PO Box 113 Wotton under Edge GL11 9BP

Clerk Mary Leonard Telephone: 01453 844659 Email: [email protected] Website: www.kingswoodparishcouncil.gov.uk

To the community of Kingswood, you are invited to attend the Annual Parish Meeting of Kingswood on Monday 22nd March 2021 at 7.15pm. Due to restrictions in connection with Covid 19 this meeting will be held via Zoom. Please see the joining instructions below.

Kingswood Parish Council (KPC) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Annual Parish Meeting 2020/21 Time: Mar 22, 2021 07:15 PM London Kingswood Annual Parish Meeting

1. The Chairman of Kingswood Parish Council (KPC) to open the meeting and explain the format. The Chairman Cllr David Rockey welcomed the community to the meeting and explained the format of the meeting and the legislation in connection with the holding of an Annual Parish Meeting (APM). There were 24 people present via Zoom for the meeting including councillors and presenters.

2. To receive and note apologies for absence. Apologies were received from Andrew Beamish District Council’s Neighbourhood Warden and from the Local Policing Team. The Police have sent two reports which can be viewed on the Kingswood Parish Council (KPC) website.

3. To approve the minutes of the 2019 Annual Parish Meeting. There was no meeting in 2020 as it was cancelled due to the Covid 19 pandemic. It was proposed by Cllr Paul Hemming to accept the minutes as a true record of the 2019 Annual Parish Meting. This was seconded by Cllr Jena Simmons. All members of the community in attendance at the 2019 meeting agreed and the matter was resolved.

4. To receive a report from the Chairman of Kingswood Parish Council. The Chairman of KPC Cllr David Rockey presented a report to the assembly. Cllr Rockey also formally thanked Kingswood Village Association for all their hard work supporting the community during the Covid 19 pandemic. Please see the report and the Power point presentation attached to the minutes.

5. To receive a presentation from Alison Robinson Association of Parish and Town Councils (GAPTC) on the role of the parish council and parish councillors in the Community. Parish Council Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, and any disability), Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. March 2021

6. Alison Robinson introduced herself as the Chief Executive Officer of GAPTC and presented a report on the role of the Parish Council. Please see the Power Point presentation at the end of the minutes. 7. To receive a presentation from Bob Hart Kingswood Village Association on the Kingswood Covid 19 support. Bob Hart introduced himself and gave a report on the support provided during the Covid 19 pandemic. He also formally thanked all the volunteers and the support received from the Spar shop. Please see the report and the Power Point presentation attached to the minutes of this meeting.

8. To make a virtual presentation to County Cllr John Cordwell in respect of his retirement from service as a county councillor after 40 years.

Cllr David Rockey formally thanked Gloucestershire County Councillor John Cordwell for all his support during his 40 years as a County Councillor. Cllr Rockey estimated that Cllr Cordwell had attended at least 500 KPC meetings. As a token of KPC’s appreciation they have arranged a small gift of a photographic voucher which the clerk will deliver in due course. KPC wish Cllr Cordwell a long and well-deserved retirement.

9. An opportunity for members of the community to ask questions or to raise issues with any of the representatives present.

a. There was one question raised by Cllr Christopher Dunn to the Chief Executive Officer of GAPTC Alison Robinson as follows; Cllr Dunn wanted to know about advice given by GAPTC to individual councillors and what happens if that advice conflicts with any advice given to that council as a body.

Alison responded that GAPTC role was to offer advice to the parish council.

b. Patricia Broadfoot offered thanks to the parish council for their work over term of office.

The meeting was then closed.

Parish Council Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, and any disability), Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. March 2021

Annual Parish Meeting (APM) 2021

Chairman’s Report I am glad to welcome so many of you to tonight’s meeting. The 2020 was cancelled due to the Covid 19 pandemic. This will be the first APM carried out remotely. I of course would prefer that the Community is able to meet in person. However due to the dates when this meeting needs to be carried out by law, which is between 1st March and 1st June, this would be impossible.

The Covid 19 pandemic dominated 2020/21 and continues to dominate, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. The vaccination programme is being rolled out in the community very efficiently and this together with the road map set out by the government means that normal activity may be able to take place very soon.

