Apostles’ Creed February 14, 2021 Prayers of the People Transfiguration Sunday Holy Communion Great Thanksgiving Reminder: Masks and social distancing strongly recommended. Preface Norfolk remains under a mask mandate. Words of Institution In Our Prayers The Lord’s Prayer Millie Drey’s cousin Richard; Mary Ann Knee, Jerry Jessen, The Distribution BJ and Sharon Koeppe, Rita Perkins, Donna Day Arlis Lind, Mona Jean Roberts Prayer and Blessing Missions: Brandon and Annemarie Cyboron, Joe Rystrom, Jared and Sau Man Weich, Msaranga Mandaka Lutheran Parish Sending Song Happy Birthday “10,000 Reasons” Millie Drey, Feb. 18; Rhonda Beed, Feb. 19; Deb Olson, Feb. 20 Happy Anniversary Dismissal Roger and Donna Young, 50 years on Feb. 20! “Alleluia” This week: Monday 6:30 Council meeting 7:00 Boy Scouts Wednesday 7:00 Ash Wednesday service Today’s worship servants 6:00 Book study 6:00 Confirmation Pastor Dennis Reich Charlie Skoglund, assisting minister Thursday 2:00 Card club 6:00 MOPS Susie Lutz, accompanist Friday 6:30 Girl Scouts Steve and Darla Jessen, greeters Delilah Broders, acolyte Sign-up sheets for Meals On Wheels on back table Danita Broders, usher Altar Guild seeking volunteers; contact the church office Greg Moen, lector Mary Weich, communion assistant Pastor Dennis Reich, intentional interim 1100 East Benjamin 402-379-1775
[email protected] Transfiguration of Our Lord Scriptures February 14, 2021 Old Testament Welcome and Announcements 2 Kings 2:1-12 (pp. 332-333) Opening Song Psalm 50:1-6 “The Heart of Worship” 1 The mighty one, God the Lord, Confession speaks and summons the earth Lord, we confess our lack of faith.