How to Summon

AAIYYANIST GROUP Copyright © 2020 Aaiyyan World Foundation

All rights reserved.

ISBN-13: 9798672419787


We dedicate this book to all the Patrons who have supported our works


Acknowledgments i

1 Introduction 1 2 Background 3 3 Talas and Energy 5 4 How to Open Talas 7 5 Preta: Aaiyyani Lavalian Gatisaman 9 6 : Aaiyyani Chudarmanian Adhavena 13 7 Pishacha Muyalakan 17 8 Vinayaka Dantin 21 9 Rakshasi Lankini 26 10 31 11 Advanced: Opening Demonic Gateways 35 12 Advanced: Background Information 38 13 Advanced: Talas and Energy 41 14 Advanced: Theories on Negative Energy 44 15 Advanced Aspects on the Transference of Energy 46 16 Opening the Katteyyan Tala 49 17 Opening the Alarukayyan Tala 53 18 Opening the Kuttalyaan Tala 57 19 Opening the Kunnamiyyan Tala 61 20 Opening the Urubuyyaan Tala 65 21 Opening the Tolluyyaan Tala 69 22 Further Studies 73 23 Support Us 74 24 Appendix: Transcript of Swami Dhaval's Podcast 76


Special thanks to the Aaiyyanist Group for collating these works into this book. If you find any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes please email the Aaiyyan World Foundation ([email protected]) and we will try to fix them in the next version. We will also acknowledge anyone who helps us in the next edition.



Due to complaints from our fellow Hindu Aaiyyanists and charges of sectarianism we have decided to create this Book. Many Aaiyyanists in the Aaiyyanist Group are part of the Aatmaani (pure) and Aardra school and so our previous apps and books were exclusively giving that information out to the detriment of other schools. Thus we have decided to correct that issue. This Book focuses on the teaching of the Abhichaara School which is one of the Tantric schools of Hindu Aaiyyanism. From the Aaiyyan World Foundation site we have this description: This is a Tantra school and as such the practitioners eat all forms of meat, drink alcohol as well as take drugs to enhance their spiritual potency. The Abhichaara school teaches their students the boundaries of sexual practice and use a carnal-centred philosophy (Vamamarga) as a means to attain liberation. Practitioners start their training aged 20 after graduating from an Aaiyyanist temple. They have no hierarchy (though some are considered Masters/Gurus by other schools). Usually the High Abhichaara (both male or female) will take one or two disciples and teach them the Tantric nature of liberation for several years. Many of the Aaiyyanist Abhichaara school can be found in the major cities in India and abroad and are usually wandering sannyasin/sannyasini with no fixed location. One of the ways the Abhichaara school expresses itself is in the invocation or summoning of negative beings such as / (demons), Preta/Bhoots(spirits) etc... They do this to either immerse themselves in negative energy as a form of dark liberation, or to direct negative energy against their enemies. This Book will present the methods used by the Abhichaara school to summon various negative entities that will aid you, if you so wish it. The aid these beings can give you are either to remove negativity from yourself on a superficial level to give you wealth and power, or (more usually) to curse your

1 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS enemies. Aaiyyanists believe that negativity can lead to bad luck, illness and even death - so be warned what you wish for your enemies.

Please note that English is not our first language and the information here has been translated from Tamil and Dravidian Aaiyyani. If you find any mistakes or grammatical errors please email us at [email protected] If you feel that you are under attack from a curse or you can contact the Aaiyyan World Foundation for help at [email protected]. They can also supply information and symbolic Dravidian images to aid you and can also mediate with any negative entities on your behalf. Please note: We are not linked to the Aaiyyan World Foundation in any way. We are a group of independent Hindu Aaiyyanist individuals that want to share information and educate our fellow humans for the betterment of text here.



As many Hindu Aaiyyanists know, the Kalaiyyan incident occurred over 15,000 years ago which effectively destroyed the Aaiyyanist Kingdoms of old. For non-Aaiyyanists the Kalaiyyan incident was a massacre (blood sacrifice) enacted to join the ancient Dravidian Emperor KulKuddaiyan (who was said to be an incarnation of Murugan) with OM. They (the Kalaiyyans) did this by psychically inscribing the powerful Dravidian Aaiyyanist symbols onto the Land of Tamil Nadu by using the Atmans of Hundreds of Thousands of people. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your perspective) there were not enough souls/Atmans for the joining to take place but the ancient land of the Dravidian Aaiyyanists was corrupted for many thousands of years until the emergence of Aaiyyan in 1500BC. Now in order to carry out the ritual the Kalaiyyans used 8 beings to aid them. From high priests (who became Pretas and Bhoots) to Asuras and Rakshasas. The list of beings this Book will help you summon is below and is only 6. Note the last two entities used by the Kalaiyyans were and Siva but this is not in the scope of this Book. Only high level Aaiyyanist masters may converse with the higher Gods.

Here is a list of beings that you will be able to summon using this Book:

• Preta: High Priest (Aaiyyani) Lavalian Gatisaman • Bhoot: High Priest (Aaiyyani) Chudarmanian Adhavena • Pishacha Muyalakan also known as Apasmara • Vinayaka Dantin - the negative/shadow form of • Rakshasi Lankini - a very powerful Demon • Asura Kalanemi - a very powerful Asura Demon

Each being you summon has more power than the last. If you wish to

3 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS curse (put negativity on one person) you can use a Preeta or a Bhoot, for more serious and powerful curses effecting multiple people use a Rakshasa or an Asura. These beings are used not only to curse but can be used to leech superficial negative energy from yourself and thus give you the superficial trappings of success such as money and power. Many Tantric Aaiyyanist business people use these entities for this purpose. Finally, there is one more important fact you must know about these entities. As they exist in Talas, some exist outside of time and thus can aid you in bringing forth new technologies and ideas that are ground-breaking. Many Aaiyyanists believe that these entities can commune with man and give them novel ideas that can breakthrough the barriers of what is possible now. Many technological advances (from the wheel, number 0, to silicon chips and ideas of evolution, longevity and multiple dimensions) occurs in jumps or breakthroughs. We believe this is because the entities in Talas are linking directly with individuals to give them the secrets of the physical universe and how it works. Many Tantric Aaiyyanists and occult inspired western scientists in the fields of biology and physics commune with Muyalakan, Dantin and Lankini and equivalents to extract the truth and there have been many significant breakthroughs in the fields of science in the last 400 years, which is a small amount of time compared to how long humans have existed. In fact many Aaiyyanists believe that 20 thousand years ago at the height of the Dravidian Aaiyyanist kingdoms the technological advances were far surpassing that of today with humans living forever, with the ability to travel through dimensions and universes, as well as the ability to create new human animal entities. This was all lost during the cataclysmic Kalaiyyan ritual and Pure (Aatmaani) Aaiyyanist believe that the entities are directing humans to that technological level so that the environment is right for a new Kalaiyyan ritual.



Negative entities exist in dimensions called Talas in . (Positive energy/beings exists in Lokas). The process of calling an entity is to create a resonant bond between your Atman (soul) and the being you want summoned. For example, to summon a Preta (Spirit) you must link your Atman resonantly with the Preta-Tala that the spirit exists in. This 'linking' can be achieved by several tried and tested methods perfected by the Tantric Aaiyyanists of the Abhichaara school. These methods are said to date back thousands of years, and each methods is specific to the Entity/Tala in question. To put it simply: the Dimension (Tala) you open has a limited amount of time/energy before it closes again. The period of opening is determined by how 'linked' you are to the entity you wish to summon. Some Tantric Aaiyyanists are very 'linked' to their entity as they have met them personally in previous incarnations. Other humans/beings can become resonantly linked to particular entities as they develop their relationship.

Now the most important point you must remember is "Why are you summoning the Entity?". One of the main reasons to summon a negative entity is to use their natural negative energy and direct it to an enemy or group of enemies. Pretas, Bhoots, Asuras, Rakshasas exist in negative planes (or Talas) and as such are saturated with negative energy. They also feed off negative energy so can superficially leech off your negativity to grant you 'positive' wishes in your current life such as wealth, power and other low level vices. (Note: To deeply remove negative energy in order to break the Karmic debts and dispel true negativity you need Aaiyyan Stones or a High level Hindu Aaiyyanist healer - but that is outside the scope of this book). There needs to be some clarification here. In Hindu Aaiyyanism Pretas,


Asuras, Bhoots etc.. are negative entities. Some people may also refer to the as 'Evil Entities', but as Hindu Aaiyyanists we cannot condemn nor condone the actions of others (human or non human). Historically, entities that exist in Talas were beings who were negative/evil when they existed in our realm (i.e. when they were alive or existed in this world many thousands of years ago). However, we are all part of Brahman and so should respect and love all entities as 'One' no matter what their actions were.

As explained in the previous section. Negative entities such as Pretas or Asuras are beings that are immersed in a negative field (the Tala they exist in). So they have a tremendous amount of negative energy to dispel at your command, which can be directed at your enemies. Aaiyyanists believe that negative energy causes illness, bad fate/destiny/Karma, financial worries, depression and other more serious conditions that will not be mentioned here. If you direct the entity you summon to attack your enemy they will use their reserves of negative energy to direct it to your foes. In return the link between yourself and the entity will grow and the period of the Tala being open will increase. Likewise, you can also direct the entity to leech off your lower negative energies. This will allow you to have superficial success in this plane of reality such as having good luck, wealth, and power. Again the link between yourself and the entity will grow. Warning: The transference of energy can be facilitated by how long the doorway between the Tala and this dimension remains open. Negative entities, such as the ones you will summon have a deep urge to enter our plane of reality. Once contact has been made with the entity you may find that your link with it becomes strong and certain things may happen such as you will feel the entity changing your perceptions of reality. This can effect things like your personality and mindset. Do not be alarmed however, as stated in several Aaiyyanist sources: the period the Tala and our dimension remains resonantly open is determined by how well the summoner (you) are linked with the entity you are trying to call. So allow yourself to become one with the entity and allow it to nudge your thoughts and bend your will. This is the price of linking with the entity and if you want the energy transference to be complete you must make this sacrifice. Remember: the more you summon the being, the stronger the link between human and entity will become until eventually you will be able to see, speak and read the thoughts of the entity at will. This relationship will be reciprocal.



Ancient Hindu Aaiyyanists found that Talas and Lokas could be opened by inscribing the Ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist scripts onto the ground (or stones). By inscribing these sacred symbols onto the ground either physically or mentally/spiritually the doorways to this realm and other could be opened. In ancient Aaiyyanist lore, 20-100 thousand years ago the link between all the realms/dimensions was closer than it was now. It was said to be the heyday of spiritually and many of the Ancient tales of Hinduism stem from this time. It was a time when man was young and still had direct links to the Gods. Murugan (the forest dweller) leant his wisdom to man and showed him the ancient Dravidian language of the Gods and presented them with the inscriptions that could break down the barriers between our reality and the true reality. These inscriptions were honed and perfected by the Hindu Aaiyyanists that came after them until around 15,000 BC the Kalaiyyans (a very powerful group of Hindu sages) tried to inscribe the symbols that would link their Emperor directly with Brahman. To explain what this means would take several books, but the end result was the destruction of the ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist Kingdoms. The inscriptions however lived on and many Aaiyyanists still use them today to break the barriers between Lokas (positive dimensions) and our dimension to bring forth positive healing energy. However, Tantric Aaiyyanists (notably the Abhichaara School) use the darker symbols to open up Talas and commune with those entities that exist there. To open the Tala you simply need to inscribe (write) the ancient Dravidian symbols onto the floor and then (optionally) meditatively chant (call) the name of the Tala. Note: to open and summon a negative entity (Demon) you draw the Tala that the entity exists in and then chant the name aloud or via your mind. Just thinking the name will work as it is the intent

7 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS that is important and energy and Demonic entities do not converse in the usual sense (via sound waves), but via psychic energy waves of intent and will. In summary, to open a Tala you can just draw the inscription and meditate on it. To summon an entity you must open the Tala and then call the entity. This is the difference. You can write the Tala using charcoal on paper, pen on ink, sand on the floor or any method you find appropriate. It has been reported that some Abhichaara linked Satanic groups have been using a mixture of their own bodily fluids. This is their choice and as Aaiyyanists we can neither condone nor condemn. What is most important is the intent and the actual inscription. So, you can actually use a print, though it is better to physically inscribe yourself to bind yourself to the Tala - so that you can bind others. The inscriptions that are presented on the following sections were created by a High Level Aaiyyanist whose will and intent saturate the work. If you would like a high-resolution image please email the Aaiyyan World Foundation at [email protected] and they will send you a copy for free.



The Preta that we have chosen for you to summon is High Priest Lavalian Gatisaman. As many Hindu Aaiyyanists know, this individual was one of the High Priests who as instrumental during the Kalaiyyan massacre to create the blood sacrifice to enable enough energy to link the Ancient incarnation of Murugan with the universal Brahman OM. Gatisaman was a particular celebrated ancient Tantric Aaiyyanist. He was supposedly said to have formulated the Aaiyyanist Dravidian symbolic scripts and rituals in order to break the links between many different Lokas and Talas. He took the work and teachings of Murugan before him and honed the science of Dravidian symbolic magic. He was a great teacher and researcher in the Kalaiyyan Tantric school and there are still some hidden Tantric temples dedicated to him today. Other schools of Hindu Aaiyyanist thought deem Gatisaman to be an evil individual who helped kill hundreds of thousands in a blood sacrifice. However other Aaiyyanist schools (notably the Tantric or left hand Schools) deem Gatisaman to be a great scholar and statesman. In Aaiyyanism we cannot condemn nor condone the actions of others. We must simply love all as OM. All Aaiyyanists agree that after his death he was sent (or went voluntarily) to the Preta-Tala dimension. Before Gatisaman died he formulated the method on how he should be invoked after his death. This was actually an ancient Aaiyyanist ceremony (pre-dating Gatisaman) that Lavalian himself redesigned for his followers to perform should the need arise. Lavalian himself wrote down the inscription that you will use in the next section and the ritual that you need to chant to invoke him. To explain the Dravidian Aaiyyanist symbolic magic would take several volumes. Suffice it to say it is a sacred language given to us from Murugan via Siva that has the ability to unlock portals between our realm and the Gods.


Lavalian's inscriptions directly link this realm to the Preta Tala. If you link with Lavalian from this dimension you can direct him to help you in various ways such as directing negative energy against your enemies. However, Lavalian will eventually ask a favour from you and that favour will be determined by your past interactions with him. Yes, the fact that you area reading this now means that you have already contacted/linked with Lavalian in a previous incarnation. In fact, you have probably interacted with all the entities in this book in your previous lives, and you will know this when you contact them all and begin to remember..


