

Acanthostega, 4, 16, 22, 28, 28–29, 83, Plates 1, 16 arcus palatini, 111, 112 Acanthostomatops, 54, 90 Ariekanerpeton, 36, 38 Acceleration, 174 Asaphestera, 41, 43, 88 Acheloma, 50, 94 atavism, 237 Acherontiscidae, 46 autecology, 194 Acroplous, 54 autochthonous, 193 Actinopterygii, 14 autopod, 20 adaptive radiation, 248 Autun, 87 Adductor mandibulae, 110, 111 axolotl, 174, 175 Adelogyrinus, 41 Adelospondyli, 41, 46 Balanerpeton, 53–4, 85 Airdrie, 86 Baphetes, 26, 32 Aïstopoda, 41, 45–6 Baphetidae, 32 Albanerpeton, 58 Basibranchial, 113 Albanerpetontidae, 58–9, 229 Batrachia, 62–8 allochthonous, 193 batrachian operculum, 120 allometry, 158, 171, 172 Batrachichnus, 148 allopatry, 246 Batrachiderpeton, 45 Ambystoma, 155–6 Batrachosauroides, 68 Amniota, 47–8, 47 , 41, 43, Plate 11 Amphibamidae, 55 Beelzebufo, 65 Amphibamus, 55, 88, Plate 11 Beiyanerpeton, 68, 101 Amphibia, 2 body plan, 179 Amphisauropus, 148 body size, 240 Andrias, 17, Plate 12 Boscovice, 87 Angara, 84 Brachydectes, 41, 44 anocleithrum, 20, 132 braincase, 15, 16 Anthracosauria, 33–7, 35, Plate 2 branchial arch, 115 Anthracosaurus, 35, 37 Branchierpeton, 90 Anura, 62 COPYRIGHTEDBranchiosauridae, MATERIAL 56, Plates 8, 10 Apateon, 55, 89, 90, 108, Plates 8, 10 Broomistega, 96 Apoda, 70 Bystrowiella, 39, 40 Apodops, 70 Apomorphy, 8 Cacops, 50, 52, 92, 94, Plate 5 Archaeothyris, 89 caecilians, 68 Archegosaurus, 49, 57, Plate 11 Calligenethlon, 37 Archeria, 35, 37, 91, Plate 2 Callistomordax, 97, 98

Amphibian Evolution: The Life of Early Land Vertebrates, First Edition. Rainer R. Schoch. © 2014 Rainer R. Schoch. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

0002071972.INDD 260 1/18/2014 11:32:06 AM Callobatrachus, 101 , 41, 45, 91, 92, Plate 3 canalization, 209 direct development, 158 cannibalism, Plate 7 Discosauriscidae, 36, 38 Capitosauria, 57 Discosauriscus, 36, 38, 90, Plate 2 Capitosauroides, 147 disparity, 249–52 carpus, 20 Dissorophidae, 55 , 41 Dissorophoidea, 54 Casineria, 48 Dissorophus, 92 Caudata, 67–8 diversity, 249–52 cell volume, 245 Döhlen, 87 Celtedens, 58, 99, 101 Dolese, 87 Cephalerpeton, 88 Doleserpeton, 50, 55, 94 ceratobranchial, 113, 116 Dvinosauria, 54 characters, 8 Dvinosaurus, 50, 54 Cheese Bay, 86 Chelotriton, 101, 108, Plate 12 ear, 119–122, 120 Chroniosaurus, 39, 40, Plate 2 inner, 119, 120 Chroniosuchia, 38–9, 40, Plate 2 middle, 119, 120 Chroniosuchus, 40 East Kirkton, 85 Choana, 24 Ecolsonia, Plate 4 Chunerpeton, 68, 101 Eldeceeon, 85 chytridiomycosis, 252 electroreception, 118 clade, 8 Elgin, 84 cladistics, 8, 222 Ellesmere Island, 84 clavicle, 20 Embolomeri, 33, 35 cleithrum, 20 endocranium, 14, 15, 16 Cochleosaurus, 52, 88 Eocaecilia, 70, 99, Plate 12 Colosteidae, 31 Eodiscoglossus, 65 Colosteus, 32 Eoherpeton, 37 community, 193 Eopelobates, 101 constraints, 240 epibranchial, 113 Cope’s rule, 243 Erpetosaurus, 54 Crassigyrinus, 30, 32 Eryopoidea, 56–7 Crinodon, 43, 89 Eryops, 50, 52, 56–7, 92 Czatkobatrachus, 65 ethmoid unit, 15 Czatkowice, 96 Eucritta, 32, 85 Eudibamus, 93 death assemblage, 193 Euramerica, 83, 84, 86, 87 deceleration, 174 Euryodus, 92 Delta, 86 Eusthenopteron, 15, 16, 26, 28, 158, Plate 16 Dendrerpeton, 50, 52, 53–4, 88 evo-devo, 179 depressor mandibulae, 111, 112 eye pigments, fossil, 108 dermal skull, 15, 16 excavation, Plate 14 developmental trajectory, 163, 164, 166 extant phylogenetic bracket,107, 127 developmental rate, 245 extinction, 249–52 Developmental evolution, 245 extrascapular, 15 Diadectes, 93 Diadectidae, 48 feeding, 127, 143 Diagenesis, 193 aquatic, 129–130 Dicamptodon, 18, 60, 156 femur, 20 Dimetrodon, 93 fibula, 20 diphyly hypothesis, 227 Fort Sill, 93 Diplocaulidae, 45 fossil calibration, 230


