASP : Rent a ....P...er...s...on-s-W....,-th.. R..e-co...r-de-r-s ----: school's Yamasaki BUlldmg There and small metal sculptures, blown The book beginS \\Ith two pages professor : VIDEO RECORDER RENT 2 MOVIES : IS no charge. glass and steel constructIOns, mlx- of acknowledgements, dlfferentla- The history they uncover is one ExhibIting III the areas of fiber ed media sculptures, glass sculp- tlng what IS fact and hctlOn In the of conflict, pollttcal chicanery, : & 2 MOVIES FOR and Get 3rd MOVIE : design, ceramiCS, metalsmlthmg ture, sllkscreen collage, ceramic story It.s a mce touch to keep the wheeling and dealmg but also and jewelry, wood and glass are sculpture, woven wall pIeces, hal- reader from geltmg conlu"ed over statemanshlp, growth and develop- i INIGHT 810 FREE i fiber artist Susan Aaron-Taylor of loware, drawmgs, wood pieces and events that differ from what has ment : Hooks up to any TV In eeconds On " 2 day renlal : Pleasant Ridge, glass artist Herb a brass, alummum and pleXIglas been read In hl~torv books on The lIst of characters Includes "lamp." Texas . Babcock of Auburn Heights, powerful Spamsh explorers, .:- NO CLUB OR MEMBERSHIP FEES..._------_....1.• OVERNIGHT RENTALS : ceramist Maxwell DaVISof DetrOIt, Also exhibIted WIll be "Crazy The author IS abo expliCit about French adventurers, MeXican wood artist Pleter Favier of Wisdom Exhibition" of pamtmgs groups and mdlvlduab who are heroes and villam, Indians, black : Gr•• t WALT DISNEY SPECIALS: : Bloomfield Hills, fiber artlst Molhe and mixed media In the student Un- authorities on varIOus ",ubJects and frontlersmen, German settlers and Fletcher of Detroit, fiber artist derground 245 Gallery through who have gllJded and enllghtened the Anglo Sam Houston, Jim BOWie Robm Hood • Dumbo : him m hiS research :C.ri..... Mary Anne Jordon of Bloomfield Dec 14 and Davy Crockett : Gifts • Maty POPPIllS : Symphonic band concert is Sunday With all of thl"', the sheer quantl- People and places of the "land of • S.lehI« • Pinochfo • ttty of research that Michener and many lands" are chromcled from • Pete's Dragon • IS i$2995 • i The Metropohtan Symphomc of Christmas Carols Gloff, who hiS asslstanb do lengendary for the 16th century Spamsh explorers Band Will present a ChrIstmas Willemcee the concert, Willmake a thiS book Thev traveled more than nght up to the real-estate specula- Spectacular Concert Sunday, Dec special appearance as Santa Claus 20,000 mIles tors of modern-day Houston and :. Sf. ClAIR SHORES ROSEVILLE : 8,3:30 p.m , at the Macomb Center and narrate the popular "Peter But then l\l1dwl1cr ",cern" to the 20th century oil boom : 21617HIl""ef(bIIo.Ui) 18655 E. 10 Mile •• • "'J"O IC.orwer C/ l\dtIi for the Performmg Arts on the and the Wolf" and " 'Twas the • 774.8190 774-9191 : Center Campus of Macomb Com- Night Before Chnstmas " mumty College, Hall Road and TICkets, which are $6 for adults : Oaity 12..9 Mo.dnl--.... Dally 12,,' : Garfield in Chnton TownshIp and $4 for students and semor Cltl- :.. Sa"_" 12-5 '~.elCUlU Sunday12--S• The 50-pIece band, under the zens, are avaIlable at the box of- ...... : direction of Dr Martm Stella, Will flce, or by telephone at 286-22229 present a number of popular a m to 6 p m Monday through Fn- Christmas faVOrites such as Tchal- day, 778-3828Saturdays kowsky's "Nutcracker SUIte" and on .,.~ Leroy Anderson's "A Chnstmas w,e LUVe, Newest Restaurant on the Festival" SpeCial guest artlsts m- Spaghetti' elude WJR's Fat Bob, the Smgmg Eastside is NOW OPEN Plumber and local actor and Three performances of "True smger D~vls A Gloff Love and Spaghetti" WIll be pre- Food & Spirits Taylor Will slOg "White Chrlst- sented by the Macomb Commumty mas" liThe Chnstmas Song" and College theater productIon depart- Complete Menu also'lead the audience m a medley ment and commumty members at the Center for The Performmg WEIGHT ~ WATCHERS for Arts Frosted Treal Auditions Performances are set for Friday. & Desserts Lunches & Dinner Dec 6. and Saturday. Dec 7, at B RAM'S HORN Lo Cal Menu Auditions for "Veronica's 18000 E. Warren Ave. pm, and Sunday, Dec 8, at 7 p m Senior C,hzl'n also serving Wild Game Room" a thnller by Ira Le-vm to be Set m a small Village m Argen- RESTAURANT DeL -At the Pointes 885-1902 Age 65 Discount 10°'0 performed at the Golden LIOn tma, the productIOn IS a renaIs- 17410MACK AT ST CLAIR Restaurant from Feb 21 through sance farce m the style of the com- M r mum Order $2 SO Mon. Thurs. 11'30 a rn.. lO:OOp rn. Apnl 5, Will be held m the lower media dell 'arte, and features a DAILY DINNER What's new at the Horn Fn., 11.3012 am Sal. 4:00 p.rn.-12 a.m. level of the restaurant, 22380 Wide array of slapstick, acrobatics SPECIALS: Moross, at 11 a m saturday, Dee and comic acting CrOissants, Sllr Frys, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. only Fresh Veg cooked to 14. Tickets are $4 for adults and $1 /lrder, Chicken "SI1I1I1 10 Opell. Two men and two women are for students and semor clhzens HOMEMADE Breasls, Chicken or SI Cltllr 'Flail needed ages 20-50 All roles are They may be obtamed at the box of- SOUP DAILY Tuna Salad, Veg , Ham & Cheddar, open. Call 881-8946for further IOfor- fIce or by credIt card by callmg 286- WE ARE FAMOUS ill I Gl1llerrl I1I11J Grit Shop" mation on Tuesdays and Wednes- 2222,Monday through Friday, from HawaIIan Ham & for OUR DESSERTS' Crabbstlr days from 7 to 8 p m 9a m t06pm

...... d he" '4 4 4 q A $: • , 4

'. Call 882.6900 ~~ Page Flve-C ~ Classified ads Thursday, December 5, 1985

1A. PERSONALS 1A. PERSONalS 1A. PERSONALS 2ft. MUSIC EDUCATION 4. HELP WANTED GENERAL 4. HELP WAHTED GENERAL I I~DEX TOCLASSIFIEDOFFERED PAINO lel>sons, qualifIed WAITRESS ~ experienced CASE manager M A Recent . BALLOONS LOSE WEIGHT food and cocktails, early graduate WIth practlUm m ' Now that you've tned every- 1... ,...... cIIIlIps Dr eorJ'Kticla lItIIr 12 ...... ~ evenmg hours Apply In per settmg With retarded per HIGH FLYING HELIUM BALLOON BOUQUETS thmg else - try the one that .. _1,11... ~n Perml's, 10721WhIther, l>on DlagnoSI., m lake ca.,c For all occaSlOllSfOl d!>IIltle a~ $10- delIvery available works I 2. ... ~ .." deadIlne 'AMlsday 1lOOIl. after 3 p m work and coun~clmg (Jood Buy a dOLen 01 buy to' 882,,4968 • SupplIes All Dally Nutnents 'A ...... 111 ~ GRADES 1 THRU 12 2628 W CAR, 9200 (onner, De • Naturally Supresses Appetite 11 .1Ut1al Semee Homes PROFESSIONAL FACULTY TYPIST - bookkeeping ex trolt 41121J • Naturally Cleanses The l1J Callilpir 1C ""'" penence, part time, after 4 Equdl Opportunity Employ!'r, System 11 Flat SerwIc:. 11K Can WiIIltlld tll Iliy WE CAN HELP YOUH HOME, A WOHK OF ART • Burns Off CalOrIes 2 bterIIIrMnerlt l1L '"-1sItlm GRO~SE POINTE pm 882-8226 KEYLINER LEARNING CENTEH MInimum 5year~ expenen(e,:, Pen and 10k, wdtercoJor of Your Home, Busme:.s or Boat • Provides Extra Energy 2A MusIc EtlMc:atlon 12 Boats atIlI Motors WAITHES-SES, (ooks - apply • Helps Remove CellulIte 21 1IIorinlIlIlIdEiIucatIon 12A Boat Repair 6J Kercheval on the HIli m person Insh Coffee Bar famIlIar,"" Ith ke)IImng (ata " By (AROI. A SINCLAIR 886.8468 !ogl>, brochure<; .Jnd .,hop . • Doctor Recommended 2C JlilIIIIIw InstnIctloa 128 IJfliI t Do cbge & StlIrage 14J 0836 34J-{)8J6 and Grill, 18666 Mack - notecard~ dvaJlable - mdnllals Should hd\ e ~ome 100%Sallsfacllon Guaranteed 2D CanlIK 12C AIrplanes TUTORING REGULAR and Avenue, &rosse Pomte Or Your Money Back 2E Sd1aoIs 13 Real Estate - &eMral Farms expenen(e In mmor lol)OUt ~peuJI educatIOn tea(her~ MUl>tbe able to ""ark over - 881-1123 3 Lost HI! FoIIIld 13A !.Dts far 5aMl I aVdtlable to help ~tudent<; LOWER eastSIde manufac time Send resume to Box ' IkItp IleI1eraI For sale Dr Rent TWO alrhne nonstop super 4 Wuled 13B achIeve leolrl1lng potenlldl turer needs COIlWinder Ex H p/\ (;r<"''f' Pn'nll> .....p" < qq , HOLIDAY FF1UlT GASI(, POll1te ' trOlt Saturday, January 4 : ~ ~ ~ 130 YlIcationJResort Property nec~rv 5678500, between Farm~, 1\1148216 $1895 3. LOST AND FOUND 830 a m'-4 p m .\nd Up ~~~nmgs, weekend~ - 881- 4D ihiP Wuted DollIestll: ~~ :::::: ~ TRAINER EXPERIENCED bookkeeper/ 1"01 FHEE DELIVERY HOME VETEHINARY Hesponslble pel sons In human IF YOU HAVE FOUND THAT SERVICE secretary WIth restaurant Call Mdtt 01 1"1 dnk II: ~==::1aI~ servIce field IIlth academiC YOU CANNOT USE YOUR S SI1IIlltlotI=::=WHIed 8ulltIiDts Complete health and dental experience for eastSide 8420202 traIning and \\ ork expen , Order earlv to en;lII e pi ompt de!lvery TICKETS FOR THE 5A SItuatioA ~ Ilc,mest!c 131 Ctmetery lllts care restdurant Apply 10 person ence WIth developmentally . 18000East Warren, DetrOIt HAPPY HOLIDAYSI GROSSE POINTE WAR 51 Co!IraIescent care 14 llaal Estate wanted HOUSE CALLS disabled adults, needed MEMORIAL BREAKFAST 5C CRrtIlt 140\ Lots Warrtsd PHONE 77-MOBIL 8849100 to work In eastSIde DetrOIt WITH SANTA, DECEM- 50 ~t Agency 148 vacation Dr SulMutIan Dr Paul - Michael Turkal EXPERIENCED sales clerk adult foster Colre IdUlIt) BER 15, PLEASE CON. • ~ Apts., $; Prtperty WIiItlld LOST - 4 month old black I needed for new eastside art 'fwo full tIme and 2 part ' SNOW BIRD SKI CLUB TACT ME I WILL BUY Ilrll$$e IIllIma 15 8llsIlIns 0pp0rtlIIIItiIs female Labrador, red collar, gallery and gift shop Apply time pOSitIOns avaIlable ' THEM 886-7111 M ~ Apts., $; 16 Pwts for Sale answers Rozanne Lake- m person 18000East War- Vahd chauffeur hcense . SKI TUIPS BEGIN CRAFTS WANTED Sl CIIIr SIIenls 1M Adopt a PIt l>hore/Warner area 882- ren, DetrOit E 0 E Send resume to Box ' SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21ST CRICKET'S CORNER II IIeMaIsIIIo-. Apfs., e!l:; 168 Pet GnlotRIngIIaanlIIg 8612 EXPERIENCED bartender G-75,Grosse Pomte Ne\~s, 99 : CHILDREN 8 YEARS - 18 YEARS IS lookmg for people who make Harpef Wotds lit Horses fir SIle needed for new eastSIde Kercheval, Grosse POinte TRANSPOHTATION, LIFT, LESSONS FOUND Male Doberman craft Items for mfants, C!.C ~mes. Apts., ew. 17 P!tIItInI and EtIItwllI9 I restaurant Apply 10person Farms, !'IiI 48236 AND SUPERVISORS $28 00 Pinscher VICll1ltyof Harper children and matermty Call DetnIft 18 GeoeraI Semce and Beaconsfield Fairly 18000East Warren ELECTRICAL estImator - , 824-4703 88&-9690for further mforma- .. RefttIIslHemes, Apts., ete: 1M tarpct IIIStaMatIon large, approximately 90 part-time, \\ages and terml> tlon ... Area 181 IlefrtgntioI - AIr WAITRESS days, Tuesday pounds, ""ell behaved 882- thru Fnday, 11 30 am -5 30 negollable POBox 44002 r------,I-R-E-L-IA-B-L-E-D-O-O-R-B-E-L-L- : ~.::":.::: IIUy lac =:,a: FIreplace 7605 P m Apply m person after 5 Mt Clemens, 1\1148044 ' THE NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB REPAIR II IlMMs fir ReII1 Ile!lHIC!eaalng FOUfI.'O Tan/orange tabby pm 17551 East Warren, SALES people needed to sell LUNCHEON AND CARD PARTY Free estimates • Reasonable 61f Olfice for Rem 111DLoc:bllIlIIIs cat Well tramed, lovmg DetrOit advertlsmg to local bU~I-_' TUES., DEC. 10th ume to I GROSSE POINTE tlnklers, expenenced, refer- s.- 20M PaIntIng.IDecor you Eslabhshed callers;: ences, $4 OO/day, IOcluding IA ... : Yard; Bas8IMtlt 201 WIlliWIsNnI Mana Rivera, 12017Mack, presently earnmg between~ GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE portIOns of 1st and last days Sales 211.1WIntIIIIr W&sllIng DetrOit, 48215 $25 $35 per hour commls ..... FOR APPOINTMENT VE9-1385 II AucIIeIsIEs1III 5*s 20K TIle WIrk GENERAL LABOR slOn Full trammg \\ Ith an~ 885-8003 STO P SM 0KIN G, control 8C Musical IIIstnIaIIntI 20L Sewer SenIce $350-$550/Week excellent hourly guarantee :. weight Call Keith Russell, .. ~ ftr s.- 29M AspIIaIt Wort Will Tram I Call 557.1200 Whatever your earmngs~ 77&{)410 IE Office Equfplneat ZDII ceme.rt and IIfIcII WIrt JOB NETWORK now, you'Ulmprove \\Ith our:~ • Alleles WIlItId :lOP waterprooIIIg 26095 Schoenherr Fee proven success formula EX..~ NO CHANGES 10 "ctdws r.r Sale 2GQ PfastIf WlIItt penence callers ONLY t~ NO CANCELS MAN With vIsual Impairment work between 5 30-9 30 pm:. OF CLASSIFIED ADS 1M .... oIIiles IIr $ale 20R f'1nIbn RIpalrIRlllllslllnl seekmg volunteer reader Monday-Thursday InqUire:; AFTER 12 NOON MONDAYS 11 c.s tar SlIt - AMe 20$ Carpellttr Call for details, weekdays 2-6 pm dally, lmamlg~ NO EXCEPTIONS! 11A Can fir Sale - CIIrIslIr 20T PIumIIlng and IIIItmt We'll run your ad after 7 p m 884-6578 THE OF 1 ,1,. tan fir Sllle - hfd 200 JIIlItor 5eMce ment opportuOlty _avail:';: R.'s FREE!! ahle) 886-1763 ;- WRITING/RESEARCH/ l1C tin ....Sale - S.M. 20V CoIIputerIVCR .... 1I"s RES U ME S 11D hrIIp cars - All 0tIIer 20W DrIsslRaklII'" 1IIIorIIg 882-6900 HERE'S YOUR WANTED valet parkers 'and~ CLASSIFIED l1E AIIUlIIe - SIlaw Cars 20X DrapIries cashIers, call Donna or'. Brochures, speeches, edltmg, 11F C. kctIGlIs 2Uf SWfM1lIlRg"" semc. OPPORTUNITY RATES: 4. HELP WANTED GENERAL Shirley before 5 p m 963.' manuals, semmars, articles 111 CIIIkIrs .. JuI*ers 2l1Z ~ 1'-.1 1225 : 10"ords for $3 25 Measured ad $6 00 per mch 882-3146 RECEPTIONIST TO EARN $$$ ------. 2.,5f each additIonal \\ord Bordcr ad ., 00 per mch A C S VIDEO Video tapmg WlIl Tram I I 'extra charges lor caps, bold, Kelly has ImmedIate long and HOLIDAY $100 bLllmg charge darker borders dots slars photos, for weddmgs, hohday par- Hlflng Now I Call 557-1200 '2 ()(J If not pa.d 10 IDdo)s reverses elc. ties, rehrements Also Video PRAYER TO THE FOR GOOD MUSIC JOB NETWORK short term assignments Christmas cards 839-3149 HOLY SPIRIT FRIENDL Y 26095Schoenherr Fee available at area compames $$$ RULES: for DEADLINES Pre payment reqmred on SMALL DOG slttmg m my I Holy Spmt, you who make me PERSUASION NIGHT chef, dishwasher .1 Error corrections must be called In I <;en Ice ads home Not over 15 pounds see everythmg and \\ ho CALL RON mghts, cook's helper - days, • DATA ENTRY by MONDAY NOO1l. 2 "ttuahon \\ anted ads Excellent references 885- show me the way to reach waitress part-time Cancels must be called m by J Wanted to renl or share hvmg • Typists • TYPISTS MONDAY NOON quarlers 3039 my ideal You who give me 839-4950 F'anna s Granary, 18431 Changes m copy must be called 10 4 \!ovmg sale the DiVine Gift to forgive HAVE a plano bar at your holI- Mack • Data Entry by MONDAY 1\00"1 5 Out 01 lo"n or state ads IF YOU ARE havmg a ChrISt- and forget the wrong that IS day party I'll bnng my own Operators • WORD NEW COpy deadlme IS b All auto ads oul 01Grosse Pomte mas party and would like I done to me and you who are plano and thousands of BOOKKEEPING - part-time PROCESSORS TUESDAY NOOI\ area • Secretaries (With or ";0 EX<.EPTlO ....S ON THE "Santa" to come, please calli In all Instances of my lIfe tunes Unhmlted time _ reo days, Monday-Fnday Ex. Arthur Kuehnel at 881.8186 With me I, In thiS short ferences 646.9531, some penence 17800 Mack at • RECEPTIONISTS - ABOVE' Without shorthand) " REGULATIONS: WE BUY pre-owned smokmg dialogue want to thank you dates still available Rivard Amoco Put your skills to work for the, Reponslblht; for a c1assllled adver 1\e rese"e the nght to classlf; pipes HIli and lhll 882-94521 for everythmg and conhrm LIGHT-HEARTED FACTORY OPENINGS We'll give you the opportumty extra hohday cash flow Ilsmg error 's hm.ted to e.ther a each advertlSemenl under the ap- to mcrease your skill'> and NEIL Diamond - maIO floor, °tncbemore thtatdlfnever want ENTERTAINMENT NOW HWIRIILNLGTRCALAINL'557.1200 while mamtammg the f1ex-- cancellal.on 01!he charge for the ad proprlate headmg The publ.sher earn top pay For an ap- In error or a rerun of the portion m resen es the nghl to edit or reject Dec 18th 882-7423 after 6 0 e separa e rom you no MAGICIAN Iblhty your lIfestyle de- error Nohhcat.on must be gl\ en '" copv submilled for pubhcat.on maller how great the mater JOB NETWORK pomtment please call the of- mands No fee CompetitIve' time for correctIOn In the next pm, lal desires may be I want to ROBERT COOPER 26095 Schoenherr Fee fice nearest you pay plus bonuses ;, tssue We as.,ume no respdns,blhl> HOMEMADE cookies and be WIth you and m" loved ALL AGES OCCASIONS for Ihe same error aHer the IL"'I 10 ~ EXECUTIVE secretary/book h k f th h I d 10 sertlon cPheeseca e or e 0 I ays ones perpetual glor.v I 885-4210 keeper for one girl fast- 779-8100 DOWNliOWN one 884-7062 I Amen I MAGIC SHOWS - Available paced Grosse Pomte office ROSEVILLE PAN AM one way ticket De-, Thank you for your love to 'I for birthday partles, ban I Excellent position for person 963-2290 882.6900 trOlt-Frankfurt, Germany,l wards me and my loved quets, Jour SOCial affaIrs wllh excellent secretanal 25869Kelly Road, SUIte B for January 22, 1986 (date I ones Pray thIS prayer 3 con I Call Jm1 Shannon 463-3281 and bookkeepmg skills and cannot be changed) for sale , secutlVedays\\lthoutaskmg , lh h h I I KEL1 V STERLING Cheap 824-6513 your Wish, after third day I CLASSICAL musIc for your WI Ig accuracy eve s L1 I I --~------yourwlshwlllbegranted,no next occasIOn Solo, duo, References Box G 38, C S HEIGHTS NEDleLDI6Iam8000nd34-3.904It7lckets, matter how dlfflcuilit may tno, qumtet GUltar, Winds, Grosse POinte News, 99 Ker S ERV I E c , I be Then promise to publish vOice SpeCial Chnstmas cheval, Grosse Pomte, MI The "Kelly Girl' People 9:77 5'7AO ONE way ticket from DetrOIt' thiS prayer as soon as your I musIc available 354-6276 48236 Not an agency, never a fee 'I f- 14.t to Norfolk, Vlrglma On U S I favor has been granted 1 TYPIST needed With word Equal Opportumty Employer Air flight 375, 12-2385 I Thank youforfavors recelv processlOg experience MIF/H I SUPPLEMENTAL' Breakfast fllght,leaves 7 40 I ed MAT WOODS MUSIC Hours to SUlt your needs BROADCASTING a m DetrOIt time, arnves ------1 Excellent compensation ENTRY LEVEL STAFFING, INC, 1003 am $100 882-1644 [NOVENA TO ST JUDE STUDIO Call Mr Moore between 6 Hmng Now' Call 557-1200 DIAMOND tickets Wednes Apostle and Martyr great in GUITAR. PIA"J"O, DRUMS, pm .9 pm, 885-6007 JOB NETWORK THE TEMPORARY day performance Call after Virtue, rich m miracles, THEORY MANAGER gas statIOn, full or 26095Schoenherr Fee HELP PEOPLE 4 P m 884-8965 kinsman of Chnst, mter~e~ Home or StudIO part-lime Evemngs, week. S d f II I ERS SOl' of all \\ho Invoke you to 20941 Mack ends Mack-RiVard Amoco GA statIOn allen ant, u or P ON NEEDED for part. GIFTWRAPPING for every use your great God gIven Call Weekdays EXPERIENCED COUNTS part time Evemngs, week- time help In laundry Apply occaSSlOn Call Cheryl 884 t d I endl> Macll.-Rlvard Amoco 16300 East Warren or call po\\('r 0 al me m my ur 714.1144 3727427 I SchullesR I Estat h ------1 884 9690 8749 UPS AvaIlable gent petition In return I pro------ea e as open SHIPPING/RECEIVING 1---.------RESPONSIBLE driver WIll ml::.e 10 mdke your name VOCAL AND Plano lessons lOgs for "seasoned" ~ales I No Expenence Necessary MANlCURISTwanteJ, Grosse dnve your car to Flonda, knml n Pray for'ul> who ask i Gros~e Pomter WIth u01ver- associates m theIr beautiful Now Hlflng I Call 557.1200 Pomte shop 881.6470 leavmg January 2nd 881 for vour aid, St .Jurie, Say ,I Slt~ derree now furthenng new offIces In the Village JOB NETWORK ------6875 Our Fathers, 1 Hall Marys I mU<;ICd,educatIOn at Wayne 1 Our experienced staff Will 260'1'iSchoenherr Fee H~:~~~~~;s~o~ t;~~J7eontal 3 Glona~ ThiS NO\ena ha"l ~tate offcnng claSSIcal a~d prOVidethe service you need ! MASSAGE therapist Llcens ne~er heen kno\~11 to fall popular lcsso~ Phone 8~4- to free you for the Important PART lime recephomst stylist I LEGAL secretary probate ed European Techmques Sa) 'l/ovcnd for" da\ <; 1\1) 7182 Job you do Excellent com for retail optical dIspensary I firm 60 wpm some ~hort Gift cerhficates available requ('~t \\ a<;granteo GUITAR InstructIOn by Tom mISSion scale, retraining, 1 Flexlhle hours Call 824 8160r hand, word p~ocessmg ex Judy 882-38.'>6 \1 1\1 Conwav G r T graduate and SUpE'rVIl>IOnand gUIdance I for IntervH'W appomtment penence reqUIred Wang ex 11. SECRETAIIIAL exten~i\e pnvate ~tudy With Free parking Convement IMMEDIATE need for part I penence desirahle Re. SERVICE 2. ENTElITAINMENT 1 ed Grcene and Jorge locatIOn p~us many:' other 1 time recepllonlst for small sumes oilly 1000 '1'0\\ n RESUMES, theses, term PIANO entertammcnt for Strum .Ia77 fUSIOn,rock benefits Call B81-8595 for I eastSide la"" firm Good tele Center, SUite 2600, South papers, reports, repetlhve ~TV>edoPH,jopment B('gln I more informatIOn phone/typIng and dlctatiO'l fIeld, MI 48075 AttentIOn I II WORD PROCESS all OCCa.,lOns Chnstmas, ...~ R b e ers . cocktail partlPs fa~hlon ner Ari\tudent - quality work 521-3300 opemng., 10 } ('ar., ex tar le~<;on<;In your home good 'iCCretanal skIlls Word Sible full time employment general help needed, nec("; TYPING, WORD processmg, penen( e Reference<; 24 Rock n Roll Rluc<; ano processing experIence help wlthm 6 month<; 445-0110 sary to lIft heav> objects resumes, $4 25 a page, 4~ hour~ notice B85-621'i ~hcl(' Call Bn~n 45') R117 I ful or Willing to learn Equal I SOLAR sales - take 5 mmutes Start immediately $5-$8 an. addlttonal ongmals Notary ------opportunity employer Re to ledrn the detalb bv.phone hour 822 12'iO S C S 772-2809 HAV NG PIANO teacher With degree .,pond With re~ume'to Box ------I A PARTY? ha., opcnmg~ for hegmnlm; E'i'i Grosse Pomte N('\l,'b,991 of om' of the he<;t <;ales op HAIR dresser \~anled \\ Ith BOOKKEEPING servIces or ad\anrecl <;tudpnt~ Ex Kerch('val, Gross(' Pomte portumtie<; available today chentele Jon'., on the HIli Posting accounts recclv ADD A PIA 'I/O PI. \ ...ER pen('nc('o In c1as<;lcal, pop, Farm<; "lIT411216 No prevlOu~ <;ale~ expen I Pav 'i'i~, lI86_n__1_1 _

