National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Artemis: Update on Gateway Power and Propulsion Element

Michele Gates Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate NASA Headquarters

Michael Barrett Manager, Gateway Power and Propulsion Element NASA Glenn Research Center

24 July, 2019 Space Policy Directive 1: To the , then Mars

“Lead an innovative and sustainable program of exploration with commercial and international partners to enable human expansion across the system and to bring back to new knowledge and opportunities. Beginning with missions beyond low- Earth orbit, the United States will lead the return of humans to the Moon for long-term exploration and utilization, followed by human missions to Mars and other destinations…”

2 Why Go to the Moon?

Proves technologies and capabilities for sending humans to Mars

Establishes American leadership and strategic presence

Inspires a new generation and encourages careers in STEM

Leads civilization changing science and technology

Expands the U.S. global economic impact

Broadens U.S. industry & international partnerships in deep space

3 The

Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo and goddess of the Moon in Greek mythology. Now, she personifies our path to the Moon as the name of NASA’s program to return astronauts to the lunar surface by 2024.

When they land, Artemis astronauts will step foot where no human has ever been before: the Moon’s South Pole.

With the horizon goal of sending humans to Mars, Artemis begins the next era of exploration.

4 5 6 STRATEGIC PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN SPACE EXPLORATION Fiscal Realism | Commercial Partnerships | Scientific Exploration Technology Pull and Push | Gradual Buildup of Capability Architecture Openness and Resilience Global Collaboration and Leadership | Continuity of Human Spaceflight 7 7 Phase 1 & Phase 2 Definitions

Phase 1 Gateway Phase 1: Today – 2024 configuration focuses on Human surface landing the minimum systems Missions and systems required to support a 2024 required to achieve landing human lunar landing humans on the surface of the Moon in 2024

Phase 2: Sustainable Presence by 2028 Establish a sustainable long-term presence on and around the Moon

8 Gateway Applicability for Mars

IN-SPACE POWER & PROPULSION: • High efficiency, long-life SEP extensible to Mars cargo missions Landing • Power enhancements feed forward to System deep-space habitats and transit vehicles

Refuelable LANDING SYSTEM tanks DEPLOYMENT: • Aggregation, automated docking, and deployment of Human Landing System from an orbiting platform

High Efficiency OPERATIONS: • Extended operations in lunar orbit in Solar preparation for missions farther into Electric deep space Propulsion • High-efficiency propulsion demonstration for deep space trajectory and navigation techniques

TRANSPORTATION & OPERATIONS: • Common rendezvous sensors and Deep-Space docking systems for deep space Rendezvous Sensors & • Transfers and maneuvers in low- Docking Capabilities gravity regimes 9 Gateway Logistics Services

U.S. industry to begin delivering cargo, experiments, and supplies to deep space beginning in 2024.

June 14 – Draft RFP issued to U.S. industry

June 26 – Industry forum with media availability

Late summer – final solicitation for firm fixed-price contract

10 NextSTEP Habitat Prototype Testing Five full-sized ground prototypes delivered for testing in 2019.

Lockheed Martin Northrop Grumman Boeing Denver, CO Dulles, VA Pasadena, TX

Builds on proven Refurbishes cargo Leverages existing heritage hardware development technologies

“Because of this prototyping exercise, we are Bigelow Aerospace 12-18 farther along than we would Las Vegas, NV normally be at this stage of concept development. Future programs should go through this approach along with requirements Sierra Nevada iteration with NASA.” Louisville, CO “The NextSTEP approach has been really helpful. The mockup showed us we had more Modular buildup Expandable cargo space in our habitat than we originally believed based on the CAD models.”

11 Lockheed Martin – Testing Complete at KSC

12 Northrop Grumman – Testing Complete at JSC

13 Boeing – Prototype Delivered to MSFC

14 Sierra Nevada Corporation – Prototype Delivered to JSC

15 Bigelow Aerospace – Testing later this summer in North Las Vegas, Nevada

16 Lunar Development Plans Summary

• Integrated Human Landing System – 11 companies selected for NextSTEP BAA Appendix E – Descent Element, Transfer Element, and Refueling studies and prototypes – Multiple industry systems will be developed to support a 2024 lunar landing demonstration mission via NextSTEP Appendix H • Launch options to be proposed by offerors • Gateway – May 20, 2019 – released Logistics services RFP Synopsis for Gateway Logistics Services – May 23, 2019, Selected Maxar Technologies to provide the Power and Propulsion Element – Will leverage investments and work performed by NextSTEP-2 Appendix A contractors for the pressurized modules • Surface Suit – Initial Capability Suit will mitigate schedule and mass risk to meet 2024 mission timeline – Sustained Capability Suit will be available for Phase 2 • Refueling Element – Study phase for Refueling Elements already in work as part of NextSTEP Appendix E

17 American Strategic Presence on the Moon – High solar illumination areas within 2 degrees (<50 km) of the lunar south pole.

