
........ -----.. Grosse Pointe News 30 cents 44 Pages ~OL. 46-No 49 Grosse POinte, Michigan, Thursday, December 5, 1985 your information • Snow and balls Hello, Is there a full moon out? Con- sIder the following stones fresh hello! from the files of the Woods and It doesn't really matter whe- Citv pohce books One of the most dangerous ther you \:c111 him Santa. Claus, sItuations facmg a cop IS pulling Kris Kringle, St. Nick or that Jolly over a car late at night He Old Elf. What's most important literally doesn't know what to to the kids Is that he appears expect The dnver might be every year about this time. And holding anythmg from a gun to a appear he did In last Friday's knife to a bottle of beer. Christmas parade In the Village. A Woods officer pulled over a Santa and his reindeer were the car seen dnvmg erratically climax of one of the best down Mack and the driver stag- Christmas parades in years. gered out holdmg - are you ready for thIS - a bowling ball Two-year-old Demetri Salvaggio No, he didn't strike the officer, took It all pretty much in stride, but he wasn't spared eIther He while riding high on his father's was arrested for drunk driving, shoulders. Leo Salvaggio declin- which IS better than bleeding m ed to give his age, but from the the gutter looks of his SOC-wattsmile, he Sorry about that. believes in Santa Claus, too. In the City, officers rushed to the home when a woman report- ed a SUSpICIOUScar parked m her Photos by Tom Greenwood drIveway It belonged to her daughter. The caller said she dIdn't re- cognize It WIth snow on It Our Hollywood connection I've been meaning to get this one III for a while I recently re- ceived a mce htUe postcard from DetrOIt's favonte ham, and no, I don't mean honey bak- ed - Mr Afternoon MOViehim- Clown Corps hits snag with Woods council self - Bill Kennedy. thIS city thmks and resolutIOns explained that the orgamzation photo of the preSident, personally Councdman Ted Bldlgare Bill, who retired to Palm should be handled appropnately " By Tom Greenwood In addressed to Kuehnel "Well, I know I Imtlally voted for Beach a couple of years ago, was founded 1975 as part of the Woods Mayor George Freeman was lamentmg the loss of the Sometimes !lability Insurance BlCentenmal celebratIOn III the Kuehnel was questioned byCoun- the resolutIOn after saymg that I cllwoman Jean Rice, who wanted wouldn't, but we made it clear that saId the council receives anywhere giant elm tree that graced the for a cIty can be very expensIve - Woods and the rest of the country from 50 to 100 requests a year for front of the Grosse Pomte News both m terms of money and m per- He said the group had entertamed more background on the organiza- the city attorney was to lIlveshgate tion, names of members and ques- the orgalllzation to determine Just resolutIOns for years sonal feelmgs at numerous functions over the "It seems !lke there's always two The postC'ard read: "Dear Torn That was nearly the case In the years, Includmg parades, partles tioned whether the group was in- what Its status was Then later m the meetmg 1was callmg myself an or three every meeting," he said - Please say it Isn't so' The ma- Woods recently when the city coun- and the Superdome as part of the corporated and had liablhty in- "1 thlllk many of the counCil jestic elm tree that towered over cil voted to adopt a resolutIOn on Super Bowl celebration Kuehnel surance old 'so and so because I voted for bomethlllg 1 was lml1ally agalllst members Iml1ally wanted to grant your building is a vIctim of the behalf of the Grosse Pomte Clown said hiS group had also been mVlted When she dIscovered the group the resolution, but didn't \Vantlt to dread Dutch elm disease? I lov- Corps for 10 years, then rescinded to entertam delegates at the 1980 was umncOl.:poraled and umnsured, Thai'<; when I asked the counCil to ''-'" Rice indicated to Mayor George rescmd the resolution at the end of come back to hurt us. Everyone IS ed that tree - Bill " the resolutiOn late in the same Republican convenhon m DetrOit, afraid of beIng sued. As did we all, Mr Kennedy. meeting, tabling the request until where Kuehnel met Ronald Rea- Freeman that she wouldn't be sup- the meetmg. I requested that it be tabled until a later date because I "Also, another reason is that we Have a Merry Christmas from the council met agam Monday gan portmg the resolutIon request wanted more information on the all your fans m GP mght As prool, he displayed a framed, When the vote fmally came, feel resolutIOns are