able/payahle CRT entry FOR ATMO..,PIIEHE ragtlnw and Ja77 143 '1114 CA~III!'=R counter per.,on ~~~!~~~~~~?NE WORKS :1 SI<:CRETAHYlaccount rccell Notary 774 7160 J CALL DAN %2.6"''1 HR \~" m~1rument~ teacher Chrck-out f'xpcncnce, full or I 46'i.42H I able cl('rk POSitiOnsop<'nmg PROFESSIONAL Typing '1l1ch (,lIlX'nenc(' I,e<;sonsm part time 17800 Mack <11I ' - up In Ea~tern Market Inclu~ Manuscnpts, transcripts, '"======~ \ollr horn!' 11224966 R d SALES per<;on for steel com' If) plant 2) ('ar::.of g('neral r . I 1Var pany Some experience offIce expenenc(' req\J1reri ' reports, etc, 885-0042 I COMEDY - PRIVATE I ESSONS Plano STOCKMAl'Io- 'iL clay week: nece<;sarv 7'122460 j 5678000 MAGIC OF vOice organ Umvf'r<;lty Apply Farm<; \Iark!'t, 155 I I mU~lc edu<.atlon degree FI<;herRoad,GrosM'Pomte EDITORIAL ASSISTANT GARY THISON FOR Mr~ ,JllnkN 11211721 I DRIVERS NEEDED' I ' On(' of I)PlrOlt'~ favonte -P-I.-A-1\j-O-I------Thl~ fulltlm(' PO<;ltlOn1~ perfect for an artlcul,ltl' hlghl" CLASSIFIED ADS comcdldlI1dlvldual blessed ""Ith common ,en.,c If "Oil DetrOit 'I Experienced teach tra In Ex cellent money ar(' rehable, creat Ive and enJo} ,""orking WIIh people CALL 882,,6900 Part1C<;,Banqll('t., ('onven ('rwlth 13MIn plano Accom I mdkmg potcntlal App.~ In I \\E' are mtf'restcd In you Send RE'sume to EditOrial hons B822910 p,lIlymg and vocal coachmg person I A~slstant, 200109 MIle Road, St ClaIr Shorc~ !\TI48080 I llIl2-8781 15501Mack Ave I

I Page SIX-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 5, 1985 6A RENTALS/HOMES. A"'S., ETC: 4A HelP WANTED 5A. SITUATION WANTED 6 IlENTALS/HOMES, APTS., ETC: 4. HELP' WANTED GENERAL .. HELl' WANTEO GENERAL 48. HELP WANTED LEGAl 5. SITUATIDN WANTED GIlOSSE' POINTE ST. CLAIR SIIOIIES I MEOICALJDENT At DOMESTIC EASTERN Michigan agency's AWAY AGAIN~ SEASONS GREETINGS NEFF-DELUXE 2 bedroom-2 RIVIERA Terrace - large 2 APPROVED ProfeSSIOnal EXPERIENCED bedroom, 2 bath condom 101 Nursmg Registry ISnow ac- 3 girl office needs full hme, LPNs Treat your children to the FROM bath upper Large hvmg, LEGAL dmlng, family and breakfast urn Upper level, $650 per cepting apphcallons for live experienced msurance sec. NURSE AIDES Story Lady who comes With J & L retary 882-2750 "Magic Bag" of creative ac- room Abundant hghted month plus security In m compamons only 773- SECRETARIES cludes heat and all' Avail 9848, 774 9654 FOODSERVICESAIDES tivltles Expenenced CLEAN ENERGY walk-m closets Carpeted SALES - GANTO'S The sisters of Bon Secour's nur- Permanent and temporary are ProfeSSIOnal Hesldelltlal throughout Apphances able December 15 886-6400 inVited to call and arrdnge teacher $6 hour, $4 after 10 JOB POSITION for controller JOin the most progressIve and sing care center IS seekIng Cleanmg ServIces Two porches seperate en- 1 for testmg at thClr conven 882-3856 LARGE 3 bedroom ranch 10 ~ - matul e mdl\ Idualto work fashIOnable women's spec- candIdates for several new- Let us take the unplt'as:mt trance and basement Two MIle Jefferson area Faml lence m our new office -1975 FOR all you hard workmg pe0- directly With execullve ialty chams Ganto's at the ly created POSitiOns.The 200- chore of house cleaning out car garage Walk to park, Iy room, 2 car garage, $700 Penobscot BUlldmg ple who don't have the lime director 10control fmanclal Renaissance Center has full bed center IS deSIgned to of your hollday schedule Village No pets Great for per month Century 21 AVId 01' energy or Just plam hate actIVities Completel) res- prOVide high quality long. 961-8580DAYS & EVENINGS We Are Insured/Bonded adults Snow removal and and part-time sales POSitiOns grocery shoppmg Let me do 7788100 pon~lble for account~ pay- term care for residents 10 a Candidates mtere~ted 10 the Hours 9 6 Mon Sun lawn care References a avaIlable for mature m- It for you 772 0936, 754 3895 JEFFERSON/9 Mtle large 2 able and receivable, ~tand posllive and home-hke set suburb~ Will call our Tlo) Call Jackie or Darlene must - honesty appreciated dlvldual With a speCialty 10 bedroom, WIth basement, 109 journal entne" .lnd 10 sales communication and tmg office COMPLETE remodehng, 8337424 885-2209 come and expen~e lnal garage, $425 plu~ utlhhes WIlling to work fleXible day- Excellent part-lIme opportun- 362-3430 plumbing, electrical, car- LADY DESIRES hO\l!>eclean- balance for ca~h and bud It) s access for quahfled can- Both ofhces welcome your pentry, dnveways, pamtmg, GROSSE POINTE Andary 886-5670 time schedule Apply In per Ing Own transportatIon Re- MOVING AND STORAGE CO geb >\)<.,0 perform varlou~ calls 7 days a week I son at Ganto's Renaissance dIdates m the followmg etc, Free esllmates All ferences 754 5738, after 4 TWO bedroom - dmmg room, other general ofhce duties areas ALL FEES worll. guaranteed 24 hour Reasonable Rates family room, $400 plus ~e(u Center pm 1') pIng and (om puler kno\l. Nurse aides - all shlft~ EMPLOYEH PAID emergency service 822 5391 RelLable Service flty depoSit 526-0277 SKILLED nUThmg faCIlity In ledge helpful hul not requir- LPN s - all shlfb l"ood Free EslImates DetrOlt needs experienced JOANNE A & G Washer, Dryer Repair STAR BRITE 343 0481, 822-4400 611. IlENTAlS/HOMES, AP'TS., ETe: ed :::,end I e~ume to Au Service aide" - days, after- employees full tllne. for pa- Rea~onable rates All CLEANING SERVICES HAIIP'Eft WOODS mllllstiatne Offlcc~ 26 noons MANSFIELD Homes, OffIces TWO Apartments - 6 rooms, tient actIVities elnd ~oclal make!> 822 5391 A FEW LARGE one and two Petel boro DetrOit fit I 48201 Please apply at 26001 Jeffer- LEGAL Apartments, Condos heat mcluded, garage space, \101'11. department Excellent I bedroom apartments avaIl son, St Clair Shores, 48081 HANDYl\lAN - All epalrs, ImmedIate occupancy After TEMPOH.\I{Y, full tune !>ecre opportunity for mterested PERSONNEL small Jobs, carpenter work HONEST AND I able from $490a month Call tal) - ..,tart a~ ~oon a~ po!> "An equal opportumty em DEPENDABLE 6 p m 331-3890 parlies Call 821 3525 Mon 4C. IAlY SITTEIL WANTED palntmg Pete, 882 2795 886 1783 ~Ible lor Dccember and Jan day-Friday, 9 am- 3 pm pIoyer " Wall washwg and much more ONE bedroom upper flat on INSTALL X mas decoratIOns, Udl) \\ 01 d plOce~"or ex Neff, applIances, garage, CLEAN .J bedroom bnck KITCHEN help and bus per- STUDENT needed one day eI clean house, almost any 839.1423 penence .lnd good ,pellmg a storage, utlhtles mcluded home, stove, refrtgerator, son \I anted, cooks and prep DENTAL week, 2 306 P m b month thulg Tom - 8850967 HOUSES, apartments, offiCes mu~t %4 ,040 - after offIce I Heferences $400 monthly carpet, 2 car garage, 7 <::"" Ch"r <\1 P~rk Pl~c~ RECEPTIONIST I olr! In mv homt> wlthm Rp",>onilhlp rpl''lhlp rpfpf noUl.., Slll l.)J~ PAltl ~ Ht..Lt'r..H;:, 11I.ul.U. lLu3t.- S(;,,-UI jt) de Cafe, 15402 !\lack Ave, If you hke workmg With people walll.lIlg dl~tan(e Lake ences upon request Weekly, ('all after b pm. Ml-:.!!.21 '1'\10 wllege girls expenenced I POSit No pets Available DHIVEI{ - Grosse POInte Park and are a sharp, dependable pomte between Fairfax and bl weekly speCIals Mary / HARCOURT - Deluxe 6 room 10 helping \1 Ith hohday par now 8864049 or (519) 728 l\IALE 01{ FEMALE indIVIdual With a pleasant Essex 331-()654 Gayle, 882 3994 upper flat, I' ~ baths, 2 car SMALL office In Grosse POinte 2930 For light local dell\ el \ and personality, then we have a tICS Reelsonable garage, fireplace, all' condl Park Will hIre Immediately BABYSITTER needed 1m 88b 2.071 POLICEMAN and WIfe deSire 6C. ftENTAlS/HOMES, AP'TS., ETC: mailing \\ 01'1,. )'\c\\ compa(t place lor you on our dental 885-b3J4 two people One per~on full mediately 2-4days per week, :..:-::.:.:..:",.-----;---;--1 offIce c1eamng Excellent tloner, extras 884-2868 Re- - OETIlOIT \ehlcle, Hlver TO\l.n loca team General offIce skills, LPN Ex!X'nenced, ~eekmg tIme 9 to 5, one person 4 2 15-4 15P m $J 50per hour reference~ Free estimates ferences tlOn ~4 per hOUl to start, knowledge of Insurance part time prIvate duty UPPER Flat, one bedroom, hours per day fleXIble hours 343-0959 5264609 beneflt~ elfter bOday~ Must plans and computer helpful Gro~se Pomte references SOMERSET - Gro!>~ePOinte stove, refrIgerator and heat approXimately 10-3 or 11-4 ha\ e good drlvmg record Ideal environment Good MATURE, lovmg babY~itter lI8553M .'HAVING a party?" Let us Park 3 bedroom flats, mcluded Secunty depOSit Important sktlb necessary lower, $415 per month, up $275 monthly 52.1-1980 Call Terry l\lurphy at 259 benefit package QualIfIed for 5 month girl OUI home -=~~=-==~=:;-----;-;; I decorate All occasIOns are typmg, office procedure, NEED SOMETHING moved~ ll270,9 a m to noon Monday apphcants should contact or your~, Kensmgton/l\lack Rates negotiable Call per, $375per month Utlhtles AN Ad bl b k b baSIC accountmg and de 3-5 day week, 9 6 Start mId- Two Pomte reSidents Will not mcluded One month de- n. ora e rlc ungalow thm Friday Jeanne, 979-2800 move or remove large or Carole 371-6419, Joan 527 POSit 824-2050 on DetrOIt's eastSIde 2 bed pendablhty Call 10 a m to January 881-2238 0866 NEED rehable peThonto ~now 3 pm 331-7279 ~mall quantilles of fw mture, rooms, 1 bath, cozy hVlng blow drive and \I alk to front DENTAL BABYSITTER needed In appliances, pIanos or what LADY seeking housecleamng GROSSE POInte Park - at- room WIth fIreplace, hard door Mu..,t be experienced RETIREES ASSISTANT home, Mondays and Wed have you Call for free estI- References Own transpor- tracllve, well-kept, 2 bed- wood floors, apphances and room apartment Pnvate many extras $365 per month and ha\ e 0\\ n snO\\ blo\1er We have a fuJIlIme positIOn for nesdays, 8 15-6 15 for ted- mate 3430481 or 822 4400 ta lion 884 3493 Lookmg for part-tIme work on dieI' and mfant Non-smok parkmg, apphances, com plus depOSit 582-{)669 WhlttlCr/Kerche\ al area our housekeepmg staff, you on our dental term If RETIRED HANDYMAN - CLEANING honest, relIable, 8852272 you hke people and are er References 884 4084 laundry No pets Ideal for BUCKINGHAM _ SpaCIOUS3 Jacobson's needs relIable Mmor repaIrs, carpentry, excellent references Call adults $355 monthly In LICENSED lOsmetologlst - an capable people seekmg eXCited about helping our EXPERIENCED babySitter electncal, plumbmg, broken Margaret, 773-9462 eludes heal, plus secunty bedroom upper, hvmg room, excltmg career celn begm stable employment 5 days a patients Improve their deSired for 3 full afternoons wmdows and sa~h cord Aval1able January 1st 886 formal dining room, central health and appearance, then MOTHER daughter cleaning WIth you NOlI hlrlng large week With full benefits Ex- a week at our home One 3 replaced, etc Reasonable, team, homes, offices, con- 2920 atr, separate entrance, base- stafr of part and full time for cellent opportunity to earn call Jeanne today' Sharp year old girl Grosse Powte References 882-6759 ment and utilities Couple personalIty and good com- dos, expenenced, depend- GROSSE Pomte off Kerche- preferred No pets $325/ salon" Illl{o!>eville Warren, extra Income Apply in per- AdditIOnal hours pOSSIble able JoAnn 882-9624 Sterhng lIelghts area!> Man son 9 30 a m 6 p m mUnicatIOn skills a must 331-5304 val Small one bedroom monthly Expenence preferred, Will EL GRECO'S house All applIances Ideal CHAMPION & BAER agement and advancement JACOBSON'S CHILD CARE 5C. CATEIlING opportunIties aVailable Con- 17000KERCHEVAL conSider new dental assIs- JANITORIAL SERVICE for bachelor $465 per 884-5700 tant graduate Ideal en- Lookmg for indiVidual to care PARTIES - dmners - etc month LaVon's Rental and tact Sharon at 5477352, for newborn m my home RUBBISH REMOVAL PARTY STORE stockperson Vironment, good benefit Order now I Gerclan speclal- Properly Management OUTER Dnve/Mack area re Monday Saturday. 9 am -5 needed Full or part-time Monday through Friday, 8 Let us clean up your mess At- 772-2035 decorated five room upper package QualIfied apph- tics, basements, garages, of- tles, spinach or cheese turn- pm Mlmmum wage Must have a m to 5 30P m References - breakfast, den, carpeted, cants should contact Jeanne, fices, etc No job too small or overs, moussaka, maca rom PIZZA cook wanted ExperI- transportatIon and willlllg to and own transportatIOn re- FOUR room carnage apart hardwood floors, $290 Secu 979-2800 too big You name It Very casserole, salads, sweet enced preferred, but not work weekends Apply m qUired Call 884-6071after 6 ment, $475 824-0625 nty DepOSit, references No reasonable rates Free estl rolls, etc 822-2560evenings nece~sary Apply III person person Shoreline Party pm GROSSE POinte Park - at- pets Ideal for adults 882- after 4 pm Mama Rosa's Store, 11535East Jefferson, DENTAL chalr~lde aSSistant, mates tractive 3 bedroom flat 9820 4-handed, full hme Expen- MATURE SItter wanted for 2 MIMI'S CATERING PIzzena, 15134 Mack, DetrOit chIldren, 1 2 days a week, In FREE 12 DOZEN Parkmg, garage, apphan- BRICK Bungalow With (Park) enced only Modern office, 884-7220 LOOKING for experienced Harper Woods, Grosse my home 881 8979 DIVISIon of Creative Artists CROISSANTS WITH ANY ces No pets. $425 monthly garage, 2 bedrooms plus DELIVERY person wanted to diSC jockey to spm for PARTY BEFORE DEe 1st plus secunty Aval1able De fInished 2nd level Refnge Pomte area 886-1122 HANDYMAN - Carpentry, deliver pIlla Musl have modern east SIde danee 4D. HELP WANTED DOMESTIC 779-5660 cember 15 886-2920 rator, stove, fIreplace, car I gutters, concrete repaIrs, c1uo Knowledge of elec- DENTAL RECEPTIONIST LOVELY 4 bedroom, 3 bath peted, a neat comfortable own car Full or part-lIme I WE SPECIALIZE mthe place- pamtmg, landscapIng, rea- APRON ASSOCiates Food for $'i ~ hourly Apply III person tromc board and prevIOus RelIable person wanted for ment of profesSIOnal domes the dlscnmmatmg palate home on qUIet street m house, north of 1-94 near after 4 pm Mama Rosa's cheerfUl Grosse POInte of- sonable Experienced Sea- Woods Short term lease Morang $325 plus utIlIties, club expenence a plus. In tlc and nursing personnel ver's 882 0000 Meetmgs, cocktail and dm- Pluefla. 