KPC like all other village organisations experienced a difficult year due to the pandemic. Face to face meetings were suspended at the end of March. The activities of the council were then carried out by the Clerk to the Council until legislation was passed to allow the council to meet remotely via Zoom.

KPC first concern last March was the safety and support of the community during the pandemic. KPC were very pleased that Kingswood Village Association (KVA) set up a support group for the community and were able to join with them and offer financial support in the form of grant funding and administrative support. I want to thank Bob and his team for all the work they have carried out supporting members of the community who have had to shield or those who have been affected financially. KVA also supported Kingswood School in their endeavour of ensuring that all children have access to a computer so that they can continue with their education without interruption. Bob will tell you more of this in his report.

KPC tried to keep all its facilities open but of course had to operate them in line with the government restrictions. For a short period of time the play equipment was closed, and the activities allowed at the playing field were restricted. KPC opened the play equipment as soon as the legislation allowed. KPC carried out a risk assessment and some equipment was removed to allow for 2 m social distancing. Safety notices were put up and hand sanitiser installed. KPC recognised how important the public open space is to all and did all in its power to keep the space under its management open for all to use. The playing field has been busier than ever during the pandemic. KPC are working hard to ensure that it can be enjoyed by all and has engaged the services of a play equipment inspector, put in additional bins and a weekly litter picking contract. Sadly, there has been a small increase in anti- social behaviour. This has been mainly broken glass, bottles and litter being found. KPC is increasing the patrols and the CCTV surveillance to ensure that this well used areas remain safe for all to use.

The one facility which we were not able to keep open was the public toilets. This was firstly due to a water leak and then a much-needed refurbishment took place. However, we were still unable to open due to Covid 19 legislation make the cleaning of the toilets difficult and subsequently the cleaning contractor resigned. However, KPC is working hard on getting the toilets open as we believe this is a valued facility within the village. It is used not only by residents but by the all- important delivery drivers of which we have all become very reliant during the covid restrictions.

During 202 KPC carried out all be remotely a consultation in respect of the monies referred to as Section 106 payments. This is money made available by developers and used for community facilities. The results of the consultation are for the monies to be spent on a fence around the play equipment and on toilets accessible form the playing field. The fence is due to be installed in April and work is now starting on the specification for the toilets.

Usually in this meeting the final accounts for the year are made available, however due to the date of this meeting the financial year has not ended. The accounts have been made up to Friday 19tth March 2021 and are available to view on the website. The final accounts will be made available to view on the website once they have been completed. The budget for 2021/22 has been set and is available to view on the website. KPC has set the following objectives for 2021/22

1. Additional CCTV provision at playing field (Quarter 1)

2. Pedestrian Footpath on the access drive to the playing field (Quarter 1) 3. Bollards at Tyndale View green space (unless completed 2021/22) (Quarter 1) 4. Provision of accessible toilet from playing field. (Quarter 4/ 2022/23) 5. Automatic locking doors at the toilets Quarter 1 6. Footpath linking the current right of way with the cemetery. (Quarter 3-4) 7. Assess the feasibility of an automatic opening barrier at the playing field (Quarter 3-4)

This is the last year of the current council as parish council elections take place on Thursday 6th May 2021. The number of councillors has been increased from 7 to 8 as part of a Community Governance Review carried out by Council. Not all current councillors will be standing for the election. If you love your community, please consider standing as a councillor as the council needs at least 8 people. There are full details on the KPC website on what the role covers. Full training and an induction will be given to all councillors. One of the main reasons given to me on why someone does not wish to stand is the time commitment. I can set your mind at rest on this matter. KPC meets once a month and the meeting usually last between 1 and 1.5 hours and will never be more than 2 hours. Meeting papers are provided online to councillors so that they can be prepared for and take the decisions that are needed. Councillors are not expected to be involved in the day to day running of the parish. This is carried out by either contractors or the Clerk. However, if you wish to be more involved in the daily tasks then you can be, but it is not a requirement. What is important is that KPC has a representative council. One made up of all sectors of the community such as, younger people, people with families, people who work and new people to the parish. This of course means that people have family and work commitments, but these should help in the role of councillor and not be a barrier. Alison Robinson the Chief Executive Officer of Gloucestershire Association of Parish and Town Councils will talk more on this. Nomination papers are available from the Clerk or the Elections Officer at Stroud District Council. Papers needs to be delivered in person to the SDC offices by 4pm on Thursday 8th April by hand. To help with this the clerk to the council will be available on Tuesday 30th April from 5pm – 7pm at the village hall to collect and check the nomination papers, she will then arrange to get them to Stroud District Council.