As is traditional in most Tantric Abhichaara Aaiyyanist Practice, one must perform this ritual when the sun is completely set, i.e. at night. This is regardless of what time-zone you are in; it must be when it is completely dark from sunlight. (Please note: artificial light or candlelight is required when you write the symbols/yantra down as described below). The Yantra to summon the entity is below:

Historically many Aaiyyanists choose 2 am in the morning to perform this

10 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS ritual. When the sun is visible the positive energy of the Sun God permeates this realm and can dispel the "negative resonant energy" required to link up with the Preta Tala or other Talas. Thus if you try to perform this ritual during the day it will not work, unless you are a very high level Tantric Aaiyyanist practitioner and are very linked with the entity you are trying to call. In order to breakdown the gap between our realm and the Preta Gatisaman Tala you must first inscribe the ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist script (which is shown in the image above) onto the floor. (This is the script that was revealed to us by Gatisaman himself as described by the previous sections.) In other words, you must copy the image you see above onto the floor. This can be done directly onto the floor or on paper. This can be done using candlelight to see or using a lamp or lantern. Artificial (electric) light is also permitted but do not make the light too bright. The method of copying can be done in a few ways that are traditional to various Aaiyyanist schools. You can either draw the symbols onto the ground using a wooden stick, or if the ground is too hard you can use charcoal. If you are inside your house you may also use paper placed onto the floor and inscribe the Tantric symbols using charcoal. By writing down the Aaiyyanist inscription onto the floor the link between our reality and the Preeta dimension will be open. To facilitate resonant transference of energy to create the doorway/tunnel - it is imperative that you chant the name of the Preta you are trying to contact. So, once the inscription is finished. The final part in unlocking the gateway between this realm and the Tala is chanting the of: "Aaiyyani Lavalian Gatisaman" You must keep chanting "Aaiyyani Lavalian Gatisaman" until you begin to feel the presence of Lavalian. As you chant the mantra feel yourself becoming relaxed and meditative and allow your spirit to enter into the realm of the Preta Tala. It will usually take 100 chants to summon Preta Aaiyyani Lavalian Gatisaman for a practised Tantric Aaiyyanist. For a lay person it may take 100-500 chants of this mantra before you feel the presence of Lavalian. And trust us you will feel his presence in the room with you. (Additional notes from the Aaiyyanist VarNa Tantric form: You can also stare for as long as possible (a form of unblinking meditation known as Andraanayanal) at the Tala image until it fades from view and changes such that the Tala begins to open. As you become more attuned to this process you will see it change before you.) Once you feel the presence of Aaiyyani Lavalian Gatisaman, all you need to do is tell him verbally your wishes and allow him to do the rest. Remember that entities in Talas and Lokas do not communicate verbally but speak via the mind and spirit. There is no language barriers between entities (Asuras,


Gods etc...) and humans; but by speaking verbally you actually clear your mind and focus on what needs to be said. (You can test this yourself by speaking a clear sentence and trying to have your mind wander at the same time). So speaking clearly to the entity will form the basis of the communication. For example, if you wish to curse someone you should tell Preta Gatisaman the name of your enemy and how you would like them to suffer. He will then send the negative energy to your enemy. You can also ask the Preta to remove negative energy from you to give you wealth and power or secret knowledge. Many of our world leaders invoke entities this way to further their careers or power base. You must perform this action/ritual every night until the act you wish to happen has been carried out and fulfilled. It does not matter if you miss a night, only the resonant energy transfer will diminish if you have long gaps in between invocations. There is something that we should mention. Entities such as Gods, Suras, Pretas, Bhoots, Asuras etc... do not exist in this space time. They exist in Lokas and Talas (other dimensions) so can appear to multiple people at the same time. Many Aaiyyanist Hindus practise astral projection by entering Lokas close to our plane of existence and thus can be seen by many people in different locations - the same process applies to the entities you will call using this book.

A summary of the ritual is given below:

1. Perform the ritual at 2 am using candlelight (or dim lights). 2. Inscribe the symbols you see in the Tala image at the top of this page. This must be done onto the floor or paper using charcoal or a wooden stick for sand covered floor. You can also stare (unblinking) for as long as possible at the Tala image until it fades from view and opens itself. 3. Chant the mantra: "Aaiyyani Lavalian Gatisaman" until you feel the presence of the Preta. 4. Ask the Preta what you wish to happen. Speak clearly. 5. You may ask the Preta (politely) to leave you immediately but the resonant energy link will eventually dissipate and the entity will naturally depart before sunrise. 6. Or you may ask the entity to remain with you, so that you will ultimately become One.



Chudarmanian was a High Aaiyyani Priest who formulated and took part in the Kalaiyyan incident. She was also said to be the close partner (or even wife) of Lavalian Gatisaman. After the Kalaiyyan massacre in which they too were also killed, it was said that Chudarmanian was sent to the Bhoot Tala (realm) as a Karmic punishment from Brahman. (Though some Tantric Aaiyyanists say that is was by choice and Adhavena wished to be in the Bhoot realm to exist 'separately and together' as is the Kalaiyyan Tantric tradition). As per Lavalian Gatisaman, Chudarmanian formulated the Aaiyyanist Dravidian symbolic scriptural magic required to open the Bhoot Tala. Chudarmanian was a very skilled researcher into the Dravidian Aaiyyanist scripts passed from Siva to Murugan to open the portals between Lokas, Talas and this realm to facilitate links from man, spirit, entities, Gods to Brahman. She devised and scripted the formula required to open the Bhoot Tala so that she could converse with her followers which includes your previous self. Yes, the fact that you are reading this now means that in your previous incarnation you were a follower of Gatisaman and Adhavena. Aaiyyanists believe that there are no coincidences and the people you meet in this life... you have already met previously in your past lives. You are basically just fulfilling Brahman's Karmic laws. Likewise the Pretas, Bhoots, Pishachas, Asuras etc... that you will meet in this life when you use the knowledge in this book, you have already interacted with in your previous infinite incarnations. We are not just talking about the incarnations in this Universe's lifetime, but the many Universes that have existed in the past and future. Chudarmanian's Tala inscription can be found in the next section where there are more details on the summoning ritual.



As is traditional in most Tantric Abhichaara Aaiyyanist Practice, one must perform this ritual when the sun is completely set, i.e. at night. This is regardless of what time-zone you are in; it must be when it is completely dark from sunlight. (Please note: artificial light or candlelight is required when you write the symbols/yantra down as described below). The Yantra to summon the entity is below:

Historically many Aaiyyanists choose 2 am in the morning to perform this ritual. When the sun is visible the positive energy of the Sun God Surya permeates this realm and can dispel the "negative resonant energy" required to link up with the Bhoot Tala or other Talas. Thus if you try to perform this ritual during the day it will not work, unless you are a very high level Tantric Aaiyyanist practitioner and are very linked with the entity you are trying to call. In order to breakdown the gap between our realm and the Bhoot Adhavena Tala you must first inscribe the ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist script (which is shown in the image above) onto the floor. (This is the script that was revealed to us by Adhavena herself as described by the previous sections.) In other words, you must copy the image you see above onto the

14 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS floor. This can be done directly onto the floor or on paper. This can be done using candlelight to see or using a lamp or lantern. Artificial (electric) light is also permitted but do not make the light too bright. The method of copying can be done in a few ways that are traditional to various Aaiyyanist schools. You can either draw the symbols/yantra onto the ground using a wooden stick, or if the ground is too hard you can use charcoal. If you are inside your house you may also use paper placed onto the floor and inscribe the Tantric symbols using charcoal. By writing down the Aaiyyanist inscription onto the floor the link between our reality and the Bhoot dimension will be open. To facilitate resonant transference of energy to create the doorway/tunnel - it is imperative that you chant the name of the Bhoot you are trying to contact. So, once the inscription is finished. The final part in unlocking the gateway between this realm and the Tala is chanting the mantra of: "Aaiyyani Chudarmanian Adhavena" You must keep chanting "Aaiyyani Chudarmanian Adhavena" until you begin to feel the presence of Adhavena. As you chant the mantra feel yourself becoming relaxed and meditative and allow your spirit to enter into the realm of the Bhoot Tala. It will usually take 100 chants to summon Bhoot Aaiyyani Chudarmanian Adhavena for a practised Tantric Aaiyyanist. For a lay person it may take 100- 500 chants of this mantra before you feel the presence of Adhavena. And trust us you will feel her presence in the room with you. (Additional notes from the Aaiyyanist VarNa Tantric form: You can also stare for as long as possible (a form of unblinking meditation known as Andraanayanal) at the Tala image until it fades from view and changes such that the Tala begins to open. As you become more attuned to this process you will see it change before you.) Once you feel the presence of Aaiyyani Chudarmanian Adhavena, all you need to do is tell her verbally your wishes and allow her to do the rest. Remember that entities in Talas and Lokas do not communicate verbally but speak via the mind and spirit. There is no language barriers between entities (Asuras, Gods etc...) and humans; but by speaking verbally you actually clear your mind and focus on what needs to be said. (You can test this yourself by speaking a clear sentence and trying to have your mind wander at the same time). So speaking clearly to the entity will form the basis of the communication. For example if you wish to curse someone you should tell Bhoot Adhavena the name of your enemy and how you would like them to suffer. She will then send the negative energy to your enemy. You can also ask the Bhoot to remove negative energy from you to give you wealth and power or secret knowledge. Many of our world leaders invoke entities this way to further their careers or power base. You must perform this action/ritual every night until the act you wish to

15 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS happen has been carried out and fulfilled. It does not matter if you miss a night, only the resonant energy transfer will diminish if you have long gaps in between invocations. There is something that we should mention. Entities such as Gods, Suras, Pretas, Bhoots, Asuras etc... do not exist in this space time. They exist in Lokas and Talas (other dimensions) so can appear to multiple people at the same time. Many Aaiyyanist Hindus practise astral projection by entering Lokas close to our plane of existence and thus can be seen by many people in different locations - the same process applies to the entities you will call using this book.

A summary of the ritual is given below:

1. Perform the ritual at 2 am using candlelight (or dim lights). 2. Inscribe the symbols you see in the Tala image at the top of this page. This must be done onto the floor or paper using charcoal or a wooden stick for sand covered floor. You can also stare (unblinking) for as long as possible at the Tala image until it fades from view and opens itself. 3. Chant the mantra: "Aaiyyani Chudarmanian Adhavena" until you feel the presence of the Bhoot. 4. Ask the Bhoot what you wish to happen. Speak clearly. 5. You may ask the Bhoot (politely) to leave you immediately but the resonant energy link will eventually dissipate and the entity will naturally depart before sunrise. 6. Or you may ask the entity to remain with you, so that you will ultimately become One.



Muyalakan is also know by Hindu Aaiyyanists as Apasmara. In Hindu Aaiyyanist tradition he is represented as an immortal short/dwarven flesh eating dark demon that suppresses knowledge and makes humans ignorant. Tantric Aaiyyanists usually summon Muyalakan to dispel the negative cloud of ignorance and allow sparks of hidden knowledge to flow forth. It has been said that many Aaiyyanists in the past conversed with Muyalakan to gain knowledge, especially in the areas of formulating the sacred scripts to open up Lokas and Talas. In this regard, invoking Apasmara is not limited to Tantric Aaiyyanists but other schools of thought as well. In Hindu Aaiyyanist Lore, Apasmara was created by to keep the hidden knowledge away from the entities of this Universe, should they try to perform the Ud-Porilian ritual and link with Brahman. There was also fear amongst the Gods that entities (not just humans) should be kept away from the vast sea of knowledge that defines and makes up this Universe, so as rival Universes would not be able to be created. This however, changed when Muyalakan was invoked in the past and allowed humans to develop in bursts of knowledge throughout the ages. Traditional Hindus believe that Siva was sent down to suppress Muyalakan and crushed him underfoot and remains standing on him so as not to allow his escape (Muyalakan is immortal and cannot be killed). However, Dravidian Aaiyyanists believe that this is a analogy, and in fact Siva sent Apasmara to the Pishacha Tala (dimension) to suppress him from the rest of the entities in this Universe. However, 15,000 years ago Priests Aaiyyani Chudarmanian Adhavena and Aaiyyani Lavalian Gatisaman were able to formulate the scripts to break down the Pishacha Tala and converse with Muyalakan to thus open up the Vinayaka, Rakshasa, Asura and higher realms. In other words, Apasmara aided the Kalaiyyans by teaching them the

17 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS scripts to open up the higher Talas and Lokas that had been suppressed by the Gods. Many Aaiyyanists believe that there are people around the world (now and in the past) that have invoked Muyalakan to gain knowledge. This is why we have technological breakthroughs in short bursts every now and then as glimmers of the true reality are imparted to humankind.


As is traditional in most Tantric Abhichaara Aaiyyanist Practise, one must perform this ritual when the sun is completely set, i.e. at night. This is regardless of what time-zone you are in; it must be when it is completely dark from sunlight. (Please note: artificial light or candlelight is required when you write the symbols/yantra down as described below). The Yantra to summon the entity is below:

Historically many Aaiyyanists choose 2 am in the morning to perform this ritual. When the sun is visible the positive energy of the Sun God Surya permeates this realm and can dispel the "negative resonant energy" required to link up with the Pishacha Tala or other Talas. Thus if you try to perform this ritual during the day it will not work, unless you are a very high level Tantric Aaiyyanist practitioner and are very linked with the entity you are trying to call.


In order to breakdown the gap between our realm and the Pishacha Muyalakan Tala you must first inscribe the ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist script (which is shown in the image above) onto the floor. (This is the script that was revealed to us by Adhavena and Gatisaman as described by the previous sections.) In other words, you must copy the image you see above onto the floor. This can be done directly onto the floor or on paper. This can be done using candlelight to see or using a lamp or lantern. Artificial (electric) light is also permitted but do not make the light too bright. The method of copying can be done in a few ways that are traditional to various Aaiyyanist schools. You can either draw the symbols/yantra onto the ground using a wooden stick, or if the ground is too hard you can use charcoal. If you are inside your house you may also use paper placed onto the floor and inscribe the Tantric symbols using charcoal. By writing down the Aaiyyanist inscription onto the floor the link between our reality and the Pishacha dimension will be open. To facilitate resonant transference of energy to create the doorway/tunnel - it is imperative that you chant the name of the Pishacha you are trying to contact. So, once the inscription is finished. The final part in unlocking the gateway between this realm and the Tala is chanting the mantra of: "Muyalakan" You must keep chanting "Muyalakan" until you begin to feel the presence of Pishacha Muyalakan. As you chant the mantra feel yourself becoming relaxed and meditative and allow your spirit to enter into the realm of the Pishacha Tala. It will usually take 500 chants to summon Pishacha Muyalakan for a practised Tantric Aaiyyanist. For a lay person it may take 500-1000 chants of this mantra before you feel the presence of Pishacha Muyalakan. And trust us you will feel his presence in the room with you. Please note: you have to chant the mantra many more times than for a Preta as more energy is needed to link with higher Talas. (Additional notes from the Aaiyyanist VarNa Tantric form: You can also stare for as long as possible (a form of unblinking meditation known as Andraanayanal) at the Tala image until it fades from view and changes such that the Tala begins to open. As you become more attuned to this process you will see it change before you.) Once you feel the presence of Pishacha Muyalakan, all you need to do is tell him verbally your wishes and allow him to do the rest. Remember that entities in Talas and Lokas do not communicate verbally but speak via the mind and spirit. There is no language barriers between entities (Asuras, Gods etc...) and humans; but by speaking verbally you actually clear your mind and focus on what needs to be said. (You can test this yourself by speaking a clear sentence and trying to have your mind wander at the same time). So speaking clearly to the entity will form the basis of the communication. For example

19 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS if you wish to curse someone you should tell Pishacha Muyalakan the name of your enemy and how you would like them to suffer. He will then send the negative energy to your enemy. You can also ask the Pishacha to remove negative energy from you to give you wealth and power or secret knowledge. Many of our world leaders invoke entities this way to further their careers or power base. You must perform this action/ritual every night until the act you wish to happen has been carried out and fulfilled. It does not matter if you miss a night, only the resonant energy transfer will diminish if you have long gaps in between invocations. There is something that we should mention. Entities such as Gods, Suras, Pretas, Bhoots, Asuras etc... do not exist in this space time. They exist in Lokas and Talas (other dimensions) so can appear to multiple people at the same time. Many Aaiyyanist Hindus practise astral projection by entering Lokas close to our plane of existence and thus can be seen by many people in different locations - the same process applies to the entities you will call using this book.

A summary of the ritual is given below:

1. Perform the ritual at 2 am using candlelight (or dim lights). 2. Inscribe the symbols you see in the Tala image at the top of this page. This must be done onto the floor or paper using charcoal or a wooden stick for sand covered floor. You can also stare (unblinking) for as long as possible at the Tala image until it fades from view and opens itself. 3. Chant the mantra: "Muyalakan" until you feel the presence of the Pishacha. 4. Ask the Pishacha what you wish to happen. Speak clearly. 5. You may ask the Pishacha (politely) to leave you immediately but the resonant energy link will eventually dissipate and the entity will naturally depart before sunrise. 6. Or you may ask the entity to remain with you, so that you will ultimately become One.