15134 l\'ack, qUire at Montego Bay, 17315 fice Expenenced Please Housekeepers - Cooks - ner parties 882-7149 831-986010 a.m - 5 pm, 882- secUrity depOSit 8857678 RESPONSIBLE, caring adult (Park) Mack, 9 a m - 12 noon or call 884-2700 Couples - Child Care - Da~ 5052evemngs and weekends seeks employment as a com MARIE'S Catering Hors d' GRAYTON/WARHEN 4 rooms, FAMILIES needed to prOVIde phone 881-1340 PART -time for doctor's office Work - MaIds - Home pamon for elderly person oeuvres, dmners, buffets, MACK/Lakepolnte area One bath, Ideal for 1person, $280 room and board for workmg Recephomst, bllhng With in- Health Care Live In or Out GOVERNMENT jobs $16,040 I'm wllhng to assume a meetings Excellent Grosse bedroom apartment, $275In- monthly, heated, no pets, high school students Fman- surance forms Expenence Please Call - $59,230/yr Now hmng vanety of dulles 774-6484 POInte references 862-6295 cludmg heat 881-0000 security depoSit 882-1044 clal costs are fully covel ed Call (J) 805-687-6000ext R- preferred 881-2696, after 1 GOLL or 881-7292 WAYBURN - 3 bedroom up- ChIldren's Home of DetrOIt 1626for current federal hst pm EXPERIENCED accounting per flat, very attractive $300 HAVERHILL off Mack 4 bed- PERSONNEL CHILDREN'S birthday par 8860802 Fee reqUIred clerk Payroll, accounts per month, $300 depOSit room, 2 baths, fireplace, ties For more mformatlOn, EARN part-time up to $500- AGENCY receIvable/payable TyPing Aval1able ImmedIately Call fmished basement, 2 car ADULTS, RETIREES, young 882-5269 Leave message, $1200 per month 881-1121 MEDICAL 106 Kercheval CRT entry 774-7160 adults Withcars for mornlllg 3430311 after 4'30 pm, 824-3368 garage, $525 del1vllry of the DetrOit Free Grosse POinte Farms GROSSE Pomte Park _ Lake. Three Mile Drive off Chandler COMPUTER consultmg firm RECORDS PRIVATE NURSING GOURMET catermg SpeCial seeks clerk/typIst for Grosse Press on the Eastside and 882-2928 Around the clock pOinte near CharleVOIX, 4 Park 3 bedroom bungalow, Grosse POlntes 882- - LANDSCAPING crew - hIgh- SIdeManagement Company HAVERHILL near Mack - 2 ence preferred Typmg 70 Workers for private homes clean basement - etc Call est wages 885-8448 884-3890 I MARYLAND - Grosse Pomte bedroom 100"er,mcludes ap- Ilpm, Ren-Cen area COTIAGE HOSPITAL 18514Mack Avenue Vince - 886-8763 Park, one bedroom apart- phances, carpetmg, updated 964 0700 41. HELP' WANTED Grosse POlnte Farms EXPERIENCED NURSES' PARK - Somerset, 3 bedroom ment, $325a month, plus se- kllchen, separale basement MEOICAL/DENTAL OF GROSSE POINTE upper, ImmedIate occupan curlty depoSit, Ineludes heat d F hI t d John ,:,teven~ As~oc , lnc LIVE-IN NANNY to help ex- aides avaIlable Reasonable 159 KERCHEVAL rates Fraser Agency State cy $350 security and rent 881-8181, 881-1978 an garage res y pam e WAl\jTED compamon for man DENTAL assistant for a pro pectant mother With IB References, plus utIlI lies , and cleaned $300per month 5 45 a m 1 30 P m Flat gres'Slve dental practice III AVENUE month old, hght house clean- hcensed and bonded 293- adults preferred 821-9549 LOWER flat - 2 bedrooms plus security depoSIt No rate 5 days d \\eek Depend Grosse Pomte Farms Ex- Ing, shoppmg, drIVIng, etc 1717 568Vermer Road Security, pets Call 885-2905 for ap- penence 10 4-handed dems- GROSSE POINTE able 111166342 Pnvate quarters WIth CHRISTIAN companion aIde GROSSE Pomte Woods, Gros no pets $300per month 884- pomtment after 4 p m try necessary Prefer a Cer- FARMS, MI 48236 phone, room and board plus seeks employment - Grosse se Pomte Shores area - 3568 PART llme bookkeeper/ac- tified Dental ASSIstant Ex- beautiful Coloma I 4 bed CHATSWORTH - 2 bedroom countant for workmg couple I salary MIlllmum one year POinte area Can start 1m TWO Bedroom apartment - upper, WIth formal dmlng cellent benefits Call 8RI- (313) 884-8600, 1 I E ...penenced In "tock mar commitment reqUired Rp medlatel) Call 131 5640, 9 rooms, 3 2 baths, centra stove, refrigerator, heat room Freshly pamted, $240 2{80 EXT. 2450 ferences reqUIred No pets am -10 p m air carpeting throughout, Call after 5 p m 822-502.5 plus utilitIes 882-3600 ket ll.ln'>tate drapes $1,800monthly 885 men~ nece"sary Prefer bIll DENTAL ASSISTANT, chaIr- Call 8825790 Side 6 months expenence Equal Opportumty Employer I 1719 MARYLAND - St PaUl, 2 18053BRADI<'ORD - 7 Mlle/ paYing to be donc 10 res 1 ILADY to hve In full tIme and PRIVATE NURSING FOUR room apartment, $300 bedroom upper Refngera- Hoover area Very qUIet dence on ml\l PC computer Top salary and benefits Call 41. IIEL1' WANTED LEGAL care for elderly gentleman AROUND THE CLOCK 294-0900,ask for VIrginia per month, uhhtles Included tor, stove, laundry $380 886- nClghborhood Newly re- Reference~ reqUIred Send Must be able to cook and 24 HOUR SERVICE 882-9362 0657 modeled 3 bedroom smgte replw~ to BOAP 27 Gro%e DENTAL aSSistant, full tIme, GREATopportumty for legal dflve, also travel 9 a m-5 JUDY - 469 1887 THREE bedroom Farms Cola- home, 2 car garge $350/ l'omle Ne\\.., !l'1Kercheval. chalrsldt' and desk ex- secretary at rapidly growing pm 3658855,6 pm 10pm CHARMI:'oIG upper one bed nlal- carpeted, apphances, month 881-6721 small law firm m pleasant 882 4283 5A. SITUATION WANTED Gro..,,,e PO''lle Fal ms, MI perience needed for progres- DOMESTIC room flat on Lakepomte 4l121f, Sive, modern preventIOn- downtown enVIronment, ex [ $.'l5O mcludes heat Avatlable famIly room, deck, garage, AUDUBON - Newly decorat perlence In computer, ad WORKING mother needs lad) finished basement $875 882 ed 4 bedroom home, natur :BAR"lAlD Ilanted full time onented Grosse Pomte of- l' LADY LOOKING for IIve-m ImmedIately 886-8982,leave al fIreplace, applIances, 2 fice BenefIts mclude med- mmlstratlve Skills, some ac from 1 30 pm -7 p P'l fa : day!> or nIghts Top pay counting knowledge helpful preparing dIOneI'.occaslOna I posItion canng for elderly or message car garage, $425 343-{)255 Ical Insurance, paId "aca- children Call after 10 p m - Gro..,~e Pomtc 774 8209 Excellent salary Send drlvmg of .l teenage chll EXECUTIVE home. WindmIll HAVERHILL/Chatsworth tlOns, paid hohdays and Phone B7'i6586 COUNTER CJerk - $395 an I much more No evenmg resume and salary hIstory to dren, miscellaneous duhe!> Pomte area 4 bedrooms, 4'2 I ST Clair Shores Little Mack Newly decorated 5 room hour lllgh 'ichool graduate hours If you're outgomg and Box S 22, Grosse Pomte Monday Friday 882 2504 DOMESTIC COUPLE baths 3 car garage Imma- : - lO MIle 2 bedroom ranch, lowers, Ieflmshed hardwood \\ lth 1101 k expenence and a hIghly mohvate mdlvldual, News. 99 Kercheval, Grosse WOMAN TO do hou,ec!ean,ng Mature respon~lble. trust culate $1,800 per month i utility room attached one floors, applIances, garage, refcrt'nces Apply In pel1>on send resume to Box S-18, POInte Farms, MI 48236 and cookIng LIve In or out \\orthy woman housekeep 8223063 or 822-m8 car garage No pets 886 $355 $275 343-{)255 'l d m noon Sdnr!f'f') Clean Grosse POInte News, 99 Ker- LEGAL secretary - St ClaIr References 885589'i 1'1' man-hou~eman chauf CARRIAGE HOUSE 0478 ALTER south of Jefferson, mg 11'7,,)'lack, near Kerby cheval, Grosse POinte Shores general practice, full HOUSE cleaner needed I feur Duties fleAlble Drslre Prime locatIOn, Grosse POinte I T-H-R-E-E-'-b-ed-r-oo-m-b-r-I-ck-ra-n-c-hover the fence from Grosse APPLI< AlI0N'> no\\ being Farms, MI 48236 time, mlmmum 5 years ex- Plea,e have per~onal re hve In po..,ltlOn Free to Clt) $500, some uhhtles In I near Grosse POinte Shores POInte 2 bedroom lower taken lor slock clerk Must perIence reqUIred Call I ferences $4 'iO'itart 8l\4 'i4IQ tra vel and/ or reloca te cluded. references, secunty Large hVlng formal dmmg Carpetmg, apphances 822 b<' III Apply at Yorkshire PART-TIME OrthodontIC Available Immedlatelv Call depOSIt and lease Send m new kItchen With WIth fire' 9883 aSSistant, afternoons, Will before I pm, 771-8220 e after 6 p In Food 'larket 16711Mack I 7'11-&%9before I p in or qUines (Including phone I place 212 baths central all' tram 886 3390 EXPERIENCED part-tlm 4E. HOUSE SITTING SEILVICES after 6 p m number) to Box 59, Grosse flmsh'ect basem~nt WIth 3re' 4715 NOTTINGHAM - fIve STOCK BOY for Grocerv secretary sought for down I Pomte News, 99 I,<:ercheval, I creatIOn rooms, 21'2 car at- room plus Florida room, all ,:,tore \pply 10 prr'ion 18.,,'!O1 FOR town DetrOltlaw fIrm calli RESPONSIBLE, senous WSU LET WANDA and ShIrley.., Grosse POinte Farms MI carpeted Lo....er flat $325In- Macll. Avenue, Gro!>>>e MISSDoukas, 962-B255 medIcal student wl'ihe~ to Dustbu'itmg Clealllng Ser .. 'tached garage Ideal for cludes heat and ....ateI' Call Pomte Farm~ CLASSIFIED ADS I houses It Da~ r 2<).17247 vice get you ready for the 4Po216 family WIth young chIldren Sam at 759-6696 hohdav !>ea~on Excellent TWO apartments - 6 rooms, $850/month, plus utlhtles, . BOOK ~t,)re opel3tor for CALL 882-6900 4A. KELP WANTED MEDICAl/DENT AL I 5. SITUATION WANTED reference'i fl176'i69 'i2'i heat mcluded, garage space, secunly References 775- UPPER 5 room flat WIth sun- church full time fleXIble 1242 ImmNhate occupancy After 454'i porch, kItchen apphances hour.., ill! 'ifHKJ R.N.'s - L.P.N.'s I MATURE WOMAN WISm:S -- b P m 111 1896 ------Devonshire bet\l.een Mack - BUOKKU':Pf.B for large HOURLY CHILD CARE MATURE experienced ....0 , DUPLEX - 2 bedrooms, full Warren $140 monthly m church "aldr~ <.,lartmg at NURSES AIDES YOU HO:\lE OWN TRANS man de~lres house\l.ork VILLAGI'~ condo, completely basement, fenced yard,all I cludes heat 651-'i299 even S 14 ()(K) ('a II &11 ,)()(l(l COMPANION AIDES I PORTATION GROSSE e\ ('f\ other Wcdne"da, I f~r~ls~rd AvaIlable after appliances, available 1m. lOgs or 222-5071day~ I PONITE AREA O:\'Ly EX mornmg f_xcrl]('nt rrfer 6,11 Four \<,<'ekminImum I medIately $475plus ~ecurl EXEClITIVE AIDF needed 111 LIVE INS ('nc",> 0\111lran..,portatlOn I (all no\\ to lO'ipecl and ty deposIt ll86-4281,886-571'1 Ol\i Bluehlll north of Harper Gro..,.,p Pomtr offl<(' to run r CELLENT HEFERENCf<:<" Private duty nur~lIlg 10 Grosse Pomte area Immediate $1 'iO/IIOl,R 884 ')078 $20 ('aI12'lHI229 after l p m makr rr..,rrVomc phY'ilcal opelllngs ChOlceof hours and days Call between 10 4 rOMPANIO:-.l aide e...pen I L \DY \I 111 clean home'> '1 ' golf course, 2 bedrooms, l'l house OptIOn bedroom \\ ork <"(.ndf(''iume and sa p.m Monday Fnday enced m genalnc care, de apartm('n\<, offIC('~ Call (_!'_~N riuPP:::;;1bedroom flat bath" 2 car attached elec- house Opllon avatlable $420 Ian f( qUlrrm('nt.., to SlIlte MACOMB NURSING UNLIMITED ~Ire~ PO~ltlon Illth am P('gg~ 77'1B'l70 - ardwo oors garage, I tnc-door garage $8S0 per month, plus secUrIty 886- 'TI()" ('I L \'1'( r() Imme late occupancy S125 month 261-643')evemng'i 111 lWi10 Mark (;Iosse 263-0580 bulatorv lad~ a..,11\('m. h\e I\( ., ,"_,,,,,,, I I 4'lll-21R.l III ';,.,97 ------~_ 0903 Pomt(> Fa rrm \11 411n6 day!>\l.eekl)- A\aJiabl(' 1m Full) In<,ur('d Prof('..,..,lOna]Job '\'ORTII f V 2 hed. I NEW TWO bedroom town lONE bedroom, 4 room apart medlatelv E...crllmt Gros."r BAH I E \,f>Ef{!-, waltrC'i'ie'i at an afforddh]r rat(' 1I0m(' 0 rrmer, _ I hou'ie and ranch UnIts. ment Prefer adult'> No Pomtr anri df('a rt'ferrncc'i offl(,(, bu,,\nc<.,<.,~ rrc r'ill room garagr no pets $4&'>" garage, ba'iement apphan I>u<.,hplpanrl mU'i'ir] cleaner male.., I <.,rclint ~ 'l7'l 'l111 cc., from $600 Babcock pets References secunty \pp]~ at ( ,I(hrux (afr 4100 SECRETARY Plea'i(, phone HI'l41172 dPpO,>It $28') ('adlCuxl ( delle IJA [ktroll AURA'S 211720')7 ,61 '1626 !->TClair near St Paul Lo....er, Bro'i 44') 1660, 88'i 6861 Morang area BIl5498.1eve- FULL TIME 8:30 A.M. - 5 P.M HOME SITTING SI':nVICE TWO honest depcndahlr, hard I flal 'i room~ and bat~, ON LAKE ST. CLAIR Illng~ only BI'_AlT\ r on..,ultant..,\\dnted \Iorkmg \Iomrn dr<.,lrc ..,creenrd In porch $'i21 \~I]I tram 111 (olor dnaly'il'i Immeeclranlng excellent :\Iabarak BIll()()()() Carnage Townhou~e 2 bed TWO bedroom upper flat, mtypmg (70 wpm), shorthand (JOOwpml and dlctaphone Hourly, ovcrmght anr! 24 ,wd h('') 'iB21 Gros~e Pomte CIty new kIt fireplace, attached garage month. gas mcluded 885 Mr~ Hammon \l.ho<,('agen ll(,/' -'"------h I th f AvaJlable February I Last 0661, 884-171l4 Apply In perc;on or !>ubmlt fC<,umr to cy ~erved GrO'i'ir POInte CLEANING' c en, I\Ing room WI Ire month and secunt' requlr I COO" Exprnenced. dpply I • place Comc'i ....Ith one J Duplex between Mack/War 10 r)('rvm Whmlpy'~ Bar and PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ~~~~e~o year'i Llcen<;ed Thal ..,\~hat \\r do nrst garagc'ipace $ll.'iOmonthly, ed Call own('r after 6 pm, ren, near ('adieux 2 bed (,nil 16',41J<':a..,tWarren at Let thr phl'i ulihtle<; Available 1m- _2_94_-_30_16______room, garage, yard $175 COlTAGE HOSPITAL I 2470283 (Jut('r Dnv(' 159Kf~RClmVAL I-- HOUSE-KE- TEERS mediately 'i68 'i420 THREE bedroom hou'ie 9 I per month plu'i 'iecunty MA \f( l IU'>T np(.rj((j hu'iy GROSSI': POINTE FARMS, MY TEl\jImH lovmg carr of thr do all of your gener Available