0002071972.INDD 261 1/18/2014 11:32:06 AM fossil record, 249 Jarilinus, 40 frogs, 62 Jarrow, 86 functional scenario, 127 Jeckenbach, 90 Jehol Biota, 100 Gaildorf, 203 Jeholotriton, 101 gene regulation, 179 Joggins, 88 genome size, 245 Georgenthalia, 93 Karaurus, 17, 66, 67, 100 Gephyrostegida, 46, 47 Karoo, 95 Gephyrostegus, 47, 89 Karpinskiosaurus, 36, 38 Gerobatrachus, 62, 55 Kayenta Formation, 99 Gerrothorax, 58, 97, 98, Plate 11 , 45 gigantism, 241, 243, Plate 9 Keuper, 98, 199–200 gill arches, 15, 17, 114 key innovation, 236 gill lamellae, 115, 116 Kokartus, 67 gill raker, 115 Koolasuchus, 100 gill septum, 116 Kupferzell, 199 gills, 113 Kupferzellia, 97, Plate 11 external, 115, 116 Kyrinion, 32 internal, 114, 115, 116 fossil, 108 Lagerstätten, 82, 94, 97, 99, 100, Gnathostomata, 14 101, 250 Gondwana, 83, 84, 86, 87 Laccotriton, 101 Goniorhynchiade, 43 larvae, 217 Grave assemblage, 193 Las Hoyas, 101 Greer, 86 lateral line, 118, 119 Greererpeton, 4, 26, 32 Lebach, 90, 198, 199 Guimarota, 99 lepospondyl hypothesis, 226–7 Gymnarthridae, 43 , 40–7, 41 Gymnarthrus, 92 Lethiscus, 45 Gymnophiona, 68–70 levator palatoquadrati, 111, 112 Liaoxitriton, 101 Hapsidopareion, 43 life assemblage, 193 heterochrony, 158, 174, 174–178, 244, 245 life cycle, 209–219 heterotopy, 178 life history evolution, 209 histology, 167–170, Plate 10 limbs, 19, 20, 144, 145 Horton Bluff, 86 limb development, 182, 183 humerus, 20 Limnogyrinus, 88 hybridization, 246–7 Limnopus, 148 Hylerpeton, 88 Linton, 86, 88 Hylonomus, 48, 88 , 2, 59–70 hyobranchial apparatus, 119 extant, Plate 13 hyoid arch, 131, 132, 133 fossil, Plate 12 hyomandibula, 136, 137 origin, 224, 225, 226 hypermorphosis, 174 live-bearing, 246 Llistrofus, 43 Ichthyosaura, 156, Plate 12 locomotion, 146–7 Ichthyophis, 157 Loxomma, 32 Ichthyostega, 22, 26, 28, 29, 83, Plates 1, 16 lung, 119 ilium, 20 reduction, 240 intercentrum, 21 Lydekkerina, 96 ischium, 20 , 41, 44 Isodectes, 54, 88 , 92


