FACS FACTS The Newsletter of the BCS Formal Aspects of Computing Science SIG Series 2 Vol.1 No. 2 November '90. Editorial 1 FACS Officers and Committee 2 Membership 3 - 5 Report on Forest Workshop 6-17 F. X. Reid 18- 1 9 FACS Flyers 20-24 The ERIL Project 25-28 Knuth-Bendix Revisited 29-35 Notices 36-39 Editor Jawed Siddiqi Copy two of the re-launched FAC-FACI'S should be with you before the winter solstice celebrations begin. Whilst we have you in the festive and hopefully generous spirit we are asking you to renew your membership of BCS FACS Special-Interest Group, see pages (3-8). There has been serious concern over the whereabouts of F. X. Reid,- our roving reporter victor Zemanticz has news hot off the press to allay some of our readers concern. Finally, FACS-FACI'S is an "open newsletter" - it welcomes contr.ibJ.tions, particularly reports of works by colleagues just starting on research. Why not send us your draft research reports? The newsletter provides an excellent fonnn to get your early thoughts circulated and "reviewed." So go on send send send ••• your departmental technical reports, conference and workshop notices and reports, research papers etc. Jawed S:idd:iqi FACS COMMITTEE FACS Officers I DrT H Axford '\ D Blyth Computer Science Dept\ Incord Lld Chaimlan DrDJCooke I university of Binningham IS, Sherwood Avenue John :, PO BOX 363, ) Femdown Dept Computer Studies \ Birmingham Bl5 2TT. Wimbome, Dorset BH22 81S Loughborough University of Technology Loughborough Leics LEll 3TU Telephone: 0509 222676 Email:
[email protected] Dr D J Cooke B T Denvir Dept Computer Studies 37 Orpington Road Secretary BTDenvir Loughborough University of Technology Winchmore Hill TIffi Loughborough London NZl 3PD 37 Orpington Road Leics LE 11 3TU Winchmore Hill London N21 3PD Teleehone: 01 882 5853(home), (0225) 444700 Emall:
[email protected];praxis Dr A 1 J Dick Prof.