(;rO'>,>r POInte ..,alon lillI- 482'\6 II eldrrly, al<.,o..,ome mght" f:xc!'llent refcr('ncC''i room hou<.,eHospItal parks, December 21, 771 t417 6 P Immedlatrly BIl'i4013 or 01112 L ---J 1-2472492 56'>41()() 582 444';, shoppmg, etc $490 881 0389 I p m L.-_88_2_'i_l_60 ..l

...... Page Thursday, December 5, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Seven-C 3 MISCEllANEOUS ARTICLES liC. RENTALS/HOMES, A~T .. ElC' ie. IIE~TAlSIHOMES. A"rs. ErC: 6C RENTALS/HOMES, A,.rs , HC I 6M FLORIDA VACATION 60 VACA TlON RENTALS . •. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES 6H OFFICE fOR RENT FOil SALE DETROIT DETIIOlT DETROIT RENTALS All OTHEII fOR SALE HAVERHILL-Warren, two SARATOGA ~ 7 Mile/Schoen- ALTER.CHARLEVOIX PLUSH, pflvate offlces - fur- JUPITER _ CARRIBEAN Villas from JACOBSON electriC snow- BABY bedroom lower, $250, modest to magOlflcent. se- blower, power lawn mower. herr area 2 bedroom lower, Grosse Pomte Side, allrachve nlshed. $150-$175 Wall to carpeted, hreplace, formal wall carpetlOg, utilities 10- lect private homes Staff, reellype electriC edger. 30" FURNITURIiI all applIances, basement one bedroom apartments PALM BEACH duung room, ba~ement. and eluded Ideal for attorney, Jupiter Ocean and Racquet pool, tenOls, golf. water lawn sweeper 885-0220 ~275 plus utllIlJes No pets Heat IIlcluded From $220 EQUIPMENT garage Tenant pay!> heat sports, horseback rldmg. Secunty 882 4662 331-7852, 824-7039 accountant, manufacturers Club 11 Tenms courts, 2 SEARS 6 h P 24" snowblower AT RESALE PRICES and elect! IC 884-4t90 rep Monthly lease accept- pools, walkmg dIstance to restaurants, shoppmg, and self-propelled, $250, 12 h P Blonde Crib IF you are approachmg retIre DETROIT Towers Condo - MOROSS/Mack area, 3 bed- able ImmedJate occupancy the ocean 2 bedroom condo- more Complete travel ser wheelhorse lawn tractor, 48" FoldlOg High Chairs ment or have reduced fami- SpacIOUS 2 bedroom, 2 bath room, dmmg room, base- 881-6827, evenlOg~ 885-b8b9 mlOlUm Ca 11646-4440.or 332- vices Free color brochure snow blade and mower deck, Oak Hili Wood Changmg Table ly at home. why pay more? WIth a view of the nver Op VHR WorldWide. 235 Ken ment, wall to wall carpetmg, Why more hou!>ework and $750/ offer 776-1343 Mesh Play Pen tIOn to buy aVdllable THE MARK I BLDG, 7691 slOgton Avenue, Norwood, White Cradle newly decorated, Vet!>/FHA, more rooms? 5091 Haverhill 23230 MACK AVE FORT MEYERS BEACH . two 18GALLON aquarium, $8 824- CHAMPION & BAER NJ 07648 (201) 767 9393 Bath Tubs o down, $475 per month has the followmg all on the ST CLAIR SHORES bedroom. 2 bath condo on 7147 8845700 SterIlIzer 1 781 5153 flrst floor 2 bedrooms, dlO Office .>ultes available gulf Pool, pnvate beach, THREE bedroom brick home, HAWAIIAN HOLIDAYS GIRL'S French ProVInCial Swyngomatlc Swmg THREE bedroom unfurmshed eUe, IIvmg room With fire- Upper level cable TV, phone and Your lIawall condo vacatlOn newly decorated, carpetmg, bedroom set, antique white, Step Stools a part men t Y01 kshlre near place. easier to heat. near Vallable ,)Ile~ microwave Weekly, month speclah;,t Air condo-car garage. central air I 94/ double bed, dresser, desk- Wood High Chair GrO!>sePomte Bob, 81160835 churches, shoPPlllg and Modern - Affordable Iy rates After 5 p rn 264 354-3583 hutch, Olght sland, chair buses AUractlve and conve- Cadieux 979-5095, after 5 WhIte Dresser BALf'OUR/Warren - 2 bed 771 bb91 886 3Ull6 5901 1.300 value, for $695 After ment $350 pm HILTON HEAD - Palmetto Toddler Car Seat room upper wIth kitchen, EXECUTIVE offices, parkIng CONDO - tImeshare on gulf, Dunes Villa, 2 bedrooms 3 30 pm 88H>909 WhIte Canopy CrIb THE BLAKE CO INDIAN VILLAGE area, Ideal dmmg room and spaclOu!> ~Ulte;, IUO !>quare feet to Lido Key - Sarasota. Wood Play Pen 881-6100 for professlOnal/execullve, 7 886-9234 TWO used storm wlOdows - hvmg loom with 1b' cathe 1,000 ;,qUal e feet 88b 9140 January 18 - March 1st, 2 ~cales rooms, 2 baths, $400 per SNOWMASS Colorado HousE' alumlOum triple track, 30"x dral cellmg Will be shown TWO bedroom duplex, Kelly/ bedroom, 2 bath, complete 4'6" 884-4529 Walker.> Morang, brick, very clean, month plus utlhhe, 499-m77 OFFICE !>pace for lease, 3 Iy furOished, pool, sauna, belo.... J<::lk Camp on the Saturday Sundt VCR - RCA VJP 900 !>tereo, Diaper Pal! monlh's plus ~ecuflly Call carpeted, ba~ement. gar- room!>. 5 blocks south of Ver TV, VCR, beautiful beach, ~lope Ski out. ski home In mer on Harper 5765888 $700/week, 886-4049 or (519) Wood Run For 10 people - convertible, ;,peclal effects, Sheet" for appOlnlment, J43-0005 age, near ;,hopPlOg, tran!> Mobile'> ~325 per day 065 8505 S heads 823-2371 portatIon Non smokIng STORAGE area heated, 20x 728-2930 Johnson Johnson Bdby Toy!> ATIRACTIVE, <.lean, 5 room adults preferred, no pets -- --- FRIGIDAIRE washer, w;,tom upper Heated Gal age AHOY BOATERSI 70 feet on Harper 10 Harper NORTH Ft Meyer;, LakeSide 1. WANTED TO IIENT Baby Product Samples $350 771-2474 - Woods 576-5888 at Lochmoor Country Club deluxe, $25 Nutone range $285 \dult!> pi eferred 264- Welcome to the good life MOM'S TOY ATTIC hood, $10 886-4764 8933 CHATSWORTH near Warren -abodrd HARBOR CLUB AVAIL4.BLE NOW QUlet,,,paclOus2bedroom,2 COLLEGE !>tudent d~parate A Toy Resale Shop - very Illce one bedroom APARTMENT~ AND Hal per Woods bath condomlmum, com Iy needs to rent out a gar TWO 3-.>peed bike.> Mdn's and I06J7 E Warren CLEAN small two bedroom upper, r.e" c:lrpetlr.g: fresh Y \C! IT H ".REOI{ LJ rge 1 plrte!} furmshed L:>rge J;::O'J.pJ.rtme!,I, or onable Atter b ly pdmted, ~tove, enclo~ed and 2 bedroom dpartlOents VJ<::RNIEH at I 94 1 5ROft ex- screened bakony overlooks around the Glosse Pomte lOasters 884-4529 pm. 774 84b8 TOYS back porch, $260 mclude!> each With ItS own balcony or ecutlve offKes Just redec lake/golf course Carport, area I need for rent to be PENNCREST electnc dryer, TliRl'~E room aparlment. heat After 6 p m 882 1b8bor patIO overlookulg Lake St orated FOR LEASE pool 8858836 cheap. WIllIng to help out AT RESALE PRICES $95 Good condJ hon 881-7298 3 pc LillIe Tyke.> Kitchen Set newly decor prefel red $250 a monlh 882- well decorated, 3 bedroom oall, cable At HARBOH tenant~, small ;,ulte for new $2,475 per month December 5837 1578 CLUB APARTMENTS AND owner FOR SALE Land FOUR salon chairs With Wood BarbIe Furmture home, fireplace, II.! baths, thru April 8848811, 775 WANTED - Grosse Pomte YACHT HARBOR, 3bOOOE ContrfJcl term!> dryers, barber chair. desk Electnc Organ WHITEHILL near Morang family room, $375 EastSide 0135 unfurOl!>hed 2 or 3 bedloom regIster 882-2680 Work Benc.h Clean and safe DetrOit area Management Company 884 Jefferson near 15' ~ Mlle on ranch With air and applian- the Lake I 94 near Allard 2,200 ft ON the ocean, Pompano DARK cherry dlOlOg room Tool Chest 3 bedroom house wIth base 3890 Beach - Large one bed ces One year or longer Sesame Street Dolls & Puppets ment rec room Option to 791-1441 deluxe offices Good park- StartlOg anytIme Excellent table, 6 chairs plus large GRA YTON near Warren - 109 [<'OR LEASE room apartment, near shop buffet, best offer After 3 Play Skool 3 Way DE'sk buy available $480 a month, sharp 2 bedroom upper, kit TWO bedroom lower flat. pmg, sleeps 6. maId service reference!> 925-7981 Doll Buggies plus secuflly 8860903 RoseVille Close to shoppmg p 10 • 821 8803 chen With nook $335 East- Available January 11 25 NICE family needs smaller Hot Wheels Service Center and X-way $425 per 100nth HARPER at Brys 1,600 fl ABSOLUTELY beautiful pmk HAVERHILL, attentlOn stu- Side MaOdgelOent Company $500 per week 791 4192 home to rent or buy 3 or 4 Dressy BessylDan Secunty depOSit 979 2456 dlstlOchve offices 10 car beaded shell top. matchlOg dents, professIOnals' 4 bed- 884-3890 bedroolO or Income Occu- Doll Bathlnet between 4-6 p m parkmg FOR SAL~~ ORLANDO - (Apopka), Errol eveOlng bag $60 Small room!>, 2 baths $500 881- BISHOP near Warren - rede Estates, pnvate countrv pancy by January 1 Condi- Tot Traps Drum set 0389 tIOn not Important Grosse 886-5226 Edu-Games corated 2 bedroom lower, We are now takmg apphca AVAILABLE nOl\ FI~her Rd club. 27 hole golf course, POlOtes or North of 8 Mile MANTEL 101rror, end tables, Tonko Road Grater NOTIINGHAM - East War- fIreplace $325 EastSide lIOns on the followmg at Maumee 1 2 person sUIte sWlmmmg, tenniS, excellent ren, 5 bedroom house. dnve Management Company 884- Pnvate lav ParklOg FOR dlOlOg Luxury 2 bedroom, 2 Road, 882-B614 formal lamp, (ronnte, Doll Cradle rentals naugahyde, chaIr, 1925, Atphle way, carpehng, $280 plus de- 3890 POINTE GARDEN Harper LEASE bath, fully eqUiPped kitchen, ST Joan of Arc Parish area POSit Workmg people pre- laundry, condo on nmth falr- dresslOg table, dresser. 1934 Ice Skates OUTER Dnve near Mack - Woods QUIet well lOam- home wanted 3 bedroolOs, enamel top table, household Rock Tumbler ferred 885 6369 spacIOus 3 bedroom home, tamed tomplex across Vlrgmla S Jeffries way Week, month, season, rent or rent With opllon 776 Realtor 882-0899 40 miles to Disney Leave miscellaneous 882-5205 Telescope FOR rent or rent to own, 3 bed- ll" baths, 2 flre(llaces $500 frolO Queen of Peace 7063 E.XECUTIVE office servICe message 313-294-9381 OKIDATA 82-A prmter, new. Scrabble Sensor room, 2 story Tudor, on cor- EastsIde Management Com- Church Near shoppmg Baby Land General Hospital ner. fenced lot, garage with pany 884-3890 One bedroom, excellent Prime Mack Avenue loca- SARASOTA - Siesta Key, 2 PLACE TO Rent 3-4 bedroom $200 372-7700 East DetrOIt, St ClaIr MUSICal Umcorn electnc opener, tormal dm DECEMBER 15th - beauhful conditIOn tlOn Woods Answenng ser- bedroom, 2 bath condo By NORTHERN Mailbox Sorters mg room, breakfast nook, FRASER 13 MIle Rd and vIce and secretarial 882- week or month BeautIful Shores, Harper Woods area 3 bedroom. 11~ bath Col WorklOg adults References Double Trouble Game sun porch, Mack/Devon- omal. large new kitchen, ap- Hayes Newly decorated, 4662 gulf view 881-0892 after 5 FIREWOOD CO. Colossal FOSSil FIght 521 6038 Exceptionally FlOe Mixed ;,hlre area $425 monthly phance!>, family room WIth spacIous 2 bedroom aparl- GROSSE Pomte Park. Mack P m Dommo Rally 71. OFFICE/STOllE Hardwood 823-4124 private deck, gorgeous lOent With central air at Nottmgham - sUites of MARCO ISLAND Soulhseas, 2 Wonder Walk/Ride Horse WANTED TO IIENT Oak, Ash, HIckory and Frult- VERY mce modern 1 bedroom woodwork, fireplace, carpet, SHORES GARDEN Excel- varIOus sIzes available frolO bedroom. 2 baths. penthouse Metal RldlOg Tractor apartment - carpeted, air drapenes Must see - $575 lent locatIOn on Mack $165, including utilIties condo. washer, dryer, wrap- COLONIAL EAST woods LIttle Tykes Vamty Guaranteed to be Quality condllLoned, parkmg, WhIt- Immediate - spacIOus. clean Ave, between 8-9MIle Rd Eastside ManagelOent Com around balcony, pools, ten Smurfs I Seasoned Fireplace Wood or 2 bedrOOIO upper, automatic Secure, qUIet complex 2 pany 884-3890 ms beautIful beach Two Office bUlldlOg at 9 Mile and CaptalO Kangaroo Doll tier near Kelly Road, $280 Your Money Back per month mcIudmg heat garage door, updated kIt- bedroom, newly decora- I EXECUTIVE sUItes - all uti weeks mmlmum 884 6848 Harper 150 square feet Air New Wood Toys ted $48 Per Face Cord 881-3542, 839-0416 chen, applIance;,. carpet, I lltIes, 100square feet to 1,000 MARCO Island _ South Seas comhtlOrung, Cdrpet, Jamtor, Play Skool Wood Village HOUSE 5091 HaverhIll 3 777-4876 wmdow decor - $325 square feet 886 9140 condo on the beach 2 bed- near express\\ay Immedl- Easels TWO bedroom apartment, bedroom home 3525 Nothngham, corner of January 1 - Great 1 bedroom PRIVATE excellent locatIOn room, 2 bath. beautIfully fur- ate occupancy BRAND new $50 Weber cllar- LaclOg Boots upper, new decor through THE BLAKE COMPANY BAckgammon Mack, applIances $315 mon- 10 Grosse POlOle Woods $125 mshed All amemtIes Week- coal grill, never used, $20 out, carpet Levelors, over- 19806 MACK AVE thly, heat mcluded 822-1645 mcludlOg utilIties 882-0104 Iy. monthly Call after 5 pm 778-0120, 881-6436 771-9047 MOM'S TOY ATIIC looks Grosse Pomte, $350 m GROSSE POINTE WOODS 16637 E Warren ONE bedroom apartment 3525 cludes heat 881-6100 TWO offices and receptIOn 652-2237 ST Clair Shores - self- BOYS' dirt blckes red Schwmn 882.7631 Nottmgham, carpetmg, ap 886-1924 area $450 a month, also, 5 contamed offlce sUite on Jef- Scrambler, black/yellow pllances, $275 heat mcluded offlce sUIte Mack Avenue ferson 800 square feet $700 Mongoose 882-0042 HARD WOOD Share - gorgeous 3 bedroom iE, IIENT WITH O~'ION 822 1645 3793656 SkI MIchigan's Northern per month Century 21-Avld TELESCOPE - Umtron Re Colomal, new carpet, Levo TO IUY HOT FIRE WOOD THREE bedroom WIth base- lor;" fireplace, super new KELLY /10 Mile Newly con Country 778-8115 fractor, 75 m m • 3" obJec- ON SALE ment, Kelly/WhittIer area, kitchen, deck, garage How- MOROSS/Mack area. 3 bed structed professlOnal sUIte Petoskey/Harbor Spnngs tlve eqUltonal mountmg $375 plus utilities 882-5049 ard Mack $275 100nth plus room, dmmg room, base- Offenng secretarial confer- LakeSide Club CondolOlmums Evenmgs - 259-8816 MODERN PRICES ment, wall to wall carpetmg, NICE 3 bedroom - basement, uhll ties 886 1924 (885 8324 ence room/library, Xerox, and Spnng Lake Club Com GARAGE wanted ImmedIate DINING ROOM set - buffet SMALL PICK UP after 6) newly decorated, Vets/FHA, answermg servIce 773 6201 pletely furmshed luxury 2 " t h b t 66" fenced yard. $275 plu.> secu- ~:::;::;';'::":;:~=..:"::":::"':":'::"':=':"I bedroom, With loft and to....n Iy for wmler storage of sporl 65 ong, c ma ca me rity 526'()277 o down $305 a month buys It CORD DELIVER + rHiPLEX - Two bedrooms, 2 1-781-5153 PROFESSIONAL office SUIte house rental;, on Round car 34J-0271 high, table, 6 chairs, $400 HARPER/WhIttier area - 5 baths, carpeted, refriger- 350 square feet $300 per Lake and Sprmg Lake 885-1976 or 526-6571 13925 MACK room lower, With garage, ator and stove Ideal for cou 6F, FOil IIENT FUIINISHED month 18342 Mack, Farms Located wlthlO mmutes of the NEED a garage for Wlnter DREXEL dmmg sUite (Span- I d t 881 storage for a Mercedes 821-2069 applIances, carpetmg 372- pIe $350 881 3173 GROSSE POINTE WOODS 2~~e la e occupancy areas fwest skI resorts Please call 881-8566 Ish), table, 4 chairs, large 6930 OIL TANK WI111 OIL ROOMMATE wanted, Ideat Harper Woods, Warren areas Cross Country frolO your hutch, $1,000 or best Sears CHEAP EXCEPTIONAL 2 bedroom for student, professIOnal Completely furmshed one door on groomed traIls washmg machme, full cycle, 824-3185 lower, formal dmmg room $265 mclude!> utIhl1es 881- and two bedroolO apart Relax III ous mdoor pool/spa very good conditIon $100 or LEAVE MESSAGE workmg fireplace, half ga- 0389 ments, all the comforts 01 ONE MONTHS FREE RENT faCIlity Rent by the week MOVING sale - IIvmg roolO I best 7760957 rage, baselOent. rec room THREE Mile Dnve Must sell home, short term leases 1,500 square foot storefront, end, week, month or season furmture, dmmg roolO table COLONIAL sleeper sofa - COUCH On well mamtalned block Owner lea vmg town 3 bed- Ideal for transfernng execu corner of Mack and Nottmg- LAKESIDE CLUB - chaIrs, etc 771-3704 matchlOg chair, ottoman. Pale yellow naugahyde couch near St Matthews $370 WIth room, I'! stones, 112 baths, tlves or short term assIgn ham 451 E LAKE ST PING pong table - foldmg, I and coffee table Char 961- Mmt Cost - $1,100 Sel!lng new kitchen appliances or Flonda room, 2 car garage ments 822-1645 Petoskey, Michigan 49770 good conditIon, $60 White 4400 882-0966 - $250 or offer $350 WIthOut Includes water Very well mamtalOed Ex- ExecutIve LIVIng SUItes, Inc I STOREFRONT. remodeled (616) 347-3572- (616) 347-7690 leather coat - white fox col- --.:..'------Avallabte after December cellent terms Rent or buy 474-9770 1,500 square feet, 15429Mack SHANTY CREEK/Bellaire, lar, sIze 12 Excellent condl- BUYING 824-3185 I LEA VE MESSAGE 20th Can be seen thiS week- $28,500 Call for details, 881- ATTENTION EXECUTIVES at Nottmgham $250/month, MichIgan between Traverse lIOn 8843758 GUNS, SWORDS end 886-3077 5492 One and 2 bedroom apart- heat mcluded 822 1645 CltyandPeloskey Contem- TELESCOPE - 20X 60X, ANYTHING MILITARY ANN MARIE'S KENSINGTON - between SPACIOUS 2 bedroom apart lOents Lmens, cookware, PRIME Mack Avenue, be- porary house, 5 bedrooms, 3 zoom Ta')co FlOe adJust- RESALE Mack/Warren, 4 bedrooms, ment Carpeted, apphances, cablevlslon, utilIties $27 50 tween 7-8 Mile, 1,000 square baths and sauna, beautifully ments, tripod, $250 flrm 774-9651 silting roOIO, 2 baths, hard o th ml h decorated Family downhill Cannon Type-Star 5, all ac- HUMIDIFIER - Sears port- 22217 KELLY RD Just remodeled. sky lIte, d EAST DETROIT wood floors, natural fIre- perum ay ne lOon 01- feet5000 $1,200 per mont 885- and cross country skiing, in cessones mc Iuded , never us able on casters New pad secunty depOSit $300, rent Women - chIldren and men's place, applIances mcludlOg 46~1075 771-49161 door pool, resort faCIlIties ed, $250 fIrm Reply to $45 881-3654 $200 Immediate occupancy clothmg Handcrafted Items air condltlOners, secunty 884-8536 ;=...:.:::.:..:..-----=-:~-=.:~ _...:77.:.6:..-::.294:...:.::9,-,::.88::2:...-7:..:B60..:..:.....:.ev.:...e::n.::.l:..cng~s_1Grosse Pom te News, Box ..,....:.-=-..=.:..::..=::==:--:--:-:----:-.,- depOSit, references reqUIr- SEE IVILL~~~~~l~O under HARBOR SPRINGS _ Good- P 16 99 Kercheval Grosse FURNITURE - 4 ladder back Hours ed $525 per 100nth plus uti I-M/CADIEUX area -1 bed- co umn - , SHARE - gorgeous 3 bed- hart LuxurIOUS 4 bedroom _...:p:..;0:.:I;.:.n't:.:e:..;F:..r:..:a::m=s.:.;I\:.;:I..:.I...:4;:;823:.:.:.6...,-1chaIrs. need reflmshmg, Monday thru Saturday, 10-5 room apartlOent Stove, re t Duncan Phyfe dmmg buffet, htles 882-4984 C I I N (Thursday 12-7) fngerator, carpeted Heat 6G. ROOMS FOil IIENT room ooma ew carpe , home for holidays Ski Nubs, HENREDON kmg size bed -I good Condillon 882-0318 777-6551 YORKSHIRE - Beautiful mcluded $320 per month 1 Levelors, fireplace, super Boyne Highlands great stvle Paloma Includes mat IDEAL for professlOndl qUIet I new kitchen/deck/garage ' J EnglIsh cottage, church wm- 331'()581 cross country 882-2996 tress covers $l,OOO/make of- dows. leaded glass, bUllt-m female - Grosse Pomte I Howard Mack $275 month RENT WITH OPTION Weekdays, 10a m -4 pm - plus utIlities 886 1924 HARBOR SPRINGS skI condo fer 882-3442 ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED applIances, ne.... carpet I TO BUY 926-5269 Evemngs and I' (885-8.124after 6 pm' - sleeps 8. near slopes, X OIL palOtlOgs by Gates throughout, fIreplace, ga AZAR'S GALLERY (J st year's rent to be used as rage $475 per morth 882- weekends 885 8109 I YOUNG man to share lower cOllntry 886-8924 Vanous sizes 24l1.40's $50 One of the large selectIOns of Onental rugs almost entire down payment at IOlnlmUm pnces J600 ACROSS from Calvary Semor flat With same Rent/utlll- BOYNE COUNTRY family 924-5-178 to purchasc) Center Mack/Moross \\Ith tIes Prefer sOlOeone With chalet - 4 bedrooms. flre- YOUNG teenager's stereo, 251 E MERRILL, BIRMINGHAM COZY. 3rd floor furmshed or Without meals 881-3276 late work hours and mterst place, 2 full baths, 30 speakers, record player, studIO mcludes heat Newly 4475KENSINGTON Beautiful 644-7311 PREFER clean qUiet profes In claSSIcal musIc Warren/ mlOutes from all types skl- 34"x60' cherry desk With decorated, Somerset near I face bnck EnglIsh Tudor East Warren References, SpaCIOUSfamlty home, fenc stonal male Private phone Alter 882 5532 before mg By week or weekend secretary return, GE up hne Coffee a 10 10 mmutes noon/after 6 p m 882-5749 or 59Hi180 nght freezer, Faberware secunt)' depOSit and lease ed on 2 large lots, 2-ear 'ARBOR S t rotisserie. servlOg machme reqUIred $2')0 month 757-1 garage, carpeted large !lv- to 7 Mile and Mack 885-3039 MALE roommate wanted St' ! prmgs - Win er With cams and ca bmet, 03<)8evemngs 109 roolO WIth fIreplace, din GROSSE POInte Kitchen Clair Shores condo Call rentals, 3 bedroom condo. hghted terranums With I THREE Bedroom - all hard-I 109 room, large modern kIt laundr~ pnvlleges Non' Mark 7749605 or 285 7226, near ski resorts 752-2926 stand 881-0619 e\enmgs I after 7 p m SKIERS - RESERVE NOW' wood floors, very large chen With booth and bUIlt- smoker 824 6876 LIKE new, gla<;s and brass room~, kItchen apphances, ms. den, 4 bedrooms. 2 I "'E'1ALE (35-35' 10 ~hare Har bor Spnngs caeh I t elfff I d I' n t t V fireplace screen, set 0 so I separate furnace - base baths, 6 room fIOlshed base 6H. OFFICE FOil IIENT Ea,t DetrOIt house and ex clency apar men ery liMy call got through, I t 'Sl 4 J t bl ass fireplace tools, $7') ment new wood deck back I References, security depos- penses 776-3417 (after 6 pn\- a e ,eeps u;, I called my classified porch $350 plus security I It $475 rent (seIlIng pnce - ST CLAIR SHORES I pm) mmutesloBoyneHlghlands, After5pm,886831fl 886 3164 and 881 1044 after $44,900 293-2710) , I Nubs Nob $50 mghl 886-2413 GRANDFATHER clock - ad 'n on Friday. No 5 10 P m LARGE deluxe, 1 bedroom Office buIldmg. 9 1\111e/ I FURNISHED home m Park 2 after 6 onglOal cost $SOO Will sell I . bedroom, dog. housekeeper, ---..:.;.;,:..---..:.------for $400 881-5795 I busy SIgnals (or me " THREE bedroom home - apartment - Harper/Whlt- Harper 1,100 square feet $200 rent, share utllIlIes SCHUSS MOUNTAIN - Week new carpetmg, ceralOlC kit lIer area Includes heat pnvate entrance and faclll 822-9RI8 I or weekend 4 bedrooms, 2'! TWO slOgle bed" - white chen mantle bookcases Ideal for IOlddle-aged and el- lies Air condltlOmng. car- I baths, fully eqUiPped Ski to bamboo headboard With 882-6900 Sl00 '>21-7011 derly 1-682-6528 pet, Jamtor Near expres') slopes Days 581-4350 mattress and ')pnngs Very \\ a)' Immediate occupancy ---'----"--'-----..:.--- good condlllOn One trundle BERKSHIRE - near Grosse GRAYTON - Warren, base PALM BEACH 2 condos, MARCO Island condo on bed WIth mattress 884-7862 Pomte BeautIful 3 bedroom ment apartlOent 4 rooms 7780120 flRl 6416 spacIOus 3 bedrooms, 2 beach - sleeps 6, pool and GREEN \\lOgback chair, $40, slO!;le home Natural fIre- and bath Ideal for slOgle place modern kitchen, dIsh lady $200 monthly, heated HARPER/R Mile Deluxe of baths close to shoppmg !\II tenms 652-0998 toddler rockmg horse. $15, wa<;her refngerator Washer No pets Security deposit flce sUite WIth receptIOn mlOum 1 month<; 646-3500 HARBOR Spnngs - Harbor mfant scale. $15 Herculon dryer, 1'2 baths, famIly .-:88::.:.2.:.1044.::..:.::.-. _ area, 1,'>00square f<>etplu" HILI "B()RO Beach Luxury Cove luxury condo for .,ofa $40 8867995 E I 94 N h t/ '" Chnstmas and skI weekend room. garage $450 plus utll- KELLY iliA YES - 1-2 bed "a,,)' acdces') j ctw ea ocean front furnIshed apart 3 bedroom, everythlllg fur QUALITY BOOKS d Itles and secunty depOSit room, appliances carpeted air con Ihomng JUs ccor- IOcnl, t\\O bedroom'> 1\\ 0 n1<;hed,on ,Ite sauna, m-door DESERVE $WE BUY OUTRIGHT$ at('d Great arca 886-6ll9,)or bath~ 8829')19 or 88.') 1'lOO pool, mmutes from Boyne/ QUALITY PRICES Mr Borden 886 2297 14968Liberal $100 plus ulll CALLING HOUSE ANTIQUES THREE bedroom house for I ItlC,) ')21-1300, 882 ';541 l\lI6 1761 HUTCHSIN~O:-.l ISLAND Nubs "By owner" savlOgs GRUB STREET rent Harper/WhIttIer arra PRIME Gro,,<;e POlnie Woods FLORIDA 965 9404 days, 331 7404 A BOOKERY Call after 1 10 pm 882 0'l92 MACK Moross area 2 bed - Kmg & Law Profc,)!>lonal nlghL<;. weekends 171M East Warren, ~~;';":~:7:-~~~~":":-:- I room home famlly room BUIldIng Has SpaCIOUS, ChOice Location near Cadieux BUCKINGHAM near the garage fenced yard $100 I Ncwly Renovated Offlce~ I Luxury Oceanfront Condo GAYLORD - for the dl<;cnm- DetrOIt, Michigan QUILTS, MUSIC BOXES, CLOCKS, POlnte<; 1 bedroom smgle monthl)' plu') <;ecuflt~ de f\vaJlablc ,Januar)' I 1'lll6 All Conv<>lllenc(',>, Pool Etc lOatlOg Pnvate exclu,)l\e I 111l2-714:\ WATCHES, CUTGLASS, LAMPS. home -- 1 bedroom lower po<;lt 882 fl9'l'l Rent Includes Modern Sea~onal or Monthlv Rate~ area Well furmshed. three $1')0 $12') plus utllItle<; and ---!:~:.:.....:=..:.:.:..:..:.------Phone Sy')tcm PhotOCOpICI', I Will ConSIder ~elllng Icvel lake front Chalct, 4 ~======.r,.------.....I PERSIAN RUGS, PORCELAIN, PAINT- <;e(unty Mr Borden AA6 EAST Warren CadieUX area Confcrence Room. LIbrary, 7')1 55fIROR 882 4'lOO bedroom, 2 balh, recreatIOn I "'JE BUY BOOKS I INGS, NAUTICAL ITEMS, STRINGED 22'l7 3 bedroom, I bath hOlOe ReceptIOn Area, KItchen I TOWNHOUS[<; _ 2 hedroom, 2 room, fIreplace dlshwa"her, I Bl'~AUTIFUL 1 bedroom bnck Good ea"t')ld(' locatIOn Re Arca And Shower, .Jamtonal bath .,!('('p<; fl, pool and mIcrowave Wmtcr sea')on IN YOUR HOME I INSTRUMENTS, IRON TOYS, BANKS, bungalow Cadieux Mack moo('led bath, fresh pamt Servlccs, Utlllhc." And On Jacu771 South Fort Myers, holidays ')ulOmcr 42,,)5296 I WICKER FURNITURE, ANTIQUES, area $475 8844771 after 3 throughout 1''2 car garage SIte Parkmg Serrctanal 10 mmut('$ to Sanlhcl and we('kends-evclllng<; Free Offers, No OhlIgallon p m Large garden plot $160 per Space With Shared Secre~r beache<;, walk to .,hoppmg, Appral')als Furnished 1 BRONZE, DOLLS, TELESCOPES. 3910 YclRKSHTRE Mack month With one month de la1 Servlce<; Available Can new AvaJta ble ~tartlOg Enllre Estates also DesIred I n('ar CadlCux '3 bedroom I POSit reqUIred AvaIlable tact Rochelle At !184 1234 December 20th, monthly ACAPULCO, effiCiency condo JOHN KING I.;ngllsh Coloma I WIth I now 76.')-4252leave message OFFICE RENTAL 772-624'; onoceannexttoHotelPr~l- natural flr('place profcs on answering machme ~...::.....~------dcnte Slecps 4 Completely 961 0622 <;Ionally fml<;hed famlly WELL mamtalOed 2 bedroom Mack/Moran - 1,600 square I STUART, Florida - Lovely 2 furnished $300 per week - 354-6407 J. MARABITO (Owner) room m low('r level, 2 car Colomal, Flonda room, )12 foot offlce bU1ldlllg AIr con. .,tory condo completely fur. Available January, abo Mlrhlgan's Large<;t garage, I', balh~ $650 plus car garage, Kelly Morass dltlomng, excellent (ondl m')hed pool, golf and tenms Feb 24th thru March lOth, I Book Slorc .,ecunty, avallahlc after area, $425 per month 881 lion December and aftcr March and from March 22nd on • ClIp and save thl,) ad • January I 881-8181 4143 884-7216 31')t 884-7510 886-5589