I would like to thank you all for your support over the last 5 years.

Thank you all for listening. Does anyone have any questions? KINGSWOOD PARISH COUNCIL

Annual Parish Meeting 22nd March 2021 Housekeeping

• Introduction and welcome from the Chairman of the Parish Council.

• Due to Covid 19 restrictions this meeting was cancelled last year. The legislation states that this meeting must take place between 1st March 1st June. To ensure that the meeting could take place safely, it was decided to hold it remotely via Zoom to ensure that the community had some way of coming together.

• Please microphones on mute. There will be a time for questions. Please raise a hand if you wish to speak by going into participants and following the instructions.

• Please can I also ask that you put a name along side your profile .

• This is a public meeting, and the contents may be recorded and made public. COVID 19

• Kingswood Village Association set up Covid Support Group • KPC supported with financial grants and admin support. • KPC carried out Covid Risk Assessment and tried to keep facilities open in line with government legislation • KPC has carried out its meeting remotely via Zoom. The legislation to allow this to happen will end May 7th 2021. • Unless this is amended KPC will need to have a short outside meeting in May and will not meet again until July when all Covid Restrictions are planned to be lifted. Accounts • The final accounts will be made available to view on the website once they have been completed. • All Accounts information is always available to view on the website. • KPC has set its budget for 2020/21 and this available to view on the KPC website Objectives. 1. Additional CCTV provision at playing field (Quarter 1)

2. Pedestrian Footpath on the access drive to the playing field (Quarter 1)

3. Bollards at Tyndale View green space (unless completed 2020/21) (Quarter 1)

4. Provision of accessible toilet from playing field. (Quarter 4/ 2022/23)

5. Automatic locking doors at the public toilets Old Rectory Road toilets (Quarter 1)

6. Footpath linking the current right of way with the cemetery. (Quarter 3-4) Playing Field Consultation

KPC consulted on the Section 106 monies available from the developers. The options that the community voted for were a fence around the play equipment and out side accessible toilets from the playing field

• The Fence around the play equipment will be installed in April 2021 • KPC will start work on the specification for the outside toilets in 2021 Parish Council Elections 6th May 2021

• KPC will have 8 vacancies for Council • Nomination papers available from either the Clerk to the council or SDC • Nomination papers must be delivered by hand to SDC by 4pm on 8th April 2021 • The parish Clerk holding a nomination papers surgery at the village hall on Tuesday 30th April between 5pm and 7pm. Covid Secure restrictions will apply. The clerk will check the papers and deliver them to SDC Why are Councillors important

• It is important for the council to be representative of the community and ideally democratically elected • To retain the additional Powers of General Power of Competence • To make decisions for the community and to shape the future of Kingswood for the future.

If you love your Community please consider standing as a councillor Becoming a Councillor a Brief Insight

Gloucestershire Association for Parish & Town Councils GAPTC

• Alison Robinson (CEO), Anita Sach (Comms), Sue Creswick (Senior Advisor • Membership body • Training, support, advice • Services – HR, Staff Review, Internal Audit • Training – new from May (e-learning, webinars, affiliation with Breakthrough Comms) Kingswood Parish Council

• 8 councillors • Monthly meetings • A Quality Council • Qualified Clerk • General Power of Competence • Supportive and professional • Aiming to develop councillors An introduction to the parish and town council sector * Parish and town councils were created by the Local Government Act (1894) and are statutory bodies * There is no legal difference between town and parish (local) councils * Local councils are corporate bodies with their own separate legal entity * Decisions taken are those of the whole council * The powers of a local council are defined in law * The operational rules of each local council are set out in its Standing Orders Council duties * Appoint a chairman of the council * Recruit officers (clerk) as appropriate for carrying outs its functions * Appoint a Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) to manage the council’s financial affairs; the RFO is often the clerk, especially in smaller councils * Hold a minimum of four meetings per year, one of which must be the Annual Meeting of the Council * Appoint an independent and competent internal auditor * Must make any decisions by a majority vote * Perform the statutory requirements of an employer * Adopt a Code of Conduct for councillors Meetings * A good meeting is when:

* There is a clear agenda

* Councillors come thoroughly prepared

* Councillors speak through the Chairman

* All councillors are encouraged/given the chance to speak

* Clear decisions are made

* There is a public participation session Council duties (legislation)

• Councils must adhere to the following legislation: • General Data Protection Act 2018 • Freedom of Information Act 2000 • Equalities Act 2010 • Crime and Disorder Act 1995 • Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 Council duties (financial)

* Set a budget annually and use this to agree the precept

* Produce annual audited accounts

* Publish the audited annual accounts on the website

* Submit an Annual Return to the External Auditor Council responsibilities:

• A Finance Committee (budget, precept setting) • A Planning Strategy Working Group (includes community, NDP) • Cemetery • Playing field/open space • Traffic Committee (Automatic Number Plate Recognition – ANPR)

Others: • Environmental projects • Youth work • Small business units Councillors * Holders of public office for a 4 year term of office

* Must adhere to the council’s Code of Conduct which adhere to the Nolan Principles of public life:

- Selflessness - Integrity - Objectivity - Accountability - Openness - Honesty - Leadership Councillors * Submit their Register of Interests to Stroud District Council within 28 days of taking office (this covers interests of partner/spouse at the same address)

* The Register covers your/partner’s employment and land (including your home)

* Must declare an interest (Disclosable Pecuniary Interest linked to their Register of Interests and Other interests) when invited to do so in the meeting

* Leave the room for the debate and vote for a DPI

* Make sure you know the rules your council has adopted in their Code of Conduct when it comes to Other/Appendix B interests (can debate and vote or debate but not vote or not debate and not vote)

* Dispensations may be granted by the whole council to allow councillors to take part in debates and votes on agenda items where they have a DPI It’s what you make it!


• GAPTC- here to help • [email protected] • Tel: 01452 883388

• GAPTC, Cranham House, Falcon Close, Quedgeley, GLOS, GL2 4LY KVA Village Support 2020 - 2021 Pandemic Sets In

• Request for volunteers • Request for help from organisations • KVA Co-Ordinator appointed • Banner placed on Chipping • Single Point of Contact • Leaflet posted to all houses • Confidentiality Moving Forward

• KVA funds allocated

• Early support from Kingswood parish Council

• Essential items packs sent out

• Continuing publicity

• Shopping vouchers issued Smoothly Running

• Financial donations and grants

• Regular support plus one off requests accommodated

• Large volunteer organisation

• Enabled Christmas support alongside St Marys

• Treasure Hunt

• New Year gift for village seniors Forward

• KVA are now looking at what may be possible for events in the future

• We will maintain financial support as long as required or possible

• We are so fortunate to live in such a warm community

• We are so fortunate that we have such a supportive Parish Council

• We are so fortunate to have such a supportive village shop Around the middle of March last year the Kingswood Village Association (KVA) felt we needed to provide some structured support for anyone in the village adversely affected by Covid-19. With that in mind we put an entry in April Grapevine asking for help from other local organisations, from individual volunteers and encouraging anyone in need to give us a call.

In discussion with various KVA members it was agreed that the project needed a single coordinator.

16 March KVA appointed Jim Sinkinson as the single point of contact and as co-ordinator of Kingswood support under the name of Kingswood Community Action Group (KCAG). This group also brought in the local help of Kingswood Consolidated Charities and of Kingswood Parish Council and initially from Ria Kendal.

A banner was erected on Kingswood Chipping offering help to any needing it with just a single phone number or email to use. At the same time the KVA produced a leaflet offering help that was copied by the KPC and distributed by KVA members to every house in the village.

We contacted WAMA, the Wotton Area help group, to discuss the possibility of amalgamating resources. However, as we were already set up and running, and to avoid needless confusion, it was decided that our KVA sub-committee KCAG, should be run locally as a separate entity.