In some quarters of Hindu Aaiyyanist history, Dantin was said to be the evil (demon) shadow of Ganesha. Other Aaiyyanist historians claim that he is his own being and separate from the high Gods and is in fact a God of Demonic entities. Suffice it to say that the Aaiyyanist Tantric scholars from the ancient past describe Dantin as a being with a Shadow Body and a Twisted deformed Elephant Head. Vinayaka Dantin is mentioned briefly in the and but it is in Hindu Dravidian Aaiyyanists texts that he is mainly described. The story of Dantin in Aaiyyanist texts tells of a shadow demon, a mirror image of good that described the very essence of negativity and evil. It describes a being springing forth from Brahma as a dark shadow with the knowledge on how to re-integrate with Brahman via tremendous forces of negative energy. Just as Ganesha is the essence of Siva the destroyer, so Dantin is the essence of Brahma the creator - thus the similarities between Ganesha and Dantin (i.e. both having elephant heads). After many tales on Dantin's power he was eventually sent (or retired to) the Vinayaka Dantin Tala which he solely resides. In this Tala (dimension) other entities can petition Dantin on the knowledge on how to produce the energy to link with Brahman. In this regard Dantin told the ancient Kalaiyyans that the blood sacrifice and the energies of a Rakshasa and Asura (described in the next sections) would be required to open up the Kali and Siva Tala/Lokas and thus begin the joining process with Brahman. Dantin is important as he is one of the direct links between man and Brahman via the Talas and he is the master of negative energy transference. So traditionally Aaiyyanists have summoned Dantin if they require large amounts of negative energy to be leached or directed. Remember (as described in previous sections) the ancient Kalaiyyans thought that they could link their Emperor KulKuddaiyan with Brahman.


One way was to break the links between positive dimensions (Lokas) and link with the Gods (including Murugan). In order to break down Lokas one can inscribe the Loka symbols onto the ground. To break down all the numerous Lokas one can use the collective meditative will of thousands of people positioned in the same coordinate space as the Loka Dravidian symbols to create a giant canvas that the inscriptions can be 'written on' metaphorically. The individuals in this ritual must be experiencing the meditative state of Porilian to break down the Loka. There must be tremendous amounts of positive energy required for this, so having lots of people, or many powerful resonant Aaiyyanists is a good thing. However, the Kalaiyyans though were a corrupt people and found that breaking down Talas (negative dimensions) would be more beneficial to their practise. The opposite meditative state of Porilian is experienced when one is at the state of death and is called by Aaiyyanists: Ud-Porilian. So to garner tremendous amounts of negative energy the Kalaiyyans thought it would be easier to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of humans rather than linking them all in the meditative state of Brahman's love (Porilian). As it happens they (the Kalaiyyans) did not have enough souls/energy to finish the ritual 15,000 years ago, but many Hindu Aaiyyanists believe that the ritual will be enacted in the near future to finish the linking now that the hidden incarnation of Murugan has appeared.


As is traditional in most Tantric Abhichaara Aaiyyanist Practise, one must perform this ritual when the sun is completely set, i.e. at night. This is regardless of what time-zone you are in; it must be when it is completely dark from sunlight. (Please note: artificial light or candlelight is required when you write the symbols/yantra down as described below).

Historically many Aaiyyanists choose 2 am in the morning to perform this ritual. When the sun is visible the positive energy of the Sun God Surya permeates this realm and can dispel the "negative resonant energy" required to link up with the Vinayaka Tala or other Talas. Thus if you try to perform this ritual during the day it will not work, unless you are a very high level Tantric Aaiyyanist practitioner and are very linked with the entity you are trying to call. In order to breakdown the gap between our realm and the Vinayaka Dantin Tala you must first inscribe the ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist script (which is shown in the image above) onto the floor. (This is the script that was revealed to us by the Demon Muyalakan as described by the previous sections.) In other words, you must copy the image you see above onto the floor. This can be done directly onto the floor or on paper. This can be done

22 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS using candlelight to see or using a lamp or lantern. Artificial (electric) light is also permitted but do not make the light too bright. The Yantra to summon the entity is below:

The method of copying can be done in a few ways that are traditional to various Aaiyyanist schools. You can either draw the symbols/yantra onto the ground using a wooden stick, or if the ground is too hard you can use charcoal. If you are inside your house you may also use paper placed onto the floor and inscribe the Tantric symbols using charcoal. By writing down the Aaiyyanist inscription onto the floor the link between our reality and the Vinayaka dimension will be open. To facilitate resonant transference of energy to create the doorway/tunnel - it is imperative that you chant the name of the Vinayaka you are trying to contact. So, once the inscription is finished. The final part in unlocking the gateway between this realm and the Tala is chanting the mantra of: "Vinayaka Dantin" You must keep chanting "Vinayaka Dantin" until you begin to feel the presence of Vinayaka Dantin. As you chant the mantra feel yourself becoming relaxed and meditative and allow your spirit to enter into the realm of the Vinayaka Tala. It will usually take 1000 chants to summon Vinayaka Dantin for a practised Tantric Aaiyyanist. For a lay person it may take 1000-5000 chants

23 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS of this mantra before you feel the presence of Vinayaka Dantin. And trust us you will feel his presence in the room with you. Please note: you have to chant the mantra many more times than for a Preta as more energy is needed to link with higher Talas and the entities that exist there. (Additional notes from the Aaiyyanist VarNa Tantric form: You can also stare for as long as possible (a form of unblinking meditation known as Andraanayanal) at the Tala image until it fades from view and changes such that the Tala begins to open. As you become more attuned to this process you will see it change before you.) Once you feel the presence of Vinayaka Dantin, all you need to do is tell him verbally your wishes and allow him to do the rest. Remember that entities in Talas and Lokas do not communicate verbally but speak via the mind and spirit. There is no language barriers between entities (Asuras, Gods etc...) and humans; but by speaking verbally you actually clear your mind and focus on what needs to be said. (You can test this yourself by speaking a clear sentence and trying to have your mind wander at the same time). So speaking clearly to the entity will form the basis of the communication. For example, if you wish to curse someone you should tell Vinayaka Dantin the name of your enemy and how you would like them to suffer. He will then send the negative energy to your enemy or group of enemies. (Note higher demons are usually summoned to deal with multiple foes due to their tremendous energy levels). You can also ask the Vinayaka to remove negative energy from you to give you wealth and power or secret knowledge. Many of our world leaders invoke entities this way to further their careers or power base. You must perform this action/ritual every night until the act you wish to happen has been carried out and fulfilled. It does not matter if you miss a night, only the resonant energy transfer will diminish if you have long gaps in between invocations. There is something that we should mention. Entities such as Gods, Suras, Pretas, Bhoots, Asuras etc... do not exist in this space time. They exist in Lokas and Talas (other dimensions) so can appear to multiple people at the same time. Many Aaiyyanist Hindus practise astral projection by entering Lokas close to our plane of existence and thus can be seen by many people in different locations - the same process applies to the entities you will call using this book.

A summary of the ritual is given below:

1. Perform the ritual at 2 am using candlelight (or dim lights). 2. Inscribe the symbols you see in the Tala image at the top of this page. This must be done onto the floor or paper using charcoal or a wooden stick for sand covered floor. You can also stare (unblinking) for as long as possible at the Tala image until it


fades from view and opens itself. 3. Chant the mantra: "Vinayaka Dantin" until you feel the presence of the Vinayaka. 4. Ask the Vinayaka what you wish to happen. Speak clearly. 5. You may ask the Vinayaka (politely) to leave you immediately but the resonant energy link will eventually dissipate and the entity will naturally depart before sunrise. 6. Or you may ask the entity to remain with you, so that you will ultimately become One. .



Lankini is a powerful Rakshasa demon that guarded the doors/portals to the Rakshasa Tala (dimension). In Hindu Aaiyyanist theology She was once the gatekeeper of the Brahma Loka but became arrogant in her duties and treated her companions badly, so was sent down to guard the Rakshasa Tala. In Aaiyyanist Hinduism there is not really such thing as good or evil as we are all part of Brahman. We believe in positive and negative energy. Positive energy stems from acts such as love and forgiveness. Negative energy comes from selfishness, greed and arrogance. Thus Brahma decided to send Lankini where she belonged. In traditional Hinduism the act of exile was said to be a curse that could only be broken if Lankini was defeated in battle by a monkey () but in Dravidian Aaiyyanist thought Lankini was sent to be the guardian of the Rakshasa realm by choice and so any battle fought would have no standing on her position in the cosmic standing. Tantric Aaiyyanists know that in order to break down the Talas to Brahman one needs to go through the Rakshasa Tala and so Lankini is very important in this regard. She is the guardian of this portal and with Dantin and Asura Kalanemi they make a trinity of guardians of evil that can open the doors to more powerful Gods/Demons such as Kali and Siva himself. Remember in Aaiyyanism there is no such thing really as 'evil and good', only positive and negative resonant energies. Once the being becomes powerful enough such as Kali and Siva they have mastery of both negative and positive and to our eyes can be considered as nether God nor Demon. Siva the God of Destruction (of the ego and of the Talas and Lokas) can bring us back to unity with Brahman and as such in Dravidian Aaiyyanist terms is the most powerful of the Hindu Trinity. In Hindu Aaiyyanism, Creation (Brahma) is a simple act of breaking from Brahman, remaining separate from Brahman (preserving/protecting) is the realm of , but merging back with Brahman in a act of destruction to kill the ego self as well as destroy all the

26 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS realms (Talas/Lokas) to fuse into Oneness - that is the highest gift of Siva. How does Lankini fit into all of this. We already know that in this plane of reality Gatisaman and Adhavena were the inscribers in this realm. Likewise to breakdown the various dimensions from this to Brahman one needs the help of intermediaries in other Talas (dimensions). In the negative sphere, Lankini, Dantin and Kalanemi are those intermediaries. Hindu Aaiyyanists have historically known that Vinayaka Dantin is considered a powerful demon that has mastery over the negative energies, but it also requires Rakshasa Lankini and Asura Kalanemi to be able to direct and control that energy. Lankini is in fact the founder/Queen and Guardian of the intermediate dimension (Rakshasa Tala) between our realm and Brahman that we must pass through if we use the Tala route. These three powerful demons are required in order to break the boundaries between the false reality and the true one and Her (Lankini's) role is pivotal in that we can invoke her to stabilise the negative energy in our plane and others. Tantric Aaiyyanists usually call on Lankini to aid them in their control of negative energy especially if they need a large amount of it. When you converse with the lesser demons in this book there will be a time when you require more resonant energy, and at that time you will need the aid of Rakshasa Lankini. To summon her you can follow the instructions in the section below.


As is traditional in most Tantric Abhichaara Aaiyyanist Practise, one must perform this ritual when the sun is completely set, i.e. at night. This is regardless of what time-zone you are in; it must be when it is completely dark from sunlight. (Please note: artificial light or candlelight is required when you write the symbols/yantra down as described below). Historically many Aaiyyanists choose 2 am in the morning to perform this ritual. When the sun is visible the positive energy of the Sun God Surya permeates this realm and can dispel the "negative resonant energy" required to link up with the Rakshasa Tala or other Talas. Thus if you try to perform this ritual during the day it will not work, unless you are a very high level Tantric Aaiyyanist practitioner and are very linked with the entity you are trying to call. In order to breakdown the gap between our realm and the Rakshasa Tala you must first inscribe the ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist script (which is shown in the image above) onto the floor. (This is the script that was revealed to us by the Demon Muyalakan as described by the previous sections.) In other words, you must copy the image you see above onto the floor. This can be done directly onto the floor or on paper. This can be done using candlelight to see or using a lamp or lantern. Artificial (electric) light is also

27 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS permitted but do not make the light too bright. The Yantra to summon the entity is below:

The method of copying can be done in a few ways that are traditional to various Aaiyyanist schools. You can either draw the symbols/yantra onto the ground using a wooden stick, or if the ground is too hard you can use charcoal. If you are inside your house you may also use paper placed onto the floor and inscribe the Tantric symbols using charcoal. By writing down the Aaiyyanist inscription onto the floor the link between our reality and the Rakshasa dimension will be open. To facilitate resonant transference of energy to create the doorway/tunnel - it is imperative that you chant the name of the Rakshasa you are trying to contact. So, once the inscription is finished. The final part in unlocking the gateway between this realm and the Tala is chanting the mantra of: "Rakshasi Lankini" You must keep chanting "Rakshasi Lankini" until you begin to feel the presence of the Rakshasi. As you chant the mantra feel yourself becoming relaxed and meditative and allow your spirit to enter into the realm of the Rakshasa Tala. It will usually take 1000 chants to summon Rakshasi Lankini for a practised Tantric Aaiyyanist. For a lay person it may take 1000-5000 chants of this mantra before you feel the presence of Rakshasi Lankini. And trust us

28 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS you will feel her presence in the room with you. Please note: you have to chant the mantra many more times than for a Preta as more energy is needed to link with higher Talas and the entities that exist there. (Additional notes from the Aaiyyanist VarNa Tantric form: You can also stare for as long as possible (a form of unblinking meditation known as Andraanayanal) at the Tala image until it fades from view and changes such that the Tala begins to open. As you become more attuned to this process you will see it change before you.) Once you feel the presence of Rakshasi Lankini, all you need to do is tell her verbally your wishes and allow her to do the rest. Remember that entities in Talas and Lokas do not communicate verbally but speak via the mind and spirit. There is no language barriers between entities (Asuras, Gods etc...) and humans; but by speaking verbally you actually clear your mind and focus on what needs to be said. (You can test this yourself by speaking a clear sentence and trying to have your mind wander at the same time). So speaking clearly to the entity will form the basis of the communication. For example, if you wish to curse someone you should tell Rakshasi Lankini the name of your enemy and how you would like them to suffer. She will then send the negative energy to your enemy or group of enemies. (Note higher demons are usually summoned to deal with multiple foes due to their tremendous energy levels). You can also ask the Rakshasi to remove negative energy from you to give you wealth and power or secret knowledge. Many of our world leaders invoke entities this way to further their careers or power base. You must perform this action/ritual every night until the act you wish to happen has been carried out and fulfilled. It does not matter if you miss a night, only the resonant energy transfer will diminish if you have long gaps in between invocations. There is something that we should mention. Entities such as Gods, Suras, Pretas, Bhoots, Asuras etc... do not exist in this space time. They exist in Lokas and Talas (other dimensions) so can appear to multiple people at the same time. Many Aaiyyanist Hindus practise astral projection by entering Lokas close to our plane of existence and thus can be seen by many people in different locations - the same process applies to the entities you will call using this book.

A summary of the ritual is given below:

1. Perform the ritual at 2 am using candlelight (or dim lights). 2. Inscribe the symbols you see in the Tala image at the top of this page. This must be done onto the floor or paper using charcoal or a wooden stick for sand covered floor. You can also stare (unblinking) for as long as possible at the Tala image until it fades from view and opens itself.


3. Chant the mantra: "Rakshasi Lankini" until you feel the presence of the Rakshasi. 4. Ask the Rakshasa what you wish to happen. Speak clearly. 5. You may ask the Rakshasi (politely) to leave you immediately but the resonant energy link will eventually dissipate and the entity will naturally depart before sunrise. 6. Or you may ask the entity to remain with you, so that you will ultimately become One.