: , • ...... f " .. , • GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 5, 1985 --.Page Eight-C-"- -r- ~-- __ :__--_r::======- __._-- ---=--__ liB. AUCTIONS/EST AIE 1111. AUCTIONS/ESTATE II MISCULANEOUS ARTICLES II MISCelLANEOUS ARTICLES IIA GARAGE: YARD: liD. ANTIQUES FOR SALE II. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES II MISCelLANEOUS ARTICLES SUES SUES FOR SalE FOR SalE BASEMENT SALES FOR SalE FOR SALE DECOYS Primitive and new LAHGE AN'I'IQUE AND RELOCATING - 110" blue SILVER blue mmk cape, $100 WASHER and dryer, $60 each, FINAL movmg sale - tables, HARTZ Last show until Chnstmas CHRISTMAS SHOP CONSIGNMENT AUCTION sofa-Ioveseat - $285 Dmmg Black Per!>lan lamb coat dmette set, $70, 2 dressers, $50 each, 2 sels of dishes, HOUSEHOLD SALES Roma Hdll, Gratiot Sunday, SATUHDAY DECEMBEH 7, room, queen bedroom, twm IN ONE With black mmkcollar, hem $35 each WIth bookcase, $150, $50, lamps, $25, Side WHOLE HOUSE 12/8/85 725-2179 $2.5, sofa, $190 884-7298 or 1985AT 11 00 A M bed, chests, miscellaneous FELL SWOOP! and belt, size 12/14, $200 chairs, $40, 19806 Ida Lane ESTATE SALE 5748857 East AT HEPPLEWHITE bedroom, 463-7-104 Brand new brass and glass Rabbit coat, Size 10, $30 marble top washstands, ar- MOVING sale' kitchen table - LOCHMOOR SCHMIDT'S ANTIQUES, INC TWO naugahyde heavy-duty Jewelry boxes All shapes Playpen, lIke new, $20 8mm ALL MUST GO' 1417 mOire, dresser, mlald wal- movie proJector, $20 885- 40 PIece Socket Set, $299 chairs, loveseat _matchmg GlWSSE POINTE SHOHES 5138WEST MICIIlGAN AVE Chairs - good for teenager's and SIZes Half oW Must lI- YPSILANTI, MI 48197 nut. Orlgmal beveled mlr- qUIdate Thursday, Friday, 0377 7 PIece Screwdnver Set, $1 99 chaIr, mIScellaneous Satur- CORNER OF HOLIDAY hlde-a way, good condition day, Sunday, 9 am -5 p m BETWEEN MACK & rors/flmsh, excellent condi- 9 a m -12 noon 823-2717 GORGEOUSWoodwardwrought 7 Piece Nutdrlver set, $1 99 Mattress and sprmgs, 19655Roscommon, between LAKESHORE ThIS auctIOn mcludes many tIOn 771-2537 smgle Wanted Presto auto- Iron tahle, 32x60 With 2 ElectriC Soldering Gun, $6 99 ESTATE SALE 6 PIece FleXible BeaconsfIeld/Harper DECEMBER 6-7 Items from a Norlhm n MI ANTIQUES AND matic pressure cooker, matchmg arm chaIrs and 2 c1l1gan e!>tate plus othel Console automatic stereo Socket Set, $595 DAVENPORT, end tables, FRIDAY & SATUHDAY large Size, mdependent elec. Side chairs Intncate An consIgnments and selected COLLECTI BLES tnc cord 821 3092 radlo-phono, de<.oratlVe oak daluslan deSign, no longer 14 Piece CombmatlOn lamps, chaIrs, desk, mlscel. 10 A.M.• 4 P.M. cabmet, Sears Silver tone, Wrench Set, $995 Items from our own ShOll ROSEVILLE PLAZA SHOPS made, antIque lead finish laneolll> Items Friday-Sat- rooms Such as Blue Willow AT THE TOP INVALID porta-11ft - cost like new, $195 Henredon dIx- 5 Piece Adjustable urday between 9 a m -3 p m ThiS lovely home IS full of all $480 886-3138or 885-7855 child!> tea set, Benmngton 12 I\hle/GrdtlOt, December $425.!>ell- $'200 InvalId com. Ie French Provmclal bed- Wrench Set, $7 99 15865CollIngham, 372-3635 kinds of goodie!> We are fed- mode $50 882.-2823after 5 room set, white, 5 pieces, SKIS - OlIn Mark IV 190c m , 12.Foot Jumper Cables, $995 I . :..:..:..-----..=::-----..:.----1 turlg fme contempOl ary fur v.are, child's rocker, Ma 12.-15Doll repair. anllques, pm slllgie bed, vamty WIth Tyrolla 360D, $140/be,t 886 All Lamps and Glassware ruture for the dmmg room 10 johca, Hobnail glels!>,many appraisal. $1 per Item SONY Video recorder SerIes bench, mght stand, double 3593 ''2 Price MOVING SALE cludmg d Baker credenzd, a brd!>!>and copper Items, WE ALSO BUY Amencdn helnglOg lamp!>, 2800 - $200 Sony AM/FM dresser, $225 Colomal PING pong table With net and LIMITED SUPPLY December 6, 7 2 pm -7 p m whIte Woodard table and 6 HOLlDA Y OPEN HOUSE Upnght studIO plano, sofa, semi preclOu!>stones, IlOgs cas!>etle stereo, (In box) hutch, frUltwood, 2 shelf paddles, like nev., $40 882- WAGON WHEEL contemporary chaIr!>, a red SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14 bedroom set, dmette set, all' and green crewel camel and neckldce!>, guns and '1\"1\ Quasar Dynacolor -- scalloped top WIth plate 2.305 TRADING CO SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15 conditioner, ml!>cellaneous back sofa m new condition, swords, IsldmlC lllummdted $350 882.8575 grooves, triple cabmet 36" ROUND formlca dinette, 4 15243 MACK MANCHESTER household Items Must sell a pall' of blue Queen Anne leaves, Jeweled !>dtlOglass WATCHES, clocks, decoy!>, base, $200 886-7863,after 4 chairs, coat rack, new 8 884-8536 ANTIQUE MALL Immediately 21319KmgsvlI- wmg chairs (also lIke nel\ ), fairy lamp, d bentwood cane old Ironrlte, books, 16' boat pm piece !>ettmg stainless !>teel HOUSEHOLD Items Lamps, Open 7 days, 10 5 Ie, Harper Woods, (Moross a black oblong fancy seated chaIrs, Flestaware, and traIler 881 9332 LARGE deco display cabmet, silvern are, Corelle otrus room-size rugs, self-clearung Refreshments 1-94 area) Woodard glass top table With fmely carved lIvely cabmet $400 1960's ....lute ermme fur dmnen\ are, cashmere electriC range, 1930's sohd I. 116 E MaIO, Manchester SPORTY raccoon coat With I; Iron chair" a Vlctonan dated 1731, 6 "Mdlrlage A cwt, ~lZC ~, S::!50 V .l.cton~n ..ueU.:> .f:uR l",.vewlOgmaclune cabinet all' condllloner, more 884 5 branch Silver candelabra, washer/dryer - gold, match- a bedroom chest and desk Kordn.~(rare), !>tnpped pme $150 194O'!>child's rolltop 885-6492 J.C. WYNO'S $375. pair 881-6589 3972 Ing antique twm beds, dou furmture burl \1 alnut ball desk, $40 1950's Hammond umt to flll up 2 walls, a ANTIQUE & MADAME Alexander dolls ble bed, dressers, baby fur- and claw ~ecretary, Cl an GIFT suggestIOns beaver chord organ, bench, $600 OPEN SUNDAYS blonde mahogany bedroom COLLECTIBLE SHOWS mmt 10 box ElIse brIdes- mture, 27 gallon Hexagon berry heat Idmp, hi elSSfire coat, plano, pool table, Boston/EdIson area 867 Yes, Michigan's largest used set With a desk, a Chlppen Ea!>blde Roma Hall maid, MarmLC, Scarlet, tank and stand Parrot place eqUIpment, Onental Christmas tree refngera- 2384, 10 a m -7 pm and rare book shop IS open dale coffee table, 4 MeXican Sunday, Dec 8th Hett Marilyn Monroe by cages, storage trunk, many pamted chairs, a mirror-top- lUgs, small Amellcan burl tor, more 882-2691 all Sundays 10 December,l1 24845 GratIOt, East DetrOit BANKRUPTCY sale - every- World Doll Hummel dolls miscellaneous Items 882- ped dressmg table, a pall' of I\dlnut drop front de!>k,dry 16INCH black/white TV, $25 thIng must go DeSigner am-4pm 9 4 - 1"1 ee AdmiSSIOn Call after 5 30 - 882-5617, 2869 Damsh gold leather cham.. ,mk, odk barley tWISt table FurmtUl e toys, glassware, 13 Inch black/whIte TV, clothmg, 50% off and more Browse through over 500,000 dnu chdlrs, 23 . uldmetel eln cash only liB. AUCTIONS/ESTATE a mahogany desk chair, se pottel}, Jewelry, etc $15 TV stand, $5 Ski poles, Sassoon, Paul Smith, SergIO books on three floors tlque pewtCl chargel, bullel HEDSTROM buggy/stroller SALES veral small tables and odd J C WYNO $6 885-9012 Valente, CP Shade, just to JOHN KING BOOKS churru., book!>,Coke IIdy, Oil Burgandy corduroy Like 901 W Lafayette at Lodge chairs, a hall console WIth 772-2253 1 name a few The Bookcase, POOL table, 4'x7 h', slate, new $75 881 4290 X-Way, downtown DetrOit gold mIrror above, several lamps pmg-pong table top, all 26119Harper, 5 blocks north ESTATE SALE antique frames and 3 Audu- KENNARY KAGE WARD'S Colombia Grand MONDAY-SATURDAY, equipment, $325 777-8128 of 10 Mile 779-5300 bon prmls mcely framed PREVIEW SUNDAY, DEC 1 Sport ClaSSIC, 10 speed 9:36-5:30 17304 SPRENGER ANTIQUES POOL table, full Size, foldmg THRU SATURDAY, DEe 7 TOY STORE men's hIke, like new $110 NO CHANGES EAST DETROIT PHONE (313) 4342660 Open Wednesday, Thursday, legs, balls and cues, $50 Call We also have a large assOl t Fnday, 12-4p m CLOSEOUT 839-1826 NO CANCELS 2 blocks west of Kelly, north of 9-5 DAILY 881-44535 30-9 P m ment of decoratIve Items m- Saturday, 9 a m to 4 pm ZENITH 25" console remote OF CLASSIFIED ADS 8 Mile cludmg sevel al brass pIeces, ll-;} SUNDAY CRIB, playpen, highchair, AFTEH 12 NOON MONDAYS WE Bey AND SELL Our toy store IS closed but we Immaculate conditIon, fan- 10-4 a pair of mercury glass MOVING SALE changmg table and more have lols of NEW TOYS left cy walnut cabmet Askmg NO EXCEPTIONS! lamps, 2 hangmg antique Fnda} - Saturday 3637 DEVONSHIRE CadIeux at E Warren After 6 p m or Saturday and and we're seIling them at $500 886-0556 glass lam»!>,a Victorian SIde Sunday, 884-4639 CRICKET'S CORNER (OFF MACK) 882-4396 COST' G E washer, $125, Lady Ken- An Immaculate home WIth chaIr, a handsome carved DECEMBER 6, 7, WESTBEND Total Gym pllll> Resale and Gift Shop more electnc dryer, $75 372- everythlOg m excellent lady With a tmy tabletop on FRIDAY, SATUHDAY THE COLONIAL SHOP accessones, new $400,hard We have sleds !lnd mlm tobog- 71b5 her head, glassware, sllver- ChIldren's Cloth 109 - conditIOn 10 A 1\1 5 P 1\1 25701JEFFERSON Iy used $200 or best offer gans, pull toys, crIb toys, =-:-:-::::-::---:- __ ::c:----- There ISa sofa, Colomal La-Z plate, and odd antique Like new, I\enmoor pOItable rattles, wooden tram sels, COUCH, $40 Electnc slove, Infant thru sIze 16 NEAR 10 MILE 885-4974 Boy, Victorian chaIr, pie Items dishwasher, fold a-bed sofa, block wagons, kmdergarten (harvesO, $85 882-5681 Matermty Clothing Antlques. furmture, chma, buy $15EACH - ladles' Ice skates crust tIer table, art deco dressers, small applIances, and sell HIghest prices paid blocks (plam & pamted), KITCHEN gas stove, $25 Baby EqUipment size 7, Northland SkiS, bookcase and ashtray, We also have a NEW Zemth crystals, chIna, luggage Monday~Saturday, 11-6 Henke boots, size 6, 2 pall' alphabet blocks, flying Zemth console radIO and smokmg stand, maple spool remote color TV tonsole, an mlscellelneous hou!>ehold model planes, shapes boxes, phonograph combinatIOn, Quahty brands - dress 772-0430 gold drapes and spread, and play clothing bed and dresser, washer, older washer and dryer, Items, excellent bicycle, large pictures, Ironrlte 884- lace & he toys, wooden $75 Wrmger type wash dryer, stove, refrigerator, hooks, games, Christmas, exercise table/weights, FURNITURE reflmshed, re- 9679 puzzles, poundIng toys, machme, $25 Complete oak lable With porcelain top lots of old hand-crocheted ChnstmaS Items fOl gifts paIred, stnpped, any type of woodburning sets, a rockmg single bed, $25 Kenmore up- HAND CRAFTED ITEMS and Zenith console color TV lmens for the table, ladle, canmg Free estImates, CLASSIC 50's mod 8' white pony, wooden toy kits, juruor nght vacuum cleaner, $15 In small Items we are featur- costume and some antlque IIC. MUSICAL INSTIlUMENTS vmyl couch, $50 777-7955 474-8953 tool sets, educational games, 521-4889 Mon thru Sat 10 30-5 P m 109 an Oilpamtmg, 2 antique jewelry, current sIze 14 days stockmg stuffers, toy boxes BRONICA _ GSl,lens l00mm I (Thurs untIl 7 pm) lamps, crochet and lInens, clothmg, a mmk Sides coat FLUTE Yamaha semI-pro IE. OFFICE EQUIPMENT and a black mink jacket a open hole, used a few hmes, THE LAWSON IAN & wagons, wooden sail 35, eye level AE prISm, 120 18488672_96M~Ck mink coat, household Items, EXECUTIVE'S desk, secre- 11015 10 MILE RD, boats, stuffed dolls & backs 757-6577 -----=-.:..:....:~----I lols of garden tools, 2 lawn- large Oriental rug, a port- 3 veal sold $250 fIrm 886 9855 tary'!> desk, 5 drawer With EAST DET. NEAR GRATIOT ammals, lable & chair sels, VIDEO camera 1984, Pana- 11 5 G E refngerator 30" mowers, storage racks and able electriC typewnter, se II !>pacc for typewriter 2 four FEATURING 1800'ssoM oak rock chairs, puzzle cubes, Tappan gas range Very veral 5-drawer file cabInels, 109 cabmels, and much more WURLITZER organ - 1 key- drawer fIle cabmets Metal reproductIOn pIeces, pie bead sets, nestmg blocks, SOniC =957, automatic, good condit10n Gold Both a large hooked rug, loads of boards With !>yntheslzer CONDUCTED BY \ shelvmg 63 Kercheval, SUite safe, cuno cabmels, round hand puppets, wooden Macro, fade, title generator $325 776-3905 kitchen Items and much Like new Paid $2,500, sell 200 8862783 I<CI I Ill' Hl'll'rClll<" GULBRANSEN organ model 885-0826 H, $750 Excellent condition COLLECTOR would Ilke to OPEN SUNDAYS TOROsnowblower, poollable, FRIGIDAIRE refngerator, 1=884':"7:"-o_2_60--,-_--,-~~~- 779-0362 buy US and foreIgn stamps exc~lIentcondltlon Bestof- $95 Dryer, $60 882-3074 TAN corduroy hide-a-bed, 8 and U S coms 46!Hl906 TILL CHRISTMAS fer 776-4755 TWO DREXEL MAHOGANY months old $325 884-0856 U~ED PIANO cherry WurlIt zer Spmet \\lth bench, $750 WANTED to buy old costume Mahogany Interiors STEREO HitachI, never used, SERVERS, $300 EACH .sA. GlUGE; YARD; BASEMENT SalES 963 8080 between 9 a m 5 I and Rhmestone jewelry, (Antique & FlOe audlO rack, 3 way 5peaker, TWO CUSTOM HOST- HOUSEHOLD brass lamps, ceilIng flx- Furmture Shop) stereo cassette tape deck, HOSTESS CHAIRS, CORAL I MOVING sale - woman's p m tures. wall sconces 882-0396 16135Mack Ave AM/FM amphfler, turn UPHOLSTERED ORlEN- clothes, household Items, and q HAMMOND organ - frUIt evenmgs (Corner Bedford & Mack) I table Make offer 839-8235 TAL SCHUMACHER pictures, garden tools 9 ESTATE SALES wood fHIISh, very good con- TOP $$$ paid for color TV's, lOR B~IA~:.oO~~ME:">IT) GAS pool heater, antique, PRINT. $150PAIR 881-35.24 am 4 pm 2010Su-nhope, I dltlOn. beautIful sound !lu mlcrov.ave. aIr condl- . . workIng, lIghted phone CHRISTMAS tree lights Grosse Pomte Woods, bet- APf'RAISALS I mldlflCr 839 1577 tIoners, washers, dryer", Napolean II EbOnized and booth 371-4757 sunlamp shades gree~ ween 7-8Mile roads Decem- ANTIOUES PURCHASED I LEAD gUItar amplifier - two workmg or not 774-9380 Marquetery cabmet With 10- ---':..:..=.:.:.-':":':-=-~--::---::- ' , bel' 6 7 laid wedgwood and glass HOLLY Mart Art Fall' Pot- custom made drapes and an- ~=",,':-::---:-----:--~ I 100watt, excellent $.175/best BROWNIl\oGS and WInches- doors, ChIppendale dmlng tery, wood, jewelry, glass, tlque road Evenmgs, week- MOVING sale- pnced to go' 771-1170 I offer 882-8562 tel's wanted other quality room set, Chippendale weavIng, watercolors, oIls, ends 881-9512 Clothes, records, gift Items, : DRUM~ - SIXpiece LudWIg,6 I firearms conSidered HIgh- L KATHERINE ARNOLD, ANTIQUES mahogany bedroom set With batik wearables, wooden NEW thomasvIlle 4 piece wall pmg pong lable, more, Sa cymbals, heavy-duty Chn!> II est Celshpaid 465-4354 2 mghlstands, solId brass toys, crafts and decoratlve umt - excellent condItion turday, December 7, 9a m- flrep)ac.e tools, Duncan holiday pieces Grosse Call after 4 pm 5404686 5 P m 4674 Three Mile I 8864').26 DOG house "'anted for out- : VIOLA Roth 16 , complete out doors 2 Scothes. 36" long Phyfe dining room set, Pomte War Memonal , 321 NEW Th omasvi IIe d Jnmg Dnve, Mack/East WaITe ... 1 fit Excellent conditIOn Bab 88531.t! lighted mahogany china Lakeshore, Grosse POInte room set table 8 chairs THREE year old oak Yamaha cabmet dropleaf dInmg Farms, FrIday, December chma cabmet a~d server' console. 7 year warranty I 664'l room table With 4 chairs, 6, noon to 5 p m and Satur Excellent condillon Call left $2,300 884-0856 FRIENDLY I VIOLIN - Bow and case $300 secretary (I-Governor Will' day, December 7,10 a m to after 4 pm 540.4686 GARAGE sale - mowers tlartz[iJ PROFESSIONAL Evemng" 46,)-{)358 Household Sale s SERVICE \- throp and one block front) , 3POInteP m $1Inter-FaithdonatIon to GrosseCenter ====...!:....::.:.:-;....:.::,....:..::=---THREE piece bedroom sUIte nau tIca I accessOries, 4 fo.ld' CONN \110~a...., gold excellent Onental rugs, banquet size for RaCial Jusllce 882-6464 $!15,gold frame wall mirror, 109 bikes, chairs, mlscella- condItIOn $271 !l1t C'Iem- Queen Anne dmmg room ' $25 hall' dryer $10 886- I neous articles 9 a m - 1 en" 'l4'l 1197 YOUR SPECIAL SUSAN HARTZ I'.~ table and 6 chairs, (needle- FIREWOOD - Mixed hard- 1587 ' I pm Saturday, December 7 pomte) , sohd brass lamps woods, delIvered and stack- , 45 Beacon Hill, Grosse POSSESSIONS 886-8982 10. lNTlQUES fOR SlLE - ARE MY (desk, plano, table), bache- ed $50 a cord Cash pre CHIPPENDALE dlOlng room POInte Farms Grosse Pointe City 1f>.' lor chests, Queen Anne ferred 8S67478 set (9 Pieces), excellent con ------SPECIAL CONCERN DENLEY'S ladles desk, French cuno ' dltlOn, $2,100 Mahogany THE RESALE SHOP ANTIQUES "" / I III ( 1l11OU, cabmet French sofa. love SECRFJTAHIAL desk, maho Chippendale bedroom sels 14901E 7 Mile H,I\ t 1\ Boo)., "to, (' "eat and tables, Vlctonan gS:oong83y 00d26cl~ndltlOn9 askmg ($510 and $9')0), Oriental I Art Glas", anllques & collec 11171. \Jell dnf.: .11 ( ,ldll'lI\ loveseats and tahles, Antl- '-"::"':')~":'::'::""::":":":"'---,-_...,....,=-=-_ rug, 10'xI8' (Karastan) I l1bles Fine furmture & l'jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitl Furniture clock<; Deco}" g9~ g~ II que execullve desk, butler GREAT X MAS GIFTS $1200. Baker WIngback small appliances II to}S, and pnmltlvc" 27112 I \ntlqudl.dl1 dlHI Oul 01 tray top serving cart, COLLECTIBLE PLATES-F'I- chair. $12,} antique Chlp- 1 Antique Lamps ReWired CHAPMAN, WILLIAMS AND ~~~~~d~t~~~:~~~ ;~II~~~ Prinl Boo)." (omit ~ mahogany coffee tables and GURINES, SOME RARE, pend~le mahogan} de<;k I LOW, LOW PRICES KLINGENSMITH ASSOCIATES Call fJr,t for <urdelv hours Itl (01 ( 11 7 fl.l\' and poster beds LINENS for sale, Modlera I 882-5622 Call First ~ A"\0 . ELL ll"lh 11 .1m 7pm

882-5622 table cloths _ many others ROYAL, Worchestershlre' 'l72.-2,)()() SALES - EST ATE & HOUSE 1 ANTIQUE I~ooden carou~el '>lIndd,lldlll lpm 884 850- f t t 1 6 5 I APPRAISALS ESTATE INSURANCE hor~e" from the turn of the FIREPLACE IOsert _ glas" -;) or appom men porce am piece p act' X MAS Specials 3050% GUI- -, 'century mounlcr! on ~t,lIld" I door", 5 years old, 29"H X BLUSH mmk coat and Jacket "ettmg~ $100 Fake fur tars, drum", aillnstruments PR IVATE 1 , 10. MOTORCYCLES FOil SALE 16"W x 22"D $150or best of- 823-Ol17,) <;llver mink Jackct. size 12, Layaways 88.13Van Dyke, I read\ for dl~plav 71\ H078 fer 824-6399 7' ARTIFICAI Ch t t like new, ....orn t....lce $'iO 921-4614 921-4646 1 pill- 7 PRICING SERVICE - An Option For The ROOS Lcdelr (hc<;t VictOrian ::-::-:~~--,=- --:-_ J n<;ma<; rec 88')-8020 ... d 4 . I W h C < offcc I 1)lc I ell t II I \')82 SIiZllKI 6'iD good condl FIREPLACE Insert gJas~> co~t> $125, "J'eal,. I.lfe," $'''5'" C_,r f I 10' 64 26 pm "un ay 1- pm IndlVldua IS mg To onduct Their mmt ('Ol1(lItlOll furmture, everything 4183 tc; Drapery remenanls, rods tal, plus many antIque" I Ra1four Fnday, December For A Modest Fee, We Will AdVise You and hardware 13.122East 8 Bookcase, hVlng room chair, 6, 0 30 a m -4 p m Concerning Proper Merchandlsmg T ech- BOOKS/USED AND RARE 1'>11pmIe Saturday 10 a m -4 afterlmen",12travel trunk 88.')22Qll PEACE CELEBRATION MARKETPLACE nlques, Security PrOVISions, Advertlsmg purchased for ca~h or appral~ed e"tatt'~ lon' couch and chair GE wash- selected book!> bought and I CHRISTMAS BAZAAR WITH TOY RESALE CHARLES P. KLIW;ENS'IlTH • (lip and ~ave thl" Ad • er Miscellaneous Item~ l>old LUNCHF:ON WITH STROLLING MUSICIANS 778.1428 CLOSED MONDAYS l...- .....J I ------_ ...-...... ---.._...... _------