0002071972.INDD 262 1/18/2014 11:32:07 AM macroevolution, 235 Pangea, 87 Madygenerpeton, 39, 40 , 41, 43, 92 Makowskia, 38 papilla amphibiorum, 120 Marmorerpeton, 67 papilla basilaris, 120 mass extinction, 251 Pasawioops, 94 Mastodonsaurus, 97, 98, Plates 9, 14, 16 Pederpes, 31, 85 Mazon Creek, 86, 88 pedicely, 60 Megalocephalus, 32 pedomorphosis, 158, 174, Mesophryne, 101 Pelodosotis, 41, 43 Messel, 101 pelvis, 24 metamorphosis, 154, 158, 214, 216 pentadactyly, 146 Miguasha, 84 peramorphosis, 174 , 43 peripatry, 246 Micromelerpetidae, 55 pharyngobranchial, 113 Micromelerpeton, 89 Phlegethontia, 41, 46, 89 , 41, 42 Pholiderpeton, 35, 37 , 41, 43 Phonerpeton, Plate 4 Micropholis, 96 phylogeny, 222–231 miniaturization, 240–44, 241, 242 Plagiosauridae, 57–8 modularity, 135 Plagiosuchus, 97 molecular clock, 230 Plagiosternum, 98 Mordex, 55, 89 plasticity, 158, 209, 212 Platyhistrix, 92 , 41, 44–5 pleurocentrum, 21 neoteny, 154, 158, 214, 216–17 polydactyly, 145 neural arch, 21 postdisplacement, 174 Newsham, 86 predisplacement, 174 Niederhäslich, 89, 90 preoperculum, 115 Niederkirchen, 199 prey capture, 129–130 nomenclature, 10 Procera, 227 Notobatrachus, 65 progenesis, 174 novelty, 235 Prosalirus, 65, 99 Nýrany,̌ 82, 86, 88, 196–7 Proterogyrinus, 18, 26, 35, 37 Protopterus, 246 Odernheim, 89, 197–9, 198 pubis, 20 Oestocephalus, 46, 88 Puertollano, 87 Onchiodon, 57, 90 punctuated equilibria, 238 opercular muscle (Batrachia), 120 opercular muscles (fishes), 112 Quasicaecilia, 43 operculum, 15, 115 Ophiderpeton, 46, 85 Radius, 20 Organizer, 179 reaction norm, 158, 209–211, 212 Orobates, 93 red beds, 91, 92 ossification sequence, 163–7, 166, 180 reproduction, 246 Ossinodus, 31 Reptiliomorpha, 224 Osteichthyes, 14 respiration, 141 Ostodolepidae, 43 respiratory organs, 119 otoccipital unit, 15 Rhinesuchus, 96 , 41, 43 Palaeoherpeton, 35, 37 ribs, 22, 23 palatoquadrate, 15, 131 Romer’s gap, 30 paleoecology, 191, 193–196 Rotliegend, 90 Panderichthys, 27, 28 Rubricacaecilia, 70


0002071972.INDD 263 1/18/2014 11:32:07 AM Saar-Nahe, 87 Tersomius, 94 sacrum, 24 Tethys, 89, 94 salamanders, 67–8 Tetrapoda, 9–11, 14–23 Salamandra, 155 Tetrapodomorpha, 25–31 Salientia, 63–5 Thabanchuia, 54, 96 salinity, 89, 96 tibia, 20 Sarcopterygii, 14 Tiktaalik, 27, 28 Sauropleura, 41, 88 time averaging, 193 Sauravus, 45 total evidence, 222 Saxonerpeton, 43 Trachystegos, 43 Scapherpeton, 68 Trematolestes, 52, Plate 16 scapula, 20, 120 Trematopidae, 55 Scincosauridae, 45 Trematops, 92 Scincosaurus, 45, 88 Trematosauria, 57 Sclerocephalus, 17, 18, 20, 57, 89, 108, Plates 6, 7, 16 Triadobatrachus, 64, 65 Seymouria, 36, 38, 93, Plate 2 Triassurus, 67 Seymouriamorpha, 36, 37, Plate 2 Trimerorhachis, 52, 54, 91, 92 Seymouriidae, 37 Triturus, 156 Shomronella, 65 trophic level, 204 Shpinarerpeton, 38 , 43 Sinerpeton, 101 Tula, 84 skin breathing, 119, 240 Tulerpeton, 29 skin, fossil, 108 Tupilakosaurus, 54 skull, 14–19 tympanum, 120, 139–40 skull mobility, 133 Silvanerpeton, 35, 37, 85 ulna, 20 Solenodonsaurus, 89 Uranocentrodon, 96 Sparodus, 43, 89 Urocordylidae, 44 speciation, 246–48 Urodela, 67 species, 246 Urumqia, 38 spiracle, 120, 122, 132, 136 Urupia, 67 Spitsbergen, 96 Utegenia, 36, 38 stapedial muscle, 120 stapes, 120, 137 Valdotriton, 68, 101 stasis, 238–40, 239 Variscan mountains, 87 stem-amphibians, 48 Vellberg, 200, 201–3, stem-, 25–31 Ventastega, 27, 28 Stereospondyli, 57 vertebrae, 20, 21 subcranial muscle, 112 Viaerella, 65 sympatry, 246 vicariance, 248 synecology, 194 visceral muscles, 112 visceral skeleton, 14 tadpole, 153, 154, 157 viviparity, 246 Tambach, 87, 93 Tambachia, 93 , 48, 85 taphocenosis, 194 Whatcheeria, 26, 85 taphonomy, 193, 195 Whatcheeriidae, 31 tarsus, 20 temnospondyl hypothesis, 224–5 Zatracheidae, 54 Temnospondyli, 48 Zatrachys, 54, 92 terrestriality, 252 zygapophysis, 21


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