Geometer Moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)

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Geometer Moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) Geometer moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) of Utría 1 National Natural Park, Chocó, Colombia Liliana Prada Lara Semillero de Investigación en entomología “ÉLITROS”, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia Photos: L. Prada. Produced by: L. Prada, with support from S. Vargas & D. Forero. © Liliana Prada Lara [[email protected]]. Thanks to: A. Amarillo, G. Fagua, Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia & Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Scale 1cm. [] [1063] versión 1 10/2018 1 Eois sp. 2 Idaea subfervens 3 Semaeopus illimitata 4 Trygodes solaniferata LARENTIINAE STERRHINAE STERRHINAE STERRHINAE 5 Nemoria defectiva 6 Nemoria scriptaria 7 Oospila albicoma 8 Oospila atopochlora GEOMETRINAE GEOMETRINAE GEOMETRINAE GEOMETRINAE 9 Oospila lilacina 10 Rhodochlora brunneipalpis 11 Synchlora gerularia 12 Tachyphyle sp. GEOMETRINAE GEOMETRINAE GEOMETRINAE GEOMETRINAE 13 Epimecis fraternaria 14 Eusarca fexilis 15 Eusarca minucia 16 Eusarca nemora ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE Geometer moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) of Utría 2 National Natural Park, Chocó, Colombia Liliana Prada Lara Semillero de Investigación en entomología “ÉLITROS”, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia Photos: L. Prada. Produced by: L. Prada, with support from S. Vargas & D. Forero. © Liliana Prada Lara [[email protected]]. Thanks to: A. Amarillo, G. Fagua, Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia & Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Scale 1cm. [] [1063] versión 1 10/2018 17 Eutomopepla sp. 18 Glena sp. 19 Herbita sp. 20 Hymenomima camerata ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE 21 Hymenomima sp. 22 Iridopsis validaria 23 Macaria nr. approximaria 24 Macaria festivata ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE 25 Macaria regulata 26 Macaria sp. 27 Macaria sp. 2 28 Macaria sp. 2 ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE 29 Nepheloleuca politia 30 Opisthoxia formosante 31 Paragonia cruraria 32 Paragonia sp. ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE Geometer moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) of Utría 3 National Natural Park, Chocó, Colombia Liliana Prada Lara Semillero de Investigación en entomología “ÉLITROS”, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia Photos: L. Prada. Produced by: L. Prada, with support from S. Vargas & D. Forero. © Liliana Prada Lara [[email protected]]. Thanks to: A. Amarillo, G. Fagua, Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia & Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Scale 1cm. [] [1063] versión 1 10/2018 33 Patalene luciata 34 Patalene sp. 35 Perigramma repetia 36 Perigramma vicina ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE 37 Pero sp. 38 Physocleora sp. 39 Polla celeraria 40 Polla ochreicosta ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE 41 Sericoptera area 42 Sphacelodes quadrilineata 43 Thysanopyga carfinia 44 Thysanopyga sp. ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE ENNOMINAE Geometer moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) of Utría 4 National Natural Park, Chocó, Colombia Liliana Prada Lara Semillero de Investigación en entomología “ÉLITROS”, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia. Photos: L. Prada. Produced by: L. Prada, with support from S. Vargas & D. Forero. © Liliana Prada Lara [[email protected]]. Thanks to: A. Amarillo, G. Fagua, Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia & Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Scale 1cm. [] [1063] versión 1 10/2018 Localities Taxa Tropical moist forest Beach Mangrove Gallery forest GEOMETRINAE Nemoria scriptaria (Hubner, 1823) XX Nemoria sp. X Nemoria sp1. X Nemoria defectiva (Prout, 1932) X Oospila atopochlora Prout, 1933 X Oospila lilacina (Warren, 1906) XX Oospila albicoma (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875) XXX Rhodochlora bunneipalpis Warren, 1894 X Synchlora gerularia (Hubner, 1823) X Tachyphyle sp. X LARENTIINAE Eois sp. X STERRHINAE Idaea subfervens (Prout, 1920) X Semaeopus illimitata (Warren, 1900) XX Trygodes solaniferata Guenée, 1858 X ENNOMINAE Epimecis fraternaria (Guenée, 1857) X Eusarca nemora (Druce, 1892) XX Eusarca minucia (Druce, 1892) XX Eusarca flexilis (Schaus, 1912) XX X Herbita sp. X Eutomopepla sp X Hymenomima camerata Warren, 1900 X Iridopsis validaria Guenée, 1858 XX Macaria regulata (Fabricius, 1775) X Macaria festivata Guenée, 1858 XX Macaria nr approximaria Walker, 1861 X Macaria sp. X Macaria sp.1 X Macaria sp.2 X X Nepheloleuca politia (Cramer, 1777) XXX Opisthoxia formosante (Cramer, 1779) XX Paragonia cruraria (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854) X Paragonia sp. X Patalene luciata (Stoll, 1790) XXX Patalene sp. X Perigramma vicina (Schaus, 1911) X Perigramma repetita Warren, 1905 X Polla celeraria (Walker, 1860) X Polla ochreicosta Warren, 1895 X Sericoptera area (Cramer, 1775) X Sphacelodes queadrilineata (Warren, 1900) X Thysanopygia carfinia (Druce, 1893) X Thysanopygia sp. X Pero sp. X X.
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