We had a terrific response, to our leaflets and Grapevine, from volunteers, from residents who needed help and from other residents who knew people who might need help. KVA committee members have also made themselves available as volunteers if required.

Alongside these early decisions the KVA Committee agreed that all KVA cash resources should be made available if needed to support Kingswood elderly, isolating or vulnerable people during the emergency arising from the pandemic. This was quickly augmented by promises of similar support from Consolidated Charities and of help from the Kingswood Parish Council.

Our initial support to the village involved the compilation of essential items packs (containing items such as soap, toilet rolls, tea, coffee etc). These packs were put together by the SPAR shop in Kingswood who kindly sold the items at a discounted price. KVA Members then distributed the packs to those people considered to be isolated and not able to shop easily.

Three critical but separate areas of support have emerged: financial - food vouchers; practical – shopping, collecting prescriptions, gardening etc; and personal & social. There has been an overlap in these three provisions and in some ways that has been key to the effectiveness of the project. Crucially it has put people in touch with other people, particularly those living alone and a good number of friendships and increased neighbourliness have developed as a result.

Throughout the year the KVA have placed notices monthly into Grapevine continuously offering help. Also, a second leaflet was prepared by KVA, printed by KPC and distributed to all houses as before. As the lockdown situation began to bite the KVA instigated the offering of shopping vouchers to people who had been financially affected by the Covid 19 restrictions. The vouchers could be used in the Village Spar shop for anything except alcohol and tobacco. We started the voucher value at £30 but this quickly changed to £50. We now reissue vouchers on request about every three weeks. Over the year the vouchers have supported about 10 resident families.

We have now issued 100 vouchers since 21.4.20. Value almost £5k. We will continue to offer financial support where it is necessary as a result of Covid 19, so long as funds last.

In order to support the KCAG financially it was thought necessary to seek donations and grants from various sources. Critically grant support from KPC was made available quickly and has since been augmented once more.

A number of village residents who have donated money more than once. We have also made successful applications for project funding e.g. via Stroud District Council, REMR Wotton Masons and this has enabled us to help families and individuals whose income has declined because of Covid. All of financial transactions are fully accounted and open to scrutiny.

To date we have 65 residents that we have helped and at least 12 children. These are mostly receiving regular support of one kind or another. We have also been able to offer one-off requests throughout the course of the last twelve months.

Averaged over the year we have had 71 volunteers who have been actively involved in helping residents. Numbers are slightly down now as people have gone back to work or for different reasons been unable to carry on.

Our challenge from the outset, and continues to be so, is to try to identify those who need, but have not asked for, help in particular the old or infirm. For this we have had to rely on friends and our local knowledge. People have an ingrained proud nature but we believe that we are reaching most of the needs within the area.

In addition to our own focussed efforts, KCAG helped with the distribution of Christmas lunches organised by St Mary’s via the Stroud Long Table Group. We were able to do this whilst maintain the strict confidentiality required of us in running KCAG.

As lockdown measures eased a little over Summer the KVA organised a free Treasure Hunt event for the village in order to bring some lightness and laughter back. The event was operated safely and socially distanced. Cash prizes were given to winners and free ice creams were given out (courtesy of the Spar Shop who declined any payment). An individual resident was so impressed with what he saw that he gave us packets of Maltesers to give away as well!

As the end of the year approached it was obvious we had to cancel our annual New Years Eve Seniors lunch. To compensate a little the KVA purchased and distributed to village seniors tins of biscuits, chocolates and Dinneywicks Café vouchers

All of the efforts reported on here continue on for as long as they will be needed during the pandemic – or as long as finances will allow.

It has been heart-warming to see so many Kingswood residents rising to the occasion, giving so willingly of time and effort and donations. As a result of KVA initiatives I believe the sense of community and fellow-concern has grown stronger and broader than ever before. In particular the help of the Kingswood Parish Council has not only been invaluable but has shown that this particular little corner of has that special ingredient that is a Whole Of Community Spirit.

Lastly but not least I feel the need to offer special mention of the help that the SPAR shop has given freely to the village over this time. Teresa and Jacqui are our local heroes.