Four highly illuminated areas shown above: High Priorities for Sustained Surface Activities 1. Rim, 2. Shackleton Rim • Long duration access to sunlight: A • Surface roughness and slope: Finding 3. Shackleton – De Gerlache Ridge confirmed resource providing power and the safest locations for multiple landing 4. Plateau near Shackleton minimal temperature variations systems, robotic and astronaut mobility • Direct to Earth communication: • Permanently Shadowed Regions and Repeatable Earth line-of-sight Volatiles: Learning to find and access communication for mission support water ice and other resources for

sustainability 18 19 Planned Lunar Orbit for PPE Handover to NASA for Gateway Use

• Orbits about the Moon can be used to support missions to the lunar surface and vicinity including as a staging point – Offers long-term stable storage, coverage of lunar North and South poles, ease of access – Ability to avoid lengthy of the by the Earth, maximizing solar energy – Exhibits nearly-stable behavior favorable for station-keeping and nearly-constant communications contact with Earth – Supports surface telerobotics, including lunar farside – Provides a staging point for planetary sample return missions • Additional science – Favorable vantage point for Earth, Sun and deep space observations • Environment – Deep space environment useful for radiation testing and

1,2 experiments in preparation for missions to the lunar surface Representative L1 and L2 Northern and Southern NRHOs and Mars

1. R. Whitley and R. Martinez, “Options for Staging Orbits in Cis-Lunar Space,” Oct. 21, 2015. IEEE Aerospace Conference; 5-12 Mar. 2016; Big Sky, MT, JSC-CN-35647 2. M. L. McGuire, L. M. Burke, S. L. McCarty, K. J. Hack, R. J. Whitley, D. C. Davis, and C. Ocampo, “Low Thrust Cis-Lunar Transfers Using a 40 KW-Class Solar Electric Propulsion Spacecraft,” AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, August 2017, AAS 17-583 20 Solar Electric Propulsion Evolution

500 kW 2030’s-2050’s: Mars Class Missions • 150 - 500 kW Class (25 T, 10 T Xe) • Crewed Deep Space Transport • Mars logistics resupply 100 kW

2019-2030’s: Power and Propulsion Element • 60 kW Spacecraft (7T wet mass, 2.5T of xenon propellant) • Launch scheduled for December of 2022 • 1 year demo mission via public-private partnership • 15 year lifetime as foundational element of Gateway 50 kW

10 kW 2015 Boeing 702SP: 8 kW gecomsat 2.3 mT S/C with 300 kg of xenon propellant • First all-electric spacecraft

2010-2011 Advanced EHF: 15 kW DoD comsat 6.2 mT S/C with 3 mT of biprop propellant) • SEP saved $1.6 B asset with full function •2007-2016 Dawn: 2 kW (10 kW @ 1AU) NASA SMD mission, asteroid rendezvous •2008 SMART-1: 1.5 kW ESA Tech demo, lunar science •2003 Hayabusa: 2 kW JAXA Tech demo, asteroid sample/return •1998 Deep Space-1: 2 kW NASA Tech demo, asteroid flyby 1990’s – present: Geostationary Communication Satellites: kilowatt-class 1964 -1981: Solar Electric solar electric propulsion used for station keeping by all foreign and Rocket Tests domestic satellite manufacturers 1 kW • 1964 SERT-1: First demo • Using SEP increased operational lifetimes up to 18 years (suborbital) • Substantially increased payload capability • Synergistic use of SEP for a portion of the final orbit insertion • 1970-1981 SERT-2: First • 100’s of spacecraft and hundreds of thousands hours of successful on- demo (orbital) orbit operation 21 SEP System Extensibility to Mars Missions

PPE/Gateway Mars class Cargo/ Mars class Crewed (50 kW class SEP) Logistics Transport Hybrid Architecture (150 kW class SEP) (300 kW class SEP) • 400-kW class Solar Array • 60-kW Solar Array System • 190-kW Solar Array • 300-kW class EP System • 2.5-t class Xenon Capacity • 150-kW EP System • 16-t class Xenon Capacity • 12.5-kW electric propulsion • 16-t class Xenon Capacity • 30-kW class EP strings or 13-kW strings systems • 13-kW EP strings

Note: Complexity of using multiple EP strings is more like managing multiple electrical loads than employing multiple chemical engines. 22 Scalability to Higher Power Systems for Deep Space Human Exploration

• High-power, 50-kW class system would be a step up from current technology and on the path to much higher power systems. • Range of powers: 150 kW to 300 kW • Electric propulsion technology scalable • Several Hall thrusters of higher power (~50kW) have been validated in a laboratory environment • Power Processing Unit (PPU) design is modular • The solar array scalable beyond the 90kW class with the use of additional wings. • The power per thruster/PPU string is a mission dependent system-level trade between fewer higher-power strings and more numerous lower-power strings. • Current technology to demonstrate large scale SEP capability and performance also scales to the higher power vehicles to validate higher power generation and EP system capability in deep space