Page Nlne-~ Thursday, December 5, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS 11C CARS fOR SALE 13 II£Al ESUTE . 13 ilEAL fSTA TE - 11. CAlIS FOR SALE - l1A. CAliS FOR SALE - 1111 CARS FOR SAlE - 11 C CARS FOR SALE . llF. CAR AUCTIONS GM GENERAL GENfllAl AMC CHRYSLER FOliO GM POLICE Cars - all', power SUNNINGDALE 1979 PLYMOUTH HOrIZon 1978MUSTANG - 4 cylinder, 1976NOVA Concourse, 305V-6, TODAY'S 1979 CHEVY MONZA brakes, power steermg, four GROSSE POINTE WOODS melallic blue With blue m- automatic, 69,000 mIles, 4.speed, good condition Good condItion $1,200 SpacIOus 4 bedroom Cape Cod BEST BUY tenor, cloth upholstery, $1,000 778.1028 door - all need mechamcal work, 1981Chevrolet Malibu style, overlookmg Lochmoor GROSSE POINTE manual shift, all' LOndltlon 882-5681 1980LOADED Flrebud - V-8, . 63,619 miles, 198.1Dodge Country Club, 2,600 square 3 famlfy, 3 furnaces, 3 tenants ed, AM/FM, real' defogger, t-tops, alarm, good condl- ~ 1985 MONTE Carlo.Landau, feet on Jij acre lot KItchen A morley maker Call for de 59000 mMs, new battery, DIplomat -72,816 mdes, 1984 1985PONTIAC Sunblrd LE, 4 loaded, mmt, 9,500 mIles hOIl, $3,500 343-()582 bullt-ms, famdy room, 2 fll'e- tails clulch and muffler, good Plymouth Grand Fury - door, extended warranty, $9,900 884-6576 1980CHEVY Monza - no rust, places, rec room, attached condlllOn, be!>t offer 526 55,779 miles Mmlmum bId excellent condItion 886-IFIED AD!:> 6094 Mmt condlllon Must see 6 p m 882-5174 11 00 a m December 12, GROSSE POINTE WOODS cash Call for detail!> AFTEIt Il1':OON MONDAYS . 4691 Neff 1981 BUICK Regal LimIted, 1985 Send bids to City of Contemporary Cox and Baker 111. CAlIS FOil SALE - OLDSMOBILE 1983 wagon NO EXCEPTIONS' 1983 CUTLASS Sierra - 4 loaded, 35,000 mIles Excel- Grosse Pomte, 17147 bUIlt 3 bedroom Colomal FOliO Diesel, 9 passenger, blue, GROSSE POINTE woodgralll, rack, complete. door, fully eqUipped, 21,000 lent condlbon 791-2527 Maumee, Grosse Pomte, MI close to lake, family room, ALLIANCE 1983,2 door, stick, 1969 THUNDERBIRD - 48230 Denrus Foran 885-5800 natural fIreplace, attached 3 bedroom smgle, formal dm' Iy loaded, excellent condi- miles, mmt cont B24,1229 bUlIl-!ns, affordable luxury heat, fenced III large yard, 2 1688 options 11,000mues, $19,000 JUNKERS 1984 JEEP CJ 7 - Hardtop, anytIme 1979CADILLAC SeVIlle - full Owner anxIOus Low l00's car garage, reduced to sell, FIHEBIRD 1985,7,500 mIles, power, excellent condillon 468 4625 after 8 p m TRANSPORTATION - 1966 $32,000 East terms high back front !>eats, rear 1974 FORD Musl.lng - run, automabc, all', 2 tone Silver, 294.3407 1983 TRANS Am - loaded, Dodge, 50,000 mlles, runs seat Sony stereo, 22,000 great Clean, $750 52&0079, well, $300 884 9716, ask for IMMEDIATE POSSESSION mIles, excellent condItIOn extended warranty, alarm, 1976BUICK Sky hawk - stIck, must sell, $8,200 or best of- Sprawling bnck ranch located CROWN REALTY Dave extras, $10,500 or best Matt $7,500or best offer C.lll Bob V-6, runs well $6OO/bestof. fer 884-4771 on mcely wooded I" acre lot 821.6500 at 822-3702or 774-7400 1979FORD Pmto wagon - ex 8813659 fer 11862987 11H. VANS - TRUCKS III Harper Woods Complete- 1985CADILLAC SeVille - bur- • ALL MAKES TOM McDONALD & SON cellent condltlOn $1,JOOor I III PACER, 197&,good conditIOn, 1977 PONTIAC Lemans DELTA 88, 1984, Brougham, gundy WIth white converll- ly rejuvenated and out be!>tofIeI' 8197609 INCOME - 5226Devonshire, 80,000 miles $750 885 443b wagon, aII power, all', ne II' vmyl top, dark blue on dark ble top, leather, 8,200mIles, 1977 CHEVY Beauville van, Family room, rec room, 2 1978 ME:HCUHY Cougar - brake!> and shocks Best 0f- blue Every optIOn 38,000 mmt $22,750 firm 465-2607 power ~teenng/brakes, all' natural fIreplaces, attached between East Warrenl 1985 RENAULT Alliance DL 71,000mlles, loaded \'0 Ith ex- condlhomng, rear heat, full garage A real beauty PrIc- Chandler Park Dnve- fer 371 1832 miles, excellent condillon 1981SEVILLE - brown, con- - 4 door, AM/FM cassette tra!> $1.60001 best offer 885- InstallatIOn $950 823-2223 ed at $54,900 Custom bflck, 5 large rooms 1972CADILLAC 42,000 on g_ $10,000 822-7778,822-3063 verl1ble lop, leather mtenor, stereo, all', sunroof, 5 speed, JIBI up, 5 large rooms down, 2 1"'11mllE'S IO'ldffi Good d 1'l84 R-\l LF.Y <;; T X -80a<; .),)IO\Niu~h~"j iJllk~ $7,H~J ('-11933 CHEVROLET C:lpnce !\1lchclm t:res, lady's car ndlurdl ()repldCe~, Ilt:w Kll- 1980 MUSTANG very senger, loaded, 21,000miles YUK~:'HIK!'.., OCdullluJ oS 0C<1 331-6219 goOd :-::::~:;7-;::::;-77:=--=--:-:::"::-=":":'-pendable $1,750 331-4306 ClaSSIC- loaded, excellent $9,900 978-1223 chen, new carpetmg, newly condItIOn, 4 cyhnder, sun $9,500 882.7844 room bnck ranch III De- 1981 RENAULT - 181sport 1983 OLDS Delta 88 Royal e conditIOn $6,395 884-2042 1983 TORONADO - power trOIt's golden corn dol' New decorated, VA-FHA roof 7738018, Monday Fn Full power, AM/FM stere o between 9 a m -5 p m s teerlllg/brakes/windows, 1985 CHEVY Beauville Will- wagon All', stereo. tilt ddY, .lftel 6 p m furnace and roof Newer kit- wheel, rear defogger, m- Excellent condlllon Price d 1981MONTE Carlo, good con- all', Bose stereo, SIlver WIth dow van, 7,000miles, loaded, chen, earthtone decor, fire- 10726 SOMERSET, between I~ 1982MUSTANG L - ,needs muffler, power steerll1g/brakes AutomatIc, all', rustproofed, V6, new bres, CrUIse,loaded, 1978 DODGE Sportsman. Three famIly III St Clair tral all', offered below FHA 21,000mIles, good conditIOn mmol body work Loaded $.3,500886-8636after 12noon under 20,000mIles, excellent $10,000 884-6101 tmted glass, power steenng/ Shores Maintenance free exterior, tax sheller Excel- appraisal Must see to $2,900 371-6419,after 4 pm $1,300or best offer 884-2545, GRAND PRIX 1979L J -load condillon $6,100 881-5618 1983PONTIAC Grand Pnx, all brakes, all', AM/FM, excel- 7586b81 lent cclsh flow Call now I apprecIate 1976 AMC Matador, 2 door, ed, ongmal owner, low mile 1972 BUICK convertible - power, excellent condItIOn lent cond1t1on $3,500 822- 3578, call after 7 p m AM/FM, all', power brakes/ 1977MONARCH - 4 door all', age, rustproofed $2,750 power steermglbrakes, AM:I Asklllg $7,100 884-5605 STIEBER REALTY 59BOLANNOO (Walk to St steermg, crUlse control, po" er steermg/brakes, ex. 885.1093or 774.0747 FM radIO, 451 engme $600 1983 CHEVETTE S - red, 2 1977 DATSUN pIck up, runs 775-4900 John Hospital), custom cellent condltlon $1,500 886 bucket seats, black, 58,000 1980CHEVETTE - 4 door, all' 779-5300 door, 5 speed manual, rear great, great condItIOn 881'1 WOODS - A charmmg 3 bed- bnck 3 bedroom Coloma I, mIles $1,200 886-8566 3104 automatic, one owner, rust 1982 CHEVY Caprice, 4 door, defogger, AM/FM stereo, 2710 room bnck bungalow that natural fireplace, new kit- llA. CAliS FOil SALE - 1982LYNX - 4 door, automa. proofed, excellent transpor loaded $4,250 884-7020 excellent condItIOn 17,000 1978 CHEVY pick up, 2 tone has been totally redecor- chen, fll'St floor lav, redwood CHIIYSLEII hc, power steermg/brakes, tallon, $1,950 885-8295or 774 1977 CAMARO - Loaded mIles $3,000 882-1614 green/whIte, power steer- ated, modern kItchen, n. deck, VA-FHA terms 1979DODGE Colt hatchback, sunroof $1,200 882-6086 0748 $1,200 or best 884-6920 1980CITATION hatchback au- mg/brakes, automahc, V8 - bath!>, fmlshed basement 305, very good condition and garage $75,900 5300 YORKSHIRE, between front "heel dflve, 4 speed 19B5MERKUR- red, leather, CA.DILLAC1972Llmousme - 7 1983BUICK Regal, 4 door, ful. tomatic all', more Clean, $2,150 372 2500 or after 5 East Warren/Chandler With power ShIft, reclmmg all', 5 !>peed,9,000miles Ask passenger, mlllt ol'lgma I ly loaded, 35,000 ml1es $1,900/best 577-1992 days, conditIOn 38,000 miles pm, 882-3740 FARMS - SpacIOus 3 bed- Park DrIve Unusual bnck seats, all', A.l\1JFM,new lad for Steven 883-6969882-0415, $6,500 881-8134 after 5 p m 773-Q73L lator and die-hard battery _a_ft_e_r_5...,p_m _ 886-3371 room brICk home With a new Colomal, fIrst floor lav, --=-=~~=-=-.,.-----:-,.,....11983 TORONADO, Landau 1985 PONTIAC 6000 LE - 4 l1J. CAR IIEPAlII kItchen, family room, at- Recently tuned up, carbure 1983ESCORT GL \\agon Ex- famIly room, assume 71j~% 1978CAPRICE Classic - fully roof, leather, 32,000 miles, door, loaded, 50,000 mlle tached garage $82,500 tOl' reconditioned I'Ihchehn cellent condilion 17,500 loaded, new battery /al mortgage, monthly pay- excellent condItIOn, all warranty G M. employee RAY'S FOREIGN CAR ment $227 Includmg taxes, tires, one year old, 79,000 miles $4,500 884-4753 ternator/brakes, Zlebart power options, 32,000miles 886.5319after 7 pm GARAGE WOODS - Large center en- Insurance Price reduced to miles, very good condition ----:"...,...,~--,----.,...-- clean $1,400 882 8575 We servIce any and all foreIgn $1,350/offer 8B2-6934, after 1976 FORD LTD Landau - $9,500 Call 885-3923 1982 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass trance Colomal on 4 lots be sold as IS 4 30 P m loaded, good condlllon, must 1979 CADILLAC Fleetwoo CalaiS - excellent cond1hon, cars, speclallzlllg In MUSIC rooms, nursery, 3 d 1975OLDS Cutlas;; Brougham Mercedes, Volvo, VW, ---=~:-=-:,-:-::::-=----- __!>.:..:el.:..:1...;$.:.1:..:"OOO.:...:.-o:..:r-:b:..:e:.:.s.:...t...:88.:..:1=-.-8:..:6:.:.5.:...9Brougham - 4 door, fully Salon - many extras, low 24,000 miles, loaded $7,000 bedrooms, 2 car garage M WARNER 885-5788 1979VOLARE statIOn wagon loaded, perfect condlbon 885-9469after 6 pm week- English and Japanese power steermg/brakes, all', 1985COUGAR - mmt condl- mileage New tIres and vehIcles 42 years ex- $129,000 THREE Mile Dnve - Must ollgmal owner, 44,000mIles brakes 884-7216or 886-6319 days CENTURY 21-AVID sell, owner leavmg town 3 no rust, ne\'otires, transmls lion, loaded, must sell, 6,000 $6,795 884-7871 perience, free pick up and SlOn,carburetor Besloffer I miles 29l.0416 1983FIREBIRD, 25,000miles, 1969 CADILLAC Convertible delivery 8-6 p m Monda)- 778-8100 bedrooms, 1'" ~tor1C~. 1'" MOVING must sell 1980Mall 886-4099 1984CROWN Vlclona Country like new $8,500 Coupe deVIlle - 93,700 Friday, 8 noon Saturday HOLIDAY speCial - 2 flat m. baths, Flonda loom, 2 car bu, 1978Honzon, 1982Fuego 885-88.39- 775 0385 miles Body - excellent con. 884,8874 15040East Warren come 6209 Huber off Mt i gara~e vpry v. ell nJdllltam- 1980LeBAHON - pt~1 I SqulI e wagon - low mIles, 822-{J758 dltIOn, also, excellent run- Elhotl The furnace left With [I ed Excellent termb, Ienl or Illg/brakes, CI Ul!>e, .llr, mu!>t,ell :;'7000 8R5&269 1979SUNBIRD - no rust, high CHEVY Citation, 1980- 2 door llIng order Askmg $2,495 the last tenant and we must buy $28,500 Call for detalls, stereo, good condItIOn 1976 RANCHERO - pO\\ier e miles, must sell, $750 331- 111<' CAliS WANTED TO IIUY navy blue, 4 speed, rellabl after 4'30 .m 371-Q847 all sell Immediately Highest 881-5492 $3,000 882-3877 !>teell11g/brdkes, AI\l/FM -6386 4727 after 5 p m or leave transportatIOn, $625 823 I I' offer accepted 526-8383 1982PLYMOUTH Reliant sta- radiO, fall' condItIOn $300 message TOP $$ PAID after 6 p m I' For Junk, wrecked and un- NOTTING A G BY OWNER, 775 Berkshire tlOn wagon - automallc, _7_79_-5_3_0o _ 1979 DELTA 88Royale - New liiiiiiI 1247 H M, rosse English Tudor, 4 bedrooms, CUTLASS 1981Supreme Brou 1978 MERCEDES SC 280 - wanted cars and trucks Pomte Park, by owner 41,000 miles, power locks, 1978MUSTANG, good reliable lIres, low mileage, must sell 1 gham, loaded, T-tops, dar k Automatic, air, sunroof, BULL AUTO PARTS Charming 2 story home 3 4 "2 baths, large lIvrng room, all', crUise, AM/FI\I rear de _c_a_r_88_1_33_97 _ $2,495. 882-8830 blue, Immaculate $5,596 1 light tan, clean 725-2751 894-4488 bedrooms, modern eat-lIl formal dmmg room, hbrary frost After 6 pm week 1978 FAIRMONT wagon - 1 884-3404 I PHOENIX 1980 - Excellent after 6 p m and weekends JUNK, wrecked, used cars, kitchen 2 car garage, famIly room, newly decor- dajs, anyllme weekends good condltlon $2,100 881 modern boiler Move III con- ated kltchf'n, 4 car garage. condItion, all', crUIse, all HONDA Accord LX 1980auto- trucks, vans Free ap- 884-3017 5318 CHEVROLET Capnce, 1984 power, new tires/brakes d t C II 248705 f With apartment New roof low ml1eage, 2 door, all' mallc transmissIOn, power pralsal 776-4529, 777-8352 I Ion a 8 - or ap- and furnace 822-3063or 822- 1932 RELIANT Sport V\ragon, -196-5-F-A-I-R-L-A-N-E-,-6-C~-'I-IIl-d-e-r, $2,800 886-1587 crUIse, stereo, defogger pollltment $69,500 7778 mmt color and conditIOn excellent condltlon $1,000 steermg, excellent condl- I WANT your beat up car BIll $7,800 Call between 886-9533 1980 SKYLARK Coupe - 6 tlon After 12noon 822-5815 372-9884 Days only HARPER WOODS Loaded $3,750 8825520 776-3905 4 cyhnder, 4 on-the-floor, For sale or rent. 3 bedroom CHARMING New England 1978CHEVROLET Ca,pnce V W 197BRabbit diesel - 4 1978 PLYMOUTH Sapporo, 1972FORD - TransportatIOn $3,000 331-7821 11l. I'UTSITIRES ranch, famIly room, Grosse bungalow near Lake by door, V-8, many extras speed, FM radIO, 48,000 POlllte schools, low $60's owner LIVlllg room With good conditIOn, power steer- speCial, good tires, battery 94,000 mIles, one owner 1985 PONTIAC Pal'lsenne mlles, excellent condItion mg/brakes, power wmdows, $300 BIll 372-9884days MERCURY Monarch - snow 884-4153 fireplace, formal dmlllg $2,295 886-6453 wagon, all power, many ex $1,950 882-2153 tll'es, nms 195-75R14 Near- rom, 2 bedrooms, large deck all', AM/FM 8 track, good 1979 MUSTANG, automatic, tras, under warranty 881- ly new $75 872-1575 GROSSE POINTE Park - and 2 car garage Excellent miles, good llres $2,000 most optIOns Good condl PL YMOUTH Reliant SE 1982 1983AUDl5000s, 34,000mIles, - 26 liter engme, automal1c, 2064 after 6 p m Three bedroom Colomal by conditIOn Open Sunday, 2.5 331-6333after 6 p m tlOn $2,300 885-7469 everythlllg power operated, 1984MYERS 7'k' snow plow all' $3,300 884-7040 1974 CHEVROLET Nova sun roof, looks as new as fac- owner, 1lf.!baths, sun-room p.m 67 MUIr $87,500 885- 1978CORDOBA, 60,000miles, Call after 6 p m 886-8017 and FlOrida room, 331 1506 2511 loaded, excellent condItIOn LTD, 1977, clean no rust, 4 34,500 mIles, automatic, tory bought, $11,000 1979 CHEVROLET Capnce radIO, good condillon, $795 SNOW TIRES WIthwhPels, us- door one 0\\ ner. 49,000 low mileage, power steer 885-9343 Call after 5 p m GROSSE Pomte Woods, TWO bedroom, 1'2 bath, full $2,000/best 776-9724 miles All', crUise, new bat- 886-2574 ed 1year, G70178-15, $50 886- Ing/brakes/locks/wlndows, V W diesel Rabbit 1980, 5 Grosse Pomte Shores area - basement $3,000 assumes, 1978 TOWN and Country tery brakes dnd muffler 2134 tIlt, crUlse, rear defroster, 1983FLEETWOOD Brougham speed, aIr, sun roof, all ex- beautiful Colomal 4 bed- $340 a month on ROSSiter wdgon - loaded, $2,300 Best offer 779-9511774-8577 velour, new brakes $3,295 .23,000 miles, loaded $1,400 tras, 52,000miles, best offer 12. lions AND MOTOIlS rooms, JI" baths, central 839-9847 Good conditIOn 8813900 1977MUSTANG hatchback- Excellent conditIOn 886 839-6822 over $2,400 778-7284 all', almost new carpetmg OPEN SUNDAY 2-4, 903 CORDOBA 1977 - Custom V-6,automallc, power steer 4652 1985 BUICK RlVlera - 10,800 1980 TOYOTA Cellca, 36,000 NEW AND USED throughout, newly decorated Roslyn Road Lovely 3 bed- Sport, full power, best offer mg/brakes $1,500 881 2568 CAMARO 1983, 5 speed, V-6, miles, loaded, plus Delco miles, stereo, sunroof, rust. BOATS. JEFFER- InsIde and out, new roof room, I'';, bath Colomal over $500 10a m .8 p m 884- _A_f_te_r_4~p~m _ $165,000 (close to $200,000 I I d all', power steerlllg/brakes, Bose, leather seats $16,500 proof, excellent condition, SON BEACH MA- valuel 703 Pear tree Lane Beaullfu, natura woo- 2180 I MUST SELL - Graduate excellent condition $6,750 I 294-2169 $4,800 885-7170after 5 p m work Large porch Very RINA, DAVE GILES 885 1719 ruce condition Near schools DODGE Aspen 1980 Automa-, school 1982Escort L 3door 886-2664 REGAL, 1980,LTD, V-6, 84,000 1980BMW 3208package, black lIc, all', stereo, power steer- ,sharp, 5 speed, loaded, excellent AT 778-7600, EXT. $22,900 Pnce reduced to settle mg/brakes Excellent condl brakes, 47,700mJles Ol'lgm maroon, 3 year/36,OOOmile excellent conditIOn, $3,300 condition, $7,8OO/best offer 123. 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH estate 886-2984 tlOn Call after 5 pm, 881 al owner, $2,100 882-8344 963-6240or 885-1524 warranty, 12,000 miles 331-1737 8' DINGHY west system'l Remodeled kitchen and bath BRICK 3 bedroom, 2 car 8116 1975 MAVERICK, 3 speed $11,800 Days - 567 5085 BUICK Skylark 1981- 4 door, 1975VW Dasher - blue, power fiberglass covered, spare Updated electrIcal, all cop- garage, new furnace and LOADED 1979 Chr)sler Le manual, 6 cyhnder, rehable Evemngs - 823.2457 AM/FM stereo, power locks, steenng/brakes, good condi- oars, $650 776-0957 per piumblllg 2 car garage roof, mamtenance free, St. Baron Medallion, excellent transportatIOn $500 881- 1979 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass all', new lIres Excellent con- tIOn 884.9205 881-7820after 5 John area $28,500 884-2877 condition $2,500 779 5648 6875 dillon, must see $3,000 or 12A. IOAT IIEI'A11l Supreme, V-6, power steer- 1985HONDA Prelude - fully DODGE Colt 1979 2 door, 4 ------19B1 ESCORT - 2 door 4 best 881-8672 mg, power brakes, all', tun- eqUipped, mmt condition, MARINE Carpenter, skIlled 761 LINCOLN speed, fall' condition $700/ speed all', stereo radIO, r;ke ed, no rust, runs fme $2,300 1981CHEVROLET Malibu sta. 885-0350 all areas Wood, fIberglass, GROSSE POINTE CITY best offer 885.2337 ne\\, high expressway miles 884-1704 tlOn wagon - white, luggage repasrs and speCialtIes 1985DODGE $2,100 J31-8580 rack, all', power steer- 1980 MERCEDES Benz, ThiS gracIOus 2,179sq ft, English Tudor bUIlt m 1928has 1981CHEVY Malibu - 4 door, 45OSLC, 5 0 liter, metallic Brian Fife - 88H1961 PASSENGER VAN 1967COUGAR - Lady's sell- lllg/brakes, excellent condl- extensIve msulatlOn added throughout the whole Al\l/FM stereo/cassette, Silver, Immaculate condI- 13. 'ilEAl ESTATE - Loaded, excellent condItIOn, I mg ongmal Western state V-6, power brakes/steermg, lion $3.400 791-4192 house, whIch reflects III the low heat bIlls tIOn, loaded. $26,000 331- GENERAl The ongmal marble fireplace, leaded glass mtenor doors low mileage. must s~ After owned Absolutely no rust llres 1 year old $3,000 1984 PONTIAC STE Silver, 7 pm, 526-4855 2893 speed, all', power steer. 5689 SHOREPOINTE condomm. and the profesSIOnally reflmshed floors m the hvmg Leave message, 881-7466 loaded, excellent conditIOn room and dmmg room add to the charm of thiS home 1978HORIZON blue on blue mg $2,500firm 882{)886,839- Make offer 885-0990 1982 NISSAN Stanza 35,000 lum m Grosse Pomte Front 1976 IMPALA stabon wagon- miles, stereo, sunroof, rust- umt 881-9133 There are 3 bedrooms, }'2 baths, breakfast room and a rack, stIck, ~Ir, new tires 1 5364 extra sharp, Silver blue, 1981BUICK Century - 4 door, very large dmmg room A 2 car garage IS attached proofed, excellent condition, IST ClaIr Shores ranch, 2 bed- brakes, AM/Fl\1, rear defog -19-8-1-G-R-A-N-A-D-A-,-2-d-o-o-r, loaded, new llres, shocks, Limited Excellent condi- $4,800 885-7170after 5 pm room, large lot, large kit. at the rear, as IS the new deck A must see' Call for ger, wiper Well mailltamed pp-eed-,loaded, 4 door, 13,000miles GROSSE POINTE WOODS I ClaSSICstatIOn wagon.load- $9,200 499 1344 HOLLYWOOD - Harper I cellent condition, must sell laIr, stereo cas,elle, looks 296-{)527 ed, rustproofed' 44,000hlgh- ExceptIOnal custom bUIlt four bedroom center-entrancc $7,900/best offer 57')4681 I and run!>great $2,000 777- I 1984 VOLVO DL, 4-door, all', Woods Lovely 2 bedroom, 198.')BUICK Park Avenue - ful- way miles, real clean, alumlllum ranch Utility' Colomal on qUiet cul-de-sac m prmlf' Wood" locatIOn m BEAUTIFUL CAR ,_812_8 _ $4.900or best offer 882 0823 metallic pamt, stereo, after Deeplands and Star of Sea area Newly decorated, ly loaded, 4 door, 13,500I 6 p.m 885-5241 room, garage Grosse POlllte MINT CONDITION 1'19&1MERCURi MarqUIS LS miles 296-{)527 schools Reduced to $28,500 move.m condition With many amemtles Illcludmg mar- - ~terco, loaded, .12,000 1979 CHEVY Monza - new 1980DATSUN 310GX - excel- ble natural fIreplace, !>Iate entrance hall, carpeted Dodge 600,4 door mght\~atch miles, $7.ROO882 RH4 1984FIERO SE, black, loaded, transmiSSion, engllle work lent condition, $2,100 541 (hardwood) flOor!>,central all' condillonmg SpaCIOUS low miles, excellent condi- $1,400(askmg) Call Art, 884- McKINNEY 10725, DetrOIt blue, loaded With extras ex 1976FORD Granada - 4 door 57649 po\\er sleenng po\\e; 1974V W Superbeetle - $400 brick Colomal, alum mum chen With eatlng area, two and a half baths and famIly evemngs 583 9337 days PONTIAC Catahna, 1976 - 1363, mghts ll84 1910 brake<; automat'lc Le<;s 881-8842 trIm, new carpetmg, flmsh room Convement traffiC pattern 1984CUTLAs..'lSupreme Olds, power brakes/steermg. aIr, TURISMO 1981- 2 2, 5 !>pced, than 44()()()mile." $1,250 ll&l- ed basement, garage As. 4-door, under 5,500 mdes, good llres, clean $850 884- 1980VOLKSWAGEN Rabblt- $229,000 loaded, sunroof $4 800 IROO sumable mortgage power s teerlllg, power 6842 diesel, 2door, all', stereo No BY APPOINTMENT ONLY NO BROKERS PLEASE 777 7R90 -1')-7-4-~-T-\-T-I-O-l'\-v.-a-go-l1-s-o-h-d rust Many new parts Very brakes, power locks, electnc 1982FIREBIRD - automatic, OWNER 881.5027 or 496-2641 1'17') DODr;!': Dart run" I dep<'ndablf' lran"portatlOn moon roof, AM/FM stereo clean High mIleage $1,300 BUCKINGHAM 5116,DetrOIt I good $400 777 7')')')d,l'" rnubl <;ell $2')0 111 4106 t-top, loaded. sharp 58,000 885-2432 "Owner says sell " thiS love- cassette, all' condillomng, miles $5,900 884-7284 lllt wheel, crlllse control, ly 3bedroom Enghsh Tudor 1978VOLKSWAGEN - excel Assume 9% mortgage on I electnc wmdshleld Wipers, 1984 MONTE Carlo - hke lent condltlon, 2 door, auto- new, 15,000mIles, many ex- Land Contract term .. power antenna, dlgllal matiC, stereo, $1,500 881- clock, $10,900 00 Best offer tras $8,100 886-4li62 885-6215 1982 CIERA Olds, 4-door, 2370 INCOME - WhittleI' near Pick Up and Reltarn Auto 1977MERCEDES3OOD Excel Chandler Park Bnck, 2 under 17,000mIles. AM/FM WITHIN 3 HOURS lent condlhon $8,900or best family, a lummum tnm, SEE stereo, rear defogger, power • Slmonla Rub Out Complete Clean ng 01 offer R866919 basement, garage Great i Intenor and Extenor S35 00 steenng, brakes, locks, all' HONDA 1982CIVIC- all', ste I rental area The~t: IWO SNVlces prevent ox (jallon proteci aga'nst JOE condillonmg, $6,900,best of I fer 885-621') reo/cassette, ne", brakesl I paml dUllmg ..." ler \1f'11 her and ~a'l dnd prov de your tlres 372-7285 HANDLOS 8827300 car w Ih a high gloss 'In,sh VASSALLO i 198.1REGENCY Brougham - 4 door, fully eqUiPped Like 1981 DATSUN MaXima - 4 HE",DRJ( KS • Sopor Glo 10 Finish ne", $9,500 or offer Days door, Silver. sunroof and all and ASSOCiates Ine 2147 HOLLYWOOD ITwo Year Wnllen GuaranlPe) S50 00 DRUMMY I 886-42.'32,822-5778 optlOns $6,000 882-2.176 Real E..tate - Still the be..t In • ProlOttlvo Paint halo nt 1985 BUICK RIVIera 6 weeks 1985 TOYOTA Cel c GTS _ vestment Save your tax $$$ ONLY TWO LEFT TO CHOOSE FROM (Thre~ Yf'ar Wntten Guarilrieci $7000' I a, on thl<;2 bedroom plus walk OLDS old 1,600 miles, dark blue, IIflback, loaded, 9,500miles lhrough Income Fireplaces Brand new Colomals - Energy efflclent FeatUring a na- 'Completp Cleanmg of j tural fireplace, bay "'mdo .... Kitchen has bUilt-Ins natural LEASING AVAILABLF~ loaded, full warranty, Code $11,500 886 7040 2 furances Must sell fast 1 wood throughout DoorwalJ to the patiO Two and a half Inleno, tfloor ALDRIDGE ASSOCIATES tlOn, 4 door $10,700 884- door converllble, runmng For elderly persons 882- & 8 Mile & GratOit 4993 condItion, $5,000 884-0042 0428 884-6960 •