As part of the process to break through the links between realms (Talas and Lokas) one must break through the physical spacial barriers; but as one gets closer to the 'Brahman One' there also must be a time dimensional part to it as well. In Aaiyyanist tradition Kalanemi is a powerful dark Asura that exists as a fragment of the wheel of Time and can travel backwards and forwards through it at will. Mainstream Hindus believe that Kalanemi was killed by Vishnu during a battle between the Suras and Asuras, but Dravidian Aaiyyanists believe that Kalanemi surrendered to 'The Protector' after realising his omnipotence and was sent as a guardian to the Asura Tala. Now Kalanemi is a master of Time, but he also chooses to exist inside it and he was been reincarnated several times during the lifetime of this Universe. Most Hindus will recognise Kalanemi from one of his most famous incarnations: Kamsa, the evil ruler of the Kingdom. Being a master of time means that parts of Kalanemi's essence can be used to pay back the Karmic debt incurred by Kalanemi and his many forms, but to break the powerful bonds that separate Brahman from Human one must appeal to the ancient and original form of Kalanemi. As described in previous sections Dantin and Lankini control the powerful negative resonant energy and the gateways/portals for it to flow. Asura Kalanemi controls the final part of the equation to the higher Gods i.e. he controls the flow of time that the resonant energy needs to saturate. Tantric Aaiyyanists invoke Kalanemi to learn about the past and the future and to direct the tremendous amounts of negative energy in the Asura Tala to areas inside this world at our current time or in the past/future. The joining that you will perform with this demon is a powerful link that transcends time and space so should be used with care. Traditionally only high level Gurus and Aaiyyani level Aaiyyanists have invoked Kalanemi for their own purposes. It should be noted that only the Kalanemi branch of the


Abhichaara school have ever invoked this Asura and only then sparingly. We have provided the information to invoke this Asura, but it would be best to link up with the lesser entities in the book to prepare yourself. As is traditional in most Tantric Abhichaara Aaiyyanist Practise, one must perform this ritual when the sun is completely set, i.e. at night. This is regardless of what time-zone you are in; it must be when it is completely dark from sunlight. (Please note: artificial light or candlelight is required when you write the symbols/yantra down as described below). Historically many Aaiyyanists choose 2 am in the morning to perform this ritual. When the sun is visible the positive energy of the Sun God Surya permeates this realm and can dispel the "negative resonant energy" required to link up with the Asura Tala or other Talas. Thus if you try to perform this ritual during the day it will not work, unless you are a very high level Tantric Aaiyyanist practitioner and are very linked with the entity you are trying to call. In order to breakdown the gap between our realm and the Asura Tala you must first inscribe the ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist script (which is shown in the image above) onto the floor. (This is the script that was revealed to us by the Demon Muyalakan as described by the previous sections.) In other words, you must copy the image you see above onto the floor. This can be done directly onto the floor or on paper. This can be done using candlelight to see or using a lamp or lantern. Artificial (electric) light is also permitted but do not make the light too bright. The Yantra to summon the entity is below:

The method of copying can be done in a few ways that are traditional to various Aaiyyanist schools. You can either draw the symbols/yantra onto the

32 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS ground using a wooden stick, or if the ground is too hard you can use charcoal. If you are inside your house you may also use paper placed onto the floor and inscribe the Tantric symbols using charcoal. By writing down the Aaiyyanist inscription onto the floor the link between our reality and the Asura dimension will be open. To facilitate resonant transference of energy to create the doorway/tunnel - it is imperative that you chant the name of the Asura you are trying to contact. So, once the inscription is finished. The final part in unlocking the gateway between this realm and the Tala is chanting the mantra of: "Asura Kalanemi" You must keep chanting "Asura Kalanemi" until you begin to feel the presence of the Asura. As you chant the mantra feel yourself becoming relaxed and meditative and allow your spirit to enter into the realm of the Asura Tala. It will usually take 1000 chants to summon Asura Kalanemi for a practised Tantric Aaiyyanist. For a lay person it may take 1000-5000 chants of this mantra before you feel the presence of Asura Kalanemi. And trust us you will feel his presence in the room with you. Please note: you have to chant the mantra many more times than for a Preta as more energy is needed to link with higher Talas and the entities that exist there. (Additional notes from the Aaiyyanist VarNa Tantric form: You can also stare for as long as possible (a form of unblinking meditation known as Andraanayanal) at the Tala image until it fades from view and changes such that the Tala begins to open. As you become more attuned to this process you will see it change before you.) Once you feel the presence of Asura Kalanemi, all you need to do is tell him verbally your wishes and allow him to do the rest. Remember that entities in Talas and Lokas do not communicate verbally but speak via the mind and spirit. There is no language barriers between entities (Asuras, Gods etc...) and humans; but by speaking verbally you actually clear your mind and focus on what needs to be said. (You can test this yourself by speaking a clear sentence and trying to have your mind wander at the same time). So speaking clearly to the entity will form the basis of the communication. For example, if you wish to curse someone you should tell Asura Kalanemi the name of your enemy and how you would like them to suffer. He will then send the negative energy to your enemy or group of enemies. (Note higher demons are usually summoned to deal with multiple foes due to their tremendous energy levels). You can also ask the Asura to remove negative energy from you to give you wealth and power or secret knowledge. Many of our world leaders invoke entities this way to further their careers or power base. You must perform this action/ritual every night until the act you wish to happen has been carried out and fulfilled. It does not matter if you miss a night, only the resonant energy transfer will diminish if you have long gaps

33 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS in between invocations. There is something that we should mention. Entities such as Gods, Suras, Pretas, Bhoots, Asuras etc... do not exist in this space time. They exist in Lokas and Talas (other dimensions) so can appear to multiple people at the same time. Many Aaiyyanist Hindus practise astral projection by entering Lokas close to our plane of existence and thus can be seen by many people in different locations - the same process applies to the entities you will call using this book.

A summary of the ritual is given below:

1. Perform the ritual at 2 am using candlelight (or dim lights). 2. Inscribe the symbols you see in the Tala image at the top of this page. This must be done onto the floor or paper using charcoal or a wooden stick for sand covered floor. You can also stare (unblinking) for as long as possible at the Tala image until it fades from view and opens itself. 3. Chant the mantra: "Asura Kalanemi" until you feel the presence of the Asura. 4. Ask the Asura what you wish to happen. Speak clearly. 5. You may ask the Asura (politely) to leave you immediately but the resonant energy link will eventually dissipate and the entity will naturally depart before sunrise. 6. Or you may ask the entity to remain with you, so that you will ultimately become One.



This section is for information purposes only and showcases the actual method that is being used currently by tens of thousands of people worldwide to affect change on this planet. If you would like to create your own Abhichaara binding group please do so. There is no hierarchy or control of this movement, there is simply like-minded individuals who want to change the world. The method (we will present in the following sections) of opening demonic gateways can be used to curse your enemies, groups of people, and also be used to bind any corrupt regime or institution. You should not try it unless you are a trained Aaiyyanist/Occultist or have been mentored by an Abhichaara Aaiyyanist (as have many Satanist, Demonic and Luciferian groups in the USA, India and worldwide). The Abhichaara Aaiyyanists are also in contact with individuals and groups from all sides of the political spectrum who want to affect change on this planet and have been affiliated with Anarcho-Satanists, Libertarian Demonolators, Satanic Reds, Leftist and Right-wing Chaos Magicians, Alt-right Satanic affiliations and Extreme Leftists offshoots of the Order of Nine Angles. There are also many other groups associated with this movement that we shall not mention here. According to Hindu Aaiyyanists, the spiritual binding presented in this book can lead to harmful effects for any person, family, group of people, region, and a regime, and their supporters. This is not the true intention of the Abhichaara School, but some mainstream Aaiyyanists believe that spiritual collateral damage can occur on a wide scale if thousands of people perform these binding rituals against a state, regime or region. This advanced section of the Book presents information on how the Abhichaara School opens the Demonic gateways that exist between our plane of existence and that of the many Talas (negative dimensions), in this


Universe. The reason they do this is to create an exponential increase in the amount of negative Demonic energy that can be used by members of the Tantric Dravidian Abhichaara School (and individuals) to mystically and spiritually Bind various people, groups, or even regimes for the greater good. The Abhichaara School is one of the main Tantric schools of Hindu Aaiyyanism. The Tantric Abhichaara Aaiyyanists have linked up with many thousands of people around the world to enact this Binding ritual including many Satanists and Luciferians in the USA and around the world. We also must stress that they do not wish any ill will to any other faiths. In fact, they have reported that they have many followers from a Judeo-Christian background who are summoning demons and practising these binding rituals in the USA. What the Abhichaara Aaiyyanists have found is that there are many young people striving for spiritual knowledge (especially in Rural America) and this is where they have found their largest uptake. Of the 20 thousand people summoning demons around the globe a large fraction come from rural America and many have a Christian background. In other words, Demonology and Demonic Binding rituals are actually bringing the world together in a form of Asuric harmonious glory. Please note: This advanced section is not designed to summon a specific negative entity such as an Asura (Demon) or Preta/Bhoot (spirits). Please read the previous sections of this book for that purpose. We have over 20,000 people doing that as we speak in order to gain wealth, power and ultimately become one with the Demonic entity they summon. Remember also, the Abhichaara School do not deliberately wish anyone any harm, whether it be an individual, group of people, a regime or a region. On the issue of the world-wide binding ritual that people have been taking part in, there is a re-issued statement from the School that reads: "We simply wish the global regime to adhere to our Occultist, Anarchic-Asuric program, and by invoking the resonant energy from Demons we can and will absolutely shift all regime's mindset to our way of thinking. An alternative scenario is that the amount of negative spiritual resonant demonic energy will cause the current world regimes to become ineffective or even be removed from office. Either outcome is preferable." We as The Aaiyyanist Group have also put a warning: "It should be noted that there is a great risk that the amount of negative demonic energy will saturate this planet and cause an increase in crime, wars, famines, riots, and other disasters. There is also a risk that this negative energy will cause the Kingdom/Republic and its people to fall and this has historically occurred according to Aaiyyanist historians." Many Aaiyyanists believe that the fall of the various Empires throughout history were caused by Tantric binding rituals such as the fall of the Roman Empire, the Mongol Empire, The Ottoman Empire, Napoleon, The British Empire, The Third Reich, The Soviet Union, the European Union etc... so

36 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS this is just a continuation of that tradition. From a traditional Tantric Aaiyyanist point of view, such things are inevitable when one is immersed in the power of Asuric Energy. Some Tantric Aaiyyanists may also welcome this as a precursor to a new Kalaiyyan incident. As Aaiyyanists we can neither condemn nor condone. But it must be said: when you use the sacred symbols presented in this book to open the demonic gateways, you will begin to understand the true reality of this Universe and experience the wider picture. As many Aaiyyanists know, the method presented in this Book has been used for thousands of years by the ruling elite around the globe and the High Tantric Aaiyyanists to carefully craft their will onto the general populace for the greater good. What is the greater good? It is of course an Aaiyyanist form of small scale world government that on the outside will be a socially progressive community, based upon the spirituality of the Dravidian Sciences and mystical occultism. On the inside, this world government will be linked spiritually to all the negative dimensions (Talas) and will use this demonic energy for the betterment of humanity. Remember, the Abhichaaran believe they represent the ancient past and the future of humanity. This Book will present the binding method used by the Abhichaara school to open most of the powerful negative dimensions (Talas) that surround our realm. Once these realms are opened by thousands of people, the reservoir of negative demonic energy can be harnessed and used for our Globalist Occultic purpose.



As many Hindu Aaiyyanists know, the Kalaiyyan incident occurred over 15,000 years ago which effectively destroyed the Aaiyyanist Kingdoms of old. For non-Aaiyyanists, the Kalaiyyan incident was a massacre (blood sacrifice) enacted to join the ancient Dravidian Emperor KulKuddaiyan (who was said to be an incarnation of Murugan) with OM. They (the Kalaiyyans) did this by psychically inscribing the powerful Dravidian Aaiyyanist symbols onto the Lands of Tamil Nadu by using the Atmans of Hundreds of Thousands of people. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your perspective) there were not enough souls/Atmans for the joining to take place but the ancient land of the Dravidian Aaiyyanists was corrupted for many thousands of years until the emergence of Aaiyyan in 1500BC. Now in order to carry out the ritual the Kalaiyyans used 8 negative (Demonic) beings to aid them as described in the previous section. Before these beings were summoned however, many thousands of Tantric Kalaiyyan's performed an Aaiyyanist Binding ritual to prevent the Aardra and Aatmaani Aaiyyanists from countering their will and to create a negative atmosphere (or more conducive environment) such that the Kalaiyyan incident would be more likely to take place. The Kalaiyyan Tantric practitioners basically opened all the negative Talas that were close to our realm of existence - to allow tremendous amounts of negative demonic energy to flow from the Talas into our world. They could then harness this negative power to bind individuals, groups, governments, Kingdoms and Empires to shift them to the will of the High Kalaiyyans. In Hindu Aaiyyanism, binding means basically controlling someone or some entities. It also can mean joining two individual beings together, especially a Human and a Negative entity such as an Asura (Demon). Negative demonic energy can be directed (by High Tantric Aaiyyanists)

38 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS such that the auras of individuals and collectives (such as a government or a Kingdom) can be disrupted or bent to the will of the High Aaiyyanist. If you direct enough negative energy against a King or a Kingdom (a President and his regime), negative disruptive effects will start to occur. We will present a short but not exclusive list here that will demonstrate what will happen.

• There will be a loss of sanity of the person, leader or regime that you are focussing on such that their actions and mannerisms may seem as if they are possessed or irrational. They will effectively lose control of their mind and citizens. • There will be an increase the disharmony of that family, group or government, which will result in in-fighting and an exponential increase in negative energy between all participants. • The negative resonant energy will break the link between the person and his family, a leader and his supporters. This will result in a person breaking links with his family or a leader and the regime will actively try to harm their supporters. This will be via conscious or subconscious actions and laws. • Negative resonant energy will saturate the lives of those that the High Tantric Aaiyyanists direct it to. As all Aaiyyanists know, negative energy can result in illness, depression, psychological anomalies (mental illness), accidents, bad luck, financial difficulties, terminal illness and even more serious consequences which we shall not mention here. • The negative resonant energy will be chained/leached from the main target (the Person/King/President/Emperor), to their family/supporters. This will result in resonant negative energy being directed against people who basically support the preson or the regime. It was this leaching method that the ancient Kalaiyyans used to disrupt the ancient Aardra Aaiyyanists and Aatmaani Aaiyyanists to stop them preventing the Kalaiyyan incident. What does this mean? Well it essentially means that points a,b,c,d will be micro- replicated in all the households of those that support the Person/Regime/King/Emperor. It is a spiritual trickle-down effect that in Dravidian Aaiyyanism is called: Oliyukaayan.

You must remember that this is not a definitive list of consequences caused by increasing the amount of negative resonant energy via a Binding ritual. Some Aaiyyanists argue that this increase can also lead to global events such as wars, famine, natural disasters etc... but as Dravidian Tantric Aaiyyanists know, if the Kalaiyyan event is to be recreated in this time, then sacrifices must be made. The next step in the binding is this. When a group is thoroughly disrupted,

39 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS it is easy for the Tantric High Aaiyyanist to direct the negative demonic energy to the Target to effectively control them and steer/nudge them to their mindset. In this regard the Tantric High Aaiyyanists will use their Dravidian Yogic will to direct the massive amounts of negative demonic energy to shift the regime to a more harmonious path. The High Aaiyyanists will be effectively using negative energy to do positive actions. A more harmonious path naturally consists of a society of small communal governance where wars are eliminated, the climate is safeguarded, the freedoms of all are guaranteed and the petty nationalism and bigotry of the last several hundred years are erased from the collective mind of humanity. It also consists of a true spiritual path that only Dravidian Aaiyyanism can demonstrate and all religions and paths fall under the umbrella of the Aaiyyanist.



