Representing Primary School Headteachers

Simon Bramwell - SS Simon and Judes Primary School Jack Hatch - St Bedes CE Primary School Diane Bohan - St. Teresa RC Primary School Kathryn Wilkinson - Eagley Junior Primary School

Representing Primary School Governors

Mike Doyle - Pikes Lane Primary School Neville Speakes - SS Peter and Pauls RC Primary School Lynne Kay - Sharples Primary School

Representing Secondary Headteachers

John Porteous - Paul Roach - Mount St Joseph’s School Phil Hart - Tony Purcell - Rivington and Blackrod High School

Representing Academies

David Mole -

Representing Secondary School Governors

Joanne Murphy - Westhoughton High School David Kay - Sharples College

Representing Non-School Members

Malcolm Fullerton - CS JCC Florence Hill - UNISON Councillor McKeon - Council

Representing Special Schools

Bill Bradbury - Rumworth Special School Maureen Morrissey - Thomasson Memorial School

Representing Nursery Schools

Ann MacLeod - Susan Issacs Nursery

Representing PVI Sector

Page 1 of 5 Carolyn Hutton - Canterbury’s Nursery

Representing 14-19 Group

Jonathan Steele - Firwood School

Representing Salford Diocese

Noreen Collins - St Columbas Primary School

Also in attendance

John Livesey - Children’s Services David Smith - Children’s Services Julie Edwards - Children’s Services Claire Binks - Children’s Services Jan Robinson - Children’s Services Vicky Ridge - Democratic Services

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Irene Jackson, Renne Mellis, Pam Livesey and Olive Fairhurst

Mr. M. Doyle in the Chair.


The minutes of the meeting of the Schools Forum held on 12th November, 2010 were submitted and agreed as a correct record subject to the amendment on the attendance list to reflect that Lynne Kay represents the Primary School Governors and not Secondary School Governors.


The Chairman welcomed Carolyn Hutton to the meeting who had replaced Beverley Perkins as the representative from the Private Providers.

A discussion then ensued regarding the appointment which had been made by the Early Years Sub-Group and, in particular, the constitution of this Group.

It was agreed that the report be noted.


David Smith, Policy Accountant, gave a presentation to members which provided information regarding the Strategic Budget for 2011/2012.

The presentation concentrated on the following areas:-

Page 2 of 5  The national settlement;  Bolton Council’s 2011/2012 position;  The updated two year Council position;  2011/2012 Way Forward;  The savings required for 2012/2013;  The grant impact on Children’s Services;  The Schools Dedicated Support Grant;  Schools Capital; and  The draft timetable process.

In summary, the Forum were advised that the settlement was extremely complex and some grant information was still outstanding. Overall, the savings which were required for 2011/2012 was in the region of £36/38 million and for 2012/2013 £20 million. In view of this it was explained that there was a need to take urgent action to identify the 2011/2012 options and to commence 2012/2013 options as soon as possible.

A report was also tabled at the meeting, which outlined the revenue budget for Children’s Services for 2011/2012.

In addition to the above, a paper was circulated at the meeting which outlined the proposed changes, as recommended by the Formula Review Group, from April, 2011 which related to the following elements, viz:-

 Standards Fund/Standards Grant/Standards Grant-Personalisation;  Management Factor (Primary only);  Updated square meterage data;  Minimum funding guarantee; and  Pupil Premium.

Members were advised that on 17th January and 18th January, 2011, the figures illustrating the impact of the proposals would be shared with the Secondary and Primary Heads respectively and, although, these would not be the final figures they would be a guide to aid planning for the next financial year.

Resolved – That the presentation be noted.


Ms. C. Binks, Children’s Services provided feedback on the work being undertaken by the Early Years Sub Group in relation to small settings with formula funding.

It was stated that it was intended to review the formula to address the concerns regarding small settings and this would be considered by the Sub Group in March, 2011. The other matter which was being looked at was in relation to SEN issues within settings.

Page 3 of 5 Members were also advised that, in April, 2010, the Authority introduced a single funding formula for the payment of the free entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds. At that time there were no accredited child minder networks in Bolton, which was a condition for child minders to access the funding. It was stated that, in September, 2010, this position changed and, therefore, a formula had been developed for child minders to enable this to be paid. The formula had been discussed with the child minders and the Early Years Sub Group and full details were outlined in Appendix F to the report.

Following consideration of the formula by this Forum, it would be submitted to the Executive Member for Children’s Services who would be asked to approve it with effect from 1st September, 2010.

A brief discussion also ensued with regard to academies and primary school representation on the Early Years Sub Group.

Resolved – That the report be noted.


A joint report of the Directors of Children’s Services and Corporate Resources was submitted which outlined the proposed changes to the Scheme for Financing Schools.

Members were advised that under sections 48 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and Schedule 14 to the Act, each Local Authority must publish a Scheme for Financing Schools. The scheme set out the financial relationship between the Authority and the maintained schools which it funded, it contained requirements relating to financial management and associated issues which were binding on the both the Authority and Schools.

The report stated that the Scheme was subject to annual review and the main changes were detailed in the report and related to the following areas, viz:-

 Annex B – Maintained Schools covered by the Scheme;  Financial Management Standard in Schools;  Best Value Statement;  Annex E – Bank Account Conditions and Guidance Document;  Spending for Purposes for the School (Community Facilities and other School Budgets);  Standards Fund and Standards Grant;  Withdrawal from Cluster Arrangements – Charging of School Budget Shares;  Penalties incurred from the Environment Agency – Charging of School Budget Shares;  Local Authority Arranged Contracts;  Redundancy and Early Retirements Costs; and  Surplus Balance Control System.

Page 4 of 5 In conclusion, it was explained that all schools and governing bodies must be consulted on the scheme changes and following such consultation it would be submitted, for approval, to the Schools Forum on 4th March, 2011. In response to the proposed changes a discussion ensued, in particular, with regard to the withdrawal from cluster arrangements and the impact this would have on the remaining schools. As a result it was suggested that officers investigate the issues raised and report back at the next meeting.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

(The meeting started at 1.30 p.m. and finished at 3.30 p.m.)

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