August 2012 News.Pub
WCRA NEWS AUGUST 2012 EVENING OF MUSIC & WINE, FRI. JULY 27 WCRA FAMILY DAY & PICNIC AUGUST 19 AT HERITAGE PARK WCRA News, Page 2 GENERAL MEETING NOTICE The General Meeting of the West Coast Railway Association will be held on Tuesday, July 31, 2012 at 1930 hours at Rainbow Creek Station, Willingdon and Penzance, in Burnaby. Entertainment will be announced at the meeting. ON THE COVER Rocky Mountaineer ran a charter business special train from Whistler to North Vancouver on Wednesday, July 11. The consist had two locomotives, generator car, three coaches, lounge car, Henry Pickering open car and three more coaches. Photo southbound at Squamish just after noon by Russ Grycan . AUGUST CALENDAR • West Coast Railway Heritage Park open daily 1000 through 1700k • Friday, July 27—Drop in to the CN Roundhouse & Conference Centre and enjoy a summer evening of wine and music , 1730 to 2000 hours, free admission for all. • Friday August 10—Deadline for items for the September 2012 WCRA News • Tuesday, August 14—WCRT’s Rails of Northern Oregon tour departs • August 18 and 19—Vancouver Island Model Engineers celebrate 40 years, everyone welcome at their Saanichton track on Vancouver Island • Sunday, August 19—WCRA Members Family Day and Picnic, Family Day all day, picnic in the CN Roundhouse & Conference Centre at 1730 hours. • Sunday, August 19—Canadian Route 66 Association picnic at the Heritage Park, classic cars on show 1100 to 1500 • Saturday, August 25—WCRT’s West Coast, Chemainus & Victoria tour departs • Tuesday, August 28—WCRA General Meeting, Rainbow Creek Station The West Coast Railway Association is an historical group dedicated to the preservation of British Columbia railway history.
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