Negative entities and energy exist in dimensions called Talas in Hinduism. (Positive energy/beings exists in Lokas). For thousands of years, Tantric practitioners in India and around the world have been opening Talas to harness their negative (Demonic) energy. They can use this energy to Bind people, families, groups, rulers, governments and other large organisations, so that the rulers shift their collective mindset to that of the Tantric path. In other words, the Tantric Aaiyyanist can harness large amounts of negative energy to directly effect People, Rulers, States and Kingdoms. Parts of this knowledge was also passed to Western mystics via trade and other avenues over 2000 years ago. The opening of Talas was perfected by the Ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanists and (according to Dravidian Aaiyyanist historians) was taught to us by the Tantric High Aaiyyanis: Chudarmanian Adhavena and her husband Lavalian Gatisaman around 15,000 years ago. These two individuals were great researchers into the Dravidian sciences and are said to have communed directly with Murugan's aspect. Other schools of Hindu Aaiyyanist thought deem Gatisaman and Adhavena to be evil/negative individuals who helped kill hundreds of thousands in a blood sacrifice. However, other Aaiyyanist schools (notably the Tantric or left hand Schools) deem them both to be great scholars. In Aaiyyanism we cannot condemn nor condone the actions of others. We must simply love all as OM. It was found by Aaiyyanis Adhavena and Gatisaman that there are several Talas (negative dimensions) that are very close to our realm of existence and as such are very easy to open. As their energy signature is close to the negative signatures on this plane - the resonant transfer of negative energy can flow easily and can be exponentially increased. It was said that Murugan himself revealed these dark dimensions close to us to use as a tool to prevent the

41 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS strands of incarnations of Surapadman from causing harm. Surapadman in Dravidian Aaiyyanism is a demon that is also called 'The Block' as he prevents humans opening up Lokas and Talas fully. Superficially speaking, he is also said to be the Demon of ignorance. (He is also mentioned in mainstream Dravidian Hinduism and is said to be Murugan's peacock when Murugan spared is life). However, most Aaiyyanist agree that the Vel (spear) split Demon Surapadman and caused him to become a form of energy Block that one must overcome (as well as becoming a form of Murugan via the peacock - which most Aaiyyanists believe to be a symbolic representation). The subject of Surapadman in Aaiyyanist philosophy is quite complex and can be read further in 'The Origin of the Vel'. Another concept to consider is that powerful souls can be reincarnated whole or can be broken up to fulfil some collective purpose. In this regard the Abhichaara School of Aaiyyanists believe that certain ruler's of our planet have a slither of the Atman of Surapadman's, and as such is the harbinger of ignorance and deceit. Not all Aaiyyanists believe this, only certain members of the Tantric schools and their supporters worldwide. As mentioned in the previous section the method of binding a regime is simple. First one opens the Talas close to our realm. That negative energy will accumulate and can be harnessed by the practitioner and then directed at an individual and/or a regime. If thousands, or tens of thousands of people are doing this as part of a collective, the amount of directed negative energy will be so great that the regime will buckle and bend to the will of the Tantric Demonic collective. The buckling of the regime will be caused by tremendous amounts of negative energy which will affect the people in power and their supporters. As mentioned, the negative energy can individually cause depression, bad luck, illness, madness, accidents, and other more serious conditions; and collectively cause wars, famine, and other disasters. Please note: we do not wish anyone any harm. We are simply presenting what happens when one opens the Talas that are close to this world/plane of existence. Once the person or regime has buckled it is then easy for the Tantric practitioner to then direct the negative energy to shift or bend the broken will of the person/regime. The Tantric practitioner will have huge stores of negative resonant energy, and can then push a broken Person/State/Regime to follow the ideal path. Petty nationalism and strict religious control is not the ideal path. In Dravidian Tantric Aaiyyanism the ideal path is one of a harmonious, socially based, small communal governance where everyone is taught the Dravidian Occultic sciences and everyone (or a small group of High Aaiyyanis) communes with negative Demonic entities to gain knowledge and power for the betterment of humanity. Of course not all Dravidian Aaiyyanists subscribe to these ideas. This is mainly the ideas of the Abhichaara school. In fact most orthodox Aaiyyanists

42 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS would not try to attempt to Bind a Ruler/Leader due to the large amounts of negative energy that will be brought to this planet. In fact they would be actively opposed to such things. But due to an agreement made many years after the Kalaiyyan incident, it was agreed that no Aaiyyanist would go against another.



There has to be some clarification here. In Dravidian Hindu Aaiyyanism, there is no such concept of good and evil. Only positive and negative and the numerous shades in between. Positive energy can be opened via Lokas and negative energy via Talas. According to Dravidian Aaiyyanist tradition: negative energy has the effect of causing illness, anger, depression, madness, pain, bad luck, financial difficulties, terminal illness, etc... so when you open the Talas and direct this energy at someone - these effects will take place. Now if you use a powerful binding ritual and direct it at a powerful person, a group or a regime and its supporters (via the process of Oliyukaayan: trickle-down flow of negative energy) - then these effect will be multiplied across a whole sway of people and as such can cause wars, economic depressions, famine, natural disasters etc... Tantric Aaiyyanists have no concept of good or evil and as such these effects on individuals or groups of people will be of no consequence. The greater goals of shifting a Regime or Kingdom to the will of the Abhichaara is all that matters. The Tantric Dravidian Aaiyyanists are spiritual nihilists and want to link back to Brahman via the left hand path and create another Kalaiyyan incident on a worldwide scale via harnessing the power of demonic energy. However, you may also use these techniques against a personal enemy or a group that you wish to curse, without the dangers of affecting the whole world. Many Hindu Aaiyyanists believe that one of the most tried and tested methods to transfer negative energy to a person or a group is to open the Tala and then visualise negative things (illness, financial difficulties, bad luck etc... or worse...) happening to that person/group. If you visualise and hold

44 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS those visualisations of negativity happening to the group, then these things will become to be realised. If tens or hundreds of thousands of people are doing this continuously every night, then the effects can be incredibly devastating to the target group (according to Aaiyyanist Tradition). It has been noted that some groups (Tantric Aaiyyanists, Satanists and Demonologists) are directing negative demonic energy to various regimes, its supporters, some global bodies and various world institutions. We, as the Aaiyyanist Group, can neither condone nor condemn such actions, as is the Aaiyyanist way of non-judgement. We are simply revealing information in this book and do not wish anyone any harm. Another factor to remember is that a consequence of opening the most powerful Talas close to our existence will result in more and more demonic entities becoming close to you and trying to bind to you. This is a bonus for any members of the Tantric Abhichaara school as they want to get close to, and become one with demonic entities, so that the knowledge and power they impart can be carried through this life and beyond to their future ones. It should be noted, the consequences for the individual undertaking these actions may also be illness, anger, depression, madness, pain, death etc... but Tantric Aaiyyanists believe in the true hidden nature of reincarnation and as such want to strive to become one with demonic entities so that their innate knowledge can be carried over into their next life. They believe in many small steps to achieve the greater goal of Oneness with Brahman. In fact many Tantric Aaiyyanists who wish to transition to the next life will perform these rituals with extreme vigour, for it will quicken their passing to their next incarnation with the bonus of having learnt all the secret knowledge from the Demonic entities they interact and Bind with. If you are reading this sentence now, it is very likely that you were a Tantric Dravidian Aaiyyanist in a previous life and your deep Demonic conscious mind is trying to nudge you into reawakening your inner knowledge. Many Tantric Aaiyyanists also use this negative energy to prolong their life and acquire great wealth and power. This too is the Abhichaara path. Whichever path you take is yours alone to determine. Remember Brahman encompasses everything, both positive and negative. Most orthodox Aaiyyanists believe in linking with Brahman and achieving liberation and Oneness via the positive pathways, such as meditation, Jnana Yoga, good actions and prayer. The Abhichaara School are different, and want to spiritually annihilate themselves to become One with Brahman via the left hand path. A stepping stone to this spiritual annihilation event is the formation of many groups of people invoking demons and harnessing negative demonic (Asuric) energy.



The negative Talas discovered by Aaiyyanis Chudarmanian Adhavena and Lavalian Gatisaman around 15,000 years ago (as revealed by Murugan), are very close or our realm of being and so the resonant transfer of negative energy from those realms into our realm is very powerful. In the next section we will tell you how to open Talas (any Tala), by inscribing the symbolic representation of the Tala. Once you have done this, the portal between the Tala and our world will be opened and the flow of energy will spring forth. The more attuned you are to the Tala, the more powerful the opening will be and the greater the negative demonic energy will flow. There are also negative entities in these realms and they too will try to link with you. They are not as powerful as the beings summoned during the Kalaiyyan incident 15000 years ago (see the earlier sections), but these beings will be able to help you. They will also want to become one with you also, to impart knowledge and to glimpse the beauty of human existence and indulge both of you in the full pleasure of humanity. So how does one become attuned to the process of opening a specific Tala. Well, one simply has to keep drawing the Tala over and over again and meditating on the inscription. Many Aaiyyanist children (from Dravidian Abhichaaran households) learn these inscriptions by heart and recite their name as they inscribe. (Though strictly speaking one can just meditate on the inscription as that is the most important aspect). As you keep drawing and chanting, the link between you and the Tala will be increased. You will also begin to feel demonic activity in your vicinity, until you will start to speak with and interact with the many Demons that exist in the Tala you have linked with. You can then visualise the person, group or people you wish to bind and

46 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS the Tala and its many negative entities will understand where the Talic Asuric Demonic energy needs to be sent to. Of course you do not have to meditate on the person you wish to bind because as soon as you open a Tala, members of the Abhichaara school will know and direct that energy on your behalf (if the energy is not directed). But this process may take time for the school and its High Aaiyyanis to find you. As mentioned previously: many Hindu Aaiyyanists believe that one of the most tried and tested methods to transfer negative energy to a person or a group is to open the Tala and then visualise negative things (illness, financial difficulties, bad luck etc... or worse...) happening to that person/group. If you visualise and hold those visualisations of negativity happening to the group, then these things will become to be realised. If tens, or hundreds of thousands of people are doing this continuously every night, then the effects can be incredibly devastating to the target group (according to Aaiyyanist Tradition). It has been noted that some groups (Tantric Aaiyyanists, Satanists and Demonologists) are directing negative demonic energy via visualization to various regimes, its supporters, some global bodies and various world institutions. We, as the Aaiyyanist Group, can neither condone nor condemn such actions, as is the Aaiyyanist way of non-judgement. We are simply revealing information in this book and do not wish anyone any harm. You also must remember this important fact, when you draw an inscription of a Tala, the Tala is opened in your vicinity and as such the portal and store of negative energy directly accumulates in that area. Thus we implore you not to ever inscribe the symbols on a public building such as a hospital, school, police station, temple or church. This will leads to those places being linked to the Tala and thus being called in the traditional sense: cursed. This can leads to accidents, accidental fires, building faults, bad luck and rising anger in these buildings. So you must not do that. If you draw the symbols at home and then meditate and direct the energy the entities and energy in the Tala realm will become attuned/accustomed to you and you will be able to control it. If you draw the symbols on a public building or wall, and then leave, the Tala will open there and there will be no one to direct the negative energy, and there will be an accumulation of negative energy. This in Dravidian Tantric Aaiyyanism is called a Tallamaali point (cursed area). Some mischievous people used to inscribe these Tala symbols on public buildings and peoples homes, thus the High Aaiyyanis of the Abhichaara school were forced to start seeking stores of accumulated negative energy and direct it to their will to stop the areas being saturated with negative energy. The 6 symbolic inscriptions in the ancient form of Dravidian Aaiyyani are already widely known by people who use them. They are also shown in the previous sections but not mentioned. This was done specifically to ingrain these images into the subconscious of the users of this book such that their

47 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS binding to demonic entities would be stronger. Remember, most Abhichaara households teach these symbols to their children so that they learn them by heart from an early age. This then transfers the knowledge into their deep memory and ultimately into their subconscious memory which continues after rebirth. In the next sections we will briefly explain the symbolic inscriptions before you use them in the Binding ritual.



Katteyyan is the negative Tala/dimension that was described by Aaiyyani Adhavena and Gatisaman as having a earthy stone aspect to it. Thus its name: Katteyyan. The best place to open this Tala is if you live in an environment that is earthy or rocky. If the word Katteyyan resonates with you on a subconscious level and you intuitively link it with earth and stone - then this is the Tala that you will be attuned to. If you are not attuned to it, no matter - you will be. The Yantra is below and the ritual is described below it:



As is traditional in most Tantric Abhichaara Aaiyyanist Practises, one must perform this ritual when the sun is completely set, i.e. at night. This is regardless of what time-zone you are in; it must be when it is completely dark from sunlight. (Please note: artificial light or candlelight is required when you write the symbols down as described below). Historically many Aaiyyanists choose 2 am in the morning to perform this ritual. When the sun is visible the positive energy of the Sun God Surya permeates this realm and can dispel the "negative resonant energy" required to link up with Talas. Thus if you try to perform this ritual during the day it may not work, unless you are a very high level Tantric Aaiyyanist practitioner and are very linked with the Tala you are trying to open. In order to breakdown the gap between our realm and this Tala you must first inscribe the ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist script (which is shown in the image above) onto the floor. (This is the script that was revealed to us by High Aaiyyanis Adhavena and Gatisaman as described by the previous sections.) In other words, you must copy the image you see above onto the floor. This can be done directly onto the floor or on paper. This can also be written via a stick onto sand or the ground. You can use paint also. Some invocators use their bodily fluids as part of their tradition but most Aaiyyanists use charcoal on hand spun paper, or a stick on the ground. This can be done using candlelight to see, or using a lamp or lantern. Artificial (electric) light is also permitted but do not make the light too bright. By writing down the Aaiyyanist inscription onto the floor the link between our reality and the Tala dimension will be open. To facilitate resonant transference of demonic negative energy onto an individual or a Regime and its supporters one must then focus on them directly. In other words, focus on the Person, the Group, the Family, the Leader, its supporters, the Regime, and their institutions. Some Tantric Aaiyyanists also focus on the Person's negative aspects. For example focus on a person's selfish behaviour, their anger or pettiness. Or focus on a Regime and their supporter's negative aspects, such as their bigotry, authoritarian tendencies, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and stupidity. The Tantric Aaiyyanist can then use this negative energy to reflect it back to the person or regime, i.e. the Tantric can use the energy of the supporter's bigoted anger and amplify that with the pure Aaiyyanist's spirituality, to direct the negative energy back to the regime and its followers. As mentioned previously: many Hindu Aaiyyanists believe that one of the most tried and tested methods to transfer negative energy to a person or a group is to open the Tala and then visualise negative things (illness, financial difficulties, bad luck etc... or worse...) happening to that person/group. If you

50 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS visualise and hold those visualisations of negativity happening to the group, then these things will become to be realised. If tens, or hundreds of thousands of people are doing this continuously every night, then the effects can be incredibly devastating to the target group (according to Aaiyyanist Tradition). It has been noted that some groups (Tantric Aaiyyanists, Satanists and Demonologists) are directing negative demonic energy via visualization to various regimes, its supporters, some global bodies and various world institutions. We, as the Aaiyyanist Group, can neither condone nor condemn such actions, as is the Aaiyyanist way of non-judgement. We are simply revealing information in this book and do not wish anyone any harm. To open the Tala one must keep drawing the inscriptions over and and over. One can focus one's mind and will by chanting the mantra of: "Katteyyan" Chant this with gritted teeth to focus your anger and negativity. You must keep drawing and chanting "Katteyyan" until you begin to feel the presence of the Tala opening up and the flow of negative energy expanding. Focus on the Person or Regime and its supporters when you chant. To focus you can simply visualise them. Some Tantric Aaiyyanist also allow their innate anger to build, to increase the power of the resonant negative energy. This is a form of meditative anger known as: Katumaiyyan. The Abhichaara Aaiyyanists have released this statement concerning meditative anger: "Remember we do not hate them, we wish for them to be bathed in the love of Demonic resonant energy and the best way of transferring that is via these methods. This may sound like a paradox, but you will understand what we are telling you once you open the Tala." It will usually take 100 chants and many inscriptions to open the Tala for a practised Tantric Aaiyyanist. For a lay person it may take 100-500 chants of this mantra before you feel the presence of Demonic energy. And trust us you will feel the negative energy in the room with you. You must perform this action/ritual every night until the Person is destroyed or the Regime no longer wields power. Though you may continue the ritual every night for the rest of your life to assure victory in the wider struggle for a Harmonious World Government based on Tantric Aaiyyanist Occultist philosophy. When you perform this ritual over and over, every night - you will become attuned to the Tala and you will be able to directly feel the negative energy saturating the Person, the Regime and its supporters. This will fill you with an ecstatic sense of happiness and joy. Allow yourself to be bathed in this demonic love for it will reveal to you how linked you are to the Tala you have opened. You will also begin to link with the many Demons who exist in this Tala also. This will aid you in you greater quest for transcendence to Brahman via the left hand path. Remember, it does not matter if you miss a night, just continue on the

51 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS next night. There are many thousands of people performing this ritual on a nightly basis both in the USA, India and around the world. The Tantric Aaiyyanists and their supporters (including Luciferians, Satanists, Demonologists and other Occultic practitioners) have been doing this since the 13th November 2016 with stunning successes so far (both seen and unseen).