Important They gIve credence to Issues Clown Corps Does It really eXist? The onginal request was made signed letter from the president things became slIghtly confused Is It regIstered? Is It Incorporated, Nov 18 by Woods reSident and thanking Kuehnel and the Clown The resolution was adopted 5-1, "It's the Idea of liability msur- I love a parade ance that wornes me the most," how many members, and does It Clown Corps ChaIrman Arthur Corps for their "talented perform- with Rice voting for the request have insurance? These were Items I know I say this every year, Kuehnel In hiS request, Kuehnel ance " He also received a SIgned Votmg against the resolution was RICe saId "Everybody and every- but every year it seems true thmg seems to gettmg sued today on our mmds" ThiS year S Village Christmas What If someone Joms the group, For Clown Corps Chairman parade was the best ever There gets hurt then deCides to sue every- Kuehnel, the resolutIOn request were thousands of parade- Punch project still stalled; thing m Sight, mcludlng thiS city I seemed fairly straightforward watchers Jammmg the streets think It'S a chance we don't have to "Lots and lots of groups get reso- from the reviewmg stand m take" lutlons," he saId "They've given front of Jacobson's to halfway Councilman Bldlgare Said he them to the Jaycees and to St. John down Kercheval to Fisher Road Bologna gets bond go-ahead voted agamst the resoluhon be- Hospital. My Clown Corps has en- tertamed thousands of people and Really and truly, I've never tlons wlthm the confmes of the ex- cause Rice's InqUines made sense seen so many people at tile par- to as!>lst the developers With the we've raised money for lots of By Nancy Parmenter Isting buddmg," Edgar told the to him "I Just don't feel comfort- ade before Maybe It was the parkmg problem It has met only able With it," he Said "I listened chanties, Includmg muscular Two HIll projects took their next sporadICally, however, and propos- council dystrophy I thought these people weather - no rain or sleet for a CounCil unammously approved to Mrs Rice's concerns and they change - or the fact that there step toward realizatIOn at the als by eIther Side have not meshed made an ImpreSSIOn We shouldn't were my friends. Farms council meeting Monday together member Harry Echhn's motion for "ThiS ISthe loth year we've been were 53 entrants this year, from a variance, as "the hardshIp would hand out these resolutIOns mdls- the lead police car dnven by mght Kercheval Development "We need to do what we did With cnmlnately They represent what (Continued on Page 191\) Company, the backer of the Bolog- the Standard Federal proJect," be In gettmg It down to 30 feet" City public safety officer AI The approval of bonds for the "Skip" Fincham to Santa him- na-Standard Federal BUilding pro- saId Councllman Bruce Rockwell, posed for the corner of MUIr and a member of the Punch subcom- Standard Federal project may self at the end mean that the abandoned gas sta- Once again my personal fav- Kercheval, receIved counCil ap- mIttee "We met and we made It proval for the Issuance of $6 5 happen On thiS one, we've just met tion on the property will finally be Park vote unchanged orite was the kilted Scottish bag- torn down Developer Peter Bolog- pIper band, With second place mIllion In low mterest bonds to fi- telephomcally There have been tlon workers had no prevIOus ex- nance the project The proposed proposals by the admmlstratlOn na told the council that he has held A recount Monday of the Grosse awarded to the Colomal soldiers off demohshmg the bUlldmg whde Pointe Park mayoral electIOn perience counting absentees who fired their muskets above Punch and Judy project also re- and there have been proposals by Heenan then hled a counter- he waited for bond approval In didn't change the outcome, except the crowd ceived some minor approvals, but Mr Edgar We need to meet - and petition for a recount m the pre- faIled to pass the bIggest obstacle we \VILJmeet and have It worked order to have the cost of the demo- for a one-vote dlfference In the ab I don't know, but It seems hke lition Included m tile total project sentee ballots The fmal tally IS Cinct m question and also the ab- the parade gets bigger and bet- still standing In Its way parkmg out by the next council meeting" sentee ballots The next day, he fil- Three months ago the counCil Mayor Pro Tern Joseph Fromm "WemohtlOn contractor) Paul 1,948 votes for Il1cumbent Mayor ter every year.
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