23 Approach to Power and Propulsion Element Development

• PPE leverages advanced solar electric propulsion (SEP) technology development and demonstration formulation:

– First Gateway element capability targeted for launch readiness in 2022 – Leverage with U.S. industry current capabilities and future plans for future use of SEP – Developed through public-private partnership – Spaceflight demonstration of advanced solar electric propulsion spacecraft for industry and NASA objectives – Also provides for communications, and transportation, controls, power to future Gateway elements

24 Importance of PPE in Gateway

• PPE can be used to support missions to the lunar surface and vicinity including as a staging point – Offers long-term stable coverage of lunar North and South poles – Able to avoid lengthy eclipses of the sun by the Earth, maximizing solar energy – Requires minimal propulsion maneuvers to maintain orbit – Enables nearly-constant communications contact with Earth – Accessible for both / and commercial launch providers

• Following a flight demonstration for up to one year, the PPE provides essential foundational capabilities in the vicinity of the Moon. These include: – Early communications with the lunar surface – High-rate communications with Earth – Over 30 kilowatt (kW) of power for other lunar activity support and Gateway elements – Movement in the lunar vicinity – Controls for orbit and orientation of the Gateway in the lunar system – Support for future precision navigation systems in the lunar system – Accommodations for hosted research payloads in the lunar vicinity

25 PPE NASA-Unique Spaceflight Demonstration Objectives

• Demonstrate: ‒ High-power, 50kW-class solar array and electric propulsion ‒ Continuous long-term electric propulsion operation sufficient to predict the xenon throughput capability and lifetime of high-power systems ‒ Deployment and successful long-term, deep-space operation of high-power solar array systems with applicability to future higher-power missions ‒ In-space operation of a next-generation electric propulsion string ‒ Integrated SEP end-to-end system performance ‒ Extended autonomous high-power SEP operations in deep space ‒ High-data throughput uplink and downlink communication system ‒ PPE insertion into a crew-accessible Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit (NRHO)

• Obtain design, development, and flight demonstration data to determine acceptability of the Gateway PPE

• Observe and characterize performance of high-power SEP 26 27 Summary of Maxar’s PPE approach

Leverage heritage reliability, proven development approach, and the scalable 1300-class platform as the basis for a PPE demonstration mission culminating with delivery of PPE to NASA in the target NRHO • Power – 60 kW+ provided by Roll Out Solar Array (ROSA) and Maxar’s 1300 commercial power subsystem • Propulsion – Leverage NASA development of 12.5 kW Electric Propulsion (EP), and internal Maxar advanced EP development, with Maxar expertise in system accommodation of EP elements • Communications – Ka-band relay from Lunar vicinity to Earth, accommodations for future optical communications payloads • Guidance Navigation and Control – Utilize proven approaches for station keeping, momentum management, and autonomous low thrust electric orbit transfer • Gateway Interfaces – Support all interfaces with elements of Gateway including docked components, visiting vehicles, robotics, science payloads, Orion, and Human Landing System elements • Payload Transfer – 1000kg for lunar lander or science instruments

28 PPE Acquisition – What was non-traditional?

• Partner owns PPE through first year of a spaceflight demonstration - NASA option to buy after successful demo • Deviated FAR Part 35 – to allow contractors more flexibility to be creative and innovative in proposing their ideas • Firm Fixed Price • Each party brings their own objectives • Leverage maximum use of commercial products/capabilities • NASA provides a subset of unique PPE requirements - Supports use of commercial practices, standards and procedures - NASA Standards and Procedures provided for reference - Contractor provides the complete set of flight system requirements • NASA Insight team streamlined - Partner proposed insight plan • Signed model contract required to be submitted with the proposal • High degree of interactions with Industry throughout the development of the solicitation (RFIs, study contracts, draft release, Industry Day, etc.) • Intent to award without discussions 29 PPE Milestone Summary

• Partnerships for PPE Industry Studies solicitation released Aug 2017 • PPE Industry Study contracts awarded Nov 17, 2017 • Sources sought public release Nov 30, 2017 • Synopsis public release Feb 20, 2018 • PPE NASA performance requirements refinement closed Apr 5, 2018 • Release of Draft Solicitation for Spaceflight Jun 21, 2018 Demonstration of a PPE • PPE Industry Day Jul 10, 2018 • Industry comments due on draft BAA Jul 20, 2018 • Final BAA released for Spaceflight Demonstration of a PPE Sep 6, 2018 • Proposals to Final PPE Solicitation due Nov 15, 2018 • PPE partner selection announced May 23, 2019 • PPE contract awarded May 24, 2019 • Kickoff meeting with Maxar Jun 13, 2019