Smart Automotive Lighting for Vehicle Safety
TSAI_LAYOUT_Layout 12/3/13 1:49 PM Page 50 VISIBLE LIGHT COMMUNICATIONS: THE ROAD TO STANDARDIZATION AND COMMERCIALIZATION Smart Automotive Lighting for Vehicle Safety Shun-Hsiang Yu, Oliver Shih, and Hsin-Mu Tsai, Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center and National Taiwan University Nawaporn Wisitpongphan, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Richard D. Roberts, Intel Labs ABSTRACT current status such as positions and speed, but also what they observe of neighboring objects at It is believed that vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) different locations. The advantages of the new communications and accurate positioning with paradigm include: sub-meter error could bring vehicle safety to a •Wireless communications and networks can different level. However, to this date it is still penetrate or route around (i.e., utilizing unclear whether the envisioned V2V standard, multihop communications) obstacles block- dedicated short-range communications, can ing line-of-sight (LOS), effectively extend- become available in commercially available vehi- ing the sensor coverage to include all of cle products, while widely available consumer- those neighboring vehicles. grade GPS receivers do not provide the required •Cooperation among vehicles can reduce accuracy for many safety applications. In this uncertainty of measurements [1], such as article, combining visible light communications the position and the speed of a certain vehi- and visible light positioning, we propose the use cle, in multiple ways: of smart automotive lighting in vehicle safety –Self-information of a vehicle is more accu- systems. These lights would be able to provide rate than observations from neighboring the functions of illumination and signaling, reli- vehicles.
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