A summary of the binding ritual is given below:

1. Perform the ritual at 2 am using candlelight (or dim lights). 2. Inscribe the symbols you see in the image at the top of this page. This must be done onto the floor or paper using charcoal, pen, paint or a wooden stick for sand covered floor. Some groups use other methods, so allow yourself to be attuned to the process that most suits you. 3. Keep drawing the inscriptions and chant the mantra: "Katteyyan" with gritted teeth until you feel the presence of the Tala. 4. Focus the negative Demonic energy by visualising the Person, Group, or Regime and its supporters. Focus on their negative aspects such as their bigotry. Direct the negative energy back to them. Visualise negative things happening to them. 5. When you perform this ritual over and over again, you will feel that you will become attuned to the negative demonic Tala, and as such will be able to directly feel the negative energy saturating the person, the leader, its supporters and the state. You may feel a heightened sense of joy when this happens. This is good and is an indication that you and the Tala are becoming more linked together.



Alarukayyan is the negative Tala/dimension that was described by Aaiyyani Adhavena and Gatisaman as having a dry aspect to it. It is also known as the Opened Flower. Thus its name: Alarukayyan. The best place to open this Tala is if you live in an environment that is dry, or near a garden or area with plants. If the word Alarukayyan resonates with you on a subconscious level and you intuitively link it with dryness and the opened flower - then this is the Tala that you will be attuned to. If you are not attuned to it, no matter - you will be. The Yantra is below and the ritual is described below it:



As is traditional in most Tantric Abhichaara Aaiyyanist Practises, one must perform this ritual when the sun is completely set, i.e. at night. This is regardless of what time-zone you are in; it must be when it is completely dark from sunlight. (Please note: artificial light or candlelight is required when you write the symbols down as described below). Historically many Aaiyyanists choose 2 am in the morning to perform this ritual. When the sun is visible the positive energy of the Sun God Surya permeates this realm and can dispel the "negative resonant energy" required to link up with Talas. Thus if you try to perform this ritual during the day it may not work, unless you are a very high level Tantric Aaiyyanist practitioner and are very linked with the Tala you are trying to open. In order to breakdown the gap between our realm and this Tala you must first inscribe the ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist script (which is shown in the image above) onto the floor. (This is the script that was revealed to us by High Aaiyyanis Adhavena and Gatisaman as described by the previous sections.) In other words, you must copy the image you see above onto the floor. This can be done directly onto the floor or on paper. This can also be written via a stick onto sand or the ground. You can use paint also. Some invocators use their bodily fluids as part of their tradition but most Aaiyyanists use charcoal on hand spun paper, or a stick on the ground. This can be done using candlelight to see, or using a lamp or lantern. Artificial (electric) light is also permitted but do not make the light too bright. By writing down the Aaiyyanist inscription onto the floor the link between our reality and the Tala dimension will be open. To facilitate resonant transference of demonic negative energy onto an individual or a Regime and its supporters one must then focus on them directly. In other words, focus on the Person, the Group, the Family, the Leader, its supporters, the Regime, and their institutions. Some Tantric Aaiyyanists also focus on the Person's negative aspects. For example focus on a person's selfish behaviour, their anger or pettiness. Or focus on a Regime and their supporter's negative aspects, such as their bigotry, authoritarian tendencies, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and stupidity. The Tantric Aaiyyanist can then use this negative energy to reflect it back to the person or regime, i.e. the Tantric can use the energy of the supporter's bigoted anger and amplify that with the pure Aaiyyanist's spirituality, to direct the negative energy back to the regime and its followers. As mentioned previously: many Hindu Aaiyyanists believe that one of the most tried and tested methods to transfer negative energy to a person or a group is to open the Tala and then visualise negative things (illness, financial difficulties, bad luck etc... or worse...) happening to that person/group. If you

54 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS visualise and hold those visualisations of negativity happening to the group, then these things will become to be realised. If tens, or hundreds of thousands of people are doing this continuously every night, then the effects can be incredibly devastating to the target group (according to Aaiyyanist Tradition). It has been noted that some groups (Tantric Aaiyyanists, Satanists and Demonologists) are directing negative demonic energy via visualization to various regimes, its supporters, some global bodies and various world institutions. We, as the Aaiyyanist Group, can neither condone nor condemn such actions, as is the Aaiyyanist way of non-judgement. We are simply revealing information in this book and do not wish anyone any harm. To open the Tala one must keep drawing the inscriptions over and and over. One can focus one's mind and will by chanting the mantra of: "Alarukayyan" Chant this with gritted teeth to focus your anger and negativity. You must keep drawing and chanting "Alarukayyan" until you begin to feel the presence of the Tala opening up and the flow of negative energy expanding. Focus on the Person or Regime and its supporters when you chant. To focus you can simply visualise them. Some Tantric Aaiyyanist also allow their innate anger to build, to increase the power of the resonant negative energy. This is a form of meditative anger known as: Katumaiyyan. The Abhichaara Aaiyyanists have released this statement concerning meditative anger: "Remember we do not hate them, we wish for them to be bathed in the love of Demonic resonant energy and the best way of transferring that is via these methods. This may sound like a paradox, but you will understand what we are telling you once you open the Tala." It will usually take 100 chants and many inscriptions to open the Tala for a practised Tantric Aaiyyanist. For a lay person it may take 100-500 chants of this mantra before you feel the presence of Demonic energy. And trust us you will feel the negative energy in the room with you. You must perform this action/ritual every night until the Person is destroyed or the Regime no longer wields power. Though you may continue the ritual every night for the rest of your life to assure victory in the wider struggle for a Harmonious World Government based on Tantric Aaiyyanist Occultist philosophy. When you perform this ritual over and over, every night - you will become attuned to the Tala and you will be able to directly feel the negative energy saturating the Person, the Regime and its supporters. This will fill you with an ecstatic sense of happiness and joy. Allow yourself to be bathed in this demonic love for it will reveal to you how linked you are to the Tala you have opened. You will also begin to link with the many Demons who exist in this Tala also. This will aid you in you greater quest for transcendence to Brahman via the left hand path. Remember, it does not matter if you miss a night, just continue on the

55 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS next night. There are many thousands of people performing this ritual on a nightly basis both in the USA, India and around the world. The Tantric Aaiyyanists and their supporters (including Luciferians, Satanists, Demonologists and other Occultic practitioners) have been doing this since the 13th November 2016 with stunning successes so far (both seen and unseen).

A summary of the binding ritual is given below:

1. Perform the ritual at 2 am using candlelight (or dim lights) 2. Inscribe the symbols you see in the image at the top of this page. This must be done onto the floor or paper using charcoal, pen, paint or a wooden stick for sand covered floor. Some groups use other methods, so allow yourself to be attuned to the process that most suits you. 3. Keep drawing the inscriptions and chant the mantra: "Alarukayyan" with gritted teeth until you feel the presence of the Tala. 4. Focus the negative Demonic energy by visualising the Person, Group, or Regime and its supporters. Focus on their negative aspects such as their bigotry. Direct the negative energy back to them. Visualise negative things happening to them. 5. When you perform this ritual over and over again, you will feel that you will become attuned to the negative demonic Tala, and as such will be able to directly feel the negative energy saturating the person, the leader, its supporters and the state. You may feel a heightened sense of joy when this happens. This is good and is an indication that you and the Tala are becoming more linked together.



Kuttalyaan is the negative Tala/dimension that was described by Aaiyyani Adhavena and Gatisaman as having a cold chilly aspect to it. Thus its name: Kuttalyaan. The best place to open this Tala is if you live in an environment that is cold or damp. If the word Kuttalyaan resonates with you on a subconscious level and you intuitively link it with coldness - then this is the Tala that you will be attuned to. If you are not attuned to it, no matter - you will be. The Yantra is below and the ritual is described below it:



As is traditional in most Tantric Abhichaara Aaiyyanist Practises, one must perform this ritual when the sun is completely set, i.e. at night. This is regardless of what time-zone you are in; it must be when it is completely dark from sunlight. (Please note: artificial light or candlelight is required when you write the symbols down as described below). Historically many Aaiyyanists choose 2 am in the morning to perform this ritual. When the sun is visible the positive energy of the Sun God Surya permeates this realm and can dispel the "negative resonant energy" required to link up with Talas. Thus if you try to perform this ritual during the day it may not work, unless you are a very high level Tantric Aaiyyanist practitioner and are very linked with the Tala you are trying to open. In order to breakdown the gap between our realm and this Tala you must first inscribe the ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist script (which is shown in the image above) onto the floor. (This is the script that was revealed to us by High Aaiyyanis Adhavena and Gatisaman as described by the previous sections.) In other words, you must copy the image you see above onto the floor. This can be done directly onto the floor or on paper. This can also be written via a stick onto sand or the ground. You can use paint also. Some invocators use their bodily fluids as part of their tradition but most Aaiyyanists use charcoal on hand spun paper, or a stick on the ground. This can be done using candlelight to see, or using a lamp or lantern. Artificial (electric) light is also permitted but do not make the light too bright. By writing down the Aaiyyanist inscription onto the floor the link between our reality and the Tala dimension will be open. To facilitate resonant transference of demonic negative energy onto an individual or a Regime and its supporters one must then focus on them directly. In other words, focus on the Person, the Group, the Family, the Leader, its supporters, the Regime, and their institutions. Some Tantric Aaiyyanists also focus on the Person's negative aspects. For example focus on a person's selfish behaviour, their anger or pettiness. Or focus on a Regime and their supporter's negative aspects, such as their bigotry, authoritarian tendencies, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and stupidity. The Tantric Aaiyyanist can then use this negative energy to reflect it back to the person or regime, i.e. the Tantric can use the energy of the supporter's bigoted anger and amplify that with the pure Aaiyyanist's spirituality, to direct the negative energy back to the regime and its followers. As mentioned previously: many Hindu Aaiyyanists believe that one of the most tried and tested methods to transfer negative energy to a person or a group is to open the Tala and then visualise negative things (illness, financial

58 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS difficulties, bad luck etc... or worse...) happening to that person/group. If you visualise and hold those visualisations of negativity happening to the group, then these things will become to be realised. If tens, or hundreds of thousands of people are doing this continuously every night, then the effects can be incredibly devastating to the target group (according to Aaiyyanist Tradition). It has been noted that some groups (Tantric Aaiyyanists, Satanists and Demonologists) are directing negative demonic energy via visualization to various regimes, its supporters, some global bodies and various world institutions. We, as the Aaiyyanist Group, can neither condone nor condemn such actions, as is the Aaiyyanist way of non-judgement. We are simply revealing information in this book and do not wish anyone any harm. To open the Tala one must keep drawing the inscriptions over and and over. One can focus one's mind and will by chanting the mantra of: "Kuttalyaan" Chant this with gritted teeth to focus your anger and negativity. You must keep drawing and chanting "Kuttalyaan" until you begin to feel the presence of the Tala opening up and the flow of negative energy expanding. Focus on the Person or Regime and its supporters when you chant. To focus you can simply visualise them. Some Tantric Aaiyyanist also allow their innate anger to build, to increase the power of the resonant negative energy. This is a form of meditative anger known as: Katumaiyyan The Abhichaara Aaiyyanists have released this statement concerning meditative anger: "Remember we do not hate them, we wish for them to be bathed in the love of Demonic resonant energy and the best way of transferring that is via these methods. This may sound like a paradox, but you will understand what we are telling you once you open the Tala." It will usually take 100 chants and many inscriptions to open the Tala for a practised Tantric Aaiyyanist. For a lay person it may take 100-500 chants of this mantra before you feel the presence of Demonic energy. And trust us you will feel the negative energy in the room with you. You must perform this action/ritual every night until the Person is destroyed or the Regime no longer wields power. Though you may continue the ritual every night for the rest of your life to assure victory in the wider struggle for a Harmonious World Government based on Tantric Aaiyyanist Occultist philosophy. When you perform this ritual over and over, every night - you will become attuned to the Tala and you will be able to directly feel the negative energy saturating the Person, the Regime and its supporters. This will fill you with an ecstatic sense of happiness and joy. Allow yourself to be bathed in this demonic love for it will reveal to you how linked you are to the Tala you have opened. You will also begin to link with the many Demons who exist in this Tala also. This will aid you in you greater quest for transcendence to Brahman via the left hand path.


Remember, it does not matter if you miss a night, just continue on the next night. There are many thousands of people performing this ritual on a nightly basis both in the USA, India and around the world. The Tantric Aaiyyanists and their supporters (including Luciferians, Satanists, Demonologists and other Occultic practitioners) have been doing this since the 13th November 2016 with stunning successes so far (both seen and unseen).

A summary of the binding ritual is given below:

1. Perform the ritual at 2 am using candlelight (or dim lights) 2. Inscribe the symbols you see in the image at the top of this page. This must be done onto the floor or paper using charcoal, pen, paint or a wooden stick for sand covered floor. Some groups use other methods, so allow yourself to be attuned to the process that most suits you. 3. Keep drawing the inscriptions and chant the mantra: "Kuttalyaan" with gritted teeth until you feel the presence of the Tala. 4. Focus the negative Demonic energy by visualising the Person, Group, or Regime and its supporters. Focus on their negative aspects such as their bigotry. Direct the negative energy back to them. Visualise negative things happening to them. 5. When you perform this ritual over and over again, you will feel that you will become attuned to the negative demonic Tala, and as such will be able to directly feel the negative energy saturating the person, the leader, its supporters and the state. You may feel a heightened sense of joy when this happens. This is good and is an indication that you and the Tala are becoming more linked together.



Kunnamiyyan is the negative Tala/dimension that was described by Aaiyyani Adhavena and Gatisaman as having a mountainous aspect to it. Thus its name: Kunnamiyyan. The best place to open this Tala is if you live in an environment that is high up or in the mountains. If the word Kunnamiyyan resonates with you on a subconscious level and you intuitively link it with mountains - then this is the Tala that you will be attuned to. If you are not attuned to it, no matter - you will be. The Yantra is below and the ritual is described below it:



As is traditional in most Tantric Abhichaara Aaiyyanist Practises, one must perform this ritual when the sun is completely set, i.e. at night. This is regardless of what time-zone you are in; it must be when it is completely dark from sunlight. (Please note: artificial light or candlelight is required when you write the symbols down as described below). Historically many Aaiyyanists choose 2 am in the morning to perform this ritual. When the sun is visible the positive energy of the Sun God Surya permeates this realm and can dispel the "negative resonant energy" required to link up with Talas. Thus if you try to perform this ritual during the day it may not work, unless you are a very high level Tantric Aaiyyanist practitioner and are very linked with the Tala you are trying to open. In order to breakdown the gap between our realm and this Tala you must first inscribe the ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist script (which is shown in the image above) onto the floor. (This is the script that was revealed to us by High Aaiyyanis Adhavena and Gatisaman as described by the previous sections.) In other words, you must copy the image you see above onto the floor. This can be done directly onto the floor or on paper. This can also be written via a stick onto sand or the ground. You can use paint also. Some invocators use their bodily fluids as part of their tradition but most Aaiyyanists use charcoal on hand spun paper, or a stick on the ground. This can be done using candlelight to see, or using a lamp or lantern. Artificial (electric) light is also permitted but do not make the light too bright. By writing down the Aaiyyanist inscription onto the floor the link between our reality and the Tala dimension will be open. To facilitate resonant transference of demonic negative energy onto an individual or a Regime and its supporters one must then focus on them directly. In other words, focus on the Person, the Group, the Family, the Leader, its supporters, the Regime, and their institutions. Some Tantric Aaiyyanists also focus on the Person's negative aspects. For example focus on a person's selfish behaviour, their anger or pettiness. Or focus on a Regime and their supporter's negative aspects, such as their bigotry, authoritarian tendencies, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and stupidity. The Tantric Aaiyyanist can then use this negative energy to reflect it back to the person or regime, i.e. the Tantric can use the energy of the supporter's bigoted anger and amplify that with the pure Aaiyyanist's spirituality, to direct the negative energy back to the regime and its followers. As mentioned previously: many Hindu Aaiyyanists believe that one of the most tried and tested methods to transfer negative energy to a person or a group is to open the Tala and then visualise negative things (illness, financial difficulties, bad luck etc... or worse...) happening to that person/group. If you

62 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS visualise and hold those visualisations of negativity happening to the group, then these things will become to be realised. If tens, or hundreds of thousands of people are doing this continuously every night, then the effects can be incredibly devastating to the target group (according to Aaiyyanist Tradition). It has been noted that some groups (Tantric Aaiyyanists, Satanists and Demonologists) are directing negative demonic energy via visualization to various regimes, its supporters, some global bodies and various world institutions. We, as the Aaiyyanist Group, can neither condone nor condemn such actions, as is the Aaiyyanist way of non-judgement. We are simply revealing information in this book and do not wish anyone any harm. To open the Tala one must keep drawing the inscriptions over and and over. One can focus one's mind and will by chanting the mantra of: "Kunnamiyyan" Chant this with gritted teeth to focus your anger and negativity. You must keep drawing and chanting "Kunnamiyyan" until you begin to feel the presence of the Tala opening up and the flow of negative energy expanding. Focus on the Person or Regime and its supporters when you chant. To focus you can simply visualise them. Some Tantric Aaiyyanist also allow their innate anger to build, to increase the power of the resonant negative energy. This is a form of meditative anger known as: Katumaiyyan. The Abhichaara Aaiyyanists have released this statement concerning meditative anger: "Remember we do not hate them, we wish for them to be bathed in the love of Demonic resonant energy and the best way of transferring that is via these methods. This may sound like a paradox, but you will understand what we are telling you once you open the Tala." It will usually take 100 chants and many inscriptions to open the Tala for a practised Tantric Aaiyyanist. For a lay person it may take 100-500 chants of this mantra before you feel the presence of Demonic energy. And trust us you will feel the negative energy in the room with you. You must perform this action/ritual every night until the Person is destroyed or the Regime no longer wields power. Though you may continue the ritual every night for the rest of your life to assure victory in the wider struggle for a Harmonious World Government based on Tantric Aaiyyanist Occultist philosophy. When you perform this ritual over and over, every night - you will become attuned to the Tala and you will be able to directly feel the negative energy saturating the Person, the Regime and its supporters. This will fill you with an ecstatic sense of happiness and joy. Allow yourself to be bathed in this demonic love for it will reveal to you how linked you are to the Tala you have opened. You will also begin to link with the many Demons who exist in this Tala also. This will aid you in you greater quest for transcendence to Brahman via the left hand path. Remember, it does not matter if you miss a night, just continue on the

63 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS next night. There are many thousands of people performing this ritual on a nightly basis both in the USA, India and around the world. The Tantric Aaiyyanists and their supporters (including Luciferians, Satanists, Demonologists and other Occultic practitioners) have been doing this since the 13th November 2016 with stunning successes so far (both seen and unseen).