Thursday, December 5, 1985 Page Ten.C GROSSE POINTE NEWS 13G WASHERIORYERI 130 VACA liON/RESORT 20B ElHTRICAL SERVICE 20E HOME IMPROVEMENT 13 REAL ESTATE ,t REAL ESTATE WANlEO I~ BUSINESS OPPORYUNITIES 16A ADOPT A PET APPLIANCE REPAIRS GENERAL PRorEftTY EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS ANIMAL HOSPITAL HADLEY HOME OWNER - Must sell, Haver- POMPANO Beach, FlOrida WANTED - SMALLER CALL GEORGE HOUSE IN THE POINTES! We have the dearest little CUSWORTH IMPROVEMENT hIll 4 bedroom, 3 bath, ex- SpaCIOUS condomlmum In NUTTO APPLIANCE ELECTRIC & SUPPLY, INC IN TRADE FOR LARGER Gourmet shop With beautiful abandoned brown and white cellent $37,500 881-0389 well mamtamed bUlldtng on Washer and Dryer Service SERVING INC. Retmng owners of a 5 bed. mterlor appointmentsl tabby cat She IS 3 months Intra-Coastal Beautiful Sales THE GROSSE POINTES COMPLETE REMODELING BY OWNER, 3 bedroom Col- pool, other recreatIOnal room, 4 bath Gro!>se Pomte TOiletries, Coffees, Wme old and sure would like to be omal large updated kitchen in a warm and lovmg home We sell rebUIlt washers SINCE 1965 SERVICE amemtles One block from home SUItable for large All Imported Items and dryers KItchen-Baths \\ Ith brCclkfast nook, formal Please come and see her o ReSIdential - CommerCial ocean Furm!>hed If desired family, want to trade for a Terms available to qualifIed Addltlons- Porches dmmg room, den, brick smaller 3 bedroom Grosse buyer 882 8660 445-0776 o RadIO Dispatched Must sell 881-4751 • Emergency Service Atl1c/Ree Rooms pallO \\ Ith gas grill, 2 car POinte home of comparable GROSSE POinte Ammal garage, clppomlment only NO CHANGES LET GEORGE DO IT SENIOR CITIZEN Alummum Sldmg/Tnm value C I B B MR KOSKI Chruc We have lost and Gutters/Down Spouts 682-2419 after 6 p m NO CO\NCELS Our home valued at $120,000 542-9111 APPLIANCE REPAIR DISCOUNT OF CLASSIFIED ADS abandoned ammals for Storm Wmdows/Doors O~E BLOCK [rom St John has many desirable features adoption This week we have SERVICE Rooftng/Shmgles/Hot Tar 1 AFTER L! NOON MONDA \'8 16 PUS fOR SAlE 886-4448 Ho~pltal, DetrOit 6 4% as- and ISan easy walk to South precIous 10week old 7 lb toy Washer, Dryer, Refngeratlon, Aluminum Siding and ~umable POSSible owner fi- NO EXCEPTIONS! High If mterested m trade, Electrical, Dishwasher, etc IF BUSY, CALL 881-4664 SCHNAUZER mlm - AKC, 7 poodle - terrlOr - Schnaulcr 15215MACK, DETROIT 48224 Gutter Cleamng nancmg, 21" baths, 2 lots, FLORIDA condo. 2 bedrooms please reply WIth details to No Service Charge J1 Repaired weeks. shots, wormed 884- - Dachshund - elc Mixed LICENSED INSURED Fences/Repairs of all kinds ,,\\ Imming pool, 4 5 bed- 2 baths on canal In Cape Cor: Box G-I02, Grosse Pomte 8930 Brmdle haIr WIth white Guaranteed Parts & ServIce Licensed and Insured Ioom~, 2 flrcplace~, formal al. outsIde Ft Meyers Dues News, 99 Kercheval, Grosse 885-6081 S & J ELECTRIC COCKER Sparuel pUppies - whIskers and we have a 6 886-0520 dllllng loom, many extras - $75per month FIrst floor Pomte Farms, Mlch 48236, Geo Stults/Since 1965 Resldentlal-Commerc lal champIOn Sired Males $200 week old Calico kitten, both $57 900 [Irm I 882 8184 m a small complex $54,500 by Feb 15, 1986 All mqulfles are ready to go home For 181, FLOOR SANDING/ No Job Too Small MODERNIZATION 294-1177 885-2930 COZY "ecure 4 room bunga- 884 3117 WIllbe ansv. ered In strictest appomtment call 822-5707 IIEFINISHING M.T. CHARGOT WEST Palm Beach FlOrida confidence FREE - 5 month old grey, G & G FLOORCO ELECTRICAL handyman No 10\1 .If VIllage Ideal for male cat Litter tramed, FREE to good home - won- BUILDING CO. Century Village, well fur: NICE family need!> !>maller Floor sandmg profeSSIOnally Job too smdll Competitive ~Illgle, retired couple Lo\\ very affectionate 885-1089 derful female pup Would PERSONALLY DESIGNED m~hed, 2 bedrooms, 1'l bath done Dark stammg dnd fm- rates Speclahzmg In garage mcllntelldncc $48,500 home to rent or buy J or 4 like family ll1l>teadof lonely Kitchen - AttIcs condo, second floor, walk to LAB pups - yellow. AKC, Ishmg All work guaranteed wlrmg, all types of outdoor * i\b2 9272 or 881 J119 bedroom or mcome Occu- hfe WIth Single master Half Basements-Porches the club house and golf, m shots, wormed, deelawed Free estunates References Iightmg WIthphoto cells, mo * Il'. the Park $49 dov.n vets pancy by January 1 CondI- POinter - half Beagle 4 Bathrooms - Rec Rooms mmt condition, ready to Females 772-9584 885-0257 tlon detectors and speCial * 'l:llC 5/4 IlllOmc Newly de- tion not Important Grosse months 882-0143 Outdoor deck environments move m $42,000 1-305-683- purpose outlets 884-3853 corated Ea.,tslde Really POIntes or North of 6 Mile YORKSHIRE Ternors, tmy COLOR Pomte SIamese cat CUSTOM CRAFTED 2282 Road 882-8614 KELM 882-2402 AKC males, females, shots, female, spayed, vaccmated, * Cabmets - Formica ()rrLA~DO ~,\pcp\..a) Errol health certuIC:lte::., 6 .vecks, Fleor b lng, "'INI'ng refm- CO.Op APAH1'MENT CASH IVI .> vut ~AVP<'rt) and l~dlly .:ffedlOlldle Gl"dl J MARTIN * h ooUWOl kUl15-llll11 \hll h Estates, private country Land Contrdcts Call Fer- 771-1704 personality Needs desper- Ishmg Expert m stam Old Replacement Wmdows Hdrper /Wh Ittler ared - floors a specIalty We also ELECTRIC * ~paCIOw,rooms, appliance'>, club, 27 hole golf course, rlole - Petne Properties LABRADOR Retriever pUP: atelya lOVinghome 839-2441 * Interior - Exterior Doors sWimming, tenOls, excellent 884 3353 pIes - A K C , yellow Rea- evemngs reftmsh bamsters COMPANY FULLY LICENSED AND drdpt'~, nedr shoppmg and 535-7256 Guaranteed work. Low pnces dining Luxury 2 bedroom, 2 sonable 949-5096 INSURED bu~ 10\1 mamtenance CASH 13. GENERAL SEIIVICE • No Job too small 0 VIOla- GAlES REALTY bath fully eqUiPped kItchen PROFESSIONAL floor sand GENERAL HOME REPAIR Laundry condo On mneth COCKER - A K C , female, tions corrected • Free esti- 521 7000 FOR HOMES mg and fmlshmg Free estl Free Estimates - 882-6842 faIrway $69,500 Must sell buff, 12weeks, housebroken mates Gary Martm Servmg Area Smce 1938 AllergIes $275 882-7896 THE PHONE mates W Abraham 754- BARKER BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom brick 40 mile to Disney Leave STIEBER REALTY 8999 882-2007 bungdlo\\ 4174 Yorkshire, message 313 294 9381 BOUVIER pups, AKC, great 20C. TV AND IIADIO - CONTRACTORS 19. MOVING AND STORAGE Sl5.900 8844771 after 3 pm SANIBEL - modern one bed 775-4900 bloodline, great pets, blondes CONNECTOR IIEPAIII Modermzatlon • Alterations • and brown, brlddles Avail- QU-\LlTY cu~tom built brlck- room garden condo, gulf CURRENT Grosse POinte res Installation and Service GROSSE POINTE Additions • FamIly Rooms • able Dec 14. Chnstmas COLOR TV, HI-FI, STEREO ranch .3 bedrooms, hvmg view Boat docking, heated Idents deSire owner fmanc- Resldenllal/Busmess Systems MOVING AND STORAGE CO Kitchens & Recreation mormng delivery available 885-u264 Areas loom, formal dlmng, large pool $89,500 (313) 3356522, ed home In Northeast Sub. 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Pomte reSIdents WIllmove or 831-1354after 6 p m. ANTENNAS JAMES BARKER kItchen, attached 2 car If no answer leave message urbs Could move anytime In remove large or small quan- gdrdge, fmlshed basement at (313l 3332422 1986 Call evemngs/week RESERVE your Chrtstmas 822-8242 tities of furmture, apphan- T V RADIO small apphances 886-5044 Excellent condition Call 716- puppy I A K C champlOn- ces, pIanos - dr what have repairs Fast servIce, lowest ASSUMABLE 834 mortgage - ends, 885-4365 SAPONARO SERVICES EASTVIEW 5487 pnces Licensed 882-0865 2 bedrooms, 2baths Vacant FAMIL Y wants home on slup hne Golden Relnevers, Light Haulmg you Call forfree estimates males Wormed, shots, 343-0481or 822-4400 Opera- ALUMINUM 13A. lOTS FOR SAlE Newly decorated Free golf canal, St Clair Shores Garage/Basement Clean-up 20E. HOME IMPROVEMENT $48,900 Boca Raton 1-305- 351-1574 Walter, eveOlngs thoroughly soclahzed $275 Wall Washmg ted by John Stelmnger and VINYL INC. Bob Breltenbecher LOT for sale by owner 8Oxl00 482 8941 543-5252 881-6552 Insured HEAT BILL HIGH? 17301Mack near Cadieux 8 MIle Road, Ea~tland area: MARCO ISLAND Furmshed 2 Ben Saponaro MOVERS WORLD Save money WithIndoor storm • Sldmg. Tnm 15. IUSlNESS OPPOIITUNITIES If you lose me 882-1734 (U-Haul Company, Inc ) Call before 11 a m 885 9227 bedroom, 2 bath penthouse wmdows Easy to install and • Seamless Gutters • Doors or fmd me . Every servIce avaJ1able for lo- or 961-3997ask for Gus, 6-4 condo Beauhful beach HAULING Garage tear remove Different samples • Wmdows • Roofmg BE YOUR OWN BOSS cal Intra-Inter state moving pm Well established craft supply dOWns,construction debns, and styles to choose from • AwOlngs • Shutters 884-6846 Free estimates Call East 1311, COMMERCIAL I'ROI'ERTYI bUSiness located m S1. Clair concrete, dirt, garage and free estimates o Porch Enclosures 13C. WATEII PIIOPERTY Jefferson MOVing and BUILDINGS Shores near Grosse Pomte basement junk, brush Can C&P WINDOWS o Wrought Iron remove or move most any- Storage. o Glass & Screen RepaIr GROSSE Pomte area - 1,000 Inbusmess 15years with the 313-881-9397 thmg Dave Wassenaar, 823- 12001E Jefferson o VISit Our Showroom ST. CLAIR square feet, parkmg, new last 6 years m thIS locatIOn 823-5621 Price Includes mventory fix- 1207 EASTLAND 020 Yrs roof, new furance, newly ALUMINUM o Insured :Elegant, customed deSigned tures and trade name o N.G CONSTRUCTION CO RELIABLE POINTE resident decorated, 6 execul1ve With movmg van WIll move PRODUCTS 527-5616- 881-1060 . and bUIlt home on North SUites 886-9141 Owner's retlrmg Call for Masonry repairs, clumneys RiverSide Drive Brick and additional information large or small quantities patios, porches SpecialiZing SIdIng, trIm, roofmg, seamless KELLY BUILDING CO. frame construction, beauti- GRATIOT Shown by appointment INSURED m Fieldstone fIreplaces gutters, storm doors and D C KELLY BUILDER fully decorated and featur Between 8-9 Mile Rd Two ONLY Bob 882-1968or 822-4400 Licensed 839-9459 wmdows, rallmgs, alumi- o Quality Remodehng Illg ~uch hnenE's as crown bUlldmgs, 1,460square feet TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES We'll run your ad HANDYMAN With truck 20. PIANO SERVICE o Andersen Replacement muldlngs hand carved Eng each Off-street parkmg, lot 775-6200 num shutters, porch enclos- 6O'x200', tenant occupIed FREEII Clean basements, garages ures Free courteous esti- Wmdows and Doors • h.,h mantel, gourmet klt- COMPLETE PIANO servICe Good for user or mvestor WOMENS dress shop featur- any hauling, odd Jobs Tre~ mates o Additions of all types dlPll garden room facmg 882-6900 mg exclUSive Michigan de- servIce, gutter c1earung Bob Tunmg, rebUilding, refm- o Custom Garages patIO and wooded area be- Office/Showroom signers, for sale, m fashIon- -~227 Ishmg Member Plano Tech- 29315 Harper yond Master bedroom sUite INVESTOR 16A ADOPT A PET mClans Guild Zech-Bossner 882-3463 BUILDING IN WARREN able Trappers Alley 965- S C S 774-0460 LICENSED & INSURED on fIrst floor and two large 3752 Lease available CAULKING - new and re- 731-7707 second floor bedrooms 115% NET RETURN caulk houses 16 years ex- • Attics & Porch Enclosures HEALTH club and spa WIth ADORABLE Cat - male, PIANO SERVICES - Tumng C\LL STIEBER REALTOR I perience 778-0016 o Addttlons & KItchens Basement, garage and attic full kitchen Club faCIlities long haIr, white With black. and repair QualifIed techru- I.l-~'nl BUL[)I:\G 775-4900 o CommerCial Buildtngs prOVIdeabundant storage A mclude nautilus eqUIpment, Approximately 6 months clan FleXIble hours Reas- cO:'lIPY"Y A"ll (;ET EXECUTIVE off Park, newly 13A. CARPET INSTALLATION mint condItIOn property Indoor pool, wally ball, rac-l old, vaccmated, very affee- onable rates 881-8276 (ILH PIUCE JIM SUTTON $195,000 Land Contract decorated, new roof/furn- quetball, aerobICS and many tlOnate and sweet Was CARPET LAYING :\SPI1:\LT A:\D 1677Brys Drive terms avallable ace, Grosse Pomte area 886- PIANO TUNING and repalr- extras One price buys all abandoned, needs desper- NEW AND OLD FlHERGL.\SS TU4-2942 TU2-2436 9141 mg Work guaranteed HOOFI"G ~u YE:\HS For mformatlon call atelya lovrng home. 839-2441 Stairs Carpeted Shifted Member AFM Edward Fel- St Clair River, l00x700 foot GROSSE Pomte - 3 stores, 5 \\.\ItH,\\TY CORNERSTONE Richard at WJlcox Realtors evemngs RepaIrs of All Types ske 465-6358 landscaped property With apartments, over $40,000 l);t'l~~~ ~ound four bedroom Colomal .,,-.~ 3550 ENJOY the comfort of a mce ALSO CONST. CO. yearly mcome, very low ex CARPETING, VINYL PIANO tumng and repair home featurmg family snuggly cat for X-Mas Sev- KItchens - Custom DesIgn penses, only $275,000 Land 16. PHS fOil SALE HARDWOOD Complete plano service by room With fireplace, 21~ eral to choose from 885-0466 certifIed techruclan Eve- ADDITIONS - DECKS Family Rooms Contract terms Samples Shown m Wmdow Replacements baths, formal dmmg room, mm! and weekend appomt- BATHROOMS Andary 886-5670 CHAMPIONS QUALITY 'UPl'IES Your Home basement and attached ments avatlable Why not KITCHENS Decks TOY POODLES BOB TRUDEL garage Great vIews of inter- - BUSINESS AND STUD SERVICE TO have someone locally do WINDOWS - PORCHES CommerCIal Remodeling • APRICOT 774-7590days, 294-5896eves natIOnal freIghter traffiC, INVESTMENT APPROVED BITCHES your work DaVid Hughes COMMERCIAL Intenor /ExterlOr PROPERTIES REDS • BLACK AddItions 20x40 two story barn, Ideal j )r' 0 AKC REGISTERED 882-8705 REMODELING YORKSHIRES CARPET SERVICES Custom and Quality always for boat and car storage and "-! • BOARDING LICENSED & INSURED ExclUSively Sales and mstallahon, 3 year PIANO TUNING and repair . LICENSED AND INSURED studiO $239,000 Land Con- SCHNAUZER @ SALES - LEASES • GROOMING guarantee $2 a yard Re Complete plano service by JIM LAETHEM tract stretchmg and repair work GUY DeBOER EXCHANGES certified techmclan Why not 881-6651 885-4624 882-9310 -:Sh.o 'te;,i, .!J(e:nnei1A. done have someone locally do WIde selectIOn of hIgh quahty LETO BUILDING CO Vlrgmla S Jeffries Realtor MARCEL AND MARIA DAGHUYT your work? DaVId Hughes CondonullJums on the St - Phone 293-1429 - 882-B705 ' SINCE 1911 Clair River, ranging from 882-0899 JOANNA WESTERN CUSTOM BUILDING 331>33 HARPER AVENUE HOURS 900A M TO 6 OOP M ~ $72,500 to $210 000 EAST WARREN near Buck- 2011. ELECTRICAL SERVICE WINDOW SHADES REMODELING ST CLAIR SHORES, MI 48082 CLOSED SUNOAY & HOLIDAYS FIREPLACES, wood stoves, REC ROOMS Ingham Two medical or of- 011 flues cleaned Caps and PAINT, SHUTTERS, BLlNm RIver Club condommlUm on KAUIo'lIIAN"J KITCHENS fice bUlldmgs 3,400 square screens Installed Insured, WADE'S ELECTRIC St Clair River 2 bedrooms feet - 1,600square feet Call TORM DOORS A;\iO \~ I\DO\\~ 882-3222 fully eqUIpped kitchen, faml: no mess ProfeSSIOnal COMPANY, for detaIls Master Sweep HANDYMAN speclallzmg m ly room, 2''2 baths, vlewmg Palms Queen Realtors INCORPORATED CERTIFIED #280 pamtmg, carpentry For- deck Elegantly decorated, 886 4444 HOUSE CALLS FAST 24 HOUR mica work. Excellent refer- $115,000 Coach light Chimney Sweep GRA'TOP DETROIT HOUSES ONLY Company SERVICE SALES AND SERVICE ences 882-4827 St ClaIr River Club effiCiency All cash for your eqUIty No mspectlons, repairs or red 884.9500 15011 KERCHEVAL 20F. ROOFING SERVICE condohasonebedroorn,spa 885.3733 East of Alter. In the Park tape Immediate depOSit CIOUSIIvmg-dmlng area and TU 5-6000 fast closmg , J&J CHIMNEY SWEEPS COLVILLE EXPERT REPAIRS . vlell'lng deck, $75,000 Closed Mondays SQUIERS ASSOCIATES Wood stoves, fireplaces, EL:ECTRIC CO. GUTTERS 712-8570 chImney caps and screens, !\lAC GLASHAN COMPANY I damper repaIrs, mortar Ranges, Dryers, ServiCes, H.F. JENZEN ROOFING OpPOsite St Clair In 13C, WATEII PROPERTY Doorbells 329-2294 work BUILDING SMALL JOBS Certlfled - Insured VIOLATIONS 773-1444 FAST EMERGENCY nt:SIG:'I:(>:1l 774-9651 CANAL PROPERTY Mlch State Llc 5125 SERVICE HE\10Dt:UV; ,\:"1) Bedutlful3 bedroom brick Cape Cod Covered boat well 774-9110 .\llIl1TIO~S ROOFING Shmgles, flat \R('I\ITECTl'RAL areas, bUIlt-up roofs and re- Tv.o natural fIreplaces $61,900 COACHLIGHT CHIMNEY RETIRED MASTER electn. SERn(f: paIrs of all kmds Work Ask for Charlene, Earl Keirn clan Licensed VIOlatIOns SWEEP COMPANY BYf.fIRO()'\lS A:"D guaranteed Free estlmate Services mcreased Also 371-4010 h:(TnIE~S 884-5416 CERTIFIED :;280 small lobs TU 5 2966 No Mess 0 Insured IU;P\.-\('E:\1 E~l' W1:'1: ()O\\,S 130. VACATION/IlESOIIT 130. VACATION/IIESOIIT Complete LICENSED ROOFING Repairs From $25 RE-RClClF(~G _ '1I0'EIITY 'ROPERTY ChImney Care ELECTRICAL Gutters repaired and clean- CONTRACTOR \IX'U'l"1 SlUl'(; ed Expenenced, refer- PHONE: 885.3733 & THJ:\1 - ences Seaver's 882-0000 1 Highest quality Lowest 777-6840 20E. HOME IMPROVEMENT n.MOBll FOR prices Free estimates I.ICE:\SED &: I'SU{E1l CLASSIFIED ADS MASTER-ELECTRIC CALL 882-6900 978762.5 Speclallzmg m quality custom v.ork at affordable prtces DORMERS 0 ADDITIONS 0 ATRIUMS .1It. CHIMNEY AND FIREPLACE 11C. CHIMNEY AND FIIIEPLACE o SCREENED PORCHES 16A, ADOPT A I'ET 16A. ADOPT A PET REPAIR/CLEANING REPAIR/CLEANING KITCHENS. BATHROOMS I • RECREATION ROOMS I I • WOOD DECKS 0 COMPLETE JOB START r------I ....11 TO FINISH - LARGE OR SMALL Why I PENDOLINO'S RoD. PRIEST BUILDERS, INC. I CHIMNEY SERVICE I' Not GROSSE POINTE 881-8019 I SpeclalIzmg m brick work, • ROCHESTER 652-2255 I crowns, fluehners, screens • Adopt! • I _MASTER REMODELERS I ALL WORK GUARANTEED lII~ab I • RESlDE~TIAL • COMMERCIO\L I FREE ESTIMATES ~amll1 I I • m9llll EEl I Hrmg lo\(' and laughter 1010 your hearls and homes 881-2477 8865870 .. \tln} hom('lc~~ ill1lmaIs are wailing to be chosen by you liG. WASllEAIDlhER/ l1G, WASHEII/DRYERI APPLIANCE REPAIRS APPLIANCE REPAIRS FERLITO ------i------~II VI~11the CONSTRUCTION CO * \lIt\pc~ of cementv..ork .. Addll\on~ Anti Cruelty Association .. nnv('wa\~ .. KJtch('n~ * PallO'> .. Garages LfT~ 1 l-,f,'l Jo~cph Campau Hamtramck .. Brick & Rlock \\ork .. Hoofmg 891-7188 PR()Flo~SS~O"AL BA<;E'1E\lT \lyATERPROOFll'.G ~~DOIr-- WI'. STOP LEAKS GUARA:"TEF:n or QUALITY WORK.REASONABLE PRICES APPLIANCE REPAIR BEST OF 2 WORLDS The SERVICE LJcen~ed • Rond('d • ln~ured Golf oul the back door and the St LUCIeRiver and your WASHER DRYER, REFRIGERATION CALL US J\iOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE own boat docks at the fronl of lhls 3 bedroom 1 bath akland Humane Society ELECTRICAL, DISHWASHER, ETC ' lownhouse \\Ith 18' sq ft plus a garage Loc~ted on NO SERVICE CHARGE IF REPAIRED GUARANTEED PARTS AND SERVICE thc renownerl Sandplpe Bay Resort In Port St LUCIe 19601MI F:lholl near 7 Mile 885-1798 Flonda Reduced to $169,500 Owner 294-1620 o~ 885-6081 FinanCing Available 892-7822 GEORGE STULTS/SINCE 1965 949-u531l, 305 335-0886 L:

, ...-...... _--.& ... ~ ~~ .. ~-L..._...... ,...... it:, ~~ __ J/ __ •• _,.,_; 4 _

Page Eleven-C Th ursday, December 5, 1985 GROSSE POINTE NEWS BRICI( 20R, fURNITURE IlEPAIRI 20Z. lANDSU'INGJ 20Z. LANDSCAPING/ 20F. IIOOFING SEll VICE 20H. PAINTING/DECORATING 20H PAINTING/DECORA TlNG i 201. WAll WASHING REfINISHING SHOW REMOVAl SNOW REMOVAl HAND DONE - professl(mal ANDY'S MASONRY AND BOB'S UPHOLSTERY -NEW PENDOLINO'S TRIMMING, removal, spray- MICHAEL'S WALLPAPER mg, feeding and stump re- ROOFING service and results 5 years CHIMNEY REPAIR SERVICES NOW AVAIL. SNOW REMOVAL PAINTING & REMOVAL m POIntes All masonry, brick, water- ABLE Custom made slIp moval Free Estimates We have a new number proofmg repairs SpecialIz- covers and pillow manufac- Dependable, qUick, clean ser- Complete tree service Call Vice, reSidential reasonable SPECIALIST REFINISHING BY JEFF 774-8098 Ing III tuck pointing and turmg 25% off already low Fleming Tree St'rvlce, 774- COMPLETE HOOFING Gro~se Pomte ReSident • Custom Pamhng Al:;o rates 6460 K-MAINTENANCE Company small jobs Llcensed, m. prices Local references ~ERVICE Intenor - Exterior Service • Low Rates sured Reasonable Free es. 881-2477 886-5870 wall washmg, floor c1eamng Hours - 8 to 6 Monday thru Nel'. roob, tear-{)f1~,fJdt roofs, Pamtmg & Plastermg 779-5235 775-292:7 tlmates 881-0505, 882-3006 SNOW PLOWING and waxmg Free estImates Saturdays 881-8848 Bob roll roofmg, new vents Gut Anllqumg dnd Varlllshmg PAINTING, wallpaperlllg, MAC'S TREE AND BRICK REPAIRS, porches, McVey, 17426 Harper, be. • ResidentIal - CommerCial ters dedned and repan ed Strlppmg and SUllnmg wall washmg Selllor clhzen 882-0688 tween Cadieux & Morang SHRUB TRIMMING Complete Kitchen Refllllshmg fireplaces, Chimneys - 35 .24 hour servICe yeal lound discounts Jan 884.8757, SAPONARO SERVICES COMPLETE WORK Insured - Free Esllmates, years experience 776-4529, 20S, CAII'ENTEIl • Competitive pnces INSTANT :::'EHVlcr~ Kathy 773-9589 Wall Washmg Reasonable rates, quality ser- ALL WOHK GUARA~TEfm References 777-8352 vice Call Tom 776-4429 884-0706 Window Cleamng QUALITY Carpentry and For- ROOFING SPECIALl,',T 8853230 33H>l38 CONCRETE Repairs Tuck- EL GRECO'S Insured mica work New or refaced DAVID i\ItCHMK" pomtIng, steps, seals, pat- SOD - one day service MASTERPIECE PAINTING Ben Saponaro CommerCial ReSidential 24 HOUR SNOW ches Experienced, neat, Pomter Landscapmg 885- 775-2802 KARM'S InterlOr-exterlOr Experience B82-1734 Store fixtures, dIsplays also reasonable Seaver's 882- PLOWING 8448 In repairing cracks, damag. counters, kitchens, vamtles, GROSSE POINTE fireman RESIDENTIAL SNOW PIOWlllg - yearly con- HADLEY HOME PAINTING ed pla"ter, fadlllg, peelIng 0000 ree. rooms, hang doors All Will do wall washmg 821- RESOURCE ENGINEERING tracts, 2" of snow or more IMPROVEMENT Llcen"ed and Insured pamt PolIte serVICe, very repairs and fllllsh work 16 2984 20P, WATEIIPIIOOFING 885-8448 Dry Wall & Plaster Repair reasonable rates Free esll- year; experience Free esti- 884-9104 INC Wood strIppmg and staining, mates WALL Washmg neat, rellable service Reasonable rates JACK WILLIAMS mates Vito Saplenla 774 COl\lPLEl E wall papering 8933 TREE AND stump removal ROOFING ,',EHVICE 884.7220 For free esllmates 774 B098 WATERPROOFING and tnmmmg 886-6631/776- G PREFERENCES CARPENTER - small and COM'\1EHCIAL &. DIVISIOnof CreatIve Arllst 11(}4Dan Milleville FOR Free Estimates. Guaranteed - 20J. WINDOW WASHING and WALL REPAIR large jobs, 32 years ex HESIDEN I'IAL P ,lint and plaster problems GROSSE POINTE GEORGE OLMIN *PROPER METHODS OF penence Free estimates CLASSIFIED ADS Tedl off corrected SNOW Removal Guaranteed CONTRACTORS \I>INDOW CLEANING WATERPROOFING ONLY Licensed 527-6656 CALL 882-6900 He~hmglc 77 PAINT 777-2408 * BUCKLED BASEMENT lowe~t pnce Personal ser- Hot'lar · WHITEY'S EXPERT WALLPAPERING SERVICE WALLS REPAIRED, ALBERT D. THOMAS I _ vice Tom - 8850967 Roll HooflOg I"lSTo\Ll o\T10"l (IF' <\T T I 35 YEARS IN THE POINTES STRAIGHTENED AND \lcn!;, • Wall Papermg INC. TYPES OF WALLCOVERING I 372-3022 BRACED CONTRACTORS, INC THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS MAYBE PURCHASED Gutler" • Interior Pamtmg I<'ROMTHE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS Hepdlr<; 885-8155 D BARR .NO INJURY TO LAWNS • Reasonable Prices AND SHRUBS (Stores are lIsted by streets and from DetrOit on through Licensed and lI1'>ured • Good Work FREE ESTIMATES CLEANING SERVICES *ALLTYPES OF CON. We are general contractors INSURED SECOND GENERATION the Grosse Pomtes and St Clair Shores) 8860520 • Call - no job too small One call takes care of all Michael Satmary Jr Wmdows, carpet, wall wash- CRETE AND BRICK your bUilding-remodelIng I REPAIR DOWNTOWN: ROOFS AND DECKS 774-0414 WALLPAPER mg, gutters, upholstery, *15 YEARS EXPERIENCE problems, large or small GUTTERS and ,~ INTERIOR AND extenol floors cleaned and waxed, IN POINTES TU 2-0628 Ren-Cen, Calument Tobacco and Gift Shop, mam 1 DOWNSPOUTS pamtmg and paperchang REMOVAL hardwoodfloorsc1eanedand *ALL WORK GUARAN- ALTERATIONS - Moder- level, near 100 Tower Gutters Cleaned and Flu::.hed lng Reasonable rates, 3( BY TIM waxed 777-8497 TEED (WRITTEN FREE Ren Cen, Sha~a Tobacco, mam floor, 500 Tower New and Repair WOlk Dxt.~c mzahon, all bUlldmg needs year~ experience Ray Bar • Low Rates ------ESTIMATES) Licensed and Insured nowsky, 372-2392after 6 p m rough to flJllsh In all trades JEFFERSON AVE . ADVANCE l\1AINTE~ANCE • Best Prices Around K-WINDOW 885-0602 GUY DE BOER INTERIORS 771-4007 CLEANING If no answer call after 300 17319Etlst Warren BY DON & LYNN LICENSED Park Pharmacy, Nottmgham and Jefferson 8849512 I • Husband-Wife Team MELIN'S PAINTING COMPANY CHARLES F JEFFREY 881-6651 885-4624 Village Wme Shop, Beaconsfield and Jefferson CASHAN ROOFING • Wallpdpermg Intenor & Extenor Storms, screens, gutters, 882-1800 • Pamtmg Patching, Plastenng, alummUIn cleaned Insured • Basement Waterproofmg QUALITY WOODWORKING MAUMEE: HOT ROOFS • Meticulous Stucco, Varnlshmg Free estImates • Underpm footmgs SpecIalIsts m' Commercial - Residential • Insured Wmdow Glazmg & Caulkmg I 882-0688 • Cracked or caved-m walls • Kitchen RemodelIng Bon Secours Hospital, Cadieux and Maumee, gift shop I Yeal-round service • Over 20 Years ExperIence Wallpapenng • 10 year guarantee • Custom Made Furlllture Schettler Drugs, Fisher and Maumee • Older Home Restoration Shingles and Repairs Wallpaperlllg Sale m home A-OK WINDOW CLEANERS Licensed Insured 885-2633 Call Ken at 521-1637 Work Guaranteed (We have a new number) Free Estlmates Service on storms and screens I R R CODDENS KERCHEVAL AVE.: Insured 886 3245 Reasonable Pnce Free estImates E'STAB' FRANK B WILLIAMS References, Good Work 775 1690 LISHED 1924 Llcensed bUIlder Speclahzmg Art's Party Store, Wayburn and Kercheval JOHN D. SIMON JAMES D. MELIN 9 5099 - All types of basement water- Muller's Market, Lakepomt and Kercheval ______7_5_-__ WINDOW washmg Sprmg' proofing 15years guarantee m home updatmg and re- l pairs Porch enclosures, Revco Drugs, "In The Village" 778-1028- 773-6986 RUSSELL INTERIOR- pamtmg/wall- Fall changeover For fast, References, 886-5565 Roofmg, Caulkmg, doors adjusted, bookshelves, Notre Dame Pharmacy, Notre Dame and Kercheval papermg QualIty work neat, reliable service Call CAPIZZO CON::>I panelmg, counter tops, valli- Grosse Pomte Book Vlllage, on Kercheval, between Weatherstripping, Repairs Master oamter and decorator LICENSED - INSURED - paperhanger, wood flll- Free estimates Call527-8536 7748098 . ties For courteous, expert Notre Dame and Cadieux assistance In Improving GROSSE POINTE NEWS, 99 Kercheval Ishmg, glazmg, decoratIve John GROSSE POINTE fireman BASEMENT GUTTER c1eamng by profes. will do wmdow washlllg 821. WATERPROOFING your home, please call me at Perry Drugs on the HIli slOnal house pamter Flush- mollfs, mterIor deSign and Trail Apothecary on the HIli layouts Free estimates PERFECT touch pamtmg, 2984 DONE RIGHT 88H1790 mg, mspechon upon request free estImates, paper . 10 YEAR GUARANTEE Cottage Hospital Glft Shop, MUir and Kercheval John, 884 0820 hanger plastermg wood SPECIALIZING m residential LICENSED INSURED CARPENTER - small jobs, 777-2606 Inside and outsIde Enlarge ___refllllshmg~~_____Bob 839:5853 I 5Sprmgyears andm PomtesFall changeover TONY 885-0612 MACK AVE.: PYRAMID NEWDA YS - Pamters and eXlstmg closets, shelvmg, ROOFING decorators, paperhangers QUALITY - craft - pamtmg We have a new number' R.L. STREMERSCH panelIng, all repairs Bnan J R 's Shoppe N Go, Mack and Berkshire Free estImates 777-2606 - mtenor - ext en or 774-8098 - 884-0961 Devonshire Drug, Devonshire and Mack He-Roofing WALLPAPER and pamtmg- speCialIsts - repair work - BASEMENT CARPENTER ,""ork,paneling Yorkshire Market, Yorkshire and Mack TCdr Otfs I Parkles Party Store, St Clair and Mack 10 years expenence Free guaranteed - references - WATERPROOFING partItiOns, shelvmg, doors, Repair VIUage Food Market, between Moran & McKmley estlmates 774-6314 free estImates - Insured - PAUL'S TILE CO Walls Repaired repaIrS Small JObs 882-2795 VentllatlOn John - 526-6536 Installers of ceramic and Straightened Alger Party Store, St Clair and Mack Year Round Service SMALL CARPENTRY re- Rand's Pharmacy, McMIllan and Mack WOOD REFINISHING mosaic tlle, quarry, pavers, Replaced pairs, locks mstalled by re- Area references ~eJllor PAINTING - Intenor, eX'j and marble Systems for All Work Guaranteed Arbor Drugs, 7 Mlle and Mack CItIZens dl;count Free STRIP STAIN VARNISH tiree Quahty workmanship tenor, plaster repalr, tex- heavy traffiC, or contmuous 884-7139 Revco Drugs, 7 MIle and Mack estimates Llcen"cd and DuplIcate EXlstmg Fmlsh Or 824-2853 Colors to Match tured ceIllllgs, paper hang- underwater exposure AMERICAN St John HOSPital,Moross near Mack Gift Shop and The msured 20T. PLUMBING AND Nook ' 778-0900 Kitchen cabmets, bathroom mg and removal 774-8098 I WORK GUARANTEED HEATING vamlIes, rec-famlly room PARK PAINTING 'lake ad- 822-7137 824-1326 BASEMENT Ment Woods Pharmacy, Bournemoulh and Mack paneling, doors, trIm and Harkness Pharmacy, Lochmoor and Makc vantage of my December WATERPROOFING All Pomtes Book Shop, Mack and Vernier moldmgs rates and have that room Low Pnces Free Eslimates FRANK R. Licensed Insured Hollywood Pharmacy, Hollywood and Mack AERO pamled before the hohdays R.L. STREMERSCH All Work Guaranteed Mr C's Deh, Ridgemont and Mack References Free EstImates John, 884-0820 CEMENT CONTRACTOR Licensed Insured WEIR f'RESTIGE PAINTING CO ~ Bob's Drug Store, Roslyn and Mack ROOFING DAVlD ROLEWICZ GET ready for the holIdays Cement BOB 526-9288 PLUMBING, HEATING, SEWERS AND DRAINS COMPANY 296-7386 778-5025 Pamtmg Small room $75 Dr~~~~~ys J.W. KLEINER HARPER AVE.: GROSSE POINTE MedIUm $100 Large $125 Bnckwork BOILER SPECIALISTS Ment Book Center corner of Harper and Kensmgton Expert roof repairs, Basement Waterproofmg Parkcrest Party Store, Parkcrest and Harper PAINTER'S INC. 882-8537 Basement Waterproofmg Shingles - slate COLLEGE student desires m- Steps SPRINKLER REPAIRS Hunter Pharmacy, Country Club and Harper Side pamtmg ProfeSSIOnal Tuck POIntmg All Work guaranteed Kaycee Drugs, Bournemouth and Harper .:- tile. Flat roofs Pamtmg - mterlOr-exterlOr, qualIty Grosse Pomte refer- No Job too small LICENSED Wngley's Drugs on Harper, 1 block north of Cadieux paper hangmg and paneling and ences Skip 886-6830 Free estimates The Tinder Box, Eastland Shoppmg Center, Aisle 7, Free estimates cheerfully 882-0717 885.7711 between Harper and Kelly Road gutter work . given Licensed and In- INTERIOR pamting done by SPECIALIING IN 381 KERCHEVAL, FARMS .All work guaranteed sured collegesludent Also, minor DRIVEWAYS AND MIKE GEISER Since 1925 Licensed and 882-9234 repairs made Expenenced CEMENT CONT. Keith Damelson EAST WARREN AVE.: Dennls,882-9534 I BASEMENT Licensed Master Plumber Ray's DelIcatessen, Berkshire and E Warrfll insured. MIKE'S PAINTING SoeclalIzml! m waterproofmg Interior-ExterIOr A-PARENTPamtmg Todays I WATERPROOFING and Outside City VIOlatIOns BOB DUBE Liquor Island, Woodhall and East Warren Wallpapermg SpecialIZing In work at yesterdays prIces Free Estimates The Wme Basket, Outer Dnve and E Warren CommerCial, residentIal, m- 884-7139 PLUMBING and HEATING Mr C's, Grayton and E Warren 371.6572 repaU's loose plaster, cracks 881.6000 peeling paint, wmdows put- terlOr, exterior 881-9397 I BRICK WORK Small jobs, LICensed Master Plumber 7/Eleven, East Warren between Cadieux and Balduck tIed and caulked Reason- INTERIOR pamtmg, mlscel- tuck pomtmg, clumney, por- SEWER CLEANING Park 20G. CAIIPET CLEANING able prIces and honest Ref- laneous repairs Excellent ches, VIOlatIons repaired SPRINKLER REPAIR, ETC Mr C's Dell, Morang & Kelly erences work Reasonable QualIty Reasonable 886-5565 STOP Grosse Pomte Woods Ment Drugs, corner of Elkhart and Kelly Road CAR-UP SERVICES 886-3897 Call 777-8081any lime mterlOrs 881-4715,885-7254 R.R. CODDENS THOSE LEAKS BEFORE CARPET CLEANING SPRING EAST DETROIT: MARCO PAINTERS CEMENT TONY 56.50 INTERIOR. EXTERIOR. TExn'RED CEIL!:'IOGS Ment Book Center, 22425 Kelly near 9 Mile Road CONTRACTOR FERLITO CONST The Master Plumber per room/1 room minimum WALL PAPEHING STAI~ING WALL WASHING GUARANTEED CllfXK (It'H PRICES. Family Busmess for 60 years (Son of Emil} ST. CLAIR SHORES: Sofa $2495 Chair w/Sofa $500 WATERPROOFING FRJo;E ESTIMATES I:\:SCRIo:D • New and repair work No job too small New and Collie Drugs, Harper and Chalon (8','2 M:lc) WINDOW WASHING FALL SPECIAL ENDS WALL WASHING • No job too small repairs, VIOlatIOns Manor Pharmacy, Greater Mack and Red Maple Lane 939-7955 • Driveways and porches DECEMBER 30TH SNOW REMOVAL I 293-3181 The Book Store, on Mack, south of 9 Mile FREE ESTIMATES our specialty Perry Drugs, off Marter and Jefferson • Patlos PLUMBING REPAIRS' CommerCial ReSidential Lake Pharmacy, E 9 MIle between Mack and 372-9695 527-0810 • Chimneys 885-1798 & Jefferson EXPERT CARPET • Waterproofmg SEWER CLEANING Shores Party Store, Jefferson, 1 block south of 9 Mile • VIOlatIOns repaired Road CLEANING NOATHEAN PAINT COMPANY Reasonable Rates For All 20Q, 'USTEII WO"K Mike Potter - Llc Perry Drugs, Shores Shoppmg Center, 13 Mile and Truch Mount ExtracllOn Quality Painting CALL ANYTIME 882-1558 Harper Resldentlal & CommerCial 886-5565 GORDON BLACKWELL, Shores Canteen on Jefferson, near 13 MIle EMIL THE New HOrIZon Book Shop, Little Mack and 13 Mile ~I~~~~ ROOM $2750 Scott A Bowles tailored repairs, cracks Free Estimate I CALANDRA elimmated Reasonable! PLUMBER FurmtJI e Cleamng Phone 779 8128 BUSiness Manager CONSTRUCTION Guaranteed 20years Grosse I SPECIALIZING IN DAVE TEOLIS 77'l-{)411 1 • Garage ralswg & framing Pomte Clean and prompt FamI1~ O\\ned & Operated • Cement driveways 821-7051 293-9242 • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Laundry room and VIolations K-CARPET I • Porches, tuck pomtmg QualIty m material and PLASTERING and Drywall • Old and new work CLEANING workmanship Nell SqUIres 75Hm2 Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Bill, Master Plumber COMPANY PLASTERING And Drywall (Son of Emil) JOSEPH repairs Textunng and stuc- CARPET SPECIALISTS co Insured Pete Taormma, 882-0029 I 468.7069 882-0688 469-2967 COMPLETE Piumblllg - II SIIORESJDE Carpet Clean- Sewer Cleamng Licensed MIKE GEISER PLASTERING, DRYWALL, mg, prores~lOnal carpet Master Plumber Work I c1eamng Work gllar,mteed CEMENT ceramic tile, tuck p 882-2118 389-2774 474-8953 or 34~258 882-0688 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 5, 1985 Page Twelve-C

. . ••••• TheAll New ••••• f'~t~~f3!:>::Xl~;)~:::,.<""tt'. 21 DAYS '85 DAYTONA TURBO Z Jet black, air conditioning ultimate sound stereo/cassette, tilt 1986 BEFORE ancf crUise, full power, genume lealer mtenor, $15 180 Ust now '11,200 '85 ARIES LE CHRISTMAS Station wagon, mmk brown, wood gram eldenor, luggage rack, air condltlonmg, stereo, tilt, crUise, power wmdows, power locks, a low mileage beauty '8,995 SHOP EARLY '84 PONTIAC 6000 LE 4 door, black, cabrtolet roof, air condltlomng, stereo/cassette, FOR tilt, crUise, power Windows, power locks ThiS week's special $6,995 BEST '83 FlnH AVENUE 4 door, charcoal grey 31eve, air condltlOnmg, stereo, tilt and SELECTION crUise, full power, Wires, 34,060 careful mIles by anginal owner $9,195 '82 RELIANT & Custom 4 door, Bermuda cream, Blr condrtJomng, stereo, crUise power WlndONS, automatic, power steering power brakes, ex. PRICES f"c.,nt f"\n-:l": ,..ID"'1n ?l=; rUf) P,..tll:::" mllp~ .4:595 "FOR YOUR BEST DEAL IT'S" . JIM RIEHL'S ROSEVILLE I\99."~]iNIm

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