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These translatioDs first published 19j9

Copyright © Edward Come, '919

MONAliHUBRARV Abbe\)' bsemani TRap entaclGY

Made and printed in Great Britain by Hazen Watson & Viney Ltd Aylesbury and Slough nondsworth, Middlesex pper Mill Road, Baltimore II, Md CONTENTS ty Ltd, 762. Whitehorse Road, Victoria CKNOWLEDGEMENTS 9

TRaDUCTION II irS! published 19)9 PART I: THE TEACHER ward Conze, 19)9 .,hapter I. The Buddha's Previous Lives Introductory Note

I. Shakyamuni's Meeting with Dipankara 20 2a. The and the Hungry Tigress 2b. The Bodhisattva as the Preacher 0/ Patience 3. Outline 0/ a Bodhisattva's Progress hapter z. The Legend of the Buddha Shakyamuni

Introductory Note 34 I. The birth of the Bodhisattva - 2. 's visit - 3. The Bodhisattva's youth and marriage - 4. The awakening - 5. Withdrawal from the women - 6. The flight - 7. The apparition of a mendicant - 8. The dismissal of Chandaka- 9. The practice of austerities - 10. Nandabala's gift - I I . The defeat of - 12. The Enlightenment - 13. The meeting with the mendicant - 14. The meeting with the five mendi­ cants - 15 . Turning the wheel of - 16. The meeting of father and son - 17. Further conversions - 18. - 19. The desire for death - 20. The leave-taking from Vaisali, the final couch, instructions to the Mallas - 21. - 22. The Relics - 23. The Scriptures


!fbsemani apter I. Morality lIte nt a~ Introductory Note 1. The , with 's commentary nted in Great Britain 2. Rules of monastic restraint ratson & Vioey Ltd lry and Slough 3. The monk's life p. The Buddha's advice to Sariputra (E .M.H.) - 3b. The Rhinoceros (E.M.H.) Contents 4. Verses from the Dharmapada 4a. The chapter on Karma - 4b. The chapter on Morality 5. Popular Moral 6. Laymen and Monks 6a. Their respective attainments - 6b. Their respective tasks, and the question of the adoration of relics

Chapter z. Meditation Introductory Note I. The advantages of meditation 2.. The practice of introversion 3. The progressive steps of meditation The restraint of the senses - How the senses cause bondage - Moderation in eating - The avoidance of sleep - Full aware­ ness of the postures, etc. - The advantages of solitary medita­ tion - Concentration and the forsaking of idle thoughts­ How to deal with thoughts concerning family and homeland - How to be mindful of death - The four holy truths 4. The six types of persons 5. The five miraculous powers 6. 6a. Sessan Amakuki. Zen Meditation (R.T.L.) - 6b. Rosen Takashina. Controlling the Mind (R.T.L.)

Chapter 3. Wisdom Introductory Note I. The Questions of King Milinda I. Introduction - 2. The doctrine of not-self: (a) The chariot, (b) Personal identity and , (c) Personal identity and Karma - 3. The five cardinal virtues - 4. Emancipation and : (a) Problems of Nirvana, (b) The nature of Nirvana, (c) The realization of Nirvana, (d) The saints and their bodies - 5. Conclusion 2.. The Heart 3. From the '' The Bodhisattva and Dipankara - The initial vow of a Bod­ hisattva - The practice of perfect giving - The practice of perfect patience - The Bodhisattva's final Nirvana - The 6 rIts Contents

~apada Bodhisattva as a fully enlightened Buddha - The Buddha's physical body - The Buddha as the Tathagata - The Buddha The chapter on Morality as a Teacher - The Buddha as a Saviour - The application to the present day 4. Rahulabhadra. 'Hjmn to Perfect Wisdom' 168 - 6b. Their respective tasks, 5. Seng-ts'an. 'On Believing in Mind' (D.T.S.) 171 n of relics 6. From 's 'Treasury of Songs' (D.L.S.) 175

;bapter 4. Doctrinal Formulas Introductory Note 181 I. Faith 182 The Triple - The Buddha - The Dharma - The Samgha in 2. Vigour 183 , the senses cause bondage - The four right efforts - The Bodhisattva's Vow Idance of sleep - Full aware­ hantages of solitary medita­ 3. 184 >!saking of idle thoughts­ On guarding the senses erning family and homeland 4. Concentration 184 The four holy truths The four trances - The four formless trances - The four Un­ limited - Unlimited Friendliness Wisdom 186 The four Holy Truths - Conditioned co-production - The of self - The absence of self in everything - The illusory tation (R.T.L.) - 6b. Rosen nature of the world I (R.T.L.) hapter 5. Doctrinal Disputes Introductory Note 1. The Personalist Controver.ry 2. Polemics against the : of not-self: (a) The chariot, 3. Can there be more than one Buddha at a time? 1, (c) Personal identity and 3a. The Hinayana position - 3b. The Mallayana position :tues - 4. Emancipation and 4. The Quietist Controver.ry 214 i, (b) The nature of Nirvana, ) The saints and their bodies PART III: OTHER WORLDS AND FUTURE TIMES

1. Other Worlds Introductory Note 221 - The initial vow of a Bod­ ct giving - The practice of 1. The bliss of the heavens 222 .ttva's final Nirvana - The 2. The torments of the hells 224 7 Contents 3. Ufe after death, and the 'Book of the Dead' Preamble _ I. The moment of death, and the clear light of Pure Reality. The emergence of a subtle body - n. The ex­ perience of the spiritual realities - ill. Seeking rebirth. The judgement. The desire for rebirth. The dawning of the lights of the six places of rebirth. Re-incamation 4. Celestial Paradises: The of Amitabha

Chapter 2. , the future Buddha Introductory Note 'The Prophecy concerning Maitreya'



The device on the cover of this book is based on the head of the great standing Buddha from Mathura, now in the Indian Museum at Calcutta; the inscription in the halo repre- sents the Sanskrit meditation formula mani padme hum.