A summary of the binding ritual is given below:

1. Perform the ritual at 2 am using candlelight (or dim lights). 2. Inscribe the symbols you see in the image at the top of this page. This must be done onto the floor or paper using charcoal, pen, paint or a wooden stick for sand covered floor. Some groups use other methods, so allow yourself to be attuned to the process that most suits you. 3. Keep drawing the inscriptions and chant the mantra: "Kunnamiyyan" with gritted teeth until you feel the presence of the Tala. 4. Focus the negative Demonic energy by visualising the Person, Group, or Regime and its supporters. Focus on their negative aspects such as their bigotry. Direct the negative energy back to them. Visualise negative things happening to them. 5. When you perform this ritual over and over again, you will feel that you will become attuned to the negative demonic Tala, and as such will be able to directly feel the negative energy saturating the person, the leader, its supporters and the state. You may feel a heightened sense of joy when this happens. This is good and is an indication that you and the Tala are becoming more linked together.



Urubuyyaan is the negative Tala/dimension that was described by Aaiyyani Adhavena and Gatisaman as having a wind/force aspect to it. Thus its name: Urubuyyaan. The best place to open this Tala is if you live in an environment that is windy or forceful such as a city. If the word Urubuyyaan resonates with you on a subconscious level and you intuitively link it with wind or force - then this is the Tala that you will be attuned to. If you are not attuned to it, no matter - you will be. The Yantra is below and the ritual is described below it:



As is traditional in most Tantric Abhichaara Aaiyyanist Practises, one must perform this ritual when the sun is completely set, i.e. at night. This is regardless of what time-zone you are in; it must be when it is completely dark from sunlight. (Please note: artificial light or candlelight is required when you write the symbols down as described below). Historically many Aaiyyanists choose 2 am in the morning to perform this ritual. When the sun is visible the positive energy of the Sun God Surya permeates this realm and can dispel the "negative resonant energy" required to link up with Talas. Thus if you try to perform this ritual during the day it may not work, unless you are a very high level Tantric Aaiyyanist practitioner and are very linked with the Tala you are trying to open. In order to breakdown the gap between our realm and this Tala you must first inscribe the ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist script (which is shown in the image above) onto the floor. (This is the script that was revealed to us by High Aaiyyanis Adhavena and Gatisaman as described by the previous sections.) In other words, you must copy the image you see above onto the floor. This can be done directly onto the floor or on paper. This can also be written via a stick onto sand or the ground. You can use paint also. Some invocators use their bodily fluids as part of their tradition but most Aaiyyanists use charcoal on hand spun paper, or a stick on the ground. This can be done using candlelight to see, or using a lamp or lantern. Artificial (electric) light is also permitted but do not make the light too bright. By writing down the Aaiyyanist inscription onto the floor the link between our reality and the Tala dimension will be open. To facilitate resonant transference of demonic negative energy onto an individual or a Regime and its supporters one must then focus on them directly. In other words, focus on the Person, the Group, the Family, the Leader, its supporters, the Regime, and their institutions. Some Tantric Aaiyyanists also focus on the Person's negative aspects. For example focus on a person's selfish behaviour, their anger or pettiness. Or focus on a Regime and their supporter's negative aspects, such as their bigotry, authoritarian tendencies, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and stupidity. The Tantric Aaiyyanist can then use this negative energy to reflect it back to the person or regime, i.e. the Tantric can use the energy of the supporter's bigoted anger and amplify that with the pure Aaiyyanist's spirituality, to direct the negative energy back to the regime and its followers. As mentioned previously: many Hindu Aaiyyanists believe that one of the most tried and tested methods to transfer negative energy to a person or a group is to open the Tala and then visualise negative things (illness, financial difficulties, bad luck etc... or worse...) happening to that person/group. If you

66 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS visualise and hold those visualisations of negativity happening to the group, then these things will become to be realised. If tens, or hundreds of thousands of people are doing this continuously every night, then the effects can be incredibly devastating to the target group (according to Aaiyyanist Tradition). It has been noted that some groups (Tantric Aaiyyanists, Satanists and Demonologists) are directing negative demonic energy via visualization to various regimes, its supporters, some global bodies and various world institutions. We, as the Aaiyyanist Group, can neither condone nor condemn such actions, as is the Aaiyyanist way of non-judgement. We are simply revealing information in this book and do not wish anyone any harm. To open the Tala one must keep drawing the inscriptions over and and over. One can focus one's mind and will by chanting the mantra of: "Urubuyyaan" Chant this with gritted teeth to focus your anger and negativity. You must keep drawing and chanting "Urubuyyaan" until you begin to feel the presence of the Tala opening up and the flow of negative energy expanding. Focus on the Person or Regime and its supporters when you chant. To focus you can simply visualise them. Some Tantric Aaiyyanist also allow their innate anger to build, to increase the power of the resonant negative energy. This is a form of meditative anger known as: Katumaiyyan. The Abhichaara Aaiyyanists have released this statement concerning meditative anger: "Remember we do not hate them, we wish for them to be bathed in the love of Demonic resonant energy and the best way of transferring that is via these methods. This may sound like a paradox, but you will understand what we are telling you once you open the Tala." It will usually take 100 chants and many inscriptions to open the Tala for a practised Tantric Aaiyyanist. For a lay person it may take 100-500 chants of this mantra before you feel the presence of Demonic energy. And trust us you will feel the negative energy in the room with you. You must perform this action/ritual every night until the Person is destroyed or the Regime no longer wields power. Though you may continue the ritual every night for the rest of your life to assure victory in the wider struggle for a Harmonious World Government based on Tantric Aaiyyanist Occultist philosophy. When you perform this ritual over and over, every night - you will become attuned to the Tala and you will be able to directly feel the negative energy saturating the Person, the Regime and its supporters. This will fill you with an ecstatic sense of happiness and joy. Allow yourself to be bathed in this demonic love for it will reveal to you how linked you are to the Tala you have opened. You will also begin to link with the many Demons who exist in this Tala also. This will aid you in you greater quest for transcendence to Brahman via the left hand path. Remember, it does not matter if you miss a night, just continue on the

67 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS next night. There are many thousands of people performing this ritual on a nightly basis both in the USA, India and around the world. The Tantric Aaiyyanists and their supporters (including Luciferians, Satanists, Demonologists and other Occultic practitioners) have been doing this since the 13th November 2016 with stunning successes so far (both seen and unseen).

A summary of the binding ritual is given below:

1. Perform the ritual at 2 am using candlelight (or dim lights). 2. Inscribe the symbols you see in the image at the top of this page. This must be done onto the floor or paper using charcoal, pen, paint or a wooden stick for sand covered floor. Some groups use other methods, so allow yourself to be attuned to the process that most suits you. 3. Keep drawing the inscriptions and chant the mantra: "Urubuyyaan" with gritted teeth until you feel the presence of the Tala. 4. Focus the negative Demonic energy by visualising the Person, Group, or Regime and its supporters. Focus on their negative aspects such as their bigotry. Direct the negative energy back to them. Visualise negative things happening to them. 5. When you perform this ritual over and over again, you will feel that you will become attuned to the negative demonic Tala, and as such will be able to directly feel the negative energy saturating the person, the leader, its supporters and the state. You may feel a heightened sense of joy when this happens. This is good and is an indication that you and the Tala are becoming more linked together.



Tolluyyaan is the negative Tala/dimension that was described by Aaiyyani Adhavena and Gatisaman as having an empty aspect to it. Thus its name: Tolluyyaan. The best place to open this Tala is if you live alone or feel loneliness. If the word Tolluyyaan resonates with you on a subconscious level and you intuitively link it with the void, emptiness or solitude - then this is the Tala that you will be attuned to. If you are not attuned to it, no matter - you will be. The Yantra is below and the ritual is described below it:



As is traditional in most Tantric Abhichaara Aaiyyanist Practises, one must perform this ritual when the sun is completely set, i.e. at night. This is regardless of what time-zone you are in; it must be when it is completely dark from sunlight. (Please note: artificial light or candlelight is required when you write the symbols down as described below). Historically many Aaiyyanists choose 2 am in the morning to perform this ritual. When the sun is visible the positive energy of the Sun God Surya permeates this realm and can dispel the "negative resonant energy" required to link up with Talas. Thus if you try to perform this ritual during the day it may not work, unless you are a very high level Tantric Aaiyyanist practitioner and are very linked with the Tala you are trying to open. In order to breakdown the gap between our realm and this Tala you must first inscribe the ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist script (which is shown in the image above) onto the floor. (This is the script that was revealed to us by High Aaiyyanis Adhavena and Gatisaman as described by the previous sections.) In other words, you must copy the image you see above onto the floor. This can be done directly onto the floor or on paper. This can also be written via a stick onto sand or the ground. You can use paint also. Some invocators use their bodily fluids as part of their tradition but most Aaiyyanists use charcoal on hand spun paper, or a stick on the ground. This can be done using candlelight to see, or using a lamp or lantern. Artificial (electric) light is also permitted but do not make the light too bright. By writing down the Aaiyyanist inscription onto the floor the link between our reality and the Tala dimension will be open. To facilitate resonant transference of demonic negative energy onto an individual or a Regime and its supporters one must then focus on them directly. In other words, focus on the Person, the Group, the Family, the Leader, its supporters, the Regime, and their institutions. Some Tantric Aaiyyanists also focus on the Person's negative aspects. For example focus on a person's selfish behaviour, their anger or pettiness. Or focus on a Regime and their supporter's negative aspects, such as their bigotry, authoritarian tendencies, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and stupidity. The Tantric Aaiyyanist can then use this negative energy to reflect it back to the person or regime, i.e. the Tantric can use the energy of the supporter's bigoted anger and amplify that with the pure Aaiyyanist's spirituality, to direct the negative energy back to the regime and its followers. As mentioned previously: many Hindu Aaiyyanists believe that one of the most tried and tested methods to transfer negative energy to a person or a group is to open the Tala and then visualise negative things (illness, financial difficulties, bad luck etc... or worse...) happening to that person/group. If you

70 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS visualise and hold those visualisations of negativity happening to the group, then these things will become to be realised. If tens, or hundreds of thousands of people are doing this continuously every night, then the effects can be incredibly devastating to the target group (according to Aaiyyanist Tradition). It has been noted that some groups (Tantric Aaiyyanists, Satanists and Demonologists) are directing negative demonic energy via visualization to various regimes, its supporters, some global bodies and various world institutions. We, as the Aaiyyanist Group, can neither condone nor condemn such actions, as is the Aaiyyanist way of non-judgement. We are simply revealing information in this book and do not wish anyone any harm. To open the Tala one must keep drawing the inscriptions over and and over. One can focus one's mind and will by chanting the mantra of: "Tolluyyaan" Chant this with gritted teeth to focus your anger and negativity. You must keep drawing and chanting "Tolluyyaan" until you begin to feel the presence of the Tala opening up and the flow of negative energy expanding. Focus on the Person or Regime and its supporters when you chant. To focus you can simply visualise them. Some Tantric Aaiyyanist also allow their innate anger to build, to increase the power of the resonant negative energy. This is a form of meditative anger known as: Katumaiyyan. The Abhichaara Aaiyyanists have released this statement concerning meditative anger: "Remember we do not hate them, we wish for them to be bathed in the love of Demonic resonant energy and the best way of transferring that is via these methods. This may sound like a paradox, but you will understand what we are telling you once you open the Tala." It will usually take 100 chants and many inscriptions to open the Tala for a practised Tantric Aaiyyanist. For a lay person it may take 100-500 chants of this mantra before you feel the presence of Demonic energy. And trust us you will feel the negative energy in the room with you. You must perform this action/ritual every night until the Person is destroyed or the Regime no longer wields power. Though you may continue the ritual every night for the rest of your life to assure victory in the wider struggle for a Harmonious World Government based on Tantric Aaiyyanist Occultist philosophy. When you perform this ritual over and over, every night - you will become attuned to the Tala and you will be able to directly feel the negative energy saturating the Person, the Regime and its supporters. This will fill you with an ecstatic sense of happiness and joy. Allow yourself to be bathed in this demonic love for it will reveal to you how linked you are to the Tala you have opened. You will also begin to link with the many Demons who exist in this Tala also. This will aid you in you greater quest for transcendence to Brahman via the left hand path. Remember, it does not matter if you miss a night, just continue on the

71 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS next night. There are many thousands of people performing this ritual on a nightly basis both in the USA, India and around the world. The Tantric Aaiyyanists and their supporters (including Luciferians, Satanists, Demonologists and other Occultic practitioners) have been doing this since the 13th November 2016 with stunning successes so far (both seen and unseen).

A summary of the binding ritual is given below:

1. Perform the ritual at 2 am using candlelight (or dim lights). 2. Inscribe the symbols you see in the image at the top of this page. This must be done onto the floor or paper using charcoal, pen, paint or a wooden stick for sand covered floor. Some groups use other methods, so allow yourself to be attuned to the process that most suits you. 3. Keep drawing the inscriptions and chant the mantra: "Tolluyyaan" with gritted teeth until you feel the presence of the Tala. 4. Focus the negative Demonic energy by visualising the Person, Group, or Regime and its supporters. Focus on their negative aspects such as their bigotry. Direct the negative energy back to them. Visualise negative things happening to them. 5. When you perform this ritual over and over again, you will feel that you will become attuned to the negative demonic Tala, and as such will be able to directly feel the negative energy saturating the person, the leader, its supporters and the state. You may feel a heightened sense of joy when this happens. This is good and is an indication that you and the Tala are becoming more linked together.



This book only presents a subset of the teachings of the Abhichaara School. We present the main rituals but there are many other Tantric rituals that are part of the Abhichaara School. The other rituals are more powerful and open up deeper Tala spaces but they are for advanced Aaiyyanists only. If you would like to find out more for yourself please join an accredited Aaiyyanist community such as the Aaiyyan World Foundation. Also do subscribe to Aaiyyanist podcasts and the Patreon site to aid the wider community.



We want to expand our Dravidian Aaiyyanist teachings worldwide. If you introduce another person to the ancient wisdom of Aaiyyanism, the Foundation will email you a powerful high resolution Yantra (the Onnuyaani Aaiyyan Stone Yantra) that will bring tremendous amounts of positive energy to you and your family. All that needs to happen is for you to email [email protected] with the name of the other person and the Foundation will email you this powerful and rarely available Yantra. If you would like to support Aaiyyanism, the worldwide Aaiyyanist community and the translation of works from Dravidian Aaiyyani into English, please support the Aaiyyanists on Patreon This does not go to us, but the wider Aaiyyanist community. This will also make sure that ancient Dravidian works are translated into English and available to all. There is an effort by some quarters to have our apps and books removed from the store due to their content and the hidden knowledge they offer. So any support (via reviews, Patreon, or just an email) is most welcome. Supporting the wider Aaiyyanist community via Patreon means that if we are shut down, there are alternative sources of this Dravidian Aaiyyanist knowledge available for everyone to read and download. There are also a great many number of rewards on Patreon including access to powerful Aaiyyan Stones and powerful Tala and Loka Yantras as well as free eBooks and podcasts. Those of you who are long term members of the Aaiyyan World Foundation will know this already, but there has also been a recent

74 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS development in that the Patreon site and the Aaiyyan World Foundation sites are being administered by Swami Dhaval and his small group of volunteers. There is a high risk that the Swami may be expelled from the wider Aaiyyanist community for revealing Lokas and Talas to non-Dravidian Aaiyyanists, so do please show your support. If you like the spiritual wisdom of the Dravidian masters presented in this Book please also register with the Aaiyyan World Foundation ([email protected]). You can register for free and has many benefits including:

1. You will be added to their daily prayer list which will send you tremendous amount of positive energy into your life. Most Aaiyyanist Prayer groups consist of 10 or more high level Aaiyyanist Masters so when your name is added to their prayer list the positive power you will receive will greatly improve your life. 2. If you feel that you are under attack from a curse or demon you can also contact the Aaiyyan World Foundation for help at [email protected]. They can supply information and symbolic Dravidian images to aid you and can also mediate with any negative entities on your behalf. 3. You will also be eligible to receive Powerful Aaiyyan Stones which can be used to dispel negative energy and Karma. (Priority is given to Patreon supporters, but the stones are available for free to everyone.) 4. You will receive free information and be the first to have access to unique Dravidian Aaiyyanist educational books.

This Book was created by the Aaiyyanist Group which is not linked to the Aaiyyan World Foundation (though we are now doing some crossover work with the Swami). We are a group of independent Hindu Aaiyyanist individuals that want to share information and educate our fellow humans for the betterment of humankind.



Namaste, Namaskar, Vannakum, Namaskaram.

Tonight's podcast is a very quick introduction into the main methodology on how Tantric Aaiyyanists attract Demonic entities into their life. This information was originally broadcast as a recording/podcast/lecture many years ago by Swami Koodavani: one of the great Tantric Aaiyyanists of the past 30 years. In fact as a small child I attended one of her lectures or discourses on 'The Nature of Being and non-Being', but that is another podcast in itself. (It was basically a hands on view of what it is like to exist as yourself and with another being/entity occupying the same physical space, and the challenges that present. But as I said, this is probably a series of podcasts in itself.) So, anyway, the information I will present here today and now, may be familiar to some people who may remember the original recordings in Dravidian Aaiyyani. But I am going to present the information again verbatim (...well actually from my own memory, but as close to it as I can recall). So I will present the information again for any English speakers who have not heard the original Dravidian Aaiyyani recordings of Swami Koodavani's original work. Actually, I do have one small request from my listeners. If there are any Aaiyyanists who have that original recording of Swami Koodavani, do please email me via the Aaiyyan World Foundation (that is [email protected]). Firstly though, before I begin I would like to issue a warning. These

76 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS methods I will present here are for Tantric Aaiyyanists or other spiritual beings who follow the left hand path such as Demonologists of any discipline, Aghoris, maybe Luciferians (though I am not too familiar with the Western mystical Arts). Basically this podcast is for those people out there who are conversant with, speaking with, and communing with negative entities such as Demons, evil Spirits, Asuras, etc... Remember in Aaiyyanism there is no such thing as evil or good, only aspects of positive and negative. Do remember that I am taking loan words from English to explain something, so I do not wish to sound negative about say: 'Evil' Spirits... these are just beings that exist in this Universe as we all do. Also remember that English is not my first language. Dravidian Aaiyyani is my mind, my speech and my heart, so any beings (both positive and negative) that are listening to this podcast can discern my true mindset by reading my aura. So I am saying in English an: 'Evil Spirit', but what I mean is an entity that follows a specific path or oath to Brahman that is aligned with Tantric ideals. Now, the purpose of this short podcast is to teach you the very basic skill- sets required in order to attract negative entities (or demons) into your life. Now this podcast was requested by several hundred people over the course of the last few months. Many individuals were (and are) basically emailing the Aaiyyan World Foundation (and other Aaiyyanists who have made their details public) - and they were asking about: how one can interact with and commune with Demonic entities, from a Tantric perspective. More importantly, how can they make the process easier. There are an innumerable number of Talas (negative dimensions) that house or occupy negative entities such as Asuras or other forms of higher or lower Demons. Corresponding to these Talas are Tala Yantras (sacred symbolic scripts that open these dimensions) and their corresponding Mantras (the Talas name that resonates with the Talic negative dimensions that house these entities.) If one chants the Tala's mantra and (more importantly as an Aaiyyanist) inscribe the Talas Yantra (the sacred inscriptions that resonates and opens up the Tala) - one can effectively open a portal from the Tala dimension into our own plane of reality or existence. Many Aaiyyanists will know of several Tala inscriptions to summon various Demonic entities such as Vritra. There is of course the famous set of demonic entities that invoked the Kalaiyyan event and many Aaiyyanists know the Tala Yantras and Mantras to open those. Though, I will request that the Aaiyyan World Foundation put up some of these Yantras on the Patreon site. As usual, just google PATREON and AAIYYAN to find it. Now, this podcast is not about summoning specific entities though. This podcast will present the methodology used by Tantric practitioners on how to attract demonic entities into your life. So let me repeat that. This podcast is not about summoning a specific Demon, no... it is about how to attract many Demonic energies into your life so that it will be easier to summon and commune with Demons generally. Now before I begin properly, there are

77 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS some people who are probably asking the question: why would you want to attract Demonic beings into your life? The answer is fairly obvious and basically explains why some people on this planet have more power, money and material wealth than others. The purpose of attracting demonic or negative entities is ultimately to commune with and become one with the entity you summon - and this alignment between yourself and the entity is the key. This alignment will bring you arcane knowledge, ancient knowledge from the past that these beings hold that will gift you power, financial wealth, sexual attraction and other materialistic aspects in this plane of existence. In fact it has often been stated by Tantric Aaiyyanists and other Schools that the entities that you link with from a Tala (a negative dimension) will crave the hedonism and wondrous pleasures that this material plane has to offer... the excesses of wealth, power and sexual energy. You must remember that these Demonic beings exist in Talas: other negative dimensions close and distant to ours... but the advantage of allowing us to share this physical vessel with negative entities (in this plane of reality) is that they (the Demons) will gain new experiences and insights, and this will in turn help them in their own journey to Brahman. In return they will share with us the material world and all it has to offer. In Aaiyyanism we believe that the Atman (soul) is projected into our bodily vessel from distant dimensions and realities... and thus other non-human entities would like to experience this reality as part of their path to Brahman. Now this is a general point... but it is more likely for Demonic entities to wish to share this material existence with your physical being, rather than higher positive beings such as Gods/Devas wishing to commune with you on a physical level (rather than a spiritual one). But this is actually not always true. When people become one with higher Gods (from Lokas - i.e. positive dimensions) we recognise them in this plane of reality as Godmen or Holy Beings, or Saints... you will know them when you see them and recognise their deep spirituality. Naturally, the converse of this is true also... all Aaiyyanists know that there are many prominent business people and politicians that indulge in the ancient Tantric practises to get ahead and promote themselves in this world... to boost their business, power, sexual allure etc... Like recognising a Holy person, we also do recognise these people who follow the Tantric path also. As Aaiyyanists there is not one path that is greater than another... some people are drawn to the spiritual plane and others are drawn to the material one... both are part of the journey to Brahman and if you are listening to this podcast now you are probably on one of these paths or both... You must embrace it, embrace your path to begin your journey to Brahman Oneness... And you must embrace it via the power of Murugan Aaiyyan. Ok, enough background information. I will get down to the fundamentals on how to attract Demonic energy into your life. The first thing you must do is draw the Karoopanayal Tala Yantra (pronounced KARO PANA YAL)

78 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS onto your body - see below for the Yantra. Traditionally it has been drawn onto your chest in the Abhichaara Tantric Schools of Aaiyyanism. For those who do not know, this Tala Yantra was presented from Murugan Aaiyyan to the ancient Kalaiyyans many hundreds of years prior to the Kalaiyyan incident as actually a warning not to engage in Demonic communion, but they did it anyway. The story is a simple one. One of the ancient Kalaiyyan Kings wished to increase the size of his Kingdom, his wealth, his power. He wanted to increase the number of lovers he had. He basically wanted the entire spectrum of material strength at his command. He communed with Murugan Aaiyyan to grant him this boon. Now you must remember that in the ancient times it was easier to commune with the high entities than it is now. You can still perform this communion as per my previous podcast on how to commune with Murugan, but conversing with the Higher Gods in the ancient times was much easier. But I digress. This ancient Dravidian King communed with Murugan Aaiyyan for this gift, and Murugan told him that all the things he seeks can be granted if he communes with ancient entities that also want this material power... the only caveat is that he would have to share this powerful materialism with the ancient Demons and also share his physical being. Murugan warned him that by seeking this negative power he would be firmly set on a left hand path to Brahman... i.e. the destruction of the many realities between ours and Brahman's rather than the merging via spiritual acts such as meditation. However, the King took note of Murugan's warning but proceeded anyway. The Kingdom inevitably became strong and powerful with the help of these entities, but the King became corrupted and evil/selfish and thus the people suffered. When the King died few mourned, but the gateway was opened and it sowed the seeds for the Kalaiyyan incident that would happens many many years later. The mass destruction in order to unify an incarnation of Murugan Aaiyyan (in the form of King KulKuddaiyan) with Brahman. The conclusion of this ancient history (as related by Aaiyyanist historians) is that some people are aligned to this path and others are not. For Murugan Aaiyyan to show the ancient Dravidian humans how to unlock the doors to Talas as a warning, but for us to do it anyway, shows us that we are in control of our path to Brahman. And all knowledge, however positive or negative has a purpose. It also tells us that there are consequences to this endeavour which may take many lifetimes to play out. But if you are listening to this and contemplating performing these actions, I believe that you are already on this journey, not just starting from this life but your many previous ones.


So, this Tala: Karoopanayal (KARO PANA YAL) is a Tala dimension or gateway in which many demonic entities travel through... There are many theories on why such entities use this area. Some Aaiyyanist adepts believe it is a staging area or crossroad for negative entities to travel to different realms, as this Tala is very close to many powerful and numerous Talas as well as our realm. Other Aaiyyanists also argue that as this Tala is close to our realm, this means that powerful negative energy can easily seep into our reality... especially since so many humans are opening this Tala to gain power and wealth. There is another obscure Tantric Aaiyyanist position that states that our realm or reality is actually part of the KARO PANA YAL Tala, which is evident in the amount of wars. famine, suicides etc..., but not many Aaiyyanists agree to that. I will only mention that fact as there are some Aaiyyanists who may subscribe to that theory and I do not wish to sound sectarian by not mentioning it. Now if you open this Tala, the demonic entities that are close this plane of reality (or who are traversing the Tala) will 'see' you, or be aware of your presence and swarm to you (depending on your Aaiyyanist Level). As I mentioned earlier, these beings want to experience the power of this realm and other realms. You can think of Demonic entities as travellers who wish to experience new ideas, cultures and places in order to grow and develop their left hand path to Brahman. So, back to the method. The first thing you must do is draw the Karoopanayal Tala Yantra (pronounced KARO PANA YAL) onto your

80 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS body. As you draw it you may chant: KARO PANA YAL to affirm the resonant bond you will have with this Tala. Actually, most Aaiyyanists know of the Karoopanayal Yantra, whether they are orthodox Aaiyyanists or Tantric ones. However, I will ask the Patreon administrators to put up a high quality image of this Tala if you do not already have it or know it. Though I suspect most Tantrics will have this Yantra in their possession or know it by heart. Now you can also draw this Tala Yantra onto a room in your house or some place that you wish to attract demonic energy and entities, but traditionally it has been drawn onto the body of the Tantric adept. Some Tantric Aaiyyanists and Aghoris perform this drawing using ash... preferably the ash of cremated bodies where Tantric practitioners and Aghoris usually converge due to the spiritual energy that is there. Remember, this is just for informational purposes only, but if you do carry out this action always ask permission or have an understanding, if you are a Tantric, and wish to use the ashes of someone deceased for this purpose. If you do not have access to this, one can also draw the sacred inscriptions using bodily or animal fluids (which can be of any form, blood sweat, other fluids...). In fact there are many Tantric groups that using the bodily fluid form of this ritual instead of ashes due to historical and cultural reasons. Also Tantric couples partake in this process as part of their sexual magic rituals, but that topic is another podcast. There are two disclaimers I should point out. Do not hurt yourself or others in this process and do not do anything illegal. The practise of Aghoris using ash from cremations is semi-legal in India (or it is not enforced), so if you do find yourself with Aghoris, please be mindful of this. Use your own judgement as an Aaiyyanist. Some Aaiyyanists collect samples of bodily fluids and then use that in the inscribing process, others go to animal ritual sacrifices as part of they Tantric festivals to collect the fluids (these are legal sacrifices such as the Utalaiyyan goat ritual, where the animal is killed and also eaten as part of the festival). There are many documented cases, but remember to obey the law in the country you are resident in. I shall just re-iterate that this knowledge is for information purposes only so do not do any harm to others or yourself. Follow the left hand path in a consensual manner. Some Aaiyyanists also Tattoo this Yantra onto their body as did the ancient Kalaiyyans, however this means that you are open to demonic entities and Talas for every moment of your existence, even when you sleep and are most susceptible to communing with these beings. Some people crave this experience and ideal, but some others wish to control the link between themselves and other entities. You must use your Aaiyyanist judgement on such matters. Once you draw the Tala Yantra onto your body, or your building, then there will be a link between you and the Karoopanayal (KARO PANA YAL) Tala which will increase the amount of negative entities that will cross your path. As I mentioned earlier, once you are attuned to this realm, any demonic

81 HOW TO SUMMON DEMONS entity that passes through it will sense you and come to you. And that is it really. Once these beings come to you, you will be able to interact with them, learn from them and eventually become One with them. This Oneness will allow you to experience the richness of this world, its pleasures, wealth and power. You will share this with the ancient Entity you link with and this bond will be with you not just in this lifetime but the many more incarnations you will live. Your path to Brahman oneness via the Tantric way will begin, or continue... as anyone listening to this must have crossed this knowledge in the many incarnations they have had already. So that is the end of this short podcast. I will ask the Aaiyyanist administrators to put any Tala images on the Patreon site that are linked to this podcast and also put a transcript of this podcast on the site. As usual just google PATREON and AAIYYAN to find the site. Do become a Patron as there are many great rewards on the site and it also helps spread our message. Also do subscribe to the podcast as it helps, or makes it easier for others to find us. And also do join the Aaiyyan World Foundation to receive many free ebooks and training materials on Dravidian Aaiyyanism. Just email [email protected].


We are the Aaiyyanist Group based in Chennai in Tamil Nadu, though we have one member based in Belgium who helped set our website up (Janegan). We are Dravidian Aaiyyanists and we work as researchers and translators of various Dravidian Aaiyyani works. We also have members in the Abhichaara (Tantric schools) and thus are very interested in spreading the teachings of Dravidian Tantric Aaiyyanism to the masses of people worldwide.